alishaakhann · 2 years
Rider Registration In RideBoom Convenience Convenience is the best way to describe taxi services. All you need to do to get them is simply book a taxi through the Rideboom app, get in and enjoy your trip then get dropped off. It provides booking through its app that is available 24/7 and offers local Travel, Points to Point Travel within Mohali, Chandigarh, Airport Transfer, and Railway Station Transfer at affordable rates.
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disfrutalakia · 1 month
The way kid Bagi wrote on her diary, calling the police stupid for failing
"I can't believe he dissappeared like that. Isn't this island supposed to be the SAFFEST and MOST PERFECT place of all? Obviously not, because my brother to go MISSING WITHOUT A TRACE IS NOT PERFECT OR SAFE!"
It's the way kid Bagi was full of rage, rage at the adults who ignites her, at the police for not trying to find her brother, at the island for not being perfect and safe like she was told
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naritaren · 7 months
Hello Cass today im going to annoy you and all the people that follow you with my own commentary on the looks of the wrestlers that were at the fighting spirit unleashed press conference
Hyan- I liked her look a lot but the only thing that didnt really convince was the deep cut of the dress (but she looked great so its ok)
Giulia- SHE LOOKED SO GOOD, this is exctally what i would wear if i had to do a press conference. I loved how it gived her even more an aura of confidence
Alex Zayne and Lance Harcer- nothing in particular to say about them, i mean they both looked good and also kind of intimidating if i had to be onest
Hikuleo and ELP- I LOVE THIS, this was so funny and cahotic that made the press conference even better (btw imo it was all Riley idea)
Henare- liked the look (even if i thought that the hat was unneccesary) but didnt like the vibe (at least when he went to do the solo photos)
Eddie Kingston- i mean it might not be the best outfit to wear for something like that but its Eddie style (also i cant imagine him wearing a suit it feels so wrong)
Shingo Takagi - he always go with the saffest choice (which is a suit) but he made it more casual with wearing a t shirt instead of a button up
Tama tonga- Simple but he made it work so good for him
lots of love
♥ I agree with all of these. Guilia looked the greatest but I think ELP and Hikuleo doing the costumes was perfect. They understood what the people wanted. It was a great press conference.
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acleanexecution · 5 years
Heartbroken about France tonight...
And I guess I'll be heartbroken tomorrow too, since I was both rooting for Italy and The Netherlands...
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marvelita85 · 3 years
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Bucky started to sleep with Y/n way before they got physical into their relationship
- i realised i gave up my side of the bed for you
- what bed? You slept on the floor around the compound before you crowled into my room, not that I'm complaining
- I didn't have a room
- yes you do but I honestly like you in my room...- Bucky got closer to you kissing you, you closed your eyes and let yourself go everytime he did that with you
The middle of the night a thunderstorm broke lose, you kelp sleeping peacefully safe and warm around Bucky's arms, your fingers unconciously played around the gold plates of the bionic arm, a thunder iluminated the sky and woke Bucky he looked scared and he was sweated he tried not to disturbed you but it was not posible he was to shaken up
- doll... y/n - you smile and tried to opened your eyes...
- Buck...
- I'm so sorry... oh god
- what happened?...
- bad dream...
- oh Bucky...
- I thought you were in danger
- I'm right here, in the saffest place, right in your arms
- I'm sorry to wake you up
- is alright, you know you can always wake me up - he was still shaken up and you hugged him closer to your body, your hand buried into his now short hair, Bucky closed his eyes and tried to relax with his face between your breasts, his lips kiss the side of your chest and he tried to calm listening your heart beating
Your foot was carresing his calf and Bucky started to kiss your chest and travel up your neck, you smile closing your eyes and a moan excape your lips when you felt his hand between your legs
- lets get tired
- yes...- your hands traveled around his back, your moans surprised you as you keep looking for the friccion of his hands - please Buck...
- I want you to come first
- I want you with me - those blue eyes full of passion looked at you before devouring your mouth, your body kelp looking for the friccion now his body gave you, your legs around his waist, you hold to his back while he kept moving in and out of you - Buck...
- yes come for me doll I promise I'm with you - and you did for the second time in that night, both of you finished, he let you first like alwaysand you let him relax on top of your body
- you know you can wake me up even you don't have a nightmare
- I have it in mind
- do you think you can sleep a little
- we'll try just hold me
- always - like that holding his body close to you and Bucky could sleep the rest of the night
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The light hit your face there was something cold between in your fingers you opened your eyes and you were greeted with the most beautiful smile
- hey....
- hi....thank you for last night... you make me sleep without nightmares
- I'm so glad you did
- I didn't know you had them on....- you took the dogtags between your fingers
- you didnt noticed them hanging on top of you last night?
-I think I was very distracted with something else - Bucky got closer kissing your lips
- I love you doll...
- I love you...
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atinylittlebird · 5 years
Nightmares tasting of you.
“Percy, please open the door.” He had been locked in the bathtub for almost an hour and a half now, and she knew- Gods she KNEW- he needed space. But she was getting really impatient and not talking with him would only make things worse.
From the other side of the door, the humming of the fan was the only audible sound. 
That night, they hang out on Percy’s apartment, and since Sally and Paul went to visit the latter’s family, they fell asleep together after having pizza for dinner and a movie. But of course nothing could be that perfect. Percy had a nightmare. A Tartarus’ kind of nightmare.
 Four months had passed since they had this little trip to hell, and the side effects had started to show when the situation finally calmed down and they came to a routine. It was not the first time they had these nightmares and they already knew how to calm each other down. They knew what to do; they hummed at each other, hugging and caressing them. This time was different, though. Percy dreamt of that time on Tartarus when he tortured the godess of misery with her own poison. He had enjoyed it, he couldn’t deny that. He couldn’t also deny the look on Annabeth’s face when she snapped him out of it. A long time had passed since he saw her so terryfied, almost like when she was 14 years old facing a particularly horrifying monster. And now the monster was him. This nightmare was not only that memory but here he couldn’t seem to stop this dark side of him and it only seemed to became stronger and hungrier making the Annabeth of his dream scream of horror. 
He had woken up at 6am that saturday, drenched in cold sweat. When Annabeth grabbed his arm, he flinched. She looked hurt at first but when she saw his ocean eyes becoming a tsunami, she knew what this was about. He promised her he would take a quick bath to calm down. After and hour of waiting, Annabeth started to really worry. And here they were now.
“I know it can be scary. But I’m not scared of you. I promise.” Nothing. She gave a little thud on the door with her forehead. “Babe you don’t have to face this alone. You know I have also experienced this. I-” her voice broke for a moment. She took a shaky breath. ”Percy I swear to you on the River Styx, I’m not fucking scared of you.” 
The tone on Annabeth’s voice -like she would start to cry at any moment- made him automatically open the door. The bath was so tiny he just had to stretch his arm to unlock it. His girlfriend entered and closed the door behind her and sat on the toilet, not breaking contact from his bloodshot eyes.
“Hey,” she began softly. She managed a sad little smile and gently grabed his hair “don’t you dare do that ever again.” He was only wearing his pajama bottoms, the water of the bathtub reached the base of his throat, and all of his face and hair were wet, meaning he was too tired and lost in thoughts to even bother to use his powers.
He groaned. “I just can’t bear with this. With me.” He said pointing at him with his thumbs, trying to give her a sarcastic smile but she knew better that he was just trying to hide his sadness. Annabeth’s eyes suddenly became a storm. 
“I’m serious. Don’t try to face this by yourself. You know that I can help you. You’re not gonna break me in any way.” 
Percy looked at her, grabbed her other hand and kissed her knuckles. 
“I know. But, Annabeth, I still I want you to know I would never dare to do you harm. In any way. But what if I don’t really know myself like I thought? What if that dream was showing me something else? Imagine if some shit controlled me like those arai and something happened. I- I would not be able to live with that.”
Annabeth took his face with both of her hands and gently kissed him.
“Look at me.” He almost had the expression of a sad puppy with his big green eyes looking up at her. “Even if you tried, you could never harm me. You, the boy who I now since we were 12 and saw him grow up to a man who is here with me right now. I know you. Better than anyone.”
“I don’t know, Annabeth. Ugh I just-” he put his palms on his eyes. “It’s not just that nightmare. Sometimes I do enjoy killing monsters. Deep down there’s this part of me that does it and I cannot deny it. Even Rachel has told me how I look in that mood. All this obscure power I never asked for is here waiting to be used somehow and I don’t know what would happen if it suddenly came out combined with this PTSD shit. I’m not stupid, I know pushing you away won’t do better for neither of us but if I’m in this state and cannot control myself, well, having somoene around is not the saffest thing, in my opinion.”
 Annabeth rested her forehead on his and sighed. Then she kissed both of his eyelids. Then his nose. Then his cheeks, his forehead and finally his mouth, more intense than before. 
“And I will be there with you till the end. I love you more than life itself and no creature can separate us, you hear me, Jackson?” 
He laughed and a pair of tears rolled downs his cheeks.
“Hear you loud and clear, Wise Girl. But the fear you had that time down there was real. If I ever cause that to you ever again just tell me and... I don’t know what I would do, actually.”
“Percy Jackson. I did feared you that time. That doesn’t change my last chessy statement. I know there’s deep darkness inside you. Everyone has it, to some degree, and specially people who has suffered. You have also seen the worst of me and yet, here you are with me even if I don’t understand how. But we both are still here commiting to us. And I think everybody has to let that dark side out in some healthy way, and we need to find our way. I will be more than glad to help you do that.”
Percy hugged her tirely and caressed her hair. He sighed.
“Ok. Ok, yeah you win.” They both gave a each other a tired smile. They knew there was no point on dicussing an issue when at the end they were both in common ground: they wouldn’t let go the other that easily.
“Now come here, you!” He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to the bathub with him, getting her all wet. She yelped and laughed with him.
“Oh, well now you ARE in trouble!” 
You can also find me on AO3! https://archiveofourown.org/works/19483606
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maniacinema · 3 years
Klub Sinema Sisifus : Perfilman, Salatiga, dan Batu Berguling.
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"Pada medio 2018, sekelompok mahasiswa yang tergabung dalam komunitas film kampus di Salatiga menggelar pemutaran film-film produksi mereka. Namun setelahnya, mereka harus dihadapkan persyaratan birokratis jika tetap ingin menjalankan kegiatan. Karena jengah, mereka kemudian memisahkan diri dari kampus dan berganti nama. Mereka menyebut kelompoknya itu Klub Sinema Sisifus”
  Pasca Orde Baru tumbang, Salatiga diterpa gelombang teknologi kamera digital yang dapat digunakan untuk merekam video. Hal tersebut menjadi titik awal lahirnya komunitas film. Perfilman yang mulanya bermuara di bioskop seperti Reksa, Salatiga Theatre, dan Atrium menjadi menyebar ke beberapa penjuru kota. Ekosistem berusaha dibentuk mulai dari produksi, ekshibisi, pendidikan, dan apresiasi. Pada dekade pertama, corak produksi film didominasi oleh komunitas kampus dan ekstrakulikuler pelajar seperti XFILIS, STILL, Qariyah Thayyibah, Finger Kine Klub, PopCorn, COFILA, Commedia, dan lainnya. Hal ini karena pengaruh dari bagian pendidikan dan apresiasi film disokong oleh kampus seperti UKSW dan IAIN Salatiga yang memiliki beberapa program studi media dan film. Setelah tahun 2010an, bermunculan komunitas di luar kampus yang aktif dalam produksi film seperti Blackmonk Film, Next Project, Edelweis Film, Rajut Sinema, Laboratorium Eksperimen Film Sinemulakra, dan Militia Picture.
  Ekshibisi film di Salatiga memiliki sejarah pemutaran film bioskop sejak 1930 hingga 2007an. Sejauh ini tercatat ada tiga bioskop yang pernah berdiri pada masa kolonial Hindia Belanda; Rex Bioscoop, Omnia Bioscoop, dan Tijgre Bioscoop. Gitanyali dalam bukunya Blues Marbabu (2011) menuliskan bahwa di masa transisi antara Orde Lama dengan Orde Barubioskop Rex merupakan jantungnya Salatiga. Bioskop Rex terletak persis dipertigaan yang ramai dan satu jalan dengan gedung-gedung pemerintahan. Tidak jauh dari situ, terdapat bioskop Ria yang bergaya art deco. 
Hal itu menunjukan bahwa Bioskop Rex adalah satu-satunya bioskop yang dapat bertahan dari masa kolonial, baru kemudian berganti nama menjadi Bioskop Reksa ketika pertengahan masa Orde Baru. Disusul berdirinya bioskop-bioskop lainnya seperti Salatiga Theatre, Madya, dan Atrium. Beberapa film barat ditayangkan di bioskop Reksa, seperti Flash Gordon (1980), Superman III (1983), American Ninja (1985), sementara untuk film-film Indonesia seperti Gepeng Bayar Kontan (1983), Bangunnya Nyi Roro Kidul (1985), Ari Hanggara (1985). Bioskop Reksa pernah menjadi tempat pemutaran film Penumpasan Pengkhianatan G30S/PKI (1984) bagi pelajar SD hingga SMA di Salatiga. Memasuki era Reformasi, bioskop ini justru mengalami krisis. Masalahnya muncul VCD/DVD serta siaran TV swasta yang menggantikan fungsi bioskop sebagai tempat hiburan. Selain itu, untuk mendapatkan film Indonesia yang baru, bioskop Reksa harus menunggu 2-6 bulan setelah bioskop jaringan di kota-kota besar selesai memutarnya. Berdasarkan kurun waktu tersebut, VCD/DVD bajakan sudah beredar. Hal tersebut membawa dampak tersendiri pada jumlah penonton di bioskop. Setelah 2007, bioskop Reksa sudah tidak lagi beroperasi.
  Bersamaan dengan munculnya teknologi digital, ekshibisi film di Salatiga diramaikan dengan kemunculan layar tancap di kampung-kampung. Namun, kehadiran VCD/DVD film bajakan berikut dengan alat pemutarnya yang murah menjadi tren sekaligus akhir bagi era bioskop dan layar tancap. Menonton film yang awalnya adalah kegiatan di ruang publik bergeser menjadi aktivitas privat di rumah. Bioskop berhenti beroperasi dan kegiatan layar tancap sudah tidak dapat dijumpai lagi. Namun kesunyian tersebut tidak berlangsung lama. Komunitas mengambil alih ekshibisi perfilman. Tahun 2011 muncul KOFIS (Komunitas Film Salatiga) yang memiliki semangat untuk menayangkan film-film independen, terutama film-film lokal. Program mereka seperti “Masih Ada Layar Tancap” yang digelar tahunan dalam rangka Bulan Layar Tancap Nasional berupaya untuk memperkenalkan film pendek pada masyarakat. NoDisk (Nobar Diskusi) adalah agenda tiap dua minggu sekali untuk mendiskusikan karya komunitas di publik. Pelajar Bicara Film adalah inisiasi untuk memperkenalkan film pendek ke siswa-siswi SMP dan SMA dengan harapan menarik minat mereka. Sedangkan Bioskop Darurat adalah suara keresahan mereka atas minimnya etalase film pendek di kota tersebut.
  Pada tahun 2012, Finger Kine Klub dari FEB UKSW pernah menggelar Salatiga Film Festival atau SAFFEST pertama yang menghadirkan beragam film panjang dan pendek, fiksi dan dokumenter untuk ditayangkan serta dikompetisikan. Festival ini dirayakan setiap satu tahun sekali sebagai program wajib mereka dengan variasi program seperti lokakarya produksi film dan temu komunitas. Agenda ini dimanfaatkan bagi pembuat film untuk mendapatkan referensi film yang memengaruhi teknik dan gaya bercerita. Sementara KOFIS dengan segala program pemutarannya harus berhenti pada tahun 2013, gelaran SAFFEST hanya dapat berlangsung hingga tahun 2019. Finger Kine Klub kemudian mengadakan kompetisi film fiksi pendek dan fokus pada produksi karya video. Sedangkan KOFIS sudah tidak mengadakan pemutaran sama sekali. Komunitas film di Salatiga memang memiliki kendala paling berat dengan daya tahan (durability) dan keberlanjutan (sustainbility). Disana jarang ada komunitas film yang dapat bertahan hingga lebih dari lima tahun, pun jika ada terdapat masalah soal regenerasi atau transfer pengetahuan. Pondasi dari ekosistem film di Salatiga waktu itu adalah kampus dan sekolah yang menjadikan komunitas film sebagai tempat singgah atau taman bermain sebelum kemudian mempunyai pekerjaan yang serius. Sangat sulit kala itu untuk membayangkan dapat hidup dari film.
 Tongkat estafet ekshibisi kemudian diteruskan oleh Klub Sinema Sisifus yang melakukan program pemutaran pertama mereka pada November 2018. Kenapa kami mengambil nama Sisifus? Melihat dari pola yang ada, komunitas film di Salatiga seperti mendorong batu besar hingga ke puncak. Namun batu tersebut berguling kembali hingga dasar. Albert Camus dalam Mite Sisifus Pergulatan dengan Absurditas (1999: 154) menuliskan "Para dewa telah menghukum Sisifus untuk terus-menerus mendorong sebuah batu besar sampai ke puncak sebuah gunung; dari puncak gunung, batu besar itu akan jatuh ke bawah oleh beratnya sendiri. Mereka beranggapan, dan anggapan itu benar adanya, bahwa tidak ada hukuman yang lebih mengerikan daripada pekerjaan yang tak berguna dan tanpa harapan itu." Camus menambahkan bahwa yang menjadikan mitos tersebut tragis adalah, Sisifus sadar apa yang dia lakukan. Pada awal pembentukan klub sinema ini, kami menyadari bahwa membuat komunitas film memiliki peluang tinggi dalam mengulangi masalah yang sudah-sudah. Hanya saja, seperti kata Camus, kebahagiaan dan absurditas adalah dua anak kembar yang tidak terpisahkan.
  Klub Sinema Sisifus awalnya berdiri sebagai komunitas yang fokus pada ekhsibisi film. Tujuan utamanya adalah mempertemukan film dengan penonton, khususnya film-film lokal Salatiga. Ini juga merupakan dukungan terhadap sineas yang sering bingung ketika filmnya hendak ditayangkan ke publik. Kemudian seiring berjalannya waktu, acara yang diadakan Klub Sinema Sisifus menjadi ajang untuk saling temu dan berbagi antar pembuat film dan penikmat film. Melalui acara semacam itulah akhirnya komunitas perfilman yang sempat tercerai berai kembali memiliki wadah. Setiap sebulan sekali terdapat sebuah program bernama "Bertancap Layar" yang menayangkan film-film Salatiga kemudian mendiskusikannya bersama. Selain itu, beberapa program lainnya menyajikan film-film pendek dari luar Salatiga dan mengangkat isu tertentu. Misalnya program “Pentas Orang-orang Kalah” menampilkan film yang menceritakan tentang kekalahan tokoh utama dalam menghadapi konfliknya. Setelah itu terdapat program “Bioskop Rumahan” yang berusaha membawa suasana nobar di rumah seorang warga. Ada juga program “Manuver Sinema” sebagai respon atas terbatasnya kegiatan yang melibatkan keramaian karena pandemi Covid-19.
 Setelah Klub Sinema Sisifus melakukan kegiatan selama dua tahun, lahir banyak kemungkinan baru dalam membentuk ekosistem perfilman di Salatiga. Komunitas film menjadi lebih giat dalam produksi karena sudah tersedia layar untuk menayangkan karya mereka. Apresiasi muncul pada karya komunitas yang mulai dibicarakan oleh media-media lokal. Program-program tersebut akhirnya juga membuka akses film yang selama ini sukar untuk didapatkan oleh penonton di Salatiga, terutama film-film alternatif. Terjalinnya kerja sama antara penyelenggara acara dengan pemilik kafe atau bar yang mutual. Dukungan dari kelompok seni lainnya seperti teater, seni rupa, musik, dan lainnya memungkinkan memperluas jaringan kesenian di kota ini. Meskipun efek dari adanya bioskop alternatif tersebut terasa begitu cepat, ada beberapa hal yang masih dibutuhkan untuk melengkapi ekosistem yang kami harapkan. Ekosistem ini berjalan tanpa dukungan pemerintah kota dan mengandalkan solidaritas antar komunitas. Selain itu problem terkait kuantitas dan kualitas pada produksi film juga masih menjadi hambatan, sehingga program semacam Bertancap Layar terkadang tidak dapat terselenggara karena belum adanya film baru yang ditayangkan. 
  Tahun ini, Klub Sinema Sisifus mulai menginisiasi beberapa siasat untuk lebih membangkitkan ekosistem perfilman seperti penelitian, pengkajian dan pengarsipan yang fokus pada sinema Salatiga. Penelitian terhadap sejarah sinema, kegiatan menonton film, dan catatan mengenai geliat komunitas film di Salatiga mulai dikumpulkan agar dapat dipelajari. Apresiasi seperti kajian dan kritik film Salatiga mulai dilakukan. Kami juga mengumpulkan film-film yang diproduksi oleh komunitas. Barangkali film yang sekarang dianggap biasa saja akan lebih menarik dan dapat dibicarakan sepuluh tahun kedepan. Arsip-arsip film Salatiga yang masih banyak yang berserakan dan sudah banyak yang hilang karena sudah tidak tahu mau diapakan lagi. Beberapa masih dapat ditemui di Youtube atau Facebook. Rencana peningkatan ekosistem ini perlu tenaga dan waktu yang besar, terutama jika hanya mengandalkan kami. Partisipasi dari komunitas, penonton, dan elemen lainnya sangat dibutuhkan di sini. Harapan Klub Sinema Sisifus adalah suatu ekosistem yang dapat berjalan dengan sehat di Salatiga. Impian dalam mendesentralisasi sinema nasional pelan-pelan mulai dibangun. 
 Sesekali kami memandang puncak gunung itu, tentang bagaimana jadinya nanti jika kami mencapai sana. Ada kalanya kami diam termenung. Memandang bongkah batu di depan mata. Lalu mendorongnya kembali dengan susah payah. Kami percaya, masalah komunitas film soal daya tahan (durability) dan keberlanjutan (sustainbility) selalu hadir. Itulah batu kami. Kami juga yakin bahwa selalu ada kemungkinan terburuk. Tentu saja, sejak awal berdiri kami membayangkan bahwa kami akan bubar. Namun sekali lagi, seperti kata Camus: bayangkan Sisifus yang bahagia!
Penulis : Gerry Junus
Desain : Hotman Nasution
Gerry Junus
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Kurator dan programmer Klub Sinema Sisifus. Sedang berupaya untuk melakukan pengembangan sinema di Salatiga sembari menghabiskan waktu luang dengan menonton filem, membaca, menulis, dan mendengarkan lagu
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theking-is-here · 4 years
Let`s meet in our dreams, the saffest place out there in 2020..
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yashatishay · 5 years
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You may not like this photo. Like come on Yash, who takes the photo of a plane on the ground? Aren’t you supposed to take a photo from the plane window when it’s flying and up there in the sky? I hear you and you are right, but guess what, you are just like this plane. The ground is your comfort zone, now yes the plan is the saffest on the ground but that’s not where it’s supposed to be and no one talks about a plane cus it can stand on the ground, we all care about an airplane only cus it can fly. The same way, you might be very comforatble and feel great in your comfort zone but that’s not where you belong, you aren’t supposed to be there and guess what; no one will give a fuck about you if you keep sitting there. So get out of your comfort zone and kick life’s ass. “Magic happens outside your comfort zone.” am sure you have heard this quote a million times and it’s really funny to me how you are still not pushing yourself. Camera: iPhone SE #yashatishay #shotoniphone #instagood #instalike #instafollow #instamood #picoftheday #justdoit #motivation #wednesdaywisdom #wednesdaymotivation #makeitcount (at Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsahdEogstr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1v86jvvx5pbyi
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iris-jasmine-blog · 4 years
I wished things were easier for you, babe. I wished you can come back into my arms. I missed you so much it hurts. I want you to be safe, the saffest that you could possibly get. I wished your workplace didnt treat you like shit
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airzaper · 6 years
Saffest thing you'll read today https://t.co/NzMJhqnXuN
— skywalker (@Airzaper) June 22, 2018
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