Have you played RYUUTAMA ?
By Atsuhiro Okada
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A natural fantasy game played with dice (d4-d12) about travel, where seasons and the weather can play a big part. From the translated edition's site: "Adventures usually involve traveling from one town to another, packing gear, crafting items, cooking and sharing along the way; getting lost, meeting people and (sometimes cute) monsters along the way; braving the elements and trying to set camp properly." It's also a game where the GM creates an in-fiction dragon-person (Ryuujin) with narrative abilities specific to the type of story you want to tell.
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Ryuutama is... a good game. It is often described as Hayao Miyazaki's Oregon trail, for it's pastoral setting focused less on big bombastic heroes and more on the common folk, and it's plot line centring around travel, family togetherness, and questing, rather than violence and heroics.
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sprintingowl · 1 year
I guess I'm sort of doing a small series on TTRPGs that get slept on, so let's talk about Ryuutama.
Ryuutama is a pastoral fantasy TTRPG about travel.
You manage your water and food, try to stay out of bad weather, fight monsters sometimes, and solve little problems in the villages you come across.
The vibe, as communicated by the book's gorgeous art and layout, is cozy and pastoral. However, the game also comes with a built-in tone slider. By deciding on the type of dragon that the GM is, the group can play a gentler, or more dire and combat-driven game.
Yes. This is required. You have to decide what sort of dragon your GM is.
Somewhat cutting against the usual TTRPG expectations, the GM is also encouraged to cameo in the game---either by appearing in the background of a scene in their dragon form, or by actually intervening in the story.
Gameplay is super easy to learn, but has some real tactical depth. Most dice rolls and d + d, with the size of each die based off one of your attributes. Combat uses a simple grid with front and back rows, and you get small bonuses for incorporating the environment into your attacks. Magic is available to everyone, and the spell lists are small, concise, and extremely useable.
Character creation involves a fair bit of customization, but the centerpiece is your profession. This is a game where it's reasonable to play as a farmer or a merchant, and there are huge advantages for doing so. Every class has stuff they can do in combat, but some classes are better at carrying gear, others at managing food and water, others at handling different environments.
Managing how you travel is important, and your HP in combat is a factor of how well rested, watered, and fed you are.
The book comes with lots of GMing advice, plus a bestiary and sample adventure, and it's probably one of the easiest to read rpg books I've encountered.
If you like games like Banner Saga, the Atelier series, One Way Heroics, or Yamafuda! 2nd Station, or if you want to try something that's a little like DnD but cozier, more travel-focused, and gentle, I'd highly encourage a look at Ryuutama.
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Beanns character from our Ryuutama game~
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laplaceatelier · 2 months
Ryuutama: Ryuujin's Pocket Almanac
I'm great at announcing things edition! (as in I released this a few days ago and then forgot to post about it here entirely. Anyhow, after six months of hard work solo writing, illustrating, and designing, I'm incredibly thrilled to finally announce the release of "Ryuujin's Pocket Almanac", a third party expansion for Ryuutama, AVAILABLE NOW!!!
The expansion includes, among other things: > 5 new classes > 2 new Ryuujin > 16 guilds with unique mechanics > 1 new playable monster race > And an illustrated 12 month calendar You can find it on itch.io at this link! https://laplace-atelier.itch.io/ryuutama-ryuujins-pocket-almanac
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airic-fenn · 1 year
If youre pissed that WOTC is revoking its old ogl, you might be wanting to boycott them go play other games for a bit.
Now Im not a die-hard expert on all the ttrpgs out there, but there are a few that I particularly like and recommend if you dont know where to start:
• Ryuutama
I love Ryuutama so much. Its a lot simpler than dnd and really gives older japanese rpg video game vibes. Its very cozy fantasy with a heavy focus on adventuring and story telling than on battling. The english translation was actually a kickstarter thing, and it’s also in dire need of more homebrew content because there was supposed to be a translation of the supplement but thats probably never gonna happen anytime soon, if ever.
• Call of Catthulhu
No, I did not spell it wrong. Put simply, Call of Catthulhu is Call of Cthulhu but with cats. You all play cats. Dont let that fool you though, it can get surprisingly tense and gruesome if you play it right. You’ll probably love it if you were a warrior cats kid.
• Delta Green (and CoC in general)
“Modern” (1980’s) setting for (actual) Call of Cthulhu. The CoC games are fun if you like mysteries, conspiracies and yknow. cosmic horror stuff.
• Traveller
A scifi rp where you play a dude in space (an explorer, traveller, soldier or trader). This one is fun because character creation is VERY extensive and is part of the gameplay, but before the story starts. You make roles to determine all of the things that happened to you prior to the adventure like, did you go to university, have you suffered any life-altering injuries to your mind or body bc of some terrible accident, did you accidentally get aged 50 years older by getting zapped through a wormhole? Fun stuff like that. My friend calls it the existential crises rpg.
• Pathfinder
I mention it obligatorily because people tell me its the most like dnd without technically being dnd but I havent played it.
Anyway there are definitely so many more games but those are the ones I’ve played (other than pathfinder) and enjoyed. Feel free to reblog with your own additions to the list.
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open-hearth-rpg · 9 months
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#RPGCovers Week Ten Ryuutama (2015) Ayoko Nagamori (art) Mariko Kobayashi (book design)
Final Fantasy Tactics was the first video game rpg I played for more than an hour. I’d tried Ultima, Wizardry, even Lunar on the Sega, but none of them interested me. But FFT, that we sunk 100s of hours into. Sherri and I loved it– and we specifically tracked down a copy of the Japanese version of the soundtrack because that had a poster with images of all the classes on it. 
That pencil-sketch style endures as one of my favorites, and it makes Ryuutama sing for me.  I love the colors here– watercolor? colored pencils? ink tinting? I backed the Kickstarter just on the strength of it, kind of later checking out what the game actually was. 
It combines a simplicity of elements (the manga-like characters) with a rich complexity you can easily miss. The center circle contains our characters– they’re happy and excited to be on the road. They have a dog with a scarf. The road rises up behind them, marked by the signposts in all directions. It;s easy to miss the figure laden down with a pack coming up behind them. 
That center circle is a window, and we see elements emerging out of it (feet, staff) that gives it depth. But notice that the circle is at the center of a map— looking like old orbis terratis style cartography, with the key element in a circle and marginalia surrounding here. 
Here that ornamentation is a figure looking down holding a book and a pile of equipment below. But we also have dragons at most of the compass rose points– all looking towards the characters. They’re not threatening, instead they’re watching their progress and cheering for them to continue on.  
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dedadrogos · 2 months
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Encountering a trapped rain spirit in my ryuutama game
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chinmaster · 1 year
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I looked at a bunch of different crafting systems for a thing I was working on and became Inspired
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cloudcuriogames · 1 year
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Cloud Curio's first ever crowdfunding campaign is live until March 12th! We're creating 2 home-brew ready, system-neutral ttrpg adventure zines.
Broken Heart of the Castle is a gothic fantasy steeped in mystery, romance, & tragedy. Sleeping Heart of the Garden is a a pastoral fantasy filled w ith exploration, discovery, & ritual.
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We've already fully funded so we are ready to get these pdfs completed and zines printed! We have only 2 stretch goals and we're coming up on the first one soon! We're a tiny company of only 4 people so it would be wonderful to get more eyes on our first big project.
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drzootsuit · 2 months
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Behold, in full color, the purple Ryujin!
This is a piece of guest art I did for a fanmade Ryuutama expansion! The version in the book is in black and white, so here you can witness the splendor of full color!
The purple ryujin directs stories of laughter and comedy. I'm sure any story told under them is sure to be remembered for some time!
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brekfastserial · 10 months
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In an effort to feel better about my body ive taken to drawing my next ttrpg character as being fat. It has been so good for my mental health to make her look more like me
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madqueenmomo · 1 year
Ok. So like. Let me tell y’all a story cause I know tumblr would appreciate this chaos.
I’ve been playing this Japanese Table top game called Ryuutama: natural fantasy rpg.
It’s fun. And it’s basically you go on a journey and stuff happen and you can be a merchant and farmer ect and it’s fighting is more story telling focused with using items for bonuses. It’s nice.
It starts with a game zero we’re your party and dm create a world you adventure in.
We noticed the logo has an egg. And create a world that is egg shaped and every house is a baba yaga house that can just up and leave you on a short notice. We call it “moving day”
And this is our party.
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So in this game we each have jobs. One of us draws a map. One takes in inventory. One has to handle our fighting info.
But more importantly, one of us has to write a journal of our adventures.
Luckily, being the dislexic who not word good I am, I’m the one who handles inventory.
One day……
Our journal keeper, the only human in the group, was not present…
And so. I give you…
The point of this post.
Adventures taken down by a giant chiken that sound like was written by a crazy person but I swear it’s what happened that game.
Also that chicken is just trying really hard to jot this shit down.
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Anyway bless our GM and remember to create spas for fairies to assert your non dominance.
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ghostofcinders · 11 months
Rearranging shelves after the new arrivals.
Two also include me, with the latest entry for that being my work on The Apocalyptic Record for Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th!
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kusogitsune · 2 years
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Master of the Haunted Plushies and all round bad influence 
Artist’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/_mukuro666
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oviraptoridae · 11 months
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my newest TTRPG character & (some of) her family
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