#russian language learning
языковой дневник, 23 апреля 2024 г.
вернемся к русскому языку. Я не силен в языках. Я могу это прочитать, но иногда не понимаю слов.
фиолетовый - Не понимаю
оранжевый - Немного понимаю
Синий - понял
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umniki · 3 months
Website: https://www.umniki.co.uk/
UMNIKI specializes in educational board games designed to enhance learning for children and families. Offering a wide selection of games in English and Russian, the products focus on developing skills in mathematics, language, logic, strategy, and more. Trusted by teachers and parents, UMNIKI aims to make learning fun and engaging, supporting cognitive development and fine motor skills through interactive play. Free UK delivery is available for orders over £50, with international shipping options upon request.
UMNIKI предлагает образовательные настольные игры, созданные для улучшения процесса обучения детей и семей. Наш ассортимент включает игры на английском и русском языках, направленные на развитие математических, языковых, логических навыков и стратегического мышления. Мы стремимся сделать обучение интересным и захватывающим, поддерживая когнитивное развитие и мелкую моторику через интерактивное взаимодействие. Бесплатная доставка по Великобритании для заказов от 50 фунтов, с возможностью международной доставки по запросу.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/umniki.co.uk/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Umniki.co.uk/
Keywords: english language games family board games russian language learning strategy board games children learning games logic games for kids memory improvement games programming games for kids educational board games preschool educational games learning games for children interactive family games cognitive development toys educational games for schools fine motor skills improvement family bonding games strategic board games for kids family friendly board games board games for all ages language development games motor skills development games interactive language learning games diverse learning experiences child friendly learning tools engaging cognitive activities language learning through play educational games for fun learning multi age board game fun interactive russian language tools creative english language games mathematics skills improvement playful preschool learning games board games for cognitive growth family game night options memory boosting educational fun kid friendly programming games quick reaction time activities school approved educational games interactive language learning fun child friendly learning activities engaging cognitive play language learning through games educational fun for all ages multi age board game excitement interactive russian language play english language creativity games mathematics learning adventures playful preschool educational play board games for cognitive skills family game night enjoyment memory boosting educational play programming fun for young minds quick reaction time challenges school endorsed educational play language proficiency advancement interactive language learning play diverse and engaging learning family bond through board games child friendly learning experiences engaging cognitive development language learning through activities educational fun for diverse ages multi age board game variety interactive russian language learning english language learning creativity mathematics education through play preschool educational games for fun board games for cognitive development family game night educational joy mathematics educational tools cognitive skills board games reaction time board games engaging learning games russian educational board games family friendly interactive games cognitive skill building toys logical games for cognitive growth russian language learning tools english language educational games mathematics learning through play fun preschool educational games cognitive skills development boards bonding through family games memory boosting game activities kids programming skill games quick reaction time board games school friendly educational games language proficiency development Образовательные игры для детей Интерактивные семейные игры Развитие когнитивных навыков Игры для развития мелкой моторики Стратегические настольные игры Логические игры для детей Изучение русского языка Игры на английском языке Математические образовательные инструменты Предшкольные образовательные игры Настольные игры для развития когнитивных навыков Семейное времяпрепровождение Игры для развития памяти Игры на программирование для детей Игры для развития реакции Образовательные игры для школ
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rhythmlanguages · 1 year
Russian Language Learning for Beginners
Discover the basics of Russian language learning for beginners. This comprehensive guide provides essential tips, history, and FAQs to help you get started on your journey to learn Russian.
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sarcasmchandlerbing · 2 months
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bonerey · 5 months
What do you mean i am not fluent in [LANGUAGE] immediately. that is so unfair
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one-time-i-dreamt · 4 months
Matt Rose (the YouTuber) learned Russian so he could date me.
I don't speak Russian.
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Počasi in Slovenian means "slow" but in Czech počasí means "weather" and in Slovenian "weather" is vreme but in Russian "время" (vremya) means "time" and this is exactly why I shouldn't have studied two Slavic languages at the same time but here I am
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How to build a language self-study plan
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So I’ve noticed, upon combing through pages and pages of youtube videos and google blogs, that rarely does anyone ever actually tell you what you should be studying. There’s a reason for this ! Everyone is different and at a different level, different motivation. It’s impossible to create a study plan that is perfect for everyone... which is why it can also be agonizing to make one for yourself. 
“How am I supposed to know what’s important to study, if I don’t speak the language?” 
Well that’s a good question! You need to gauge how far you’ve come so far and how far you’d like to get. It’s easiest when you are starting from zero because you can learn the alphabet, numbers, basic phrases, and basic grammar. Easy peasy. You can go cover to cover in a text book. 
Here’s a check-list to create the perfect study plan special to you. 
1. What do I know already? What do I need to work on?
- is it worth starting a textbook, if you feel like you already know half of it? It might be worth completing the given exercises and if you achieve an 80% or higher (or you could give that lesson to someone else) then you can move on from that specific point.
- create a list of the points that you still need to master
2. What do I need to include in a study session?
- naturally there needs to be a focus or a few different focuses of a study session, whether it’s a specific activity or a grammar point. I recommend creating a list of things you want to get done (a.) every day, (b) every week, and (c) every month. These goals must be quantifiable. For example, every week I read two news articles in German. As a reflection, I then write a summary of the event of the article as well as a personal opinion. That’s an easy box to check.
- you need a reflection. It’s important to really take time to reflect on how you feel about the time spent and the materials used. What could you do better next time? What went well? 
3. When is the best time to study? 
- are you more active/focused in the morning or in the night? The key is consistency. If you have a routine, you’re far more likely to adhere to it. I know that my own schedule is highly changeable and that can make it very difficult, but I’ve found if I wake up in the same period of time every morning, brush my teeth, make my bed, and then sit down to my work, I feel far more productive. 
- how much should I study at a time? The recommended period is 25 minutes from the Pomodoro Method with a five minute break. You can research time-management techniques but ultimately it comes down to you. 
4. How do I take notes ?
- IT”S ALL ABOUT YOU! What I do is take messy notes in classes or on my own and then I transcribe the finished page to my Notion page. It gives me a chance to make the notes neater and also to review a little bit. I will say though statistically, you will remember better if you write by hand. 
- I like to have a column on each page for words I didn’t know
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eto-ena · 14 days
here's a comp of completely random pictures in russian that make me giggle: pt 2
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[a product review]
★★★★★ Great product
Experience of using
Less than a month
Boils water
Uses electricity
That's how kettles work, what can I say.
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— Mikhail Andreevich, I won't be at work today
— Thank you
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Your region: Samara
[Yes, save me...] ("Да, спасибо")
[No, friend...] ("Нет, другой")
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[A questionnare book for children]
17. What do you usually do when you are alone
Listen to music or panic
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— Take 💩 for a walk
— Take shit for a walk?
— I couldn't find dog emoji
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Smart eyes.
(he's a genius)
Have a good day!
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haxyr3 · 3 months
Language Learning Tip: Read!
It may sound trite, but "You should read more" is brilliant advice for language learning.
And I advise you to always try authentic texts rather than adapted ones. Find what you want to read and just read. Ignore the phrase "that's not my level". If you only read what is appropriate for your level, you will never get ahead. Strive higher.
Don't rush, don't stress, but make reading a part of your daily life. Did you know that if students read for 25 minutes a day and learn just a few new words that are unfamiliar to them, they will likely learn 1,000 new words in a year. That's not bad at all!
Be sure to choose something you are really interested in reading (if you wouldn't read Tolstoy in your native language, you probably won't read him in Russian either).
Read daily, even one paragraph is better than nothing.
Have fun and enjoy yourself (make sure to have fun! boredom kills).
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sixty-silver-wishes · 3 months
people you meet in russian class
kid who knows a ton of molchat doma and kino songs, but keeps forgetting how to say "hello"
heritage speaker who knows vocab but not grammar rules, who's besties with the language fiend who knows grammar but not vocab (this was my friend and I)
kid with scary politics
bored tech genius who speaks russian with the thickest american accent you've ever heard
the alt/goth kid. there's always one.
the one who always shows up late and gets called out by the professor every time
the one who dropped out as soon as they heard about genitive case
retired old guy who was in the military and is awkwardly singing cheburashka songs in the back of the classroom with the rest of the students
humanities student intimidated by all their stem and polsci classmates (this was also me)
"cyka blyat lol edgy communism memes" kid who really wants to commit to the bit
quiet slavic kid who never talks but is somehow tight with the professor
the one a little too into soviet history
the one who never tried to learn to read cyrillic
the one who insists on writing in russian cursive, despite the fact that none of the other students can read it and the professor keeps correcting it (this was also me. we didn't even have to learn cursive. I just wanted to learn it for historical research purposes)
the one romanov apologist (may also believe they're a reincarnation of anastasia romanova)
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ink-the-artist · 9 months
romanticizing the soviet union has been an increasingly huge problem on here lately, so i think hypervigilance for that is probably why people have been sussy of your post. i will admit i checked out your profile before reblogging to make sure you weren't another stalinist weirdo 😅 anyway, have a nice day! and may your notes be peaceful
The notes seem pretty normal to me, got one comment saying something like “op didn’t deserve the harassment” and I’m confused what they meant? There’s just some people disagreeing or correcting me on stuff
Haven’t personally seen many tankie blogs on here to feel wary like that but I am like that with YouTubers so I get it lol. I don’t think it’s romanticizing the Soviet Union to like some stuff from it. I pretty openly talk about liking Soviet cartoons, I grew up watching them and my art style is influenced by them, there’s lots of cool Soviet art in general and they made cool scientific achievements. It was a repressive authoritarian regime that committed atrocities but it’s also a place a lot of regular people lived in up until pretty recently and it’s where my entire family is from. It’s like how it’s not American exceptionalism to like southern food or jazz music
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p3arlsandcoff3 · 9 months
I have been learning Russian for two and a half months ("I wanna read Dostoyevsky in the original" - the queen's gambit) and it's such a simple language, apart from the pronouns.
Pronouns are horrible in Russian :(
Stay yourself, stay curious
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askblueandviolet · 2 months
Tú, alcalde. ¿Hablas español? Eso sería genial :D
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"Yes, I know many languages! Mandarin, cantonese, english, brazilian, french, italian, and of course, spanish!"
Previous 💙💜
Next 💙💜
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hi-i-am-a-sock · 1 year
"I wish I could write in English like a native speaker" bro native speakers don't know about the difference between they're, there and their
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cupcakeshakesnake · 1 year
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Learning Russian on Duolingo
Edit: Fixed “моя яблоко” to say “ мое яблоко ”. This is what I get for not consulting my notes.
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