Choose your fighter but choose wisely
I do want to make a series of posts about how Russian language changed in the last two years because of the war, but it'll inevitably include a lot of political background, do you want that?
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I do want to make a series of posts about how Russian language changed in the last two years because of the war, but it'll inevitably include a lot of political background, do you want that?
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In Slovene language there're two words - naprej And najprej - one of them means "forward" in terms of direction, the other one means "forward" in terms of time, and turns out if you accidentally mix them up, people might not understand what you meant
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Imagine you're entering a restaurant and there are four tables available for you: two big tables for four people, one small table for two people, and another small table but there are still plates and glasses from the previous customers. Which table would you choose and why it is the dirty one?
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Happiness Will Come To You.
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Navalny reportedly died in prison today
Back in 2021 he told us not to give up.
And we won't
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Russian censorship unit Roscomnadzor is checking Duolingo for "LGBT propaganda"
Because learning languages is hella gay
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I was convinced that Saint Petersburg is an iconic "rain all year round" city, but today I came to Luxembourg and it seems like this place is even better on this account.
I mean
I can imagine myself living here
(and having vitamin d deficit again, yes)
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Exam period isn't time for productivity it's time for anxiously eating soup while watching scienc-y videos on YouTube I don't make the rules
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Single space (胁褉邪谐褍 - for an enemy, 胁 褉邪谐褍 - in a stew) turns the line "I wouldn't wish for an enemy a conversation partner like you" into something that Hannibal would've said.
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Since I work at a restaurant that is very popular with the foreigners, some people try to learn couple of phrases in Slovene language beforehand to show appreciation for the country and for me personally (I once saw Chinese customers checking the pronunciation in Google translator right before thanking me in Slovene)
And I am so moved by it but also kinda frustrated because
I am as much of a foreigner as they are.
They're making an effort for the wrong person.
I see you, wonderful people, and I appreciate you so much!
Please don't stop doing that
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How many more years could they possibly spend avoiding to talk about their feelings, I wonder
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I got rid of any signs of Russian accent in my English back in high school and aqired american-ish one along the way.
My Czech teacher sometimes praises me for my pronunciation, so naturally I thought that it comes easy for me.
Then there's Slovene.
And the thing is, at the first glance (and a second, and a third) there's little to no difference between pronunciation in Slovene and Russian, my native language. So I thought that at least here it'll be easy.
Until I started working at the restaurant, that is.
Because apparently there ARE differences that I don't notice and thus cannot imitate. And that's why I give myself away every time I start speaking.
I mean, of course everyone can hear that I'm not Slovene, since I'm not yet confident in my skills and sometimes my phrasing is a bit awkward.
But I can't count number of times people asked me (instead of "where are you from"), whether I'm from Russia or Ukraine.
So I asked my colleagues. They said yes, I have very distinctive Russian accent.
Now I've already heard how other Russian native speakers use Slovene and I can HEAR the difference.
But I still didn't quite figure out WHAT makes the pronunciation different.
My investigation continues.
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Even though my life didn't go as I wanted it to, my past self would still be pretty excited about where I am now
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Being productive in a uni library is something on another level
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Hey, quick question for research purposes:
It'd be great if you'd elaborate in comments or reposts.
Sorry for such a narrow geographical choice, but I'm specifically interested in just two regions as well as in situation globally.
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