#language tumblr
gaeilgeblr · 2 years
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Bestys yn Kernewek “Beasties in Cornish”
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intersexfairy · 4 months
what english lacks in gendered grammar it makes up for in the sheer amount of contradictory spelling rules.
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romanian-atease · 1 month
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🔵 PRESENT 🔵 eu continui - I continue tu continui - you continue el/ea continuă - he/she continues noi continuăm - we continue voi continuați - you continue ei/ele continuă - they continue
🟡 PAST 🟡 eu am continuat - I continued tu ai continuat - you continued el/ea a continuat - he/she continued noi am continuat - we continued voi aţi continuat - you continued ei/ele au continuat - they continued
🔴 FUTURE 🔴 eu voi continua - I'll continue tu vei continua - you'll continue el/ea va continua - he/she will continue noi vom continua - we'll continue voi veţi continua - you'll continue ei/ele vor continua - they'll continue
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studynorwegian · 2 years
That feeling when you slowly start to piece together/understand lines from a song in your target language. That “oh shit wait I get it now” moment
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Language Learning Journey Update
It's been a while since I've been on Tumblr! In the months I've been away, I was focusing heavily on Persian and strengthening my skills in all areas of the language before I switch to a maintenance phase and pick up another language. During this time, I also got really into planning and journaling which has helped me better structure language learning in my schedule as well as reflect on how best to structure my time.
I certainly learned a lot from this time but the biggest takeaway for me is that my biggest pain point when learning a language is acquiring vocabulary. I tend to let it happen rather naturally (slowly) and while it's a valid method, it also leads me to stagnate and plateau. That's why, with the change in my language learning plans, I've also restructured my learning schedule (for, like, the millionth time).
Learning Two Languages Simultaneously
I was originally planning on (re)learning Korean after going through the intensive 3 months of Persian but recent developments in my professional life have pushed me to start learning Cantonese instead. My goal for Cantonese is mostly to reach a decent listening comprehension level and a basic speaking level.
Although I'm learning Cantonese from scratch, I feel that I still have a long way to go with Persian. I am not ready for a traditional maintenance phase, but I know I am close to burn out and have to dial it back. The schedule is structured around Persian and I fill the rest of the time I was using for Persian previously, for Cantonese.
ON/OFF Weeks System
This system was inspired by my need to find a different way to learn and focus on vocabulary while also avoiding burn out in Persian.
ON Weeks: These are weeks where I will be focusing on 1 skill in Persian in the mornings. For example, on Monday, I will be reading intensively (e.g., breaking down phrases, re-reading, translating, compiling vocabulary) for about 25 minutes. In the afternoons, I am working on getting exposure to Cantonese and learning the sound system.
OFF Weeks: These weeks involve only practicing the Persian vocabulary I accumulated during the ON weeks. I'll be re-reading them, defining or looking up words on Forvo, writing practice sentences, uploading them to HelloTalk, and correcting them. I also do some light, passive activities like listening while I clean something or reading for a few minutes without stopping to translate.
Off weeks don't really change much in the way of Cantonese. I will continue with my plan as is.
Maintenance languages: I do have to maintain French and Spanish, however, I am lucky that I interact with languages almost on a daily basis. When I foresee that a day may be void of one, I'll stack it with another hobby of mine (e.g., journaling in Spanish or reading in French).
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An ON week coming up.
Tools pictured: Night owl by Owl Paper Co planner, Asvine P50 fountain pen, Tombow Fudenosuke hard tip brush pen, Zebra Mildliner highlighters
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My Issues with the Language Learing Community
First of all, I love being part of the language learning community and don't have a general grudge against it or anything but I do still have some issues.
Assumptions: People generally assume that everyone learns languages for output and that input is just important to learn and keep the language alive. Not everyone learns languages for output. Maybe they just wanna enjoy media in other languages and don't have the desire to speak or write the language.
Resources: Discussions about resources are more often than not extremely classist. And apart from that there's the constant bashing of certain resources (Duolingo), and whilst I wouldn't recommend Duolingo as the only source for language learning, it certainly is one. And if someone only wants to use Duolingo and nothing else, that's their choice. Yes, it's heavily gamified but there are people who keep learning a language due to that gamification (like me). And the bashing is so annoying to me because it's mostly like "Bah, it doesn't work for me, I'll go back to my textbook" and I'm always sitting there like "yeah, do that. Nobody's forcing you to use Duolingo, it's fine to not use it if it doesn't work for you."
Toxic productivity: The language community has a tedency to toxic productivity. It's always like "do something in your target language every day" and whilst that is good advice it also makes me feel bad when I literally cannot do something in my TL on low energy days. Though it does happen, it's very seldom that people tell you that taking breaks is okay. And the other point on toxic productivity is that people will tell things that work for them as if they would work for everyone. I don't have a problem with people who say like "This is what works for me" if people ask questions like "How can I be consistent in language learning?" but I do have a problem with people who are like "Do this!" as if it was the only way or the only right way to do things.
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neo-neos · 1 year
Hi 👉👈 It’s me and my hyperfixation bullshit again
If you happen to have any good resources for learning Korean or Thai could you maybe… 👉👈 share? (anything at all, sites, apps, papers, books, videos, pictures…)
Thank you in advance
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lunadinverno · 3 months
Hello, if you are a learner of rare language shows you 👀, searching blog on Dutch and Indonesian learning , can you suggest resources too? 📚 📺 🎧
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justdonotaskmewhy · 10 months
guys, i’m currently studying Chinese. so if i have any Chinese friends here👉👈 you can cringe with me
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gaeilgeblr · 2 years
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Ainmhithe as Gaeilge!
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vellhighbandi · 1 year
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gemandthescotts · 1 year
As I stare at the endless void of nonsensical rules, historical factors and linguist bullshit which is the English language, I am reminded that language is insanity at it's finest and most respectable. Like the very concept of chaos sitting with a little bowtie eating something fancy rich people bullshit. We seriously all came up with a bunch of sounds with specific mouth movements so that we can all communicate, then came up with a bunch of symbols to represent fractions of what these words are combining these to make sentences, and then a bunch of smartasses decided to make these shitty rules to really make sense of this insanity. Yet mathematicians saw this thing that spans generations of changes, all these beautiful letters, and decided violate them by inserting them into this fucking nightmare called algebra. You wanna know the worst part? People have the fucking nerve to show this to their children!
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romanian-atease · 2 years
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Aşezaţi-vă pe scaun - sit down on the chair Deschideți gura - open your mouth Care dinte vă doare? - which tooth hurts? Mă doare teribil acest molar de sus - this upper molar hurts terribly Mă doare teribil acest molar de jos - this lower molar hurts terribly Mă doare teribil acest dinte - this tooth hurts terribly Mă doare un dinte - I have an aching tooth Cred că mi-a căzut plomba - I think I lost a filling Mi s-a umflat gingia - my gum is swollen Îmi sângerează gingiile - my gums are bleeding Trebuie să vă faceți radiografia dentară digitală, este obligatorie pentru stabilirea unui diagnostic corect - you need to have a digital dental x-ray, it is mandatory to establish a correct diagnosis Dintele are o carie mică - the tooth has a small cavity E o carie la dintele numărul şase - there's some cavity on number six Molarul este complet cariat - the molar is completely decayed Am spart un dinte - I cracked a tooth
O să doare? - is it going to hurt? Nu vă fie teamă, n-o sa doară - don't be scared, it's not gonna hurt Nu închideți gura ta - do not close your mouth Timp de două ore, nu mâncați - don't eat for two hours
Cât durează tratamentul ia? - how long does the treatment take?
Când trebuie să vin din nou? - when do I have to come again?
Reveniți peste o săptămână - come back in a week
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Språkdagbok, fem januar
Så jeg sliter fortsatt. Jeg savner norsk, men den eneste appen som er gratis med norsk er Duolingo. Har du laget en liste over andre kilder til norsk? Ja, det har jeg. Er de gode? Ja. Bruker jeg dem til å forbedre noe av det jeg har lært? Nei.
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