#romantic comedy novel
une-sanz-pluis · 1 day
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Mourning that someone made the perfectly reasonable and respectable decision to edit the "although not soul-mates" out of Archbishop Arundel's wikipedia page. Alexa, play Sarah McLachlan's "Angel". 😢
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drish1121 · 3 months
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The Love Hypothesis
-Ali Hazelwood
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sidhewrites · 3 months
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Hey Tumblr! Are you missing those Halloween vibes? Do you like lesbians? Do you like ghosts? Do you like ghost lesbians who love cats? Then I've got a story to tell you.
Kaz Pine is a skeptic. She's spent the last three years working in a historical graveyard, and never saw a single ghost. Still hurting from her recent breakup with a believer, Kaz decides to sabotage a high-profile ghost hunt, where she meets and recruits the enigmatic Lucy to join in on the prank. But when Kaz's co-worker (her cat. His name is Renfield. She'll show you pictures later.) disrupts a seance, things around town start getting a little…spooky.
Read I Met a Girl in The Graveyard on AO3>>
Updates weekly!
Genre: Paranormal, WLW RomCom, Slight Horror.
Themes and Tropes: Friends to lovers, personal growth, dumb lesbians, gay and bisexual main characters. An old cat as a major supporting character. Ghost hunters. Jock MC. Halloween/autumn vibes.
See ramblings and nonsense in my Graveyard Lesbians tag
And a silly powerpoint introducing the book here
Book Inspo Spotify Playlist, Kaz Inspo Spotify Playlist
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celepom · 4 months
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The Infinity Particle - By Wendy Xu
In this gorgeous graphic novel by Wendy Xu, co-creator of the award-winning Mooncakes, a young inventor falls for a lifelike AI and confronts questions of freedom and autonomy. Clementine Chang moves from Earth to Mars for a new start and is lucky enough to land her dream job with Dr. Marcella Lin, an Artificial Intelligence pioneer. On her first day of work, Clem meets Dr. Lin’s assistant, a humanoid AI named Kye. Clem is no stranger to robots—she built herself a cute moth-shaped companion named SENA. Still, there’s something about Kye that feels almost too human. When Clem and Kye begin to collaborate, their chemistry sets off sparks. The only downside? Dr. Lin is enraged by Kye’s growing independence and won’t allow him more freedom. Plus, their relationship throws into question everything Clem thought she knew about AI. After all, if Kye is sentient enough to have feelings, shouldn’t he be able to control his own actions? Where is the line between AI and human? As her past and Kye’s future weigh down on her, Clem becomes determined to help him break free—even if it means risking everything she came to Mars for.
Not Sew-Wicked Stepmom - By i r u, Yir, Mo9Rang
Once upon a time, there was a lovely young princess who suffered under her cruel stepmother…that is, until a children’s clothing designer is reborn as the evil stepmother! All the new Queen Abigail Friedkin wants to do is dote on the adorable Princess Blanche and give her the happy childhood she deserves. The problem is, the previous Abigail has garnered a reputation for being extremely jealous and materialistic—and to top it off, her smile is the stuff of children’s nightmares! Will Abigail be able to convince her stepdaughter that she might not be so wicked after all? 
(TW, childhood SA of the main male lead)
Until I Love Myself: The Journey of a Nonbinary Manga Artist
A bravely blunt autobiography about confronting the tangled traumas of gender dysphoria and workplace sexual harassment. Nonbinary manga artist Poppy Pesuyama is excited when forms offer the option to choose “neither” for gender and thrilled about their new job working as an assistant for mangaka X! But then he sexually harasses them, treating them first like a girl and then like something less than human. It only lasts a few months, but in some ways it never ends. Born into a body they hate and still reeling from the abuse they faced seven years ago, Pesuyama begins to rail at their past, their friends, and even their mother as they try to come to terms with who they are and what happened to them.
Belle of the Ball - By Mari Costa
High-school senior and notorious wallflower Hawkins finally works up the courage to remove her mascot mask and ask out her longtime crush: Regina Moreno, head cheerleader, academic overachiever, and all-around popular girl. There’s only one teensy little problem: Regina is already dating Chloe Kitagawa, athletic all-star…and middling English student. Regina sees a perfectly self-serving opportunity here, and asks the smitten Hawkins to tutor Chloe free of charge, knowing Hawkins will do anything to get closer to her. And while Regina’s plan works at first, she doesn’t realize that Hawkins and Chloe knew each other as kids, when Hawkins went by Belle and wore princess dresses to school every single day. Before long, romance does start to blossom…but not between who you might expect. With Belle of the Ball, cartoonist Mariana Costa has reinvigorated satisfying, reliable tropes into your new favorite teen romantic comedy.
The Princess and the Grilled Cheese Sandwich - By Deya Muniz
Lady Camembert wants to live life on her own terms, without marriage. Well, without marrying a man, that is. But the law of the land is that women cannot inherit. So when her father passes away, she does the only thing she can: She disguises herself as a man and moves to the capital city of the Kingdom of Fromage to start over as Count Camembert.   But it’s hard to keep a low profile when the beautiful Princess Brie, with her fierce activism and great sense of fashion, catches her attention. Camembert can’t resist getting to know the princess, but as the two grow closer, will she able to keep her secret?   A romantic comedy about mistaken identity, true love, and lots of grilled cheese.
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allthatsinmyheadd · 12 days
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For all my lover/Lara Jean girlies out there
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fictionadventurer · 2 months
Tagged by @saxifrage-wreath (three weeks ago, but better late than never!) Thank you!
Last Song: Whatever the last song was at church this morning. Maybe "With One Voice"?
Favourite Colour: Purple
Last Movie/TV Show: I watched some classic Looney Tunes shorts
Sweet/spicy/savoury: Sweet, but lately I have had increasing cravings for salty snacks.
Relationship status: Fine on all fronts
Last internet search: How to spell the first name of William H. Seward's campaign manager/ruthless political boss Thurlow Weed.
Current obsession: After experiencing a lot of museums this week, my history obsession--specifically Lincoln/Civil War history and WWI history--is coming back strong. I've also got a major craving to develop an extremely derivative cozy fantasy universe involving a bunch of different races and characters with cultural/personality clashes.
Tagging: Anyone who has had something sweet to eat today
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egglygreg · 9 months
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Ok, so I had this dream last night right? And it was mostly nonsensical and weird and silly, but there was this moment...
#I was the winged fairy girl at this point during a big battle#someone sliced me right down the front through my corset and dress#it was inspired I think by that fight in Zorro between Zorra and Elena#except NOT flirty dude was trying to kill me and sliced a wound down my chest#not super deep but still#and then this other guy#the one in the drawing#defected from the enemy side killed the other dude and very distressed tried to help me#which involved a very funny moment of him pulling my hands back to see the wound and realising my corset had been cut clean through#and us both getting extremely embarrassed and him pulling the corset back together and telling me to keep pressure on it#literally the most YA romantic comedy moment I've ever experienced#I think the main influences of this dream were that I recently watched a youtube reaction vid of someone watching Zorro for the first time#A drawing someone I follow did of that popular YA fae novel that I've never read#and looking at tangled concept art#and actually definitely the first aid course I did this week#because I remember them talking about how you need to cut clothing off someone to put the defib pads on their chest#and I was uncomfortable with the thought of someone having to do that to me#AND the fact I was paired with a cute guy I'd never met and we had to practice putting each other in the recovery position#which was SUPER awkward#so clearly my brain was like You know what would be fun? an even MORE awkward and painful scenario!#but make it fantasy!#ellennart
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beedok · 1 year
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Guess what’s out for sale now? That’s right, my light novel The Harem Protagonist Was Turned Into A Girl!! And Doesn’t Want To Change Back!!!??
Available in digital and paperback, and in both text only and illustrated forms. On Amazon and Itch.
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hausofdecline · 2 years
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helenaheissner · 3 months
I have a cover now!
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Courtesy of the lovely and talented @beedokart
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jess-the-reckless · 3 months
I am about to do something that scares the absolute shit out of me. I don't mind admitting that I'm terrified, because the world of straight romance has not been nice to me in the past. Way back when, I tried to write things to market. I wrote books I hated to fit tropes that were popular, and not only was I miserable but I also suffered the inevitable consequences of trying to please everybody. I pleased nobody, least of all myself.
Now I am older, wiser, and I will please myself by writing silly little rom-coms about people who are both having their own versions of bad days, hook up, and then fall in love while going on a rubbish crime spree by mistake. Still have to blurb this beast, but it's done, it's edited, it's good to go, and I'm actually kind of pleased with the cover. You have no idea how much airbrushing I had to do to blend in that wonderful, flyaway bedhead on the model, but I used her specifically because I loved her hair. And the WTF expression on her face.
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marshmyers · 5 months
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Heartstopper meets A Knight's Tale in this queer medieval rom-com YA debut about love, friendship, and being brave enough to change the course of history.
It's been hundreds of years since King Arthur's reign. His descendant, Arthur, a future Lord and general gadabout, has been betrothed to Gwendoline, the quick-witted, short-tempered princess of England, since birth. The only thing they can agree on is that they despise each other. 
They're forced to spend the summer together at Camelot in the run-up to their nuptials. Within 24 hours, Gwen discovered Arthur kissing a boy, and Arthur went digging for Gwen's childhood diary and found confessions about her crush on the kingdom's only lady knight, Bridget Leclair. 
Realizing they might make better allies than enemies, they make a reluctant pact to cover for each other, and as things heat up at the annual royal tournament, Gwen is swept off her feet by her knight, and Arthur takes an interest in Gwen's royal brother. Lex Croucher's Gwen & Art Are Not in Love is chock full of sword-fighting, found family and romantic shenanigans destined to make readers fall in love.
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adaptations-polls · 25 days
Which version of this do you prefer?
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💜 Happy release week to Love, Lies, and Cherry Pie by Jackie Lau! @jackielaubooks
❓What's your favorite type of pie? Have you ever made one from scratch?
🦇 Writer and barista Emily Hung is tired of hearing about the great Mark Chan, the son of her parents’ friends. You’d think he single-handedly stopped climate change and ended child poverty from the way her mother raves about him. But in reality, he’s just a boring, sweater-vest-wearing engineer, and when they’re forced together at Emily’s sister’s wedding, it’s obvious he thinks he’s too good for her. But now that Emily is her family’s last single daughter, her mother is fixated on getting her married and she has her sights on Mark. There’s only one solution: convince Mark to be in a fake relationship with her long enough to put an end to her mom’s meddling. He reluctantly agrees. With each fake date, though, Emily realizes that Mark’s not quite what she assumed and maybe that argyle sweater isn’t so ugly after all.
🥧 New Adult 🥧 Rom-Com 🥧 Foodie 🥧 Writer FMC 🥧 Set in Canada 🥧 Fake Dating 🥧 Slow Burn 🥧 Pride and Prejudice Retelling 🥧 OWN Voices / AAPI Month Read 🥧 Dual POV
💜 For fans of My Big Fat Greek Wedding and Kim’s Convenience.
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romeverafter · 4 months
The #RomComBracket is live
The full bracket and individual region PDFs can be found at http://bit.ly/RCBrackPDF. I've also built a Letterboxd list (https://boxd.it/rVo40) for this year's bracket. Be sure to share your bracket filled out and don't forget voting starts Feb 14th @ noon est on Twitter
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alliekparker · 11 months
A couple of weeks ago @b-andherbooks and I made a guide of tips on how to bust your reading slump
Reading slumps can be such a bummer, but thank goodness for bookish besties who ✨Get It✨ and finding ways to haul yourself back into the arms of books.
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Books listed:
A Rogue's Rules for Seduction by Eva Leigh
You & I, Rewritten by Chip Pons
Firelight by Kristen Callihan
Charming Scottish Bastard by Melissa Blue
Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle
What Happens in Miami by Nadine Gonzalez
Yearning for Her by Tiffany Roberts
The Sea of Tranquility by Katija Millay
Tempest by Beverly Jenkins
Pink Slip by Katrina Jackson
Getting Rid of Bradley by Jennifer Cruise
The Pleasure Chest by Jule McBride
Her Viking Wolf by Theodora Taylor
A Walrus & A Gentleman by Emmaline Strange
The Switch by Lynsay Sands
Technically Yours by Denise Williams
Striking Gold by Janine Amesta
Be sure to check out the books on this list! A lot of good ones here
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