#rip turvy
I've never shared one of these online before but I loved this guy so much. My first rogue, my first real 5e character after Phandelver, and my highest level dnd character to date.
This poor guy. I gave him a chill backstory on purpose because I didn't want him to be that stereotype edgy rogue. Just a guy wandering the Sword Coast with his childhood friend on a lark. Pickpocketing and burglarizing to pay for rooms in each town, until one day they get separated fleeing one town, and Timothy "Mulch" Dorset gets nabbed by drow slavers on the road (the hook for OoTA).
We only played the first half of the campaign, but over the course of it we suffered 60% casualties. And through a combination of players having to drop out and luck, every single PC and NPC Mulch befriended died. Serial killers, faulty teleporters, a held-action disintegrate. Even the no-name Scout he played cards with died in a drow ambush.
During the final escape, an NPC gets cut down by Orcus himself right in front of Mulch, and he has to jump over his body to get out.
A minute before he was killed by the Disintegrate spell, the PC and Mulch had argued about who should entered the room first. Mulch entered second, his boots covered in dust.
I swear if I didn't watch it all go down I'd have thought it was planned. I didn't even realize it all until I calculated the casualties afterwards (neither did the DM).
Nowadays, Mulch is working as a sailor, as far from underground and demons as he can get, until such time as I can pull him into a new campaign.
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puddle-nerd · 6 months
You’ll Do
Summary: You’re lucky you survived the crash but after you crawled to safety, well, the phrase was out of the pot and into the fire, right?
(Recombinant Jake Sully/Human Reader)
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Story Tags: No Use of Y/N, Pre Way of Water, Slight Mention of Gore, Restraints, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Neytiri Died, I’m Sorry, Manhandling, Verbal Degradation, Knife Kink, Mention of Non-Lethal Self-Harm, Mention of Blood, Panties Uses as a Gag, Extremely Dubious Consent, R4p3/Non-Consensual, Interspecies Sex, Na’vi Biology (Avatar – Cameron), Na’vi Language (Avatar – Cameron), Vaginal Sex, Size Difference, Daddy Kink, Belly Bulge, Jake Sully Definitely Babbles During Sex, Creampie
So, this story was requested by @jakesullywhore, happy early birthday, baby girl 😘😘😘, on Tumblr back during Luna’s Kinktober Challenge (and she’s been wonderfully patient with me, I’m so, so, so sorry it took so long) and then it turned out… uh… quite a bit longer than I was originally expecting (insert sheepish shuffling here) in amongst several things happening all at once IRL so if you want to skip to the smut, and you’re over the age of eighteen, scroll down to the
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.* Beginning of 18+ / NSFW Scene *.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
Na’vi Translation: Hì’i — small, little (size) Mawey – calm Olo’eyktan — clan leader (generally gender-neutral) Sevin — pretty (mainly for female(s)) Tawtute — human | Sky Person Toruk Makto — rider of last shadow | currently, Jake Sully
AO3 Link
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You looked up as your supervisor groaned in protest as the supply train rumbled down the freshly built tracks, rocking with its momentum slowly but surely back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. Your gaze didn’t falter from him as he closed his eyes, trying to center himself so he didn’t vomit while his motion sickness made itself known. “Ya good, sir?” you asked over the hum of the engine and the sound of the wheels turning, your words making your mask fog up briefly. The compartment was atmospherically converted to oxygen but with the increase of raids by the one known as Toruk Makto and his Na’vi followers, it was better to be safe and have your mask on, just in case. “You’re really pale,” you added.
Actually, he looked kinda green and you were beginning to think he was going to puke any second now.
Your supervisor looked up at you from where he sat across the way and gave a weak smile from behind the plexiglass of his mask, sweat beading up visibly upon his forehead. You’d think he’d have been used to the way a train rocked, having claimed to be from New York back on Earth, but who were you to judge? You all had come out here for a chance at a better life and there really wasn’t anything back on your home planet for you, personally, so when they opened up opportunities for grunt work (i.e. luckily you were a high value information system tech), they let you grab a space on the next flight out to Pandora. Only to find yourself in a middle of a war zone and having to take care of people who hadn’t been informed of what they were getting into. You hadn’t really known either, but that was beside the point. You reached beneath your seat and leaned forward to hand him a vomit sack. Suddenly, the illumination turned a reddish hue from a warm white, a skreiching alarm blaring over the speakers, a voice shouting, “Missiles inbound! Port side! Brace for impact! Brace f–”
Then the world went topsy turvy as the train de-railed.
What happened next came to you in spurts. The screech of metal on metal. The blur of the red warning lights amongst the darkness of the cabin with the world turning itself upon its head mimicking a high-speed roller-coaster back on Earth. The pain of smacking your masked face into the cushion of your full-body harness. The reek of liquid iron and the stench of something burning, stinging your nose. The sound of high-pitched screams ripped from several throats. The taste of copper upon your tongue. Pain radiating throughout your body from the top of your head to the tips of your booted toes.
Then nothing.
No sight, no sound, no smell, no touch, no taste…
Was it seconds later when you slowly regained consciousness?
Your skull felt heavy and full of cotton as you very slowly lifted your chin, your eyelids blinking slowly as you took in the scene now, acutely aware of the ringing in your ears muffling everything else out. Shock rippled through you, icy and paralyzing, as you stared uncomprehendingly at the wreckage that had once been the train car you had been sitting in. Were still sitting in. Were you sitting? Your head ached.
Fear gripped you, your stomach turning as you surveyed the shattered glass, the debris of metal, splashes of dark liquid that smelled like the sharp tang of fuel and blood, and chunks of unidentifiable meat. You blinked slowly but the throbbing in your head refused to comprehend what you were gazing at – or maybe it was the shock of it all – and so you looked down at your own body. The harness was pulled tight around your chest and hips and your leg looked like it was bent at a funny angle for a moment, until you realized… it wasn’t your leg. Your hands trembled with a surge of adrenaline as you struggled to press the release clasps. Once you managed to liberate yourself from the strangling body-belt, you fell forward and stumbled to your feet, wobbling forward over questionable piles of… things you refused to look too closely at to get towards where you could see the light of day peeking out from where the door had crumpled in like tin, your limbs feeling like they were weighed down with lead blocks but you managed to slide yourself out, your gaze hazy and your mind slow as a turtle.
Pieces of shattered glass twinkled menacingly from the smoldering dirt in the sunlight amongst pieces of metal that should have been on the train.
Something huge suddenly swooped over your head and you lurched to the side as you saw a couple of colorful Mountain Banshees for the first time ever. You stared at them as they landed further down the wreckage and then noticed several very large bodies crawling over the train and the upturned earth.
You blinked and struggled to focus as you saw one of them, huge and blue, turn towards you, painted with black and green paint stripes all over his face and body beneath his battle band and very human-style tactical vest. You watched him incline his head before his lips drew back and he hissed in your direction and a new wave of adrenaline flooded your body.
You were going to die.
You didn’t think.
You just turned and ran.
You weren’t fast enough, though, and a sharp pain to the back of your head had you blacking out.
𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸
You could hear them moving around you as you took stock of your situation, your eyes currently shut as you regained your other senses. There were at least two beings hissing at each other in a foreign language you recognized as the Na’vi tongue that you had no hope of understanding. The air smelled stale and recycled while you could taste a touch of iron on the back of your tongue. Your wrists were tied to the unforgiving metal table you were laying on, the cold seeped into your skin.
Your bare skin.
You sucked in a sharp breath at the realization that you were stripped almost fully naked and your eyes shot open. You tried to sit up only to jerk backwards, your wrists pulling tightly from where they were secured above your head. Your ankles were restrained as well.
“Oh, good, the sevin hì’itawtute is awake.”
You twitched, shrinking in on yourself as far as you could when you laid your gaze on two big blue striped beings watching you with interested golden eyes.
One was more serious, more intense, with his beaded braids hanging about his rounded cheeks and bordering his red ornate necklace. His broad shoulders, built chest, and thick arms looked more human-like except for the generous smattering of bioluminescent freckles adorning his striped sapphire skin. His torso tapered down into a slim waist, a leather band encircling just beneath his pecs. A light purple loincloth hung from a thin band over the front of his pelvis, a dagger longer than your forearm gracing his left hip. The other Na’vi was smirking much more mischievously at you, his heated golden eyes scanning your body with a hunger that made you shiver. His own braids, unadorned except for two hanging in front, were more towards the top of his head, the right side of his skull shaved. The second male was also so much leaner and gangly than the first, all long limbs with an equally lengthy torso and slutty, little waist though he was easily a couple of inches taller with less freckles that you could see. His dagger, hanging from his left lip, was a littler shorter as well above his simple green loincloth. They were both quite handsome in their unique ways.
“Go get Dad,” the broader male hissed in English.
You blinked.
The leaner male rolled his eyes with a sigh and turned on his heel and you felt your eyes widen as a blush stained your cheeks seeing that his loincloth left his firm backside on display. You glanced away only to see the remaining male raise a brow at you with a knowing look in his golden gaze. You flushed further and looked away, turning you eyes up towards the restraints holding your arms and then down to your ankles allowing you to see you still wore your sports bra and your thin, cotton panties.
The whoosh of the door opening again drew your attention and you choked.
While the two males were handsome, this third Na’vi – their father – made them pale in comparison. His long black hair was styled into thick, unadorned dreads and pushed back from his black and green streaked face. A woven band crossed over his forehead with something shimmering over his burning golden eyes was adorned with small, sharp bones that were probably as long as your hand from base to the tip of your middle finger. A wide, flat nose tipped in pink flared as he scented you, his thin lips pressing together. A comm unit acted as a choker as it settled at the base of his throat, just above a second necklace with five small stones. His shoulders were wide beneath his tactical vest, his chest was… beefy to say the least, and his biceps were near double the size of your head. His built torso tapered down into a trim waist cushioned lightly with an ever so slight, soft and inviting plushness, his brown loincloth embroidered with specialty woven knots around the hem and over the belt clinging to his hips. From mid-thigh to just above his ankles, dark brown leggings clung to his strong legs in a most sinful way that had you swallowing around a growing lump in your throat.
“Out,” the adult male hissed, his gaze not leaving you. He added something in the Na’vi language you had no hope of understanding.
The serious teen male nodded quietly and grabbed his brother by the back of the neck, pulling the mischievous-looking one roughly out of the… you supposed it was originally a shack laboratory that had been retrofitted to become your jailcell, hence why you could breathe without your mask.
You swallowed, watching the adult Na’vi male look over your nearly naked form once more.
“Do you know who I am?” he asked, reaching down and unbuckling his tactical vest slowly, revealing a battle band in red and brown nestled just under his thick pectoral muscles, tossing the vest over to the side once he was freed. You shook your head because you weren’t sure. “You probably have heard of me. I’m known as Toruk Makto, more commonly called Jake Sully.”
You felt the blood drain from your face.
This was THE Jake Sully?
Oh, fuck… No wonder General Ardmore was determined to have LOTS of man and firepower because every inch of this Na’vi gave of vibes that screamed ‘lethal’.
You swallowed again and nodded, letting him know you now knew who he was. Your eyes flicked over every single inch of him once more and you shivered again at seeing that his whole body was defined muscle that human men wished they could have. And you weren’t entirely sure if it was because of the cold of the table, the chill of the air, or the fact that he was seriously fucking hot but your whole body trembled. Not, that that meant anything. God, you hoped his ability to smell things was seriously overstated. “I’m telling you this so that you understand what’s about to happen to you.”
You wetted your lips with your tongue and whispered hoarsely, “You’re going to torture me for information?”
Golden eyes – darkened with rage – flicked your way and a slow smirk that promised things pulled at his thin lips, revealing sharp fangs that had your heart doubling in speed. He replied, “Something like that.” He removed the leather strap from around his middle and tossed it over to where the vest was now. “I know it’s not entirely your fault, you’re just a drop in the bucket of problems known as the human race trying to destroy Pandora,” he removed his headpiece and added it to the growing pile, “but I need to know who’s in charge and what your superiors are planning.” His tomahawk from the small of his back was the fourth thing he removed from his body, though this he placed on the table by your hip, chuckling meanly when you attempted to shift away from the sharp edges of the weapon.
“I’m just a lowly IT,” you admitted, fear making you jittery upon the table. “General Ardmore doesn’t even know my name.”
Jake leered at you nastily, unsheathing his front dagger and slamming it down by your head with a startling SLAM. You recoiled sharply, twisting your head away from him and squeezing your eyes shut as your heart beat vibrated within your chest. “That’s alright,” Jake hissed, bending down and breathing hotly into your ear. “I’m sure I can make use of you… somehow.” You trembled as he pulled back and circled your body on the table. “You know, up until about a year ago, I was happy,” he told you conversationally, trailing his callus roughened fingers over the softness of your body, causing you to flinch again and tremble. “Y’know, I was the Olo’eyktan, wha’chu call the clan leader.” He pinched at your fleshy hip, the one on the other side from where he had left his weapon, chuckling as you baulked away from his touch. “I was respected by The People,” he continued, moving towards your feet and you hoped to god he wouldn’t tickle your soles, “all throughout the vast jungles of Pandora. I had a wife and four beautiful children. Had.”
Oh… shit…
You met his gaze and now understood the fury in his golden depths.
Jake told you, voice flat and ice cold, “My wife, my mate, my better half, my Neytiri te Tskaha Mo’at’ite died today because all of you stupid humans had to come the fuck back here where you weren’t wanted.”
You wanted to tell him that it wasn’t your fault. You hadn’t killed her. You hadn’t killed anyone. But you could see the absolute wrath and the soul-shattering hatered burning deeply from within the golden depths of his eyes. You understood from just looking at him that he wouldn’t really listen to any of your words or, even if he did hear what you said to him, he wouldn’t actually care about them. Either way, he was about to take it out on you in one way or another.
“So… what do you have to say about that?” Jake demanded.
You gulped and murmured, “I’m sorry for your loss.”
Jake’s ears flicked back and he bared his teeth, shaking his head as his tail – he had a fucking tail! – lashed back and forth in agitation. “Y-you’re sorry? You’re sorry?! How’s that – how is that going to bring back my wife!?”
“It’s not! It’s – it’s not,” you yelped, flinching away from the fists he pounded down onto the metal table between your secured ankles as best you could, though it wasn’t much. You stuttered, tripping over your words, “But I’m sorry! I’m sorry, Sully! I – I swear, I swear, I swear I had n-nothing to do with it! I – I’ve never killed any – anyone, I swear. I’m just a, uh, just a computer jockey!”
His nose flared as he scented you again and a wide, dark smirk adorned his features as a switch seemed to flip and an idea came to him.
.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·. Beginning of 18+ / NSFW Scene .·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.
“Well, if you’re not high enough up the chain and have no useful information to give me, guess I’m gonna have to find a different use for ya,” Jake announced and reached down. The Na’vi male pressed a lever on the table and the table flipped nearly vertical to about a 75-degree angle, causing you to yelp in surprise as you were suddenly jerked upright, the tomahawk and the dagger sliding – luckily – harmlessly down to hit the floor with a loud double ‘CLANG’. He chuckled meanly down at you, pressing something else to lock you into place.
You gulped, begging to know as your heart pounded rapidly in your chest, “What are you going to do to me?”
The painted male just smirked, flashing his fangs.
Kneeling down between your legs, your whole body shivered of the sight of Jake exchanging your ankle restraints for his large hands, his grip strong and unyielding giving you no chance to kick him in his stupidly handsome face. You felt your belly twist itself into knots as a warm bubble of dread – yes, it was definitely dread and nothing else – began to build inside of you as an idea of how he was going to “make use of you” formed in the back of your mind.
Jake manipulated your legs apart and leaned in, pressing his flat, pink nose against the front of your panties, flaring as he sucked in a deep breath with a chuckle. “Well, …look at that. You’re liking this, little girl,” Jake hummed, rubbing his nose over the material separating him from your femininity. “If I strip you, how wet will I find you, you stupid fucking slut?” You could hear the grin in his voice as he added, “Guess I’ll find out in a second. Don’t move.” Letting go of one of your legs after placing it over his shoulder and nipping at it in warning to not kick him or anything, he grabbed his dagger from the floor and brought it up to your crotch. You whimpered, trying not to squirm as the sharp edge of his weapon was drawn carefully up the silken skin of your inner thighs, leaving little red welts but not actually splitting the skin, getting closer and closer to your cunt. You recoiled slightly. “Don’t. Fucking. Move,” Jake reiterated with a rumbling growl, ears and tail both flicking in irritation.
“Please don’t hurt me,” you whimpered, flinching when he tucked the sharp edge under the hem of your panties and tore it beyond repair. “Please…”
Jake smirked as he cut away your panties completely, muttering up towards you, “You’re gonna be saying that for a different reason in a little bit, little girl.” You froze, watching as he tossed the scraps of fabric away and raised his knife one more time, lifting it to the material of your sports bra and hooking it beneath the front hem. The material gave away just as easily as your panties had, ripping like paper up the middle, revealing your tits to his gaze before methodically cutting the shoulder straps of what used to be your chest covering. “Huh, you are actually pretty, aren’cha?” Jake muttered, more to himself than to you as he tossed the now useless fabric away and set his dagger back down onto the ground. His gaze drifted down to your pussy and he smirked. “Oh yeah, you are such a dirty little slut, aren’t ya?” Jake chuckled, finally placing your other leg over his shoulder and inspecting you. “Gonna be a tight fit but now… I can smell you even better, all sweet and musky. Wonder if you taste just as sweet?”
He leaned forward, cupping your upper thighs with his blue hands, and pressed his nose against your center, breathing deep.
“Oh fuck,” you whined, cringing as much as you could away from his touch. “Oh, please don’t do this. I – I don’t want this, Sully. Please.”
You didn’t know who you were trying to convince more.
Jake or yourself.
He ignored your words and opened his mouth, sticking out his tongue and sliding it up the seam of your cunt from the bottom to your clit. You yelped, jerking away from him again at the feel of what you might describe as sandpaper touched your most intimate of parts. It wasn’t… unpleasant… but it was, definitely, strange. He tightened his grip on your legs and did it again, collecting your wetness upon his tongue. And then again. And again. You chewed on your lower lip, trying not to make any further noises or to move, lest he got angry or thinking you were enjoying this.
‘You weren’t enjoying this. You weren’t. You weren’t. You weren’t,’ you chanted to yourself.
“You can try to be quiet all you want, but I’ll get’cha to sing,” the Na’vi male told you confidently, smirk firmly in place on his azure skin. “Singing like an ol’ opera singer.” With that, he leaned in and began his attack on your pussy, dipping his tongue inside your cunt and rubbing his nose against your clit, determination pouring off of him to make you enjoy yourself, whether you liked it or not. The control this man had over his tongue made you bloody your lower lip from biting down so hard on it, just as equally resolute to not give in. No matter how good it felt. But Jake was a man on a mission, practically shoving his face against your pussy and feasting like you were going to be his last meal.
You felt the pleasure undeniably building, a choked whine building in the back of your throat.
Jake lifted his gaze and pulled back, seeing the blood trickling down your chin from where your teeth had dug too deeply. “Ah, fuck, don’t do that,” he grumbled and looked around swiftly. Spotting the remains of your bra and underwear, he grabbed your ex-chest covering and balled it up, wiping away the red liquid from your skin roughly, ignoring your mewl of pain. Now that your underwear was even more ruined, he tossed the sports bra back down and grabbed your panties, balling them up and shoving them into your mouth. “There now, no biting yourself while I enjoy my snack, you ungrateful brat,” he snarked picking up right where he left off and devouring your cunt like he was starving, humming as he dug his tongue deeper into your passage than you ever got with your own fingers. And his tongue was thick enough to almost resemble the girth of the silicon dildo you’d smuggled in the luggage you’d been allowed to bring with you from Earth.
You could no longer hold back the whimpers, your makeshift gag muffling your noise only somewhat.
“Yeah, that’s it, you needy little whore,” Jake chuckled against your clit before lapping at it greedily. “Let those noises out. Let me know what a filthy little slut you are for the first male Na’vi that gives you attention.” He laughed a little more to himself and then leaned in sucking on your hard nub as he slipped two broad fingers into your wet heat, curling them just so that had your eyes crossing as you jerked against your restraints and dug your heels into his shoulders while also trying to rut your hips up into his mouth and hand. “That’s it, bitch. I can feel you tightening. You’re getting close, aren’cha? Gonna cum with your enemy finger fucking you like a dirty, little slut?” Your inner walls clenched greedily around his digits and then he found a spot deep inside of you.
Your climax took you by surprise, running you over like a bus or a train…
‘Oh, too soon,’ you thought just before the euphoria overtook your senses.
You jerked in your restraints, screaming through the gag as you unraveled, your whole-body trembling with bliss.
“Fuck, yeah, look at you,” Jake sneered as he sat back on his heels, still curling his fingers inside of you as he rubbed circles over your clit to draw out your orgasm. “What a fucking little whore. Look how much you came for me.”
You sagged in your restraints, panting heavily and continuing to tremble, eyes widening when you saw how much his loincloth had tented.
The Na’vi male pushed himself to his feet and began to circle you, casually licking his fingers and palm clean of your slick while his tail flicked behind his toned, bare backside. You looked up at him as he came back around and stood in front of you, gazing at you expectantly but your throat didn’t want to work, didn’t want to form words. Especially with that monster of his pressing against the inside of his loincloth. So, you didn’t bother to try. Instead, Jake spoke up for you. “Got nothing to say?” the Na’vi demanded. You breathed out heavily through your nose and shook your head slowly. He snorted and lowered his gaze to watch the remnants of your orgasm trickling down your leg. He gripped himself, muttering, “You do taste as sweet as you smell, pretty, little slut. Can’t wait to feel you wrapped around me.”
In any other situation, you might have been flattered.
Jake moved forward and towered over you, your head barely coming up to his sternum as you hung from the upright table. He smirked and reached down to untie his loincloth. “Think it’s gonna fit in your tight, little pussy, slut? You were squeezing my fingers all nice and snug,” he commented, letting the cloth drop, “I’m wondering if I’m gonna fit inside of you.” You whined, seeing the thick human-like cock spring upwards, firm and full. Jake’s dark blue shaft was decorated with pretty stripes of a lighter shade and bioluminescent white freckles scattered amongst ridges and nubs all over the length of him. What made you clench though, besides the sheer size of him, was that his light blue foreskin was pulling back from the pink tip of his cock to reveal that his slit was beginning to bead with pearlescent precum tinged silvery blue.
“Oh, fuck…” you whimpered, quietly through your makeshift gag, no longer able to deny you were enjoying this.
Whether you liked it or not.
The Na’vi male chuckled and stroked himself a couple of times. “Yeah, thought you’d like this,” he leered down at you with a smirk. Letting himself go, his cock bobbed but continued sticking straight out from his pelvis. Jake stepped closer and grabbed your wet thighs, lifting you up and settling himself between your legs, his shaft hot and hard against the seam of your center so you could feel the texture only a Na’vi penis had; you whimpered, trembling in his grasp, pleasure skittering through your nerve endings. “I can feel how slick you are, you filthy little whore,” Jake commented, grunting as he rutted against you, coating himself in your natural lubricant. “Getting me all nice and wet. Gonna have to go slow, though. Don’t want to tear you.” You whimpered as he continued to lift your hips up and back, dragging your dripping cunt up the length of his cock, teasing you with his firm shaft but not yet putting it in.
You bit down on your gag and jerked in his grip, seeking more stimulation.
“Look at you, you needy little thing,” Jake chuckled, watching you with a derisive jeer. “Yeah, you need it, don’cha? Okay, here we go, then.” Carefully, Jake took his shaft and lined it up with your entrance, slowly easing his thick mushroom head into your channel. You whined as he began to push himself further inside, the stretch burning your inner muscles slightly and forcing all of the air out of your lungs. “Mawey, baby. Mawey. Daddy’s got’chu.” The Na’vi male adjusted your thighs around his lean waist and reached down between you, circling your clit as he continued sinking himself further into you, the inescapable pressure and the incredible feeling of absolute fullness making you let out a whine through the fabric in your mouth. Your inner walls keep tightening and loosening, as if your center didn’t know whether to allow Jake’s girth further inside or to try to push him back out of your body. “Fuck, you’re so tight,” Jake groaned through gritted teeth. “Le’me in, little girl. It’ll feel so good. I promise.”
You whined, his thumb still circling your clit as he finally, finally bottomed out.
Jake couldn’t quite fit his entire cock into your pussy, the tip of him pressed against your cervix in a way you weren’t entirely sure was painful or pleasurable. Either way, you felt so utterly stuffed you could barely breathe, breaths shuddering in and out of your nose in short bursts. The hand gripping your thigh was definitely going to leave bruises later as he reveled in the feel of your center stretched around him to your utter limit, his free hand still rubbing circles over your hard, little bud.
“Fuck, baby,” the Na’vi male groaned, shifting his hips to test how you felt now that you had started to adjust to his intrusion. “Tightest pussy Daddy’s ever had. Fuuuck, yer strangling my cock.” The noise that escaped your throat barely sounded human in pitch, more like it was an unintelligible fusion of a whine and a groan, muffled by the panties still in your mouth. He chuckled and added, “Pretty sure you were made for this. Huh? You were made to be my little cock slut, baby, right? Daddy’s little whore.” You whimpered and nodded slowly, tears leaking from the corners of your eyes as the pleasure threatened to overwhelm you again. “Yeah, I thought so.” Then he sucked in a sharp breath and whistled. “Fuck, yeah, I can see myself in your belly.”
You looked down to see your stomach slightly distended to accommodate the total girth of his length and you released a wail.
“Isn’t that a sight,” Jake laughed quietly, hissings as you subsequently clenched internally. “Okay, okay, ya greedy little thing. Daddy’s gonna start moving now, little girl. Tell me if it hurts.” You made a muffled noise of complaint and tried to spit out the panties still forcing your jaw wide. “Ah, forgot about that,” the Na’vi male chuckled to himself and finally pulled the cloth out of your mouth, tossing them off to the side. “That better, little girl?”
“Yes,” you moaned quietly, moving your jaw to relieve the slight ache. “Oh, fuck, Sully. Feel so full.”
The male chuckled, “Yeah. Bet you do.”
Jake pulled out of your center a little before rolling his hips slowly back inside of you, glancing between your face and your belly bulge as you whined, feeling the friction of his textured shaft to cause the most exquisite of pleasure to tease your nerve endings, his heavy testicles bouncing off of your taint with each move of his hips. He slowly began to increase his pace, the sound of his thrusts squelching wetly through the air as he pounded his length deeply within you with the power and the consistency of a machine, causing that coil to tighten once more inside of you.
Without the gag hindering you now, you whined aloud, “Huh, fuck. Oh god.”
“Yeah, my little slut likes this,” Jake snarled, quickening his tempo further and growling low in his throat as your center tightened further around him. “Fuck, little girl, gonna cum for Daddy like a good whore? Gonna gush all over me when you climax? Bet you will, you greedy little cock slut. I want to see how your belly bulges further when I finish deep inside of you.” You whined nonsensically as his thrusts got sloppy as he sped up even further, the head of his cock pressing a spot that made your toes start to curl. “Oh, fuck, baby. I can feel you getting close. You’re even tighter around me. You ready, baby? Daddy’s gonna fill you up.”
You wanted to feel the pleasure but you didn’t want it.
Not like this at least.
The Na’vi male’s breathing increased as his rhythm stuttered further, slamming wetly into your depths even more loudly, his balls now smacking against your taint with each shove of his cock, pushing inside of your pussy even deeper until he shoved himself in firmly one last time, burying himself in to the hilt and –
“Ohhh, fuck, fuck, fuuuck, yeah baby! Cumming. Cumming!”
If your first orgasm had been like getting hit by a bus, your second one was more like getting swept away by a tsunami, the pleasure-pain of Jake’s cock being wedged just beneath your cervix and pressing in from behind your bellybutton caused you to release a nonsensical throat-aching scream as well as you beginning to weep in humiliation from the heat overtaking your senses making you feel like you had peed yourself as the lush flow of your and Jake’s combined finish both bulged your stomach and dribbled steadily down your buttocks while every muscle within you spasmed almost violently and your toes curled painfully.
“Fuck, my little slut is a gusher,” Jake chuckled, groaning as he trembled in pleasure. “Yeah, I think I’m gonna keep you. You’ll do just nicely.”
𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸 · ─────── · 𖥸
Originally Posted: 24 November 2023 Word Count: 5,500
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an-au-blog · 7 months
The glimpses we got of Jeff Ward in the opla blooper reel fill me with brain worms because now I am thinking about young Buggy not really being able to control his devil fruits ability for a while and Shanks doing his best to help him train. I can just see Buggy holding his own head between his legs before then faceplanting onto the floor and Shanks laughing his ass off, before offering to spot his friend doing more elaborate tricks like bouncing it from shoulder to shoulder so he can catch it before it hits the deck again when he messes up.
„ UGH! You’re supposed to CATCH me not bash my skull in!“ „Sorry.“ „God you suck. I only cant do this because you distract me so much.“ Shanks snorts and grins down at the upside down pouting clown head in his hands. „I don’t know. I just think you’re unlucky.“ „CAN IT.“ „Nah, you need all the luck you can get.“ With a swift motion Shanks raps his knuckles three times against Buggies forehead, to which his crewmate reacts with angry screams of pain and indignation „KNOCK ON WOOD!“ „FUCK YOU!!“ Buggys world twirls in a flash and for one second his body looses his balance just from the whiplash his head is experiencing. When he catches himself he’s upright and face to face with his insufferable Bunkmate who gives him a toothy grin. „Hm what else?“ „DONT“ „Fingers crossed.“ The clown let’s out yet another undignified squawk as Shanks crosses his fingers and mimes dropping him in the process for a second. Buggies body is now trying to grab at Shanks who’s easily sidestepping his friends strangling hands. „I’LL KILL-„ „Maybe it’s like one of those dice you have to blow on for good luck.“ Buggys world once again turns topsy turvy as the redhead flips him upside down once more, his chopped neck exposed upwards and any screams of protest die in his throat as he sees Shanks face getting closer to his neck just at the edge of his vision. Once again he feels thrown off balance, but not because of the sudden movement but because for a single second, he’s met with the faintest feeling of lips on his neck and a slight touch of air as Shanks exhales on the part that usually is connected to his own body. It’s almost unnoticeable and entirely too short to be on purpose, but Buggy still lets the almost kiss happen in shock and mentally thanks whatever sea deity he can think of that Shanks can’t see the look on his face right now. The room spins yet again and he moves his arm upwards almost like a reflex, his head colliding with his own wrist and rolling downwards from one shoulder to the other till it reaches the other wrist and with a flick of his elbow his head bounces off himself and reattaches itself to its neck. His mind clears mid and he realizes Shanks is cheering for him „LOOK AT YOURSELF! THAT WAS SO COOL!“ And all Buggy can do is turn away with faux annoyance and pretend his flush is from being overly embarrassed by his friends happy outburst and hope he doesn’t notice that his fingers keep ghosting over the part where his neck head usually detaches.
I cannot be more serious when I say that I have been thinking about this all day. This is so on point, like... I had a silly little smile on my face while reading this, it feels like it's ripped out of a fic I need more!
I really wanna add something but idk if I can?? it's just so perfect???
Though talking about holding bodily parts, I can imagine Shanks holding Buggy's hand for no reason, even if it's just detached. He'll just be out and about, minding his own business on the ship, and someone will ask him "Buggy, where's your other hand? Why're only with only one?"
To which he'll just make a grumpy face, which the other shipmates quickly learn mean that Shanks is just pocketing random parts for tun again. Bonus points for if he does it with also for fun, just Buggy waking up with one less leg and searching for it while Shanks giggles. Buggy would probably "beat him up" with his severed leg later, but it's too funny to him to not do it once in a while.
OH! Bonus bonus points for when they meet again and Shanks is one arm lighter than Buggy remembers, he accidentally sadly murmurs "You can't hold me like you used to..." under his breath. When Shanks asks him to repeat, he panics and goes "It's like karma from when you used to tease me" or something like that.
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defectivehero · 2 years
The hero is tired. Then again, what else is new? They’re always tired- it’s in the job description. After all, they’re often roused in the middle of the night because a villain is wreaking havoc on the city. If they’re lucky, the hero is simply woken by their own nightmares. Regardless, they get little time to themselves and even littler sleep.
Lack of sleep is an everyday occurrence for the hero. When they walk into work that morning, they push their exhaustion to the side like always and resume work. They fight villains, apprehend thieves, help citizens. All in a day’s work. For a while, the hero almost fools themselves. They almost forget their exhaustion and fatigue. Almost. 
It all comes to a close about five minutes before the hero is scheduled to go home. The villain is lurking on some high building a few miles away and the hero is assigned to go fight them, retrieve them, do whatever heroes are supposed to do. Admittedly, the hero isn’t entirely clear on what their mission is. They stopped listening to their boss after they heard “Here’s the plan.” 
The hero gets to the rooftop within ten minutes. They’re definitely not breaking any records for speed, but at least they’re present. The villain turns around upon hearing the door slam behind them. Their enemy grins, gesturing widely with their arms and saying something that gets entirely lost in the brisk wind. The hero just sighs under their breath, bends down to assume a fighting position and blocks the villain’s blows. 
The villain is particularly fast today. The hero is only really able to fight defensively, as they’re expending all their energy trying to keep their enemy at bay. Perhaps the villain takes notice of this, because they cackle and somehow manage to increase their speed. The hero has to put all their concentration towards not being hit, which proves to be an increasingly difficult task. 
A siren sounds on the street below. The noise wouldn’t even reach their ears on a typical day, but today, the hero stops for a moment. They tear their eyes away from the villain and that is their fatal mistake, because, in their distraction, the villain strikes. Before the hero can take another breath, there’s suddenly a knife lodged between their ribs. 
The hero stumbles a bit, suddenly feeling off balance. There's a faint rushing sound in their ears and their breaths feel harsher and more labored. They look down at their chest with wide eyes, watching as their shirt slowly turns more crimson. The world around them suddenly feels far more topsy turvy.
“You were supposed to dodge that,” a strained voice that must be the villain’s sounds. The hero is certain they’ve never heard their enemy sound so bothered before. Unfortunately, that’s the least of their concerns. The knife is ripping pain out of them, drawing a strangled gasp out of their throat.
“S-sorry,” the hero chokes out, for some reason. Admittedly, they’re not at all sure why they’re apologizing for getting stabbed. Their mind is far from clear, however, as pain, confusion, and weariness battle for prominence. They fall to a kneeling position and place a hand on the ground, trying to fight off the swirls dancing over their vision. Their free hand trembles as they reach to grasp the knife.
“Don’t pull it out!” The villain’s exclamation makes them flinch so hard that they nearly fall over. The hero looks up, only to find their enemy staring down at them. There’s an annoyed expression on their face. “Gods, you’re so stupid.” They’re pushed backward to sit. The villain crouches at their side, one leg propping them up as they squint at the wound. 
“You’re the one that stabbed me,” the hero huffs, trying to resist the urge to close their eyes. Their eyelids sting as they try to keep themselves awake. They know, however, that they shouldn’t let their guard down in front of the villain. 
“You were supposed to dodge that, obviously,” the villain remarks, as if theirs is the only logical conclusion. Their hand is warm, almost painfully so, when it rests on the hero’s side. 
“Just shut up and fix me,” the hero hisses, clenching their fists. Their grip is remarkably weak, from what they can tell. They don't have to look up to know the villain has an incredulous look on their face- raised eyebrows and disbelieving eyes. “Please.” Their desperation must show on their face, because their enemy sighs. 
“How could I say no to that face?” The villain grins mockingly, their attention flittering between their wound and, well, their face. The hero blinks dazedly, wondering why their enemy sounds like they’re in a tunnel. “Hey, whoa. Don’t fall asleep on me...” The rest of the villain’s words fall on deaf ears, as the hero succumbs to their exhaustion. 
©2022, @defectivehero All Rights Reserved.
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Topsy Turvy Days in Heartslabyul
Oops, off to a late start with the prompts 😅 Tumblr queue didn’t work as intended, rip
The Queen of Hearts, and her Spirit of Strictness.
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Kalim Al-Asim…
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… really looks up to his fellow second-year Riddle, so he promised him that he’ll do his best to live up to Heartslabyul’s illustrious legacy! (Both Riddle and Jamil were highly concerned in spite of his words, and they each provided Kalim with their checklists and reminders on what to do and what NOT to do.)
He tries his darnedest to study up on the rules of the Queen of Hearts!! Problem is, memorization’s never been Kalim’s strong suit so he gets all the rules mixed up. What was he supposed to do after a hedgehog sneezes? When does he have to hold tea today? Was it herbal or lemon tea he's meant to have after dinner? (Oh well, he thinks, deciding to just wing it with his best efforts and a big grin on his face. Jamil will be proud of him for trying, right?)
It's clear that Kalim's not the same kind of a leader as Riddle is. He's very lenient with the rules and expectations, both on himself and on others. If anyone's running late or struggling with an assignment, chances are that Kalim's right there with them. He doesn't let that get him down, though! When he notices someone else in trouble, he's the first to extend a hand and a smile (“Hey, I’m late for a really important date too!”), offering to walk with them to class so they can be tardy together, or asking if he can study with them.
Kalim greets his temporary dorm mates Rook and Ruggie with aplomb. “Let’s do our best together, you guys!!” he says, willing to once again fully place his trust in others. Truthfully, he’s heard discouraging things from others about Ruggie and Rook—about how Ruggie’s a thief and how Rook invades people’s privacy—but he doesn’t let those words cloud his own notion of them. He wants to get to know those two himself, then discern their character… because to Kalim, everyone has some good in them, and he intends to find that ray of sunshine and bring it out!
The flamingos and hedgehogs love him, holy crap. Kalim's not exactly proficient in Animal Languages, but he's somehow able to communicate with them by reading their body language and guessing how they're feeling. The flamingos follow him in a conga line-esque formation, while the hedgehogs nestle in his cardigan and other nooks and crannies. There's just something so warm and comforting to them about this friendly newcomer! (Kalim spends his time with them cuddling instead of using them to play croquet.)
Organizing anything? Don't count on it to go smoothly. Kalim's so used to having servants (and, well, mostly Jamil) handle the logistics, he doesn't know what to do on his own! The other Heartslabyul students look to him for guidance, but he tends to be carefree and extravagant about what he thinks would work for an unbirthday party. "Some bright, shiny streamers would look good here and there! How about silk with gold thread and rubies?", and, "Oooh, let's get some music going so make some happy feet! Should we fly in an orchestra?" Ideas pile up in excess for the dorm to execute, and it becomes incoherent and difficult to juggle at times.
Kalim's habit of excess bleeds into other areas as well. He takes his tea strong, and practically clears the Heartslabyul kitchen of its milk and sugar, plus whatever other add-ins he can find in the cabinets. It's not as though he selfishly brews for himself though! Kalim's more than happy to put on a pot of tea and to summon snacks to share with all of his Heartslabyul dormies! He serves them himself, and, as the gracious host, he keeps the conversation and the laughter flowing as he piles their cups high with cube after cube of sugar.
Even though Kalim may not have the planning down, he makes up for it with heart! Sure, the decorations may not match, the music is all over the place, and the food’s overdone (or underdone), but the garden is still filled with happiness as he flits from guest to guest, encouraging them to eat, to drink, to dance, to be merry!! Kalim doesn’t leave anyone unattended to, he wants to see them all have a good time!
“Gahahah! Heartslabyul’s so lively, I can see why Riddle’s so proud of his dorm!! When everyone comes together like this… it reminds me of the banquets we throw in Scarabia, but it’s also different somehow. The atmosphere, the energy!! Maybe it’s just a special kind of chill magic that only Hearyslabyul has! It’s a kind of party that doesn’t need a reason for celebration. We can just celebrate that we’re here today, hanging out with all our precious friends!! There’s no amount of gold or jewels that’s as valuable.”
Rook Hunt...
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… is positively brimming with excitement for what this new experience will bring! He made sure to bring his camera and a fresh scrapbook to document every waking moment of his time in Heartslabyul—as well as every waking moment of the lives of his new dorm mates. Fufufu... Why, they won't even notice he's there!
Rook's super into trading his Pomefiore threads for Heartslabyul ones. In fact, he went on a long spiel about fashion being a form of self-expression (nay, ART!!) and how he feels as though he's a great tree shedding its leaves in the autumn and reemerging in the spring with a shiny, spectacular new set of leaves. ("Er... glad you're so fired up about this. Just try to make sure the dorm isn't on fire by the time I'm back, okay?" Trey pleads of his clubmate.) Rook promises—as he slips on his own version of Trey’s fedora, complete with a biiig black feather in place of the clover.
Memorizing the rules is a cinch for him—but even though Rook tends to them as dutifully as Riddle would (Vil would never forgive him if he didn’t), Rook also goes out of his way to lend his assistance when he can, particularly with Kalim. The huntsman is there to gently coax, encourage, and guide his underclassmen… but sometimes he’s just as content observing them fumble or ignore the rules entirely. That, too, is something he finds to be beautiful, in its own clumsy way.
He has no trouble navigating Heartslabyul’s long, twisty hallways. They actually offer a lot of interesting avenues of exploration if one is willing to poke around (which, as you can imagine, Rook indeed does to sate his curiosity). It has made him far more dangerous than it already is, allowing him to quickly move all around the dorm. He sometimes teases his juniors about this, asking “Is it this way? Or perhaps it is that way. Who’s to know, fufufu… Every adventure requires a first step, so why not take it? You may just find yourself pleasantly surprised with what awaits at the end of that path.”
The rose gardens have become his new “hunting grounds”. At any given moment, an unsuspecting Heartslabyul student could be painting the roses, only to startle when they realize that it’s not the green leaves of the hedges they’re staring at, but a pair of keen green eyes in the hedges staring back at them. “Bonjour. Lovely weather we’re having today, wouldn’t you agree?” he’ll ask, emerging from his hiding spot like it’s the most natural thing in the world.
Rook’s zest for life cannot be ignored. The Heartslabyul students can’t ignore it, even if they wanted to. His speeches and soliloquies practically reverberate in the corridors, overpowering the various clocks tick-tick-ticking on the grounds. He’ll comment on the smallest thing, finding joy in the flowers that the dorm has worked so hard to cultivate (he actually talks to the flowers like they’re real people) to the energy everyone puts in to have a dazzling show (unbirthday party).It’s annoying at first, but some students come to appreciate the weird morale boost? encouragement.
While there aren’t many fairies, beastmen, or merfolk for Rook to observe (at least not compared to the other dorms), he marvels at the animals that Heartslabyul has raised! Such healthy, happy little creatures! Oh, and how they flock so adoringly to Kalim!! How Ruggie so expertly converses with them!! Rook thanks the Great Seven that he’s able to bear witness to these candid moments.
People swear up and down that the laws of physics somehow bend to Rook’s whims. For some Great Seven forsaken reason, roses seem to follow Rook wherever he goes in Heartslabyul. He’ll appear out of nowhere, and suddenly he’s accompanied by a dramatic gust of wind, sparkling sunshine, and a shower of crimson rose petals. “It literally only happens with him,” Hearslabyul Mob Student A-kun reports to the school newspaper. “I don’t sense any magic when it happens, but he MUST be intentionally fucking with us.”
“The kingdom that Roi des Roses oversees is a beautiful one, brimming with whimsy and blossoms. There is not one second where I do not find myself entranced by its wonders. However, what I find most enchanting about Heartslabyuls is, above all else, the effort with which the Queen and her card soldiers put forth to maintain the beauty we see today. It is thanks to their dedication that we, and many future generations, can enjoy the fruits of their labor. Marvelous, no?”
Ruggi Bucchi...
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… breathes a sigh of relief, knowing that he’ll get some time away from being run ragged by Leona. A hyena’s got other things to tend to! He fully intends on taking advantage of his time at Heartslabyul to pack away at anything they might have to offer him!!
He sticks out like a sore thumb in Heartslabyul—his mischievousness and rough-around-the edges personality doesn’t initially mesh well with the more straight-laced and meek, obedient members of the dorm. That’s fine by Ruggie, since he’s aware he’s not here to make friends. It’s just pragmatic overall, and at least everyone has a mutual understanding of it. (Buuut if anyone messes with him, nothing’s stopping him from pulling a little prank or a wallet or two… They’ll never see it comin’—)
Ruggie’s mildly (okay, a lot) salty about having to be in the same dorm as Rook for a while. He does whatever he can to avoid being in the same general vicinity as the huntsman (in spite of Kalim’s efforts to help everyone get along). If they have to be in the same room, you’ll find Ruggie hugging his back to the wall and glaring at Rook from across the room. He knows from experience that if his eyes move off of that guy, Rook will suddenly be centimeters away from him and talking his ear off about something stupid.
He doesn’t care to look at the rules. If he gets caught red-handed, so what? He’ll find a way to cleverly smooth talk or sneak his way out of suffering the repercussions. It’s debatable whether those same excuses would work on Riddle, but they’re at least effective with Kalim (who expresses nothing but empathy for Ruggie and immediately lets him off the hook). “Nishishishishi! It’s true what they say, there’s a sucker born every minute.”
Screw the rules, Ruggie has money (… making to do. He has money making to do)! It starts with offering his services to fill in for the busy Heartslabyul students’ chores! There’s a lot of them who would rather goof off or focus on other work, so he ends up turning a considerable profit doing their part of unbirthday party prep for a premium. (Since all the work is concentrated in one area, it’s very time efficient too!)
While Ruggie’s mostly looking out for himself, that doesn’t mean he offers nothing to Heartslabyul. He has a lot of knowledge that ends up being of use to the dorm, from new unbirthday party recipes using ingredients freshly sources from the gardens to new ways to reuse or to repurpose common everyday items. “It’s like that DIY and life hack stuff Cater-san goes on about, ‘cept unlike him I had to learn all this stuff myself, not on Magicam,” as Ruggie describes it.
As an expert in Animal Languages, he's the first person the Heartslabyul students go to when they need help handling their hedgehogs and flamingos! Ruggie grumbles about lending his help for free at first, but he very quickly turns around and starts cozying up to the animals. (It later becomes very apparent why; some Heartslabyul students found him picking up eggs in the flamingo hutches with a sheepish grin.)
Speaking of food, there’s tons of good (and free!!) eats in the Heartslabyul gardens! You might catch Ruggie there picking up whatever looks edible and tossing them into a basket. (Admittedly, it has led to just many stomachaches and weird trips as it has to satisfyingly drowsy food comas, but it hasn’t stopped him from going back for more.) He also brings plastic containers to unbirthday parties to shovel uneaten food in for later. If there’s leftover tea bags or leaves (either is fine, he’s not picky), he’ll also save those to reuse.
“I used to think Heartslabyul would really cramp my style with all of its rules. They make no sense, no matter how you think about it!! But it’s actually not so bad here. Actually, it’s kinda cozy. Nice vibes, plenty of food and sweet, consistent stream of money… I don’t wanna be anywhere near that weirdo that’s always after my tail if I can help it, but for the most part… Nishishishi, I guess I could get used to livin’ this lifestyle!”
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A.P.U Comfort
Summary - Part 18 in the Comfort series
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader, Reader x Sam (platonic), Reader x Bobby (father-figure)
Warnings - mentions of miscarriage
Series Masterlist | Masterlist
A/N - G’day guys, I just wanna start by thanking you for all the likes, reblogs and follows since my last post, I really appreciate it. I hope you like this one too. Beware though, this one is a little longer than usual – I got a little carried away as I had a particular episode in mind that I wanted to rewrite for this situation. The GIF below is a major hint at what we're diving into. Until next week, enjoy! 
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Meanwhile in Sioux Falls…
“I don’t know what to do, Bobby. I don’t know how to help her feel better when I don’t know how to shut off the pain myself. She’s a shell of herself…I just want to see her smile again. She would’ve been an amazing mother, you know.”
“For a start, you don’t shut it off. You share it. You confide in your girl. Let her confide in you. ‘Cause you’re no better. Sam said it’s like living in a morgue and now I can see for myself what he means. You will both be great parents when the time is right. Neither of you is the type to give up on anything when it comes to helping others, you just need to apply that same passion to yourselves and each other.”
“You love her and you let her love you. In the meantime though let’s go see what Jody claims is so urgent.”
They gear up and get into the Impala and drive 20 minutes to a cafe in Hartford, where Jody had said to meet her. 
“Howdy boys, thanks for meeting me.”
“Anything for you, Sheriff,” Bobby says as he exits the car. 
“Hey, Jody.”
“Hey Dean, glad to see you’re holding up okay. If you and Y/N ever need a home-cooked meal or company be sure to drop in. I’m here for both of you.”
“Thanks, I’ll be sure to let her know when I get home. So, what’s the case?”
“This is a small town. Only crime to speak of being the occasional cow tipping. Then last week...four people go missing.”
“All right, so, what makes you think this is our kind of weird?” Dean asks
“I've got a witness who says he saw someone lift an S.U.V. to nab a girl last night. Now, normally, if somebody would tell me that one guy lifted an S.U.V., I'd tell him to take a flying leap, but after what I've seen…”
“Nothing's impossible,” Bobby says.
“And this matches up with the other missing how?” Dean asks.
“Well, four abductions, strong evidence left at every scene -- literally,” Jody says as she pulls out a folder full of photos and case reports and spreads them out on the table between them.
“So, the first vic was a pastor?” Bobby confirms.
“Yeah. The door of his study was punched in. And then, the next two…an engaged couple.”
“Locked bedroom window was ripped open,” Dean reads out.
“Mm-hmm. And then we have our waitress here with the topsy-turvy ride.”
“Any other connection among them?” Bobby asks.
“Yeah. They were all members of Good Faith church here. My, uh, my church group back in Sioux Falls was in a tizzy over it.”
Dean gives her an inquisitive look and says, “I didn't peg you for churchy.”
“Yeah. You know… all this stuff I’ve seen recently kind of makes a higher power seem relevant.”
“Okay, so, we have, uh, missing church folk and super strength. Maybe angels harvesting vessels? Could be a Buddy Boyle type thing,” Bobby says.
“Wh-- angels? You're joking.”
“Don't get your pants on fire. They suck,” Dean says, “you said there was a witness?”
“Yeah, well...more or less.”
“We’ll be needing to meet him,” Bobby states.
Jody scribbles an address down on a napkin and slides it across the table to Bobby, “This is where you’ll find him. Not sure how reliable he’ll be. Anyway, I’ve gotta get back to work. Good luck, and keep me updated,” she says as she gets up and makes her way out of the cafe.
Dean and Bobby tidy up the files and head back out to the Impala and drive to the address Jody gave them. They walk up to an alley filled with makeshift tents and trolleys full. They walk around the back of a restaurant and find a messy-looking man sitting on the ground leaning against the brick wall. They clear their throat and flash their fake FBI badges at him.
Dean takes a seat on the couch the man led them to and says, “So, tell us about this missing girl you reported.”
“Honor. Her name was Honor. Nice girl. Always left me meatloaf.”
“Why don't you tell us what you saw that night?” Dean says.
“I heard a big noise, got woke, and there's somebody over there lifting a car up.”
“And did you happen to see who it was?” Dean asks.
“I was too far. But I saw a light go off.”
“A white light?” Bobby asks
“Blue. Blue like fire. But not. Then she was…she wasn't there.”
“Could you think of anything else?” Bobby asks.
“Okay. Well...thank you for your time,” they both say as they stand up and see themselves out. 
As they get into the Impala Bobby says, “Okay. So, no white light.”
“No angel. So Jody said that they were all part of the same church?”
“Ready to get your worship on?” With that, Dean pulls out into the street and speeds off towards Good Faith Church in the centre of town. He pulls into a park in front of the large religious building. They take in the multicoloured stained glass windows showcasing stories of the bible as they walk through the heavy wooden doors. A short lady with shoulder-length blonde hair welcomes them.
“Welcome to Good Faith Church, I haven’t seen you at our services. Are you new to town?”
“Something like that,” Bobby says as he shakes her hand.
“Well then, can I interest you in a tour?”
“Sure,” Dean says with a nod.
They follow her around the halls of the chapel and listen as she tells them stories of their faith. At the end of the tour, she leads them into an office and offers them to take a seat. “We hope you enjoyed the tour. Any questions before we get you boys registered?”
“Uh, yeah, look, Ms Futchko,” Bobby says.
“Oh, please... Bonnie will do just fine.”
“Bonnie. Okay, we...love the church. We do. But...Well, we've heard that a few members have gone missing, and, to be honest...that kind of scares us.”
“Let me assure you, with our increased security, Good Faith has never been safer. And those people who have gone missing, well, they are front and centre in our prayers.”
“What a relief. Now, you must have been, uh, close to them,” Dean cuts in.
“Well, we do share the A.P.U. bond.”
“The A.P.U.?” Dean asks.
“Our chastity group...‘Abstinence Purifies Us.’”
“Oh. W-wow. You mind if we sit in on that, maybe see if it's for us?” Bobby asks.
“I'm afraid it's members only. I'm sorry, but it can get pretty personal.”
“Then count us in,” Bobby says.
“Well. I'll be a squirrel in a skirt. I'll be back in a jiff with the papers.” Bonnie walks out of the office to collect the papers, leaving Dean and Bobby sitting alone.
“A chastity group?” Dean asks.
“Dean, listen, if all the members were in A.P.U., then maybe whatever took them is stalking virgins.”
“And that Slim guy said he thought he saw fire. So, what are you thinking, dragons?”
Bonnie returns with two clipboards interrupting them. “All righty. You can just sign there, and your purification can begin.”
“Purity pledge?” Bobby reads out.
“It's a commitment to your virginity.”
“I don't think we can really un-ring that bell. You know what I mean?” Dean states with a smirk.
“Oh. I see. Well... If you just ask for God's forgiveness for your sins and make a new vow of chastity, well, then, you'll be born again as a virgin in his eyes.”
“So, you just hit the "virginity do-over" button, and all is good with the man upstairs?” Dean asks.
“It's not a button. And...this isn't just a piece of paper. I mean, this is your clean slate, your chance to be a virgin until marriage.”
“You know what, I’ve had my shot. Been married and all that, so I’m out. But you’re recently engaged, might be the perfect time for you. Sure your girl would be thrilled with the prospect of a pure white wedding,” Bobby says handing back the clipboard unsigned.
“Well, you had me at clean slate. Let's do this,” Dean says as he signs his name and hands back the clipboard.
“Congratulations, Dean Winchester. You are now a virgin.”
Dean gives her a tight smile and glances at Bobby. Bonnie takes the clipboards and leaves to start setting up the session. 
“You think Y/N will forgive me for this?”
“Depends…you planning on honouring your pledge?”
“As you said, it might be just what we need right now. Gives me more incentive to get her in that white dress already. Clean slate, new plan, the start of a happy future for us.”
“Alright. Well, you go get pure. I’m gonna hit the library.”
Dean hands Bobby the keys to the Impala and makes his way to the room Bonnie had shown them earlier where the meetings are held. When he enters the room he sees a group of women setting up folding chairs in a circle and laying out trays of food and coolers on a couple of folding tables along one wall. He helps set up the chairs before they all take a seat.
One of the ladies claps her hands and looks around the circle smiling. “Good afternoon, everyone. I'm Suzy. I thought we'd begin with a silent prayer for our missing friends.”
Everyone closes their eyes in a silent prayer except for Dean who is still watching everyone. After a moment he joins in and ducks his head quietly.
“Amen. Now, does anyone have anything that they would like to share?” Suzy asks. “Why don't we hear from our new friend? Dean, what brought you here to reclaim your virginity?”
“Uh, hard to say, exactly. Yeah. Sex has always felt, I don't know, good, you know? I mean, really, really good. But, uh...Sometimes, it just makes you feel bad, you know? But, you know, when you get down to it, what's the big deal, right? I mean, sure, there's the touching and the feeling all of each other, my hands everywhere, tracing every inch of her body, the two of us moving together, pressing and pulling...Grinding. Then you hit that sweet spot, and everything just builds and builds and builds until it all just...Yeah. Uh...But the whole thing was just a little too, uh...sticky. So, uh, I got my V card back. The end.”
The meeting continues with an air of discomfort after Dean’s confession. Dean watches everyone intently for the rest of the meeting. Once it’s over he helps tidy up the chairs and create small talk with some of the ladies to search for leads. 
He makes his way over to the leader, Suzy and says, “Hey, Suzy right? Great meeting. But I uh, I gotta say you look so familiar.”
“Yeah, I-I'm pretty sure we've never met, Dean.”
“Wait, you're new in town, right?”
“Uh, yeah. New to town. New to this whole chastity thing.”
“Well, I provide individual counselling. If you ever need to talk.”
“So, everybody in the group, they dish to you?”
“They confide. Abstinence is – it's really rough without support and education. Hey, you know what? I have some great books on the vow that really helped me. I-I live close. I'll just go grab them.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. With a, uh, with a kidnapper on the loose?”
“No, I'll be fine.”
“Tell you what, why don't I walk with you just to be safe, okay?”
“Alright, if you insist.”
They walk side-by-side back to her apartment. When she opens the door for them she says, “Make yourself comfortable.”
Dean watches as she takes off her hoodie leaving her just wearing a camisole. She sits down on her couch with her back to Dean. His cell phone rings, but he declines it quickly. He approaches Suzy on the couch and notices that she is crying.
“I can't stop thinking about my friends. I'm so scared for them. Will you pray with me, Dean?”
“Sure.” She takes his hand in her own and bows her head. Dean lightly squeezes her hand and awkwardly bows his head in response. 
After a while, she gains her composure and stands up abruptly. “Well, I’ll get you those books. Just give me one minute.”
Dean gives her a soft, awkward smile and stands up. He looks around the room. He sees a drawer slightly cracked open. He opens the drawer wider and in shock pulls out two Casa Erotica DVDs. His phone rings again, and when he sees the caller ID he’s quick to answer.
“Hey, sorry I left without saying anything, I had to come help Bobby with something.”
“I know, it’s fine. I just need to ask you something,” Y/N says over the phone.
“Shoot,” Dean says as he places the DVDs on the cabinet and makes his way into the hall.
“Is there more to our relationship than sex?”
“What makes you ask that?”
“Just tell me the truth, Dean.”
“Of course. You make me feel safe, happy, and hopeful. All feelings I haven’t felt since I was four. You make me want to be a better man. You give me a reason to live and fight harder to get to the other side of this dangerous, messy life we lead. You make me believe there is a way out. I don’t tell you every day, even though I should, but I love you.” He looks back at the door briefly, the images from the DVDs filtering through his mind distracting him. “I just…since you lost the baby…I guess I’ve felt lost. Like maybe there isn’t a way out or a future for us.”
“Dean…don’t say that.”
“You wanted the truth…I knew I never should have got my hopes up. You let me believe and then you let me down, again.”
“Don’t you dare blame me! I wasn’t sure either, and you’re the one that convinced me! You’re the one that told me it would be okay. I know you’re hurting, Dean, but so am I.”
“Hunters just aren’t meant to have relationships or families or futures.”
“Dean, baby, please. That’s not true.”
“Look around, sweetheart, it is.”
When the line goes silent he puts his phone away and goes back into Suzy’s apartment.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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@bitchwitch1981, @muhahaha303, @justrealizedimmascifygurl, @mcdowell-123, @leigh70, @marvelsmarauder, @losa12308, @tapedeck-hearts, @luvjaida, @peachtxa, @ambearsstuff, @shadow-of-a-cloud, @slut-for-buck, @iprobablyshipit91, @sassy-pelican
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SR Jamil Viper Masquerade Dress Personal Story: Part 2
"With a little ingenuity"
(Part 1) Part 2
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[City of Flowers]
―Topsy Turvy Festival, free-roam time
Jamil: Fascinating, there's still a lot to see here at the festival venue. I'm glad to have this free time to myself.
Jamil: I still have some time before the big show… Now, what should I do first?
???: Sh-Shoot… It feels like I'm about to drop everything.
Jamil: Hm? Oh that’s…
Jamil: Deuce… What are you doing, trying to balance all those little boxes in your arms?
Deuce: Ah, Viper-senpai! …Ack, oops, that was close! Oh, these? I bought a ton of gifts for everyone back in my dorm.
Jamil: Well, I see that, but… Why are you carrying them all by hand? You said you prepared a bag for them, right?
Deuce: Uhhh… Yeah, I did bring one but, I got it caught on a corner of one of the buildings and it ripped...
Jamil: Sigh… As a fellow representative of the same school, seeing you look so ungainly like that is pretty embarrassing. Here, I'll let you borrow this.
Deuce: This… is a scarf, though. What do I need it for?
Jamil: Just put a few of your gifts in the middle of the scarf.
Deuce: O-Okay. Here's a box of cookies and caramels, and a jam jar. Oh, and the pencil I received from Ashengrotto-senpai!
Deuce: And then I also have this shirt I bought for myself… But it looks like it won't fit. I'll hold on to this for now.
Jamil: If this is all you have, it should all fit. Then, you take the four corners of the scarf and twist and tie them like this…
Deuce: Oh, the tied-up ends of the scarf around the boxes became like a handle… Oh wow, it's like a bag!!
Jamil: If you carry it like this, you'll have your hands free, and you shouldn't have to worry about dropping anything.
Deuce: Thank you very much… This is a huge life-saver! Please let me buy you some juice as thanks.
Jamil: Don't worry about it. I don't need you to treat me for something like this.
Deuce: No, no, it'd be my pleasure… Uh, huh? The zipper on my wallet's stuck… Hrrrrnghh!
Jamil: If you try to pull it by force, you'll break it. I don't want to watch all your coins go everywhere when that happens. Give it to me.
Jamil: Guess I could use the cotton swabs and the paper soap here. I'll rub them together and transfer the grease from the soap onto the cotton swab.
Jamil: Then, I just have to rub the cotton swab against the part of the zipper that's catching…
Deuce: Woah, it opened… Thank you very much!
Deuce: I can't believe you could use that paper soap and cotton swabs like this. And I definitely didn't think that a scarf could be used for a bag.
Deuce: It's just like you said at the Mystery Shop about just needing a little bit of ingenuity.
???: Heeey, Jamil! Deuce!
Jamil: Hm? That voice…
Grim: Look, I got 5 scoops of ice cream! Ain't it cool!?
Grim: Ah! Oh no, it's falling…! Fnyaaaaaaaa!!
[ice cream goes flying]
Deuce: Aaah! The ice cream is coming this way!!
Deuce: Huh? My clothes aren't dirty?
Deuce: Did you protect us from the ice cream with magic, Viper-senpai? Wh-Whew.
Deuce: Hey, Grim, that was really close!
Grim: My… My ice cream~ I didn't even get to have a single bite… Nyaaaa~~!
Grim: Then… I just gotta go an eat [Yuu]'s, then!
Deuce: Man, he's not listening at all… Huh? Ack!
Deuce: A drop of chocolate ice cream got on the shirt I was holding, and now there's a brown stain… What should I do?
Jamil: Let me see… Hm, something as small as this, I should be able to do something about it.
Deuce: Really!?
Jamil: Yeah. This time, I'll use a scarf, the paper soap, the cotton swabs… Pretty much everything I brought.
Jamil: I'll place the scarf under the shirt, and lather up the stained part of the shirt with a wet paper soap.
Jamil: Then, I'll gently dab it with the cotton swab…
Deuce: ! Woah, the stain is disappearing!!
Jamil: By dabbing the cotton swab into the stain, I'm able to transfer it to the scarf. That should be enough of a temporary fix.
Deuce: Wow. You just used normal everyday objects to fix problem after problem…
Deuce: You just keep saving my hide, Viper-senpai. I'll treat you to not just one bottle of juice, but a whole case!
Jamil: I'm not going to be able to drink that much juice at once, you know…
Jamil: Don't worry about it, really. In fact, I'd rather you just stay out of trouble when you're around me.
Jamil: Also, compared to usual… This sort of thing's pretty trivial.
Jamil: This event is really nice and calming. I'm looking forward to whatever comes next, too.
Deuce: As long as you're here, Viper-senpai, no matter what happens, I bet we'll all be able to enjoy both the festival and the masquerade
Jamil: Sure, but it'd be best if nothing troublesome actually happens.
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(Part 1) Part 2
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cuddlecave · 3 months
“Put me down!” Desmond shouts. “Down?” Rainbow replies, mockingly. His reply is followed by horrible flesh-ripping sound. The place where a mouth always should’ve been on the monstrous man’s face begins to tear open, eventually leaving him with a rough, wicked grin. Desmond doesn’t like where this is going. His heart lurches when he’s suddenly being dangled above that grin, and it opens up wide. Desmond REALLY doesn’t like where this is going! Rainbow's fingers release their hold on Desmond's vest, and he drops strait into that ragged maw. It swiftly snaps shut once he’s in, and Rainbow's warped skin knits itself back together, very effectively trapping Desmond. Desmond doesn’t realize that part yet, scrambling to flip himself onto his back. He looks to the wall of misshapen, misaligned teeth, and begins kicking hard at them in an attempt to get Rainbow to open back up. He doesn’t get many kicks in before the oily black tongue beneath him flexes, pinning him against Rainbow’s upper palate. A deep amused hum rattles through Desmond’s body, and then the muscle pinning him flexes again, and he’s being pushed backwards. His world goes topsy-turvy as his head hits the entrance of the throat, and before he can even think to do anything, he’s sucked down into it with a loud gulp. “There,” Rainbow says smugly, “you’re down.”
sneaky peak, in which a certain therapist learns the value of phrasing.
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rockshrimp1989 · 10 months
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On this day 26 years ago, a Canadian toddler was abducted by aliens, a "big-boned" 3rd grader was under alien control, and the world of television was changed forever. Happy 26th anniversary to the show that has forever changed and saved my life!!🥳🎉🌲👽👏❤️ This show brings me absolute joy, and there is no better piece of media that acts as the perfect mirror to our topsy-turvy society and rips apart extremes and celebrity...all while making us laugh in the process. Not to mention the amazing people in this fandom and who work on the show, and the incredible fan experiences I've been fortunate enough to be a part of! Matt and Trey, words simply cannot express how thankful I am to you both❤️
(On a side note, I couldn't get my facial expression close to the Stan-in-love face from the pilot without looking like a mole, so I modified😄)
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thekillingmoonmoon · 1 year
For the ask game i propose: "What You Need" by The Weeknd with .. drum roll .. Toji. hehe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
hello ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
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Pairing: Fushiguro Toji x Fem! Reader Warnings: NSFW, manhandling, oral, slapping, Length: 665 Song: The Weeknd – What you need (slowed and reverb)
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You wanted sweetness. You wanted roses and heart-shaped chocolate, a white-picket fence life and a heart to call home. You wanted a cup of coffee every morning, steam lined windows with hearts drawn in the condensation. You wanted gentle, murmurings of your name softly falling from a reverent mouth, praying your praises to the heavens above. That was not what you needed.
What you needed was rough, a smile split by a scar, hunter’s eyes devouring you like prey. What you needed was to be thrown around, put in your place and then some, made to fall apart until you were nothing but an aching, molten mess. And you got what you needed with Toji, feeling him bite and suck at your clit below you, his low grunts and wily tongue already sending you over the edge. His tongue sunk deep into your cunt, your legs thrown over his shoulders as he devoured your pussy like it was his last meal. You were close to cumming, already twitching and trembling from the intense ministrations of Toji’s tongue and teeth and lips. He had you splayed on you couch, bare from the waist down, barely inside the front door of your apartment. Your ripped panties hung from your ankles, lacy and white, torn asunder by his bare hands.
You bucked your hips against his hands, earning yourself a heavy slap to the thigh. “Quit squirmin’,” he huffed, steadily stretching you out and squelching thickly in your cunt, preparing you for his heavy cock. You mewled, back arching as you came, slick gushing around his crooked fingers as he worked you through you high. You were barely given time to recover before he dragged you upright and bent you over the couch, spreading your legs and slapping your ass.
“There’s my pretty pussy,” He rumbled, three fingers still hooked inside your push folds, working at a steady rhythm, pumping in and out, in and out. You were dizzy, turned topsy turvy by his hazy hands, drunk on the warmth that radiated from your very core.
You needed him, needed the high only he could bring.
He pulled his cock free from his jeans, thumbing over his slit whilst he spread your slick along his length.
“you ready for my cock, doll?” he teased your entrance, slowly sinking his cock deep into your sweet cunt. He rocked you back heavily onto him, watching the way your folds swallowed him whole, greedily holding onto his hot length as he pistonned into you. Your slick trickled into the space between you, sweet and sticky, forming a white ring around his cock. He pumped into you, pushing pressure onto that spot that has you seeing stars, falling forward into oblivion in a tight spiral of love and lust. He tugged you back hard onto his cock, skin slapping skin throughout the silent room, broken by your light whimpers. You could almost feel him in your chest, hot and twitching, hard and unyielding as he bullied his way into your pretty cunt. He tugged you back, his chest to your back, your tiptoes skittering over the floor. He slung an arm around your neck, his rough hand finding your throat and pressing on it gently. He reached around and started rubbing his thumb over your sloppy clit, pushing and pushing until you toppled over the edge into a hot, sticky mess. You spiralled, stars spilling from your spine as static filled  your limbs,
“That’s it, babygirl, cum for me,” Toji grunted, his pace not slowing, knocking you forward until you were nothing but a ragdoll in his arms, using your body for his own pleasure until he came with a groan and spurts of white warmth filled your lower abdomen.
Yes. You wanted sunshine, and softness, sweetness. But you needed him. Needed the harsh slap of his skin on yours, the rough bruises he left on your body, the desperate marks he painted over your skin with his mouth. You needed Toji.
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I do not own Jujutsu Kaisen, or any of the related characters. Jujutsu Kaisen is created  and owned by Gege Akutami. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not making any profit from this story. All rights of Jujutsu Kaisen belong to Gege Akutami. Please do not copy, re-use, or distribute this work as your own
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all images and gifs used are either from popular media or from stock photos. I do not own or take credit for any of the images, only edits
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icariandescent · 10 months
I was on my way to leave a comment on a fic I enjoyed, but when I got to the comment section, I was shocked as hell. I was gonna say this on the fic itself, but the author froze the particular thread and I figured it means they don’t want the situation to continue being discussed in the comment section.
Even though I don’t wanna beat a dead horse because it’s honestly incredibly ridiculous, but I want to say a few things.
First and foremost, the author’s attitude is so stellar and awesome. I was SHOCKED to read the first comment (and then the second one, Jesus H. Christ), and I’m so certain that if someone had commented something like that on a fic of mine, I would’ve handled it way worse. Kudos to you for not only being headstrong and intolerant of bullshit but also for maintaining your composure (and being much nicer than deserved)
As for the person who left the comments, I’m not particularly interested in being hateful and antagonistic. I just want to highlight how fucked up it was. You read a work posted for free on a website made for communities of people with similar interests to come together. You then not only disingenuously critiqued the work, which NO ONE ASKED btw, but you also criticized the community as well. As if having supportive friends that encourage your hobbies and interests is something criminal? THEN, you criticized the writer themself? As if your taste is so objectively and definitively discerning, that you are able to deem someone a good writer or not? Get the fuck out of here
If you are interested in sharing thoughts about the story, there are proper ways to do that. Characters don’t always behave rationally or ethically, and writers are entitled to their interpretations and deviations. If you don’t agree with a character’s behavior or a writer’s direction, you can either express that in a friendly way (which means doing so in good faith) or JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!! There are so many different takes out there, you’re bound to find one that satisfies you.
How arrogant and presumptuous do you have to be to assume that your criticisms are so important that they simply HAVE to be shared even when they are UNPROMPTED, UNDESIRED, and, most tragically of all, COMPLETE BULLSHIT?! And how ignorant are you to conflate a choice on character behavior with the quality of the author’s writing.
Fanfic exists for people to express their interests and creativity. It is done for free and posted for everyone to see, which requires bravery. It is FAKE, so if you like it, you can immerse yourself in the escapist fantasy, and if you don’t, THEN DON’T.
I’m sorry if this post is too long, I just had a lot of thoughts. I was horrified to read something so negative and spiteful in a comment section. Especially within a community that I care about a lot and that has helped me so much in my personal life. It reminded me of something I saw in a soulmate AU last year (which was also bs)
Be. Nice. To. Writers. We try our best and we want to make stuff that people enjoy. But we are not machines devoid of feeling. It’d be great if people remembered that.
The biggest shame is that the work in question was actually pretty incredible imo. What a topsy-turvy world…
TL;DR: bitches say shit but they ain’t say nothing idk just read it or don’t rip
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baiika · 8 months
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//I don't really get why so much of fanon incorporates like... ascension & godhood to Sousuke's zanpakutou. Like the entire thing is about trickery. So I'm going to dump my headcanon on it here!
I cannot impress this strongly enough; Sousuke is a depraved human being & his zanpakutou is a reflection of it. Topics of narcissistic abuse, homicide, violence, & surrealism are explored in depth. Reader discretion is advised.
Sousuke's inner world is a wetland rife with cranes. In the center is a Torii gate rotated forty-five degrees counter-clockwise & suspended midair. It's a representation of his zanpakutou turning everything topsy-turvy via illusions. The imagery is deliberately simple because, in reality, Sousuke is simple to understand.
Kyouka Suigetsu as the entity is an animated kimono. The kimono itself is red & painted with cranes in a wetland. Her "head" is a black orb with a purple eye in the center. It seemingly turns to meet Sousuke's gaze no matter how he's positioned relative to her. For instance, he can be behind her, but the the orb will seem to be staring at him forefront.
Sousuke only needed to complete one task to obtain his zanpakutou, but because he's an asshole & a moron, it took a whopping six attempts!
First attempt: Kyouka Suigetsu presents herself to Sousuke after he coerces a classmate into having anal sex with him. Kyouka tells Sousuke the reason she presented herself is because he's a mighty warrior. Really, she just likes when people are in pain. Kyouka Suigetsu tells Sousuke that if he cuts off & eats his toe, she'll give him her powers. It takes two hours for Sousuke to get the nerve to cut off his little toe & eat it. Kyouka Suigetsu didn't want his little toe eaten, though, she wanted his big toe, but she didn't tell him that, & chastises Sousuke for being a coward. Sousuke argues he did as she wanted but Kyouka tells him that she refuses to give him so much as her release command until he proves himself fit.
Second attempt: Sousuke envies the attention his classmates are giving a handsome upperclassman after they obtain their shikai, so Sousuke seeks out Kyouka Suigetsu through meditation. Kyouka Suigetsu offers to give Sousuke her release command if he reopens the stump of his little toe & brings her one hundred freshly-excised human tongues while it free bleeds. Sousuke agrees. He enlists a peer, whose family is a retainer of the Shihouin, for reconnaissance. This classmate gives Sousuke the location of a militia holdout if Sousuke agrees to give them the credit for the assassination. Sousuke, only needing the tongues, agree. They kill the militia & Sousuke offers Kyouka Suigetsu their tongues. Sousuke is then given the release command of his zanpakutou.
Third attempt: Kyouka Suigetsu asks Sousuke to drive someone to kill themselves to be given her name. Sousuke spectacularly fails this task. Kyouka Suigetsu chastises him for being stupid. This prompts Sousuke to attack Kyouka Suigetsu. He is swarmed by cranes & his liver is eaten.
Fourth attempt: Sousuke is revived in his inner world & chastised by Kyouka Suigetsu for attacking her. Kyouka Suigetsu offers an avenue for forgiveness. If he captures one of the cranes & gives it to her, all will be forgiven, & they can resume as normal. The cranes of Sousuke's inner world are unusual. When he touches them, it's like dipping his hands into a pool of water, but they can touch him perfectly fine, which means they can easily hurt him. Sousuke tries leading one to Kyouka Suigetsu, but they leave as soon as they're close enough to her. Sousuke eventually figures out he can craft a net out of the grasses & brings Kyouka Suigetsu a crane. In the net, the crane's wings are broken & its feathers ripped off it. Kyouka Suigetsu agrees to keep going with training.
Fifth attempt: Sousuke must isolate himself in the mountains. This is cleared with the academy once Sousuke explains its purpose. Sousuke is guided to the perfect place by Kyouka Suigetsu, which is a waterfall & large lake hidden by greenery. He is told to strip naked & meditate under the waterfall & that he must not move, no matter what. The only thing he can do is open and close his eyes. The first two days are uneventful, but then Kyouka Suigetsu sics illusions on him, were the cranes are eating his liver and lungs, dreams where he's being sodomized by black hair, among other disturbing images. He manages to go a month without moving & Kyouka Suigetsu gives him the gives him the first part of her name.
Sixth attempt: Sousuke returns to the academy & is met by his classmate who helped him acquire the tongues. They make friends after sharing progress with their zanpakutou. The classmate tells Sousuke that their zanpakutou is being uncooperative & Sousuke says his zanpakutou is being demanding. They then bond over violence & exploitation of women. Kyouka Suigetsu demands Sousuke kill his classmate for the second part of her name. Sousuke wants to refuse, & then remembers the cranes attacking him, so he knows he cannot decline. Sousuke & his classmate go drinking together & after his classmate is blackout drunk, Sousuke strangles him. Kyouka Suigetsu explains that something so simple won't appease her, despite not being specific about her instructions. She tells Sousuke she'll give him the rest of her name once he decapitates his friend. Sousuke decapitates his classmate. Kyouka Suigetsu takes the head & gives Sousuke the rest of her name.
Sousuke obtains shikai after this. Kyouka Suigetsu enlists him in forty-two more trials, which are significantly less gruesome & far easier to accomplish, to master her power over the next two years. 
Sousuke alleges that he & his zanpakutou are on good terms, but in reality, Sousuke loathes Kyouka Suigetsu. Not because of the pain she inflicted on him, but because she treats him the same as he treats other people, as objects for pleasure, which embitters him. He's also displeased that a woman subjugates him.
I've been debating whether or not to detail Sousuke's bankai & its obtainment for awhile since it's something I wanna do in character, but I doubt I'll have to opportunity to, so I've decided to detail it anyway.
Kyouka Suigetsu offers to give Sousuke bankai after he sees what the Soul King really is. I will post more on that & how it shaped him as a person another time. However, it's the time Kyouka Suigetsu offers Sousuke bankai.
As is typical of Kyouka Suigetsu, Sousuke must pass a trial in order to obtain bankai. The trial is a three-day endurance test where Sousuke must maintain a massive illusory field while Kyouka sics cranes on him. It's hilarious.
Kagami Emon (mirror costume) shatters his zanpakutou. The shards resemble mirror shards & embed themselves into his skin. The shards on his head & shoulders stand taller, resembling shoulder adornments & a crown. It stands to reason their mass increases since there's not enough material in a sword to cover his entire body. The shards are still sharp & make him bleed.
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valorxdrive · 10 months
❝ sometimes the monsters we least expect are the most dangerous. ❞
The saying finds itself holding a topsy turvy perspective within his mind. Through voyaging beyond the stars and across the countless chasms of reality, watching the many ways life flourished or corroded, where people involved within his particular journey as starseekers were thrust into the chaotic grasp of Darkness one way or another, it left him... confused.
For there were many who also heralded the ends days that could produce an instinctively deep fear, the sort that could squeeze and claw at the very matter of your being, Sora's lips thinned as a hum escaped. So where does Luna's words find their lot in this system of experience?
Monsters made through relationships lost? Sides of the self that were all too eager to crawl to the surface, casting away restraint in terms of desire fulfilled? Or, by chance she encountered threats that found pleasure and purpose in intentionally keeping out of sight.
"Heheh, I can't really tell if it's bitter surprises or what you can see deep down that winds up being the worst. ..I'm not sure what I can really least expect at this point anymore."
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The day power found itself burning bright within his hands was simultaneously marked by a day of betrayal. Ruin surrounded him, childhood whimsy and dreams smashed against the sea glazed rocks of a calamitous stretch, all while a great darkness lorded above destiny islands. When it came to Riku, in some ways, ..that wasn't the least expected. There was a discomfort that wormed heavily into their gang at the islands.
His distance as a thirst for adventure and an unknown promise allowed the intoxicating sweetness of false promises blind him.
So how about another? When that same individual ripped that strength back to it's rightful heir, when his companions that grew dear decided to follow duty instead of standing by their bond.
A monster known as helplessness had torn and burrowed into his rib cage then. Despite the outcome now days being a lot more positive, that all encompassing feeling that wanted to choke his Heart makes shivers creep through his being even now.
"..Is that another case of least expecting? When all courage within you could disappear from just one little moment?"
If only he could see the pain that contorts his face into such a firm gaze.
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ms-cellanies · 10 months
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phantombanquet · 1 year
SR Masquerade Dress Jamil Personal Card Story “Depend On Your Ingenuity” Part 2
City of Flowers
Topsy-Turvy Festival, Free Time
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Jamil: There are a lot of interesting things to see at the festival grounds. I'm glad we have free time.
It looks like there's still a few more minutes left before the show starts. Well, what to do...
???: T-This is bad... I think I'm about to lose my balance...
Jamil: Hm? This is...
Deuce... Why are you holding so many small boxes in your hands?
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Deuce: Ah, Viper-senpai... W-Woah! Do you mean this? I bought souvenirs for everyone in the dorm.
Jamil: I understand that... But why are you holding everything in your hands? I thought you prepared bags with you?
Deuce: Uhm... I brought it with me, but it got caught on the wall of a building earlier and ripped...
Jamil: Haa... If I had that kind of clumsiness, I would be embarrassed to be a student of the same school. I'll lend you this.
Deuce: This is... a scarf, isn't it? What's this for?
Jamil: For now, put some of your belongings on this center.
Deuce: Y-Yes! The box of cookies and caramel, and a jar of jam. And also, this pencil that Ashengrotto-senpai gave me!
The shirt I bought as a souvenir for myself... As expected I won't be able to place it on top. I'll hold onto this.
Jamil: I would rather fit it in here. Twist the four corners of the scarf and tie each of them like this......
Deuce: The knot of the scarf that wrapped the belongings turned into a handle... and it became a bag!?
Jamil: If you carry it like this, you won't have both of your hands occupied, and you won't drop your things.
Deuce: Thank you! You saved me. Please let me treat you to some juice as thanks.
Jamil: It's fine. I don't want to be treated like this by my juniors.
Deuce: You don't have to be modest... Huh? The purse's zipper got stuck... *Starts tugging on the zipper*
Jamil: If you try to forcibly open it, you'll break it. The next thing you'll see is coins scattering everywhere, and I won't be able to handle that. Give it to me.
I'll use the cotton swab and paper soap. Rub these two together so you can get the oil in the paper soap and put it in the cotton swab.
And after that, you can dab the cotton swab on the portions where the zipper can't slide.
Deuce: Wow, it opened! Thank you so much!
I didn't know the paper soap and cotton swab could be used like that. And I also never thought that a scarf can substitute for a bag.
This is what Viper-senpai meant when you said that you have to “depend on your ingenuity” back at the school store.
???: He—y, Jamil! Deuce!
Jamil: Huh? This voice is...
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Grim: Look, it's five layers of ice cream! Ain't this amazing!
*Wobble wobble*
Ah! Crap, I'm about to lose my balance... Funyahhn!!
Deuce: Woah! The ice cream is flying over to here!?
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Huh? My clothes didn't get dirty?
Did Viper-senpai use magic to protect me from the ice cream just now? I was s-saved!
Oi, Grim, that was dangerous!
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Grim: My... My ice cream~! I still haven't taken a bite of even a single layer... Funyaahh~~!!
When something like this happens...
I have no choice but to take Yuu's share!
Deuce: Seriously, he wasn't even listening... Uwah!?
The shirt I'm wearing got brown stains on the arm from the drops of chocolate ice cream... What should I do......
Jamil: Let me see... Hmm, I think I can handle removing a stain like this.
Deuce: Are you sure!?
Jamil: Yeah. Now this time, the scarf, paper soap, cotton swab... It's time to use all of them.
Place the scarf on the back of the shirt and use the wet paper soap to foam the stain.
And, if you lightly dab the cotton swab on top...
Deuce: ! The stains are disappearing!?
Jamil: I dabbed the cotton swab to remove the dirt so it can transfer to the scarf instead. This should be enough emergency treatment.
Deuce: Amazing. You're using everyday items to solve one problem after another.
Viper-senpai has been helping me a lot today. I won't treat you to only one juice, but I'll treat you as much as you like!
Jamil: It's impossible to drink that many bottles at once...
No need to thank me. Rather than that, I'd greatly appreciate it if you don't cause any more problems near me.
Besides, things like this... It's only just started compared to the usual.
The exchange meeting is currently calm and peaceful. I'm looking forward to later.
Deuce: With Viper-senpai around, we can really enjoy the festival, performances, and anything else that might happen.
Jamil: Well, it's best that nothing happens.
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Link to Part 1
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desitenya · 1 year
RIP my yoshi topsy turvy doesnt work anymore orz you were a good game
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