#retro fragrances
retrofragrances · 1 month
All Good Things Must Come To An End
A huge THANK YOU! to everyone who’s supported retrofragrances.com. Unfortunately, a close relative of mine has been diagnosed with Stage IV cancer. I am the caregiver and will no longer be able to maintain the site. Retrofragrances.com will close permanently on June 28, 2024. Anyone who’s been thinking about downloading “Understanding Perfume: A Beginner’s Guide” should do so now.
How To Download
There’s been some confusion about the download process for this ebook. There’s a “suggested price” section on the download page that reads 1.99 USD, but you can change that by typing in a different price. The lowest purchase price is 0.99 USD. Follow the prompts to complete the secure transaction. Lemon Squeazy makes it easy, lol.
Here's the store link for those having problems with the overlay on the website.
Thank You to everyone who’s already purchased, those who will purchase, and all my regular readers. It really feels good to know that something I’ve written has been helpful to others. As for the site, I can try again later when I have some free time. It’s been fun and a learning experience, but I need to spend as much time as possible with my loved one. I hope you all understand.
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bebemoon · 1 month
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“country girl moves to california in the ‘70s to become a star.”, requested by @lowvaluewoman | frankies bikinis "charli" off-the-shoulder mini dress in scarlet dot, sandy liang "cob" earrings, vintage soft ivory crochet wrist-length gloves, vintage sterling silver heart padlock charm bracelet w/ 19 silver charms, vintage white rim oversized square sunglasses, hermès "cabriole" eau de senteur (fragrance for children), top-handle wicker basket bag w/ blue gingham scarf, solcaleyo (on etsy) wooden platform sandals w/ bow detail in white
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fuzzyghost · 6 months
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jacquesdemys · 2 years
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Harper’s Bazaar April 1975. Photographed by Bill Silano. 
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kilianromero · 6 months
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Jonteel Face Powder (1918)
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manlovingwoman · 1 year
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Jordache Love Musk For Man
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misslinala · 2 months
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lisablack000 · 4 months
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Vintage Advertisement
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meltednostalgia · 1 year
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Smells just like the front store part of a Cracker Barrel I swear!
Just finished making some candles, put up a listing on Esty store front. Check it out!
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helloparkerrose · 1 year
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astrolovecosmos · 6 months
Aries Tea Party: You must come with an outfit or makeup that has flair, spices fill the air, everyone follows the host's lead, bright and airy atmosphere, loud voices and laughter, decisions are made here, a bold and maybe even conflict-fueling guest list.
Taurus Tea Party: In a beautiful garden, elegant dishes and teapots, roses and candles, soft attire, long dresses, good and close company, peaceful music, hand-crafted invitations, animals possibly invited too.
Gemini Tea Party: Picnic style in a meadow or in a lovely solarium, arboretum, or aviary, the tea is hot metaphorically and literally, matching outfits or themed outfits is encouraged, never-ending conversations, social games, maybe a book club gathering, a diverse guest list.
Cancer Tea Party: Family and close friends only, has gift bags, the best tea and hors d'oeuvres you've ever had, smile for the pictures, uplifting atmosphere, heirlooms possibly used, toss in a little magic whether it be 🏰 magic, grandma's recipes, the magic of family and love, or literal witchcraft, maybe a tea party by moonlight, maybe a tea party on the beach.
Leo Tea Party: Must dress extravagant or within a creative theme, rich flavors, royal gardens or tea rooms, watch out for the politics, be sure to compliment your host, there is room for indulgence and opulence, the best rumors you'll ever hear, the best service you've ever had too, there's time for a dance, for a reading, for croquet, for everything, drama may unfold but enjoy the show or ride, maybe a little wine with your tea?
Virgo Tea Party: An itinerary printed out and closely followed, please be punctual, dress nice, manners matter here, high-quality tea and food, entertaining and surprisingly decadent, there may be books to explore, you'll learn more than you expected at this gathering - whether it be about everyone's business or a new life hack, aesthetically pleasing and thoughtful decor, everything must be perfect, a place for stimulation but also respite.
Libra Tea Party: Plenty of sweets, the aesthetics 😍🤩, dainty and delicate, possibly a clever theme, personalized cups or napkins for the guests, has a guest list that is great for networking and matchmaking, comfortable chairs and couches, everything is pleasant from the decor to the fragrances to the temperature, will happen on a beautiful day.
Scorpio Tea Party: Private, exclusive guest list, spicy or strong flavors, may be inspired by fiction, crystals and witchy candles, maybe the perfect time for a tarot reading, a place where you'll hear secrets and hearts are spilled, maybe a sexy tea party. ;)
Sagittarius Tea Party: Fairy lights, maybe a tea party by candlelight, or by a beautiful fireplace - either way the lighting will be a centerpiece, cozy vibes, insightful conversations, plenty of laughs, possibly some excitement even if things seem like a quant tea party, a great time for show and tell, exotic or hard to find teas, very interesting company.
Capricorn Tea Party: Could be done in a traditional way, a beautiful chandelier or statues, maybe out in the woods, classical or indie music, only a few guests, VIP treatment, nothing of poor quality, moments happen here, some surprising secrets may accidentally come out, be sure to follow the dress code.
Aquarius Tea Party: Eclectic decorations, maybe retro vibes, plenty of light blankets and cute pillows, unusual or handcrafted teas, either has a large guest list or is having tea with one other person, could be doing the party for charity, people stay late due to captivating conversations, sneak in a game of chess or conspiracy theories, a gathering of like minds.
Pisces Tea Party: Aquamarine and coral colors, seafood may be served or a special diet, ocean themes, the most ornate cups and silverware, glitter and shimmers, maybe some time for poetry or painting, accommodating, moments to cry and share, only those that impress or connect with the host get invited back.
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retrofragrances · 1 year
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calaisreno · 1 year
Trying It Out
May 20 Prompt: Experiment
“What are you wearing?” Sherlock looks up from his experiment, distracted. Something John is doing has broken the order of his disciplined mind. 
John frowns. “Erm, clothes?”
Sherlock stands, approaches John like a specimen. He sniffs. “You’re wearing cologne.”
“Yes. Occasionally I do wear fragrance.”
This is a new one. It’s lighter, fresher. Not the rubbish he ordinarily wears when he’s—
“You have a date.”
“Oh, yes. I might, that is. Going out in a bit.”
“But I thought— you broke up with… the last one. The one with the hair.”
John laughs. “They all have hair, Sherlock. I don’t recall dating any bald—”
“The one with the Hair. Big Hair. Uncontrollably Big Hair.”
“You mean Sylvia. It wasn’t that big, you berk. Just a bit retro, with the teasing.”
“What people do when they want their hair to look bigger. You take a comb, and you—”
“What have you done with your hair?”
“My hair?” John is blushing, a clue that things are not as they should be. “I just… had it highlighted. A bit. I mean, why not? Women don’t have a monopoly on—”
Gently, he lays his hand on John’s head. “Product. You never use product.”
John looks annoyed now. “If you’re done examining the crime scene, I’m going out.” 
Alone, Sherlock contemplates what sort of woman could make John put product in his hair. And wear a fragrance that doesn’t smell like something his father would wear. He can draw no conclusions.
He continues his investigation, undeterred by his lack of success. John Watson is a tough case, but he has no doubt that he will solve him.
John hasn’t worn a jumper in days. He’s grown a small goatee, and then shaved it off. He’s joined a gym, lost five pounds. 
At this moment, he’s wearing a pink shirt. Nothing bright, just a dusty pink, touchable-looking shirt, well-fitted to his torso. 
“Nice shirt,” he ventures. 
“Thanks.” John blushes again, almost as pink as his shirt. He’s disturbed, perhaps, because if Sherlock ever says anything about what John is wearing, it’s to suggest that he burn whatever jumper he’s wearing. 
Who is this man, and what has he done with John Watson? Sherlock’s flatmate dresses like an old man: check shirts, cuddly jumpers, trousers that sag a bit in the bum. Always in colours like beige, tan, brown, grey, and occasionally blue or green. He never wears pink. 
“It’s a good colour on you.”
John smiles awkwardly and walks away. The seat of his jeans is not sagging. John has a rather nice arse, he thinks. 
Several evenings each week John goes out, always around nine. He looks a bit different each time. Once he spiked his hair. He’s worn different colognes, shirts that have miraculously appeared from somewhere. Certainly not the usual shops where John buys new khakis and ugly jumpers whenever Sherlock has spilled acid on the old ones or used them in an experiment. These shirts and trousers are more expensive, much nicer than anything he normally wears.
And Sherlock deduces: John is dating a man. 
The realisation socks him in the gut, takes all the air out of his lungs, and makes his heart sink. 
Once, many months ago, John tried to flirt with Sherlock. Across a table at Angelo’s, he asked if Sherlock had a boyfriend. And he said he was unattached. Sherlock’s reaction to this was half-panic, half-disdain. Sherlock Holmes was married to his work. He didn’t have what other people have— girlfriends, boyfriends, people he went places with. 
He had John, who dated women. John, who wore lumpy jumpers and trousers that sagged, and walked like that. John, who could never get a woman to go out with him more than twice. John, who would never leave Sherlock. 
And now? John might have a boyfriend. And it’s not Sherlock, as it should have been. 
Lestrade looks like he’s itching for a cigarette. Anderson looks bored. Donovan is smirking at John, who is— checking out Lestrade’s arse?
Before Sherlock can process this, John is turning to the other cop on the scene, the one who found the body. He’s tall, darkly handsome, and obviously flirting with John. 
And John is not frowning. He’s smiling, giving him that charming look he often gives Sherlock when he’s done something unusually brilliant. That look is for Sherlock, and John’s giving it to this tall, handsome idiot! 
“Come along, John,” he says, swirling his coat impatiently and raising his hand for a cab.
John comes along.
It’s ten in the evening, about the time when John usually starts yawning and washing the tea mugs, making sounds like he’s going to bed. 
Not tonight. John is wearing a fitted black shirt and a pair of jeans that show off a number of things that Sherlock is dying to see without that layer of denim. His highlighted hair is carefully tousled, making Sherlock’s fingers itch to touch it. 
“Where are you off to?” The fact that Sherlock hardly ever asks where John is going off to means that he’s giving John an awfully big clue that he cares where John goes off to late in the evening, returning in the wee hours smelling of other mens’s cologne. 
“Just meeting some friends,” John says. 
It’s true. John has friends— unlike Sherlock, who has just one. 
“Wanna come with me?”
Sherlock looks up, startled. John has never invited Sherlock along for pub night, or watching the footy with the blokes, or meeting up with old army buddies. 
John smiles. “Sure. I’d like you to meet my friends.”
It’s a gay bar, as Sherlock suspected, a rather nice, upscale place. He’s actually been here before, for a case. 
“John!” The man who is calling out and motioning them over to a table is the very man of Sherlock’s nightmares. Tall and handsome, he has dark, curly hair and blue eyes. He’s grinning at John and as soon as they’re within an arm’s length, he pulls John into a hug. 
He has a companion as well, a man who is shorter, with reddish-blond hair. 
“Sherlock, meet Alex and Dustin.”
“Finally!” the taller one exclaims. “We’ve been dying to meet the boyfriend!”
Instead of declaring that he’s not gay, and that Sherlock is not his boyfriend, John smiles sheepishly at Sherlock. “Alex works in retail, men’s clothing. I met him when I decided to upgrade my wardrobe. Dustin is his boyfriend.”
And instead of denying that John is his boyfriend, Sherlock slips an arm around him. Smiling at Alex, he says, “You’ve worked an absolute miracle on his man. Thanks to you, I no longer have to resort to spilling acid on his ugly jumpers.”
John laughs. “Oi! You leave my ugly jumpers alone, you git!” 
“A pleasant evening.” Sherlock studies John’s face as they walk home. “So.”
John ducks his head, smiling. “So.”
“An experiment?”
He huffs, shaking his head. “I haven’t been totally clear with you. I’m not gay. I’m bi, and I decided it was time to explore that side of me, learn to live with it. I told Alex I wanted to impress you, the poshest man on the planet, so he picked out things for me to try.”
Sherlock stops walking, takes John in his arms. “And you told him… I’m your boyfriend?”
“Well, I’d like to be. Maybe we could consider it an experiment?”
“Hm. It might be good to collect some data.” He leans down, kisses John. “I’m fairly sure, though, that I can predict the results.”
“Me, too,” John says, rising up for another kiss. 
Flash Fiction / 1264 words
@lisbeth-kk @meetinginsamarra @raina-at @bertytravelsfar @momma2boys @jrow @helloliriels @the-reading-lemon @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @elwinglyre @mydogwatson @thetimemoves @jobooksncoffee @lhrinchelsea @peanitbear
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Zaria (Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack Oc)
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Full Name: Zaria Baker
Age: 25
DOB: June 19th
Occupation: Frozen yogurt cashier; amatuer writer 
Sexuality: Straight
Ethnicity: African-American 
Affiliation: Popov's Big Top Yogurt-Topia!
Relatives: Elizabeth Rover (mother); Anthony Baker (father); Geoffrey Rover (stepfather); Jacqueline Baker (stepmother); Richard Rover ( paternal half brother); Michelle Baker (maternal half sister)
Residence: El Paso, Texas 
Headcanon Voice Actress: Vivian Nixon 
Likes: Animated movies & shows; sweets; breakfast; reading; writing; singing; retro media ; flowers; scented candles, fragrance, & bath and body products; anime/manga; video games; pink ; thrift stores; book stores; kids; Afrocentrism; researching topics; marriage
Dislikes: Raisins; orange juice; nuts; chitlins; heights; bad writing; super spicy foods; applesauce; kid haters;divorce; abortion; rude customers; anti-marriage jokes; bad singers; bad research; people who diss pink; cheating
Background: Just regular Texan girl who works in the grueling world of the fast food industry, who is waiting to really sell with the children's books series she is trying to come up with. She is still reeling from the bad break up she had with her childhood friend turned boyfriend turned cheating ex, Ian. He's trying to to worm his way back into her life, while she forgives him she also still is not ready to let him be close to her again. Despite trying to get her series off the ground, she is not above looking for extra opportunities like helping with old college roomate, Shaun, with his script. She is a bit disappointed that others seem to have gotten somewhere farther than her in life since college, but also is happy at least for Shaun he's made it big. Her life although rather mundane takes a dive when she goes thrift shopping and finds a mystery vhs tape which she buys and takes back home. She then meets an unlikely friend that only she can see named Jack who used to be the host of an old 80's kid's show, who seems first to be friendly but shows he has more of a dark side.
Personality: On the surface people might think of her as being at first childish, but underneath she is much more smarter than people give her. She really tries to prove she can do what people all her life underestimated her as. She tries to have a lot of confidence herself, but at times she can doubt herself. She often feels her immature demeanor drove Ian away to find a much more mature person to deal with. She also feels like she really hasn't done anything big in her life like her classmate and ex are doing. As a result, she really loves the praise that Jack makes her feel at times while also being a bit wary of his more darker stuff. She also is very sympathetic to wonder what happened to him to make him that way and really wants to form a relationship with him while making sure he doesn't need to feel possessive. She's very touchy about relationships due to her parent's divorce which also didn't help when Ian cheated and made her even more wary of getting into relationships. She has a big heart for kids and it's a reason why she wants to write a children's book series and even one day settle with a family. She really treasures her loved ones and would do anything for them. 
* She's autistic 
* Her parents have been divorced since she was three years old. 
* College graduate with a Bachelors of art in Creative writing. 
* She has a strong Texan twang. 
* She wants to one day publish her own children's book series. She wants it to be a kid's horror series. 
* Her half siblings are still in high school. Richard is a senior while Michelle is a sophomore. 
* She and Jack will have two twin children and a second daughter. 
* Ian's cheating really stung her since she's a child of divorce and had to deal with tons of issues in her parents custody handling of her where they switched between months having her. 
* She is on good terms with both stepparents and half-siblings despite issues during divorce. 
* She was also doubly hurt because Ian was one of her more consistent friends in life due to how her autism made her stand out at times. 
* The flower pin was a gift from Ian back when they were dating. 
Created through picrew.me/en/image_maker/94097…
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cheesy09 · 6 months
[CN] Kiro's 6th Anniversary Event Story - Final Part (1)
🌸 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for content that hasn't been released on the EN server yet! 🌸
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Originally, I hadn't planned on translating this event, but I'm making an exception for this part because it was just TOO CUTE!!! 😭💕
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For context, this year's anniversary event is all about travelling to various spots in Loveland with your love and taking part in various couple activities. You can read the prologue here.
The following is the event's final plot for Kiro and MC.
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Even though it is winter, due to the unique conditions of Clear-Spring Mountain, flowers still continue to bloom all over the mountains and plains.
Opening the convertible of the retro sports car, we drive towards the mountains, all the while enjoying the beautiful scenery.
I have made a reservation in advance at the Honey Farm located in a sea of flowers in the mountains. Many blogger couples have commented that the activities at this place are very sweet.
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Kiro: The first step is to beat the eggs... separate the egg whites... then add the sugar... granulated sugar? lumps of sugar?
Seeing Kiro casually talk while driving, I smile and gently squeeze his shoulder.
MC: Pfft, if the baking teacher comes to know that there are students who have prepped in advance, they'll be very touched.
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Kiro: Don't make fun of me. If the summer island kitchen bombing incident happens again, I really will go into a tree hole on the farm.
MC: Don't worry, with me here, our cake will only succeed, not fail.
MC: After all, we both want to draw a perfect end to our journey here~
Seems like my comfort is somewhat effective. Kiro smiles and squeezes my palm, then slightly speeds up the accelerator.
Kiro: Then I'll also study hard. So that when you want to eat cake in the future, I can make it for you with my own hands.
Teacher: Welcome both of you, to our sweet couple activities...
Teacher: ...We first need to beat the egg mixture with sugar into a thick, fluffy foam. Next...
After the teacher explains the steps to make the cake, it is our turn to practice them.
Kiro: Come, let me try it.
Kiro takes the egg beater from my hand and beats it carefully. Seeing the egg liquid beginning to turn white, I quickly speak in affirmation.
MC: That's right - stop!
Before I can finish speaking, I see him dig out a big spoonful of sugar and pouring it into the container. I quickly hold down his arm.
MC: Sugar was added before, no need to add more!
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Kiro: Is it enough? But the amount that was added before seemed so small. Will it be sweet enough?
That extremely serious gaze makes me clearly realize at this moment why this person is known as a "kitchen killer".
Recipe books and instructional videos tell us the most accurate steps, sometimes even down to the grams.
But for a "feeler" like Kiro, instead of telling him what is right, it is better to let him adjust step by step based on his own feelings.
So, I gently let go of my hand.
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MC: Hmm... Actually, I'm not sure if the previous proportion is the sweetness we prefer.
MC: So just follow your own ideas. If it's too sweet, we can just add less sugar next time~
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Kiro: Mm, I think so too. We still gotta make a cake that suits us best.
He grows slightly excited and digs out two more spoons of sugar and adds them in. Seeing the sugar bag almost bottoming out, I can't help but "comfort" myself in my heart.
As long as Kiro is happy.
Then, he continues completing the honey cake embryos one after another under my "guidance" and then puts them in the oven.
Kiro: 160°, 40 minutes, done!
Once we are done, the staff takes us to a glass greenhouse to wait.
I look at the "sweet space" before me that is temporarily exclusive to us--
Lush branches, leaves and flowers sway in the wind, surrounding the entire area with spring, accompanied with bursts of fragrance.
There is a coffee table and sofa in the center of the greenhouse, and the bookshelf on the side lists various board games, providing a variety of entertainment options.
Kiro: "What do you and your significant other have in common?"
I follow the sound and turn around, finding Kiro standing in front of a wall, seemingly looking at something.
MC: What is that?
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Kiro: Hmm... Two questions were asked above. It seems to be a small game to enhance feelings.
I walk over quickly and whisper another question.
MC: "What are the differences between you and your significant other?"
I pause and subconsciously look at Kiro, only to find him already gazing at me with a smile.
Kiro: Though the question seems to be simple... I'm still curious about Miss Chips' answer.
MC: That's quite the coincidence. I'm also curious about your answer.
We tacitly smile at each other, pick up the pen and paper on the table and sit down.
MC: So let's each write our own and then exchange them?
He responds with a smile and starts to write. I also unfold the white paper and think about the similarities between us.
The afternoon sun fills the table with warmth, and for a while, it becomes so quiet that I am only able to hear the scratching of the tips of our pens across the paper.
After a while, I stop writing, and the chair next to me makes a slight scraping sound.
MC: Seems like we've written everything. Let's start from the first question.
Kiro: Okay, I'll go first!
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Kiro: You and I have a lot in common, the most similar thing being that we are each other's favorite people.
MC: --Pfft! Your answer is also the first common thing I wrote down~
Seeing me poking at my letter paper, Kiro's eyes show a satisfied smile.
Kiro: As expected of us.
Kiro: My next answer is that we are also the people who make each other the happiest.
MC: No matter how late the other person is working over time, we will always leave a light on in the living room.
Kiro: We both love small animals, but Cello and Apple Box are always first in our hearts.
MC: We always have a strong sense of curiosity, and any of our adventurous ideas can be achieved invariably.
The sun moves slowly, and those words spoken out finally turn into brighter smiles on our faces.
After answering the first question, I lower my eyes and look at my letter paper.
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MC: Actually, we have a lot of differences, but they all seem to complement each other.
MC: Since you're a master gamer, no complex level is difficult enough to beat you.
MC: Without you there to teach me, I would have been forever stuck in one place, unable to enjoy the total fun.
I look at the person in front of me as if the past has arrived with its answer, embracing me like the bright sun.
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Kiro: Then you are a master producer. No matter how complicated the set is, you can make it orderly.
MC: You always know what you want most and you never compromise.
Kiro: My Miss Chips is also very strong. Nothing can "defeat" you.
We look into each other's eyes and say those extremely sincere words.
Then, my eyes stop at the last line of the letter and I fold it with a smile.
MC: Although we have many similarities and differences, there is one thing that I'm very sure of.
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MC: You have always been braver than me, and kinder than me.
MC: You always allow me to see the brightest and gentlest side of the world.
MC: Therefore, I can feel very clearly that every day, every minute and every second of these six years--
MC: Being with you has been such a fortunate and happy thing. I think the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life--
MC: Has been meeting you.
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I quietly look at the person in front of me, the one who loves me the most, hoping that my sincerity can be conveyed to him a thousand times more through words.
Kiro: [inhaling a shaky breath and exhaling softly] .....
The sunlight outside the window seems to freeze in this moment, quietly falling into Kiro's blue eyes.
He stands up, walks over to me, squats down, encloses his palms on the back of my hands and smiles brightly.
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Kiro: When you say that, I can't help but wonder how good I must seem in your eyes... to be worthy of your description.
MC: Then you can use all kinds of exaggerated imagination, because nothing can be as good as you are.
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MC: The ordinary sunshine, and those flowers and sceneries all shine after you appear.
MC: You make me feel that this world is wonderful because you are in it.
I lower my head and gently hold his palm.
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MC: So, even if this journey ends, can you continue to hold my hand like this every day from now on...?
MC: Walk with me through everything in the world, and never let go.
MC: Okay?
Before he can say anything, a "ding" sound comes from the door, which seems to indicate that the cake has been baked.
Footsteps come from outside, but right at that moment, Kiro picks me up by the waist and hides us among the lush green branches and leaves that were behind us.
The next second, he gently kisses me.
The green leaves covering the top of our heads sway gently in the wind, dancing with shadowy golden light spots.
Teacher: Guests, the cake you baked - hey, where have they gone?
The sound coming from the door has long since turned blurry. What is clear to me is his soft breathing.
For some reason, I keep feeling like I have tasted the sweetest bite even before eating the cake.
He seems to think so too as the honey-eating bear in front of me has already raised the corners of his lips.
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Kiro: Before I answer your question, I don't want anyone interrupting us.
He presses close to my lips, his azure eyes more dazzling than anything else.
Kiro: But I have just told you with practical actions.
Kiro: No matter how many years pass, no matter how many sceneries and how much of happiness you will pass by with me in the future.
Kiro: The sweetest one will always be the one I give to you.
Kiro: So, look forward to it.
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Part 2: Coming soon
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museenkuss · 2 months
spring/summer fragrance needs
something glass-clear, cool and transparent, watery with a hint of flowers. Think a flower vase in a cool room: clear, fragrant, refreshing
something for spring showers and walks in the park, a Mary Poppins fragrance, prim-proper but charmingly witty
something for the morning hours when the grass is still cool but the promise of a hot day is already simmering in the air
something to pair with red lips and a white knee-length jeans skirt, retro summer charm — a Ripley fragrance, in short, maybe even masculine to balance out the look
something salty-beachy but light. No opulent creamy flowers, more the breeze and the sea, maybe with a HINT of vanilla (or something purely sea-foamy that I can layer my opulent creamy flowers with or wear on its own when I don’t feel sweet)
something that feels like home.
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