#redhead is roma
stil-lindigo · 2 years
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you’re going to make this difficult for me, aren’t you?
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CarolNat - Headcanons
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Carol is the only one that can make Natasha laugh so loudly, even if her jokes are lame or outdated;
Well, Carol is Carol, but Natasha can be Nat, Tasha, Naty, Roma, babe, darling, love, princess, and an infinity of other names that Carol comes up on spot;
Carol is also "love", but only when Natasha is trying to make her agree with something;
She was also called “my love” one time and her eyes teared up;
Natasha is the quiet kind of love. She's full of small gestures that make Carol feel her love. She's not fond of PDAs either. Although she's not screaming it on top of buildings, Carol is more open about it than her. She makes Natasha feel like she's the only person in the entire world;
They enjoy quiet dates. Nights where they sit down and watch a movie, indoor dinners, homemade food, or a picnic if they're feeling adventurous;
Natasha is shorter, so Carol is always - all the fucking time - giving her forehead kisses. Then she opens this silly smile that makes Natasha roll her eyes before wrapping her arms around the blonde because… well, no one can blame her;
Neither of them knew how to cook when they started dating, but Natasha started learning a few things because she wanted to cook Carol's favorite dishes whenever the hero was visiting Earth, and suddenly she became the most incredible cook ever. She doesn't cook for anyone but Carol, though;
Carol brings Natasha little souvenirs from around the universe whenever she has to go out on a mission. Natasha keeps all of them, even the weird rocks, inside a shoe box;
Carol took Natasha with her on her travels for a while and it allowed the woman to meet several different planets;
Carol brings her flowers that she stoles from people's gardens;
Natasha is definitely the little spoon, but... sometimes Carol has a rough trip and she won't even have to ask the woman to hold her tight;
Natasha likes testing Carol's super speed by randomly throwing stuff at her. Carol spent several minutes laughing her ass off when she caught a chair aimed at her;
They don't really have money, but they both like to discuss what their dream house would look like and make plans to build it one day. Carol wants a pool, Natasha keeps insisting they need room to put their punch bags;
Carol sleeps-floats sometimes. Natasha has woken up a few times barely touching the ceiling with her arms around Carol while the blonde is snoring like nothing's wrong in the world;
Natasha has pretty much quit drinking because she knows Carol has a bad history with alcohol;
They spare together all the time. Carol is never allowed to use her powers, but she, sometimes, doesn’t feel like losing. Natasha can actually kick her ass pretty easily, it turns out;
Natasha can beat Carol up in chess any time, but Carol is the queen of Uno. Natasha is also a sore loser;
Natasha loves the short hair Carol comes home with one day, but she also misses braiding the blonde’s hair way more than she will ever admit;
Carol can’t dance to save her life. She has two left feet, always tripping or stepping on Natasha’s toes, but she always goes along when the redhead feels like dancing. On the other hand, Carol is great with a guitar and has a beautiful voice, which prompts some late nights private concerts for Natasha.
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adgp35 · 14 days
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Leon’s Fall
Roma the Influencer-turned-detective found it was her own manager, Leon, who had been posting footage of her private moments on YouTube, with such scurrilous, if self-explanatory titles, such as Roma in the Spring (secret film of the redhead taking a shower); Roma in the Sunshine (footage of the unfortunate girl sunbathing topless on a private beach), and the one that obtained most clicks, One Night in Roma (night vision footage of Roma having sex, rodeo style, with her boyfriend). After confronting her pervy yet greedy manager with his betrayal and shaming him into a confession, the mortified Roma tied the jerk’s wrists and hauled him off to the cops - but not before making one last video before she signed off as an influencer for good. Pouting at the camera and forcing the bound Leon to face her adoring but outraged viewing public, Roma intoned: “This is my last film: I’m calling it The Fall of Leon. Thanks for the love, guys…”
AI image created via Microsoft Bing
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This might be a bit sensitive topic, so you don't have to if you don't want to, but could you recommend some holocaust literature? I've come to realize the representation of it in the media isn't always that great, and well, thought you might have an opinion
Some websites:
Yad Vashem- The World Holocaust Remembrance Center.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Some books written by or on behalf of Holocaust survivors:
"Lily's Promise: How I Survived Auschwitz and Found the Strength to Live", by Lily Ebert
"Man's Search for Meaning", by Victor Frankl
"The Redhead of Auschwitz", by Nechama Birnbaum on behalf of her grandmother, Rosie Greenstein
"Night", by Elie Wiesel
"A Gypsy In Auschwitz: How I Survived the Horrors of the ‘Forgotten Holocaust’", by Otto Rosenberg
"I, Pierre Seel, Deported Homosexual: A Memoir of Nazi Terror", by Pierre Seel
"The Daughter of Auschwitz: A Memoir", by Tova Friedman
"An Underground Life: Memoirs of a Gay Jew in Nazi Berlin", by Gad Beck
"The Diary of Éva Heyman," by Eva Heyman, published posthumously. She was murdered during the Holocaust.
"The Girl in the Green Sweater: A Life in Holocaust’s Shadow", by Krystyna Chiger
"A Teenager in Hitler's Death Camps", by Benny Grunfeld
Some books written about the Holocaust:
Encyclopedia of the Holocaust
Pharrajimos: The Fate of the Roma During the Holocaust
The Nazi Genocide of the Roma: Reassessment and Commemoration
Doctors Under Hitler
Toward the Final Solution: A History of European Racism
Crying Hands: Eugenics and Deaf People in Nazi Germany
The Nazi Connection: Eugenics, American Racism, and German National Socialism
Cleansing the Fatherland: Nazi Medicine and Racial Hygiene
The Pink Triangle: The Nazi War Against Homosexuals
Hitler’s Furies: German Women in the Nazi Killing Fields
The Suffering of the Roma in Serbia during the Holocaust 
Mothers, Sisters, Resisters: Oral Histories of Women Who Survived the Holocaust
Survivors Testimony Film Series
Secret Lives: Hidden Children and their Rescuers in World War II
I Have Never Forgotten You: The Life & Legacy of Simon Wiesenthal
A People Uncounted
Media to avoid:
Historical fiction written by non-Romani, non-Jewish authors that focuses more on the Germans than on their victims. "Number the Stars" and "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" are the biggest offenders.
This is by no means an exhaustive list, but I tried to make it as thorough as possible.
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ashtrayfloors · 1 year
I’m not obsessively tagging this one, so just a few content warnings: there’s nothing graphic, but there’s some TMI stuff about sex and masturbation; talk of food and alcohol; discussion of grief, death, and illness; and a brief mention of transphobic/transmedicalist stuff. Also it might come across like I’m bragging about some compliments I’ve gotten for my writing recently. Also it’s long.
This is a really long entry, because I started writing it like, ten days ago, but then more stuff happened. This is a common thing for me, with letters and journal entries; I start writing them but don’t have time to finish, then more stuff happens, and I start adding the new stuff, but don’t have time to finish, and then more stuff happens and…you get the idea.
Anyway, these past two weeks have been jam-packed. There’s been a lot of luck & magic & beauty, with some hard stuff mixed in. (That’s life, that’s what all the people say…)
The evening of Thursday the 16th, I sent the ‘Mats-inspired vignettes to the editor of a zine I thought it’d be perfect for. Friday morning, I opened my email, and read his response. He loves it, and wants to run it in the next issue. He said I “perfectly captured that lonely midwestern feeling that certain Replacements songs have,” and that my writing is “romantic, but also real, like Kerouac mixed with Cometbus.” And if you know me at all, you know why I practically swooned over those particular compliments.
I also got an email saying our local library’s free seed library was newly restocked for the year, and I wanted to get there before it was all picked over. So, C. and I went to the library and picked up seeds for this year’s garden, along with an info packet on where and when to plant everything. We got seeds for: cayenne and poblano peppers; pickling cucumbers; spinach, mustard greens, collard greens, and kale; eggplant, squash, broccoli; Roma and Wisconsin organic (heirloom) tomatoes; carrots, and radishes. I’m so excited. Last year’s garden was our most successful ever, but we also made a couple mistakes which we learned from, so I’m thinking this year’s garden might be even better.
After that, C. and I popped over to my friend D.’s house. We got to meet his new pitbull-mix, Leonard, who is less than a year old and is therefore super high-energy, but so sweet. And we got to see their two-week-old foster kittens (and their mama), and C. even got to pet one! D. also gave me some cayenne and habanero, which he grew in his garden last year, then dried and ground—he’s been giving it to anyone who wants some, as he grew so many peppers that he can’t possibly use it all. (He also offered me some Carolina Reaper, but I passed on that.) I told him if there was ever anything I could give him in trade, to let me know, and he said: “Just listening to your spoken world album is trade enough,” and went on to say that he’s in awe of my poetic abilities.
All these compliments, a guy could get a big head! Except, I often think my writing is okay at best and I should just quit; when I get compliments like those it just offsets that and makes me realize that if other people are getting something from what I write, I should keep going.
Our last stop was the grocery store, where I got the rest of what I needed for the Dublin coddle, and got my flirt on with a beautiful redhead girl.
I had thought about putting green dye in my hair and painting my nails green for St. Paddy’s Day, but after all that running about town, I didn’t have time. I did, however, put my hair in braids (it’s long enough to braid now!), and put on green eyeliner.
I spent the next while putting together the Dublin coddle and getting it into the oven. I listened to the St. Patrick’s Day mix I listen to every year, then I listened to Hozier’s new EP, which holy fuck, I am trying so hard to be normal about, but it’s difficult. I truly wish I had a close friend who was into Hozier that I could nerd out about it with. Then I made a cup of tea and sat out in the backyard for a bit. One of the neighborhood crows came and lit on the fence, and it was cawing loudly about something. I asked it what was wrong, and we had a little ‘conversation.’
Me: “What is it, what’s wrong?” Crow: *cocks its head from side to side* caw caw. Me: “I’m sorry, I can’t help you with that.” Crow: squirrr-wakkk. Me: “I’m sure it will turn out fine.”
Funnily enough, the crow quieted down after that, stayed there for a while looking at me, then flew off.
It was really windy that day. To paraphrase myself: the wind, my lover, had returned, so I flirted with him a bit.
In the evening, I drank a pint of Guinness and a small glass of Jameson. In the old days, I would have easily downed three pints of stout and at least half a bottle of whiskey, not even because it was St. Patrick’s Day, but because it was a day, and to paraphrase myself, again—if you’re really Irish, you don’t need an excuse to get drunk. But I don’t do that anymore. The thing I do still do is get nostalgically sad (sadly nostalgic?) about old flames, and I had a few moments of that on St. Paddy’s Night. I found myself missing Ruby, and Jack of Spades, who I always miss most at this time of year; and Derry, whom I miss all the time, but always hardest in the spring and fall.
And then I emailed Derry. When I saw him back in October, I told him why I never respond to his periodic emails. And since then, he hasn’t emailed me; we left each other with the ball in my court, with it being up to me if I wanted to ever be in contact with him again. I probably shouldn’t have. I wasn’t even drunk, so I didn’t have that as an excuse. My only excuses are that I miss him so, so, so much, and I’m addicted to bad ideas.
Then P. and the kiddos and I watched Darby O’Gill and the Little People, which I hadn’t seen since I was a child. The movie left an indelible impression on me when I was a kid, though—I was deeply, deeply terrified of the banshee. Watching it the other night, I was no longer afraid, but I do understand why it scared me so back then. The sound she makes is absolutely bone-chilling.
Saturday, the temperature dropped, drastically—it was the coldest day we’ve had in weeks, felt more like midwinter again—but we braved the cold to go downtown and see the St. Paddy’s Day parade. It’s a small parade, even smaller this year because some people dropped out due to the weather, but it was still nice. A marching band started it off with a rendition of “Whiskey in the Jar.” One of the bars on Main Street was selling drinks, both alcoholic and non, in to-go cups, so you could grab one and take it outside while you watched the parade. P. and I both got Irish coffees, the kids got hot chocolate. The kids grabbed handfuls of candy and green plastic beads that some of the floats were tossing to the crowd. I sipped from my drink, and half-watched the parade, half-watched the other spectators.
There was a super sexy man standing near us. He was fat and also just big, like over six feet tall. He had a long, gray beard, but it was a very well-kept long beard, not ratty or dirty in any way. He was wearing a black beanie, a black leather jacket, an Irish kilt (with the tartan for County Derry; yes, I looked it up when I got home), and these tall, intricately patterned leather boots. I guess he caught me lookin’, cuz he fucking winked at me, and then I blushed so hard that my face felt hot despite the cold. Jaysis.
The best parts of the parade were the Root River Rollers (our local roller derby team; they looked hella cute in their green plaid skirts and black leggings and derby gear; I have a major thing for derby girls and have for a very long time); the float from McAuliffe’s Pub (they had someone on fiddle and someone on bodhrán, playing a reel); the pirates of Will’s Revenge (they’re a local group who cosplay as pirates for various events, I always love them, but this time they’d added little Irish touches for St. Paddy’s; of course I thought of B. saying of me all those years ago: …you’re and Irish pirate, that’s the best kind); and the girls from a local dance school (they were wearing black hoodies and black leggings and sparkly green tutus; they did a wildly impressive hiphopjazz dance routine).
Later that day, I made some minor edits on my ‘Mats vignettes (at the editor’s suggestion), while listening to The ‘Mats, and “Treatment Bound” came on and for the first time it hit me how much it sounded like some of my old friend L.’s music. I mean, I knew he was a Replacements fan, but it had honestly never hit me until then how much his sound was influenced by some of their stuff. Particularly the stuff off Hootenanny. And then I sat around missing L. for a while. I’ve written about him a lot before. He was one of those friends I had an intense crush on, and I thought I wanted to smooch him or maybe even bone him, but the most we ever did was cuddle/spoon. And then I realized it was better that way; I could get really close to him without worrying about sex making it weird. And then years later, I realized I never had actually wanted to fuck him, I had wanted to be him (or, well, be more like him, anyway). He had such a huge impact on my writing, my music, my life. We never had a falling out, just lost touch, got busy with our separate lives, never ran into each other anymore. The usual. I think of him often, though, and decided to web-search him the other day just so see what he’s up to. I found out that all his albums are now up on Bandcamp, and I’m so excited, because I lost my copies of them ages ago, and I love his music so much.
The next day was warmer again, though still windy. I took a long walk by myself. I trysted with the wind, again; he yanked my hair and slapped my cheeks pink. I walked down to the Little Free Library that’s in my neighborhood; I’ve found some great stuff in it before, and it had been months since I’d checked it. This time, I found nothing. I did, however, spot a tow truck with the words Anywhere and Anytime on it, and I snapped a picture. It seemed like a good sign, as the title of my ‘Mats memoir series is Anyplace or Anywhere or Anytime.
When I got home from the walk, I spent the rest of the afternoon writing.
Monday, I woke up and got the bullshit stuff I had to do but had been dreading/putting off out of the way first. I am not always able to do that, but the Executive Function fairy truly blessed me that day. Then I did school stuff with the kids. It was warm enough that we could do a (partially) outdoor science experiment. First, the kids designed protective casing for eggs, then we took them out in the backyard and dropped them from various heights to see how far they could drop without breaking. We even recorded our results! It was a lot of fun.
After that, I did some witchy stuff to celebrate the first day of spring. I redecorated my altar, lit some incense, did a little spell/ritual. Then I did a Spring Equinox tarot reading for myself, and it was so clear and right-on that I reached out to Emchy and was like: “Hey, the cards are really talking to me today, want me to pull a few for you?” She said yes, so I did.
Later in the afternoon, I took another solo walk. This time I took photos of some of the sidewalk date stamps in my neighborhood. I also spotted the first crocus of the season, and snapped photos of those. Trysted with the wind again. Sang (quietly, but out loud) as I walked—first Jolie Holland’s “Springtime Can Kill You” (because it is one of my all-time favorite songs), then the Counting Crows’ “Sullivan Street” (because I’d thought of something ‘hanging on the air,’ and it made me think of that song).
When I got home, I wrote a short poem, and then I started working on translating it into Gaeilge. I find that when I’m learning a new language, translating my words/thoughts from English into said language helps.
After that, I checked my email. There was one from Derry; his response to the email I’d sent on St. Patrick’s Day. I am not going to quote from it directly, not here; some things have to be kept just for me. Suffice it to say: we’re not trying to hook up or get together or start things all over again, but we’re mutually unsure where that leaves us; he misses and loves me just as much as I do him.
P. and I made dinner together that night. He made the sides and I made the main dish. We’d already planned on making roasted potatoes with dijon and rosemary (because we already had all the ingredients) and green beans with onions and bacon (because we already had the bacon and onions); we’d already decided to have pork chops as the main dish. But the night before I got a craving for French food, so that morning I looked up “French pork chops,” and found a recipe for pan-cooked pork chops with paprika, in an onion-dijon cream sauce. It was amazing.
We finished off the night by having passionate sex. It was a perfect ending to the first day of spring.
Tuesday was kinda crappy. The kids were cranky, and I had some unspecified physical yuck happening; my stomach hurt and I was just exhausted the whole day. But I managed to take another walk, this time with C. And it was World Poetry Day, so I read some poetry and worked more on my translation.
Wednesday was a happysad day. It was the ten year anniversary of my grandma’s death, so of course I was thinking about her. I was also thinking about Jason Molina. The 18th had been the ten year anniversary of his death, and my grief over losing my grandma is inextricably bound up with my grief over Jason Molina’s death. When my grandma got seriously ill, and we knew she wasn’t going to live much longer, I was deeply depressed, and I was listening to a lot of Songs: Ohia and Magnolia Electric Co. at the time, and then Jason died, and four days later my grandma died, so yeah, they’re always linked in my mind.
Wednesday was also my dad’s birthday. I wrote a birthday poem for him, and collaged a card to put it in. In the afternoon, P. and I went to a local job fair and found out about some potential employment opportunities for him. Fingers crossed that one of them pans out, because they’re pretty good ones. As we were leaving the job fair, we saw a seagull and a hawk fighting. Then we and the kiddos went to my folks’ house to celebrate my dad’s birthday. We had a nice dinner and some cake, and I gave my dad the card I’d made.
My mom and I reminisced about my grandma (her mom). Then she told me about an old friend of the family who is battling a serious illness. Later, Joni Mitchell came up in conversation, and my mom and I were talking about Joni and her music, and the memories we have attached to it—for both of us, Joni’s songs specifically remind us of being in our twenties. So we were both in our feelings about my grandma and the old family friend and our own pasts and Joni’s music, and we listened to “River” and cried a little together, and it was probably the closest I’ve felt to my mom in a long while.
Later that night, as I lay in the dark trying to fall asleep, I heard coyotes yipping as they wandered through the neighborhood.
Thursday, the kids were in bad moods again, and I was feeling anxious about various stuff. But I managed to get past it. I read some, made a collage, drank some tea. I signed up for a temporary money-making side gig. I finished writing/editing the poem about the time Ali and I visited Nancy Spungen’s grave; I have been working on it on-and-off for years, and I’m glad to finally have it in a place where I feel like it’s ready to be out in the world.
Then I watched the crows in the yard. That crow I talked to on St. Patrick’s Day? It returned, and brought its mate, and they are building a nest in the tree that hangs partially over our yard! Maybe that’s what it was making a racket about the first time; maybe it was scouting locations for a nest and was trying to get its mate to come see? In any case, we’re gonna have crow neighbors, and they’re gonna start a family! Oh my god, there are gonna be baby crows! The crows in the area are probably already familiar with me, because I have left out food for them before, and said hello when I’ve been near them; and I’m very glad that my talking to one of them the other day did not deter them from building their nest in/near our yard. (I’ve now started leaving peanuts for them in the backyard, since at least this pair has been coming around that side more often, and they’ve been back every day, but more about that later.)
Thursday night, I had a dream about my old friend J.C. I’ve known him since I was in the sixth grade, and we’ve been in and out of each other’s lives since (again, no falling out, just life drifting us apart), but I haven’t seen him in almost fourteen years now. It was good to see him in the dream, though, and I hope he’s doing well.
Friday, I spent most of the day getting ready for that evening’s spoken word gig. I collated zines, gathered together all the merch I wanted to take with me. I gathered together the poems I might want to read; timed a few newer ones/ones I’d never performed at a reading before. I drove to the bank downtown; to get some cash in various smaller denominations of bills, so I’d have change to give when people bought my merch. At one point on the drive, I was behind a car, and I noticed one of their bumper stickers: the background was the pride flag, and the text over it read Make America Gay Again. Awesome. Back at home, I started enacting even more pre-event rituals. (I say ‘event’ because I have long enacted some or all of these rituals whether it’s a spoken word gig, a music gig, a zine fest, an art show, a burlesque performance, a circus performance, etc. etc. Basically, I enact some or all of these rituals, or other, similar ones, whenever I have any kind of event where I’m performing and/or selling stuff, whether it’s in-person or online.) I cut the sleeves off my Keep Books Dangerous tee (a sure sign of spring for me, cutting the sleeves off a t-shirt), and changed out/added to the pins on my leather jacket. I freshened the color in my hair. I did all this while summoning the Undying Spirit of Punk Rock, by blasting the Daycare Swindlers.
Listening to the DC Swindlers of course made me think of N., as he was the lead singer of that band. I know I’ve written about him before, but I was hit with a wave of missing him so hard on Friday. We were platonic soulmates. I was never sexually or romantically attracted to him; as far as I know he was never into me that way either. (In fact I had a huge crush on his girlfriend!) But we just clicked; from the first time we met we had people saying we were like twins. We didn’t look anything alike, but there was just something about us. The way we dressed, our predilections, obviously our taste in women; just our general vibes. Twins. Soulmates. Because not all soulmates are romantic or sexual in nature; in fact, for as many romantic/sexual partners as I’ve had, I’ve had far more platonic soulmates.
Other rituals I enacted pre-gig were putting on my necklace of charms and dabbing a bit of the “Follow Me, Boy” scent on my pulse points.
P. actually got to come with me for once, which was amazing. I’ve said before that my parents are real weird about watching the kids, but this time they offered so P. could go with me, and of course I jumped at the chance.
At about five, we dropped the kiddos at my parents house, then headed north/west, to the far west side of Milwaukee, right on the border of Wauwatosa. Drove up on old familiar roads, saw some excellent graffiti. Parked near the gallery where my reading was, in front of a beautiful soft-yellow house with a pride flag hung from their porch, and a sign in the yard: We Back the Vag. Again, awesome.
The gallery was great, full of funky-cool art. Everyone that worked there was super friendly, so were all the other performers (both featured and open mic). At least half the people there, performers and audience, were some flavor of queer, and there were also several POC and several Jewish people! (I know that last part for a fact because a few of the poets read pieces that mentioned Judaism/being Jewish.) I felt so comfortable and happy. Like, obviously, as a queer person, I get tired of being around only cishets; but even as a white goy, I also get tired of being around only white, (culturally) Christian folks. I guess I just spent enough of my life in big cities and other diverse spaces that I am actually less at ease when everyone looks like me and/or has a similar cultural background. And it’s just fucking boring, ya know? Why would I only wanna be around people who look and act like me?!
Soon after we arrived at the gallery, I was setting up my merch, and the queer kid (I say ‘kid’ because they were in their early 20s, which, now that I’m in my 40s, is definitely in ‘kid’ territory for me) who was the musician for the evening saw my spoken word album—Self Portrait with Ghosts & Trains. “That’s definitely something I would listen to,” they said. “I like ghosts, I like trains.” Pause. “Damn, too bad I only know one train song. I mean, I only know how to play one train song. I know lots of train songs in general.” I told them that I’d made a playlist of train songs a few years ago, and that even though I’d spent time narrowing it down from the original list, it still had 50+ songs on it. “Have you ever seen Metalocalypse?” They asked. “How come all they sings about is trains?” I replied. “That is actually the name of my train song playlist, no kidding.” They laughed, said, “What else is there, really?,” and then we fist bumped.
Then it was time for the open mic part of the evening, and the other featured poet-performers. All of the other poet-performers were really good, in their own ways. Some of them were just good all around, both poetry-wise and performance-wise. Others were not my jam, poetry-wise, but performed their stuff really well. And still others were people whose poems were fantastic but who were fairly new to performing; I know that if they keep at it they will be absolute fire in the not-too-distant future.
Then it was my turn. I opened my set with a poem that is not my own. See, it would have been Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s 104th birthday that day, so I opened with “See, it was like this, when…” Then I did a bit of improv. What I mean by that is—I had brought way more poems with me than I could feasibly read, and I had a couple I knew I for sure wanted to read but for the rest it was like, I’ll just go with what I’m vibing with at the time. And some of the other performers inspired some of my choices. One of the poets read some of their sonnets, so I read two of my sonnets; one of the performers opened with an a capella rendition of “Cabaret,” so I read my Cabaret-inspired poem. I also read two of my Wisconsin poems—a Milwaukee one, and my Beast of Bray Road poem; an excerpt from The Loneliest Show On Earth; and the poem about visiting Nancy’s grave. The crowd was so, so attentive and responsive. Like, they were there to hear poetry. I heard some laughter during parts of some of my poems (not laughing at, laughing with), and also some gasps and ohs. Afterward, I got so many compliments. I mean, people were telling me my stuff was funny but also moving, or saying it was like I cast a spell, saying they got chills at certain points; someone noticed the Diane Di Prima influence on my work, someone else noticed the Lynda Hull influence…god damn. I sold some stuff and got a cut of the door, and it was enough to cover my gas money to and from the gig and still have like thirty bucks left over; gotta love that sweet, sweet poetry money. (To quote myself: How no one warned you it’s hard to make a living writing about your heart. How you don’t make a living, but you sometimes make enough money for wine.) I also got approached by the guy who runs the weekly Poetry Nights at Linneman’s River West Inn, and he wants me to be the featured poet there sometime in July or August. I’m so excited! I haven’t been to Linneman’s since early 2009, but back when I lived in MKE I used to perform there all the time—though back then, I performed on the music open mic nights, as that’s when I was more focused on music than poetry. Speaking of music—when the kid I’d talked to earlier in the evening got up for their set, they played the one train song they knew how to play—“Freight Train,” by Elizabeth Cotten—and dedicated it to me. My heart.
P. and I left, then crossed the border into ‘Tosa, and got a round at a beer & whiskey bar called Draft & Vessel. I had an imperial stout that had chai spices in it, and it was so fuckin’ good.
On the drive home, I got to experience that magical thing that happens on the road at night. You know, where you look down at your lap, and the lights coming in through the windshield from above have striated your skin and clothing, and as you move the stripes move, moving stripes of light/shadow/light/shadow. I wish I could think of a better way to describe it; if I can, I’m going to put it in a poem.
Saturday we got a bunch of snow. Early spring snow is not uncommon in the upper midwest—in the immortal words of Prince: sometimes it snows in April. And anyway, we had nowhere we needed to be that day, so we just had a cozy-at-home, creative day. P. and I made meal plans for the coming week. I wrote a bit. I made a necklace, inspired by some I’d seen at the gallery and couldn’t afford. I took some knolling photos of my bottlecap, key, and souvenir penny collections; for no other reason than that I felt like it. I recorded an audio version of my VU-inspired poem from Left of the Dial.
My knee and ankle were hurting all day. The poetry reading had been packed full and there were only about eight chairs available, and there were people in their sixties and seventies there, and I never think of my disabilities as real enough, so I gave the chairs to those I thought needed them more, and I stood the whole time. And yeah, I paid for it, bodily. It sucked to be in pain all the next day, but I did kind of chuckle at the “I’m getting old”-ness of it all. Like, I used to go wild in the pit at punk shows and maybe I’d get banged up and sore but I’d be mostly okay (with the notable exception being that time I broke my ankle in the pit), and now I stand for a couple hours at a poetry reading and I’m in pain for days.
I thought of Sinclair, another old flame, that day; possibly because of that kid playing “Freight Train” the night before, as that was a staple of Sinclair’s repertoire. I haven’t seen or spoken to him in somewhere close to 14 years now, and I haven’t even web-searched him in a decade. Unlike with some of my other exes, it’s not that I fear I’ll decide to contact him and open everything up again, it’s that— Well, I’ve worried that he might be dead or in prison. He was a sweetheart, genuinely one of the best, kindest people I’ve ever known—but he was also an outlaw, and he lived a rough life. He was a queer train-hopping hobo/crusty/circus performer/musician; he was often homeless, and had bouts of trouble with the law and various addictions. Saturday, I decided to look him up to see what I could find…and I was relieved to know that he’s not just living but seemingly thriving, back in his hometown of New Orleans, where he just had a music gig on March 23rd. I’m so relieved. Just knowing that he’s out there, still doin’ his thing, is enough for me.
That night, P. and I had hot, wild, rough sex, and I fell asleep more easily than I normally do. Unfortunately, I did have a terrible dream that woke me up in the middle of the night, and then it took me hours to get back to sleep. I don’t even want to go into detail about it because it was so gruesome and bloody and involved terrible bodily harm being visited on some of my loved ones, including one of my kids. I actually had to go into D.’s room and make sure he was okay, and sit watching him breathe for a while, before I could calm down at all. I don’t have vivid, horrific dreams as much now as I did when I was in my teens and twenties, but when they come? They’re fucking doozies. A lot of horror doesn’t even scare me because I’ve had dreams that were just as graphic, but even worse, because the harm was being visited on me and/or people I love.
Sunday, I woke up to the notification that someone had bought some stuff from my online shop, which is always a nice thing to wake up to.
Later in the morning, it snowed a little more, and I saw the crows again. And this time, they’d brought a friend. My first thought was: “They’re a polycule!” Which, okay, I know crows don’t work that way, but I recently read something that said crows are ‘socially monogamous but genetically promiscuous’ so maybe? In any case, they were with a third crow; probably another member of their murder. And they were playing! I watched them leap down from the tree to the top of the neighbors’ garage roof, then slide to the bottom edge near the eaves, from which they’d fly back up to the tree and do it all over again. I was so fucking thrilled; I’ve seen videos of crows playing before, but I’ve never seen it so clearly in person. I wanted to get my own video, but of course by the time I got my phone and got ready to record, they’d stopped. I know, pics or it didn’t happen, but this has just been one of the many amazing things I’ve witnessed or experienced in my life where I do not have any ‘factual’ documentation, and it doesn’t even matter because I know it happened and it lives inside me, now.
In the late afternoon, D. had the worst meltdown he’s had in a while. His anger is getting worse as he edges towards adolescence, but at least now he has a therapist that can help us through it.
For dinner, P. made shrimp, pork, and andouille jambalaya, with a side of greens. We had sex again that night; this time, it was slow, lazy, and deeply sensual.
Monday morning, D. had his therapy appointment, then I did schoolwork with the kiddos. Then I got dinner going in the crockpot (one of my favorite go-to meals: Moroccan chicken tagine with chickpeas and apricots) while listening to my favorite radio station; they played banger after banger after banger, and I discovered a bunch of new (to me) favorite songs.
Monday evening, before dinner, we filed our taxes. We’re not getting back as much as I’d hoped (because the fucking Republicans decided to axe the expanded Child Tax Credit), but we’re still getting enough that it will make a positive difference in our lives over the next couple months.
That night, we had sex; wild and hot and fast again, that time.
Despite all the sex we’ve been having, I woke up ridiculously horny on Tuesday. I was also really restless and a little bit anxious, but I had to do all this sitting-at-my-desk bullshit like attending the Zoom training session for my new side gig, and applying for energy assistance. In between sit-down tasks, I worked through my restless, horny energy by either pacing around or jacking off. Seriously, it was like, bullshit task, walk up and down the stairs a few times; bullshit task, lock myself in the bathroom to jack off; and so on. I ended up jacking off three times that day. (Twice during the day, once at night in bed after P. had fallen asleep; his chronic back pain was acting up so we couldn’t mess around that night, alas.)
The best things of that day were: 1. Finding out I was such a hit at the gallery on Friday that they want me to be one of their features again in May. Like, according to the person who is my point of contact there, even after I left, people were coming up to her saying: “Wow, Jessie was amazing; when can I see them again?!” 2. The burgers we made for dinner that night: blue cheese, bacon, Buffalo sauce, and tomato burgers.
Yesterday I clocked a couple hours for my new side gig. It’s kinda tedious, but at least I can do it on my own time, and I need the money.
After that, I did school stuff with the kiddos, including some art time. They both painted, and I sat down to draw something that I thought was kind of inspired by Paradise Lost (cuz I’m on a Milton kick lately) and Nick Cave, but which turned out to be a figure straight out of that horrifying dream I had on Saturday. And I am  actually entirely freaked out by the drawing; I had to hide it so I won’t see it.
I spent most of the afternoon laying in bed, drinking tea and reading, as my sinuses were acting up and I couldn’t do much else.
Fortunately, I felt better by evening. For dinner, I made fish tacos (with shredded lettuce, pico de gallo, fresh avocado, and lime wedges for garnish) with beans and rice on the side.
And P. and I got to have sex last night, and it was great, again, as it has been lately.
Today I woke up restless, horny, and anxious, again. Mostly the anxiety stemmed from a phone call I had to make. Before I made the call, I did yoga, ate a small breakfast, and took my ashwagandha and magnesium supplements, which helped ease my anxiety a little. Then I made the call, and it sucked, but not as bad as I had feared it would, and hey, at least then it was done.
Late morning, I took the kids to the library. They got to play in the play area for a while; I talked with a mom who was there with her three kiddos (all of them true gingers!). We checked out a bunch of books, as per usual. Then came home to make lunch—mini quesadillas, plus avocado & pico de gallo & beans & rice left over from last night.
After lunch, I decided to take a walk. It’s chilly and a bit windy today, but it had been over a week since I took a walk, and I get even antsier/more restless without them. So I bundled up, and took some hot coffee in my travel mug to keep me warm.
When I stepped out the back door, my crow friend was in the tree where it’s building its nest. It saw me and cawed, then went flying toward the front yard, like it wanted me to follow. I was like: “Oooh, side quest!” When I got out to the sidewalk, I saw the crow in the front yard a few houses down, pulling at something in the mud. I got to the crow just as it pulled the object free, and I saw it was this long, silvery piece of something—like maybe tinsel, or part of a mylar balloon. I said: “Oh, good for you, you found a shiny for your mate!” The crow then flew back towards our backyard.
As I said above, I’ve been feeding the crows in this neighborhood on and off for years, and occasionally saying hello to them, but I do not understand why this particular crow (and by extension, its mate and family/friends) has decided we’re besties. I do not understand, but I am fucking delighted.
I took my walk around the block, got home, promptly locked myself in the bathroom and jacked off.
Tonight, for dinner, P. made chicken cacciatore. The recipe he uses has a white (white wine, lemon juice, olive oil) sauce as opposed to the usual tomato-based chicken cacciatore, and it’s so good. And I’m hoping we get to fuck again tonight, cuz like I said, I’m wildly, insatiably horny these days.
This weekend is looking like it will be another jam-packed one. I have to meet up with K. to pick up the Joe Strummer piece I commissioned for Ali’s birthday. There’s a couple activist things I’m participating in; tomorrow’s rally for queer youth, plus some voter outreach stuff I signed up to do prior to next Tuesday’s very important election.
Saturday is the start of National Poetry Month/NaPoWriMo. I plan to attempt a 30/30, because I generated so much work last April (and had fun doing it). I’m also working up some curriculum to teach both the kids about reading and writing poetry, at age-appropriate levels.
One of my first projects for NaPoWriMo is gonna be trying to finish translating that poem I wrote last week from English to Gaeilge. It’s been tricky because, though it’s a short poem, it has an odd structure that does not lend itself easily to Gaeilge. Also, my grasp on Gaeilge is rudimentary at best. But then, that’s why I’m doing this, to help me learn.
Next week, I’m hoping to finish getting the New Wave anthology ready for print.
Other than all that? Well, there have been more realizations and epiphanies.
I’ve been getting braver, again. Doing things even if I’m scared to; because I remembered that most of the best things in my life have come from moments of “Am I scared? Yeah, but fuck it, I’ll do it anyway.”
I’ve been reincorporating elements of my old life, my old personality. From things as simple as drinking lapsang souchong again, taking walks whenever I can, rereading old favorite books, rediscovering old favorite albums; to things more esoteric. For so long I’d been lamenting the days when I was a mystical romantic lovesick dork, wishing I could be that way again but thinking I was too old. But now I’m allowing myself to behave that way again. I’m romanticizing my daily life, singing as I walk down the street, talking with the crows, cavorting with the wind.
A lot of those things (the tea, the walks, the mystical romantic lovesick dorkiness) sort of rhyme with a very specific time in my life, namely 2006-2008, and it’s funny that I’ve been asked to do a reading at Linneman’s, which was a place I frequented in those years. I know, you can’t go home again—except, sometimes you can.
And I’m also glad that I’m managing to reintegrate the positive aspects of those days without the self-destructive ones (i.e., drinking to excess and hooking up with people I didn’t even really like very much).
Another thing I’m reincorporating into my life is the DIY? Because I Gotta attitude. It’s not that I’ve ever fully lost it, but I’ve been doing a lot of it lately: things like making that necklace for myself, writing the poem and making the collage-card for my dad, etc. I used to get down on myself because I’ve never had enough money to buy gifts for all my loved ones for every occasion, but now I’m like, wait, this is actually a good thing about me. Not the lack-of-money part, but… I might not have money to buy people gifts all the time, but I do things like make them art, write them poems, make them personalized zines, make them mix tapes or playlists, bake them bread or cookies, give them veggies from my garden, give them tarot readings, etc. That’s actually pretty fucking cool.
I’ve been re-redefining success re: my writing career. Once again reminding myself that as long as my words get out in the world and the people who need them find them, that’s the most important thing—doesn’t so much matter what route those words take to get there. Reminding myself that I can look for agents for certain projects, submit to the more established lit journals, enter big name contests, etc., but that I can also continue to publish my own zines and chapbooks, and send stuff out to indie mags and presses. I don’t have to choose! I can try it all!
Speaking of not having to choose—I’ve been re-embracing the fluid nature of both my gender/gender expression and my sexuality.
For a while I was reading too much of that baeddelism stuff, and even though I objectively know it’s bullshit, it kinda got to me. I started thinking to myself: “You’re not currently pursuing medical transition, you have long hair, and you still wear skirts and makeup sometimes. Those people are right—you’re just a penis-obsessed cis woman LARPing as nonbinary.” And then I was like, wait. First of all, though medical transition is an important part of transitioning for many trans people, it is not the only valid way to transition. Second of all, plenty of men, trans and cis, have long hair or wear skirts or makeup; why am I letting a handful of people who are basically TIRFs (trans-inclusive radical feminists) dictate how I present and what that means about my gender? My gender and sexuality have always been fluid, that’s just who and how I am; that’s why I have always preferred the term queer—because it states that I am not cishet, but doesn’t box me into some narrow definition of gender or sexuality that might change the next moment, anyway. So, once again: I’m here, I’m queer, get used to it. And: You cannot misgender me in a way that matters.
Speaking of fluid sexuality—the way my desires are changing lately is fascinating.  Some things that used to turn me on no longer do it for me; other things that I was never into are now super hot.
These past two weeks have made me think of that Aaron Cometbus quote, about the kind of days I’ve been having: Simple days but with little surprises and long walks and good luck.
And it’s spring, it’s spring! Still chilly, but it stays lighter later every night, and the birds are out squawking and singing at all hours, and of course I’m restless and horny, it’s spring!
Overall, I’ve been full of gratitude and joy. I have amazing friends, all over the world. I get so overwhelmed with love for my kids, and for P. Seriously, every day I look at P. and think how lucky I am to have him as my partner in life; as the person I get to raise kids with and have hot sex with and cook good food with and wake up to every morning. And every day, I get to read books and listen to music and make art and write.
Of course things aren’t perfect, with the kids or with P., and I’m tired of being broke, and there’s the anxiety and executive dysfunction, and there’s a lot of bad shit in the world. But I have plans to make my and my family’s future better. And I’m getting more involved with activism again—apparently, when I allow myself to do things that bring me joy, I have more spoons for helping other people! Shocking, I know.
And I cry a lot, and I get nostalgically sad and long for old faces and places I once knew, and I get restless and long for new faces and places and adventures. And my heart breaks every day, from the beauty of the world, and the pain. But if that’s the tax for being a poet, for being a mystical romantic lovesick dork; if that’s the tax for not being closed off to any part of life—then I will gladly, gladly pay it.
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angelofazarath · 1 year
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We’ve come a long way, and now it’s time for the Finale 👑🙏 Join us at @atomicrosememphis This Friday for the Finale of War of the Roses! 🌹 I’ve had such an incredible time performing alongside so many talented people, I’ve learned a lot and I’ve made so many memories in this competition ❤️ Join us for one final round this Friday at 10pm! Whoever is crowned will make War of the Roses history 👑 . Photos by @drwpkrrr 📸 . #bellydance #bellydancer #bellydancing #bellydancelove #bellydancequeens #bellydancecostume #bellydancelife #redhead #901art #901memphis #901girl #901artist #memphis #memphisart #memphisartist #memphisdance #memphismodels #atomicrose #atomicrosememphis #polskaroma #roma (at Atomic Rose Club and Grill) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqGN2UgOsV8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mirymezzapesa · 2 years
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La vita è per il 10% cosa ti accade e per il 90% come reagisci. La maturità sta nell’iniziare a fare cambiamenti.🍬🦋🧚🏻‍♀️ ⠀ • • • #love #fashion #instagood #style #photooftheday #beautiful #fitness #picoftheday #quotes #beauty #redhair #redheadgirl #dress #cute #ootd #redhead #instadaily #happy #eyes #makeup #girl #photography #lifestyle #redheads #outfitinspiration #colosseo #roma (presso Colosseo) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chkqsc5Nbj0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Sic Transit Gloria Mundi
by JulianHartley
Stede and Ed had an affair three times, in three incarnations of different eras. They met in eighteenth-century diabolical Rome, nineteenth-century Paris dying romanticism, at the end of the era of artists and on the ship, at the foot of the twentieth century. In every incarnation, they are accompanied by a gold pocket watch, where tragedies are intertwined with soul artistry and mutual, burning feelings. These two are on the black list of all gods.
ALSO: Basically, I decided to reinterpret my original story with my own characters into the OFMD universe, changing some details. If you want to read the original with my belobed Clemens and Elias, it's in my works. If I haven't changed names or hair color somewhere, be sure to let me know, as Elias is blond and Clemens is redhead.
Words: 7084, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet
Additional Tags: Mutual Pining, Eventual Smut, Reincarnation, Alternate Universe, Fluff and Angst, Devils, Roma | Rome, Paris (City), Flirting, 18th Century, 19th Century, 20th Century, RMS Titanic, titanic wasn't inspiration but who cares, Poetry, Ed is a little more rich than usual, no beta we die like karl, Strangers to Lovers
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/42421467
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furiousfates · 2 years
The first high pitched, near hyper syllable of Itori’s name had barely rang out before the bar owner knew instantly who had come to grace the world of Helter Skelter.
“Yes, Roma-chan?” The woman queried as she pressed herself up against the bar and directed her gaze towards the seemingly younger but actually older ghoul. “What info you got for me today?”
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The redhead pulled out a wine glass from underneath the bar and poured some blood wine for her fellow gal-pal and slid it against the counter of her bar. Of course she half expected Roma to pout and say how it was always work and no play for Itori (when it wasn’t. It was all play for Lady Luck.)
“Lemme guess-”
Itori stood back and crossed her arms over her chest.
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“Nothing at all,” she smirked before her expression became a grin. “-right Lil Sis?”
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liveshaunteda · 4 years
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@brokenbowen​ yelled into the void  ❝ “No, no, no, don’t die on me! ❞ about our mark!e / die to protect meme ( accepting )
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                     Dating Maya, Farkle knows that she can take care of herself - he knows it with all his heart, he’s seen it - the city has seen it. But, that doesn’t stop him from worrying - or even from him doing some dumb shit. Farkle maybe a genius, but when it comes to those he loves? He’s willing to risk his all. 
                        He wouldn’t give the guy any information on Maya or Roma, they were his family and he wouldn’t let anyone near them if he can. Defying the bad guy, Farkle then feels something stab into his abdomen before the guy is pushing him to the ground. He can feel the pain through his body as falls to the ground. 
                             They were going after Maya and Roma, and Farkle couldn’t have that. They had finally started making up properly, talking very civically and Farkle had let Maya be around Roma by herself a few months ago. Farkle never stopped loving Maya, he tried hard too - but he couldn’t, and he couldn’t let Roma go without her mother, not after getting her back in her life after not being there for a very long period of time.
                               Breathing was difficult to do, and he thinks he feels blood at his head -  from where his head had hit the ground as well as from the wound in his stomach. “You don’t get to hurt them,” Farkle says, “I won’t tell you anything.” He’s losing his blood quickly, and blackness is starting to fill his vision and he closes his eyes, hoping that his family will be safe.
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magicgiuls · 5 years
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edaiperdiamoci · 5 years
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Non ci incontriamo mai, ma io ti cerco sempre
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astridph-blog1 · 5 years
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Roma, 2019
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wandaromanova · 3 years
A blurb with r forcing Wandanat watch rom com movies with her
Warnings: like one swear word and a small sexual reference
blurb requests are closed | navigation
please do not repost or try and take ownership of my work. reblogs, likes, and comments are always welcome. <3
•❅────────────── ᗢ ‎⧗ ───────────────❅•
You smiled widely as you watched the movie playing on the television in your bedroom; Crazy Rich Asians. You were a sucker for romantic comedies and this one was definitely at the top of your list. 
You may have enjoyed rom coms, but as for your two girlfriends? Well… not so much.
Wanda dealt with it pretty well, showing some sort of interest in the film, but Natasha couldn’t stand it. There was something about rom coms that made her want to fight someone. 
The overused tropes or predictable outcomes made it hard for Natasha to enjoy. To her, all those movies were the same and completely unoriginal, but she stuck it out for you. 
You were all cuddled up on the couch in the living room, bundled up in a flurry of comfortable blankets as the movie played. You were only a few minutes in when Natasha spoke up.
“Okay, so he’s a rich guy from Singapore. Let me guess, his mom doesn’t approve and tries to get him to leave her and she succeeds. But then she regrets it when her son is pissed off and sad, finally approving of the relationship. Yeah?” 
Natasha sounded completely bored and your head quickly turned to her with a glare.
“Shut up! You’re going to spoil it for Wanda. She hasn’t seen it yet.” You scolded the redhead and she raised her hands in surrender. 
Wanda giggled, wrapping an arm around your waist with her eyes trained on the screen.
“It’s okay babe. She didn’t give me the details at least, so there’s still something to salvage.” The Sokovian reassured and you sighed, attention returning to the movie.
Natasha chuckled, putting her arm around your shoulder and pulling you into her side. “I’m sorry, babe. But you know how much I hate rom coms. They’re the same movies in different fonts.”
Natasha apologized, but you ignored her. The redhead rolled her eyes at your lack of response and you giggled.
“They aren’t the same. Each movie has a different lesson to learn from. The cheesy romance stuff is just a plus.” You passionately defended your favorite movie genre and both of your girlfriends laughed. 
The conversations died down as the movie progressed. About fifteen minutes later, Natasha spoke up again.
“He’s gonna propose to her, isn’t he?” You let out a groan, reaching over Wanda’s body and grabbing a pillow.
You smacked Natasha in the face with the pillow. The Sokovian laughed when Natasha let out a small yelp.
“Hey! It’s not my fault I’m good at figuring out the plot of movies.” The redhead said as you threw the pillow on the floor.
“Yeah, but it’s your fault for not keeping your big mouth shut.” You glared at your redhead girlfriend.
“I thought you liked it wide open though?” Natasha cackled when your eyes widened, Wanda’s laughter combining with hers.
You turned a deep shade of red, quickly retrieving the pillow on the floor and hitting her again. 
“I hate you guys.”
“Love you too, even if you’re a hopeless romantic.”
“I’m not a hopeless roma-“
“She’s right, you are… sorry, honey.”
“What the fuck.”
───────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──────────
taglist: @perfectromanoff @aliancvnas @marvelwomenslut @chaekhan @rvselie @imasimpfornatashamaximoff @prentisshoe @mcubreakdown101 @multiyfandomgirl40 @fear-street-girls @007giu @weelight @puppy-danvers2016 @acertainredhead @jdougl-love @mindofwesley @lostandsearching @tquick99 @rachel146 @illloveyou @thewidowsghost @uraveragelonelygay @wandasgirlfriend @olicity-boo @suki-is-a-queen @xxromanoffxx @b-5by5 @hagridsmomma @blurryylines @yeeterthekeeper @maximoff-jp @midnight-lestrange @tomatonugget @mrs-avenger3000 @wandanatblogs @simpfornatasharomanoff @whyisgamora777 @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @grxvitye @hunka-hulka-burnin-fudge @clipreads @kathleenmikaelson
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angelofazarath · 1 year
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TOMORROW! Catch me and a badass batch of Memphis performers battling it out at @atomicrosememphis in War of the Roses! 🌹❤️ It’s going to be a blast! 😉 . . #bellydance #bellydancer #bellydancing #bellydancelove #bellydancequeens #bellydancecostume #bellydancelife #redhead #901art #901memphis #901girl #901artist #memphis #memphisart #memphisartist #memphisdance #memphismodels #atomicrose #atomicrosememphis #polskaroma #roma #polskacyganska (at Atomic Rose Club and Grill) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn4g9yirzDE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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awesomeredhds02 · 3 years
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May’s #photodump 🍒 #red #redhair #may #maggio #roma#flowers #capellirossi #capelliricci#redhead #blueeyes
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