#recycling tennis balls
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Slept tight.
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betterbemeta · 3 months
I think something interesting about the star trek world is its combination of both replicator and holodeck technology. I understand these are literal 'plot devices' to explain the availability of food, materials, and the ability to visit locations for sci-fi premises that can't be found on an alien planet. However, they are worth thinking about in terms of how they change the world.
(Let's assume 'ideal' circumstances where we have a stable renewable non-polluting source of lots and lots of energy and aren't rationing it like on Voyager or something)
Replicators can use energy and raw materials to configure items, and presumably dis-configure items. While the potential for '3D printing' basically anything so long as its materials aren't too rare is really cool, it is also a near-perfect recycling machine. Beyond making sure your replicated dishes and cups don't infinitely pile up, that's SO IMPORTANT. Not only does that mean many items are 'temporary' that otherwise would be 'forever', you can instantly refresh the wear on many items without having to replace them and generate trash.
For example, tennis balls. It's currently really hard to recycle tennis balls, and serious players wear them out extremely quickly. Every serve you make after the first will be with a slightly worn, degraded tennis ball until you replace it, which generates trash. The production facilities to make all those tennis balls have to exist, they have to be shipped, the space to store them exists, the space to store their waste exists, the waste must be transported to a tennis ball recycling facility or a landfill...
but with replicators, you could play tennis without owning/paying a club to access a single tennis ball, without wasting a tennis ball.
And then there's the possibility of holodeck sports where you don't even need to make ANY material items. You could program the tennis ball to never run out. As long as you have the power to run it, maybe the most you'd need to 'own' is a tennis outfit. I am not sure if it's consistent that holodecks can 'dress you' or if you always must bring in costumes from the outside. And the costume itself could be replicated and then recycled!
There's a vast amount of stuff that we retain as personal property that just has to do with accessing activities or amenities. It's not really property that has emotional significance to us, but we still have attachments to it as its a facilitator of our active identity. Our dishes and cookware. Sports equipment. Certain kinds of clothing items. Some types of personal care items. Non-heirloom/generic holiday decorations. Stuff that is usually sacrificed first when we become homeless, when losing access to what they enable is more devastating than the items themselves.
If we could basically conjure and dismiss these things at-will, or access them on a temporary basis for free, we wouldn't need to own them or keep them around in our homes. No supply chain would be dedicated to them. Their waste would be completely eliminated. Ideas of 'what stuff I need to have as a person, to have a dignified life' would change completely.
It wouldn't surprise me if there were people in the star trek universe running around on earth with basically nothing we consider permanent physical property. Not because they're homeless and have no place to put them, and not because they're rich and their assets are liquid-- because the only reason to 'keep' mundane items, even something as complex as a communication device or computer, might be because they are emotionally important to you. And not everybody has 'stuff' like that at every time in their lives.
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blurban-form · 1 month
Future Brisbane
So, at the end of “Surprise”, we get to see future-Brisbane, maybe 25-30 years in the future? A grown-up Bluey brings her child to visit her parents’ house, so her kid can blast Dad with tennis balls like she did.
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Compare future Brisbane with current Brisbane
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First of all, nice to see the house hasn’t fallen down, Dad and Mum have kept it in good repair (thanks Hammerbarn) and it now has solar panels, as do a number of other homes.
Many things have changed:
An incredible increase in land use density; multiple medium and tall towers (like in downtown) now are common in the suburban area. Assuming this means much more multifamily housing.
Roads much less dominant/conspicuous in the hills
Look how the trees have grown.
The communications towers on the hilltops are less conspicuous.
Three waste/recycling bins (addressing the green waste recycling issue)
Drone transport (for deliveries?)
Some things haven’t changed:
Sky is blue. That’s good.
The whole area hasn’t flooded from rising sea levels…
Adult Bluey drives, or at least is using a private vehicle, rather than something like an on-demand transit service. (Maybe the drone deliveries mean less congestion on the roads but traffic has never been a big issue in Bluey-Brisbane 😉)
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Inside the house is not crazy-futuristic, some electronic gadgets, like a Roomba. (I was expecting more high-tech like a Mr. Fusion from “Back to the Future” but that’d probably be by the kitchen or by the garbage wheelie-bins.)
I know my parents still have the same stereo they had 30+ years ago, and much of the same furniture.
Note that 30 years of progress has not improved how Roombas dock with their charging stations.
Some other new tech in the front hall:
Electronic digital picture frames with weird floating connections to the wall.
Wifi router thing on ceiling
Spherical thing (maybe something like an Alexa?)
New comfy chair, replacing the red one.
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Density Increase
The increase in land use density in the Brisbane suburbs where the Heelers live is one of those dreams of land use planners; more density in already developed areas is generally considered a plus, assuming the infrastructure can accommodate it. Higher density means more people in a given area making public transit more efficient and reducing costs to serve the homes with utilities.
Is that kind of growth possible in only a few decades? Yes, here’s a North American example… this is where I grew up, in the early 1980s it looked like this in Mississauga, ON around the Square One shopping centre…
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…and now it looks like this in the 2020s.
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So that’s growth over about 30-40 years, which is a little longer than how much time has apparently elapsed in “Bluey”, but not a lot. It’s possible, and this kind of thing can snowball / accelerate once initial projects get underway.
Public opposition (NIMBY) can prevent this kind of thing from occurring in many cities.
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2022dirt · 20 days
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Conservationists like to recycle Wimbledon tennis balls as predator-proof shelters for harvest mice. Harvest mice are virtually odourless and low maintenance. They even do the farmer a small favour by eating harmful pests. Harvest mice are important pollinators that play a vital role in ecosystems.
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dancingisdangerouss · 2 years
Hi could u do a scenario with a Gn/f reader being kidnapped the same time as finny in the black phone and the reader knowing finny is in more danger so they plan to escape but reader sacrifices themselves by tackling the grabber or using the belt to restrict the grabber in time for finny to escape? Sorry if it’s too specific, obviously make it how u want it! Thank u and pls take care of urself!
Sorry this took forever for me to get to, it's not at all too specific--I actually would have preferred some more direction! Wasn't sure if this was intended to be taken in a dark context or not, so I just went that way on default. I hope that's okay!
Warnings: Kidnapping, blood mention
“You really don’t hear it?”
You caught the tennis ball a ninth time, lazily tossing it against the wall opposite the one the two of you leaned against. Sadly, this mindless entertainment was all the ball seemed good for; you had tried to break the glass overhead with it (only to find you were not as strong of a throw as you thought), and had only once made the mistake of pitching it against The Grabber’s head during one of his “visits” (only Finney was given food after that incident, which he insisted on sharing with you, the sweet kid).
“It’s broken, Finn.” You threw your head back to look at him, watching the boy pace in a diminutive circle, his brows fixed in quiet thought. “The wire’s cut, too. C’mon, kid, you can’t be losing your mind on me already!”
“I’m not crazy.” Finney halted with his hands behind his back, looking forty years older with the deep frown on his face. “I know I can hear it.”
“So answer it, then.” You threw the ball again, this time missing it as it returned. It bounced off the mattress and rolled into the farthest corner, out of your reach. Damn it. “Not like it can hurt, right?”
Finney stooped to retrieve the ball and tossed it back to you. “I guess not…It’s just weird that you don’t hear it.”
You set the ball down on the concrete to your left, then patted the mattress at your right, indicating for him to come sit. He did. 
“I know it’s scary, Finn. But it’s like I told you,” You ruffled his curls and he smiled, batting your hand away, “I’m not going anywhere, and I’m certainly not going to let him touch you, you hear me? I’ll be damned if anything bad happens to you on my watch…Gwen would throttle me,” you added, and you both laughed at the thought.
What a mess this all was. You certainly hadn’t intended for any of this to happen; Fate was just cruel to the two of you, putting you in the same place at the same time when this all had gone down.
Having just come off a grueling shift at the local recycled bookstore, “Judge The Cover,” you had been on your way home in pursuit of a long bath and microwaved macaroni when you ran into your neighbor’s kid, Finney Blake, in the midst of helping an older man retrieve some fallen groceries.
He and his sister were good kids—polite, friendly, and at that age where they were old enough to hold an actual conversation, but not yet into those obnoxious teenage years where they decided they hated you for no legitimate reason. 
Gwen sometimes came by to hang out with your younger sister, and Finney occasionally joined them to get some homework done in a quiet home environment, so you would say you were pretty familiar with their family.
“You want to see a magic trick?” the older gentleman was asking him as he straightened his ridiculous black tophat. 
But Finney caught your eye over the man’s shoulder and brightened, standing on tiptoe to give you a friendly wave.
“Hey, Y/N!” he called out, and the man in front of him startled in surprise, turning on his heel to follow Finney’s line of sight. “How was your shift?”
You huffed out a dramatic breath. “Never get a job in customer service, Finn, that’s all I can tell you.” 
Taking notice of the shattered eggshells and yellow yolks leaking along the pavement, you faced the older man, offering him a cordial nod. “If you hurry back to the store in time, you can probably get your money back for these, sir.”
An artificial smile crossed the man’s equally-artificial face, which was caked in white paint. His eyes lay obscured beneath thick black sunglasses. This, coupled with the broken eggs, made you blurt without thinking, “Oh, I’m so sorry, are you blind? I didn’t even realize. Here, I can help.” 
You knelt to scoop up the rest of the scattered grocery items, pawing them back into the paper bags.
“How…nice of you!” the man chirped, though his voice remained inauthentic. What was his problem? “Would you mind putting those in the back? There are some balloons in there, just move them aside.”
“Sure, sure.” You pulled the van door back, fighting to push through a mass of black balloons bouncing around inside as you set the grocery bags down wherever you could find space. 
Finney’s scream drew your attention. You jumped, bumping your head on the ceiling of the van, and made to back out the way you came to see what was going on, but a pair of strong hands seized your hips, shoving you forward and down onto the van floor. Your forehead and nose smacked into the hard surface. 
“Hey, what the hell—?” 
You righted yourself, batting balloons out of your face as you tried to turn back around. 
Finney’s unconscious body flopped down into the van beside you, his expression twisted up in agony and the bitter fumes of strong chemicals flooding your nostrils. You hastily dropped over the kid, checking his pulse as best you could with a bunch of balloons dancing around your head.
“Over here, dear.”
You turned on instinct to follow the voice, only for a spray of burning liquid to assault your senses. Shrieking, you spit repeatedly to remove the medicinal taste from your tongue, but your vision spun fast, the black balloons melting into each other until they overwhelmed your eyes with the dark.
Since then, you had endured hours of huddling together in the dark of that deranged man’s basement, working through every inexplicable escape plan the two of you could put together.
That fucker with the fallen groceries was no blind man, that was for sure—and since the events of that day, he had equipped himself in various theatre masks, all based on certain emotions. 
He had thankfully thus far not harmed either of you, but he never held back in his implications, and more than once you caught him watching the two of you as you slept. 
“Could you not?” you had hissed, pulling Finney closer to you in a protective gesture that earned a low growl from beneath the mask; you found he really didn’t like when you got all mama/papa-bear-type over Finney. 
Too damn bad.
You weren’t about to let your guard down. You were in this mess, too, so you had a responsibility as the adult to make sure you did everything in your power to protect Finney. 
The trouble was, you knew you weren’t the one The Grabber wanted. You’d just been in the wrong place at the wrong time, and you supposed the man didn’t really know what to do with you in light of this turn of events. 
On top of that, it seemed The Grabber was distracted by a surprise guest recently, so between you intervening and someone showing up unexpectedly to his home, he was probably too flustered to make any big decisions just yet.
This all changed one overcast night, when you found the door unlocked.
It was risky, for sure, but you had to at least try. 
You led the way up the moaning staircase, holding Finney’s hand as the two of you crept up to potential freedom, hearts racing in uneven tempos. Feeling around for the door handle, you eased the door open. 
Oh shit.
The Grabber was waiting for you at the top of the stairs, spread wide-legged out in front of you against a kitchen chair. One hand lay limp against his kneecap, loosely gripping  the black belt now absent from his trousers, the other resting at his thigh. His button-down shirt fell open down the middle, exposing his broad chest, which filled and deflated with each slow breath.
He was asleep! 
Your hand tightened over Finney’s before releasing him entirely. Wordlessly, you nodded at the front door, and Finney seemed to understand, tiptoeing his way across the kitchen, the silence only broken with the occasional snore from The Grabber. 
You followed suit, and swore when you realized there was a bike lock attached to the door, but Finney set to work on it without problem. How he knew the combination, you’d have to ask him later—now wasn’t the ideal time for that. 
Both of you jumped as a dog began barking its head off, alerted to the escapees by the sound of the lock clicking open. Without bothering to turn around, you threw the door open, shoving Finney through it.
“But Y/N, you—“
You’d probably known all along that only one of you would make it out of this alive, and that there was no scenario where Finney wouldn’t be the one to do so. You’d come to terms with that the very day you were captured, really; if that kid living meant your death, then so be it.
As expected, The Grabber was on his feet in seconds, boots thudding heavily around the corner as he neared you to see what was going on. 
You lunged, seizing the belt from his hand and wrestling it away the moment he set foot on the carpet. With the element of surprise, you actually managed to steal the weapon for yourself, and made haste to wrap it around his throat, squeezing. 
The Grabber roared in rage, hands flying to his neck to fight you away from him. You knew first-hand he was stronger than you were, but you had to ensure that enough time passed for Finney to safely escape, so you held tight, fingers going white as you pulled the belt as taut as you could manage. 
Before you could register what was happening, The Grabber threw you off of him, sending you skidding across the kitchen floor. You slid across the tile and banged your head against the corner of the table. 
Momentarily dazed by the impact, you allowed The Grabber to climb atop your prone form, straddling your hips with his weight as he gasped for free air, having managed to disentangle the belt from his throat. 
"Insolent little brat..." The man held you down, exposed chest heaving with each raging breath. The belt now found your throat instead, squeezing against the hollow. “And stupid. Why did you stay behind? You could have gone with him."
“And risk having him caught?” You coughed as he pushed the belt further into your airway. “N-no way. I kind of always kn-knew it would end this way.” 
The pressure on your throat relented, replaced by The Grabber’s mask scraping against the skin there as he leaned forward. “You had already accepted that?”
You nodded, choking on an unsteady breath. 
“Hope it was worth it to you.” 
In the belt’s place, the cool flat of a blade nipped at your skin. “You’ve gone and ruined the game, Naughty (girl/boy). I have nothing left to lose now, you know that? So I’m going to take this nice…” The knife sank its teeth into your collarbone, allowing blood to flow free from the punctures, “and slow.”
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msnogood · 1 year
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Little Demon Beast
Portly but nimble. This felted tiny demonic beast is ready to nibble on your soul.
An anthropomorphic personification of my inner demon from seasonal affective disorder.
Inspired by general cuteness of Adventure Time characters, paired with wooden splayed legs of 60′s mid century teak furnitures.
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Things you need:
Black wool, quite a bit (mine is from recycled wool yarn)
Felting needles (medium or 38 gauge)
2 red round head sewing pins
Red string or threads or red wool
Water and soap
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Felting base (I used recycled packing foam from packages)
Black paint (black oil-based markers like Sharpie, or acrylic paint)
Sanding paper
Red wool
1) Roll the wool into a ball with a bit of soap and water until it feels firm (a bit like a tennis ball)
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2) Try to shape it into an oblong shape at around 3″ long in length
3) Squeeze the water out. Dry it more by squeezing it with a dry towel wrapped around it 4) Add more wool around it to make it into the perfect oblong shape if it isn’t already
5) Put the red pins on one side where it’s face will be as a temporary marker of the face
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6) Needlefelt a mouth gap right below the eyes
7) Cut the red string or thread (can be triple thread for thickness) a bit longer than the mouth gap. Alternatively, this can be replaced by felting in a line of red wool.
8) Needle felt the ends of the string at the ends of the mouth gap
Optional) Do step 16 and 17 here instead of later
9) Roll 2 small cone shape beards with soap and water. Dry them as you did at step 3. You can needlefelt them instead but I find this a bit faster.
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10) Needlefelt the ear base on the head. Make sure to take the eye pins out when after you lightly secured the ears on the right spots. Otherwise your needle may hit the eye’s metal pins on the inside
11) Break the toothpicks in half. Sand the broken tips with sandpaper, or any rough surfaces like a brick, or a cement wall.
12) Paint the toothpicks in black with an oil-based marker or acrylic paint. Let them dry
13) Slowly “drill” the toothpicks with the sharp tip in at a slight angle
Optional) Do step 18 here instead of later.
14) Roll a small ball with water and soap. Needle felt it at the rear of the bunny as a tail
15) Put the red pins on as eyes
——additional steps after me sleeping on the project——
16) Add some plump lips. I could have done this sooner at step 7 but I’m not great at visioning 3D things until I see the thing
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17) Add some cheekier cheeks at the sides of the mouth
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18) Add some thicc thighs at the base of the toothpick legs
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19) Add some red spots on the back. Put a very thin layer of black wool on the finished red spots to mute the colors.
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20) Rejoice! Your demon bunny is born! Put it on your bedside table, your altar, your bathroom. Wherever you need a little demon to watch over you.
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Preserve color wool by starting your base with a cheaper undyed wool first
All the wet felting in the guide can be replaced by needlefelting. I just find it a good cheat as an impatient felter
Felting foam or brush base and finger gloves can help avoid the need to bleed but it’s not necessary
A tightly felted piece is much easier to be cleaned and repaired (if need be) in the future
To smooth out the needle holy surface on the finished piece, message some warm water on the surface to relax the fiber
Beware of insects that may see your new woolen creature as dinner
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brands4lessnow · 35 minutes
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Destination Drunk - 15 Craziest Drinking Games for Adults from Around the World.
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offtherackbyat · 6 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Nike Men's Summer Rafa Advantage 7" Short Sz XL.
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coffee-queen12 · 17 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Adidas Club Skort NWT.
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vineethsharma · 27 days
Pioneering the Game: The Critical Role of Sports Nets Manufacturers
In the wide-ranging arena of sports, certain elements are crucial yet often overlooked—sports nets are among them. From securing the goals in a soccer match to ensuring safety in basketball games, sports nets are integral to both the functionality and safety of sports activities. Sports net manufacturers, therefore, play a pivotal role in the sports industry, combining expertise in material science, engineering, and design to produce high-quality, durable nets. This article explores the intricacies of sports nets manufacturing, the innovations driving the industry forward, and the challenges manufacturers face in an evolving global sports landscape.
Understanding the Fabric of the Game
The foundation of sports nets manufacturing lies in the selection of materials and the technology used to weave these materials into nets. The choice of material depends largely on the specific requirements of each sport. For instance, football and soccer nets require durable, weather-resistant materials like polyethylene or polyester, which can withstand the impact of high-speed balls and adverse weather conditions. On the other hand, sports like volleyball and tennis might use nylon nets for its elasticity and excellent tension-holding capabilities.
Polyethylene nets are favored for their strength and UV resistance, making them ideal for outdoor sports. Polyester nets offer similar benefits but with better abrasion resistance and a softer feel, which can be crucial in sports where the interaction between the player and the net is more frequent, such as volleyball. Nylon, known for its superior strength and elasticity, is commonly used in competitive sports environments where the net's ability to absorb impacts can influence the game's flow and safety.
Weaving Technology and Techniques
The manufacture of sports nets involves sophisticated weaving and knotting techniques to ensure maximum durability and performance. There are generally two types of net constructions: knotted and knotless. Knotted nets, traditionally used in many sports, involve tying knots at each intersection of the net mesh, providing high durability and impact resistance. Knotless nets, made by weaving fibers together without knots, offer a smoother surface and are generally lighter, which can reduce the risk of injuries for sports like soccer where player contact with the net is possible.
The manufacturing process also integrates advanced technologies such as UV stabilizers to prevent degradation from sunlight, and colorants that ensure the nets remain visually appealing despite weather conditions and intense use. Some manufacturers have also begun incorporating antimicrobial treatments to help prevent mold and mildew, extending the net's lifespan, especially in humid or wet climates.
Innovation at the Forefront
Innovation in sports nets manufacturing is not just about using new materials or technologies; it's also about improving the sustainability of the products. As environmental concerns become more prominent, manufacturers are exploring eco-friendly materials such as recycled plastics and biodegradable fibers to lessen the environmental impact of their products.
Moreover, with the advent of digital technology, some sports net manufacturers are using computer-aided design (CAD) systems to create nets that meet precise specifications with minimal waste. These technologies allow for the customization of net sizes, shapes, and mesh sizes, making it possible to cater to specialized needs and local preferences, which is particularly important in custom installations like those for cricket practice nets or unique stadium configurations.
The future of sports nets manufacturing is also looking towards enhancing player experience and safety through smart technologies. Emerging trends include the integration of sensors within the nets that can detect and record ball impact. This technology not only assists in performance analysis but could also revolutionize training by providing immediate feedback on accuracy and ball speed. Furthermore, advancements in 3D printing technology are beginning to find their way into the production of customized net fittings and attachments, allowing for even more precise and rapid production tailored to specific needs.
With sustainability in mind, recent developments have seen an increased push towards using renewable materials. Innovations such as nets made from hemp and other natural fibers are gaining traction. These materials not only reduce the carbon footprint but also offer biodegradability that petroleum-based products cannot match. As sports net manufacturers continue to innovate, they contribute not just to sports but also to environmental stewardship and technological advancement.
Challenges and Adaptations
Despite advancements, sports net manufacturers face several challenges. The variability in global standards for sports equipment can complicate the design and manufacturing processes. Manufacturers must ensure their products meet the diverse regulations and standards of different countries and sports organizations, necessitating a flexible approach to production and constant updates to their compliance knowledge.
The fluctuation in raw material costs is another significant challenge. As most sports nets are derived from petroleum-based products, shifts in oil prices can directly impact production costs. Manufacturers must manage these fluctuations while trying to keep the end products affordable for schools, sports clubs, and individual consumers.
As sports continue to evolve with new games emerging and existing games being played in more regions worldwide, the demand for high-quality, reliable sports nets is expected to grow. Sports nets manufacturers are at the forefront of ensuring that this demand is met with innovation and efficiency. By continuing to focus on material advancements, manufacturing technologies, and sustainability, these manufacturers are not just supporting the global sports infrastructure but are also integral players in advancing how the game is played safely and fairly. Their role underscores a simple truth: behind every great sport, there’s great equipment—and behind that equipment, there’s an industry committed to excellence and continuous improvement.
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abigail55 · 3 months
The Green Revolution: Exploring the World of Turf
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In the realm of landscaping and sports, turf holds a significant place, offering lush green carpets that enhance the aesthetic appeal of gardens, parks, and sports arenas alike. Turf, often referred to as artificial grass or synthetic turf, has revolutionized outdoor spaces, providing low-maintenance alternatives to natural grass. From residential lawns to professional sports fields, the versatility and durability of turf have made it a popular choice worldwide.
Understanding Turf: Turf, in its essence, is a surface of synthetic fibers designed to resemble natural grass. Initially developed in the 1960s, it gained popularity due to its ability to withstand heavy use and adverse weather conditions. Today's turf is a sophisticated blend of materials such as polyethylene, polypropylene, and nylon, meticulously engineered to replicate the look and feel of real grass.
The Benefits of Turf:
Low Maintenance: Unlike natural grass, turf requires minimal upkeep. It eliminates the need for mowing, watering, fertilizing, and pesticides, saving both time and resources.
Durability: Turf is highly resilient and can withstand heavy foot traffic, making it ideal for high-traffic areas such as playgrounds, sports fields, and commercial spaces.
Weather Resistance: Turf maintains its vibrant green appearance year-round, regardless of weather conditions, making it an excellent choice for regions with extreme climates.
Water Conservation: By opting for turf over natural grass, individuals contribute to water conservation efforts, as turf does not require regular watering.
Versatility: Turf can be installed virtually anywhere, transforming unused spaces into functional and visually appealing areas. It is commonly used in residential landscapes, commercial properties, sports fields, and even rooftop gardens......learn more.
Types of Turf:
Landscape Turf: Designed for residential and commercial landscaping purposes, landscape turf adds beauty and functionality to outdoor spaces. It comes in various shades of green, textures, and pile heights to mimic natural grass.
Sports Turf: Engineered to meet the rigorous demands of athletic activities, sports turf offers enhanced performance, shock absorption, and traction. It is widely used in football fields, soccer fields, golf courses, and tennis courts.
Pet-Friendly Turf: Specifically crafted to withstand pet-related wear and tear, pet-friendly turf features specialized drainage systems that prevent odors and ensure easy cleanup. It provides a safe and comfortable surface for pets to play and relax.
Putting Green Turf: Ideal for golf enthusiasts, putting green turf replicates the texture and performance of natural grass on golf courses. It offers consistent ball roll and smooth putting surfaces, allowing golfers to practice their game at home or in commercial settings.
Installation and Maintenance: Proper installation and maintenance are crucial for maximizing the lifespan and performance of turf.
Installation: The installation process involves site preparation, base installation, turf laying, and seaming. It is essential to hire experienced professionals to ensure proper drainage, infill distribution, and seam integration.....see more.
Maintenance: Although turf requires less maintenance than natural grass, regular care is still necessary to preserve its appearance and functionality. Maintenance tasks may include debris removal, brushing to maintain fiber orientation, infill replenishment, and occasional rinsing to remove dirt and pet waste.
Environmental Considerations: While turf offers numerous benefits, it is essential to consider its environmental impact.
Recycling: Many turf manufacturers incorporate recycled materials into their products, reducing the demand for virgin resources and minimizing waste.
Heat Retention: Turf surfaces can become significantly hotter than natural grass, especially in direct sunlight. This heat retention can contribute to urban heat island effects and discomfort during hot weather.
End-of-Life Disposal: At the end of its lifespan, turf can be challenging to dispose of due to its synthetic materials. Proper recycling and disposal methods are necessary to minimize environmental harm.
Conclusion: Turf has emerged as a sustainable and versatile alternative to natural grass, offering unparalleled durability, aesthetics, and functionality. Whether used in residential landscapes, sports facilities, or commercial spaces, turf continues to redefine outdoor environments worldwide.
By understanding its benefits, types, installation, maintenance, and environmental considerations, individuals can make informed decisions regarding the use of turf in their projects, contributing to greener and more sustainable communities.
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artleaguemdcnorth · 5 months
3D Class, Assemblage Assignment - 1/23/24
Students, last class you had an opportunity to look through the videos on the topic of Assemblage.
Hopefully as you watched them, you zeroed in on the possibilities for your own Assemblage to be started today.
This assignment will be done in a period of two weeks starting today 1/23  through 2/1 .
For  each class day you will post progress accomplished on that day in the following manner:
1/4  - Tuesday  ( 1/23 )
2/4 - Thursday ( 1/25 )
3/4 - Tuesday  ( 1/30 )
4/4 - Thursday ( 2/1 )
Once you have decided on a format to follow for this assignment, you will begin your project.
You are doing two art works in the Assemblage style.
You need to show Symmetry in one and Asymmetrical balance in the other.
This assignment is completely NON OBJECTIVE, Non-Representational.
What shapes will you need or use to make your artwork function?
Think about that as you go review your items.
Look at recyclables and other materials that we dispose of, found objects an old rusted screw , odd shaped wooden sticks etc.
Always remember to keep a relative relationship between one object and the next.
A basketball and a tennis ball would be an odd relationship.
So keep a relative size relation between one thing and the next.
Look at the way these artists have created balance, symmetry or asymmetrical balance in their work.
Now see how you can do the same.
Play with space today , start spray painting objects and background board or box.  
Painting all the objects in your project will allow for uniformity.
Look at the work of Louise Nevelson, she would use wood pieces from tables, leftover wood cuts etc.
Painting everything in black allowed for the creation of a harmonious composition.
Today’s in class assignment. You can start thinking about your project and  begin to assemble the pieces.
See below a review of the tips I shared last week as you get ready to work:
1) Find the surface to use.
a) That can be 2 boxes or two wood panels measuring any of the following sizes  
8 x 10 , 10x 10 , 12 x12.
note: cigar boxes can be found at cigar bars , tell them you are a starving artist and they give them to you.
2) Collect objects to fit inside your surfaces.
3) Decide on the color to paint all objects and surface.
4) Start working objects and playing with with space to think about Balancing your composition.
5) Finally objects need to be dimensional.
That means no paper or flat objects.
When looking at your projects from the side it needs to be at least 2 -3 inches away from the original surface (box or wood panels) and or wall when we hang it.
Remember you are doing TWO ASSIGNMENTS:
A) Symmetrical B) Asymmetrical
See the student projects below to get an idea of how this assignment will look.
Work out different ideas before you commit to a color scheme ( either all black or all white ) .
Student work
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Student work - Side view
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Tomorrow in class, we will go outside to spray paint outdoors and use caution to not dirty or mess up anything . ( I will show students where to do this in class tomorrow. )
Use newspapers to keep things tidy .
Post all progress on your portfolio (tumblr) by end of class time today.
Please put a date and title to your posts.
Below works by K. Schwitters, J. Cornell and L. Nevelson
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K. Schwitters
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J. Cornell
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J. Cornell
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Louise Nevelson
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Louise Nevelson
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businesspromoting · 6 months
Synthetic sport surfaces testing
synthetic sport surfaces testing is essential to ensure they meet the required standards for safety, performance, and durability. Various tests are conducted to assess the quality of these surfaces. Here are some common types of tests:
Impact Absorption Testing:
Description: This test evaluates how well the surface absorbs impact, which is crucial for player safety.
Method: A test apparatus simulates the impact of a player falling on the surface. The force and shock absorption are measured.
Vertical Deformation Testing:
Description: Measures the vertical deformation of the surface, indicating how much it compresses under load.
Method: A weight or impact is applied, and the amount of vertical deformation is measured.
Ball Rebound Testing:
Description: Evaluates how well the surface responds to the rebound of a ball.
Method: A ball is dropped onto the surface, and the rebound height is measured. This is critical for sports like tennis and basketball.
Friction Testing:
Description: Assesses the surface's friction properties, which affect player traction and movement.
Method: A device measures the coefficient of friction by simulating player movements.
Surface Hardness Testing:
Description: Measures the hardness of the surface, which can impact player comfort and injury risk.
Method: Instruments like durometers are used to measure the hardness of the surface.
UV Stability Testing:
Description: Determines how well the surface withstands exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which can cause fading and degradation.
Method: Samples are exposed to UV radiation for a specified period, and changes in color and material properties are assessed.
Temperature Resistance Testing:
Description: Assesses the surface's performance under different temperature conditions.
Method: The surface may be subjected to extreme temperatures, and changes in properties are monitored.
Durability and Wear Resistance Testing:
Description: Evaluates how well the surface withstands repeated use, abrasion, and wear.
Method: Simulated wear and tear are applied to the surface, and the changes in physical properties are measured.
Environmental Impact Testing:
Description: Examines the environmental impact of the materials used in the surface.
Method: Assessments may include toxicity testing and evaluating the recyclability of materials.
Infill Performance Testing (for synthetic turf):
Description: Evaluates the properties and performance of the infill material used in synthetic turf systems.
Method: Tests may include ball roll, traction, and shock absorption on the infill material.
It's important to conduct these tests in accordance with relevant industry standards and guidelines, such as those provided by sports governing bodies or organizations like the International Tennis Federation (ITF), FIFA, ASTM International, or other applicable standards in your region. Regular testing and maintenance are crucial to ensuring the longevity and safety of synthetic sport surfaces.
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100dayproductivity · 8 months
Urgh! Doom scrolling again! And urgh! Still have plantar fasciitis! But... I have at least started on my foot care regimen whilst going down a YouTube rabbit hole. Here's the list so far:
Ice my heel. ✓
Warm muscles in calves and Achilles tendon with heating bag. ✓
Loosen tightness with tennis ball/roller.
Stretch calves, Achilles tendon, and bottom of foot on stairs.
Also, have managed to knock out a couple of chores. Dishwasher is loaded and running. And managed to do some decluttering! I will be passing a bagful of items to someone who wants them later today, and I'm so pleased! Some of the items are paper products that I thought I'd end up having to just put in the recycling bin, but this person will be able to make use of them! Yay!
So. Time to stop procrastinating. I need to finish my foot care regimen, but also need a shower and I need some lunch, I'm starving. There are a couple of phone calls I am avoiding though. 😥 One is for a referral for cataract removal. Yes, I have cataracts. Yes, I'm kinda young for cataracts but my eyesight has been poor since childhood so apparently that's a factor. Cataract surgery is pretty much at the top of the list of things triggering my anxiety and is one of the main causes of my avoidance behaviour. There, I said it. 😮‍💨
So, am I gonna call the clinic my GP gave me a referral for today? 😮‍💨
The other phone call I'm avoiding is returning the call to my mortgage lender to discuss my renewal options. My renewal date is coming up in December. I think for this phone call I'm just being lazy, but possibly I'm nervous about what the interest rates are going to be and thus, what my new monthly payments will be. Is it going to be a huge increase from what I'm paying now?? 😮‍💨
Right. So these are the things I've been avoiding.
Alright. Need food. Too bad I'm outta peanut butter. It's my go-to comfort food. (I'm always out of peanut butter, it doesn't last long around here.)
What are you fearing today?
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myyvideosblog · 8 months
In the world of ping pong robot machines
Best Ping Pong Robot Machines In 2024 In recent years, the world of ping pong or table tennis has seen a considerable transformation, with technology playing a big part in improving the game. The emergence of ping pong robot machines is one of the most intriguing developments in this sport. These devices have completely changed how athletes train by enabling accurate ball positioning, adjustable spin, and a reliable training partner. In 2024, ping pong robot technology continued to improve, and in this article, we'll examine the greatest machines currently on the market.
Long a favorite among fans of table tennis, the Butterfly Amicus Prime. It remains a popular option in 2024 for players of all skill levels. This robot has some interesting features, such as spin, speed, and positioning adjustments. It can replicate the trickiest serves and shots, which makes it a useful training tool for aspiring players. The Amicus Prime's remote control, which enables quick changes to settings and modes, is one of its notable features. Additionally, it provides shot analysis so you can keep track of your development over time.
A notable contender for our list is the Power Pong 5000. This robot is renowned for its incredibly accurate ball delivery. It allows for a variety of training circumstances because to its customizable spin, speed, and oscillation settings. The Power Pong 5000 is a fantastic option for players who frequently need to shift their training setting because it is both lightweight and portable. The Power Pong 5000's capability to imitate a variety of playing styles, from a defensive chopper to an aggressive attacker, is a standout feature. Due to its adaptability, it is a fantastic option for players who want to practice against various opponents' playing styles.
In the world of ping pong robot machines, Newgy has long been a reputable brand, and the Robo-Pong 3050XL stands up to that legacy. This robot still dazzles in 2024 thanks to its adaptable settings and simplicity of operation. The 3050XL has an astonishing array of pre-programmed drills and lets you customize spin, speed, and placement. The Robo-Pong 3050XL's recycling net system, which gathers and recycles balls for ongoing play, is one of its most notable features. Players who want continuous training sessions will find this option to be extremely helpful.
The Paddle Palace H2W Touch Pro is an advanced player's ping pong robot machine that offers the maximum level of personalization. It provides an astonishing variety of spin, speed, and ball placement settings. Your preferred drills and playing styles are simple to program and save using the touchscreen interface. The H2W Touch Pro's ability to replicate spin as well as different intensities of side and top spin makes it one of its standout features and offers a very lifelike practice environment.
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offtherackbyat · 6 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Nike Men's Summer Rafa Advantage 7" Short Sz XL.
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