#reblogged from Pride
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Happy Pride everyone!!! (Thank you Emily Gwen for designing the sunset lesbian flag) I love my trans sisters and siblings very much Image description: a cartoon cat and mouse march across a rainbow carrying flags. The cat's flag is the sunset lesbian flag with the words "happy pride" written on it and the mouse's flag is a black flag with three white question marks. It's a bright, cloudy day and the sun has a smiling cartoon face. End ID
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gregorovitch-adler · 16 days
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Translation: Junior, I have told you several times that Lily prefers to be single, remember?
Lily is the new aroace icon. That's all.
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junewi02 · 3 days
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He's having gay thoughts
Happy Pride Month! 🌈
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markmybirds · 3 days
Dear @neil-gaiman ...
You are probably not going to understand why I am writing to you until the end of this. It's kind of poetic but please stick around.. I am deathly allergic to hornet/wasp/bee stings. I live in Canada where atm in Ontario we are dealing with an invasive giant hornet species that eats bees. So. I had to save the bees. Edit: I've been educated by husband and some lovely tumblr folks about it being a European Hornet! Still very deadly if she had stung me.
I went to take a nap. And found one crawling around my room floor. You could say I did not take a nap. Instead I grabbed a glass cup and put it overtop of her. She's very pretty, but for me she's pretty deadly. The closest books to stop the paranoia of her flipping the glass over were your books. American Gods and Stardust were too thick. Posed threat of also tipping glass over. So.. The Ocean at the End of the Lane it was.
Thank you for the book. It's a lovely read. And you could say it's helping save my life while my husband is out of the house at work.
"Words save our lives, sometimes." Literally.
Also shout out to @wardog-of-the-endless who sat in her office in Florida and listened to a panicked Canadian over Discord Voice Clips since I was shaking too much to type. I don't get scared often but when I do..
Jumpscare: Hornet.
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Edit/Update: I didn't kill her, but she was not doing well prior to my trapping her. I was going to wait to get husband to decide what to do with her, he's a Biologist so I knew he'd know better. I was very scared due to the fact I was home alone and initially had no cellphone around me to call 9-1-1 if she was to sting me. But when he came home she had curled up and passed on. We're a trap and release sort of fam. We DO live in the area where trees have been killed off by invasive moth species so I was worried she was invasive. Thank you to those peoples who educated me.
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thapunqueen · 1 year
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bruhstation · 23 days
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runeaxx · 1 year
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fullscoreshenanigans · 4 months
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The little bow of reflection and smile Ray makes as he briefly soaks in the last morning Emma and Norman will be able to carry out their routine as usual knowing the horror they'll endure before night's end.
He knows they'd both prefer the harsh truth over a pretty lie, would hate to think about other siblings suffering the same fate as Conny, Hao, Sadie, Susan, and so many more before them if there was even the slightest chance of being able to do something about it. It's part of what he loves about them; where he had the tendency to give up after years of learned helplessness and self-loathing, they would resolutely say "no" and escape the system they had been born into.
(they are better, they are deserving, unlike him)
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He loves them so much he can't help but let some of his fondness show on his face as he savors Emma's reaction to seeing him and Norman, because if that isn't so incredibly her, to love so effortlessly and uninhibited, to live so unabashedly authentic.
It's part of what got him through a life he cursed and part of why he has faith if anyone will be able to do this, it'll be them.
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birbwell · 10 months
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the columnbs of the dirt
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jamesunderwater · 2 months
last night my mom sent me a text saying, "Happy trans day of visibility, my beautiful boy. I love you."
I just needed to take a moment today to sit with how lucky I am to have a parent who would send a message like that.
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riskrush · 1 year
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eustassslut · 1 year
hi everyone,
this is a very important announcement so please read it.
as I'm sure most of you are aware that Pride Month began on Friday and will last until the end of June. during this Pride Month I will be raising money in the form of paid fanfiction commissions to support a good friend's GoFundMe so he can afford top surgery at the end of August.
for every £1 (around $1.25) you donate i will write you 100 words of commissioned fanfiction in exchange. so if you donate £5 (around $6) you will receive 500 words of commissioned fanfiction and if you donate £10 (around $12) you will receive 1000 words of commissioned fanfiction. if you do not use £s to donate please message me your currency so i can figure out the exchange rate and a organise suitable word count for the money you’ve paid!
if you're interested in commissioning me all you need to do is donate to his GoFundMe here and send me a message with proof (screenshot of your donation or screenshot of the transfer) that you donated to him so that we can privately organise an individual commission for you. you can message me to organise a commission before or after you donate, but i will not begin working on it until after you donate. also please refresh yourself with my rules before donated!
thank you for reading and i look forward to hopefully writing some commissions 💙
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quarks-pussy · 8 months
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[Image description: two pride flags, transgender pride and bisexual pride, along with a picture of Bradward Boimler from Star Trek Lower Decks which they are colour picked from. End image description.]
Either stand for the flag or get the hell off my blog 🫡
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One of my closest friends has been talking to me about how she doesn't especially want to date anyone, and I lit up and I was all like "oh my god!! You shouldn't ever have to date someone! If you want to then that's cool, but you also shouldn't have to feel like you 'need' to find someone or like you're dating people just to make your parents happy!"
She was really listening carefully, and said that no one else had told her that, and that her parents keep saying (or implying) she'll want to date eventually, even if she doesn't right now.
I sent her an article briefly describing amatonormativity, and when I last saw her in person, she said she'd heard of "low libido" [asexuality] but not aromanticism before.
All the times I've been thinking about it over the last couple months, I'm just! So happy for her!!!
(Obviously, it doesn't change or greatly impact my life if she dates people, or feels romantic attraction, or even if she's arospec or not!)
But seeing the relief on her face, seeing her turning it over in her mind....
If you— especially as another queer person!— can really listen to someone, and say "hey, you could be [label] and here's some basic info about it, you don't have to do the Normal Thing™️ you're expected to do. I believe you and I'm here if you want to talk about it more"... Really witnessing someone's queer joy and being there for them? How could you not want to do that with people you care for?
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None of us are free until all of us are free
So I’ve recently remembered that I have a linktree which I haven’t actually used since like 2020/2021, so perfect place to share some of my saved links to support Palestine right? I suppose you can imagine my surprise when I already find a “FREE PALESTINE” header, one I don’t remember adding as a teen in the throes of lockdown and high school, right at the bottom.
I won’t try and pretend like I do remember adding any such thing, or sharing calls for donations for drinking water for Gaza, or for a hospital in East Jerusalem. I won’t act as if I had done the right thing and educated myself, because if I had back then, maybe I might’ve gotten involved in the criticism of Zionism and Israel whole lot sooner into the influx of atrocities and war crimes they’ve committed in “retaliation”. And maybe I would’ve understood just how much control the Israeli have had over the Palestinians sooner, for why would they have needed funds for suitable drinking water in early 2021? And maybe I would’ve known why I was sharing a call for aid for Al Makassed Hospital, which was raided by IOF soldiers dressed as women who sound bombed the area, killing 150 and injuring 600 Palestinians mid-2021. And maybe I would’ve known of Al Quds Open University, of which the hospital was associated with, and was bombed in November last year.
And sure, I could go on, but I won’t. Because the babies burned and decapitated and dismembered in the bombings in UNICEF’s camps in Rafah, the “designated safe zone”, and in their homeland wouldn’t have been alive then, let alone grow to learn from their elders who would have lived through it. Little Hind Rajab, who would’ve been alive then but too young to truly recall, won’t care, because she was murdered alone with her already dead relatives and two brave men who were meant to be allowed to save her. The innocent bodies marred by this so called “war”, the bleak eyes cursed by death, the broken bodies and immovable spirits of displaced persons seeking safety from the greed of the world - they won’t be thinking of matters of the past.
I genuinely don’t know what to think anymore. My heart aches for the Palestinians, as it does for the Congolese and the Sudanese and the Uyghurs and all victims of the manifestations of the greed of humanity. All I can wish for is for humanity to open their eyes, their hearts, to properly watch our world burn and feel the same aches as I do, as so little yet so many do. To take those aches and build the world anew, not from rubble, but from the foundations of our collective morals and drive against injustice and for a sustainable future.
And maybe I’ve written too much and no one will truly read this all, especially since I haven’t entirely censored myself here. But I refuse to put the effort in to make a tldr because I want people to read this all, I want to see just how far my voice can and will go.
The Operation Olive Branch spreadsheet is at the top of my linktree, right under the ‘FREE PALESTINE’ header that started these thoughts. If you’d like to look at the links I mentioned, I’ve kept them as the bottom three, I overall encourage you to research into them if you have the mental capacity to, or to at least keep up to date with the world today. I most likely won’t be updating that linktree again, so please seek other accounts and people who have more resources and material to keep educated.
As always, none of us are free until all of us are free. Choose the right side of history, make a stand against injustice.
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mister-heart · 7 months
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These are from last year but whateverrrr
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