#really we lost all social touches we used to have because of how work is now
fly-sky-high-09 · 1 month
Man today sure is something
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thisapplepielife · 5 months
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Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles December challenge.
Crumb Together
Prompt Day 27: Coffee Shop AU | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: T | CW: Language | Tags: Modern AU, Meet-Cute, Platonic Stobin, Coffee Shop/Bakery AU, Fluff, Steve POV
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Steve is carefully filling the bakery case. He's been here since three a.m., and it's still a half-hour until opening, but at least he's on time and not behind schedule for once. 
"Hey dingus, do we need more muffins?" Robin hollers, banging through the double-doors from the back to the front. 
"No, I have enough, thanks so much," he snaps. He's snippy this morning, pretty mad she ever talked him into this whole coffee shop scheme. Sure, they're retail pros, but small business owners? He should have said no fucking way. But she was excited, and he wanted her to be happy. That’s always his downfall.
He's definitely re-thinking that now that they’ve completely lost their social lives by keeping these insane working and sleeping schedules. They only see each other, which isn't the worst thing in the world, other than the fact that he doesn't know the last time he's touched boobies. Or dick. He's not picky. 
He needs to get laid, and he can’t do that stuck inside this coffee shop slash bakery hell with his best friend.
He's about to turn and sass her, when someone taps on the front door and he jumps, throwing a chocolate muffin up into the air, fumbling it around, before finally regaining control. 
He didn't drop it, but it looks a little worse for wear. He can't sell it like this. 
Well, fuck.
If he was a hired hand, he'd ignore the annoying tapper until the official opening time. Which is twenty-nine minutes from now. But as the owner, he puts down his tray and walks towards the door. They could use the paying customer, even if they’ve shown up way too early, like a rude asshole.
He looks, but he can't see anyone out there in the dark. Maybe he should ignore it.
He doesn't, instead he unlocks the door, and there's a guy standing there. 
"Hey, nice catch," the guy says, smiling. 
Steve forces a smile in return, "How can I help you?" 
"I know you're not open yet, but I saw you in there juggling the muffins, and I'm on my way out of town and really need a cup of coffee. My coffee maker decided this was the morning to croak," he says, slashing his whole hand across his neck, making a throat-slitting motion. 
He's rambling, like Robin.
Steve finds it a little cuter on him, than he does when Robin does it at this ungodly hour. 
Steve sighs, and opens the door wider to let him inside, "You just want black coffee?" 
"Please," the guy says. 
"I'll have to brew it. It'll just take a minute." 
"Thank you, you're a lifesaver," he says, and Steve can see that he's looking at Steve's chest, looking for a name tag. But Steve's not wearing one. Because as the owner, he finally doesn't have to. 
Robin is booting up the point-of-sale system, "Black coffee?" she repeats. 
The guy nods. 
"Eddie," the guy answers. 
"Good thing you asked him, I'd never know who to hand it to," Steve snarks at Robin, starting the coffee machine.
Eddie laughs.
Robin doesn't.
When it's done, Steve places the cup on the counter, and Robin immediately picks it up and writes Eddie's name on it. 
Which, that's stupid. They all know it's Eddie's coffee. Then, Robin sacks up the slightly banged up muffin and hands it to Eddie.
"You scared him and caused him to squish it. So, it's yours. On the house!" she says, far too chipper for this time of morning. 
"Thanks, I'll try to drop by and scare him more often," Eddie says, reading his name on his cup, grinning. Then Eddie slides a ten dollar bill across the counter, waving off his change. 
As soon as the bell on the door jangles, signaling Eddie's departure, Robin turns and slaps Steve on the arm. 
"What the hell? That cute boy wanted to flirt, and you totally dropped the ball, dingus!" 
Steve scrunches up his forehead, "Huh?"
Robin just shakes her head, annoyed, and heads back towards the kitchen.
Is Steve so rusty that he missed flirting? Goddamnit. 
Steve has just turned the front door lock, and flipped the sign to closed, when he hears his cell phone ringing somewhere in the distance. He follows the sound, and when he picks it up, it's a number he doesn't recognize. Great. More telemarketer bullshit. 
He goes to swipe the decline button, when Robin shouts, "You better get that!"
He looks back at his phone and cautiously accepts the call, not knowing what the hell she's done now.
"Is this Steve? From the coffee shop?"
"Yeah, this is Steve," Steve says, suspicious. He has no idea who he's talking to.
"Good, good. This is Eddie. From this morning. The coffee jerk that made you open early."
"Oh, uh, okay. Um…"
"How did I get this number?" Eddie asks, laughing.
"Yeah, that was what I was thinking," Steve admits.
"Well, somehow it ended up written on my coffee cup this morning, with your name and a time to call."
Steve shakes his head, Robin is such an asshole, but Steve smiles.
"Well, I'm not sure how that happened," Steve says, teasing back. Flirting. 
"Big mystery," Eddie teases, "but since I've got you on the phone, would you like to grab dinner or drinks. Coffee?"
"No coffee," Steve laughs, "but yes. To the other two, for sure. But be forewarned, I eat really early. Like an old person. Early bird specials are my jam. And I go to bed by nine. Eight-thirty if I can get away with it. I gotta be here by three to get ready to open this place."
He's learned to get that info out of the way, early. 
"Well, that sounds perfect. I get up at four to get to my jobsite. I'm in construction," Eddie says.
Steve smiles, it's been a while since anyone has understood his schedule.
"So, dinner? Four-thirty or five?" Eddie asks, and Steve laughs.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddieholidaydrabbles and follow along with the fun! ☕
If you want to see more of my entries into this month-long challenge, you can check them out in my Steddie Holiday Drabbles tag, right here!
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sapphicseasapphire · 2 months
Chain as Cryptids au: Huggability
My back hurts, have some comfort! Characters are ranked by who gives the best hugs to the worst hugs, and a little bit of an explanation!
(Under the cut because long)
1. Sky
Do I really need to explain myself? He’s Sky. He’s the softest, sweetest, most cuddly hero to ever exist and we love him for that. He’s kind of known for taking a random hero into his arms, wrapping his mighty wings around them, and then flopping onto the ground and falling asleep. He’s just. So soft. His wings? So warm. Every hero- even Legend, who’s pretty touch averse- would kill to be wrapped up in his crimson feathers. (Eh, except maybe Time. At first). He has a knack for finding whichever Link needs a hug the most and seeking them out.
2. Twilight:
This guy? Is extremely gentle. He’s so incredibly strong but also so incredibly soft. His Hylian hugs are second only to Sky’s, but he also had the added bonus of being a Shapeshifter! One moment, he’s got a Link all wrapped up in his arms and the next, he’s a purring cat on their lap. A wolf wrapped protectively around them. Warm and cuddly and always so careful. Gotta love Twilight.
3. Suprisingly (?), Legend:
Legend’s pretty touch averse most of the time. But when people need him, he’s there. He has so much love in his heart that he keeps bottled up. He has experience, and he has a knack for reading people. He knows exactly what they need.
4. Wind:
Little big brother. He’s surprisingly good at comforting the others and when he wants to be, he’s biggest cuddle bug in the world (second only to Sky, I guess haha). He’s really good at curling up and holding on tight, and he definitely 100% uses his younger age to his advantage. You wouldn’t tell the child to let go, right? You wouldn’t tell the child to get up. Even though, in reality, he’s comforting them more than they’re comforting him. He lets them think that they’re being the strong ones- it’s his little trick haha.
5. Hyrule:
Little guy. His hugs are always warm and gentle since he’s absolutely buzzing with magic. Fairy magic is inherently healing, so even if he’s not actively casting spells, the others are affected by his Good Vibes when they hug him! Having a bad day? Not anymore, Hyrule won’t let it happen. (Disclaimer: when he’s in his True Form, the two inch tall fairy, it isn’t wise for the others to try to hug him. Unless they’re Four and are also two inches tall.)
6. Ravio:
TOUCH STARVED BABY!!! GIVE HIM A HUG!!! Ravio is so eager to be affectionate haha! He kind of jumps directly on top of Legend like all the time, and when be hugs people, be squeezes them tightly as if he’s making up for lost time. While this is comforting to some, it might catch others off guard. I think he should be tied with Hyrule and Four but that’s not how these things work haha.
7. Four:
Four’s hugs are good hugs! They would be higher up on the list if it weren’t for their horns getting in the way. Sky’s go-to move is to rest his chin on peoples’ heads when he cuddles, but the top of Four’s head is deadly. Because they’re shorter than almost everyone in the Chain, the horns will get in the way. It’s no problem! The others can work around them! But they are gonna knock them down a few points. Sorry, Four.
8. Time:
This man. This God. Is so incredibly bad at being social. He’s awkward and not very good at reading social cues. And that’s not because he’s not mortal, it’s because he was raised by a tree. He’s not sure when it’s appropriate to hug the other Links (he’s more confident with Malon and his children), so he just tends to leave them alone. His philosophy, in this and in everything, is that if he gives them space, they’ll eventually come to him. That’s… not always correct. His hugs have great potential- he’s big and gentle- but he can’t give good hugs if he doesn’t give hugs.
9. Wild:
Wild doesn’t really… hug. He’ll sit next to a Link and flop against them. He’ll lean. But he doesn’t quite understand to wrap his arms around, and he doesn’t respond well to someone wrapping their arms around him, feeling trapped. So the leaning is about as close as they’re gonna get haha! And that’s perfectly fine! He’s not heavy (like at all) but he is warm (absolutely buzzing with spirit magic), so he’s always a welcome snuggle buddy. Just as long as he doesn’t try to steal their things while he’s half on top of them haha!
10. Warriors:
I’m sorry, I truly am. He’s a sword. He doesn’t do hugs. And even if he did, his physical form is metallic. Cold and hard and just about the least comforting ever. I love the guy, but this just isn’t his strong suit.
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creedslove · 1 year
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Pedro Pascal x f!reader
Summary: Pedro invites you to be his plus one for the night but his attention is caught by another woman and leaves you with a broken heart
Warnings: angst, age gap, established friendship, unrequited love/one sided feelings, fluff, glimpse of Pedro being a great (silly) dad, and more angst of course
A/N: I have no idea how you guys are gonna react. I hope you guys like it, because I was very invested and loved writing every single part of this chapter. Don't forget that all ideas and suggestions are more than welcome ❤️
I still can't manually tag people on the works because I use the app and it won't let me do it, that's why I don't have a tag list at all! 
3k words
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"You did WHAT?" Kate raised her voice without really meaning to, at the shocking news you'd told her. She couldn't believe just a few feet away from where everyone stood, hidden by a couple of trees Pedro had declared his love for you and kissed you.
And the most shocking to her: you had told him to walk away. She was shocked and expressive at first and then she went silent as you finished your account of what had happened. You told her about Pedro's apologies, about how he confessed his feelings and kissed you. And above all, how it took every ounce of strength and self-control to break that kiss.
"And then, what happened next?" She asked with fire in her eyes, anticipation making her anxious and excited to know, which caused you to roll your eyes
"What do you think happened, Kate? You think we just had a quickie in the middle of the bushes?" You groaned and sighed "he walked away, he came back inside, probably went home, I don't know, I came straight to the kitchen to help you" you shrugged. Your heart was still pounding and it felt like it would burst out of your chest at any moment. But that was not the only thing Pedro messed up in your body, you hated yourself to know your lower belly burned in need at the mere memory of his touch, of how warm his body was against yours, how his lips fell perfectly against yours. You hated the fact your arousal pooled in your underwear, every step you took you could feel it and it was a reminder of how he still had power over you, like no other man ever had and you doubted any other man ever would.
Pedro, on the other hand, should've been home at least an hour prior. He was so ashamed of himself for locking himself in the bathroom after what happened, he felt as if he was back in junior high, hiding away after being dumped by the girl he liked.
He stared into his own eyes in the mirror and sighed again, he just couldn't wrap his head around the fact you didn't love him anymore. Maybe you still did, he wasn't sure, but he'd screwed things up so bad you just wouldn't take the chance. And worse, you didn't even believe him. He never thought any of that could happen. He felt so disappointed in himself and didn't understand why he couldn't have been a better man to you, if he had, maybe right now you'd be together. It was no use wondering things now, he knew he'd lost you and he had nothing else to do there, he only wanted to get a glass of water and get the fuck out of that place. He walked silently through the hallway feeling so thankful to see the guests had already left and he didn't have to socialize with anyone, his social battery was drained at that point and he didn't have to pretend to be happy at all.
"But did you even tell him you were dating?" Kate's voice came from the kitchen, making Pedro stop dead in his tracks. He took a deep breath, his gut churning really hoping it would be someone else to reply to the question but you.
"When was I supposed to tell him? When he got his tongue down my throat?" You replied with a hint of annoyance as Kate seemed to be carrying out an interview with you, while you were tired and emotionally exhausted and all you wanted to do was go home.
"Plus, I'm not dating anyone, I'm just seeing Liev, it's not serious, just a few dates here and there…"
"And some fucking too, Y/N, or you really think I haven't noticed how you and him simply disappeared in the middle of dinner the other night and returned to the table all flushed and giggly?" She raised her eyebrow in a playfully way and saw how you blushed
"Kate!!!" You censored her "that's embarrassing, yeah, it happened a few times, so what? I'm single, he is single, or do you really think Pedro doesn't sleep around? I mean, he did when we were friends and close all the time, even if he knew it hurt my feelings, would he stop it now?" You asked "besides, I don't really buy this sudden gust of feelings he's got for me, I mean, the apologies were really important and I felt they were honest, and I really appreciate that, but don't you think it's too much of a coincidence that he suddenly discovers he loves me right when I'm about to walk out his life? You know he loves being loved. There's nothing wrong with that, we all want affection and love, but not when it comes at the cost of someone's happiness" you shrugged and got ready to leave.
Pedro was speechless and unable to move as too much bombarded him at the same time. First of all, you were dating? He couldn't believe his ears at first and it didn't make it any easier when you explained to Kate you weren't dating, you were just fucking the guy. If anything, it made it all worse. He couldn't believe that damn ape got to have access to your gorgeous body, a body that should be his, touched, kissed and worshiped by him and no one but him.
But the moment he heard your suspicions on his feelings, he felt like disappearing. He couldn't even describe how painful it felt, the pang in his chest was intense and he couldn't help but feel his eyes filled with tears. He didn't care if he looked pathetic, childish even, he was broken-hearted and done with that situation.
"Fuck this" he mumbled under his breath and finally exited the house, he was definitely getting you out of his mind.
You hadn't seen Pedro many times after Flora's party. There had been other dinner parties you attended and some you even took Liev along with you, but Pedro was never present. He always came up with excuses saying he was busy doing photoshoots, studying his script or he was just out of town, little did everyone know, he felt left out and offended to know he hadn't been invited to the gatherings right after you two had fallen out. He didn't want to take out on any of your mutual friends, but it did seem to him it was pretty clear they preferred you over him. Not to mention no one wanted to have a simple friend get together turned into an awkward show by you and your boyfriend and Pedro there, lingering and watching you from afar.
But sometimes you two ran into each other at the gym. He usually kept to himself, always greeting you and asking how you were doing, but as soon as he saw Liev approaching, he'd put on his headphones, turn his back to both of you and focus on his training. He hated every single minute of those gym sessions, they were torture, he hated seeing you with that man, and no matter how much he tried not looking at the two of you, he couldn't help doing it. It was like a morbid curiosity that struck him every time and ripped his chest open. So he just decided to change schedules and avoid that sight once for all.
After his training he just shyly waved goodbye to you and headed home, he stepped into the shower in order to clear his mind, hoping he would forget about you and the unresolved feelings that haunted him. Every time he felt his heart ache, he thought of how much you suffered because of him and had to admit to himself that yeah, maybe he did deserve what he was going through. It pained him to think of everything he made you go through, but now you were happy, and as much as he tried being happy for you, he couldn't. It hurt him, but he was an actor after all and he would have no problem pretending for you. If you let him in, he would put on a happy face and support you as much as you helped him.
He got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist, walking to the closet and finding something fresh to wear. Pedro knelt down to look for his pair of sneakers when he came across a box. He frowned softly as he didn't recognize it at first, it took him some time to finally acknowledge the object. It was the box you had handed him his birthday present. You'd always been really good at giving presents and the last birthday you spent together wasn't anything different.
He opened the box and smiled sadly, it somehow still held your perfume inside, making his heart flutter in his chest. He chuckled at the happy memory and frowned as he spotted something under the bow. He hadn't seen that when he got it nor the months that followed it, but now it had caught his attention and he was curious to find what the heck that was. He pulled it carefully, seeing it was a small card and thought maybe it was just something extra that came in with the box and you hadn't noticed it as well.
He still opened and held his breath at the words he found beautifully written. That handwriting he would recognize anywhere.
"I was wondering how long it would take you to find this card… I'm not that great with words, but here it is:
Feliz cumple mi amor. Te deseo toda la felicidad del mundo y quiero que sepas que siempre estaré a tú lado. ¡Te quiero hoy y siempre! **
- Y/N"
Pedro had lost track of how many times he'd read that message over and over, but by the time he was able to put it down, he had made up his mind: he wasn't going to let you go that easily.
You were almost finished preparing dinner, placing the last potatoes in the baking pan and waiting for the oven to reach the right temperature when you heard the doorbell ring. You frowned and checked the clock, it was still early for Liev to show up, so you sighed, feeling a little annoyed at the uninvited guest. You went silent once you opened the door and saw Pedro standing there, he didn't say anything at first either, just scanned you with soft eyes, admiring you, taking in every single beautiful feature he came to love over time.
"Hey mariposa, can we talk?" He asked in his sweet voice, wanting to come inside desperately, you noticed his hands fidgeted with something nervously.
"Sure, Pedro. Come in, let's go to the kitchen, I'm cooking and can't leave stuff unattended" you said giving him space to walk in and saw him following you, you had no idea what that visit was about.
You asked him to make himself at home, offering him something to drink which he politely declined, and observed you put the baking pan into the oven. Only then, he realized how much he missed your cook, how you'd spend the weekends at his home, baking all the things you enjoyed eating, and he would always end up with the dishes as he was not skilled with his cooking at all.
"Listen, princesa, I came here because we need to talk…"
"Pedro please, don't call me that…" you said in a low voice and bit your lips, finally turning to him. You saw him frown and shake his head softly.
"Call you what, hermosa?" He questioned you, seeing a soft flush spreading across your face.
"Calling me those pet names, Pedro… I know I used to like them, but it's not appropriate anymore, I mean, we're not that close and-"
You were interrupted by his hands gripping your hips, squeezing them gently and gluing his body to yours, your faces inches away from each other's, he closed his eyes, leaning towards you, his short beard scratching against your chin, your skin so sensitive to his touch, it sent goosebumps all over it.
"So you don't wanna be my mariposa anymore? You're not mi cariño? Mi hermosa, mi muñequita, mi amor?" He asked in a whisper against your ear. Even if you tried to break free from his touch, which you straight up didn't, it would be impossible. Your body felt on fire at that teasing, at that taunting moment, you hated how Pedro ruined you. But you also loved.
"Answer me, Y/N… I know you don't believe in me, you don't believe in my feelings for you, but guess what, I think you are a lying little shit as well" he kept the same tone, but this time it was followed by soft kisses spread all over your neck, ghosting it softly. "You are a fucking liar Y/N, because you told me you didn't love me anymore" Pedro continued, his lips on your throat, making you squirm as he added his teeth, leaving soft bites all over it, before finally getting to your lips.
He stopped and stared into your eyes, stroking your cheek gently and pecking your lips and chuckling.
"If you don't love me anymore, care to explain this?" He showed you the card you had written for his birthday, seeing your widened eyes and your disbelief. You hadn't forgotten about the card, but you just hoped really hard he would never find it.
You gasped and moved your body against his, so he would stop holding you so close, but Pedro used his weight to prevent you from escaping.
"Cat got your tongue, princesa? I guess it means you still fucking love me, don't you?" He chuckled "that means you are not only a fucking liar, but also one little stubborn muñequita, because you love me, you know I love you and you don't want to be together" he shook his head.
"Pedro, we can't, please, I already told yo-" you squealed the moment you felt his heavy hands on your ass lifting you up and placing you on the kitchen counter. He only took his time to settle you down before attacking your lips with his. The kiss was urgent and deep, his tongue brushing against yours as his hands roamed around your body, at the same time you tugged his hair, not helping yourself but moaning at how heated you were making out.
Pedro broke the kiss and smirked at you "Eres tan linda, mi amor" he whispered and stroked your cheek, sinking his hand down your lap and getting under your shirt, his thick, rough fingertips brushing softly against your skin like he'd never done it before.
"We can't…" you whimpered in need and only earned a scoff from him.
"Mi amor, mira…" he said patiently and let go of your body, though he was locked in your embrace as your legs snaked against his waist "if you want us to stop, we will, but does it really seem you do?" He tilted his head and gave you one of his sweet innocent smile, waiting for you to let go of your body, which you just didn't.
He pulled you back for another kiss, his hand tight on your hair, dragging sweet moans from your mouth. You couldn't resist any longer, you know you should, you had to, but it felt impossible to break free from his spell. You were tired of lying to yourself, you ached for Pedro and you would go all the way with him.
Suddenly the sound of a door slamming shut interrupted you both, you immediately broke the kiss and saw an enraged Liev staring at you both.
"What the fuck, Y/N?" Your boyfriend shouted in pure anger. You can see jaw tightening and the way his veins were more visible.
He took a step closer to you both "what the fuck is this piece of shit doing here? I thought you were done with him?" He yelled "I guess you couldn't keep in your panties anymore, you really got that hungry of a cunt to want two cocks at once? I didn't know you were such a filthy whore" he said taking another step closer to you.
Pedro closed his hand in a fist "shut the fuck up, don't you fucking dare talk to her like that, asshole" He immediately placed himself between you and Liev, shielding your body with his own.
"You shut up, asshole. I'll deal with this bitch first and then I'll fucking kill you!" Liev yelled and aimed his punch at you, but hitting Pedro instead, as he stood there to protect you.
You were so nervous you didn't even know what to do, you just screamed, so terrified and scared at how angry Liev punched Pedro. You had no other reaction than grab a knife nearby and point it at Liev
"G-get out Liev, get out now!!!" You threatened though your voice and your hand was shaking.
The man laughed at your attempt to scare him away, but was distracted enough to receive Pedro's punches on his face as payback for the first attack. Liev wasn't expecting and lost balance for a moment, falling down.
Pedro groaned in pain, but turned to you, taking the knife from your hand "calm down cariño, things will be fine" he said trying to soothe you as he turned to the man "get the fuck outta here and don't come back, I'll fucking kill you if you ever get anywhere near Y/N" Pedro threatened with cold anger in his eyes, anyone could see he was deadly serious, and Liev got up slowly, walking towards the door knowing if he gave in to his revenge thoughts, the cops would be on him at any minute.
He shot you one last glare "and you, little bitch, enjoy your moment with this dick, I hope he treats you like shit, exactly like a filthy whore like you deserves it"
Liev exited and left you shaking in nervousness at everything that went on. Pedro held your face gently, his own bleeding at the wounds he got. You whimpered and began crying.
"Shh it's okay cariño, I'm here for you, you're safe now" Pedro wrapped his arms around you, holding you close, only caring about your well-being and nothing else.
** translation: "Happy Birthday my love. I wish you all the happiness in the world and I want you to know I'll always be by your side. I love you today and forever"
A/N: I hope you guys have enjoyed it!!! Again, I picked Liev with Liev Schreiber in mind but it was a just because situation so you guys can picture whoever you want. If you have any other ideas for the next chapters, let me know ❤️
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pacifymebby · 10 months
You’re imagines are so good! Love the character accuracy. Imagine the peaky blinders boys having a s/o who is super into self care, and wants to pamper them as well. Like skin care, body/scalp massages, baths, etc.
This is so cute i love it, i did it as kind of modern au centered because i feel like self care is probably way more varied now than it used to be?
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🌿I feel like he looks after himself and isn't going to be as opposed to this as you might expect a bloody-minded toxic masculinity gangster to be.
🌿Especially not the candlelit baths, the back rubs and anything else which involves close physical contact with you...
🌿Both 20s Tommy and Modern! Tommy are very serious men, their brain is always set in overdrive, his thoughts buzzing and whirring like a broken machine at all hours. He never switches off and you worry about him.
🌿"Ain't good for you Tommy, you're always lost inside your own head... Driving yourself crazy, you need to switch off every now and then... Let me help you..."
🌿 You know exactly the tone to take to get him to leave his work and come to you, oh so slightly suggestive, tempting... And when it comes to you Tommy doesnt have much resistance...
🌿You probably have a really fancy bathroom with a sunken in tub, jacuzzi jets and all, which Tommy had built for you but which you always intended on sharing with him. I'm picturing this but with more house plants, more candles...
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🌿 You put his favourite record on and soak in the tub with him, he holds you in his lap, definitely tries to take the vibe somewhere else
🌿But you are determined that this is going to be more than just a steamy afternoon of shower sex... You promised to help him relax and you're going to.
🌿 "Oh angel no... I don't need that..." he says when you present him with a facemask, its a sheet mask and he just looks at you all "we look like something out of a horror movie y/n" "yes but its going to make your skin feel heavenly..." "already heavenly love..." he smirks making you smile a little embarassed. "Well yeah, I mean you are..." you start but he just shakes his head, "was talking about you angel..."
🌿Tommys been through a lot and has a lot of pent up stress stored in his muscles, he doesn't realise quite how much trauma he's holding in his body until he starts to relax, and when he realises everything he's carrying with me, all these emotions he shuts out to survive, he panics a bit... He can't let himself unwind completely or he's sure he'll fall apart.
🌿So he tries to make up excuses to cut short your pamper session, standing up to get out of the bath, taking his face mask off with some excuse about having an important call that needs to be made...
🌿You're not stupid though, you know what he's doing and so with one puppy dog eye look at him, you beg him to stay just a little longer. And he can't say no to you when you look at him like that so he returns to you.
🌿You wash his hair and massage his head, you tell him to close his eyes and you treat him so delicately. He's never felt this kind of care before, this good goosebump feeling, the hairs on his neck standing on end at the slightest touch from you. He loves it.
🌿You give him a little face massage too, telling him to close his eyes, sitting in his lap and very gently, delicately massaging his temples, his cheeks and jaw. He didn't even know you could carry tension in your face like that but your touch is magic. And when you finsih it with a kiss pressed to his lips he pulls you in for a deeper one.
🌿 Tommy also likes to live the life of luxury, he always aspired to reach the levels of those higher social classes, he always wanted what they have and so when you beg him to go on a spa week with you he obliges. Its one of those things the rich do after all.
🌿He gets a taste for massages and takes you on many spa weekends. If he has a particularly troubling problem he needs to mull over he will often lie on his back in the sauna and think things through.
🌿Loves an ice bath/plunge pool because he's a fucking sociopath.
🐻 Alfie has never had someone try to take care of him like this, he's not really used to having people take care of him at all but this is even more unfamiliar... As far as Alfie is concerned "self-care" is just "womans stuff ain't it"
🐻 "Well no Alf its not really, anyone can do it and well yknow... Youre always spoilin me aren't you," "rotten zieskiet, absolutely rotten," "well yeah, exactly... I wanna make it up to you, wanna look after you for once..."
🐻 He will argue, "But you see my little zieskiet thats just not how this works yeah, you and me yeah... You're my little girl ain't you," "yeah but..." "right, exactly right, you're my little girl and there ain't no buts about it zieskiet, I take care of you.. You don't want for anythin... You don't need to look after me, I do that myself right..."
🐻 "But Alfie," you whine fixing him with a pout and the most irresistible puppy eyes, "I want to look after you..."
🐻 So he lets you do it to make you happy... Of course he grumbles about it anyway, even if he's enjoying it. He can't drop his grumpy old man act now...
🐻 He lets you run him a hot bath, let's you use your essential oils, lets you wash his hair and condition his beard... On the condition that whilst you wash him you sing for him, something nice and sweet and low. When you're singing for him thats when he really lets himself relax, closing his eyes and feeling the heat from the water soak into him.
🐻He finds that he's able to relax and enjoy it but he can't actually admit to that, he rolls his eyes, tells you he's only doing it so that you'll stop hastling him about it, only doing it because it makes you happy...
🐻 But he secretly loves when you climb into the bath with him and massage his sore muscles, he loves feeling you comb your fingers through his beard and his hair.
🐻 Will not let you put a facemask on him, uses his beard as an excuse, also tells you he's got really senstive skin which is definitely another excuse... Five minutes ago he was pretending he didn't know what a skincare routine was, so how on earth he'd know whether he had sensitive skin or not you don't know...
🐻 You definitely teach this man the power and divine pleasure that is ✨moisturising✨ he gets dry skin and it gets worse when he's stressed so you teach him all about how to wash his face and how to moisturise properly, you make him promise he'll follow his routine every day, "happy skin means happy everything else..." you tell him and he just rolls his eyes and chunters away.
🐻 He will always insist you join him in the bath, he'll tell you he can't possibly relax if his little zieskiet isn't close by.
🐻 I feel like a lot of your self care tricks would be really good for his sciatica as well, relaxing when thats playing up, letting you take care of him. It's what he needs but it all has to be done under the pretence that its to make you happy and that hes the one looking after you.
🐻 At first he is definitely a little wary of letting you see him naked in a non sexual way, in a way where he is the vulnerable one and you're really paying attention to him... When you're not having sex being naked together makes him a little self concious, he thinks a massage will draw attention to his injuries ans scars, is worried you'll see him for the broken/breaking down man he really is
🐻 You tracing the ridges and lines of his scars, kissing them lightly when you're massaging him. Nuzzling into his neck and kissing him as your fingers trail the marbled scarring on his waist and his shoulder.
🐻 Theres one element of self care that Alfie really can get behind and thats meditation. He really enjoys sitting peacefully, letting his mind calm and settle, letting his thoughts wash over and away one by one. He believes it enhances his intelligence and insight, believes that by calming his mind he's making himself sharper.
🐻 He loves a hot stone bed more than he cares to admit but when his back is playing up lying on one of those feeling the heat relax his body slowly, its so soothing... He'll never go to a spa alone however, he always takes you as an excuse to be there.
🍂 "You fuckin what? You're gonna make me feel better with some nice smells?"
🍂 Will not let you put "mud" on his face. "Darlin that's just fuckin wrong int it... Fuckin mud on your face? Like mud... From the ground..."
🍂 Arthur is completely baffled by the whole thing and honestly a little bit scared. It all just sounds like "girl stuff" stuff that his mates would take the everloving piss out of him if he admitted to trying it.
🍂 But you know Arthur, he might have that tough guy exterior, might come across as harsh and angry and well, rough... But underneath it he's hiding a delicate side, a side that you know would benefit from just a little self care.
🍂 You have to trick him into it, set some kind of trap because he won't conciously go near anything ylang ylang scented.
🍂 Is genuinely petrified of the shop Lush, crosses the street so he doesn't even have to walk past the front door. He's scared one of the shop assistants will lure him in with a polite hello and then drag him inside kicking and screaming, smothering him in all sorts of oils and bath shite. Once when you were just dropping in to buy a facemask he caught your hand and very very seriously told you to "be careful in there love, don't let anyone grab you" he even shuddered/had a nervous twitch as he watched you go in.
🍂 He doesn't know how to be taken care of, as the eldest son its always been his responsibility to take care of everyone else, he hasn't really been shown much love or care from many people. Most people are terrified of him, his brother who he should be closest to doesn't let him talk about feelings, and he's too embarassed about admiting "failure" to go to his aunt or anyone else for comfort.
🍂 From the first time you spoke to him you've been determined to show him that care. You looked at him, his nervous eyes, that lack of self confidence he was doing so well to hide, and you just thought "this is a man who needs a hot bath and a really good head massage"
🍂 But Arthur is so awkward and standoffish whenever you try to look after him. He hates it if you're "soft" on him because he thinks its imasculating and patronising. He finds it all so embarrassing and he'll go the most adorable shade of bright red whenever you so much as kiss his cheek.
🍂 The first time you suggest a nice candlelit bath he gets interested but thats because baths are literally just for fucking as far as he's concerned and he's dissapointed to realise that you have something else in mind.
🍂 Lots of protests, "y/n come on now we don't have to do this... This is just... I don't need to relax i am relaxed..." "Arthur you haven't been relaxed since your umbilical cord got cut..."
🍂 But once you're alone together in that bath he finally begins to relax. You tell him to close his eyes and at first he refuses or asks why. "Cause its better for relaxing..." "You're gonna do somet to me aren't you... Gonna use one of them fuckin mud potions..." "Promise I'm not..." you try to take his anxiety seriously but "mud potions" is a difficult thing not to laugh at.
🍂 He does his best to relax though and grows to love the feeling of your fingers in his hair, it really does feel like a weight being lifted.
🍂 His favourite thing is to close his eyes and lie back against your chest, the skin on skin contact, the steam and warm water doing wonders to slow his racing mind right down.
🍂 You give him hand massages a lot and he really likes learning how to give them to you too. You teach him where your pressure points are and he concentrates really hard on learning exactly how to take care of you too.
🍂 And sometimes when you're in the bath together you let your hand travel a little lower than usual, you let his idea of bath time win out.
🍂 You take him to a spa and he's so unnerved, he's worried he'll be recognised by someone and his reputation of being a ferocious gangster will be ruined. But he does like the sauna, trouble is it puts him in the mood for fucking...
🍂 Doesnt like a steam room, he feels too vulnerable in there because its dark and steamy and he gets claustrophobic not being able to see so well. If you go into the steam room he will stand guard outside so that nothing bad can happen to you in there.
🍂 You teach him lots of different breathing exercises and try to get him into stretching. They're such effective ways of relieveing tension and you know they'd do him the world of good. But he's not very flexible and he just grumbles. He is however astounded by how bendy you are and will often ask you to show him certain poses just so he can get a good look at you.
🍂 He does try to remember the breathing exercises and they do actually really help him with his ptsd.
🌼 I feel like John would be down for doing facemasks with you, you painting his face with some ugly green clay mask, him painting yours with a glittery gold one, taking silly selfies with you.
🌼 He definitely strikes me as a "splashes face with cold water and dries it on an old tshirt" kind of skin care routine boy but you're determined to change his primitive ways.
🌼 He also definitely loves a spa day and you two frequently dissappear to some fancy spa retreat for the weekend.
🌼 Loves a steam room/sauna combination, especially when you join him, theres something really sexy about watching you lie on your back in a bikini, lit up by the dim orange glow of the sauna. That musky essential oils smell lingering in the air... The little beads of sweat on your breasts as your chest rises and falls... "Lie down John, stop starring at me you're supposed to be relaxing..." "Oh I'm relaxed flower don't worry about me..."
🌼 Loves a massage, especially when you go all professional on him with the essential oils. When you get him to lie face down on the bed and climb on top of him to massage his back. Feeling your hands all over him, feeling your legs straddling him...
🌼 You know what else is a good stress reliever love? An orgasm.
🌼 You put cucumber on his eyes when he's in the bath and he immediately thanks you for the snack and eats it. You're speechless, how do you even begin to tell him thats not what thats for.
🍀 Perfectly happy to be silly with you and will let you do whatever you want to him if it makes you happy... So he lets you work out his skin type and prepare the perfect face mask...
🍀 Actually sometimes he'll acompany you out into the forest to find the berries and plants you need to make your little self care rememdies with, its a good excuse to spend time with you and he finds it incredible how knowledgeable about plants and herbs you are...
🍀Does point out that this facemask you've mixed up for yourself is just a really fancy overnight oats recipe... Does eat a spoonful and imediately regrets it wincing and spitting it out.
🍀 It does take quite a lot to convince him that self-care isn't the same as make up and stuff, he's always telling you not to "buy into all that wellness shite" because its just a new capitalist method of getting your money off you...
🍀 And you know, he's not completely wrong, but self care isn't just about buying stuff and you have to try and teach him that before he'll really let you show him stuff. Showing him how you make natural face masks, moisturisers and bath salts does help this process.
🍀 He has to take care of his body for his boxing and he's no stranger to a sports massage, actually more often than not he's the one trying to get you to let him give you a back rub... Whenever you offer he always starts on you, squeezing your shoulders, telling you you seem tense. He's such a smooth talker you don't even realise he's derailed your plan until he's smoothing warm lavender oil over your back, working your muscles skillfully. And when you do realise you don't want to ask him to stop.
🍀 After his fights you want to take good care of him and you always insist he spends the following day with you, relaxing... You spoil him with a hot bath to sooth his sore muscles, scented candles and nature sounds asmr music, massages, he even lets you put a hair mask in his curls.
🍀He's always been torn about things like spa days, hes always thought they were something for posh people, wives of men who play too much golf... But again, he'll do anything if you ask him enough times, so he comes with you one day and he's adorably awkward and hesitant about everything.
🍀 You pick his treatments for him and he really really has to trust you because he's not sure what an "all over body sugar scrub" is but it sounds, intimidating? Afterwards when you ask for his review he just grins, "I'd have liked it more if it was you in there with me..."
🍀 Ultimately though Bonnie's idea of self care is a day in the woods, or by a river with you. Somewhere peaceful, quiet. Lying back against a tree trunk with you in his arms.
🍀 "Really dove, takin care of my girls what makes me feel good, enough with your scented candles now eh, let me look after you, it's not like i ain't good at it..." he says whispering the last sentence in your ear, kissing your neck as he starts to massage your shoulders.
🍀 You're literally never winning this battle sorry.
🐀 Will roll his eyes when you suggest a self care night, calls it your "hippy dippy bullshit" teases you and asks if you're going to do his birth chart whilst you're at it... "Maybe I should Si, might find out why you're such a snide git eh?" You'll probably regret flashing him that cheeky smile.
🐀So aye, he's not exactly easy to convince, he has the same opinion on self care as most the other men... That its girls stuff, that it ain't manly to smell like lavender and camomile.
🐀But, a little wine, a few candles and a hot bath... You with your legs wrapped around his waist, your fingers massaging his scalp gently... Whats not to like about that... He really likes how close it makes you feel, the connection between you strengthening.
🐀Thats more to do with the fact he's being vulnerable with you and his vulnerability is being met with care and love, rather than down to the fact you've sugar scrub massaged his back and legs.
🐀He will let you do facemasks with him but it will come accompanied by many threats, "you tell anyone about this mousy and I promise you you'll regret it..." but you're not scared of him and so you tease him with the threat of telling his touch guy gangster friends all the time. You start getting your own way much more often.
🐀I think he probably enjoys the tension of letting you shave him with an open razor blade, i don't know if this counts as self care so much as just a personal hygiene thing but either way, its a very intense and intimate experience and you're the only person he trusts to do it because you're so gentle and delicate with it that you never cut him.
🐀He fancies himself a social climber and enjoys the status of being able to "treat his girl to a relaxing weekend away" he definitely enjoys taking you to spas and baths, but he tends to let you go off for all the fancy treatments and just enjoys swimming in the pool and relaxing on the stone beds or in the sauna.
🐀Another man who needs to be taught about the power of moisturising. His skin gets dry and you buy him moisturisers and give him little face massages. He's much better at remembering to do his little skincare routine than alfie is because he cares a lot about the way he looks.
🐀"Fuckin drop it with the meditation shit love, i go to church I say my prayers, I don't need to do deep breathing to cleanse my soul..." he just won't do it, won't try your stretches either because "I go to the gym don't I, yogas for girls love..."
🐀Pulls stupid faces at you when you put cucumber on his eyes.
☘️Out of all the men he takes care of himself the best. He already has a skincare routine, has several serums he uses too.
☘️ So it doesn't take much to convince him of other self care activities. However, don't you dare call it self care. "Look I'm all for lookin after meself like i just don't see why we've got to give it some soft girly name now..."
☘️ He really loves being pampered, kind of likes being treated like a king... His cousins take the piss out of him for it but he doesn't care... "Don't really see whats embarrassing about having my girl massage me back after work... Don't it make me more of a man that I've got a woman who's obsessed with me..." you never let it slide when he talks about you like that but you also know why he's doing it. He's just trying to get his cousins off his back.
☘️ Would probably spend every weekend at the spa if he thought he could get away with it. He likes to throw his cash around and receive special treatment.
☘️ He really really loves a salt scrub and he's a secret fan of a facial too.
☘️He's never the one to suggest that the two of you have a self-care evening together but you can always tell when he needs one and he never refuses your offer.
☘️You have a mini spa built into your house, a sauna and a hot tub, sometimes when you're having once of your self care nights you find yourself next to him in the hot tub, your mood changing.. Your mind drifting to other things, but when Michael is relaxing he's relaxing and theres no disturbing him.
☘️"Not now love eh, later maybe..." his little spa is sacred to him. You're astounded because he must be the first man to turn down the offer of a hot tub fuck.
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umnitsa · 3 months
The Sailor's Knot
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Summary: Thinking about what you lost throws you into a depression spiral. A handsome man brings you some help.
A/N: I had a dream and made it into a fanfic. This is written fully for myself and it's just two old people bonding over an old dog. <3 It's written from my experience with ADHD and I hope you guys enjoy it. Banner from @cafekitsune <3
Written with unholy eagerness and no proofreading!
Pairing: ADHD!Reader x Joel (Reader is also plus size, it just isn't an issue yet. Reader is about Joel's age.)
CW: Giant dog. Just that, this is very sweet and sad, in fact. Porn may come in later parts, because I enjoy it! <3
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“So, what do you miss from before?”
The question took you by surprise as you raised your fork. You stopped, thinking of the zombie apocalypse, how life was and how happy you were for having reached Jackson. You shook your head, trying to avoid the bad feelings and memories from the early days of infection.
“To be honest? Dogs. Cats. Fuck, I miss house pets.” You sighed, looking at your friends. “I really enjoy the horses, but sometimes I wonder if we will ever be able to domesticate them again, I mean, the ones who were not spayed turned feral by now. And bred with wolves and wildcats.” You rambled away, and the people nodded around you. “Hell, I’d try if I ever knew how to do it. I mean, I know some about training dogs, but only the ones that are socialized from birth with humans… And cats… Damn, they chose to live with us, I never taught a cat to do one thing, just fed them and loved them.”
People nodded, smiling, and the older traded their memories with the younger as dinner continued. You felt it was a good way to keep history alive with these children. As you looked around, you tried to smile.
You missed your medicine too. It made life easier then, and it would make work damn easier now.
At least you could make yourself useful in the kitchen, and taking care of kids. You learned enough to help with the horses and the livestock, you learned to fix small things.
At least the community didn’t take your rambling as annoying. Most of them. And your distracted, wandering overactive mind, focused in all the wrong things at the wrong time, your bursts of weirdly philosophical irrelevant questions were seen as if you are a fae. An old soul. Someone disconnected from time and space, but useful and entertaining. You were a good storyteller and people enjoyed your silly performances and the comedy nights.
At least people know better than to get angry with you.
At least you found a way to survive.
You also missed books being widely available. And you missed all the stories that didn’t get to be told, drowned by natures own revenge. All the songs you didn’t get to hear, because they never existed. All the beautiful people that didn’t get to touch your heart acting, and singing, and performing.
You missed comedy. And the close proximity of a stranger in a crowded movie theater.
You missed the quiet inside your mind.
You felt two tears running through your cheeks. A hand heavily descended over your shoulder. You nodded, blindly. With a sad smile, you pat the person’s arm and stand up; you finish your food quickly, wash your plate and leave. They could take care of themselves for one day. ***
You loved Maria. And she really liked you back. She understood whenever you needed some time for yourself. She knew you would pay it back with work later.
That innocent question threw you into a wave of memories, and you had to ride your feelings by yourself. You felt glad you could.
The kids still came into your house to borrow books. With shy smiles, they quietly made their requests and politely asked how were you doing (as their parents asked them to do). You made an effort not to cry in front of them.
You were reading when you heard noise in front of your house. You opened the door, carelessly.
A man was standing in front of your house, with a giant dog in a makeshift leash.
You blinked, the surprise taking your ability to even process the moment.
“Found this fella in patrol.” The man’s voice was grave, almost a growl. “Thought you would like to meet him.”
The man was tall, his shoulders large. His hair unruly, more pepper than salt (probably looked like yours). He had round brown eyes, squashed by a frown. He had something heavy about him. An air of someone who had seen everything and the scars on his face alone are the only proof you need to believe it. You wondered how he would look laughing. His hawkish nose towered over thick, plush lips. You knew him.
Joel. He was ‘Tommy’s Brother’. And Tommy was ‘Maria’s Husband’.
The dog was immense, just like Joel. He looked like a german shepherd, with thick caramel fur blending into black, his ears floppy. You marveled looking at his massive frame, your heart tightening as you noticed a scar on his head, close to his eye, covered by the fur. The dog had the biggest, roundest dark eyes you’ve ever seen. He looked immensely dangerous, he could snap your hand off with his powerful jaws, but his eyes made him look gentle. The tip of his snout had a ring of white hair, silver peppering his snout gently. An old dog. Old like Joel, like you.
You approached, slowly, palms facing the dog, giving him time to get used to your presence. The dog leaned forward, sniffing your palms, huffing and shaking his giant head gently, floppy ears moving around his head. You kept your palm turned to the dog, who pressed his snout to your hand, watching you with his big eyes.
“He started following me out there.” Joel cocked his head. “Shared my hunt with him, and he slept around the fire. He’s well behaved. Think he lost his owner.”
“You should keep him.” You said softly, feeling into yourself to be generous. This dog was Joel’s luck and he should take him. It didn’t occur to you to ask him why he was bringing the dog, you weren’t even that close. “He’s a very handsome dangerous-looking gentleman. Like you.”
Joel blushed, a small smile on his face. He looked down and shook his head. You felt like he was saying something, you just couldn’t understand.
“I heard you the other day.” Joel held your hand and placed the leash in your hands. “I know…” Joel looked around awkwardly, like he was trying to piece a feeling into words. “I know this fella won’t fix things. I understand. But maybe he can bring our sunshine back.”
Joel nodded, looking into your eyes, and you could see his brown eyes peering into your soul, for one moment. It made you want to cry. You nodded, swallowing your feelings.
“Thank you.” You turned your eyes to the dog. He seemed to understand, sitting with his whole body pressed against your leg, up to your waist. His head heavily pressed against your hip, the dog waited patiently.
“Talked to Maria. It’s ok.” Joel cleaned his throat, clearing his voice. “You can keep him. Keep him inside, I’ll build the fence so you can have some space for him.” Joel shifted his weight from one leg to the other and got a fabric wrapped package from his pocket. He puts the package on your free hand. The dog raises his head, interested, which makes Joel chuckle. “Those are treats. He ate today, we just arrived, brought him right here.”
You nodded, smiling.
“We need to make sure he’s safe and you can help.” Joel nodded. “You can walk him in the leash, I’ve already asked Tommy to help us make a good one. Just for safety, I think he’s a good boy.”
You just watched as Joel offered his palm to the dog, then scratched behind his ear.
“He was really well behaved on the trail.” Joel said, softly, his fingers running through the dog’s fur. “I… I would like to visit. Play with him. Maybe help you. He was good company out there.”
“Of course!” You eagerly accepted, infinitely grateful for his gesture. You didn’t overthink why he brought you the dog, what did it mean that he saw your outburst. That would be for later. You just accepted, the dog’s eyes bringing you more joy than you could imagine. “You found him, you were the first friend he made around Jackson. Why shouldn’t you visit him?”
“I’ll be here in the morning. I’ll try and get him some hunt, then we can build the fence.” Joel nodded, stepping back. The dog sniffed the air, gently. Joel scratched the dog’s chin and stepped back, moving away from you.
“Thank you!” You shouted one last time, and he waved. The dog followed you inside. You locked the door, not wanting one of your frequent visitors to get scared with your new roommate, hid the treats in the cupboard, then placed a water bowl on the floor. The dog quietly watched you, sitting in the living room.
You finally sat, and the dog curled up against you, between your feet. He slept, leaving you to your tears as you caressed his scar.
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princesscolumbia · 1 year
So I had a thought about SexPal vs. Harrow
Both Palamedes and Harrowhark are both geniuses, and even Plamedes believes that Harrow is smarter than he is, but that begs the question, then, why did Sextus figure more things out quicker than Harrow did?
Coming from an entire family of Extremely High Intelligence people (nearly everyone on my dad's side of the family is some form of supergeek with careers in engineering, bio-sciences, computing technology, and that one uncle that nobody quite knows what he does but it's government-adjacent and he's not allowed to talk about it), I think I landed on the answer; knowledge of people.
By dint of his touch-psychic ability, plus the very obviously more social nature of The Sixth House, means that Palamedes has needed, by pure necessity, to bend some of his intellect to understanding the people about whom his magic gives him the information and with whom he must interact.
By contrast, Harrow had one (1) friend/rival/sibling/classmate/conspirator/bully growing up, and then at the moment she lost her parents and gained control of all of Drearburh she locked down The Ninth House, further limiting her already limited chances to interact with people at all. Her intellect had completely unfettered freedom to pursue knowledge and research for its own sake, ignoring the human component entirely if she so chose. Even the very finite contact with the people her magic was useful for was really only good after said people were already dead, as bone magic isn't really good for much besides maybe dentistry or chiropractic work.
Coming back to my family for a hot second; that one uncle who by nature of his work means he doesn't have much contact outside his job? He's terrible at people. He genuinely doesn't get how to people whatsoever. My aunt, who's the "black sheep" of the family and went into bio-sciences (not going into a pure technology-related field? How gauche!), deals with microorganisms and, as a hobby, dabbles in food science. Both of these vocations are about people and how they interact with the world in some fashion, so my aunt is leagues better than my uncle at people-ing. If there's a sociological element to any problem the family might have, we all know to go to my aunt and never my uncle.
The reason SexPal figures out the (imperfect) Lyctorhood before Harrow, the reason he's confused by her failure to have "solved it" like he did, is because being a lyctor involves another person so intimately they might as well be an extension of your own soul. Harrow grew up being terrified of people knowing her on that level so all her intelligence inherently tries to reject any application of people-ing to any problem she's trying to solve.
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jazziwritesthings · 11 months
Missing You - Bang Chan
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Purely a work of Fiction.
Word Count: 2,100
Pairings: Bang Chan x Reader
Warnings: Miscarriage mention, angsty
All dialogue is in Korean unless otherwise specified.
A/N: Recently got into Stray Kids and needed to write some Channie, there isn't nearly enough. Also, Part 2?
Your POV
Screaming filled your ears as you watched the boys enter the stage. Your eyes immediately searching for your ex-love. He still held your heart even though he was completely unaware. The breakup was messy. You couldn’t stand all the hate you were getting just because he chose to love you. He didn’t want that and said stuff to fans but nothing seemed to stop the damage to your mental health. It became so bad that you decided the best course of action was to leave. That was the last thing Chan or any of the guys wanted. They all loved you and loved having you around. Not only were you the love of Chan’s life, you were the boy's best friend. You became part of their small family and had a place in each of their hearts. While you weren’t able to keep in touch with Chan as it was too painful, you managed to keep in contact with a few of the guys. That’s how you were here. Hannie had texted you as soon as he found out they were performing near home. He got you VIP tickets and everything. You told him that you weren’t sure you’d be able to show up. Never fully committing until about 4 hours ago. So here you stood. All dressed up waiting to see your family. It’d been almost 3 years since you broke up with Chan, and you finally followed each other on socials again, thanks to the guys.
As the concert ended a guard came out of the back and nodded to you. Making sure you weren’t spotted had become a secret skill you developed over the years. You made your way over to him and showed him your badge to identify yourself. He slowly led you around the darkness backstage. You heard them before you saw them. All just standing around. Hannie kept looking around hopeful, he was the first to spot you. “Y/N!” Before you knew it he was running at you and lifting you off the ground in a hug. You giggled as you hugged him tightly back, “ Hi Hannie.” Before your feet touched the ground the others were surrounding you, each calling that they were next to hug you.
After hugging all of them, only one remained. He hadn’t joined the group in running over to you. Not what you had hoped. They were all talking so fast you were having issues understanding everything. Then the voice you missed so much cut through the air, “ We should get back home guys.” He wasn’t even going to attempt to say hi? Your heart plummeted. Maybe you really had lost him. Thinking that you lost him completely devastated you, before you dated he was your best friend and he was the person you thought you were going to marry. They all nodded in agreement. You nodded your head, “ Then I better get going-” You were cut off, “ No, you’re coming to hang out. We missed you too much.” Surprised you nodded, “ Alright. Just like old times. I’ll drive and park a few streets away?” Hannie smiled at you as he nodded.
Pulling into an all too familiar parking area you put your car in park and turned it off. You let out a shaky breath not sure if your heart could handle it. Shaking out of the funk you got out and started walking. Luckily their apartments were super close to each other, same floor and everything. All of a sudden standing at their doors you weren’t sure whose to knock on. You used to be able to just use your key and go into 3RACHA’S apartment. You gave the key back when you and Chan broke up. Luckily you didn’t have to make a decision. The door to 3RACHA’s apartment opened and Changbin peaked his head out, “ She’s here!” He hollered back into the apartment before reaching for your wrist and pulling you inside.
Inside the apartment all the guys sat around in the living room, relaxing onto any furniture or the floor. It brought back so many fond memories. You noticed that one was missing and a look crossed your face. The look was noticed immediately by Hyunjin, “ He’s in his room. We hadn’t told him you were going to be there.” That made you groan, “ Guys!” Seungmin put his hands up in surrender, “ Hey, don’t blame us. He told us not to talk to him about you.” Your shoulders fell as your purse hit the couch and you crossed the room to sit on the floor in front of the couch, “ What?” They all nodded, “What do you mean?”
“ He told us you were a forbidden topic if he was around.” This news made your stomach sink. So he had no idea what you were up to these days. That broke your made up world inside your head, you had always thought that he kept tabs on you like you did him, but no. He couldn’t even stand the topic of you. “You okay Noona?” Your gaze flicked over to I.N. “Yeah, fine.” You smiled at the young Maknae across from you. A hand rested on your shoulder and squeezed. You covered the hand with your own smiling back at Felix behind you on the couch.
You spent the next few hours catching up with the guys, playing games and watching movies. One by one they said their goodbyes and headed to their own rooms within the two apartments. Finally it was just you and Hannie left in the living room. “Shit, it’s like 1 am.” Hannie said all of a sudden. “Crap. I’ll head out.” He shook his head, “ No, stay here. Like old times?” You smiled at him, “ I think I’m too tired to drive anyway.” He smiled and got up and left the room. He came back with 2 pillows and 3 blankets, remembering how you like to sleep. “Thank you Hannie.” He reached down and patted your head, “ Goodnight Y/n.” You got all the pillows situated in the way you liked and quickly fell asleep sprawled out on the living room floor.
You bolted upright, chest heaving, having a hard time catching your breath. You heard fast footsteps and almost immediately a light turned on and someone was staring at you. As your eyes adjusted you realized it was Channie, staring at you in just his boxers. “I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to wake you.” He ran a hand through his hair, “ You still have nightmares?” Letting out the inhale to a deep breath, “ Yeah. They never really went away.” He moved a bit closer, “ They were gone for almost a year.” You nodded, not trusting your voice. “They started again after you left?” A tear falling down your cheek. “ Yeah, uh, the memories of a miscarriage never really go away Channie” The nickname left your mouth without even thinking. He nodded the memories of the aftermath flooding his brain. You hadn’t even known you were pregnant. Then the cramps got really bad, so bad that he rushed you to the ER thinking that maybe your appendix burst or something. They did a lot, but confirmed all the symptoms were because you were having a miscarriage. That was what broke you the most. The news that you miscarried was leaked and everyone was blaming you. It broke you so much you had to leave. You had to let go of the love of your life. “Y/n?”
Hearing your name in his voice brought you back, except this time he was right in front of you holding your hand and talking, “ Breathe. In. Out.” It took you a minute to recognize that you were having a panic attack. They happen a lot these days. Seeing him in front of you made you snap back into reality. You pulled your hand from his and brought your knees to your chest. A defeated look crossed his face. He shook his head, like he was shaking away a thought. Without a word he stood up and walked back to his room, leaving the light on for you.
Chan’s POV
He was sleeping soundly when he heard such a familiar sound that brought him right out of it. He didn’t even think when he got up and ran out to find the noise. That's when he turned on the light and saw you bolt up from the floor. He heard her apologize in that angelic voice of hers. Surprised at the sound of his own voice he asked about her nightmares. They were nonexistent during their last year together. That's when he heard the word. The word that was the cause of everything he loved being taken from him, “The memories of a miscarriage never really go away Channie.” Hearing that name from her lips felt like heaven to him and he hated it. He remembered everything about that day and the weeks that followed were swallowed up with grief over something they never even got to celebrate. By the time he snapped out of the memories he could tell you were having a panic attack. Without thinking he rushed over and grabbed your hand in his. Your soft hands felt so nice against his, oh how he missed you so much. “Breath. In Out.” He found himself instructing you to breathe, must be muscle memory he thought to himself. You seemed to finally snap out of it. You pulled your hand from his and proceeded to make yourself as small as possible, but so far away from him. It felt like his heart broke all over again as you pulled away from him. He felt like he was going to cry so he stood up and walked to his room without another word.
Your POV
You never fell back to sleep after that. You stayed sitting there thinking and thinking. As daylight creeped in through the curtains you heard a familiar door squeak. A small smile graced your lips knowing they never bothered to fix Hannie’s door. “You’re up?” He said as he walked into the kitchen. You didn’t respond, only nodded. A few minutes went by before he was in front of you handing you a steaming mug of coffee. He lowered himself to sit on the floor next to you. “I had a nightmare.” You started without looking up from your mug. You could feel his eyes on you, prompting you to go on. “He came running to me.” This time you looked over to your best friend to see a look of utter surprise on his face. Hannie couldn’t tell you, but sometimes Chan would be calling for you in his sleep. Especially while on tour. But he felt like it wasn’t his place to tell you this. Shifting to face him, “I never told you what made us break up for good did I?” Hannie shook his head. Sure, the rumor of the miscarriage was heard but he knew if you were pregnant, you would have told him. He watched as you set your mug on the side table.
“I had a miscarriage.” The shock that he felt was indescribable.
You pulled your knees to your chest before continuing. “I had a miscarriage, Hannie. We didn’t even know I was pregnant at the time. It got out and the fans, they were ruthless. I couldn’t take it and neither could he. I couldn’t stand to see how upset he was all the time. So, I thought the best thing to do was leave.” His heart broke for both of his best friends.
“Why on earth would you think that?!”
“SHH. Hannie.”
“No, why? It’s not like you stopped loving him, right?” The look in his eyes he was hurt, not only for you but for Chan and how heartbroken he was after you left.
Taking a deep breath you closed your eyes, "Sometimes it's not that you stop loving them, but you know they deserve better so you let them go. Although it was for the best it still doesn't stop the ache in your chest. I miss him Hannie, so fucking much. And seeing him again brought it all back. I don’t think I can do this.”
You didn't know it but someone else was awake and lingering in the hallway listening to your confession to Hannie. Chan held his breath. He missed you too. So much that he didn’t know what to do with himself. Knowing you still loved him gave him the motivation he needed. He knew he needed to get you back, somehow.
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bimbinis · 1 year
the trouble with critiquing transandrophobia and associated tendencies as a trans man is that what it feels like is that you’re being put in the position of arguing that you’re defending yourself from accusations of Not being privileged, that you are in fact privileged, which in a discussion that is explicitly a matter of oppression olympics is automatically a theoretical lost position. how do you even express the fact that transandrophobia is an incredibly lackluster category, that not only relies on incorrect, hurtful underlying assumptions about how the oppression of other groups work, but on top of that doesn’t even actually speak truth to your actual goddamn lived experience, when you’re the very person it purports to be about, when saying “my life does not look like this bc I’m viewed as a man by society” sounds like bragging?
and because the ghost of transmedicalism yet looms high over the land perpetually haunting us all, it very quickly gets warped by transandrophobia truthers into us saying that they’re not really trans bc they don’t take hormones or men bc they don’t pass (even though to me their tendencies towards 1. transmisogyny and 2. making those godawful, out of touch positivity posts reassuring men they’re allowed to be masculine or whatever, both tendencies I frequently observed in my circle during my time as a transmed, seem just as worthy of the accusation). meanwhile they impose on us a false ubiquitous experience of living in a world where people view us as women and measure us by the standards set for women, and any oppression we experience has nothing to do with being viewed on some level as men bc you see, cis men don’t experience oppression for being men but we very much do, we’re the specialest non-toxic boys in the world who will redeem masculinity bc we’re not actually subject to true social existence as men. if you suggest you are that’s you saying that you wanna be just like a cis man which is transphobic and misogynistic bc cis men are misogynists and trans men aren’t. so stay in your lane and let us speak about your experiences for you :)
it’s just such utterly exhausting shite. and bc these people always have these insufferably woobified personas, these performatively inoffensive, “pure cinammon roll”-esque public identities, that makes it all the more infuriating when they engage in such blatant imposition of their own outlook on other people and act like they’re not doing it. but if you call them out on it and tell them to at least have the decency to own up to it they start whining that you’re a toxic male telling them to man up. these people will say to your face that everyone in your life will always view you as a woman and there’s nothing you can do about it but if you reply with “ok aiden” or smth they’ll cry that they’re being hatecrimed. deeply unserious people
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degreedummy · 2 years
Empty Houses
So, before I start, I think we just need to talk about some misconceptions first, one being that an empty house has no meaning or value to your life, the lack of placements in that area being equated with complete silence, like an empty house. The most common practice people will use, when trying to understand empty houses, is by looking at the houses "lord", aka the ruling planet of the empty houses' ruling cusp.
When looking at the house lords, I prefer the modern method (but still use Traditional alongside it):
Aries - Mars
Taurus + Libra - Venus
Gemini + Virgo - Mercury
Cancer - Moon
Leo - Sun
Scorpio - Pluto
Sagittarius – Jupiter
 Capricorn – Saturn
 Aquarius - Uranus
Pisces – Neptune
When looking at house lords, we look towards where that placement falls in our chart, using the house it falls under, any aspects, and if you apply it, malefic/benefic delineations to understand how that houses themes express themselves. So, say someone has an empty Cancer 3H, the lord of that house would be the Moon, meaning that we look to their Moon placements, any aspects towards it, etc. to understand how they (3H) communicate their emotions.
For me, under that same circumstance (empty Cancer 3H), let's say the house cusp is at 25° 25°- Aries- square degree influence- causes conflict between (25°) their desire for leadership and (square/cancer) their understanding of being able to express themselves as that leader. So, through house lords and other theories, we're able to see that we are able to find meaning in empty houses. Especially when it comes to transits through those houses, we can miss out on a lot in our chart if we treat these transits as *entering a void*. So, now to go through the houses and what they mean on their own! If these don't apply, try applying the degree aspect method and see if you have square or inconjunction degree influences over said house.
This is someone who doesn't have to put thought into who they are, most struggles they face when it comes to their identity having to do with almost being careless with who they represent themselves as. This is someone who doesn’t feel the need to prove themselves. An empty 1H is someone who... isn't by any means immune to insecurity, but they aren't driven by it. Doubting themselves, if they're able, only happens in response to failure, needing a direct cause to make them start thinking about themselves.
This is someone who has an easy time communicating their morals, values, and need for stability to people, sometimes overstepping by laying out an NDA for a new friend. Empty 2H folks tend to be... while they value their possessions, this is someone who isn't broken by something breaking. If they lose something, to them, all they can do is either find it or replace it. There is no intermission with them, they push forward.
This is someone who... may have issues with recognizing social dynamics and cliques because they're so ready to give everyone an equal opportunity to get to know them, usually never considering what can be done with all that information. An empty 3H shows someone who, really, talks to hear themselves talk. While the house may be empty, this is where the silence of it becomes uncomfortable, pushing the native to make up for it on their own.
Empty 4H's tend to have a cohesive home life, possibly getting in trouble for not switching things up enough. These are folks who tend to go home with the intentions of staying home, entering a new mindset depending on what side of the door they're on. The 4H being empty can show someone who, actually, needs an empty house. Not having any placements, these folks aren't used to not being able to escape the stress, so shadow work literally starts at what they consider to be "home".
An empty 5H represents someone who, maybe even though having a touch childhood, still never lost their connection to their innocence and curiosity. This is someone who's never felt scared of or embarrassed by their own need to share and receive love. The 5H being empty shows someone who tends to follow trends more than starting them, and it's because they don't mind being introduced to something new. Their love isn't limited by any insecurity, their heart reaches as far as consent allows them to.
This is someone who has little problem staying organized, or lives life so comfortably that they have their own version of being organized. These will be the 6H cusps to have their own system, holding to it no matter how much sense it makes. When they don't need to do a lot of work to maintain their life, this can sometimes lead to them... not being so great at adhering to other peoples' schedules. They tend to assume everything will take the least amount of work, sometimes falling apart because they didn't check up.
An empty 7H shows someone who, usually, doesn't ever know the relationship is going south until they're literally told it is, assuming everything is alright as long as the two people who need to be together [are] together. They're truly about "us against the world", having a habit of forgetting, romantically and platonically, to check up on the other person and actually ask what they need out of a partner. This 7H needs to focus on more active communication, even if they don't think they "need" it.
This house being empty shows someone who has no hesitation in how they share themselves with people, simply following the desire to be closer to someone and wanting to be the one who changes them for the better. And it isn't necessarily their goal to change the people they love, but intimacy to them is pushing each other forward through the anxiety and fear, not letting each other get stuck in feeling out of place-- fear they forget to say they don't really experience.
This is someone who swings around a sword with three edges, one who needs no validation for their beliefs, one who sees no limitations in exploring other peoples' beliefs, and one who asks so many questions that people perceive it as doubt. Empty 9H'ers are... always looking to understand, over anything else. I think sometimes digging too much can get them in trouble, but it's never enough to put an end to their curiosity, because that ease in their approach to expansion already accounts for growing pains.
The 10H being empty represents someone who doesn't usually feel a strong desire to change who they are to affect perceptions of them, not seeing value in being [known] if it means they have to be known for being someone else. This is someone who... for better or worse, rushes past criticism, setting their minds to a goal and only accepting failure if that specific goal isn't reached. This is representative of a hard worker, but tunnel vision can be their worst enemy in terms of other areas in life.
I think, when it comes to the 11H being empty, this can either represent someone who finds ease in surrounding themselves with people, or finds ease in knowing they don't need that many people in their lives. An empty 11H shows someone who's dreams change constantly, maybe so much that people lose belief in their ability to follow through, but everything is connected. They may bounce around a lot, but every "thoughtless" risk they take has purpose.
Probably being the most intimidating house to face silence in, an empty 12H, to me, either represents someone who is in constant communication with themselves, or is so driven to push past their subconscious that they don't find the closure they need. An empty 12H shows ease in the connection between conscious and subconscious, but not everyone can handle a relationship they have little choice in being a part of. Sometimes it's silencing the endlessness of their anxiety that helps them find the answers they need.
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revlischarm · 10 months
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Hydrodynamic AU
uhhh hi so. This has been cooking in my brain for a few months now (6???) and basically it’s a ROTTMNT Separated AU with Donnie as the focus but like, y’know. It’s all of them. I call it Hydrodynamic AU cause a lot of it comes from Donnie being more…water-based I suppose?? Either way. Yeah.
The story (if I ever find the willpower to draw it up) would revolve around Donnie going out and finding their siblings in the various locations; not to try and turn them towards the side of light or whatever. Donnie just wants to hang out. The universe has other plans, however.
More on each character under the cut!!! And lmk if any of you are interested in this!
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Donatello Hamato
•Raised by Splinter
•They/them pronouns (Non-binary!!)
•Goes by the usual canon nicknames, but mainly uses “Dee”
•This Dee’s whole thing is being extremely water-based
•Donnie actually knows Repo Mantis before he got mutated! They started sneaking into his junkyard as a kid and got caught and they actually bonded
•When Don got older, they started helping Repo out with repossessing work; the two are even closer after Repo mutated!
•Don usually doesn’t wear their battleshell in this AU! It gets in the way of swimming stuff, so they prefer to be without it most of the time
•All of their stuff is painstakingly designed to the waterproof
•The whole lair has a ton of water slides in it, it’s super fun
•Don is extremely bad at socializing and doesn’t know how to mask (nor do they care for it). Can’t identify social cues well.
•Still friends with April; Don also hangs out with the Purple Dragons regularly (they give them ✨validation✨)
•Athletic only in how they’re an avid swimmer
•Really likes Lou Jitsu movies, and likes hearing their father talk about the films
•Splinter helps them train when they ask, thought Donnie also trains on their own with just. Copious amounts of research and looking up techniques
•Splinter is also extremely overprotective of D due to both their soft shell and the fact that he lost D’s siblings previously.
•More open to active destruction than canon Don?? At least in the way that’s like. More disregarding the well-being of others sometimes. Basically this Donnie doesn’t have their brothers to stop them from doing stuff. Violence and loose morals ensue.
•Builds Shelldon earlier on in life (was lonely and wanted company)
•Don has thoroughly explored the city’s sewers and set up tons of markers so they wouldn’t get lost; they’ve practically memorized the layout underground by now. Don has also installed a filtration system in the sewers to help take care of pollution because they don’t like how icky the waters can get
•Uses more turtle noises than actual words at times
•Fights with tech bō staff, but also knows the basics of other weapons; has the second most proficiency in daggers/knives.
•Doesn’t know anything about mysticism until meeting Mars and Draxum
•Technically, Donnie meets Mars first, then Leo, then Rento. However, we later find out that Don has met one of their siblings beforehand and knew of their existence. But that’s for later.
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Marciano Draxum
•Raised by Draxum
•He/they pronouns
•Goes by Mars most commonly, but other nicknames include Marc, Marcie, Mar-Mar, Marky, Marce, and Marcus
•Draxum is actually a good parent okay
•Instead of Doctor Feelings and Doctor Delicate Touch, we get Sir Feelings and Sir Delicate Touch (they’re used as ranks, it’s some class thing idk. It’s ranked below Baron is all I know)
•At a certain age Draxum started letting them out more (with supervision) and Mars got super friendly with all the yōkai he came across!! Due to this, Draxum has a much stronger active relationship with the Hidden City yōkai community.
•Mars uses their free time to create art around the Hidden City
•Has never seen the surface; wonders what the sky looks like
•Extremely strong mystic powers that were discovered early on
•Mars knows like, everyone in the city, and by the time they’re older are allowed to go about it from the lab as he pleases.
•Has a secret fascination with humans and their stuff that he keeps from his dad
•Draxum mellows out a tad raising Mars, being fatherly and all that. Still wants to take down humanity, he just wouldn’t do it if it meant endangering his child.
•Mars is an extremely adept fighter, having trained with Draxum since they were able to.
•Secret love for Lou Jitsu movies that he found one day in the yōkai markets
•He and Leo have met before and they have a very intense rivalry. Those two. Do not like one another.
•The reason behind the name “Marciano” is that I doubted Draxum would name his kid after some human artist. “Marciano” has French, Italian, and Latin origins, though I was mainly going for Latin when I chose it. It means little warrior! The name also has a lot of relation to the Roman god of war, Mars, which also happens to be the main nickname I picked! So it fits.
•Doesn’t like to kill; would rather thoroughly incapacitate a person through extreme measures instead.
•Terrible swimmer
•Draxum’s whole place is a lot more…nice looking? It’s got more style and creativity to it. Mars helped decorate.
•Fights with kusari-fundo and hand-to-hand mostly. Also knows the basics of fighting with other weapons.
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•Raised by Big Mama
•He/him pronouns
•Trans man
•Goes by Leo most commonly; the other in-canon nicknames still apply too
•Both outfits are colored after Leo’s pride flags
•The paint designs vary a lot, Leo likes to show variety
•After meeting Donnie, he actually starts to incorporate more purple into his color scheme!
•Gay gay gay gay gay gay GAY.
•Fights in the Battle Nexus for fun; really loves the thrill of it.
•Manipulative as fuck, picked it up from his mother. EXTREMELY good at lying
•Gets bored easily and will act out to negate this feeling
•Talks a whole lot while fighting; always making jokes, trying to throw his opponents off their game. (Think Spider-Man or Deadpool)
•Leo can actually get really violent at times
•Backstory behind Leo’s name is that they had an old name when they were younger and hadn’t come out yet, but upon realizing they were trans, wanted to pick out a new name. Big Mama gave him a ton of resources and books and stuff to help with that process, but it was actually in an old book of Lou’s that had been left behind that Leo found the name “Leonardo” and went with that. It’s a really stupid coincidence, but it is what it is.
•The fact that Leo chose that name from one of Lou’s books is bittersweet for Big Mama. And kinda funny lol
•Mars and Leo have a rivalry that formed because of BM and Draxum.
•Super fond of Lou Jitsu movies, but can only ever watch them in secret
•Leo will sneak out to Hueso’s whenever he can because he feels like it’s the one place where he can relax and not have to hold up appearances
•Leo still knows Spanish in this au
•He’s still a very cocky showboat in this, just dial that up to 11.
•Mainly uses ōdachi or katanas to fight, however, Leo tends to just use whatever’s on hand in matches. Knows how to fight with a wide variety of weapons semi-professionally (and I say that loosely, Leo mostly just wings it)
•Able to use mystic powers and uses them well, but prefers not to when fighting.
•LOVES stage magic with a passion, and actually practices it in his spare time.
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Rento Jones
•Raised by the Foot
•She/he pronouns
•Goes by Ren for short
•Backstory for Rento is that little Cassandra was lonely and didn’t have anyone her age in the clan, and the Foot Lieutenant & Brute ended up finding this baby snapping turtle on a whim and gave him to her as a pet. Little did they know Cass just gained a new sister instead of a pet.
•Much more prone to violence than in canon (or at least to anger)
•The name Rento has a few meanings to it, but I mainly chose it because it started with an R and it fit. And was of Japanese origin.
•Cassandra is adamant about the two of them being siblings, and since Ren didn’t have a last name of her own, Cass shared hers
•Rento is still extremely soft on the inside, but is very afraid to show that side to people he doesn’t know.
•The entire Foot Clan will annihilate you if you hurt Rento in any way
•The clan is super fond of its spiky murder reptile!
•Ren doesn’t realize what she’s doing might be seen as “wrong”, he’s just focused on helping the Foot and being proud of that. Only ever hesitates when directly hurting innocent people or animals comes into the picture.
•Rento’s only issue is with hurting innocent people or creatures; she won’t hold back if something gets in his way.
•Cass and Ren have a habit of hyping each other up
•Rento is super proud of looking big and scary cause it means she can better protect the people she cares about!
•Cass and Ren can both speak Japanese to a degree
•She has a huge collection of plushies that have either been gifts to him or were stolen from large businesses; can’t sleep without at least a few plushies around.
•Only turtle of the four who doesn’t know anything about their backstory or having siblings
•Switches between sai and tonfa to fight, but mainly sticks with the sais.
•Second-best fighter of the turtles; also knows how to fight with other weapons in basics. Mainly relies on hand-to-hand combat.
•Doesn’t know anything about mysticism
•Not very good at origami
•Loves watching Lou Jitsu movies, though Cassandra doesn’t share the enthusiasm.
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tired-biscuit · 1 year
we need more loser! naruto content🙏🏼🧎🏻‍♀️
i really think he'd be fitting as a flustered simp. so cute, i love him like this!! <3
18+ mdni, fem!reader // college au
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loser!naruto, who fumbles with his words so much that he just stops speaking coherently altogether whenever you merely greet him in the halls, or attempt to make small talk by asking him if he's studied for the upcoming exam for the one class you share together and that he never, never runs late to.
loser!naruto, who is so touch-deprived that his skin burns in the places you touch him purely by accident. flames lick the space where your shoulder bumps against his arm as you push past him to make it in time to the bus station, heat settles on the tips of his fingers as he lends you his pen and strikes contact with your hand the moment you reach out to borrow it.
loser!naruto, whose heart begins to pound so strongly, so fast; to the point of making him feel nauseous whenever he establishes even the briefest eye contact with you.
loser!naruto, who spends a pretty hefty sum of money - the cash that he's earned by working long afternoon shifts and even longer weekends as a waiter at the local diner - on an expensive perfume that he's once overheard you mention being your favourite.
and it's true - the damn thing smells just like you. so much like you, in fact, that he even spritzes it on his pillow before heading to bed, just so he can pretend that you are laying right there next to him.
loser!naruto, who stalks your social media profile multiple times per day. he never likes or comments on any of your posts because he's pretty positive that your friends would make fun of you for it, but he definitely lost his shit the moment he saw the notification of you following him back flash on his screen.
loser!naruto, whose three dots keep reappearing and disappearing over and over again in the chat as he contemplates on how to respond to the simple 'hey :)' you send him not even a minute after following him back.
loser!naruto, whose voice cracks when you call him over the phone the first time just to chat a couple of weeks later. he actually speaks for a change, manages full sentences even, but you definitely have to take the lead if you want to hear them.
loser!naruto, who turns so, so, so red in the face when you hug him for the first time ever as your friendship continues to blossom. who can't even enjoy said embrace, because it makes his cock so hard that it fucking hurts, turning him too anxious to actually appreciate the sweet moment as a result.
after all, what if you notice it pressing against the zipper? even worse, what if you don't want to be his friend anymore because of it?
loser!naruto, who can't even watch porn anymore ever since you've taken this sudden liking towards him, because it just doesn't do it for him anymore; at least not in the way like it used to. no, he needs you if he wants his dick to get hard from now on.
loser!naruto, who cums so quickly at just the mere thought of you. you don't even need to be there, for him to reach his peak and cause a mess all over himself. just fantasizing about you in the late hours of the night as he strokes himself in his bed is enough to reach absolute bliss.
loser!naruto, who moans your name out in a series of broken, breathy whispers; all of which he sends into the dark ceiling of his bedroom whenever he crumbles into previously mentioned bliss and prays to god and heaven above that his roommate can't hear him on the other side of the wall.
and finally, loser!naruto, who is so undeniably, deeply in love with you, that it makes him outright pathetic.
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kaythefloppa · 2 months
Wild Kratts - Fish Out of Water Review [Spoilers]
April is finally here, and with it, three new episodes have been released on the PBS Kids Video App ahead of their release. At the time I'm posting this, it is midnight and the one hour special "Our Blue and Green World" is yet to air on televison and streaming, so I will get to that when I get to that. Given that I have already reviewed No Name Dream and Backpack the Camel, I'll give a review to this episode as well. Spoiler warning and opinions ahead under the cut
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First New York, then Hawaii, and now a goddamn University on the list of areas I would never expect these guys to film. Bros are everywhere.
As someone who is about to graduate high school, I feel IMMENSELY jealous of the college students who saw the motherfucking Kratt Brothers filming an episode on campus. I can already begin to see the floods of social media posts bragging about this on Tumblr and Twitter threads.
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Ok I feel bad for being a bit salty earlier, I actually think it's really sweet how these people outside of the show can share their interests and expertise in biology and physics to help children educate. The entire live-action opening where they study the locomotion of mudskippers is honestly really sweet, and we haven't even gotten to our main animal yet!
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God these are such cute animals. But beyond that, the term "fish out of water" could not be a more fitting title. They have joints like we do, can adapt to different environments, and can swim and climb like we can. This is probably my favorite live action segment because of how well structured the clips and movements are and just how fun it is seeing these little blorbs move around the place.
I should talk about how it took us half a decade to see a mudskipper on the show, and 13 years overall to get a focus episode, but so far, up to a great start and definitely worth waiting (for the most part).
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Oh so is it like the Hermit Crab episode where in all of the official releases they leave out the determiner but in the actual episode it's there? This has no overall bearing on the episode but I just felt the need to point it out.
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I should check off on my S7 bingo card about seeing the old inventions again because holy shit it's been almost a decade since we saw the Butterflier XT
Also can anyone identify those butterflies? I know for a FACT that those motherfuckers aren't monarchs because of their patterns (the only pattern variation in butterflies is sex-linked, and while I'm aware they live in Asia, this again, does not look like a match) but they also aren't viceroys because they lack the line around their wings. I only ask this to bring up my next point.
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I thought the Butterfly Disc we saw in Season 1 was specifically programmed based off of Monarch Butterflies. But as established (until proven wrong), these are not monarch butterflies. So unless Aviva retrofitted or reprogrammed the disc to be multi-familial, as in they can touch any butterfly regardless of classification and activate accordingly (like with the Crocodile, Dragonfly, and Gecko Discs), the activation should not work. I only ask this because while it seems miniscule, Chris' decision to bring out the disc is what sets off the plot - It's what causes him to loose the discs in the butterfly swarm, so I feel like, while not a critique, it's a legitimate question as to the direct programming of the discs vs. the animals used to activate.
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Man, Zach wasn't even in this episode and somehow they STILL lose their discs? (Actually, I am pleasantly surprised that they didn't take the opportunity to have this be a Zach-related episode).
You think they'd put a tracker on the collection or encode a chip the actual discs so that they wouldn't get lost this easily. This again, sounds like a nitpick, but earlier seasons set up a firewall for the Creature Power Discs and a tracking device/rocket-device on the Creature Power Suits and gloves because of how frequent these types of contingiences are, so there's really no excuse for this.
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(Suck my ass PBS Kids Video App, I'm still able to get high quality snips even with your bullshit formatting!!!)
They really went all out with the "other-wordly" vibe that the mudskippers' territory gave off. Once again, we waited two years for this to be put to animation and to see come air.
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I've made enough jokes around these situations in the show, so I think we'd all benefit if I just changed the subject: That front-facing mudskipper is fucking hilarious.
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*Martin's voice* - Slimy Skin-breathers!
Okay, but I actually did not know that. At all. Even 10 years later, this show is still teaching me new things about animals in the most beautfully unexpected ways. This is one of the many reasons I will never give up on the show.
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[Unexpected angst in bagging area - Also, with the inclusion of No Name Dream, which will air two days before this episode, that brings our Krangstt quota to #2]
Okay so I really like the set-up here, and it genuinely was a surprise seeing Jimmy angst in this episode as a subplot in a series that rarely operates on A-plots and B-plots (unless you count the villains' schemes which are usually just A^2 plots) like most shows. And as someone who legitimately was going through rough times (S7 was actually one of my few reasons to keep going), I heavily related to Jimmy. So yeah, a Jimmy angst episode? Can totally buy. What I'm not gonna buy is how they execute it with the ending, because that and the implications.... yikes...
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C'mon! "Mudspitter" was right there! Right there!
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Ok, here is where my main problem with this episode's subplot is. If I could boil it down to one word, it would be: Incomplete. Jimmy feeling inadequate based on an observation he made is one thing. Him immediately leaving afterwards on a whim moments after said observation is completely another and doesn't align that well.
Like, this would only work if Jimmy had attempted to be a fish "IN" water. If he tried to help Aviva and Koki with the data-research and inventing, but he failed, and they politely turned him down. Or if there was any basis as to why he suddenly disregards his piloting skills or teleporting, whether he doesn't care or doesn't think them to be enough for him to fit in. Like, he wants to be in on the action because some part of him doesn't feel like sitting around by the teleporter is enough. What I'm saying is, there is no pathos. I personally find it to be relatable, but on a narrative level, it doesn't work. I know the "character feeling left out so they leave" thing is cliche'd, but there's a reason it's a cliche, and that's because it follows a lot of writing beats that this particular episode doesn't, so on top of being cliche'd as fuck to begin with, it feels very awkward. And this is going to be apparent both here and in this episode's climax (which I also do not have many kind words for,) so I had to use my allotted time to talk about why this doesn't work.
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Could... could they not call him on his Creaturepod? Could the brothers not call him on his Pod? Did he even have his Creaturepod?? Again, there are so many plot-holes in this B-story that could've easily been written around with a change of dialogue or scenery. Have Jimmy's Creaturepod be shown left lying around which makes them realize they have no way of getting him back to the teleporter in time. Jimmy would have no reason to even bring his Creaturepod on his adventure, so that just raises even more questions. Like, this isn't an active diss on the writers, but I think there should've been more proof-reading of the script since this is a massive oversight.
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I think now is the time for me to bring up this question I've had for years now; How exactly does the teleporter work? In several episodes, we've seen that there is a coordinate code in the teleporter that allows it to be sent to the target. Koki's "the communication queen" as Aviva puts it, so she'd likely be able to triangulate the brothers' location. So I'm not sure why the show presents this as a struggle for Koki. This isn't the only example, so I won't hold it against the episode, (they have this be the case specifically to emphasize the point that they need Jimmy, which I can forgive) but it's another piece of lore that I should probably theorize about lmao.
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This whole episode spent the past five minutes making its main characters look incredibly idiotic for the sake of its B plot.
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Once again, this episode's spitting facts that I didn't even know.
This is actually a neat seguay, having the brothers figure out the abilities of the mudskippers while exercising their own cool abilities. It feels really natural, and again, is an inventive way to show off the locomotive abilities of the mudskipper.
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I feel like this falls very well between "accurate enough to be admirable" and "uncanny." I can (maybe on my deathbed) get used to this suit's design (though I'm partly glad Chris doesn't activate it because spoilers, he doesn't).
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I've given this subplot a lot of flack, but credit where it's due, even with its misses, it does hit with the emotional beats.
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Very conflicted on this:
On one hand, Jimmy actually taking the initiative to miniaturize is pretty ballsy. The show, despite not being serialized, does develop its characters in a way that you can sense a clear difference of them when you compare the modern seasons to the earlier ones. And this can be seen as a positive development for Jimmy, since it's his "Creature Adventure."
On the other hand.... back to what I was saying about consistency. Why did Jimmy bring the miniaturizer?? What was his prompting?? Was he planning on shrinking himself down the whole time? Like, he left his friends for god knows how much time and is now out of nowhere shrinking himself down to fish size because he feels inadequate? Uhm, Jimmy, ever heard the idea of therapy?
Also, again, very weird presentation of the episode. They don't at all put any attention to Jimmy's coms and whether or not he has them, (which would easily solve a bigger issue of why he's not contacted), yet they have him carry the Miniaturizer with him. Now, the latter is plot-relevant, but so could've been something about the Creaturepod.
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This [from what I interpret] gets Jimmy out of his slump, making his "scientific discovery." Not realizing that his job of piloting and teleporting are equally important. Again, this is structured poorly. I like what they were going for, but it shouldn't have been the only thing that altered the trajectory of this subplot. Again, he can teleport discs to the brothers and pilot and while those are mentioned later on, it's not something he comes to himself in an "oh shit" moment. So this just feels unearned and weird. I really hate how harsh I am, since it's a Jimmy centric episode and it was the #1 requested thing on all the chat-boards during the hiatus, but this is one of those things where it has to be done right if at all. This isn't done right, and the fact that it takes up 50% of the episode just... ugh.
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You can't tell it through screenshots but with the way Aviva says it and the scene cutting to her and Koki laughing at it, I'm 98% inclined that this was a specific innuendo, and ngl, I kinda laughed too.
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Oh look, it's Kenge's cousin! [For you Lion Guard fans that also recognize Wild Kratts] - [I was inclined to make a reference to Jessie, but that felt in bad taste considering y'know]
Ok, but that has to be an Asian water monitor. Correct me if I'm wrong. What I'm definitely not wrong about is that their bites contain venom; To a human it's not lethal, however to small prey, including mudskippers, or anything around that size, it's lights out. So yeah, Chris and Martin are fucked.
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Ok this line is absolutely badass.
Also, grey?? Grey?? I thought Jimmy's signature color was orange/yellow? Or red with the implication of the tail episode? Great, now there's another color that'll be in the debates for his future Creature Power Suit.
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Once again, this arc feels weirdly put together. This notion comes up specifically at the climax when it should come up beforehand as Jimmy realizes his worth. Because otherwise, it gives the implication that he knew this all along and yet still felt like a fish out of water, which doesn't mesh together properly (it could, if the episode actually tried to do so which it didn't).
The episode, Sea Otter Swim, does this plot so much better. We see Jimmy's doubts, and we see how he overcomes said doubts in a way that is presented clear to the audience, and the climax where he actually realizes what he's capable of feels earned. This is not earned. So even though I am rooting for him to win, this whole thing just feels messy.
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So is nobody gonna ask why Jimmy left his post? Is Jimmy not gonna tell everyone why he left, or at the very least ask why nobody bothered to call for him? Is nobody going to at least let Jimmy know that he can't just... abandon his post without warning because of the fact that they need him? Is Jimmy not going to come to that conclusion himself? Is anything in this episode gonna be earned??
This entire ending feels like an ass-pull: First off, Jimmy and the brothers had enough time to head back to the miniaturizer and then the Tortuga, and in none of that time, did Jimmy ever give them the Power Discs? Why? Yes, it was for the sake of the fake-out defeat/joke, but was there any reason why Jimmy just kept the thing hidden waiting to give it to the brothers?
The entire emotional climax to this episode is basically everyone putting Jimmy on a pedestal. It's unsatisfying because there wasn't any acknowledgement or follow up to Jimmy's conflict at the beginning, nor is the lesson learned in the right way, and the conclusion just overreacts by hyping up Jimmy instead of just having a reasonable "We're a team!" thing, or through any self-actualization of his good qualities that Koki pointed out. None of it, friggin' none of this is earned! Now it comes across as Jimmy being uncharacterstically boastful and cocky and the others just kissing his arse. That's probably not the intent but it was the result.
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That is actually like, so fucking cool. I have massive respect for all of these people, like legitimately (also, considerning that's the exact opposite of what Zach does on an ethics scale, I find that really interesting). But beyond that, I think this episode has the best live action segments ever, they are so ingenuitive. I could easily see someone at my high school showing a clip of this episode in robotics' or biology class.
The live action segments.
The info dumps about the mudskippers.
The Kratt Brother's adventure with the mudskippers.
The animation
The background music (a lot of which is recycled from earlier seasons)
Everything else (specifically the B plot). I feel like the writers wanted to give Jimmy his own storyline, either out of interest or seeing how popular the character was in chat-boards, but they didn't know how to do it so they just went through the motions without really connecting anything at all, so it's a lot harder relating to the exact conflicts in some cases, and you feel disatisfied by the cimax. It reminds me of what they did with Vitani in the Lion Guard finale, a case of giving this one character the spotlight, but hitting all of the wrong marks that does the character and the audience a disservice and leaves a bitter taste in the viewer's mouth by the end credits.
This is the first episode this season that has made me cringe, primarily off of its premise, not just a particular scene, a dated pop culture reference, or a weird-looking Power Suit. It is the first to make me cringe because of its story, which again, the B-plot takes up 50% of the episode, so it's constantly in your face. It's definitely not bad, not hateable bad, and it's far too early in the season to call it the worst, and there are definitely worse episodes out there, ones that have aired and ones that probably will inevitably air, but I can safely say, thus far, it's the one Wild Kratts episode that I enjoy, but only to an extent. The live action segments were by far the only thing that I got extremely engaged in, but other than that, and the other pros, it's not that good.
Final Ranking: 6/10: Above Average, but Needed Improvement.
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thelikesoffinn · 2 years
Billy Hargrove was not irredeemable.
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This boy needed help. He needed someone to show him that life was not just pain and suffering, that there was more once you break through years of abuse.
And I'm not talking as a sappy fan here, but as a licensed social worker.
Without a doubt, this bitch would have been my favourite client. He already IS my favourite client.
Now, would it be hard to work with him?
Fuck yeah.
He would Rebel against anything I say, he would try to intimidate me and keep me far away, he would most definitely be rude as fuck and make fun of most things that leave my mouth. And he would flip his shit hard whenever I touch any subject he doesn't want to talk about.
On bad days, days where he was beaten and abused again, he would be an absolute menace. He would probably throw chairs and tables around, start fist fights with the other kids in my group and just be a proper pain in my arse.
So yes, Billy hargrove would be difficult. Especially in the beginning.
But that's what abused kids do.
They want you to stay the fuck away from them. Because all they know is pain. They've been hurt so much, that they can't believe it's not normal. That not every one is out to hurt them. Because people don't care for them. They don't care about them.
Social workers are "in it for the money" anyway. They don't give a shit, much less about them. Much less about kids like Billy.
Good things don't happen to them.
Good people don't just stumble into their lives.
Because nothing good ever does.
But you know what kids like Billy also do? What I've seen so many times at my job, working with troubled youths?
I've seen kids like Billy Hargrove beam at compliments. At genuine compliments, compliments that aren't used to get them to do something. They dead arse break a grin so wide it blinds you, despite not wanting to.
I've seen them get glassy eyes when you welcome them and tell them you're happy to see them around. Because they feel appreciated, like them being there is a good thing.
I've seen them slowly opening up, once they realise that I'm not going anywhere and that I, in fact, actually care about their well being.
I've seen them go all soft and huggy because they crave warmth and kindness. They crave what they never get at home.
I've seen kids have fun, fun that they've never been allowed to have at home. They are the older siblings, the only providers. They carry responsibilities the shouldn't have to carry at home. But with my colleagues and I, they don't. They can be themselves and have fun. Being silly, being young and being genuinely happy because they are allowed to be.
Just imagine Billy breaking an involuntary grin because you tell him how neat his camaro looks, all clean and shiny today.
Imagine him getting flustered when you tell him how nice it is to have him back with the group while you pass along some sweets or whatever.
Respect and responsibility? My arse. Everyone get the waterballoons, we'll have a fight. And we all know Billy would hold back at first, pretend it's stupid, before ambition hits and the kid tries to be the last dry one standing. he's laughing with the other kids, dripping wet by the end of it. And he enjoys it massively.
How he suddenly allows other people to pat his back, hug him or bump his hips. How he actually starts liking it, touch starved as the boy likely is.
Now imagine Billy Hargroves face once he realises that he doesn't have to scare people away because whatever his dad taught him was bullshit. That he really doesn't need to repeat any of the homophobic or racist slurs Neil threw around ever again because he doesn't believe them anyway.
So yes, Billy Hargrove was not irredeemable. He was not. He was a boy that needed work, definitely, but he was far FAR from being a lost cause.
Billy was just a poor eighteen year old boy that needed warmth and softness. That needed a chance to learn that people cared, truly cared, about him like no one in fucking Hawkins ever did. Not his father, not Susan, not Max.
Billy needed one person who understood him, cared for him and taught him that life was more than pain and suffering.
And its fucking bullshit that he never got to meet that person because killing him was easier.
No, he was not irredeemable and everyone who says he was just chooses the easy road. Because seeing and accepting layers is so much harder than saying he's a piece of shit, am I right?
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highfantasy-soul · 3 months
Moments I loved from NATLA Episode 4 - Into the Dark ❤️️❤️️
Aang and Iroh interacting more - love that they're not friendly to each other, per se, but it builds a foundation that makes their later respect make sense
The Earth Kingdom being harsh with their 'fallen foes' is nice to seed in here as in the animated version (season 1), most of the 'bad' stuff was relegated solely to the Fire Nation
The Earth Kingdom is no pushover and it's nice to see that early
Sokka defending his dad "My dad would have never done what you did" even after he commiserated with the Mechanist about his dad 'not valuing' what Sokka could bring to the table.
Though Sokka is frustrated that his dad doesn't see "him", he knows his dad is an honorable man doing his best and when Sai tries to use him as an example of 'doing the wrong thing just to survive', love that Sokka calls him on it
Like them introducing this now - all old buildings have secret passages - it's just a law
Teo's "its time to fight!" attitude - love it. He's so ready to stop cowering and wants to hit back
Flopsy statues!!!!!
Rolly ball throne? Nice touch
"Bumi? BUMI!!" :D
"You did 🤨" Love how Aang keeps his "I'm just gonna say the truth and I don't care if that's 'not allowed' I'm gonna do it anyways because your social rules are stupid" attitude
Katara's water pouch!!
Love the shake in Jet's voice as he tells Katara "I am nothing like the firebenders"
Katara's assessment is shallow on her part, but the core has a ring of truth - no, freedom fighters aren't the same as their oppressors, but when you start harming your own people to hurt the enemy, then you really have lost sight of what's right and wrong - why you're fighting.
I love Jet, especially this version of him, but yeah, no touchy
And Katara is absolutely right: Jet might have helped her through her block, but her power, that's all hers.
What are you going to do, Zuko?? What choice will you make!!??
Love that we're getting this choice of his here in Omashu
Bumi's puns 😭 kill me now - though very canon accurate
Like the vibe that everyone just has to laugh as to not anger him - there's less of a whimsical madness vibe to Bumi here and a more serious - yeah, this guy is our leader vibe that's quite unsettling
The tonal shift with Bumi did give me pause, but I like how the writers kept the jokes, the games, his eccentricities, but shifted the vibe to make them darker
In the cartoon, whimsy might work, but if you think about it realistically, that leadership style would NOT work during a war - a 100 year war, at that.
Sokka getting into that maraca - you let your little musical heart fly
"What are you doing here?" "We're doin' what we're doin'" :)
Oma and Shu lesbian supremacy!!!
Always get chills when this story is told
Lol Sokka's "There's no such thing as angry spirits." Right before the episode where they're kidnapped by an angry spirit XD
Love the switch up of the rocks not really being the path out - keeping us animated show fans on our toes as to what the lesson will be this time
Everything about the Earth Kingdom soldier's interaction with Iroh - all of it is just so good.
The cartoon glossed over Iroh's warmongering past - but he did do terrible things that hurt so many people. No, 'it was war, I was a soldier' is not an acceptable excuse (we didn’t accept it with Jet, so why the double standard for a ROYAL MILITARY GENERAL??)
The funeral scene
Leaves from the Vine
Zuko offering a soft and kind memory of Liu Ten instead of just talk about him being a soldier
Zuko sitting next to Iroh so he won't be alone!!!!!!!!!
The conversation between Katara and Sokka in the cave where she talks about how Jet helped her and Sokka how Sai helped him - then Katara reminding Sokka that when he was forced into a leadership position for the Southern Water Tribe, he didn't have anyone to help him through that
The concept of us all needing people to help us through our journeys is so important and really comes around at the end of the episode and just through the entire series
Is it bad that all I could think about was how cute it was the entire time it was on screen?
Dallas Liu is so. Freaking. Good. At. His. Stunts!!!!
And the first mention of the theme Zuko struggles with of compassion being weakness!
Sokka's little 'thanks!' as Katara saves him from the badgermole XD
Seriously, all the little touches in Ian Ousley's performance are great
Idk why Sokka assumed the badgermole was a man, that's clearly a dignified lady
The power of sibling love guiding the badgermole was a great alteration from the OG - if they can be controlled through music, they can definitely respond to emotions
Bumi's whole speech here - and his willingness to get crushed - is what brought me around on this portrayal of him
He's right: it's a game where you have to make impossible choices - you have to fight even when you don't want to (a much more poignant message for Aang than 'look at things a different way')
The power of friendship saves the day!!!
"You CAN rely on your friends - and that's the only way I'm going to save the world: with my friends"
"You think like a child" (derogatory) "Is that really so bad?" (genuine)
Bumi made Appa's whistle!!! 😭😭😭😭
One last time Zuko chooses protecting his uncle over capturing the Avatar 🥲
"Everything I need is right here on this boat" 😭😭😭
[Masterlist of my NATLA thoughts]
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notesfromthepalace · 5 months
Some Things are Not for Tea Time
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My Father once said "... people will hate you [and be jealous of you] because they see you with a new nail set every week, not knowing you do your own nails at home to save money".
Let me explain:
What my Father was trying to convey is people will dislike you over the smallest things i.e. like me doing my nails on my own every Saturday morning to save money (back in my college days), but jealously having an effect on their perception; "Oh she has so much money she gets her nails done every week" - then going into the rabbit hole of assumptions just because they are choosing to dislike me.
Again, as I always say, this blog is for the girls who get it, because if you don't, the first two paragraphs will go right over your head (if it hasn't already) and you will be lost in the sauce the entirety of this blog post.
But for the girlies who get it: the nice, mind your business, your man and money type of girls who stay prayed up but don't tempt me to jump because "knuck if you buck".
Yes, you darling!|
Hey friend!
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So, just to be clear, if you did not know: not every woman who smiles in your face is your friend, and not every compliment comes from a place of being genuine.
That being said, not every woman you have conversations with should be privy to every good thing that happens in your life - to include your plans for the future.
I believe I have touched on this subject before but the more and more I vet my social circle and distance myself from certain people, the more and more apparent how important it is to safe guard the things that are so precious me.
Story Time! *Mariah Carey voice
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Over the last few months, I have received a vast amount of good news and there have been new things, new investments, and new moves. But recently, certain people have been reaching out to me to inquire about my whereabouts, my love life and so on.
To be quite frank, it is none of their business.
So myself and my African Prince have gone for a holiday in Times Square, met each other's close families and friends and have started to move as one - 2024 is going to be a movie (if you know what I mean).
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God has been really great to me and through prayer, and learning to be more discreet with what I am working towards, my dreams and visions are coming to fruition. For example, last year I bought my first pair of Christian Louboutin heels:
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I didn't do a "show-in-tell" or an unboxing. No tea no shade to people who do that, I just chose not to. I wore the hell out of these shoes though! The photo above is from my Ghanian Sweetheart taking me to The W in Bellevue for date night. But when I bought the first pair, I told myself that I would have the pumps, this time next year - it's this time next year, is it not?
My African King was literally in my mind. He got me the very shoes that I told myself I would have by December 2023!
There was a time I was doing hair and make-up on the side for some extra money. I'm aware that there are plenty of girls who had my address who may not be the finest company. So I didn't want to post the nice things I had or the nice things my man would do for me before someone tries to rob me - jealous people do that.
I am currently enjoying the Christmas Holiday with my man in our home away from the city and during this time of love and bliss, I received a call from a girl I used to be close with.
She called me on FaceTime - in tears (and inebriated) asking why we don't hangout, how come she doesn't know what's going on in my life, why I don't call her; Then goes on to insult the girls I do hangout with like "you only hang out with your boujie friends, yeah I saw that you went to the Powder Room" - like yeah I did go to the Powder Room (very nice restaurant by the way) because I was invited by a friend to go. Like I have said in previous posts, I frequent high-end establishments all of the time.
Don't get me wrong, a part of me felt bad bad because I genuinely like and care for the girl. But as I was evolving, she would ridicule the changes that she saw and insinuate that I was acting like I was better than her or the other girls we used to go out with.
To put things into perspective, she and I started hanging out when I dumped my ex. And I remember I called her on a Saturday morning and she was surprised, like "What, you're calling to go out with us tonight? We always ask you to come out and you say 'no'".
She was right, I would typically say no, but I didn't want to be one of those girls who sits in their flat and cries because they just went through a breakup. I was ready to go to the club and just be out. I needed to take my mind off of the hurt. So we went to club that night.
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But, in my typical Sarah Chanel fashion, I got tired of the club quick. I don't mind it from time to time, in a section with my girlies from back home. But I remember the last time we went to the club, she got kicked out for being drunk and disorderly.
I was low-key cool of the entire situation. I was also going through my own personal evolution and changing what I do, how eat, the places I frequent - just for her to ridicule the changes. That was another reason why I distanced myself. As a friend, I wasn't asking her to do the things I was doing or to change herself; I would've loved her support though. My best friend and I have been friends of over a decade and when I would talk to her about taking my walk with God more seriously, she didn't make me feel bad for it or act weird, even as a person like herself who isn't extremely religious - she supported me from afar, so I know it's not impossible or an extreme ask.
Not to mention she would put me in compromising positions like trying to hook me up with a man that she knew was in a fully committed relationship with another woman, or acting a complete fool in a restaurant and yelling at the waiter.
So naturally I distanced myself. And to be fair, she's not the only person I distanced myself from. Over these last two years, I have seen so much change in my outlook on life, my spiritual life and walk with God, my ideas and interests, my love life and so on.
I am also of the understanding that everyone you meet can not go on your journey, especially if they choose to remain in the same place mentally, that they were in back in 2022 - we are on the brink of 2024, become anew.
Take tips from my blog, it'll help.
And I don't say that to be a mean girl.
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I want to see all women, especially young women of color evolve and be of their higher selves. But I can't make the horse drink the water if it doesn't even want to come to the well.
With less than a week left in 2023, leave the need of giving everyone an explanation in 2023 - ITS NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS!
For the girlies who have already been living their lives in luxe and love, keep doing it.
But for the girls who don't know where to start, sissy pooh, start at Notes From the Palace. And will it be lonely someone times, yes. Will your character be questioned by people that you thought were your friends, yes. But will the grass be greener on the other side, YES!
Happy New Year and I pray all of my readers, even the low key haters have a year of prosperity, peace, love and money
With Love,
Sarah Chanel
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You see that shoe! I almost forgot the most important part. Walk with Jesus, for real. And I will be walking right along our Lord and Father Jesus Christ for the rest of my life because all of the great things I have obtained and will achieve are all in thanks to the Most High! Stay prayed up!
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