#realisations today! dots connected today!
enwifen · 21 hours
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🧴⊹ ࣪ ౨ৎ˚ ──── in which your husband gives you the ultimate princess treatment in the form of a self care day ! …you thought that pampering stops after marriage? pfft!
pairing. husband!sunghoon x fem!reader wc. 3.1k note. layout inspo taken from the lovely @enmi-land <3
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The scent of warm, fluffy pancakes is what causes you to stir. The sheets rustle beneath you as you pat the cold spot beside you, your eyebrows furrowing once you realise your husband wasn’t beside you. With your mind still fuzzy from sleep it takes you a minute or so to connect the dots, feeling more awake once you’ve stretched.
“Ah, he must be downstairs.” You mutter quietly.
You swing your legs over the side of the bed, slipping your feet into the warmth of your slippers.
Slowly you make your way down(town)stairs and standing there in all his domestic glory is no one other than your husband, Park Sunghoon.
He makes quite the cutie, silently flipping pancakes wearing a focused expression as well as your pink, frilly apron that reads ‘worlds best wife’
The title suits him, you think.
Feeling his sense for you tingling sunghoon briefly looks up, smiling immediately upon catching your eye. You could’ve sworn a single sparkle appeared on his fang then, just like in the cartoons.
He was perfect.
“Good morning, love.”
“Morning Hoonie~” you smile and nod towards his whole Pinterest like breakfast set up. “What’s the occasion? It’s not our anniversary today… or my birthday…”
He chuckles softly, plating the last few pancakes. “Can’t I spoil the love of my life like she deserves?”
You find it increasingly hard to bite back a smile, walking over to the dining table. “Well when you put it like that…”
Sunghoon smiles and quickly moves to pull out your chair for you, kissing the top of your head as he tucks you in. He disappears briefly only to come back with your breakfast on a tray. You wondered if he had bought a few extra things for this pampering day because since when did either of you own a honey pot? Either way your husband is meticulous, going still as he allows the sticky substance to trickle from the dipper gradually creating a big enough puddle on the surface of the pancake for the rest to spill over the sides.
A giggle manages to escape your lips, completely smitten and endeared by the sheer amount of effort put in.
“Fruits?” Sunghoon offers.
“Yes please.” You smile sweetly.
An amused hum leaves him. “My girl is so polite.” He says, topping off the meal with a few blueberries and raspberries. “If only I had powdered sugar… than this would be perfect.”
“Hoon, baby, this is already perfect- I feel like I’m in my own Disney movie.”
“Really? Well, as long as the desired effect is achieved I guess it doesn’t matter.” He smiles again, kissing your forehead this time before retreating to his own seat.
You do most of the talking throughout breakfast, Sunghoon listening intently as he eats. At some point he finishes his food before you, his chin resting in his palm as he stares at you. He smiles at the faint blush that spreads across your cheeks upon you noticing his staring.
“What’s the matter, baby? Why’d you stop talking?”
“Because you’re staring at me.”
Sunghoon laughs, cheeks pushing his eyes into crescent shapes as he does. “Isn’t that the polite thing to do when listening to someone?”
“Well… yes but..!” Sunghoon watches you with an amused look on his face, you getting flustered was funny to him. “You’re… you’re looking at me as if I have stars in my eyes or something.” You joke.
“Well maybe that’s because you do.”
You’re left at the table to be a blushing mess, watching your husband begin to clear your dishes away.
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Later on in the day came one of you and Sunghoon’s favourite thing to do together: working out.
While Sunghoon enjoyed lifting weights, you enjoyed yoga. As well as the sight of your husband’s muscles flexing after each bicep curl but, hey, that was for another time.
It wasn’t unusual for Sunghoon to be the one finishing his workout first, he had a lot of stamina but weight lifting was still very tiring. You can see him put down his weights out of your peripheral vision, expecting him to maybe pats your head as he announces he’s off to take a shower.
Except he doesn’t, instead walking up behind you.
“Uhh, baby? Is something wrong…?”
“No, not at all, love, mind if I help you stretch?”
You hum in agreement. Having been doing yoga for awhile now you were already pretty flexible but the gesture was sweet and who were you to pass up on the opportunity to get pampered even more?
You proceed to get into a position you tend to find a little more difficult, the cobra. Now, Sunghoon was no professional at yoga however, being the loving man he is, you had caught him watching a few videos on yoga (specifically the dos and don’ts), his reasoning being he wanted to be able to help you. Best believe he was smothered in hugs and kisses after that.
His soft hands come into contact with your skin, carefully adjusting your shoulders. “Pull up through the top of your- that’s it, good job, baby.” He mutters, the deep rumbles of his voice sending shivers down your spine. Sunghoon notices how you tremble slightly, he can tell you’re slightly uncomfortable but trying to hide it seeing as he could see your face. “Don’t forget to breathe, love.”
You take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. “Just like that, my good girl.” He kisses your forehead, smiling proudly. You stay in that position for a little while longer, enjoying your husband’s gentle coaching.
The next position you choose is far more simple but is one you had been working on. Being able to touch your toes had always been a goal of yours, hence Sunghoon applying just enough pressure to your back to push you forward.
You whine softly from the slight strain.
“Shh, shh, shh, breathe, angel.” And you do, ignoring the flips your stomach does. Even after all this time he has this effect on you and it’s cute if you think about it, ignoring the fact you can practically hear him smirking behind you.
You clear your throat in an attempt to regain composure. “I- I, uh, I think I’m done for the day.”
“Yeah?” You nod and turn to face your husband. “Why don’t you take a bath.”
“A bath?” Sunghoon nods, giggling at your cute head tilt. “Wouldn’t a shower be quicker…?”
“Yes but I can’t exactly— it’s not as romantic as a bath is.” Your eyebrows furrow before you catch on, smiling helplessly.
“Hoon… you don’t have to do all this you know.”
“I know but I want to.” He smiles. The kind of smile only reserved for you, one that says he wants to give you the world and more.
So you accept.
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Sunghoon sits on a small stool by the bathtub, all you had to do was sit back and relax. You allow your eyelids to flutter shut as he shampoos and conditions your hair, you feel calm and at peace- maybe even a little nostalgic. The gentle way in which his hands work into your scalp reminds you of bath times you had as a child, small giggles escaping your lips as he carefully pours a bucket of water to rinse your hair.
Next he moves onto your body. You teased him lightheartedly about possibly having ulterior motives but Sunghoon simply waves the idea off with a smile and a ‘not this time’.
The way Sunghoon treats your body was very different to how you do, you distantly wonder if you should be taking notes as you watch him. The exfoliating glove lightly gliding across your skin, bubbles forming from the body wash from the motion.
“Isn’t it kinda gross seeing all my dead skin cells?” You joke, though you feel a little embarrassed.
Sunghoon furrows his perfectly groomed eyebrows. “Not at all, love? Why would I be? It’s completely normal.”
“I know but…” you trail off, not knowing what to say back to the valid point he made. He sighs fondly.
“Baby, we’re human, we sweat, have oil on our skin… this is just a buildup of that, it’s not gross at all. What kind of man would I be offering to bathe you yet get grossed out by the fact that you’re dirty? That’s the purpose of a bath you know, to get clean?” He chuckles.
“You’re right, I’m sorry, that was stu—”
Your husband cuts you off, feigning a pained expression. “Ahh, don’t speak about yourself like that, you have worries and that okay, you know I’m more than happy to lay them to rest.”
You pout. “You’re going to make me cry.”
Kissing the side of your head he mutters “as long as they’re happy tears, cry as much as you want, baby.”
The water eventually grows cold and you step out of the tub, walking into Sunghoon’s open arms that holds your towel. Of course it’s warm too, having been sat on the radiator the whole time. You stay in his warm embrace for awhile, reluctantly pulling away moments later to change.
When you set foot into your shared bedroom, you were not expecting the sight in front of you. Your favourite pyjamas laid out next to a tray of what seemed to be… oils and lotion?
“Hoonie? What is all this?”
He bites back a smile. “Care for a massage?”
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Now this was the life, you thought.
Sunghoon had to have researched some massage techniques after educating himself on the dos and donts of yoga because you could’ve sworn you were floating on cloud nine right now.
All those years of bad posture sitting at your desk had led to a build up of knots in your shoulders as well as a little tension in your back. But with each passing moment with Sunghoon’s hands working their magic, slowly the pain and discomfort began to melt away. The sweet scent of lavender was also doing wonders for your brain, lulling it into a state of calm.
So calm you could fall asleep, even.
“Ahh baby, don’t fall asleep on me…” he chuckles. As if his soft tone would help you stay awake. All you can do is whine sleepily in response. “Please? There’s still one more thing I want to do… then I promise I’ll let you sleep.”
Park Sunghoon was the human embodiment of the gift that just kept on giving.
With every passing moment, things only seem to get more hazy. You barely register the end of massage until Sunghoon is helping you get dressed into your pyjamas, touches light as to keep you in the fuzzy state of mind you were in.
Gently he lays you back down on the bed, like a prince would a princess. You think he’s changed his mind and maybe he’s decided to let you sleep after all. A fond breath escapes his lips upon noticing your eyes flutter shut.
Then, a cool sensation on your cheeks wakes you back up again. Your brows furrow in confusion, one eye peeking open. “What the…”
“Hm?” Sunghoon tilts his head, thumb stroking your cheek to smoothen out any air pockets in the toner pad he had just placed. “I’m doing your skincare, love, too sleepy to remember?”
“Oh hoonie… you—”
“Don’t have to do this for you, I know~ but let me, I’m doing this because I want to. I’ll be gentle, hm? Know my baby’s tired.”
And your heart melts because Sunghoon is just too sweet. Too loving, too caring, too perfect and you thought you couldn’t fall any harder for him but it seems he will only continue to prove you wrong.
A tired smile spreads across your face, closing your eyes once more. Two more toner pads are placed on your forehead and chin, Sunghoon wiping any excess serum on your neck.
You yawn as he wipes your skin, seriously on the verge of sleep. Meanwhile Sunghoon seems to enjoy the glass look of your skin, gently poking your cheek with his finger to watch the skin bounce back. He smiles proudly, reaching for your moisturiser because he actually does want you to sleep.
In the end that’s what causes you to crumble. The sound of Sunghoon’s steady breathing paired with his fingers carefully massaging the cream into your skin… yeah you were a goner within no time.
With one last kiss to your forehead, Sunghoon leaves to get himself ready for bed.
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rotzaprachim · 9 months
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'e vvote ce cercamme pe' ssempe E ce perdimme dint' 'a nniente
'E vvote ce cercamme pe' ssempe
E ce perdimme rint' 'a nniente
A' ciorta gira comme o' viento
E nun ce lasse maje sta quiete
Comme me ne jesse aret' - 'o sciore e 'o viento, foja
Sometimes we spend an eternity looking for each other
and we lose each other in no time
Fortune turns like the wind
and it never leaves us be
How I would like to go back! https://lyricstranslate.com
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sideblogdotjpeg · 2 months
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hey guys does anybody know whats the date today
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robinsnest2111 · 1 month
maybe the reason I still cannot fully believe others when they tell me I'm sweet and nice is because I knew myself at 4-10 years old. that little fucker was a 24/7 overstimulated grumpy temper on a hair trigger aggressive demon in constant sensory and emotional overload, terrorising everyone around him, doing some serious harm without even realising. just running on pure animal instinct, trying to survive. I was not nice or sweet. my parents have enough "funny" stories to tell about what a hellish little beast I was, almost completely unmanageable.
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linguenuvolose · 1 year
A bit all over the place not gonna lie
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confused-wanderer · 11 months
Batman and superman are their opposite personalities in civilian form.
.. so this gives us a perfect opportunity for the most disastrously chaotic dynamic (and love square) EVER.
ESPECIALLY if they don’t know the others true identities, or even they did and are just being lil shits anyways
Give me:
grumpy skeptical Clark to Bruce’s sunshine playboy persona.
Clark *trying to down as many aspirins as he can, half tempted to throw himself into the sun* : Bruce we needed to surround the enemy, not SEDUCE them!
Bruce *currently on his way to a dinner wearing the most seductive outfit known to man* : Well, you know the saying. We can’t gatekeep or manslaughter our way out of it. Girlboss it is.
Clark: Bruce you are going on a date with a STRAIGHT MAN
Bruce: Give me five minutes and then I’ll let you hear him scream my name
*horrified Clark noises*
Brooding and detective Batman meeting lie-detector and very effective investigator journalist Clark Kent
Batman: Tell me where the bombs are Riddler!
Riddler *currently tied up* : Hehe you’ll never find them~
Clark: Mind if I record this session Mr. Riddler?
Riddler: Who the hell-
Batman: .. Kent. How’d you even get here?
Clark: Irrelevant questions. *waves recorder* so..?
Riddler: Sure..tell the public I’m going to paint the walls red-
Clark *in investigative journalist mode* : So which devastating rock bottom led you to lose your mind and pursue this as a career?
Riddler: hey wait hang on this is a fulfilling career!
Clark *raising a judgemental eyebrow*: So.. you fighting a man dressed as a bat, with that atrocious outfit you must’ve gotten from hell and riddles that you’ll give him the answer to anyway.. this is fulfilling?
Riddler *voice breaking* : .. yes?
*questioning and judgemental silence*
Few hours later
Red Robin: .. why is Riddler crying and why does he also have a career counselling book in his hand?
Batman *just as surprised and kind of disturbed at how methodical and impressive Clark was in breaking down Riddlers plan based on evidence and connecting the dots* : Honestly I thought he was here for me and he started ignoring me so out of concern for his safety I demanded he paid attention
Red robin: And?
Batman: and he said “oh you don’t want me to pay attention to you” and showed me.. a lot of details and screenshots I don’t know how he got his hands on
Red robin:
Batman: Riddler also then attempted to escape and Clark just.. punched him so hard Riddler still doesn’t know which universe he’s in..
Red robin: well it could’ve been worse.. Clark could’ve pulled out a gun
Batman: .. he has a flamethrower
Batman: .. and he told me we should work together sometimes, and I gave him few crime stories and plots to help raise awareness for the public and stop them.
Red robin:
Batman: also he gave me a therapy card.
Give me ray of sunshine and leader Superman with no sense of self preservation Bruce Wayne
Superman: Good evening Mr. Wayne, there’s a credible threat against you so I’ll be on the lookout for today-
Bruce *sidling upto him* : .. damn.. when I said send your hottest stripper you did deliver..
Superman *beet red* : Im not the stripper sir!
Bruce: Really?
Superman *furious nodding*
Bruce: okay then.. hey listen, I’ve been learning about important dates in history lately.. do you wanna be one of them?
Superman. Exe has stopped functioning
Superman: Mr. Wayne there’s a blackout and the building is under attack! Evacuate!
Bruce *running with gunshots behind* : Are you outside? You’re invulnerable right? Nothing can hurt you? Not even gunpowder or explosives?!
Superman *touched and pleasantly surprised* : yes.. so you don’t have to worry about me Mr. Wayn-
*glass breaks and Superman catches the dark mass falling in the air*
Superman: See? You’re safe-
*realises he’s holding a huge bomb about to detonate*
One explosion later
Superman: … you threw a bomb at me
Bruce: What?? You said you were invulnerable! I didn’t know what else to do with it??
Superman: So you didn’t think to tell me? Not even a warning?
Bruce: Listen that bomb was hot but compared to how smoking hot you were I didn’t think it ever stood a change
Superman: Mr. Wayne, listen. You should’ve atleast yelled or said something so I could’ve gotten it away in time. What if I hadn’t?
Bruce: I did! I yelled GET READY FOR A BLOWJOB
Bruce: ?? Did I do something wrong?
And obviously.. the usual golden retriever Superman x black cat Batman that we all know and love so I’m just going to leave it at:
Batman: Someone is going to die.
Superman: Of fun!
Batman: Sure if you consider burning to death fun
Superman: Oh come on be a little optimistic! We must have hope! We will persevere!
Batman: we are literally being held hostages by aliens
Superman: ..listen okay, let me do the talking. We just gotta de-escalate the situation
Alien: You intruders! You will never get our superior defender systems-
Batman *done with this bullshit* : I already hacked into it twenty days ago and found all of your identities, families and now have full control over your systems of defends and weapons. If I wanted to hurt somebody.. I would’ve done so already.
Alien *tries to punch him, gets headbutted instead*
Alien *chuckles* : You have a thick skull Batman..
Superman *frantic whispering*: Dontsayitdontsayitdontsayitdontsayit-
Batman: .. atleast mines protecting a brain. Wish I could say the same for yours
Superman *heavy sigh*
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taurusdaylight · 1 year
[3.21pm] let me take care of you
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if there was a competition for the worst boyfriend ever, jeno was sure that he’d come in first place.
just yesterday, the both of you went out on a date together. jeno had been busy with his internship lately, but never once did he neglect you and would always try to make time for you. even if it was just one hour lunches or spending the night at your place until he had to leave for work the next day, he made sure to have those little pockets of time with you whenever he could. yesterday was one of those rare days for the both of you to spend dawn to dusk with each other, no pressure of having to leave early.
he was aware of how precious this time that the both of you had was, so he meticulously planned the day with activities that the both of you would enjoy.
jeno thought that everything went great, until he went to look for you at home today after getting an unexpected half day off at work because why were you wearing his hoodie when it was thirty-one degrees celsius out, looking like you haven’t slept for the past three days? it was evident that you’d been sick for a while, and jeno felt like such an idiot for not realising even though he spent the whole of yesterday with you.
he recalled the small exchange that took place in his car when he dropped you home last night. you were completely knocked out in the passenger seat, and jeno looked at you with affectionate eyes before he could bring himself to wake you up.
“hey,” jeno called out softly, gently tapping on your shoulder, “we’re here.”
you made a sound of acknowledgement, which earned a chuckle from jeno because it didn’t seem like you were planning on getting out of his car.
“are you feeling alright? you seem so tired today,” jeno remarked.
“y-yeah,” you replied. “it’s just, we did so much.”
since it was true, jeno simply left it at that. which, in retrospect, he shouldn’t have. he started to connect the dots and understood why you refused to share food with him, and tried to minimise physical contact with him.   
to be honest, you’ve been feeling unwell since the start of the week. it was easy to hide it from jeno since you didn’t get to see him often. like him, you knew how a day like that wouldn’t come by again so soon. you couldn’t bear to cancel on him, not when he texted you the night before to tell you how excited he was to go on a proper date with you after so long.
regardless of how terrible you felt, you still decided to proceed on the date with jeno and hoped that he wouldn’t notice. you almost couldn’t get out of bed, and you took longer than usual to get ready. your sickly complexion would have been a dead giveaway if not for the little fix of make-up. throughout the day, you were fighting the urge to not fall asleep at random spots because the medicine that you took had a side effect of drowsiness. whenever you needed to cough or sneeze, you would do it when jeno wasn’t looking, or go to the restroom, away from his sight. 
jeno’s heart shattered the moment he saw you today, he couldn’t help but blame himself. if you hadn’t gone out with him, you would have recovered by now. who knows? your condition might have worsened because you didn’t get to rest yesterday. jeno felt sorry and wished he could turn back time. 
“why didn’t you tell me anything?” jeno’s voice broke. he immediately rushed over from the doorway to the living room when he watched you struggle to make your way to where he was. he held you close in his arms, hands roaming from your forehead to your neck as he said, “baby, you’re burning up.”
you could barely answer jeno except utter an apology to him. he seemingly paid no mind to it and brought you to the couch. he left your side for a while, but soon came back with a bucket of water and towel, preparing to sponge your body. 
maybe it was because you were comforted by jeno’s presence, but you didn’t feel as horrible as you did when you woke up this morning. though, you were still apologetic towards him, so you said again in a tiny whisper, “i’m sorry.”
jeno’s movements stopped, finally making eye contact with you ever since he sat down on the couch. he couldn’t find it in him to be angry with you when his priority was for you to get better. still, he wished he didn’t have to discover that you were sick this way. 
“don’t ever hide such things from me again,” jeno sighed, “i feel bad that i didn’t know anything while you were probably suffering. i should have noticed yesterday.”
“no,” you protested, “it’s not your fault. i just didn’t want you to worry…” 
a scoff escaped jeno’s lips. “you’re my girlfriend. of course i’m going to worry about you. what kind of boyfriend am i if i didn’t?”
you didn’t know what else to say because jeno had a point. the only thing you could think of was to say sorry again, but jeno seemed to have read your mind because he took the momentary silence as a cue to continue, “i’m not angry and i’m not trying to start a fight with you, so stop saying sorry to me. just… let me take care of you, okay?”
at a time like this, you wondered how jeno was still so thoughtful that he could put you before himself, even though you clearly did something that should have made him upset, rightfully so. 
you stretched out a hand to intertwine jeno’s fingers with yours, “thanks jen, i wouldn’t know what to do without you.”
jeno’s lips crinkled into a wide smile, “don’t worry your pretty little head over such things, you’re never getting rid of me.”
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helloalycia · 5 months
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summary: when Katniss gets sick and doesn't show any signs of getting better, you fear the worst and have to do whatever you can to make sure she does.
warning/s: mentions of dying + usual warnings that come with writing for the hunger games.
author's note: thanks to everyone who voted on my first lil poll yesterday haha, here’s the katniss one that won! there’s 2 parts and it was written after i just reread all the hunger games books and became hyperfixated on katniss again lmao
i’ll post the jackie taylor yellowjackets one after this for anyone who voted that too :)
two / masterlist / wattpad
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I tightened the woolly scarf around my neck, hoping it would do something to keep the cold, bitter air out despite its flimsiness. Winter in District 12 could be unforgiving, but by the look of things from the front window, it hadn't snowed anymore last night.
"I'm leaving, mum!" I called from the front door, grabbing my school bag.
"Have a nice day, hon!" she called back from the kitchen.
When I left my house, the first thing I stepped foot in was grey slush, and I wasn't sure if that was worse than a blizzard at this point. Nonetheless, I sucked it up and headed over to my best friend Katniss' house, not far from my own in the poor, ragged part of the district, the Seam.
We always met at her place before school since it was on the way and we could walk in together, but when I arrived, her little sister, Primrose, answered and looked worried.
"Hey, darling, what's up?" I asked, accepting the hug she gave me as I stepped inside.
"It's Katniss," she muttered. "She won't get out of bed."
Trying not to show my concern, I said, "I'll go check on her. You finish getting ready so we're not late, yeah?"
She nodded and I watched her go into the kitchen to finish her breakfast with her mum, the older woman offering a small smile when she saw me. I returned it before letting myself into the other room of their house, the bedroom that all three of them shared. Inside, Katniss was still in her bed, under the covers and blocking out the light. Whether she was awake, I wasn't sure, but this was certainly unlike her.
"Katniss?" I called, shaking her body slightly. "We're gonna be late, you've gotta get up."
She groaned slightly, not appreciating my interruption, and then seemed to realise what was happening as she rolled over, eyes squinted with confusion.
"Huh? What are you doing?" she mumbled, rubbing her face, and her voice was raspier than usual.
"It's time for school," I said knowingly, before frowning when I saw her cover her eyes with her hand. "Why are you still in bed? Prim has been trying to wake you."
"What...? I don't..." She stopped, before attempting to sit upright, but she squeezed her eyes shut and steadied herself on the bed.
"Hey," I said, much more concerned now, taking a seat on the edge of her bed. "You're not okay. Is it your head?"
She clutched her forehead, breathing out slowly. "I don't know. It hurts, it– god, it's bright in here."
I frowned, taking in her pained expression and connecting all the dots. "You're sick. You should stay home today. Get better."
As if I'd accused her of murder, Katniss shook her head and pulled the duvet off her with determination. "I'm not. I'm fine, I–" But just on cue, a throaty cough rattled her.
"I can stay home if you want," I offered, already pulling the duvet back on her. "Help you."
The last thing I wanted was to leave her alone whilst she was ill. Technically her mother would be here, but she wasn't the most attentive since she'd lost her husband, so it was essentially like leaving Katniss alone.
"No, you don't need to," Katniss gave in with a sigh.
"I don't mind," I offered, resting a hand on hers. "I can–"
"It's one day," she assured me, before clearing her throat. "I'll be okay. Go. Please. Or you'll be late."
I sighed disapprovingly before nodding, knowing one day of rest would hopefully prove to be useful. I leaned forward to hug her, about to wish her well, but she shoved me back quickly.
"Don't or you'll get sick," she argued tiredly, making me rub my chest where she shoved me.
"Ow," I said with annoyance, before rolling my eyes and standing up. "Very well. Lay down at least."
Thankfully, she obeyed which was how I knew she must've really felt rundown. Pulling the duvet to her shoulders, I tucked her in before wishing her well and leaving the room. After letting her mum know what was wrong and to keep an eye on her, Prim and I left the house together.
"She's okay, right?" the twelve-year-old asked me as we trudged through the muddy snow.
"Oh yeah, of course," I reassured her with a smile. "It's nothing. Just that time of year."
This seemed to work, as Prim sighed with relief before smiling too. But deep down, a small part of me was a little worried. Firstly, Katniss never got sick, ever. And secondly, whereas a cold might not take some people out, it could be the difference between life and death in a place where it was freezing and had no electricity. I only hoped she'd be able to sleep it off and recover soon.
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All day I was thinking of Katniss, unable to focus much at school. When the final bell rang and we were finally let out, I was relieved, only wanting to check on her and hopefully see some improvement. Our friend, Gale, accompanied Prim and I back home, since he lived in the Seam also, and we all went to the Everdeens to see if Katniss was okay.
When we reached their house, we saw Mrs Everdeen helping someone out as part of her job as a healer, so decided not to interrupt and instead headed straight for Katniss. When we walked in, Prim ran to her bedside whilst Gale and I took in the scene. Katniss was still under her covers, as if she'd not moved all day.
"Hey, Catnip," Gale said, hoping to lighten the mood and stir her awake, if she was even asleep.
An annoyed moan was the only response we got, so I settled by her bedside and pulled the duvet down carefully, revealing her face. Her eyes were closed, scrunched with discomfort, but she was sweating. I felt her forehead, surprised at how hot she was, and my worry was increasing.
"How is she?" Prim asked from behind me.
I cleared my throat, pulling my hand back. "Er, warm. But it could be nothing."
Clearly I wasn't the best liar, since she pushed me out the way and felt her sister's forehead before frowning immediately.
"That's not nothing," she exclaimed, before going for the door. "I'm getting mum."
I sighed, but knew it was for the best. When her and her mum returned, the four of us attempted to coax Katniss awake properly. She was reluctant, but finally opened her eyes when I closed the curtains, blocking out the light that was bothering her.
"You're burning, Katniss," I told her gently, taking her hand. Her mum rested a cold cloth on her forehead, moving her hair from her face, and I looked back to her tired eyes. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm just tired," she said dismissively, yawning. "A little cold."
I exchanged nervous glances with Gale, who was as concerned for her as I was.
"You need to listen to your mum and sister," I told her. "They're gonna help you feel better, okay?"
"I'm fine, I just need to rest," she tried to assure me, but she wasn't very convincing.
"Katniss, please," I said quietly, and she looked to me with dark eyes, softening. "Just listen to them."
She nodded, giving in, and I offered her a small smile before looking to her mum for the next step.
"You should both go home," she said to Gale and I. "You can visit tomorrow."
I nodded, not keen to leave Katniss' side but knowing the best care she could be in was her family's. Gale and I said our goodbyes before walking home.
It was supposed to get better after that, Katniss was supposed to get better. But none of it did. She was still bedridden when I visited her after school the next day, though a little more awake than yesterday and itching to get up and leave.
"My legs work fine," she told me with frustration. "Why can't I just get up and push on?"
"Because you're weak, idiot," I told her, giving her a disapproving look. "You've still got a fever, too."
She frowned petulantly, staring off at the wall instead of me. I sighed, resting a hand on hers, and thankfully she didn't pull away.
"Your mum is taking good care of you," I reminded her. "You're gonna be okay, but you need to rest."
"You shouldn't visit me meanwhile," she said after a moment, finally looking at me. "What if I'm contagious?"
I tried not to smile, the thought of not visiting her sounding insane. "I'll live, Katniss."
She exhaled weakly, not bothering to argue. I swallowed hard, taking in her expression. Circles were becoming deeper under her eyes, showing her struggle to sleep properly, and she was still glistening in a thin layer of sweat. Even now, her hand was hot beneath mine, and it terrified me. But I tried not to think of the worst, instead manifesting positive thoughts the best I could.
Enough positivity to make Katniss puke, that was the goal.
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Unfortunately, it only got worse from there on out. It was getting colder the deeper we got into winter, which wasn't helping, and Katniss was missing more and more days off school. And then we finally finished school for the year, and Katniss was still unwell.
Unlike that second visit, she wasn't fighting her weakness anymore, unable to play it tough when her migraines were ruining her. Her fever would break, then return, then break again. I didn't understand what was wrong and I'd never been so scared in my life. Gale and her family felt the same, but her mum was surprisingly consistent with her care, doing everything she could to make her daughter better.
But we all knew what nobody would admit – Katniss needed real medicine, none of this herbal stuff.
One day, I was visiting Katniss, going over more and more now that school was done, but she wasn't always awake when I visited. Thankfully she was today, and when I walked in, her head turned to the door to see who it was. When she saw it was me, she shook her head, unimpressed.
"You shouldn't be here," she said as she always did, and I rolled my eyes playfully.
Ignoring her, I took a seat at the edge of her bed, aware of her eyes following my every move.
"Prim," she began, but I answered before she needed to finish.
"She's at Gale's," I reassured her, making her sigh with relief.
Having Prim seeing her like this always worried her, but I was making sure that the younger Everdeen wasn't always around. Of course, she was stubborn like her sister and sometimes insisted. Today though, she was content spending the day with Gale's siblings.
I looked down at Katniss, noticing how much weight she'd lost these past few weeks. She was already skinny, a consequence of living in District 12, but this was sickly, haunting. I'd never seen her so rundown before and I was seriously terrified that if we didn't get her real medicine soon, she could die. Nobody had a cold or flu or whatever it was for this damn long. She was struggling to eat properly, to stand at all, and she looked like hell. I couldn't just watch her deteriorate like this. Not my best friend. Not the girl I cared way too much for.
"Stop it," she said, an accidental whisper. "Stop looking at me like that."
"I'm not doing anything," I defended, embarrassed I'd been caught.
She knew me too well though. "I'll be okay. In fact–" She paused, and then suddenly attempted to sit upright, but her arms were too weak to hold her up and she slipped right back down. The tears were quick to pool in her eyes, a matching scowl on her face, at her incompetence.
"It's okay," I said sympathetically, taking her hand in between mine.
She squeezed it tight, like a lifeline, but avoided my eyes. A tear slipped from hers, and I pretended not to see it for her sake.
"I need to hunt," she said with a hoarse voice, no doubt holding in her emotion.
"Gale has it under control," I said, only imagining all she'd been worrying herself with whilst stuck here. She was the sole provider for her family, and with her out of action, the responsibilities were piling up.
"He has his own family to worry about," she snapped, before catching herself, instantly feeling bad. Quieter, she said, "It's not enough."
She wasn't wrong, of course, but I would never let her know that. Gale barely found enough to feed his own family, especially during winter, and he was sparing what little he could to keep Prim and her mum afloat. I did the same with what scraps I got, but I was no hunter and couldn't offer extra game like he could.
"We're sorting it," I said confidently. "Your mum and Prim are okay, aren't they?"
She finally met my eyes, hers glassy and exhausted. "For how long?"
It was much harder to lie to her when she was looking right at me, so I cleared my throat and forced a small smile. "All the more reason to get better, right?"
She pursed her lips, looking away again. It was quiet as she laid there, me holding her hand and keeping her company. I knew how horrible it could be when you were sick and alone, so I made sure not leave her side, as her eyes began to flicker close, struggling to fight the tiredness. I moved closer, pushing the hair from her eyes and raking my hands through her roots, knowing she liked the feeling but would never admit it. I was proven right when she let out a deep breath, squeezing my hand in approval, and I smiled softly at how cute she could be when she didn't even know it.
Only when she was out of it did I feel my tears blur my vision, unable to pretend that I was okay. She wasn't looking any better, and I couldn't just watch her like this, unable to do a thing.
I leaned forward, kissing her forehead, and closed my eyes briefly, praying to whatever God was out there that she'd be okay.
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Everyone had their special something, a skill they had perfected or a hobby they could get lost in. Mine? I hadn't discovered it yet. I suppose I was doing pretty well in school, so taking tests could count, though it was a shit skill to have, impractical. But hunting, that was Katniss' and Gale's thing. No, definitely not mine.
They'd taken me out once, letting me join them on their weekly escapade. Gale found it hilarious that I moved too loudly, scaring away the prey, or that I stepped in my own trap, getting my foot stuck in the rope. I let him enjoy himself at my expense, knowing it was inevitable. Katniss however, despite the small smile that would ghost her lips at something stupid I'd do, was adamant on helping me. She took it too seriously, showing me how to use her prized bow and how to sneak around better. I'd like to say it worked, that I learnt something, but it didn't. It was safe to say they never took me again.
So, when I found myself in the forbidden woods outside the District 12 fence, with Katniss' bow in hand, I felt like a foreigner. I wasn't familiar with these woods, especially not in winter when it was a completely different ballgame to what I'd 'practiced' in last summer. Katniss' bow was too big for me, and no matter how hard I tried to take her familiar hunting routes, my approach always scared away the prey.
I was out there for two hours, certain my fingers would fall off from the cold, but I refused to give up. I couldn't return empty handed. Gale hadn't been successful last week, and family responsibilities had kept him from hunting today like he usually did. So, I took it upon myself to do it, especially because Prim was so hungry, her little face shrinking the longer Katniss was bedridden. I couldn't let her down, any of them, so I pushed on.
But every arrow I let fly missed its target, and every squirrel I approached scampered off. The sun, hidden behind thick clouds, was setting and it was getting dark out, even though the afternoon was barely over. I had to go home, but I had nothing to show for it. I couldn't even pick any edible plants because everything was frozen. I was a failure.
I couldn't catch a thing; the one job I had, to keep Prim fed, was failing; Katniss was dying and I couldn't do a thing to change any of it.
Tears streamed down my face, hot against the cold of my cheeks, and I collapsed in the snow, unbothered by it melting into the cotton of my trousers. It didn't matter anymore.
She wasn't getting better. Every day I visited her, she looked worse for wear. If it wasn't her fevers, it was her migraines. And if it wasn't her migraines, it was her throat. I was losing her day by day and I felt powerless. I couldn't even shoot a fucking squirrel to help. Nothing was working.
I was going to lose her.
Admittedly, I wallowed in self-pity for a little longer, appreciating having somewhere private to let it all out. It was hard playing it positive and tough all the time, for Prim's and Katniss' sake, when the truth was I was scared shitless. Living in a world without my best friend, the girl I so deeply loved to the point that she'd laugh if she ever found out, was terrifying. I didn't even want to envision it.
It was dark by the time I returned to the Everdeens home. I would have much preferred to go straight home, but I couldn't not update them on my false promise.
"Y/N!" Prim exclaimed when she opened the door, before tugging me in instantly.
"Hey," I said, forcing a smile, and I was glad the redness from the cold disguised my red eyes from crying.
"You're freezing," she realised, before calling for her mum. "You were gone for ages! Come, sit in front of the fire."
I pulled back as she attempted to drag me to the fire, and then her mum appeared and noticed the same thing Prim did.
"Y/N, you need to warm up–"
"I will, at my house," I promised her. "I just came to tell you that I– that–" I paused, afraid of the shakiness of my voice. Swallowing thickly, I said, "I'm sorry. I couldn't– I'm not–"
Fuck, why was this so hard?
"I'm gonna figure it out," I changed my words, nodding confidently. "I'll get some food. I'm sorry. I–"
Prim suddenly hugged me, arms wrapping around my torso and squeezing so tightly that I could have snapped in half from how frozen I was. But I appreciated it nonetheless and returned the gesture, letting out a shaky breath.
"Don't do it again," her mum said gently, resting a hand on my cheek before hugging me too.
I blinked back my tears as I let myself relax in their comfort.
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I couldn't just stand by and do nothing anymore, and there was only one thing that I knew I could do. None of us could ever afford the medicine Katniss needed from the doctor in town, unless we traded something valuable, like food.
If I used my tesserae, adding my name another time into the potential tributes for District 12, I would receive a year's supply of oil and grain. Participants could only apply once for themselves, and once for any of their family members if they were between the ages of 12 and 18. I'd used mine for this year, but I could still use it on behalf of my parents. They never wanted me to, but this was an emergency and they didn't need to know.
So, on behalf of them, I used my tesserae and traded that two years' supply of oil and grain with the doctor in exchange for the medicine that would make Katniss better. After describing all her symptoms, he explained how it was some complex form of a cold, rare but deadly. I was lucky I'd got to him in time.
Gale didn't approve of my plan when I told him, trying to talk me out of it. Just like Katniss, he cared about whether I used my tesserae without needing to. I could see it was killing him to watch me do it anyway, wanting to do it himself if he could, but he'd already used all his family's tesserae for the year. It was the first thing he did every time it was available, having no choice since he had a big family.
After I collected the medicine from the doctor, I was quick to return to Katniss' house, giving a rushed explanation to her mum about the medicine and what the doctor said about administering it and how it would save her life.
"Y/N, how did you get this?" she asked once I finished to catch my breath.
"It doesn't matter," I said to her. "But it'll help. We can give her the first dose now."
"Mrs Everdeen, please," I pleaded, and she must have seen the desperation in my expression because she nodded slowly and went to make Katniss some tea with the medicine in it. It was a syrup of some sort, so the mint tea should have made it a bit more palatable.
Eventually we both went to Katniss' room, where Prim was sat beside her, holding her hand and chatting quietly. When she spotted us both, she perked up and smiled a little.
"Hey, Prim," I said, returning her smile and joining her side. "How's the patient?"
"She's got a headache," Prim answered, and I looked to Katniss who had a wet towel pressed to her eyes, both cooling her down and also blocking out the light.
"Y/N?" Katniss whispered, though unmoving.
"Yours truly," I said playfully, needing to disguise the permanent concern that was in my voice. "We brought you some tea, Katniss."
She groaned quietly. "I don't want it."
Her mum glanced at me, unsure how to proceed, so I took the mug from her hand and placed it on the bedside table.
"It'll help," I promised her, before gently pulling her duvet down. "Can you sit up for me, please?"
She sighed but thankfully obeyed, allowing me to help her sit upright. She leaned against the bed frame and let me remove the towel from her eyes. I smiled when I saw her blue eyes, though they were fatigued as they had been since she'd gotten sick. Not for long, hopefully.
"Drink up," I encouraged, offering her the mug.
She silently accepted it, blowing on the tea before taking the first sip. Her face scrunched up with disgust. "What is that?"
"New herbal remedy," her mum answered before I could struggle to.
Katniss wasn't impressed, but managed to drink the whole thing, probably because she knew I'd let her go to sleep if she did. After laying back down, I pulled the duvet back over her and pushed her hair behind her ear, smiling reassuringly.
"You should feel better with that," I told her with certainty.
She didn't reply, eyes avoiding mine, something I'd noticed she'd been doing for a while now. It was like she knew she wasn't getting better and was scared to admit the truth, but this was different. This would finally work.
Prim and I stayed by her side until she fell asleep, and that was when I told her about the medicine. The pure joy and relief on her face was enough to let me know I'd made the right decision, and she hugged me so tightly that I almost lost my breath.
"I told you she'd be okay," I said with a small smile, accepting her hug. "And so will you."
"Thank you," she muttered into my shoulder.
I squeezed her gently before we stayed there, sat side by side. She didn't want to leave Katniss' side, and neither did I, but it was getting late and, at some point, Prim had dozed off on my shoulder. Only after I had tucked her into her mum's bed did Mrs Everdeen politely kick me out, forcing me to get some rest of my own at home. For once, I didn't argue it, my exhaustion catching up to me. Plus, I could sleep well knowing Katniss would already be doing a lot better tonight.
As soon as I woke up and remembered the medicine the next morning, I headed straight to the Everdeens place, hoping to see some sort of improvement with Katniss. So you can imagine my surprise when I walked into her room and saw her sat upright in bed, eating an actual breakfast on a tray.
"Katniss!" I said with disbelief, before rushing to hug her. "You're eating!"
She returned my hug and I pulled up a chair beside her bed, studying her curiously. She'd looked like she'd had a better sleep than she usually did, and she was actually holding up her own weight which was an achievement in itself. The medication was working!
The sight of her looking a lot healthier and actually improving from her poor condition brought tears to my eyes, but I willed them away. She'd hate to see me crying over her, but I genuinely couldn't believe it.
"I'm not stupid," she said with a raspy voice, eyes narrowed my way.
I furrowed my brows. "What?"
She frowned. "You think I don't know that you gave me actual medicine last night? There's no other explanation for why I'm feeling better. And I know it's not because of a damn herbal remedy. I was doomed, Y/N. So, what the hell did you do?"
"So you do feel better?"
I sighed as she raised her voice. "Okay, look, I'm sorry for lying to you, but you wouldn't have taken it if I'd told you."
"Damn right I wouldn't have!" she snapped, glaring at me. "We can't afford that! Which brings me to my next question. How the hell did you get it?"
I shook my head, looking down at her breakfast tray. "It's not your concern."
"Y/N, I swear to God I'll–"
"What?" I cut her off, meeting her hard stare with my own. "You'll what?"
Her eyes flickered between mine before softening. "Y/N. Please."
I could have given in so easily, just from a simple glance, but I refused to let her bait me. I ignored her instead, shaking my head and returning my gaze to her breakfast tray.
"You traded something," she guessed, back to her irritated self. When I didn't answer, she said, "What? What did you trade?"
Again, I said nothing, neither confirming nor denying, but she wasn't having it.
"Goddamn it, Y/N!" she shouted, but her voice was still weak so it was more of a broken yell. "You can't just sit there in silence whilst I–"
"Stop it!" I raised my voice too, glaring at her.
"What the hell were you thinking?!"
I frowned, eyes pooling with tears. "I was thinking that I couldn't just sit here and watch and not do anything! I was thinking that I was terrified that you would die! That you were getting worse and worse every day, and that I would lose you, Katniss!"
Her eyes were glassy as they met mine. "How many times?"
I scoffed, looking away. "Katniss, not now."
I expected her to yell again, but she said in a quiet voice, "Please. How many times is your name in there?"
I clenched my jaw, crossing my arms over my chest stubbornly. But when I glanced at her, she was watching me like a little girl who'd just lost her puppy, and I couldn't not respond.
"Not a lot," I tried to sugar coat it. "Only twelve times." At this, she released a sharp breath. "I traded two years of food with the doctor. It was enough to get the medicine."
She pushed the tray off her lap before pulling her knees to her chest, hiding her face between them. She was shaking her head and I knew she was crying, the sniffling giving it away. Feeling insanely bad, I sat on the bed beside her and pulled her in for a side hug the best I could.
"It's okay," I told her, rubbing her arm. "I chose to do it, Katniss. And I'd do it again, over and over, if it means you'll be okay."
She shook her head. "You shouldn't have," she said with a muffled voice, her head still tucked between her legs.
"You shouldn't have got sick," I tried to joke, but she only looked up at me with red eyes and quivering lips. I lost my smile, admitting, "I wasn't going to lose you. You don't get it."
I love you, I wanted to add, but I couldn't.
"Neither do you," she mumbled, before shoving me off her childishly.
I didn't get to question her because she pulled the tray back onto her lap and tried to finish off the remainder of stale bread in her plate. I returned to my seat next to her bed, watching as she sulked, ate and gave me the temporary silent treatment. I didn't care too much, as long as she was eating.
Once she finished, I took the tray and put it to the side momentarily, flashing her a supportive smile.
"You finished every last bit," I pointed out. "I'm proud of you."
She rolled her eyes, but that only made me smile more because it meant she had the effort to be annoyed at me, which was something she hadn't had for a while now.
"Did you have your morning dose of medicine?" I asked reluctantly, but needing to know.
She nodded, crossing her arms. "My mum gave it me earlier."
I relaxed. "Good."
Before I could say anything else, the door to the bedroom opened and Prim ran in, a bright smile on her face. Despite Katniss' annoyance with me, she couldn't resist returning her sister's smile, accepting her onto the bed and hugging her.
"You already look so much better," Prim was saying with amazement. "I was so scared."
"Well, there's no need to be," Katniss reassured her. "You didn't struggle too much without me, right?"
Prim shook her head. "Gale and Y/N have been helping. Y/N wouldn't leave. Mum had to kick her out a lot."
I facepalmed, feeling my cheeks heat up with embarrassment. It only deepened when Katniss glanced my way with an unreadable expression.
"Yeah, she has a tendency to not listen," she said, making me roll my eyes.
"She saved you," Prim said to her.
Katniss licked her lips. "I know."
I felt awkward, definitely not wanting the credit, I just wanted her to be okay. But then Prim changed the subject, catching Katniss up on all she'd missed, so I was able to sit back and witness it all, chiming in whenever Prim needed.
For once, Katniss was able to listen and actually hold a conversation. It was heartwarming to see, and if this was what she was like after one dose, I couldn't wait until she'd had the full thing.
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cubitodragon-moved · 8 months
Tubbo frustrates me so much and I’m very down with that. (In small doses haha, I do switch streams sometimes when he gets A Bit Much.)
Right now, his arc is so interesting. Lately, he’s actively trying to make Philza much more suspicious of long time friends and allies; he insists He Is Right on his suspicions and unless he gets concrete written proof, he won’t change it - just today, he refused to change his mind regarding Cellbit, in spite of Phil vouching for him.
He’s been actively dismissive of what’s happened prior to his getting de-iced, of what people have learned from experience over time. And he immediately leapt to investigating Bad and going behind his back, rather than approaching him to talk. Yes, he is in fact RIGHT (I love that he connected the dots, don’t get me wrong), but in immediately reacting rather than pausing and approaching things calmly, he’s managed to alienate Bad further, lost points with Phil (his attitude absolutely deserved that timeout tbh) and likely put Forever off trusting him too - who did at least take his report seriously. At the cost of Bad’s trust in him, no less.
All because Tubbo is currently trusting a Federation worker over long time residents - one who is, suspiciously, A rank..Administrator.
Just like the Cucuruchos.
He’s taking Federation documentation at face value - never mind that everything is written in corporate speak.
And while writing this all out, I realised just as importantly, Tubbo really doesn’t show proper deference to Cucurucho, regardless of what happens to him when he’s punished for misbehaviour. He’s had a real attitude that’s been coming more and more to the fore since the Eggs disappeared.
And honestly?
It makes me think of El Quackity.
After all, they both emerged from places surrounded by water, ice and black concrete..
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hrts4hanniehae · 5 months
Take a Chance with Me || twelve
*mostly written parts
WARNING: implied aftermath of 18+ content
remember to comment and reblog
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yn stirred, feeling an unfamiliar warmth and the slow, steady breaths of another.
fuck... what happened last night... her whole body was sore and she could feel the person stir.
"morning, yn." oh. last night wasn't a dream. she couldn't help but hold back her tears. he was here. he was in her arms.
"morning, cheollie."
she felt him stiffen. perhaps it was too soon to call him like that. but after what they did last night, why would it be?
he planted a kiss to the top of her head.
"my yn, does this mean we're together again?"
"i..." she breathed in.
"yes, my cheollie."
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after that, seungcheol had to go. his comeback album, 'Face the Sun" was released.
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"so are you both going to do a slow reveal soft launch thing or hard launching it?"
"i'm letting yn make that decision. if i had to choose, i'd hard launch right now but i don't think yn is comfortable with that yet."
"isn't she coming over today? for like a tiktok dance collab thing?"
"no hoshi, it's a special darl+ing recording ft. yn"
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it had been so long. Seventeen hadn't actually spoken to yn for so long. so when she stepped into the recording studio, they finally realised how much they had actually missed her presence.
jeonghan missed her crafty personality. joshua missed how she laughed at all his antics. BSS missed how she was like their older sister. wonwoo missed gaming with her. woozi missed discussing music with her. jun and minghao missed eating chinese food with her. vernon missed their silent movie nights. dino missed his "noona".
they didn't know it, but they all had already bonded with her over those few years. she was there since their start. they'd known her since the start, when she had been a trainee -- their friend.
yn was home. she was home and there for their leader.
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"i want our relationship to hard launch now, cheollie. I'm ready."
they had been dropping hints for months, starting with his voice in her special title track release. their most recent one was of their beach date (with the 12 wheels of svt)
"are you sure?"
"but the hate comments you've been receiving..."
some... lesser fans of svt had been leaving hate comments on yn's posts, claiming she'd ruin SVT's image. popular ones were
"stop stealing our idols." "bitch." "lame. your songs don't even make sense." "cry me a river..." "stop ruining svt's image." "leave svt alone..." "whore."
she didn't care. she had THE alpha leader, Choi Seungcheol wrapped around her finger. why would she care? this leader let her buy whatever she wanted with his money to "make up for every birthday he missed". this leader went soft in her arms and held her like she was the most precious thing on earth. this leader loved her. not them. so why would she care? she had him and they didn't.
"whatever you want, jagiya."
"i love you cheollie."
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note to my taglist: please reblog and comment abt the chpt so i know that you're actually reading my stuff.
summary: 3 years after your breakup with seungcheol, you release an album to cope with your still-broken heart. you didn't expose his name but quickly, your fans and fans of svt begin to connect the dots to the past you wish you could relive. little did you know, the man you loved so desperately would begin to chase you back with the same desperation you so very much desired
inspired by: take a chance with me
pairing: idol!choi seungcheol × fem!idol!reader
genre: past relationship, fluff, angst, best friend!booseoksoon, smau, miscommunication, pining, 2nd chance
warnings: implied self harm/depression, hate comments, updates irregular but will finish because i cried when i thought abt this idea
started: 13.12.23
taglist: fill out the form in my pinned post to be added to the taglist (specify this smau in the pw section)
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tags! @fairyofhour @megseungmin @sun-daddy-yoriichi @woozixo @euphoric-univers @christinewithluv @haowonbins @ocyeanicc @asyre @cynthiaaax13 @superhoshisvt @bangantokchy @chimmy-bts @angelarin @daisawa @writingbarnes@jeonghansshitester
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pers-books · 6 months
Jemma Redgrave: ‘Doctor Who will keep me young’
The actress would be happy to be remembered for the sci-fi series, she tells Dominic Maxwell
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Jemma Redgrave: “My character wanted to make her way on merit. That wasn’t difficult to play”
Dominic Maxwell
Saturday November 25 2023, 12.01am, The Times
Jemma Redgrave has a problem. “Every time I get a new office,” she says, “it blows up.” Granted, she admits, the first time we saw her office — in the 50th anniversary Doctor Who special of 2013 that featured Matt Smith and David Tennant — it was in the Tower of London, and that one has stayed standing. Otherwise, though, in her role as Kate Stewart, the head of the Doctor’s paramilitary allies UNIT, her workplaces seem to routinely explode. That they seem to get swankier and swankier each time only seems to make them more vulnerable to the zap gun.
She won’t give anything away, and the BBC is keeping under wraps each of the three 60th anniversary specials, which start tonight. Yet you have to fear for the giant floating Marvel-style Unit HQ that features in the trailer. Redgrave doesn’t appear until the final part, which pits David Tennant’s returning Doctor against Neil Patrick Harris’s Toymaker, a villain not seen since 1966. She will, however, be the one other holdover from the 50th anniversary specials. “Yes,” she says with a disbelieving smile over morning coffee in a north London café, “I think it’s just me and David.”
She and her sons, now aged 29 and 23, had watched the series ever since it returned, after 16 years off our screens (a one-off comeback starring Paul McGann aside), in 2005. She wondered for a while why seemingly every other actor she knew got a role in it. Hers, though, has proved to be the longest-running.
She first played Kate Stewart opposite Smith in an episode in 2012. She didn’t realise the significance of the surname at the time: Stewart is the daughter of Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, the head of Unit from 1968 to 1975, during the eras of Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker. All of which is catnip to the fans, some of whom, as emissaries from Doctor Who magazine, were on set doing a story on her first day. They helped her to join the dots.
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As Kate Stewart in the Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Specials (BBC)
Stewart, after all, didn’t use her full name. “She didn’t want to take advantage of her connections and wanted to make her way on merit,” Redgrave says. As the daughter of an actor (Corin Redgrave), the niece of two actresses (Vanessa Redgrave and Lynn Redgrave), the granddaughter of actors (Michael Redgrave, Rachel Kempson) and the cousin of actresses (Joely Richardson and Natasha Richardson), she knew where Stewart was coming from. It can be tedious spending your time fending questions about how you’ve got where you are today, after all.
“That you’re some sort of nepo baby? It can be, can’t it? Sometimes those questions go on and on and on, many, many, many, many years down the line.” Redgrave, a gifted under-player of a scene, gives a surprisingly full-hearted chuckle. “So that wasn’t a difficult scene to play.”
Redgrave appears only sporadically, but has rubbed shoulders with six doctors: Smith, Tennant, Peter Capaldi, John Hurt (in the 50th special), Jodie Whittaker and, coming soon, Ncuti Gatwa, who will take the lead once Tennant’s celebratory trilogy is done.
There have been rumours that Stewart and UNIT are getting their own show, but Redgrave insists that this is news to her. Then again, it’s rare for her to be permitted to admit even that she is in the first Gatwa series. She has to sign an NDA each time she shoots the show so that nobody, with the exception of her partner, who may be staying with her in Wales during shooting anyway, knows what she is working on.
She understands the rationale for this, although it can become absurd. During lockdown, because travel was restricted, the BBC sent a car to her north London home to pick her up for filming. On the way to the car she bumped into Smith, who lives in the area, walking his dog. He asked where she was heading. Cardiff, she told him. He asked what she was working on. “I said, ‘I can’t possibly tell you. I’ve signed an NDA.’ And he said, ‘Oh well, send them all my love.’”
Redgrave is a young-looking 58. Her extensive stage work includes appearing in a London production of Chekhov’s The Three Sisters with her aunts. Her TV work includes starring in the series Bramwell as well as recurring roles in Holby City, Grantchester, Silent Witness and Cold Blood. How would she feel if the world remembered her most for her sporadic role as the head of UNIT?
“I think that’s OK,” she says. “I grew up watching Jon Pertwee. And Jon Pertwee doesn’t change in my imagination. The people I grew up watching don’t get older in my imagination and I will remain in the imagination of the children who watch this 60th-year episode. And that is a kind of lovely thing. So I’m very happy to be remembered as Kate Stewart. Also, she’s a formidable woman. She has humour and heart and courage. And she’s vulnerable and aware of her limitations. So she’s kind of human in every possible way, even though she exists in a world of aliens and tech.”
On the subject of “the sci-fi stuff”, she admits that jargon and technobabble can be hard to play: the plot may need it, but it’s hard to bring much of yourself to. So she tries to find some emotional resonance of her own. “Either that or you just play it fast. It’s one or the other.”
She has found, too, that the fans will support her in other roles. Recently she appeared in a play, Octopolis, at the Hampstead Theatre in London. “And a lot of Who fans came to see that, which is a lovely thing. She’s a great character, but partly the reason that UNIT has continued through this series is because fans have been very vocal in their love of those storylines.”
When she was growing up, it took her a while to admit that she wanted to be an actress. “My parents split when I was young. My mum [Deirdre Hamilton-Hill] supported me and my brother. There wasn’t a lot of money around, but we did get taken to the theatre. And I think growing up in the theatre, and particularly not having a fear of Shakespeare because I encountered him on the stage and not in the classroom for the first time, was a great privilege.”
It was a trip to see the Wars of the Roses Shakespeare history plays at the RSC in Stratford when she was 13 that convinced her she wanted to act. “Before that I’d played my cards close to my chest. I didn’t have much confidence. I was quiet about it because there were a lot of people in my family who acted.” When she told her father, he gave her a complete Arden set of Shakespeare plays, and wrote “to commemorate your decision to become an actress” on the front page.
She went to the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, after which she began to work regularly. She appeared in a TV film, The Relief of Belsen, with her father, and in Howards End with Vanessa, but beyond that has ploughed her own furrow. So is the family connection one she can celebrate at this point?
What’s lovely, she says, is going to a set and having crew members come up to her and tell her they worked with her father, or her aunt, or her cousin or her brother Luke, a successful cameraman. “And usually anybody who says ‘I’ve worked with somebody in your family’ says it because they loved working with them. So it’s suddenly not quite such an intimidating environment.”
Family fame is dwarfed by sci-fi fame anyway. “I’m ‘her from Doctor Who’. And if you’ve got a body of work behind you, people don’t talk about the name. I just feel lucky that I come from the family that I come from because I grew up with books and theatre, which is a proper privilege. There wasn’t a lot of money, but there was that, and that’s worth everything.”
Doctor Who is on BBC1 and iPlayer from November 25. Jemma Redgrave’s episode is on December 9
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definitelynotshouting · 2 months
The salmon swam in a slow, lazy circle.
It would drift up, close to the shoreline, then turn, and batter once more against the world border. Sand and seagrass would stir in its wake, before settling, and the cycle would begin anew.
Grian could do nothing but watch it.
Wasn’t much else to do.
Up, shoreline, down, border.
It seemed cruel, to let this happen. To watch this salmon swim in its tiny pool of water- trapped in a loop it can’t escape.
It had been just upstream, a few days ago. It had hovered just outside the world border, before slipping inside- seemingly without even realising what it was getting itself into.
Without even realising it had doomed itself, with that one, fatal mistake.
The salmon suddenly switched, changed its path, and started looping in the opposite direction.
Down, border, up, shoreline.
Maybe it’s lonely. It’s been stuck in that section of the pool for a while, after all. Alone.
Maybe it’s hungry. Grian can’t imagine there’s much in the way of food down there. Yesterday, he gave it some bread crumbs. He only has two loaves left, now- acacia biomes never had the best land for farming.
Maybe it’s scared of Grian. He had been watching it for a good few hours today. He would be scared, too, in its place. Confused. Bewildered. Overwhelmed. Panicked.
Because it was so free, just a couple days ago. It could swim as far as it wanted up and down the riverbank, with all of its fishy friends. Now it was trapped. Alone.
Naïve little fish.
Has it even realised that its freedom is gone? That now it’s stuck here- forever powerless, under the scrutiny of a creature that won’t give it pity?
Has it even realised that despite all of its suffering, it will never gain anything?
Grian does not bother naming the salmon. In a few days, he will run out of bread, and the wheat will not have grown.
The salmon will be cooked crudely in a furnace, with sticks used as fuel- and Grian will ration its remains until the next crop harvest.
Then he’ll ration those crops until the next poor victim wanders in.
And then the cycle will begin anew.
uhh same anon as the one that sent in that other snippet (minecraft soundtrack headcanon). assuming i actually remembered to send in the other one.
i dont know?? what i ate?? to write this?? like am i cooking or is it just almost 1am and i need to Go To Bed.
in my mind the parrallels and forshadowing and implications are all on a corkboard being tied together with red string. the dots, ive connected them. its been salmon all along
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THIS HITS ANON I TRULY LOVE THESE SNIPPETS.... insanely flattered to be receiving them for hunger au 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 it really is all about those repeating cycles, huh. Smth smth the cycle of not only violence but also loneliness and isolation. And theres something so haunting about the idea that his hunger started even before he became a Watcher
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slowips · 1 year
alhaitham x reader
# 500 words.
. ⁺ .   ˚ ✦ .  + ⁺    . ✦
“sorry for staring, i was just trying to visualise the shape of your skull,” you say.
alhaitham stares at you, trying to digest your words that confounded him. he was talking about the evolution of languages, how did skulls sneak into your mind? you weren’t listening—that he is certain.
“the staring isn’t bothersome,” he slowly starts as he tries to gather his thoughts. you’re the only person who can make words he took years to study turn evasive. “though the fact you weren’t listening is. isn’t it your idea for me to teach you?”
your mouth rounds in a shape of an ‘o’ as your strong gaze falters. he wonders if you’ve found your answer. his skull should look no different from any other human being, so what did you expect to find?
“well, sorry for not listening then,” you admit before gesturing him to continue. “it’s not that what you’re saying isn’t interesting, don’t get me wrong. i was just… distracted.”
you grab the book that he held, skimming through the pages. there’s a hint of a frown on your face. if he speculated correctly, backed by various equally confusing experiences with you, that frown is a sign of regret for speaking your mind. too quickly. without thought.
“are you not going to elaborate on your claim?” he asks, slightly annoyed at how you hooked his curiosity without fail. “whatever you were distracted with seemed more important.”
you close the book, staring at the ceiling as if there are visible thought bubbles over your head.
“i bumped into kaveh the other day,” you continue, side-eyeing alhaitham’s response. he doesn’t give you a crumb, face deadpanned, even if he wants to roll his eyes. what might have kaveh planted in your head? “you know how i also want to learn how to draw… so… i asked him for a few tips.”
“he said it was good to visualise what i want to draw in my head.”
“that’s no reason to be distracted.”
“you’re fishing for an answer, stop it,” you retort, narrowing your eyes. “that’s all i’m going to say, and don’t try to speculate or connect the dots here. i shouldn’t have said that, i’m sorry.” you grab the book on linguistics and stuff it into your bag.
alhaitham just watches, waiting to see when you’ll realise that’s his book. probably in a few days time, which is beneficial for him as it means he’ll meet you again.
“i’ll like to see your artworks,” he says as you stand, ready to leave. you pause and turn to face him.
“it won’t be that interesting.” you stare at the floor, letting out a weak chuckle. “but kaveh also said to always use references and i was thinking if you’d like—” you’re quick to clasp your hands over your mouth. “actually, never mind! thank you for today’s session. i’ll catch you some other time!”
and you’re off.
alhaitham sees your figure retreat in the distance and when you exit the library, he scoffs in an attempt to hide a growing smile.
──────── ✦
staring at people and trying to visualise their skull is a very normal thing that i do not do. trying to practice for alhaitham to get a sense of his character because he’s honestly so elusive to write but i couldn’t find a prompt so i made one on my own.
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This story is part of the LLF community project, which was created to improve communication between readers and authors.
FEEDBACK | this author invites and appreciates short/long comments, questions, constructive criticism, likes, and reblogs.
RESPONSE | this author selectively responds to replies & tags as they haven’t found an efficient way to reply to everything, and is more likely to resopnd to an ask.
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9leaguesofmirrors · 6 months
Death Of a Debt Collector (a Ross Gaines x Joseph Lisgoe fanfic)
No... the title isn't a metaphor
CONTENT WARNING: Character death, minor descriptions of violence
When Ross opened the door to see a tall, silver-haired man in a black coat standing in front of him instead of his partner, there was no doubt in his mind that it wasn't going to be good news
"I'm not in debt to you, am I?" He asked with a drop of irritance in his tone
There was a strange look in the silver man's eyes, it was steely with an added element to it. Something that looked as though he would rather have been anywhere else - not because he didn't like Ross, but because the situation was painful
"This isn't about debt," the man explained "my name's Glenn, I-"
"Right, yes, you work for Joseph." By now, impatience was colouring Ross' voice "What happened? Did he do something stupid and get fired by his boss?"
"No, um, Mr. Lisgoe... maybe you should sit down-"
"Where's my partner, Glenn?"
Glenn sighed, looking down at the floor, seemingly trying to figure out how to get his words out. When he looked at Ross, his eyes held a feeling of pity
Ross hated the sight of them
"Mr. Lisgoe had to be called out to deal with a difficult target," Glenn said "I don't know what happened, but I got a call from Hammonds and he explained everything."
Ross was was smart enough to start connecting the dots. But he wasn't too worried, Lisgoe got hurt a lot on the job and, although it wasn't a pretty sight, he always bounced back eventually. That resilience, his pure stubbornness, was something Ross had grown to admire and, in his own way, love about him
"So he's in hospital." He said, nodding in understanding, his face neutral "How long will he be in for?"
Once again, that horrible silence
"Hammonds said that the target had a gun."
... No
"And, well he waited until Mr. Lisgoe was leaving."
It didn't... he couldn't have...
"And, well, apparently it did a lot of damage. Mr. Lisgoe had to be rushed off in an ambulance..."
Glenn looked down again, clearly uncomfortable
Not Joseph
"How bad is it?"
More silence. God, Ross couldn't cope with more silence
"Glenn, how bad are his injuries."
"Mr Gaines..." Glenn took a deep breath and faced him with a calm expression "Mr. Lisgoe didn't make it."
"Don't say stupid things like-"
"I'm sorry, Mr. Gaines, but I thought you should know considering your relationship with him. But he didn't make it. Mr. Lisgoe passed away before he made it to the hospital."
At once, Ross was painfully aware of how chillingly cold the wind was. How lifeless and grey Royston Vasey looked today. The way everything just looked so... dull. As if anything that made it interesting or darkly amusing had been drained from it. Like its light had been forcibly ripped from it
Joseph Nigel Lisgoe, that stubborn man, was gone
No, not "gone". Don't say "gone", why sugar-coat it now? He's dead. Joseph is dead
"I want you to leave." He said, sharply "Now."
"I understand."
As Glenn left, Ross slammed the door shut behind him and headed into the kitchen. What he needed right now was a cup of coffee
Well, he wasn't going to get back what he actually needed right now
Even pouring his coffee, a task which usually signified the end of a long, hard day, was tainted by a gust of heaviness. As if the loss of Joseph manifested in chains and shackles that made everyday movements more of a chore. He didn't want to do anything, he wasn't even sure he wanted his coffee
He made it away, holding it in his hands as he made his way into the living room and sat down. Looking around, he never realised the walls could be so meaningless. What used to be a home was now nothing more than four walls, a roof, a ceiling, and a few pieces of furniture
It was a joint effort, making this place their own. Now it didn't even feel like Ross' anymore
Every single thing in that living room, in that whole house, linked him to a corpse. A corpse that once was a man who knew the best and worst sides of Ross, a man that knew his deepest secrets and what he looked like when he cried. Joseph knew everything about him, and now he'd taken it all to the grave
How ironic?
Ross stared at the murky brown of his coffee - of all days for a cup of coffee to turn out horrible - and felt his stomach churn. Right now, he didn't need coffee. He needed to be out in the air. He needed to shut himself away forever. He needed to pull himself together, he needed to drown in whatever his feeling was
He needed Lisgoe to walk through the door and take a swig out of a wine bottle just because it annoyed Ross to bits
He needed to get into one of those pointless spats they always got into
He needed be get annoyed, ticked off, frustrated by him
He needed the pissy attitude, the foul mouth, the stench of cigarette smoke
He needed to hear the cackling laughter that only he ever managed to catch glimpses of, he needed to feel the press of his lips against the corner of his mouth, he needed to see his tattoos and those dull blue eyes, he needed to hear his distinct voice...
God, it was all so cliché and pathetic, but he just needed Joseph around
With all the logic and intellect he possessed, he couldn't come up with any way to hide it. There was no way to keep his pain and anguish bottled in his stomach
He just wanted his partner back, as much as he hated to admit it, he finally knew what people meant when they said "a part of me died with him"
It was hollow
It was raw
It was exactly why he promised himself to never be so stupid as to give his heart to someone
And, for once, he let his brain take a backseat. And his heart was what ended up hurting
He closed his eyes, leaning back in his seat as he felt himself sink into it, allowing the guilt to loom over him like a storm. Wallowing in pain and shame, cursing himself for ever letting himself get so attached
He was angry at himself
He was angry at the... bastard that shot his partner
Despite everything, he couldn't get mad at Lisgoe
Oh god... he really did love him
And he was too much of a coward to say it
In his grief, in his pain, in his torment, he still found it in himself to admire Joseph's bravery If nothing else, he wanted to hold onto the memory of that, of him, until his hands were red and raw.
He took another look around the room. It was in that moment he realised just how many tiny fragments of Joseph Lisgoe there were. There were little memories attached to so many things, tiny things that brought him right back to the strange, imperfectly perfect life they had
Lisgoe had left behind so much without even realising
That's what eventually made Ross break down his walls
Without even knowing, Lisgoe had given him so much to remember him by. So much that made the pain less stinging
His final act, though he'd have never seen it that way, was one of immense kindness. And that was how Ross chose to remember him
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covenofwives · 10 months
Relaxing with the Gods: Kneading
GeorgeHD is having trouble falling asleep, not at all helped by DreamXD's hands refusing to keep still while he sleeps. Sapnap4K is also no help at all but he's absolutely delighted to be there.
I was going to hold off posting for a while, but you're all adorably cute today so the fic goes up. Another for the RwtG series, lets go!
When HD had slept alone, for years, with only his blankets and pillows he had been warm. Now, with two bedmates, HD knew that the time before hadn’t even been close to warm.
The God of the End, DreamXD, was pressed against HD’s back. His double set of arms were wrapped around HD’s waist and his head rested on the back of HD’s shoulder. His breathing was soft and every few minutes he’d give of a gentle snore.
The God of the Nether, Sapnap4K, was in front of HD, hugging around both him and XD (because he was stupidly big enough) and pulled HD into their chest. His heartbeat was strong and warm against HD’s ear and his breath would tickle the top of HD’s head every once in a while.
This was warmth. Shared between two of his closest friends in a moment of pure trust. This was the memory HD would think back to when he was alone and needed something to ground him. GeorgeHD, the missing-in-action God of the Overworld, felt himself very lucky.
While HD was usually the first one to fall asleep, this time it didn’t come so naturally to him. Every once in a while, XD would shuffle slightly. It wasn’t enough to bother HD at all, but when he shuffled, the younger God would move away from HD each time. His arms were still around HD and his head close enough that HD could feel his breath, but slowly and slowly he was moving further away.
It was a stupid thing to get hung up on, but HD couldn’t help it. XD moved further and further away from him and HD mind wouldn’t stop connecting the dots that probably weren’t there.
4K and XD becoming friends was unavoidable after they met. 4K liked the younger God and was curious about him and XD seemed hesitant at first but that was a short lived obstacle. He was enamoured with 4K just as quickly and with the Nether God’s annoyingly impressive skill for conversation, they became friends fast.
Even today, as HD and XD were hanging out and XD was filling HD in on some stuff on the Overworld, 4K showed up and XD’s eyes lit up with a new excitement. His smile was wider and he repeated his story to 4K with new vigour.
HD couldn’t be too mad at the younger God. His own friendship with 4K was fast growing as well and why shouldn’t it have been? 4K was kind, strong, brave, and selfless. And gorgeous. HD’s mind added unhelpfully. Yes, true, but that wasn’t the point.
The point was 4K and XD seemed destined to be friends, and that was great. But they could hang out anywhere at any time where as they had to visit HD personally. They could go on adventures and HD wouldn’t leave his colourful realm. They were learning and growing with one another. HD was being left behind…
The arms around HD suddenly closed more in on them, pulling them closer into 4K’s chest. The Nether God’s lips pressed to the top of HD’s head, too quick to be done in sleep and HD realised he was awake.
“I promise you, whatever you are thinking is not as bad as it seems.” 4K mumbled to the top of HD’s head. He pulled back slowly, letting out a gentle huff. “What’s wrong?”
“Why does anything need to be wrong?” HD said. He was embarrassed he was caught moping, but also kept his voice quiet to not wake XD behind him.
4K had his voice quiet too. A small whispered conversation between the Gods. “Because I can hear your thoughts. I know you. Your breathing gets short whenever you over think.”
HD was thankful his face was hidden so 4K couldn’t see his cheeks light up. Of course 4K would notice that. He was so observant and smart and altruistic and he’d give up his own sleep to make sure his friends slept soundly.
“So what’s wrong?” The Nether God prompted again when HD was silent. “It will make you feel better. I promise.”
Small fangs chewed on HD’s bottom lip, trying to find the words to speak. There was no use denying it, now he just had to word it in a way that didn’t make HD seem like a selfish idiot.
“Just having thoughts about…our friendship.”
He could feel 4K stiffen at that and tried to quickly carry on. “Well, not like…yours and ours. Like all of us. Me, you and XD. Specifically you and XD’s friendship.”
“Why? Is there something wrong with it?” 4K asked with no hint of judgement.
“No.” HD quickly answered and softly shrugged his shoulder to not dislodge XD. “I dunno…was jealous I guess.
“Jealous?” The word came out like it was last thing 4K expected to hear. He started shuffling himself down, to come face to face with HD, which did not help HD’s blush. “Jealous of what?” 4K’s eyes flick to HD’s blush and the colour of his cheeks. Clearly it was a good colour, because 4K grinned. “Naww, did you think I wouldn’t spend time with you anymore?”
4K tried to move in to cuddle, making HD groan as quietly as he could. “N-No! Shut up, idiot.” He bat 4K away, only because moving backwards was impossible. “I wasn’t jealous for you… I was jealous of you.”
It was always amusing to watch the tall imposing God of the Nether make such adorable reactions. His long eyelashes fluttered with his rapid blinks. “M-Me? Jealous of me?”
“Yes.” HD nodded. “I liked having XD around. He would always be by my side. He’s spent more time with you recently-And I’m not saying I want you to stop hanging out! I’m not. It’s just…different.”
“You miss him.” It wasn’t a question and 4K’s voice was even.
“Well…yeah. I don’t know.” HD carefully shrugged again. “He’s got such an infectious joy. It’s almost childish. Innocent in a way. Makes me want to protect him. To keep that joy safe.”
“Like a big brother.”
“Hmm…” HD hummed, not exactly in agreement but he wasn’t denying it. Maybe there was some truth to it. He worried about XD when he was gone and always wanted to hear what the younger God was up to, even if he never outwardly showed it. He’d fuss over XD when the younger God came to the colourful realm all dishevelled and hair a mess. He’d heal XD’s wounds and scold him for being so careless. HD supposed he was acting as an older brother, though HD never had a younger brother before to really know if that’s how they acted.
Or…had he? Surely not. That was something far too important to forget. He’d remember it…them. Right?
“I know what you mean.” 4K’s voice cut through the cloud of uncomfortable thoughts gathering in HD’s head and made the starry haired God focus. “XD is…different. They didn’t go what we went through. And hey, I’m still the life of the party of course but there is something oddly pure about them. Something you just want to nurture.”
“Yes…” HD agreed in a breath and XD moved again.
They shuffled again, slightly turning their side but HD reached back and stopped it this time.
He placed his hand carefully on XD’s side and with the softest force, pulled the blonde God more into him. He was really leading the sleeping God, but XD responded exactly how HD hoped. His chest touched HD’s back again and he let out a low whine before shuffling to fully press against HD’s back. His lower arms repositioned around HD’s waist, getting a tighter hold and he sighed happily.
“Naaww, see?” 4K cooed in his soft whisper voice. “He still needs his big brother GeorgeHD to cuddle to in his sleep. You have nothing to worry about.”
“Shut up, idiot.” HD huffs but he’s smiling and tilting his head down into his robes to hide it. “Go to sleep.”
“Hmm. I will. After you fall asleep.” 4K promised but closed his eyes.
HD’s heart warmed to 4K’s care, and it settled any lingering worries they had. Of course he had nothing to worry about. XD would never forget HD so quickly, and 4K would never let it happen either. HD was loved, and lucky and they settled down to let that thought lull him into a good sleep.
Or it would have been a good sleep, if the nails had not brushed against his side, sending up a shudder through his body and a yelp out of his mouth.
“What happened?!” 4K worried, his hands crowded at HD’s shoulders.
“Its…nothing. It’s fine…” HD said after gaining control of his voice. He was quiet again, to not wake XD, and 4K calmed as well. “XD’s…nails.”
“His nails?” 4K asked.
“Yes they just moved and-AAhaha!”
The coursing electricity came again. Striking through HD’s nerves and giggling out of his lips. XD’s hands moved again. His nails softly scratched along HD’s sides, tickling him, but unlike before it didn’t just stop with one scratch. XD’s palm pressed onto his sides, and his fingers stretched in and out slowly. His fingers pressed in to HD’s skin, kneading and tickling while his nails followed after, leaving a tickly trail behind.
“H-Hehe’s kneading me.”
“Kneading you?” 4K’s voice went higher with amusement, a playful smirk on his lips.
“Y-Yehesss…” It was harder and harder to keep his voice quiet. XD’s lower set of hands kneaded around HD’s sides. The top ones started to knead around his ribs. “Hehe’s tickling mehehe…” HD giggled helplessly.
“Is he still asleep?” 4K’s smile was taunting. “Oh my God he is. That’s like…the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. He’s tickling you in his sleep!”
The Nether God’s voice kept to a whisper volume but it didn’t stop his giddiness from dripping in every word. It worked up HD’s cheeks into a burning blush, and desperation in his plea. “H-Hehelp me! S-Stohop hihiHIhim!”
Every once in a while XD would knead into that spot right in the centre of HD’s side. That spot that drove every nerve in his body wild and told him to kick and claw and get away from whatever was causing this madness. But it was XD who was causing it. A sleeping XD and despite how maddening it was, HD didn’t want to disturb XD’s sleep. Having the blonde God wake up and realise what he was doing would be mortifying.
“What do you want me to do?” 4K asked, his voice completely playful which meant the question was half serious.
“Juhust move their aharmssss.” HD bit back the laugh that welled in his chest. He couldn’t help the giggling, but if he laughed and move too much it would wake XD. “Gehet them off mehe.”
“Hmm, but if I move them, they might wake up.” 4K’s smile turned into a grin as he got a wicked idea. HD opened his mouth to warn him against whatever idea he had, but at that moment XD’s upper hands kneaded into one of his lower ribs and all that came out was a surprised yelp. When his giggling calmed down, 4K already moved to put his plan into action.
He was closer now, pushed close to HD as his hand slipped under the starry haired God’s neck and reached XD. His nails lightly tickled under the End God’s chin, moving from the tip of his chin to the back of his jaw.
The response was a mix of purring and laughter. Soft breathy chuckles that melded into the purring and XD stretched his head up, leaning into the hand and allowing more space for the claws to get to. And the kneading increased.
HD bit his lips to stop the laugh pouncing out his throat. He nearly missed 4K teasingly asking: ‘did it work’. HD only spoke when he was sure he wouldn’t be howling with laughter. “N-Noho! You’re m-mahaking it wohohohorse.”
“Aw damn.” 4K sighed, not sorry at all. “Maybe if I tickle him, he’ll stop tickling you!”
HD had no time to hiss ‘no’ as XD’s nails grazed on that soft spot in the middle of their sides and they had to clamp their mouth shut. 4K took that time to stretch his other arm over HD and he began to skitter his fingers up and down XD’s side.
Whatever 4K plan was for “help” had the opposite effect. Instead of moving back from the tickles, the four arms around HD’s waist tightened, and XD pulled himself in closer against HD’s back. His hands didn’t stop their kneading , instead they tensed up so it was mostly his nails scraping against the soft sides. Which was the opposite of help.
Now it wasn’t just 4K’s coos from in front of him he dealt with, XD’s breathy laughter was behind him. The younger God’s giggling was warming the back of HD’s neck and tingling down his spine.
“F-Fohour kaaaahahay!”
“Is it working?!”
 The sleeping God mumbled a laugh behind them again. His breath warmed against HD’s neck but there were words in his laughter this time.
“H… H-H… D-Dehehe…” XD chuckled against HD’s shoulder. HD froze. His cheeks burned red. “Th…thahahat ti-cklessss…”
Looking to 4K was a mistake. He was grinning so wide HD was surprised his face wasn’t splitting in two. “Sh-Shuhush!” HD tried to hide 4K’s face, but even with his hands somewhat covering over 4K’s face, he could see the smile reach into his orange eyes and he pushed through HD’s hands to uncover his face.
“How often are you tickling him, HD? The poor God’s having nightmares about it!” 4K teased in a sing-song voice.
“Sh-uhut yohour mohohouth!”
“I should be a little offended though. He doesn’t even recognise me tickling him.” His bottom lip jutted out in a huffy pout despite him still smiling. “I’ve got it!”
4K’s voice suddenly picked up, and even with his sides being attacked and XD giggling against his shoulder, HD worried the younger God was going to wake up. He couldn’t worry on that for long though as 4K had a suddenly pulled himself in closer.
It seemed impossible that 4K could get any closer, but he had snuggled his way forward. He pressed his face against HD’s neck. His lips were against HD’s skin. The scratchy ends of his beard tickled HD’s collarbones, made worse as 4K opened his mouth and pressed his fangs along the sensitive spot between HD’s neck and shoulder.
“F-Fohour KAHAY!” HD squealed, without care for XD’s sleeping anymore. His heart thundered against his chest, feeling like it was about to burst out. His breath caught in his throat and his cheeks burned as his thoughts ran wild. But his thought bubble was burst as soon as 4K’s fangs touched on his skin and started nibbling down HD’s shoulder.
“I can’t move him, cause he’ll wake up. But if you are wiggling around so much, you’ll move him off yourself!” 4K explained like it was an obvious solution.
“Y-Yohour juhust making s-stuhuff UP!”
4K’s fangs caught onto a sensitive spot at the front of HD’s neck and dove right back in after the giggling squeal told him he hit the right spot.
HD was just a few tickles away from full out thrashing. His thoughts to keep quiet and let XD sleep were wiped from his mind as he rolled, wriggled and squealed to 4K’s fangs dancing along his neck. He was sure his heartbeat could be heard as it thundered against his rib cage, but it silenced with a gasp and HD heard a groan behind him, and the hands kneading along his sides stilled for the moment.
“HD…?” XD’s voice slurred with sleep.
4K had stopped his tickling. His fangs stilled and he pulled back, watching HD with the widest grin as HD’s face was burning up to a deep red.
“Look who’s awake~” 4K spoke up before HD could calm his thoughts to. His voice was all soft with coos and purrs and his hand reached up to XD’s face, stroking over his cheek.
“Hmm…” XD’s mind was still foggy with sleep but he leaned over to the hand offering comfort. “W-Wha…”
“You were just so cute in your sleep, Blondie. Snuggling up to HD…”
“4K…” HD warned, his voice low
“Kneading into his sides.” 4K finished, grinning to HD’s warning.
“W-What? I was…” XD shook the last of sleep from his head. He looked down to his lower set of arms around HD’s waist, and his hands still very much half kneaded into HD’s sides.
It clicked all at once and XD’s face turned red.
“I-I’m so sorry!” XD stuttered and tried to unwrap his arms from HD. Before he could though his wrists were suddenly grabbed, and his arms pulled back around by 4K. “4K! What are…!”
“Don’t be sorry, it was absolutely adorable.” 4K purred. “And HD absolutely loved it, didn’t you HD?”
“4K!” HD snapped. “You are pushing it!”
“It is not my fault you two are simply too adorable.” 4K huffed, though his pout was very put on. He shuffled his way forward, snuggling under HD’s chin and deliberately ignoring HD’s growls. “I can’t help it if you two are the cutest things ever when being tickled.”
HD grunted, but his actions were limited with 4K snuggling in front of him and XD pulled against his back.
“I-I am sorry though…” XD spoke again, and even without looking HD could picture their soft apologetic expression.
“It’s alright…” HD mumbled. “It was…cute.”
“I knew it!” 4K squeaked, shaking HD with his excitement. “I knew you liked it!”
“4K!” HD warned again, though this time his voice was more exasperated than growly. “We are sleeping now.”
“I can’t help it, I’m all giddy over how cute you are!”
A flush of red washed over HD’s cheeks, but it faded fast with a sudden idea. “Oh…well, we can help you with that.”
4K’s eyebrow raised, his eyes flickering over HD’s cheeks, reading something in the colours and his curious expression morphed to a nervous smile. “H-Hehehe Dehehe…”
“XD.” HD spoke, completely ignoring 4K’s giggles. In one swift move he was out of 4K’s arms and suddenly settled in behind the Nether God. He was so quick XD was also stunned, looking at the space in front of himself before back up to HD. “Would you like some revenge?”
XD’s smile suddenly lit up while 4K stutted. “R-Revehenge?! I helped you both!”
“Oh so helpful you were.” HD whispered into 4K’s ear, watching it cutely twitch. “I seem to remember when I asked for help in getting XD off me, you instead tickled XD. Then you had the brilliant idea to tickle me as well.”
“I-I was hehelping get hihim off…” 4K squirmed between the two. He yelped when XD suddenly grabbed onot his sides. “E-Ehehex Deeee…”
“I thought I was being tickled in my dreams.” XD said, seemingly shaking the sleep fast when tickling 4K became an option. “Should have known it was you.”
4K snorted, just holding back a laugh. But it was a taunting laugh, not a nervous one. “Funny, cause you were mumbling HD’s name when you were tickl-EEEEEE!”
HD quickly dug into 4K’s bottom ribs. He kneaded and vibrated his fingers over the sensitive ribs as 4K roared with laughter.
The younger God had blushed to 4K’s words but seeing the attack he quickly joined in, squeezing up and down 4K’s sides and overwhelming the Nether God with loud, boisterous laughter.
There was pleading between 4K’s laughter, but HD knew if he’d given the God even just a second more to talk, he’d probably be begging for more tickling. He was hardly fighting back, or wiggling away. Even as he raised an arm to cover his red face, he was leaving his armpit clearly open. Which HD still took of course.
The tickling didn’t last for long as all the Gods were tired; despite how fun it was to tickle the tickle-loving God. 4K turned onto his back, his two arms curled around the God’s as they snuggled into his sides. He fell asleep first, with a stupid happy smile on his face. XD fell asleep not long after. He apologised again and again to HD for tickling him, despite how many times HD told him it was fine. Eventually it took one of HD’s helper hands scratching over XD’s scalp to calm him and lure him back to sleep again.
It took a while longer for HD to sleep. He was in a loop of watching the two God’s sleep, his mind racing through a million sappy thoughts while his eyes wandered up to 4K snoring soundly. Eventually HD snuffled up to nuzzled his way under 4K’s chin, and he fell asleep when he felt a sleepy kiss pressed to the top of his head.
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So I know this may be “controversial” but I’m so sick of seeing people complain about the new Avatar movie and try to cancel it over the most ridiculous things.
For starters… they are 10FT tall blue aliens with 3 fingers living on an alien planet that takes about 5 years to get too, from the future. How are people trying to make this about the human race living today in our times?
People complaining because Jake has dreadlocks… it’s called ✨Na’vi culture✨ on earth it may be an African cultural thing, but they aren’t on earth, they are on Pandora where the Na’vi are an alien race that believe it or not, do in fact have their own culture. Besides they also have a giant braid that has stuff inside of it…
People mad because they think Jake is trying to be “indigenous” when he’s “just some white dude pretending” like bro… it’s called acculturation and assimilation. What else would you expect him to do? It’s like getting mad at a European trying to embrace an Asian culture because his partner and kids are Asian and live in an asian country…
And finally, the people who are for some reason getting triggered because Avatar 3 will have an element of the new Ash tribe and Fire Na’vi saying that James Cameron is “copying” Avatar the last air bender. There are so many ways to break this down but here’s two: 1 is about an alien planet with 10FT tall blue people that have glowing dots on their skin, the other is about a bunch of people controlling elements… (essentially) how are people making connections here?
The other way to break this down is: Pandora is a lot like earth, it’s has ✨biomes✨ and different ✨environments✨ right. So there’s this thing called ‘adapting to your environment’. The Omatikaya is Forest Na’vi which is aliens that live in the forest. The Metkayina is Reef and Sea Na’vi which are aliens that live by and in the sea… the fire Na’vi (from what I’ve heard) live close to or in a volcano… they don’t control the elements they simply live in environments to which they have adapted to and hence the reason they are given different names.
From the sounds of things Pandora has reefs, forests, mountains, deserts, snow(?) and is again just like earths structure and environments. Which makes it so much better than all these other futuristic outer space movies where there are planets that seem to be only 1 biome and earth is the ONLY planet that has multiple.
On earth, people who live or come from Europe are called European. People who live or originate from Africa, are called African. People who originate from Asia, are called Asian. On Pandora, Na’vi who come from the forest are the Omatikaya people. Na’vi who come from the reefs or oceans are the Metkayina people.
So before you all start raising your pitchforks and torches claiming “cUltUraL apProPriation” about 10FT tall blue aliens from outer space, take a second to realise how dumb it sounds. If you didn’t like the movie, that’s okay, but don’t ruin it for the rest of us. It seems today that no one can enjoy something without someone criticising it and ruining it for the ones who just want to watch a cool movie with beautiful aesthetics and nice visuals…
To anyone who’s made it this far into the rant, I appreciate it. To those who don’t agree, I don’t care but feel free to disagree all you want, and to those who agree, again I don’t really care but cool.
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