#read it/comment/whatever on ao3 tho pls pls
ao3usermelancholyhues · 4 months
steve harrington/eddie munson for @steddiemicrofic's january prompt: hole, 404 words. ft. flirting, sexual innuendo | T rating read on ao3
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“That’s just perfect.” 
Steve stares at his rapidly flattening tire, and the culprit just behind the car. He loosens his tie, irritated. 
It’s not that Steve can’t change a tire—he doesn’t have a spare. 
Robin’s house is a couple of streets over. Sighing, he begins the walk there to call his mechanic.
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“No answer,” Steve announces dejectedly as he walks back into Robin’s livingroom and flops down in her armchair, huffing.
The dramatics are a little much, but Robin bites her tongue. No need to kick the man while he’s down (not a rule she always conforms to). 
“I know a guy who could help,” she says instead. “My cousin’s friend.”
Steve perks up. “Is he good?”
Robin bites her tongue again, this time fighting a grin. “Oh, he’s somethin’.” 
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Thirty minutes later, there’s a mechanic named Eddie in her livingroom. Steve supposes he looks exactly as expected—grey coveralls, arm tattoos, hands stained but washed (Steve knows, he shook one, with the hand that wasn’t clutching a cup of tea). 
However, Eddie also has long hair tied in a loose bun, and the warmest smile. It lights up his eyes and Steve barely knows where to look. 
Robin’s in the kitchen doorway, both hands on her own tea mug. 
“So. Popped a tire?” asks Eddie. “How’d that happen?”
Steve flushes when he hears Robin snort. 
Eddie’s grinning from ear-to-ear. “Hole?”
“P-pothole,” Steve clarifies quickly. “I went over a… a big pothole.” 
Eddie contemplates that, tongue between his teeth and looking Steve up and down, before he says, “Yeah, it’s amazing what a hole can do to you.” 
Steve splutters into his tea. It goes up his nose a little, kind of fucking hurts. Robin barely keeps a lid on her laughter, knowing Steve won’t thank her for it. 
“Eddie, you’re gonna kill him. Quit flirting.” 
“Sorry! Right. Where’s the car?”
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He keeps his comments to himself throughout the tire change, even though he really wants to wind up the cute guy in the nice suit with the nice car.
Steve pays him there and then, cash plus tip, but Eddie rejects the tip. 
“Keep that. Since I almost killed you back at the house.” 
Steve blushes. “You caught me off-guard.” 
Eddie can’t resist. “I tell it like it is! Gotta know your way around a hole or you might blow, big boy.” 
There’s no tea this time, but Steve still manages to choke. 
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readreactrant · 2 months
"Love, or Something Ignites" might just be the best goyuu fic ever!!! let me explain!!! (Thoughts and Review)
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Some quick context but cuz this review was already going to be pretty long without my flashback sequence so pls scroll down to the red text if you don't want to hear my history of opinions with JJK and its ships.
I've been deep in the goyuu tag since the beginning of the year, which I found kind of strange at first since I watched S1 way back in 2022 and did not give much of af about the whole show.
I kicked my feet a bit at SukuFushi,  tried to like it more, and even searched out a couple of fics but they just weren't giving AT ALL.
At the start of 2023 I watched jjk 0 and I was kinda hyped to get back into the show, but my shipping heart still ached for something to latch onto so I went on AO3 and picked up the first fic I found. Surprise, surprise, it was a goyuu fic featuring role reversal. I wouldn't say I liked it but it did tickle something in my brain I would have explored if I wasn't neck deep in my bakudeku era at the time.
Then S2 happened and it all just sorta clicked for me. Before then I'd mainly been a SukuIta believer, I didn't frequent their fics but I DID gobble up their twincest doujins like I was starved when I had the time. 2nd cour of S2 coming out practically sealed Goyuu for me, I'd always felt there was a bit of something I saw between them but Yuuji screaming out for Gojo in that last frame...just...*chef's kiss*
I didn't go back to rewatch S1 where a majority of their reactions were like some diehard fans would but the clips and screencaps I've come across now and again are enough to solidify for me that yes! They are made for each other!! (Hope the wrong stsg fans don't find this ◉‿◉)
I'd really love to go on and on about their dynamic but this was supposed to be about my February fic of the month, "Love, or Something Ignites" by lainebee.
Like I said, I've been deep in the tags and the only others I think that come close to this one are "No Sanctuary" by eddie01 and both world's sequels.
Now I'm not saying there aren't other good ones, like I'm just halfway through the hundred and something AO3 pages of their ship tag, so there's a lot I've yet to see. Still, this is a sorta subjective review and I just hope to spread the word of this masterpiece and maybe meet others who've read it so we can fan together in the comments.
(Now that's all out of the way, there will be mild spoilers and also warnings for; omegaverse, mpreg, and voyeurism so let's hop to it (✿^‿^)
The fic is set in a historical Japan au where Yuuji and Sukuna are brothers, with Sukuna being much older and ruling over a kingdom in the south. Thing is, he's constantly at war with the Gojo clan cuz these two mfs are just built like that in every verse. Shit happens and they come to a truce and as a sign of goodwill Sukuna offers Yuuji, his recently presented omega brother, as a gift (I honestly thought Yuuji was like 16 or 17 but he's 19 so like whatever idc (╥﹏╥)
"So what's the problem?" you might ask, well aside from the obvious marriage of convenience plot, Gojo doesn't give a fuck, he's still hung up on Geto (kinda tho, it's complicated but they aren't in love) and he's pretty much intended to go through it for show.
But that's not the end; not only do our boys have no feelings for each other and have never even met, but THING IS... Sukuna has demanded a public consummation cuz he's a bastard like that and we love him for it. Worry not there's no fucking on a stage for everyone to watch...just fucking in a 'room' for a handful of witnesses to watch from behind those dresser screen things (vocab not working lol).
The fic is definitely kinda long and tho there are some slow-burn vibes a lot of it essentially takes place in ONE FUCKING DAY. My first assumptions going into this were, "pacing issues???" and "oh the author is going to either insta love them, make them fuck and spend the rest of the fic doing fluff, or they will fuck with some angst then spend the rest falling in love."
Color me surprised when yeah, they did fuck but that was one or two chapters from the last of about nine.
You expect this kind of shit to feel rushed as fuck but the writing is so fucking divine that you never feel like putting it down. There's always so much going on but time is never wasted dwelling on one subject for too long, it's fast, it's funny, and the characters and setting are constantly giving the energy you know and love from the original show but probably two times better.
One of the things I noticed a few GoYuu writers struggle with is accurately reflecting Gojo cuz he's actually an enigma and arguably one of the most complex characters in the show with a broad range of emotions. He doesn't particularly fit one kind of vibe whereas for everyone else you can pick one or something close to it. Gojo on the other hand goes from one end of the spectrum to the other pretty quickly and that's super hard to capture and explore, especially when it comes to the shorter smutty fics (Not complaining too much tho, I live for the E rating.)
I love the direction the author chose to go with him, and it feels so true to his character, his immature but his teasing doesn't feel over the top or come off as exaggerated. His status as the strongest is just told but shown to us with the way he behaves and I like that we get instances of him getting work done despite knowing he's a rebel. It reminds us that yeah, he's working to make the clan the way he wants but he's just going along with what he has to in true Gojo fashion.
Yuuji, is totally something else, it's implied that he actually killed people...and I don't think we got a paragraph of him feeling guilt over it but that's somewhere toward the end so forget it. Yuuji is the absolute sweetest here and I adore every scene he's in along with how bratty he tends to be with Gojo. It's not frequent and most of the time he's pretty respectful but when he's not...Yeah. His inner thoughts and his conversations with most of the other characters really bring life to the story and you literally feel you're right there with him through it all.
Then there's the smut...oh. my. fucking. GOD. It's absolutely delicious. If you were iffy about it being omegaverse, I beg you to actually consider it cuz all probably more than four thousand words of it are fucking precious.
I had no idea I'd be into sex with some commentary when I began reading but the conversation from the characters picked was spot on and even added to the spicyness.
My favorite part is when Yuuji moans like a fucking pornstar and the zenin guy (forgot his disgusting ass name) goes "The boy is a whore."
Like boohoo bitch just say you wish you were getting all that, I wish I was (╥﹏╥)
If you're still iffy about the Omegaverse trust me it's not that big of a deal, the focus is mainly on Gojo and Yuuji trying to find some mutual ground to get on so the consummation isn't fucking awkward but by talking, joking, and getting to know each other something even more starts to blossom.
There are definitely traces of insta love but I personally see it as a weird mixture of attraction and possessiveness but this book is just like the prelude to the main course which is the second part in the series which I'm not done with yet but fucking hell...all the intrigue and tension that you will find in Love, or Something Ignites, gets doubled with more angst and mystery in the second fic, along with goyuu being stupid as well as stupidly in love.
So give it a try, and if you have, let me know what you think. I'd usually say where the tiny flaws are but for this book there are none...unless you count Yuta being Maki's mate instead of Rika's but that's my personal hill to die on. Let me know if there's a fic you want me to write about and I'll maybe get to it
Well, that's all from me today, it's 3 am and I'm fucking exhausted.
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zukotheartist · 6 months
My last post on this (tho ill keep reblogging others' posts) but a few days ago I actually wanted to complain about this and then never did so ill do it now.
I unfollowed Noah a few weeks ago? On insta. And completly forgot that he also has tiktok and that i followed him there so one of his newer videos popped up on my page and it was smth like Eleven dancing in Fortnite and i checked the comments, hoping to see some palestenian flags🇵🇸 or anyone calling him out, but it was FILLED with support for him and "youre back baby🥺" "noah online era again!" "omg ily! Pls say hi to me🥺" and then i opened his full acc and noticed that That recent video was also more viewed and liked than some of his previous videos... all he had to do for so many people to switch up was... post a stupid fucking tiktok about Stranger Things... and just like that he was being idolised again, all it took...
Fucking pathetic and sad.
Love Will Byers all u want (he'll probably always be one of my alltime favourite characters too) but do not hide behind that to support Noah or Brett or Levy or whatever. Theyre awful human beings and they dont care about anyone but themselves. You can love the character and hate the actor. Fanarts and ao3 are free, you dont need to support ST. Pirate the show, make your own merch, only interact with free fanmade content. There's no need to show support for official Stranger Things stuff. Actually, take it a step further and boycott what the bds movement is asking to boycott!
These are the main ones!
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But the people, on their own, also started these specific boycotts! (Starbucks too! I was obsessed with pumpkin spice latte but im never stepping foot inside a Starbucks again).
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Again, the MAIN TARGETS are the ones inside the first box. The second and third box are about putting PRESSURE on them (ofc we cant boycott google but we Can put pressure) and the last box is the "the people started it on their own without the bds asking" boycotts! Disney and Starbucks (although both missing from the 4th box) are actually part of the "people started/led" boycotts too!
There are also people out there sharing FREE books (online) about Palestine! It's easy to look up but I can send you some if you don't find anything, I'm reading one myself.
There are also essays made by others that summarise specific books!
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(Apparently this one also has a voiceover? Not sure bc I still havent checked it out but I saw Multiple people reccomend it and will hopefully get to it soon!)
Last thing: depending on where you live (im not from the US, nor live there, and that's the main genocide supporter) you can also call your representatives, send emails (you can find premade speeches) and go to protests! And most of all, you can share the videos from Palestine! By journalists such as Motaz, Bisam and Plestia.
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stardusthuntress · 4 months
Follower Celebration!!!
YOU GUYS!!! Thanks to you all, I’ve passed both the 99 and 104 followers marks before I got a chance to do anything!!! YOU DA BESTEST!!!!
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How crazy is that???
Also sorry for vanishing for a while there, needed to take a break and focus on helping family during the holiday season. I love my family, but they do require an awful lot of effort these days, so I had to limit myself on here to just reading you guys’s stuff, but I’m back now!
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SO, I thought that made it time for an update!!!
I’m working my way towards a big deadline at work in ~1 week, and then I’ve got a bunch of WIPs I want to finish up and post!!!
Also in the process of learning how to use AO3 so I can post stuff on there and support other fellow writers!!!
AND gonna attempt to make a form for my taglist!!!
And if you tagged me in something and I haven’t responded, I promise it’s up next on the stuff I wanna catch back up on!!!
And for a fun follower mile marker celebration I wanted to ask you guys for your thoughts on what you’d like to see finished soonest! I don’t get much chance to interact with you all on here since I don’t exactly take requests, but I do like to hear back from you guys about what you like to read the most!
Side note, this doesn’t guarantee I’ll be able to find the inspo to finish whatever wins the most votes/comments next, BUT knowing that’s what people want to read does help me find the motivation to sit down and finish up a current WIP instead of steering another new WIP…. Hehehe!
And, again, ALL of these will eventually be finished, just might take some time to do so. This is simply a quest to discover what you guys is most hungry for rn!!! So pick your fav, pls!!!
Taglist: @bambambunny @cw80831 @amorfista
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thistidalwave · 5 months
questions for fic writers
wow just noticed @softbrah tagged me in this....how fun! let's go!
How many works do you have on ao3?
120! that's since 2011.
What’s your total ao3 word count?
1,222,928. dear god.
What fandoms do you write for?
currently we deep in the k-pop trenches, collecting lil blorbos with compelling narratives and dynamics to smack together like dolls. specifically i've been writing for Seventeen lately, and previously for TXT and BTS, and because i am me, i write niche inter-band shit and collected a couple soloists to throw in for seasoning.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Addicted (to loving you) (Teen Wolf scott/stiles. no, idk either. please don't read it.)
pictures in frames of kisses on cheeks (checkpls bitty/jack/kent. pure fluff no substance the people love it)
love doesn't come in boxes (checkpls bitty/jack)
something good and right and real (hockey rpf benn/seguin, cowritten with @aperfect20)
drop everything now (hockey rpf bgally/agally, cowritten with @aperfect20. listen. these hockey fics are of their time and now they'll never leave the first page sorted by kudos.)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes, all the time! it takes negligible time and brain power for me, and i like to let people know how much i appreciated hearing their thoughts, even when it was just a thank you and then we're in a lil awkward thanking circle.
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ok, i think it just has to be a tie between "only time is ours" and "34 Days", which are check please kent/jack fics about the same pre-canon break-up events, the first from jack's pov and the second from kent's (tho iirc they have different interpretations of events beyond the pov switch, too). they are inherently angsty bc absolutely nothing is good at the end of them.
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
this is so hard to decide, bc i primarily write romcoms and by the end of them if your teeth aren't rotting i did it wrong. i will give a shoutout to "doesn't matter what we do", a bts jimin/j-hope that is all about just Letting Urself Be Soulmates and then grossing out ur bandmates about it.
Do you get hate on fics?
no, thank god.
Do you write smut?
yes i have been known to write filth. sometimes the romcom plot calls for it. i'm horrible at pwp bc i'm always giving it plot, but u kno, sometimes the spirit moves me and i manage it.
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
crossovers of fandoms that have nothing to do with each other actually kind of squick me - i'm talking crossovers where characters who have never and will never meet are there for no reason (think superwholock tbh, tho i was uncharacteristically a lil into that at the time), not fusions or big universes with diff shows or whatever. it's just not for me!
but in terms of things where it's less drastic (crossing over bands in k-pop, for example) i am all over that, bc there's interesting stuff from real life there! my craziest example atm is a baekho/jun fic, and like, it's not that crazy!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes, it's always so awesome that someone wants to take the time to do that.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yessssss, my favourite way to create fic.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
this is an extremely insensitive thing to ask a ship whore like me. there are some ships that REALLY set my brain on fire over the years, though. check pls kent/jack drives me insane to this day. harry styles/nick grimshaw was So compelling. 2012 oilers "kid line" (nugent-hopkins/hall/eberle) went off.
often fandom really makes these ships worth it to talk about and inspires me to contribute. i am often very compelled by one character in particular and just ship them with everyone possible so i can examine all their sides.
What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
hmmmm if i WANT to finish it, i probably will. there are things that i ended up abandoning, though. one of those i'm still kinda sad about was a dylan/mitch/auston sequel to my connor/rystro.
What are your writing strengths?
i write realistic dialogue and i'm great at characterization (shoutout to the mean comment i got circa 2010 telling me to get good at characterization. i did. thanks.) my voice has always been strong, too.
What are your writing weaknesses?
i sometimes slack on depicting the interior emotions of characters. i'm not great with setting or exposition because the brand of fanfic i tend to write isn't a great place to practice those skills. i try to find places to do it, though!
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
it's the norm in k-pop fandom to drop in localization things like honorifics, and i like it because it can communicate relationships between the characters and so that it's not SO divorced from the context the idols actually live in. this is such a weirdly specific question, idk what else to say about it lmao
First fandom you wrote for?
twilight. bless her.
Favorite fic you’ve written?
choosing between my children? ok. at the moment i'm quite fond of too real to call it magic, a contemporary fantasy au where the main character is stuck in a dream. i felt really good about what i did with the themes and setting of the source material (a mv, so you're only 3mins and a quick google of the main characters' names away from reading this fic!) and the way i developed the relationship. it's underrated af bc it's a niche pairing.
i will tag @aperfect20 since i already tagged her in the text of the post. no pressure tho.
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tsukishumai · 2 years
maya !! hello !! i just wanted to say i hold LG incredibly close to my heart. i read it on ao3 and tbh. i've probably commented way too much and also written the comments way. too. long. !! but i truly adore your piece so v much !
randomly around... two months ago, i got on tumblr to see what it was all abt and boom ! i found LG again ... i was like oh my god it's a sign or something ... HAH it keeps following me everywhere i go ...!!
and well, i haven't interacted w you at all ?! so hi ! it's me, your biggest fangirl (again) for like the millionth time in your notifs .... because i have no self control n wish to have you know how much i love it ! (and the reason why i started writing again)
(guilty for writing that satosugu piece that i </3 forgot </3 about </3 despite </3 your </3 comment </3 on </3 it </3)
i hope you're having a great day n enjoying yourself with whatever you do ! never forget to indulge yourself in a lil something bcuz you deserve it ! sending u big hugs (or any form of affection you'd like !)
dilly! omg hello!!! did you come on to my page today to my cry!! because i! am! crying!!
please, i can't believe you found me on here! it's like 2 worlds colliding hahaha but i just want you to know that your comments on LG always always ALWAYS made my day... i've read them all probably hundreds of times... and i hold all of them so very close to my heart as well T-T
it's funny you say that LG inspired you to write, when it was your lovely comments that inspired me to continue with my story <33 but genuinely, it makes me heart absolutely melt to hear that LG encouraged you to post your own writing [and that satosugu piece was amazing don't remind me of the pain pls thank u]
anyway i'm rambling at this point THANK YOU, i've been having a very hard time finding inspiration / time / focus to finish these last couple chapters... but i am working and i will not leave this earth until LG is out and complete LOL
please stop by and chat any time <33 i don't log on as often anymore tho so pls forgive me if i lag!
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morkofday · 3 years
Fic Writer Interview Meme
thank you for tagging me @hils79 ♥ this is a great way to avoid writing my pingxie wing au which i currently struggle with bc am editing it into a completely new shape :D it’s exhausting but am making slow progress~
name: vish or vishie. won’t even advertise my irl name when it comes to fic writing haha
fandoms: so many more than i’ve ever gotten to write for. i am simply very slow at writing and the stuff i get into is way too many so... yeah. the most i’ve written for are BTS, The Untamed and now DMBJ. the list for fandoms i’d love to write for is endless but currently at least Guardian is very high up there. i keep having ideas but writing? not as much. 
two-shot: i wrote this one two-shot back when i was still writing fanfics in finnish for this one youtuber group lol. it was supposed to be a oneshot but it got super sad so i made it happier with a continuation later on. 
most popular multi-chapter fic: uuhh i’d say it’s my BTS abo fic My Lungs for You to Breathe which is currently at 98k words and 18 chapters but which i haven’t updated in almost a year :D idk if it will ever get to the end but i have enjoyed spending time with it. (Statistics:  Subscriptions: 227 Hits: 11718 Kudos: 461 Comment Threads: 89 Bookmarks: 153) 
actual worst part of writing: uuuhhh it’s so hard to name one currently? trying to get things out like i want them to and still sounding coherent? figuring out words that sound good but also make sense? idk. i love writing but these days i’ve been very stuck and insecure about it :/
how you choose your titles: i throw in words. i throw in more words. i stir. ta-da!
do you outline: i have not outlined on paper ever in my life. in my head tho? yes, absolutely. i am just too lazy and awkward to write it down. then i forget. oops. or then i don’t forget and get haunted or possessed, there’s no in between. 
ideas you probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice: this one historical au for Guardian which would also include some reincarnation themes. it would require a ton of research so am a bit scared. also, a DMBJ cultivator au just so that i could have pingxie and heihua meet in very different circumstances and have them use cool magic stuff. plus all the other characters having neat stories and skills and outfits. me and @ashenlights are throwing around a ton of ideas probably every day and have a docs file and some pins on pinterest etc :’D i will never probably actually write this bc it would get way too huge but the brainstorming is nice ♥ also i have this one pingxie reincarnation/soulmates au that haunts me currently but idk if i will have the motivation to write that. 
and then my personal favorite: a fic for The Journey Across the Night where i get to explore the main trio’s relationship developing throughout the series (and probably even after that) while each of them slowly figures out how much they love the other two. first part would be shi cheng who first watches chacha and li jia having a crush on each other meanwhile he ignores any of his own feelings towards li jia and what he’s doing to distract himself from that. second part would be chacha who notices shi cheng’s feelings for li jia and tries to figure out how she will take that while maintaining her own developing relationship with li jia plus her family problems. last part would be li jia who follows chacha and shi cheng going from friends to something else. he doesn’t understand. he has a lot of other stuff in his mind. there’s his alter making his first appearance. he might or might not be in love with both of his friends but needs a tiny nudge to get it, especially with shi cheng. i lack the skill and words to accomplish any of this so i just like to daydream. 
callouts @ me: actually the same as for you hils, that’s a good call out :’D i really should try some female characters once in a while. but they have slowly come a part of my stories at least? another one would be: pls for the love of god learn more vocabulary. and ways to form sentences. and like,,, stop editing those sentences so much, they’re fine. 
best writing traits: uuuhhh can i just skip this? these days it’s not easy to find anything positive to say about my own writing or my process with it. i am a mess. some stuff makes sense, a big part does not. maybe emotion but i feel like i cannot manage that either in a way that would satisfy me? persistence works too. i rarely abandon things completely. 
spicy tangential opinion: um. yours was very good hils, that made me so happy ^^ i should really try not to pressure myself to be perfect either just for the acknowledgement etc. this is a hobby yes and should be fun. which it is. but i struggle still sigh. idk what else to add really? write whatever you like. write those themes that you want to see. write the characters you want to see written in the way only you feel about them. write that pairing no one else has written. write for the fandom that doesn’t even show up on ao3. write for yourself, truly. write for your tiny group of friends who yell at you and are lovely and as crazy as you ♥ enjoy the process despite it being awful at times. writing is learning but also, don’t only just pressure yourself to improve with every sentence you write. i tend to do that a lot bc am so desperate to be better but i cannot force that into me. i gain experience slowly and learn at my own pace. i need to allow myself that. and sometimes i just need to allow myself to write whatever and have fun with it and not think about how much sense everything makes or if the characterization is 150% perfect. thanks for coming to my ted talk haha 
this was so nice :’) it’s sometimes nice to think about myself as a writer and then come up with things that i should take note of more often. i hope to write so much. i have so many ideas. my heart is filled with love for some many things. praying for all the time and inspiration for myself and all of my writer friends ♥
tagging only @i-am-just-a-kiddo if they wish to join me on this one :’) also tagging @kholran who was calling for everyone in their own post! that one was so nice to read too ^^  
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shorkbrian · 3 years
Hello again, asks are compiled under the cut. Please block the tag #shorkbrian answers a lot of asks# If you’d prefer not to see these types of posts from me. If I haven’t answered your ask, it’s because I’m saving it for a thirst, drabble, or fic.
I don’t ignore asks, but sometimes getting around to them overwhelms me lol. pls accept my apologies lol k here we go
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I am very glad, I legit was so scared that it was too long and that it’d be disappointing bc the smut wasn’t super IN YOUR FACE yknow? But man am I glad to hear that.
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I’m looking directly @ you
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Someone noticed omg!!!  A lot of times I just put whatever song I played on repeat while writing that fit, but I have a *yandere* playlist that I listen to and it gets me going. Ty for noticing!!!
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I’ve considered opening them permanently but I just... idek. I’d have to start deleting or ignoring the requests I don’t vibe with and Idk how to handle that lol. But thanks for the well wishes, hope your next few months treat you well friend!
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Watermelon sugar why
Srsly you’re sweet but just wait until I start to really get going with all my nasty kinks okay, then you’ll be rethinking this strategy hunty lol!
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I literally stalk @.vermiliren and @.kazooli and @.seita lol. Maybe when I get my blog more cleaned up, I’ll create a list of creators that I enjoy, along with fic recs. For now, here’s a link to my AO3 bookmarks which I read one like almost every single night bc I’m a horny gremlin.
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I am the shark king. Sharks are my thing bro u don’t even know. I love them so much, they're dumb and big and beautiful and yeah I wish I was a mermaid who got to swim with them. Also I changed it bc I’m trying to make my blog more *professional* and all that so I can start being taken seriously askjakjdf
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Compliments suck, if I'm being down and out honest. This does not bother me at all, I’m just unsure how to respond. I think I would prefer no comments, but I’m trying really really hard to just say “thank you!” and move on before I get uncomfortable. Having to fight with someone about how I perceive my self worth is exhausting, and especially so for the poor person that was just trying to say something nice and be nice to me. 
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They do make me quite uncomfortable my dear lad/lassie/lasso. Say what you wish in the tags tho ! I don’t really reply to those, so there’s no pressure on me to have to say something back. I do however, see all the tags ppl use and some of them make me laugh so hard cause they’re so spot on, and it makes my day. like “Mark me down as scared AND horny” and “Bakugou better be able to bench 165 cause imma throw my fatass in his mf lap” and it kills me.
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I SCEREAMED AKDHGSYDGASJSD this is the only format I'll be taking asks in now, no compliments just a yes/no answer to if my works help u cum god bless
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you used the /gen!!!!! IDK what these are called but the /S and /gen and /J save my life!!!!
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Frick you’ve figured me out, I do try to put like a nail-in-the-coffin sentence at the end. A lot of times it never works right, but I cannot for the life of my figure out how to end a single post ever. If anyone knows hmu pls ty
(Also ps I checked out ur blog cause yans are my jam and it is very much Not garbage!!)
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That’s very kind of you, but pls don’t stay up past midnight it’s bad for ur Brian you’ll make bad decisions bro trust me all of my stuff is written after midnight
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You will lafff..... but I will tell anyways..... I was prescribed a “life coach” after I got out of the hospital, which was really just a poorly disguised softcore “make sure u don’t yeet urself” type of thing. He had me write down things I liked about myself, and when I returned the sheet of paper still blank, he wrote stuff down for me. Like five sentences of “My hair and skin are unique and special” “I like animals and enjoy being kind to them” “I am worthy of respect” etc etc. and I had to look in a mirror twice a day and say those sentences to help “boost my self worth”. It sucked so bad dude, and I like got upset about it every time it came up, until finally my therapist was like “... this aint doin this sad bitch no good” and my parents got designated for yeet watch instead.
I know, logically, that (the majority of) people are not purposefully taking time out of their day to make me feel bad. They're trying to be encouraging and loving, and I appreciate it so much. But like... what do I say? If I say thanks, it’s almost like acknowledging what they're saying as true, and I can’t live with myself thinking I’m more than I am. I’m sorry you’ve had experiences that make compliments difficult for you also, I understand bro and I hope that your future holds healing and peace for you. 
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Hopefully I won’t vent as much anymore lol, I’ll try to do that on my sideblog where I reblog really trigger-y memes akjdafhkjf. But thank you for your kind words bro, they’re appreciated and put in a nice lil jar.
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Ah dw! This doesn’t sound like a jab. I think all of us r so sad n depressed and feel unworthy of love, so the fantasy of a Yan coming and forcing it on us and not leaving even when we lash out is just..... so attractive my heads gonna explode
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me, thinking about kiri at any given moment like:
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I have the next Hybrid! Kiri fic like lined up, but I’m so demotivated be I was SO CLOSE to finishing, and then wiped my computer like an IDITO
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Waso, I’m taking horseback riding lessons bc my mom went:
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and my grandpa told me that one of his horses was named Awaso and I immediately thot of u fun fact. But you’re so very kind, and I enjoy seeing you in my inbox. I’m never tired of u homie. You are loved and important, and it’s not an illusion. Even random strangers on the internet can feel soft towards you bro, and dats me, I’m the random stranger that likes u.
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So I took Russian for a year, my dear friend, because I wanted to see if the language myth of “Russian is the hardest, Korean is the easiest” was true. I would say yes. So instead of like translating this and typing out a coherent response, I’ve resorted to google translate I’m so sorry but Виктор мог плюнуть мне в глаз, и я бы поблагодарил его. Also, the way Vitya is written in cryllic makes my heart swell it looks so cozy idek what I mean by that but it does? I treasure you man, hope to see you around in the new year and maybe??? we be good friends
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Can any year be good when Kirishima Eijirou doesn’t exist?
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I just imagine anyone who comes across my stuff, sitting at their computer shocked and slightly horrified, maybe turned on like
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Daddy Aizawa makes me
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Wait!! I have something to aid your troubles!!
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ur welcome now u can be horny whenever you’d like 
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pls every time we talk about Kirishima I have to act surprised like 
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LISTEN BBYGORL I have had therapist Suga in the works since *checks notes* November. I am excited for it yeahhhhhh but sadly, I don’t think I will be continuing piano teacher Suga. The story is petered out in my mind, idk where it would go. Therapist sugarbird tho? We have some thots about this. Coming soon to theaters near you
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carbootsoul · 3 years
i was tagged by @katarahairloopies!!! thank u :mwah:
name: leo! @/zeitgeistofnow on ao3, @lazypigeon & @timetohope on here, altho i’m considering uh switching back to not having an art blog :/ i have to think abt it.
fandom(s): ace attorney is my main one rn bc i’m replaying the games with a friend of mine and it’s reminding me how invested i am in the characters!! a lot of my recent fic is atla stuff, altho i’ve been distancing myself from the fandom bc i’ve kinda exhausted my interest in it. finally i’ve been reading a lot of mp100 fic but i don’t think i’ll ever write for it. i just love how dumb all the characters r (with the dubious exception of ritsu)
where you post: ao3!! tbh i always get suprised when people say they write/read fic on any other platform like i haven’t messed around w wattpad or ff.net since middle school... catch up........
most popular oneshot: going just by “one chapter” as the definition of a oneshot, the firestarters, bc it’s fluffy and modern au :) i wouldn’t necessarily call it a oneshot tho bc to me a oneshot shows like, one scene? so like by my definition and your sweet sweet sun makes me crazy (i wanna lay you down and see how you amaze me is my most popular!! (also @ kit u thought UR fic titles were unnecessarily long??? i’ve hit the ao3 LIMIT for characters in titles. it’s about the aesthetic
most popular multichapter fic: sdkjflakjlkj it’s two crowned kings; and one that stood alone, which is a w359 fic i wrote back in late 2017. it’s literally the last fic i haven’t orphaned from when i actually wrote podcast fic (i have 4 other podcast fics but they were all borne out of nostalgia and written after i stopped participating in the fandom). i rewrote all but the last chapter? the last two? about a year ago and i fucked up halfway through so like chapter 6 and 7 are repeated and there’s something missing but i’m too lazy to fix it. no one’s going to read it now anyway :) it WAS the top minlace fic for a little while tho which i take great pride in.
favorite story you’ve written so far: oh that’s a hard question akfsldkfj i honestly like most of them!! and i write a LOT so there’s a lot to choose from. tonight, we are young is def one of my favorites- it was fun to write and i got to explore the ways zuko and yue r similar, which i LOVE to do outside of a zukka/yukka view. you can lean on my arm as you break my heart  is one that i’m really proud of? the whole “cooking as an expression of bato’s love” is definitely some of my favorites. a lot of my ace attorney fics would be categoried as my favorites if i hadn’t improved, too, if that makes sense. like they’re no long my favorites because i can see where my writing is shitty and it bothers me, but if i had written them a month ago they’d be my favorite.
fic you were nervous to post: figures 1-5: killing gods def!! it’s a lot more purple-prose-y than most of my fics and it was also written before i’d kinda like emersed myself in the atla fandom so i didn’t have as good a grasp on the general understanding of zuko’s character as i do now. tbh it’s one i’m rly happy w tho!! i have a few people leave really nice comments on it and rereading them makes me really happy. also it was the start of me hating the position of fire lord and being at least passively anti-it in my fics.
how you choose your titles: they’re almost all song lyrics!! only 14 of my 50 words AREN’T song lyrics and about half of those are from before i started writing ace attorney fic lol. sometimes i go into a fic with a song in mind for the vibes and then i usually go with lyrics from that (like in ‘cuz we’re the greatest /they’ll hang us in the louvre), but otherwise i usually pick an artist i’ve been listening to and go through their songs until i find a lyric that fits. sometimes the lyric doesn’t even really fit the fic and i just chose it at random or because i searching up the word “fly” in my spotify library or whatever. honestly i like coming up with titles? i know a lot of fic writers hate it but being able to just use song lyrics is v soothing for me and while i know that most people won’t search out a song just bc it’s a fic title like.. seeing that the title of a fic is a hozier lyric does affect how i read it and i kinda like that.
do you outline? i outline my long form/multichaptered fics with varying strictness. usually anything over ~8k will have some kind of outline. sometimes i go into it with every single scene planned out, sometimes it’s just notes on the side of the google doc that say “it's about MORE family. about how it's not betraying your existing family to find more” and “scenes i want to include: [...]” and “vampires... ngl kinda hot.” i’m trying to outline super strictly less bc i’ve found it’s less fun? but i do try to keep a plot arc in mind. since most of my fics are more character-driven than plot-driven, that usually just means keeping track of what character development i want to happen or what is motiviating the characters. 
complete: um everything posted on ao3 i guess. also the MULTITUDE of orphaned fics out there asksfjldkj i always click ‘leave my pseud on’ so if u look up my username you see all of my fics and then a. lot of other ones.
in progress: - a fic titled ‘dad phoenix’ that is actually just a no DL-6 au with defense attorney miles edgeworth and single dad bartender phoenix where neither of them want to date for A While but phoenix gets wrapped up in one of miles’s cases. it’s about family. it’s about writing teenagers. it’s about the background franmaya which is ALWAYS what i’m here for in wrightworth fics - a franmaya werewolf/vampire au because i’m ~gay~ and love rivals to lovers and also franziska and maya both being angry their older brothers r dating each other. - my secret santa fic!! which i can’t talk about much but it does feature toph and zuko and also piandao and jeong jeong???? idk where they came from but they are Part Of The Fic Now also i forgot iroh existed for half the fic and wrote piandao as zuko’s father figure and now i’m in too deep. - a 5+1 bakoda fic (maybe a bato/hakoda/kay fic??? i need to decide. that’s part of why this fic is still incomplete bc i can’t decide which relationship dynamic i prefer) that’s 5 times bato said he loves hakoda and one time hakoda said it back. possibly i have already written him saying i love u back and i need to change the title a little. - retail au klapollo where klavier works at an overpriced boutique and apollo comes in to buy earrings for nahyuta’s birthday. klavier gives him a punch card (one that the store doesn’t actually offer anymore as a bid to get apollo to come back) and all of apollo’s family come in to use the punch card and also give klavier variations on the shovel talk/find out if he’s actually into apollo. - a LOT of atla fics that i don’t think i’ll ever finish :(
coming soon/not yet started:  - i want to write some blackmadhi bc they’re.. cute..... and it’s a good excuse to also write athena and i love her - my stuff for yueki week!!! i have NOT prepped enough but hopefully i’ll remember in time! i wrote the prompts in a way that kinda set up stuff i’ve already wanted to write (don’t look at me lol) so hopefully i’ll get at least two or three fics finished in time. - i want to rewrite the wrightworth fic i have about them not getting married bc it was interesting and i like what i wrote about but i think i could have written it better and made it more interesting. rewriting fics is hard tho bc i’m never sure if it makes sense to just edit in the new work or to repost it? and then if u repost it do u delete the old one? conflicting so i might just not
do you accept prompts? totally!!! a disclaimer tho i’m not super into writing atla stuff anymore (most of the atla stuff i’m still writing is  something i made a commitment to finish) so if your prompt is an atla one i probably won’t do it :/ basically anything else is fair game tho!! podcasts/aa/sa/uh i don’t remember anything else but like if you search a fandom on my blog and come up with more than two posts about it chances r i’d be happy to write fic for it!
upcoming work that you’re most excited about: oh huh i mean probably the no dl-6 au!!! it’s the longest ace attorney fic i’ve written already and since it’s wrightworth it’ll get more attention than any franmaya fic i write. my standards r so high now tho after getting to much feedback from atla fans... love u all... obviously i have no choice but to pressure my atla mutuals into playing ace attorney. pls ask abt it bc i WIll Give You A Sales Pitch about why you’d like it in relation to atla
tagging: i’m not rly tagging anyone!!! @deadflora if you still consider urself a fic writer also consider urself tagged! also any of my other mutuals who write fic i just can’t think of anyone rn
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neon-junkie · 4 years
I don't mean to alarm you, but the links just takes me to the answer post that you typed the links in🥺
are ya on mobile?? that might be why. im on PC n its workin fine for me. imma just copy eeeeverything for ya now tho
Please check out everything below before asking for a fic request. Note, Tumblr sometimes eats up messages so if it’s not added to my FICS IN PROGRESS list then just re-send it!! If I’m not down to write it, i’ll reply privately, or post it publically if you’ve asked as anon. I usually delete anon rejected fics after a few days also so you’ll have time to see it.
If you’re still unsure on whatever you wanna request after reading this then just ask!!! I don’t bite, promise. The only thing I bite are nazi’s.
If you prefer reading stuff on AO3 then my profile is HERE. I post most of my work there also, I prefer reading fics on there. Nicer layout :)
Genres I will write: Erotic, Romance, Action, Fantasy, Alternative Universes, Cross-genres, Historical, Drabbles, Headcanons.
Genres I won’t write: Horror, Extreme gore/violence, Thrillers, Mystery, Political.
NSFW limits: I’m quite open to kinks. Yes, this includes some weirder/darker stuff like slapping, bondage, sub/dom relationships, public places/risky locations, etc. If it’s not listed below then I’ll write it… unless if you request something I’ve forgotten to add lol.
I WONT write any of the following: Pregnancy/Birth, facials, nipple play, daddy doms/little girl, incest, age play, non-con, scat, piss, vomit, gore, alpha/omega dynamics.
Shipping requests: I’m quite open to most ships. I’m fine with canon ships, to weird crack ships. If I don’t like a specific ship then I’ll just say!
I’m also very happy to do canon/reader fics, but I won’t do a specific OC. If you’re after OC/OC or canon/OC stuff then you’ll have to pay for that, otherwise I’ll just keep it as a reader insert so anyone can read it.
Reader inserts: They’re probably my favourite things to write. I’m happy to ship ANYONE with ANY kind of reader. You’re more than welcome to request some specific things, such as the readers race, sexuality, height, age, size, etc.
The only time I’ll reject a reader insert fic is if I’m not too sure on how to write the canon character, or if you’re super specific with your reader. Like, I want anyeone to be able to read these kinda of fics, so if you request something like ‘can you write a fic for a 5'4, pansexual, blonde hair, mixed race, reader who likes ___ and disslikes ___ and wants ___ to happen’ then I’ll reject it. That’s just tooooo much specific stuff to include.
Keep these requests simple, like ‘Could you write a fic where ___ character falls for the reader despite them being taller?’ or ‘can you write a fic where the reader is trans and has a crush on ___ character?‘
I will mention that If you are after specific pronouns then just let me know. I’m also not 100% sure on everything gender wise, like I don’t know fully how people transition, how non-binary people adress themselves, etc. I’m a simple CIS female who understands that gender is a specific thing to each individual person. So as much as I do my research on these things, they probably won’t be spot on as everybodys different.
Also, if you don’t mention gender then it’ll automatically be fem reader as I, myself, am a wooman, so it’s easier to write for me. But like I said, just let me know what gender you’d like the reader to be.
Fandoms I write for: How to train your dragon, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, Red Dead Redemption, Bill and Ted, South Park, Les Misérables, Jay and Silent Bob. I have wrote the odd fic for specific fandoms here and there, so if you’re after something not on this list then just ask!
Other notes: Some characters I just don’t know how to write, so I’ll let you know if I just can’t write something cause I don’t know how to.
If you do enjoy my work then remember that reblogging, leaving lil comments, and spamming me with kudos goes a long way for me. It’s massive motivation and makes my wee heart flutter every time I see it!!
Also, I’m not the best with descriptive writing!! I oddly find smut a lot easier to write, probably because I’m full of sin, but I do love writing a nice fluffy fic every now n again.
Theres no specific time limit for my writing. I do it when I do it, as blunt as that sounds. I’ll write stuff when I have the mindset for it, so if your fic takes a million years then that’ll be why lol. You’re welcome to poke your head by and ask on progress and such whenever you like, I don’t mind!! Please don’t be embarassed if you’ve asked for a fic fullllll of sin and wanna know the progress on it. Have you seen some of the crap I write? I’m not ashamed of that stuff, so you shouldn’t be either!
If you’re after just a drabble or headcanon list then just ask, but pls don’t ask for fics to be long. I aim to try make them lengthy, but sometimes I just get stumped on ‘em, so I’ll do what I can :^)
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tagged by @apocalyvse (ty!!)
1. how do you get yourself to focus on writing?
oh god uhhh i don’t? i have add so even though i’m medicated if i really want to write i have to really force myself once i get in the mood and then i hyperfocus and a thousand words later i break out of it.
2. what’s your favorite thing you’ve ever written?
to be completely honest? i don’t think i can choose one. you make it so clear you don’t want me (what’s written of it, that is), my boy, and the hero dies in this one (my current wip) are probably my top three, tho.
3. tell me about your current wip.
i’ve only written (read: posted) steve rogers/bucky barnes (ik ik dead ship whatever) so uh yeah that’s this too
steve has a bad habit of dying. bucky has a good habit of bringing him back. only problem? bucky only appears when steve dies and steve has no idea who he is. it’s super fun. for me at least. 
4. do you write for yourself or for an audience?
both. i write mostly what i’d want to read or what i want to write but i do consider my readers pretty heavily when making big plot decisions. i’ve written a couple fics for people too, so those are fun.
5. do you share your writing with anyone you know in real life?
yes, but only because i know them super, super well and they all write fic themselves oop
6. what’s the nicest comment/review you’ve ever gotten?
oh gosh i’m not sure i could pick just one. usually the ones saying how much the work affected them or picking out specific details that i wouldn’t have expected them to notice are the ones that make me wanna cry the most. 
7. what platform do you prefer to post your work on?
ao3. all the way. (check me out here bc shameless self-promo pls n tanks)
8. do you plot or pants (make it up as you go)?
somewhere in between. i’ll have a general idea and a couple plot points i wanna hit as i go, plus a general destination, but other than that it’s all just whatever occurs to me at that moment in time.
9. what have you learnt while writing your stories?
that i’m really, really bad with deadlines. i also have a comma kink. and a hyphen allergy. shoot me. 
10. do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
oh ew i think it was like,,,, a weird rick riordan-esque romance novel where this girl is found by this horse-man (not centaur, horse-man, as in he can go from horse to man) that i think was some demigod from some greek myth i can no longer remember and they were in love and saved the world. i never got past the first chapter, though, so i have no idea if it counts.
11. can you give a spoiler for your wip?
bucky and peggy have more in common than it seems. that’s all i’ll say.
tagging: @yelenabelovia, @galaxytrees13 (even tho i have no idea if either of you have any wips rn so just uhhh skip those if you want?) and anyone else who’d like to do it
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dreamss-of-boston · 5 years
Rise - ch6
hoo boy this chapter is hella long! i had fun writing it tho, the scenery looks v pretty in my head! the songs in this chapter are traditional germanic folk songs which i thought fit the world pretty well considering aot/snk is supposedly set in a germanic sort of historical world?? or thats what i heard,, pls correct me if im wrong! (i got the english translations for these songs from this website) additionally, the song i envision dimitri playing after the folk songs is andalucia in d major-- while its a spanish song, i just love it so much! you can listen to it here. and i promise all of the new characters introduced are relevant to the overall story! and now i promise i will shut up hehe ok thank u for reading love u bye!
-the spark-
link on AO3!
“I don’t understand why I had to pack four days’ worth of clothes.” Sonya commented as she got into the carriage with Hange and Moblit. After a full day of cleaning the stables and the showers as her punishment for getting cheeky with Captain Levi, Sonya was very sore and rather cranky that she had to leave her cozy HQ to spend at least two days in the capitol.
“The MPs and Parliament like to drag their feet when it comes to making decisions,” Hange sighed as she sat opposite Sonya, and Moblit took his seat beside Hange. “It’s always best to be prepared and pack more than you might need-- I found that out the hard way when they delayed approving Erwin’s new navigation system. We were only supposed to be there three days, but it took them a week and a half to decide!”
“A week and a half?!” Sonya exclaimed in dismay.
“Don’t worry-- the first day will be easy. It’s kind of a buffer.” Moblit assured her. “We’ll get settled in at their HQ in the guest quarters, and then meet with the officials around dinner time.”
“The real adventure comes tomorrow,” Hange said excitedly, “When we can debate the issue in front of Darius Zackly. He has the ultimate verdict on whether we can go ahead with the mission or not.”
“Since this is so monumental,” Moblit added, “representation for all three branches of military will be there. There’ll be some new recruits there, too, who were from your class-- so you won’t be completely alone.” He said helpfully.
Sonya nodded, looking out the window of the carriage at the rising sun. It was always so beautiful seeing the pastel blue and yellow the sky turned as the world awoke-- she only wished she could see the sun rise without the walls being in the way.
“How long will it take for us to get there?” She asked.
“Hm, just over three hours.” Hange said, leaning back into her seat. “Perfect for a nap.”
“She can sleep anywhere.” Moblit chuckled, and Sonya smiled. Her mood was slightly lifted despite the fact that she had to be awoken at four in the fucking morning to pack and get ready to leave. She did feel a bit comforted that when they arrived, they wouldn’t jump straight into court and start debating. Sonya decided that Hange had the right idea, and she settled down as best she could in an attempt to sleep on the way there.
“Oi, wake up, brat.”
Sonya made a face of utter disgust as she woke from her nap-- she was slumped against the side of the carriage, and as she opened her eyes, she first saw Levi, leaning against the opening of the carriage, pulling his hand away from gently slapping her cheek to wake her. Behind him, the sun was shining and Hange and Moblit were laughing.
“Wow, you sleep even deeper than Hange!” Moblit exclaimed. “We were practically yelling at you to wake up.”
“Did you not sleep at all last night?” Hange joked as Sonya just about fell out of the carriage, gripping Levi’s arm for support-- which he allowed, much to Moblit’s surprise.
“I slept just fine-- I just had an exhausting day yesterday on account of me being a dumbass.” Sonya sighed, looking at Levi pitifully. She thought she saw the beginnings of a smile on his lips, but he just scoffed and went to join Erwin in grabbing their things from the separate carriage they had ridden in.
The Survey Corps soldiers were escorted to their rooms-- Hange and Sonya were sharing a room, of course, and while this was all routine to the veterans, to Sonya, it was as if she had stepped into a castle.
The rooms were huge, first of all, and the bathroom had two sinks and a shower! The beds were incredibly soft-- Sonya wanted to sink into hers the moment she sat on it.
“Maybe staying here for a while won’t be that bad.” She sighed contentedly, stretching out luxuriously on the bed, her shirt hiking up and exposing part of her waist.
Hange laughed, dropping her bag of belongings on the floor before entering the bathroom to wash her hands.
Levi came to the doorway, knocking on the open door to make his presence known. Sonya looked to her left, and smiled mischievously when she noticed his gaze inadvertently trailed over her exposed skin.
“Did you want something, Captain?” She asked, dripping her voice in sarcastic seduction. Levi rolled his eyes, and seemed to refuse to look at her again as he spoke to both her and Hange.
“We’re meeting with them in about thirty minutes.” He said, and pointedly avoided Sonya’s gaze as he turned and left their room. Hange hollered confirmation that she got his message from the bathroom, and Sonya smiled to herself-- it was too much fun messing with Levi.
The four Survey Corps members met with the group of MPs in yet another beautiful room, with huge, framed paintings that Sonya couldn’t take her eyes off of. They discussed the pros and cons of the mission, the ground rules for the debate tomorrow, what time it would take place, and all that. The room seemed to be filled with tension, although Sonya could not understand why; but she could only guess that there was some sort of unspoken history between the three veteran Survey Corps soldiers and the three veteran MPs. The MP who had been part of Sonya’s class was called Olive Hammerstein-- a blonde, stuffy girl who Sonya remembered to be a sore loser. She hardly gave Sonya the time of day when they all entered the room at the start of the meeting; Sonya smugly suspected it was because she had beaten Olive all four times they had trained hand-to-hand.
When the meeting finally ended and all the logistics were out of the way, the sun had set and it was time for dinner. As the soldiers headed to the dining hall, they passed some MPs out of uniform who shrewdly reminded them that it was the weekend, and the dining hall was not open for dinner on the weekend. They were in civilians clothes because they were headed out to town to eat, much to the irritation of the Survey Corps soldiers.
“Well, there is that tavern in town we always used to visit-- what was it called, again?” Hange said.
“The Whistling Wind.” Erwin nodded with a smile.
“Mm, their soup is to die for!” Moblit sighed happily; and so it was decided. Sonya was particularly excited, and as she and Hange changed into their civilian clothes, she confessed that she had never been to a tavern above ground before.
“Really?” Hange exclaimed. “Oh, wow-- well, you’re in for a real treat. Taverns in the interior are the best.”
And off they went-- and soon they arrived at the fabled Whistling Wind.
The tavern was lit rather brightly, with candles littering the tables and hung upon the walls and from the ceiling in crude chandeliers. Sonya, in spite of herself, didn’t even attempt to hide her joy at the sight before her; even the taverns above ground were beautiful. During her training, she had never really gotten the chance to explore any towns much. When she and Anna did get the chance to venture off training grounds, it was usually to just retrieve supplies for the troops, so they didn’t get to explore the towns that much-- but they did explore the woods on the way.
It seemed as if everyone in the world were packed inside of the huge space, drinking wine out of goblets, laughing loudly and sharing in the gossip of the town. The smell of cigarette smoke hung in the air heavily, and spills and stains littered the wooden floor beneath her feet, but it was all so romantic to the small soldier. Here was life-- not survival, but thriving life.
She turned to Hange excitedly. “Is this how taverns are everywhere up here?”
“Oh, not really.” Hange said as their group made their way to a table that was unoccupied. “Most of the taverns near HQ are… eh, less high-class, I guess you could say.”
“Evenin’, folks.” A voluptuous red-headed barmaid came up to their table, hand on her hip and rouge on her cheeks. “What’re y’all havin’?” She reminded Sonya so much of Herschel.
“I’ll have whatever is the most popular thing!” Sonya called to her across the table and over the din.
“Meade it is, then.” The woman nodded.
“Wine for me,” Hange said.
“And me.” Moblit grinned.
“Nothing for me.” Erwin said, clearly not as enamored with his surroundings as Sonya was.
“Black tea.” Levi said, eyeing a rather nasty looking stain on the table.
“What was that, honey?” The barmaid asked, clearly unable to hear him.
“I said, black tea.” He said a bit louder, clearly irritated that she didn’t get it the first time.
The barmaid let out a loud laugh at the odd request. “Alright, honey. Comin’ right up.” And she left.
“Oh, wow, look!” Sonya stood up to see above the heads of the crowded tavern, pointing to the other side of the room at the rickety old piano up against a wall. “A real life piano!”
“Have you never seen a piano before?” Hange asked, amazed.
Sonya shook her head. “No, but Alexander-- er, a friend from the Underground showed me what they looked like in this old book he had about taking care of one.” She smiled, remembering sitting on the floor with Alexander as he showed her the plethora of the black and white keys, the little hammers inside the intricate instrument.
“I’ll hum a tune for you-- I don’t think your mother would let you out of this place to see one.” Alexander half-joked, and closed his eyes, extending his hands out in front of him as if the piano were really there. He began humming, his fingers moving curiously, and Sonya had watched him with rapture.
Levi raised an eyebrow at Sonya, while Hange looked as if she had stumbled upon a pot of gold.
“Oh, that’s right! I forgot you were raised in a brothel--” Hange stopped herself abruptly as the drinks came along with the barmaid, who passed them out in awkward silence. The barmaid was a little confused, but left the table when she was finished. “Er, sorry, Sonya-- I didn’t mean, uh, that is to say--”
“Don’t worry about it.” Sonya said through a smile, though it did sting a little, hearing that word. Sonya had only told Hange her situation, back then when she was recruited. She had obviously tried to keep where exactly she was raised a secret; it was enough of an issue that she came from the Underground. If her fellow soldiers knew she was the daughter of a whore…
“Oh, great.” Moblit nodded towards the door of the tavern, where a group of MPs had just entered. While they were in civilians clothes, the veteran soldiers present could recognize them from interactions in the past.
Unfortunately, Sonya recognized one as well: Kurt from the Underground. As soon as Sonya realized that was him, with his coiffed hair and overly-confident swagger, she sunk into her chair, almost hiding behind the huge flagon of mead in front of her. Great, first Hange bringing up where she was raised, and now Kurt entering the tavern? He was sure to embarrass Sonya if he recognized her.
“We should’ve guessed they’d come here.” Erwin sighed.
“There goes our fun night off.” Moblit took a swig of his wine.
“Maybe we should go…” Sonya said sadly, taking a pitiful sip of the sour drink in front of her. She was surprised to find that despite how foul it tasted, it made her feel very warm and fuzzy.
“You give up too easily.” Hange grinned, determined to fix Sonya’s mood. “The night is youn--”
She was drowned out as a chorus of singing began at the table next to them. A group of men, clearly drunk and happy about it, were singing a folk song that Sonya was surprised to find that she knew.
“Love of the woods, love of the woods.
Fills my heart as none else could.
Dear little songbirds there, voice songs that fill the air,
Singing out clearly their, love of the woods.”
The men repeated the song a second time, and Sonya couldn’t help but join in-- that was a song that Alexander had taught her! It filled her with a warmth that almost made her homesick for that little brothel she grew up in. As she sang along, she could almost smell the perfumed air, the smoke from candles and cigarettes. She imagined Alexander, lounging on a couch with her mother--
That left a sour taste in her mouth as she was abruptly brought out of her fantasies. The singing had come to an end, and the drunken men had noticed the pretty girl next to their table singing along with them.
“Hey, pretty lady.” One of them drawled, leaning over to get closer to her. He was old and ugly-- Sonya, being a professional flirter, had no interest in entertaining this man. Funny, she thought to herself, how her first instinct was whether or not she wanted to entertain him. She was her mother’s daughter, she reasoned.
Sonya shrunk back into herself, turning away-- one of the other men, younger and better looking, did not want to lose her attention.
“Uh, hey!” He called. “Do you know ‘Happy Is the Life of a Gypsy’?”
Sonya paused-- she did know that song, and it was one of her favorites. And this boy seemed to be a bit nicer…
“I do,” Sonya said, slipping into performance mode. “But I’ll only sing it if you sing with me.” She flashed him a smile, which she could see was exactly what he wanted. She knew how to play this game-- she had been taught how to win and manipulate it since she was thirteen years old.
“Now, just a minute!” Again, another man-- with brown curly hair and freckles-- stood drunkenly and proudly. “What’s a song without music?” And he made his way over to the piano.
“Oh, look at our regular show-off.” The young, attractive man rolled his eyes, although he was smiling. “Hey, wait!” He exclaimed as Sonya practically chased after him, desperate to hear what a piano sounded like in real life. She bet it couldn’t sound any better than Alexander’s humming.
“There she goes.” Hange laughed, delighted that Sonya was starting to enjoy herself.
“Should we stop her? I mean, what if those guys are bad news?” Moblit said.
“Let her do whatever she wants.” Levi shrugged. “Maybe she’ll tire out faster and then we can leave sooner.”
The curly-haired man took a seat at the piano, and the barmaid who served Sonya’s table smiled in delight.
“Everyone hush up a second; Dimitri is gonna play us a little somethin!” She bellowed, and the entire tavern slowly quieted; it seemed everyone here knew this Dimitri, and loved his music. Sonya stood by the piano, staring at him eagerly.
Dimitri raised his hands, and started to play. The music coming from this instrument was more beautiful than Sonya could have ever imagined-- the sound so full, it enveloped her whole being. She was so wrapped up in the music, she almost forgot to sing.
The handsome young man had made his way next to Sonya by the time the song started:
“Happy is the life of a Gypsy.  Fa-ria, fa-ria, ho!
To the taxmen, he pays not a penny.  Fa-ria, fa-ria, ho!
Happy, back in the woods, away.  Where the Gypsies so often stay.”
Filled with immense excitement and joy, Sonya couldn’t help but want to dance. She turned to the young man next to her, and grabbed his hands, pulling him to the small space reserved for dancing near the piano, and moved her feet in time to the pulsing music while she and the rest of the tavern sang the chorus. A few people even joined in dancing:
“Fa-ria, fa-ria, fa-ria, Fa-ria, fa-ria, fa-ria, ho!”
“My name’s Garrett!” The young man called over the din of the music and the tavern as he twirled a very happy Sonya. “What’s your name?”
Her mother would have advised Sonya to give a fake name-- a name prettier than the one she was born with, to easily indulge the fantasy of the young man before her. The fantasy about the mysterious, beautiful newcomer in this tavern who he would never see again. But this time, Sonya wasn’t interested in indulging any fantasies-- flirting was fun in its’ own rite, but she intended to limit the amount of influence her mother would have on her personal life.
“Sonya!” She said happily, and sang the last verse loudly with the rest of the tavern.
“When one does not have a featherbed.  Fa-ria, fa-ria, ho!
Dig yourself a shallow hole instead.  Fa-ria, fa-ria, ho!
Line it with some moss and leaves. That will then your featherbed be.
Fa-ria, fa-ria, fa-ria, Fa-ria, fa-ria, fa-ria, ho!”
And the tavern erupted in applause and hollering, much to Sonya’s delight. She turned to Dimitri at the piano, who had turned around, and drunkenly bowed to the crowd, obviously enjoying the attention.
“You’re a wonderful dancer,” Garrett said, wrapping his arm around Sonya’s hip in an attempt to turn her back around to him. However, he underestimated how strong Sonya was thanks to her training in the Corps, as she pulled away from him easily.
“Thank you,” She said distractedly, and went over to Dimitri, with stars in her eyes. “Play another one!”
“Oh, sure!” Dimitri beamed. “But only if you give me a kiss.” He said playfully.
Sonya huffed in annoyance. It sure would be nice to enjoy things without the attachment of her being a sexual object to everything she enjoyed.
“Don’t be so sour!” Dimitri laughed, sitting back down at the piano. “I’m only joking.” And he began playing a piece entirely unfamiliar to Sonya. His hands travelled across the black and white terrain of the piano, leaping from chord to chord gracefully. She watched, entranced.
“What are the words to this one?” She asked-- now that Dimitri was playing, the tavern was again quieting down in respect.
“Hm, there are none,” Dimitri said, his eyes closed contentedly. “The music speaks if you listen.”
And Sonya did listen-- she felt the music wrap around her limbs, clutch her heart, and flow over her like a veil. Dimitri took a look at her out of the corner of his eye, observing her knowingly.
“Dance if you want,” He said. “I think you’re dying to.”
That made Sonya smile a little-- she wasn’t sure how he could tell until she glanced down, noticing her feet had begun making miniscule movements almost on instinct. It seemed the music was actually calling her to dance, giving her invisible counts like how Alexander would whisper: one, two, three, four, five, six…
So, with a bit of reckless abandon, Sonya began to dance. She made it up as she went along-- the music would tell her what to do. An arpeggio, she would pirouette; held out chords, and she would slowly move to the next position, her arms gliding through the air. She moved with precise flexibility, every movement feeling as natural to her as breathing. It was so incredibly freeing to abandon all thought-- all grief for Anna, stress about capturing a titan, embarrassment about Kurt resurfacing from her past-- and simply dance, allowing the piano’s beautiful, foreign sound to influence what already came naturally to her.
Dimitri finished playing, and Sonya finished dancing; and all was quiet. It seemed that everyone was stunned, and the lack of response made Sonya incredibly embarrassed and ashamed. Was dancing like that not normal above ground? Was it offensive? Did she look like a fool?
But then-- someone in the back of the tavern began clapping, and then another, and another, until the whole room was applauding Sonya and Dimitri. Sonya let out a little laugh, incredibly relieved that she hadn’t done anything wrong.
“Where did you learn to dance like that?” Dimitri asked, now having joined her side.
“My…” Sonya wasn’t sure what to call Alexander. “My friend from childhood. He taught me.”
“He’s an amazing teacher.” Dimitri said, his cheeks red from all the wine he had drank. With a hiccup, he clasped Sonya’s hand, raising it in the air. Sonya tensed up, almost completely going into defense-mode at the foreign contact.
“What are you doing?” She snapped, but Dimitri only brought their hands down together, taking her with him in an elaborate bow to the tavern.
“You’ve gotta relax.” Dimitri flashed her a dopey smile as they came back up to stand. “If you ever wanna dance again, I’d be happy to play for you.” And he brought her hand up to his lips, kissing her knuckles lightly before stumbling back to the bar to get more drinks.
Sonya felt a blush heat up her face and chest, and as she made her way back to the table with her fellow soldiers, she found that she couldn’t stop smiling. She hadn’t danced in so long!
“Sonya!” Hange exclaimed. “What in the world was that? You were amazing!”
“Thank you!” Sonya put her hands on her cheeks, feeling how warm she had become. “I was so afraid that nobody knew what I was doing or something-- I’ve never seen how you all dance up here.” She laughed, taking a look at Levi; she wanted to know what he thought.
He was taking a sip of his tea, and caught her gaze, surprised that she was looking at him expectantly. Just as he was opening his mouth to speak, a certain someone had crept up behind Sonya and placed his hands on her shoulders in an overly-familiar gesture.
“Sonya, sweetheart!” Kurt exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. “Never thought I’d see you on the surface-- but I guess you did make it through training, after all…”
Sonya whipped around to face him; she would recognize that voice anywhere. She narrowed her eyes as he sat in the empty chair next to her, making everyone uncomfortable.
“Say, Herschel was askin’ me about you,” Kurt continued, well aware that he was being a pest. “She just couldn’t understand why you-- hic-- left! She was real hurt.” He pouted his lip, and Sonya looked away, feeling like she had been stabbed in the gut. She could just picture Herschel, with her dark, silky hair and comforting embrace, sitting at the kitchen table where she taught Sonya how to play and cheat at cards. She saw her mother sitting with her there, smoking a cigarette with the sly smile she shared with Sonya. She missed Herschel-- she even missed her mother. But… she had to leave that awful place.
“Well… I had to get out of there.” Sonya muttered.
“Y’know, I never did get the chance to give you a proper birthday present…” Kurt said, running his finger along her bare arm. Sonya caught that, and made a move to grab his wrist with the intent of breaking his arm, but before she got the chance to, Levi was already standing and had grabbed Kurt by the lapel of his jacket. Despite the height difference, Levi had pinned him up against the wall-- the disturbance caught the attention of the tavern, and everyone looked on in alarm.
“L-Levi!” Kurt exclaimed, surprised to come face-to-face with the infamous Survey Corps Captain in a tavern like this.
“You’re annoying as all hell.” Levi said in a low voice-- Sonya saw that his eyes were dark, and not just because of the lighting. “I’ll thank you not to lay hands on my cadet again.” He let him go, and stood back to give Kurt free passage back to his posse of MPs.
Kurt, despite being inebriated, understood very clearly. He hurried away like a punished dog, and Levi let out a sigh.
“I think it’s time for us to leave.” Erwin said just as the barmaid came over to put an end to what could have been a potential fight. “Thank you for the pleasant evening.” He left money on the table, and the four Survey Corps soldiers exited the tavern without another word.
“Awh, I never even got to eat my soup!” Moblit complained as they walked through the brightly lit streets back to HQ.
“I’m really sorry…” Sonya said, looking down in shame.
“Hm? Sorry for what?” Hange asked incredulously. “Oh-- you mean Kurt? Well, it was Levi’s decision to cause a commotion in the first place,” She cast a playful glare to her friend, “and in the second place, it’s not your fault that creep came on to you like that. I’m surprised you didn’t break his arm.”
“I would have,” Sonya said, and knocked her elbow with Levi’s, “if my knight in shining armour hadn’t come to my rescue.”
Levi sighed, quite annoyed with all this extra attention. “Can we figure out what we’re going to do about food, please? I’m starving.”
“Check it out! A street vendor!” Hange exclaimed, pointing to a small stand, with delicious-smelling steam rising from it.
“Oh, it smells so good!” Moblit cried, and it was then decided that they would be getting their dinner from there.
Sonya got the roasted brussels sprouts and carrots-- they were delicious! She let out an emphatic, “Mmmm!” as soon as she ate one, even though it sort of burned her mouth.
“Oh, can I try one?” Hange asked excitedly, abandoning her vegetable fried rice. Sonya nodded emphatically, and held one out for her to bite. Hange, amused by this strange way of offering food, nonetheless accepted happily. “Ohh, they are good!”
Sonya laughed, wiping her hand on her skirt. “Want to try one? You’ve been eyeing them,” She held one out to Levi, with her signature grin. He glanced at her; he had gotten the fried rice, as well. With a glance at Hange, he knew he would have to accept the food in the same way she had-- though inwardly, he decided it wasn’t all that bad.
With a shrug, he nodded (much to Sonya’s delight). She smiled, and brought the little vegetable up to his mouth, and as he bit down, his lips brushed with her fingertips for just a moment, causing Sonya’s breath to hitch. He held her gaze as he chewed, and raised his eyebrows in approval.
Sonya smiled, glad that he liked the food she liked, and just as she was about to look away, he brought his thumb up to the corner of her mouth, wiping away some of the sauce from the brussels sprouts. Her skin felt red-hot where he had just touched her, and she fought back a blush with all her might. This was definitely payback for her comment as she laid on her bed earlier.
“You’re a mess.” He shook his head. She smiled, and bit the inside of her lip to keep from giggling like a complete idiot. Erwin, Hange, and Moblit pretended they didn’t see a thing.
The walk back to HQ was relatively peaceful, now that they were fed and relatively happy. Hange and Erwin were discussing their debate tactics for tomorrow, with Moblit listening intently at Hange’s side. Levi and Sonya walked behind the three in silence-- Levi staring at the ground, Sonya gazing at all the houses and buildings on either side of them.
She glanced at Levi, and felt she needed to actually thank him for earlier.
“Um, thanks,” She said awkwardly, “for earlier. It was nice to see Kurt scared shitless.”
Levi half-smiled, nodding. “He is an ass.” He kicked a rock in his path, which went scuttling across the cobblestone street. “I know his kind-- so many of those MPs visit the whores Underground.”
Sonya winced at that word; if Hange and the Survey Corps hadn’t come along when they had, she would have been one of those whores forced to pleasure those disgusting MPs. She looked down, avoiding saying anything to indicate that it bothered her.
Levi noticed, though-- he cleared his throat. “You know, my mother was--” He halted, glancing at Sonya who glanced at him. From the look on his face, she understood. She couldn’t help but be surprised.
“Oh.” She nodded. “To be honest, I thought you came from some noble family that bred assassins.”
Levi let out a quick breath through his nose; Sonya assumed that was his way of laughing. “No. I came from the Underground.”
“Oh!” Sonya almost stopped dead in her tracks-- that was incredibly surprising. Although, now that she studied him upon closer inspection, he did carry himself like the gang members Underground; as if he were expecting an attack at any moment, calmly aware of everything on all sides. That was probably why he was such a skilled killer, she thought solemnly. Their conversation had taken a heavy turn-- she hated that. So, she fixed it in the best way she knew how: humor. Sonya playfully linked arms with a surprised Levi. “It’s like we’re made for each other.” She sighed as they ascended the steps leading in to HQ.
Sonya laughed, leaving Levi’s side to follow Hange down the hallway to their room. Before she completely separated from him, though, she spun around to face him once more.
“Oh, and at least I learned some valuable information tonight!” She said happily, hoping he would catch on her hook and play along. With a half-smile, Levi crossed his arms and leaned against the stone wall of HQ-- he looked incredibly sly, standing like that in the flickering torch light.
“And what’s that?”
“I’m your cadet.” Sonya lowered her voice and gave him the most sultry look she had, one that Herschel taught her: draped eyelids, pouted lips, head tilted back and to the side, and for extra emphasis, she placed her hand on the wall next to him, and dragged it down, holding eye contact as she performed the overly-dramatic display of seduction. She laughed at herself, breaking character almost instantly, and spun around, walking back to her room (though she walked a bit more with her hips this time).
And Levi smiled to himself, making his way back to his own room, thinking to himself how amusing Sonya had just been (and how he kind of liked it).
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Tumblr Writers Q&A
Thank you @keeper0fthestars for the tag!! I may be a little late, but I thought I’d answer during some free time today! I know I’ve gotten a few new followers so thank you guys, I promise I’m not always dead :)
1) How many complete fics/one shots do you have that you have not published (yet)? technically 3? one is a multi-parter that i wanted to have more for before i posted, the others are for someone i no longer write for
2) How many WIPS do you have right now? ....at least...um 17+5...22? that is uh, the number i could find. FUCK. okay no closer to 28. several are multichapter that have been started and not finished. i dont want to talk about it.
3) Do you take writing requests or write original ideas, or both? I have done both! original ideas i tend to be drawn to more because im automatically inspired by it, but i do have fun with requests (which are closed rn)
4) If you do take requests, how many do you currently have? currently have 14 requests and i said i would do that but lordie they have been sitting here so long i am sorry. (only some of these are included in the wip question above)
5) How many fandoms do you write for? rn just mandalorian and rdr2 are the main ones (there is another fandom i may start writing for...)
6) Are there any fandoms you wrote for in the past that you no longer write for? star wars and marvel, though technically i still write for star wars just now specifically for mando
7) Do you write for ships, reader inserts or other? Reader inserts!
8) Niche fandoms/characters you write for? i feel like my blorbos are all pretty popular
9) Do you read fics as well as write them? hell yeah. i always try to comment but i’ve been in a bit of low mode at, im trying to get back up <3
10) What is your favorite genre to write for? angst to fluff i think? i tend to do that a lot
11) What is your favorite trope (to read/write)? i freaking love enemies to lovers. reading it for sure, writing i have stuff planned. but its gotta be done right: slow burn or no burn, i say
12) What do you do to get motivated to write? good question, good question. i just gotta sit and stare and think and listen to music and force myself to just put the words on the doc dammit. or ye good olde reliable-->get meg to yell at me
13) Is there a trope/genre you like to read, but not write? i was gonna say heavy angst but some might say i write that?
14) Any characters/fandoms you want to write for that are never requested? maybe?
15) How long have you been writing fanfiction? i think i started...2017?
16) Did you read fan fiction before you started writing? oh for sure
17) Do you only post on Tumblr, or any other sites as well? i cross-post to ao3!
18) What do you personally consider the word counts of “Drabble”, “One shots” and “fics”? drabble less than 1k, oneshot between 1k and 15k (as long as the story told in one go, i’d say it counts), and i always thought ‘fics’ were all-encompassing of one shots and multichapter so...no limit
19) Which do you prefer to write more? HC, drabbles, oneshots/fics, multi chapter stories, other? i think i’d have to say oneshots/fics just bec thats all i’ve really been successful with. multichapter would be the dream but dear lord i don’t have the brain power. i still tryin tho
20) Are there any stories you have discontinued? If so, why? I have some wips i planned that will go abandoned but nothing i have published is discontinued. might take me 10 years, but i want to finish them
21) What is one of your main “pet-peeves” as a writer on Tumblr? i think the main one is that for some reason ‘older fics’ eventually just get,,, lost or ignored. you can still interact with old fics.
22) Do you write at a particular time of day? lolololol. um. who knows. i have done a good bit past 1 AM tho
23) Do you listen to music, ambiance/noise, etc to write or do you need silence? depends on the fic? but i do like to do a song on repeat to keep the vibes for the scene
24) Do you outline your fics at all before writing? if its a multichapter, i attempt an outline. otherwise, whatever happens happens my friend
25) Do you post your writing as soon as you finish it, or do you schedule it to come out at a specific time/day? I have done both, depends on the hour its finished. if i finished at 4 am, i will not post at 4 am.
i shan’t tag anyone this time, but if you want to answer this or start a convo about writing pls do!! i am always interested
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pllsetskyonice · 7 years
@yuriplisetsky is a size queen
Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky
2,900 words
“What are you talking about?”
“Your Twitter? Your thread that spends about ten tweets waxing poetry about the size of my dick? Everyone’s talking about it, the fans are going crazy, I had Victor ringing me up half an hour ago to ask if it was true and if I really had deflowered Russia’s Fairy like that, and I just – what the hell were you thinking, Yuri?”
In which Yuri gets drunk and Tweets some things he probably shouldn't have.
AO3 link
So @94mercy made this post that headcanoned that Yuri gets drunk one night and talks about the size of Otabek’s dick on social media, and I immediately knew I had to write it. Otherwise known as me just wanting to join in with all the hung!Otabek content that’s been coming out of this fandom in recent weeks. 
(Also tagging @daddybek because that’s where this all started back in February)
They’ve been dating for a few months when it happens.
Yuri goes round to Mila’s for a few drinks after practice one day, and they steadily make their way through a bottle of vodka, laughing and talking about their respective partners. The music is loud and Yuri feels all loose and giggly as he reaches for his phone, taking selfies and documenting their escapades on Snapchat. He’s never been this drunk before, so drunk he’s not even sure what order his memories from the last few hours go in, so drunk that he can barely stand, so drunk that the room is spinning.
He sits down and opens Twitter, starting to type. He doesn’t even think about what he’s Tweeting, just starts a thread and keeps on going until he gets it all off his chest. Mila is grabbing at his hands and pulling him up so they can dance together again, and Yuri’s phone lies on the couch, forgotten.
So he doesn’t see what he’s done until morning.
It’s the sound of his phone vibrating loudly on the bedside table that wakes him up. He’s in Mila’s spare bedroom, a small sized room with what feels like the most uncomfortable bed he’s ever slept on, but it evidently didn’t bother him at whatever time he collapsed onto last night. At least he made it into bed, he supposes. That’s an achievement, even if he’s still wearing yesterday’s clothes.
He grabs at his phone, squinting at the screen. It reads 6 AM, and is somehow fully charged, even though he has doesn’t remember plugging it in last night. It’s far too early. Yuri wants nothing more at this particular moment in time than to roll over and go back to sleep to avoid dealing with this hangover from hell, but it’s Otabek that’s calling him, so he supposes that he’d better answer.
“Hello?” he says, his voice sounding all croaky as he unplugs his phone and rolls back onto his back. There’s light streaming in through a gap in the curtains, and Yuri would get up and close them properly, but they’re too far away to deal with right now. Instead, he opts for the easier option: pulling his blankets over his head.
“Yuri, what the fuck?” Otabek asks on the other end of the line. Even in this still half drunk, hungover state, Yuri can tell that this is Not Good. “What were you thinking?”
“What are you talking about?” Yuri replies. He wonders if it’s about his and Mila’s Snapchat stories, but from what he can remember there’s nothing too outrageous on them, just some really bad singing in questionable English to pop songs neither of them like.
“Your Twitter? Your thread that spends about ten tweets waxing poetry about the size of my dick? Everyone’s talking about it, the fans are going crazy, I had Victor ringing me up half an hour ago to ask if it was true and if I really had deflowered Russia’s Fairy like that, and I just – what the hell were you thinking, Yuri?”
Yuri fumbles with his phone, opening Twitter with his phone call with Otabek still active in the background. He doesn’t even need to go onto his profile to see it, it’s all over his timeline. “Oh, shit,” he swears as he scrolls through the Tweets. “I don’t even remember posting any of this. I was so drunk, Beka. So drunk. I’m sorry.”
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
Alright buckle in its gonna be a bumpy ride let me tell you a thing or two about the size of @otabekaltin’s dick
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
I hope you’re ready bc I sure as hell wasn’t the first time I saw it – tho in fairness he did warn me about it beforehand
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
But I’m gonna be honest here and say I had to take a moment when we did somethinh sexual for the first time bc girl, I couldn’t’ cope
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
Shall we talk about the time he fucked me for the first time?
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
After all of the prep (srsly ive never seen so much lube lmao) he finally entered me (is that even the right word idk I’m so drunk rn)
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
I’ve never felt so full in my whole life it was SO GOOD 10/10 WOULD RECOMMEND (although hands off he’s mine)
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
honestly tho I swear the sex gets better every time? He REALLY know what he’s doing with that thing let me tell you
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
I did once ask if he needed a licence for it, he didn’t take it well lmao. Anyway, tl;dr: @otabekaltin’s dick is a godsend and
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5h ago
I am forever grateful that I’ve got to experience such a masterpiece so many different times in so many different positions
Christophe Giacometti @c_giacometti · 5h ago
Replying to @yuriplisetsky, @otabekaltin
Holy mother of god is this true? PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS TRUE
Yuri Angels @yuriangels10 · 5h ago
Replying to @yuriplisetsky, @otabekaltin, @c_giacometti
“Yeah, I figured, from the numerous spelling mistakes and yours and Mila’s Snapchat stories from last night,” Otabek says, sighing. “But that doesn’t make this okay, Yuri.”
“I know,” Yuri says miserably as he continues to scroll through the shit storm that’s taken over his Twitter. “Do you want me to delete the tweets?”
“I’m not sure what good that’ll do at this stage,” Otabek says. “They’ve already been screenshotted and reposted too Tumblr and Instagram and Facebook so many times that deleting the original tweets doesn’t mean that people will stop talking about it.”
“True,” Yuri agrees. He hasn’t checked Tumblr yet but he already feels like the Yuri Plisetsky tag will be trending on there, full of screenshots taken from Twitter and detailed posts discussing it all. Instagram will be full of people screaming in the comments, and Facebook will have people criticising his decision to share this all on the internet for everyone to see. No doubt someone has already put together a compilation video on YouTube of closeups of Otabek’s crotch with Yuri’s tweets edited onto it. “I can’t apologise enough for all of this. I’m so sorry.”
russian fairy @plsetsky · 4h ago
@yuriplisetsky is a size queen
Jenna @xxknifeshoesxx · 4h ago
Replying to @plsetsky
I can’t believe that this is confirmed, what the hell
skate away @quadloop · 4h ago
Replying to @plsetsky, @xxknifeshoesxx
Is it just me that rlly wants to know just how big Otabek is now?
russian fairy @plsetsky · 4h ago
Nah (I mean it might be bordering the slightly creepy territory but still, SOMEONE FETCH THE GUY A TAPE MEASURE)
“I know,” Otabek says. “I’m not happy that this has happened, but it has, so we’ll deal with it – oh no, Victor’s just messaged in the group chat.”
Victor: [multiple screenshots of Twitter threads]
Yuri: …
Yuri: why the hell should we have to explain ourselves to you two??!
Yuri: jesus
Yuri: stop yelling
Yuri: I was drunk and said some things on twitter, it’s not a big deal
Victor: It very clearly is!
Victor: Yakov is going to have your head off over this, I’m surprised he hasn’t called you yet
Victor: If you thought he was mad at you after Welcome To The Madness, then you’ve really got another thing coming
Yuri: I can handle yakov thank you
Otabek: I’d make a joke about how if you can handle my dick you can handle anything but somehow I don’t think that would be appreciated
Yuri: oh my god beka
Victor: You’re right, it wouldn’t be appreciated
Yuuri: Maybe
Yuuri: Maybe it doesn’t matter because they’re both consenting adults and what goes on behind closed door isn’t anyone’s business but theirs?
Victor: Yuuri I love you but that’s not the point
Victor: They’re going to get people going on about this for months, in interviews, in articles, online… it’ll come back to haunt you in five years’ time at a party when someone’s flicking through their camera roll and finds the tweets and is like, “oh wow who remembers when?”
Yuri: alright I get it my tweets are a ghost that’ll come back to haunt me
Yuri: can we all please calm down I really don’t want to deal with this rn
Victor: Is that because you’re hungover? Well you should’ve thought about that before you got drunk and posted a bunch of stupid tweets to twitter!
Yuri: *true, not stupid
Yuri: and stfu victor
Yuri: no one cares what you have to say
Phichit Chulanont @phichit_chu · 3h ago
I’M YELLING pic.twitter.com/t35v5f
Phichit Chulanont @phichit_chu · 3h ago
Someone should get yuri drunk more often this is GOLD
Mila Babicheva @mila_b · 20m ago
Replying to @phichit_chu
I honestly don’t know if I should be apologising or not
Phichit Chulanont @phichit_chu · 20m ago
Noooo! Definitely not lmao I WANT TO KNOW ALL THE SECRETS
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 10m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this banana bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/235g5y
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 10m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this cucumber bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/43qg5
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 10m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this aubergine bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/4gaf35
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 9m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this leek bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/98rga3
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 9m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this can of dry shampoo bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/257g23
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 9m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this chair leg bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/5gsgj1
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 8m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this table leg bigger than otabek’s dic? pls respond pic.twitter.com/43tg83
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 8m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this branch bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/6grg24
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 8m ago
@yuriplisetsky is this tree bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/7gr32t
Yurabek For Life @yurabek4life · 6m ago
Replying to @slicetheice
@yuriplisetsky is this dildo bigger than otabek’s dick? pls respond pic.twitter.com/24gw46
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 6m ago
u ruined it
registered yuri angel no 4525 @slicetheice · 6m ago
gtfo my thread
There’s a knock on the bedroom door and Mila enters, a glass of water in one hand and her phone in the other. Her hair is messy and she obviously didn’t get around to taking off her makeup last night, as her eyeliner and mascara is smudged around her eyes and what’s left of her foundation is decidedly patchy.
“Hey,” she says quietly, walking forward and placing the glass on the bedside table. “Thought you could probably do with a glass of water.”
“Thanks,” Yuri mumbles, reaching for the glass and taking a few small sips. Though his phone call with Otabek has now ended, they’re continuing to text as they both keep an eye on what’s happening on social media. Victor keeps texting him too, and Yakov keeps calling him, but Yuri is ignoring those. He doesn’t need a lecture right now.
Mila shuffles on her feet, pulling the sleeves of her hoodie over her hands. “I’m sorry,” she says quietly, looking down at the carpet rather than at Yuri. “I never should’ve got you that drunk last night.”
“You do realise I don’t really give a shit, right?” Yuri replies. Mila’s head snaps up and she stares at him, brow furrowed.
“What?” she asks, confused.
“I don’t care, Mila,” Yuri says. “Maybe in a perfect world I wouldn’t have posted those tweets and sent the figure skating fandom into a meltdown, and maybe people at Google questioning wouldn’t be wondering why there’s been a sudden increase in people Googling what the average penis size in Kazakhstan is, but it’s not the end of the world. Otabek wasn’t best pleased at first but I think he’s getting over it now. If anything, it’s just given everyone another reason to be jealous of the fact that I’m dating him.”
Mila scoffs, a smile spreading across her face. “You’re something else, Plisetsky,” she says. “Are you going to tell me, then?”
“Tell you what?” Yuri asks, feigning ignorance as he continues to scroll through Twitter. He’s trending, but he’s not exactly sure how he’s supposed to feel about that given the circumstances.
“How big he is, of course!”
“Fuck no. Get out my room.”
“Technically speaking –”
“Did I fucking stutter?”
17 missed calls from Yakov
Yakov: What on earth is going on
Yakov: I hope you have a reasonable explanation for all of this
Yakov: I am concerned about that boy’s influence on you
Yakov: Please answer your phone calls
Yakov: Answer the phone when I call you!
Otabek Altin retweeted
russian fairy @plsetsky · 5h ago
@yuriplisetsky is a size queen
Otabek Altin @otabekaltin · 1m ago
Replying to @plsetsky
Hell yes he is. ;) #yurisizequeen
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 30s ago
Replying to @plsetsky, @otabekaltin
#yurisizequeen CONFIRMED
Worldwide Trends · Change
@yuriplisetsky and @otabekaltin are Tweeting about this
General Election
UK General Election ends in hung parliament
The King and The Skater III
@phichit_chu is Tweeting about this
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve Googled?
Kazakhstan’s Hero
Otabek Altin is now being celebrated for entirely different reasons than the ones you’re thinking of
1,257 Tweets
Yuri Plisetsky
Gold medallist Russian figure skater. Otabek Altin’s boyfriend. Size queen.
St Petersburg
Joined March 2014
Born March 1
Phichit Chulanont @phichit_chu · 10m ago
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 10m ago
Replying to @phichit_chu
I was just showing who I am
Christophe Giacometti @c_giacometti · 8m ago
This whole thing is making my day #yurisizequeen @otabekaltin so how well does he take it?
Otabek Altin @otabekaltin · 8m ago
Now that would be telling ;)
Christophe Giacometti @c_giacometti · 7m ago
Is that code for “I’ve never had anyone take it so well before”?
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 5m ago
Why must I be exposed in this way
Phichit Chulanont @phichit_chu · 4m ago
You exposed yourself
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 2m ago
Yuri: I’m never drinking with you again.
Mila: Yeah, whatever you say
Mila: I will get you drunk again and get you to spill your secrets all over Twitter
Mila: Sure, keep telling yourself that
Mila: So, you want to have a few drinks next Friday?
Yuri: …
Yuri: Fine. I’m in.
Yuri’s been back at his apartment for a few hours, doing nothing more than curling up on the couch and watching Netflix and contemplating if he can stomach food yet when the doorbell rings. He stares at the door for a few moments, confused, because he no one’s told him they’re coming around. Maybe he left something at Mila’s and she’s decided to drop it off when running errands or something. Sighing, he pauses Netflix, drags himself off the couch and shuffles to the door, his blanket wrapped round his shoulders like a cape.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Yuri demands when he opens the door and sees Otabek of all people standing there. “You decided to just hop on the next plane to St Petersburg or something?”
“Um, yeah,” Otabek mumbles, brushing a hand through his hair as a faint blush spreads across his cheeks. With his other hand, he holds up a bag from the local convenience store. “I also got food. Wanted to make sure you were actually going to eat something today.”
Through the thin white plastic of the bag, Yuri spots a familiar label. “You got me Pringles.” They’re one of his favourite foods that he’s not really supposed to eat when he’s training, but they’re also what he really wants right now.
Otabek grins. “I did.”
“Have I told you how much I love you recently?” Yuri asks, making a grab for the bag. Looking like a kid at Christmas, he takes the lid off the Pringles and tears at the paper/foil one, before taking several crisps out of the tube and putting them all into his mouth at once.
“Well, you’ve told the world about how much you love my dick, but apart from that, no, I don’t think so.”
“Oh my god, shut up,” Yuri says through a mouthful of crisps, rolling his eyes. “Come on, get in here.”
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 13m ago
Look who flew all the way from Almaty just to be here! ♥♥ pic.twitter.com/36uhghefh5
Otabek Altin @otabekatlin · 12m ago
Replying to Yuri Plisetsky
It’s good to be back. ♥♥
Christophe Giacometti @c_giacometti · 10m ago
I bet it is ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yuri Plisetsky @yuriplisetsky · 10m ago
Oh yes ;)
321 notes · View notes
undercovermcdfan · 7 years
the calm before the storm | prologue 1
title: travis: 3:56 am, Saturday
summary: what should you worry more about: why the lake is so still or what will cause the ripples of chance? Zombie AU. Travlyn. Lucidenza. Vylance.
a/n: This is the prequels to the MCD/Mystreet Zombie AU I’m finally writing. This is just story and character set up, as well as asserting what would the main couples to the upcoming main series. You don’t have to read this to get into the main story but it would be nice if you read and reblogged.
warning(s): mild violence, zombies, pining, character building
prologue: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
main series: —-
Check it out on AO3
The funny thing: the end of the world didn’t happen all at once.
No, in actuality, he—like everybody else—watched as the world they knew slowly but surely get devoured by the End. Denial and delayed panic was what killed society, he remembered Laurance would say; how so many of them didn’t want to see, so they all played and clung to the words of those in higher power would sort this out.
This isn’t some regular ‘crisis’. Fucking look—those shots were definitely going through and they keep getting back up, keep walking.
The video was freaky. Some nondescript warzone, far far away his little off-campus apartment, as bulky soldiers took aim at a tattered-clothed woman who limped with a lifeless gait. The noise was almost hard to pick up between the gun shots, but low, gut-twisting moan, animalistic and inhuman coming from the woman. The video continued, the woman finally goes down but where she falls, descended from alleys and further down the road.
He shouldn’t be scrolling through comments, because they always unnerved him more than the video himself. People chiming in and linking posts, more videos, foreign articles, etc. of ‘proof’ that whatever was going down overseas wasn’t another exotic disease to spook flyers from traveling out of the country.
He clicked another tab, scrolling over his timeline—and it’s like another mind frame, people peacefully oblivious and instead enthusing about how excited they were for the upcoming summer, their plans, rants about some T.V. show. Maybe they’re like him, quietly reading and researching and losing sleep over the possibility of a horror movie scenario come to life. Maybe they didn’t care. He glanced at the notification of a new direct message, from a smiling woman, though her smile was reserved, with blue hair and giving a peace sign as her icon.
He wasn’t completely alone in this. Finding weird solace from a person he didn’t think he would find, the serious looking Katelyn from the theatre course they taken in fall together—clicking the message, she linked a couple of articles with a following message:
I couldn’t sleep. Sorry. – 5 mins ago
In the dark, only lit by his phone screen, Travis chuckled.
              DW :)
              I couldn’t either lol
              Been watching that video you sent yesterday— like is that forreal??? – secs ago
He clicked the articles she sent.
They were all the same; different politicians who say Nothing to worry about yet their actions show the opposite, as ‘outbreaks’ of ‘riots’, cities declaring state of emergency and quick federal government actions. Small time local news who report who uptick in rabid cases were reported and safety precautions to watch out any animals who could carry the disease. As well as Mayor Malik updated the curfew, initiating tomorrow at midnight.
Their friendship blooming out over paranoia over the possible end wasn’t what he had in mind when he stumbled across her late night links to some strange and obscure website five months back. She deleted them an hour later but… it didn’t stop him or his big mouth from asking, “What the hell was that last night.”
There was a moment of embarrassment flash in her eyes, her shoulders squaring in a defensive position as she turned herself fully towards him. “Do you really want to know?” Her tone asked a different question, one trying to gauge how serious he was. He nodded.
And it went down from there.
She didn’t say they were friends, but soon their discussion over the weird things they dug up turned to casual talk—and the causal talk, in real life and online, turned into something every day. It almost became their thing, as they started to withdraw from other people. They chatted about what if scenarios, plans and as the months showed more, more and more cases of this epidemic, they started to stockpile supplies.
              How did shooting range go with Jeff today? – secs ago
Her icon appeared with ellipses.
              I don’t think I’m cut out for guns. – secs ago
Travis hummed, acutely aware of the way his smile widen and the turn-around with his mood.
              Well it would be unfair if you were perfect at everything :P
              I kid I kid; all u need is practice, blue
              did that ivy chick tag along too? –secs ago
A moment passed.
The eclipses appeared. Then disappeared. Then reappeared.
              I’m starting to think this license was a mistake haha
              And yeah. Yknow, you should come along next time
Jeff is pretty good teacher.
And it was last time– three mins ago
He stared at the message longer than needed, as if doing so would decipher a hidden message. It didn’t—but it was worth a shot, pun intended. Lately, despite the possible end of the world being imminent that spurred this doom-prepping fanaticism within them, he wondered if she was catching the hints.
Of course, their friendship was sincere. As well as his panic and general anxiety about the stately affairs of the world.
He was but a person, nonetheless. And sometimes, shallow feelings turned into actual feelings saddled up next to that friendship borne of strange circumstance. True, he was scared to gamble away what they got—but the curiosity took hold like a cat.
              I was hoping it was the two—Delete
              Jeff doesn’t have to—Delete
              Sure :) when’s the next time you’re free? – secs ago
The eclipses appeared immediately.
              Tomorrow afternoon. Around 1 pm. We can meet up at the rec center in city.
              You know Aphmau, right? She wanted to come along
              Apparently her bf is on the same force as Jeff and she wanted to take some lessons
              Is that okay? – secs ago.
Well, at least three won’t be the crowd he had to worry about. He pursed his lips, his eyes lighting up as his slight frown returned into an almost devilish smirk.
And ofc Ik Aph!!! We took a history class together
              She’s terrible at work citing but man
              Her cooking tho
Tho huh im sad to hear she has a bf now lolol – five mins ago
Then Katelyn’s typing begun again.
              Why are you sad to hear that –secs ago.
              Becauseeeee. She was a cutie.
              Well duh, she’s beautiful
              ….but why do you care if she has a boyfriend or not?
              Why do you care if I care? lolol
              I don’t.
              Answer the question.
              Uh oh
              Ur using periods at the end of ur sentences
              Interesting – six mins ago
Katelyn’s typing stopped. Then started, much less disappearing and reappearing of the eclipses now.  
              What’s that suppose to mean?
Travis smiled. He could see his two options clearly—and though, the one funniest one would lead her to giving him the cold shoulder, the temptation to his sleep-denied mind was too great.
              Ur annoyed @ me
Katelyn shoot back:
              Why would I be annoyed
Travis laughed.
              A little jealous that I’m not calling you a cutie? –fifteen mins ago
              Uk Im kidding rite? Aph isn’t my type lolol
              Im just messing with you
              ….hmmm i rlly pushed it didn’t i? lol
              well im going to bed but before I gooooo pls remember
              I like u best :) – eight hours ago
              Like u best too – message unread
66 notes · View notes
raechelpapaya · 7 years
4, 10, 17, 27, 40, 46, 47, 49
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms?
Not really?
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
Uhh besides the two BNHA fanfics I wrote, I don’t really write much for BNHA. I also haven’t read as much from them but whatever
Also FE Echoes? I’m really into the game rn but like… I haven’t posted anything ever. I am desperately searching for fics tho because i am s t a r v e d of them for FE Echoes. I need more fics on the RGB boys u_u
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite?
27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries?
Uhhhhh both? But titles more, since summaries aren’t that bad but coming up with eye catching titles suuuucks
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing?
Action scenes, trying to properly convey emotions, eliciting emotions from the reader, coming up with engaging/witty lines…. the list can go on
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?
Right now I’m really fond of my BNHA Todoroki/Yaoyorozu fanfic? I just really like the way it all came together and the pacing of it. I at least think I had a decent
For anyone who wants to read it, you can find it hereee http://raechelpapaya.tumblr.com/post/162363132760/series-boku-no-hero-academia-my-hero-academia
47. Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why?
Tumblr, just because I’m here like all the goddamn time. But I should really move everything to AO3 just for cross posting purposes and accessibility but i’m a lazy piece of shit
49. Do you care if people comment/reblog your writing? Why/why not?
I like it when people reblog my writing?? because I can see it like “oh! this person liked my writing enough to want to share it with other people!” and also it just helps spread my work more compared to likes? And comments make me happy because I need feedback to know how i did and what i can improve pls
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