lordoftherazzles · 2 years
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“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings
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lordoftherazzles · 2 years
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No blade can pierce it...
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lordoftherazzles · 3 years
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Requested by @thewritingdoll  ↳ heroes never die, unsecret
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lordoftherazzles · 3 years
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Kind of Requested by @shutupthorin ↳ glory, jamie n commons
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lordoftherazzles · 2 years
A request from @i-did-not-mean-to​ centered around our favorite soft dwarf, Ori!! I’ve placed this little one shot in the AU-verse of “Bookbinder//Songwriter”, as we’ve not met him yet in that fic, and I’m excited for the day he does make his appearance!! 
I hope you enjoy this little one shot, my friend! And thank you so much for your love and support ALWAYS.
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Peace and quiet was a hard thing to come by within this house. So when those few moments of silence truly hit, Ori knew he had to make the most of it. If it wasn’t Dori’s fussing over the usual–how the house looked, what Nori was up to, if Ori was focusing on his life goals, etc–then it was Nori’s constant shenanigans. Both of Ori’s brothers were loving, just as they cared for one another, but they were like night and day most times, and that could make for a very loud environment.
Especially when they were already loud to begin with!
Ori was typically stuck in the middle or sitting on the sidelines whenever those loud discussions happened, or whenever there was chaos of another sort unfolding, but nine times out of ten he wouldn’t have it any other way. Now, if he could just get Dori to stop smushing his cheeks as if he were five again, that would be lovely!
Silence. It was perfect for concentration. Ori had been working on setting up a proper portfolio with his drawings and design work that often were made into all sorts of different crafts. There were crochet and knitting patterns, but where his talent truly shined was with a pen. A beautiful pristine white stylus that grazed its way across a digital drawing pad with ease, guided by Ori’s steady hand and bright imagination.
Art was Ori’s niche in many forms. Weaving, drawing, and even a little bit of poetry on occasion, but where it truly mattered were the lines. That’s where this portfolio was coming into play. To compile a collection of drawings and new examples that might one day launch him into the big working world of animation and design. For now, Ori would just have to suffer working at the local tailor shop with Dori and using this quiet time to work on one of many side projects.
Or that was the hope until it all shattered with a yell that Ori should have been expecting.
“Little brother!”
The grimace that crawled across Ori’s face was inevitable as his head ducked some, clutching his tablet close to his chest and whining something fierce to himself. Again, he loved his brothers, but his brothers loved him just a little too much to leave him alone.
“Of course I’d find you holed up in your cave,” Nori’s overly cheery voice rang out as the door flew open. An auburn-haired storm was rolling through the house, sporting a wild grin and even wilder ideas, as always.
“Hi Nori,” Ori greeted with a voice that oozed patience, even if he didn’t feel it on most days.
“Working on something important, I wager? Or something perhaps naughty? Is that why you’re clutching your tablet so close to your chest?” One brow arched, Ori blushed, and Nori considered that a mission accomplished.
“No! Nothing like that, why do you always assume–” Ori bit the inside of his cheek, head still ducked and face aflame. “You’re teasing me…and I should know better.” Uncurling from himself and pulling the tablet away from his chest rather gingerly, Ori showed off his current project. A landscape piece with many colorful flowers of different shades and shapes.
“Oh, that is really nice.” A genuine response.
“Thank you. I’m trying to put together my portfolio, any exposure–and before you say it, not indecent exposure–is good.” Setting the tablet down and frantically moving a few papers from his desk before Nori’s ass decided to land on them, the younger brother of the household couldn’t help but huff a bit at the sudden seat occupied on his desk.
“I have some decent exposure work for you if you’re interested! It’s time to break out the ol’ needle and ink again–”
“For the last time, I am not signing your name or your initials on Dwalin’s…backside.”
“No, no, not that, though one day. But, a new fella is easing his way into the little Desolation group. Thorin’s found himself a new man.” Nori’s brows waggled with mischief, a grin on his face and a twinkle in his eye as he gently kicked his legs and looked far too amused than he should have with someone else’s love life.
“I’m not signing his name either,” Ori teased, knowing full well that Thorin was far more reasonable with things like tattoos. Though maybe not piercings from what Ori had heard over the years. “What’s he like?”
“Short, but he’s assertive and feisty beneath that little sweater vest of his. Perfect for ol’ Thorin and a far cry from the string bean he was with before.” Which was good news, indeed, and the sentiment was shared between the two of them with a small nod. “He was asking us to recommend a guy to do some ink, and of course, I have to promote my little brother.”
“I’m not an actual tattoo artist…you got me the tools and told me to have at it…”
“You’re the only one I know with a steady hand and can do great lines. I mean, look at your landscape there! Anyway, I don’t know, maybe you could work out a deal with him? He and his mother own the new bookshop on the corner of Main, perhaps there’d be a place to display some of your pieces? Or promotional work, advertising, whatever it is you want to call it.” 
It didn’t sound like a bad idea. As Ori had said, any exposure was good, and to have people outside of the web see his designs and get a taste for them, put a small fire in his chest as he glanced down towards the landscape he had been sketching. 
Worrying his lower lip with his teeth for a moment, Ori finally then lifted his gaze and seemed to mirror a bit of Nori’s confidence in his expression. “That’s the best idea you’ve had in a long time, so long as he’s not wanting something…crazy complicated that he’ll have to suffer with for the rest of his life, I mean.” Ori was an artistic sort, but even his creative style knew no bounds. You couldn’t exactly erase the lines of a tattoo as you could a digital one.
“I doubt he’ll go for anything too crazy. Doesn’t seem like the type, but, I’m glad you’re on board. I never fail when I say ‘I know a guy’, though in this case, I know the best guy.” Nori reached over to ruffle at Ori’s hair, which earned a small lean away in defiance before the older of the two was on his feet. “Say, once this is all done and over with, now that we have Thorin settled on his happily ever after, I’d say you’re next!”
“What? No, no that’s okay…I can manage that myself…” Ori sputtered a bit, unwilling to look Nori in the eyes so that the more sly figure could catch him within a lie. “I’m far too busy right now to worry about that anyway.” Though Ori would not be mentioning the cute barista he had spotted during one of his many frappe runs. What was her name again…? Mari? A pretty thing with dark hair like the earth, and a smile that shined like the sun.
“I’m here!”
“Are you sure? It looked like you were on your way to outer space with that thoughtful look on your face. Is there something you’re not telling me?” Something in Nori’s tone was suspicious, but far be it from him to needle any further…for the moment.
“No, I’m fine. Just…thinking about landscapes, which I really need to finish if I’m going to have this portfolio put together sometime this year at this rate…”
“Alright, if you say so, but remember, you can tell me anything that’s on your mind. Even your deepest darkest secret.” Nori was well aware that something was amiss, and his words and voice hinted at such, but considering it was Ori, it likely had to be pretty mild–whatever it was. “And if you need help out of any trouble…I know a guy.”
“As always.”
“Nori! What on earth is this THING in the front yard?” Dori’s voice barked from the floor level below.
“It’s called artwork! Use your eyes!”
“It’s bright and plastic and doesn’t match my peonies! It’s not ARTWORK. Where did you even get it? Are you stealing from the neighbors again?”
“For your information it’s Dwalin’s!” Well, more like Dwalin’s neighbor’s.
Ori sighed. Just another day at home and another quiet moment come and gone–and he wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Though now that he was thinking about it…that coffee shop was pretty quiet…and had quite the inspirational view.
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lordoftherazzles · 3 years
Can I you write something on jealous thorin! I am dying to read something like that... Like Bilbo going somewhere and getting flirted by someone (except elves and dwarves) for example by a normal handsome person. And even Bilbo is attracted and stupified by his elegance and his slender body.
Thank you so much for this prompt!! I love writing a grumpy guy. This one was a lot of fun for me and gave me an opportunity to explore a "during the quest" setting! I hope you enjoy it!
prompt "I do believe our burglar has a type,"
word count 2175
relationship(s) thorin oakenshield/bilbo baggins
character(s) thorin oakenshield, bilbo baggins, the company of thorin oakenshield
additional notes this one was insanely fun for me, that's all I gotta say! I'm LOVING these prompts and ideas you guys are giving me!!
Thorin didn’t like Lake-Town.
Namely, the Master and his greasy little sidekick, but they were given more of a welcome and more accommodation than the bargeman had been able to secure. The sooner they were out of here, the better, but there was still a bit of time before Durin’s Day, and there was no need to camp aimlessly outside of a hidden door.
Celebrations and the promise of riches for all had kept spirits rather high, except for Thorin’s. He had tried to put on a mask, the type that was reserved for social affairs that he hadn’t been a part of since he was a much younger lad. Thankfully this was nothing like the social gatherings that had been held between Erebor and Dale once upon a time.
There was that stench of stale ale in the air, as well as fish, but that seemed to sum up Lake-Town entirely. Thorin sat near the end of one table, tapping his fingers against the wood as his glare seemed to be burning into the back of someone at the second table that housed his company.
Feeling an elbow jam into his own, a scowl formed on his lips as Kili wedged himself to sit at the table, sitting far too close for Thorin’s comfort. “Why the long face, Uncle?” Kili chimed, a small slur to his voice as he had a mug in one hand and the other hugging onto Thorin’s arm. At least the alcohol was keeping the younger dwarf from grimacing every single time he took a step. That shot to Kili’s leg had been bound, but certainly not healed.
“I’m fine,” Thorin insisted with a growl before Fili wedged in on his other side.
“You don’t look fine to me. I know that look. You’re angry.” Fili nearly had a sing-song tone to his voice, but at least he didn’t reek of ale as Kili did.
Another nudge at Thorin’s elbow had the leader of the Company squishing in on himself so that he wasn’t bumping elbows. It was a failed effort.
“Could it be because a certain someone has his attention fixated on someone else? I do believe our burglar has a type,” Fili gave Thorin’s arm a comforting pat, not trying to sound teasing whatsoever. Though the same couldn’t be said for Kili.
“What? Tall, dark, and broody?” Kili sputtered out with a laugh, spilling a quarter of his mug across the table. “Though, I do suppose Uncle could be considered tall for a dwarf!”
Thorin’s face was flushed, be it by both anger as well as embarrassment as he felt his ears burn. He couldn’t let his eyes tear away from Bilbo’s back, or the small nods of fascination that seemed to come from the hobbit as he was engaged in deep conversation with one of the Lake-Town locals.
A tall fellow, dark hair wedged beneath a hat and a beard that surpassed even Thorin’s own. Not that the dwarf was examining this fellow that much, but he was one of the more reasonable fellows to look at in this fisherman’s town. Never before had Thorin been concerned about his appearance, not like this, and yet here he was, idly reaching a hand up towards his shorter beard and scrubbing at the coarser hairs that didn’t measure up to any sign of beauty among dwarves.
“There is a solution in all of this, Uncle. You could just go over there and sweep the burglar off his feet for yourself?” Fili offered up, trying to sound helpful, but he was fixated with a glare that told him to snap his jaw shut.
“I am not bothered if Mister Baggins chooses to socialize during our stay. I will not tell my company who they may or may not speak with.”
“Yeah, but it’s what we do with those we speak with that may capture more of your attention, right?” Kili jammed his elbow into Thorin’s arm again. “Or rather, one specific person. You couldn’t give a whit what Fili or myself do while we’re here, or Dwalin or Nori, but you get my point. However, when it comes to him, you care.”
“I do not care,” Thorin insisted once more, feeling like a tightly sealed vault full of feelings instead of gold.
“All we’re saying is that if you’re waiting for the right moment to make your move, it’s probably now. Or someone is going to beat you to it.” Fili always seemed to be slightly more mature one of the two nephews, but his words were just as unwanted as Kili’s.
“You’re both wretched little creatures and the topic will cease, now.” Thorin’s stern tone seemed to ward off more harassment when it came to Bilbo, save for one parting statement.
“Alright, we’ll sod off, but I gotta say, green just isn’t your color, remember that.” Fili gave Thorin’s shoulder a fond pat before moving to fish his younger brother away from the table with no small amount of difficulty. That wound, accompanied by a few mugs of ale, didn’t make it easy for anyone to toddle off.
Thorin was left to his own devices, tapping his fingers again against the table as he stared and simmered and let the words of his nephews influence that agitation brewing on the inside. Just what did Bilbo find so appealing about this fellow he was chatting and laughing with? What sort of stories could a fisherman in this drab place have to tell? So yes, Thorin was jealous, almost on an embarrassing level. It made him even more agitated to feel this way, but then again, these were feelings that he hadn’t felt before.
Life had been hard and duty-bound for so long, and where Thorin Oakenshield had assumed he had seen it all, he was now being sent into an uncomfortable frenzy over some butterflies in his stomach. It made his insides hurt, but there was a quest to focus on, and the rest could wait until after. A mountain was far more important than his silly little love life. Once he reclaimed his homeland, surpassed the expectations of those around him, and set Erebor back on the path to greatness-
Oh, who was Thorin kidding? Bilbo would be long gone by then.
It made a sinking feeling enter his stomach, tearing at those angry butterflies as he dropped his head some. What was more important? Pining? Or extreme focus on winning a mountain? If he let this go, would Thorin ever truly be focused on the quest at hand?
Swallowing thickly as he lifted his eyes to catch a lingering hand at Bilbo’s back, whatever tentative stare had dared to glance towards Bilbo was snuffed out in favor of a roaring blaze of a glare.
Jolting up from his seat and rounding the table towards the next, Thorin held zero hesitation to land a hand next to where Bilbo was leaning on the table - dreamy eyed and seemingly enamored with this fisherman fellow sitting next to him. “Master Baggins, if you don’t mind I’d like a few moments of your time.” Bright blue eyes darted towards the tall fellow who looked rather perplexed at the sudden dwarf’s appearance. “Alone.”
Bilbo gave a small wave of dismissal, “I best take this conversation, though I appreciate the fine stories you brought. You don’t want to see this one in a bad mood,” Bilbo teased, clearly indicating that Thorin was temperamental and unpleasant and- well, maybe he was right. The hobbit shifted in his seat as he and Thorin were left alone, staring up towards the standing dwarf and looking rather delighted - much to Thorin’s dismay. “What’s so important now, Thorin?”
“I did not expect for you to be such an obvious flirt,” Thorin grumbled, a bit of displeasure to his tone as Bilbo’s face twisted to more surprise than anything.
“Me? Oh, that?” Bilbo had a grin twitching on his lips. “Does that bother you?” Bilbo twisted in his seat, looking over towards the bar where his previous company had sauntered off to. “He is rather attractive, isn’t he? A bit rugged looking, with long locks to die for, and quite a nice beard.” Bilbo rubbed the air around his chin as he was describing said beard, eyes darting to the corners as he barely caught Thorin’s frustration in his sights.
“I suppose.” Thorin hissed between his teeth, shifting in his boots and wondering just how far a chair could sail if he kicked it.
“Though I prefer blue eyes, myself. His were brown, and he wasn’t a dwarf. A moody dwarf, specifically.” Bilbo spoke as he patted the seat next to him. “Do you wish to join me, Thorin Oakenshield?”
Thorin was certain his jaw could hit the floor as he stood there and felt his face heat up. Bilbo looked entirely too content and pleased while he stood there like some red faced fool. “I...I beg your pardon?”
“I was wondering how long it would take you to stomp over here instead of huffing over there. Thorin, if you think you’re subtle, you’re not.” Giving the seat next to him another pat, Bilbo used his free hand to claim the stein before him once more. “You’ve been staring at me all night, and ever since we escaped Mirkwood for that matter, but I wasn’t going to bring that up.” And yet he had.
Thorin stood there dumbstruck for a moment before slowly sinking into the seat next to Bilbo’s own in silence. Gnawing at the inside of his cheeks for a good moment, the dwarf wasn’t entirely sure what to say. Had he truly been that obvious? Thorin thought himself a rather reserved fellow who was decent at schooling his emotions and expressions. Perhaps he wasn’t nearly as good at that craft as he assumed. “And all of this was just for show?” He asked quietly, finally daring to look towards Bilbo at his side with extreme caution.
“Really, Thorin…? Are you truly this dense?” Bilbo’s laugh sadly was not contagious. He was an observant sort, at least for the most part, so as he noticed Thorin’s face turn a touch redder, Bilbo quieted down before nudging Thorin’s arm a bit and dropping his voice. “I simply figured you had enough on your mind without adding myself to the mix.”
Which was exactly what Thorin had planned on. Win the mountain, secure Erebor’s future, and then the rest would follow. Well, as he had told Balin before, plans changed.
“Plus, watching you squirm between your troublesome nephews was rather amusing.” Bilbo grinned proudly.
Thorin’s brows furrowed slightly as he shifted his gaze and felt a little bit of that embarrassment start to flow away from his face, though still rosy cheeked. “You’re as considerate as you are cruel, you know that?” Purposely driving that jealousy to a point where Thorin couldn’t stand it anymore.
“I’ve been called worse,” Bilbo reached up just as Thorin leaned down, latching his hands against both of those braids that lined the sides of Thorin’s head, giving them a small tug before both of them came to a pause at bumping noses and foreheads. “Ah, Thorin?”
“Are you truly wanting to ask me a question right this second?” Thorin murmured, bright blues focusing on the hazel ones that were so incredibly close to his own.
“Well…” Bilbo started before his eyes flickered to the side, which caused Thorin’s own to shift, following Bilbo’s gaze.
A table crowded with dwarves all staring with amusement and all the cheekiness in the world.
Thorin pulled back slightly, fully turning his head to face that company of his with a small sigh escaping his lips, but he didn’t look nearly as put out as one might expect.
“Don’t make me come over there and smash your heads together!” Dwalin barked over the table, earning a chorus of laughter - and even a small huff of amusement from Thorin.
Bright blue eyes shifted to meet hazel eyes once more. “I don’t fancy being entertainment for anyone,” he started while sliding from his seat, “save for you, Master Baggins.”
That low murmur just about sent Bilbo melting into the floorboards as a large hand engulfed his own. “I should have started flirting with others a lot sooner,” Bilbo chuckled before being fixed with a look as he too was slipping from his seat.
“I would be most obliged if you saved your flirting for me. Alone. Away from this miserable audience.”
And boy did he not have to tell Bilbo twice. The hobbit followed one a step or two behind Thorin, one of his smaller hands still gripped in a larger dwarven one, and honestly, propriety and expectations could go hang themselves. Bilbo didn’t give a whit at the groans and catcalls that followed during Thorin and Bilbo’s retreat, but no doubt there would be more conversation to be had in the morning over breakfast...
...Or perhaps second breakfast. Bilbo had a feeling that sleeping in tomorrow may be inevitable.
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lordoftherazzles · 3 years
Thorin being a stubborn dummy with 11+30 mayhaps?
I hope you're having a wonderful day; remember to try and stay hydrated and well rested 💚
Ahh!! I enjoyed this one too! I got to play with a little silliness in what might have seemed like a serious prompt. Stubborn Oakenshield and his "I'm fine" nonsense. Thank you so much for giving me this!!
prompt “Are you hurt?” “No.” “Then why are there bruises all over your face?” & “Let me bandage you up.”
word count 1506
relationship(s) thorin oakenshield/bilbo baggins
character(s) thorin oakenshield, bilbo baggins, fili, kili
additional notes two prompts in one! i love it!
translation(s) Ibzig zu - damn you
“Ibzig zu!”
Bilbo’s ears twitched sky high at the sound of the King Under the Mountain shouting something fierce from afar. He didn’t understand the words spoken, but he understood the angry tone with which those words had been shouted.
Hazel eyes lifted from his book as he had been wandering back towards the royal chambers, Bilbo was nearly run over by a pair of fleeing brothers who looked pale in the face. “Hold on now,” Bilbo spoke as he was nearly shoved into the wall with their passing. “Just what did you two do this time?”
“Can’t stop! No time to talk or he’ll skin us both alive!” Kili squeaked, being tugged along by Fili.
“You’re damn right I’ll skin you both alive!” Thorin barked, his voice growing closer and closer. It was a miracle the whole mountain didn’t shake by how fiercely he was stomping his boots against the ground, storming after his nephews.
“What did you-” Bilbo had started, only to be completely ignored as Fili and Kili continued their escape, leaving the hobbit confused and rooted to the ground.
This was another normal day for the Line of Durin, wasn’t it?
“Insolent little vermin!” Thorin growled as he finally came into view, dabbing a small handkerchief just below one of his eyes. 
Bilbo’s face scrunched up a bit more as he snapped his book shut and made an approach. Was Thorin crying? Oh, no, there were small splotches of red on that white handkerchief, but it wasn’t completely stained, so that was...something positive, he supposed. Still concerning all the same. “Are you hurt?” He asked rather blandly, knowing the stubborn and defiant response he would get in return.
“No,” Thorin grumbled, blinking a few times as if trying to ward off some foreign dose of pain that surrounded that injured part of his face.
“Then why are there bruises all over your face?” One smaller hand pointed to where small doses of color were starting to blossom on the skin of Thorin’s face. Red and angry, with a touch of purple, it certainly didn’t look like the dwarf was in pristine condition. 
“Because I have two nephews who have no concept of acting their age,” Thorin finally pulled the handkerchief from below his right eye, revealing an impressive looking welt, as well as a cut through the skin in the shape of a half-circle. Partially, anyway. 
“Oh...Thorin, that’s…” Bilbo stammered for a moment, adjusting the book in his arms to cling at his chest as he wasn’t sure whether to laugh or go into worrywart mode. “What happened? Were you not entertaining a few nobles from the Iron Hills?” Surely those dwarves of Dain’s wouldn’t have anything to do with this. Even if they were fond of their war goats and other livestock.
“I was. That is until those two thought it would be hilarious to send a pair of war goats into the meeting room after giving them a scare- It’s not funny, Bilbo!”
Credit to Bilbo for not outright laughing, but he was stifling a cackle behind twitching lips. It was a look that Thorin had grown to know and usually appreciate. Now was not one of those times.
“Of course it’s not funny. I’m just...trying to figure out how you ended up...like that!” Bilbo couldn’t contain those cackles for much longer. His stomach felt as if it were curling in on itself and he bent his knees as laughter escaped his lips. It wasn’t so much that Thorin was now sporting a shiner that had been given to him by a goat, but the fact...that he had been in a position to get clobbered by a goat in the first place. 
Thorin scowled, immediately placing the handkerchief back over the worst of his sustained injuries and passing by Bilbo with no more than a huff.
“Wait! Come on now, don’t be like that. Let me bandage you up.” The hobbit had whirled on his feet, he was quick and able to catch up to one thunderous King Under the Mountain, and he had done well to push back his amusement in favor of concern. “Are you sure you’re alright?”
“I’m fine,” Which was always a code for ‘I’m not fine’ or something of the like.
Bilbo let it be for a few moments as they walked, acting as nothing more than a shadow right at Thorin’s side as they made it to their royal chambers. Watching as Thorin flung off his crown with carelessness - which was very unlike him - Bilbo felt his heart clench a little bit. It was never amusing to see Thorin in such a foul mood, even if the reasoning behind it had given Bilbo a small chuckle.
Fili and Kili sure were going to get it, weren’t they? If Bilbo knew anything about these royals, they were not so easily willing to admit defeat. Not to mention, where did those boys learn a great deal of their childish behavior? It certainly hadn’t all come from Dis!
“Sit down, I’ll get you patched up and you’ll be good as new when you go to throw Fili and Kili down the mountainside.” Bilbo insisted proudly as he set his things aside and went to gather a few things necessary to get those little bruises and that cut taken care of.
Bilbo half expected to be met with defiance, or perhaps it was just convenience that when he returned to the sitting room, he found Thorin doing exactly as he asked. Sitting. Still annoyed in facial expression and posture, but at least sitting was one thing they wouldn’t have to fight over. 
“You don’t need to fuss. It’s just a few bruises. Time will heal those.” Thorin grumbled from where he sat on the loveseat, his arms crossed tightly over his chest with one hand still gripping fiercely at that splotched handkerchief. “Though throwing them down the mountainside sounds beyond pleasant.” He tacked on with a hiss as Bilbo took a seat next to him.
“I’m sure your sister would disagree-”
“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her.” Thorin huffed.
“I have a feeling she’d know. Now look at me,” Bilbo was careful to dab a damp cloth at the already swelling little scuff under Thorin’s eye after directing the dwarf’s face more towards him. “What did you learn today, O’ King Under the Mountain?”
“That Erebor will once again fall to ruin once one of those two takes the throne?” 
“Thorin…” Bilbo warned.
A heavy sigh of defeat escaped the dwarf, eyes looking upwards as Bilbo continued to rub gently at the wound. “Never get behind an excited goat to try and usher them out of any room. They kick.” 
Another stifle of a laugh came from Bilbo as he pulled that damp cloth away and truly examined Thorin’s face. “It’s not that bad. Give it a few days and you’ll be right as rain. Though a bit of this stuff from Oin will help. He says it helps the bruises heal quicker, and I’ve just saved it since the last time you had wounds that needed treating.” 
“In preparation for the next time I get myself into trouble?”
“Just like your nephews.” Bilbo teased while now dabbing a little bit of floral scented salve across those little bits of color that lined part of Thorin’s face. “There. I won’t place a bandage on any of these to spare your pride, but do keep from rubbing at them. Especially the cut.” 
“Aye,” Thorin slumped in his seat a bit, arms folding and still looking a tad annoyed, but that would go away in time. So long as he didn’t actually try skinning his nephews or throwing them down the mountain, then all would be just fine. 
“Now, tell me, before the goat fiasco, how did your meeting go?” 
A heavy sigh sounded off from the dwarf, not wanting to recount the minutes before he’d been clobbered in the face by a hoof and filled with unbridled rage against his kin. 
“Alright, alright. We don’t have to get into it now. Just relax, you can grumble to me later.” 
“You can count on it.” For now, it was best to get rid of one headache before launching himself towards another. “Just as Fili and Kili can count on payback.” 
“Oh, Thorin, you’re not going to stoop to their-”
“Durin’s folk do not flee from a fight,” Thorin advised while shifting his gaze to the corners of his eyes, a ghost of a smirk starting to pull at his lips. 
“You’re just as bad as them- or rather, they’re just as bad as you!” 
“I’ll get them while they’re sleeping…” Thorin plotted quietly to himself, earning exasperated sighs and no shortage of eye-rolling. It was very clear where Fili and Kili got their childish side, and to think that this dwarf was the king!
“You’re impossible…” And yet Bilbo loved him for it, no matter how ridiculous Thorin Oakenshield, and his kin, may be. 
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lordoftherazzles · 3 years
Hello! If you take inspiration (and you like the idea) could you write something where Thorin and Bilbo cuddle up on the sofa, head on lap, one stroking the other's hair? I just love that kind of stuff xD you are absolutely amazing, and I love all your writing! ❤
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King and Lionheart by LordOfTheRazzles
Kingship was not fun and games at all.
It was a lot of hard work, sleepless nights, and not knowing your social life for days on end. These were things that Thorin dealt with day in and day out, but it was all for a good cause. Erebor was finally back on the map, no longer was it scorched and undesirable. But thriving and something to aspire to be like.
Thorin couldn’t take all the credit though. Several other names deserved a portion of the credit, but none as great as Bilbo Baggins. Burglar. Diplomat. Consort. He was a hobbit of many titles. 
Thorin had named him the official diplomat of Erebor just after he’d woken from his temporary slumber thanks to the wounds from the Battle of the Five Armies. If only because the hobbit knew how to handle negotiations and foreign policies far better than Thorin, but he was also passionate about seeing the dwarves back on their feet. Erebor would be in a better spot going forward than it had ever been under Thror’s rule and the others that came before him.
Speaking of his Consort Under the Mountain...
There was some incredible guilt welling up in the pit of Thorin’s stomach as he was walking quickly and quietly back to his chambers. This was the fourth night in a row that he had been up to his eyeballs in paperwork and working out the kinks of future negotiations with dwarven traders from the Iron Hills. He’d skipped out on a dinner planned with Bilbo, and tried hard every night not to jostle the hobbit awake when plopping into bed. Some nights were more successful than others.
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lordoftherazzles · 3 years
This prompt was a request given to me over discord by @tawarwaith! I had fun taking a different sort of turn with this dynamic, and look, it’s not Bagginshield centric! Though it makes an appearance, because this is me.
prompt the white gems of lasgalen aka what could have happened post-botfa had thorin survived and opted to clean up thror’s old messes.
word count 2481
relationship(s) thorin oakenshield/bilbo baggins (not the focus)
character(s) thorin oakenshield, thranduil, bilbo baggins, balin
warnings none
additional notes when the big kids play nice together everyone wins
Thorin could feel his stomach twisting into knots the more he stared at those beautiful gems that had once been scattered about. Swallowing thickly as he rubbed at his eyes some, the dwarf let a heavy sigh escape his lips.
“Something wrong?” A voice from behind asked, resulting in Thorin straightening his back and trying to wipe his uneasiness from his face.
“When the elves come to visit, usually there is,” He muttered in response, not wanting to gaze over his shoulders towards Bilbo, knowing full well that he would be met with that look of concern that had been part of what drove Thorin to even agreeing to such a ridiculous meeting. There was bad blood between Thorin and Thranduil, and even though they needed to put petty grudges behind them, Thorin didn’t want to be the one to bend his knee.
Yet he was going to, for the sake of his people and a better future. It would be one less worry on his shoulders, and perhaps there would be better opportunities for both Erebor and Mirkwood? It was a noble thought, one that a king should be considering. 
“You’re the one who chose to do this, Thorin. I find it quite admirable that you’re willing to put aside this petty war between yourself and Thranduil, but...if it truly makes you that unhappy…” Bilbo’s voice trailed, but he never approached closer to Thorin’s turned back. 
A small huff of amusement left Thorin’s lips though as he placed the necklace in a very familiar wooden box, closing it carefully and pressing down the gold latches that helped keep that box closed. “Well, if you hear war at our doorstep again, you’ll know just how well it went today.” Thorin sounded amused at the very least, even if his stomach was threatening him with something fierce. Reliving breakfast was not at the top of Thorin’s list of things to do today.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to be there? Just in case…” Bilbo remained stationary, but as Thorin turned with that box hugged close to his chest, the hobbit couldn’t help but feel his lips curve upwards. He truly was proud of his dwarf. 
“It will be fine, Bilbo. I can handle Thranduil all on my own, contrary to popular belief.” 
“Alright, well, once things get underway, I’ll be just a holler away.” Bilbo gave Thorin’s arm a fond pat, knowing full well that his dwarf’s hands were occupied, but that didn’t stop him from accompanying Thorin out of the treasure hall. “Can I say how proud I am of you, again?” Bilbo murmured as they walked, heading towards a meeting room that had been set up for Thorin and Thranduil alone.
No guard, no diplomats to speak on their behalf, just a meeting of two kings and many others outside the room crossing their fingers that another war wouldn’t be on the way.
“Considering you’ve told me this about four times this morning alone, now five, I doubt it will hurt my feelings if you say it a few more times.” Thorin chuckled as they finally came to a halt. Balin was waiting outside of the meeting room looking as antsy as possible. Ever the demeanor for an advisor who would have to clean up whatever mess Thorin made if he stepped one metal-capped boot out of line. “If you’re going to tell me to hold my tongue and take this meeting with at least a shred of decorum, you need not waste your breath.” 
“Aye, laddie, that would be nice, but I also want to wish you the best. Making amends with our elven neighbors was something Thror never dreamed of or felt capable of. You truly are a king to admire.” A single pat landed on Thorin’s arm before those twinkling eyes of Balin’s moved to the doorway. “Time to host the Elvenking. This gives Mister Baggins and I a chance to discuss your upcoming ceremony!”
Bilbo groaned like an adolescent who had just been scolded about not doing his chores.”Please, no. I have been poked and prodded by Dori enough about what finery I would feel best in. Can it not just be a simple thing?” Hazel eyes looked towards Thorin, pleading for help as Balin had taken one of the hobbit’s arms gently. 
“Would you prefer to run off with no witnesses and just marry in peace?” Thorin teased before catching a glance from Balin.
“That’d be nice, yes!” Bilbo spoke over his shoulders before being tugged off, leaving Thorin to a meeting that he had been dreading.
It was time to get this over with.
Thorin inhaled and exhaled deeply, mentally reminding himself that this was a good idea. This was his idea, no less, and that it could only get better from here. 
Shouldering his way into the room, Thorin was slow to enter to start. Bright blue eyes landed on another set of blues that looked back at him upon his entry. As agreed, there was no one else in the room, and after a few seconds of staring, no snide remarks had been made. 
So far so good.
“Thank you for coming,” Was all Thorin could start off with as he moved and placed that wooden box with the golden clasps onto the table. “And for the private meeting.”
“I’ll admit, I was surprised at the invitation and intrigued,” Thranduil spoke up, chin held level and eyes studying the dwarf in the room. He couldn’t keep himself from eyeing that box though, for he knew it well. It had been snapped in front of his hands once before. “Though I have to wonder who the real mastermind behind all of this is?”
Thorin felt his jaw clench for a moment as he moved to take his seat across from the Elvenking. “No one is pulling my strings if that is what you are asking. This is an idea of my own and one that’s been a long time coming.” Decorum, manners, Thorin knew how to play with those things, and rather well! He had been raised as a royal before Smaug, and those were habits you just didn’t forget. 
Thranduil seemed to contemplate this, not showing much emotion on his face to keep his thoughts to himself. It was how most conversations between leaders went, you didn’t want to let your opponent find any weak spots, and Thorin Oakenshield had plucked a nerve back in Mirkwood as it were. No doubt the dwarf found enjoyment in that, but there would be no satisfaction given today - especially when it looked like there was something Thranduil wanted on the line. It kept the Elvenking in high spirits, not that his expression showed as much. “I’m listening.”
Thorin swallowed thickly as he scooted the wooden box over a little bit before unlatching the gold clasps, but not ready to reveal the gems that they both knew were sitting on the inside. It couldn’t be as simple as that. Talk about an anticlimactic meeting if that were it. His brows furrowed as he fixed the elf with a frown and a stern look. “Thror denied you these once. It was cruel and I wasn’t the only one who thought so. To deny someone a bit of memory of a loved one...there is no greater crime.” 
But Thranduil denying aid to the dwarves was also cruel, but that went without saying. 
“I am sorry it’s taken so long for these to come back to you, but I will not speak ill of my kin and their fierce protection of these gems either.” Wrongs were committed on both sides of the line, but now...things were going to be where they belonged. “Everyone was at fault…”
The dwarf in the room dropped his gaze, staring at that wooden box and feeling his grip on the corners of that box tightening. “Petty grudges and bad blood need to be left behind. On behalf of my people, and namely my grandfather, Thror, I give these back to you in hopes that we can move forward instead of backward.” Finally scooting the box forward and opening up the lid, a bright set of gems were revealed - gems that Thranduil had longed for.
You could finally see it in the elf’s face.
“The White Gems of Lasgalen…” Thranduil uttered as his eyes seemed fixed on the gems in the box. He’d been deceived once regarding these gems, so instead of reaching a hand out to claim what was his, those blue eyes of his looked towards Thorin and narrowed dangerously. He was waiting for the same disrespect that Thror had given him, after all, even Thranduil had declared Thorin as being just like his grandfather. He would not be humiliated by this line again. 
“I’m not going to deny you them any longer.” Thorin must have seen the uncertainty, as well as the slight glare that had come his way. “Take them.” Thorin inched the box forward again and then slid his hands behind his back.
It would be like...well, someone taking something precious from him. He would have fought tooth and nail to get it back, and Thorin understood that these days. His homeland had been taken, he’d been denied that closure for far too long, and now that he had it back, it was as if a tremendous weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. No one deserved to be denied like he had - not even the Elvenking.
Thranduil reached and finally snatched those linked gems and looked at them in his hands. He treated them like the most fragile of glass as he eyed them before clutching them close to his chest. The elf was lost in thought as his fingers rubbed across the intricate gems he held close. His eyes had closed and a small frown had tugged at his lips, the memories all too vivid of the great loss that still impacted him to this day. Not to mention how that loss had impacted Legolas. That thought made his brows furrow, the silence in the room was appreciated as emotion grew overwhelming.
It was uncomfortable and it was so foreign, for Thranduil often kept himself composed and cool and unwilling to show his weak spots. His fingers tightened around the gems as his eyes pried open and looked towards Thorin who had shifted his gaze away to allow the elf a moment to collect his thoughts. “Thank you.” It felt as if a long-lost piece of himself had been slotted into place, having these gems back. The faintest of curves tugged at those elegant elven lips, and upwards for that matter.
Who would have thought that any meeting between Thranduil and Thorin could result in any sort of smiles that had nothing snide behind them?
All Thorin could do was offer a small nod of acknowledgment. They didn’t need to get into any sappy thank yous as they were not the sort to immediately be chummy over the returning of some gems. Thorin knew that just as well as Thranduil did. Regardless, this was a step in the right direction. “For what it’s worth…” Thorin had started, but instead of going down the road of something more complimentary, he opted for a small snort, “you can keep the box.” 
“You’re generous.” Thranduil huffed in response as he seemed more composed and placed the gems back into that wooden box, carefully closing the lid and sliding it into his lap as if to protect it.
“Sometimes.” Even Thorin was amused, even if he didn’t show it much. “Now, I think there’s still time to talk negotiations between Mirkwood and Erebor…”
“Indeed, I should have brought wine.” 
“Next time, perhaps.” Which was amazing in itself, declaring that there would ever be a next time. “You bring the wine, I’ll bring the scones.” Or rather, Bilbo would.
It was history in the making. Relationships between Erebor and Mirkwood hadn’t been mended entirely. It was a step in the right direction and no wars had been declared. Or even spoken of! Thranduil had taken his gems and the meeting had adjourned after a little bit of chatter about what goals each would like to see for their respective kingdoms. While it was a good step forward, Thorin found it exhausting.
Petty grudges would be left behind, but he still wouldn’t forget the things that had transpired between dwarves and elves. How could he? Just as Thranduil would likely never forget what Thror had denied him for so long.
Thorin had retreated towards his chambers after the meeting, allowing Balin to escort their elven guests out the gate in order to give Thorin a small reprieve. He had always been grateful to the other dwarf, and that wasn’t about to change.
However, the king was intercepted rather quickly and hadn’t even made it close to the Royal Wing of Erebor. 
“So, I hear no wars were declared,” Bilbo’s voice spoke up from behind as the hobbit was jogging to catch up. There was a proud little look on his face. “This is good news.”
“It is, yes. Things aren’t perfect, and they never will be, but at least we can rest easy knowing we won’t have yet another elven army on our doorstep.” 
“For now, anyway. Until you two find something else to bicker about for the next three hundred years.” Bilbo looped his arm through one of Thorin’s as they fell into a similar stride.
A bit of silence drifted between the two though as they walked comfortably, arm in arm and feeling content to just be at peace. It was one thing off the checklist of things to do, and it was one less thing that Erebor as a whole needed to worry about. Mending relationships with potential allies was good for the future, even if Bilbo knew well that there would be the occasional squabble between leaders. It would be concerning if there wasn’t.
“I’m proud of you, and I’ll never stop saying it.” Bilbo murmured, squeezing Thorin’s arm. “But next time I’m tagging along. Outsiders like to see these miracle moments, you know.”
“Alright, if you insist. Thankfully we’ll have plenty of time between now and then. You’ll just be bringing the scones next time.” Thorin hummed at the thought of delicious desserts, even if they were to be presented at a meeting between dwarves and elves of all things. Pros and cons, of course.
“Will you ever get over scones? I almost regret ever introducing them to you…” 
“Make them blueberry.”
“...If you insist,” Bilbo sarcastically drawled in return, mocking Thorin’s words but a few moments ago. In truth, they both knew that scones would be present. After all, gems had prevented war this time, perhaps a few blueberries could keep the trend going at the next meeting of powers.
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lordoftherazzles · 3 years
If you're still taking prompts, bilbo and thorin being exasperated by each other's families? ("What have I married into?" "You have no room to talk, I married into the TOOKS.")
I absolutely adored this prompt, it made me cackle as soon as it floated into my inbox. I knew what I wanted to do with it right away. I hope you enjoy!
prompt "What have I married into?" "You have no room to talk, I married into the Tooks!"
word count 1618
relationship(s) thorin oakenshield/bilbo baggins
character(s) thorin oakenshield, bilbo baggins, fili, kili, dis, drogo, primula
additional notes let them eat cake!
translation(s) amrâlimê – my love
Anniversary parties were supposed to be fun. Thorin knew that, Bilbo knew that, and anyone who had any concept of celebrations knew that. It was Thorin and Bilbo’s one year anniversary, and you can bet that no one in the Shire was going to celebrate in half measures.
The same would have been done in Erebor, there was no escaping it.
What had started out as the idea of a quiet evening at home, certainly had turned into anything but. Drogo and Primula were to blame if you asked Bilbo, and yet Dis was to blame if you asked Thorin. At the end of the day, both Bilbo and Thorin had come to agree that it was a group effort to throw a large party in honor of Hobbiton’s most notable citizens.
Thorin had become something of a hobbit himself after opting for an early ‘reshirement’ away from the mountain, abdicating the throne and his nephews following suit. That meant Erebor’s seat of power had gone to Dain. Based on the occasional letter that came flying in from Erebor, the mountain was doing just fine, and no doubt Dain was creating no small amount of headaches for Thranduil and Bard in the long haul.
That always brought a small grin to Thorin’s face.
“This is not what I expected,” Bilbo finally voiced as they stood near the ledge of where the party had been set up, jostling the dwarf from his thoughts. Lights and decorations littered the party field, and even part of the large tree just off to the side! It was a grand spectacle that neither Thorin nor Bilbo had any part in helping with. Aside from showing up, of course.
“Nor I,” Thorin agreed quietly as they looked more like outcasts than the guests of honor. “What happened to a quiet dinner for two at home?” As stated, they both knew the answer.
“Do you think anyone will notice if we don’t stick around long?” Bilbo asked good-naturedly while jabbing his elbow into Thorin’s ribs.
“It most certainly will be noticed!” Primula chimed as she approached, Drogo on her arm and both wearing bright smiles. “You’ll not be sneaking away from this one. That goes for both of you. We spent far too long planning this, and I think all of Hobbiton will be present!” Prim exchanged looks with both Bilbo and Thorin. These were the relatives of Bilbo’s that were most enjoyable. 
“Is Mirabella bringing her famous lemon bars?” Thorin asked like an excited youth, earning a small sigh from his husband. 
“Do you ever not think about sugary foods?” Bilbo wasn’t actually annoyed. In fact, he was more pleased that those relatives of his were getting along with Thorin quite well. No one seemed to look at him differently just because he wasn’t from these parts - or a hobbit. “Though her lemon bars are to die for, I will give you that.”
“Now, lemon bars can wait. Please go mingle once more people arrive. They are all here for you, you know!” Prim chimed yet again, far too pleased with her good work today to be the slightest bit sour.
“Or you know, they’re here for the food,” Drogo teased at her side, earning a look from both Bilbo and Prim in unison. “What? It’s true. It’s why I go anywhere.” 
Well, who could argue with that? The promise of a good party and free food.
“Oh! Prim, look! The cake! Another one of Mirabella’s masterpieces!” Drogo was already pulling Primula off, leaving Thorin and Bilbo to their own devices. 
Though the hobbits weren’t the only ones mesmerized by some ridiculous looking cake with multiple tiers that would probably give Bombur and his baking skills and run for his money. Fili and Kili were sticking near wherever this cake was going, being shouted at by Dis and ultimately causing some sort of loud yelling match. All in love though, that was just how...their family seemed to be. It was all in good fun but left Thorin shaking his head.
“You’d think at this age they would learn,” He mused, finally offering Bilbo his arm as if to give the silent invitation to work the party. 
“You didn’t, why should they?” Bilbo replied cheekily, more than happy to take Thorin’s arm, even if the idea of being in the thick of socializing with all of Hobbiton made him want to turn right back around and head home.
“We should have just stayed home.” Bilbo grouched as he sat slumped in a chair and watched the madness unfold. It wasn’t that the party was bad, but he hadn’t done this much talking since...well, probably since he returned to Hobbiton with a dwarf in tow after those thirteen months he’d been gone.
“It’s not that bad,” Thorin idly remarked, taking a sip from his mug that had been filled...oh about twice now. It was starting to make him numb and tingly to the social ongoings of the evening.
“Fine, let me rephrase. I should have stayed home.” A proud sniff came from the grumpy hobbit who was more keen on grouching than inhaling food and drink like everyone else. 
“You need to lighten up, it is our anniversary, unless you’re beginning to regret that just as much as this party?” Thorin finally let out a grumbly sigh of his own as he looked towards Bilbo, arching a brow and noticing that no longer Dis, Drogo and Primula were out in the grass dancing among other hobbits. That should have been a red flag in his mind.
“No! Of course not, I just…” 
“Bilbo! Thorin! My lovely brothers who are constantly avoiding conversation out here,” Dis chimed as she approached with two plates in her hands. Pieces of white layered cake sat on those plates before they were placed before both Thorin and Bilbo. Dis took her seat to the side, crossing one leg over the other and looking...a little too amused.
Thorin knew that look. He’d known it since Dis was but a little pebble that could barely speak. She was up to something.
“Don’t look at me like that, Thorin. I just want you both to have a decent evening. Everyone’s been rather delightful, and put their best effort forward to ensure you both had a night to remember. Even that Sackville-Baggins woman, oh...what was her first name? Lo...something.”
“A disease,” Thorin coughed before dropping his gaze from his sister to the generous helping of white fluffy cake that sat before him. If ever there was a dwarf with a bigger sweet tooth, it would be a miracle. 
“Brother, before you dive into that cake, I have to ask. Do you remember how back when Fili and Kili were young, whenever their birthdays would roll around and we presented them with any whipped sort of sweet you would generously dunk their faces into said dessert?” Because Thorin was the fun uncle when the boys were young, right? Frerin likely would have done the same thing.
“I do-” Thorin had started, but that was all he managed to say.
“Uncles!” Fili and Kili both practically screeched, though in unison with a call from two other voices.
“Happy anniversary!” Drogo and Primula, also from behind.
Far too many sets of hands landed at the back of Thorin and Bilbo’s heads respectively, pushing down and getting far too much satisfaction at the sound of a face being smashed into a whipped pastry. 
Bilbo was the first to lift his head, blinking through the whipped frosting and clawing his fingers at his eyes while sputtering nonsense. The laughter from those behind him were far too loud, but quite contagious. 
“You look good enough to eat, Uncles!” Kili cheekily commented as he patted one hand on Bilbo’s head, and one on Thorin’s - who also was trying to claw cream from his eyes.
“What have I married into?” Bilbo whined, but there was a small chuckle in all of that.
“You have no room to talk, I married into the Tooks!” Thorin retaliated while finally getting a good look at his frosting covered other half. 
“And the Bagginses, don’t forget them!” Drogo pointed out rather chipperly before being swatted by Bilbo. 
“You look absolutely ridiculous, Thorin. I hope you like scrubbing sugar out of your beard!” Bilbo took the remainder of the cake and frosting that his own face had been smashed into, promptly sending a handful of the rather ruined pastry into his husband’s face. 
And here Thorin had just gotten the frosting cleared from his eyes!
“I told you this would put them in higher spirits.” Dis of course sounded way too pleased with herself before ushering her sons away and taking her leave as well. “Best leave the messy children to their games.” She cooed in a motherly tone before ruffling the curls on both Thorin and Bilbo’s heads.
Neither of the men could find themselves annoyed, even with their faces full of frosting. 
“Oh look at you…” Bilbo reached forward and tried wiping a bit of that frosting away from the bright blue eyes he so adored. 
“Me? Look at you.” Now that the dwarf could actually see again, Thorin was pleased to appraise the hobbit before him. “I’ve never been more excited at the idea of taking food to bed-“
Bilbo swatted at his husband rather quickly. “I know you have a sweet tooth but try to mind your manners. At least in public.” There was a gentle warning to Bilbo’s tone, but he genuinely couldn’t find a single thing to be grumpy about anymore. “Happy anniversary, love.”
“Happy anniversary, amrâlimê.”
One year down, and many happy ones to go.
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lordoftherazzles · 3 years
"Your smile is beautiful. I want to see it more often..."
Because a truly smiling Bilbo is rarest than mithril and we need more of it 😤
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King and Lionheart by LordOfTheRazzles
Bilbo’s face had dropped some, but his eyes continued to linger upwards as his voice was finally found again. “It’s nothing. I just remember having something similar back in the Shire. The kites, I mean. And fireworks. All sorts of bright colorful things that told anyone with eyes that the seasons were changing.”
Thorin knew that tone of voice, for it had been present in his own not so long ago. A longing for home, and the disappointment of knowing that it was just out of reach.
Blue eyes drifted upwards once more to take in the sight of those kites. “I take it the Shire was very lively, weather permitting?”
“Very much so! You’d not go a week without seeing some sort of party or celebration, that is for certain! Any opportunity to swap food, stories and entertain...well, we hobbits are simple creatures, I suppose,” Bilbo explained, looking a fraction more enthusiastic than he had before. It was concerning to Thorin, for he knew what homesickness looked and felt like.
He wouldn’t wish it even on his worst enemy.
“I see.”
“But weren’t we here for something else? Dori wanted me to pick up some fabrics while we were out, if possible, and I know I want to say hello to Bard before we go.” But the remaining agenda for the day was lost to Thorin as he gazed, mulled and plotted to himself, carefully going through the motions and not giving a whit about the true purpose for gracing Dale with his presence today.
Observations and talks of trade could go hang themselves while more important duties needed to be tended to.
Bilbo was homesick.
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lordoftherazzles · 3 years
“I know you don’t feel great, so let’s stay in today, okay?”
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King and Lionheart by LordOfTheRazzles
“Once you finish up and I get dressed we can head out towards the market as planned,” Bilbo sniffed while sipping away at his hot tea, which was regrettably the only thing he was putting into his stomach right now. That was one of the big key signs that he didn’t feel well. Pushing aside the idea of food, it was almost worrisome, which had caused Thorin to pause.
“There’s nothing in the great Shire rulebook that says you have to head to the market every other day, Bilbo,” Thorin spoke a little more sternly, a half-eaten slice of toast in his hand and eyeing Bilbo carefully with a look that was recognizable. Concern, determination, and perhaps a little irritation. “I know you don’t feel great, so let’s stay in today, okay?”
What was meant to be a nice verbal gesture to keep Bilbo indoors and in a state of rest had only caused the hobbit to grow even pricklier than normal.
“Oh, figured that out, did you? Was it the constant sneezing, or the puffy eyes?” Bilbo snapped, rubbing his eyes and resting his elbows on the table.
There was a small pause, Thorin chewing very slowly as if mulling over his next words very carefully. It was more like Thorin to just speak his mind or put his foot in his mouth, whichever seemed to apply, so this had Bilbo squinting.
“More like...your attitude, but those were very good tell tale signs of your not feeling well, too.” Thorin spoke, no hesitation whatsoever, but a curve formed on the corners of his lips as he finished off his toast before moving to start the clean up process, passing by Bilbo and placing a kiss to the top of his grumpy head.
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lordoftherazzles · 3 years
A Thorin POV
“Okay so maybe I didn’t see that coming.”
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King and Lionheart by LordOfTheRazzles
It wasn’t to say that Thorin didn’t fit in with Shire life, because he absolutely could! It was just an adjustment, and most of those in town seemed rather patient or intrigued by the former King of Erebor gracing their little slice of paradise out here. Especially the young ones. Maybe that’s why they often looked out for Thorin when he was by himself? It was becoming a chore to get the dwarf inside on most days. He was often sharing (edited) tales of adventures he had been on or old tales that his own parents told him when he was a dwarfling, and it kept the young ones ensnared.
Though, perhaps the tall-tales needed to be a little less tall and a little more realistic.
Thorin sat looking towards the fields and paths just beyond Bag End, always enjoying a pipe on the bench outside, but the sight was more amusing than anything. People watching was a very interesting hobby to keep, and watching a bunch of young fauntlings try to reenact the ‘Quest for Erebor’ was quite something. Especially from Thorin’s point of view.
“Thorin? Did you really tell them I faced off a dozen orcs by myself before the eagles showed up to save us?” Bilbo sighed, rubbing at his head some while the constant chants of youngins arguing over who to go to be Mr. Bilbo in their game seemed to echo across the entire Farthings.
“Okay. So maybe I didn’t see this coming.” Thorin shrugged nonchalantly, all too proud for his version of the tale. “I built it up some, sure, but that’s just good storytelling.”
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lordoftherazzles · 3 years
Maybe a fic prompt (if you wanna do it)? I was looking at one of your gifs (they're stunning btw) and I was thinking of something like Bilbo admiring the view and saying "This is stunning" and Thorin agreeing but while gazing at the hobbit? This is kinda cliché but I feel it would be very cute. Also your writing is superior, I love it ( ꈍᴗꈍ)ノ✿
Ahhh!!! I love this prompt so much @nerdymeatball13 , and I'm sorry it took me a hot second to finish, lots of things piled on me at once but here we are!!
prompt "This is stunning"
word count 1789
relationship(s) thorin oakenshield/bilbo baggins
character(s) thorin oakenshield, bilbo baggins
warnings none
additional notes they're so schmoopy and I love them
The worst was over. The Battle of the Five Armies had been something to both mourn and celebrate. Many lives had been lost, but the good that came from that outweighed the bad. A close scare came with the Line of Durin, but by some miracle or nothing short of divine intervention by Mahal himself, Thorin, Fili, and Kili all managed to pull through. It was a blessing that no one took for granted, especially the victims themselves.
Thankfully, that was several weeks ago. It was still tough for Thorin to be on his feet, but with enough stubborn resistance, he had managed to ward off most of those constantly fussing over his bandaging and stitches. Oin never let him out of bed for more than an hour at a time, but it was more freedom than Thorin had felt ever since he’d been carted back into the mountain with nearly half of his insides trying to spill outside. 
This was one of those particular hours that he was allowed to be up and wandering around. He’d set aside all paperwork and kingly duties for the sake of a simple walk in hopes that it might clear his mind. Between recovery and trying to do as much as possible to help in Erebor’s reconstruction both literally and as a power, Thorin felt bogged down. There was little time for much else, and his mind had been growing more and more muddled as the weeks went on. A mind that was constantly in worry of what the spring months might bring as they were growing nearer and nearer.
Bilbo had opted to stay considering the winter months had settled in, which was a smart move versus trying to brave any snowstorm, but it was still up in the air if the hobbit had truly planned to head back west towards his cozy little smial, or if...by chance maybe he wanted to make Erebor his new home. It wasn’t something Thorin brought up. Yes, they had made amends, even more than that, with sweet somethings having been uttered occasionally back and forth, but it wasn’t the picture perfect romance that Thorin had been dreaming about lately.
Love was nice and all, and even better when it wasn’t one-sided, but to remain unknowing as to where it might lead? That was a nightmare in itself. It was a lot for Thorin to think about, and while he didn’t want to pressure Bilbo and flat out ask if he intended to stay or go, it was starting to eat away at the dwarf little by little. It’s what this walk was to help him with. To clear his head and hopefully return to his sickbed with a mind for papers and numbers.
What had led him towards one of the worst places in all of Erebor during this calm walk of his? The ramparts were a miserable place, but it gave you a good view of the stretch of land between Erebor and Dale, and not even Thorin could ignore what a sight it was. Snow covered and untouched, it was hard to imagine the brown and red blood stains that laid beneath it from a war not too long ago.
What he hadn’t expected was for someone else to already be out here and staring just as he wanted to. A head of dark golden curls that Thorin had been trying to clear from his own headspace. 
“Bilbo,” The dwarf greeted casually, gaining a small glance from the hobbit as they stood side by side with at least a small gap between them.
“Good morning, Thorin. How are you feeling?” Bilbo was polite as ever as if nothing had changed, and while they were on good terms, didn’t this place...bother the hobbit? At all? 
“I’m feeling alright,” No one wanted to listen to Thorin complain about how sore he might be or if he had a bad sleep last night, so he left it at that. Besides, the less whining he did, the sooner Oin would get off his back. 
“That’s good. Every day is a little bit better, it seems.” 
“Indeed,” It was an awkward conversation all over again. Thorin folded his arms behind his back and just let his eyes drift towards the snow covered land before them. A bit of that snow had collected on the ledges of Erebor’s structure, he could only imagine how lovely it might look from a different angle. “You looked to be deep in thought, is something on your mind?”
Bilbo finally pulled all of his attention away from the scenery and offered Thorin a small wave of his hand. “Oh, just thinking about the Shire. We get snow there too and it’s nice, but...there’s just something about this that’s different.” 
Thorin’s heart could have sunk right into the ground right then and there. Bilbo was longing for home, wasn’t he? Those rolling green hills, even in the middle of winter, had to be far better than an ice cold mountain that was barely able to be called a kingdom. Finally deciding to toe the line of truths regarding Bilbo’s intentions, Thorin kept his eyes forward. “I’m sure you’ll be ready for the snow to clear sooner rather than later. It makes for bad travel weather…” 
“Hm, it does, but I’m not exactly eager to go anywhere so quickly. You’re just getting back on your feet. Oin can’t handle barking at you to sit still all on his own now, can he?” Bilbo teased, seeming to be in higher spirits than Thorin ever would be on these ramparts, and with the idea of Bilbo’s departure looming in his head.
A small breath of amusement did escape Thorin though, finally removing his hands from behind his back and placing it on the stone before him. “I think I can manage to sit still, but your constant reminders have helped these past few weeks.” His fingers twitched, tapping against the stone in anxiousness that wasn’t overly normal. Considering everything that Thorin had been through though, he supposed he was allowed a little bit of shaky behavior and anxiousness.
“Something’s troubling you,” Bilbo observed. It wasn’t a question, but a fact that was being pointed out far too easily. “What is it?” Placing both hands around one of Thorin’s arms, Bilbo honestly couldn’t get enough of these small gestures of physical contact, even if he was a tad anxious himself when it came to initiating them. 
Regardless of the comforting touch around his elbow, Thorin wasn’t sure it did anything to soothe his poor frayed nerves. Those nerves were exposed as soon as Bilbo was able to peg that something was bothering him and the words just started tumbling out. “How can you stand to be here?” Specifically, right in this very spot. “After what happened, how can you stand here and…”
Throw him from the ramparts!
How could Bilbo be here? How could he have forgiven Thorin for the wrongs he had done and a life that had been threatened? How could Bilbo not be whining and clawing at the first opportunity to head back to the safety of the Shire? These were the things that had been bothering Thorin, and being in this exact spot did not help.
“Thorin, you need to stop letting one small incident eat away at you. I’ve forgiven you for all of that, you weren’t yourself…”
“That’s no excuse. I laid a hand on you. You might be able to forgive me by some miracle, but I can’t forgive myself for that day...and now, knowing that you’ll be leaving-”
“Leaving? Who said anything about leaving?” Bilbo huffed, still clutching at Thorin’s elbow with both hands and giving his head a firm shake of annoyance as if he were dealing with a child. “You truly are a dolt sometimes. Handsome, brave and foolhardy to boot, but downright stupid when it counts.” 
Thorin wasn’t sure whether to be flattered or annoyed at the backhanded compliments flying his way.
“You’re going to have to learn to forgive yourself because honestly, I’m not going to come up here and have you mope every single time all because you got a little angry and said some things and...that was it. That’s all you did,” When Bilbo put it that way, it sounded far less severe than Thorin thought it was. “And as for leaving? That was...something I wanted to ask you. I wasn’t sure how to bring it up, but I do want to stay. Sure, I’ll miss my garden and some other aspects of the Shire but...home isn’t a place, Thorin.” Bilbo slid his hands away from Thorin’s elbow, his fingers lacing with a hand of the dwarf’s and giving it a small squeeze. “You’re my home, and that’s where I want to be if you’ll allow it.”
Thorin stood dumbly, looking towards their linked hands before letting his fingers flex tightly to grip back at Bilbo’s. “Of course…” Having Bilbo stay was all he ever wanted.
“Good, and don’t you worry, we’ll make some better memories here, I’m sure.” Leaning against Thorin’s side with hands still tightly wound together, Bilbo just exhaled a deep sigh as if a great weight had been lifted off of his chest. The same could be said for Thorin. 
A ray of light seemed to break through the thick of the gray clouds overhead, illuminating a bit of that freshly fallen snow that laid across the stretch of land as far as the eye could see. It sparkled like a sea of diamonds, and Bilbo couldn’t help the small gasp of wonder that crossed his face. He had seen snow in the sunlight before, but seeing it from way up here? To see so far and wide covered in little glistening crystals? “This is stunning,” He breathed, not paying Thorin much mind who had just been staring at Bilbo since that small gasp escaped his lips.
“Very stunning, indeed.” That look of wonder that Bilbo wore was bright and appealing. More desirable than a treasure hall of gold or a vein of mithril. 
Bilbo’s gaze flickered once quickly to start, if only because he wanted to follow Thorin’s gaze to see what the dwarf was looking at as well to deem as stunning, but after a quick double take, Bilbo was blushing fiercely. “You truly are a sappy old thing, you know that?”
“I do.” Pressing a kiss to those dark golden curls, Thorin truly had to believe in what Bilbo had said before. They would make better memories atop these ramparts, and already that seemed to be a reality in the making, but most importantly, he was here to stay.
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lordoftherazzles · 3 years
RAZZY I HAD A THOUGHT FOR A PROMPT (and no pressure on this whatsoever) we mentioned hamfast and thorin being like #1 bilbo stans together, but you know that take where the dwarves are like ‘pffffft this is nothing we are dwarves’ and then get absolutely obliterated by the gaffer’s home brew? I would love to see your take on that, with possibly a very exasperated and amused bilbo ❤️
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King and Lionheart by LordOfTheRazzles
It wasn’t the sound of a heavy fist or a gentle rap of knuckles, but the knock of a wizard’s staff against the painted wood of Bilbo’s door. However, it wasn’t the hobbit who had answered. Bilbo had his nose stuffed in a journal, scribbling away these days, which left Thorin to man the door. Anything for his husband, right?
“Gandalf…” Thorin slowly greeted with a small nod of his head as he opened the door, staring up towards one cheery looking wandering wizard.
“Bilbo has you manning the door these days, does he, Thorin Oakenshield?” Gandalf sounded far too pleased with himself as he extended his arm. It was a silent question of whether he could enter the smial or not. Thorin simply stepped back and allowed him entry. “No matter, it seems Shire life has suited you well these past few years. For that I am glad.”
“Indeed. To what do we owe the pleasure?”
“I come bearing good news. A little bird told me not too long ago about your and Bilbo’s longing to start a new tradition for Durin’s Day. I thought it a grand idea, a great way to erase pesky memories of your quest-”
“That you nudged me to pursue.”
“Yes, though I did also tell you to wait for me before entering that mountain.” There were plenty of things that had been said that Thorin had readily ignored throughout that journey. For once he didn’t have any retaliation ready against that statement. His mind was still stuck on the confusion that Gandalf had presented him with regarding Durin’s Day.
“What tradition are you talking about? Neither Bilbo nor I have sent out any ‘birds’ or wishes for the upcoming holiday…”
“Hm. I suppose this does pose a bit of a predicament then, doesn’t it?” Gandalf thought aloud as he was already setting his staff aside and removing that pointy grey hat of his.
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lordoftherazzles · 3 years
Oh I like this sentence prompt: “ I’d happily go kick their arse, but I don’t think that would help you. ”
I saw this in my inbox and I went nuts. I knew exactly what I wanted to do with this. Thank you so much anon!!
prompt “I’d happily go kick their arse, but I don’t think that would help you.”
word count 1404
relationship(s) thorin oakenshield/bilbo baggins
character(s) thorin oakenshield, bilbo baggins, bard the bowman, thranduil
warnings none
additional notes bilbo going against thranduil is something I would pay money to see.
It wasn’t a secret that Thorin had a strained relationship with most elves. Namely those of Mirkwood. Thranduil, to be more specific, even if that relationship was trying to be mended since the Battle of the Five Armies. It would never be easy to sit in Thranduil’s presence and keep a calm demeanor. This was the life of a king, decorum was a must, and with so many sets of eyes on Thorin these days, he needed to uphold a reputation.
That meant dealing with the unsavory and unwanted without much complaint. At least until he was behind closed doors.
Bilbo sat in silence as he watched Thorin specifically. His gaze occasionally drifted towards the other notable individuals at the table. Bard had been decent to deal with at least, whereas Thranduil was a little less…fun to entertain. No new wars had been declared, but listening to some thinly veiled insults slide from the Elvenking’s mouth once in a while did make the whole mood of these meetings rather awkward. Just watching how Thorin twitched or how his jaw set so tightly, Bilbo could tell that the King Under the Mountain truly was struggling to keep his mouth shut.
“Can we trust in your word, Thorin, Son of Thrain? From what I hear, putting stock in your word would be a foolish move, and I will not have my people and my hospitality taken advantage of,” Thranduil spoke as cooly and calmly as he appeared. It was just part of his all around demeanor. “If we are to secure trade with the dwarves once more and allow passage through Mirkwood, I would have something to prove your word isn’t hollow.” 
“If I might interject,” Bard started cautiously, gauging the table and those around it. “I feel we are all in a position to start on a clean slate. There have been many hurts between our people, and after the battle I think it’s best we start anew.” Spoken like a true leader. Bard was every bit as diplomatic and lovely as his ancestor Girion had been. It was a shame his family received no small amount of grief over a failed dragon slaying.
One that Bard had rectified.
Thorin sat in silence, gripping at his seat a little bit too tightly as he inhaled a deep breath. “I must agree with Master Bard. Can we not forget past grudges and move forward for the sake of both Erebor and the Woodland Realm? You have your gems, I don’t know what else to give to prove my word. I just ask that you trust in it.” It was a well thought out answer that had zero bite to it, which was probably a little unexpected.
Judging by the look that graced Thranduil’s face, that’s exactly what it was. The blond elf tapped his fingers against the tabletop in thought, eyes narrowing slightly. “Blind faith, then.”
“Things can be on a trial and error basis, and if something needs to be addressed then we simply meet again.” Bard truly was better at this diplomatic stuff than he gave himself credit for. 
“But I have one request,” Bilbo finally spoke up, unable to hold his tongue any longer. “Going forward, might we leave any petty attitudes at the door? I don’t think going out of one’s way to agitate another when we’re all here for the sake of making our lives better is a good call.” He sniffed rather proudly, feeling as if he was mediating a family reunion of the Bagginses, Sackville-Bagginses, and the Tooks. A total nightmare of veiled comments and snide remarks hidden behind smiles. True as that may be, leave it to Bilbo to do what he could to lessen the agitation building between Thorin’s shoulders.
“I would say that’s fair, Bilbo.” Bard agreed, while Thranduil rolled his eyes slightly and slid from his seat with more grace than anyone in this room would dream of. “These meetings won't always be so terrible. We will work on this,” Bard was also up from his seat, giving both Bilbo and Thorin a small bowing nod of his head. “Your Majesty. Master Baggins. Until we meet again.”
As the room cleared, Bilbo tapped his fingers against the table, waiting for pure silence as he studied Thorin and that tightly clamped jaw of his. 
“If it’s any consolation, I think you handled that well.” He offered Thorin with a small shrug before his eyes drifted to the doorway. “I know that look you’re wearing and I know you’re frustrated, but just think, next time can only be better.”
“Better? I feel my stomach curdle every time Thranduil opens his mouth,” Thorin snarled, finally getting out that pent up aggression he had been bottling through the entire meeting. 
Bilbo flashed a grin, rubbing his forefinger in a circle on the table. “I’d happily go kick his arse, but I don’t think that would help you.” But could you imagine?
At least the comment cracked a small grin across Thorin’s lips. That was the intended goal.
“I would pay to see that if you’re willing? You have verbally sparred with trolls, a dragon, and many dwarves since leaving your smial. I think if anyone were to get the better of the Elvenking, it would be you.” Perhaps a game of riddles? Bilbo seemed awfully fond of those.
Thorin may have cracked a grin, but Bilbo broke into a laugh. “Perhaps next time I’ll see if Thranduil has his wits about him, it would be mighty hard for him to make any sort of snide remarks with his foot in his mouth.” The hobbit preened as he moved from his seat, proudly perching on Thorin’s lap as if was where he belonged.
And it was!
At least the room had vacated, not that Bilbo or Thorin would have given a whit had anyone lingered behind. They were an item, and anyone who thought differently was clearly blind. 
“How interesting it is to watch your mood go from one end of the spectrum to the other,” Bilbo mused as he leaned against Thorin as if he was leaning into the world’s coziest pillow. “But I suppose that’s my superpower. Or one of them.” To cool a hot temper like Thorin’s was no easy feat, but Bilbo seemed to have a special knack for that.
A soft sigh of contentment escaped Thorin’s lips as he rested one cheek against the top of Bilbo’s head, arms wrapped around the hobbit’s waist to keep Bilbo from shifting on his lap. “Don’t get too complacent with that superpower of yours. One might try to use that against me one day.”
“Mm, that would require me to be a willing accomplice, and you can always count on me to be on your side.”
“Not even for all the gold in the world?” Thorin asked, rather amused with the conversation, but also feeling quite softhearted because of it.
Bilbo snorted, giving a small wave of his hand as he was content to be nuzzled up against the dwarf. “Gold doesn’t carry nearly as much weight to me, so no. Not even for that.”
“What about scones? Or tarts? Not even for all of those?”
“Don’t you tease me like that, Thorin Oakenshield. I missed afternoon tea to attend this meeting and you’re making it mighty tempting to sell you out for a single scone.” Bilbo protested, but it was all in good fun. He would always be on Thorin’s side, food bribery be damned.
“Ah, yes. Well, I suppose I owe you for having attended a meeting with our neighbors. Let’s go see if Bombur has anything we can take from the kitchens.” Thorin was already on his feet, arms securely keeping Bilbo in his somewhat nuzzled and cradled position, even if his hobbit wasn’t always so keen on being carried around like so. He didn’t seem to mind this time around.
“A man after my own heart. Just for that, I will absolutely kick Thranduil’s arse next time. Verbally, and perhaps literally. Depending on how sore of a loser he is.”
The laugh that reverberated from Thorin’s throat couldn’t be missed, especially as it grew in volume. “Mahal above, and here I thought I couldn’t love you more…”
Bilbo Baggins certainly was the cure to any sour mood that Thorin may have harbored, and no moody Elvenking was going to ruin that superpower of his.
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