#quin x obi
ironhoshi · 8 months
Concord Dawn Bed and Breakfast chapter 16.
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deserthusbands · 20 days
quinlan: why're you on the ground? :/
obi-wan, sighing: i'm depressed.
obi-wan: also, i've been stabbed, can you go get cody please?
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hope there are some alien fuckers among the obi/quin crowd because uhhhh…that just happened
it will be a while before it’s finished but the next two squares of the quinobi bingo are finally getting somewhere
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lead-acetate · 9 months
I've been listening to Mamma Mia on repeat during my morning exercises (shut up) and I feel like there should be a Jangobi Mamma Mia AU?? or something. Jangobi with these vibes.
now, I haven't seen the movie, but I have read an X-Men Mamma Mia AU (shut up) and I feel like this is Jangobi level of absolutely ridiculous drama. this whole who is the parent, exes-to-lovers, some fucking island, yada yada yada, "how could resist you," "here I go again."
petition for the exasperated child to be Fox.
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ddejavvu · 8 months
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pairing: anakin skywalker x reader
summary: you and anakin have a mug that you set out if you want to tell the other that you're in the mood. You're discovered at a rather unfortunate time.
a/n: basically just that new girl scene where nick and jess admit that they've got a sex mug except i wanted to do it with anakin and quin is my favorite character so this manifested itself. if you're unfamiliar with quinlan vos, all you need to know to understand this blurb is that he has psychometric powers, meaning he gets a sort of 'force echo' of what he touches. When he touches something, he sees its ‘memories’ of those who touched it before - what they were doing when they touched it. sorry if this isn't what you wanted to see but i'm so goddamn obsessed with quinlan that i need to write about him so bad or i'll short circuit and this is my blog so i do what i want 🫡
this post is 18+, minors dni.
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Typically, you've got no problem with Obi-Wan walking into the Knights' quarters you share with Anakin. After being knighted, the Master-Padawan pair had been understandably uncomfortable with seeing each other less and less, and you'd always enjoyed the man's company when he came by to visit.
Now, however, it's proved itself to be a problem.
Obi-Wan sits at your small dining table, his only company being a misplaced mug at the place beside him, having helped himself to a cup of tea that he'd brought the leaves for. He'd been less-than-impressed at your dismal selection of teas, and had stashed a box of his own atop your cabinet for when he came to visit. Now he's nearly downed his cup, and neither of you are back yet from your classes that should have ended an hour ago.
He shouldn't worry. There's plenty of reasons why you'd be late; maybe you've stopped by the creche to help out with the younglings, or Anakin had dragged you to one of the refectories to scarf down an early dinner.
Except Anakin has never, never volunteered for creche duty, and the refectories are serving his least favorite meal today.
Obi-Wan has generous faith in you. But you've been roommates with his former padawan for long enough that he's sure Anakin's unbridled mischief has rubbed off on you by now, and he's worried that the two of you might be getting into something you shouldn't.
To his credit, he's right.
Anakin is in something he shouldn't be in. He's in a supply cupboard, he's in you, pressing you flat against the wall and hiking your thigh up over his raised forearm.
"Higher," He grunts, his nose bumping yours as he breaks away from kissing you to mumble into your mouth. Then he bites softly at your lower lip, licking over the momentary sting as you try lifting your trembling thigh higher over his arm.
"Come on," He goads, his grin bright as his eyes glimmer with a touch of sadism you wish you weren't attracted to, "Where did all that Jedi strength go?"
You want to spit something sharp at him, perhaps tell him it fell to the floor when his pants did. But all you manage is a weak groan, and Anakin hikes your leg up for you. His cock is thick, heavy, and hard, and it pistons in and out of you at a steady pace as slick dribbles down your thighs.
Both of you are blissfully unaware that Obi-Wan is waiting for you in your quarters, and that another wayward master has picked up on his trail.
"Knock knock," Quinlan says after the door to your quarters is already open, which doesn't surprise Obi-Wan in the slightest. Quinlan had the same habit when they were younger, barging into rooms first and apologizing later.
"Obi," Quin greets with a grin, in that sing-song-y tone of voice that he uses only for the nickname, because Obi-Wan has corrected him just over a thousand times throughout the course of their friendship that it's Obi-Wan, thank you very much, "Where'd the brats go?"
"I don't know," Obi-Wan admits, offering the seat across from him to his friend, "I do hope they haven't gotten themselves into any trouble. There's tea in the kitchen, if you want some."
Quinlan, who has expressed his rather harsh opinion on tea just over a thousand times throughout the course of their friendship, glares at Obi-Wan. Payback, he supposes.
"No, thanks." Quinlan flops down in the empty chair with a huff, and Obi-Wan marvels at how he manages to act thirteen while being over thirty, "I'd rather drink my own piss out of this mug." He reaches forwards to grab the dishware that had been sitting out on the table when Obi-Wan had arrived, then in a split second his face changes - dropping into a horrified grimace - and he flings the glass across the room.
It shatters as expected, and Obi-Wan jerks in his seat.
"Quinlan," He chides in disbelief, but waits for an explanation.
Quinlan, poor Quinlan, with stronger psychometry than he knows what to do with most times, who doesn't bother to shield himself from any potential memories in the presence of close friends, has had a rather unsavory vision of your past uses of the mug.
"Oh, kriff," He grunts, chest heaving slightly as he stares at his bare hand like it's betrayed him, "Kriff, Obi-Wan, they're having sex."
Obi-Wan feels like he may have just been struck full-force by Coruscant's train.
"What?" He sits impossibly straighter in his chair, "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying I touched that thing," Quinlan explains, "And- and I was assaulted with unsavory visions, and- Obi-Wan, they put it out to let each other know they wanna fuck."
As soon as Obi-Wan processes the information that he'd really rather not have, he's on his feet.
"We need to find them," He declares, and Quinlan's jaw drops open in a display of the dramatics that the man is so fond of.
"You want to find them?" He asks, "Like- you're gonna march around the temple, and try to find them while they're banging?"
Obi-Wan considers this, and his face wrinkles into a grimace, "No. No, I don't want to find them."
Obi-Wan sinks back into his seat, speechless for the first time in a very long time. The two friends stew in an awkward silence until Quin swallows, clearing his throat.
"I'm almost.. a little proud. I think."
"Quin," Obi-Wan groans, but his friend is already talking over him.
"-I'm just saying! Good for them."
"I'm going to have to give him the talk," Obi-Wan groans, burying his face in his hands and wishing to pitch himself off of the temple's rooftop gardens instead, "I never did. I thought- well, I don't know, he had a lesson on it in class. I thought that would be enough."
Quinlan, who has very vivid memories of defacing the desks in the temple with drawings of the same reproductive organs that he and Obi-Wan learned about during their own youth sex ed course, nods in remembrance. Silence descends upon the pair once more as neither one can muster up enough energy to properly address the situation. Not enough time has passed for the mortified blush to be off of Obi-Wan's cheeks when the door opens once more, and he bets that Quinlan's face is similarly warm, and perhaps twisted into the faintest smirk.
"Oh, hey." Anakin nods once at his former master, missing the aghast expression on his face, "How long have you guys been waiting for us?"
"I just got here," Quinlan informs him, "And I should leave."
"Don't-" Obi-Wan starts, but reconsiders, because he thinks Quinlan might not be the best influence during a serious sex talk. He sighs, pinching at the bridge of his nose, "Just- go."
"See 'ya, kids." Quinlan's grin as he claps the both of you on the shoulders is equal parts resigned and amused, "Enjoy what's to come."
Anakin's brow furrows alongside yours, and in explanation, Quin offers only four haunting words: "I touched your mug."
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palfriendpatine66 · 5 months
WIP Wednesday - threesome fic
I'm 95% sure that this little intro to my still untitled fic for the More To Love event is as close to plot as this baby is going to get. (Hint: not very close at all)
(Obi-Wan Kenobi x Siri Tachi x Quinlan Vos)
Quinlan felt more charged with anticipation with every step that he took. He’d just returned from a months long mission that had felt so much longer. He preferred to work alone since his knighting; he luxuriated in the freedom to carry out his mission directives as he saw fit. But after so long spent in near isolation he was glad for some interaction and contact once more. He’d been happy to be met with smiles and hugs and friendly welcomes in the refectory, but an invitation for a different kind of contact had him beaming and clearing his spot before he’d even had dessert.  
<1138. ST>
The brief message – as direct and to the point as Siri was in all things – was all he needed. Fellow Knight Siri Tachi would be waiting for him at the utility room they had repurposed for such meetups years before, outfitting it with a discrete modified bio scanner programmed to only open for three individuals. The room had been Siri’s idea - she’d been sick of cramming into small spaces and the even smaller bunks standard issued to humanoid quarters in the Temple. Obi-Wan had been the one to find it and had somehow relocated multiple bedrolls and pillows to create an extra large fuck nest, although he’d taken immediate offense and refused to call it as such even still. And Quin himself had procured the bio scanner, making sure that even proficient slicers would have trouble authorizing an override without one of their biometrics input first. Enough to give them time to get dressed, at a bare minimum, anyways. He’d personally had one close call with Master Windu, nearly caught in what he thought was an empty training salle in which more than one kind of hand to hand was being practiced, and he never again wanted a repeat of the experience. 
Even though the scanner provided a sense of security he sent a wave of anticipation in the Force out ahead of him so Siri would be alerted to his arrival. He was recognized by the scanner and quickly stepped inside as the door skid open and then locked behind him with a soft but audible click. He was greeted by a sight he had expected and a sound that he had not. Siri’s pale ass framed in stunning contrast by her dark leather harness as she knelt on the bed made for a very warm welcome. The rhythmic sound of skin slapping was a surprise that went beyond Siri getting started without him; the hands that grabbed at her hips and a high keen let him know who else was present. 
“What do we have here?” Quinlan kept the surge of desire out of his voice, mostly, as he moved around the bed for a better view of scene unfolding before him.
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obixwan · 1 year
what’s the harm?
pairings: obi wan x reader (pre attack of the clones)
word count: 1,400 ish
blurb: Quinlan set Obi-Wan up with a friend and now, Obi-Wan can’t help himself.
warnings: platonic friends turned almost lovers, alcohol, disregard for the jedi code i guess? quinlan?
notes: god i am sorry i know ive been absent from tumblr for ages lol just burnt out uni student things! anyway enjoy this fluffy kenobi as an apology!! ( wasn’t sure how to end it so i left it on a cliff hanger lol) once again, it’s unedited
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graphic made by the beautiful @saradika 🫶🏻🥰🥹
Obi-Wan’s eyes had not left her all night. Stars, he knows he’s tiptoeing the line, a balancing act well deserving of an applause from an adoring crowd. He knows he’s edging into the dangerous territory, attachment within the reach of his fingertips, tempting him. He knows this could swallow him up just as quick as it could spit him back out. But he’s tested the waters and he’s found he quite likes the temperature. So what’s the harm in diving in head first?
A sharp elbow to his ribs, an almost spilt beer, it’s enough to tear his gaze away from her. He turns to his old friend, ready to tell him to keep his boney elbows to himself but Quinlan is already looking at him with the biggest all-knowing, shit-eating smirk. “Oh, I never thought I’d see the day, Kenobi.” He lets out an irritatingly loud laugh, head thrown back and hand slapping his thigh and everything, as if this predicament Obi-Wan finds himself in (which is also partly Quin’s fault in the first place), is the funnest thing in the whole galaxy. “You have it bad, my friend.” He says, drawing out the word bad for emphasis, as if it really needed it.
Two weeks ago, Quinlan had dragged Obi-Wan out of the temple, away from his research session. He said he had something Obi-Wan just had to see. If Obi-Wan had known Quinlan was dragging him along on a double date just so Quin could actually get a date, would Obi-Wan have gone along with it? Absolutely not. But that wasn’t the point. What business did he and Quin have going on dates? They were Jedi and the last time Obi-Wan checked, attachment, and everything that came with it, was still strictly under the No Go section. Quinlan had never been much for the rules. And that was how he, Obi-Wan Kenobi, ended up at Tex’s Dinner, ordering milkshakes and sitting across from quite possibly the prettiest thing he’d ever seen in the whole galaxy.
Ever since then, Obi-Wan had found a way to spend every free second looking at her. He was not in the business of denying himself the right to look at beautiful things, after all. Life was too short for that.
Obi-Wan rolls his eyes but that, unfortunately, does not prevent Quinlan from being right. Obi-Wan was cursed. He was fixated, down bad, in deep, head over heels, whatever turn of phrase you wanted to use. It was as if this girl had engraved herself right over the palpating muscle in his chest the moment her eyes had locked on to his over milkshakes.
He watches as she dances with Quinlan’s partner, Grace, out on the dance floor of the bar the two girls had picked. Honestly, it’s decent, for Coruscant. The lighting is enough to see by, the music is loud enough to dance to without feeling like a fool but not so loud that you can’t keep track of a conversation.
“Are you going to dance with her, Kenobi, or are you just going to stare at her?”
Obi-Wan shakes his head, ignoring Quinlan and his obnoxious smirk.
At least here, if only for tonight, he is not a Jedi Knight About To Become A Jedi Master Who Is About To Take On His Own Padawan, which is strangely akin to fatherhood, if you asked Obi-Wan, even though the other jedi try to reject the similarities between parenthood and taking on a padawan. Obi-Wan still feels like he is adopting Anakin anyway. Tonight, he is just a guy, out on the town, having fun with his girl. This is, perhaps, Obi-Wan’s last taste of normalcy but he expects it won’t be Quin’s.
She’s making her way over to him now, legs wobbling, a huge cheeky grin on her face, digging into her flushed cheeks. Her giggles echo over the music of the bar. The Starberry wine has stained her lips a deliciously blushed colour and she has a glint in her eye.
Obi-Wan can remember every time his heart has swelled at the sight of something beautiful. The feeling of it, goosebumps all over his body, a breath hitched in his throat. Hyperspace, the stars blurring with the speed. Naboo and it’s grasslands and gardens. Padme Amidala. Shaak Ti’s mastery of Makashi and Ataru and her grace and serendity in battle. And now… Her.
She’s giggling as she lets herself flop down into the conversation booth, next to Obi-Wan. He can feel the warmth of her radiating through his tunic. The small of her infiltrates his nose, sweet like summertime. He groans internally. He is so in trouble. Her hand lands on his thigh and she’s leaning into him as she tries to right herself in the seat.
Across from them, Grace has found her spot next to Quinlan and now her fingers are tracing the yellow markings of the Kiffar’s skin. Obi-Wan clears his throat, excusing himself and tearing his eyes away from the couple and their intimate moment but without conversation, he is all too aware of her, inching closer and closer into his side, her breath tickling his skin.
“Obi,” She whispers softly, lips grazing his neck, and Obi-Wan has to close his eyes to keep still, to not startle her away from this closeness he’s been longing for. When his mind is calm, he opens his eyes to see Quin silently laughing at him from across the booth, Grace now peppering his neck and shoulders with kisses.
“Will you take me home?” She asks, so sweetly, eyes peering up at him from under her thick lashes. He nods, finishing his drink as she downs the rest of her wine, giggling again as Obi-Wan catches her as she missteps out of the booth.
He taps the table as a way of farewelling Quin and Grace, pays off their tab, and lets her lead him out of the bar, hand in hand. His training is screaming at him to let go, to pull his hand away, to reject this simple touch and he knows he probably should but his instincts are taking over every bit of training and his hand wraps around hers anyway. The city is bustling as they make their way back to her apartment lot. The planet that never sleeps lives up to its name, people coming and going everywhere. After weaving through the sports district, they finally come to her apartment.
“Would you like to come in, Obi-Wan?”
He loves the sound of his name coming from her berry stained lips. The way it sounds so sweet but tonight he doesn’t want to be Obi-Wan. He doesn’t want to be Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Knight, Man of Responsibility. He just wants to be a man who is in love with a woman. He doesn’t want to have to think about the repercussions crossing her doorstep is sure to bring in the morning. He doesn’t want to think about Anakin, the future, the wider galaxy. He doesn't want to think about anything except this girl and this moment. He nods.
She fumbles with the keys, giggling as her clumsy fingers slip. When the door finally swings open, she lets out a loud laugh, and he laughs too, following her and shutting the door behind her. She sits her purse on the table by the entrance and kicks off her heels. Obi-Wan toes off his boots.
Her apartment is almost as beautiful as her. Colours everywhere but not in a cluttered way. In an artful, tasteful kind of way. As he takes it in, she asks if he likes the apartment. He nods again.
“Good.” She says, laughing. “I’d be out of a job if you didn’t.”
“You’re an interior designer?”
She nods as she makes her way through to the kitchen. She pulls out a glass and fills it with water, she doesn't ask if he wants a glass, but pours him one anyway. Their fingers brush as he accepts, sending tingles up his arm. He follows her through the house, as she leads him through to her bedroom.
“Will you stay?” She asks, eyes fluttering.
tags: @morganlefaye13 @lucyysthings (if you are striked out, i coulnd’t find you. please check your settings or message me your new @)
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skywlker-sluvtt · 1 year
For the Ani Obi headcanons, I like to believe that Obi Wan will always point out a "small attachments" others have (like Anakin spends a ton of time tinkering with droids. Ahsoka has an issue with time management and would rather spar with the clones, Quin enjoys speed races too much) but is completely blind to the fact he has three cupboards full of exotic, rare and special tin boxes filled with tea he just......collects.
i started an obi-wan sfw alphabet a while ago and here's a whole paragraph i wrote:
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Obi-Wan Kenobi is the most avid tea drinker in the galaxy. It’s an attachment atp. He’s got boxes on boxes of different tea in the cupboard. Bro grows herbs just so he can create his own soothing mixtures. He believes in tea remedies because he’s such a tea enthusiast. Sore throat? Rosemary, honey, lemon and ginger steep for 8 minutes. Headache? Peppermint. Anakin just stressed you the fuck out? Lavender tea cause that’s his only damn cure. Obi-Wan goes insane for all these different teas it’s his quiet obsession. He just live laugh loves tea. You know all his favourites and make them for him during quiet evenings which he appreciates. He’d also like to make you try all his tea and when you’re on your period he’s pulling raspberry leaf tea out his ass and forcing you to drink it to soothe your cramps and it lowkey works.
bro and like if anakin pointed it out he'd get all defensive! "well master I could say the same about your cupboards of tea" obi-wan would be all SHUT YOUR MOUTH YOU LITTLE SHIT MY TEA IS NOT AN ATTACHMENT I CAN THROW IT ALL AWAY WHENEVER I WANT!
he needs to chill tf out but at least he's not an alcoholic.
lol yes he is
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ninjigma · 5 months
WIP Game
Thank you for the tag @razzbberry! Though by golly... I uh... might have a few WIPs XD Even EXCLUDING commisions, upcoming events/weeks, and @obiscribbles, I still have so many WIPs. I will try to make it make sense...
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
Of Honor and Force WIPs (Royalty AU) - Quin and Fox (there are 2 with this title) - Cody and Rex - Wolffe (there are 4 with this title) - Ahsoka - Quinlan - Obi and Ani - Obi and Rex (there are 3 with this title)
Obi-Bun WIPs - 4.5 X 8 (there are 7... choose a number I guess XD)
RexWalker - Kiss - Good Morning - Bathing
CodyWan - Stars/Sun - Flimsiwork and Tea - Sitting Vigil/Injury
Other WIPs - This Little Light Of Mine (it is a comic, feel free to choose a page between 1-10) - Cal Kestis - Gree-Canon (Barriss) - Holly (B4B) ((the only non Star Wars WIP here))
And yes, if you are wondering, these are also ONLY ACTIVE ART WIPs, as in I do plan to finish all of these someday. If we included older WIPs or ones I MIGHT do, or the writings I have for each of these AUs and more, we would be here forever.
No Pressure Tags: It seems everyone has already been tagged in this on my timeline BUT if @spacingstars would like to join in... :3 And as always if anyone else, writer or artist or anything, would like to join, I'd love to see it!
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shootingstarpilot · 1 year
Hello from TheRedScreech! I'm writing a post-Melidaan/Tarre Vizsla travels into the future fic (Chapter 1 is here), and I'm wondering what your thoughts might be on a PTSD 14-yr-old Obi-Wan? He has returned to the Temple on Coruscant, and I'm thinking being surrounded by "Elders" is a biggie, nodding to your chapter about Obi-Wan and Dexxter and "There were no Besalisks on Melidaan". Quin and Friends will help him out a lot here and Obi-Wan can only be taken care of by non-Human healers like Vokara, but I'm also wondering what else might be prevalent at this point in his recovery?
Thank you! And I hope you're keeping well with all your life's big changes.
Hello Red!
This is 100% going to be explored a LOT more in the next fic in StS, so I'll probably end up coming back to this, but here are my initial thoughts (standard disclaimer that I am not a psychologist and have done exactly zero research):
Swinging between clinging and hostility. A fear that Qui-Gon/ [trusted adult] will abandon him again, and so he's- consciously or not- trying to get ahead of the game, trying to make them abandon him, because if he gets rid of them first then they can't leave him when he's not expecting it.
I've definitely already touched on this, but the way I see it, he'd have an extreme aversion to medical treatment in any sort of formal setting. He's just spent x amount of time (in my 'verse it's a year, but I genuinely have no idea how long it is in JA canon) in a very high-stress situation without the supplies to deal with injuries. Any injuries, he either tries to patch up himself, or just forgoes dealing with them altogether- after all, he can still stand, he can still move, he can still fight, so he's fine, he's fine, he doesn't need help. He's still operating under wartime scarcity rules.
Staying under things. Avoiding open spaces. In the same way that children who live in places where bombings via drone are common prefer cloudy skies because that means the drones can't fly, I think that Obi-Wan would have a similar reaction because of the constant threat of bombardments. Ducking under things when he's frightened. Sleeping under the bed or in the bathtub. Somewhere more enclosed, you know?
Again, something that I've already touched on: a reluctance to eat food that either isn't sealed or that he hasn't helped prepare himself. It could have been tampered with, it could be spoiled, and he can't tell--
Something else relating to his relationship with his surroundings: always needing something at his back. Not being able to sleep without someone keeping watch.
Also, I do like the thought that he keeps forgetting his lightsaber. He's just waged a whole war without it. I like the idea that he... kind of forgets that it's a weapon he can count on again, you know?
Wildly protective of his friends his age and younger kids, lashing out at adults around them-- even though the adults are people his friends trusts. Like lashing out at Master Tholme if he gets too close to Quinlan.
Oh, nearly forgot about this one-- keeping his hair short. Long hair can be grabbed. In my mind, all of the Young keep their hair cut short, even twenty years later. Long hair is a tactical disadvantage. In StS, Obi-Wan grew out his hair once he was knighted, trying to move past everything, trying to prove he's better- and then the war started up again, and old habits reasserted themselves. (Then, of course, Dooku happened...)
These are a few situation-specific ideas that I had, but there are, of course, plenty of ways you can explore other manifestations of symptoms of PTSD- insomnia/ nightmares, intrusive thoughts, apathy, depression, psychosomatic pain, an inability to enjoy situations you'd enjoyed pre-trauma...
I will be back with more ideas, but I hope these provide some fodder for you to start! Feel free to message me if you want to chat more about this, I do love putting Obi-Wan through the wringer >:) and best of luck with your fic!!
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depressinggreenie · 9 years
Star Wars Pairing Tags
Here are the tags for searching and blocking purposes.
Disclaimer: I may have missed some. Not all of the pairings tagged I am interested in or support but have mentioned or touched on at least once.
*For Top/Bottom / Sub/Dom / Omegaverse specific character dynamics: I tag them "#X Character Name"
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ROMANTIC/SEXUAL  ★ Bail Organa/Breha Organa/Obi-Wan Kenobi - #BailBrehaObi  ★ Bail Organa/Obi-Wan Kenobi - #BailObi  ★ Captain Rex/Commander Cody - #Codex  ★ Commander Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi - #CodyWan  ★ Haja Estree/Obi-Wan Kenobi - #Hajawan  ★ Kit Fisto/Mace Windu - #Kit Fisto x Mace Windo  ★ Kit Fisto/Obi-Wan Kenobi - #KitObi  ★ Padmé Amidala/Anakin Skywalker - #Anidala  ★ Padmé Amidala/Obi-Wan Kenobi - #Obidala  ★ Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker - #Obikin  ★ Obi-Wan Kenobi/Asajj Ventress - #Ventrobi  ★ Obi-Wan Kenobi/Darth Maul - #Maulobi  ★ Obi-Wan Kenobi/Everyone - #Obi-Wan x Everyone  ★ Obi-Wan Kenobi/Hondo Ohnaka - #Hondo x Obi-Wan  ★ Obi-Wan Kenobi/Mace Windu - #MaceObi  ★ Obi-Wan Kenobi/Obi-Wan Kenobi - #Obicest  ★ Obi-Wan Kenobi/Other - #Obi-Wan x Other  ★ Obi-Wan Kenobi/Satine Kryze - #Obitine  ★ Obi-Wan Kenobi/Siri Tachi - #ObiTachi  ★ Obi-Wan Kenobi/The Son - #Soniwan  ★ Obi-Wan Kenobi/Quinlan Vos - #ObiQuin  ★ Satine Kryze/Hondo Ohnaka - #Hontine  ★ Steela Gerrera/Ahsoka Tano - #Ahsoka x Steela  ★ Qui-Gon Jinn/Tahl - #JinnTahl  ★ Xanatos Du Crion/Mace WIndu - #MaceXan  ★ 212th Attack Battalion/Obi-Wan Kenobi - #212th x Obi-Wan
PLATONIC  ★ Bail Organa & Breha Organa & Obi-Wan Kenobi - #Obi & Organas  ★ Bant Eerin & Obi-Wan Kenobi & Garen Muln & Reeft & Siri Tachi & Luminara Unduli & Quinlan Vos - #Obi & Siblings  ★ Commander Cody & Obi-Wan Kenobi - #Cody & Obi  ★ Dooku & Obi-Wan Kenobi - #Obi & Grandpa Dooku  ★ Haja Estree & Obi-Wan Kenobi - #Haja & Obi  ★ Kit Fisto & Obi-Wan Kenobi - #Kit & Obi  ★ Padmé Amidala & Obi-Wan Kenobi - #Obi & Padmé  ★ Mace Windu & Jedi - #Mace & Jedi  ★ Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano - #Disaster Trio  ★ Obi-Wan Kenobi & Ahsoka Tano - #Obi & Ahsoka  ★ Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker - #Obi & Ani  ★ Obi-Wan Kenobi & Hondo Ohnaka - #Obi & Hondo  ★ Obi-Wan Kenobi & Jedi Council - #Obi & Jedi  ★ Obi-Wan Kenobi & Jedi Council - #Obi & Council  ★ Obi-Wan Kenobi & Mace Windu - #Mace & Obi  ★ Obi-Wan Kenobi & Plo Koon - #Obi & Plo  ★ Obi-Wan Kenobi & Siri Tachi - #Obi & Siri  ★ Obi-Wan Kenobi & Quinlan Vos - #Quin & Obi  ★ Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan Kenobi - #Jinn & Obi  ★ Yoda's Disaster Lineage - #Disaster Lineage  ★ 212th Attack Battalion Members & Obi-Wan Kenobi - #Obi & 212th
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kbirbpods · 2 years
Dear Podficcer,
I thought I'd start with my personal "do not wants" to get them out of the way. I don't want: non-con, dubious consent, infedelity, suicide, adult/minor au, pregnancy, split personality as a trope, or slave-fic (though I do understand that the clones would be considered slaves, so fics that tackle that are okay).
I'm okay with but do not prefer: explicit content in general (mature is fine, I'm just pretty picky with explicit stuff because I'm ace), unhappy endings, A/B/O, cannibalism, or permanent character death. Also I have a weird trigger with cockroaches.
AUs I love: I'm a sucker for a good bookshop/coffee shop/flower shop AU, werewolf AU, fandom crossover (especially the "put them in the story to replace the characters"), no Order-66/Order-66 happens differently, adoption fics, time travel/time travel fix-its (and fix-its in general), modern au, and ESPECIALLY a good soulmate au
Tropes I love: friends-to-lovers, enemies/rivals/exes-to-lovers, fake dating, angst with a happy ending, especially FOUND FAMILY, and secret identities (oops same bed is so fun).
Fandoms, Characters, and Ships: These are not in any order, I have ADHD so it's what popped into my brain. Feel free to check out my AO3 for what I've written/podficced!
Star Wars: Finn/Poe Dameron, Finn/Rey/Poe, Obi-Wan/Cody, Obi-Wan/Satine, PLATONIC Obi-Wan/Anakin, Ahsoka Tano in general, Leia in general, Clone OCs (okay with clone ships, too!!), and pretty much any AU where Hevy lives (I just got really attached to him). Rey as a Kenobi. Exploring Fox/Quin recently so if you find good content, please do! Anything Rogue One focused!
Teen Wolf: Scott Mccall/Isaac Lahey, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, any AU where Allison lives, Scott/Allison/Isaac
The Locked Tomb: Gideon Nav/Harrowhark, basically any fic in this fandom will make me happy (avoiding triggers of course)
First Kill: Calliope Burns/Juliette Fairmont, fics focusing on Theo
Our Flag Means Death: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet, Jim/Oluande, anything Lucius focused, anything focused on Jim
Marvel: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton/Bucky Barnes, anything focused on Kate Bishop (especially femslash)
DC: anything Batfam but especially Jason Todd. I do look at them as a family so I prefer fics that pair them outside of the family. Harley Quinn/Pamela Isley | Poison Ivy. I love Young Justice and Wally West/Artemis!
The Sandman: Dream/Hob Gadling, fics about Dream and Death's sibling relationship
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Spike/Buffy, Willow/Tara
Stranger Things: anything with Robin Buckley (especially exploring her friendship with Steve), Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson.
The Tarot Sequence: Rune Saint John/Addam Saint Nicholas, Rune/Brand/Addam, fics focusing on the friendships between the kids
The Adventure Zone: Taako/Kravitz, Lup/Barry
Venom: Venom/Eddie (this is like the ONE ship that I would 100% be cool with explicit content in, no need to question it)
All for the Game: Jeremy Knox/Jean Moreau, Allison Reynolds/Renee Walker, Andrew Minyard/Neil Josten, Kevin Day being happy in general - note: talking about Andrew's self-harm or past experiences with consent are a-okay here. Same with Jean!
X-Files: Scully/Mulder
Avatar the Last Airbender: Zuko/Sokka
Percy Jackson: Nico/Will, Percy/Annabeth, any of the femslash really
I'm a huge Regency era fan and love anything Jane Austen as well!
Feel free to check out my main fandom blog @themisfitthrone for any specifics.
Some authors I adore with blanket permissions in case you need a starting point: Flowerparrish, isabrella, saiditallbefore, trixree, wanderingjedihistorian, WitchyBee, HSavinien, bzedan, mestiket
I also have BPs as a note!
Offers: Any of the fandoms above! I'll gladly podfic any pairs from them, with the exception of the ships I listed as "do not wants." I again shy away from explicit content but if paired with someone who loves it, I'll do mu best.
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ironhoshi · 4 years
46 or 48 or 49 QuinObi u You choose👌 *inserts ‘I just think they’re neat meme’*
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So this is like 1000 years later, so any apologies of making it seem like I was ignoring this. Something...something happened and I didn’t pick? I just sort of, uh, wrote? 
I am blaming @crispyjenkins for this (✿ ♥‿♥) Listed on ao3 What We Do In Our Dreams.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
From the journal of one Q. Vos- Dream walking or dream linking: the ability to enter your soulmate’s dreams or, as I like to call it, kriffing with Obes’ mind. Is it normal for a soulmate to not instantly fall in love? I think he just sort of fell in exasperation with me… I mean throwing myself off that waterfall wasn’t the best move in hindsight, but he did jump after me-
Kriff, Master Tholme looks furious. Vos out!
Note to self: don’t use sweets as placemarks in the flimsi books on loan to you.
The air held a sort of sweetness to it that made his lips curl faintly in amusement. Obi-Wan didn’t exactly want to move from the spot near the water fountain, not when it put off such a pleasant feeling, but he knew he’d have to move at some point. He glanced down at his pocket chrono and did a faint double take. Oh dear, where had the time gone? Quinlan was going to be an utter annoyance for the rest of the evening if he was late. With a pained sigh, he shoved the chrono back into his robes before moving away from the delightful fountain. The journey to reach their designated meeting spot wasn’t long, seemingly passing in a mere blink, and he found himself grinning at the sight of Quin.
“You are late,” the words were teasing and he merely hummed in agreement. Yes, he was late, somehow. Obi-Wan pushed himself up on his toes to close the distance, hands coming to rest on Quin’s chest, and pressed a soft kiss to those smirking lips. The kiss was short, to the point, and elicited a sound of annoyance from his soulmate. He knew Quin preferred the, uh, more expressive types of kisses, but he wasn’t quite ready to partake in that sort of thing in public. There was a ripple of warning and then he was letting out a rather undignified sound when arms wrapped around his waist and he found himself dipped backward like some sort of damsel from one of the horrid holodramas Bant enjoyed. Quin looked dangerous at that moment and he could only close his eyes to stop himself from seeing the upcoming kiss.
The chrono on his nightstand blared loudly, yanking him rather harshly from the dream, and Obi-Wan woke how he usually did. Annoyed. He rolled onto his side, throwing his pillow across the room in his irritation, and only winced a little as his Master poked at their bond experimentally. Ah, he had projected this annoyance far louder than he meant.
“I’m fine,” he yelled so his Master could hear in the other room. He was going to have to get out of this bed at some point, but first, he was going to plot how to get revenge against his frustrating soulmate. Padawan Vos was far too talented at the whole dream walking thing, whereas he was like a blundering child when attempting to drop in on the other. A never-ending frustration for him since it was hardly like this was a skill he could learn from a teacher.
Master Jinn and Master Tholme had both just given a sort of defeated sigh when Quinlan basically crashed into Obi-Wan’s life. Soulmates and idiots, as he had heard Master Windu mutter with a strange sort of affection. Obi-Wan found he often debated figuring out how to snap the connection- if only to give himself a normal night of dreams. Either it was visions, which he kept to himself or told Quin about, or it was Quinlan messing with things. The dream about flying tookas in various obnoxious colors really had been too far the other night. When one had taken on the face of his Master? Well, he had taken one look at Qui-Gon the next morning and burst out laughing. Breakfast had been rather awkward after that.
He summoned his comm to him, abusing the Force for a moment, and called Quin.
Laughter was the greeting Quinlan always went with. He waited it out, letting the sound fade away, before giving his normal greeting. “I hate you.”
“Get back here,” he yelled as he stumbled up the grassy incline. Flowers brushed his hands when he placed them down for slight support. “You are the worst. I am not watching you do something stupid again!”
“Have some faith, Obes,” Quin crowed while spinning with his arms wide. Obi-Wan had the traitorous thought of thinking that he wanted to reach the top of the hill so he could promptly push his soulmate back down it, the image of the graceful Padawan tumbling head over heels made him snort. He was linked to probably the most chaotic person he had ever met that somehow still managed to move with more grace than him. Quinlan Vos moved like he was hunting something and Obi-Wan could trip over his own feet still. He was, perhaps, a bit jealous. A cry of victory escaped him when he finally managed to pull himself up next to Quin. He hadn't slid down the hill once in his climb! When he turned his face up to look at his soulmate he felt his heart skip a few beats. Quinlan was smiling at him, the type of smile that invaded his mind and robbed him of the ability to even think. Thanks to his mind effectively shutting down for a moment he didn’t even move away when he was yanked into a kiss. He stood there, not quite firing on all engines, and then he brought his arms up in a jerky motion.
Obi-Wan pulled back and gave Quinlan a hard shove in the chest. The cry of surprise brought a grin to his lips, but it was the loud splashing sound of his soulmate made when colliding with the lake that made him laugh.
“What the kriff,” Quinlan spluttered as he yanked a lilypad off his head.
“That’s for yanking me into another one of these dreams!”
Quinlan blinked and then slowly grinned as if he had been called out on performing some mockery of magick- a sleight of hand trick.“So you finally have figured out when I’m messing with your dreams? Well, there goes my fun.”
Obi-Wan snorted. Quinlan was so dramatic. “Or, you know, now I can just be more of a willing participant in my own dreams now?”
“...so you wanna-”
The chrono shrieked loudly and Obi-Wan woke up laughing for once. He wasn’t sure during which dream it had happened, he just knew it had happened, but he had actually finally fallen for his soulmate. Quinlan was an idiot, but he was Obi-Wan’s idiot. A banging on his door had him swallowing the next laugh and he propped himself up on his elbows to get a better view of the door.
“Obi-Wan, I have to go see the Council. I left breakfast in the kitchen for you.”
“Thank you, Master,” he called loudly enough to be heard through the door. Fond affection floated through the training bond and he smiled as he collapsed back against his bed.
Steam curled into fanciful shapes over the tops of the cups of tea. At least Obi-Wan assumed both cups were tea, but knowing Quin anything was possible. One cup might hold wine for all he knew, though one should not really serve wine in a teacup. “So, how does it feel to be a Knight,” he asked softly as he watched the shapes form butterflies.
“About the same. I still think it is karked that Qui-Gon hasn’t put you up for your-”
“It is fine, he is right. I have much to learn, Pijal only proves that, dear one,” Obi-Wan finally picked up his cup. Warmth seemed to seep into the palm of his hand. Ah, Quin was growing more skilled at manipulating the dreams. He hadn’t quite noticed it wasn’t a dream at first, but the butterflies had given the game away. His lips twitched with mild affection before he brought the cup to his lips. The taste wasn’t there like he expected, but he did appreciate how it still felt like he was drinking actual tea.
“I hate it when you defend him. Obes, you aren’t that much younger than me and we both know you are way better at following the rules,” Quin argued before looking annoyed. “That isn’t- I didn’t come here to talk to you about this and you know that.”
“I do,” he agreed calmly.
“But you brought it up anyway!”
“I did,” he set the cup down with great care.
“Obes, I’m being sent away on a mission. A long one and the Council has denied my request to have you come along.” He could hear the emotion dripping from those words and his heart did a slight little spasm.
“Quin, you know they won’t let me. I am not your Padawan, I am Qui-Gon’s-”
“But you are my soulmate!” The outburst was violent against his mind, but that wasn’t what had him shrinking back ever so slightly, no, it was something else. There was a moment where he thought a different color danced across his soulmate’s eyes. Something golden, alluring, and terrifying.
“I am, Quin, you know I’ve given up fighting you on that, but still. We still have our duty- nngh,” he didn’t even have time to lament the now broken teacups as Quin dragged him across the small space. Lips crashed against his own while a possessive cry seemed to fill his mind. Mine, mine, mine. The cry, he knew, was coming from Quinlan and he simply sighed into the kiss. Yes, his. Always his. The kiss drew on, never really moving towards the more handsy ones Quin preferred, but instead seemed to linger. He tasted sadness on those lips.
“I’ll see you when you get back, you know that,” he whispered against the other’s lips and only earned a growl of frustration as payment. Obi-Wan shifted, climbing more securely into Qiun’s lap, and threaded his fingers through some of the braids his soulmate always wore. “Vos,” he said a bit more forcibly. “I will see you when you get back so please do your best to come back in one piece.”
Quinlan opened his mouth to reply and then Obi-Wan just woke up. He stared up at the ceiling of the ship and did his best to ignore the way a coil seemed to be digging into his side. Quinlan was going away just as they were finally returning to the Temple. That seemed about right, he was accepting the bond, embracing it, and the galaxy was now doing its best to keep them apart.
Well, he supposed, at least they had the dreams.
He must have fallen asleep again while en route to the blockade, but what was he to do? Rest was important. The reason he knew he was asleep was that he wasn’t on the transport anymore, no, he was standing on the stairs to the Coruscant Galactic Museum. Quinlan was a few steps higher than him, smiling down at him.
“You could just call, like a normal person,” he mused out loud and was rewarded with a shrug. They hadn’t seen each other in months thanks to Quinlan being out on his own missions, never seeming to come back to the Temple at the exact same time as Obi-Wan. The lack of seeing each other was frustrating, to say the least, but these dreams did allow them to have some semblance of time together. “Let me guess. You’ve corrupted one of my favorite places again and plan on giving me the grand tour?”
“I like to think I improved the place,” Quin sounded offended for a mere moment before the straight face he wore cracked. Mirth seeped through easily. “You’ll simply love the exhibit on wet tree leaves.”
“I know, I know. Tea. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t dare make fun of your precious boiled water like that. There is an exhibit on the life cycle of moss I wouldn’t mind making out in front of,” his soulmate wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. Obi-Wan laughed before he could stop himself, the anxiety of the mission vanishing for a moment in this dreamscape.
“You are awful,” he informed his soulmate even while moving to stand on his tiptoes. Quin bent forward, the distance created by the steps vanishing, and they shared a kiss that coiled warmth through his whole body. His hands found their way to the back of the other’s neck as he moved to deepen the kiss.
“Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon shook his shoulder, causing the dream to shatter like a stone going through a fresh sheet of ice on top of a calm lake. Obi-Wan groaned slightly, waving a hand in the air to show he was awake. “We will be arriving soon. I think it best we go over the mission report one last time.”
“Yes, of course, Master.”
He’d have to comm Quin after this whole mission was over. They merely had to talk to the Trade Federation and then be on their way, simple. Except… he had a bad feeling.
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rules: in a new post, post the names of all the files in you wip folder regardless of how non descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell us about it. and then tag as many people as you have wips
as I said last time this came round I have several hundred wips, so I’ll just put the ones at the top lmao
sin eater try three
wolffe and hound
fox and quin temple meeting
quin fox wing fic
tup gets tupped
sin eater try 4
sin eater
Quinlan was the corrie guard’s general the whole time
quinlan falls into dumpster
quinlan pulls fox out of the river
chocolate and caf and curls thorn x quinlan
quinlan catches thorn
biological persistance (wings on coruscant)
fox comes for the 212th
crush fox’s soul out of his body
cultural ness
sunny to sonia
droid brain 2
painting armour with bes
the wall
we were here
rex comes back before promotion
shaak shmi
jango walks into eyayah cave
cody cocksucker
biological imperitive
midochlorians is bugs
mushrooms cure chips
gladheonsleeps MAIN STORY
deaged clones ensemble
jeen tan takes korkie to obi
tagging @ceeeeeeleeeeeebriiiiiiaaaaaan @agoddamnedrayofsunshine @hiddenbyfaeries @navigatorwrongway @straycrayoncrypt @cassandrasdreamworlds @brightclearline @4701rose
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tennessoui · 2 years
Listen. Obi-wan and Quinlan in Foolproof Foolhardy are like that Misery x CPR mashup respectively and I, for one can't get enough. I love this story so much. Also you implied that Anakin promised to train him and then didn't for some reason and I'm so looking forward to figuring out why
ok tbh i think maybe writing quin and obi-wan's friendship in the stacy's mom au is like. one of my favorite parts if not favorite part of that fic. i think they're adorable and they know each other so well.
i think after a few years of obi-wan and anakin together, vos brings back feral sith asajj ventress and obi-wan clocks within ten seconds that quinlan has. a bit. of a crush. on the dark sider.
and he's totally ok with it.
more than ok. it's revenge time now.
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inkformyblood · 2 years
If you are still taking prompts. Cody/Obi-Wan/Quinlan + "and they took turns while the other kept watch".
((Thank you for the prompt! It was a very fun one to write. Sorry if it was from a specific list but I couldn't see one ^^ I always enjoy prompts so feel free to send anymore my way <3))
Pairing: Cody x Obi-Wan x Quinlan AU: Post-Order 66, Tatooine Husbands
Obi-Wan came awake in an instant at Quinlan’s whisper, his eyes snapping open to nothingness as complete as the darkness that haunts his dreams. It takes him a moment, it always does now, to catalogue the feeling of loss that has settled in his chest as his thoughts try to reach out along bonds that have been torn from him.
“Ready for what?” Obi-Wan asks, turning his head just enough to inspect the boundaries of the room they are in.
It is small and made of worn painted stone, colour splashed over darkened crevices as the faint light from the lantern in Quinlan’s hand jumps and shudders with every breath. There is a pile of storage crates in one corner, lashed together with rope. He can smell the faint tang of rust and ozone that leaks from them. In the other corner, a single door is propped ajar, leading into the fresher and he catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror, a reflexive bolt of surprise shooting through him.
His face is lined and his hair, once bright and full of fire, is silver at his temples, streaks pushing through his curls like comet trails.
Quinlan chuckles, the sound raspy and uneven, catching in his throat as he places the lantern down, drawing the heavy cloak over his head. “Must have been a good dream I woke you from.
“We need to take turns keeping watch while the Empire is on the planet. Remember?” Quinlan speaks quickly and quietly. His remorse stains every word but he doesn’t pause until Obi-Wan bites back a keen, curling forwards as he presses his hands to his mouth.
Remembering is a quick blade to a heart that can never fully heal.
“Cody?” Obi-Wan asks after what feels like a lifetime, turning to study the empty expanse of the bed next to him. The sheets are cool as he stretches out to brush his fingers over them, drawing the patterned blanket Quinlan had picked up the last time he had visited the market from where it is balled up along the line of the pillows.
“He came up an hour or so ago.” Quinlan held out his hand for the blanket as he sat on the edge of the bed with a sigh. Obi-Wan passes it over, brushing his fingers over Quinlan’s as he does so. There is an echo of grief in his touch, muted where he had once been as bright and as loud as a sunset, and Obi-Wan can taste the faintly spiced hot chocolate they kept for nights like this smooth over his mouth like a kiss. Quinlan’s hands are chilled, the tips of his fingers burning against Obi-Wan’s palm, and he pauses to catch the other man’s hands, cupping them in his own.
It is easy to lean forwards and brush a kiss over the curve of Quinlan’s thumb, Obi-Wan’s lips catching on silvery raised scars that he hadn’t held before. Their new life is difficult and it extracts its payment from each of them.
“There was a time,” Quinlan murmurs, his voice rough and thick with sleep as his words slur together, no longer awake but not quite asleep, “when I would have died to have you look at me like that.”
“You always knew I loved you, Quin,” Obi-Wan whispers, leaning forwards to kiss Quinlan, feeling the man grin beneath his lips and try to kiss him back, clumsy and uncoordinated.
“Yeah, but it’s all different now.” They part as Quinlan tips sideways, managing to clumsily roll himself in the blanket on his way down.
Obi-Wan stands carefully, feeling the bed tip and shift as Quinlan works his way up to approximately shove his head underneath their pillows, one arm stretched out across the expanse of the bed – always searching for something he could never name. “Sleep well, Quin.”
Quinlan mumbles something Obi-Wan can’t catch but, for a moment, the Force flares around him, content and warm like it had been before. It doesn’t last long before it sputters and settles back into smoky nothingness like a dying candle, but it is enough for Obi-Wan to step away. His cloak hangs on a small peg next to the stairs that lead up to the main room and he pulls it on as he walks.
Stepping into the single room of the hut, he stretches out a hand in front of him even as the other settles at his throat, drawing the cloak tighter around him. The cold bites at the exposed skin on his face and the edges of his ankles so he quickly walks to the small ladder that leads up to the covered dome they had carefully built several summers ago.
It groans beneath his weight, flakes of decaying paint clinging to his palms as he pulls himself upwards. His arms ache in protest, a foreign sensation he was quickly having to become used to in the baking desert heat. Farming is an exhausting never-ending occupation and at the peak of the growing season, they had all been too tired to do much more than kiss each other before they collapsed into bed.
Then, the Empire had arrived. It had been small groups at first, but they knew the signs well by then.
Obi-Wan fumbles with the latch, chilled fingers slipping on the fabric ties until it is lifted from above him, a hand stretching through the gap to tug at the knot.
“I told him to let you sleep,” Cody says, silhouetted in the moonlight that draws heavy shadows in the creases of his brow and the cluster of wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. He moves slowly but with purpose, stepping backwards and turning to inspect the rolling expanse of sand that stretches unbroken to the horizon before he crouches down.
He looks almost predatory in a way he never had before the chip sunk its claws into his mind, constantly weighing up his thoughts and his actions, waiting for the one that would betray him again.
“Structure needs to be maintained,” Obi-Wan says, hearing the ghost of the Temple in his words, and he catches a glimpse as Cody grins, shaking his head slowly. He groans as the tension in his back catches and fires, pain melting down his leg and robbing him of any strength, but Cody is there.
His grip is sure, his hands worn and rough, and Obi-Wan leans into him as they move in tandem, settling against one wall to stare out over the desert.
Cody is a warm weight against Obi-Wan’s chest, his legs stretched out to one side so he can twist to rest his head in the crook of Obi-Wan’s neck. His curls brush with every exhale, a crawling sensation that sends sparks down Obi-Wan’s spine, an inherent warning of something creeping over his skin that he ignores. Obi-Wan curls his hand around Cody’s waist, pressing his hand to his stomach and feeling the soft give of it, no longer just muscle stretched taut beneath his skin.
They had all changed, in their own ways.
Cody’s eyes are dark as he stares resolutely out the small viewport, something Obi-Wan can only just make out in the faint reflection he casts, more shadow than a man with the Empire’s reach stretching ever closer.
“Do you remember—” Obi-Wan begins, his voice low and his thoughts escaping him even as he reaches for them. He speaks without knowing what he is going to say and is just as surprised as Cody at what swims to the surface. “—that bar we wound up in when we had some surface leave on Dybbron III?”
It startles a laugh out of Cody and Obi-Wan realises it had been too long since he had heard the other man chuckle. The sound is uneven, catching on the dry patches in Cody’s throat and rumbles through them like an earthquake as Cody stretches to brush a kiss over the line of Obi-Wan’s throat.
“That bath,” Cody murmurs against his skin, his voice torn between amusement and longing, and Obi-Wan hums his agreement, letting his gaze blur as he stares out over the desert.
It had been too small for three people to work themselves into, a tangled mess of hot soapy water and aching limbs, but they had made it work amidst muffled laughter and trading kisses to every scrap of skin they could reach.
“I like our bed better though,” Cody says, curling his free hand across the one Obi-Wan has pressed to his stomach and rests his fingers into the hollows between his knuckles.
“I know. There is a storm coming in a few days and we can sleep undisturbed then.”
Cody nods, his cheek twitching as he chews on it, clearly not believing Obi-Wan. The Jedi laughs, lightly bumping the side of his head with his temple.
“Or we can all stay in the bed and talk, or crowd in up here. We will make it work.”
“That sounds more likely,” Cody chuckles.
His eyes drift closed in the reflection and Obi-Wan listens as his breathing slows and deepens into something approaching sleep. Obi-Wan would keep watch for as long as it took just so his loves could sleep peacefully.
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