#protective kara is the best kara
lena-in-a-red-dress · 3 months
Oh the Assistant!Kara AU tho…so one night Lena actually gets Kara to leave earlier than her (sisters night maybe?) but as she’s leaving she hears something suspicious and heads back up to be just in time to save Lena from an assassin, and is consequently horrified because people are actually trying to kill Lena? Like, she’s used to hearing death threats again Cat but none ever materialized and the fact that these so and Lena so…casually resigned? to them? Enter supergirl mode lol.
Okay but what if Kara *isn't* there? Lena is assaulted in the parking lot or in the lobby on her way out, and Kara doesn't hear about it until she's called to the hospital for a ride home. Injuries are minor, but bandages are visible, and Lena is shaken.
Kara is livid.
"...and where was the security guard?!" She ends a long diatribe with a frustrated huff.
"I don't know."
Lena's voice is so soft in the confines of the elevator up to her apartment, it stops Kara in her tracks. She looks at her boss, who's leaning against the wall of the elevator looking rumpled and tired in a bloodstained blouse. The wisps of hair that have come loose from its style makes Lena look so young, and for the first time Kara realizes that her boss isn't all that old in the first place.
In fact, she doesn't seem much older than Kara herself.
And tonight, her empowered, forceful, kind boss is just a rattled young woman who was attacked alone in a freaking parking garage.
"Hey," Kara says softly. Taking a risk, she reaches out to rest her hand gently on Lena's arm. "I'm sorry."
"Don't." Lena's voice comes cold and harsh, shocking Kara before it almost immediately softens. "Just... if you're kind to me I might just burst into tears, and I really don't want to do that just yet."
"It's okay." Kara kicks herself. "Sorry. Right. I can be mean..."
"I don't need mean," Lena says with a small smile. "I just... I just want to be home."
Right on cue, the elevator dings open, and Lena manages to unlock the multiple deadbolts with shaking fingers. The apartment inside is massive, and Lena flips on every light as she moves inside, allowing Kara to trail in behind her. They come to a stop in the kitchen, where Lena reaches into the fridge for a carafe of filtered water. She pours herself a glass and takes a long gulp before speaking.
"Thank you for driving me. Is there anything I can get you before I head home?"
Kara shakes her head. "No, I'm good. I'll clear your schedule for tomorrow-- I heard what the doctor said about the concussion, and you really should rest."
Lena nods her gratitude. "Thank you."
Kara turns to leave, then thinks better of it and turns back. "Actually, do you mind if I stay here tonight?"
Taken aback, Lena's eyes widen. "I-- what?"
"Yeah. I mean, it's late, and it's a long way back to my place, and I shouldn't be driving when I'm so tired. They say it's as bad as driving drunk," she punctuates with a dramatic yawn. She doesn't care what excuse she throws out-- Lena's apartment is too dark and too big for Lena stay here alone tonight.
"I don't know, Kara... it wouldn't be appropriate."
"Please," Kara says, falling solemn. "For me. I'll sleep on the couch."
Lena looks at her for a long moment. Finally, she relents. "Don't be ridiculous," she sighs. "You can use the spare room."
And if Kara checks every nook and cranny of that spare room-- and every other unoccupied inch of the apartment-- for any hidden intruders before she goes to sleep, well.
Who could blame her?
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vox-ex · 2 years
just this once
Supercorptober Day 18 “secret”
thanks to kmsdraws for the prompts
Kara keeps a different kind of secret from Lena
Kara stares out of the window of the Medbay, her eyes following Lena as she paces back and forth. She has a phone pressed to her ear, her hand gesturing around the empty space as she talks. She looks a little tired, a little worried. Kara feels at least a little guilty for the second.
Alex steps in front of her suddenly, breaking her view of her wife. She looks both annoyed and concerned — more annoyed than concerned, if Kara's being honest.
"Oh, stop it. One that didn't hurt; your powers came back almost as soon as we got you under the sunlamps. And two, you deserved it."
Alex sighs and takes a deep breath, adjusting the sensors on Kara's chest as she takes one more reading.
Kara rubs her shoulder, glaring at Alex as she stares up at the monitors.
She can feel the places where the blood still sticks to her skin and in her hair. She needs a shower or, at the very least, a change of clothes, but Alex won't let her leave just yet despite the fact she is obviously healthy enough to be smacked on the arm.
"You should also be glad I'm the only one who seemed to notice the little stunt you pulled out there."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
Alex scoffs, "You don't know what I'm talking about?"
She knew exactly what her sister was talking about.
"Stepping in front of Lena like that so you could take a full blast of Kryptonite square to the chest?"
And yeah, that sounded about right.
"You're lucky she didn't see you because she was too busy casting a spell that was going to save all of our asses."
Kara crosses her arms and sticks out her chest a little, causing some of the monitors to beep angrily.
"I was protecting her."
Alex unfolds Kara's arms and starts removing the offending wires.
"She had a protection shield up."
"It could have failed," Kara tries in her defense.
But Alex just raises her eyebrow, "Has it ever?"
"Well, no, but —"
"But what?"
Kara looks down, biting her lip.
Alex steps closer, poking her right in the middle of the forehead.
"No, no, not nothing. Crinkle!"
Kara tries to duck away.
"Hey, ow!"
"Oh, stop with the ow," Alex crosses her arms, "tell me what's got you leaping in front of speeding bullets for no good reason."
Kara shifts in her place on the exam table. "It was an energy blast, not a speeding bullet." She looks up at her sister, "and I had a good reason," then up at Lena, still pacing in the hallway," like the best reason."
And before she realizes it, her thoughts are drifting past the walls around her and back to two nights ago in their apartment.
They had been lying together on the couch, Kara pressed against Lena's side, her head resting on her shoulder. Lena was reading a book while Kara tuned in and out of an old black-and-white movie playing in the background. It was one of those they had watched a million times, but neither could remember what it was called.
Kara's eyes had just started drooping shut when an odd sound got caught in her ear. She paused the movie and sat up a little.
"What?" Lena asked, looking up from her book.
"Nothing, sorry." I think I'm just tired.
"Do you want to move to the bed?"
"No, no, I'm good here."
Kara settled down again, tucking herself back into Lena's side.
But she couldn't get comfortable. And the more she tried to ignore the noise, the more it seemed to grow until it was all she could focus on. It was a steady sound, almost like a heartbeat, but not quite. It was too fast, too faint.
She sat up again, this time more slowly so as not to alarm Lena again.
Kara put her hand on Lena's stomach, feeling for the source of the noise, but there was nothing there.
"I ate enough dinner, I promise," Lena says with a chuckle, patting Kara's hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.
"No, sorry, it's not that."
Kara slides down a little more this time, her head resting just below Lena's breasts.
And there it was.
A heartbeat.
The faintest of heartbeats, but a heartbeat nonetheless.
Kara felt the gentle tug of Lena's fingers carding through her hair.
"Are you sure you're okay?" She asks after a moment, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Yeah," Kara replies just as quietly, her eyes welling up with tears as the reality of what she hears sinks in.
And she almost tells Lena right then — almost lifts her up from the couch and swings her around, and kisses every inch of her.
But there's a fear somewhere buried under all that joy that she could be wrong.
And if she's not, it's a moment she wants to be Lena's, for her to be the one who gets to shout it at the world first.
So instead, she just holds her a little a tighter, kisses her a little deeper, and asks forgiveness for the secret she will keep from her just a little longer.
Kara's thoughts snap back to the present and the medbay door swinging open so hard it hits the wall.
And all of a sudden, the sound that had been in her head became a steady rhythm that seemed to fill the whole room.
Kara's heart raced right alongside it.
"What is it? What's wrong?"
But Lena just shakes her head and reaches for her, cupping her face in her hands.
"I-I'm fine, I wasn't fine, I-was, I wasn't feeling well yesterday —"
And then she starts pacing again, but the room isn't as big as the hallway, so really she just turns around and then turns around again, her hands running through her hair — phone still held in one of them.
Finally, she stops. Looks at Kara. Her blue-green eyes wider than they were a second ago, darker, but still impossibly beautiful.
"That was the doctor," she shrugs her shoulders, like it explained everything.
"I—I'm pregnant."
And maybe it did.
The words hung in the air for only a second before Kara had her in her arms, the two of them laughing and crying and everything in between as they clung to each other.
"I love you so much," Kara whispers into her hair, tears streaming down her face as she presses kisses to Lena's temple, her cheek, her jawline.
"I love you," Lena let fall back in between the breaths she was trying to find room for, her voice shaking slightly.
Gently Kara puts her back down on her feet but doesn't let go of her.
"Wait," Lena says suddenly.
"What? "Are you sure you're okay?" Kara asks, hands already starting to move across every inch of her.
But Lena just swats them away and then hits her on the shoulder.
Kara pulls her hands away, startled, and takes a step back. But Lena keeps her close, palm resting against the center of her chest, moving with her.  
"You knew. The other night on the couch. You could hear them."
And Kara can only nod.
Lena hits her again.
And Kara leans her shoulder back to absorb the impact.  
"Seriously, what's with all the hitting."
"That's why you stepped in front of me?"
Kara looks at her sister, who just has a knowing smirk on her face."
"Wha — how did you even find out about that?"
But Lena's face is soft, and her voice gentle.
But Kara is already shaking her head before Lena has even finished speaking.
"I know, I know we agreed nothing would change just because you're my wife and that I can't just turn into some foolish idiot every time I think you might be in danger, but I-you'll have to forgive me just this once."
Lena steps back into her arms, and pushes the hair from her face, ignoring the dirt and blood that had dried onto her skin as she presses a quick kiss to her cheek.
"Just this once."
Kara nods, hands sliding from her hips up to the small of her back, bending down onto one knee so she can place a kiss on her stomach.
"Don't worry, little one, I'll always protect you and your mom."
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palepinkycat · 2 years
guys I can't sleep so I've beem cheking some of my children's name meanings, hoping to find some cool info and apparently Lena means torch. I mean, I know what they meant by torch but all I can see is this:
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yes, it's 100% Lenka
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viperdove-if · 1 year
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They will sing songs of our legacy, weave tales of the blood we spilled and the hearts we stole. We have carved our names in history, my dove, using the lives of the guilty. And once you are appointed, you too will be marked in legend.
Genre: dark, crime, romance, gangs
Setting: fictional world of Hera, ancient times
You are the Dove, the heir to one of the most powerful crime families in your country. The grip your family--your father--has on their side of the land is tight, and now that you've reached adulthood it's time for you to be fully absorbed into the machinations of gang warfare. That means opium, mercenaries, assassinations. In this ancient world, blood moves people just as much as money does.
But your family is not the only family with a steel-like grip on Hera. The Dimas family have been your rivals for centuries, a blood feud fueling the anger on both sides. You both fight for territories, for money, terrorize innocent civilians and throw them in a fight they never asked to be part of. Eventually it must end...and eventually it will come down to you and the Viper, the rival heir.
But when murders and kidnappings crop up on both sides of families, the blood feud grows larger. Because there is an even bigger threat coming, and a blood war may be the only way to get out of it.
Viper & Dove is a dark romantic interactive fiction that follows two crime families in a blood feud taking place in ancient times. It is rated 18+ for violence, explicit themes, possible sexual content, and gore.
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Customize your heir from name, appearance, gender identity, pronouns, demeanor and more. Customize their approach to their position and how they feel about their family and their responsibilities.
Choose a weapon of choice like a sword, throwing knives, and more.
Choose what kind of heir you want to be, and how far you're willing to go to protect your title from your endless siblings...who are various shades of bloodthirsty.
Indulge in romances that go from a doomed Romeo & Juliet narrative to a bully arranged-marriage romance to a bodyguard romance.
more features to come.
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Talon/Thea 'The Viper' Dimas (m/f) : the eldest and heir to your rival family, neither of you can live while the other one breathes. Everyone is waiting with baited breath for the day you two come face to face for a fight to the death to finally bring an end to a century long rivalry...in blood. The day seems to be inching closer, and you wonder if you're prepared.
You are forbidden to see them. Forbidden to speak to them. Romancing them grants a punishment in blood.
Romance: enemies to lovers, forbidden lovers, heirs to rival families, Romeo & Juliet-esque
Alastair (m): your father's advisor, his second-hand man. He is serious, distant, and treats you with neutrality, mostly because of who you are. He oversees everything your father does and your father trusts him with his life. Romancing you would mean certain death for him.
Romance: forbidden romance
Shadow (real name unknown) (m/f): the family's head assassin and lapdog for your father, indebted to him like a prisoner. They have killed many, and their deaths pile up in a way that keeps them quiet and isolated. They do not speak, least of all to you, and you rarely see them underneath their assassins garb.
Romance: forbidden romance
Kalis Dimas (f): the twin of your rival. Even though she is a Dimas, you feel she has no interest in the blood feud. She is too kind, too pure. If anyone were to find you speaking to her--especially her very protective twin--the results could be detrimental to you both.
Romance: forbidden romance
Oren/Odessa (m/f): your betrothed. They are mean, rude, and a bully, and yet you are expected to wed them. After all these years of them bullying you, tormenting you, how could it possibly change?
Romance: bully romance, arranged marriage
Kai/ Kara: (m/f): your childhood best friend. Your guard. The one meant to protect you. They were once an orphan, then found and employed by your father to keep you safe. They take their duty seriously, lest they get thrown out again.
Romance: bodyguard romance, forbidden
Raven/Rome: (m/f) your personal maid/butler, hailing from the servant family that has served yours for generations. They don't look you in the eye and don't dare speak. Some might find their overt politeness endearing.
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This is my first interactive-fiction story and I hope you like it. Reblogs are always appreciated, thank you! :)
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fazedlight · 6 months
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“KARA!” Lena screamed. I killed her, Lena grieved.
She didn’t have time to linger as Eve attacked her again, Lena throwing one last punch before she found herself scrambling out of her jet. The explosion killed her, Lena’s mind shouted, thrashing in agony, a litany of damnation that she should never have brought Kara to Kaznia in the first place. It’s all my fault.
But to her astonishment, in the dark, a figure shifted ahead - blonde and burning and bright, and Lena thought for half a second to run back for the fire extinguisher, that Kara might be saved.
But as the figure turned, somehow unaffected by the flames that adorned her like a god, Lena halted. Kara looked concerned, confused. But she didn’t look injured.
Lena’s eyes drifted lower, to the bright S now etched on Kara’s chest, solid blue emerging amidst her burnt clothing. “Kara…”
“Lena,” Kara breathed, reluctance written on her face.
Lena hesitated a moment longer, before taking step after careful step, approaching the reporter as the embers continued to burn across her body. Lena’s hand drifted to the top of the suit’s crest, just below Kara’s neck, where yellow met red. Oh.
It was too much - the whiplash of the explosion, thinking that Lena had carelessly killed her best friend, to realizing that the reporter had once thrown that’s not a great question for a Luthor to ask someone in my family back in her face.
Kara Danvers was her best friend. Did she ever really exist?
“Lena…” Kara whispered again.
Lena dropped her hand, her eyes raised to Kara’s, looking her over again. “Don’t,” she said. Without another word, Lena turned on her heel, and went back to her jet.
The flight back from Kaznia was longer alone.
Plenty of time for Lena to fume and grieve, for her to rage internally at weathering yet another deceit. Kara Danvers - or whatever the hell she was really called - had used her, betrayed her, spied on her. 
Somewhere in the back of Lena’s mind, there was a different acknowledgment - that her glide ratio in her custom-designed jet was good, but not good enough to reach the Kaznian runway when the engines had failed. That her assumption at the time that mountain updrafts had saved her ran contrary to the now-more-obvious explanation - that the kryptonian had saved her from aviation incidents three times now. 
Lena looked out the side of the window, where dawn was slowly rising. She desperately needed sleep, but was too wired from watching her best friend be blown up - and then revealed to be a traitor - and sleep was just… not going to happen. 
Lena could swear that she was seeing glints of red and blue, just behind her plane, a kryptonian possibly trying to stay out of sight while still being protective. It was infuriating.
It’s not Kara, Lena’s mind begged, trying to convince herself that the dead kryptonian was the clone she had learned about in Kaznia. It can’t be Kara.
It was with overwhelming horror that Lena watched the footage of Kaznia’s failed invasion, her brother parading around a dead kryptonian in his lexosuit arms, the supposed traitor Supergirl. 
He was a hero. For killing her. It can't be Kara. It can’t it can’t it can’t-
Trying to still her trembling fingers, Lena picked up her phone, trying to figure out what to text, what to say, anything to get a response from the kryptonian that she had shut out. Operating out of instinct more than logic, she pressed Kara’s name to start a call instead, holding it up to her ear, her stomach twisting with nausea.
But luckily, it only took one ring before Lena heard a familiar voice on the other end. “Lena,” Kara said softly
Lena pulled the phone away, and hung up.
There was no other choice in her mind. Not when Lex had regained legitimacy in the eyes of the country by “saving” it from Supergirl’s attack. Not when Lex sought to commit a secret genocide to solve the energy crisis and be named a hero. Not when Lena was the only person who would know where Lex would go.
Not when all Lena could see was Lex cradling Red Daughter in his arms.
The image was burned into her mind, and all Lena knew was that Kara was next - Lex would not rest until every kryptonian was gone. And Kara would be too kind and noble to seek anything but legal justice. But that wasn’t Lena - it wasn’t Lena when she decided to kill Morgan Edge, it wasn’t Lena when she decided to kidnap her mother from prison and poison her, it wasn’t Lena when she tucked her gun in her belt that morning.
A single bullet to the head, and Lex was gone.
Kara’s door opened just a few seconds before Lena reached it. Lena supposed Kara could hear her down the hall.
Lena ignored the shock and concern on Kara’s face as she stepped inside, making her way to Kara’s window as Kara closed the door. Truth was, she still couldn’t face Kara at all.
“I’m sorry, Lena,” Kara started. “I tried to save-”
“Don’t,” Lena said.
Kara grew quiet, flanking Lena’s side, joining her as Lena stared out onto the streets below. Lena shifted. “I thought she was you,” Lena said. “When Lex killed her, I thought she was you.”
She could feel Kara shrink, uncertain of what to say, of how to move forward. And maybe Lena didn’t know either. But she could try. If… “Is Kara real?” Lena asked, her voice cracking. “Or just a mask?”
“I’m real,” Kara whispered, prompting Lena to finally turn. And Lena couldn’t help herself, seeking the warmth of Kara’s arms, the kryptonian all too happy to wrap Lena in a tight hug as Lena stepped into it. “I… sometimes I feel more real with you than anyone else.”
Lena swallowed harshly, burying her face into Kara’s shoulder, holding back a tremble. “I want to believe you.”
“I’ll spend a lifetime trying to prove it,” Kara whispered. “If you’ll let me.”
Lena took a slow, trembling breath. “Okay.”
Idea taken from a tweet I saw floating around. If you're interested in a longer season 4 reveal, I also wrote No One and Nothing.
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sssammich · 2 months
fic: let there be another day
inspired by this fantastically angsty gifset of a supercorp AU. happy supercorp sunday yall
thanks x
The days transform steadily, selfishly, into weeks. Until the weeks have amounted to six months of nothing. Nothing between them but a phantom line of what they’d been to each other, once upon a time.
There is a crater in Lena’s heart, a botched excavation of the way she’d willed herself to forget Kara, to protect the two of them from the ruthlessness of her family. So she’d cored herself first, hoping to beat her brother and mother to the punch. Yet Kara had dug herself further into her heart, straight into her marrow. 
So she failed, in the end, to rid herself of the woman she’d loved with her whole being. 
But it’s gotten easier, in a way, existing in this reality where she had to deny herself the chance for happiness if it meant her happiness could live. 
Her family has continued to terrorize her, but she’s acclimated. Expected it, really. Their efforts of trying to eliminate the few people who have been able to reach the fortress of her heart have now since changed to recruiting her into the fold of the family business. 
She now only functions to keep L-Corp as an entity of good despite her family’s best attempts at compromising her work. It’s fine, because she has accepted that her work will be her life. Her love—her grief—has become the shape of late nights in front of her computer, of half-filled decanters as she oversees expense reports, of dry-cleaned power suits and a lethal red lipstick as armor worn in superfluous business meetings. 
It’s worth it, she reasons, when she catches sight of Supergirl zooming past her window to save the day once more. 
Lena should have known that Lex and Lillian are simply biding their time until they strike. The last couple of months of relative quiet was not a sign of reprieve. So when the glass of her office doors break and splinter into tiny crystalline pieces, her heart aches not in fear, but in disappointment. 
She’s never had a death wish and would never wish this hurt upon herself, but the amount of threats to her life has surpassed her age. She thinks that maybe if both Lex and Lillian simply just got it over with, that she can get some goddamn rest. But she knows why she fights and why she keeps going. If only to spite her family, if only so that her sacrifice isn’t in vain. 
Another explosion erupts and throws Lena partway across her office, her head hitting the corner of her desk with a thud. She opens her eyes and her vision blurs, her head throbbing with pain, her body tense and sore all at once. Distantly, she can hear the fire alarm go off just as the sprinklers start shooting off water and flooding her office. 
She attempts to stand and find an exit, but her body betrays her intentions, buckling under her weight as she’s sprayed with water all around her. She falls onto her knees and subjects herself to crawling towards the exit with only but reckless determination and an almost-extinguished hope that she will make it out of this alive. 
Before she can take another step forward, there’s a whooshing sound that fills her already ringing ears and suddenly, warmth envelopes her. 
She sighs in resignation and gratitude when she feels the familiar weight around her. Lena knows before she opens her eyes what has engulfed her so safely, so securely. It cuts her heart just as it heals it, and she is in a loop of pain and joy. 
She wants to open her eyes, truly, to look into ocean eyes and a field of golden grass. But she is in pain and she is hurting. Her only course of action is to keep her eyes closed as strong arms grab hold of her—gently, always so gently—and whisks her out of her now compromised and ruined office. 
When she comes to, she finds herself in a secluded and private examination room of the National City Hospital, discretion of the highest priority as a prominent public figure. It’s one she’s been in before, from a past attempt at her life. It’s almost something like a comfort, this familiar space that has seen her bruises, cuts, and scrapes. 
The door swings open and she hears Kara behind her begin to make her exit. She doesn’t look up but when she catches sight of the red cape just by the bed, she holds up a hand and stops the movement altogether. 
She only lets go when the doctor looks down from her clipboard and settles on the rolling stool, the creak of the leather as she rolls closer to Lena. 
She allows the doctor to do what she does best, intently listening to the sound of the squeaking stool and the crinkling of the paper of the examination bed as doctor works.  
A mild concussion, some cuts and bruises. It could have been worse, she’s told. It always could have been worse and she wants to yell at Dr. Shapiro that this feels pretty close to the worst. Still, she listens carefully as her doctor explains how fortunate she is for surviving after the second and third explosions completely decimating her office. 
“Third explosion?” she asks, this information brand new to her. 
“Mm,” the doctor hums. “The second blast was the reason for your concussion, but according to reports, the third blast was close to you and would have knocked you prone and done serious damage had you not found cover.” 
Lena tries very hard not to twist her aching body and look over her shoulder. 
“Thank you, Doctor.” 
The doctor looks at her meaningfully before glancing over Lena’s right shoulder and placing a hand on hers, squeezing, and then letting go. 
The door closes with a quiet click, but instead of an exhaled deep breath, she holds herself tense. She shuts her eyes and listens to the way the superhero makes just enough noise so Lena knows where she is. First, from the chair she’d been occupying, then the sound of boots against the linoleum flooring, then the swish of the cape as it catches against the corner of the examination bed and back down again. 
“Where can I take you?” 
She opens her eyes to the setting sun, to saltwater ocean, to a small smile she hasn’t allowed herself to witness in six months. 
She doesn’t know what’s safest, what her family is planning, what the total damage is. She needs her phone, she needs access to her company, she needs—
“Can I go with you?” is what she says. 
Kara studies her, like the horizon staring back, and nods. She opens her hand, the thumb loop of her suit wrapping around her palm, and offers it to Lena. 
She takes it, sliding her unsteady hand in place and breathes when Kara clasps their hands together. 
Kara’s apartment smells the exact same. 
She does not comment on this, though it’s the most prevalent thought in her mind. Kara lets her walk in first, speeding to the lamps and switching them on until the apartment is bathed in faint golden light. Fitting. 
“Get cleaned up. I’ll have some spare clothes for you right outside the bathroom.” Kara passes her a towel, and she hugs it to her chest. 
The water scalds her skin, stings the open scratches and cuts. And she revels in it, her alabaster skin reddening under the downpour of it. She savors it until the shower sputters a little and the hot water becomes tepid then becomes cold. She squeals and jumps away, hitting herself against the side of the shower stall and knocking half of the soaps and hair products off the shelf. 
Kara is there in an instant, opening the door and getting soaked herself, trying to protect her. 
Naked and broken, she looks up to the setting sun that is Kara’s concerned face, and then she starts laughing. 
“I—the hot water ran out.” 
Kara exhales, that cold water matting down her hair on her forehead as she protects Lena from the downpour. “Sorry, I never did call the landlord about it.” 
She turns off the water behind her and steps out of the shower stall to pick up Lena’s towel for her. She opens the towel and turns away. 
You’ve seen it all before, she wants to say, but doesn’t. Instead, she takes the towel and wraps it around herself, the cold beads of water from her hair clinging to her neck, her shoulder blades. 
Kara steps aside, offers her a shy smile, and leaves wordlessly. Lena listens to the way she walks around the apartment, the clattering of the plates on the table. 
She steps out and smiles when she finds spare clothes placed on a stool right outside the bathroom door. 
When she next steps out of the bathroom, she is wearing Kara’s oversized shirt with a faded cartoon drawing of National City State Fair on it and a spare set of her pajama pants that she didn’t realize she’d forgotten, she'd thought Kara would have gotten rid of. 
The spread of Chinese food on the coffee table is modest, but familiar. 
She takes a seat in the spot she once proclaimed as hers, and accepts the plate from Kara’s grasp. They eat in silence with only the sound of the television playing on in the background. 
Kara watches her—studying her, Lena’s sure—but doesn’t say anything. She talks about her week because Lena had asked, and so she gives it to Lena. They clear their plates, then she trails after Kara to the kitchen, parking herself on the kitchen island. Kara seems to anticipate her and passes a pint of Cherry Garcia towards her with a spoon on the lid. 
“Good for concussions, I heard,” Kara offers, a twitch of a smile on her lips.  
She laughs at that, surprised, but accepts the ice cream, opening the lid and taking a spoonful. “That’s tonsillitis.” 
Kara shrugs but takes a spoonful of her own Rocky Road on the opposite side of the kitchen island. So much of right now exists superimposed to how things had been before, how their lives had been so entwined, so integrated. It is unnerving as it is comforting, and Lena accepts that for today, at least, she has to accept the disorientation. 
Eventually, “here. I charged your phone. I’d call Sam first, then Jess.”
There is distance between them, far greater than the kitchen island in front of her, and it shows itself for the first time now, here. After everything.  
“Kara, I—” 
“I need to fill Alex in on everything. Let her know you’re alright. I’ll be right outside.”  
She nods, glances at her phone and the laptop that Kara slides across the kitchen island, and watches as Kara walks out the front door. 
For a solid hour, she works through everything she can considering her mild concussion. She touches base with her assistant, with her team, and finds that they have taken care of everything for her. She sighs in relief, shuddering into her hands when Sam and Jess let her know that they have everything handled, that all they want for her is to rest, that the investigation into her family’s attempt at assassinating her might finally have some legs with some information they’d discovered during the cleanup. 
She sighs, sniffling into the back of her hand and tells them goodnight before she closes her phone and sobs into her hands, the day finally wearing her down. 
She doesn’t startle when arms wrap around her, the press of a strong body kneeling in front of her as she cries into the crook of Kara’s neck. She grabs fistfuls of Kara’s shirt as her tears soak through the cotton. 
Kara only holds onto her, rubbing her back and gently cradling Lena in her arms. Soft shushing filters through Lena’s ears and she sobs further into Kara, hoping Kara can just absorb her entirely, as if that’s the only thing that can protect her—from her family, from the world, from herself. 
Her sobs lasts and lasts, a never ending fountain of all the tears she’d shoved back in, a dam bursting now that she’s allowed herself.
Kara carries her to the bed, quietly ushering her under the covers just as she sits on the edge of it. 
“You saved me,” she says, her voice coming out slightly congested.  
Kara brushes her hair behind her ear. “That promise has never changed.” 
“They’re never going to stop, are they?” 
Kara shakes her head. 
“I thought by letting you g—” she huffs, turns away. “I thought I was protecting you. I was trying to do the right thing.” 
Kara grabs hold of her hand and places it on her lap, her fingers fiddling with Lena’s palm, but doesn’t quite look at her. 
“I’m afraid that the only times I will see you, I’m trying to save your life. And I—it worsens when I think that I can’t make it.” 
Lena watches Kara’s beautiful profile, the expanse of her forehead, the slope of her nose into the curves of her lips and down her jutting chin, trembling slightly in the faint light outside the bedroom curtain. Then she sees the bob of Kara’s throat, a single tear falling into the center of her palm. 
Kara’s facing her now, and Lena brings up her other hand to wipe Kara’s cheek. 
“I missed you, Lena. And I don’t know what I will do if I can’t make it to you in time, I—” 
This time, it’s Lena who pulls her close, wrapping the arm that Kara’s been focusing on around her front as she cradles Kara in her arms. “I’m sorry, darling,” she says, voice hoarse. “I’m sorry.” 
Kara then turns in her arms and they embrace one another, both hiding in each other. 
The tears stain and soak her neck, but she lets it, welcoming Kara’s weight after months of being so untethered. 
“Please, just come back to me,” Kara says into her skin, muffled words that hold so much promise. “Let me take care of you. Let me protect you,” 
Lena pulls back slightly. “You’d still—you’d still want me?” 
“Let me love you again, Lena.” 
Unable to hold her own tears back, Lena pushes forward until their lips meet. She angles her head and Kara kisses her back, the pair of them holding each other. 
There is an ache to their reunion, but there is healing, too. And Lena remembers, unbidden, Dr. Shapiro’s words. It could have been worse, she’d heard. 
But Lena wants it to be better. She deserves at least that, for all of her troubles, and if her family will aim for her and all that she loves, then she can’t hide herself in the shadows. 
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I love you.”
Tomorrow, she thinks, after the whispered declarations and the promises of more, of better, of a new day. Together. 
“I’m here. I’m here. I love you, too. I’m here.” 
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morganacorp · 1 month
"Everything okay?" Lena asked as she came out of Kara's bathroom, finding Alex and Kara with their arms crossed and worried looks on their faces. As soon as she was in front of them, she saw Alex's face harden and Kara's eyes became accusatory.
"Have you been working with Kryptonite?" Alex asked with a cold voice, the same one Lena knows is reserved for criminals.
"I- what's happening?" She chuckled, confused and feeling exposed. One moment she had been hanging out with Kara, some romantic vibes between them, and then the next moment she was being questioned by the Director of the DEO.
"Answer the question, Lena." Kara said barely above a whisper.
"Have you been working with Kryptonite, Lena?" Alex asked again.
"I have." She frowned and Alex rolled her eyes while Kara looked down. "But it's not-"
"You said you wouldn't make any more kryptonite, Lena. You said you'd let Kara know if you made more." Alex said, obviously angry.
"how do you know I'm-"
"We caught the radiation signature in your apartment." Alex said and Kara simply stood behind her, unable to look at Lena.
"That's impossible, I've been working on it in my lab, and I've taken all the-"
"How could you?" Kara finally broke her silence, looking up at her with that self righteous disappointment that was so typical of Supergirl.
"Kara, I'd never do anything to hurt you-" Lena frowned.
"You made kryptonite again." Kara said with bitterness, a heavy tear dripping down her cheek.
"And you just jump to the conclusion that it was to hurt you." Lena scoffed, a bitter smile on her face. "I'm a Luthor, right? You've never trusted me and never will." She whispered and walked to get her coat before her own tears made an appearance.
"You can't leave. Where are you going?" Alex said with an authoritarian voice.
"You're welcome to arrest me if that's what you think you should do, Director Danvers." Lena said simply, walking out the door of Kara's apartment.
Years of effort pulling her walls down gone in an instant, all of her alarms and protections coming back to wrap her heart in barbwire to protect it, even if it was already bleeding.
"Director Danvers." A DEO agent told Alex, bringing a heavy looking briefcase to her while she worked with Brainy and Kara in her lab. "A messenger brought this for you, it's from Miss Luthor."
"Did Lena bring it?" Alex asked worriedly, looking over at her sister.
"No, ma'am."
"Thank you." She said and the agent walked away.
"Can you see inside?" Brainy asked and Kara shook her head.
"It's lined with lead."
"Kara, you should step back in case this is-"
"she wouldn't, Alex."
"You said the same about her making kryptonite." She mumbled and moved the briefcase away from Kara. She opened it slowly and looked at the contents confused.
"What's in there?" Kara asked curiously.
"it's brilliant." Brainy said, grabbing the tiny red box that wasn't bigger than a bar of soap and looking at it curiously.
"What is it?" Kara asked and walked closer to inspect the artifact too.
"It's- Lena has perfected the nano suit I created for you by teaching the nano technology how to filter Kryptonite. This should be sufficient in case of mild exposure." Brainy smiled, fascinated by Lena's work. "This is basically her combining the armor suit with the one we made, making it the best of both worlds, so to speak."
"Oh..." Kara sighed.
"Oh... Shit." Alex whispered sadly, watching something on the computer.
"what is that?"
"her lab logs." She said sadly, showing her the screen.
"Lab Log for a personal project. Video for my personal reference only, and for DEO registration as Kryptonite will be used. Day 1 on the project to develop filtering nanotechnology for Supergirl. I will create a suit that will keep Supergirl safe from kryptonite exposure, eliminating the limited mobility on the armor suit." Lena's voice said and the camera footage showed her arranging different kinds of chemicals and other stuff she'd need. "Step one will be creating supercharged kryptonite to ensure the maximum protection of the suit. A safe decontamination protocol has been established in case of emergency." Lena explained and started the process.
"This is dated... This was the week after you were attacked by kryptonite at the museum."
"She wanted to protect me." Kara whispered, feeling her heart breaking in her chest. She had been caught by surprise and barely made it out alive thanks to J'onn and Nia, but she had to spend two days under the sun lamps to recover from the horrible beating she took. Lena stayed by her side every minute.
"What's in that box, Alex?" Brainy asked and pointed at the larger box in the briefcase.
"The kryptonite Lena made... It's a lead box." She said, swallowing hard.
"I have to fix this." Kara shook her head and flew out of the DEO as fast as she could, making her way straight to LCorp.
Lena was sitting on her white couch, looking defeated and exhausted with a drink in her hand. She didn't notice Kara at first, but when she did her face hardened, becoming a perfect angry mask made of marble to protect her.
"Please leave." She said with a cold voice loaded with emotion.
"We need to-"
"I'm moving back to Metropolis." She said coldly. "I made a mistake by moving here. The first of many mistakes, in fact." She said bitterly. "I will send all the devices and prototypes I've created for Supergirl and the rest of your super friends to the DEO for you to dispose of them accordingly. You'll realize that some of them are finished and others aren't, but what you do with the technology is up to you." She said and Kara stepped closer.
"Lena, let me talk to you-"
"There's nothing to talk about, Kara. You have never trusted me, and it's obvious that the shadow of my name and my brother will always be present between us. I can save the world by your side ten times, and yet there will always be a black stain on the white sheet: my family." She rationalized, walking to pour herself another drink.
"I trust you with my life, Lena. You know it."
"As soon as you learned about the kryptonite you assumed I wanted to hurt you." She scoffed. "That's not trust, it's the opposite." She said looking coldly into her eyes. "I'll always wake that sentiment of suspicion on you, Kara. It will always be there with you and your sister, and even your friends-"
"they're your friends too! They're-"
"they have always been your friends. I was just one more who got to tag along." She said and cursed herself for allowing a tear to escape.
"Lena, you know I love-" Kara whispered, stepping close to Lena and wiping the tear away with her thumb.
"don't you dare finish that." Lena warned her coldly with a quivering lip, the raw hurt in her voice making Kara realize how badly she hurt her. "Please go and stop hurting me." She whispered. "I'll disappear from your life and everything will go back to normal." She said, full on crying now. Kara always knew how to unlock her emotions.
"I don't want you to disappear from my life." She sighed, cupping Lena's face like it was a fragile thing. "You are my life."
"Miss Luthor, the helicopter is ready to take you to the airport." Lena's assistant said from the door, a little shocked to find Supergirl wiping her boss' tears.
"I have to go." Lena said, closing her eyes for two seconds to enjoy the warmth that Kara's hands brought to her face, the same warmth she brought to her life.
"Stay." Kara asked her softly. "Stay with me."
"Goodbye, Kara." She whispered and walked way using every ounce of strength in her body. She sobbed in the elevator ride and tried to look put together enough while getting on the helicopter, ignoring the red cape waving in the wind while Kara watched the love of her life leave her behind.
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igniferrus · 11 months
God. So I've been thinking about BBC's Arthur Pendragon. I work a job heavy on the manual labour and light on the mental labour, so I have a lot of Free Brain Space.
But I started off wondering why there are so many fics about Arthur learning how much Merlin does for him, and so few of the reverse. Because there is no way that Merlin isn't in trouble 89.2% of the time, in some way or another. We see Arthur protect Merlin after his dumbass confession to Uther, and also bodily haul him out of the throne room for safety reasons. No body else could get away with stealing the Prince's food, or disappear or days and keep his job!! And Arthur doesn'teven know they're bound by destiny, he just really likes Merlin! He's just some guy Arthur found and chased around a market.
And then I remembered that so many people forget that Arthur Pendragon is fundamentally A Good Man. I know the show refused to give him permanent character development, but even his base character is a good guy! The most assholish thing we see him do is in the first episode, throwing things at the servants. And then, compared to the rest of the series, that feels very out of character!
Yes, Arthur uses Merlin as a training dummy, but I'm sure that's just to get him to quit. And it's only shown early in the first season. Arthur is consistently shown as caring for his people (refusing to enforce Catrina's tax increase, willing to die to fix his unicorn mistake), more fair about magic users despite only seeing it used for evil (saving Mordred and the woman who gave him the Horn of Cathbhadh. He even tries to give Kara an out, for Mordred!), and cares deeply for those around him! He loves Gwen. He loves Morgana. He loves Merlin. He loves his knights. He even loves Uther!
It's not his fault that the people around him refuse to allow him to make his own choices. Gauis, Uther, and Merlin all lie about his mother. Merlin and Morgana don't tell him about their magic. Morgana doesn't see him as any other than an extension of Uther, despite knowing him for years.I t's so easy to judge him as an outsider with all the facts, but we should remember that Arthur's is intentionally left out of the loop and judge him from that perspective. He does the best he can, with what he knows!
Merlin, despite being repeatedly told that he and Arthur are in this together, and need each other, does not tell Arthur anything! Arthur is not allowed to make an informed choice and he shouldn't be punished for that. Even when Merlin finally comes clean, Arthur doesn't rage! He's hurt and upset that his "only friend", the "only one [he] can trust" have been lying to his face for a decade, which, understandable, but he chooses Merlin anyway! He wants to be held by Merlin at the end, thanks him, and asks him to stay they same after Arthur's death!! Because he still cares for Merlin!
Arthur Pendragon's character development is stymied at every turn by the show and its writers, but even then they couldn't stop him from being a good man!!
This was more rambling and less coherent than I wanted, but it's been hot out lately and my brain is cooked.
Anyway, I am first and foremost an Arthur Pendragon apologist.
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natalievoncatte · 9 months
Something, some instinct, told Lena that she wasn’t alone. She wanted to blame it on the whisky, but it was better to check. She grabbed the gun from its hiding place beneath a pillow, where she kept it in case of an intruder.
She wasn’t sure why she did that now; she was, in theory, safe from her greatest enemy. After all, Lena had murdered him in cold blood. She’d killed her own brother for a monstrous lie, and while there was little to mourn -the man he was died years ago by his own hand- it hurt. It hurt so much that the pain squeezed out of every pore, until she awoke in the depths of the night thinking the hot stains on her cheeks might have been from crying blood.
The one person she had truly trusted, respected, revered-
-was a lie, an illusion. At least Lex had, at one point, been real.
Lena scouted her apartment. It didn’t occur her to check the balcony until she was about to go to bed. She was on the thirty-sixth floor. No one could get up here.
Kara was outside.
She hasn’t landed; she was hanging in the air with her cape lazily swirling against her legs as she hung in the nighttime breeze. She was far enough away that Lena couldn’t get a read on her.
“What do you want?”
She drifted closer, in that unnerving way she had.
Lena sighed, and waved a dismissive hand.
“Go away, Supergirl. I’m not in the mood for another speech.”
Lena turned back inside, but stopped when she felt the soft gust of wind. Kara was a few feet away from the balcony now, arms wrapped tightly around herself.
She hated how things had changed when Kara told her. She no longer saw Supergirl, just Kara in a costume. It was impossible not to see her, and yet for three long years she’d done just that. Blinded herself. Refused to see the bitter truth. All she’d ever wanted was a real friend
who respected and admired
(and loved and cherished)
her and with whom she could share those feelings, and she’d really thought Kara was it. She was the best friend
(the one)
that Andrea and Jack could never have been. She believed that so deeply.
(she doesn��t want me the way I want her)
“I’m not here to give you a speech.”
Lena looked up sharply.
“Then what? Here to stop me? Foil my evil plans? I’m a villain now, remember.”
Kara’s face turned hard. “Don’t lie to me.”
Lena barked out a bitter laugh, feeling that need rise inside her, that anger. She had lost everything. The love of her mother, the protection of her brother. No matter how wealthy she was, she could never have those back. There was no price for what Lena wanted.
“How dare you say those words to me,” Lena hissed. “You’re the biggest liar I’ve ever met. Everything you’ve ever said to me is a lie.’
“That’s not true.”
“You told me you’d always protect me. Who’ll protect me from you?”
Kara looked away, shuddering as she breathed, or silently sobbing. Lena smiled a thin smile, glad to twist the knife.
(stop it stop it stop it stop hurting her)
“Something happened to me tonight.”
“I don’t care.”
“A fifth-dimensional being came to me and offered to let me change the past. I could change whatever I wanted.”
“I don’t see any changes,” said Lena.
Kara shook her head. “His gifts were all poison. Every time I tried to fix what happened, it turned out wrong. I tried and tried and tried until I realized what was happening.”
“Which is?”
“I was supposed to learn that I can’t just push past my mistakes. I have to own them and accept the consequences. There’s no magic wand that can fix us.”
“There is no us, Kara. We weren’t meant to be.”
“How can you say that?”
Kara drifted closer, sank down so they were face to face with the balcony railing between them.
“How can you say that?”
“It’s obvious. Whatever this was, it wasn’t meant to be. We’re just too different.”
Kara shook her head.
“When I think of all the things that had to happen in order for me to be here right now, it boggles my mind,” said Kara. “Two species from two different galaxies evolved so close together. Just the chances of that happening are incredibly small, and…
“And then my people had to find this world, and Kal-El’s parents had to choose it for their son. This world, this world specifically, and then I had to get stuck in the phantom zone on my way here. All of those things and a billion others all had to happen in perfect, crystalline order just for me to walk into that office and see you.”
Lena has gone still, listening. Kara looked at her so intently, so reverently, that Lena felt something strain inside her, stretch against itself to the point of breaking. It took all her many years of carefully honed composure to keep herself still.
“Every moment I had with you was a gift. Every single one. There are times when… there are times when I think that if I could somehow have saved Krypton, I don’t know if I could, because it would mean losing you. I don’t know if that’s a choice I could make and I don’t know what that means.”
“That’s lovely,” Lena said, trying and brutally failing to keep her voice from cracking, “but it doesn’t change anything.”
Kara let out a soft, choked sound.
“I know that. I know I ruined everything and I can’t fix it. I just needed to say this because it needed to be said. I’m not here to ask you to forgive me. I’m here to ask you to forgive yourself.”
“Oh, please.”
“I can’t stop you.”
Lena blinked. “What?”
“I can’t stop you. I can’t fight you. I know that now. It doesn’t matter what you do, I won’t ever hurt you again. I don’t want to confront what that means.”
“That’s rich, considering that the last time we had one of these chats, your sister pointed an orbital fusion canon at my head.”
“If she’d fired that thing,” said Kara, “there would be no more satellite, and no more DEO. I would shatter the foundations and pull down the walls. I would rain destruction on whoever hurt you. I’ve seen what happens to me when something happens to you. I never want to see it again.”
Lena leaned on the railing. “Go away.”
“What you have planned, you need to stop. I can’t stop you, and if I can’t, no one can. Please, Lena. I’m begging you, don’t do this. Don’t become someone you’ll hate just to hurt me. I’m not worth it.”
“Not everything is about you, Supergirl.”
“Please. Don’t take away everyone’s choice. I know what that’s like.”
Kara nodded, and in the moonlight, her tears sparkled on her skin. “On Krypton, we were assigned to guilds as children. We had arranged marriages. Everything about our lives was planned from birth. Here, people have so much choice. Yes, they make mistakes, but people choose life and art and love. You can’t take that away over me.”
“It’s too late,” Lena said, her voice cracking, finally. “I’m doing it and if you won’t stand in my way, it’ll be done.”
Kara took a deep breath.
“Okay. I guess I should go.”
Lena rocked back.
“What? No. I’m going through with the plan.”
“I know. I won’t fight you.”
Kara turned, about to rocket off into the sky.
“You can’t just leave!” Lena screamed, her voice ragged from liquor and tears.
Kara stopped.
“You’re supposed to fight me. You’re supposed to yell at me and tell me the truth, that you knew I was a monster all along, that you were just staying close to me to watch me, to get to Lex. You’re supposed to fight me! You’re supposed to fight me!”
Lena let out an incoherent scream and balled her hands into fists, meaning to slam them on the balcony, but they struck the implacable flesh of Kara’s chest. Powerful arms gathered around Lena, sheltering her from the nighttime chill and the voiceless judgment of distant stars.
“I won’t ever hurt you again,” Kara murmured. “I promise. If you’ll let me, I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you for what I’ve done.”
“Why?” Lena whimpered. “Why won’t you just fight back?”
“Because you’re just like me. We’ve both lost so much. We both don’t want to see anyone else die.”
Lena should have shoved her away, demanded to be set free, screamed, protested, shoved. Instead her arms wound around Kara, drawn as if by gravity, and Kara’s gentle fingers began to stroke through her hair, her warm breath on the crown of Lena’s head.
“Come back to our life, Lena. To our friends. Come home.”
“I killed my big brother.”
“I know. I failed you both. I’m Supergirl. I’m supposed to find another way, a perfect solution.”
“I had to. He’d never have let you live if he knew how I f…”
Lena caught herself as the last moment.
It was Kara who sobbed now, her entire body shuddering. So much power with so much tenderness, her vast crushing strength kept at bay as she held Lena like one of the most precious of treasures.
“In one of the timelines that Mxy showed me, you… you told me how you felt as you were dying. I saw you die so many times, I can’t do it again.”
Lena tried to swallow, but her throat was too dry.
“I didn’t get to tell you before you died. I was scared. I never thought you’d want me like I want you.”
Lena went stock still, feeling Kara’s shuddering breath against her as she held her own. She couldn’t look up, afraid that if she did, this would be a cruel nightmare and she’d jolt awake in an empty bed and a penthouse full of bitter memories.
“Kara,” Lena began, finally. “Kara, what are you saying? What do you mean?”
“It’s so hard to say,” Kara sighed, and then, almost to herself, “even if I don’t have much left to lose.”
“Say it.”
“I love you.”
Lena’s heart soared, and a harsh sob exploded out of her. She’d dreamed of those words, longed for them, needed to hear them. So many times, Lena had almost let herself believe it.
“I want this to be real,” said Lena. “I just don’t know if I can forgive you, Kara. It hurt so much.”
“Can we try?” said Kara. “Can we give it a chance? Can you give me a chance?”
Lena finally looked up, and when she saw those tear-stained blue eyes filled in equal measure with terror and hope, she knew.
“Yes,” she said, simply.
Lena looked behind her, and was suddenly full of revulsion and regret. She hated this place.
“Can you take me back to your loft?”
Kara lifted her easily into a bridal carry and into the sky.
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goldenvulpine · 11 months
ok here is a helpful guide for Superman fans in Tumblr when referring to different eras of Superman:
Golden Age Superman: Kal-L. The Original. Very cocky. Very charismatic. Couldn’t fly as a kid. Has no solid code against killing. Chaotic Good. Can actually fly now. Has a disturbingly high kill count. Loves Toxic Women (Lois Literally Drugged him one time). Literal WW2 veteran. Not from Kansas. Smallville, East Coast (likely New York). Is now married to Lois. Head of the Daily Star (not Planet). Is Power Girl’s cousin. Is very aggressive. Still saved people from suicide canonically. Canonically religious (Married Lois in a Kryptonian Ceremony). “What trauma?” Seen everyone he loves die.
Silver Age Superman: Kal-El. The Most Popular. Speaks fluent Kryptonese. Total “50’s Dad”. The Strongest. Also the most conformist. Strict Code against killing. Lawful Good. From Smallville. Is canonically Religious (For Rao, his culture’s God). Has multiple cousins. From Smallville, East Coast (likely Maryland this time). Says he wouldn’t hit a woman. Probably has. Sneezed a Solar System Away. Somehow the WEIRDEST one. Also the biggest Prankster. Was Superboy. Was part of the Legion. Saw Pa die. Refuses to acknowledge his trauma. Needs a hug but won’t say it. Works for the Daily Planet. Alan Moore loves him.
Bronze Age Superman: Kal El. Actually just Silver Age Superman but “weaker”. Still the Strongest. Your favorite writer’s favorite Superman. Neutral Good. Originator of the Clex Drama. Met God. Is a pure scientist. Has Three Canon Endings. All of them are literal tragic endings. Is best bros with Batman. Is the Original Nightwing. His cousin is the Second Nightwing. Dick is actually the Third Nightwing. Loves his bro Jimmy Olsen. Smarter than Batman. Made a vow to protect life. Newscaster. Grant Morrison and Mark Waid love him.
Dark Age/Byrne Superman: Clark Kent (Kal El). Still moody. Weakest Superman. Thinks he’s Neutral Good, still Lawful Good. Doesn’t like Krypton. Designer Baby. Best Journalist. Canonically a Porn Star. Died. Came back. Most insecure Superman. Loves ‘Murica. Killed like three people one time. Strict code against killing. “Superman is what I do, Clark is who I am”. Legion who? Superboy who? Supergirl who? Football Star. Pure Sarcasm. Agnostic. People say they hate him but is the reason Smallville, Man of Steel and STAS exist. Literally wants to fuck Jimmy’s Mom. Triangle Era (90’s) Superman: Clark Kent (Kal-El). Is less moody now. Makes more Jokes. Still a drama queen. Smarter. Stronger. Wants to write a Novel. Married Lois. Jimmy is the Best Man. Good Leader. True Lawful Good. The Superman you probably think of the Most. Coolest guy. 90’s Superboy (the best) 90’s Supergirl (Matrix). Was once Gangbuster (Chaotic Neutral). Mind so strong, he killed a psychic in his sleep without knowing it. Christian (Married Lois in a Church). Still knows Kryptonian Kung Fu (Torquasm Vo/Rao). Dick Grayson’s 3rd Dad. Tim Drake’s 4th Dad. Slept with a Mermaid in Collage. Is fun.
Post-Crisis/2000’s Superman: Clark Kent (Kal El) Retcons out the ass. Kara comes back. Knows Boxing now. Knows Kung Fu. Held a Black Hole in his hand. Destroyed Moons. Agnostic. Still Lawful Good. Loves his wife. Loves his adopted son. Chris Kent. His son is Nightwing. His other son is also Nightwing. Walked the earth one time because of war crimes. Saves people from suicide again. Was a Kryptonian general one time. Literal Genius. Smarter than Batman. Is the GOAT. Hates the President.
New 52 Superman: Clark Kent (Kal-El) Very cocky. Very charismatic. Couldn’t fly as a kid. Has no solid code against killing. Chaotic Good to Neutral Good. Lower kill count than Post-Crisis. Loves Toxic Women (Loves the craziest version of Diana). Had a Mid-Life Crisis in his Mid-20’s. Was a Wrestler. Talks like Jason Todd/Wally West/Nightwing/Peter Parker/every mid-20’s white boi in the 90’s-00’s. Everyone hated him. Wasn’t as bad as they say. Is the Andrew Garfield/Spider-Man of Supermen. Killed off without good reason.
Rebirth Superman: Clark Kent (Kal-El). Is literally just Triangle Era Superman. With kids. No Chris tho. Still Lawful Good. Strongest of the Post-Crisis versions. Tries to be a good dad. Is a decent dad. Except for the time where he left Jon alone. So he’s a bad dad. I’m still not over that. Bendis loves him. Says please alot. Watches Anime. Kind of a dead beat. I miss Chris.
if you want summations of other Supermen I didn’t cover you are welcome to ask.
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 8 months
So. Lena as a stitch witch/thread mage. She spends multiple hours-long sessions with Kara's cape in her lap, her fingers slowly moving across the warp and weft, lingering every painstaking millimeter. Kara sees her do it, Lena tells her exactly what she's doing (imbuing the cloth with protection magicks) -- its not a secret by any means.
A couple months/years later, Lena develops the means for laypeople to see magic. (Think one of those magnifying ring lights that scientists and crafters use.) Kara thinks its dope that her girlfriend is so smart. But then she gets bored, and wanders into the lab alone to poke around. She's idly swishing her cape around her, as one does, until she pauses, recalling those days Lena spent with said swath of fabric.
Kara knows what magic looks like by now-- they've used it on a couple of magical items they've found around the city, trying to track down an unknown magic user. It looked like gentle ripples, undulating over the surface of the object.
As Kara takes a handful of her cape, drawing it towards the lens, she wonders what color Lena's magic is.
The fabric shines so bright under the magnifying glass that it sears Kara's retinas, temporarily blinding her.
"Mother of-- Rao!" Rearing back, she slaps her hands over her eyes, now watering, and tries to blink away the newly won shadows from her vision. "What the--"
The sound of Lena's footsteps rushing to the lab draws Kara's attention.
"What happened--?"
"Jesus-- me being an idiot happened," Kara grumbles, blinking rapidly to try and focus on where Lena should be. All she sees is a large dark blotch. "Hey, what did you calibrate that thing with?"
"One of Nyxly's artifacts," Lena responds. Warm hands take Kara by the elbows and guide her over to a nearby stool. "I wanted to be able to distinguish between fifth dimensional energy and true magic. Here, can you follow my finger?"
"What finger?" Kara quips. The blotch is already beginning to shrink by a fraction, assuring Kara that the damage to her vision isn't permanent. Her mind spiralled.
Nyxly had had magic unlike the world had ever seen. More powerful than Mxy even. None of the artifacts they'd put under that lens had come anywhere close to producing even half that effect.
"Kara, will you please tell me what you were doing--"
"I wanted to see what your magic looked like," she says, bluntly. "My cape..."
"...oh." Lena's voice is quiet. "Yeah, that--"
"Probably wasn't the best idea. Clearly." Kara tries to grin, but she knows it probably comes up flat. "But my god, Lena..."
"Florence says I have an affinity for magic. Like my mother."
"This," Kara gestures towards her eyes, "is more than an affinity."
She hears Lena swallow. "Please don't be scared. I would never do anything to hurt--"
"Scared? Lena, I'm-- I'm in awe of you."
A beat of silence follows, before Lena's hands settle in hers. "Please don't be that either. I'm just me."
Kara blinks, and smiles towards the hazy silhouette of Lena's hair, in its usual gentle waves. She tugs Lena closer, until Lena relaxes towards her and lets her forehead rest on Kara's.
"Just you is amazing."
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vox-ex · 2 years
from the hand to the heart
Supercorptober Day 30 “spell"
thanks to kmsdraws for the prompts
Kara believes in magic and Lena. 
ex sole usque ad manus / ex manus usque ad cor
from the sun to the hand / from the hand to the heart
They had a plan.
They had a plan, and this was not it.
Her portal watch was not supposed to break.
Kara was not supposed to blow out her powers.
And they definitely, definitely weren't supposed to get blown up.
Alex was going to kill them.
Lena adjusted Kara's arm over her shoulder, and tried to redistribute her weight a little better.
She can see Kara trying to watch her feet as they step, trying to keep herself upright as much as Lena is but eventually, it becomes too much, and her foot catches underneath her, and she drops to one knee.
Lena gets her back to her feet and wedges herself up against Kara's side even more, but soon she's not even really trying to walk and she's falling forward again.
"I-I'm sorry."
Kara's voice is slurred, and she can barely keep her eyes open.
Lena lets out a shaky breath.
She looks around, trying to get her bearings. They're in the middle of nowhere, she has no idea where they are or how to get back. And even if she did, there's no way she could make it with Kara like this.
She needs help. But help is somewhere that isn't here.
She needs to think.
She slides Kara's arm from her shoulder, and kneels next to her.
The whole of her is a contrast of dark blues and bright reds. Lena's hands reach for the darkest parts of her suit, tearing the fabric as much as she can.
"Hey," she says gently, brushing Kara's hair back from her forehead.
"I'm sorry," Kara says again.
"You don't have to be sorry; you just have to help me keep you alive long enough for your sister to find us and yell at us both."
Kara's eyes flutter open and she tries to focus on Lena.
"Hey," she says, suddenly a little more awake, "what happened?"
"The portal watch broke and we got blown up."
She keeps the words simple to hide the shakiness in her voice.
Kara's eyes widen. "Oh, that's not good."
Lena starts to unclip Kara's cape from her shoulders figuring she might be able to use it and also because Kara always complains about how heavy it is when she doesn't have her powers.
She feels a faint tapping on the back of her hand.
"Are you okay?" Kara asks as her arm drops back down.
"I'm fine," Lena says. "Somebody used themselves as a Kryptonian shield."
"Oh." Kara's eyes close and her head falls forward "What are you doing?"
"I would prefer if you didn't lose anymore blood."
Kara cracks one eye open and looks at Lena. "Can't you?" she raises her arm up again and waves it around a little.
Lena stills just as she presses Kara's cape against her side, brow furrowing.
"You know, m-magic?" Kara asks, her words slurring again.
Lena frowns.
"I don't know how to use it like that — It's a little more ... elemental."
"It-it's a go-good thing, I'm s-solar powered then."
She tries.
"L-Lena — "
But Kara has never given up on her before, why would she start now and she knows that tone.
"No. Okay, no. Now is not the time for one of your hope speeches."
"You-you said y-you like those."
Lena feels her throat tighten, her eyes sting.
"You aren't gonna hurt me."
Wants just a little for Kara to not believe in her so much.
"I could very much hurt you."
But Kara has always had enough faith for the both of them.
"I'm already hurt."
"I could kill you."
"You won't"
"We could wait"
"We both know we can't"
" Fuck! Okay, okay."
Lena takes a deep breath, she could feel Kara's blood on her hands, could feel the fire that laid just beneath it, could feel the light buried past it all.
She repeated the first part of the spell under her breath.
ex sole usque ad manus
Said it once, twice, three times, before she finally said it out loud.
ex sole usque ad manus
The sunlight was blinding, searing, and she almost wanted to pull away but then she started to feel it build within in her too.
ex manus usque ad cor
She tied every good thing she could to the words, every bit of love and every bit of hope and every bit of Kara.
And then she let it go.
All the light and all the warmth spreading from her hands into Kara's chest.
The sunlight wrapped around them both, her hands feeling like they might burn into Kara's skin. She felt both their chests tighten, felt both their hearts quicken. And then then all at once all of it stopped. Nothing but a bright flash and sudden darkness.
Lena fell back, gasping for breath herself as she felt the last of the sunlight die away inside her. She opened her eyes and was caught in the haze of stars above her and the feeling of the hard ground beneath her. She struggled to take a breath, her lungs felt full, her chest heavy. She blinked and watched the stars dance above her with every flicker.
There was a warmth at her side and she turned her head to see Kara lying next to her, chest rising and falling with even breaths.
Lena reached out, and a tentative thumb brushing over Kara's cheekbone.
Kara's eyes fluttered open and she looked at Lena with a dazed expression.
"Hi," Kara said simply, roughly, as she pushed herself up gingerly to a sitting position.
Lena frowned as she sat up as well. "That wasn't exactly how I planned it." She looked down at her hands which were shaking slightly.
"Are you alright?" Kara asked as she reached out to steady Lena's hands.
But Lena ignored her, running her hands over the torn fabric of Kara's suit instead. The skin underneath still a little red and a little bruised, but all put back together.
"Lena?" Kara asked again.
And this time Lena took a deep breath and at least nodded.
Kara lifted Lena's hands up carefully, holding them steady once more as she pressed a kiss to each of her palms. And Lena didn't know if it was the light still lingering there or feeling of Kara herself, but she could still feel the slightest buzz under her skin.
Lena looked down at their joined hands and then back up at Kara.
"Told you it'd be okay," Kara whispered.
Lena stared at her for a moment before she leaned in, closing the space between them as she pressed her lips to Kara's, the buzz beneath her skin making itself known in a whole new way. And when Kara kissed her back, wrapping her arms around Lena's waist as she pulled her closer. Lena let herself be pulled in, let herself be consumed by the light and the warmth that came not from a spell or the sun, but from Kara herself.
"Woah, gotta admit this was not what I was expecting."
Kara and Lena pulled apart at the sudden intrusion, hearts racing after everything.
Nia came to a stop in front of them. "I mean, yay! But Alex is going to be pissed if this is the reason you're comms went offline."
But before Lena or Kara could even start explaining everything that had happened, Brainy interrupted them again.
"You're bleeding," Brainy said, pointing at Kara's suit and then at Lena's hands.
"Was bleeding," Kara corrected quickly.
"Yeah, I guess your sister is going to be mad either way then, so take your pick." Nia shrugged.
"Ugh." Kara turns back into Lena's arms and ducks her head against her shoulder.
Lena smiles, lets her hands fall to Kara’s waist, allows her chin to rest on top of Kara's head.
But even if the words are said in jest, it isn't only levity they carry.
"Don't worry, darling, I'll protect you."
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lenakluthor · 29 days
If you could choose a moment for Kara to tell Lena she's Supergirl, without considering what happened in the Super life episode... Which moment would be best?;
okay i've thought a lot about this and i think the moment in 2x15 when kara is on the phone with lena, hears her get attacked, and then catches lena when she's pushed off her office balcony would be a really good moment to tell her. she just recently spent an entire episode (so, what? a week or two?) adamantly defending lena's honor and goodness when lillian broke her out of prison and manipulated her to get into lex's vault, and kara was ultimately proven right about lena (because, duh). she's had a little bit of time to breathe and let the reality of that really sink in- she was right. she was absolutely validated and justified in putting her entire faith and trust in lena. lena came through. lena did not let her down. so, when she hears lena get attacked and doesn't really have a great excuse as to how supergirl knew the exact moment lena needed saving, i think when lena asks "how did you know?" kara could've easily been like "i was on the phone with you when it happened," or something along those lines. cue her putting on her glasses, big reveal. it's early enough that it probably wouldn't feel like a huge betrayal of lena's trust, but it's been long enough for kara to completely trust lena and feel solid in that trust. i also think this is an especially good moment in time, because then when they do have that moment in lena's office a few episodes later, the impact of "i'm not going anywhere. i will always be your friend. i will always protect you." is even greater. like yeah, she's saying that as kara but there's also the weight of supergirl behind it. i just think it would've been even more meaningful with lena having the full knowledge of who kara really is as she hears that promise.
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supercap2319 · 4 months
"So, you're saying that this earth is full of evil versions of my friends?" Y/N asked.
Dr. Wells chuckled, but it wasn't one of amusement or joy. "Well, that's putting it mildly. This hopelessly corrupt world belongs to the unstoppable Crime Syndicate. Powerful members like: Ultraman, Superwoman, Overgirl, Johnny Quick. To name a few."
"Well, until you can make me a portal home, I'll try my best to free this world." Y/N said.
"Free this world? You must be joking. As soon as Ultraman gets word of you saving those people from that execution, he'll be out for your head."
"I can protect myself. I've taken plenty of hits from Kryptonians."
"Oh, is that right?" Y/N turned to see versions of Clark Kent, Lana Lang, and Kara flying down in front of him. "Dr. Wells. Didn't I already kill you once?"
"It didn't agree with me." Dr. Wells said.
"Well, don't worry. This time, I'll make sure it sticks." Ultraman said. "You two, the outsider. Wells is all mine." Overgirl and Superwoman moved towards them as Y/N stood in front of Dr. Wells.
"You're not hurting anyone."
"We'll see." The three of them bull rushed Y/N.
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lilbitdepressed27 · 7 months
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Anika Kayoko/Fem!Reader Past Tara Carpenter/Fem!Reader
Summary: Part 3 to the alternative ending of You’re accused of being Ghostface
Warnings: none really
WC: 2.6k
Authors Note: not proofread, so sorry for any mistakes. This one was requested by @canvascoloredin sorry for the wait. Hope you enjoy:)
After everything you and Anika had been through, the months and two years that had passed. You both had stayed close and the bond between you two had grown. You had achieved so much since getting closer to Anika from it being physically and mentally. The wounds had healed and you had moved on. Putting everything that happened to you in the passed.
With time moving, what felt too fast to you at times. You and Anika had both decided to expand the friend group. In the two years that passed you made two new friends. You met Kara and Anika had met Lena. Anika had also made two new friends and you few others. Now the group had gotten a little bigger but something in you told you, you could trust them. They had known what happened to you and Anika and they showed nothing but support and even protectiveness.
In the two years, you now felt like your old self, maybe just a little different but you now felt like you didn't have to look over shoulder every five seconds. Like you didn't have to share your location with Anika every time, even though you both still did. But things were now great. Your social life had grown, just a bit.
"So Y/n I know you have been single for a while. Have you ever considered putting yourself out there again?"
You looked away from your food, the gang had gotten together for their weekly get together. Choosing to dine out in a restaurant. Lena and Kara were sat in front of you and Anika. From the corner of your eye you saw the sudden focus Anika had on you.
"Uh. Yea I mean. Why not. I think I'm ready."
"Great cause, there's this cutie in one of my classes. I can set you up if you want." Kara smiled, sharing a knowing look with her girlfriend. Before looking back at you. Clearly seeing the way Anika had stopped what she was doing. Her full focus now on you. She had a plan after all.
"Really? Who?" Anika hoped her voice didn't come out as jealous as she had felt. She wanted nothing more than for you to be happy. For you to love like you once did. Find the person that just brought out that shine in your eyes. As the months went by after you dropped the old group, she had tried to fight the feelings she had grown to have towards you. She had grown to love you, in a way no best friend should. But she couldn't help it.
"Oh just some girl that asked me about Y/n." Kara shrugged and waved off Anika.
Anika felt herself feeling so much jealousy and a sort of longing. She wanted to be the one to go on date with you. She had pushed down all the new and unexpected feelings. Not wanting to ruin the bond she had with you, but the more she ignored those feelings. The more they grew.
"Uh...sure why not." You smiled slightly. You did not want to go on date, okay that was lie. You do want to go on a date but not with some random girl. The girl you found yourself longing for was sitting right next to you. You had never imagined yourself falling for the girl sitting next to you. But as time passed you had found yourself falling for her. From all the little things she did, your heart raced. Her smile, her laugh, her eyes.
After Tara, you were sure you'd never find love again. You were sure that Tara had been the one for you. But after everything that had happened, you didn't see yourself falling in love ever again.
Yet here you were, head over heels over Anika.
You'd never jeopardize your friendship with Anika. Never. You were sure, without a doubt that Anika didn't feel the same way. So that's why you had agreed to the date. Hoping you'd get over your feelings.
Anika knew from the start the idea was a horrible one. But a push from Lena, she had agreed. Never would she have considered dating someone to make someone jealous. She'd never go as far as using someone. But Lena had been sure that Casey was okay with it. Casey had also wanted to make someone jealous. It had been a win win.
Her friends had been certain that her feelings aren't one sided. With how confident they seemed, it had been the main reason why she agreed to such stupid plan.
"So how do you wanna do this? Where do you set your boundaries? I personally don't wanna do the kissing, it's not that your not pretty or anything cause you are. It's just-Weird?" Anika cut her off with a small smile. Casey chuckled and nodded.
"We can do hugging and hand holding, kisses on the cheek if that's okay with you?" Anika asked, she wanted this to work. Hoping that the end result was the one she was hoping for.
"Yea, okay let's do this. The get together is later today. We can show up there and hope we get a reaction from them."
Anika could really only hope this worked.
"Y/n hey."
At the sound of a familiar voice you looked away from your work to see the girl that once held all your heart and love.  She looked better than before. That last time you had seen her, you couldn't deny that she looked awful, but in the most beautiful way. Tara will always be beautiful to you. She'll always have a special place in your heart. Even after everything.
You could safely say that you had now moved on. There was no longer any romantic feelings for the shorter girl. The love you once had for Tara had been dead for a long time. It made you happy to see her so much better. From the looks of it, she also moved on. She no longer wore the ring you planned to give her for Christmas that year, you remember how you'd always see her with it on. The first few months after everything happened.
To see her no longer wearing it, made you feel at peace.
"Tara, hi how are you?" You offered a small smile. She returned the smile and held up a book.
"Oh I'm good, just studying to be that kick ass lawyer I've always wanted to be."
"That's great Tara. You'll be one of the best."
"Thank you. How about you, how have you've been?"
You watched as she tucked a few strains of hair behind her ear. She looked healthy and that was all you wanted for her. Got to accept that what you both had was no longer there. For her to move on. "Oh good as well, closer to finishing the semester."
"That's great." She whispered, a moment of silence passed before she spoke again. "I should go, it was nice seeing you Y/n." You smiled slightly and nodded.
"Like wise Tara."
The date had gone as expected. It was alright, the girl had been sweet and nice but the feelings just weren't there. You had nothing against Lilith but she wasn't the one your heart longed for. Lilith had been understanding but she had still wanted to be friends and you were more than okay with that. Trusting people was still a hit hard for you but lots of therapy and with Anika by your side. You had been a bit more trusting.
The party, which was more of a small get together, in your friends house had started. You had helped Lena and Kara get everything together at their place. Lena had come from money and her place had been the obvious choice to have the small party.
Most of your friends had arrived to the party, but the one person you wanted to see was not here yet. While you spoke to another friend of yours about lord knows what, Ava was a great person to have around. The girl could talk about literally anything and everything. She had been an exchange student and was loving every moment in New York. Especially with her girlfriend who was stood next to her with a fond smile on her face.
"Oh I didn't know Anika was bringing her date to the party?"
You were quick to snap your head at the direction of what Kara could be talking about. Only to see Anika leaning into Casey's arm. You couldn't help the face you were making and you were sure it was obvious. Why was Anika with Casey? You had been sure that Casey was dating Izzie, right? The feeling that settled in your stomach is something that you had tried to hide, tried to ignore.
But seeing Anika with someone else, it had you feeling like you wanted punch yourself for being so stupid. For not taking your chance. The way she smiled at you once she made eye contact with you was enough for you to return the smile. Trying to mask the jealousy you felt.
"Y/nn hey!"
You offered the best fake smile you could muster up. Seeing Casey following close behind Anika, her hand being held by Anika. Casey was a sweet a girl. You had met her at a track meet. Along with what you thought was her girlfriend. But clearly you had been wrong. You could have sworn they were dating.
"Hey 'Nika. Uh I didn't know you were in uh..." Clearing your throat when you couldn't find the words. "I didn't know you were dating Casey?" You tried to hide the hurt you were feeling, Anika and you had told each other everything. Even if you were still a little (really) jealous. You hoped Anika would at least tell you that she had started dating.
The hurt that flashed on your face was almost enough for Anika to stop the plan. She couldn't bare the hurt in your eyes. The small adorable pout, that had her heart in a tight old she almost caved in. Until she felt Casey squeezing her hand. Remembering why she was doing all of this in the first place.
"Oh yea, it's a recent thing. I was going to tell you today, sorry." She smiled up at you instead.
"It's okay. Hello Casey."
Casey gulped at the look in your eyes. A part of her was now regretting the plan. But she had seen Izzie the moment she stepped into the apartment. The look she had was the same look you had. A part of her was knew the plan was working.
"Hi Y/n, I'm gonna go get something to drink, you want something babe." Casey tried to bite back the cringe, she had felt Izzie's eyes on her since she stepped foot in the apartment. The way you clenched your jaw as you looked down at your cup was a clear sign of jealousy. With a pointed look at Anika, she knew also knew that the plan was working.
"Yes please. Thanks." Deciding to make the most of the plan, Anika lightly kissed the short haired girl on the cheek. Regretting almost instantly when she saw how dejected you looked as you looked away and moved to walk away.
"Go talk to her. Trust me, that look isn't one of a friend that doesn't like you." Casey whispered to Anika nudging the girl towards the direction you walked off to.
You knew you had no right to be jealous. No right to be, angry? Disappointed, it was more in yourself than anything. The sadness that washed over you was so immense that you didn't hear the door to the balcony opening and then closing.
"Hey, you okay?"
"Uh yea, just needed to get some air. It was getting a little stuffy in there." You tried to fake a smile, make it seem like everything was okay. You did not want to be the cause of ruining her mood. She clearly seemed happy.
"Uh Casey is a good person. She's good for you, and Kirby had run background checks on every single new friend we made." You tired to joke, trying to ignore the emotions you were feeling. Although you were completely serious about Kirby running background checks. She had wanted everyone to be safe.
"With everything that's happened, you deserve to be happy." You continued, a big part of you was fighting the urge to tell Anika how you truly felt. But the fear of losing Anika due to her not feeling the same way was bigger.
"You deserve to be happy to Y/nn." Anika whispered to you. Stepping a bit closer to you. She was certain now, there had been only a few times she could tell when you were jealous. Back then when you dated Tara and now. You were never the angry type of jealous. It had always been the sad and insecure type of jealousy. It was a look that Anika knew very well, and a look she absolutely hated. The look always pulled at her heart strings, the sadness coming off of you in waves.
"You deserves happiness just as much as I do. Even if it's with that girl-Uh we aren't, I-I'm not dating her." The relief she felt in heart was almost enough to kiss you.
"Oh why why not? Kara said she was sweet and pretty." The way your eyes looked into hers, had her palms feeling sweaty, her heart beat in her ears, the butterflies in her stomach fluttering like crazy.
"Uh oh you know, I didn't feel that way about her."
"Kara said you had a crush on someone else. If it's not Sabrina then who?" Straining her ears to hear what you mumbled under your breath was impossible. The guilty, dejected look that washed over your face, had her reaching for your hands.
"Hey, look at me. You can tell me, I'd never judge you, you know that." Giving your hands a gentle squeeze. She could see the way you tried to find the words. The way you bit your lip, a clear sign of how anxious you were. She reached up, cupping your soft cheek in her hands. Her thumb gently pulling at your bottom lip.
"It's you." You blurted out. The shock that took over Anika’s face was, had you rather facing ghostface (and you lost that fight). “Sorry. I know you don’t feel the same way. You don’t have to say anything. I’ve al-”
Anika couldn’t help the smile that formed. Seeing you ramble with blushed cheeks, she truly couldn’t help herself when she cupped your cheeks and brought you down into a long awaited kiss. The feeling of your warm, soft lips in hers had her feeling like she could fly. Your lips moving with hers in perfect sync. Your strong arms wrapping around her waist bringing her closer.
Your warmth was something she always loved. The feeling of your body pressed into hers. The feeling of you smiling into the kiss had you both pulling away. Returning the smile as she looked up at you. Your adorable smile beamed down at her.
“I feel the same way, if it wasn’t clear.”
The cheers from your friends made both of you smiling wider, Anika laid her head on your chest her grip on you never faltering. She had you now. And she’d be damned if she’d ever let you go.
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fazedlight · 4 months
Hero (Kara character study. Angsty but gets better.)
I can save this world.
Kara looked herself over in the mirror, her chest puffing in silent pride at the symbol that lay across it. I am the last daughter of the House of El, she thought to herself. I am the last daughter of Krypton, and no one will ever forget it.
Her mind drifted to watching her cousin’s feats from her living room. Collapsed bridges, raging floods, villains - human and alien alike - who sought to cause harm. How he stood in the way, the El family crest on his chest, cape snapping in the wind. 
She couldn’t save her world, but she could save this one. She could make herself worthy of the House of El.
I can save this world.
She could still hear the screams from across the city, from the child she couldn’t get to on time. The fire had spread so rapidly that the mere minute it took for her to come up with an excuse and run away had cost a child his life. She wanted to scream, she wanted to cry, but there were others in the building she could still save.
She thought of asking Kal how he handled it, the loss of a single precious life that might still have been here had she been just a little better, just a little faster. But maybe he didn’t really deal with that - maybe she was just the failure he wasn’t. She had failed to be there for him, after all.
Then the news of her father’s involvement in Medusa came to light, and Kara stopped knowing how to feel about the sigil on her chest.
I can’t save this world.
It was the last conscious thought she had, as Reign’s hand loosened. She remembered starting to fall, but she couldn’t remember landing.
She was trapped - trapped in her own mind, away from everyone. Unable to escape. But she wasn’t damaged. She was stuck because… she was afraid? Because she was a failure. Because Reign represented everything she couldn’t be. How could she try to save the world, when destruction was so much easier than creation?
I can’t save this world.
What is it the man had said? “They’re not like you. You’re a superhero.” As though her cape made her any less a refugee who came here for safety, a child sent across skies to protect and be protected.
How does one fight a villain that lives in everyone’s soul, a piece of darkness and fear that turns outward with suspicion and hatred towards those that are different? Even if she was a shining example of the best of her kind, she would simply be discounted. “You’re one of the good ones,” they would tell her. Because hate was easy when there was fear.
I can save her.
Kara’s chest fluttered in panic as Lena held Myriad in her hand. It had been too easy, how quickly their relationship had recovered from Kara’s own cruelty. She never wanted the other shoe to drop. She hid, she always hid, hiding would always be easier than acknowledging the possibility of loss.
She thought she had lost enough in her life, but as the kryptonite encased her in the last remnant of her home, she could only feel a new type of regret.
I can’t save her.
Kara’s fists clenched as she stared down Lena on the balcony. You act like a villain, I’ll treat you like one, she thought to herself, hating herself every moment. She knew the torn woman in front of her was an adversary she had created. But she had tried, Rao, she had tried to do the right thing.
She didn’t know how she could live with the string of failure that had followed her ever since she had picked up the cape. But at the same time, she knew there came a point where - whatever she had created - she still needed to do what was right. 
Even if it meant giving up any hope of being with the woman she loved.
I can’t even save myself.
She could still feel the softness of Lena’s hand in her own when they reconciled. There was still so much they needed to talk about in the aftermath, something else she needed to confess. The bridge was there for them to cross, once it was all over.
But then the only option became to risk her own life. Her soul tore at Lena’s longing gaze when she left the Fortress, and Kara wondered if they would ever get the chance.
It was a twisted comfort, knowing that Lena cared, even in the midst of their fallout, even as Kara faced her eternity in the Phantom Zone.
They saved me.
Kara broke down sobbing when Alex shoved her under the sunlamp, feeling the painful tingling of her cells remembering how to process sunlight. Everything screamed at her - the thundering sound of the light breeze outside, and choking scent of motor oil from the passing cars, and the hammering of all her friends’ heartbeats from the Tower’s mainroom.
Her body screamed like she was 13 again, panic and joy overwhelming her, because the pain wasn’t tied to the loss like it was all those years ago. It was a second chance, with everyone she loved.
We can save the world. 
There was this exhilaration to being back, to seeing the blue oceans and red sunrises and green grass. Maybe it’s easy to get carried away, when you can forget what made everything so hard.
Her father was going to save this world from its own destruction. She was going to absorb the sun. It was easy to seek easy solutions for everything, only for it to solve nothing at all.
We can save the world, sometimes.
It felt so odd to smile and cry, as Lena pulled her into her arms. Kara’s mind jumped from seeing her sister so happy with Kelly as they danced, to the words that were missing. The words Kara needed to say to her best friend.
She knew in the night - once they were out of their wedding clothes and in their pajamas, curled up on Lena’s couch - the words would finally tumble out.
But as Lena stood in front of her, reminding her that the world wasn’t on her shoulders alone, Kara took the moment to pause. She thought of her old cape, torn up and folded neatly in her closet at home. The day she put it on, she never thought she’d need more than feats of strength to save the world.
But how could strength defeat masses manipulated into bigotry? How could strength defeat magic? How could strength defeat the best friend she had betrayed? She wasn’t here through strength alone, but through connection, and truth. As Lena reminded her, the only salve against the darkness was in standing together.
We can save each other.
A small smile crossed Kara’s face, as she watched Lena snooze next to her in the morning light, hearing her voice from the day before. “You can’t always be our savior, Kara. You shine your light and inspire others to shine theirs.” She could never save everyone. No one could. But that’s not what hope was about, as much as cynicism said otherwise. 
As Kara reached up to brush hair away from Lena’s face, she remembered the lyrical sound of her family motto falling from Lena’s lips. With each person who stood next to another, the spark grew. Perhaps they could someday create enough light.
Kara lowered her head, placing her forehead against Lena’s as she slept. As Kara listened to Lena's peaceful heartbeats and calm breaths, she found herself praying to Rao. Thank you for this spark.
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