#power book 2
miss-lauryn-hill · 10 months
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83 notes · View notes
cloveroctobers · 11 months
terms & conditions — ANGEL REYES x OC/READER x CANE TEJADA
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A/N; I'm actually glad that this sat in my drafts waiting to be written (thanks to the poll I put out!) just in time for the season premiere-which isn't being talked too much about as of yet-but I get it! So I gained some more inspo for this piece along with the sudden crush I’ve developed on Woody’s character from power book II—ghost (which I’m also currently watching!) + this song has also been on repeat since I first heard it. It’s fitting and inspired this so let’s get into it!
WARNINGS/DISCLAIMER: language + I am in no way shape or form a therapist! + Angel being a bit of a d!ck :)
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"Solay it's great to meet you, thank you for coming." The therapist greeted the mahogany haired woman at the door, lightly shaking her hand.
Solay smiled at the bob-wearing lady, shifting her tote bag, which looked expensive, down to her wrist as she fully entered the sunlit room. Her doe eyes briefly glanced at Angel who now sat with his arms crossed in a chair, a scowl written on his face as his eyes almost drank her in.
"Angel." Solay muttered, placing her bag to the side of her as she took the space in the middle of the empty red couch.
Angel ran his tongue over his front teeth, huffing but felt the therapist sending him a warning glance. Almost as if to say, 'We talked about this.'
He breathed, rolling his head back to face Solay who was now putting her phone on vibrate before tossing it back into her bag, "What's going on, Solay?"
"It's Wednesday so I’m pretty busy," she was vague with her words but attempting to be cordial as she added, "How's Mavy?"
"Growing everyday," Angel answered and couldn't help but to throw in, "How's your rebound doin'? Don't think I didn't see him drop you off in that flashy ass range rover, was my son with ‘em in the backseat?"
Solay's doe eyes immediately went into slits as she let out a breath of laughter. She was barely five minutes in the room with her ex-husband and here he was worrying about who she was involved with by attempting to fuck up her energy. He should be lucky that she even showed her face! She vowed at this first session that she would not allow Angel to continue disrespecting her like he loved to do. The only reason she was here was for their five year old son Xavier, to learn better co-parenting methods...and perhaps for a professional to see that she wasn't crazy for putting up boundaries after everything they've been through.
"Okay, let's reel it in." Dr. Michelle Othman rolled her hands, gaining the attention of the two adults in front of her.
The glare did not leave Angel's face as he dragged his eyes back to the short haired woman who sat at her desk.
"Let's discuss that tension," Dr. Michelle started, "As soon as you entered the room, Solay, you were very curt with your words on greeting Angel, why is that?”
Solay inhaled, "It's never hugs and kisses when we're in each other's space. Sure I would like for it be that way—it's like that with my parents who are divorced, they're friendly but I started off just fine until Angel had to go into attack mode."
Angel felt his pressure beginning to rise since Solay liked to commonly relate her parents to their situation…when clearly this was a very different relationship.
"I didn't attack you, I simply asked if you're leaving my son alone with some strange man." Angel stated, "And I have concerns about that, as a father, it's my right."
"Of course you do but you didn't seem to be too worried when you had our son around during your secret meet-ups with Adelita, hm?" Solay pointed out, strangely calm.
Yet it still felt tit for tat.
"We were seperated when Luisa and I started messing around."
As if that makes it alright!
"Not legally and still very much married. Just for you to sleep with her and a couple of days later we're back together like nothing even happened...like I wouldn't find out." Solay told.
Angel scratched at his brow at that, he knew how it sounded but couldn't say much to defend that. He wasn't sure if he could so he just looked away at Dr. Michelle, who was patient and watchful.
"Angel tells me you two were married for some time."
Solay uttered, “Seven years."
"What made you want to get married?"
"I thought I found my person. We were good together, fun together, friends even.” Solay seemed to be in a daze as she talked, “ I always belived that you have to have a friendship as a foundation before anything and although we were completely messy from the start, meaning intimate before we ever became friends—we were always backwards in everything we did—but I enjoyed being around him. I enjoyed being happy with him, laughing with him. Angel made my heart happy at that time and I always knew he wanted a family and I started picturing what that would be like and feel like with him. then i got the chance to realize…I was happier without him." Solay informed the therapist who hummed at this information.
Angel spoke up, "I wasn't sure i even wanted to be married and not because of Solay. She's a great woman no doubt but I always had doubts of not being good enough to be anybody's husband or father. I was scared shitless but Solay always had a way of uplifting me and making me believe we could do anything we wanted together. That also quickly turned into being blamed for the littlest things and I'm not talking about the cheating. I’ll take responsibility for that part.”
Solay nodded, "Yeah he's right. After the first time Angel cheated on me with some blonde bartender, I became iritated by everything he did and constanly being in his space knowing what he had done, wasn't good for me, i knew i had to leave so I could breathe again. I left to my own condo that I was still living in and considered not renewing the lease. Then I found out I was pregnant and that completely changed everything."
Dr. Michelle nodded at all of this, occasionally writing something down on her notepad. "There's so much to unpack here. Could it be that the both of you had these false ideas of what marriage was supposed to look like because of your upbringing? I'm already aware of the infidelity that was in Angel's parents’ marriage but what was your parents' marriage like Solay, if you don't mind me asking?"
Solay sighed, "They tried to never argue in front of my older sister and I but that didn't mean we couldn't hear it at night when they thought we went to bed. My dad was a borderline alcoholic and always stressed about finances but he did a good job at hiding his worries, yet that didn't mean he didn't take it out on my mom. He can get very loud and apparently verbally abusive when he drank towards my mom. What they showed from the beginning seemed like perserverance …when it was really settling. I knew they were happier when they were younger but they ended up getting a divorce when I was in my early twenties."
"Was it a difficult divorce?"
"Surprisingly no? They seemed thrilled to be doing it because they came to a clear understanding of what they needed from each other.”
"Is that what you want from Angel?"
"One hundred percent but I'm not sure when or if we're gonna get there. There's mountains of pain and anger between us both but I want to get somewhere for the sake of our son." Solay tells Angel's therapist.
The woman quirks up a smile, "that's what I'm here for, for guidance but I want you to also acknowledge that you have to want this for yourself as well and not just your son."
"I don't want to do what my parents did, although it almost seems inevitable when life is a cycle right? I don't want to hide the reality of why his parents aren't getting along and can't co-exist because I don't know what that's doing to him mentally. Sure he's only five but I want us to have a healthy and honest mindset so we can raise him as such."
"Angel do you hear what Solay is saying?"
"Yeah, she's not the only one who doesn't want to fuck up their kid." Angel rubbed at his beard in thought.
Dr. Michelle said, "Then we all need to work on the both of you first so you can both do your best in raising Xavier better. Are you two commited in doing so?"
Commitment was almost taboo for Angel Reyes so Solay wasn’t so sure, it was shocking for her to even be aware that Angel decided to seek out therapy in the first place! Yet they were both here, which is the first step, allegedly.
"You're Angel's therapist, so how long do you predict I need to be in his sessions?"
DR. Michelle analyzed Solay for a brief moment before saying, "Believe it or not, you left a big impact on Angel's life as a husband and father so I can not simply provide you with a timeline. This takes work."
"I receive that, I'm not afraid of doing the work." Solay affirms, "I just wanted an estimate on how long this will last until it doesn't matter anymore."
"What do you mean by that?" Angel asked, brows furrowing.
Solay clasped her hands into her lap, slightly raising them as she talked, "I don't know. It's like you're trying to show a new and improved side of you but I still know the bad parts."
"Because you like pointing the finger and always putting the blame on me! Like you can’t accept that I’m happy!”
"Angel," Dr. Michelle warned at the raised volume in his voice, "Solay, Angel tells me the both of you recently got into a disagreement a week ago. Could this be what you're referring to?"
"I guess so yeah," Solay raised her shoulders and stared down at her hands for a moment, "It's just funny or probably pick me of me to think I gave Angel what he dreamed of, having a family and a home but the moment another woman caught his eye...the minute he found out that Mavy was still alive and Adelita was back in town, his perspective completely changed. What made that family different from I gave?"
"What?" Angel exasperated leaning his elbows into his knees now, "there's no comparison between what I have with you and Xavier and Luisa and Maverick."
"You may not think so but that's how it feels."
"Why do you feel that way?" Dr. Michelle pushed.
Solay swallowed the thickness in her throat, "that argument that happened a week ago. I asked Angel if he can take Xavier for me while I underwent a procedure. My mom was in town and would be tending to me so I thought it would be best. Angel came to pick him up Thursday evening, I went to my procedure that Friday morning and Angel brought Xavier back that same night because he, Luisa, and Mavy were going to some carnival for the weekend.”
Solay was in and out of sleep the whole day in her bedroom and her mother tried her hardest to keep her out of it but she soon learned what Angel had done. To say she was livid would be a understatement but thankfully she had her mom there to calm her down and help out, who did the honors of giving Angel a piece of her mind before she slammed the door in his face.
“What was this procedure?”
“I honestly thought it was a boob-job,” Angel interrupts before Solay could say a thing, which made both women cut their eyes at him, “I mean I wouldn’t be mad at you for it.”
Solay shook her head in aggravation while the therapist kept her face stoic.
“Why are you so comfortable speaking on a body that isn’t yours?” Solay questioned.
‘It used to be,’ Angel thought but knew not to let that slip through his lips.
Angel raised his hands from his spot on the chair, “I’m not! I never said you needed that shit anyways, I loved your itty bitties—
“Angel, enough.” Dr. Michelle scolded, “Let Solay finish. I told you at the start of inviting Solay here is for us to see her perspective and get to know her a bit so that we can come to a common ground in your relationship. Now Solay, please continue.”
Angel tried not to roll his eyes. This was his therapist after all and sure he knew what this session was about since it took courage to ask Solay to be here and felt like forever for her to agree. It was all about listening and shit but he didn’t like the picture that was being painted.
Solay sighed with her eyes closed, “I went for a biopsy on my ovaries. So no it wasn’t a boob job or some spa day or walk in the park like you thought, Angel. It was serious and again, Xavy and I got pushed to the side: Second fiddle.”
Sometimes she wondered if it had to do with Xavier being hearing impaired. Did Angel not want to be bothered enough to include their child on his new family outings? She thought about bringing it up but she also knew it wasn’t right to think that when Angel did take up the time learning sign language (in his own way) to communicate with their child. Everyone on his side of the family did and although it was a little shaky for him more so than Solay, he did try… however it didn’t erase the fact that Xavier seemed to be excluded majority of the time.
So she kept it to herself.
Dr. Michelle allowed the weight of silence to be felt. She motioned for the tissues on the coffee table for Solay—if needed but the woman just hugged herself, making the therapist lightly scribble down some more notes at this.
Angel was full on frowning now, “Biopsy…ain’t that for diagnosing something?”
“Cancer, Angel. They were worried after finding a lump in my abdomen and some other symptoms I was experiencing. I just needed you to come through for me, just this once.” Solay exhaled, eyes on him.
Angel felt the color drain from his face. The rings on his fingers were pressed to his lips as he felt his knee start to bounce, “why didn’t you say something?”
“You mean to tell me you forgot in the next twenty-four hours that I was having something done?”
“I’m a dumbass sometimes! I seriously thought it was something minor and really didn’t think or even remember, honestly querida—Solay it fucken slipped my mind.”
“Do you believe his words, Solay?”
She shrugged her shoulders, “it’s possible. He forgot his own brother’s birthday.”
“Hey, we’re not talking about Ezekiel here.” Angel growled while Solay rolled her eyes, “…are you alright, soso?”
Hearing Angel use another nickname on her, made her skin crawl. Once upon a time, she thought it was cute and it actually gave her butterflies when Angel would say it, his rough callous hands cupping her face. Now? She just wanted him to shut up.
“Now you care?” Solay hissed, “all you had to do was include Xavy in on your quality time with his baby brother, that’s it. Do that one thing for me, for him. But nothing else matters and that’s why I’m so pissed.”
“Aye, don’t take this shit out on Mav.”
“I would never. I always engage with that sweet baby when he’s in my presence. That’s Xavy’s baby brother and I’m not that kind of woman. I would never take my frustrations with you out on your kid. Ever.” Solay’s heated doe eyes met Angel’s and he had to sit back in the chair, dejected.
Angel said, “I’m sorry. Forreal. I do wish you would of told me exactly what was going on with you though.”
“Would it have made a difference?”
“I’m sure it would, yeah.” Angel stared, which Solay held.
That felt definite.
Dr. Michelle looked up from her notes, “this is good you two. You’re both laying it out on the table, engaging and truly seeing what it is that you brought you two here. it’s leading us to the root of the problem.”
“Talk to us, doc. What do you think it is?” Angel dragged his eyes away from Solay, keeping his leg bouncing.
“From our conversations Angel, you hold a lot of insecurities and it stems from your own childhood trauma that you haven’t healed from. It’s bled into your marriage and you, Solay. Your defense mechanism is to shut down when situations are tough, putting your guard up instead of saying exactly what it is that’s troubling you.”
“Yes because I’m tired—so tired of reading the same pages of this story over and over with Angel.” Solay sniffed, “I’m not here to say he’s a bad person. I know he’s not. He’s just not a good partner for me. He’s got a strong heart and I know he loved me at some point in our relationship and he cares for our son sure, but I can’t help but to look at him sometimes and feel like I’m dealing with the damn devil.”
Angel furrowed his brows as he points at his own chest, “I’m the devil? I know you don’t believe that when you don’t even know what you’re getting yourself involved in with that dude who just dropped you off.”
“Oh, not this again.” Solay exhaled rubbing underneath her eyes, “I did not come here for you to worry about who I’m spending time with.”
“She acts like she’s so much better than me, when she’s dealing with someone just as shitty and she’s acting like fucking Stevie wonder with it.” Angel gritted.
“Are you also in a new relationship, Solay?”
“Yes. It just became serious.”
“Have Angel and this person met?”
“Absolutely not.”
“We’d probably kill each other.” Angel declared, feeling his fists lock together at the mere thought of Solay with somebody else.
Somebody better but he was positive Cane wasn’t.
Solay shrugged her shoulders, realizing this was true. Cane knew about Angel and the failure of their marriage and honestly he had words for Angel the day they ever came face to face. He got close but Solay always made sure to detour the man away from causing any chaos. It was amusing to Cane however because one day he was sure he was gonna say whatever came to mind when he set his eyes on Angel.
Solay just wanted a simple soft life, was that too much to ask for?
“Okay,” Dr. Michelle said, “So we have the both of you in relationships, Angel you with the same woman you had relations and child with. Solay’s also in a relationship that you don’t particularly like or trust, Angel. You both share a child together but your regressions towards each other make it hard to be within the same space. Is that correct?”
Solay blinked, “that about narrows it down.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Angel rolled his head around, trying to straighten up the tension in his body.
Dr. Michelle cleared her throat, “seems like we have quite the work cut out for us on resolving these issues between you two. We’re down to ten minutes left on the clock, so I want to give you some homework to take with you so that you’re prepared when I see you both next week.”
“Homework?” Angel exhaled, “I didn’t go off to college for this exact reason, Doc.”
“Well think of this as a introductory course,” Dr. Michelle declared, “you’re welcome.”
Solay snickered at the expression on Angel’s face who was reaching for a post it note on the edge of Dr. Michelle’s desk. The therapist was scribbling some last minute notes as Angel managed to grab the paper, ball it up and toss it in Solay’s direction.
Which resulted in double middle fingers from the woman who managed to dodge it just in time. Angel scoffed and stuck out his tongue until Dr. Michelle cleared her throat.
“Are you two quite finished?”
Solay flicked one of her ponytails behind her shoulder and sent a sweet smile at the woman who stared hard at the pair.
“It’s a simple exercise. Both of you are going to write seven things that impacted your relationship from beginning, middle, to end. You can also form it into a Venn diagram or a pros and cons list, then we’ll discuss it next week. Sound good?” Dr. Michelle asks.
Solay has her phone now, her fingers tapping away at her screen as she sets a reminder for herself to do this before next Wednesday. She suddenly looks up at Angel who has his arms resting on the arm rests, twiddling his thumbs.
“Do I have to text you a reminder?”
“Would you be so kind?” Angel was sarcastic, “I’ll remember. If I can show up to see Dr. Michelle’s beautiful atmosphere, I can remember to do some homework.”
Solay replied in a sing song tone, straight but lightly shaded eyebrows raising, “okay…”
“You don’t believe me?”
“If you do the work, I’ll do the work. Otherwise this’ll be for nothing.” Solay answers, meeting Angel’s much darker eyes before turning back to the therapist, “thank you for your time, Dr. Michelle.”
“Thank you for showing up Solay, that’s time.” Dr. Michelle stood from her desk, walking around to lead the two out.
Solay stood in the lobby, messing around with her phone while Angel shared a hushed conversation with Dr. Michelle—hoping to get some sort of reflection or opinion on his ex-wife. It was a little selfish for Angel to want Dr. Michelle to strictly be on his side but he’d be lying if said he didn’t wish for his therapist to provide him with that comfort.
However Dr. Michelle liked to be theoretical and shit so Angel knew he shouldn’t be surprised.
“We’ll get somewhere, Angel. Now that she’s here, we can get this chapter closed and then focus on the next stage, yes?” Dr. Michelle explained while Angel slowly nodded, taking her word for it.
Soon he bid his goodbyes to the British woman before he fished his pockets for a cigarette. Just to mess around with as he approached Solay, he promised that he would actually quit smoking this time around and so far he’s been on track.
“You waiting for your boyfriend, who probably can’t see over the curb to pick you up?” Angel spoke from behind Solay.
She huffed, glancing over her shoulder, “actually no, I’m waiting on my assistant to get me and bring me back to work—if it’s any of your business.”
“Course it is, you’re still the mother of my child.” Angel snorted, “tell her don’t bother, I’ll take you back.”
“On your death trap? I think not.”
“Traffic gets bad around this time out here…the bike it much faster than whatever your assistant is coming to get you in, so it’s up to you.” Angel tapped the cigarette on the glass window of the door.
Solay thought about it, staring hard at Angel who offered her a goofy smile before pushing the door open, walked through and held it open waiting for the woman to follow after. Sighing, she pressed her phone to her ear to let her employee know that she found her way and that she’ll see her soon.
“No funny shit, Angel. Take me straight to work.”
“What? You don’t wanna stop and have lunch first?”
“Not after that session and especially not with you.” Solay answered as Angel yanked up the helmet that rested on his bike.
Angel did the honors of slipping the helmet down on her head, surely messing up her ponytails as he secured it and knocked his knuckles against the top, “damn, that hurts.”
“Terms and conditions.” Solay pointed, making Angel shake his head as he climbed on the bike first.
Solay followed shortly after, resting her hands on Angel’s shoulders to steady herself. As he kicked the engine on, solay almost flinched, knowing that she had to wrap her hands around Angel’s waist instead.
“Does what’s his face have these terms and conditions that you speak of, too?”
“Yup, he has you to thank for that.”
Angel let out a exaggerated sigh, choosing not to say anything else on that as he peddled the bike backwards before steering into a turn, then he set off into the desert streets with Solay still having a hold on him.
What would have been a hour ride was turned into a thirty-five minute one as the tatted man was parked in front of Solay’s business while she let her hair run free now by using Angel’s side mirror, then handed the helmet back to said man.
“Thanks for the ride.”
“Anytime, soso.” Angel glanced at the building seeing a few clients inside of the orange sickle colored building, “spot looks cool as fuck, I’m proud of you, you know?”
Solay had a bachelor’s degree in science, finding her field in dermatology and held her license as a esthetician. She also sold a successful skincare line that she launched on her own website just last year. And this year she purchased her first house all on her own. She was doing well for herself but remained humble about it all.
“Okay, Angel.” Solay sighed, holding her bag down in front of her as she stared out at the orange skies, “we don’t have to kiss each other asses.”
Anfel shrugged, “It’s better than chewing each other out though right? Especially after today and I mean it so what’s the harm in that?”
“…well I appreciate it.”
“See, I can play nice sometimes too huh?” Angel winked as he put his helmet on, “I’ll let you get too it then…remind me, am I picking Xavier up from school on Friday or?”
‘Are you having him for the weekend since it is technically your weekend thanks to me screwing it up last time.’ Angel thought to himself.
“Papa Felipe is so it’s easier for you to bring him to yours.”
Angel was thankful that Solay wants Xavier to actually spend Friday and Saturday night with him after what he pulled last weekend. However he probably knew his pops would give him a hard time and would probably want to keep the boy to himself for the weekend. Solay’s mom and Felipe often chatted; with Felipe telling Angel that his mother, Marisol, probably would have loved Solay’s mom.
“Cool,” Angel said, “I’ll see you on Sunday then.”
“Sunday it is.”
He dipped his head, starting the engine and she watched the man drive off into the sunset before making her way inside.
[Sometime Saturday night…]
Cane Tejada entered the one level stucco home, hands rubbing in excitement as he entered the front of the home. To his surprise, he didn’t find Solay in the kitchen whipping it up and went through the house in search of her.
He found her in the main bedroom with the attached bathroom, touching up her makeup as her hips swayed to a Ayra Starr song. Leaning against the door, he let out a low whistle as his eyes scanned over her curves in the lace corset midi-dress.
“Tonight is my lucky night after all,” Cane bit down on his bottom lip.
Solay stopped leaning over the counter, molding her lipstick covered lips together and blinked her eyes as she glanced over her shoulder at the brown-skinned man, “you’re not coming out with me.”
Solay brushed by Cane, her light floral and hint of a hazelnut scent hitting his nostrils as she walked by. He followed the woman into her bedroom, eyeing her as she sat on the edge of the bed, one leg crossed over the other.
“Where you going, So?”
She smiled up at him as she slipped on a heel, her anklet bracelet glistening in the room, “Out. Without you.”
“Nah, I’m not feeling that. Not with the way that dress is fitting and the way that ass is—
Solay inserted, “not my problem.” She got to her feet in search of her clutch, “matter of fact, why don’t you reach out to what was her name? Effie. And see if she wants to entertain you for the night.”
She tapped his jaw before turning off the light, making Cane slightly curse to himself. He jogged after the long haired woman, reaching out to grip her waist to turn her to him.
Solay held mock sympathy on her face and Cane didn’t like it one bit, “you going through my shit?”
“You left your laptop here and it was going haywire…something about tuition. I didn’t care to read it all,” she lifted her shoulders careless, “so…you should consider looking for the next flight home to New York soon.”
“It ain’t even like that.” Cane started, “it was just business, nothing more.”
Solay shushed him, “I don’t wanna hear about it. I’m not even stressing it babe, it’s fine.”
Cane scrunched up his nose, “but it’s not because you’re dismissing my ass like I ain’t shit—like we ain’t build this together.”
“What even is this?”
Cane was confused, “a relationship? We been locked in for awhile now so why you trying to switch up on me?”
“You’re the one out here dropping stacks on some girl’s tuition.”
“I ain’t fuck her if that’s what you’re getting at.” Cane was blunt with it, “I’m here for and with you. I’m not some disloyal cheating ass bitch, like your ghost rider baby father. Let’s get that straight.”
Solay sighed, staring down at the new set on her hand.
Cane gripped Solay’s chin, making her eyes meet his, “I’m not him, So. I’m not gonna do you dirty, I’m only about you.”
And solay held his stare not entirely believing it. She’s been down this road before and it was wrong for her to enter relationships—serious relationships and always compare them to Angel. He hurt her bad time after time and she’ll be a cold hearted bitch if that meant she gets to protect her heart better.
She’ll get rid of anybody that plays with her, just like that.
Cane included.
“Words are just words, Cane. You have to show me.”
Cane gripped onto her waist, holding tighter but still kept some distance just in case she felt like she wanted to throw hands, “I gotchu. I’m yours.”
“You already violated one of the terms and conditions and you have maybe two more left, so think wisely next time.” Solay warned, resting one hand on Cane’s shoulder.
Cane was swift with pulling out his phone, “what? You want me to take that cash back?”
He’ll sign a NDA if she hit him with one, he didn’t want to lose what he had with Solay. She was the only woman that ever made him feel loved but it’s not like he wanted to get too deep about it. Emotions were a lot to feel you know?
Solay shook her head, “no. I know there’s more where that came from, just don’t treat me like I don’t ever know what’s going on.”
“Heard you.” Cane put his phone back as he stepped closer, glancing down at her lips before sliding his hands down to rest on her backside, “can I get to show you just how important you are to me?”
One hand came up to brush her bouncy curl over her shoulder, exposing the length of her neck which he licked his lips at before placing a peck there.
She shoved him back, “not uh, I have some place else to be.”
“Oh it’s like that, so?”
“Yup it’s like that,” she smirked over her shoulder swaying her way to the front door, “don’t wait up for me. Bye!”
Cane shook his head in disbelief and looked around the empty but quiet one-level home, “fuck am I supposed to do, meditate?”
That’s when he phone rang, right on time and he picked it up on the second ring, “Dru, what’s good?”
“Got that info you wanted on Reyes. Want me to send it your way?”
“Nah just tell it to me and meet me over there.”
Cane listened carefully to what Dru told him before hanging up. A smirk was on his lips as he also took his exit from the home.
he was ready for his own fun for the night.
Sorry so.
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Continue along with my spring anthology writings here.
*Read part two here!
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tredawakandan · 8 months
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Not really mentioned it b4 but I definitely like criminal shows like Snowfall , Power etc.. In the last year or so I started hearing about another show called Top Boy. Gave it a watch and watched the original series. It was cool, ok😅. Im saying this to say please stop comparing Top Boy to Snowfall or Power. Online that's all I see every now and again. Please stop it 😭. In no way are they in the same tier.. Just to get in depth more people actually believe Sully and Du Shane could actually be a credible threat to the others in Snowfall/Power. Please stop the 🧢. Call it American bias😅 but sorry UK drug/criminal culture just ain't can't compare in my opinion. Y'all giving Sully credit for punking dudes who carry 1 gun for every 5-15 people 😭😭. C'mon now they not even in the same lvl of danger. . Y'all really believe that they on the same lvl of Mr Brick By Brick😂 .Ain't a single nigga on Top Boy can mess with Tommy(Power) or Jerome(Snowfall)That's my Ted talk see y'all later 👋
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prettyshon10 · 1 year
My Top 10 Black-Centric Television (10-6)
10.) All American
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9.) Power Book II: Ghost
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8.) Sister, Sister
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7.) Everybody Hates Chris
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6.) The Boondocks
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saturnville · 1 year
make luv universe
— the first kiss.
pairing: tariq st. patrick x black!fem!oc (imaan). warning: none. prompt: "you can stay here if you want...I can get some clothes for you." tags: @zayswriting @neeville @neewrites + anyone else w/ a love for tariq :)
She couldn’t believe she’d said that out loud. Her body grew warm as the embarrassment set in. Suddenly, his brown eyes on hers were too much, and she lowered her gaze. One step backward, she attempted to remove herself from his reach. Tariq’s hand tightened around her waist.
“Oh, for real?” His knee jumped against the side of her thigh as hers as she stood between his legs. Her arms were wrapped around his neck loosely, fingers dancing along the links of his chain. “Act on that then.” His tongue poked from the side of his lips. He was teasing her.
She was a shy girl. Making first moves was never something she’d done. Her hesitation manifested from a fear of rejection and embarrassment, but how could he reject her? He was probing her to step into the boldness that laid dormant inside of her.
Tariq’s eyebrow raised in amusement. The internal battle she had with herself was externally evident. “Are you sure?” she found herself asking after some time. Tariq nodded slyly.
Imaan leaned in slowly. Her glossed lips ghosted over his and she could feel the warmth radiating off of them. Her small hand palmed his neck as their mouths connected.
Tariq’s hands fell at her plush thighs. His fingers wrapped around the back of her knee which tugged her toward. A soft grunt came from him when her heat brushed against the tension behind his jeans.
He was steadily impressed by her initiative, even if she was nervous. Shaky breaths turned to soft moans and trembling hands were steady against the ridges of his shoulders. He broke away from her for a moment and gave attention to her neck, licking and biting slowly. Her nails dug into his shirt. “‘Riq…” 
“No marks.”
He could work with that.
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shurismainbxtch · 11 months
I recommend this fic to all of my followers even if you haven’t seen Power cause i feel like the plot is enough to give it a read. I just want to say i’m so proud🥹 @venusdraco
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powerfashionblog · 1 year
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Who: Alix Lapri as Effie Morales What: Off-White Synthetic Puffer Jacket in Grey - Sold Out Where: 3x06 “Land of Lies”
Worn with: Palm Angels t-shirt
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constructedparadox · 1 year
Nine seasons of being a conniving asshole and Cooper Saxe finally got the bullet he worked so hard for. Power is a show for the ages
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blackmensuited · 2 years
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themtothea · 8 months
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ivarsshieldmadien · 2 years
Anyone out there doing Animal Kingdom or Power Ghost fics? Send them my way!!!
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miss-lauryn-hill · 1 year
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kei-ing-yourcar · 10 months
So I just discovered that I've been sleeping on Woody McClain all this time😬. The man is fine. And when I say fine...I mean 'come pick me up and take me away and do whatever you want' typa fine. Like the man is sexy. Not to mention he funny too?! And introverted?! And he can dance?! And act?!
I want to meet him so bad. Just give me a week alone with him. That's all I need. Just a week😭
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Effie Morales as Alix Lapri
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Recurs in the Starz series Power Book II: Ghost.
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ponytailcoby · 11 months
Cane telling Dru he’d never be a NBA housewife was so nasty 😭
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saturnville · 1 year
make luv universe
— the first sleepover.
pairing: tariq st. patrick x black!fem!oc (imaan). warning: none. prompt: "you can stay here if you want...I can get some clothes for you." tags: @zayswriting @neeville @neewrites + anyone else w/ a love for tariq :)
“You can stay here if you want. The shower’s back there, I can get some clothes for you.”
Imaan nodded with a soft smile. Tariq released a breath he wasn’t aware he held and directed her to the petite bathroom in his dorm. It was just like him, she thought. Dark and brooding. Black curtains and towels, gray placemats and sink accessories. The overhead light was bright, but by the light strips along the wall, she knew he preferred it dim.
“Alright—towel and clothes. You need anything else?”
She shook her head and thanked him once more. She felt bad invading his space, but he refused to allow her to believe that was the case, citing that he’d flee his room too if he heard his roommate having sex with his girlfriend. Imaan watched as the door closed and prepared for her shower.
Her shower didn’t last too long. By the time fifteen minutes passed, she was clean and clothed in Tariq’s shirt. The shorts were loose around her waist and fell to her ankles each time she moved, so she folded them up and laid them on the counter. The shirt would do. She twiddled her thumbs as she entered the bedroom. Tariq was comfortable and in his own world when she walked in. He ditched his graphic shirt and jeans for a wife beater and sweatpants. His arm was hooked behind his head and his eyes were focused on an intense game of Temple Run.
“Minion Rush is better.”
Tariq’s character crashed into a tree. She giggled.
“Man, I was doing good! You a distraction, shorty.” Tariq tossed his phone onto the nightstand and held his arm out. Imaan found a comfortable position laying on his chest and they began discussing potential television preferences for the night.
They settled on Girlfriends, her comfort show. She was surprised he agreed, knowing that he wasn’t too familiar with women-led comedies. However, when she felt the rumble of his chest at Joan’s antics, she knew he’d liked it more than he initially let on.
Hours passed and her eyes grew heavy. They’d changed positions. Tariq was slotted between her legs, his face in the crook of her neck, and his arm thrown over her waist. By his heavy breaths, she knew he was sleeping. Imaan smiled softly and wrapped her arm around his shoulders.
“Goodnight, my love.”
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