#posture awareness
zonaphysicaltherapy · 5 months
Neck pain, a common affliction in our modern, tech-centric lives, can disrupt daily activities and impact overall well-being. Fortunately, there are practical strategies like physical therapy in Georgia that can be incorporated into daily routines to ease discomfort and promote neck health.
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docbrok · 1 year
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chronically-evie · 9 months
my mom keeps trying to get me to go to the ER when im having a flare up and i have no idea what to tell her.
because ive BEEN to the ER before. you wanna know what they did? while i was sweating, shaking, and sobbing, curled in a ball of pain?
they asked me if i was on my period. when i told them no, they asked me if i was pregnant.
when i told them no, because i wasn't sexually active, they forcibly tested me anyways, and then when it came back negative said, "well maybe you should just take a few deep breaths", gave me liquid ibuprofen, and sent me home.
disabled people, in this particular situation disabled afabs, are never fucking listened to.
the ER staff literally LAUGHED at me multiple times. they pointed at me when i was having one of the worst episodes of my life and snickered.
so no, i do not want to go to the fucking ER. my heating pad, ice packs, and nausea meds are going to help me more than anything a hospital could do.
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thelupuslady · 1 year
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melodymorningdew · 3 months
Imposter syndrome is a bench
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Image description: drawing of a nondescript person with a tired/unimpressed expression on their face right next to a drawing of someone vibrating with excitement
Me: "I must be faking my illness. I went on a walk yesterday."
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chronicallydragons · 8 months
It is once again Dysautonomia Awareness month, and I am, as always, Aware of Dysautonomia
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chaos-and-ink · 11 days
What Can Passing the hEDS Criteria Look Like?
To pass you must meet the requirements of all 3 criteria sections. This is what my assessment looks like for reference! Reblog to help spread awareness.
Criteria 1: 8/4-9
First is testing for hypermobility. Most often used is the Beighton Score (which isn't perfect). The Beighton Score is a quick method to test for hypermobility. You must score 4-6+ out of 9 depending on your age.
1. Each pinky finger you can bend 90+ degrees backwards gives you one point.
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2. You can also gain a point for each thumb that can touch the inside of your forearm like this.
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3. Each elbow that hyperextends beyond 10 degrees gives you a point.
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4. Each knee that hyperextends beyond 10 degrees gives you a point.
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5. And if you can place your palms flat on the grounds without bending your knees you can gain one point. (this is the only one I can't do)
Criteria 2: 2/2-3
Feature A: 5/5-12 Feature A looks at certain indicators of a connective tissue disorder. You have to have 5 or more out of the 12 listed to pass.
1. Unusually soft skin. Every EKG I've had, the cardiologist had been unable to keep the stickers on me because of how soft my skin is.
2. Unusual or unexplained stretch marks. These stretch marks are unexplained because they appeared before puberty.
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3. Arachnodactaly by a positive thumb sign. This means both hands, when I make a fist, the entire nail of my thumb extends past the edge of my palm.
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4. Mildly stretchy skin. This is most prominent on my biceps, neck, and collarbone.
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5. At least 2 sites with atrophic scarring. Here are the major scars that qualified in my assessment. Though I have tons of these all over my body from various nicks and cuts.
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Feature C: 3/1-3 Feature C assess if you have problematic or painful chronic symptoms.
1. Musculoskeletal pain daily for 3+ months in 1+ limbs
2. Widespread pain for 3+ months
3. Recurrent joint dislocations/instability in the absence of trauma
Criteria 3: 3/3
Because hEDS is diagnosed based on exam and exclusion, it's important that there is no other explanation for the symptoms. This means you must pass all three of these requirements.
1. No unusual skin fragility (could be Classical EDS)
2. No other heritable or acquired connective tissue disorders that could explain symptoms.
3. No other diagnosis that include hypermobility like other forms of EDS, Marfan Syndrome, etc
Some other things that factored into my diagnosis:
Diagnosed Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome symptoms
Chronic digestive dysfunctions and issues
Very easy bruising
Very flat feet
Daily partial dislocations of hips/shoulders and multiple rib dislocations
Extreme and chronic fatigue
Very high tolerance to general anesthesia
Odd reactions to medications
Life long sleep disturbances
Very slow wound healing
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cripplecore · 7 months
happy POTS awareness day to those who are very aware already <3 it's a struggle, but you're not alone out there
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echo-stimmingrose · 11 months
I just made a post about the end of pride month. It's July now, so happy disability pride month to my fellow disabled people!
Friendly reminders to able bodied people
Don't tell disabled people how to refer to themselves
Listen to them when and how they refer to their disabilities
You don't need to know why someone is disabled
This includes if they have a service dog, you may ask what tasks the dog performs if you are a business owner. Not what disabilities they have.
Also, in the US there are no "service dog cards/papers"
It's illegal to refuse service to someone because of a disability
If you know someone who is disabled questions are fine as long as you are respectful. Some of us love to educate. (However some aren't things we like to talk about, be respond that)
Slurs are never acceptable if they don't apply to you (you wouldn't use a racial slur don't use one about disabilities either)
Don't make jokes based around disabled people stereotypes. It's not funny.
Not all disabilities are visible!
I know you mean well but you do not know what it feels like, please do not tell disabled people you do.
When we say we are tired and you are also tired, we do not mean the same thing.
Abilism isn't funny, it causes so much harm and discrimination please don't be abilist.
Reminders for my fellow disabled people
You are valid no matter what.
You are allowed to have good days and still be disabled.
You are allowed to have bad days and need extra help or more time to rest.
With that you are allowed to take days to rest.
You know your limits, please follow them and don't harm yourself.
You are not an inconvenience!
Please remember to take your meds, they are important
Don't stop taking your meds without consulting with a doctor (unless they are doing horrible things, even then please contact your provider)
Also doctors who don't listen suck, we've all been there and we feel you.
You are not faking for attention no matter how much your brain tells you that
Sometimes you can't always look on the bright side. It's okay to recognize the negative as long as you don't let that take over.
Asking for help is good and doesn't bother people. And if it does those aren't people you should have in your life.
If a mobility aid will help you then use whatever will help you
Your problems are "bad enough" and valid. Don't compare yourself to other people and if you need help then get it.
You do not need to be absolutely horrible to get help.
If your diagnosis came as relief that is perfectly fine, knowing there's a cause for your problem and now having ways to manage it is wonderful.
If your diagnosis did not come as a relief that is perfectly fine as well. It's terrifying and soul crushing sometimes getting diagnosed and realizing you're going to deal with this forever. You're not alone.
You know your body better than anyone else. Listen to yourself and what your body needs.
You got this, you aren't alone. Mental and physical disabilities suck but be proud of them.
You live with them everyday and you're still here, you're still fighting. You're so strong.
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justsomerandomgay · 17 days
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lost-spoons · 17 days
I kinda want to make an EDS specific social media page so that I can help spread awareness- What do you think? Cause I want to go into graphic design and I've done art pieces for my illnesses before soooo
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docbrok · 1 year
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sneez · 1 year
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more of my oc tervis (any pronouns), the creepiest most miserable little weirdo in town. which is saying something [id under cut]
/ ID: four digital drawings.
The first image is a series of drawings of Tervis on a paper-textured background. A heading at the top reads 'Tervis (Humble)'. One is a coloured headshot of Tervis looking to the left; they have a gaunt face, short receding hair, a scar bisecting their lip and right eyebrow, greyish skin, and are wearing a red shawl around their neck. An arrow pointing at their right eye reads 'one blue eye (mostly blind)'; another arrow pointing at their left eye reads 'one brown eye'. They have a serious, hostile expression. The second drawing is an uncoloured full-body sketch of Tervis. Next to this is the same drawing but coloured and with more polished lineart. Tervis is a thin, hunched figure wearing a long, dark brown robe, a greyish bag on their back, and a red shawl around their head and neck. They are barefoot, and are leaning on a walking staff with both hands. An arrow pointing to the walking staff reads 'needed for walking, useful for hitting'. Tied to the belt around their waist are several long scrolls of paper with writing on them. An arrow pointing to the scrolls reads ''blessings' they paste on infected houses'. Tervis is looking warily out at the viewer from beneath their eyebrows. An arrow pointing to their head reads 'scar from getting hit in the face with a brick (also knocked out a tooth)'. Alongside these drawings are a series of bullet points giving information about Tervis. These read:
   indeterminate age, indeterminate gender
   religious fanatic (unclear which religion)
   lives alone somewhere in the steppe
   dislikes everyone but is nicer to children than anyone else
   has every disease
The second image is a fake screenshot from the video game Pathologic. Tervis is looking out at the viewer; the background shows scenery from the steppe. The text on screen reads:
CHANGELING: I still don’t see what you could have done that would make you personally responsible for this plague. TERVIS: Responsible… no, not merely responsible! This is my plague, cast upon my head alone. I am the originator; my sin is at the root of all. I have ventured into the town. I have seen the canker there. No matter how many houses I bless, my sickness sinks deeper. The rotted limb is the death of the body… Surely you understand me. You are a healer, are you not? CHANGELING: What is it that you are asking me to do? TERVIS: Let me be the lamb, worker of miracles! My blood shall wet the earth, and bright flowers shall grow… My putrefaction will provide the soil within which new life will burgeon, pure and free of sin and decay. Let it be done. I am ready. My failing flesh is but little sacrifice; in death my weakness will be my strength. Soon these torments will be at an end.
Below are two dialogue options:
You’re insane!
What makes you so sure your death would solve anything?
The third image is a fake screenshot from the video game Pathologic 2. Tervis is looking out at the viewer, and has been painted in semi-realistic style. The text on screen reads:
Tervis: Why do you force me to live? Damn you! Your cure is poison to me. Now I shall never be blessed. You should have left me to bleed.
Below are three dialogue options:
Don’t be absurd. I wasn’t going to watch you die.
What makes you think you deserve suffering?
I wish I had.
At the bottom of the image is a line of dialogue which Tervis has just spoken:
The air is foul. There is rot in this place. The stench of corruption shall be – what was it? What was it? The stench of corruption shall be… swept aside…
The fourth image is a coloured scene depicting Tervis and Clara. They are central in the composition; around them is the steppe, which has been rendered in a loose, painterly style. Tervis is kneeling, their walking staff cast aside, and are reaching out their hands to Clara in a desperate, pleading gesture. They are crying, their face contorted in an expression of agonised ecstasy. Clara stands beside them, one hand reaching out, the other held above Tervis’s head as though about to touch their brow. She has a solemn, pained expression. Behind her head, a break in the dark clouds gives the impression that she is haloed by sunlight; rays of the same light fall onto Tervis, illuminating their face and red robe. End ID. /
#artwork#pathologic#tervis!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D#sorry i know ive already posted that fake p2 screenshot i just wanted to keep all my tervis images in one place. please forgive me#i am having. So Much Fun. i would explode and die for tervis shes the worst i adore her#making fake screenshots is so enjoyable i love trying to match the fonts and copying all the little ui details it's so fun highly recommend#i have a lot of tervis lore which i am still developing but hopefully these drawings give you some idea of his character#hes just a mess really. hes got every imaginable problem#that last drawing is her getting sacrificed in the humble ending. she is SO happy about it#also if you didnt see my last post tervis was originally a warhammer 40k oc (which he still is ive just made a bonus pathologic tervis now)#but ive tried to keep a lot of 40k stuff in her design like the blessing scrolls and the uh. Posture#that's also my reasoning for why nobody knows what his religion is. the watsonian explanation is they are just spouting incomprehensible#disjointed passages from some obscure scripture which nobody can identify (and who would want to try really. tervis is not good company)#but the doylist explanation is that it's literally just the cult mechanicus. just ignore all the references to the weakness of the flesh and#the glory of the machine it will all be fine nothing weird here at all#anyway :-) i could talk about tervis forever but i will stop now#i hope you are all well my dear friends! i am on holiday now wahoo#i am also aware that i have several messages to answer which i will do very soon i am so sorry for being so slow as usual#i love you all i am giving you individual kisses on your individual heads. mwah
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thelupuslady · 1 year
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mxnordberg · 1 year
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"You're my best friend."
[Image ID: A digital illustration of Ayda Aguefort, wearing a loose cream button up shirt with several of the top buttons undone. Her arms and hands are postured stiffly at her sides; arms held slightly away from her body. Her right hand is up by her chest - fingers clenched and crossed tightly over one another; the other is lower by her hip - fingers held rigidly apart at every joint. Her hair hangs loose around her face in warm gradient two strand twists, and her wings are open behind her shoulders. She wears two books in holsters around her arms, and keeps spell components in a pouch and loops on her belt. Surrounding her is a deep blue decorative frame, oranges in all four corners, a candle and two feathers on either side. Text at the top and bottom of the frame reads, "I love you too, is that normal?". End ID]
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compost-intraining · 2 years
Friendly reminder that not everyone with POTS faints! It is a form of orthostatic intolerance and dysautonomia, not a fainting disorder. Although it is one of the symptoms, ppl with POTS who do not faint are just as valid as those who do.
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