#post deathly hallows
theazkabandreamer · 1 month
I Don't Dance
Elegant music played in the marquee at Percy’s wedding and Harry Potter stood awkwardly at the side of the dance floor, his burgundy dress robes feeling a little too tight at the collar. Harry remembered back to the Yule Ball in his fourth year when he had to dance and he was just as awkward about dancing back then.
Despite being back with her for almost two years, he and Ginny had yet to dance together. He stood by the barrel of Butterbeer and watched the guests dancing.
Mr and Mrs Weasley were slow-dancing together, having a private moment and Mrs Weasley looked far happier than Harry had seen her for months. She was bursting with pride during the wedding ceremony and Harry was glad that Percy was on speaking terms with his family again.
Ron was dancing with Hermione and he seemed to have read that dancing book that Hermione had lent him because he was dancing perfectly and had eyes only for Hermione. Their relationship had grown a lot after the war and after many years of bickering together, Harry was pleased to see them happy. Ron had spoken to Harry about proposing to Hermione soon and Harry was over the moon about the prospect of his two best friends getting married. Ron whispered something to Hermione and she let out a giggle. Harry looked away from them feeling like a third wheel.
George Weasley and Angelina Johnson were dancing energetically and Harry saw a glimmer of the old George shining through. He had had a tough two years and Angelina had helped George a lot in coping with the loss of Fred.
Bill and Fleur were just holding each other and swaying on the spot. Fleur was heavily pregnant with her first child and didn't want to tire herself out too much and Bill was very protective of his wife.
Luna Lovegood was dancing on her own like some sort of butterfly. It was as if she was floating to the music. Harry smiled and looked away, having been used to Luna’s eccentricities for a while. He had a strong suspicion that she was trying to ward away the Nargles or some other creature she believed in.
In the centre of it all was Percy, dancing with his new wife, Audrey. He was dancing with such robotic formality, that Harry thought he looked like one of those wind-up toys that Dudley had when they were children. His face flushed with happiness and his horn-rimmed glasses flashing in the candlelight, Percy easily stole the show and a couple of his Ministry colleagues clapped them on.
Harry would rather face Voldemort again than dance if he was honest with himself. As if drawn to his thoughts, Ginny appeared next to Harry, her face was flushed with laughter and her fiery red hair was shimmering in the candlelight and the sight of his girlfriend made Harry’s stomach do somersaults.
"What are you doing standing around the Butterbeer barrel for?” She asked him. “Come and dance.”
“I don’t dance,” Harry said automatically and Ginny rolled her eyes, but she wore a playful smile.
“If you’re worried about looking like a prat, then don’t be,” she said. “Percy’s dancing is much worse, but don’t tell him I said that.”
Harry laughed and Ginny’s eyes blazed mischievously. Suddenly, an energetic song started playing and Ginny’s eyes lit up.
“I love this song,” she said.
Ginny grabbed Harry's wrist and led him to the dance floor where Harry spent the next few minutes looking down at his feet, trying not to tread on Ginny's toes. He chanced a glance at his girlfriend and Ginny was enjoying this.
But Harry dreaded seeing them on the front page of Witch Weekly dancing like they were trying to squash an insect, so he looked up and readjusted his grip. With a deep breath, he took the lead and out of the corner of his eyes, Harry saw heads turn to look at them.
Harry focused on Ginny, whose eyes were sparkling softly in the candlelight and willed with every fibre of his being to not make a fool of himself as he danced in beat to the rhythm. He could hear several people clapping them and he even heard Lee Jordan wolf-whistle.
Harry and Ginny continued dancing to the music and Harry was getting into it, but the song ended too soon for Harry's liking and when Harry and Ginny stopped dancing, applause erupted in the marquee.
“Bravo, Harry and Ginny,” Percy exclaimed. “Such excellent dancing, the pair of you!”
“Dunno why they’re making a fuss for,” Harry muttered. “I spent most of the dance trying not to tread on your toes.”
“I thought you said you didn’t dance,” Ginny said with a grin.
“It was a good song,” Harry shrugged and Ginny’s grin widened.
Harry could see by the way her eyes shone how much their dance meant to him. Suddenly another song started to play and he got a surge of inspiration.
“Want to dance?” he asked her, holding out his hand.
Ginny took Harry’s hand and gave him that blazing look he loved so much.
“I thought you’d never ask,” she said, smiling softly.
Harry laughed and the two of them danced all night.
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gravelyordinary · 5 months
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moodboard for a lunarry fic i'm currently writing that's based off of the song 'Forget Her' by Jeff Buckley
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Come around for tea?
Ever since the war had ended, there was something restless within Hermione. Something that refused to be quieted. And she did not like it all.
She tried everything she could think of. Things that made her happy. Being with her parents, with Harry and Ron, with the Weasleys. Reading books, researching magic. Catching up on all missed course material (actually, that just made her stressed- the healthy thing to do would be to take a break but since when has she been that type of person?)
She suspected it had something to do with the grief that came with burying her friends, attending funerals day after day. The nightmares that plagued her every night; sometimes she was at Hogwarts, surrounded by slaughter and death. Other times, she was back at Malfoy Manor, Bellatrix's knife carving into her skin.
The war had been cruel and ruthless and harsh on her- she wasn't ignorant enough to say otherwise. But it had been just as horrible to everyone else, which is why she decided not to speak of this to anyone else. The last thing anyone needed was more problems; the Weasleys were a broken, scattered mess ever since Fred's death. She'd never gone so long without hearing any laughter in the Burrow.
Nobody seemed to notice, at first. Her parents were still busy recovering from their impromptu trip to Australia- they were furious at her (rightly) and very troubled themselves. Ron was busy drowning in his grief with the rest of his family. Even Luna and Neville were busy mourning their dead friends.
But Harry noticed. Of course he did.
"Are you okay?" he asked her quietly one day; they were sitting outside of the Burrow, on the porch. Ron had just gone up to get a pack of Exploding Snap for them all to play. "You've been...off, lately."
Hermione avoided his eyes. She didn't like lying to him- to any of her friends, really- and it was always easier if there was less eye contact. "Fine," she replied, picking at the edge of her shorts. The summer heat was beginning to take a toll on her; her legs were already growing tan. "Just tired, that's all." She wanted to ask him how he was doing, but knew he'd prefer not to be asked. Harry was the type to sit quietly in his grief, unbothered and not fussed over.
She looked back at him; his green eyes were studying her intensely, like he could tell she was lying. He wouldn't probe- that wasn't his style, she knew, especially since she was the prober of the trio- but she still felt naked under his gaze.
"You ought to do something other than read and hang out with us," he said, rather bluntly. Never one to pull his punches. "It's not healthy for someone to just spend all their time around books."
Hermione wanted to laugh. Books had been her sole comfort growing up, her passion and first love. She would never tire of it. "You sound like Ron," she said amusedly, then imitated his voice. "'Put down the bloody book, Hermione! Come play chess instead! It'll humble you!'"
Harry snorted. "He's not wrong."
Hermione swatted at him playfully. "Oh, hush."
He dodged her hands, grinning- but then his face grew serious again. "Seriously, Hermione. You need to get out and do something. Ron and I have Quidditch and chess. You need something to do."
"And what, exactly, do you suggest I do?"
To her surprise, he looked thoughtful. "I dunno. Maybe go to Diagon Alley, do some shopping. Go eat ice cream at Fortescue's. Something."
"Ice cream? You think ice cream will solve my problems?" Hermione said incredulously.
Harry shrugged. "Doesn't have to be ice cream. Can be anything you want. Just do something, you know?" He paused, casting a furtive glance behind them. The door was closed, but he lowered his voice anyway. "Look, I know Fred's dead...Lupin's dead, Tonks's dead, Moody's dead. But we can't just sit here grieving for the rest of our lives. We should- do something, you know? They gave their lives for us to be happy; only right if we oblige them."
Hermione arched her eyebrows. "Since when did you become so wise?" she asked jokingly, but secretly, she found herself agreeing with him, seeing the reasoning behind his words.
Harry smiled grimly. "Sirius," he said; it was one word, but Hermione instantly understood.
The door behind them clicked open. Ron stood in the doorway, the pack of Exploding Snap in his hands. "Alright then," he announced, yanking the door shut behind him. He plopped in between Harry and Hermione. "Got the cards, let's play a few rounds."
"Alright," said Harry, grinning; Hermione didn't miss the look he sent Ron as the redhead began to distribute the cards.
Idiots, she thought fondly, wondering when they would realize.
"Oi! Watch it, miss!"
Hermione winced, rubbing her shoulder, as she turned to apologize- but the rude wizard was already scurrying off in the other direction.
The last time she had been to Diagon Alley was the day she had impersonated Bellatrix, broken into Gringotts, and escaped on a stolen dragon. Needless to say, she would be avoiding the goblins for this trip.
Harry had recommended Fortescue's, but she'd never really been an ice cream person (truffles and chocolates were much better, thank you very much). So she decided to steer right, towards the clothing shops. Yes, clothes. She needed to buy more robes; her wardrobe right now was absolutely horrendous (Ginny could attest to that).
Madam Malkin's was her favorite shop (and only shop) to buy from, so she chose there to start. It was empty, except for the squat witch in mauve robes, taking someone else's measurements. The person had their hood pulled over their face, so their features were disguised, but Hermione thought they looked rather familiar.
"Hello, dear!" Madam Malkin called, straightening up to smile kindly in Hermione's direction. She'd always been an easy-natured woman (unless someone displayed signs of aggression within her shop; then she became rather scary).
"Hello," Hermione said, a little shyly. Oh, for Merlin's sake, why was she acting bashful? It was just robes. "I'll just look around for a bit." She edged away into the women's robes section; social interaction had never been her thing. People are a lot harder to read than books, she thought ruefully.
She peered within the racks, wrinkling her nose. The robes were all floral, bright colors- pretty, but not her style. She preferred something casual, less noticeable. The vast variety of colors reminded her all too much of the peacocks back at Malfoy Manor.
She decided on a pair of black robes. Simple, classic. It reminded her of her Hogwarts robes- wearing that had always brought her a sense of comfort and warmth. A feeling of home. She wasn't in school anymore, but she could still cling to the reassuring memories. Hogwarts was the only place she had ever truly she felt like she belonged.
The voice was a high-pitched squeak. Hermione turned, curiously- it was the hooded figure from before, now clutching a set of glorious purple robes.
Then the hood fell over, and she almost gasped.
She'd heard rumors of Lavender Brown's scars; she'd assumed they were all exaggerations. But now, looking at the scarred pink flesh etched all over the young girl's face, she truly believed it. Her encounter with Fenir had left her alive, but horribly marred. It was almost painful to look at her- especially when you could recall her flawless beauty in her earlier teenage years.
As if sensing her thoughts, Lavender flushed, and hastened to pull her hood back up. Hermione impulsively reached out a hand to stop her.
"Lavender! I- It's been so long," she stammered. "How are you?"
Lavender managed a meek smile. "Fine, thanks," she said, and Hermione was struck by the lack of tone in her voice. Lavender Brown had been famous for her expressive nature- loud giggles, huge smiles, narrowed glares. But now it seemed all the joy and enthusiasm had been sucked out of her. "How've you been, Hermione?"
"Oh, fine, fine," Hermione lied. "It's been a bit busy, I suppose, with all the funerals..." She trailed off and almost winced. Funerals? Really? That was the conversation topic she was going for?
Lavender, to her credit, seemed unfazed. "Yeah, same," she said quietly, and Hermione remembered she'd been close with a lot of Gryffindors who were now dead.
They stood, awkwardly, for a few moments. Then, Lavender said tentatively, "Well, it was nice seeing you-"
"Do you want to come around for tea?" Hermione blurted out.
Hermione flushed. She wasn't sure what had prompted her to say that; maybe it was the sense of nostalgia that came with seeing Lavender. She longed for her old Hogwarts days, when her biggest troubles were passing exams and Pansy Parkinson's stupid Slytherin gang. And, dare she say it, she missed Lavender. She and Parvati had been a little annoying, sure, but Hermione had secretly liked them as dorm-mates and friends.
"Do you...do you want to come around for tea?"
Lavender stared at her, wide-eyed. It was an old expression of surprise, something that brought Hermione a sense of relief (at least she hadn't changed completely) and a sense of apprehension (had she said something wrong? Had she overstepped?). At last, a wide grin stretched across her face. "Of course!" she beamed. "What time?"
Hermione felt a strange, triumphant feeling, like she'd aced a particularly difficult spell. "Three, maybe? If that works for you?"
Lavender practically glowed. "Of course it does!" she said happily, a hint of her old self shining through. She reached over and pulled Hermione into a fierce hug; Hermione felt her whole body tingle. "See you then?"
"Yeah, sure," the brunette managed as Lavender pulled away. "I'll...see you."
Heheh hope y'all enjoyed, this fic idea's been brewing in my head for a while. Lavmione isn't a very popular ship, but I enjoy the concept very much. Please let me know if you want a part 2 :)
@urstarlitharlot i think i read a post of yours not too long ago that talked about how you love lavmione fics so come and get it
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Now Prompting
This fanworks festival centres around Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort falling in love (or obsession, or lust, or all of the above) AFTER the events of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Whether or not the epilogue is canon is up to you based on the themes and plot to your fanfic, fanart, etc.
Have you ever wanted to explore a post-hallows story where Voldemort comes back as a ghost and becomes Harry’s roommate (and they were roommates!) before it turns to more? No, hrm. Well, what about a post-epilogue situation where Harry misses the infamous Dark Lord, or perhaps just the chaos he brought with him? Not at all. Really? Hmm, have you considered a fic featuring a Voldemort who, despite his destoyed horcruxes, is still alive and ends up under house arrest with Harry as his guard? Or, or! Perhaps he does die but only for a short time then ends up on Harry’s doorstep, maybe even magicless save for immortality? Even if none of these particularly tickled your fancy, there’s way more choices and ideas out there to be had and you can write/draw all of them and more in the Post-Deathly Hallows Harrymort Fanworks Festival!
ᓚᘏᗢ Schedule
January 3rd - January 17th, 2024: Prompting
January 13th - February 29th, 2024: Claiming
March 23rd - March 30th, 2024: Postiing
March 31st, 2024: Reveals
༄ This is a 16+ festival, where only participants who are 18+ are allowed to write or draw sexually explicit material. Anyone who lies about their age are subject to being banned from future festivals.
�� Promotion of homophobia, transphobia, other anti-LGBTQIA+ rhetoric, ableism, racism, sexism, anti-semitism, and other bigotries is NOT allowed. Keep in mind and be careful of condeming any characters because of gender, sex, race, culture, orientation, disability, weight, age, etc.
༄ Anyone can prompt or claim for this fest. You don’t have to do one to do the other.
༄ Self prompting will be available when the claiming time comes.
༄ This is an anonymous festival, therefore discussions of claimed prompts are not encouraged in public.
༄ All fanworks must include Harrymort (Harry Potter/Lord Voldemort) as the focus on the fic, set after the events of Harry Potter and the Dealthy Hallows. What this entails in full is below.
➵ “Can I write a time travel fic/draw time travel art?” Yes, if it’s clearly established to be after the Deathly Hallows has happened for them, and both Harry and Voldemort remember the events.
➵ “Can I write an Alternate Universe fic/draw Alternate Universe art?” This really depends. If it’s Alternate because Harry and Voldemort have hopped to a different universe, then yes. But they both, again, have to remember the events of the Deathly Hallows. But if you’re thinking of like a coffee shop or soulmates au set in the universe where the Deathly Hallows took place for them, then no.
➵ “Can I have Voldemort live through the events of Deathly Hallows?” Yes, this and the canonisity of the epilogue are the only things you can change about the canon before the events of the fic/artwork. However, if Voldemort is kept alive, he still has to have been defeated in such a way that the war is considered over (knocked unconscious, recognised he was bested, died only briefly, etc).
➵ “Can I include poly ships?” Yes, but Harry and Voldemort can’t be part of one as this is a festival focused on them. However, one or both of them can start in a different relationship as long as Harrymort is the end goal.
Author Expections:
~ All works should be a minimum of 2k words.
~ All works must be correctly tagged and warned for. “Author Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings” is not an acceptable warning.
~ Authors must have an Archive of our Own account to publish their fanfiction to the collection.
~ Each fanfiction should be new and unique the fest, this means that you aren’t allowed to retroactively add a previously written oneshot or submit a new chapter for an ongoing fic. Prequels and sequels to other fanfictions are allowed as long as they are published on their own and can be coherently read without needing knowledge of said prior fic(s).
~ All authors should edit their fanfictions to the best of their ability concerning SPaG. If a beta or alpha is meeded at amytime, feel free to join the Discord!
Artist Expectations:
~ Artwork at any stage that the artist is happy sharing it in is acceptable as long as at least two hours of work has gone into it.
~ Artists must have an Archive of our Own account to publish their artwork to the collection. Or, in the case that your art prompt was also claimed for a fic and the author is okay with it, the artwork could be posted with the accompanying fanfiction instead.
Additionally, no fanworks should be posted to other social media (twitter, tumblr, etc) until after reveals. All fanworks will receive a personalised post on the fest tumblr (that’s here!) after being submitted, including a spot on the masterpost once the fest is over.
Prompting Form
AO3 Collection
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For the one-word prompt challenge: Sirius Black - Fireworks
Thank you for sending the ask and prompt Chris!
"It's as if they know that he's gone," Sirius commented as the two of you watched the fireworks from the window.
"Fudge did tell the Prime Minister." You reminded him, leaning into him and resting your head on his chest.
"Now we can live." Sirius breathed while wrapping his arms around you and holding you close.
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@flufftober Day 22: "Have you heard?"
“Why on earth wouldn’t you tell me you were cheating on me with Harry, Hermione?” Ron asked loudly and dramatically, as he sat down.
Both Harry and Hermione looked up in surprise. They were in the Ministry canteen, waiting for Ron, who had volunteered to go up to the Muggle Relations Department because his and Harry’s newest case required it. “What d’you mean?” Harry asked puzzled. He was pretty sure Ron had gotten over that particularly insecurity and jealousy. He sounded more mocking than serious, anyway.
Ron pouted exaggeratedly. “Jenkins told me that he heard from Bhatt who heard from Smith who heard from her girlfriend that Hermione kissed your cheek yesterday, Harry.”
“Eleanor Smith’s girlfriend?” Harry scoffed. “Isn’t that Romilda Vane? Still in Hogwarts?”
Ron shrugged, stealing what he liked from the other two’s plates. Neither of them protested, too used to it at that point. “There were probably another hundred names through which the rumours came. Got fed up listening, though.”
Hermione looked amused. “What exactly did you tell Jenkins?”
Ron shrugged. “Nothing. The poor bloke looked terrified anyway.”
“Well, he was facing Ron Weasley the Legend, the War Hero, the Capturer of the Hollow Tree Murderer,” Harry teased.
“Says the Boy-Who-Live, the Man Who Conquered and the one who finally caught Travers, Yaxley and Liswood.” Ron tossed the compliment right back at him without hesitation.
“Says the one who helped incarcerate the Lestrange brothers—”
“Says the one who spearhead the Auror department reform and solves more cold cases than anyone else—”
“Says the one being consulted by the Minister for strategy—”
“Boys, boys, you’re both pretty,” Hermione muttered patronizingly under her breath.
Harry and Ron caught one another’s eyes and grinned. “Says the great Hermione Granger,” Harry began melodramatically. “Brains of the Golden Trio!”
“Campaigner for House-Elf and Creature rights!”
“Rising star in Legislation and the Wizengamot!”
“The one who got all Os in her NEWTs!”
“Who discovered all sorts of new charms to—”
“Stop it, stop it!” Hermione said, flustered now. She was the bossiest and most know-it-all person Harry had ever met, he thought with fondness swelling up, but also so bad at taking compliments. It was kind of pathetic.
“You’re the one who’s lecturing him all the time about how ‘modesty can be overdone too, Harry’,” Ron said in an amazing imitation of Hermione’s fussily scolding tone, jabbing a thumb in Harry’s direction.
“Yeah, don’t be a hypocrite, Hermione,” Harry said cheerfully. “Learn how to accept credit better.”
“If the two of you don’t shup up now,” Hermione said in a dark tone. “I’m not offering any help on your latest case. And you won’t be going anywhere public for months by the time I’m done with you.”
Both of them instantly shut up. The combination of Hermione’s knowledge of runes, arithmancy and obscure enchantments and her voracious appetite for research, combined with Ron’s everyday wizard knowledge and knack for strategy and Harry’s observations, instincts, knowledge of Dark Curses and Magical Defense and top-notch duelling was what made the three of them an unstoppable team. And he’d never heard Hermione make a truly empty threat before. He loved Hermione, she was his best friend, but he still had an appropriate amount of awe and possibly a little fear for her.
Then again. . . Harry and Ron lived recklessly. Their eyes locked.
“As Her Highness Hermione commands,” Harry said gravely. Hermione closed her eyes in the resigned defeat they spotted on her whenever she realized what idiots she’d tied the rest of her life to: her boyfriend and best friend.
“Could never even dream of disobeying her,” Ron agreed, sounding like he was giving a eulogy with how serious he was.
“You two are the worst.”
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“Have you heard?” Ron asked the moment Hermione, Harry and Ginny set foot into his and Harry’s joint office. Ron’s side was as cluttered as ever, Harry’s as painfully clean too. Hermione frowned. She wished she’d done more for her best friend while he’d been with those godawful people. Half a dozen magical photos waved jauntily at them – Harry, Ron and Hermione in fourth year, laughing; the entire Weasley family in Grimmauld Place; Harry, Ginny, Hermione and Ron in sixth year after the first two had started dating; Harry holding Teddy, beaming proudly; the DA in the Room of Requirement; and the Weasley family the Christmas after Victoire was born, all wearing Weasley sweaters – including Fleur, Harry, Hermione, Audrey and Teddy. “Ginny, you’re cheating on Harry again.”
Ginny scoffed. “Really, Ron, you’ve turned into a serious gossip maid.”
As Ron sputtered in indignant offence, Harry turned to his girlfriend with a mischievous grin. “Well, who is it this time?”
“Draco Malfoy,” Hermione said, torn between amusement and irritation at how he was playing along.
Harry’s nose wrinkled. “The Ferret? Really, Gin? Always figured you’d have better taste than that.”
Ginny laughed. “Sorry love, next time, I’ll get caught on camera with Neville or Luna,” She promised solemnly. “Is that better?”
“Much,” Harry said just as solemnly. “If I’m being cheated on, there should be standards. Malfoy would be smug forever if he thought he stole my girlfriend,” He made a face.
“Well, unluckily for him, I’m too much in love with my boyfriend to ever consider anything like that,” Ginny said with a smile. Harry looked absolutely besotted as they leaned in to kiss. Hermione had never seen her best friend like that before Ginny. He’d been head-over-heels for Cho, awkward with Parvati and half-resentful half-admiring with Cedric, but she’d never seen the look of pure-comfort-and-just-enjoying-spending-time-together on him.
“Ugh,” Ron complained, miming vomiting. Hermione chuckled and kissed his cheek. Slightly mollified, he still continued, “Ginny, why do you have to pounce on my best friend every time you come to our office?”
Harry blushed lightly. Hermione knew it still touched every time one of the Weasleys declared he was family, that Harry was the one who needed protecting from Ginny. “You’re one to talk,” Harry said, snorting. “You positively paw at Hermione every time you see her.”
Hermione instantly took back every single good thing she’d thought or said about Harry Potter.
“We’re not talking about this!” Ron said in an annoyed tone. “We’re talking about how many rumours are there about the two of you.”
“Like there aren’t nearly as many about you and Hermione,” Ginny said, rolling her eyes.
“Nearly,” Hermione felt the need to emphasize because apparently hanging around her boys for nearly a decade had made her as pettily pedantic as them.
Ginny waved it off impatiently. “Besides, the three of you have more rumours about you than either of us couples.” Somehow, she didn’t sound at all resentful. Hermione marvelled at how well Ginny understood Harry and his very oddly intense friendships with her and Ron.
“What?!” Ron squawked in outrage. “Hermione, come on, we have to spread some more rumours ourselves. We’re not getting outdone by Harry the bastard who broods about cases all day!”
“Did you miss the ‘three of you’ in her sentence?” Hermione said witheringly.
Harry and Ginny rolled their eyes as the couple began to playfully bicker, and resigned themselves to a much later dinner double date than planned.
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“Have you heard?” Ron asked after the latest DA reunion had ended. George, Luna, Ron and Hermione were the last remaining in Harry and Ginny’s house. George was entertaining Teddy and Luna and Ginny were talking in the garden, leaving only the trio to clean up like the traitors the lot of them were.
“What is it this time?” Hermione asked interestedly.
“Apparently, we’re planning on taking over the wizarding world using muggle technology and science.” Ron said, smirking.
“People finally figured out that muggles are something to worry about, then?” Harry asked, stifling a yawn and trying to discern if the goo on the carpet could be vanished.
“I agree that it’s about time, but where on earth would they even get that idea?” Hermione asked, frowned. “It’s not like we’re the best at keeping in touch with the other side.”
“I don’t know,” Harry grinned. “I think we’re leagues better than the guy who got arrested for breaking the Statue last week.”
Ron snorted in agreement, and Hermione laughed at the reminder. “He was even funnier than the one who wanted to wear a nightgown during the World Cup before fourth year. Remember?”
“I remember you couldn’t stop laughing for ages,” Ron teased. Hermione childishly stuck her tongue out at him. “Anyway, I think it’s because of your Muggle-Born-and-Raised-Gatherings and because of the flat. Or maybe because you were seen using your tablet, Harry.”
“I don’t know what they’re worried about the meetings,” Harry rolled his eyes. “Hermione made us watch Pride and Prejudice. Pride. And. Flipping. Prejudice.”
Hermione rolled her eyes right back. “You like the book, Harry.”
“The book. The move is so boring I was asleep within ten seconds, Hermione. Still,” He added thoughtfully. “It was a bit of a rest. Department’s been hectic these days.”
“Yeah, it really has,” Ron agreed over Hermione’s admonishments of not sleeping in committee meetings. “You have any idea why?”
“Nope. You should, though, you’re the one who has dirt on everyone and everything.”
“I refuse to see why that’s a bad thing,” Ron sniffed in a very Hermione-like way.
“I’m not sure I should be telling you this. . . .” Hermione chewed on her lip.
“Oh, come on, Hermione,” Ron persuaded. “You haven’t kept something from us since the time turner fiasco in third year.”
“I don’t know. . . .”
“It’s us, Hermione.” Harry argued. It was the best argument he could make. The three of them kept nearly nothing from one another.
“Oh, okay,” She conceded. “I heard Urquhart and Gibbins talking to Robards. He’s thinking about retiring.”
“Bloody hell,” Ron gaped. “No wonder there’s the fuss. Robards is the best Head Auror we’ve had in a while! He’s pretty much in charge of Law Enforcement too, since Madam Gibbins is pregnant. He got us through the War and the cleanup. Who’s going to replace him?”
“Er. . . .” Harry cleared his throat. “So. Maybe I do know a bit more now that I know that. . . . Robards has been dumping a lot of pape– parchmentwork on me and lecturing me about leadership and recklessness. . . .”
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“Have you heard?” Hermione asked.
“I can’t believe Ron has managed to corrupt you too like this, Hermione,” Harry said solemnly. “I – I really thought that it would be the two of us against his insanity, but I should have known better than to expect loyalty from my best friend—”
“Ron is your best friend,” Hermione dismissed with a roll of her eyes, half affectionate, half irritated. “And I’m serious, Harry.”
“I thought you were Hermione and anyway I’ve never known you not to be—” Harry started and then stopped at the look she gave him. “Okay, what is it?”
Hermione took a deep breath. “Your Wizengamot seat, Harry. Ever since you’ve become Head of Law Enforcement, that adds a third seat to your assets.”
Harry nodded, confused. “Yeah, I know that. I’ve been using that only. The hereditary Black and Potter ones make me. . .” He shrugged. “Uncomfortable.”
“Those old codgers brought up this law that people related to part-humans aren’t allowed to inherit the seats.” Hermione blurted out.
It took Harry a moment to sort through the relevance. “No,” He said flatly. “They didn’t.”
“They did, mate.” Ron said, looking apologetic, striding into Harry’s office.
“What are we doing about it?” Harry asked furiously.
“I’m looking into how to discredit the ones bringing up the law already,” the Head of Wizarding Legislation said instantly. “There are a couple of caveats and loopholes we can use, Harry. We can deal with this, Harry. Hopefully by next year. Definitely by the time he finishes third year and has to begin the process of taking it over.”
“Oh, Teddy,” Ron realized, and anger spread over his face. He was apparently just realizing how this law affected them personally. Harry had recently declared Teddy the heir to the Black seat and Andromeda his regent and made clear that Ginny would be regent for the Potter one until Jamie, Al or Lily came of age and wanted it. “Don’t worry, Harry. Teddy won’t even know about this. We’ll crush them.” He vowed. “I’ll talk to some of the Wizengamot members who come into the shop and see their views and try to persuade them. We’ll get George to spread the word through his products too.”
Harry felt a rush of affection for his friends, who who had never left his side, who would follow him to the end of the world, who knew what he needed before he did himself. 
“Have you heard?” Hermione asked in a mock whisper. “He’s leaving us here, languishing working for the Ministry, while he goes works for his brother and has fun without us.”
“Yes,” Harry nodded, feigning seriousness. “Even your betrayal of stooping to a plebian ‘Have you heard’ pales compared to his.”
“Oi, shut up.” Ron grumbled. “Not my fault the two of you have a ‘saving people thing’ that’ll never end.”
Harry thought about his job. His exhilaration at duelling, the way he got engrossed in every case, the relief and joy he got at putting people meaning harm behind bars, how he got to weed out corruption at the heart of their world. It may not be all that wonderful – not all gold glitters gold – but he loved it. He knew Hermione felt similarly, the same rush of pride and happiness and relief every time she won a case, every time one of her laws passed.
Ron had never been like them. Now that all the Death Eaters were behind bars, now that Harry was Head of Magical Law Enforcement and would no longer need a partner as often, he would be happier running his bakery and co-managing the shop with George who had been a bit listless since Angelina had gone back to work a year after having Roxanne.
“Now Hermione and I will be alone all the more often having lunch and stuff and ‘Golden Trio Love Square’ will be in the headlines a lot more often,” Harry said, half actually irritated and half mocking.
“On that note, the press thinks you’re either a drug addict or terminally ill because you’ve been looking tired recently.” Ron said brightly.
“I’d like them go through the shift to a new job with more work while dealing with four kids at home and preparing one of them for Hogwarts,” Harry grumbled.
“You know what the press is like,” Hermione said sympathetically.
Harry sighed. “Well, we’re living legends. Guess I’m never escaping this nonsense, huh?”
“Never escaping us either, mate.” Ron said, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
“Never.” Hermione vowed.
Harry smiled softly. “Never,” He agreed.
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Alphabets: Severus Snape Edition
R is for RISE [Ft. Harry Potter]
The sun was spilling in golden tendrils enveloping him in a reverent embrace.
The sky seemed almost white, having cleared off of the lingering debris of death and destruction from the past week.
The aftermath of the battle had left all of its survivors in a distinctly unnerving calm and quiet.
His lank black hair was billowing in the early morning breeze like the struggling cottony wings of a raven. He stood rigidly, potion-stained fingers gripping the railing in a white knuckled grip yet oddly graceful, those infernally empty obsidian eyes closed and face upturned, as if he was trying to soak in all the warmth of the sunshine in his deathly alabaster skin.
The picture forming in front of Harry’s eyes spoke so convincingly of a broken man at the cusp of his deliverance that it felt strangely invasive and disrespectful to openly gape at him.
But Harry couldn’t help it.
He couldn’t help the absolute awe which bubbled beneath his befuddlement at seeing the man look like this.
The man who had looked so uncharacteristically and infinitely fragile lying on the starched white sheets of the infirmary bed as he often found Minerva McGonagall seated beside him, surreptitiously wiping the corners of her tired eyes.
That man having veritably been dragged from a painful and gruesome end to a candidly unwilling life, fresh out of his death bed, white bandages soaked in pink stains around his neck and chest, legs and hands bare from under that faded hospital robes mocking them with a teasing display of the tapestry of scars littered on his bloodless skin, breaths escaping his traumatised trachea in painfully raspy struggles.
That man was looking so utterly breath taking at the moment.
Like a ruined God.
A fallen angel bearing his tattered wings, looking upwards towards the Heavens, having been reborn from the ashes of his miserable past like a phoenix. The blood and amber sunlight framing his usual dark and dour disposition had seemed to light him up in a such a mellifluous manner that it seemed like he was built for this; for the light.
Harry happened to glance sideways for a moment and saw Hermione and Ron gawk at their former Professor the exact same way as him and realised that this was indeed not a dream.
Together they stared at their former nemesis, the most reviled creature besides the Dark Lord Voldemort himself breathe in the faint smell of the honey suckle and the white lilies which had mysteriously bloomed this morning, while the Sun endeavoured to peel off almost three decades worth of dirty dusty iron clad layers off his reedy frame, exposing the blinding soul beneath.
Did it hurt to be torn out of those comforting blankets of protection. Did the truth of his existence burn into his sensitive skin, branding into his battered soul like the red-hot rods from Hades? Did he feel the Sun’s scorching glare rip into him like a raging unforgiving inferno or was it a relief?
That painful relief of being warmed by the fire after having been revived from a bad case of hypothermia?
Harry would never know and nor was he certain that he would want to know.
Ignorance was one blessing which he had been granted too less and too rarely.
But he couldn’t help but realise that even after all this, all those years of animosity, of that pretentious loathing, that collected trauma from his horrible childhood and Harry’s own infuriating penchant for attracting trouble, the man would spare him this mercy.
The mercy of not making him aware of the agony that was being reborn in fire and ice.
The agony of being the solitary darkness which destroyed itself for becoming the opening for that beacon of light to stream through.
The agony of being the villain so that someone else could rise to the insurmountable levels of being the hero; the saviour.
The agony of being Severus Snape in Harry Potter’s story.
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omnimus · 10 months
Harry and Ginny getting Married :
Meanwhile afterlife :
Lily : Harry's getting married to a Redhead?
James : Potter traditions lol
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He can apparently give back the wretched heart that Tom Marvolo Riddle tore right out of his own bloodied breast a long long time ago, but he cannot dictate whom it beats for. (Or rather, he can actually. He did. He just didn’t know what he was really doing at the time and cannot make lightning strike twice over the same scorched earth. He might have accidentally become the most important person in Tom Riddle’s life beside himself, but he can’t force the man to feel empathy for others. He cannot expand the arterial walls of Tom’s heart any further and make room for anyone else to share that hot, dark space inside of it with Harry.) (There is a very faint, very ugly, very selfish voice buried deep deep down, deeper than he even knows to go to try to root it out, which whispers that Harry likes being special in this way and wouldn’t want to share any of Tom’s soul with others even if he could, but Harry doesn’t hear it yet. Harry is humming over it and plugging his ears with his fingers.)
“aurora polaris,”by AGlassRoseNeverFades
Chapter 14: In Memoriam
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virahaus · 1 year
A snarry story told through a series of messages, leading our boys to find happiness where they wouldn’t have thought they would find it.
The main story is now complete! Last chapter will be an aesthetic.
Check it out on AO3!  Wordcount: 6,240
Fandom: Harry Potter
Warnings: No Archive Warning Applies
Rating: Explicit
Characters: Severus Snape, Harry Potter, Minerva McGonagall, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Kreacher
Relationship: Severus Snape/Harry Potter, Severus Snape & Minerva McGonagall, Harry Potter & Minerva McGonagall, Harry Potter & Hermione Granger & Ron Weasley, Kreacher & Harry Potter
Tags: Post deathly hallows, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue, Mutual Pining, Getting to know each other, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Secret Identity, Severus Snape Lives, Happy Ending, Fluff and Humor, Reconciliation, Recovery, Falling in Love, Getting together, Getting to know each other, Happy Ending, Post-Hogwarts, Reconciliation, Not Epilogue Compliant, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, fanwork, Fanart, Chatting & Messaging, Smitten Harry Potter, Fluff and Humor, Recovery, Minerva McGonagall & Severus Snape Friendship, The Golden Trio, Healer Harry Potter, First Kiss, Frottage, Dirty Talk, First Dates, Awkward Flirting
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lilsytherinheiress11 · 7 months
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theazkabandreamer · 1 year
New Year, New Love
A bleated New Year’s fic.
Harry was glad when 1998 was coming to a close and spent its dying hours in the Burrow’s garden lamenting on all of those who died this year. He heard movement and thought it was Mr Weasley sneaking off to his shed but then he smelt a familiar, flowery fragrance and felt a light touch on his arm which gave him goosebumps.
“There you are,” Ginny said. “I knew you’d be out here. Things are getting boring inside. Muriel has fallen asleep and Ron and Hermione snuck off somewhere. I bet it’s to get in some last minute snogging. At least he has the decency to do it in private this time. I guess we all grow up eventually.”
Despite his sombre mood, Harry couldn’t help cracking a smile. Ginny always cheered him up when he was down. She had been his guiding light during the months after the Battle of Hogwarts and he had missed his girlfriend a lot when she returned to Hogwarts back in September. 
But he had kept himself busy with Auror training and along with Ron and Neville, he was at the top of his class.
“What are you thinking about?” Ginny asked after a moment. 
“You know,” Harry shrugged. “Stuff.” 
“I’ve been thinking about stuff as well,” Ginny said nonchalantly.
They lapsed into another silence again and Harry wrapped his arm around Ginny and she melted into him. They stood like that for a while feeling content, their breath rising like mist in the cold air as they looked at the starry sky. 
“They would be proud of you, Harry,” Ginny said quietly. “All of them.”
Harry smiled sadly at Ginny. He didn’t think he would ever get over the loss of so many, but Ginny once again came to his rescue and softened the wound in his heart. 
A quick glance at his watch told Harry that it was one minute to midnight. He wanted to say something to Ginny that would express the deep gratitude and affection that he had for her. But a long speech would spoil the moment. If only there was a phrase that he could say that would express his deep affection for Ginny.
“I love you,” he blurted out. 
Ginny pulled out of the embrace, a look of complete surprise appearing across her face and her eyes teared up - He had never said that to her before – For a moment, Harry thought he had blown it and had somehow hurt her. He was about to stumble out an apology when she grabbed the front of his robes and was kissing him. 
She was kissing him like she did in her bedroom on Harry’s seventeenth birthday which seemed like a lifetime away and Harry was kissing her back with gusto. 
They were both so engrossed with each other, that they didn’t even notice the numerous fireworks going off signalling the New Year. All they cared about was one another and Harry thought that this year would be the best he had ever had.
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iamnmbr3 · 2 months
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Draco doesn’t say he saw Harry even though that would've been the obvious way to distract his attacker and get himself out of trouble.
What was he supposed to say here? Was he supposed to just die?
Why was this Death Eater so sure that Draco wasn't on his side? What had Draco done that led him to that conclusion?
I love how Harry immediately, reflexively saves him without even thinking about it. He's moving quickly, trying not to attract attention or get involved. But when Draco is in danger intervening feels utterly natural to him.
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albaskies · 1 month
Tears ricochet
It occurs to her all at once, her nose buried in his chest, his arms tight around her shoulders. 
‘You’re alright,’ he whispers. ‘You’re alright.’
When she looks up to him, sees his eyes shut and his tense lips, she immediately knows he is not trying to reassure her. He is reassuring himself.
He’d found her in the Common Room, not long after he’d disappeared with Professor McGonagall behind the doors of the hospital wing. He’d walked straight to her as soon as he’d seen her, ignoring Ron and Hermione’s worried looks, and he’d held like he had not seen her since before he’d left the school with Dumbledore. He’d clung to her like he’d only just realised that they had been apart during a battle, that he’d been too far away to protect her, that he cannot be in two places at once. And it pains him, she can tell, it takes his breath away.
This must be it, she thinks - she knows. She clenches her fists, pressing her body onto his only for him to feel that she’s alive, she’s safe, she’s real. She won’t leave him, not until he’ll ask her to.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. Stupid and noble.
No, she understands. Really, she does. It must’ve been somewhere hidden in the  fine print on dating the Chosen One. Right under He will set off to top-secret missions with old wizards that end up dying, it’d say: He’ll push you away to keep you safe, and then: He’ll leave you behind, whatever that means. And finally: You must let him.
After all, her feelings are irrelevant in the bigger picture. There’s a war raging out there, for Merlin’s sake. Why would she even waste time fantasising about a boy she fancies when Dumbledore has died and her brother has been maimed? It’s only selfish to even fathom those silly feelings in a time like this, right? Right?
She forces her head back under the hot stream of the shower, lets the water flood her face and blur her vision, trying harder than herself to shut down that one intrusive thought she knows has now started creeping in the back of her mind. But she can’t. She can’t because she already knows, not so deep down, that he’s not just some boy she fancies, that her feelings aren’t silly, that what they share is there and it’s real, whatever it is.
Her mouth tastes bitter now. Ironic how Tom has ruined this for them, too. 
She tells Hermione the following morning, when the boys have run off to find some lunch for them to eat under a tree. She’s not sure what she expects to get out of her, but she takes a shot at it anyway.
‘He’s going to leave me.’
Hermione opens her mouth but nothing comes out, her eyes sombre. Ginny realises she has been holding her breath.
‘You all are.’
Still, the warm July sun bathes the castle grounds as if summer does not care, as if it is all some cruel joke.
When it finally happens, at least she is not caught off guard. She manages to hold back her tears, just as she promised herself on countless occasions, because he does not deserve any more pain. He does not deserve any of it. 
Funny how she is the one who is getting her heart broken, but she is still more concerned about his well being than anything else. Maybe this is what love is, she finally realises. It must be. 
She reckons this is not the best time to tell him. Wonders if she’ll ever get the chance to.
On the train ride back home, she’s finally alone and free to let out all those tears she’s so stubbornly managed to hold back until now. She’s only human, after all. 
She feels it all so distinctly now, the pain, the grief, the hurt, the hopelessness. But there is something almost peaceful about the deep-rooted, ever-present, plain old sense of acceptance that sits right on top of her stomach. 
She knows it too well that the time has come for the Chosen One to prevail over Harry. The Chosen One has things to do, riddles to solve (Really, Ginny?, she thinks, half-smiling despite herself), and Harry has to oblige, head down, feelings buried, a wasted adolescence. It must be hard to love the Chosen One, that self-sacrificing, reckless, stubborn, noble git. But loving Harry, the real Harry, is the easiest thing in the world. 
As for her - well, she knows she deeply cares for them both. Hell with that, she knows she loves them both. And, yes, she understands them both. She knows all too well what her role is, in all this mess. She really does know that the Chosen One had no choice but to break up with her before doing whatever he is set to do. She also knows that Harry never would have. 
This is the only thought that will keep her going even months from now, when she will be fighting her own resistance battle.
As soon as she sets foot into her home, the all-too-familiar smells flooding her senses, she just knows she won’t be able to sit through an entire dinner without giving away too much. She’s too tired to lie and pretend.
‘I’m going to bed,’ she mutters to nobody in particular. ‘I’m not hungry,’ and: ‘Yes, I’m fine, I’m just knackered.’
Her mother stiffens, ready to let out a protest, but she turns on her heels towards the stairs before anyone manages to say anything. She can feel Ron’s eyes on the back of her neck, just as she’s felt his silent and constant gaze since they got off the train not so long ago. And when she hears his heavy steps behind her, following hers, she’s not even surprised.
They stop on the first floor landing, just in front of her bedroom door.
‘I’m fine, Ron,’ she quickly tells him, suddenly worrying that he’ll jump right into one of those how dare my best friend hurt my sister kind of rants. ‘Don’t worry about it.’
But instead, when she looks at him she realises that he’s not going to do any of that. His expression is miserable, sure, but it doesn’t take long for her to learn that he understands, too.
‘I’m so sorry, Ginny,’ he blurts out, no need to add more.
And that’s when it hits her, again, but much stronger this time. Maybe it’s because it’s someone else who is putting it in front of her, making it more real, or maybe it’s because she’s back home and the void left by Harry's absence is slowly starting to burn a hole in her heart. Maybe both, or maybe neither. It doesn’t even matter, that's for sure.
‘I’m sorry, too.’
He must have felt that something has changed, her voice has shifted and her eyes have filled with tears. She can read it all over his face - the distress, the panic, the what do I do now. She reckons she hasn’t cried in front of him since that train ride on her way to school in her second year. Must be new for him, must feel weird.
But even if his expression doesn’t seem to have a clue, his body certainly does - he stretches out his arm towards her and she grabs it right away, as if they have never really got rid of the long forgone habit of holding each other. He engulfs her in a warm hug, the Big Brother Hug, crumbling the last piece of guard she has managed to hold up until now. And then she just cries - she cries ugly, sobs and snot and all that. She feels like she’s twelve all over again.
Later, in her childhood bedroom, she sinks deep into her bed, ready to doze off into what she hopes will be dreamless oblivion. In that dark, quiet stillness, she can’t stop her mind from wandering to a time (or a fantasy, she isn’t quite sure) when this will all be over. He will slip into the very same tiny bed, squeezed right next to her, his hands gripped on her waist, lips pressed onto hers, then on her jaw, her neck, her shoulder. Or maybe - no, maybe she will rest her head on his chest, listening to the sound of him breathing, and he will gently stroke her hair as if he’s never really stopped. Or maybe (and here she can’t help but feel a soft blush tickling her cheeks), maybe their bodies and souls will find each other, bare, warm, breathless. 
‘I can’t believe I got this lucky,’ he’ll tell her, you know, after. ‘I can’t believe I get to live this life.’
‘Been dreaming of getting in my bed for long, now, have you,’ she’ll tease, her sardonic tone merely hiding her immense relief.
He’ll let out a small smile - small, yes, but finally light, free, and easy, so, so easy.
‘All those Veelas didn’t quite hit’, he’ll draw some imaginary quotation marks in the air and throw her a knowing look. ‘The spot, you know.’
She’ll snort a laughter in disbelief, and she’ll be so fucking glad, because as though everything will have changed, so much will have just stayed the same.
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Now Claiming!
This is the Post-Deathly Hallows Fanworks Festival for 2024! A chance to explore the Harrymort ship in all it’s Post-Deathly Hallows, or even Post-Epilogue glory!
This fanworks festival centres around Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort falling in love (or obsession, or what-have-you) AFTER the events of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Whether or not the epilogue is canon is up to you based on the themes and plot to your fanfic, fanart, etc.
Have you ever wanted to explore a post-hallows story where Voldemort comes back as a ghost and becomes Harry’s roommate (and they were roommates!) before it turns to more? No, hrm. Well, what about a post-epilogue situation where Harry misses the infamous Dark Lord, or perhaps just the chaos he brought with him? Not at all. Really? Hmm, have you considered a fic featuring a Voldemort who, despite his destoyed horcruxes, is still alive and ends up under house arrest with Harry as his guard? Or, or! Perhaps he does die but only for a short time then ends up on Harry’s doorstep, maybe even magicless save for immortality? Even if none of these particularly tickled your fancy, there’s way more choices and ideas out there to be had and you can write/draw all of them and more in the Post-Deathly Hallows Harrymort Fanworks Festival!
Everyone can now start claiming their prompts for this fanworks festival! However, don’t worry, prompting is still open for another 4 days, so if anyone gets a spark of inspiration that they’d like to potentially seen drawn or written please send some more in!
ᓚᘏᗢ Schedule
January 3rd - January 17th, 2024: Prompting
January 13th - February 29th, 2024: Claiming
March 23rd - March 30th, 2024: Posting
March 31st, 2024: Reveals
Claiming Form
Prompt Gallery
Prompting Form
AO3 Collection
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The Danger of Devotion.
AN: This story contains mentions of kidnapping. It happens before the fic starts. There are mentions of near death and injury in this chapter (not to the reader).
If you’d like to be added to a tag list for this fic, please let me know by sending me an ask.
Chapter 1
You fought the gasp that threatened to burst its way out of your mouth when you saw the state of the living room in Spinner’s End.  The room was a mess and there were clear signs of a struggle.  The Floo Powder pot that was resting on the mantlepiece when you left this morning was dribbling down into the fireplace itself causing the flames to turn green every few seconds.  The chair that you sat in last night while being cocooned in Severus’ arms was now strewn in pieces around the living room.
A noise caught your attention and you whipped around to see Narcissa, Lucius, and Draco coming into the lounge room from the dining room.  Seeing your wand, they all held up their hands in surrender.  “We had nothing to do with this, I promise,” Lucius vowed, stepping forwards.
You examined him and his family critically for some time before lowering your wand.
“I’ve never known one of Moody’s pupils to lower their wand,” Draco said.
“Moody taught me to distinguish between truth and fiction,” you replied.
As you looked at the Malfoy family again, it had been a few weeks since you’d last seen them at the Battle of Hogwarts.  The memory of the event caused a painful twinge in your abdomen; even through Draco’s seventh year at Hogwarts, you and Severus were close with the older Malfoys and you counted yourself lucky that you could call Lucius and Narcissa your friends.
The Malfoy family looked less pale, less tired, and overall they seemed to be in better health than they had been during the Battle of Hogwarts.   However despite Harry’s testimony and Voldemort’s defeat, the Malfoys had had their wands confiscated and you’d heard rumours that they were under close surveillance as ordered by the temporary Minister for Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt.  You also had a feeling that they were being shunned by some people in Magical Britain because of their actions during the war and their allegiance to Voldemort.
You had no idea how to phrase the question that was on your mind and shock was starting to sink its icy fingers into your body.  Thankfully, Narcissa was able to voice the answer to the question that you couldn’t ask.
“As I navigated my way here before Draco’s sixth year, I was leading Draco and Lucius here and along the way, we discussed matters arising in Wizarding Britain although, in fear of eavesdroppers and undercover Aurors with a grudge, we did not use any names of individuals nor places.  We were waiting to cross the street when there was a colossal bang which forced the door to Severus’ house open.  Shortly after, thick, dark smoke billowed out of the doorway and Rookwood, Alecto and Amycus exited the house with an unconscious Severus in tow.”
“Severus didn’t go quietly,” Draco observed proudly, looking around the ruined lounge room, “I knew he was a fantastic dueller.  He must’ve been surprised and the only reason that he was captured was probably because he’s still not at full strength because of…”
Draco trailed off before he could finish his sentence but you all knew what he was going to say.  Nagini’s bites had seriously weakened Severus leaving him close to death.  In fact Severus was so sure that he was going to die that he bequeathed his memories to Harry in order for the young man to defeat Voldemort.   What Voldemort and Severus hadn’t counted on was Luna catching up to you in the Battle of Hogwarts and handing you a vial of antivenom, saying that you would need to run to administer the potion before it lost its full potency.
Your palms were sweaty as you fought your way to Severus and there were times that you had feared that you would be too late.  There seemed to be many Death Eaters willing to duel you because they could or maybe because they held a grudge that you had one the Practical Defence teaching position.  Thankfully, you did make it in time to provide Severus with the antivenom.  Madame Pomphrey had warned you that Severus’ recovery would be a long one in spite of the man’s determination to continue living.
There was a pop and Harry, Ron, Kingsley, Minerva, and Hermione appeared in the middle of the ruined lounge room.  You frowned at Kingsley for disturbing a crime scene and he winced and looked abashed; no doubt remembering Moody’s lectures on the subject.
“Blimey, what happened here?” Ron exclaimed with a low whistle.
“Some of Vol…his,” you corrected yourself, remembering that you were among people who didn’t like hearing the name spoken and perhaps due to some of your lingering worries that the Taboo on that particular name hadn’t been broken yet “remaining supporters broke in here.  There was a duel and Severus didn’t leave here conscious.”
Harry and Minerva sent you a sympathetic look.  They’d seen how much you cared for Severus following the battle and how much his vulnerable state affected you even though you’d tried to conceal your feelings so Severus wouldn’t pick up on them.  The man had a tendency to be self-deprecating.
Ron met your eyes and subtly inclined his head in the direction of the Malfoy family.  Hermione noticed them too and fidgeted briefly before pulling her sleeve down as if on reflex to ensure that her scarred arm was covered.
“Severus means a lot to all of us,” clearly Lucius had noticed Ron and Hermione’s reactions, “I promise that we had nothing to do with this.  We will even swear it on our magic if we must.”
Minerva nodded stiffly, “That’s good enough for me.  Did you see who attacked Severus?”
Figuring it would be better if you divulged the information, you nodded, “The Carrow siblings and Rookwood were the attackers.”
“Out of the three of them, Rookwood is the strongest,” Kingsley reasoned in his deep voice, “It’s possible that they relocated to Rookwood’s ancestral manor.”
You swallowed; the discussion of bases and strategy was familiar and you found yourself agreeing with Kingsley’s logic.  Every few seconds, your thoughts returned to Severus and it took a lot of effort each time to focus on the present and not get swept away by your fears and memories of Severus.
Dimly, as if you were underwater, you heard Draco inquire as to how Minerva, Kingsley, Hermione, Harry, and Ron had known where to come.  Kingsley’s reply was equally as muffled.  You were just able to make out something about surveillance.
Narcissa must have noticed that you were close to being overwhelmed because in a show of support, bravery, and compassion, she walked forwards to stand next to you and rested a hand on your shoulder.  The simple touch grounded you and you were able to refocus on what Kingsley was saying.
“While they aren’t a part of the Sacred 28, the Rookwood family is still an old and Pureblood family which means that they have a higher level of protection, this also means that the ancestral Rookwood manor will be Unplottable and untraceable by the officials at the Ministry.”
“Of course,” Hermione sighed glumly.
“The Ministry officials may not be able to locate Rookwood manor but they aren’t the only experts in Wizarding Britain, are they?”  You asked, taking a few steps towards the door after Narcissa realised that you were okay and removed her hand, “We can ask the goblins at Gringotts.”
You paused when you noticed that Harry, Ron, and Hermione were not only not commenting on your idea but that they also looked distinctly uncomfortable.
“What is it?” Lucius demanded, also noticing their unease.
Harry licked his lips nervously, “I don’t think the goblins are going to be very happy to see us let alone want to help us.”
“And why is that?” Draco demanded tensely, “We need the goblins help to my godfather because, in case you’ve forgotten, he’s still not fully healed and he’s been kidnapped.”
“The last time we visited Gringotts, we broke into a high-security vault, robbed the vault, and freed the dragon that they were keeping there before riding to freedom on the said dragon,” Harry’s expression may have been blank but his tone was a mix of sheepishness and determination.  You thought that you detected notes of anger and misery in there too.
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