#poor best jeanist
Gotta give credit where credit is due, horikoshi killing off his single most popular character and then immediately going on a break is the funniest shit in a long time
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livefreebutwisely · 1 year
Best Jeanist: The plan isn't working! Listen, Dynamight--
Best Jeanist: My bad, also not the time--
Midoriya: Watch out, Kacchan! The plan isn't working, we have to go with plan B!
Bakugo: I know, Izuku!
Best Jeanist:
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all-m-o1-hero · 19 days
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Anywayyyy here ya go @albino-pony luv ya work ❤️❤️❤️
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godlessflea · 2 years
Is it just me or Edgeshot's actions hurting Tsunagu? He dissuades him in such a way as if he does not fully believe in all this nonsense.
I'm going to cry...
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And Shinya smiles so sadly...
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That's it
I'm crying.
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perpetual-enjine · 6 months
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Oh google docs, honey, if it was “lungs,” we wouldn’t even be writing this situation.
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You know what time it is…..it’s time for my yearly top 5 haunted house redraw thingy~
I’ve been so very busy with irl stuff and being away from home rn, so my drawings and writing for this month have been rather slow- but! I’ve got more Halloween drawings on the way, along with other haunted house redraws (bc they’ve been keeping me busy), some new AU rambles and stuff, and a couple of new fics on the way as well as updates for my current ones!!!
So that’s plenty to look forward to when I finally get back home >:)
I’m not entirely sure how or why my style changed in this, but it did??? But hey- I love doing these and it’s been a while since my last one so :D
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scream-mans-friend · 1 year
imagine being sad your friends don't realize you wanna date them so you go rant about it in your other best friend's arms and wake up being canceled on twitter.
pour one out for present mic 🤘😔 everyone is asking him if hes homophobic and he doesnt know how to respond aside from reminding the world/coming out that he is gay, but people accusing of dodging the question
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eris-snow · 1 year
𝐇𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧’𝐭 𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮
✨When he comes back to the dorms late
Tags: bakugou x fem!reader, angst, bakugou's birthday series 2023
Bakugou isn't blind. He knows what date it is tomorrow
He doesn’t need you.
Bakugou aims another shot at a villain, gritting his teeth as he lets out a controlled explosion from the palm of his hands.
He doesn’t need you.
The more he says it, the more it becomes true.
He can cook better than anyone in his class. He can train and study without assistance. He’s on track to become a hero that surpasses All Might and there’s no way he’s going to let Damn Deku run ahead of him for long.
Bakugou doesn’t need you.
“That’s right,” He growls out at the cowering villain. “Don’t make me blast you to ashes. You and I both know I’ll do it.”
Best Jeanist’s team apprehend the jewellery robber not so long after.
“Let’s go,” He murmurs, walking away only to feel a tug back by the fibres of his garments.
“Not so fast.” The pro hero voiced.
Bakugou yanks himself out of Best Jeanist’s grasp, whipping around to glare at him.
“What the hell-?”
“It’s already past 9.00pm. I have granted your poorly thought out wish of staying on past working hours, but now I have to insist that you go home now.”
The blond growls at the Fiber Master quirk wielder. This bullshit again?
“ ’m fine.” Bakugou says flatly, adjusting his mask. “I ain’t making any mistakes, aren’t I? Stop fucking worrying.”
Best Jeanist shakes his head “Language,” He reminds gently, completely unfazed. “But I cannot allow this any longer. You have school tomorrow, and it is crucial that you have sufficient rest for your studies as well.”
Bakugou can’t help but scoff bitterly. Just a few weeks ago, he was telling Shitty Hair off for his lack of self disapline and poor sleeping schedule. Now look at him. He’s rearranging his entire fucking body clock to avoid seeing your captivating eyes and health-threatening smiles.
Your words echo of in his mind again.
“I don’t want a partner now.”
Fuck you.
He likes you, a hella lot, but he knows he shouldn’t persue you.
He’s developed feelings for you, but he knows shouldn’t be rash.
Fuck, even he doesn’t want a partner now.
But he wants you. What was so wrong with that?
All he wants to do is get you out of his mind so he can move on but-
“Don’t leave me behind,”
“Suit looks good on you too,”
“You mean a lot to me, Bakugou.”
He grits his teeth, shaking his head. There’s no getting you out of his head.
“Something is clearly bothering you.” Best Jeanist notes. “Head back to the agency and grab your things. You are dismissed for today.”
Bakugou’s heart leaps at the thought of going back to the dorms. “But-”
“You are dismissed,” Best Jeanist repeats, eyes narrowing. “Don’t make me repeat it thrice.”
For once, Bakugou’s feet move before his mouth.
So there goes his plan to camp out at his work agency. He was hoping to kill a little more time before crashing at the dorms, but Best Jeanist was right. It was late, and he was dead on his feet.
He pauses in front of the door of the dorms, hand raised. He’s not brain dead, he knows what day it is tomorrow.
Knowing you, you were probably planning his birthday out right now with those extras he guess he can call his friends. That’s just how you were.
Bakugou lets out a small grunt, rolling his eyes. Like he cares, he convinces himself.
He doesn’t need you.
The door opens to interrupt your sentence. “Look, Blasty’s finally home!” Mina squeals before the conversation freezes. Taking her lead, Kirishima continues.
“Yeah, man. Why are you home so late?” Bakugou only let’s out a tired noise as he marches his way to the lift.
“I’m going to bed." He deflects. "You should too, if you don’t want to fuck yourself over tomorrow morning.”
Somehow, you had decided that was the right moment to greet him.
“Welcome back, Bakugou.” You smile, “How was work?”
Oh, fuck everything he said.
He might not need you, but he yearns for you. So, so much.
At that moment, Bakugou can't help but imagine you doing that for someone else. He imagines you wishing someone good morning and checking up on them when they return home. You would smile softly with those pretty eyes of yours and listen to them with an attentive gaze, just like you always do for him.
No, no, no, stop he doesn't want that.
"It was good," He responds a little too eagerly. "I fought 3 v 1 for one of the battles. Those losers didn't stand a chance."
"That's amazing, Bakugou!" You breathe, and Bakugou squints a little because even though it's pitch black outside, your smile is just so bright.
His heart swells with pride, before he throws his jacket over his shoulder and plucks another cherry blossom out of his hair. "Thanks, Sunshine," he mutters, watching the lift door open as his heart cracks a little.
He can't have you.
Not now.
" Remember," He says, voice picking up volume. "Not too late, Sunshine."
Bakugou doesn't know if he's talking to you or himself.
You watch the door click shut, before letting a sigh of relief escape from your lips. "Thanks, Mina," You grin at the self-proclaimed Bakusquad, knowing smiles all plastered across their faces.
"So, about Bakugou's birthday..."
He seems...off, you think absentmindedly. That's how Bakugou has been for a day now. He's not ignoring you, but he seems quieter now.
And quiet was almost never a good sign for the constipated Pomeranian. You'll have to check up on him tomorrow.
But for now, you have a birthday party to plan and a gift to wrap.
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gaybananabread · 8 months
Hi I love your fics! I was wondering if you could write a lee bakugo and ler best jeanist? If your requests are closed you can just ignore this, I thought it could be cute though!
Have a great day! Remember to take care of yourself!
TickleTober Day 2 - Accidental
Okay, kinda lucked out! I was gonna wait till November to do this request, but I liked the pairing and needed an idea. You didn't request it as TickleTober, but that's what it is now. Changes nothing, just gives me an excuse to write it as such lol. Ignore any sewing-term errors, I don't sew anything. Anywho, I hope you Enjoy!
Lee: Bakugou
Ler: Best Jeanist
Summary: Jeanist thought that Bakugou's suit needed some special touches. The blonde obviously protests, leading to some rather giggly measurements.
Warnings: none! This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!!
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Bakugou's hero suit was…well, it wasn't bad. It just lacked a certain flair the pro hero was looking for. So, with him mentoring the teen and all, Jeanist thought it his responsibility to spruce up the slightly drab suit.
The rapidly approaching fall season was a decent inspiration for him. With fall comes the changing of leaves, carving of pumpkins and cooler weather. Jeanist made sure to insulate the suit, knowing the blonde needed to sweat for his quirk to work. He kept the theme mainly orange, yellow and black, adding in a few splashes of green for style. 
By the end of his lunch break, he had drawn up a new seasonal suit for Bakugou. It was time for the hard part: getting his measurements without the boy exploding.
“I don’t need a new suit! Nothin’s fucking wrong with it!” Bakugou was not putting up with another change. His poor hair had been the first change. That damn comb over…he’ll never get over it. Now he wanted to switch up his suit design? Fuck that.
The pro hero sighed, expecting this reaction. “No need to be so dramatic. It’s just a little…seasonal makeover. Trust me, you’ll be much happier.” Bakugou huffed, shaking his head. Yeah right, he had said the same thing about the hairstyle…
Bakugou's choice of words wasn't his best idea. He was getting a bit pissy, letting his temper get the best of him. "Fuck off. My suit is fine, no more makeovers!" He glared at the pro, but that temper faded when he saw the look on his face. The look that meant Jeanist was done with his shit.
"Quite the mouth on you. I believe I said something about censoring your f-bombs, did I not?" Threads flew towards the teen, wrapping around his limbs and getting him positioned. When Jeanist was done, Bakugou was standing tall, his arms and legs spread just enough to get perfect measurements. "I would say 'stand still', but I don't think that'll be an issue now."
A bit dramatic, but he needed it. Bakugou thrashed and tugged on the thread, but everytime one broke, three more were quick to replace it. Jeanist was careful not to hurt the boy, just restrain him. "The fuck?! Get these damn threads offa me!" 
The pro rolled his eyes, grabbing his measuring tape and approaching him. "What did I just say?" Jeanist first ran the tape around his chest, getting the bust measurements. He wasn't expecting the other blonde's gasp when his fingers grazed his ribs. "Bakugou…are you hurt?"
Shit… "No, go away! Get these damn threads away from me!" He tried thrashing his way out, but nothing was working. Jeanist was too good at keeping him in place.
"Bakugou, if you're hiding an injury, you're only hurting yourself more. I only think less of you for getting injured if you don't tell me about it." His tone was serious. The pro didn't mess around when it came to his others' well-being. Giving Bakugou a stern look-over, he could tell the explosive teen wasn't lying. But if he wasn't injured, why'd he gasp? Jeanist knew he wasn't getting a straight answer; best to run a test…
Ignoring his protests, Jeanist got back to measuring. He did the bust measurements one more time, his fingers grazing Bakugou's ribs again. The teen was prepared, though, biting his cheek to keep quiet.
Okay, no noise that time…moving onto the waist. He moved the tape down, fiddling with the ends of it to find the exact measurement. He pressed his fingers against the boy's lower stomach, taking mental notes of the numbers. 
Bakugou's breathing was a bit shaky, his cheek starting to hurt from biting it so hard. Why couldn't Jeanist measure somewhere that wasn't ticklish? Literally any other place would have been fine. He just had to start with his ribs. Things only went downhill from there…
Now for hip girth. The tape was moved once again, running around his hips. Bakugou struggled not to react when he felt his mentor's fingers brush his hips. He could feel his cheeks heat up, the embarrassment and stupidity of his situation getting to him. 
Jeanist heard how shaky his breathing was getting, glancing up at the teen's face. What he saw shocked him. A blushing Bakugou, struggling not to smile. Why would he…wait a minute. He got a wonderful idea. And oho, it was perfect. 
The measuring tape was pulled away, Best Jeanist's fingers leaving his torso. Bakugou huffed, sparing a glance at his mentor. He instantly regretted it. The pro hero's smile was as wide as it was mischievous. The measurements were done for now, he could've released him; but he didn't. He knew. Bakugou was fucked. 
"Jeanist I- don't you FUCKING dare! I'll blow you into the stratosphere! Back off!" The blond pulled at his thread restraints, but Jeanist was too good with his quirk. He could barely wiggle around, much less escape.
The pro hero chuckled, shaking his head. "Wow, again with the language. What's it gonna take for you to clean up your act, Bakugou?" He tucked his arms behind his back, slowly getting closer to the teen. He knew exactly what it would take. He just wanted to have a bit of fun with his temperamental mentee. 
"Maybe…something like this?" He went behind the teen, squeezing his side. Bakugou huffed, jerking as much as the threads would allow. How were things as simple as threads keeping him restrained so well? 
"Lemme go! I swear, if you touch me one more time, I'll fucking blast you-" He couldn't even finish his sentence before Jeanist squeezed his side again, cutting his words off with a yelp. "There's that word again. You've really got to stop using it. Children aren't going to want to be near a hero who uses such scary language." 
To be completely honest, Jeanist didn't really care how the boy spoke. It wasn't up to him, he wasn't going to dictate how he communicated. Still, the cursing gave him an excuse to tickle the other blonde. An excuse he wasn't about to let go of.
Deciding to just go for it, Jeanist scribbled across the teen's stomach. He was pleasantly surprised to hear Baku's poorly-restrained giggles. He wasn't putting up much of an effort to conceal them anymore. "Shihit- nohoho! Get ohohoff!" 
It was nice to hear the aggressive, loud teen giggle like that. After all, he was still a kid. A teenager, yes, but still a kid. The boy deserves to laugh. And, by the looks of it, he doesn't really mind. 
"You'd think that you would stop cussing, but no. Honestly, do you ever learn your lesson?" The wiggling fingers move upwards, heading for his ribs. Bakugou's giggling got louder, still lighter and bubbly. At least he was on the right track.
Jeanist slowly moved up Bakugou's ribs, scribbling between each bone. The teen squirmed and thrashed as much as he could, his pink cheeks deepening to a vibrant red. The giggling was now borderline laughter. Just needed that one extra notch to get there.
"Goho awahahay, ohohold mahahahan!" The pro scoffed, pausing his tickling for a second. That kid was in for it now… "Old man?! I'm 35, thank you very much! That's a perfectly normal age for a hero. I think you need a lesson in manners…" 
The pro's hand suddenly darted upwards, scribbling mercilessly on the spot where his underarms meet the top of his ribs. Bakugou all but screamed, loud cackles replacing his giggling. "NOHOHO! GEHEHET- NOHOT THEHEHERE!" 
Jeanist just chuckled as he continued his ticklish fun. He was enjoying himself, seeing his mentee laugh like that. The boy never let loose besides fighting, it was a nice sight. "There we go, improvement. No insults, and not one swear word!" He didn't really have a definite reason for tickling Bakugou, besides the fact that it was fun. Excuses would help, though.
Laughter echoed around Jeanist's office, bouncing off the walls and lively the place up. The denim-clad pro experimentally squeezed Bakugou's hip, smirking at the squawk he got in return. His fingers moved away from the teen's death spot, fully moving his hands down to focus on his hips. 
"OHOHO MY- IHIHI'LL KIHILL YOUHUHU!" Bakugou was trying to continue his sort-of squirming, but he was tiring out. The tickles, paired with that morning's training and patrol, had him beat. He managed to keep his head held up, laughing as the pro went at his hips. 
His thumbs drilled into the boisterous teen's hips, smirking as he pulled laugh after laugh out of him. The kid definitely had a nice one; much better than his normal demented cackling. His eyes wandered down to Bakugou's legs, questioning if they'd be half as his upper body. Lucky for him, he forgot a measurement. 
"Oh, my bad! I forgot to measure your inseam! We'll need to take care of that, now won't we?" Jeanist pulled the measuring tape from his pocket once again, holding it against Bakugou's thigh. Only this time, he actually poked around the area, purposefully tickling him while getting the measurement.
Thigh tickles are a completely different experience from anywhere else on the body (imo). As such, Bakugou's laugh was a brand-new shade of adorable. The fiery teen giggled and squeaked, pitchy laughter replacing his cackles.
"CohOHOme ohohon! Youhuhu AHA- uhum,  j-jeheherk!” To his mentor’s surprise, Bakugou actually filtered his language. True, he had begun to call him an ass, but he took the effort to stop himself. It was kinda cute, even if he didn’t truly care about the other blonde’s language.
Jeanist chuckled, easing up on his student’s hips. “Would you look at that, he can learn. All it took was some tickling!” Said student groaned, his cheeks reddening as Jeanist said the word. Normally, he can hear and say the word just fine. That time, however, he was being teased and restrained by someone he looked up to. It’s waaay harder to stay composed when you’re giggling like an idiot.
Finally, the tickling and teasing got to him. Bakugou actually tapped out. He didn’t exactly say “uncle” or anything, but he did say one word that hadn’t been spoken since Jeanist started. “S-STOHOHOP IHIT! JeHEHEAnihihist noho mohOHORE!” 
And stop it he did. The pro hero pulled his hands away as the threads holding Bakugou in place snapped. The teen fell forwards, a bit dazed from laughing so hard for so long. Jeanist caught the giggly student before he could hurt himself. “Woah, careful. I didn’t go too far, did I?”
Bakugou shook his head, hiding his red face in his mentor’s shoulder. “Sh-shuhuhut uhup…” That was the only response he needed to know that everything was fine. The older blonde wrapped his arms around him, keeping the boy upright and letting him know that there was no judgment. 
“Alright, I’ll stop. Still, you have to admit you enjoyed yourself just a little.” Bakugou groaned, weakly punching his mentor’s side. That just made him laugh and muss up the teen’s hair. “I’ll take that as another yes.” 
A lightbulb seemed to go off in Jeanist’s head as he remembered the whole reason the silliness started. “Oh, I almost forgot! Now that I’ve got your measurements, I can start on your new suit!” He walked over to a nearby couch, laying the teen down to rest. Bakugou wasn’t totally spent, but he could use a breather. He grumbled something, but didn’t protest any. He wanted a quick nap, and knew Jeanist wouldn’t tease him for it. 
The pro went over to his personal work-area, grabbing the fabrics for Bakugou’s new suit. Hopefully, by the time his student woke up, he would have a starting point on the garment.
Their playful exchange had given him some good ideas on where to add extra padding, as well as some pops of color. Bakugou might have been a bit temperamental, but he was a good kid. A good kid deserves a good suit. As he cut the first length of fabric, he thought of the happy smile that was on his mentee’s face as he tickled him. He would have to take measurements more often…
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battydora · 1 year
sounds festive!🥑💦
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cw: nsfw, +18, minors dni!!, oral (r.), gn reader (afab)
synopsis: how my hero academia characters eat pussy<3 (adults)
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face sitting. they enjoy feeling your weight on them as your thighs gently sandwich them, face swallowed in your cunt. they move their head and tongue nice and slow, savouring you until the last drop, taking their time to explore every inch of your pretty pussy. praises you whenever their mouth isn't full. also grabs your ass enthusiastic.
—BEST JEANIST, all might, MR. COMPRESS, FATGUM, endeavor, sir nighteye, thirteen, kamui woods, RYUKYUU, tiger, crust
lay on your back, they take care of the rest. goes for the classic position, they're not too creative there but they don't dissapoint when eating you out. also teases a lot, the tip of their tongue slowly almost insignifically rubbing against your desperate clit, they enjoy your pleas like no other but poor little you, they're being so mean, they gotta make up for their torture by tucking that cunt in their mouth and eat you out like you deserve, licking plenty and sucking hard on your clit, humming against you to send delicious vibrations, using their hands to spread your legs open the whole time.
—ERASERHEAD, edgeshot, hawks, also FATGUM, NATSUO, ectoplasm, ROCK LOCK, tsukauchi, mandalay, dave, ingenium, nana shimura, la brava
all fours. they'll have the full view for themselves, ass included their not taking a "no" for an answer (consensually ofc). the more you curve your back to the matress the better for them! don't mind if they slap your ass every now and then.
—shigaraki, OVERHAUL, mirko, ms. joke, spinner, PRESENT MIC, lady nagant, snipe, star, trumpet
an absolute tease, holy shit. no matter the position, this character will have you begging and edging for almost an hour, even more, their tongue barely touches your clit, you could feel a breeze of air more than their actual mouth, they kiss your inner thighs and rub their nose so lightly against your folds you're practically begging for some friction, a single touch, anything. they're a bitch and they know it, they just like to tease you.
—DABI, gang orca, MIDNIGHT, chronostasis, also mirko, MT. LADY, pixie-bob, ragdoll, gentle criminal, curious
messy eater. they can't get enough of your pretty cunt, they're so so desperate and needy they don't even think as they eat you out, so hungry and pussy drunk they're just drooling and whining between your legs, you need to remind them their pace is slowing down because you taste and smell so good they're getting sloppy.
—TWICE, manual, fuyumi, skeptic, geten
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pinned post | masterlist | rules
thanks for reading!
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faulty-writes · 1 year
Hello I'm not sure if you're free right now but could you do headcanons for bully Mirko and bakugou (separately) with a reader who is very chill but when insulted just enough they ROAST THEM TO THEIR VERY BONES (also search up packgod on YouTube if you don't know what I mean) and finally have fun 🙂
[ I listened to this dude, and I almost felt bad for laughing. Goddamn though, he gives Present Mic a run for his money with the way he spits out them words. I hope you enjoy these headcanons, I missed writing for our bunny girl and hot-headed boom boom boy. ]
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"Awe, what's a matter? Is pretty face gonna cry?!" Rumi mocked, making the motion of wiping her eyes to further add to the humiliation she hoped you felt. You groaned, picking your now food-covered face up from your tray. Yes, this was your life. Constantly being bullied by Rumi.
Despite the obstacles in your everyday school life, you were known for your calm and collected attitude which at times would bother Rumi as she continuously tried different tactics to get a rise out of you. Jello in your locker, tacks on your seat, hell even physical bruises on your body. But no, nothing seemed to make you angry.
Rumi aspired to be a hero and while she knew the things she did weren't very hero-like, everyone had their own style and that's just something the public would have to deal with. Of course, her heroic side shined more when she witnessed you getting bullied by others instead of her, and frankly, she didn't know how you'd handle them on your own so stepping in was the only option.
"Ya know, that could have been bad back there, pretty face!" she snapped before furiously biting into her carrot. "Keep letting them treat ya like that and ya won't make it in the real world," she noted, but you only smiled in return knowing that the best kind of advantage is when others thought they had the upper hand.
"Big-nosed, big-headed, Fat Gum looking what?" Rumi questioned, holding her hands against her stomach as she laughed. She never imagined she'd step into the middle of you screaming at someone, granted they had just insulted you and frankly you had enough drama for one day, so you unleashed your secret weapon. The power of roasting.
"Hah! Do that again! I dare you!" Rumi said, jabbing your shoulder and well, who were you to deny her wishes? 'Big-toothed, orange carrot eating, no good sleeping, peeping and sneaking, rule-breaking, poor excuse for WWE fighting, Bugs Bunny rip off,' wasn't something she expected to come out of your mouth but in a way, she loved it.
It was partly a relief to know that you could, maybe, handle your own. "Looks like my pretty face is growing up," she declared, placing her hands on her hips. "But don't go thinking you've outsmarted me, got it!?" you should have known nothing would stop Rumi's goal of making your life miserable.
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He hated and loved you. It was rare that someone wasn't intimidated by him. Sure, there was that damned Deku and Best Jeanist, and like Best Jeanist, you had a calm composure around him, and it pissed him off.
"Say something already or I'll kick your ass, damn it!" he snapped, grasping the front of your shirt while smoke seeped from his palms. You knew from experience that Katsuki was a hothead and disregarded the rules which is why you had become his target for bullying. But you refused to give him the satisfaction he was looking for and frankly, you didn't like how you got when someone truly pissed you off.
Much like Present Mic, your voice was your biggest weapon. This paired with your intellect or ability to spit rhythms was part of the reason you preferred to remain in a calm state. But Katsuki didn't understand this, not that you admitted it to him, and because of this he continued to make your everyday school life a living nightmare.
"Had enough yet!?" he demanded with his arms crossed, standing in front of you who was currently slumping against a brick wall. There were several burns across your body and the reason behind said burns was because you had refused to give Katsuki the reaction he was looking for and so he decided to try and force it out of you, Of course, this didn't work.
You knew he wouldn't believe you and you couldn't blame him. After all, who would think that you were the master of musical insults? "Heh, so what? Words don't mean anything," he said with a smirk. "If they did, you would have said something already. Challenge me, damn it!" he demanded with a snarl but now wasn't the time. At least that's what you decided.
It took a lot for you to get worked up, but as of late, Katsuki's constant belittlement of you was a little too much. So when you finally spit out, 'Blond anime-looking spiked-up hair, lame quirk using, kool-aid man bursting through walls, overactive, non-stop, mouth flapping, idiot!' you felt an enormous amount of pride fill you as his jaw dropped.
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takami-takami · 1 year
How would Hawks react to a civilian trying to protect him? One scene that has always stuck out to me is when Hawks, Best Jeanist, and Endeavor kind of get bombarded by an anger mob of citizens that yell insults at them and start throwing trash at them. So I wondered how the scene would play out if a random person broke out of the chaos to try and get the mob to calm down and shield Hawks from the various objects being thrown at him 🤔
I think it would genuinely move him. He's really not used to being the one being protected, he's usually the one doing the protecting. The disconnect is confusing at first, but he will think about it incessantly when he tries to sleep that night.
I think a really good example is how he reacted to Uraraka's speech about "who protects the heroes when they need protecting?" His eyes practically sparkle with the same childlike wonder as when he was little.
That being said, it is very difficult to pierce Keigo's barriers. He's kind of used to people treating him like trash. I didn't miss the cold professionalism he put on in that PR meeting. He just bowed and said sorry. When he faced rejection to such a high degree, he just stared at it, blank-faced.
Poor boy got into the hero business because he wanted to protect people, and gets it thrown in his face, the pure and utter rejection from those very same people. And he just nods along like he understands, and gets back to work.
It comes with the line of work, he tells himself. He does the dirty work, he gets treated like the butcher himself. He's accepted long ago that he has to corrupt himself. His personal self image doesn't help at all.
When people treat him with such kindness, like he's someone worth protecting, the disconnect breaks his brain a bit. Little moments where civilians try to protect him, too, really move him, as long as they're not putting themselves in harm's way for him.
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pleathewrites · 3 months
bellow the fire into my deadened lungs
chapter 1 excerpt — shigadabi heart to heart + dabi's final move read full story here
For the past two weeks, Shigaraki hasn’t said anything about the League’s newest recruit. It makes Dabi's skin itch. 
Shigaraki doesn’t trust Keigo. Dabi can tell by the way red bloodshot eyes constantly observe the — undercover — hero. He wonders if Shigaraki knows. 
Even though Shigaraki thinks so, he and Dabi are not cut from the same cloth — his leader was raised, practically groomed, by the biggest villain of all time. He was told what to do and how to do it. Dabi was rarely raised, especially not after his mother was sent away. His life has been on the line his entire life, demanding him to learn when to trust his gut and how to keep himself alive. 
Still, they both haven’t gotten this far by being naive. 
When Keigo left for the night, “I should get going, have patrol tomorrow. Do you wanna… come over?” and Dabi shook his head no, Shigaraki had beckoned his lieutenant to his room with a silent tilt of his chin.
He hasn’t really let himself be alone with Keigo after introducing the hero to the League, to Shigaraki. Dabi doesn’t quite know what to do with Keigo’s newly found possessive attitude. It was so easy, in the privacy of Dabi’s apartment, away from both their realities and other people, tucked in his little cocoon of dreams and heat. Outside that, though, Dabi realizes how fucking complicated he’s made things by letting Keigo kiss him that first night. By continuing to kiss him all those following nights. 
Which leads him here. In this great big mess. 
They’re in Shigaraki’s new room. It’s big, bigger than any of the hideouts the League previously would hole up in, and it’s spacious, decorated with quality furniture — a king-sized bed and a black-and-gold-trimmed divan sofa. 
Shigaraki had sat on his bed, and Dabi had a guilty suspicion that he wanted Dabi to sit next to him, so the patchwork man made sure to sit on the divan across from him, just to avoid any potential situations.
Shigaraki looks tired, more so than usual under these dim overhead lights. His eye bags are puffier than usual, the area surrounded by irritatedly-red scratch marks. Dabi knows his leader had recently taken a shower because his shaggy white hair is frizzier than usual, wild without a few days worth of oil and stress. His mouth looks ashen, lips probably dry from soap and forgetting to use the chapstick Compress had bought for him. Dabi can’t help but remember how they felt pressed against his own. 
Being conventionally hideous himself, Dabi learned how to find beauty in destroyed things.
He thinks Shigaraki is beautiful. He thinks it’s a form of the kind of ‘beautiful’ that reflects in Keigo’s eyes when they lie in Dabi’s bed and the bird won’t stop staring.  
Shigaraki’s voice is grating, though Dabi thinks it could be classified as having its own charm, “How do you know you can trust Hawks?”
‘Shit,’ Dabi forgot why he was here. He never really prepared an answer to this question. Very poor planning on his part, he knows. 
He overlooks the truth of Keigo’s intentions and thinks about what he’s often thought about since Keigo started frequenting his apartment. About the kind of stories Keigo shares, his frustrations and his hurt, about the things Keigo has said that makes something in Dabi want to try and persuade the hero to join the League’s side for real.
He’s honest when he answers, “Just like he’s told the other members, he thinks this society’s shit. Corrupt. Seems like he has a bone to pick.” Shigaraki’s eyes roll and, ‘yeah,’ Dabi knows his answer was pretty bad. While trying to maintain his facade of nonchalance, Dabi hastily adds, “He did kill that hero. Best Jeanist,” He shrugs his stiff shoulders and hopes it looks normal, “That counts for something in my books.”
Shigaraki, of course, still thinks it's all a crock of shit. 
“Are you serious, Dabi?” He sneers, “What does the Number Two Hero understand at all about us? About the way this society has treated us when he looks like that?”
Dabi gets it. He still gaslights, “Hey, now, Shiggy. Don’t judge a book by its cover, ‘n all that.”
Shigaraki starts to itch his neck, and Dabi feels so fucking guilty.
“You never take anything seriously. This is fuckin’ dangerous, and so fuckin’ stupid, and you’re just making jokes!” 
Shigaraki is itching so hard that Dabi can hear it, the gritty scritch scritch scritch, from where he sits, two meters away.
Usually, the members know it’s best to just let their leader scratch whatever stresses out — but the pained grimace, and the actual fall of skin flakes, and the o verwhelming fucking guilt of basically helping the Number Two Hero infiltrate their sacred space makes Dabi move. 
He grabs the small hotel lotion from Shigaraki’s dresser and sits next to the man, grabbing his wrist with a soft, “Stop.”
He thinks the shock of his actions is what causes Shigaraki to obey. 
He squirts a small amount of lotion on his fingers, “D’you mind?”
Red eyes open in vulnerability, and Shigaraki looks mildly scared. Dabi mentally curses and is about to hand over the bottle of lotion to the leader, ‘probably more comfortable with doing it himself, what was I thinkin’, just touching him like that,’ before Shigaraki’s eyes soften back to their trademark squint, and he tilts his neck in offering.  
Silently, Dabi uses the lotion-less hand to move Shigaraki’s curtain of hair out of the way to apply the cream to cracked skin. 
Shigaraki lets out a soft hiss, and Dabi murmurs an apology. As he works the lotion into the skin, he says, “I know this is your thing, Handjob, but itchin’ yourself to death isn’t gonna win us the war.”
Shigaraki grumbles, “Fuck off. Letting in a traitor won’t help us win, either.” 
Dabi chuckles lightly, “Don’t worry about the pigeon. I’ll keep him in check,” which is, at least, half a lie. A white lie, if Dabi wants to go as far as to lie to himself. 
“What if he ruins us?” and the softness in Shigaraki's voice is not at all what Dabi expected. It’s almost a whisper, and it feels like there’s a double meaning weaved in there, and Dabi feels so fucking guilty. 
Because if Keigo goes through with it, if he betrays Dabi, it won’t be the Number Two Hero that leads the League to their ruin, it will be Dabi. 
The lotion is fully absorbed — has been for some time now. Dabi may have heated his fingers a bit to distract Shigaraki from any itching sensations, and he thinks it worked. The leader seems calm, so Dabi pulls his hand away. 
“Take precautions,” Dabi finds himself saying, “Compress is dependable and doesn’t like to talk shop much anyways. Lunatic’s halfway in her own world, but she knows how to keep secrets. I don’t think she trusts new people that much, no matter how much she likes them. Same with the Lizard. He’s almost stupidly loyal to you. Two-Face, though, he likes to talk, so don’t tell him the really important stuff ahead of time. And don’t tell me.”
Shigaraki’s eyes narrow, “Really? The leader of my Vanguard Squad can’t keep his mouth shut?”
“Precautions, man,” Dabi shrugs honestly, “Who knows, maybe the Bird has a friend with a truth quirk and they jump me.”
Shigaraki nods, and Dabi hands out the bottle of lotion to him. He takes it, “This stuff smells like shitty flowers.”
“Better than itching all your skin off. Take it from me, y’wanna keep as much of it as you can.”
He winks, and Shigaraki crinkles his nose in disgust. 
When Dabi thinks about it, Shigaraki makes sense for him, they make sense for each other. ‘What on Earth am I doing with Keigo?’ Keigo knows Dabi’s story, sure, and has a few horror stories of his own, but does he feel Dabi’s conviction with the same burning passion Shigaraki does?
Shigaraki looks at Dabi like he’s waiting for Dabi, like he wants to burn the world down with Dabi and be his partner in crime. Keigo looks at Dabi like he’s savoring Dabi, like he wants to take Dabi away from the world and be the hero that Touya spent countless nights waiting for.  
It’s so confusing. What does Dabi want? 
‘The death of one man,’ he tells himself, over and over again, until it erases every other thought.
The guilt makes him lose his mind a little, in the end. 
So, Dabi let himself have one last Christmas. He lets himself go out with the memory of Toga’s attempt at caroling and Twice’s excitement at finally having a ‘family photo’ where he can reveal his face. Gives himself the mercy of seeing Shigaraki’s cheeks flush at the anonymous present of a soft grey-fleece pajama-set, and hearing Spinner’s cackles grow louder with each sip of eggnog. 
At the last second of his death, Dabi will summon the soft memory of Keigo’s smile pressed against his lips when a mischievous red feather floated above their heads carrying mistletoe, the way his lined eyes lidded to the point Dabi could see all three of his eyelids and his warm taloned hand made a home at the scarless curve of Dabi’s waist, wishing him a, “Very Merry Christmas, Hot Stuff.”    
He doesn’t say goodbye, only leaves with a soft, “Goodnight.”
It takes about a week to get his affairs in order. He doesn’t have much, but the little he does is spread evenly amongst the League and Keigo — his first-ever switchblade to Toga, all of his favorite movies to Twice, his Stain-inspired works and poems to Spinner, his favorite medical-grade all-natural moisturizers to Shigaraki, and the secret stash of his most cherished childhood photos to Keigo. He likes to think the Bird would want to remember him in this way, too — not only a rotten and damaged man, but once a smiling and loving brother with fat cheeks and pinked skin. 
He writes up a makeshift will to arrive at Giran’s doorstep after the announcement of his death, along with the tapes he pre-recorded revealing his identity and outlining all of Todoroki Enji’s crimes, with the inclusion of all the dirt he’s managed to scrape up on top heroes over the last decade and recently, with the oddly-eager bits of much-too-important information Keigo has been slipping into his hands since the hero found out his real name.
Dabi breathes slowly. 
Today is the day. 
“Todoroki Enji!” He calls out.
Dabi memorized the patrol schedule Keigo had given him a few months ago, and knows exactly which city Endeavor is going to be lurking around. 
“Come ‘n face me, you fuckin’ coward!” 
Blue fire surrounds the streets, and it’s enough warning to make every single citizen in the area run away, as far as they can. Terrified screams fill the area and it’s still not enough to draw the Number One Hero out. 
The heat is already so suffocating. 
Anger rips through him, and he uses it to make his location known, clapping his hand above him and shooting a giant line of blue fire towards the sky, a swirling vortex that would have made his father’s eyes gleam with pride a lifetime ago.   
Red fire glints in the sky above him like a comet.
That red fire races down to swirl around the pillar Dabi has created, and he almost thinks it looks glorious. 
A second later, the fire is gone and the ground rumbles under Dabi’s feet. He lets go of his own fire, and stares down his father. 
“Have you come with another Nomu?” Enji asks, his flaming face practically radiating with familiar fury.
Dabi’s laugh is so manic, he feels at least three staples pop, “It’s just you ‘n me, old man.”
The skin of his hands scream in agony, but for the first time in his life, Dabi welcomes the pain, embraces the consequences his body sets upon him as he will be damned if he dies in self-hatred. 
“I do not understand your goal here, Villain, but you will not succeed.”
Dabi hears the faint sounds of others approaching, and knows he cannot waste anymore time. 
“Oh really?” Dabi moves forward, slowly, with the grace of a cat circling its prey, and Endeavor’s stance begins to shift, “Is the great Todoroki Enji going to kill me…” His grin stretches wider and blood starts to streak down his chin and drip from his neck, “Again?” 
From the corner of his eye, two smaller bodies have joined Endeavor, slightly behind him, as if waiting for the hero’s que. 
Endeavor’s expression minutely shifts, “Again?” and his tone becomes indignant, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but who are you to use my name so freely!”
Blue fire begins to lick up his arms, and Dabi registers his body start to shake, “Really… Even up this close — you can’t even recognize me? You did this to me!” 
He’s in the air before he knows it, blue fire propelling his feet to push towards the hero at infinite speed, hands out and aiming for his father’s face. 
His father catches his burning hands with his own, an obviously pained wince that gives Dabi a sick amount of joy. His fire has always been hotter than his father’s, and unlike Dabi, Enji has never had the training to handle it. 
For the first time, it is Enji who cries out in pain. 
 A heinous laughter rips through Dabi’s throat, and he’s nose-to-nose with his father, his eyes so wide that the staples strain and blood trails his cheeks, “Aren’t you so proud of me, Daddy? Look how strong I’ve become!” 
Dabi sees the exact moment Enji recognizes him. The horror across his face is both immensely euphoric and horribly painful. 
The smell of burning flesh fills his nose. His skin feels like it’s bubbling, blisters forming, and his seams are melting apart. 
Blue eyes much like his own frantically move across Dabi’s face, desperately flicking from his eyes to his eyebrows to his forehead.
Dabi never got around to dying his white roots.
There is no red fire anymore, yet the large hands that grasp his own tighten. 
All of Dabi’s self control snaps, and blue fire erupts everywhere, completely engulfing father and son. Dabi is going to burn them to ash and send them straight to Hell.
read full story here
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kingkatsuki · 2 years
This isn’t x reader or anything, just having cute thoughts about Bakugou signing an autograph for the first time.
Inspiration was this fanart.
Warnings: none, but a lot of rambling.
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Thinking about Bakugou being asked to sign his very first autograph. He’s not a famous Pro-Hero when it happens, in fact, he’s not even ranked in the top 50 yet. Still just a sidekick trying to make his name amongst the older heroes that still hold their own in the charts. Other young, optimistic students graduating Hero schools across Japan who are his competition, more names that could easily outdo him in the rankings. His fellow classmates no longer his only adversaries, giving him more pressure to try and find his own.
Being a sidekick is difficult, all Bakugou’s time and energy is put into trying to make a name for himself. The patrols are long and arduous, and the gratitude is almost non-existent. The public seem to only care for the heroes who are popular, the ones they recognise in the charts and praise from his agency for a job well done is non-existent. The few that recognise him do because of the Sports Festival from all those years ago that he’s tried hard to forget— he’s come a long way since then but it’s hard to control your temper when the odds are against you.
So the first time he experiences true gratitude for doing his job, he doesn’t expect it. He’d found a young boy sat alone in a park, back pressed against the trunk of a tree with his knees tight to his chest. Bakugou was going to ignore him, still searching for any small time villains who were out causing trouble, or maybe stumbling across some information that could help Best Jeanist take down the prolific villain causing a ruckus in Musutafu. If Bakugou found him it would surely cause a stir, it would help him make a name for himself for certain and even have him teetering on the edge of the top 50 rankings. The determination and drive inside fuelling him to take extra shifts until the villain was taken down. But there was something about this boy that Bakugou felt for, coming up to him to find out he’d lost his mother in the crowds of the city.
It wasn’t the bust of the century, it wasn’t apprehending a villain or taking down a crime syndicate— it was just the right thing to do.
When Bakugou had reunited the boy with his mother, the poor woman didn’t even notice him. Far too busy bouldering him out of the way to wrap her arms around the small boy. Bakugou watched the scene awkwardly from the sidelines for a few moments before walking away, the smallest of smiles on his face that he’d managed to succeed— even if no one was there to witness it.
So imagine his surprise the following week when the same small boy comes up to him while he’s out on patrol and asks him to sign his lunchbox. Wide, inquisitive eyes staring up at him as he holds out a black marker pen to the young sidekick. Bakugou isn’t even sure what to sign, he’s never really signed his hero name other than scribbling the full thing messily in the columns of his books at school. Wondering whether he should sign his whole hero name or the shortened version.
Bakugou almost feels guilty for scribbling Dynamight across the young boys lunch box in black marker. He’d done his best to make it as neat as possible, but using his arm as a table as he fiddled with the cap it felt awkward and uncomfortable signing something so publicly. Wondering whether one day he’d have other people asking the same question, his face across the most garish merchandise as he signed for the masses.
But this felt special, it was important. His first signature as a hero. And he already felt like he’d messed it up as he handed the pen and the lunchbox back to the small boy who took it eagerly from his arms.
“Wow… Dynamight.” The young boy reads his messy scrawl on the top of his lunchbox before staring up at him in awe, “You’re my favourite hero.”
Bakugou would sign thousands of autographs after this, perfecting the style of it over time. Signing hundreds of other young kids lunchboxes, some with his face plastered over them. Copious amounts of merchandise, body parts (He almost spelt his name wrong when he was presented someone’s chest to sign), photographs, even rival heroes merch (Bakugou had loved drawing a cartoonish beard and moustache over Deku’s face on a photograph he’d been presented), but nothing would ever compare to the first time he’d signed an autograph, the one that he’d never forget.
A reminder of the first day he felt like a true hero.
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nightlilly0110 · 2 years
Oh my god if I see season 6 come out and I see people be like “poor hawks he wants to join the villains but he has to do what the commission says uwu” I’m gonna fucking lose it.
Not once does this dude actually express the fact that he cares for the villains. “Oh but he was nice to them” ITS CALLED ACTING. HE WAS UNDERCOVER. IF YOU BELIEVED HE WAS ON THE SIDE OF THE LEAGUE GUESS WHAT - YOU BOUGHT IT. YOURE GULLIBLE. THE WHOLE POINT OF HIS MISSION WAS TO MAKE THEM TRUST HIM.
I literally saw someone say recently that Hawks loved Twice. LOVED HIM AND THAT HE WAS A FUCKING TRAGIC HERO FOR HAVING TO KILL HIM!!!! Do you know how fucking stupid that sounds?!
“But he was offering to help rehabilitate them! Twice instigated the fight!” Twice didn’t fight back. Twice also knew that the “rehabilitation” Hawks had in mind was just throwing them all into Tartarus. There is no rehabilitation in the BNHA universe. That’s fanon. I should know because I fucking MADE a rehabilitation au.
“Twice’s quirk was dangerous! He had to get rid of him!” Again. Twice wasn’t fighting back. He tried to run and was LITERALLY STABBED IN THE BACK. He was escaping. He was trying to get away.
“Hawks had no other choice. The Commission-” Hey. Hey. Look at me. If someone tells you to do something, you don’t have to do it. It’s called free will. I will admit he was probably abused and brainwashed by the Commission. But like. This dude does not change his tune. He does not want to break free of the Commission. He doesn’t struggle with following his orders. We’re talking about the dude who said that he’d “corrupt himself” for the good of the mission. He’s fine where he is. He’s a goddamn lapdog. He’s a huge contrast to Lady Nagant, who was actually remorseful at what the Commission made her do and tried to quit (and was punished for it).
“Dabi just let Twice die!” Dabi attacked Hawks to help Twice escape but failed. It was not his intention to let Twice die.
“But he was filming it to frame Hawks!” He wanted footage to prove Hawks was a bad person in general. That was the footage he happened to get.
“Dabi abused Hawks.” Just attacking someone is not abuse. Abuse occurs when one party has a position of power over the other. Dabi was just attacking him. And if you have a problem with him attacking people, I hate to break it to you - it’s a shonen manga. With people literally labelled as heroes and villains. There has to be conflict and Hawks literally just killed a man. I think Dabi can attack people if he wants to.
“Dabi was happy Twice died! He was laughing!” Dabi says with his own damned mouth that he can’t cry. He’s also been shown to, even before he was Dabi and when he was Touya, smile when being hurt. Touya, you know, the kid with an abusive father. The kid that wanted so much attention from his abusive father that he repeatedly hurt himself to “make him stronger” and would then smile to hide his pain. Dabi smiling at Twice’s death isn’t because he’s happy. He’s grieving and he can’t cry. (Side note: Shigaraki also smiles when in pain.)
Enough about Hawks.
(Also can we talk about the fact that Dabi called out Endeavour for his behaviour and Best Jeanist told him to shut up and keep “personal matters” off of tv and when Endeavour admitted to the child abuse Burnin basically said there’s no proof?)
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theuntamedangel · 7 months
Wanna get them off my chest
Few things i wanna talk about here. I'll go point wise
A: Overhaul arc had all the male characters do something epic all while giving us a solid background to their past lives, even the villains like Rappa were given a decent amount of interest. And they fought like crazy. The girls (god i HATE Nejire) were there just to be cute and have girly moments. Their team effort couldn't put up a respectable fight against that giant meat head of a villain despite having a pro hero by their side and their victory was shown off screen. Why were the female characters even there? They're all fap bait material and anyone who says otherwise, you need therapy, help, you need Jesus
B: This is hard for me to say it, but here goes. I have a soft spot for Shigaraki and a few LoV members. But they are as stupid as the heroes because if they'd been a tad bit smarter and actually did some serious digging, they'd be able to figure out about Hawk's true intentions. No chips, no tracking devices, no hidden cameras attatched to his clothes without Hawk's knowing, or anything of that sort despite knowing Hawk's is actually the #2 hero of Japan? I don't run any criminal organization but even my dumb brain can tell me that this is plain stupid. Thanks to the LoV being this gullible enough to allow Hawks to dance, prance and flutter his feathers all over the place, we are in this shit storm now.
C: The villains had Best Jeanist's dead body floating around in their facility, waiting for the right moment to use it and turn it into a nomu. Wouldn't the ''right time'' have been now, during the war? If you need to make both the villains and the heroes equally stupid and irrational, then it's better to take a 3 to 5 months hiatus and rethink about the plot of the series
D: Stars and Strips. Enough Said. Also, i won't be going into details about the latest events of the manga because I have self respect and also because I dont care. Maybe I will once the manga ends.
E: It's ok for both Izu and Mirio to use Eri's quirk but it's not if its the villains who are doing it. Double Standard. Also, Overhaul himself could have used his own quirk and made bullets to sell them off in the back market. He too can destroy and heal at the same time. Sell the healing part of his quirk to the heroes and sell the other quirk of his to the villains. Capture Eraser Head, use artificial drugs to enhance the erase quirk and also sell his quirk in the black market. Problem solved. This whole Eri plot still doesn't sit well with me.
F: MVA is pointless, Shigaraki's growth and achievement and him getting more powers from the crazy doc to become even more stronger because a war was coming, are not worth the the mention because potato ball sac just possess Shigaraki. That poor character is now a nothing ass character. I'm sorry Shiggy hunnie, you're my ultimate anime husbando but I see the reality too and it's twisting my heart, ripping it apart.
G: Don't expect/have high hopes for Deku vs Shigaraki to happen because the manga is busy wetting itself for Bakugou. Hori might not be decent enough to let this happen
H: Who is Izuko Midoriya?!?
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