#politics /neg
smolfrogi · 2 years
This user is a reactionary anarchist! ❤️❤️
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cconfessions · 1 year
really really tired of being trans in the US & having to watch my country actively call for the genocide of my loved ones and community and just have to fucking. get up for work and pretend im fine and chill and definitely not infinitely exhausted and terrified
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
I'm just so scared
I feel hope about the future and then I get hit by the reality that my home is controlled by people fighting tooth and nail to make sure I live a short, painful life full of deeply evil, dehumanizing punishment
Is it worth saving? God, it's so hard
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skrimshaw · 1 year
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Would usually post on my art account but I felt it fit here more. Based on feelings regarding recent events
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clownsuu · 1 year
Hey! I wanted to ask you about how do you feel about fanarts made with your AU? Not going to say names but, some people have already drawn some *suggestive* WH arts with your AU. Does it leave you upset? Should we report it? Also love your arts,I love how you draw Howdy so fluffly! he's a cutie pie!. I hope you're feeling great!
I mean I don’t mind people making fanart of my au lol, there is already a bunch of people who have made incredible art for it!
I personally do not mind suggestive stuff. H O W E V E R, what I DO mind is if it breaks (other) clowns boundaries. This goes for every single welcome home au out there- just because it’s an au does NOT automatically mean it can randomly subside boundaries. The characters are STILL (other) clown’s property and he has final say on what he wants at the end.
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bamsara · 1 year
would love to find a youtube channel that talks about reasonable prepping for things like natural disasters/sudden homelessness and economic disasters because not only have I experienced these but its become a special interest/passion to talk about go-bags and sustainable living and community sharing in times of crisis
except all of the youtube channels I find for prepping are right-winged and chastise you for not hoarding massive amounts of resources in a bunker and think you deserve whats coming if you cant afford the costs
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gen-z-culture-is · 6 months
Gen Z Culture is putting on headphones and music so you don't have to listen to family talk about Politics cause their view points are Very Different then your own...
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variousqueerthings · 2 months
being trans in the UK right now is so very strange, you're able to go to a mainstream high-budget arts and/or science institution and find beautiful acknowledgements of your history and respectful inclusion of current lives and projects and politics that's based in well-researched community-minded testimony and statistics, but then the government and healthcare industry is all but openly admitting that they want you to disappear off the face of the earth, based largely on the ravings of one terminally online author, a few disgraced academics and comics, and their far-right antisemitic misogynist racist american evangelist friends on a site run by a billionaire megalomaniac. i go to some positive visibility celebrating bodily autonomy that makes it seem like we're moving forwards on the same day as the cass report is released and everything is on fire
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itsbansheebitch · 8 months
I hate modern shopping
I hate how we are practically forced to buy clothes online now. I want to hold it in my hands. I hate how cheap on low quality clothes are today. I hate that production rates and profit come before people's wellbeing.
I hate Shein for brainwashing us into thinking a shirt should cost less than $5 when it's been clear for a while that their products are usually chock full of lead and new allegations say Shein is using actual slave labor
I hate Temu for bringing expected prices even lower and selling negative ion (which might protect you from 5G but certainly doesn't help on the radioactive front) items. For selling cheap garbage and trying to tell us they're a company.
I hate Shein and Temu for basically forcing underage influencers to take sponsorships so they can get out of bad financial situation.
I hate Amazon, but not their workers
I hate Etsy, but not their shop owners
I hate modern shopping. I'm tired of the labor violations. I'm tired of the bs and the hoops you have to jump through to find a company that doesn't use child labor.
I hate that pay is bad enough that people are forced to work for people like Shein, Temu, Amazon, etc.
I hate that we aren't paid enough to buy even mediocre quality products. I hate that about ~19 people for every 10,000 in America is homeless and 40% of homeless people have jobs. I hate that we are considered entitled when all we want is an apartment and to maybe be treated like human beings at work.
Anyway here's my personal good but expensive recommendation:
Sheep Inc clothing will last decades at least. They have a repair service which you can use for life.
This isn't a paid ad I just like their business model
Btw, don't even get me started on Nestle
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powdermelonkeg · 1 year
“I want this country run like a business!” No.
A business, by definition, strives to get as much profit as it can from its customers with as little output as possible.
A successful business is one that gets money that’s higher than the effort it’s putting in. Because an equal effort-to-money ratio is breaking even, and MORE effort/resources than money is selling at a loss.
I want this country run like a service.
A service which, needs to be stated, I pay for, and I can’t opt out of—I pay sales taxes, income taxes, etc.
A service strives to give as much output as it can while using as few resources as possible.
A successful service is one that can go further with its supplies than any of its individual beneficiaries could alone. The more it’s able to do, the more efficient it is. If it uses more resources than it’s taking in, it’s failing everyone who contributes to it, as they’re not getting what they paid to supply.
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etoilesbienne · 6 months
My plea to the rest of the qsmp tumblr fandom: Please stop making every piece of content relate back to the first purgatory.
I don't want to be a person who shows up and rains on parades to ruin fun for people, but I think there's a sizeable amount of this community that doesn't really realize how much the first purgatory has affected every less popular character's fanwork. Especially on tumblr, where English is the lingua franca and almost everyone communicates in it. You have to understand most characters on qsmp were not exactly the same characterization wise on quesadilla island than they were on purgatory. Not that they aren't the same characters, it's just people seem to be prioritizing only those purgatory characterizations over every other moment on the server, while also not looking and trying to understand these characters outside of purgatory at all.
Purgatory 2 got hit with it too, like I don't think I saw a single team in P2 that didn't get extensive comparisons to any of the P1 teams. Like I get it, media parallels, that's cool! It's just tiring when you look at any character's tag or a P2 team's tag that is less popular in the English fandom and 95% of it is just to do with purgatory one, or wanting them to do something from purgatory one, or saying how they should join a purgatory one team. I can't wait until we can move on to a new arc in the server that involves all the characters, but until then, please be aware that almost all of the non-English characters have been almost, like, mostly only receiving content about purgatory one still. It's a disservice to the characters and the CC behind them, they become side characters to streamers who are more popular in English fandom.
I don't think anyone's, like, a bad person for liking purgatory or enjoying purgatory content, nor is any one team worse than the other or deserves any hate, just understand it's a struggle for anyone who likes these less popular characters to find non-purgatory one based content. Let these characters be their own individuals instead of extensions of other characters. :(
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radicalexchange · 12 days
I am "radqueer" to an extent. I believe that terms such as "transdisabled" and "transrace" both dismiss the struggles of their respective communities, but I believe things such as "transage" are completely okay. I also think that "lesboys" and "mspec lesbians" are, for the most part, invalid identities. Even if I do have a negative opinion on lesboys and mspec lesbians, I do believe that the queer community has no need to go against eachother while we still have so many people attacking us as a whole. Queer people should come together to fight injustice against us, not fight our brothers, sisters, and others in arms.
Transdisabled and transrace are both terms that dismiss the struggle that both disabled people and people of color have both gone through for basic human rights, and in some disabled people's cases their struggle to have a stable life.
Transdisabled - As someone with Autism, I struggle with a ton of things socially due to my disability. A "transautistic" person just feels like a slap to my face, because they are taking the "silly" and "cute" parts of autism while dismissing the struggle that some actual autistic people go through on the daily. I can't even begin to understand why someone would "feel as though they were meant to have [disability]", because if you don't have it then you clearly weren't meant to and will never truely be able to see the world in the exact way they do. Not to mention how a lot of these "transdisabled" people inforce stereotypes of the disabilities they're "transitioning" to. I have lost friends and had close bonds with family severed because of things I've been hyperfixated on, my struggles with tone, and many more autistic traits. I've been denied certain things because "an autistic person won't be able to do that!", and I've been told "you're just being lazy and using your autisim as an excuse" while I was crying due to overstimulation. Being autistic is something that I personally wish wasn't apart of me at times, but as every disabled person will learn, my disability is a part of me that I will have to learn to live with and manage.
Transrace - I won't go in too much depth about "transracial" people, because I myself am not a person of color. In my opinion, "transracial" completely dismisses the struggles that people of color experience around the world. If you are white and "transition" to a different race, you will still never fully understand the struggle that people of color have getting jobs or the way they're judged on the street. Also, every time I've seen a "transracial" person they simply live based on the stereotypes of that race which sounds beyond insulting. Claiming to be apart of that race while still inforcing the harmful stereotypes that they've been fighting for years just screams loud and incorrect.
Transage & others - I can get behind some transids though, like transage or transspecies. The only issue I have with these sorts of identities is the romantic and sexual aspects, but from what I've experienced in my years on the internet that hasn't proved itself to be a problem outside of bait accounts. I understand the want to be older than you are, and feeling as though you were meant to be an adult or a child. Sometimes I too feel as though I know more than the average child, not intillectually, and that I would maybe function better as an adult. I've also experienced the feeling that I should be younger, because I am not very emotionally developed and if I were younger that wouldn't be a problem anymore. It's an understandable feeling, and something I myself have experienced at some points. I wouldn't say I am "transage" or whatever a person who's age is fluid would be called, but I can understand the appeal and I support those who identify as such.
As for lesboys and mspec lesbians? I believe that this issue shouldn't be a priority while queer people are still being arrested, assulted in public, denied jobs, and more for simply being queer. I disagree with the idea of mspec lesbians competely, but I can understand lesboys in some contexts. But in the end, who am I to judge two consenting people in a relationship? It's not my place to decide what you do in your freetime, as long as both parties are okay with it.
Lesboys - I disagree with the idea of lesbian men, as the definition of lesbian is "non men loving non men". Though I can understand genderfluid people or nonbinary transmasc people being lesbians, and using the term "lesboy" to describe their experiences. Transmasculine people are not always "men", they are "masculine". I dislike the idea of a transgender man being a lesbian, because it defeats the purpose of "non men loving non men".
Mspec lesbians - The term "lesbian" is not an umbrella term for any nonman who loves nonmen. If you're looking for an umbrella term that accurately describes this, the term would be "sapphic". If you are a non man who loves men, you are by definition not a lesbian.
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aroaessidhe · 1 month
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2024 reads / storygraph
Compound Fracture
YA thriller set in rural West Virginia
follows an autistic trans boy who survives being almost killed by the Sheriff’s son after a party, and accidentally kills one of the boys who hurt him when he tries to get back at him
and is pulled head-first back into the 100 year old feud between his & the sheriff’s families, that began when his great-great grandfather was executed after inciting a miner’s rebellion, the grandfather whose ghost has started to haunt him
community & family & socialist revolution
aro-questioning MC
arc from netgalley, out september 3
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tw: for israel/palestine stuff and war crimes.
fucking left wing brainrot on here has people unironically saying shit like "its not palestine's fault, theyre just trying to reclaim their homeland" after watching a video of armed men parading a dead woman around in her underwear on the back of a truck with their boots on her back. spitting on her head while cheering. the fuck is wrong with you guys. what piece of land is worth raping women and deliberately hunting and gunning down civilians over.
edit: this post is NOT pro israel. it's just anti-war crimes. im leaving for work but if i come back and there's any discourse in the notes about supporting israeli occupation or saying racist shit about palestinians as a whole, this post is getting nuked.
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racefortheironthrone · 5 months
Any thoughts/opinions on the idea of Universal Basic Income?
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So I come out of MMT-adjacent circles that tend to focus on Job Guarantees over Universal Basic Income(s).
There is a certain amount of rivalry and bad blood between these two camps, as they see their projects as competing for the same policy "space" as solutions to poverty and unemployment. For example, back when I was on twitter I got into quite a few arguments with Matt Bruenig, who is a UBI advocate and quite hostile to Job Guarantees, and I was not the only MMTer/job guarantee advocate who mixed it up with Bruening and his supporters.
For my own part, I am not opposed to incomes policies in general. Certainly, I think we saw from COVID-era initiatives around Unemployment Insurance and the Child Tax Credit that incomes policies can be tremendously effective in stabilizing consumer demand, preventing eviction and homelessness, and especially in cutting poverty rates. Likewise, I think there is now pretty solid empirical evidence that the concerns about employment effects that were the bane of UBIs and Negative Income Tax (NIT) proposals from the 1970s onwards are baseless.
That being said, I think there are other critiques of UBI from the left that were raised by Hyman Minsky in the late 1960s and 1970s that (instead of focusing on employment effects and the ideological question of "dependency") center on the fiscal capacity of the state, the problem of inflation, and the inability of UBIs to solve the problem of lost labor-time, which remain open questions.
This is why I am skeptical of the more Georgist approach to UBI as panacea. To my mind, incomes policies are a partial solution to some socioeconomic problems that have some side effects; they need to be buttressed by complementary policies (including job guarantees) that can do things UBIs can't, while also dealing with UBI's side effects. In some sense, it shouldn't be very surprising that a belt-and-braces strategy is best, because that was the intended vision for a comprehensive New Deal order proposed by the National Resources Planning Board in 1942.
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tesb · 9 months
it has been incredibly fun to finally see live action thrawn portrayed by lars mikkelsen, but my god does it sour my mood and dampen my excitement when some users here on tumblr feel the need to comment negatively on what he looks like under my posts. i can see what you write in your reblogs, i can see what you write in the replies, and i can see what you tag them with.
lars is an incredibly talented 59 year old actor portraying an even older character. i sincerely hope i don’t have to see any body-shaming here any more, and when it comes to other complaints regarding thrawn’s appearance, i am asking you, please, to stop leaving negativity especially where your comments will be seen by creators. go make your own post to voice your opinions about what he looks like in live action, or go vent to a friend. it costs absolutely nothing to be considerate of other people on this platform.
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