#plot happens
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Alright! Jumping to the other card here for “Soulmates”.😁 Now I let myself get carried away here so let’s say it’s “bittersweet” 😅 but now I have this whole plot for what happens when they get to Erebor and needless to say, I have another AU. 😒
Pairing: Bilbo x Thorin
Words: 1072
Bilbo knew from the second Thorin walked into his home that he had found his soulmate. One single word, Gandalf, and Bilbo recognized the voice he had been dreaming about since he was old enough to know about soulmate dreams. When he had imagined this moment in his head, he always thought there would be soft looks and touches, undying confessions, a flower or two. Instead he got: he looks more like a grocer than a burglar. 
Bilbo couldn’t exactly blame him. Not after learning the truth. He had wondered how it worked. If every person in Middle Earth was blessed with the gift of their soulmate’s voice in their head, what in the world did Bilbo sound like to his? Did he have a voice? Or was it more like silence accompanied with vague images? On the Carrock, after Bilbo had saved Thorin’s life and earned his respect finally, Thorin confided in him.
“Of course I hear my soulmate’s voice.” He chuckled. “Why kind of person couldn’t…I’m sorry. I didn’t think. Can…you not…?”
Bilbo was quick to shake his head, signing his answer with his hands. He may have been born without vocal cords, but he had a knack for picking up language. Whether it was some sort of magic granted to him for his disability or Bilbo just had a talent for it, he knew not. It had just been a couple of weeks on the road that Bilbo was able to confidently sign to Bifur in Iglishmek, much to the elation of the dwarf.
I hear them. I worry they don’t hear me.
Thorin nodded, gently patting Bilbo’s back. “I’m sorry all the same. No person should have to worry if they have a soulmate or not.”
Tell me what they sound like? Please.
Thorin took a long drag from his pipe, releasing it in the form of a perfect gray ring.
“He doesn’t sound dwarvish, of that I can be certain. There’s…a lithe to his voice that makes him sound jovial, content, appreciative of the smaller things in life. My brother used to tease me that he thought my soulmate was an elf, but I was always certain that wasn’t the case.”
“Just the thoughts he would have. I don’t think he’s had an easy life, but…”
Thorin looked so downhearted, it caused something in Bilbo to ache at the sight. Even though it broke him to know Thorin heard someone, he wanted to do whatever he could to alleviate that pain.
You can tell me.
Thorin nodded. “I’m sorry. For how I’ve been treating you. His thoughts have changed, and I took out my frustration on you. That was uncalled for.”
Bilbo didn’t sign again, but he placed his hand on Thorin’s forearm, and patted it. Letting him know that he was there for him if he wished to continue. The dwarf tensed under the touch, before relaxing, an appreciative smile touching his lips.
“I’m afraid there’s someone else, and the part that irritates me the most is he doesn’t feel worthy of this person. All his thoughts are centered around ‘does he think I’m good enough’ or ‘I hope he doesn’t hate me’.” Thorin’s hands ran through his hair as he gave a mirthless laugh. “I’ve waited years just to meet him. And here I am on a quest that I might not make it back from, and all I want to do is run to him. Wherever he is, and say ‘You will always be good enough for me. I would give you all that I can and more. Don’t settle for him, give me a chance.’”
Thorin sighed as he gave Bilbo a miserable smirk. “I don’t know. Am I just the most pathetically hopeless romantic you’ve ever heard?”
Bilbo gave a soundless laugh as he quickly shook his head, tears escaping without his consent. Thorin winced slightly at the sight.
“I didn’t mean to upset you, Master Baggins.”
Bilbo shook his head harder as his fingers flew.
I’m not sad. Want you to be happy.
Thorin ducked his head at that, but his eyes almost seemed to burn with pleasure. Bilbo wanted to tell him. He wanted to tell him so badly, but what if Thorin didn’t believe him? After all, Bilbo didn’t have a voice to match the one in his head. Even though it sounded exactly like the thoughts he had towards the beginning of their quest. His fingers tightened into fists around each other, and Bilbo suddenly understood the phrase ‘tongue-tied’. 
“In any case, I suppose it doesn’t matter now. I can’t do anything about it until after the quest anyways…but I do appreciate you listening to this foolish old dwarf.”
“Thorin, it’s time to change those bandages, lad.” Oin called out, causing both Bilbo and Thorin to swivel towards the rest of the Company.
Thorin grimaced as he tapped out his ashes and stood once more. He gave Bilbo one last look, opened his mouth like he was going to say something, before shaking it quickly.
“Get some rest, Burglar. I’m sure tomorrow will be a long day for us all.”
Bilbo watched Thorin walk back towards the camp, and his fingers flew in his lap as he curled in on himself miserably.
It’s me. I love you. It’s me. I love you. It’s me. I love you.
He wasn’t aware of anyone else until Bifur kicked softly at his foot. Bilbo gasped and looked up sharply.
You tell him.
Bilbo shook his head wildly. 
No. Not now. Don’t tell, please.
Bifur grumbled about it making a few more points on how idiotic he thought it was before finally nodding. Bilbo couldn’t help sighing in relief. Thorin was right. The quest needed to be their focus right now. He could tell Thorin after the quest, once he had regained Erebor. That way either he would accept the truth of it, or at least when he sent him away, there wasn’t any lingering guilt over leaving them to face a fire-breathing dragon. 
Bilbo settled down for bed that night, trying to convince himself he was okay with this. However, for the first time in his life, he prayed to the Valar that he wouldn’t hear Thorin’s voice that night. Because he didn’t know how he could handle Thorin’s thoughts going out to a soulmate he loved so much without ever once suspecting it was the very hobbit he hired.
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Stop me from getting a bingo. Next update is for the spicy bingo card on Wednesday.
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elapsed-spiral · 1 year
Apols for oversharing but just to say... I'm aware that chapter six is coming hot on the heels of chapter five but, as a Childhood Trauma Haver I have to write The Childhood Trauma Stuff pretty swiftly or I risk getting bogged down in it. That said, I'm proud of the quality of That Stuff and it certainly made me feel things, hopefully it does the same for anyone else who gives it a read! (There's also plenty of jokes and romcom stuff in the chapter I promise)
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garbria · 2 years
Maybeeeee posing for photos or getting through a media swarm with Nyx and either Cor or Pelna??
Or, you know, anything if these don't grab you XD I'll love whatever you come up with
Have 10k of Nyx dealing with his self esteem issues in the next installment of my LC bastard au! There is both photos and a media swarm in here. Hope you enjoy it!
Now mostly recovered, Nyx makes his rounds apologizing. Then he deals with the press, with a little help from his friends.
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sualne · 11 months
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i imagine Mihawk doesn't know how to act around children.
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anthyies · 1 year
the thing about disco elysium is that it has women in it. what you see on the internet about it might lie to you about that but it has women, gay women even, very compelling women even, in it.
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collieii · 1 year
someone probably said this already but in spiderverse i think it's interesting how when pavitr was first introduced everyone thought something bad was gonna happen to him bc of how confident and optimistic he was. and then in the actual movie we see that something bad was supposed to happen to him (police chief dying!) but it doesn't! miles stops it! and miguel berates miles for this, says it's going to cause the universe to collapse or whatever.
there's this idea that tragedy is inherent to spidermans growth, and while it's true that some spiderpeople learn important lessons through loss, no one stops to ask, is it really necessary? yeah, maybe the chief was supposed to die. but why does spiderman have to be formed through tragedy? why do we (as heroes) have to let people die? pavitr didn't lose anyone, and he's still a good spiderman! maybe, if he doesn't suffer, he'll end up better off for it!
so while miguel is arguing for all this big picture stuff about saving the multiverse he's lost sight of what it really means to be a spiderman, he's not looking out for the real individual people. yeah it's just one person who would die, but that one person means something to someone. shrugging and saying "stuff just sucks sometimes, we can't do anything about it" is the opposite of what superheroes do. pretty obviously, miles arc is also a reflection of the struggles people face in real life, working within unequal systems, where it's easy to shrug and say "that's just the way it is" and not ask "but why does it need be this way? can't we do something about it?"
miguel is arguing that you can't have your cake and eat it too. presumably, miles and co. are going to find a way to get around that and change things for the better (and maybe that's why miles has that line about two cakes in the advisors office!)
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tenowls · 8 months
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teacher getou au...... wauh
#jujutsu kaisen#geto suguru#gojo satoru#itadori yuuji#kugisaki nobara#fushiguro megumi#teacher getou au#satosugu#fanart#very funny how gojo leaves both yuuji and yuuta on their first mission hssdjshjdd#i know hes technically watching but. these kids do not know anything abt jujutsu at that point and theyre also KIDS. worst teacher HKSDKSD#anyway. been trying to look for fics but haven’t been able to find one i wanna read so i was like ok I’ll do it myself#however i am not a good writer so. DRAWINGS OF RANDOM LITTLE SCENES WILL HAVE TO DO#i want a plot focused fic w a side of shipping…. blease if anyone out there has any recs#as in like. the shipping written in a way that’s relevant to the plot#i want to see the rammies explored. yknowyknow#what happened differently in the aftermath of rikos death to make getou want to be a teacher instead#how is jjk0 different without him as the main antagonist and who does kenjaku take as a host#how does shibuya play out#how are both he and gojo different as characters#having grown up into adulthood together#getou as gojo’s moral compass etc#YKNOWYKNOW#i am aware that to explore all of that would be a monster of a fic which is probably why it does not exist (to my knowledge) but#IF THERES ANY FICS OUT THERE THAT EXPLORE EVEN SOME OF IT. PLEASE SEND THEM MY WAY#EVEN A FUN LITTLE CASEFIC WHERE THEY GO ON A QUICK MISSION OR SMTH#AS LONG AS THERES PLOT#another theoretical fic i would like to read is canonverse post-shibuya but like with a plot that makes sense#jjk my favourite mediocre shounen battle manga. could be so much better. has anyone attempted this#that one post thats like im not a hater im a dismayer. thats me
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aediondraws · 2 months
the Magnus Protocol Character Designs
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these are just my current headcanons, as well as some things I've seen from others. idk who came up with the Sam amputee hc but I rlly fwi! These aren't final, so feel free to tell me your hcs in the comments, I'd love to hear about them!!
Colin, Lena & Celia are next, and if i find the time I'll try to work on some others like Bonzo etc.
Some details:
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khickuwa · 2 months
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the mark you leave behind.
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bi-booklover · 2 years
repeat after me.
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nonasbirthday · 3 months
i still can't believe there are folks who say "well GTN is annoying but you just have to get through it and then the other books aren't like that so you'll be fine."
personally i have been chasing the high of GTN ever since i first closed the book
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liquidstar · 2 years
the 2 most traumatized and deranged dudes in the world both think they can fix each other 50 million dead 80 million injured
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okayto · 8 months
Neopets is so funny right now. It's a 24-year-old website and half its pages haven't been updated in 15 years. Its ostensible audience is children. The core active audience appears to be nostalgic 20-40-year-olds. Old code means no accounts or pets can ever be renamed. The virtual pound is full of virtual pets named after Justin Bieber. It has an economy and inflation is rampant. New ownership is combating this with the stimulus of random super-rare items via daily quests and events, while the equivalent of Neopian Upper-Crust complain that their investments are deflating. You can't say seaweed or grapes.
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naomistares · 16 days
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mini comic about a kinda freaky terrible queen and the nonsensical takes she has about the times people have tried to kill her
(more thoughts in notes)
UP NEXT! ANOTHER short comic, (and then one more) this time taking place one month before the kings death, in which we will have: one annoying prince! one lousy fight scene! rejoice's dismissive nature! and row reveals a secret.... tune in next time for all that
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bcyhoods · 1 year
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synopsis: you ask to sleep over at eddie’s for the first time, and he undoubtedly is head over heels for you
word count: 1.2k
authors notes: somebody requested this before i started my blog over! if this finds u, im sending you a cookie and a kiss, as promised x
warnings: fem!reader, use of gendered pet names (princess, pretty girl), dialogue is…….cheesy cringe a little😔, clueless eddie, kissing !!!
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Eddie hisses beside you at the jumpscare on screen. It was the quietest sound, drowned underneath the blood-curdling screams in the film. It probably would’ve gone completely unnoticed. Unluckily for him, it didn’t. Luckily for you, your legs were draped over his lap, so the mechanical jolt of fright sent your own legs jumping into the air.
His head is thrown against the back of his couch as he slaps his free hand over his eyes. You giggle as you watch his skin flush scarlet underneath your stare.
“Eddie, it’s okay,” you coo, voice shaky in between your laughter.
The embarrassment doesn’t quite subside, but the sound of your infectious giggle and the feeling of you moving into his lap to pry away his fingers is enough to have his chest rumbling with mirrored joy. He gazes up at you as you hold his hands.
“You scared, Eds?”
You don’t mean for it to sound like you’re teasing, but he laughs anyway. With a grin, he shakes his head wildly and clasps his hands around your back.
“Nope, I’ve got a princess to protect me.”
He pushes you down into the couch so that he’s hovering above you, and you respond with a squeal. Your legs are locked around his waist as his hands dig into the plush of the cushion beside your head. He leans down with a proud smile to press a kiss to your mouth.
The kisses are sloppy. He litters your face and neck in open-mouthed love bites, none hard enough to leave any mark. When he reaches your lips, it’s more smiles and spit than any real kiss, but neither of you seem to mind. Not when the smell of his citrusy shampoo wraps around your figure to make you dizzy. Not when your hands roam along his biceps and up to the nape of his neck like you’re the only thing keeping him from floating away.
It’s a mess of hushed teasing and giggles and clashing teeth, and it’s perfect.
As he pushes himself up for a moment of air, he looks off to the side before releasing a displeased sigh. “Shit, it’s getting late,” he observes solemnly.
He sits back on his heels, just far away enough for you to hold yourself up. You follow his line of sight and find that the digital clock on the shelf reads 11:15. Your shoulders deflate and your heart sinks.
“It is kinda late, isn’t it?”
Once you turn back to him, his eyes are stuck on you. Gorgeous, dilated pupils run across the high points of your cheekbones and back down to your lips. His gaze commands a rush of heat to caress your skin until your insides are set ablaze and your mouth is painfully dry.
The utter lack of urgency may as well have been a weighted blanket.
One of his arms snakes around your waist to pull you into him further. He leans forward, tilting his head ever-so-slightly to catch your lips.
This one is less playful than the ones you shared just seconds before. His movements are languid, purposeful. Like all the air had been stolen from his lungs and you were oxygen.
Your elbows threaten to buckle underneath your weight. Though, you’d happily sink back into the couch cushions and let them swallow you whole, if it meant you got to kiss him all night. And he’d just as eagerly take up the opportunity to have you underneath him for as long as he could entertain.
But he’s pulling away. Your foreheads rest together as you wear matching expressions of bliss: eyes closed, and slick, kiss-bitten lips parted. His thumb sinks underneath the hem of your shirt to dance across your skin. Another weighted blanket.
“I’ll drive ya,” he whispers reluctantly.
You watch as Eddie stands to stretch, and the warmth follows. A pensive wrinkle makes home between his brows as he slowly moves to grab his jacket. This, along with the nagging feeling in your chest, was routine whenever you spent the day at his place.
It’s not that he hasn’t offered for you to spend the night before, because he’s suggested it quite a few times. It was just so scary. The nerves bubble and spill over and it’s just all a mess inside your head whenever you want to ask.
Today is something different, though. All that occupies your mind is Eddie, Eddie, Eddie and suddenly, you think it’d be impossible to spend the night without him.
“Really? You’re not tired?” The questions run off your tongue without a second thought.
“Well, I’m wide awake now,” he jests, running the metal of his rings over his bottom lip. He pats the pockets of his jacket for his keys, and when he comes up empty, he searches the kitchen counter.
The fear creeps back into your head as you watch him rifle through drawers. It makes you shrink in on yourself as you trudge over to your shoes that lay haphazardly by the door.
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to drive if you’re tired,” you ask softer.
Noticing a change in your demeanor, he looks up at you to see your teeth worrying at your lower lip. “I’m sure,” he insists sweetly, “Can’t let my pretty girl drive alone in the dark.”
He finally finds his keys and moves over to where his own pair of shoes rested beside yours. He sends you an easy grin and it makes it all the harder to swallow down your anxieties.
“It’s foggy out,” you mention faintly. You don’t know what the weather is like outside. It was merely you grasping at straws to freeze him in his motion. You’re sure it’s blatantly obvious at this point, expecting a light tease from the wavy-haired boy.
But oblivious as he is, Eddie peeks out the blinds anyway to scan the trailer park. He hums. It’s a little gloomy, but hardly anything to worry about. Just as he’s about to reassure you again, he pauses when he spots your fingers fidgeting with a loose seam in your sleeve. You’re staring down at your shoes — which you’ve purposely done a poor job of putting on, as they’re only halfway on your feet — with your tongue bitten between your teeth.
“Maybe…” you pause to take a deep inhale. “It’s probably better if I stay? If that's okay with you, I mean.”
Then, does Eddie freeze. And he feels like an absolute fool.
He feels like an absolute fool for being the one to get up first. For not getting the totally conspicuous hints you’ve been trying to give him for the past minute and a half. For being so focused on trying to find his damn keys that he hoped he’d lost in the first place. And for standing in shocked silence for so long that you’ve begun to frown and properly shove your ankles inside your shoes.
“Yeah,” he replies abruptly, reaching out for your arm.
“Yeah?” The hopeful rise in your inflection makes him gently squeeze your elbow.
“Yeah, of course you can stay. I want you to.”
You nod. You duck your chin to your chest to hide the shy smile on your lips, but to no avail. Eddie can spot your bright grin from a mile away and makes him go weak in the knees with a blush that he’s sure is making its way to his cheeks.
“Just to be safe, ya know,” you add before toeing off your shoes and pushing them closer to the wall.
“Right. To be safe.”
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frownyalfred · 1 month
I know at a certain point in Batman’s career, Bruce really can’t surprise Alfred with much anymore. But. But. The day he came home and casually mentioned that he fell from the moon and survived? Alfred probably needed to take a quiet moment for himself after hearing that.
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