#please. please give the annoying vaccines i am not even there to be annoyed by them
autistic-shaiapouf · 5 months
Sitting at the very top floor of the hotel listening to the elevators as they move and there's something calming about it
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hoodharlow · 11 months
The Humptons
AN: just bc
Requested? no
Warnings: no just jackman being silly
Word Count: n/a
Miriam via Instagram Stories
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@'mdm: giving him duality
@'jackharlow: thought you were giving me head
-> @'mdm:
@'katdominguez: I still can't believe your ass showed up in a coat 😭 girl we're in July
->@'mdm: and yet your ass took it because you got cold
@'saintclauds: 🤤🥰
@'miriamstan: can Jack fight 🥴
@'winnieharlow: the most gorgeous girl
@'fanguy: she's too fine
@'mackupdates: two years ago they had us scrambling for clues about them spending the 4th together and now they're going to parties and allowing themselves to be seen together 😌 that's growth 🤌🏻
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@'jackharlow: we found our GOAT vaccination spot
@'mdm: two pretty best friends styled by me 😇
@'lilnasx: that should be me🎙
@'dbook: the finest out there
@'jackfan: that joke still makes me laugh lol
@'mdmxjh: why is Druski kinda 😏
@'claybornharlow: couldn't make out your arm with Dru's shirt
-> @'mdm: look for his watch, it's like Where is Waldo 🤭
-> @'urbanwyatt: took me a second but I found it
-> @'jackharlow: y'all are annoying
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@'mdm: The Humptons
@'jackharlow: how about you hump me a ton
-> @'mdm: you're not as funny as you think you are (but yes I will)
@'dualipa: you look so good in my set 😍
->@'mdm: your whole collection has me obsessed
@'mackshipper: Jack and Miriam are always dressed like they're going to two different places and I love them for that
@'zendaya: 😍
@'cornymanbaby: if this whore was my girl, I wouldn’t let this shit slide. I would have put her bitch ass in her place if she pulled this shit on me. Why the fuck does she think it's okay to disrespect Jack Harlow like this? She's so fucking thirsty for likes and clout. Jack is who made this bitch famous.
-> @'mdmxjh: I just checked your page and it screams loser. You're 40 posting videos of yourself trying to rap but you can't even keep up to the simple beat
@'miriamstan: not you saying that Jack Harlow made THE Miriam Dominguez famous as if she's not a nepo baby who's made a name for herself. She's literally one award from an EGOT. Worry about yourself and your shitty career
-> @'jackharlow: I've seen way too many fucking comments like this. I don't own my partner. She's her own fucking person and can do whatever she pleases. She looks good in anything so who am I too dictate what she wears. What I won't let slide is men like you think you can slut shame my girl just because she decided to post a few pictures. If it bothers so damn much, gtfo (pinned)
-> @'mackaremyparents: Keke Palmer's employee should take notes
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Taglist: @heavyhitterheaux @cherry4everrr ​ @carma-fanficaddict ​ @youngharleezy @youngharleezyxo ​ @babyharleezy ​ @that-90s-girllll ​ @alinaharlow @harlowcomehome @nattinatalia @webinurcloset @gassyandsassy1 @jackharloww @awhore4moree @noescapricho-essentimiento @a-moment-captured @neon-lights-and-glitter @purecinnamonextract @whywontyoulovemecami @camificrecs
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kingocringeracc · 4 months
I come again, dropping off my favorite child, seeking fulfillment.
Synopsis, local mentally unhinged man kills his boss in a zombie outbreak.
Please comment. Racc out.
February 14, 2046.
Huntsville, Texas.
I enter the recently reopened huntsville unit, inmates are either clamoring around, or paying no attention to each other, i am given 2 hours of visitation time for my interview with Johnny Arler. Mr. Arler’s eyes are an emerald green, he has a scar on his cheek, and long black hair.
“so your the one whose gonna be interviewing me? I was expecting someone better..”
After a moment of silence, Mr. Adler cackles.
“so, my experiences in the war. Ill tell you about the US collaspe. The riots, my favorite part of that war. It was july 4th 2024, one of the best independence days ive ever had. Austin Texas, the riots where just starting, im part of the crowd watching as these people break into stores, throw molotovs, because, the people found out that the government lied to them, the vaccines didnt work, and this Virus wasnt just another form of rabies, it was an unholy resurrecting zombie virus. So? What did the people do? Burn it all down, Burn the world down if they could. But me? The only thing i wanna do is go to my office, and find my boss, he’s at least a foot smaller than i am, scrawny as hell, and in over his head, and currently boarded up with the higher ups in the place i worked, i wont disclose where i worked for whatever reason, in truth, its not important. On the way inside i see this dude shambling around, holding his hand to his stomach, extremely pale, no one knew what was about to happen to the dude. Looking back on it, its hilarious, people where so caught up in rioting, that they couldnt give a damn about the guy beside him about to collapse and mess up everyones day.”
“Now, i enter the building, i got a crowbar on my back, just strolling around, when i get jumped by a zed on the second floor, the thing didnt know that this entire acocolypse was the exact excuse i needed to take out work stress, and turns out this guy was my coworker from another cubicle, always the workaholic, always the first to take more hours, it was almost like he hated being at home, point being, the dude was annoying, and he pissed me off for a multitude of reasons. I take him by the collar of his neck while he snaps his jaws at me, trying to overpower me. I was the biggest guy in the office, none of the other people at the office bothered to go to the gym but me, so i, pick this zed up, and slam him onto the ground, stomping his skull in before he gets back up for round 2. I keep going up the stairs, my goal is floor ten, the top of the building, its a decent walk. Nothing exciting besides mr. workaholic, i get to the tenth floor, but its all boarded up! I cant get in there, but theres one of those window cleaner things on the ninth floor, and i have a meeting with my boss, so, i swing my crowbar, climb into the cleaner thing, look down, decide that was a bad decision, and start my ascent to the tenth floor, and man, the sight i saw when i got to the window was certainly something. The CEO is chowin down on his assistant, while the rest of the people are cowering in the corner, i see my boss at the same time he sees me, he rushes over to me, screaming at me to let him, and only him, out of there, so, i do. I break the glass, and watch as all the higher ups try and clammer into the basket, even the CEO, they all clammer over each other and end up falling into the crowds below, at some point the building ended up on fire, i dont know how, i dont really care how, my business was almost done.”
“My boss and i get onto the ninth floor, and he brushes off his rescue as if i was ment to do it, his bodyguard or whatever. Yeah, no. i start talking about how funny it is, that i was forced to serve man who i could kill in nature, just so i can earn currency, in order to keep myself. He turns around, all book smarts this guy, he doesnt know what im going on about. So i just make it real simple for him to understand, i swing my crowbar back, taking a crack at his knee like its a louisville slugger. His knee bends to the right, aka, not how its supposed to bend. He lets out a cry as he falls, breaking his glasses and his nose when he hits the ground. He’s bleeding from his nose as the bone from his leg juts out, he’s snivling like the waste of oxygen he is, so i explain to him, that he’s the one i had to serve, when i could kill him in nature like hes a fly, i wrap my hands around his neck and start to squeeze, but the dude was smarter than i thought, dude had a knife on him. He stabs me right here”
Mr. Arler points to the scar on his right cheek
“the blade wasnt long at all, didnt do too much damage to my charming face, all i had to do was bite down on the blade as the life drained from his eyes. I get up, notice the building is just a little bit hotter than before, i notice the smoke coming from below, and i begin my descent, almost tripping in my haste to get to the bottom floor. The situation in the streets has only gotten funnier, the people who were too fed up with themselves, are now getting eaten like a steak by the dude who collapsed, the CEO is still crawling around somewhere, im sure, but its absolute chaos, i walk my way back home, but decide, why should the fun end there? I get into my ford mustang, decide to take it into austin, might as well, do it for fun.”
“i crack open a beer, and drain it quickly as i drive, hitting a few zeds on the side of the road, i think they where zeds at least. But after that, i just decide, the situation in texas is pretty bad, the news says that the situation on the west coast is much better, so i decide, i got gas, lets make the journey. Turns out that was the best thing i could do. After DC, the government and army resettles, im told to settle into some comfy home and start working with economic stuff, not my jam, wasnt my jam in the last life, so, i sneak over to my boss’s house, and give him what i gave my last boss.”
“the military police worked real damn fast, and i got caught too quickly for my taste. My prison life was pretty ok, started a few riots, got switched into a few more prisons. Some military person asked me if i wanted to get off for my crimes and train to fight the zeds, hell no, wasnt too into that, so, here i am, in the huntsville unit.”
I thank Mr. Arler for his time and leave.
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dravidious · 1 year
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You’re more amazing than this many really cool frogs!
Wow, that’s a lot of really cool frogs! Also, I have covid (vaccinated and with boosters so I’m not scared of anything serious, just annoying). Anyway here’s a story I typed with my eyes closed because the screen was hurting my eyes
I'm Elian, and sometimes I don't like light. It can be annoying sometimes, especially early in the morning. Even painful. But recently, I've been having a lot of trouble dealing with light. It's gotten to the point where I wish I could just turn off the sun.
This morning, I woke up, and I got my wish.
Everything is pitch black. No matter where I look or how hard I squint, there's abosolutely nothing. I can feel things, the familiar surroundings of my room, my bed, my dresser, my desk, even my windows. I even manage to fumble around for my computer's power button, and not eeven that sheds any light on why I can't see anything.
Then, I hear a voice. "Don't worry, Elian, everything is alright."
his, naturally, makes me panic WAY more. "W-who's there?! What/s going on?!" I swing my arms wildly, trying to fend off the intruder.
"Hey, I just said 'don't worry', did you not hear me? You're worrying far too much."
"Well excuse me, I just went blind today and now there's a burgler in my house!"
"Please, if I were a burgler I would've taken your computer while you were asleep."
"I think we've gotten a bit off track. You're supposed to not be worrying. I'm just here to help with your curse."
"I'M CURSED!?!?"
"Worrying, stop it, now. You were cursed to be extremely sensitive to light, and it gets worse over time before you start recovering. I'm a spirit of darkness, and I've filled your entire house with a cloud of pure shadow."
"Okay, sure, I'm cursed, and you're a demon-"
"And you enchanted my house. How am I supposed to do anything now?"
"with my help, of course. For example, I've made breakfast for you, scrambled eggs and bacon."
"... You know what, screw it, this may as well happen. Where are the eggs?"
"Just sit right there and I'll feed them to you."
"Don't worry, I brought a soft plastic fork so you don't poke yourself."
... I shrug. "Sure." I open my mouth, and a few seconds later (and with a "here comes the airplane" as warning), a pretty descent serving of eggs is fed into my mouth. (Descent as in quality, not quantity. I should probably go back and reword that, but I'm blind, you see) The shadow demon ("darkness spirit!") continues to feed me breakfast, eventually getting to some bacon, which is also pretty good.
The rest of the day goes pretty similarly; the spirit ("thank you") helps me with my everyday tasks, being a bit more nanny-ish than I'd like, even getting to the point of carrying me around the house after I tripped once (apparently the feeling of darkness given flesh is rather pleasant, slmost like a pillow). I get used to it, and by the end of the day it's actually pretty nice not having to lift a finger.
II shower and use the bathroom on my own ("you don't have to be shy, I'm not even human" "No! Stay out!")), and in the process I discover just how much I've been relying on the spirit. I keep having to feel around for the shampoo and soap, and just guess wheter I've got enough shampoo squeezed out onto my hand to wash. It's really annoying. After I manage to dress myself, I'm happy to let the spirit back in so they can brush my teeth for me.
Then, it's time to sleep.. The spirit wraps me up in my blanket (did I mention they're surprisingly strong?) and lays me down on my pillow. They give me a pat on the head. See you tomorrow, shout if you need anything."
"Wait, how long exxactly does this curse last?"
""Hard to say, but it's at least a week and likely 2, possibly even 3."
"Well shit., that's a long time to go without video games. You'll tell me when I'm getting better, right?"
"Nah, I think I'll just leave you in suspense. Sweet dreams, Elian!"
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smilefortheflowers · 2 years
TW: COVID just gotta throw this into the blue void, ya know?
So I’ve had COVID for the last three days. my mom, father-in-law, my supervisor, and now my dad have it too, so go us. Luckily my husband has managed to avoid getting it, I’m praying we luck out(though I’ve basically been confining myself to the bedroom and wearing a mask anytime I leave it. Prayers that works) but hoo boy let me tell you I wouldn’t wish this shit on anyone. I can name on one hand the times I’ve felt worse than I did Tuesday and Wednesday. Like is it a symptom on a list? You betcha I had it. Right now it’s the coughing, can’t get that shit to stop once I start
But like, that’s awful yeah but the most annoying thing now (since I’m on the upswing) is I’m just so tired. Did a few dishes? Need to lay down for two hours, went up the stairs more than once? Time to lay down for an hour! Oh you ate dinner? Ha bet you thought you were gonna do something, nope lay down time. Oooh you thought you were be on your computer? I’ll give ya...45 minutes take it or leave it.
And I mean I’ve dealt with chronic fatigue/chronic pain with varying levels of difficulty through my life, but with that I could mostly predict it. I know that when the weather changes in the spring and fall, they’ll be days I struggle I know that when I do to much in a day (work, housework, etc) I’m gonna feel it, and I’ve managed to be pretty successful. Sure some days I get it wrong or it’s too much despite my best efforts, but overall I’ve done a damn good job managing my life with it.
This shit? I can’t predict what’ll be to much. It’s infuriating, it’s frankly a bit boring, and fuck it’s exhausting. I am prayin this doesn’t become a long Covid thing cause…I’m stubborn but even I have my limits.
And I know this isn’t necessary for me to say (especially not with the people on my dash or who’d see this) but dear lord please get vaccinated and boosted and be sensible with the mask wearing. You don’t want this. Not everyone gets lucky with the mild symptoms they won’t pay for till they’re in the 60s. No, sometimes you feel like shit, and there’s little to do but wait it out and hope to hopes that your breathing that hard cause your congested and not because your about to have a medical emergency.
Okay, that’s it. Just had to get it out, thanks for reading if you did <3
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scum-belina · 2 years
I have worked here three days and had to fill out a time adjustment sheet every time😑 first two were because no one gave me my ID number to clock in or out. Then when I got it and clocked in and out today, it didn't count because I didn't sign in or sign out today. Please let me explain this process to you and see if you think it's as stupid as I think it is.
So, where I work there are two touchscreens by the front door. One is to sign in/out, and one is to clock in/out and says "EMPLOYEES ONLY" on it. the sign in screen makes you put in your name, phone number, whether you're a visitor, delivery person, community staff, and a long list of other things. Then they give you a list of covid symptoms and ask if you have any, then they ask if you've been vaccinated and you have various options.THEN they have a camera on the screen take a pic of your face that takes your temperature??? And it's so stupid bc even though I have no fever it always says I do bc I either just came out from a hot car or am still inside the sweltering nursing home.
NEXT is the employees only clock in screen. It's a lot more simple. I just put my employee ID in it, hit clock in/clock out then log out and I'm all good. But apparently we have to sign in, clock in, sign out, and clock out every time??? I didn't know I had to do both bc the sign in one has no option as an employee but apparently community staff covers it.
I have worked here three days but been here many more times for years when my dad was a patient here and I can tell you it is NOT fancy or professional enough to have such a strict system. They just make it so much harder than it needs to be plus no one told me I had to do both yet get annoyed when I don't automatically know how🥴🙃😤
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nuravity · 2 years
The other students did everything they could to keep Bakuzilla busy. Even though their quirks don't seem to hurt him, they did annoy him enough to distract him from Ochako.
"Fine! I'll tear you pests apart first!"
Fortunately, what the giant nightmare robot had in power he lacked in speed, so avoiding him wasn't too difficult. When it was finally time for everyone to move out of the way, Bakuzilla would discover that his lack of speed would lead to his downfall. The moment he notice the giant makeshift, it was already too late, for he couldn't move out of the way fast enough. Seeing how futile it was to avoid it, Bakuzilla screamed before the makeshift smashed him to pieces.
"YEAH!! BAKUZILLA IS HISTORY!!" Mineta cheered.
"Duuuuh..." Denki said while giving a thumbs up.
However, as they were celebrating, some of the scrap metal left behind began to merge again and form a body.
"Fools...! You can't stop me! I always come baaaaAAAAAAAHHH!!!"
The scrap body suddenly screamed as if in pain. It looked like it was malfunctioning. Soon after, it fell apart again. Before anyone could say anything, a hologram that took on the form of a little girl appeared from one of the eyes of the scrapped parts.
"Do not be afraid," the hologram said, "I am the Hikari Vaccine, an antivirus made to fight against the Baku Virus."
Hikari... That was the name of Maika's sister. Perhaps the antivirus was designed to look like her.
"I am not yet complete, and therefore can't be spread globally right now. But with the power I do possess, I have put an invisible barrier around U.A. and made it a safe haven for you. You may come and go as you please, but any robot infected with the Baku Virus that tries to enter will be instantly purged of the virus. While we wait for my completion, I will help fix the school."
The hologram raised a hand, and as if she had telekinesis, the scrap metal raised in the air and began to form into smaller, cuter animatronics that looked like adorable animals such as kittens and bunnies, each one dressed like butlers. Other than being animals, they all resembled Toy Deku from Ochako's dreams. The small robots were surprisingly strong, as they were carrying supplies at least five times their height. They began work on fixing the school right away.
"Anyone who feels like they need rest can do so," the Hikari Vaccine said, "But if there's anyone who still has some strength left, I ask that you help as many defenseless people as possible and bring them here so they can be safe. I may not be able to save the entire world right now, but I want to save as many people as I can while I wait for my upgrades."
Many students took the offer to rest after the Bakuzilla fight that took a lot out of them. There were some, such as Izuku, who chose to go out and bring people to U.A.
Her wall came down on the gigantic virus and there was a moment of relief as Ochako smiled. They had beaten it! She turned to the others to give them a thumbs up but then, the voice of the Baku came from beneath the rubble and the heroine watched in horror as he began to reassemble himself.
But mid-sentence, he began screaming and to everyone's surprise, a hologram suddenly appeared - it was of a girl. Ochako stood on guard but recognition flickered in her expression when she said her name. Wasn't that Maika's sister? Also, vaccine was a rather fitting last name for her. She explained that she put up a barrier over UA and destroy any remaining robots if they try to enter.
Then, she raised a hand and Ochako took note of many different animals working to fix any damage right away and she looked away with a slight blush, realizing that they all had Deku's face similar to Toy Deku.
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Getting over her embarrassment and listening to Hikari's next words, she quickly made the decision to continue to work with helping to bring infected and non-infected people to UA. But after she went out for the third time, she collapsed on the way to more civilians, exhaustion taking the better of her.
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bluebird-imagines · 3 years
Hi :) can you do all the members(separately off) with a s/o who doesn’t really like their music?
[I can for sure give it a shot! This is my first ask so i do hope you enjoy it ^_^. Also I apologize for taking so long, my second vaccine shot kicked my butt]
Prompted: S/O who doesn’t like Gorillaz Music
Trigger Warnings: I can’t think of any for this one. Maybe I should state my horrible 2D accent! I apologize in advance. Of and I bring up the s*x, m*rder, party song. But all and all I don’t think there is anything else. Anyway enjoy!
~Murdoc Niccals ~
Let’s start this off with, at first he doesn’t even realize that you don’t like the Gorillaz music. He never even pieces two and two together. Why might you ask? Well for the first while you tolerated it for the Bass players sake.
After a few months, you decided it would be best to maybe leave Kong whenever the band you as practicing or rehearsing. You did a lot of stuff in this time. Coffee, read some good books, even went bowling on your own a few times. It was just nice to get away from that horrid music.
You didn’t have anything against the band members themselves! All of them were nice, it just you found the songs to be tedious and annoying.
When Murdoc finally started to take notice, he would ask you why you would avoid the band. Not seeming to understand the distaste of their masterpieces.
You lied most of the time, saying something stupid like “oh I am meeting up with friends” or “oh I would just be in the way”.
After a few more months, Murdoc finally forced you to sit and listen to their newest album. Mainly wanting to get your take on it before the official release.
You didn’t even get halfway through the first song before standing up and tuned off the player. You honestly felt like your ears would jump off your head if you ever heard that again.
“What the Bloody hell was that for?! We have like 43 more minutes to go”
“Murdoc, I don’t know how to tell you this. But babe…your music is a flaming hot dumpster fire and I don’t like it”
“……what? Why the hell are you with me then if you don’t like our music?”
“Because I may have underlining daddy issues according to the internet, but in reality I really love you Mudz…for you!”
“So playing bass isn’t sexy….underlining what? No wait getting away from the real point here. You never heard if Feel Good inc.? Or you know Clint Eastwood?Those were some of our best songs! What about To Binge? Empire ants? Any of them.
“Hmm, Feel Good inc? Let’s see it’s repeats itself a lot. Clint Eastwood? Haha other then the opening your song had nothing to do with Clint Eastwood. You posted To Binge aka forced 2D to sing it. Empire Ants? It just sucks”
“You suck! Are music is an art! It’s great! you are the problem here.”
“Never said I was! Your music is an art and it makes a lot of people happy. But to me, my ears did like it…but I can say this, I do like you a lot Murdoc.”
“ I am pretty great! Fine no more of our music…around your at least. But maybe sometimes”
“I can handle sometimes”.
Noodle would completely understand your distaste for their music. She understands that not anyone is up for what they produce and she thinks that is okay!
For her as long as you don’t listen to any overly annoying songs around her. She really doesn’t care what you listen to.
She does however like to get your input on songs, even if you don’t like them. She just likes hearing different peoples ideas.
But with that being said, there is a 100% chance that she may try to convert you into liking Gorillaz. Of course, just simply by showing you different songs they have done. Like Punk or Humility, Feel Good inc. or El Mañana. Hell she has even shown you Latin Simone.
When she realized she was doing this, she quickly backed off and apologized.
“Sorry (Y/n). I didn’t mean to do that…I just kind of got excited and thought you would like the different genres we have done.”
“It’s okay Noodle, you realized your mistake! Honestly it’s not that the songs themselves aren’t inherently bad…it’s just well Murdoc’s bass playing is well…pretty bad in my opinion”
“Oh? How so if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Well to me it sounds like well, a crusty old man who doesn’t know how to cut his nails and proceeds to scratch the surface of everything he touches. Also while we are at it 2D’s singing is really hard to understand!”
“Well Murdoc does forget to clip his nails from time to time and he doesn’t seem to like using a pick for his bass. But now you confused me with 2D”
“Listen I love you all! Especially you Noodle, but ooo boy, if you guys weren’t careful in sex murder party…it kind of sounds like 2D is singing dissolve the kids…which isn’t a pleasant image”
“Ah, I see what you mean, anything else?”
“Nope! Your guitar playing is wonderful! Love everything about you! Just your band is a bit much at times haha”
~Russel Hobbs~
Much like Noodle Russel would understand that their music wasn’t for everyone. Everyone was entitled to their own opinion. For example he was really into rap and it took a while for him to talk the whole band into listening to it.
Regardless unlike Noodle or Murdoc he wouldn’t make you listen to a single song of theirs if you didn’t want to.
Of course you would every now and then for their demo’s you just wouldn’t voice your opinion on it, since you couldn’t stand it.
Russel would also try his best to get into music that you like! Of course, if he doesn’t like one of the songs you like, you make a mutual agreement to not play it around him.
He even at one point turned it into a game that he really enjoyed playing with you! It was a game that helped the both of you set up playlists!
He would pick one of his favourite songs, if you thought it was okay, it went into the playlist. If he liked one of the songs you picked into the playlist!
“Okay how about, this song?”
“Let it go…from frozen? Really, we ain’t putting that in the playlist”
“Yeah you are right it was a stupid idea, it’s just been stuck in my head.”
“Haha fair enough, how about Rainforest by Noname?”
“Hmm, that’s actually not a bad one! We can throw it in! Alright space jam?”
“What is with you in movie songs tonight? Yeah we can throw in space jam”
“I can’t believe space jam beats our music out in that mind of yours…”
~Stuart “2D” Pots~
At first, 2D can not wrap his mind around the fact that you hate their music. More so he has never really had someone be with him for well just him before. Most of the one nightstands he had in the past was because of his popular singer status.
He does try his very best to get you into their music, of course, walking the fine line between shoving it down your throat and giving you air to breath with your own tunes.
That being said though, he doesn’t overly mind the fact that you like your own selection of music. He does find some of your songs enjoyable.
When he realizes most of the bands travel playlist consisted of a few of the bands own songs. He secretly takes the phone and changes up the playlist. He removes the Gorillaz songs and replaces them with songs you like.
Although you don’t like the bands music, that never truly stopped you from liking 2D’s singing. When he found that out he made a special song just for you. One where it was only on his keyboard and singing. He keeps it hidden so Murdoc doesn’t find it.
“(Y/n) I made yew something!”
“Oh sweet Satan please don’t tell me it was breakfast and that you burnt down the kitchen again!”
“What no! Besides that was a one time fing and I got a four month ban from going in fere fanks to Russel”
“Sorry…shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions. What did you make 2D? You seemed really proud.”
“Oh well Um…I know yew don’t like our music and all…but I uh, I made yew a song, do ya want to ‘ere it?”
“Of course 2D, just because I don’t like your music, doesn’t mean I can’t be supportive of you”
“Well, this song isn’ really goin’ to be on an album, because I made it for yew”
“Aww 2D you didn’t have to~”
“But I wanted too!”
After he plays the song, you state that you adore it! This puts a huge smile on his face!
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brendaaaa · 3 years
Take Care Of Me (Millie Bobby Brown x fem!Reader)
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You groaned and rolled over, waking up. Immediately you felt blood rush to your head and a pounding ache come over you.
“Ough,” you groaned out loud, surveying your surroundings. You were sprawled on your bed with your face and hair completely meshed with the pillow, leaving you feeling gross and a mess. Your head hurt, and you had some faint nausea boiling in your stomach. “Oh hey, you. Decided to wake up,” a sweet voice said, and you turned over to see Millie, your girlfriend, laying on her side. She looked pretty as always, but it was obvious she hadn’t gotten out of bed yet this morning. She touched your cheek with freezing fingers, and shook her head. “Still warm.” “Am I sick?” You croaked out. She brushed a strand of hair away from your sweaty face. “Yes. You don’t remember?” Her brow creased. You closed your eyes, desperate to find some coolness in the hot haze that was your mind. “Maybe this is more serious than I thought,” she said to herself, shuffling to get her phone off the nightstand. “No, no,” you said, not okay wanting her to call anyone. “I remember.” Even though your eyelids were still closed, you could imagine Millie’s brow unpuckering, and her scrunched face coming to rest. “I feel like shit,” you said flat-out. She laughed, a breathy one, still unsure if you were totally okay, but a laugh, and you opened one eye to catch a glimpse of it. “I’m glad you’re enjoying my suffering,” you cracked a little grin. “Well thank god you feel well enough to poke fun,” she smiled. “Want some water?” Her hand trailed over to the cup on the nightstand. “Yes please,” you said gratefully, feeling as if you were dying of thirst now that Mills has brought it up. She held the glass up to your lips and you drank from it, relishing in the temporary bliss of cold water being introduced to your system. She pulled it away from you after you had drunk nearly all of it. “What do you think I have?” You said, adjusting yourself so you were sitting more upright. “I’m not really sure. Maybe the flu? Or maybe covid. That would suck.” “I have my vaccine for both,” you sighed. (A/n this is a post pandemic fic hehehe) “Maybe it’s just a virus then.” She said sympathetically, gazing at you lovingly. “Yeah maybe.”
She grinned and moved so that she was closer to you, her head resting a mere inch or two away from your face. She draped her arm over your body loosely, and smirked, leaning in to press a kiss against your warm lips.
As she pulled away, you asked in a raspy voice,  “Baby, aren’t you going to get sick if you kiss me?”
She shrugged, her face making an absolutely adorable expression.
“Who cares?”
“I d-,” you started to say, but were cut off by Millie leaning in for another kiss. You tried to pull away, feeling guilty about getting her sick, but she moved one of her hands so it was pressed into the middle of your back and the other against the back of your neck, limiting your options for not kissing her.
Even though you never kissed back, she was having a one-sided make out with you and you were honestly kind of annoyed.
“Millie,” you said, but it was extremely muffled through her suffocating embrace.
“Millie!” You tried again, and this time she pulled away, smirking. “What’s wrong, hon? Can’t handle the sugar lips?”
You rolled your eyes. “No...but I’m sick. I don’t want you to get sick too.”
“Well,” she looked up to the ceiling in thought, “If you were going to give me your virus, or whatever is, I think you’d already have given it to me. So, no worries, right?”
You groaned, “No that’s not what I meant...“ as she leaned in for another kiss, this time pecking the tip of your nose.
“Don’t worry,” she smiled. “I know you’ll take care of me if I get symptoms,” and she kissed you again.
“Millie,” you whined, and she propped her head up on an elbow.
“Look. I don’t care if I get sick. Can’t we just forget everything and can’t I just kiss youuu??” She dragged out the last part, sticking out her bottom lip and giving you those beautiful brown puppy eyes.
“Fine…” you groaned, “But!” You quickly added as her eyes lit up, moving in to kiss you once more.
“I’m not taking care of you if you get sick. I was sick first, so you take care of me.”
“Deal,” she said instantly and this time it was you who leaned in, catching her lips. You pulled away, and she whined in protest.
You put a finger to her lips.
“Or how bout...we take care of each other!”
She grinned, “sounds good to me.”
Word Count: 821
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longitudinalwaveme · 3 years
Arkham Files: Abra Kadabra
Hugo Strange: From the patient files of Dr. Hugo Strange, director of Arkham Asylum. Patient: Abra Kadabra, real name unknown. Patient suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, and a number of delusions, including the belief that he has magical powers and the belief that he is from the 64th century. Session One. So, Mr. Kadabra, how are you feeling today? 
Abra Kadabra: Oh, hello, Doctor. Would you like to see a magic trick? 
Hugo Strange: Pardon? 
Abra Kadabra: Certainly you won’t turn down an opportunity to witness a performance by Abra Kadabra, magician extraordinaire! Why, it will even be free of charge! 
Hugo Strange: Mr. Kadabra, this is a therapy session, not a talent show. I have no time to watch you pull a rabbit out of your hat. 
Abra Kadabra: You woefully underestimate my talents, Doctor. I am no mere sideshow attraction. I am the Prince of Prestidigitation, the Sultan of Sleight-of-Hand, the Master Magician of the 64th Century! Only a fool would deny themselves the chance to see my unmatched brilliance in the art of stage magic! 
Hugo Strange: Mr. Kadabra, you are not a famous magician. You are a sick man who is suffering from delusions of grandeur. 
Abra Kadabra: (Annoyed) Delusions of grandeur? I assure you, my grandeur is quite real. The great Houdini himself pales in comparison to my mastery of magic! 
Hugo Strange: If you are so famous, why have I never heard of you, Mr. Kadabra? 
Abra Kadabra: Don’t be ridiculous! Everyone in this primitive century knows of me! My epic confrontations with the Scarlet-Clad Speedster invariably make the front page! My skills as a magician are renowned far and wide! Why, even Superman has agreed to play parts in my act! 
Hugo Strange: (Trying to change the subject) So, Mr. Kadabra, you believe that you are from the 64th century. Why is that? 
Abra Kadabra: Because I am from the 64th century. I understand that that is likely difficult for your primitive mind to grasp, but it is nevertheless true. 
Hugo Strange: You cannot possibly be from the 64th century, Mr. Kadabra. That is patently absurd. 
Abra Kadabra: More patently absurd than a plant-woman hybrid? A sentient clay creature? A Martian? A Kryptonian? A billionaire who dresses up as a bat in order to fight crime? 
Hugo Strange: Mr. Kadabra, there is absolutely no evidence, beyond your own claims, that you are from the future. 
Abra Kadabra: And the word of Abra Kadabra, the 64th Century’s Master Magician, isn’t evidence enough? I am offended! 
Hugo Strange: I’m afraid I need a bit more proof than the word of an unstable lunatic. 
Abra Kadabra: Proof? PROOF? I will show you proof! Abra Kadabra! (Magical noises; then “poof!” sound) Are you convinced now, doctor? 
Hugo Strange: (Angry) Where are we? What have you done, Mr. Kadabra? 
Abra Kadabra: Welcome to the 64th century, doctor! 
(The noises of a bustling city are heard; but with a noticeable sci-fi twist) 
Hugo Strange: What...h-how? What is this? 
Abra Kadabra: Time travel! Just one of the many tricks in my repertoire! 
(Hugo Strange starts applauding involuntarily) 
Hugo Strange: Mr. Kadabra, how are you doing this? 
Abra Kadabra: (Laughs) A magician never reveals his secrets! (The forced applause continues) Thank you, thank you. You’re a very appreciative audience, doctor. 
Hugo Strange: Enough of this, Mr. Kadabra! Take me back to the Asylum now! 
Abra Kadabra: You dare to make demands of Abra Kadabra? If I did not require an appreciative audience, I would turn you into a tortoise for such insolence! 
Hugo Strange: A tortoise? What sort of fool do you think I am, Mr. Kadabra? I do not know how you managed this illusion, but I am in charge here, not you. Return us to Arkham Asylum at once! 
Abra Kadabra: On second thought, I’ve done tortoises before, and I don’t often like to repeat tricks. (Pause) No, I think some sort of extinct creature would be preferable. Yes, I shall turn you into a Bos taurus!
Hugo Strange: Now wait just a-
Abra Kadabra: Abra Kadabra!
Hugo Strange: Mooooo! 
(Forced applause from 64th-century citizens) 
Abra Kadabra: Thank you, thank you! You are too kind! (Pause) Unfortunately, I cannot stay. I have a much larger audience elsewhere, so I must depart. Abra Kadabra! 
(Magical noises; “poof!” sound) 
Hugo Strange: Moooo! 
Abra Kadabra: You know, doctor, I was quite disappointed the first time I saw a Bos taurus. It was not nearly so fearsome a creature as paleontological reconstructions suggested. (Pause) But I suppose that that is neither here nor there. And as much as I have come to appreciate the true appearance of the Bos taurus, you are a marginally better audience in your true form. Abra Kadabra! (Magical noises; “poof!” sound) 
Hugo Strange: (Disoriented) W...what happened? 
Abra Kadabra: Don’t worry, doctor. Time travel and transmogrification are always disorienting the first few times, but the feeling soon passes. 
Hugo Strange: Time travel? Transmogrification? Who are you? 
Abra Kadabra: I’ve told you! I am Abra Kadabra, master magician of the 64th century! I’ve come to your primitive era to pursue fame and fortune, which I have been denied in my own time! 
Hugo Strange: But..but how could you possibly have...you are not a metahuman! 
Abra Kadabra: I would very much appreciate it if you would stop asking me for the secrets of my act, doctor. Why, if I told you, some unimaginative hack might steal them for their own act-and that would be an unparalleled tragedy. 
Hugo Strange: (Frustrated) Mr. Kadabra, you are not a magician! You are a criminal who suffers from a number of delusions and personality disorders.
Abra Kadabra: Hmph. If I’d known that I would spend this session being insulted by a primitive, balding, myopic peon, I would never have agreed to it. 
Hugo Strange: I’m afraid these sessions are not optional on your part, Mr. Kadabra. You are a very sick man. 
Abra Kadabra: Sick? (Pause) Hmm...now there’s an idea. Abra Kadabra! (Magical noises; “poof!” sound) 
Hugo Strange: (Coughs violently) What (coughs) have you (hack, caugh) done to me? 
Abra Kadabra: I have infected you with the charming creation of one of my cooked colleagues. Though he’s a primitive savage, I must admit that Murmur’s Frenzy Virus is superbly dramatic. It liquifies the lungs; then the sufferer literally chokes to death on their own blood. (Pause) Oh, and it’s dreadfully contagious. Fortuitously, I have already been vaccinated, so the dread disease will have no deleterious effect on me, but I doubt the staff of this institution are as lucky. 
Hugo Strange: (More violent coughing) Mr. Kadabara, if you do not (hack, cough, cough) undo this immediately, I will (cough, cough, hack, cough) ensure that you spend the rest of your (hack, cough) very long sentence in solitary. 
Abra Kadabra: (Laughs) You really think you can keep the Prince of Prestidigitation locked up in this primitive institution? The only reason I didn’t escape days ago was because I thought this so-called therapy session would give me a private audience to whom I could display my brilliance. But you, doctor, have proven most unappreciative, so I will be taking my leave. 
Hugo Strange: (Coughing violently) On the contrary, Mr. Kadabra (hack, cough)...I have been (hack, cough, cough) most impressed by your talent. I am simply not (cough, cough) used to bearing witness to such an astonishing display. 
Abra Kadabra: (Pleased) In that case, I forgive you, doctor. (Pause) Abra Kadabra! (Magical noises; “poof!” sound; Hugo Strange’s coughing stops) But nevertheless, I am afraid that it is time for our session to come to an end. I have a much grander performance scheduled for later today, and I cannot disappoint my adoring public. (More forced applause from Hugo Strange) Thank you, thank you! You are much too kind! But do not be dismayed by my departure. The Master Magician of the 64th Century shall return for an encore performance at some later date. (Pause) Farewell for now, doctor. Abra Kadabra! (Magical noises; “poof!” sound) 
Hugo Strange: Mr. Kadabra? (Pause) Mr. Kadabra? (Pause; then, frustrated) He’s disappeared. How is it that all of the criminals from the Twin Cities are master escape artists?
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ashiemochi · 2 years
Hello!! How are you doing today? I'm a little late with this ask bc I've been busy and I kinda forgot but here I am djsjsj
Let's start with just the beginning of the chapter omg just the first sentence hooked me in, we're seeing more about so ah's condition and how it might soon take over her, poor baby :( and that thing with her leg healing super fast!!! I'd be freaking out tbh but she's just taking it so well 😭 (and it shows that there's something going on with her ahhh can't wait to learn more about her)
And the note from her dad!!! I feel like we're so close to discovering why all of this happened but at the same time I feel lost bc there's one piece of the puzzle missing and it must be so important?? But like I said before. I do have the feeling that green life was all about good stuff like finding vaccines etc but bc of Frederic it went wrong, and I think he was actually hiding his true goal to them? Like telling them he's working on a vaccine so that they don't mingle with his business so he's free to do as he wishes. (anyways I'm glad so ah is getting suspicious of him lmaooo) and same with her mom's note. You can see that she was getting kinda suspicious bc tbh why would he make a vaccine if there's not outbreak??
And the note leon found!!! The EN-0X!!! This is absolutely what they were injecting so ah with right!! Like the side effects, even when it's said that there's only one subject that made it through, it's her!!! Though in wondering what's the end goal with this omg
And that scene where so ah's phone has no battery anymore lmao I actually thought that it was super cliché but super fitting 😭 (kinda wanna be barricaded with leon too btw)
I really hope so ah is gonna be safe and won't run into chris and piers omg I have a bad feeling about them meeting again </3 we want leon!!! We want them to reunite!!! (and I hope she won't do anything dumb djsjsj like ok going to frederic's office is a good idea to get answers but if she runs into him I have a bad feeling!!!)
And I wish hunnigan would have told leon earlier about the bsaa's involvement like at least they could have been prepared yk </3 and it's so annoying to me how everyone is so quick to think that so ah is involved in all this omg give the girl a break she doesn't know anything djsjsj I'm curious to see all this evidence mh!!!
This chapter was super super great I liked it a lot <3 I might have missed some things bc I'm tired tbh djsjsj but really excited to discover more with the next chapter!!!
omg hi again!! Great to see you again in my inbox💕
I love seeing your POV to this considering I know exactly what's going to happen and such👀 makes me giddy to know what the reader is thinking is happening/going to happen so far!
I was a bit worried about this chapter because it was mostly reading notes but the next chapter should be better and I'm super happy you enjoyed the recent chapter! Tomorrow's chapter reveals a BIG thing so please look forward to it! 💕💕
(Leon and So Ah are going to be reuniting very soon👀 on saturday)
link to fic!💕
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jane-skenneeh-witch · 3 years
Okay big rant here and small TW: Narcissistic family reacting to mental breakdown.
So at my family's Thanksgiving we had a big dinner since we are all vaccinated and there is no more Covid restriction here. My extended family is religious but we never celebrated Thanksgiving before, and we had to make a table round of things we are grateful for this year. Everyone had like health, happiness, or they named actions they did to "make the world a better place".
When my turn came I was awkward as fuck because I knew the thing I was grateful for was surviving, but I'm not close with anyone except my mom who knows in general about my struggles. So I said "I'm grateful to still be alive" and had a mental breakdown, and my family realised I was closer to death then they thought. Anyway the evening goes on after and everything is fine.
They then proceeded for the next week to "care about me" sending my things like "you visualize yourself as a small child, and you need to have an adult inside you taking care of that child" or whatever little comic they can find, saying things like "I'll always be the adult that care for you". FOR FUCKS SAKE IM NOT A FUCKING CHILD AND IF YOU KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT PSYCHOLOGY / DO SOME FUCKING BASIC RESEARCH YOU KNOW THIS KIND OF SHIT IS ABOUT THE INNER CHILD AND TRAUMA HEALING NOT PARENTAL / ADULT FIGURE IN YOUR LIFE
I'm fucking 20 years old, I am my own adult. They don't give a fuck about my mental state, they started to care because I had a meltdown about suicide at Thanksgiving. When I talked about being suicidal at like 14 they FUCKING TOLD ME TO SUCK IT UP SO FUCK OFF
I don't wanna open up to them because they'll basically invalidate me, and I know that my aunt and cousins do it only because it makes them feel bad that I'm not "right". I know they want to be nice but it fucking feels ableist as fuck and I feel infantilized.
It's a mix of culpability and pity and also "I'm doing what's right but I'm keeping a distance between us"
They all stopped after a week, except my aunt (who is my godmother) but it feels forced on her part. She feels guilty about leaving me as a child in the abuse more then sorry for me going through it all. And it's not like "I understand and your trauma is valid" and nice messages, it's more of a "I'll always be there for you" with a very specific triggering image / text from Facebook or some random quotes like "you need to live in the present to be happy". And when I want her to be there she feels uncomfy, don't wanna talk about it, or really seems like she doesn't wanna be here and cuts our time hanging out.
So please can she go fuck her fake ass off me. I'm tired of this bullshit and it's annoying to always be reminded that I wanna die and that I have trauma, sometimes I'm just living, vibing or dissociating and really don't want to interact with reality. These constant messages are making it hard for me to heal.
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warriorteam1924 · 3 years
Feelings, Feelings….
 There are many types of people on this planet. We are all unique and we all have our issues and our specificity. As far as I’m concerned, I’m a Zebra adult. I have a High Emotional Potential. And even if it might sound fun or great or anything, it’s not easy every day. Far from it.
 We all have our issues, more or less important, impacting our everyday lives. Lately, I’ve been dealing with several feelings, and the one that seems to be more vivid and appearing more and more often is the abandon. We talked about it in private with a dear friend of mine and it truly felt relieving to say how it felt to my point of view.
 When I say abandon, it’s a general term to express the feeling I have when people actually seem to give up on me, when they let me down.  And this is where the fun HEP brain enters in action.
 It seems the story repeats itself all over again. I get attached to people (in a friendly or romantic way) very easily. I am totally aware of this. And maybe this is something I need to work on.
 Communication is something really important to me. How you feel and why? Yes, my brain needs to know cause I’m a naturally empathetic person. But how does it feel for me when the communication suddenly stops? When the person I used to talk to on almost a daily basis suddenly stops replying? A HEP brain goes through several interpretations. And of course, it’s not the most pleasant ones.
 I start to wonder what happened and I worry. But like really badly. I know most of us had access to a vaccine (I’m not here to blame anyone who wouldn’t or couldn’t get it for medical reasons or else, this isn’t my point.). Yet, we still live in a moment where there is still a deadly virus around. So, of course, since I already worry most of the time, this sudden absence of information adds even more worries to my little insignificant self.
 Then I feel guilty. I know I’m too much. I do warn people at the beginning of a conversation. I’m aware I’m Kate, the bassist weirdo with HEP. I know it. As a result, I start to wonder what I did wrong? Did I say something that upset them? Was I too annoying? My friend said ‘you should ask them why they stopped talking to you’ and they are totally right. I should. And I did. And I still got no answer. Maybe I’m too insisting? For some, I think I will never know.
 For some people who stopped answering my messages, I still see they’re active on socials and such so, I tend to worry a little less. Yet, then comes the feeling of ‘I’m not even worth a reply.’ Cause yes, it’s totally fine to do whatever one needs to do to relax and such. But I ask this simple question. How long does it take to let me know? To let me know you’re not in the mood to talk. To let me know you’re slightly too busy to reply right now? To let me know you’re feeling overwhelmed by too many things and not able to reply? To let me know you still care, even slightly, about me and you haven’t forgotten about me, despite what it looks like.
 Because, yes, it also seems to me that when the communication or the messages suddenly stop, it seems to me that I’m totally worthless, totally invisible. It makes me feel like I did something wrong, with the person or in life in general and that I deserve to be treated this way. And it really hurts. My self esteem has truly seen higher spots lately and when I see how many folks are just giving up on me doesn’t really help me getting better.
 There are of course people with whom the communication isn’t on a daily basis any longer and that’s okay. Because they let me know. Business, life, issues. I get it because they told me. And there is always a moment in their lives when they tag me, or send me something, just because it reminded them of me. It warms my heart. And it works.
 On the other hand, when I see no signs of life from people, please understand it’s getting harder and harder to feel like engaging again. Because I feel like I’m giving and giving again and that nothing comes in return.
 Hear me well, I’m not saying I talk to people just to get something in return. This isn’t true. But yes, I do appreciate when I feel like I’m cared about. Like I mean something to you. Because even if I appear strong and supportive and all, I still have my weaknesses. I know I need to work on that. I cannot and don’t want to put the blame entirely on the others. This wouldn’t work.
 As a result, and despite my HEP making me feel like it’s okay to talk to people, I’m tempted not to do it any longer. I’m not saying I’m going to stop messaging and chatting cause I really enjoy it. But If I don’t get an answer, I need to work on myself and stop wondering what’s going on and why and all, cause the problem might not even be coming from me. Because, If my empathetic emotions led me to understand most of the people I’m talking with, it seems the other way around is far from being true, which is a shame. Or not? I don’t really know.
 Anyways, I wrote this thinking about some people in particular and I just hope it will help me get rid of many negative feelings I have. The main one being I really feel hurt. But so it goes.
 Thanks to those who despite it all support me, talk to me, take a few seconds in their lives to care about me. Thanks for reading, I hope it helps you as well understand what it feels like to be a zebra, to have a HEP.
 Please take care and stay safe 💖💜
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quidfree · 3 years
can you Please write the scene with bakugou's piercing SGDHEFEH the concept is too funny to me !!!
anon you’re lucky 報復性熬夜 is a concept i am firmly attached to so here i am at 1 am rattling this off instead of getting my beauty sleep. please excuse the standard of writing as a result
by the second day, katsuki is seriously considering agreeing to todoroki’s earlier and ambiguously sincere proposal that they play i spy.
he doesn’t know what it is about this particular job that’s so unbearable. no, scratch that- of course he knows what’s unbearable; it’s sat right next to him on a too-small chair in their too-small room staring impassively out of a too-small window. but he’s been thrown into so much shit with icyhot you’d think he’d developed some kind of immunity by now, the way vaccines microdose you on viruses so you can resist the real thing. call katsuki an antivaxxer, he guesses, because he has overdosed on todoroki ever since he met the asshole and he’s still not ready for how far up the wall he’s driving him when they’re stuck together for two straight days without a breather or any contact with the outside world.
cards on the table: stake-outs aren’t his thing. he does them just fine, fuck you very much, but he doesn’t like ‘em. why would he? they’re some ungodly blend of extremely boring and extremely tense, where nothing happens right up until way too long into it and then everything goes to shit unprompted. it’s rare he ever gets called in on jobs like this- people tend to assume he lacks the temperament for it, for one, and for another he’s too useful to lock away for days on end. it’s only because their suspected target is so insanely volatile and dangerous that it’s the two of them waiting for her to show her ugly face- no one else is even allowed in the perimeter. which is fucking fine, but he just wishes the cops would get their shit together for once and actually have the proof ready by the time they call the pros in so he doesn’t have to wait before he goes in guns blazing. instead they talked some bullshit about how critical of a stage this was and blah blah fifteen years of (obviously mediocre) work had gone into setting this trap, etc etc. the point is that it’s led to katsuki stuck in the world’s most disgusting little apartment, staring out of a splintered window for two-going-on-three days with no one but the world’s most annoying prodigy to keep him company. the place is such a dump they’re sleeping on mats in sleeping bags. it’s like fucking UA summer camp, and at this point he’d take the kidnapping over the waiting.
day one wasn’t so bad, right up until he realized there would be a day two. day two is bad from start to finish. they’re supposed to take turns on watch but there’s fuck all else to do except sit on their phones, and katsuki can only quote tweet so much dumb shit before he gets bored. he can’t talk to anyone outside because of confidentiality bullshit, and there’s no point checking work shit when he can’t do anything from where they are. so it’s either silently watching the warehouse or talking to todoroki, and todoroki is a fucking terrible conversationalist.
the thing with icyhot is this: katsuki doesn’t hate him, okay. like, he hates him, but also not really. they’re, at a push, maybe, sort of, friends. verging on close ones. not that he’d say so, but after the amount of dramatic self-sacrifices and final stands against a joint enemy they’ve endured he can’t really muster the energy to argue otherwise. todoroki’s tolerable, sort of maybe. usually katsuki borderline likes working with him, because if nothing else he’s good at what he does, and they know each other too well to be anything but in sync in the field. if they were doing almost anything else he’d be relieved at the choice of pairing.
they are not, however, doing anything else, and todoroki still fucking sucks at talking like a normal person. when he’d woken katsuki up for his shift of night-watch he’d loomed over him ominously like a fucking ghoul and said, voice belying no humor: “do you think plants can feel pain?”
there’s fucking nothing to talk about. anything interesting is essentially vetoed because it’d inevitably distract them from the whole intent observation thing, and katsuki hates small talk on a normal day but especially when todoroki’s doing his ‘alien attempting earth dialect’ bit and asking him about weather or the tokyo transportation system or whatever. so they just sit in semi-silence and occasionally go on very stupid tangents katsuki is glad no one can witness and remain overall bored out of their fucking skulls.
by day three they’ve already exhausted i spy and also the alphabet game and hangman, and katsuki draws the line at tic-tac-toe. todoroki looks implacable as always but his eye has started twitching a little. katsuki tries to think of literally anything that could plausibly take up their time and not take their eyes off the window, comes up short. twister is not a good idea even ignoring their lack of a board. shop talk is so very tempting, but he’s not losing this villain and wasting two days’ suffering because they get carried away on some long-winded discussion, so that’s not an option either.
“how’s your ear?” todoroki says, and at first katsuki thinks he’s really fucking lost it if he’s started asking after the wellbeing of his individual body parts, but then he remembers the last time they saw each other katsuki was throwing himself into the path of some jackass with a trumpeting quirk who nearly blew out his eardrum, so he guesses half ‘n half’s not entirely insane yet. he shrugs, shifts in his chair.
“fine. couldn’t hear shit from it for like three straight days, though. and my balance was fucked.”
“it hasn’t scarred at all.”
“yeah. lame place for a scar,” katsuki says, flexing his fingers absently. they’re all of them more roughed up than they were at UA, but talent and good healers have kept him mostly intact, give or take a few big nasties like the time he got gutted in first year or his near loss of an eye around graduation. privately he suspects genetics have dealt him a good hand, what with his gene donor’s perfect skin, but then todoroki doesn’t have that excuse and he’s not scarred anywhere ugly except the obvious, though katsuki could point blind to most of the nasties he’s accumulated under his suit.
not that he thinks about what’s under todoroki’s suit. god, he needs to get out of here.
“i don’t know,” todoroki is saying now, thoughtful. “a lot of people have ear-scars, no? from piercings.”
“that’s different,” katsuki says, immediately contrarian, even as he thinks about it. by the warehouse a truck stalls, but then moves on, lessening his momentary excitement. “most people don’t let that shit heal. unless you’re a moron there’s no point getting a hole jabbed through your ear if you’re not sure you want it.”
“would you?” todoroki asks, mildly curious, and taps his ear where katsuki can see him in the window’s reflection. “get a piercing, i mean.”
“what’s it to you?”
todoroki rolls his eyes at him like he’s being pointlessly difficult, which he maybe is a little. “i don’t know. i think it would suit you.”
“yeah?” katsuki sniffs, mollified and trying not to show it. it’s always a mistake to let icyhot know when his obvious ploys are working. “been thinking about it?”
“i can hardly sleep at night for thinking about it,” todoroki deadpans, which makes katsuki scowl and stomp down on the extremely unwarranted flush crawling up his neck in response.
“fuck off. i guess i’d do like one or two.”
“really? you always say no to tattoos.”
“that’s different. i don’t trust some asshole to draw a fucking infinity sign on my knee or whatever. sticking a hole through an ear is hard to fuck up, and you barely register it after. if you get a shitty tattoo you have to think about it all the time.”
“if it’s easy then why don’t you have any?” todoroki asks, but he sounds genuinely curious more than like he’s trying to catch him out, so katsuki thinks about it honestly.
“don’t have the time. ‘s not like i can really afford to pencil in an afternoon to the nearest parlor or whatever just for that.”
“i read you can pierce your ears with a needle.”
“i guess i haven’t fucking thought about it that much, then,” katsuki grumbles, forever irked by todoroki’s smart mouth. problem solver his ass. the guy goes around making problems for everyone.
they sit in silence for a beat, watching the breeze rattle the wooden planks barricading a window opposite them, and then he thinks needle, and does some very quick mental arithmetics to reach the conclusion that todoroki is probably also landing on, judging by the way he blinks when katsuki briefly glances his way. 
he thinks about the job, and how close he’d come to throttling todoroki during i spy, and the great dawning nothingness ahead of them for fuck knows how long still. at the very worst, they have to start moving with a needle in his ear. 
“pass me your medikit.”
todoroki does, but when katsuki unzips the pack he shifts. “it’d be easier if i did it.”
“it’s not rocket science,” katsuki mutters, considering the needle critically before glancing back out of the window. “'s not like i give a shit about precise location.”
“i’m just saying i wouldn’t have to go in blind. and you can keep watch while i do it.”
“or you can keep watch while i do. same shit.”
todoroki only shakes his head, because unlike some people who shall not be named he is not so incredibly psychosexually attached to offering help where it isn’t wanted. “fine.”
katsuki eyes the window, squints at his ear. tissue’s the best bet- he thinks he could probably manage cartilage fine, but on the off chance they have to drop everything and run he doesn’t want to accidentally snap a bone and start the fight inconvenienced. lobe it is.
“wait,” todoroki says, just when he’s focused, and then reaches over without removing his gaze from the window to press two fingers to the needle, tip going blisteringly red-hot before he releases it. cauterised. their kit’s sterilised anyway, but katsuki grunts his begrudging thanks, repositions himself. 
“wait,” todoroki says again, and this time katsuki can’t help but turn to glare at him where he’s still watchfully staring outside.
“fucking what, icyhot?”
“two seconds,” todoroki promises, gaze flickering his way for half a second with something like self-effacing amusement before he turns his eyes dutifully away and reaches his other arm around to pinch his ear, which flares cold so quickly katsuki hisses even as his cheeks heat. fucking weirdo.
“could’ve just said,” he mutters, ignoring his not at all jumpy pulse to refocus on the task at hand as todoroki does that obnoxious lip-twitch thing that means he’s smiling internally. 
physics dictates that he keep his wrist at an angle if he wants the needle to come out right, so he does, braces and jabs. it goes so easy he almost doubts his own success, not even the slightest twinge of pain ensuing. he twists for good measure, removes the needle, watches tiny beads of blood emerge from the piercing. 
well, that was anticlimactic, katsuki thinks, retrieving an anti-bacterial wipe for the needle, and then pauses, staring at the window.
“what the fuck am i supposed to put through this?”
todoroki’s mismatched eyes go gratifyingly wide in the window, and for one spectacularly braindead moment two of the world’s most outstanding pro-heroes stare at one another in a shitty broken window with equal amounts of retroactive dismay. 
“um,” todoroki says, or as close to ‘um’ as todoroki will ever say. katsuki wishes dearly he was still of an age where he could throw him through a wall. then his eyes focus elsewhere, sharpening with what could pass as professional focus but is mostly naked relief. “um.”
um in-fucking-deed. by the warehouse, a door has just opened a sliver.
“you owe me a fucking earring,” katsuki declares, but so fast it lacks any aggression, already halfway out the window by the time he finishes speaking, atrophied limbs reviving with an ecstatic chemical burn as fresh air hits their faces. 
god. if he ever gets stuck on stake-out duty again he’s sleeping by himself under a parked car or some shit. 
they make disgustingly quick work of the fight, in the end, days of pent-up frustration and skull-numbing boredom leaving them so bursting with power that it’s almost embarrassing for the villain, but when the first kow-towing police officer reaches them full of praise and suggestion that they handle another job he has queued up they chorus a ‘no’ so violent the guy actually jumps. 
todoroki’s not so bad, katsuki thinks fondly, watching his face slide into frigid blankness with absolutely no idea of how shitless he’s scaring the officers around them. it’s almost enough to make him forget to kick his ass for the enormously shitty banter he’d had to endure vis-a-vis his still-bleeding ear throughout the entire tragically short fight.
almost. not quite. who even knew there was a ‘gay ear’?
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misterewrites · 3 years
Intro to.....????
Hello everyone! Been awhile. It's been busy and really hot for me so it's hard for me to sit down to write sometimes.
But it's here!
E here with the next chapter and the final intro character chapter! The intro chapters were supposed to introduce everyone to the main and important characters of the story, who will be driving the main plots and stories though sometimes i might use new characters or different background characters. So beyond this chapter will be more worldbuilding, story arcs and oneshots. just stories about this world and its characters. I might even use some of my friends ocs i accidentally convinced them to make for my world. It was so much fun!
Alright that's it for me! Stay safe, wash your hands, wear your masks, take care of your loved ones, get vaccinated if you can, push to release the vaccine worldwide and have a great week! Enjoy! feel free to leave likes, feedback *I love feedback and comments even if it's just a line you liked or a scene you found awesome or funny* reblogs and tell your friends! Promoting myself still feels weird haha. E is out! Byeeeeee
If you want an easier time to read the story and since I’ve been shadow banned from tumblr for like ever now, here’s the newest chapter on ao3 right over here! 
If you are interested in my work and want to read from the beginning check it right here  https://archiveofourown.org/works/30599756/chapters/75486005
Interested in my full catalog? https://archiveofourown.org/users/MrE42/works
Summary: Jackdaw is a powerful crime lord in the magical side of Newton Haven. He is feared more than respected and he doesn't care who he has to crush to accomplish his goals. So when his lucrative club is burned to the ground with his guards piled neatly outside, battered broken but alive, he takes it personally. Of course who is crazy enough to burn down a club of a notoriously dangerous crimeboss? A mercenary paid to do so. 
Tap, tap, tap, tap.
The sound of footsteps pacing back and forth thundered throughout the silent room.
Tap, tap, tap, tap.
No one said anything. No one could say anything given the disastrous failure of the night. It hadn’t mattered if they were physically present at the site of offense or that they were scattered across town in one of many locations vital to the boss’s business: Someone hit them and the boss was itching to hit back.
Tap, tap, tap, tap.
“Alright” A voice spoke up, smooth yet cold.
The room was already quiet but now the air filled with a frighten tension.
The boss whirled around from the massive window he’d been staring out of, eyes narrowing on the defeated group of guards who averted their gaze from his.
The few still conscious were in varying states of dishevel and injured: Broke bones, nasty bruises, clothing ruffled and torn in places. Not a single one had gone unscratched from the assault on the club earlier that night.
Jackdaw was not pleased.
No one in the room knew much about their boss despite devoting their lives to his cause: He was in his mid 30’s, his nose uneven after being broken in a fight though no one could agree what he had been fighting. Long wavy raven black hair ran down his shoulders while his dark brown eyes glanced about, icy and piercing.
“I’m a little confused.” Jackdaw said with a menacing drawl as he approached the closest guard “Mind answering a few for me?”
The guard nodded shakily.
Jackdaw smiled, patting the guard’s cheek in a mocking manner “Good, good. Now let me paint the picture: My club is currently a smoky, charred corpse of its former self. Yes?”
The guard gave another timid nod.
Jackdaw puckered his lips thoughtfully “Okay, okay. How many guards on duty?”
“8.” The guard murmured fearfully.
“Okay. How many standing?”
The guard shot a nervous glance to the other three. They found the floor more interesting.
The guard’s limp body tumbled backwards and laid still on the ground.
Jackdaw flexed his fingers “Wrong! I count three. You!”
The next in line flinched but stared their boss in the face “Sir?”
“Since that one.” Jackdaw lazily motioned to the unconscious man “is sleeping on the job, you tell me what happened.”
“O-okay.” The next in line mumbled “Well the night started same as any other….”
The Gray Waves nightclub brought in a decent crowd for a weekday: Dozen or so people lost in the dim shadows with only a disorienting array of ever changing lights for company. Drinks served and the booming, thundering sounds of music set the chaotic mood clubs thrived on.
Nice peaceful night.
Floyd, the current storyteller, had been watching from the second floor landing when he noticed the gathering of guards below. The eight guards on duty were often out and about performing their different duties ranging from gate keeping the door to making sure nothing disturbed the vibe of the club. The fact five of his coworkers were huddled together should’ve been the first red flag.
The group talked in hushed tones despite the deafening bass and techno music the DJ’s speakers blared out. Once or twice, someone glanced to the far end of the club. Floyd looked and found the source of meeting.
Someone in their forties was loudly drinking at the counter tucked in the shadowy part of the club: It was impossible to tell who they were from this distance but they clearly were enjoying themselves: Head tiled back with messy, wavy salt and pepper hair. They gestured to the bartender (A wonderful woman named Carolyn who unfortunately had school debt to pay off and mob work was the best paying.) excitedly as their drink spilled onto the floor. They wore a large, tattered dark green trench coat that had seen better decades with faded worn out blue jeans. Their black boots were caked with grime and dirt that dirtied the floor. The only thing remotely new was their black t-shirt with some words in white font.
Floyd understood what the problem was: Clubs thrived on their popularity and image. People wanted to feel like they were special, all access stars to the hottest place in the city. With such a reputation came a mighty need to uphold said rep. No offense to whoever was having fun over there but with that look, it might send the wrong message and no amount of cash would ever change that.
Evidently a plan was reached as the meeting broke up. Two guards remained behind, returning to watching the room as the pit boss made his way over to the hapless customer, flanked with back up.
It was oddly satisfying watching the pit boss work: He gracefully slid in and out of crowds, slipping through the lost dancers like a snake treading through water. He motioned to the others to wait then made his way to the person.
The person was singing something at the top of his lungs. Drink, clink or something like that. Maybe it was the song playing at the time but Floyd hadn’t been paying attention to that at the time.
Trench Coat slipped Carolyn something and she laid a bottle of alcohol on the counter beside them: Vermouth? Absente? Vodka? One of those probably.
She nodded gratefully and disappeared into the back.
Floyd frowned at the red flag number two he had just seen: Carolyn was a pretty woman and was told more or less to just do as the customer asked be it answering questions or a reasonable request that wasn’t too out of the ordinary. Of course this was with the strict rule of not to leave the counter unattended.
At the time Floyd thought it was weird, not yet realizing what was about to unfold.
The person poured the bottle directly into their mouth, shaking their body to the catchy beat poorly. Whoever they were could not dance to save their life.
The pit boss, Malcolm, closed the distance between himself and his prey. He snuck closer and closer, the unaware customer too lost in their antics to noticed. Malcolm reached out for their shoulder and…
The thud was loud enough to cut through the noisy club and got the attention of everyone present.
Before Malcolm could even tighten his grip, the person struck: They whirled around, grabbing Malcolm’s head and smashing it into the counter. As Malcolm sunk to the floor, limp and unmoving, the person turned to shoot a smug grin towards the guards.
“I’m on the floor, floor! I love to dance!” They sang, one hand outstretched to the sky, the other gripping the bottle upside and draining its contents onto the counter.
The back up drew their weapons, standard issue nightsticks, and made their way forward.
“So give me more, more, till I can’t stand.”
They emptied the bottle, their green eyes never leaving the approaching guards.
“Get on the floor, floor, like it’s your last chance.”
They chucked the empty bottle into the wall of drinks, broken glass and different alcoholic drinks spilling onto the floor and mixing together.
“If you want more, more, then here I am!”
They pulled a match from within their coat pocket and lit it with the backside of their boot. Without looking, they threw the match over their shoulder and smiled as a raging flame broke out behind them.
The club goers were slow to realize what was going on but the remaining guards, Floyd included, mobilized to action.
Before anyone could react, however, an unexpected shrill shrieked throughout the building: The fire alarm designed to be the most annoying and loudest thing you’ve ever heard.
Even though it had been a slow night and only a dozen or so people were here, the customers panicked with a surge of three times that number.
Screams and yells filled the air as bodies shuffled about in a mad dash. The guards were thrown about, tossed this way and that while the lights, alarm and music worked together to confuse everyone.
Luckily the club was deserted within moments, leaving only security and the troublemaker.
The person hadn’t moved an inch despite the increasingly raging blaze behind them.
The back up pair approached carefully, unsure what this person was capable of.
All of them really had no idea.
The person raised their hand to the sky, belting with full force “LET’S DO THIS ONE MORE TIME!”
Without warning, silence and darkness filled the club: The fire alarm and music died suddenly. The lights followed a moment later but the raging flames, growing hungrily, remained. Floyd’s eyes watered with a sharp pain, the stuffy air and sudden shift in lighting too much for him
Floyd paused his story, uneasy growing at the sight of Jackdaw’s tightened jaw. The poor lad could actually see the veins pulsing with barely contained rage on his boss’s forehead.
“And why did the power go out?” Jackdaw asked through clenched teeth “No one was watching the power? Or the fusebox? Not a single person was guarding what I pay them to guard?”
Floyd remained silent, unsure how to answer that. He was just one of the lower rank and file guards: He got told what to do and he did it.
“Well? I’m waiting Floyd my boy! Why did the power go out?”
Floyd felt the beads of sweat run down his neck.
“Umm sir?”
Floyd nearly collapsed as one of Jackdaw’s techies nervously stepped forward, a loaded video on a tablet in hand.
Jackdaw blew a loose strain of hair out of his face and took a moment to slick back his hair. The vain gesture was enough to allow him to regain some level of composure as he snatched the tablet from the techie. With a grunt, he pressed play.
The video was short: It was a camera feed set up to watch over the fusebox to prevent tampering. Two guards were gesturing to the box, idly chatting with somebody in a red jumpsuit with a clipboard in one hand and a toolbox in the other. The back of uniform had the words “Newton Haven City Maintenance” scrawled across it in some rather hard to read font. The guards laughed out loud, jokingly patting the stranger’s shoulder before leaving frame. The city worker opened the fusebox and began tinkering without anyone stopping him.
The tablet crunched nosily as Jackdaw’s grip sent a ripple of cracks across the screen.
He turned to the techie.
“It was a routine check up.” the techie sputtered out “Our guards called it in this afternoon. Said there was an official letter with stamps and signatures and everything!”
“Did you check with me?” Jackdaw snarled “Because I pay the city specifically so they don’t send anyone to the club. Because of my illegal business practices that I perform there.”
Floyd could see the techie’s shoulder slump, whispering quietly “You were in a meeting….”
Jackdaw growled furiously but returned his attention to the nearly broken tablet.
It hadn’t taken more than a few minutes for the mysterious city maintenance worker to finish. They slammed the fusebox closed, doing a little jig before checking the contents of their toolbox and went on their merry little way.
Jackdaw’s blood froze as the figure gave a cheeky wink to the camera, knowing exactly where it was despite the magical wards in place to keep it invisible.
An eerie emptiness replaced the hostility in the room.
The fight disappeared out of Jackdaw, leaving only an intense sense of dread and paranoia.
All this was lost on Floyd, who saw the troublemaker’s face and couldn’t help but blurt out “That’s them! The one who beat up Malcolm and burned the club down!”
Jackdaw chuckled darkly “Oh. Oh this makes sense. No one wonder you all get your ass kicked six ways to Sunday. Someone sic’d Savant on me. Ya’ll never had a chance against them.”
Floyd shuddered, the memory of how brutal and efficient Savant had been against them: Grown men dragged kicking and screaming into the shadows, the crunchy noises of bones broken, bodies falling down and yells stopped mid-shout. He still remembered Savant standing over him, nightstick in hand, whistling cheerfully as they brought down the weapon and sent him into unconsciousness.
“Alright!” Jackdaw clapped his hands “Lock it down!”
Everyone glanced towards one another, unsure what exactly the boss meant.
“LOCK IT DOWN!” the snarl that escaped Jackdaw’s lips sent goosebumps down everybody’s spine “NOW! I WANT THIS PLACE SEALED UP NICE AND TIGHT!”
“But we’re 14 stories up...”
Techie flinched as Jackdaw whirled around, eyes blazing with unrestrained rage and impatience “You deaf? I said lock down the building or so help me I’m going to use you as a human shield when they start coming for me.”
Techie opened his mouth when an unexpected sound filled the silence: A muffled, cheeky yet tacky melody of a cellphone ringing.
Glances and gazes looked about trying to find the source of the disturbance. Floyd was baffled when he realized it was coming from inside his coat pocket. Nervously, he reached within and slowly pulled out a palm sized flip phone, the kind hadn’t been used in decades.
Jackdaw’s eyes widened with fear and alarm as he snatched the phone from the poor guard with inhuman speed.
“It’s them!” Jackdaw’s voice was manic “IT’S THEM!”
The mobster was torn about what to do next: Answering meant playing right into Savant’s hands and whatever the mercenary had plan. On the other hand, not answering would no doubt annoy them into far worse retaliation.
With a hard shallow, Jackdaw answered with an uncharacteristically shy “Hello?”
He could feel his heart screech to a stop when a bored, almost nonchalant voice replied “S’up.”
Jackdaw threw as much charm and cheer into his voice “Savant, buddy! Pal!”
“Don’t.” the voice sighed tiredly “It’s pathetic when the begging start. You’re a big, bad mob boss. Act like it you dumbass.”
“Fine” Jackdaw let go of any sense of civility “Good old threats: if you so much as show your face around…”
“Ugh too much in the wrong direction” Savant replied, seemingly uninterested in what the mob boss had to said “You people are all the same: False bravado and overcompensating. It’s embarrassing. Just say you’re scared of me and we can move on.”
Despite the severity of the situation, Jackdaw couldn’t help but feel irritated “Oh is that what you want? Get your jollys when powerful people admit they’re afraid of you? You think you can….you can…”
Jackdaw paused, unsure if his ears were working correctly.
“Are you eating?”
“Hmm??” the sound of smacking lips and chewing was the mercenary’s response for a few moments “Oh yeah. Get hungry when working. Normally I’d be all for the theatrics but it’s been a long night what with fucking with your fusebox, burning down your club, planting the phone on a guard. It’s like 3 in the morning dude.”
Jackdaw bit his lip angrily, a single drop of blood running down his chin “It is 3 in the morning and I’m very tired so I’d very much like to conclude our business. How much?”
“To hire me?” more lip smacking “An amount. You could probably afford it.”
Jackdaw let his shoulder’s sag with relief “So it’s agreed? I’ll hire you and we can all be on our merry way.”
“Sure!” Savant said cheerfully.
Bullet dodged.
“You can hire me after I finish this job. By the way did you like the gift I sent you?”
Jackdaw was a powerful and feared member of the illicit side of the magical world. He climbed to his position through sheer force of will and power. He left countless of his enemies broken and defeated in his wake.
To see him reduced to a flailing, paranoid mess would be a story no one would believe.
“GIFT?!” Jackdaw screamed, unable to keep the high-pitch whine out of his voice “WHAT GIFT?! SOMEONE FUCKING ANSWER ME!”
The techie was the first to shake off their stupor “Well there was a box that came in today. It was empty and we detected no magic so…”
“Box?!” Jackdaw spat as he wildly searched the room before landing on the seemingly innocent box just sitting on his desk “You brought it the fuck here?”
Everyone backed away.
“Wait” Jackdaw cut off the techie’s answer “Maybe they were hoping you’d take it somewhere or get rid of it. No, no this is good. We’re outwitting the fucker.”
“Sir, the box was empty. And you told use you personally wanted to inspect any and all….”
“You hear that asswipe!” Jackdaw grinned ear to ear “My people are the best! We’re ahead of you. Your game is over, you hear me?”
“My man.” Savant’s voice was infuriatingly calm “It’s just a regular old box for a boring ass mobster.”
“Stop lying!” Jackdaw roared angrily, instinctively bringing down his fist on the closet object in the room.
Which of course was the box.
The parcel collapsed under the mobster’s supernatural strength with little effort. As the box was smashed, the two inert glyph drawn in an invisible ink on both ends collided and activated each other.
The room erupted in an array of dazzling, blinding lights.
The light show hadn’t lasted long but no one knew that as they stumbled around, disoriented and lost, the display still burned in their retinas.
Jackdaw howled violently, swiping at the air blindly with long talon-like nails. Any calls for explanations or help were lost under the raging mobster unleashed.
Jackdaw didn’t hear the window break, the sound of glass shattering as it rained upon the floor. He didn’t see the muzzle flash that flared across the street, Savant’s sniping perch. He knew nothing but the sudden searing pain that filled his shoulder without warning.
Everything drained out of him, he slumped to the floor like a doll. He weakly clutched at his shoulder, steam wafting off the wound as the sliver bullet dug itself deep in its new home.
It didn’t matter what kind of werebeast you were: Wolf, bear, rat or even a raven like Jackdaw. All them were deathly weakened by sliver. The mere smell could cause nausea, touch burned worse than third degree burns and any injuries could take weeks, maybe even months to heal.
Jackdaw wheezed, the room spinning in a messy blur.
“Right.” the phone landed by his ear but Savant’s voice sounded far off like it was echoing down a long tunnel “Sorry I got the paper right here.”
Muted sounds of pockets being turned inside out: Scraping of metal on brick, shuffling papers, even rustling fast food wrappers.
“Got it!” Savant beamed “Quinn says stay the fuck off his turf. Mind your lane or the next time he sends me I won’t be aiming for your shoulder.”
“How did you know I was...I was… no one knew...?” Jackdaw murmured incoherently.
“Your heart.” Savant explained “It’ll be your heart. Okay well I gotta go so take these next few months to reflect on any sort of ill advised turf wars, domestic disputes and fighting with your rivals. If you’re still interested in hiring me for revenge or whatever, you call me at my business payphone. Bye little birdy!”
Savant dropped the phone to the floor, crushing it under their boot while rubbing the tension out of their neck. Around them was the standard stakeout gear: high powered and totally illegal sniper rifle, a neatly piled trash heap and a sniping pillow (Sniping’s hard on the stomach and knees.).
They packed away the gun, kicked the trash heap to make it look more like natural rooftop garbage and went downstairs.
Savant yawned tiredly, not at all concerned with the guards that were pouring out of Jackdaw’s hidey hole. They glanced around, trying to get their bearings when they noticed a hot dog vendor across the street.
“I really shouldn’t” they pursed their lips “Especially after paying for someone to set up the pyrotechnics spells. But I am hungry. Stomach wins!”
Savant made their way over, patting their stomach lovingly “One hotdog please. Everything on it.”
“You got it!” The vendor nodded before eyeing the commotion “What’s with that?”
“I don’t talk business.”
“O-kay. Umm here’s your hotdog. That’ll be two bucks.
Savant reached into their pocket and shoved a hundred dollars into the waiting vendor’s hand. Without a second look, Savant gratefully took the hotdog and walked away.
“Hey buddy! BUDDY! You gave me way too much!”
“You too!” Savant replied, took caught up in the rapture that was their meal.
This was a really fucking good hotdog.
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angelgurlhearts-2 · 3 years
Tw: needles, blood, covid, vax, covid vaccine, death, im pissed and I need to vent
I’m feeling annoyed. I don’t even know how to vent about this and idc if my s/o sees this at this point I just need someplace to vent where I’m not gonna get a whole lot of interaction.
My boyfriend’s family are literally health freaks, I swear. You mention one MINOR thing wrong and they’ll flip out. Covid? Yeah they’re big on that. Like stay tf away from me, get vaxed, wear a damn mask, get tested, and it’s basically demanding at this point. I had to cancel my fucking Christmas trip last year that costed me well over maybe $400 or so because they’re huge on the lockdowns and shit. I was pissed and upset and crying almost everyday. But now a said family member is showing minor symptoms of who knows what, and of course the whole family has to know and they demanded to have said family member tested for Covid ASAP. Like??? It’s night time?? Why couldn’t you just wait until morning??? I get it, age, but still??? It’s not life or death rn, I’m sure it can wait. I was just telling my boyfriend that like…imagine if I had diabetes problems, they’re probably gonna freak tf out…calling 911 and shouting for doctors because my bg is high/low. I told him if anything medically happens to me, do not contact anyone from his family. I don’t care if it’s a simple doctors appointment, lab work, whatever, don’t contact his family about me. So if this said family member turns out positive, I’m pretty sure I’m going to be canceling my $450 trip ONCE AGAIN and won’t see my boyfriend until next year (probably overreacting but I don’t think I’m wrong at this point). Also since I got covid the beginning of September and I refuse to get the vax, my boyfriend said “you HAVE to get the covid vaccine now, you’ve had it twice.” (Back in 2019 in October I was showing similar symptoms) the only reasons why I refuse to get the covid vax is because as a type one diabetic, I’ve seen many cases where diabetics will go into DKA and they cannot fix their bg no matter how many units of insulin they give via pump, flex pen, or syringe, and I don’t feel like being sick as fuck with after effects of the vax (and with diabetes, it amplifies that shit more), and after all that insulin I don’t want to crash into hypoglycemia and being low to the point where I have to be sent to the hospital and have my glucagon being used on me. Also I’ve heard stories of people passing away from the vax and I fear death and I don’t want to leave the world just yet. I told him “listen, if you want to deal with my shitty side effects, DKA, low blood sugar, fear of needles, and everything else, you can fly up here and take care of me because I’m not making my mom stay home from work and I probably won’t be able to fight this off alone.” And what does he do? HE GLADLY AGREES AS IM FUMING BECAUSE NOW I FEEL FORCED TO GET IT AND I DIDNT WANT TO GET IT IN THE FIRST PLACE. I’m not anti covid or anything, it just annoys me how much stress they put into thinking this is the apocalypse. Like we’re alive and okay right now, I don’t care about a, b and c, just BREATHE for a second. I might just be over reacting but I just needed to vent where I don’t get a lot of interaction because no one cares and idc if my boyfriend sees this at this point, he knows how pissed I am about everything. But now it’s more like pissed and stressed and I don’t even want to SEE the light of day over there or interact with his family. Ugh just put me out of my misery already PLEASE. T_T
Thank you for letting me vent okay bye.
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