#please remember this when you'll judge my results
rodjanikov · 6 months
Hard work pays off
Hard work pays off
Hard work pays off
Hard work pays off
Hard work pays off
Hard work pays off
Hard work pays off
Hard work pays off
Hard work pays off
Hard work pays off
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soulprompts · 2 years
so, i absolutely love cooking! it's a passion of mine, i've been cooking for my family for years, people seem to find my food edible enough, and i recently found myself unable to cook at all for about a week, resulting in this little list coming into existence! i'm most likely going to make more of these, simply because the dynamics in a kitchen are varied as hell, right? we have romantic couples who cook together as a hobby, there's professional restaurant kitchen settings, baking oriented stuff, cooking with kids, there's a LOT to be done w the topic! so these are more for the chaos of someone who cannot boil an egg to save their life, vs. someone who enjoys cooking and is widely considered to be a dab hand at it! DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST! but i do hope you enjoy it as much as i enjoyed making it!
" hey, hey, it's okay! we'll scrape off the burnt bits! "
" here, let me chop the onions, okay? you can dice the peppers and beef; just be sure to do them on separate boards, yeah? "
" you... you know the wine was for the stew, don't you?! "
" i swear to you, i don't know how this happened. i followed every single instruction, word for word! "
" taste this and tell me what you think! "
" oh my god... this is AMAZING! you should have your own cooking show! "
" you're kidding me! no way this whole thing is vegan! it's just too good! "
" so, um... i might have possibly accidentally tipped the entire jar of cayenne pepper into the soup... and by might have, i mean definitely. "
" i think i'm gonna have to ask you to leave the kitchen before you hurt somebody. "
" it says here to fold in the eggs... now, tell me, how exactly does one do that? "
" i might have over-exaggerated my cooking skills... and blown up the oven. "
" look, it sounds gross, but i'm telling you, when it's cooked right, it's the best thing ever! "
" i lied to my date and now they think i'm this amazing cook when i'm absolutely not, so please, can you spare me the lecture and just teach me how to cook? "
" woah, woah, woah... try chopping like this. yeah, that's it. you won't chop off your hand this way. "
" so, um... how exactly did it manage to stay frozen solid on the inside, but scorch to a crisp on the outside? "
" okay, remember when it asked for fifty grams of sugar? yeah. i accidentally used salt. "
" well, at least we know the smoke alarms work, right? "
" i ruined three knives, i have a roast chicken embedded in my ceiling, my oven officially needs therapy, and so do i! wanna call it quits and order a pizza? "
" i swear, you're one of those kitchen gods who can make ice cubes taste fantastic! "
" this is the fun part! take that tenderiser, and beat the absolute crap out of that pile of steaks. "
" i'm trying so hard not to judge you right now, but... onion goggles?! "
" how on earth did you get pasta sauce on the ceiling? "
" you know every single firefighter in town knows my name? and my top three favorite comfort foods to bring each time i trigger the fire alarm? yeah. that's my culinary reputation. "
" hey. it's okay. this isn't the first time i've burnt dinner. i have taco bell on speed dial. "
" sometimes recipes just don't work out. and that's okay! what matters is that you tried. "
" i didn't realize it was even possible to burn water! "
" ah... i see where you went wrong. the recipe uses paprika. this is chilli powder. "
" quit eating the batter, or we'll have no cupcakes at all! "
" no! no way. i'm not tasting anything cooked by you; not since your orange juice gave me food poisoning. "
" the last time i tried to cook, my pot roast ended up on fire and put a hole in my dry wall. i had to hang paintings over it until i could refill the crater. "
" no, you cannot cook chicken medium-rare. wanna know why? because that means it's raw. and you'll end up with food poisoning. and i'll have to tell you what a moron you were to even think that was an acceptable thing to do in the first place. "
" i thought you teaching me how to cook would be all soft and friendly, like the great british bake-off! but it's more like hell's kitchen. "
" no tears in my kitchen, thank you! "
" six fires in three hours is your personal best! only problem is, we're making fruit salad... "
" i understand that it's meant to be salted caramel, but... exactly how much salt did you use?! "
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psychelis-new · 6 months
hello, love, i hope you're doing allright. i hope i am not bothering you.. if so, please feel free to ignore this ask <3
could you please tell me your opinion about this? https://www.tumblr.com/goldenestheart/737125132364120064/okay-i-have-to-add-something-remember-this-is-my?source=share
Thank you so much and have wonderful day/night.
Hello darling!
My opinion is always the same. :)
Readings are based on the energy and intention present in the moment they are done/read/received, but each one of us is always able of changing the result (especially the far away in the future-results): not taking an action, changing your mind, having doubts, doing or not doing something is always in your hands and this ofc can change the result of readings (as it changes the background intentions) or postpone their realization too. Or they can come true but in a different way than we expect them to and we may miss that too. Basically, this person is right on this "the future is in your hands" (but also in the hands of fate and faith, at times).
If you believe in energies and that we're all connected, you can believe that someone on the other side of the world can see your future when you ask them to. It's not a matter of age (what society wants you to do is "to act up, grow up, be an adult", as this person is saying, but this doesn't mean you need to close off magic from your life: you can still be in touch with your inner child and help them believe that you can reach your dreams; it doesn't mean you're naive or stupid and if someone is judging you this way, you can be sure it's pretty much their pain talking -this is plain psychology). And you can also believe that this reader living on the other side of the world can read your energy through initials or any other mean they find of use. Why this cannot be real? (The opposite question is as important here imo).
If we start putting mind (as this person says "use your brain") into a realm that has a little to nothing to do with reason, ofc nothing will work. Nothing will make sense. But it doesn't have to, does it? We're not talking about things that always make sense by books' definition: your intuition is not reason (reason ruins it, if anything); the same way your energy cannot be simplified in a math equation and always be reasonable under your own timing and conditions (and even Einstein was saying: everything is energy, we are made of energy too). You cannot ask it to be so reasonable cause it makes you feel better and it gives you a little bit of control over the whole process. Sadly there's no such deep control over energies nor future. It's a matter of trusting and believing, also in divine timing. In getting ready for something. Maybe not what you precisely wished for as not everything may be for you the way you'd like it to, but... stay ready and open to receive blessings, and you'll be provided.
I rather not judge others generally but to me, this person is very much hurt now. And I'm sorry. They probably held very high hopes or based everything on readings they got but never moved a finger to make things happen (or didn't take the proper actions, maybe even those suggested by a reader IDK), they simply waited or had doubts all over the process, and this is why none of the readings they got ever happened to be true. Not even partially (which I doubt, but it could be ofc. Maybe they have a better memory than me, a memory that is also not biased by the negativity -when we encounter negative stuff in life, when we feel triggered/overwhelmed, we tend to focus on that alone and forget about any little positive around us or in our past. That's pretty much human but it can enter also in our spirituality: we can stop believing ofc cause we're hurt and feel let down once again also on that side). Maybe they also asked the wrong readers: not because you pay a reader they HAVE TO be the right one to read you, imo. Energies go beyond our 3d "rules". Or, they took readings too much by word while at times that's not how they need to be taken (for them, and in that specific case): I for example once got in a pac I would have inherited/gained a huge amount of money in a couple of days but instead I found a few bucks (which honestly, very good: they came as unexpectedly). I think this is why their inner child is still in the same place and very much wounded, refusing to believe in energies and magic but turning to a much easier and safer "it's all bs"-life. They just feel abandoned once again and don't wanna suffer anymore and I honestly understand it too. If it makes them feel safer and more in control, sure they have to do it. They need to take a distance and cope with the pain as it's better for them to. And heal whatever trigger they got (be it even time running away and them still seeing nothing/no change and feeling let down and trapped in some hurtful reality). And if they'll need to come back to spirituality one day, they can too ofc: they need to follow what's better for them at any given time. Each one of us should do this. Ask ourselves/the 5d questions, try to understand, have doubts... it's all good and normal: we're humans. Let's be solving what's not working so to make it work for us.
But. It's also not right to offend others or impose on them our beliefs cause of our pain and our situation. I think everyone is free of believing or not in spirituality and to decide in what ways. It's a very personal thing to me. It's something each one of us has to decide inside of themselves, meditating what's best for them at each time of their lives too. It's not something someone else can decide for you, no matter what. It's not something someone can impose on you or judge you for. It goes beyond everything. (SInce you're here though, I assume you may believe, so:) Y'all are very much able to understand when getting a reading if someone is telling you something that is accurate on you, be it an image or a sign or anything, or not. If you're only hearing what you need to hear or not. You can objectively understand if you're being played with random words that can work for everyone (remember in pacs obviously words will be more general) or if there are messages that are just for you and resonate for you and your question. I'm not saying there aren't scammers (especially in my culture it's plenty), but I am also saying you can recognize them. And I am also saying you can ofc follow an advice given by a reader as much as you can refuse to acknowledge it: at times we're not open enough to receive certain type of guidance or to understand it and that's okay. If we need to receive a message, you can be pretty sure the Universe will deliver it clearly. And also: not everything that doesn't happen in our life as/when we'd like to (or as mentioned in a reading) is there to hinder us, or to tell us "no". Maybe it's there simply as a lesson we need to learn to actually get there, and if we're not getting it right we're just hindering ourselves out of a mistake.
Let me end with: please keep using readings and astrology as a guidance/signs, not as the Holy Grail of your life.
Have a lovely day/night!<3
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argonavis-hcs · 2 years
How They Will Celebrate Your Birthday
Argonavis | GYROAXIA | Fantome Iris | FUURAI | epsilon phi
tw: ⚠️ mention of alcohol
tags: fem!reader
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He is a tsun, what do you expect? /j
Kenta will notice him struggling and offer to help but you know him, he will either tell mama Kenta to back off or listen to his advice even tho Nayuta told him he doesn't need it
For one day, for your special day, he will be a liiitle bit lenient with his schedule aka no practice for today. *Ryo and Miyuki cheering in the background, probably*
Nayuta will celebrate your birthday in his apartment where no peering eyes and ears of news reporter AND his band member. Oh Nyankotarou is definitely there. Lowkey Nayuta thinks she makes him feel at ease, meanwhile she's there just to enjoy watching him struggle (i have evil!Nyankotarou agenda ok leave me alone)
Says this in low voice, "It's your birthday, right? Here. Huh!? Don't make me repeat my words." His eyes are not even directed at you. Heck, he'll probably have his back on you. The guy literally has no idea how to do this
Please hug him from behind. He needs it
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I think he will be similar to Rio when it comes to this
If you're finally drinking age, he'll gift you your very first alcohol. If you turned out to dislike it, he has a backup present ready
He knows a lot of good restaurant and bakery in the city. Rest assured that your birthday will be lavish in his hand
Queen treatment x 5 because he always treat you like one. But today is different
Kenta knows your every needs and wants by heart. You like reading and have been hunting for a copy of that one book? You got it. You're into fashion? Pick one from any magazine or brand, he'll get it for you. You simply want to spend the rest of the day with him in peace? He cleared his schedule days in advance already
No errand for the band leader today, only your hand intertwined with his as you celebrate the day. Never letting go
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Or better yet, baking it together! Although the end result will leave the kitchen turning into a big mess. We all know 50% of the flour will be used for food fight instead
Lord help his bandmates because he will turn off his phone the whole day, unless when taking pictures. No one will be able to track this guy for the rest of the day. He will cling to you no matter what matters you have that day
He managed to get his hand on this customized and limited-edition constellation necklace, it has the constellation that were present the day you were born. The starry skies that witnessed the beginning of a miracle, a miracle bigger than the big bang itself. So chaotic, so beautiful, so magnificent
For a moment, you felt like he is a completely different person. As he was done helping you with the necklace, there were tears pooling in his eyes, along with a small smile that means a thousand words, how he wishes to speak it out loud. His hug surrounds you, like the warmest sun, you can't help but promise to always be in his orbit. Until the day stars collide
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Reon, sweet sweet boy
If you guys happen to study in the same campus, best believe the first thing you see in the morning the moment you step inside the campus you'll find Reon with a bouquet of sunflower in hand. Everyone will watch and that is the whole point. Get ready to appear on a magazine headline about GYRO's guitarist and his "lover". Well, it's about time for the world to know that he's not available just for anyone anymore
To be honest, you expected him to remember this day much much later, maybe not at all. Ouch, you hurt Reon's heart. You're the apple to his eyes, y'know? Other girls must be really jealous of you. Especially judging by the invisible holes being drilled into your brain by these stares
Reon won't waste time just to stand there, he took your hand in his. Let's get you away from the public eyes, shall we? He made his statement already, now's the time for the main part of the day. He knows just a place, trust him with your whole heart and spend the day with him, will you?
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Now, now, look who dressed up nicely for the occasion? He even put extra effort with his hair the previous day. After all, a beautiful lady's birthday should be celebrated with a handsome gentleman such as he, Miyuki Sakaigawa, by the lady's side
He too knows everything that is to know about you. Not in a creepy way, of course. You're just like an open book, so easy to read. He knows your favorite cake flavor so he went and bought you a birthday cake of that flavor. Sorry if it's really small, he intended for both of you to finish it soon because his line surprises hasn't even close to it's end
So many places were visited, new memories were born, they'll forever imprinted in your heart. This side of him he barely showed anyone... you don't think you can let go of this anytime soon. However, this fairy tail of yours won't end by the time clock hits midnight. So put your hand close to his heart, feel how it beats for you, and seal the moment with a kiss
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kmp78 · 4 months
"I perfectly know how is the one (anon!) writing 1000 comments under Lordy's posts (emoticons most of the times!) who comes here to judge others when she is the first to do the same! and it is already the second time in months you do the same post anonimously here judging others!look in the mirror and you'll find the answer! get yourself a life and stop throwing 💩 and writing names...are we at kindergarten? maybe you are still there🤣 what a sad life you have!"
You do not know me! Let's get that straight! So please don't pretend that you do! And I'm not judging others, I telling it like it is! You are the once using names, and are calling others all sorts of names. And you think it is strange that some react to that!? I'm merely reacted on what is being posted here! Which is rude and disrespectful! We all respond here anonymously here, so you know nothing of my life and how many times I have responded! This will be the second and the last time! I have better things to do than to waist my time on people who are not worth losing energy over!
But remember this:
My additude is a result of your actions! So if you don't like my additude blame yourself!
Jeeez Loouiiiiiise, guys! Chiiiiiiiiiiill... 🧘🏼‍♀️
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drarrymylove · 2 years
Do y'all remember when you were younger and making friends still felt like falling in love?
Like now, you're all "let's meet for brunch on a Sunday" even though you hate leaving the house on Sundays but it's the only day you both have off work and your have to pick out your outfit that says something between "I'm not poor and this outfit is definitely not 6 years old... unless you think it's cool, then it's absolutely 6 years old and I got it from a thrift store when it was already 5 years old and definitely didn't buy it from some fast fashion website or old navy and yes, the hole in my shirt only happened this morning when I was rescuing a puppy from a busy intersection and not the result of years of overuse" and "this is the nicest shirt I own, please don't judge me for being overdressed. It's not at all appropriate for the venue but I want you to think I'm effortlessly pretty like I think you are. Also, we can't hang out again after this for at least 3 paychecks so I can keep this up."
You're not in the same boat like you were before. We were all in school, the same level of inexperienced, similar expectations, similar ages and experiences and when you find someone you clicked with, you saw them all the time, have class together, lunch together, they were constant. And you had time to live for the moments you had together without worrying about making time to seek them out, to coordinate schedules or pick a venue. You just knew they'd be there.
And good god is it horrible to find new friends when you're an adult. Especially when you don't go to church or play sports or do the parent group stuff or whatever it is that makes parents be friends with each other.
Being older is so insanely lonely and I can't believe people don't talk about it. I haven't made a new friend in years. I'll hang out with someone for a few months and realize I'm playing a character the whole time trying to make sure they like me and it's so easy to drift out of people's lives with practically no resistance. No one chases you down and says "I have missed you". And the older you get, the fewer people you find with similar life experiences... even in the same work environment.
Like, you can have one ex-con who sells drugs or of his car, an early-thirties woman with a teenage child, a 25-year-old student working on a masters degree, a 17-year old who has never worked or lived outside her home town that has a population of >5k until 3 weeks ago, and a part-time sex worker all working at the same place. How do you make friends that really *get* you like your childhood or school-age friends?
And eventually you have to understand that you'll never make friends like you did when you were younger. Your old friends are still there. But one is on their second child 2,000 miles away and the other just bought a house in the hometown you fought so hard to leave and works 2nd shift so your free time doesn't even overlap for a phone call. They are still there but it's different. And it's terrifying because what if they don't miss you in the heartbreaking way you miss them?
And when you were the most important people in each other's lives... it really did feel like falling in love. Such a deep and profound platonic love that faded and changed to the point you know you'll grieve the loss/change of it for the rest of your life.
How are we ever supposed to recover from that?
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greatnessordeath · 2 years
Tsukishima x !femreader
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MDNI 18 + explicit sexual content
tags: bits of hurt and comfort/self doubt and insecurity, workhour sex, quickie, doctor Reader and lab Tsukki
words: 4.2k
notes: The following is an extract from my slow burn bakugou x reader fic. It spoils the recent chapter, but if you're interested in reading more and understanding the background of whats happening, you can swing by my ao3 naturally! I'd be honored :)
As you wander the floors towards the lab, you audibly blow out the air and try to get your shit together.
Dr. Iwaizumi is right. Peak performance is the default, leaving no room for your inner struggle with Dynamight or the media. You could never forgive yourself if a patient had to suffer from your shortcomings. With newfound energy you block out the nagging doubts. A coffee would definitely help.
The tests were performed in a modern laboratory separated by huge glass panes from the rest of the hospital floor. The mostly white interior screamed fancy chemistry out of every shiny surface. There were lots of racks full with samples waiting to be examined and tested.
As you step closer to the counter, the tall blonde sitting behind it doesn't care to look up. You wait patiently, but he continues to type undeterred.
His glasses reflect the computer screen in front of him and you're unable to catch a glimpse of his gaze.
You clear your throat lightly "...Tsukishima?"
Without detaching his gaze from the big monitor he asks "... Longing?"
You tilt your head and raise your eyebrows. “For my favorite lab stinker? Always."
This finally earns you a reaction. With joy you hear an original Tsukishima-tongue-click™.
"Tch. Careful, or you'll hurt my feelings."
You snort in disbelief and rest your chin on your hand.
"Why don't you tell me more about this ominous - what did you call it? - ‘feelings’ over a cup of coffee?” You mirror the mock disinterest in his voice.
“I’ll pay, if you make sure Dr. Iwaizumi gets his results first. How does that sound to you?”
A blonde brow rises and your eyes meet. Irises, golden like honey, but dismissive like a judge's, scan your face as he weighs your proposal.
He surely takes his time, so you don’t hesitate to help make it happen.
Maybe you’re a little too bold right now, but you couldn’t care less. Distraction for the win.
You smile lightly in victory and blink to Yamaguchi.
“Tadashi?” He asks without breaking eye contact with you.
“...Yup?” Yamaguchi chirps from a booth.
“I’m taking a small break now. Have an eye on the centrifuge for me, would you? Also, Lactate and Amylase for Dr. Iwaizumi should be ready in five. I’m back in 20 or so minutes.”
The personification of a cinnamon roll responds with a light-hearted grin.
“Yeah. No problem, Tsukki.”
“Just let me finish this mail real quick and we’re good to go, Rookie.”
You wait leaning against the wall in the hallway and watch the hustle and bustle in the laboratory. As always, Tsukishima's facial expression is neutral and focused, if not a little grim. To be fair, you don’t wanna know how you’re looking when you’re trying to think about a diagnosis. Possibly even worse.
“What's up Babygirl? Missed me so much, you can’t even wait for the next on-call sleepover?”
The slim laboratorian finally gets up and directly walks past you towards the cafeteria. Clearly he's used to others following him instead of the opposite. You close up the small distance with hurried strides, trying to level his fast pace.
As soon as you’re around the corner and out of earshot, he side-eyes you suspiciously.
You roll your eyes at him. “No, idiot. And don’t call me that.”
“Sounded different to me last time," he snorts teasingly. "If I remember correctly, you practically came when I praised you.”
“Shhh, Tsukishima! Are you insane? Don’t say that aloud in the middle of the fucking corridor.” You hush in shock and irritation.
“But it’s true. Didn’t know you were so responding.”
You stop dead in your tracks.
“Can you please spare me this kind of conversation? I’m not in the mood, okay?”
He stops too and darts you a glance, hands buried deep in a white lab coat.
“In what mood are you, Princess?”
“Urgh, first of all, could you stop calling me stupid nicknames?”
“Make me,” he defies tauntingly, taking a step towards you. “You wanted to buy me a coffee. Remember?”
Regret washes over you. You don’t know why you asked him to come, it came over you by a quirk of fate.
What were you expecting- a friendly chat with your casual and frustratingly frosty fuckbuddy of all humans? You must be a masochist. Another explanation didn't make sense.
“This is stupid. I’m stupid.”
“Is that the sweet sound of self doubt from Miss Perfect herself?”
“I’m leaving. This was a bad idea.”
As you turn around, he snatches your arm in a matter of seconds.
“Hey what’s wrong? I’m just teasing.” He’s visibly irritated by your moodiness.
You stare a hole into the floor and feel overwhelmed with emotions and thoughts you can't detangle all at once. So you go for the lamest option.
“It's nothing.”
He stares at you and the seconds pass painfully slowly.
“Ahhh, yes sure. Nothing’s why you’re looking like you’re just ahead of a mental breakdown.” he states matter of factly, but you still avoid his eyes.
“I… don’t want to talk about it.”
“Why did you come to see me then?” he bores a valid but dangerous question, adding another straw that might break the camel's back.
“I, I don’t know ...”
You squirm but you throw in the towel. “... I'm confused about something.”
You know he’s right. “...You’d help me?”
Tsukishima snorts half amused, “...more like everything.”
You keep silent, chewing the inside of your lip.
“Look,” you sense the warmth of his hands, lightly gracing your arms, “if you don’t talk, I can’t help you.”
“What? Thought I’d only fuck you? I'm intrigued.”
Cocky bastard dares to smirk at you knowingly, putting a hand on his heart over-dramatically.
Well, after the gathering comes the scattering. You are too fucking naive.
Blood floods your cheeks guiltily. However, you sense something new in the atmosphere. You need to risk that jump in at the deep end. He's the only one in close vicinity you can talk to.
“Okay, okay. I will try." You take a deep breath and start to explain your misery.
"I got myself into trouble. Not with a patient, but in public. It has nothing to do with my work in the hospital, but I made a mistake. Or better it looks like it outwardly, I guess you could argue about that, but that's not important.” You’re testing the waters and watch his reaction warily.
His face is neutral, brow raised expectantly for you to continue.
“The point is - sooner or later people will find out it was me. If they know, it will put a bad light on the hospital." You sigh in frustration. "...So, should I go ahead and tell Dr. Oikawa now - or should I stay undercover and hope he’ll have mercy if he finds out?” Your voice pitches higher at the end of the final question.
“Tell him,” he states sternly.
You hug yourself in discomfort, "I was afraid you’d say that.”
“What’s the matter? Just get it over with. Oikawa will appreciate your initiative."
“He'd be very stupid to expel one of the most promising residents he has.”
He watches your slump shoulders skeptically. "Come on, you know it is the right thing to do. You don’t need me to confirm. ...Unless you really are this insecure?”
“I’m afraid he’ll expel me… or worse.” You breathe silently, as if speaking it aloud would increase the danger of it becoming reality.
“You don’t understand! I’m so scared to lose all of this.” You gesture with trembling hands at your surroundings, pretermitting his compliment. “It's not just the job, but well everything about this place. It means so much to me, I don’t even know where to begin. I don’t want to be anywhere else.”
He holds you tight in the deserted corridor for several breaths. “I meant what I said, idiot.”
Tears are threatening to fall, as Tsukishima realizes that you are indeed afraid. Stunned like a deer in headlights.
He carefully steps closer and hesitantly wraps his long arms around you. The touch seems to snap you out of paralysis and after a moment you return the hug.
"You do?" Your voice is small.
"Don't make me say it again, Princess."
A bit of contradiction crumbles away as he presses your bodies flush against each other. You want to believe what he said. But the truth is, you’re feeling weak for the longest times.
"It's nice to be reassured. Especially from someone I … appreciate."
He thinks about it for a second, then responds in a low tone.
"I'm sorry."
Granted, you didn’t want to use a more affectionate word, because you just don’t know which one fits your relationship.
His breath ghosts over your cheeks as you lock gazes.
"I dunno… What are we?"
"We don't need to put a label on it. I don't care what you call me as long as we're honest with each other." He squeezes you closer to emphasize his words.
Tsukishima might be a teasing self-righteous smartass but in a rare moment like this, he really gets under your skin. Sincere when it matters.
You try to smile but are occupied swallowing the lump in your throat. So instead you nuzzle your head into his firm chest. He smells so good. Clean.
Not hospital-disinfect-clean, but like a mixture of sports deodorant and shower freshness.
"You're right. I guess I just wanted someone to tell me that everything is going to be okay. I'm sorry if I got on your nerves. I’m just a mess. I try my best to overact my insecurity, but the qualms of conscience are eating me alive."
No, no, no, no, nonononono!
He presses a tender kiss to the crest of your head and runs his hands down your sides.
“I quite can’t believe you actually listened to me,” you whisper.
“Don’t thank me yet.” He caresses your waist and his voice gets a little lower. “You know, I could improve your mood, give your psych a little push in the right direction.”
His statement confuses you. “I’m not sure were on the same p-”
His hands travel further south to rest on your butt cheeks and the full extent of his insinuations channel their way into your mind.
“Tsukishima! I – –, no!” You look around anxiously. Thank God the corridor is empty, most of the staff has already eaten.
He towers over you and has the audacity to knead your cheeks like leavened dough.
Against all odds, pressure begins to rise between your legs.
Well, fuck.
“You sure?” He looks down on you with a crooked smile.
“Think about it, Doc. I believe you could badly use some Oxytocin, Serotonin and not to mention Dopamine.” His lips brush your hair and your tummy does a happy flip. “I can make you feel much better ...if you let me.”
You bite your lip. But it’s too late. The unforgiving seed of the idea has planted itself into your brain. Its roots already reach deep down where your needs are sealed. If you allow yourself to be honest, real honest - to just forget about the whole thing for a few minutes of sinful bliss sounds too tempting. But you’d never admit it.
This is wrong!
The worst thing is the knowledge of how not-empty his offer is. He can. He has proven strikingly to you in the past.
Initially you hooked up on a Halloween Party. You met at the bar and soon the conversation developed in a certain direction. You were loaded but not wasted and he was the perfect target. Smart enough to not argue about prevention and willing to not only chase his own climax. Plus, mean blondies seemed to be your type, duh.
You need to accumulate all the strength you have, to not give in. It was never ever so hard to deceive oneself.
Well, tell that the lust awakening within your insides. Shit!
“We’re working. We can’t just d-ahhhhhh”
He sneaked a hand up to the small of your back and grabbed a fist full of hair. Bending your head backwards, he leans down to kiss your neck impulsively.
Shivers erupt all over you, as he spoils you with his hot tongue, drawing erratic patterns on a particularly sensitive spot of skin.
He murmurs in between kisses, “if you don’t want to get caught, I suggest you better shut up."
He leaves you no time to respond and sucks the crook of your neck. Your skin tingles and you’re hungry for more.
That’s not fair!
"Wait, I -" you protest, but he cups your face with both hands and seals your lips with a kiss. The delicate touch of his palms on your jawline silences your demons and you tend to give up the last spark of restrain.
A very faint “Tsukishima, stop” is all you get out, but to your own demise it sounds more pleading than resolute. There is no force behind your words as you already let yourself melt into him.
“Atta girl,” he coos and you can sense his smile about your low resistance. You desperately claw your hands into his back just to have something to hold on to.
Here goes nothing!
Your right hand finds a way to tangle in his short wavy hair, as you finally return the kiss. Tsukishima is eager to suck your bottom lip while he hums in affirmation. Your mouth opens all too easily for his tongue to slip in. Simultaneously you shove your other hand under his shirt, greedy to feel his heated skin.
The evident chance of getting caught becomes less and less significant because you're drunk with the idea of making out in the middle of a well-frequented hallway. The thrill of excitement fuels your arousal. As the world shrinks around you, he draws back to see if the coast is clear.
The hallway is still deserted and you quickly slip through the next best door. It's just a small room, crammed with all kinds of cleaning supplies neatly arranged on floor-to-ceiling shelves and the janitor’s big floor cleaning machine. It smells like “Fresh Breeze” cleanser and alcohol. Tsukishima locks behind you and doesn't give you time to further look around.
He gently pushes you back until cold metal presses into your shoulder blades. Your heartbeat is elevated and with hooded lids you pine for his lips to reunite with yours.
He brings his head within kissable reach, so close that your breath fogs his lenses lightly. He won’t move further to close the tiny gap between the two of you.
It’s an offer - or better, the last chance to get off easy.
The hunger in his eyes makes you squeeze your thighs together in want. You’re treading new terrain if you agree to this and you never thought you’d be able to cross that line.
Your lips are swollen at this point and you can’t think straight. The painful pulsing of your midst demands your attention.
Once you're gonna be selfish. With a quick glance at your watch you throw away the last bit of concern. Oxytocin is better than anything your canteen provides.
“Fuck it, okay. We’ve got less than ten minutes,” you swear and lean in to cover his mouth with your lips.
He chuckles lightly into it. “That will do.”
You fist his shirt in indecision. “Don’t make me regret this.”
“Trust me.”
With this, he takes over your mouth. The kiss is gentle and soft, not like you expected it to be after the special hallway-prelude.
You nip at his lips and catch a light taste of spearmint. The way his tongue slides over the roof of your mouth elicits a feeling of familiarity. He lets you set the pace and it helps to lift off some tension.
You suck his lips and in exchange he lets you perceive his weight by pushing you further into the shelf. This way you cannot miss the outline of his hardened dick, pinching into your pelvic bone.
You want to give him payback for the hickeys he surely has left. Without thinking you rub your heat against him for friction while dragging your nails down his back leaving bright red streaks.
An elongated breath escapes him and he bites your bottom lip a little too hard.
“Oi, don’t tell me you don’t act on pure altruistic motives here?”
Only the barely visible twitch of the corner of his mouth betrays his poker face, mischief flashing in his eyes.
“Of course not, you’re hot, cupcake.”
His blunt answer makes you blush. And promptly, he exploits your moment of sheepishness to gather both of your hands. He pins them above your head and kisses you harder, tongue invading your mouth more forcefully.
With the other hand he skillfully unbuttons your blouse and cups a breast. His mouth wanders downwards, leaving a wet trace of shivers and tingling on your skin. His tongue follows the ups and downs of your body, licking on your throats tendon, following the direction of your collarbone and finally further down towards your cleavage.
Now you need to vent your lust with a high pitched hum. He doesn't hesitate to slip a leg between your thighs. Your core burns touch starved and you immediately bend your pelvis for some desired contact.
By now, Tsukishima has pushed your bra aside and sucks your nipples alternately. He roughly licks them, flicks his tongue over the sensitive buds until your knees feel like mush. Heat pools in your stomach and you sense your panties wetting fast.
“Tsukishima…” you deeply breathe out his name eagerly, rubbing yourself harder down his thigh.
He lets go of your hands and you instantly free yourself from the annoying layers of fabric. He spins you around, wraps an arm tightly around your waist and presses your back into the comfy warmth of his body. You can feel his twitching cock very clearly against your ass. He cups your chin to pull you in for another sloppy kiss. You practically moan into his mouth and lick his lips as his hand slips between your exposed thighs. His fingers find your clit easily.
“Fuck, you’re so wet for me,” he pants in a husky voice, heavy with lust.
His digits spread your damp folds and build up that sweet pressure circling your clit at a swift pace. He spoils the entire length of your vulva and suddenly thrusts a finger into you without warning.
You can’t suppress a louder groan of surprise and need to grab the rack for support.
“Hush!”, he gasps, struggling himself to keep a low volume.
“A little heads-up would‘ve been nice. Fuuuuck nghh– –”
Your voice cracks as he curls his finger against your walls and meets your sweet spot.
“Yeees,” you mewl and push your ass further into his groin, back arching like a cat. “I want you so bad right now.”
He bites down in the soft flesh of your neck and continues to finger fuck you recklesssly, tearing the lewdest noises from your core.
Your inner voice screams for more in bold letters with each thrust. The stretch feels so good, but is by far not enough to push you over the edge. You wiggle your ass in impatience, squinting your eyes shut and gasping his name in urgency.
“Kei ~”
He grunts in your ear and retreats his digit with a pop. The absence of his fingers leaves your clit aching and your pussy clenching around bitter emptiness. You want to complain, but you can hear the promising clatter of his belt.
“Got a condom?” You breathe in fast puffs and turn around to face him. You catch him with open pants, already fumbling with his purse.
You take advantage to pull down his boxers in order to free his dick. As soon as he sprungs free, you greedily close your hands around his length. You smear the bead of precum over the reddened tip in a circling motion and the rest of his shaft. Tsukishima throws his head back and bites his lip to muffle his anticipation.
He has a good length and feels thick in your fist. You start to palm him and squeeze his balls simultaneously with your free hand.
You watch with joy how his resting bitch face falls apart in the most beautiful way: lips parted slightly and cheeks glowing in a rosy hue. You snatch the condom from his hands and slip it over him in a fluid motion.
Neither of you wastes any more time. You hug his neck and he heaves you up, propping your back roughly into the shelf. Your legs girdle his mid and in the next moment you sense his tip at your heated entrance.
You unite lips to stifle your mutual moans as he pushes himself into you with a single strong thrust. You gasp for air and your head lulls into his shoulders. The angle he hit you is just perfect, despite the small pain of his sudden intrusion. He starts with ambitious speed, giving you a proper stretch.
You underestimated how turned on you are by the whole situation and his eagerness. But your head already feels light and hazy, the knot inside you building quickly.
“So good ngh ~ don’t stop,” you whine into the crook of his neck.
You desperately savor every inch of his cock, brushing your scorching hot walls. The cool metal of the shelf presses into your shoulder blades and it squeaks along with your own grunting. Some detergent
wobbles dangerously close to the edge, but you couldn’t care less. You're way too busy to keep quiet and scatter little kisses everywhere within your reach.
“Fuck Princess – … I wanna bury myself in your pussy forever.” He confesses into your hair, hiding his blush in your silky strands. You clench at his words and you must reach around his head to press a hand over your mouth to silence your upcoming moans. It only seems to spur him on more, because his vigorous thrusts accelerate. Now and then his balls swing against your butt with a slap. You get fucked into blissful oblivion until you can’t tell where he ends and you begin.
Your peak’s in sight and you only need one last push. “I’m so close– – ahhh”
As if by command he hoists you further up, holds you in place and slams himself as deep as possible into you.
You cherish the way he fucks you raw, reluctance non-existent. You almost forget where you are thanks to the frenzy of fast workhour sex.
“Be a good girl and cum for me,” he singsongs demanding. The throaty sound of his voice gives you the chills.
He sucks his finger, reaches down and flicks your clit in addition to his forceful impacts. It’s all you need.
Your climax hits hard and quick. Toes bending in pleasure and lids fluttering as you fall over the edge. Concentric waves of tingling lust crash over you, shaking your whole body. You take gulps of air, accompanied by one hoarse “Tsukishima” long-drawn-out breath.
Your pussy won’t stop clenching and you frantically fist his blonde locks. At the same time his hold of you gets near hurting as he erratically spills hot cum into the condom. You ride out the spasmic motions of your highs together, panting heavy and holding each other close.
His touch is the only thing tying you to reality after this wild ride. His touch and the puddle of detergent that must have fallen to the floor in the heat of the moment.
You take a deep breath and try to collect your thoughts. There’s enough time left to avoid being conspicuous. The pager is silent, too.
As soon as your breathing has calmed to an acceptable level and the postorgasmic aftershocks faded away, you get dressed. Tsukishima cleans himself with a tissue and disposes of the condom. Your cheeks are glowing while you’re trying to realize what just happened.
You find your voice first and feel the urge to break the silence.
“That uhhh …was quite intense.”
“You think?” he replies sarcastically detached.
You punch him lightly in the arm. “Don’t.”
You comb your hair roughly with your fingers and adjust your clothes.
“Do I look okay?”
He lets his gaze wander purposefully slowly over your form. He pushes his glasses back up his nose and plays the big skeptic.
“Hmmm, I’d say you look like you haven’t slept in days and a little sweaty maybe.”
“That’s not what I meant! Did you leave hickeys?”
His expression is enough to answer.
“Oh come on, really?”
You lunge out again, but he catches your hands in mid-air.
“No visible ones! ...I’m not a total idiot.”
“Huh, not quite sure about that.”
He squeezes your hands in his and it feels somehow really intimate, like a couples habit.
You definitely feel less weary. No doubt, the sex was good, but was it worth it? What if someone notices something? How will you know?
“I can see you put on your thinking cap.”
“What? Oh, I– –”
Tsukishima cuts off your words, by cupping your face.
“In case you wonder, there’s no sudden slut lettering on your forehead. Stop overthinking it already.”
Well, he pretty much catched you in the act.
“I’m sorry, you’re right. This doesn’t mean it wasn’t good, or something. I just… am a hopeless case.”
“I know, cupcake. Come here.”
You hug each other tight before you leave the glory hole behind. He stays back to destroy the evidence of your greed.
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kurishiri · 2 years
Um, hi (✿^‿^)ノ. If it's alright with you, may i ask for a Twisted Wonderland matchup? no pressure tho if you don't want to do this, it's fine!!
I'm an infj, straight (but still questioning), cancer girl who's usually shy and reserved, and a bit awkward. i mostly like to stay quiet, but i try to be approachable and friendly if i interact with someone. it takes a while to get to know me, since i'm really private and have a fear of being judged. but if i feel comfortable enough, i let myself be more playful, affectionate, and mischievous. (i'm a bit of a crackhead lmao)
from what i'm described by my family and friends, they say that my strengths are usually my kindness, loyalty, and diligence. i tend to have a bleeding heart that drives me to be helpful and supportive to others, while my passion to reach my goals makes me really hardworking. and because it isn't easy to get to know me, i end up being really loyal to those who i am really close to. (i absolutely love my family and friends)
but for my flaws, they say i can be really perfectionistic, people pleasing, uptight, and anxious. because of how willing i am to help others, others can sometimes cross my boundaries and make me stressed. as for my perfectionism, i can be really worried that i'm not improving enough that i end up stressed as well. my anxiousness and stiffness are usually the end result of these two flaws off mine, making me overthink everything ;-;.
for likes, i tend to be a huge literate nerd. i love reading and learning about new things, whether it be about history or fictional. even if i may not really remember some of the details, i still have a lot fun reading. i also love writing, listening to music/rain, and knitting. writing stories as always been my passion and my dream career, while the other two i do when i need relaxation. i also can't help but enjoy traveling a bit. it's always fun to have a small adventure, even if my social battery is so low.
for dislikes, i really don't like going to parties whose guests i'm unfamiliar with or being in the spotlight. my anxiousness shoots up the roof and i'll struggle to relax. i also don't insensitivity or dishonesty. the former being that i can't stand seeing anyone being mistreated. while for the latter, i have a major pet peeve against lies and trickery.
i guess what i look for a partner is someone who's honest, has a decent attitude towards people, and can accept me for me. i don't think i'd ever like someone who acts mean or lies, it's an easy way to make me disinterested. it'd be nice tho if they'll understand and like me for me, because of how much i end up filtering myself to acquaintances and strangers.
i'm really sorry for the long matchup, please take your time if it's needed. (i also apologize if there's grammatical errors, i'm writing this in mobile and it's hard for me to keep track) i hope you have wonderful day and please take care of yourself!! You're an amazing writer and i can't wait to see what wonderful pieces you'll write next <333
— hello! sorry for taking a while with this! school is slowly (or more like quickly) ramping itself up and sometimes it can be hard to sit down and do these. of course, i intend to do all the ones in my inbox, but they just may take a while. anyway, anon, without further ado, the matchup is below the cut!
matchups request info !!
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⇢ i can't be the only one who thinks neige needs more love, even though he's a side character in twisted wonderland.
⇢ the first meeting - i would imagine - could be that you find an injured bird that fell from a tree and want to bring it back to its nest. you struggle to do so, and neige, who happens to pass by and see you while on a stroll, comes in to help.
⇢ neige, while evidently a bit naïve, is a very kind and pure soul who wants nothing but the best for anyone, even if said anyone is annoyed with him. his kindness almost makes him thickheaded, so even if you're not that open with him, he won't mind all that much.
⇢ you two are a chill couple. you don't get jealous of each other easily, but you still love each other.
⇢ he can get along with pretty much everybody in a very genuine sense, just as you are supportive toward friends. you two can connect on that level.
⇢ like, you two could be on an outing together and if you saw a friend who looked troubled, you wouldn't hesitate to try to help them to the best of your ability.
⇢ another one of neige's charming points is his presence; it's basically the epitome of calming. just being around him can make a lot of worries go away. perhaps this is because of his natural character, where he's just altruistically calm yet kind overall in a genuine sense.
⇢ it's not as though he can make your anxieties disappear completely, but he can at least help. hold your hand, give you a smile as gentle and bright as the sun, a comforting hug, etc.
⇢ speaking of genuine, he doesn't lie. there's no reason to lie anyway. his naïveté makes him honest, and it's more charming than annoying.
⇢ outside of acting, i think he would share quite a bit of hobbies that you have. he is also a more introverted person who has more "quiet" hobbies. for example, he'd express curiosity toward the stories you write, and he will support you wholeheartedly if writing is your dream career. he would never hold you back from doing what makes you happy.
⇢ in general, you two give wholesome vibes. you understand each other, support each other, and just like being around each other's presence and indulge in similar hobbies, and you also like to spend time with friends and other people just as much. he is honest but not blunt, and i think that would make him a great person as well to be with. you'll surely find solace in his gentle presence.
i hope you enjoyed!
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cyro-starfire · 3 years
Cyro meeting Lemon Monster for the first time - Lemcy fic
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Character colors
Blue - Boyfriend
Red - Girlfriend
Green - Pico
Pink - Cyro
Orange - Lemon Monster
The night was still young, the stars shine brightly throughout the night sky, the full moon also gave a brilliant light that made the night seem less dark. Pico, Girlfriend, Boyfriend, and Cyro were having as friend's night out, just the four of them. They generally used their time in the night to goof around and have fun, visiting parks, getting ice cream and just messing around with each other.
As the night grew they decided to sleep over at Pico's place for the night, Girlfriend told her parents about it so they wouldn't panic if Girlfriend didn't get home tonight. On their way to Pico's house Pico noticed the mansion that Girlfriend's parent's had owned, the same one where Bee and Gee met the spooky kids Skid and Pump.
"Ayo, Bee, ain't that the same house you met those kids in?" Pico asked Boyfriend. "Hrm?" Boyfriend looked over and noticed the house. "Oh yeah, it is, what about it?" "Well ain't it also the same house where you told me you like dissed a weird lemon headed monster thing?" Pico added. "Uhh...y-yeah...? Where are you going with this Pico?" Boyfriend asked slightly nervous of what Pico's intentions could've possibly been...
"Well, it's been a long ass time since I had a good scare, not even Cassandra's stupid ass could scare me, you said the guy was genuinely terrifying, I wanna be the judge of that shit!" Pico exclaimed. "DUDE! ARE YOU FUCKIN INSANE? THAT FUCKER WANTED TO EAT ME AND BAE!" Boyfriend responded with a shocked screech. "Dude come on, how bad can it be for me? Besides, Gee can't die remember?" Pico tried to remind Boyfriend. "But he was still fucking creepy, even for a dearest like me." Girlfriend admitted.
"For real?" Pico asked, astounded by Girlfriend of all people admitting that. "Yeah dude." "Well if that's the case, i think it's about time you introduced me to him!" Pico chuckled. "DUDE NO! ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY?! PLUS WHAT IF CYRO GETS HURT?!" Girlfriend states to Pico, obviously not happy that he would want to do something this reckless and life threatening. Pico looked at Cyro and felt bad that he almost forgot that they were there..."Well...you guys know I'll shoot up anything hostile." He responds bluntly. "Come on, it'll be worth it, i wanna meet this fucker" Girlfriend and Boyfriend looked at each other and then looked at Cyro for their input.
"o-o-oh uhm..." Cyro was taken aback by the situation being suddenly focused around them. "Do you think you'll be able to handle this shit Cy?" Boyfriend asks the alien in a gentle tone, as to not put more stress on Cy. "w-w-well i-i m-m-mean uh...i-i guess it sh-shouldn't b-be too b-bad if P-Pico is the o-one protecting us..." They replied quietly but not too quiet to where Bee and Gee couldn't hear. "You sure?" "I-I'm p-positive! P-Please don't w-worry about m-me too m-much!" Cyro reassures the two. Bee and Gee look at Cyro for a while and sighed. "Alright just...stay close to us alright?" Cyro nods in response.
Girlfriend finally responded to Pico "Okay, fine we'll go in again..." Pico cheered. "HELL YEAH! LES FUCKING GO!!!" Pico screamed out in joy as he immediately darted towards the mansion and wasted no time to get in, the other three followed but not as enthusiastic as Pico, they were more reluctant if anything, especially Girlfriend...
The inside of the mansion felt as dead and haunted as the first time Girlfriend and Boyfriend went inside it together for the first time. "I still hate looking at the inside of this hellscape babe..." Boyfriend shuddered. "Me too honey bun..." "Awe come on you guys are pussies!" Pico giggled. "EASY FOR YOU TO SAY MAN, YOU FUCKING KILLED A HUGE ASS ALIEN WHEN WE WERE IN FUCKING SCHOOL!" Boyfriend screeched at Pico in anger only making Pico laugh more. Cyro was shaking like a leaf, clinging tightly onto Girlfriend's red dress. "Y-You okay Cy?" Girlfriend asked, worried about the shivering alien. "i-i-i-i-i'm g-g-g-good..." Cyro whimpered silently.
"Okay this was obviously a bad idea, I'm pretty sure this place alone is gonna make Cy have a huge panic attack.." Boyfriend sighed but was cut off by Cyro. "N-N-NO! I-i-i-i-i'm okay, i-i promise...i-i-it's j-j-j-just c-c-cold here..." "You sure Cy?" Pico asked, concerned as well. "Y-Yeah...t-trust me g-guys i-i'm fine!" The alien tried their best to reassure the three, which only resulting in Pico, Bee and Gee sighing in unison, they couldn't just back out on this so quickly...right...?
After some time of exploring the mansion, it did take some time for Pico to get genuinely spooked by the place... "Wow...y'all weren't fuckin around..." He chuckled nervously. "This place is creepy as fuck...why do your parents even own this place to begin with Gee?" Girlfriend shrugged "I don't know man, sometimes they don't even make sense to me..." She responds. "Wait, so you admit your scared then?" Boyfriend asks with a slight giggle.
"WH-WHAT?! N-NO?! I AIN'T FUCKIN SCARED BEE!!" "Ya sure Pico?" Boyfriend giggled even more. "Your sure acting like your scared!" "THERE'S A FUCKIN DIFFERENCE WITH BEING SCARED AND BEING CREEPED OUT YOU FUCK NUT, GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK ASS HEAD!" "Okay but your stuttering, your clearly pissing yourself dude." "NO I FUCKIN AIN'T!" "Yeah you are!" "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" Pico screamed. And thus, an argument began with the two boys, Girlfriend sighed. Some things never really do change, do they? Cyro looked away from the arguing boys only to be met with an odd looking shadow in the distance. "h-h-h-huh?"
"g-g-guys...?" Cyro tried to get everyone's attention but they couldn't be heard over Boyfriend and Pico so they had to try again "G-Guys?" Still not being heard over, so Cyro took a deep breath and reluctantly scream to get their attention. "GUYS!" With them finally being heard all three of them turned their heads to look at the quivering alien. "Is something wrong Cy?"
"u-uh y-yeah, WHAT TH-THE FUCK IS THAT?!" The alien screeched in terror pointing at the lemon shaped shadow that was hiding behind a door. "What's wh- oh...oh no..." "B-B-Bee...?" "What the fu..." The shadow suddenly had a visible smile and finally spoke. "Well, well, well~ what do we have here~? A three course meal~? How thoughtful of you all~!" The voice was deep, soothing, and mesmerizing. The creature slowly opened the door and stepped out.
As seen through the shadow it had a yellow, lemon shaped head, it's eyes were huge with wide pupils within them, it's teeth were uncomfortably crooked, it's neck was a velvet red and the rest of it's body was a pitch, raven black, it had two fingers on each hand, and it had only two toes on each foot. The creature was very tall in compared to the four other beings within the room, it towered over all of them.
"It has been quite a long while since i have seen you two~! And i see you've brought that little schizophrenic ginger friend of yours~! And-" the monster paused to look at Cyro behind Girlfriend, still scared out of their mind. "Well now~! Who's this little friend of yours~? They look rather...appetizing~ in more ways then one if i must be so bold to say~!" He said, attempting to slowly approach Cy but was stopped by Girlfriend. "Don't go near them...O R E L S E . . ." She warned it with a growl, which only made the lemon headed monster roll its eyes in annoyance. "And you still don't know how to not be so RUDE..." The monster growled.
"Better not try jack shit bitch, i know how to use this thing." Pico aimed the gun towards the monster which only made it boom with laughter. "You think a puny little weapon like that scares me? How adorable~!" It chuckled before lunging at Girlfriend and attacked her which made Pico start firing bullets at the creature, and Cy ran as fast as they could into an empty hallway. Boyfriend stood still, he didn't wanna engage in the violence, he didn't sign up for this shit man...
After the monster and Girlfriend fought, monster while doing a number on Girlfriend decided that enough damage was done and went after Cyro. Pico and Boyfriend, instead of knowing Girlfriend can easily heal, and going after the monster and making sure he doesn't hurt them, went to Girlfriend to see if she was okay, Cyro was sobbing and whimpering while running, wanting to be home right now and not here.
"FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK!!! I KNEW THIS WAS A BAD IDEA WHY DID I TRY TO LOOK BRAVE FOR EVERYONE HHHH!!!!" The alien screamed internally and wished that they were just honest so that none of this would be happening right now, after some running they found themself in a dead end, and what was worse is that they could hear the monster's footsteps. "NONONONONONONONONONO PLEASE PLEASE OH PLEASE I DON'T WANNA DIE, WHY ME, WHY ME. WHY ME!!!" As much as they hated themself, but they were still terrified of dying, especially like this...
The monster got closer and closer until he was visible again which only heightened Cyro's anxiety, their heart was pounding through their chest and their breathing was rapid, they could barley think straight at all. "There you are my dear~!" The monster cooed. "p-p-p-please leave m-m-me alone..." They whimpered quietly. "Oh don't worry dear~! I won't kill you~! Will i possibly hurt you? Maybe, but then again..." He got closer to them and pinned them against the wall, he slowly put his two fingered claws against their face, and caressed their face gently.
"I would feel guilty if i caused any sort of harm to an adorable and beautiful creature such as yourself~!" It whispered in their ear making Cyro blush deeply and shudder they were so confused by this behavior. "You know, i normally don't have such feelings for prey...but you...your different..." The monster explained to Cyro. "wh-what d-do you m-mean...?" "I mean what i mean my sweet cherry cake~! Your seem like such a delicate creature~!" The monster slowly moved it's claws under Cyro's chin and began to rub the bottom of their chin gently. Cyro couldn't help but purr at the sensation.
The monster chuckled at Cyro's purring, they were so adorable. "Perhaps i won't eat you~ your so sweet, I'm afraid that if I eat you, I'll get a cavity~!" The monster joked. Cyro didn't respond, they only continued to purr at the monster rubbing their chin, until he took his claw away from their chin which only made them whine. "wh-why'd y-you st-" they were interrupted by the monster giving them a soft and gentle kiss on the lips, which surprised Cyro at first, but they slowly sunk into the kiss and kissed the monster back. There was some time before they broke away from the kiss, Cyro panted softly while looking at the creature
The monster chuckled. "While i would love to keep you, i fear that i have aggravated your friends enough, so unfortunately this will be goodbye for now, but i will be back soon, my little prey, until we meet again~!" The monster whispered to them beore giving them a kiss on the cheek and disappeared into the shadows again. Which only left Cyro in confusion but at the same time, they felt like they've fallen in love again.
After some time Pico, Boyfriend and Girlfriend found Cy, fortunately for them Cyro was okay, and the four of them darted out of the house as soon as fucking possible. Cyro never really forgot about that day ever since...
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Hello again!
I already told you I would re-read some of the letters when I'm home from work and I did.
But first things first: I agree, that's a good thought. I will tell you and Jake as soon as I get new results. And I hope the MWAF stays low till then..I really don't want to leave my home xD
But now to the letters.
Yuvon, again, without wanting to be rude or anything, I'm getting a bit suspicious. Don't get me wrong and please continue reading this letter!
I believe you with the situation you're in, but I don't think you've always been honest with me and I just want to know why. I don't even think the things that weren't 100% true were big things, but it still confuses me.
I have three things:
No. 1: Maybe that's something I overread, maybe you said it, but in your very first letter you said that, wherever you looked, you only saw trees...Right? When did you find the rooms, or more..where are the rooms?
No 2: Again in your first letter; you said you fell down a tree and didn't injure yourself badly but still had somewhat of a sore wrist. So, differently than what you said later, you're still able to be injured, but not badly, right?
No 3: And the last thing, the pencil. From what you said not so long ago it never seemed to become dull. But how in the first place did you sharpen it? I mean, I remember you telling us that it was completely useless because it was as if just newly bought. So not sharpened at all.
I do not mean to insult you or anything, maybe I just didn't exactly realise something you wrote to those things. Sooo..I'm just curious :)
I hope you'll still answer,
I hope the MWAF leaves you alone, too... this all sounds like it could get dicey fast if that jackass ever finds you. I hope your coworkers would notice if you suddenly started missing work or something and would call the cops.
As for your points...
1. Yeah, it LOOKS like there are only trees around here. But in the first letter, I hadn't actually physically felt along the edges of the invisible barrier yet. When I later did did, I walked through not-actually-solid trees and then could see the rooms. Sorry if I didn't specify that properly!
2. I don't really consider bruises "injuries". Sure, they hurt, but they're not debilitating, agonizing, or dangerous the way a cut or a broken bone can be. Still, you're right that I misphrased that, sorry. I don't always choose the right words when I write and especially when I talk.
3. (blacked out) It's not (blacked out) Fuck it.
There are more rooms than I talked about before. Five, actually. One north, one northwest, one southwest, one southeast, one northeast.
Northwest was this... dead, empty space. Dead trees, the grass turned to ash as I stepped on it, dark, and it just sort of pressed on my mind until I thought my head would just end up fucking squishing or something. There was a stand at the far end with a silver chalice on it, and literally just looking at it gave me this horrible feeling of dread to the point where I thought I might have gotten a heart attack if I touched it. I didn't touch anything, just walked out. I don't care if the dread was magically induced or not, I wasn't going in there unless I had no other choice.
Southeast had an altar with some bloodstains on it. There was a decal of balancing scales on it, and on the scales was a white feather and a heart. The heart was heavier than the feather. On top of the heart was a black feather, crow or raven, though I'd bet money it was a raven feather. (That decal, by the way, is from Egyptian mythology. The dead were judged by weighing their heart against a feather of Ma'at to see if they were sinners or innocent. If the heart was heavier than the feather, a monster ate the heart.)
Southwest was very pretty. It was a field of white lilies. There were three upside-down torches, one on each wall. Of course, since I know a LITTLE symbolism and I'm not a complete moron, I didn't take a single step inside. White lilies symbolize death, specifically "innocence attained through death", and upside-down torches are an originally Greek symbol of death and the soul. I'm not setting foot into a room entirely filled with symbols of death, thank you very much.
Northeast just had a knife in the middle of a glade. I took it, and I used it to sharpen the pencil at one point when I was bored. It's the only thing I know of here that can do me actual harm; when I tried it out, I cut myself a little bit by accident. I think I might've actually bled a bit on the letter where I talked about the other rooms.
I don't (the handwriting after this is shaky) want to go into detail about what's in the north room, but basically it indicated that if I waited, I would be here a long but limited amount of time. I think I also know why there's a stasis. I would go into details but I think I nearly went insane just looking at that fucking thing and I cant inflict that on anyone else trust me youre better off not knowing
(The shakiness stops here.) I took a breather. Sorry.
From what I can tell, there are two ways out, one associated with each of the rooms arranged with a cross. I can wait, or
Well. There's a cycle, here. I can tell, and the elder trees confirm it. I'm stuck in between the end and the beginning, but I think I could break everything and solve the case early if I'm willing to give an even price.
I'm going to keep believing there's a third way out, and Jake agreed to, too. But if I need to I'll wait it out. Maybe I'm selfish, but even to protect my friends from that asshole, I can't pay that price. Not unless there's no other choice. Besides, it's against basically all my morals anyhow.
There's not much point in talking more about those other rooms, I think. I'm not touching that path with a ten foot pole.
Jake's been of the opinion that I should search the rooms more thoroughly. So, there's that. But if you could see how freaky those rooms are... ugh.
Anyhow. That's what I've been hiding. I think that's everything I've lied about, at least up to now. I'll probably check at some point.
I think I'm going to talk to Jake and the others for awhile to get my mind off all this shit.
(The letter tucks itself into the paper clip with the others.)
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red1culous · 3 years
Please, do not feel pressured or answer it if this makes you uncomfortable.
TW: death, religion, beliefs, God?
Do you ever fear the unknown? I mean since I was a kid I have this fear of not knowing what's next, first I'd get very anxious and scared thinking about losing my parents, but then I gre up and maybe this changed a bit, but I think I realized that's not the fear of losing them but not knowing what happens next, I mean after death. Huh, like is there something after? Is that it? You born, you grew, you live, you die and that's it? Sorry I'm talking about it here, but lately that anxious feeling has been appearing a lot more. I believe in God or in some force, I talk to God almost every night, but at the same time I can't wrap my head on the concept that you love once and then you'll be judged and maybe go to heaven, I want/I believe that you live a lot of lives here to develop and learn, but sometimes the thought of "you just die and nothing more happens, you stop breathing and moving and the end, you don't even know that" comes to me and it really scares me, because it can't be it, can it? Can't, right? What's the purpose? One more time sorry about talking about it here, I just needed to talk somewhere and last time to talk with my mom she literally called my uncle that's really into church things (I really forgot the word, but okay) to tell me that's "bullshit" (not with that word) and tell that I "needed to pray more", anyway that's it, I'm a lot calmer now that I talked about it and sorry again.
I don't mind the question at all. Thanks for trusting me with it.
Personally (and I repeat personally) I believe in an afterlife. To me, this life is temporary and the next one is eternal. Extended from that I believe that there is something / a greater being we are all accountable to. All our good deeds and bad deeds are being taken note of.
It's my way of reconciling people who do bad things but seem to get away scott free. Take for example the bankers who steal millions from people. Some of these people are unable to recover their losses because they've lost their life savings. Some of them become homeless as a result, or even resort of suicide as a result. But when we look at these bankers we see them living it large and apparently having a good time with no fear of punishment for what they've done. Those that get caught are giving jail sentences but the damage has been done and sometimes is irreversible.
Or look at those who bully others in private but publicly they are lauded and highly esteemed members of the community. It may seem unfair - but I know a reckoning is a-coming.
You wrote "you live a lot of lives here to develop and learn" - I agree with you here. I don't agree with "you just die and nothing more happens" because for the living, your memory lives on. People will remember you, your good deeds and the warm way you made them feel. Conversely if you were a little shit they'll remember that too.
It is so easy for people to succumb to the bad and thus be bad. But at the same time it's easy to be good and decent. So we choose what we want to be. And that will determine how we live out the rest of our lives. The cliche is true, birds of a feather stick together. Being good attracts good people. So you don't really need to die to know what's waiting for you. You get a taster for it here.
I ask myself: am I happy? Remove all the extraneous shadow play and strip yourself down to the core. I think you'll find the answer you're looking for. And if you find that you were unintentionally / or intentionally rude or hurtful to someone...just go and make amends. I think that's the measure of a decent person.
My personal mantra is: it isn't about my relationship with the other person, it's about my relationship with me. Because in the end, I have to live with myself.
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song-of-kalinaw · 3 years
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Human Host
Name: Lilith Selene Lair
DOB: October 16, 1996
Ethnicity: Korean-American
Eye color: Dark Brown
Hair: Black, waist length
Occupation: Socialite, Empire Heiress
Current Location: Seoul, South Korea
Name: Lilith
DOB: [information redacted]
Origin: Garden of Eden
Entity type: Original Succubus
Eye Color: Black Onyx
Hair: Black, waist length; morphs to preference
Current Location: Seoul, South Korea; Interuniverse travel
Human Host
Lilith Selene Lair, the mute heiress to the Lair Group of Companies, has her life planned out for her even before she was conceived. But after being born with a heart problem and spending most of her childhood in the hospital with only her brother as company-- she was known in their circle as the quiet princess, not just because of her mysterious mutism but because of the timid personality she adapted after her stay in the hospital.
She can be seen mostly keeping to herself but come forums or parties organized by her family or their friends, Lilith can play quite the host with her handy tablet always ready with a funny retort or an interesting inquiry. The heiress is also fond of kids and pets, which is why on warm afternoons or in the early mornings, she'll visit the park in their gated community to watch the toddlers play or pet a dog or two.
In her free time, she mostly stays indoors in the estate library poring over books or in her sunroom, just painting landscapes or abstract art she wishes to share with her brother in the slim chance he'd remember her.
Lilith, the mother of demons and Adam's first wife, has learned to love partying. She would internally roll her eyes and offer snide remarks at her human host whenever the latter would attend functions and formal dinners-- the elegance wasn't lost on her, but after centuries of holding court at Pandemonium, the formal parties has simply grown to bore her.
On the chance that her host would slip and unleash her, the demoness always finds her way to bars and clubs, just taking her fill of alcohol and sex; creating an underground image for the heiress. Reckless and determined to have her moments of fun, Lilith would sometimes even alter her host's appearance so she can disappear to some random country or hop in a lover's yacht and not show up for days or weeks at a time, feigning sickness with the help of her human doctor friend.
trigger warning: description of rape, cursing, violence, death disclaimer: this story was written in the point of view of lilith (the human host) and lilith (the first woman, mother of demons). God and adam was depicted here as what the writer assumes is how lilith (the first woman) saw them. please don't take offense in the story Her first memory came in a flash of light before her eyes, mere moments before she heard the beeping of machines and the antiseptic in the air fills her nostrils. She's back on her hospital bedㅡ and it feels wrong, like she shouldn't be there. Wearily, Lilith opened her eyes to adjust to the dim lighting of her hospital room. The familiar surrounding easing her worries, which if she takes time to think about is actually sad on her part. She's spent more time in this ward than on her wing in their estate. A depressing thought considering it's not something any teenager can normally stay. Unfortunately for her, normal has never been part of her upbringing, which also could be the reason why its her brother, Lucien, standing by her bedside with... wait, is that blood? She reached out, earning herself a smile from her beloved brother, but when she tried to speakㅡ panic came over her body, her lips were forming words but only incoherent sounds seem to slip out. I can't speak. What's happening to me? Her panicked gaze find Lucien's, frantic tears already rolling down her cheeks. Brother, help! was what she wanted to scream but no words escaped her mouth. And amidst her confusion and panic, a voice at the back of her mind demands her to shut up. Whose subconscious tells them to shut up? Her confusion at this new development was enough to abate her tears and panic. But instead of getting an answer, not that she was expecting one, a wave of new memories washed over her. In quick succession, flashes of memories flooded her mind resulting to a terrible headache coupled with the erratic beeping of her heart monitor. It felt wrong, as if they are a memory of someone ancient and yet she's looking at them from their perspective. She saw a blazing warm light together with the sound of birds chirping and the smell of crisp summer air. There was a man with her, holding her a hand... and another, who felt like he could be their Father. Came the next memory, it was of her and their Father. Somehow they were talking about Adam and how he wanted to sleep with her. She came to their father because it felt wrong somehow. She was happy just helping around, caring for the animals and plants. But now... The memory faded into black but the unsettling feeling at the pit of her stomach remains. Who owns these memories? The next memory filled her with dread. It was her Adam on top of her, forcing her to submit, telling her it was their father's wishes. They needed to reproduce, he said. The Garden needs more caretakers and it is their duty to care for all that was created by the Father. Lilith was sobbing now, feeling her skull about to crack open from the sudden tsunami of memories. Is this a dream? She couldn't quite tell. Next came another memory, this time it was of her refusing Adam's advances. It felt as if some time has passed and she's now known how to stand for herself. And there on her periphery, children. The sight of them makes her heart full right before the memory fades. Lilith's feeling all the emotions associated with the memories even when they are not her own, but she somehow feels a connection with whoever is projecting them on her. Keep watching. You'll understand. Now she's hearing voices on top of the dreams but the sense of doom in the pit of her stomach and her growing hatred for the man she knows as Adam has kept her sobbing silently on her bed. She feels Lucien give her hand a squeeze, grounding her as another wave pulls her under. This time it was Adam pushing her down and forcing her legs open with his knees. She spat at him in disgust, mustering enough force to push him off their bed while she stands over him, foot pressing on the inside of the man's thighs. "Lilith,
you witch!", he grunted as she pressed the heel of her foot harder on his thighs. Who gave this man the idea that he can control everything? They were made from the same soil, the Father gave them life as equals and yet... Another memory surfaced, this one felt heavier than all the other that came before it. She's barely aware of Lucien shaking her awake, his voice laced with worry as her heart monitor gives a series of beeps. She heard a booming voice ordering the archangels after her as she fled through the dessert, towards the only salvation she's heard of: The Red Sea. No angel of the Father will dare cross the shallow waters without fear of falling from His grace. Adam has been using her children to keep her in The Garden and do his bidding, forcing himself upon her and expecting her to just bite her tongue and part her legs like a mindless whore. But she's grown tired of protecting his ego and the children she so dearly loved. Enough is enough. She'll come back for her children just as soon as she finds them a safe place to live, away from the judging eyes of the Father and the self-centered ways of Adam. But luck was really not on her side. As soon as her feet landed on the wet loam bordering her promised salvation, three archangels loomed over her-- all of them pointed spears of heavenly fire at her tired body, ordering her to go back and serve her husband. All will be forgiven, they said. But she's no fool to believe any of their words especially when its the Father that sent them after her. The same Father that she first ran to when Adam suggested they sleep together. The same Father she expected would protect her. No. She will not turn back now and have Adam control her life for the rest of their days in The Garden. She would rather die than serve an egomaniac who sees her not as an equal but as an object created for his own wanton needs. "We'll ask one last time. Come back with us to The Garden or the Father will kill a hundred of your children for each day you spend out of Adam's sights." At this, Lilith choked on a sob. She spent years taking all she could of Adam's and the Father's demands... would it be so wrong to choose herself this one time? With a heavy heart, she turned towards the cold and calculating gaze of the archangels. If she goes back, she will suffer by Adam's side and with him as role model, it won't be long until their children start to follow him by example- and that's the last thing Lilith would want for her children. "Tell your Father that I will never take a single step inside The Garden again, nor would I like to set my eyes on Adam. My children would be better off dead than be raised by someone more obnoxious than filth.", and with this, she felt her heart broke knowing the Father heard. The memory faded into darkness but the heaviness in Lilith's heart stayed, leaving her sobbing on the bed with that sense of impending doom. She knows that wasn't the end, for whoever was showing her the memories has only grown more aggrieved. Feel my pain, pet. That voice- filled with resentment and hate. She knows she should be familiar with the story unfolding in her head but somehow she can't recall who it was about. She finds herself gasping for air in between her sobs. Lucien cradling her in his arms. "You'll be okay, Lili." But somehow she can't find comfort in his words. Not this time. With these thoughts ringing in her mind, she was once again pulled under- a crushing feeling of hatred and need for revenge pressing in around her. She was standing on the same wet loam, The Read Sea a sprawling landscape before her. But this time no angels can be seen on the horizon. It has been years since her heart broke for her children, and she mourned their deaths. She still does. But no amount of mourning can ever get the pain of a mother losing her child off her chest. She will not rest until both Adam and the Father suffer from the things they've put her through. One thing she learned from denouncing the Father was that her original protection is gone. And that The Red Sea
is where all the lascivious beings gather- a vast majority of them giving her what she needs and satiating her hunger for the pleasures of the flesh. She'd have to thank the Father for her gift to procreate as more of her children grew from the seeds these monsters produce every time they bed her. It was on one of those nights, hundreds of her children sprung out from the seed her lovers released on the earth, that he came. She heard news of his fall- the brightest angel stripped of his rank: Lucifer Morningstar. Fate has brought them together, it seems. They spent nights creating more Children of the Lilim, hushed promises exchanged in the heat of passion. He promised her revenge and delivered, getting Adam and his new wife out of The Garden after one too many tricks to go against the Father. She enjoyed her time with him, even spent millennia ruling the pits by his side. But she got bored. Thinking of new ways to punish the damned has started to grow stale. And that's when Lucien has made a summoning. Her brother summoned a demon. But why? She felt chills run through her body. She wasn't sure she wanted to hear an answer. But of course, the entity responsible for the memories have other ideas. She's suddenly aware of herself instantly stopping from sobbing, an amused smile spreading over her lips as she pushes Lucien off her. She's aware of the motions but couldn't control any of them. Hush now, pet. I'll play nice with you, just don't do anything stupid. Without meaning to, she suddenly became aware that she's now a prisoner in her own mind. Or what used to be her mind. "Hello, Lucien." The voice that came out of her mouth was melodic, lilting in a way that makes it sound like she's about to sing a lullaby- and this made her brother smile. But I couldn't speak when I woke up. "That's right, pet. You can't. But I can." Her brother's eyes widened, "Lili... who are you talking to? Are you feeling alright?" He attempted to take her hand. "Should I call your doctor?" She wanted to scream yes- do anything to let him know of her presence. "Oh stop with your acting, boy. Don't pretend you're really concerned now when you've thought about her death countless times before." A childish giggle escapes her lips while she pulls his shirt open, displaying the pattern of blood on his pale skin. She finds his gaze then, understanding of the situation finally dawning on him. "What were you thinking summoning someone you have no idea of containing? Creative choice using your sister as host. I kind of like this youthful body." Lucien, what is she saying? You wouldn't... "Oh but he did, pet. That's why I'm here." Lucien's shoulders slumped, silent sobs wracking his body as the gravity of what he's done caught up to him. "Now, where were we? Oh right. The price for your stupidity." She claps her hands, like a child getting ready to unwrap her presents on Christmas morning. "First, your sister's voice. I'm not as heartless as you think so I'd let her play once in awhile but without her voice." She adjusts her body on the bed, mindlessly pulling at the tubes connecting her to the machines. "No soul shall hear her voice again, unless of course when it's my time to have fun with her body. A good deal, don't you think?" "Next Lucien, is the memory of something or someone you most treasure. We both know who that is." She means me. Lucien began to protest but was met with nothing bad a dismissive wave of her hand, "Now boy, who said this was a negotiation?" "You will lose her. But you will forever have the feeling of losing something you hold dear- that empty feeling in your chest that will only grow as time passes. It will consume you, dear boy. And the pits will be there once it does." And it was with these words and Lucien's pleading and guilt-stricken face, did her gaze start to darken- her consciousness getting lulled once again into slumber. You'll always look for him. And she knows she will. The worst kind of mourning after all, is when the one you lost is still alive but will never be back in your life again
no matter how much you wish for them to be.
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thyandrawrites · 5 years
Ok so as a trans man one of my first questions with bnha is why in the bloody hell did horikoshi include two trans canonical characters? I can't say I know the truth to his thoughts but looking at his writing with Todoroki's family and sexualization of female characters... I just do a big "what". I question if he understands the burdens of being trans and the severity of it (just look at the suicide rates). Was it meant to be representation? And respectful at that? What do you think?
oh man, this is a whole can of worms...
First of all, let me preface this by saying that I’m cis, so I don’t have first-hand experience when it comes to judging how accurate and respectful trans representation is in media. All I have is common sense, and my own metric of what’s cool and what isn’t. That said, I might still trip over my words and unknowingly contribute to stereotypes, in which case please do call me out on it so that I can learn from my mistakes.
Now, on to the answer.
I think Hori genuinely meant it as representation, especially in Magne’s case. Her backstory is tied to her gender identity, and we've seen her interacting with another trans woman who was still closeted and who admired her for the way she was unapologetically herself.
Not only that, but every villain from the league is hinted at being part of some kind of marginalized community. Of course, you'll agree with me that there's an issue with making one of the only two canon transgender characters a villain, and then killing her shortly after confirming this fact. Actually, there's multiple issues.
1. there's already too little positive rep in media, and by making one major trans character a villain, Hori is basically associating trans people with villainy
2. Killing a lgbt+ character is already bad enough, but killing her immediately after her flashback that confirmed her gender identity was just in poor taste, especially since Magne’s death was there just for shock value.
3. There were only two women in the lov, so killing one of them reeked of misogyny and of ‘bury the gays’ trope imho.
I also remember seeing varied opinions on whether or not Magne’s design was considered to be respectful.
On the one hand, she's a bulky woman, kinda tall and muscly. She doesn't have the so-called “passing privilege”. But she's feminine without having to be girly. She's a woman without having to be petite. She doesn't have to wear frilly dresses or make up to perform her femininity. In real life there are people who can't or don't want to “pass”, or to undergo surgery, so I know that some folks found her design refreshing, you know?
On the other hand though, some expressed wariness because it's unclear if Hori did design her to look like that out of a real wish to portray the experience of the aforementioned people, or if he just thinks that all trans people look like that. Bulky, a bit exaggerated in their features and lacking the passing privilege.
The second point might have something to do with Hori's own misconceptions, and be a result of common stereotypes for lgbt+ rep in japanese media. I read a long post once (that I can't find atm) about how animanga in particular seems to have wild misconceptions, or vast differences with western media, about what it means to be a gay or a trans person. It was years ago and I don't have a vast enough culture on this field to repeat what was said about it, but it's not uncommon for a lot of mangakas to include such stereotypes in their works. That's why sometimes gay men are represented as bulky men with hairy chests, beards, excessive make up and feminine behaviours, to cite an example.
Hori seems to be at least a bit more respectful and informed than that. Tora was afab and then transitioned. I'm not sure how people feel about him wearing the pussycats outfit still, and whether that's considered appropriate or not.
Basically, I think Hori wanted to include canon trans rep, but ended up messing a few things up. Part of it might have to do with his own internalized misogyny… I mean, he doesn't have a good track record of doing justice to the female portion of his cast. Part of it might just be him being clumsy and not realizing what's appropriate rep and what isn't. I do think he tries his best, but sometimes he doesn't seem to realize how framing works and how certain things he writes can come across in a certain way…? Like how he blurs the line between abuse apologism and atonement…? Idk if that makes sense
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Fast cars & Freedom: Cant help falling in love (8/?) Part 2.
Here it is.. part 2 of chapter 8... is that really Logans mom? How does Ellies dad react to the news she is married to Colt??? You can catch up HERE. And as always, if you want to be added to the tags, drop me a line.
Pairing: Logan x Ellie, Colt x Ellie
Rating: Mature
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Song inspiration:
“Riya! Damnit.” Ellie gasped, Riya instantly cupping her mouth. Ellie Stood making her way over to her father.
Colt stood behind Logan,  schock written all over his face at the series of events. Riya just announced to everyone that He and Ellie were married. Her father being an ex cop, was probably about to kill him, sure he had a gun or two, or three laying around. And did Logan just say Mom?
Logan stood there, completely stunned, baked beans covering his shoes.  Was he imagining things? Because the woman standing there next to Ellie's dad looked an awful lot like his mother.  He remembered seeing her when the foster parents would bring him to the jail to visit. That all changed when he got sent to live with a shitty set and he ran away, never looking back.
“Logan? Logan is that you?” Sally spoke, tears in her eyes.
Frank looked between the two, dumbfounded. Of all the women in the world he would fall for, he had to pick the one who was possibly the father of his grandchild, and an ex criminal. His eyes darted past Logan and locked right onto Colt, who stood frozen in place. “You!” He seethed, Pointing a finger at him. “Oh shit.” Colt quickly placed the pan he was holding down on the table and took off into the house.
“Oh no you dont, get back here.” Frank took off running after him, coleslaw dripping from his pants. “Dad, wait.” Ellie followed the two into the house. “Dad, just wait. You don't understand.” He froze in place “what don't I understand? How you ended up married to him,” He pointed to Colt who stood at the door. “Because that I don't understand.  How did this happen? When did this happen?”
“6 years ago. In vegas.” Her dad's eyes went wide. “iIt was the night before, well everything went down with the brotherhood.” Her dad slumped down on the couch, the feelings of that time crashing down on him. “She asked for an annulment Mr Martin. This isn't Ellies fault, I didn't file it. If you want to blame anyone, blame me, not her.” Colt stepped forward, his eyes locked on hers.
Her dad let out a long sigh “Well, at least if He's Lucas father, you'll be married.” Ellie closed her eyes “I'm filing for divorce.” Her dads face reddened. “Colt,  why don't you go outside and help out. I need a word with my daughter.” Colt hesitated, waiting for her command. She was his queen, she would always be his queen no matter what, and he would do anything she asked of him, but he wouldn't willingly divorce her. “Go ahead colt.”  He nodded walking back out to the back yard, leaving Ellie and her dad to have a serious discussion.
Logan blinked, stunned. “What. How did you.” He couldn't form the words.  
“Logan, I have been looking for you ever since i got out of jail.” Colt stopped immediately, backing up a pace to hear what was going on. “Oh really? And when was that? Because it seems you haven't done a great job of it.” Logan stood arms folded.  “well, there wasn't much of a trail to follow, you stayed pretty well hidden. The last bit of information I got you were in California, so I came out here.” Logan stared at her, still in Shock that his mother was there. “Can we talk? Please Logan, you have no idea how long I have been waiting to see you.” Logan nodded and the two walked off alone.  
Colt looked over to where toby and Luca were sitting at the kiddie pool, he walked over “Hey squirt, why the long face?”  “Is grampy mad at you?” she sniffled. “No, he's not mad at me sweetie. Everything is ok.” he assured her. “Hey Colt, um aunt Riya said you and mommy are married. Does that mean you're my daddy?”
"Eliana Renne Martin, what the hell do you mean you're filing for divorce?" Frank shouted. "Dad, calm down." "I thought you would be more mad at the fact Ive been married for 6 years and didn't tell you."
"Dont rock the boat Ellie. What is your reasoning for divorcing? Our family does not divorce, trust me it would have been easier to divorce your mother when she got bad, but I didnt did I?"
"No. You didnt. I just, dad we were 18 and 19, we were young and uncertain if we would be in jail or dead." Her father shutteres at the memory.
"I cant talk to you about this. I think youre makimg a huge mistake, but youre my daughter and I love you. Just please, please think about it."
Colt stood there in Shock,  not sure how to handle or answer it. He was relieved when he seen Ellie come out of the house, luckily she was headed right for them. “What's going on?” She noticed the uncertain look on Colts face. “Someone heard the announcement, and has a question.” Ellie looked down at her daughter “Mommy, if you're married to Colt, does that mean he's my daddy?” Her eyes went wide, she looked between the two,she had no idea how to answer without generating a lot more questions. “Well, sweetie i'm not sure. But how about, how about you go to see what grampy is doing ok?” Luca nodded and walked away, they look on her face told her this wasn't the last she would hear about it.
“Im sorry el, She just came out of nowhere. I didn't know what to say.” Colt ran his hand over his face. “Its ok. I didn't either. Lets just hope we get these results back soon. So we know for sure.”  Ellie looked over at Logan sitting by himself, a beer in hand. “I should probably go check in on him.” Colt nodded as she walked away.
“Mind some company?” He looked up, and patted the seat next to him. “So. I guess you heard my mom is dating your dad.” he snorted.
“I heard something like that. How crazy is that?” he let out a half hearted laugh. “But seriously, how are you handling it?”
“I don't know. I'm kind of excited to finally have my mom around. On the other hand, i'm scared.”
Logan told her how his mom was in a car with his dad and a friend. She had been dating him for a little while and they stopped at a bank, his dad apparently robbed it and she was locked up as an accessory. When she got out finally Logan had ran away from foster care and hid himself pretty well. “I guess It's nice to not be alone anymore.” Ellie grabbed his hand “hey, you're not alone. All these people here, the crew, me, Luca. We're you family. You haven't been alone because wherever you go, were with u. Right here.” She placed her hand on his heart. “Thanks Ellie. The same goes for me. I'll always be there for you, no matter what.” He kissed her cheek, and walked over to where Mona and Ximena were standing.
Ellie sat there watching her dad and Sally talk, for a few minutes before hugging and kissing. She turned her head, not wanting to see that. She wondered if her dad knew about Sallys past. She seemed like a very nice woman, and she had not seen her dad so happy. Not in a long time, not since before her mother died. She learned years ago not to judge a book by its cover, so she would give her the benefit of the doubt. If she hurt Logan, she would hunt her down and handle her, herself.  
The day went on, the drama of day seemed to fade away, and everyone ate and were enjoying themselves.  They had a corn hole tournament going on in one corner. Toby lounged in Lucas swimming pool, buzzed and sunburnt, but happy as hell. Logan and Mona were on one team, while Ximena and Darius were on another. Stacie, and Sally sat around watching them.
Colt relaxed in a lounge chair, Luca asleep in his arms, her head resting on his shoulder. “You're seriously holding her while she sleeps?” Colt chuckled “well Logan was holding her,  he passed her off to me when it was his turn in Corn hole. She just, fell asleep.” Ellie shook her head. “Suns starting to set, we should probably wake her soon so we can head over to the field and see the fireworks.”  “yeah, my arms dead, so sounds good to me.”
“Luca honey, time to wake up.” Ellie stroked her hair. She started to stir a bit. “He squirt, it's almost time for fireworks. Get up.” Lucas eyes fluttered open. “Can I have some ice cream?” she spoke with a yawn. “Yup. Come on, I'll take you.” Colt stood shaking the sleep from his arm as they disappeared into the house.
Riya slid up next to her. “Watching those two fawn all over Luca has got to be the sexiest thing I've ever seen.” Ellie's mouth flew open. “Ri, you're married and have a son.”
“I know. But seriously, I'm not even sure why you want to divorce Colt. He's clearly still in love with you. Unless.”
“Unless what?”
“Unless you want to be with Logan instead.” Riya waggled her eyes at her.
“I don't know what I want. It's just the right thing to do, divorcing colt. We were so young.”
She rolled her eyes “Whatever you say Ellie.”
“Are you Drunk Riya? And where is Marcus?”
“Mayyyybeeeee.” She giggled. “Dare set the pack n play up in the house, hes sleeping mom sheesh.” Ellie playfully pushed Riyas arm.
They headed out to the field to watch the fireworks display. Toby playing music to go with the show. “Uncle Logie, dance with me.” Luca stood up yanking on his shirt. “Oh sweetie, Stacie asked me to dance first.” Luca puffed out her bottom lip “Ok.” she turned to walk away “Lulu wait. Of course I'll dance with you. Stacie said its ok.” Luca beamed as Logan spun her around. Countless awes coming from the women watching. “Logan is such a good dancer.” Ellie sighed as she watch him float across the black top with her daughter.  
Colt cocked his brow. “Hey. I remember us having some pretty good moves.”
“Of course we did. Are you. Are you Jealous Colt?” she eyed him suspiciously.
“Dance with me Ellie.” she smirked taking his hand. “Oh I guess For old times sakes.”  the song changed as Colt pulled her closer. “You remember this song?”
“How could I forget it.”
Her mind went back to that night in Vegas.
Ellie stood in the empty room, her shaking hands flattened the front of the short white dress she picked up at chapel boutique. Under better circumstances she would have had her father there to give her away, Riya as her maid of honor. She would have spent months picking out her flowers, the dress, the colors, food. But this right here, was what she wanted to do in the moment. Not knowing what the next day would hold. Would she be in jail, dead? She wanted to experience getting married,  she loved Colt, and Colt Loved her. A knock came at the door. “You ready sugar?” An older lady dressed in a tight patent leather dress asked her as she handed her a bouquet.
Ellie nodded as she stepped out of the room. A soft melody began to play as she stepped onto the aisle runner, her eyes locking with Colts.
His breath hitched in his throat at the sight of her. He looked handsome wearing a black suit, he fidgeted with his fingers, anxious to take her hands in his. She stood before him, as they joined hands. “Ellie, you are breathtaking.” his voice cracked with emotion,  making her tear up. “You look so handsome Colt.”
They turned towards the officiant, dressed head to toe like Elvis. “Dearly Beloved. Uh huh. We are gathered here today to join these two hearts together.” They tried to stifle their laughter, quickly composing themselves. “Do you Colton Take Eliana to be your wife?” Colt slid the ring on her finger “I do.”
“And do you Eliana take Colton to be your Husband?” She slid the ring onto his finger “I do.”
“By the state of Nevada and the King, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride. Uh huh.” He shifted his hips in true Elvis fashion. As Colt took her in his arms, their lips meeting in a sensual, sweet kiss.
They shared a first dance, in the chapel. Colt pulling her close to him.
Wise men say, only fools rush in. But I can't help falling in love with you.
“You know. I think the king was onto something with this song.” Colt smirked. “Oh? And what's that Mr Kaneko?”
“I couldn't help falling in love with you, Mrs Kaneko.”
“I wish you would reconsider the divorce El.” Colts words pulling her from the memory.
Take my hand, take my whole life too. But I can't help, falling in love with you.
“Colt. It's just the right thing to do.”
“the right thing for who? Because I still Love you Ellie. Can you honestly say you don't still Love me?” She stared at him for a moment,  stunned. “I… I…” A loud boom went off above them, Luca came running up “Mommy. Mommy. Its starting.” She grabbed her hand “come on Colt, sit with us.” Her free hand grabbing his.
The next morning Ellie drove into town, she entered the building and stood in line. Her mind swirling from the night before, the dance with Colt, watching Logan dance with Luca. She was so confused, so lost. “Next.” She heard the woman call out. She walked up the desk
“How can I help you?”
She took a deep breath. “I need to file for divorce.”
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Rio & Nancy
Rio: If you wanna head home 'fore nan and granddad are ready, you can always have a lift back with us Nancy: Thanks Nancy: I'm in no rush though Rio: Having a good time then? Nancy: Sure Nancy: It's not a classroom, I'll take it Rio: Yeah, I bet you're buzzing Nancy: You mean you can't tell? Well, that's devastating Nancy: I reckoned on it being so obvious, like Rio: I mean, your poker face ain't all that, babe, if you wanna be real about it Nancy: More of a resting bitch, I know Nancy: The good news must not have sunk in yet Rio: Give it a few Nancy: Yeah Rio: Anyway, can't do anything about it now Rio: May as well enjoy your summer Nancy: Like I said, I already am Nancy: Aside from the prospect of going home Rio: 👍 Rio: How bad can it be Rio: he's taken one for the team Nancy: No, he's made sure exams mean more than they did before Nancy: and made me the focus since he's a less than safe convo topic Rio: Well, your family's inability to communicate is longstanding and not my fault so I'm not gonna take the blame for it, nor is my baby Rio: Sorry, like Nancy: I didn't ask Nancy: It's not my fault that his fall from grace makes me their poster child for success now either, I definitely never asked for that Rio: If you're going to feel so sorry for yourself, don't be surprised when people feel it for you in return Rio: Oddly enough our decision to have a child wasn't exactly about you Nancy: I'm only surprised the pity party isn't full already Nancy: My brother tends to take up a lot of space Rio: Please Rio: We've got no reason to be sorry, either definition Rio: we're happy, if you lot wanna be miserable then the party is all yours Nancy: Does he know that? Does he feel it? 'Cause he sounded like he wanted me to be sorry for him many times over when we last spoke Rio: Like I said, you're all crap at communicating Rio: but thanks Nancy: Yeah, and he's one of the worst Nancy: If I feel sorry for anything, it's for you, for that much, like Rio: Fuck off Rio: I don't need your pity Nancy: Don't tell me to fuck off Rio: Why not? You've seen fit to talk to me how you please Nancy: 'Cause you're judging my communication skills like its your job, for one thing Nancy: And for another, I haven't said anything like that to you, ever Rio: You said in as few words as possible that you don't think Buster really wants our baby, implying that I don't know him and we don't talk, whilst you were at it Rio: but no Rio: the f bomb in response, so much worse, Jesus Nancy: No I haven't Nancy: All I've said to him is that his timing is ridiculous and when was the last time we even spoke, me and you? Before exams probably so Rio: What does it matter to you, or your parents for that matter Rio: He's still going to Uni, he's still doing everything they want Nancy: I don't care what they want Nancy: I care about him and how hard it's gonna be Nancy: I won't be here to help either of you, not even in the same country, so excuse me for being worried Rio: When ain't life? Rio: You can't let that stop you from doing what you want Nancy: You don't need to make it harder on yourself, Jesus Rio: Well that ain't how it's going to be, or how we see it Nancy: It's easy for him to see it that way when he never admits that he needs help or that anything could possibly be a struggle in the slightest Nancy: He's just perfect and everything will be, end of story Rio: I help him Rio: and I know that, I knew that before this even started Nancy: I know you do and you know I love you, yeah? I'm not saying this to be a bitch to you Rio: I know Rio: but I don't get why you can't translate your worry into supporting him, that is literally all he needs from you Rio: instead of the constant barage of questions Nancy: because I'm scared for him and he scares me Nancy: how little he thinks about anything Nancy: He just wants and he gets and I'm the only one who cares if it'll work out or not Nancy: you know that's what he's always been like Rio: It's going to work out Rio: even if you wanna talk worst case scenarios, we have to get divorced, yeah Rio: he'll still have the kid, I'm not that bitch Nancy: I hope it does Nancy: Genuinely Nancy: You know that Rio: I think I do Rio: but you don't always show it Rio: I know it's a lot Rio: but it's hard for him when none of you seem happy for him or even say it's alright, like Rio: why do you think he can't admit he needs help, when has he got it? Nancy: Do you? 'Cause when you got together I had to re-evaluate everything I thought I knew about him and you Nancy: He says he's loved you since he was a kid, I was there, I have almost the same memories Nancy: But I don't Nancy: at all Rio: Why does it matter? We were all kids Nancy: 'Cause all this time he was so unhappy and I didn't know, okay Nancy: I didn't do anything Rio: None of us did Rio: He didn't want you to know, anyone Rio: you can't take blame for it like you wilfully ignored cries for help but he's trying now Rio: he needs you now, okay Nancy: I'm trying too Nancy: I just Nancy: I don't know him, if I ever did Nancy: How am I meant to know what to do? Rio: You did Rio: You were close then, just because you didn't know this one thing doesn't mean you weren't Rio: You wouldn't tell him about every crush you had, especially if you felt shame about being gay or there was another reason you knew he could judge you for it, you know? Rio: Just, try and be nice to each other, simple and as stupid as it sounds Rio: that's all you gotta do in this world though Nancy: You can say wanting to fuck my teacher, that's pretty shameful, babe Nancy: Lord, did you really have to do the one thing that scares me most to test me Nancy: Babies are terrifying Rio: Well you know, I assume you weren't child thirsting after your reception teacher like 👌👌👌 nice cardigan miss Rio: Nah Rio: they're just people Rio: I guess that's kinda the problem though Nancy: Hey, she was cute! And very attentive Nancy: Well, not to be dramatic and turn this into a therapy session but the last time I was properly excited for a baby to be born, he died Nancy: And now we don't talk about him Rio: That isn't going to happen again Rio: and you could talk to Buster about him Rio: he's thinking about him too Nancy: Does he talk about him to you? Rio: Yeah, a little Rio: we're going to give the baby his name as a middle Nancy: Really? Rio: I should say we don't know it's a boy yet, we just think it is Rio: but I won't say 'if not, the next one' and freak you out further, like Nancy: Go ahead, I'm just out here openly crying at the beach Rio: I'm sorry Rio: you can use my ugly dress as a hankie if you wanna Nancy: It's not that bad Rio: It's years old 'cos everything I own now would leave no need to announce this Rio: tempting but probably not Nancy: You should have come to me, my wardrobe runneth over Nancy: Literally, I need to have such a huge clear out before uni starts Rio: You planning to reinvent yourself as a minimalist? 😏 Rio: local charity shops gonna be a goldmine, like Nancy: Reinvent myself, yeah, as that, no Nancy: I get it, not tempting to come over when I'm being a bitch Nancy: I'm sorry you have to suffer that dress as a result, babe Rio: Well you know, or we could say I was giving you space and time Rio: politer Rio: I'm not even sure it was ever mine Rio: maybe it was yours, the ultimately bitchery to get it out of my system Nancy: Not to be that bitch or lesbian stereotype, okay, but what's under it? Can you not just remove it now the secret's out? Nancy: Be you again Rio: 😂 Rio: Still got it, babe Rio: I guess I can now Rio: It's weird Nancy: Do it for my brother if not me Nancy: You think I need to sort my face, look at his right now Rio: Poor boy Rio: at least I didn't straighten my hair, then he'd really be devastated Nancy: 😂 Nancy: I wish you had, I'd have taken so many pics to post and tag him in Rio: 😏 Pure evil, like Nancy: Genetically, sorry Nancy: Not saying you should watch The Omen again or anything but Rio: 😲 How rude Rio: but if I remember correctly that fucker was adopted so it would've been more cutting to come at me with Rosemary's Baby, like Rio: slacking Nancy: Oops, horror movies not really my forte Rio: You should reconsider Rio: yeah the bitch always dies, but she's usually half-naked beforehand, like Nancy: Are you gonna put your arm around me when it gets scary though? I think not Rio: You know I would you just ain't vibing 💔 Nancy: Lies! I just told you to strip Rio: True enough Rio: There's hope yet then Nancy: I'm sorry for being a bitch this whole time Nancy: I've missed you, it feels like exams lasted years Rio: I know, it was stressful and I weren't even taking them so God knows how you lot survived Rio: How do you feel about them, genuinely? Nancy: I know you love him, but how much of a prick was he during his, like 1-10? To make me feel better Nancy: I feel bad but like, I always do about that stuff so Nancy: It doesn't mean anything Rio: Oh, 11, for sure 😏 Rio: no, it was hard though, he was stressed as fuck Rio: you'll have done what you needed to do, I know Nancy: At least you could play the pregnancy card, like DO NOT STRESS ME, BOY Nancy: I basically had to shut myself away to get the same effect Rio: I feel it, Junior looks like this is his first time seeing sunlight in years, he hasn't taken his sunglasses off Rio: know they're prescription but come on Rio: as for the pregnancy card, great for getting out of arguments you've probably caused being a crazy bitch, like Nancy: I don't think he remembers who any of us are 😂 Nancy: It's not too late to have some actual fun today, is it? Nancy: You need it too, Buster said you've been pretty sick Nancy: He's dramatic, but still Rio: Of course not Rio: Someone suggested going to the pub to celebrate but as I'm the one with the baby I can make sure they choose somewhere nice with a decent cocktail list and beer garden, not a grotty old man pub, like Rio: Just morning sickness but it was pretty shitty and lonely when he was at School and so was Indie Rio: but fingers crossed I'm over that now so Nancy: We have to do something about that dress first Nancy: Come with me before we go anywhere else Nancy: I will save you Rio: 🙌 Rio: If you take me near a maternity section, we will brawl Nancy: God no Nancy: I'd burst into flames Rio: 😂 Rio: You remembered suncream today though, yeah? Nancy: Yes, mum Nancy: Maternity clothes are actually disgusting and I'm not letting it happen to you Nancy: Or my niece or nephew, how embarrassing to look back on Rio: It's just not necessary either Rio: do you know how big most clothes go these days like Nancy: Thank you! Like be more creative than that Nancy: If you wear a smock I'm disowning you Nancy: I don't care if you're having twins in a heatwave Rio: You'll be glad to know it ain't, unless one of them was hiding real stealth, but I'd be much bigger, pretty sure Nancy: Yeah, you'd need more than that dress to hide behind, right? Mum was such a ridiculous size with us, the pics are actually like something out of a scary movie Nancy: Say what you like about her, and do, but she always looked good Rio: Honestly, poor bitch Rio: Feel her small girl pain in a way you can never Rio: feeling like a human ball some days and it is just the one Nancy: Why do you think I'm not taking you to a maternity section, they'd think I was the one with a baby on board Nancy: No offense but kill me Rio: Oh bitch no Rio: like, is daddy excited or terrified, Nance? Rio: straight girl bants Nancy: I nearly threw up in my mouth Nancy: Not morning sickness, sorry lads Rio: You keep down your breakfast if you getting in my car, thank you very much Nancy: Such a mum 😏
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Buster & Rio
Buster: How soon can we get out of here? Rio: You even thinking about leaving 'fore midnight, you gotta factor in the at least half an hour to an hour of arguing you're gonna have to do with everyone 😏 Buster: Fine. I'll kiss you in front of them when the clock strikes Buster: You better hope they're too busy with her their own to notice, like Rio: Yeah, we both wish, babe Rio: Even if there are some sickening displays of affection out here tonight Buster: 😂 Buster: We ain't the ones who are committing sins if you believe in that shit Rio: If it was an us V them situation with Drew and Ro, we'd probably get more support, that's saying something 😬🙄 Buster: We better Buster: I'd rather witness Indie all over her boyfriend and that's saying something 😒 Rio: Least she's a kid, like, what's your excuse lads Buster: Hormones raging for them too, obviously Rio: Ro's got an excuse anyway Rio: Whatever, gross Rio: Get me a drink? Buster: Drew's is you looking like that Buster: He's gonna get bottled if he keeps up Buster: But yeah, 'course Buster: What do you want? Rio: Nah, only got eyes for his missus, don't you know Rio: Anything Buster: They both wish, babe Buster: Alright, my signature drink it is Rio: My poor Ma Rio: all the bad memories surfacing tonight, like Buster: At least your dad's still not enough dance floor moves to keep her somewhat distracted Buster: Can't say the same for my parents, not with those looks on both their faces Rio: It is lowkey their anniversary Rio: NYE always goes this way Rio: too much pressure Buster: Yeah, I can't remember when I last had a really decent one Rio: Least you'd have had good champagne in the SW, yeah? Buster: True Buster: Good coke too Buster: No chance of Drew putting up or shutting up though Rio: Not when he's playing family man Rio: Sure he would if I asked Buster: Fuck that Buster: I'm not desperate enough to line his pockets, cheers Buster: It's not like he knows what decent gear is anyway Rio: I'm not feeling it either, don't worry Buster: He wouldn't be able to take it with you this time, small mercy there Buster: but yeah Rio: When are we going then? Buster: Finish your drink and we'll leave Rio: Make sure you say bye to everyone Buster: Where's the fun in that? Gotta leave them wondering, babe Rio: 😑 Rio: You have to wish 'em a happy new year don't be rude Buster: Calm down Buster: Their year's happiness don't rest on whether I say it or not Rio: It might Rio: Can't be risking these things Buster: I don't wanna get drawn into convos with everyone Rio: Well, I've gotta so you'll have to entertain yourself whilst you wait for me Buster: The sooner I can tell everyone you're my girlfriend and you can say goodbye for both of us the better, like Rio: 😏 Rio: Not the perks I'm feeling but okay baby Buster: Well, that all goes without saying Buster: Same as how beautiful you look tonight Rio: Shh Rio: 🤓 Buster: No need to result to insults 'cause you're scared you're gonna start blushing Rio: Well, why you tryna make me clash with my dress? Buster: You're just so irresistible, I'm doing what I can Rio: Don't look bad yourself, McKenna Buster: I saw your insta and knew I had to turn out Buster: Can't let you be the best dressed that easy Rio: When the competition stalks your socials Buster: Just like old times, yeah? Rio: 'Course Rio: meant to be looking to the future tho Buster: I am but if I keep looking at you someone's gonna say something Rio: You better stop talking like that when you know I can't react how I wanna 😳 Buster: 🤐 Buster: I won't tell you about how much I miss you or how long it took me to get ready earlier 'cause I couldn't stop thinking about you 😇 Buster: And I definitely won't say that every time I think about you I end up having to touch myself to you Rio: 😩 Buster Rio: I'm going to need you to repeat that when we're alone Buster: Sure, I'd rather you touched me but I can do that Buster: New Year's entertainment sorted Rio: It is my Birthday month Rio: just 😋 Buster: Don't worry I won't stop if the clock strikes before I'm done Rio: So generous babe Rio: I'll get you there before though Rio: ain't no stranger to private shows Buster: Just not yet Buster: This outfit make look good but it ain't keeping my secrets as well as you do, babe Rio: 😖 Fine Buster: I mean, if you wanna explain to the fam why I'm turned on, go ahead Buster: Keep the goodbye interesting Rio: 😂 Think me stepping in on your behalf would say it all but go off Buster: Exactly Rio: S'alright no one will notice Rio: youngins showing us up Buster: I'm surprised you haven't dragged Indie off that lad Buster: You being a cool mum tonight Rio: She's in love it's cute Rio: let her have her fun, allowing he keeps his at a vaguely family friendly level, like Buster: 😂 Rio: What a year Buster: No need to tell me Buster: You're really onto something with the looking forward bullshit Rio: Not an original concept of mine but I'll take it Buster: You can Buster: I ain't about to listen to it from anyone else, am I Rio: Appreciate that you're 👂 as well as 👀 Buster: You know I love hearing you, babe Rio: It's mutual Rio: You'll be pleased to know Buster: I am Buster: Less so that Ro's decided to talk to me about uni. Cheers Auntie but I know everything I need about Cambs Rio: Fun! 😜 Rio: Won't be coming at me with that shit, thank God7 Buster: I'm too sober for this Buster: Save me. I don't care how Rio: Yeah, you gonna owe me big Buster: I don't care Buster: Do it Rio: 🙄 Run and call us a cab Rio: by the time it gets here, I should be done Buster: Like she's gonna just let me stride off Rio: Well give me chance to butt in Rio: What did you expect me to do, come for her man? Buster: Don't Buster: Not funny Rio: Easy though Buster: I'll remind you that you said that when he comes to join in the convo as soon as he sees you, yeah? Rio: He's not that thick Rio: some credit, due or not, like Buster: You reckon? Rio: Next round's on winner Buster: Alright Rio: [After] Rio: 😒 Buster: Poor baby Rio: Fuck off Buster: We both know that ain't what you really want Rio: You're so smug sometimes Buster: You too Rio: We talking 'bout you rn Buster: Go on then Rio: Idiot Rio: You don't wanna know what I'm thinking Buster: Tell me Rio: Let's just go Rio: I'm bored Buster: Don't be a pussy Rio: Don't be rude Buster: Politeness is your thing Buster: Come on Rio: I'm just over it Buster: All the more reason to tell me and let it go Rio: It's stupid Rio: but alright Rio: You're so different when everyone else is around Rio: that just reminded me, that's all Buster: And? Buster: You don't like it Rio: I don't know Rio: I didn't say bad, just different Buster: Yeah you do Buster: Like I know what different really means in this context Rio: No, I don't Rio: It's just like Rio: a different person Buster: And you wouldn't have felt the need to point that out if it was a different side that you liked Rio: Whatever Rio: forget it Buster: Obviously not Buster: 'Cause you haven't Rio: I'm going to get another drink Buster: Get me one Buster: I need it Rio: I do owe you, I hadn't forgot Buster: Good Buster: Cheers then Rio: Sláinte Buster: sláinte agad-sa Buster: That's all the Irish I've got so Rio: 👏 Rio: Well done Buster: Behave Buster: Just 'cause you're native, like Rio: You really got nothing else in all this time? Buster: I can talk dirty if you want Buster: But you're not feeling my vibe right now so Rio: 🙄 'course you can Buster: Yeah Buster: When in Dublin, like Rio: Cringe Buster: You're the first girl to think so Buster: But to be fair, it is all in the delivery Rio: Mm I'm sure Buster: When you've lost the attitude I'll show you Rio: You're alright Buster: Whatever you say, babe Rio: I'm gonna stay here Rio: be rude not to Buster: Do what you want Rio: You too Buster: Catch you later then Rio: This is ridiculous Rio: Let's just go and it will be good again Buster: It's ridiculous that you only like me when we're alone, yeah Rio: Come on, it's the same for you Buster: No it ain't Rio: Yes it is, that's why we like being alone Buster: It's that don't know how to be around you not that I don't want to Buster: That's the difference Rio: You're taking it too seriously Buster: Fuck off Rio: Stop putting words in my mouth and ideas in your head Rio: I didn't say you were unbearable Buster: Say what you fucking mean and I wouldn't have to Rio: Oh for God sake Buster: Don't Buster: How do you upset me and I'm still the prick? Rio: I'm sorry Buster: Alright Rio: Do you believe me or not? Buster: 'Course Buster: I'm not that dramatic Rio: Good Buster: I'm going. Come if you want Rio: Buster Buster: What? Rio: I do like you, you know that Buster: You like who I am with you, not who I am with everyone else Rio: Not when I can tell you're not being you, no Buster: You're calling me fake now? Cheers Rio: Yeah sure I'd risk being called out for being a hypocrite just to get that dig in Rio: we all do it sometimes Rio: but you can let your guard down sometimes Buster: When you've got two houses and two sets of friends then you can tell me what to do Rio: Alright but this is family Buster: And what? They get to know me like that just 'cause? Rio: Yeah Rio: Who else? Buster: Forget it Rio: No Rio: Who else Rio: When do you ever get to be you? Buster: When its safe Rio: When is that? Buster: You can't just let your guard down whenever you want Rio: Why not here, with them Rio: Who's going to hurt you Buster: How are they different? They can all hurt me just the same as anyone else Buster: Some of them have, some of them could Rio: And it was that bad that you'd rather live like this? Buster: Like what? Buster: I'm fine Rio: Fine Buster: You don't get to decide how I am or how I feel Rio: No Buster: Stop judging me Rio: I'm not Buster: Whatever Rio: It's never going to happen is it Buster: What? Rio: Us Rio: Telling people Rio: Why would we, how would we, when we can't even be ourselves in all the other ways Buster: What are you talking about? Buster: I'll tell everyone right now I don't care Rio: No you won't Buster: Try me Rio: Everyone will just think you're drunk Buster: Maybe at first Buster: But I'll convince them Buster: It's not that hard Rio: Said like you've done this before Buster: Come here, you can help me kick things off Rio: Stop Buster: You stop Buster: You don't get to say that we'll never tell them when you're the one who won't Rio: Really, you wanna do this RIGHT now Buster: Why not? Buster: According to you they won't hurt me, yeah? Rio: If you're being a dickhead, I make no promises Buster: Fuck you Rio: No, fuck you Rio: for even trying to do it like this Buster: You either want me to be real or you don't, babe Rio: Shut up Rio: You can't pull this shit on me Buster: You can call me out as much as you want though Buster: Yeah okay Rio: Then call me out, that isn't what you're doing Buster: I'm trying to give you what you want Rio: If that's true then stop this Buster: Fine Rio: Fuck Buster: I'm not staying here Buster: See you later Rio: Where are you going Buster: Like it matters Rio: It does to me Rio: That's why I asked Buster: I don't know Rio: Okay Rio: Well, keep me in mind when you work it out Buster: I can't get you off my mind Buster: You know that Rio: Do I need to say sorry? Buster: No Buster: I probably do but I can't Buster: Not now Rio: You don't Buster: Bullshit Rio: No, I mean it Rio: Why should you Buster: Scroll up and you'll easily work it out Rio: Nah, if you'd have actually started shouting the odds about us Rio: then definitely, like but you're good Buster: Whatever you say, babe Rio: Buster Rio: We're good, yeah? Buster: 'Course Rio: If we really are, let me come with you Buster: It looks like Indie wants you to stay Buster: It'd be rude to leave as she's trying to come talk to you Rio: Oh Rio: Wait? Buster: Come find me when you're done Buster: I mean it, I'm not staying here Rio: Alright Rio: Looks better anyway Buster: Yeah Rio: [Later] Rio: She's so drunk Rio: but happy, so, that's something Buster: I bet everyone is Rio: Pretty much Rio: the former, anyway, not giving them mental health checks as I leave Buster: There ain't enough of the night left for that Buster: Even though you are a know-it-all, like Rio: Comes with the job description, babe Rio: can't just let 'em sob into their pints, can I Buster: Not if you want the decent tips Rio: Who are you talking to here? Duh Buster: Shame you can't actually hit them up for cash on your way out but Rio: Third time in a month would be a charm, lads Buster: If anyone could though, you're not the fave for nothing Rio: 😇 Rio: Naturally Buster: 🍀 too Rio: You reckon? Rio: Me and my natural charm will try not to take offense Buster: You've got me so yeah Rio: Luck has nothing to do with it Rio: I worked hard to get you, not to mention keep you Buster: 🥇 Rio: Don't take the piss, like Rio: deadly serious 💪 Buster: I know Buster: So serious Rio: Just trying to keep up with you, babe Buster: Behave Buster: I'm partying Rio: Without me? Rio: Damn, that's really how it be tonight Buster: Even tonight's queues ain't long enough to keep me waiting forever, babe Rio: Dramatic as well as serious Rio: Are you telling me where you are or am I dancing on my own? Buster: If I was being dramatic I wouldn't have saved you any of the drugs this girl just gave me Rio: Really is the season of goodwill Buster: Nice, right? Rio: One way to put it, sure Buster: Jesus Buster: Are you still in a mood Rio: I'm good Buster: Sure Buster: This club is shit, where else can we go? Rio: How shit can it be, girls giving you free drugs Rio: May as well go to the custom now, watch the countdown Buster: One girl 'cause she wants to move the party to hers, like. Standard. No need to be jealous Buster: Tourist Rio: Probably got 'em from Drew Rio: Standard Rio: Yeah, know you reckon you got the culture on lock Buster: What are you bringing him up for? Rio: He left not long after you Rio: Just surprised he lasted that long on the best business night of the year Buster: You don't have to sound so gutted, like Rio: Fuck off Buster: At least he knows how to behave around the fam, yeah? Buster: Best behavior from one of us Rio: Not everything is about you Rio: Jesus Buster: Be a first Rio: For you, maybe Buster: Says you Buster: You've been getting at me all night Rio: It's just easier alright Buster: So you're allowed to want easy and I'm not Rio: This is easy Rio: You get to act like a dick, I get to be mad about it Rio: then we stand a hope of being able to focus on someone else at the fucking party Buster: Fuck you no I get to be mad 'cause you want me to turn over a whole new leaf with this whole fam Rio: Why is that a bad thing for me to want for you Buster: 'Cause I told you why not and you still expect it from me Rio: I don't expect anything Rio: I never said that Buster: Bullshit Buster: I can feel you judging me from here Rio: I'm not Rio: Stop putting shit on me like I'm that bitch Buster: Stop acting like I'm the world's biggest cunt just 'cause I'm not acting like everyone's fucking dad Rio: Feel better? Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: Nah, that's how it is Rio: say what you wanna say, don't be a pussy Buster: You too Rio: I hate fighting with you so I'm going Rio: that's it Rio: Have fun Buster: Don't Rio: I mean it Rio: I'm not trying to ruin your night, it's still young Buster: It's too late for that shit Rio: Party don't stop at 12, come on Buster: You come on Rio: I've said forget it, I've said sorry Rio: I can't take it back, if I could I would alright Buster: So what you're just gonna leave? Buster: No Rio: Tell me what you want Buster: Not to start the year like this Buster: Don't go Rio: Okay Rio: I don't want this either Buster: I'm coming back Buster: We can start this over Rio: Yeah? Buster: Just wait for me Rio: Of course Rio: I love you Buster: I love you so much Buster: I'm really sorry Rio: Me too Rio: so stupid Buster: What else can I say? I'm an idiot Rio: Me, not you Buster: We both know that ain't true Rio: Okay, you can have it Rio: but you're my idiot Buster: Yeah Buster: And you're my baby, even if I don't always act like it Rio: Good Buster: You're right you know, I can do better than this Buster: I just didn't wanna admit it 'cause this year's been so fucking Buster: So much has already changed, like Buster: Even Chlo knew it Rio: I know, and you have changed a lot already, I know that and it does show Rio: It's only sometimes Rio: Looking forward, yeah? Buster: 'Course Buster: We're gonna have such a good year, babe Rio: Yeah Rio: It'll make all the shit worth it, I promise Buster: I know Buster: If anyone can do it, like Rio: I'm glad you're on my team Buster: I am the team, baby Rio: Not mad about it Buster: Good Rio: I wanna make it up to you Rio: Come in the bathroom Buster: I know that's not a good idea but I also know it's the best idea you've ever had Rio: No one's gonna hear us Rio: partying so hard here Buster: I'll remind you that you said that when I'm fucking you even harder Rio: If you're able to think of anything but how wet and tight I am for you then something is very wrong Buster: Well, now I can't think of anything else Rio: Good Rio: because you're all I've been thinking about Buster: Tell me Buster: I'll make it all happen when I get there Rio: What I really want, is you to turn me around, pin me against the wall and pull my dress up so you can fuck me from behind Buster: Easy Rio: I mean, I wish you could bend me over the sinks so I could see me cumming all over your cock Buster: Save your wishes babe, I can do that for you Rio: Baby Rio: What if someone walks in Buster: Like I've never barricaded a door, it's the first thing a twin learns how to do Rio: Bit rude, but resourceful and I want it Buster: As much as my new year's resolution should be to be less rude, I don't have to kick that off yet Buster: Thank Christ Buster: 'Cause I need you exactly like that Rio: Not saying I'm already in position but Buster: Jesus Rio: Please hurry baby Buster: You're making me so hard Buster: Nobody better try and talk to me Rio: Good because I need you inside me now Rio: Seriously, I'm done sharing Rio: you're mine, aren't you Buster: I'm all yours Buster: You know I just want you Rio: All of me is yours Rio: There's no one else who gets me like you Buster: Don't forget it, okay Buster: Even when I try and make you Rio: Never Rio: There's nothing you could do Buster: I'm so in love with you Rio: You make me melt Rio: I feel fucking giddy with it but I love you so much Buster: I better keep this coke then Buster: I forgot I still had it Rio: Yeah, who knows what kind of embarrassing lovey-dovey shit I'd say fr 😳 Buster: Shh Buster: I like it Rio: I just get scared sometimes that you won't Rio: or you won't feel it as much as I do Buster: Don't Buster: You mean so much to me Buster: There's nothing you could say, not like that Rio: I know Rio: I'll remember to be brave Buster: I'll try and make you feel it too Rio: You do, you really do Rio: You're so special Buster: I wanna make you feel good all the time not just when you cum Buster: A resolution I won't share with the fam but Rio: 😏 Probably best to stick with the tried and tested there, yeah Rio: We're gonna be so good together, baby Buster: I know Buster: Starting now 'cause I'm finally here Rio: 😩 Thank fuck, I've been so patiently waiting Rio: Not even touched myself Buster: Good girl Rio: My pussy is all yours, daddy Rio: Only you make me cum Rio: Please come touch me Buster: Since you asked so nicely Rio: I can be nicer Rio: Come see Buster: I know Buster: That's why I'm on my way to give you exactly what you need Buster: You've earned it, baby, but we'll see if you deserve even more Rio: 🤤 Rio: Fuck me Rio: The way you talk could make me cum Buster: You know you've nearly got me there with a look so I'm not sorry Rio: I like it Rio: even if it makes being around you when other people are there tricky to say the least Rio: but I still like it Buster: Me too Buster: There's nobody else in the bathroom, right? Buster: 'Cause I can't wait any more Rio: I would not be standing here like this if there was Rio: [Pics in bathroom mirror] Buster: Fucking hell Buster: The sound I just had to stop myself from making Rio: Come make it for me and more Rio: Not just your voice that turns me on Buster: [After] Buster: Told you nobody's getting in Buster: Not an amateur ever Rio: Going to let you have it because Rio: if you didn't just prove it Rio: Jesus Buster: I can't act like you're the only one who had to take a minute before they walked out Buster: You make me weak Rio: That's the goal Rio: surprised I CAN walk Buster: If you need me to carry you I'll tell everyone you're that drunk Rio: You just wanna Buster: Yeah Rio: Me too Rio: Maybe if I really act really gone and disgraced, you can take me home Buster: Such a hero nobody would bat an eyelid at the offer I'm sure Rio: Exactly Rio: Everyone wearing their 😍 Buster: The state of them all I don't reckon they'd have realised if we left the bathroom door open Rio: I like danger Rio: but not sure we need to go that hard Buster: One day, babe Rio: 😏 Don't tempt me boy Buster: 😇 Rio: Yeah right Rio: I've not forgotten what you just did to me, babe Buster: If you stop feeling it, go back to the mirror, like Buster: The marks will be there Rio: If you ain't coming with me to recreate the feeling then I can't risk that Buster: Don't tempt me Buster: You look so fucking good right now Rio: I feel it Buster: I'm not saying I wanna fight with you but if we get to make up like that Rio: Can be arranged Rio: long as we can keep it physical 👊 Buster: 😂 Rio: I mean it Rio: I don't like being a bitch Buster: I'm just playing, babe Buster: No fighting Rio: Just loving Rio: Awh 😉 Buster: Shh Rio: Can we go now? Buster: Yeah Buster: I wanna fuck you with my tongue until I can get hard again and I can't do that here Rio: Well, we're definitely leaving now Rio: Everyone's so merry we don't need to say goodbyes, you'll be glad to know Buster: Thank Christ for that Buster: Let's go Rio: [Drama has ensued] Rio: What the fuck Buster: I don't reckon I've ever seen Indie that angry before Rio: No, it takes a lot Rio: Jesus, this family Rio: We better take her back as Drew's disappeared Buster: Not who I wanted to carry out the party, but yeah Buster: What about the lad? Is he coming or am I telling him to fuck off? Rio: I think he'll be happy to run so Rio: Don't need to add to the list of people I've got to sort Buster: If she bleeds in the cab, I'll sort that at least Buster: Unless you wanna walk it Rio: If she calms down for a sec, I'll clean her up Rio: gonna be a ball ache getting a cab tonight Rio: ugh 🙄 Buster: With my connections and willingness to throw money about, I'll get it done Rio: Thanks, seriously Buster: Anything for you, babe Buster: I meant what I said, I'll piggy back her into your part of the 24 if I have to Buster: It's gonna be alright Rio: As much as it ever is Rio: Fuck him Buster: Yeah Buster: If he wasn't such a cunt, I'd call him Rio: If it was just tonight we were tryna fix too, might work Buster: Fuck's sake Buster: Happy new year, like Rio: You know Rio: I can fix this Rio: I mean, she didn't mean it how Indie probably reckons now in her state Rio: but the truth is worse, if anything but we're all used to plastering over that so what's new Buster: I know Rio: It'll be alright Rio: Yeah? Buster: If we can help it Buster: We're a team, remember Buster: I'm gonna help you Rio: You so did not sign up for this Buster: You might not have the ring yet but what's yours is still mine Buster: Nobody can say I didn't know what I was getting myself into, same fam, like Rio: Shut up Rio: x2 Rio: Idiot Buster: I love you Buster: Let's get out of here Buster: The fresh air will help sober her up before this cab comes Rio: I love you Rio: Good idea Rio: check Edie's properly gone 'fore I bring her out, don't need to take 'round 2 to her, like Buster: Hold on Buster: Yeah she's well gone Buster: One less thing to deal with Rio: For now Rio: She'll resurface in a few days in god knows what state Rio: Mum and Dad and the rest of us worried sick 'til she does Buster: You need to focus on the now though, babe Buster: Get through tonight Buster: Then we'll look for Edie if that's what you want Rio: I know Rio: She won't come even if we find her, or appreciate it Rio: all you can do is best keep tabs through what she posts or gets tagged in Buster: I can always make her Buster: Just say the word Rio: You've done enough heroics for one night, don't worry babe Rio: We'll focus on the one that's here and actually upset Buster: Yeah Buster: I've had enough drunken fights to know Indie came off worse Buster: Not just physically Rio: Yeah, there's a multitude of reasons I'm not letting you try to make Edie do anything she doesn't want Rio: She just, doesn't care Buster: She also doesn't scare me Buster: She's a fucked up kid, that's all Rio: Don't Rio: don't put it so bluntly Buster: It's true Buster: Everyone else can pretend all they want, but I won't Rio: I don't need to hear it Rio: No one does Buster: Drew does, for one Buster: Ro too, preferably before she got knocked up with hers but Rio: Do you see him here? Rio: It's too late, on so many scores Buster: Well, what about Indie? She might need to hear it if you don't want to referee a round 2 on another night Rio: Like she hasn't had front row seats her whole life Rio: Hey, remember, your Dad's a scumbag Rio: No one's pretending, babe, we're all doing the best we can to just get on with it Buster: Fuck it. The cab's here Buster: Let's just go Rio: Yeah
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