#playing through poe as her is such a treat it makes me love the game so much more
rosenfey · 2 years
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i have clementine-shaped brainworms so here’s the babiest dorter feat. the babiest owl familiar [x]
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wraithwritten · 1 year
some random totk thoughts. major story spoilers ahead
honestly I didn't come in playing this game for the story. unfortunately. which is what Zelda used to BE for me. after getting my story hopes set too high for botw and getting disappointed, I came in with a "story is secondary here" mentality and it shouldn't be considering how important story is to me overall. I came in here namely because I wanted to explore and just fool around. and having both the sky and DEPTHS (which I love the most) and a familiar but different hyrule is scratching that itch for me. basically treating this as my sandbox. so I can say I'm VERY satisfied when it comes to my gameplay and exploration needs. I only wish ultrahand building wasn't so janky to me (I think I need to turn off motion controls since I'm hardly using them this time around)
So that said. hate the rehash of how the majority of story cut scene use is linked to the past AGAIN. and the sages are very underdeveloped and kind of just there (hell even compared to TP I'd even say and those guys were just kind of there) and. not gonna lie. feels like they didn't know what to do with Zelda so we kind of have a semi-redo of zelda being majorly absent. and here we have all this talk of her sealing powers and now time manipulation and. she neither attempts to seal ganondorf away nor do we really get her. actually honing in on her time powers. despite the hints from poor poor plot device Sonia (I AM SO SORRY QUEEN YOU GOT THE DEAD WIFE TREATMENT). in terms of what the story shows us and implies. no. straight to the last resort "lose yourself and become a dragon" option. Zelda girl you deserve so much better especially after what you went through during the calamity and keeping ganon in stasis for 100 years. So as of now I'm not 100% done with the story, at the point where I'm about to use this amazing flying bike build to get up to hyrule castle where puppet zelda is but first I'm gonna get more stamina so I can get the master sword. but anyway. I'm kinda... just waiting to see how this all ends and I'll gather up more thoughts from there.
as a quick aside, all this makes me wonder now is who are the three other dragons??? three of the sages? past zonai? and unrelated but does rauru count as the seventh sage? it's emphasized there's just six and he's just there but STILL (if this is elaborated on I have not done the kakariko ring quest on account of not being able to access them thanks to that one guy).
also not a big fan of early hyrule being depicted as a more tribal people and the so described "good king of light" being the guy who bought civilization and technology to them. I obviously can't speak on this matter but I'm seeing something.
I also have some nitpicking as someone into worldbuilding and overall zelda lore but I'll leave that unsaid for now.
Some positives. more enemy variety thank god. now I'm not as bitter knowing moblins and bokoblins and lizalfos are the main fodder because at least there are other basic enemies beyond them. Would have liked more undead enemies though and poes being actual POES but I understand why they gotta be a more easily obtainable collectable soul currency. I would have liked a new yiga variant and a return of the bow users too but oh well. I LOVE them having bases in the depths though.
love the return of dungeons and ACTUAL bosses that feel more in line with past games. I was not a fan at all of the blights but I'm a BIG big fan of the more varied bosses here and their designs.
finally had some true genuine shit yourself moments beyond the repetitive guardian jumpscares from botw thanks to the depths. also seeing the silhouettes of gibdos in the desert made me yell I cannot begin to describe how happy I am some freaky as fuck enemies are FINALLY in the game. they're like weird redead bugs here. wish they screamed and froze you up still.
I also like seeing how Hyrule has changed in the past ??? years or so. would have liked confirmation but I'm glad everyone seems to be in the boat of a 4-6 year range.
overall though I'd say despite my fun and feeling totk improved on botw's gameplay for me and I'm getting waaay more enjoyment out of it, what I'm really yearning and itching for is in the older games and probably won't truly come back. anyway I wanna replay oot and mm and tp soooo bad. these three are THE essential games for me with mm and tp pretty much hogging the #1 fave spot
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hellzabeth · 3 years
i have opinions about The Prince of Egypt musical adaption and you’re going to listen to them: An Essay
So, quick disclaimer: The Prince of Egypt is one of my favourite movies of all time. The casting, the music, the animation, I think it’s one of the top-tier movies that have ever been made. I went into seeing the London West End production of PoE with a full expectation that nothing I saw on stage would ever live up to how much I love the movie. I was fully aware there are plenty of limitations to what can be shown live on a stage with human actors and props.
That being said, I was enormously disappointed with how the whole thing was handled.
The Good
Now before I launch into a whole tirade of what I didn’t like about the production, it does behoove me to say what I think they did do well. 

The casting of the role of Moses was done fantastically, as was Miriam, Tzipporah, and Yocheved. The swings and the ensemble were really engaged and well placed, going through lots of quick changes to go from Hebrews to Egyptians to Midianites and back.

The two Egyptian queens, wifes of Seti and Ramses, are actually given names, lines, and character beyond being simply tacked onto their respective kings. We get to see how they feel about the events happening around them, and there’s even a scene where Ramses meets his wife and courts her, whereas in the movie, she stands in the background and says nothing. This is one of the areas I was hoping the musical, which would naturally have a longer run-time, would expand on, and I was pleased to see the opportunity was taken.
Light projections on enormous curtains were used to very good effect, taking us instantly inside the walls of the palace and then out to the desert. 

Over all, the work was really put in to be engaging and emotional, and the orchestra really worked to deliver the right musical beats.

One of two stand out scenes as being done very well was the opening “Deliver Us”, which included a bone-chilling moment of Egyptians separating a mother and her baby, with her screams as she’s dragged off-stage, and the blood on the guard’s sword. It really brings home the fear as Yocheved tries to lead Aaron and Miriam to the river with her, not to mention Yocheved’s actress nailed the lullaby. 

The second was at the other end of the show, “When You Believe” was beautifully performed by the whole cast, though it was somewhat stunted by what came before...
The Bad
Oh boy.
So the main problem with this show is not the music, not the staging, not even that sometimes the ensemble was a little off-beat (the lai-lai-lai section in Though Heaven’s Eyes comes to mind). Any mistakes there can all be forgiven, since sometimes things just happen in live performance, someone’s a bit off or something’s just not possible to do on the budget allotted. 

The problem is in the script.
The Prince of Egypt movie is a story that stands not only on the shoulders of its fantastic music and visuals, but also on its emotive retelling and portrayal of the characters within - mainly Moses and Ramses. And while the stage musical does spend a lot of time with the two mains, it neglects two other, incredibly important characters.
Pharaoh Seti, and God. 

In the movie, Seti strikes an intimidating figure. He is old, hardened, and wise in the ways of ruling his kingdom - and is voiced by Patrick Stewart, who brings his A-game to the role. Both Moses and Ramses admire him and look up to him immensely as young men, and the relationship he has with both of them deeply informs their characters as the story progresses. It’s from Seti that Moses learns that taking responsibility for your actions is the respectable thing to do (and later, the true horror of having your idol turn out to be not what you think), and it’s from Seti that Ramses takes a huge inferiority complex.
There are two lines that Seti gets in the movie, one spoken to Moses, and one to Ramses. These two lines define Moses and Ramses’ actions later on in the story:
To Ramses - “One weak link can break the chain of a mighty dynasty!” To Moses - “Oh my son... they were only slaves.”
Guess which two lines are absent from the musical?
One Weak Link is turned into an upbeat song, rather than shouted at a terrified and cowed young Ramses. Instead of being openly a traumatic, internalised moment of negative character development for Ramses, it’s treated as a general philosophy that Seti passes down to his son. Instead of a judgement that is hung over Ramses’ head like a sword of Damocles, lingering in his mind through the whole story and coming up in a shouted argument with Moses later, it’s said and then moved on from. 

The “they were only slaves” comment, on the other hand, is absent entirely. This changes Moses’ relationship with Seti enormously, as well as his relationship with the Hebrew people. Upon finding the mural depicting the killing of the slave children, Moses is appropriately horrified, and Seti shows up to comfort him and defend his terrible actions. Moses leaves this interaction... and then sings about how this is indeed all he ever wanted! He has no moment of horrific realisation that his father thinks of the slaves as lesser, as lives that can be thrown away. This means that the scene where he kills the guard doesn’t lead into a discussion of morality with Ramses as he runs away, but rather Moses breaking down about his heritage as though it’s a negative, instead of something he’s realised is just as valuable as his life as an Egyptian. Instead of Moses being shown as having a strong moral core that protests against the idea of any life being lesser, he bemoans his Hebrew blood loudly, and makes little mention of the man he killed. His issue that causes him to run away is being adopted, rather than his guilt that he’s a murderer, and nothing Ramses can say will change it.
Later on, we don’t see Ramses express this opinion either (in the movie - M:”Seti’s hands bore the blood of thousands of children!” R:“Hah, slaves!” M:“My people!”) so it seems the core reasoning for the necessity of the extremes God had to go to in order to convince Ramses to let the Hebrews go is completely gone.
Which leads us into God Himself, as a character. 

God is a tricky topic in general. He is hard to talk about as a concept and as a character, and even harder to depict in a way that won’t offend someone. The Prince of Egypt movie always struck me as a very good depiction of the Old Testament God - vengeful and strong-willed, commanding and yet nurturing, capable of great mercy and great cruelty in one fell swoop. God is incredibly present in the story, a character in and of Himself, speaking with Moses rather than simply commanding him. The conversation at the Burning Bush is bone-chillingly beautiful. Moses is allowed to question, he’s allowed to enquire, he’s allowed to express how he feels about God’s choice, and God is given the chance to respond (and reprimand, and comfort).
In the musical, the Burning Bush scene lasts all of two minutes, during which God (the ensemble cast, acting as one moving flame, speaking in unison) monologues to Moses, and Moses is not given room to question, talk to, or build a relationship with God. Later on, once some of the plagues have gotten underway, Moses rails against God, flinches in his resolve, and tries to back out... and God says nothing. It’s Miriam and the spirit of Yocheved that convince Moses to keep going. As a character, God is nearly absent. Even when it comes to calling upon the Plagues, or parting the Red Sea, God’s voice is absent. Moses does not pray. He does not even use the staff that God encouraged him to pick up as a symbol of his becoming a shepherd of the Hebrews out of Egypt. 

It’s these little changes, these little absences of such vital lines and presences, that ends up changing the whole vibe of the show. Seti is more like a dad than an emotionally distant authority figure, and God is more like an emotionally distant authority figure than a character at all. Ultimately, the whole feeling that one is left with at the end…
The Ugly
… is that the script doesn’t like God, or religion in general.
A bold statement to make, considering the source material is one of the central biblical stories in EVERY Abrahamic religion. Moses as a figure is considered so important and close to god, that The Prince of Egypt, even with its sensitive portrayal, cannot be aired in a number of Islamic states, because it’s considered disrespectful to depict any of the prophets, especially an important one like Moses. Moses is arguably the MOST important prophet in the Jewish canon.
However, I haven’t highlighted one of the most noticeable script changes - the elevation of Hotep, the high priest, to main antagonist.
In the original movie, Hotep is a secondary villain, a crony to the Pharaohs, bumbling and snide and two-faced. He and his fellow priest Hoy are there primarily to juxtapose how charlatans can control power through flattery and slight of hand, reassuring Ramses that Moses’ miracles are merely magic the same as what they can do. They even get a whole villain song, “Playing With The Big Boys” which is a lovely deconstruction of lyrics vs visuals, where while the priests boast that their gods and magic are much more powerful, in the background the staff, transformed into a snake by god, devours and defeats the priests’ snake handily. The takeaway from the song is that God’s power is true, and doesn’t need theatrics.
It’s a good little nugget of wordless world building. And it is completely absent from the stage musical, with only a vague reference to the chant of all the gods names.
Hoy is gone, and Hotep is the only priest. He actively speaks out against the Pharaoh, boasts about having all the power, and is played as bombastic and proud. He’s a wildly different character, even threatening Ramses at one point. In the end, it’s shown that Ramses won’t let the Hebrews go not because he has inherited his father Seti’s cruel attitude towards the lives he considers beneath him, but because he is being actively bullied by the priest, and will lose his power and credibility if he doesn’t do as he’s told. Ramses is even given a whole song about how little power he really has. The script desperately wants us to feel sorry for Ramses’ position and hate the unrepentantly, cartoonishly evil priest.
That’s another matter as well - a LOT of time is dedicated to making the Egyptians more human and sympathetic, portraying them as largely ignorant of the suffering beneath them, rather than actively participating in slavery. Characters speak out of turn without regard for formality and class, even to the royal family. They are casual, chummy even. And this would be fine - in fact, it’s good to have that sort of third dimension to characters, even ones who are doing reprehensible things, to show the total normalcy and banality of evil - if it were not for the fact they still include a completely open-and-shut case of evil right next to them.
Hotep has no redeeming features. And on the other side, God is barely present, certainly not in a relatable context. Moses has several lines about how cruel and unnecessary God’s plagues are - and you know what, in this version, they are unnecessary! Ramses is not the stone-hearted ruler that his movie counterpart is, he has no baggage over being a potential failure, because it was never really given to him in the same way! By taking away Ramses’ threatening nature, numbers like the Plagues lose half their appeal, as the back-and-forth ‘you who I called brother’ lines between Moses and Ramses are completely absent. Moses is faithless, and is less torn between the horror of what he’s doing and the necessity of it for the freedom of his people, and more left scrabbling for meaning that he doesn’t find. And the only thing hanging over Ramses is Hotep nit-picking everything he does and threatening him, which is considerably less compelling than the script seems to think it is.
This is best exemplified at the end, when all the issues come to a head. The angel of Death comes and takes the Egyptian first borns (which was actually a well done scene), and the Hebrews leave to a rousing rendition of When You Believe. But then we cut to Ramses and Hotep, with Hotep openly threatening to revolt against the Pharaoh - whom was believed, especially by the priesthood, to be a living god! Hotep is so devoid of redeeming features he cannot even be trusted to stand by his beliefs! - unless Ramses agrees to chase after the Hebrews. Reluctantly, Ramses is badgered into the attempt.
Back with the Hebrews, Moses parts the Red Sea… not with his faith, not by praying to God for another miracle, not even by using his staff as in the most famous scene of the movie… but by holding out his hand and demanding the ‘magic’ work. Setting aside the disrespect of Abrahamic religions to call one of the most famous miracles “magic” (and my oh my, if there was a fundamentalist of any religion in the audience they might have gasped to hear it), it again belittles the work of God, and puts all the onus on Moses, not as a conduit for God’s work, but as the worker himself. Then, the Egyptians arrive in pursuit, lead by Hotep, not Ramses. Moses sends the Hebrews through first, lead by Miriam, and stays behind with Tzipporah… to offer his life in penance to Ramses! The script has completely stripped both Ramses and Moses of their convictions towards their causes, and Moses cannot even stand by his decision to lead his people.
Then, in a moment of jarring melodrama, Moses has a sudden vision that Ramses, his brother, will one day be called Ramses the Great (an actual historical Pharaoh who reigned 1279-1213 BCE). There is no historical evidence that this was the Ramses that ruled over the Hebrews (there are 11 Pharaohs called Ramses through the history of Ancient Egypt), and maybe if the scene was acted a little better, it wouldn’t have been so sudden or jarring. Even more jarring, is that then Hotep arrives with the rest of the army, and Ramses refuses to lead the charge into the parted sea. Hotep does so himself, and is the one to have the final dramatic moment, being crushed under the water.
The Takeaway
After watching the show, I’m afraid I could never recommend it as either a play, an adaption, or even as a faithful retelling of a bible story. Its character drama isn’t compelling enough to be good as a standalone play, with it two main characters declawed and their core motivations reduced to a squabble between brothers rather than a grand interplay between two cultures and ideas and trauma handed down from their father. As an adaption of the movie it’s upsettingly bad, with grand numbers like the Plagues rendered piecemeal and fan favourites like Playing With The Big Boys missing entirely. As a retelling of the bible story, it’s insulting, completely cutting God out of the equation, taking no opportunity to reintroduce Aaron as an important character (which he was, in the bible, as Moses was a notoriously bad public speaker, with a stutter, and Aaron often interpreted for him) and more importantly, completely erasing God’s influence from the narrative.
I don’t know who this show was… for, in that case. If it wasn’t for drama lovers, movie fans, or people of the faith, then who the hell was it for? Why change such a critically acclaimed and well-beloved story? Why take away all these defining moments? If you wanted to tell a story about how religion is the true evil, how God can command people to do terrible things, and how those who uphold organised religion like Hotep are unrepentant, one-dimensional monsters… why would you tell that through the Prince of Egypt?
Underwhelming at best, infuriating at worst… just watch the movie. Or read Exodus. At least the Bible’s free.
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
Love Notes (Poe Dameron x Reader)
Characters: Poe Dameron, Finn, BB8, mentions of Rey
Fandom: Star Wars
Tags: Reader Insert, Female Reader, Fluff, Love Notes, Confessions
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,7k words
Requested by anon: Hi! If you’re taking Star Wars requests, could you please write an oneshot, drabble or ficlet with Poe Dameron, where Poe uses BB8 to run love notes to the female!reader who’s a nurse for the resistance back and forward between the two of them all day, as they work on different sides of the base and she figures that the notes are coming from Poe and she admits she likes him too. 
A/N: I quite like the result of this! Hope you enjoy reading it!! 
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Poe Dameron x Female!Reader
You were extremely delicate, yet he still hissed through his teeth as you treated him. Clicking your tongue in annoyance, you focused on putting extra care on the task.
“Sorry” You rushed to say, cringing on the inside at the state his bloody face was. “I’m sorry, I’ll be more gentle” 
“I’m teasing you, Y/N” Poe said with a chuckle, making you sigh in relief.
“It’s not funny” You shook your head, continuing to treat him. “You are far too reckless, General Dameron” 
“I told you a thousand times” He showed you a dashing grin when you finished healing all the wounds on his face. “Call me Poe, you’re my favorite nurse after all” 
Facing your back to him, you tried to calm your nerves. Although you wouldn’t admit it, you were incredibly fond of him. As much as you enjoyed seeing him, you hated it when he walked in all bruised and injured. Especially since he didn’t take it seriously and always brushed it off.
“You know what? You’re right” Poe softly tugged at your wrist until you turned around and faced him once more. “It’s not funny, I feel a little sick” 
“No wonder, you have a mild concussion” You observed him in concern, even if his playfulness proved it wasn’t serious.
“Yeah, I think I have a fever...” Still not letting go, he pressed your palm against his forehead. “What do you think? I would love your professional opinion” 
Amused by his smooth manners as well as the grin he dedicated you, you smiled in the end. His own smile widened at the sight of it.
“That’s all I wanted” Even as he stood up, his fingers delicately lingered around your wrist. “Now I can leave with a clear conscience” 
“I’m supposed to be the one looking after you, not the other way around”
“But I feel bad enough worrying my favorite girl...” His smirk assured his words were genuine despite the correction that followed. “I mean... my favorite nurse”
You pursed your lips, tempted to reply with a witty yet flirtatious retort, but ultimately decided not to. Firstly, you were working and wanted to keep romantic matters away from work. Secondly, his boldness flustered you slightly and the words got caught in your throat.
“I gotta go now” Poe slowly let your wrist go, signaliging that you had lost your chance. “Thanks for everything, Y/N” 
“Take care, General” You urged him before he could walk away.
“It’s Poe” He winked at you as a silent promise to heed your words. After that, he left you with the empty feeling of his absence.
Other than Poe’s recurrent visits, your workplace was quite uneventful. You sat there, mind adrift as you tried to entertain yourself with something.
“Y/N” A familiar voice called you, and you looked up to see Finn.
“Hello” You fonldy greeted him. “Can I help you with anything?” 
“Yeah, have you seen Poe?” He shrugged in helplessness. “Can’t find him anywhere”
“He was here a few hours ago” You tilted your head, assuming he realized what you were implying. That he had been reckless as usual. “I suppose he’s at the other side of the base” 
“Thanks” Finn made to leave, already taking a step, when something interrupted him.
A droid was rolling around, and a smile immediately settled on your lips when you recognized BB8. The round orange and white droid approached you and stopped before you.
“What’s he doing here?” Finn uttered, watching as you crouched before the droid and took the note from him. 
It had been so long since the last once that you had missed the thrill and excitement from the notes you sent back and forth with your mysterious secret admirer. He was always so fun and charming that you anxiously awaited his responses.
You giggled as you read the note, flattered by his words as usual. 
“M-May I?” Finn timidly asked you, too curious to hide it. 
“Why not?” You handed the small note to him and smiled wide as he read it out loud. 
“I noticed you today as I passed by, you looked absolutely beautiful. I thought to myself... ‘that woman must be the first known angel to the galaxy’ and I couldn’t stop smiling all day” Finn laughed in amusement at the cheesy yet endearing line.
“I know, but...” You shrugged, although you felt slightly self-conscious with his presence, as he broke the usual intimacy in which you read the notes. “It’s sweet”
“How long have you been receiving these notes?” Finn realized this wasn’t the first time, and you could feel his eyes set on you as he returned the note. 
“For a few weeks now, why?” 
“And you don’t know who’s sending them...” 
“No... Should I?” 
“Aw, come on, Y/N!” 
“That screams Poe!” Your friend threw his hands in the air in exasperation.
His confidence on the matter flustered you, especially knowing about your usual interactions with Poe. They were always lovely and left you wanting more. Even if you still couldn’t quite call him by his pen name to his face. It made you wonder... why hadn’t he said anything directly to you? Of course, he was always playful and even flirtatious, yet... he never quite told you if he felt something for you.
“Are you sure?” Turning to Finn, you felt your heart starting to race. 
“Of course” He replied, accompanying his words with a vehement nod. “I can’t believe he didn’t tell me...” 
“He didn’t?” You were surprised, knowing how close they were.
“Not about the love notes... He’s always talking about you, though” Finn cleared his throat, trying to impersonate Poe’s voice. “Like... ‘don’t you think she’s great? she’s the sweetest’, or ‘she is so beautiful in every way, I can’t wait to see her again’, you know? He’s so annoying”  
You chuckled, recognizing his joking tone, and he did too. After a brief pause, the usual butterflies that you now associated with Poe returned.
“What should I do, Finn?” You nervously crampled the paper in your hands.
“Well, do you have feelings for him?” He crossed his arms and tilted his head, although there was an amused grin peeking at the corner of his lips.
“Maybe... I think so” You sighed, anxious about the whole situation. “But how can I know he does too? How can you be so sure that it’s not just a crush?”
“Those notes are telling enough, right?” That grin finally settled on his lips, being equally teasing and compassionate. “Besides, I’ve seen the way he looks at you”
Locking eyes with him, Finn reassured you with an understanding glance. He understood your struggle and your nerves, but he encouraged you with a head nod of approval. You smiled in return, feeling out of breath in anticipation to your confession.
It wasn’t until the next day that you gathered enough courage to confront Poe.
Each step you took as you trudged to the other side of the base felt heavy, it tightened the feeling of your stomach being in knots and made you worry about the many words swimming in your mind, and about the entire resolution of the dreaded moment.
When you spotted him standing there speaking to Rey, your heart skipped a beat just at the sight of him. She grinned and told him something that caused him to glance your direction. You gulped when his eyes landed on you.
“Y/N” He received you with a warm smile, absently patting Rey’s arms to excuse himself. “What are you doing here? It’s great to see you, though”
“Tell me about it” Being away from your workplace, you felt a little more comfortable playing into his game. “We needed to stop meeting like that”
Pleasantly surprised by your comment, Poe laughed a little. He took you by the elbow and guided you to a more quiet area where you could have privacy to talk.
“Did you need something?” When he took a closer look at you, his brow furrowed in concern. “Wait, are you okay? You look a bit nervous” 
You nodded your head, both agreeing that you were nervous but assuring you were okay. Poe muttered a compliant ‘alright...’ and patiently waited for you to speak up.
“I wanted to talk about this” You showed him the notes from him you had collected over all those days. He took it from your hands with feigned curiosity.
You saw as his eyes read along the words you knew by heart already.
“W-What... what is this?” He tried to play dumb, although you saw through him.
“You know full well what they are” You took them from him with a sigh. “Why didn’t you just say anything, in person?”
It took him a few seconds to reply, perhaps considering whether to budge or not.
“Well, you seemed really shy” He shrugged, though his eyes were watching you fondly. “I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable”
“I’m not shy... you just can’t expect me to openly flirt with my patients”
“You wanted to openly flirt with me?”
His eyebrows raised at the mention of his name, his real name. Used to his gallant smiles, you were shocked when he showed you a smitten one.
“I think it’s the first time you call me that” His fingers tentatively tugged at yours, intertwining with them when you accepted the touch. “It sounds so much better from your lips”
To accompany the words, his eyes lowered to your mouth. Reading his thoughts, you were more than willing to indulge in that exchange.
“Don’t expect me to call you that while I’m working” You half-joked, ignoring your racing heart as you leaned in closer.
Poe smirked, pressing his hands against the small of your back to push you even closer until your noses almost touched.
“We can always keep sending each other love notes” He whispered as his eyes became distracted with the proximity of your lips.
“That only makes sense if we love each other” You teased him, shivering as your mouths grazed. 
“Well, I do...” He smiled, the gesture being dangerously close to leaning against your lips. “What about you, Nurse Y/N?” 
“Me too” Your arms locked around his neck, keeping him close. “Even if the excitement is gone now that I know it’s you”
“I didn’t know you could be so witty” He laughed, smitten with that side of you. “I love it”
“Then kiss me, Poe” Before he could oblige and make the move, you closed the minimal distance and smashed your lips on his. 
Tag list: @call-me-harley-quinn​ / @c-taylor-wanna-be-a-glader​ / @fortheloveofbenyandtom​ / @caswinchester2000​ / @danietoww04​ / @x-joie-x​/ @mattiekins​ / @lotsoffandomimagines​ // If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, let me know!! // Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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plainvanillapotato · 4 years
Quarantine diaries: its still may 22 2020.
Continuation of my “the 100 diaries” cuz y’all asked for it
Season 1. Ep. 2 Earth Skills
These kids sure have some stamina for people who have been stuck on a space blob all of their life. Ok wait imagine if instead of all these super attractive and fit actors we got the space people from wall-E who barely walk to save their lives. Now that is realistic.
Some bones. Mystery. Intrigue. Clearly not a human skull tho.
*hears jasper screaming* yes lets run toward the danger. I know I know be the hero and save the guy but if we’re living by the “do whatever the hell we want” rule then you bet your ass that I’m not gonna be the hero
Also how did jasper not die cuz really it looked like an instant kill
Side note: I’ve just realized where I recognize Clarke’s mom. She’s that aunt in the game plan.
Thelonious… really? These character names are all over the place. I mean you have regular names like Finn and Abby but then you jump to thelonious and Bellamy?! But who am I to judge? I live in a universe where Elon Musk's kid is named X Æ A-12.
Aww wells...such a nice guy! Did he really just bury those two people all by himself? Like no one else saw him and didn’t offer to help him. But I guess as these are some angsty teens who only care about themselves
Wait...wells also stripped them of their clothes kinda gross but you gotta do what you gotta do
Wow first appearance of a shirtless Bellamy. He’s hot
So I really don’t like this Murphy character. It does not help that the jacket that his wearing, the shoulder pad looks like one of those spiky balls I used to play with as a kid. Ill insert some images to prove this. Like I swear to god I bet that the costume design people straight up cut one of them spiky balls and just slapped that on the jacket
Lol I was really worried there for a moment thinking that Bellamy would actually stop that fight between wells and Murphy. Bellamy is chaotic neutral/evil giving wells a knife for a fair fight
Grounders. I wonder if they had a discussion on what they should call the people that survived on earth cuz i feel like there’s a better name for them but idk what. Also does that mean that the 100 and the ark people are called ‘spacers’
Clarke is being very anal about these wristbands like I understand her reasoning but it’s annoying me rn
This show shows more politics than I thought it would. It’s interesting how the kids take on the traits and characteristic of their parents
Wooow this show is really going with the smart Asian stereotype. Like you’re literally keeping Monty from saving his best friend because his brain is too valuable. please tell me there is more to monty than his brains
Clarke really be out here negging Finn AND Bellamy into a suicide mission to find jasper
Also I find it fascinating that one of the main reasons that Bellamy is the leader of these spacers is because he has a gun. Is this supposed to be reflective of real life?
I watch this show with subtitles on and… they spell Adam as ATOM. Like what? I literally had to look it up on IMDb to see if that was an error but nope it wasn’t
Bellamy is a very possessive big brother. Like I know its out of love but its a bit much and kinda anti-feminist like he treats octavia like a doll
Who is this raven character cuz i really don’t be needing another subplot
“Lockup has been quarantined. There’s some kind of a virus” …. CORONAVIRUS?! Is this show the parallel universe everyone is talking about
For a girl who had very limited social interaction, octavia is very confident flirting. Like for real, she flirts with boys better than I do. Possible the most unrealistic part of the show so far
Are they really setting up a thing between Clarke and Finn like keep it in your pants guys? It’s been like 2 days.  Fuck they are making finn and Clarke a thing. And i bet its that troupe where he’s a free spirit and she’s all uptight and he teaches her how to let loose
Also back to my Star Wars parallel, I think I’ve figured it out. Clarke is Rey. Wells is Finn (the guy friend that loves the main girl but she only sees him as a friend). Finn is Poe (the careless fun guy that contrasts the oh so serious main girl). And Bellamy is Kylo ren (the ‘antagonist’ that actually has a heart). Like guys the friend zone relationship between wells and Clarke is VERY finn and Rey like. Then there’s this scene where it seems like Bellamy is trying to turn wells against finn almost like kylo ren trying to turn someone to the dark side. i know rn its finn and clarke but there are strong reylo vibez between bellamy and clarke 
Now there’s atom and octavia jesus this girl moves faster through boys than i have in my entire life but i guess since she lived under the floor for much of her life she has a lot to make up for.
I find it very American who these spacers think that because they have a gun that they are safe.
They really put jasper, titties out, up there in a tree
You know how Bellamy said that he would do anything to get clarke’s wristband even if that means cutting off her hand so that the arc doesn’t come down….he really could have just let her die when she fell into that pit. But I get it plot and to show that Bellamy isn’t all evil. Also very intense eye contact between Clarke and Bellamy.
So this council meeting...ngl i kinda side with Kane especially with that violent table slap
Yess wells you kill that mutant animal thingy. The “now she sees you” yeah Bellamy no shit. Ofc Clarke is gonna notice wells shooting and killing that animal right in front of her. 
Are they really gonna eat that radioactive animal????? I’m serious when i say i want to straight up vomit thinking about eating that. Guess that its a good thing that i don’t live in this universe. Side note it looks like one of those mutant beast that was in the first hunger games movie.
Oh fuck...raven is finn’s girlfriend. Ofc she is
The scene where finn takes the food without cutting off his wristband and Murphy is like no you ain’t special but then finn is like “i thought there were no rules” cut to Murphy’s face is just like “but he’s got a point tho” then finn just walks off with the music blaring like that was the most badass thing ever (the time stamp for this scene is 39:39)….this show is too much
Bellamy really hung atom for kissing his sister…..no just no this is no okay but I’m kind of too invested to stop watching
Oooo a grounder. Does that mask have any functional purposes? Or like is it purely for intimidation
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this was murphy’s face when Finn said that there were no rules. 
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stardancerluv · 4 years
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Gotham Lockdown 2020
Part 10
Summary: How better pass the time during the lockdown? Roman & Victor play some rounds of pool. While you and Victor’s girl watch your favorite movies...what are you watching?? Bridget Jones’s Dairy and Moulin Rouge. But since you are Roman’s lady...and this is Gotham...absinthe is essential.
Warning: none...drinking.. Dialogue from Bridget Jones’s Diary will be in BLUE! Dialogue from Moulin Rouge will be in RED!
“Definitely a time for genuinely tiny knickers!”
“Mark! Mark!”
“Bullocks! Oooh! Wish me luck!”
“I didn’t mean it!”
“I know that...I was buying you a new one. Time to make a new start.”
“Oh! I love that soooo much!” You cooed. “That ending!”
“I know it kills me!” Chirped, Doll-Face.
“I am not sure if I could do that!”
“What?” She asked.
“Run through the streets in panties.”
“Y/N you are dating Roman...I am surprised you haven’t already!”
“Well I did dance once on top of the tables when he grew jealous!” You tilted your head from side to side smiling.
“See that is close enough!”
The two of you erupted into laughter. “True..true. At least it wasn’t a cold wintery night!” More giggles came from the two of you.
“Ok....” Victor’s girl pressed her lips together. “It’s your turn! What should we watch next??”
You paced as you took out the dvd of Bridget Jones’s Diary.....”Oh! I know but I must go to the bar first!”
“Huh! Why!”
“You’ll see!” Off you ran to the bar that was down the hall.
You spotted, Roman and Victor playing a round of pool. You went and grabbed the bottle of the green magic. You made sure to pop the sugar cubes into the two glasses. Then you went over to where the boys were playing.
“Hi Romy,” You said happily as you went over to him, he wrapped an arm around your middle. Sometimes, you called him that. You were the only who could do it and not have their face removed at some future date.
“Hi baby.”
“Are you winning?” You beamed up at him.
He raised an eyebrow. “I am trying.” He said dryly. “How are you and Doll-face?”
“We’re having a blast!” You held up the bottle.
Roman, rolled his eyes but he smiled. “You girls are watching Moulin Rouge?”
Victor, grumbled.
“We are right about to start!” You looked over at Victor. “Victor, I am not making her soft....your kitten will always have her claws!”
“Good!” He tapped his cue stick on the floor.”
“Alright, well I better get back to it.”
Roman, gave you a kiss on the cheek. “Baby, don’t have too much of that green fairy.” He said softly.
“I won’t.” You lightly pouted.
“Alright..well either way.” He smirked. “You know where I am if you do.” He chuckled and winked at you, which made you smile more.
Victor, grumbled again.
“Alright! Alright...I’m leaving enjoy your games!” Going up on your tip toes you gave Roman another kiss on the cheek. “Good luck, daddy.” You whispered in his ear before your flittered off.
“Sorry about that! Had to say hi to Roman.”
You put the bottle and glasses down, going over to dvds you found the movie, and took it out. “Here it is!”
“Oh! That is alright, I popped us some fresh popcorn. Is Victor winning?”
You sighed, “He is!”
“Oh good for my Victor.” She beamed.
You smiled. “Have you seen this?” You held up your prized copy of Moulin Rouge.
She shook her head!
“Oh!” You squealed. “You are in for a treat!”
You poured some of the green liquid into the glasses. You handed her one of the glasses.
Her eyes narrowed and she sniffed it and pulled back making a face.
“It tastes like licorice. And it is crucial to have it at least once while watching this.” You told her excitedly while holding up your glass. “To properly enjoy this film.”
Her eyes still narrowed but then she smiled brightly. “Alright! I’m game.”
“Great! Cheers!” And you clinked your glasses and pushed play. “You will love this movie!”
You then downed your first glass, you made sure to fill it back up.
“Oh...that is awful!” Doll-face coughed.
You hesitated a glance at her.
“But I like it! Pour me another glass.” You happily did so.
She was shaping up to be a very fun person to pass the time with. You were glad that Victor and her had fallen for each other.
“Do you believe in beauty?”
“Do you believe in freedom?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Love? Love? Above all things, I believe in love. Love is like oxygen. Love is a many-splendid thing. Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is love.”
“Oh good! We didn’t miss too much.” Roman said. You paused the movie. You smiled up at him. “Is there any room for me?”
You nod and move your legs. Roman, plopped down in the one corner of sofa. Happily you lay your legs across his lap, resting your feet on the armrest. You curl up to his side as his arm wrapped around your back.
While Victor took the over stuffed chair beside the sofa, a place he sometimes would sit in when they were all watching updates about the lock down. He beckoned to his girl into his lap and then draped both arms around her.
“Everyone comfy?” You asked with a giggle. “Ok, great!” You pressed play.
Roman, nuzzled you by your ear. “How much have you had?” You could hear the smirk on his lips.
“Only two glasses.”
“Can I have some of this one?”
“Of course.” You handed him the glass.
You knew, he didn’t care for green liquid but he’d occasionally drank it with you. Which was usually when you watched this movie. This will be an interesting, you mused as you saw him swallow the entire glass.
@darling-i-read-it @spn-obession @vintagemichelle91 @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @ewanfuckingmcgregor @zodiyack @angel98624 @starwarsprequelfangirl @nebulastarr @emyliabernstein @thepeachreads @itsknife2meetu @whyisgmora @theblackmaskclub @omghappilyuniquebouquetlove @nomnomnomnamja @poe-kadot26 @top-rumbelle-fan @primadonna-girl23 @hazel-nuss @vcat55 @feelthemadnessinside
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themangoyogurt · 4 years
Between 29th & Astoria: The Fire Iron Named Ren
Chapter Two
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Kylo Ren begins to push you to your limits at the office. Much to his surprise, you begin to push back.
You quickly realized that although Mr. Ren had little to say to your face, he certainly made up for it in e-mails and text messages. Receiving a free company phone certainly came with strings attached as the shiny black device pinged for the tenth time in the last hour.
Kylo Ren | 10:42 AM | Coffee.
PA3281 | 10:43 AM | What would you like, Mr. Ren?
You rolled your eyes. They really did treat everyone here like faceless droids. They couldn’t even bother to input your real name into the system. Instead, you were regarded as “personal assistant 3281” - PA3281. Sighing, your phone buzzed again.
Kylo Ren | 10:45 AM | Did you not go through orientation with the idiots downstairs?
Ah, fuck! You quickly whipped out the folder Phasma had placed on your desk. Flipping through the sheets, one stuck out. Bullet point after bullet point of information regarding Kylo’s preferences. His dry cleaner, how he took his coffee and which shops he preferred, his mechanic, and other relevant facts to your job as a glorified servant. How could you have missed something so obvious?
Quickly sending a message of apology to Mr. Ren, you scrambled from your seat and shot downstairs as quickly as possible. Pulling up GPS you noticed that the nearest “acceptable” coffee shop was four blocks away. The trip should have been quick, but stumbling down the streets of New York in a panic while wearing stilettos didn’t do you much good. You might as well have been Bambi learning to walk at this point.
Thirty-five minutes later, you burst into the office with a large black Americano in tow. Smoothing down the front of your shirt with one hand, you gave the double doors a sharp rap.
A low baritone drawled, “Enter.”
Taking a sharp breath, you eased the doors open and stepped inside. Your nerves were on edge. You hadn’t actually spoken to your boss face-to-face yet. Kylo was leaning back in his seat staring into a monitor. One hand lazily moved a mouse around while the other thumbed through a leather bound notebook.
“Your coffee, sir.”
Without looking up, he gestured for you to hand him the cup. The moment it reached his hands, he turned to dump it into the trash can next to his desk.
“Sir!” You squeaked in surprise. Your hands began to play with themselves out of nervousness as a heavy air descended upon the room. Still flipping through the pages of his notebook, Kylo replied, “Do you presume that I enjoy drinking cold coffee?”
“No, sir.”
“Did you bump your head and forget the way back to work?”
“No, sir.”
“Then why did it take you so long?”
You nervously shuffled your feet back and forth as you felt Kylo’s harsh gaze take you in for the first time. Shit. You were creating scuff marks on his floor. Your voice was timid as it quietly responded, “Sir, the nearest coffeeshop was four blocks away. I...I had to walk, and in my current uniform...”
His eyes slowly roved up and down your body and your hands clenched as your heard the man scoff, “Your excuses do not interest me.”
Kylo’s eyes maintained a heavy stare for a moment longer before he turned to his computer once again. The sound of clicking filled the awkward silence, and you took that as your cue to leave. Turning your back to the man, you didn’t notice as he looked up once again to gaze in your direction.
His eyes remained unwavering even as your body slipped through the crack of his front door.
It was well past dinner now, and the streets of Astoria were barren save for one or two poor souls hurrying off the N train at this hour. Despite the exhaustion in your bones, it was this nighttime scene that made you fall in love with New York City. The streets were wet with a sudden summer downpour and they were reflecting the beautiful city lights. Even the sound of a lone cab whizzing by was therapeutic to your ears.
Although the real reason you chose to live in Queens was the simple fact that you couldn’t afford anywhere else, you still fell in love with the borough. The apartments weren’t as high, and it still had a neighborhood feel to it. You even found a great place near the East River, which afforded a stunning view of the New York City skyline.
Kicking down the sidewalk, you finally arrived at your apartment. It was once a three story house, but the owners had converted each floor to an apartment after their boys moved out. The first floor was yours, while your kindly landlord and his wife took the second. The third belonged to two fun, but rowdy, roommates you had recently become friends with. Seeing “P. Dameron and F. Storm” in scratchy script by the buzzer always put a smile on your face.
Your hand loving ran over your own little piece of paper. Your first initial and last name settled prettily next to your roommate’s - “R. Tico”. It wasn’t much, but it was yours. And oh if that wasn’t enough to fill your heart with joy. Quietly unlocking the front door, you stepped into a dimly lit hallway. The corridor ended with a door in the front, and opened up into a staircase to the left.
You unlocked the door to your apartment and your senses were assaulted with the smell of rosemary and thyme mingled with oil and meat.
“Rose, I’m home!”
Shuffling sounded from the kitchen before laughter and groans erupted from the dining area. Peeking around the corner, you saw your roommate and the two upstairs neighbors sitting around a small table. Rose shot up and shimmied her shoulders towards your direction as she chanted, “I win! I win! I win!”
You looped an arm around around the girl’s shoulders and laughed, “What did you win?”
Finn, the taller man, stood and chortled, “We were betting how late your boss would make you stay tonight. Rose bet nine. I was aiming for ten, while Poe was being annoying and bet on nine forty-five.”
Sighing, you pulled the elastic out of your ponytail before running a hand through the soft locks. You moaned, “Well I’m glad that my nightmare is your entertainment.” Pausing for a second, you pushed a finger into Rose’s chest and muttered, “You better split that prize with me!”
She laughed and tugged you into the kitchen as Poe pulled a chair out for you. She gave you a quick hug and teased, “Don’t be mad. I saved you dinner! Plus, the boys are going to treat us to drinks at Sweet Afton, right?”
Rose gave the men a pointed look and they quickly nodded in return. Life in New York was hard, but this ragtag group of individuals was definitely easing the harshness of the city.
Days began to bleed together as the workplace torment grew. You swore that Mr. Ren would randomly throw your coffees away periodically just to keep you on your toes. If it wasn’t the coffee, then he was tossing books against the wall or complaining about how slow you were. Once, he even printed out an e-mail and used red marker to edit the errors before slapping it on your desk.
Of course the bastard would wait until your lunch break to do so. He wanted to make sure that everyone who passed by would see.
Every time the man lashed out, you swore you saw a glint in his eyes. As if he were testing you. Playing with his food. The man loved watching you squirm, and you swore it was some sort of sick game for the egotistical deviant. Wasn’t he supposed to be running an empire? Not fucking around with his assistant.
As each workday passed, he continued to move the line of what was acceptable further and further away. Always testing your limits, and always smirking when you’d relent. Too afraid of losing your job. Too scared of standing up to the dark and foreboding man. Over the course of two months you had already missed Rose’s birthday, the opening night of Finn’s off Broadway play, and countless dinners and drinks. Enough was enough.
It was four in the morning. Four in the fucking morning. Just the thought of chasing down a night bus in your stilettos made you want to run a heel through the back of Mr. Ren’s head. Sure, if you had actual work to do at least you could somehow justify your presence in the office. But every time you’d poke your head into his office and offer coffee or food, he’d snarl in your direction and demand silence. And when you asked if you could be dismissed (since your peace offerings of beverages and other consumable products were rudely rejected), he all but basically lost it.
You were sure that he’d probably have a more productive evening if he hadn’t spent thirty minutes lecturing you on responsibility and “pulling your weight”. Your head fell forward and hit the glass desk underneath as your internally moaned. Apparently standards were low here at First Order, since sitting around at your desk playing solitaire counted as “pulling your weight”. The bottom righthand corner of your computer flickered as 4:38 changed to 4:39.
Fuck. This. Shit.
You were done. You were done with Mr. Ren and the First Order. The money wasn’t worth the abuse of power. You’d rather go back to waiting tables at the TGI Friday’s in Times Square than put up with Mr. Ren. You weren’t a secretary. You were a fucking babysitter. You were going home, and even scary ol’ Mr. Ren wouldn’t have anything to say about it. Quickly gathering up your personal belongings, you stood and stretched before marching towards his sleek black double doors with determination.
Pushing it open, you stepped into the darkened room with as much courage as possible. The man was sitting with his back to you as he stared out the window at the skyline. The sun was just barely dancing over the cityscape, and for a second it seemed as if Mr. Ren was sleeping.
“Have you come back to annoy me with another useless suggestion?”
“No, Mr. Ren.”
“Then I suggest you return to your desk where you belong.”
“No, Mr. Ren.”
He suddenly swiveled around with a force strong enough to create whiplash. His eyes darkened as he stood to consider you. Your back was straightened as you tightly clutched onto the handles of your bag.
“Excuse me?”
You took a slow breath and prayed for your voice to remain steady even if your hands were shaking. Breathing out, you plainly stated, “With all due respect, I do not ‘belong’ at my desk, Mr. Ren. While I am happy to assist you to my fullest capabilities during working hours, I must draw a line at four in the morning. You do not own me, Mr. Ren. If you’re looking for someone to control and mistreat, then unfortunately I am not the woman for you. I am taking my leave now, and I will return tomorrow morning at eight in the morning sharp. Goodnight, Mr. Ren.”
He remained motionless as you squarely maintained eye contact. With no rebuttal in sight, you gave him one last nod before turning on your heel and marching right out of the room. Meanwhile, a lopsided smile tugged at Kylo’s lips as excitement danced in his chest. He knew there was fire in there somewhere. And it delighted the man to no end knowing that he was the source of pulling that foreign emotion out of your timid nature.
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FanFic Junk Drawer #1: The Last Jedi Deleted Scene
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Summary: This isn’t so much an abandoned fic as a deleted scene from a previous draft.  Initially I was going to have Lana go with Rose and Finn to Canto Bight.  But, after some reworking I felt it was better to have to go with Rey to meet Luke.
I’m still like the writing in this scene and thought I’d share it.
A/N: Please let me know if you guys would be interested in seeing more stuff like this. Consider it a look into a writer’s equivalent of a sketchbook.  I really think if more writers started doing this, it would bring more light into how much work we actually put into our craft.
Word Count: 1.3K
           “D-don’t tell me, they’ll k-k-kill me,” the slicer said, placing the death stick in his mouth.
           “I was actually wondering if you could spare me one.”
           He paused just as he was placing the light to the tip, giving her a mildly surprised look.  She felt a small bit of pride at the reaction.  She got the impression it took a lot to catch a man like him off guard.
           He finished lighting the stick.  Taking a deep breath, he savored the smoke in his lungs before slowly blowing it out.
           “What would you g-g-give me in exchange?”
           She gave him a cautious look. She highly doubted he’d be so crude as to ask her for something physical.  He didn’t strike her as the type and he hadn’t shown any prior interested. No, he wanted information, what kind though was up in the air.
           “What do you want?” she asked.
           “I want to know about you Jedi lady.”
           It was her turn to be taken by surprise and he didn’t have the common decency to keep his smile to himself.
           He pulled out one of the death sticks, holding it out like a prize.
           “One stick.  One question. F-fair trade?”
           She glanced at the stick, then at him, and gave a wry smile.
           “Does that include the light?”
           “Two questions,” he corrected, grinning in approval at how well she knew the game.
           She gave a small nod in agreement and he handed her the stick.  
           She put it in her mouth as she waited patiently for him to pull out the lighter. To her surprise, he didn’t hand it to her.  He struck the light, leaned down and lit it himself.  She kept her eyes on him as he did so, not really paying attention to the end of the stick until smoke began to rise from it. He made eye contact with her as he pulled away, as if double checking to make sure she wasn’t going back on the deal.
           He stood straight leaning against the cabinet watching her closely.
           Lana took a deep breath of smoke, enjoying the familiar smoothness as it filled her lungs.
           It had been a long time since she smoked.  It was a bad habit had she picked up while doing undercover work for the Resistance.  She had been trying to get information out of a group of smugglers under the alias Terra Reed.  It was surprisingly easy to do so.  Nobody really knew what she looked like since she was taken to train with Luke at such a young age, and with all the stories her father and Uncle Lando had told her over the years she fit right in.  
          She had liked being Terra.  Terra was smart, cool headed, practical, and more often than not called an uptight bitch. Terra also took smoking breaks with some of the other officers and crew members of various ships.  All of which got surprisingly talkative whenever Terra asked if their captains were treating them well.
           She had kicked the habit as soon as Terra became no longer necessary.  It wasn’t good for her, not to mention the fact that her mother got on her case whenever she pulled them out. Still, every now and then she craved one, even years later.  Sometimes it was brought on by stress, or the smell of a certain cantina, neither of which was the case at the moment.  Mostly, it was just something to do.
        ��  She looked back up at the slicer, realizing he was waiting on her.
           “So,” she said, blowing out some of the smoke.  “What do you want to know about me?”
           “What exactly is y-y-your plan?”
           “You know what the plan is.”
           He gave a shake of the head, and a patronizing smile.
           “No, that’s t-t-their plan.  What’s yours?”
           She stared at him a moment, her face unreadable.  She took a breath of the death stick, as if the smoke were the question and she was testing how it tasted before letting it out.
           “I’m going to kill my brother,” she said.
           She hadn’t meant to say it like that.  She had wanted to say she was going to kill Kylo Ren.  She was going to avenge her father’s death.  She was off to kill a monster or any other variation of that same sentiment, but it wasn’t the truth.  She knew what she had been telling herself from the moment that lightsaber tore through her father’s chest was a lie.  Kylo Ren wasn’t a separate person.  Kylo Ren was Ben Solo.  The same Ben Solo who had been her closest friend, who at times knew her better than she knew herself, who she had played with, grown up with and loved.  That was the Ben Solo who killed their father.
           She looked up at the slicer gauging his reaction.  His face was professionally neutral, but there was something else behind the eyes, a small flicker of what might have been fear.  She could only guess and she was satisfied.  She needed him to be afraid of her.  She needed him to think she was dangerous, and more than a little unhinged. If anything, just to have somebody else think it besides herself.  
           “He killed my father you see,” she continued. “Stabbed him right through the chest. Didn’t even blink.”
           She trailed off a moment, taking another drag and blinking back the pressure behind her eyes. She looked down at the bed as her mind projected that moment onto the sheets in front of her.  
           “So, I’m going to kill him, his master, and anyone else on that ship I can get my hands on and if we’re all very, very lucky some Stormtrooper will put a blaster bolt through my skull before I can get to a ship.”
           She looked up giving the slicer a half smile which almost managed to meet her eyes.
           “How’s that for a plan?” she asked.  
           She couldn’t say why she had told him the truth.  She was an exceptional liar when it was called upon her to do so, but now that all the things she had been thinking in her mind were out there for someone else to hear, it felt more real.  She wasn’t just thinking about doing it, she was going to do it.  
          She had needed to tell somebody.  She couldn’t tell Poe, or Finn, or Rose, or Rey, and especially not her mother.  Her mother would had told her to forgive him, that killing Ben wouldn’t bring her peace. She imagined Poe and Finn, hell, even Rose, being just fine with the idea of killing him, but not her way. They would had wanted to plan, to make it a military operation, something less personal.  She didn’t just want to kill Ben Solo.  She wanted to tear his heart out with her lightsaber. She wanted to see the light leave his eyes and know finally that it was done.  As for Rey, Rey would had stopped her, not for Ben’s sake, but for Lana’s. She saw her as most people did, the daughter of Leia Organa and Han Solo, niece of Luke Skywalker and continuer of the Skywalker legacy.  She was supposed to be somebody, a hero, an idol, a symbol, not a person who felt and loved and hated.
          So, what option did she have left but to tell a slicer with no name who didn’t know a thing about her and who couldn’t care less.
          She breathed in another drag waiting for him to ask his second question.
          “S-s-so what happens, if a S-s-stormtrooper doesn’t get you?” he asked.
          “Guess I’ll find myself a little corner of the galaxy and, wait to die.”
          “You’re out of questions.”
          “Y-you give y-your family t-t-too much credit.  The g-g-galaxy was tearing itself apart b-b-before any Skywalkers came along.”
          “Doesn’t me we haven’t done our share.”
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summahsunlight · 4 years
We Belong to the Stars, CH. 18
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Rating: Mature (18+ only)
Word Count: 2296
Pairings: Poe/Evelyn (OC)
Characters: Poe Dameron, Leia Organa, BB-8, Kaleb Skywalker (OC), Evelyn Skywalker (OC), Karé Kun, Iolo Arana, Snap Wexley, Jessika Pava
Masterlist / Read on AO3
By morning the humidity had not broken on Scarif.  Poe woke alone in the sleeping bag.  He wasn't surprised that Evelyn had snuck back to her tent last night, after all, they really were trying to be discrete.  He smiled to himself, still tasting her in his mouth, still smelling her on his skin, and he felt a rush of heat recalling how her body had felt wrapped up and around his.
Finding his discarded clothing, Poe dressed and slipped out of his tent. At the edge of the beach they had set up camp on he caught sight of Evelyn sitting in the sand, watching the waves crash against the shore.  She'd redone her hair into a braided bun, leaving no evidence behind that he had totally mussed it up last night. Eventually they were not going to be able to hide it that they were back together, but for now... he was rather enjoying the secrecy of it all. 
"Hey princess," Poe greeted, sitting down in the sand with her.  "Are you the only one up?"
"I am," Evelyn replied, smiling sweetly at him. "Guess our teammates aren't early risers."
Poe gently grasped her chin in his hand and stroked her cheek with his thumb. "I'm glad they're still sleeping; gives us a few more seconds to just be us." He pressed his lips to hers in a soft, tender kiss. "I'm really glad you invaded my tent last night."
Evelyn laughed, softly.  She had no idea what was going to happen when she crept into his tent last night; she'd had an idea of what she wanted to happen... but there had been no guarantee Poe would go along with the plan.  "I know it wasn't the next time we were in a bunk... but a sleeping bag worked just fine I think."
"It was with you so anywhere would have worked just fine," Poe whispered, his lips brushing against her pulse point. 
"Mmmmm," Evelyn hummed. "Why am I not surprised by that?"
Wrapping his arm around her waist, Poe pulled her towards him and crashed his lips against hers, kissing her hungrily. She melted into the embrace, her hand running over his chest and then gripping his tank top.  It was amazing how quickly they forgot where they were, what they were really doing in this place, when they were together like this--until they heard BB-8 whistle shrilly behind them, reminding them that he was tired of keeping their kissing a secret.
Poe laughed, softly and when the droid screeched at him, he put his hands up in defeat, sliding away from Evelyn. "Okay, okay," he said, appeasing BB-8. "I promise, you won't have to keep it a secret much longer, and we'll make sure not to do this when you're around."
BB-8 didn't sound convinced as he rolled away back towards the camp. 
Evelyn watched him go, turning her eyes to rest on Poe's face.  She reached out and played with his curls. "You know, it really isn't fair that we're asking BeeBee to keep secrets. It's probably against his programming."
"Probably," Poe agreed, with a smile. "He really is the best droid--and to think the Navy thought I was crazy for picking him."
"Why's that?" she questioned, fingers still lingering in his damp hair.
"Too skittish," he replied, honestly. "However, bb units have incredibly loyal subroutines--if treated the right way."
"I believe it; if a droid can love--that droid loves you."
"He can love. Trust me."
"How do you know that?" Evelyn countered, a soft smile gracing her features.
"Because, I see how he follows you around," Poe replied, laughing.  
She tossed him a teasing grin. "Are you jealous of your droid, Poe?"
He leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to her lips. "I might be... just a little...after all, he gets to follow your gorgeous body around."
Evelyn laughed, playfully punching his shoulder. "You're so weird."
Poe grinned at her. "Sure... but it's all apart of the charm, sweetheart."
The sound of footsteps in the sand, and then a shadow cast over the beach, alerted them to the fact that they were no longer the only two awake. Paige and Jess sat down in the sand with them, offering cups of caf--or what was passed off as caf in their ration packs.  
"Hope we have better luck today," Jess murmured, sipping her caf and making a face. "Gods, this stuff sucks."
"Don't worry--the real stuff will be waiting for us back on base," Poe promised her. 
"Well, then we better find that transmission today," Jess retorted. 
"What's the matter, Pava? Don't like sleeping in a tent?" Paige teased.
"Come on, Tico, who does?" 
"I don't know; I don't see Poe or Evelyn complaining."
Jess threw them a cheeky smile. "Maybe that's because they didn't sleep last night."
Paige wouldn't have believed it, however she saw both Poe and Evelyn visibly react.  Their eyes quickly darted away, and color rose to both their cheeks. Everyone on base was talking about them; it wasn't like their romantic feelings for one another were a secret.  Finishing the rest of her caf, she glanced at the commander for a moment, and she smiled, silently to herself--there were going to be a lot of women back on the base disappointed and heartbroken...
Poe stood up, and cleared his throat. "We should probably get Snap up and get a move on. The longer we stay here on Scarif, the more of a chance that the First Order is going to track us and come after us. I don't know about you--but I'm a little tired of being shot at."
"Anything, BeeBee?" Poe asked, hopefully, wiping the sweat from his brow. When the droid responded negatively, the pilot sighed.
"We've been at this for almost two days now," Evelyn said next to him. 
"Dane must have gotten his information wrong," Poe countered, angrily. "Either that or this is punishment."
Evelyn cast her eyes downward, looking at the fern covered jungle floor beneath her. "I'm sorry, Poe."
Poe glanced at her while he put the panel back on the latest tower they had checked. "For what, exactly?"
She still refused to look at him; she wasn't sure why, but she suddenly felt guilty. "For the way Jas treats you; it's not fair. He's only doing it because of me."
He chuckled and reached for her chin, tucking it upwards and forcing her to look at him. "Evie. He wouldn't have liked me regardless of my relationship with you. So, you don't have anything to apologize for." 
"Dameron," his commlink crackled with Snap's deep voice, "we found it. Can we please get the hell off this planet now?" 
"Great," Poe responded, feeling an immediate sense of relief. "Head back to camp, pack up; Evie and I will meet you there. And Snap?"
"Yeah, Poe?"
"I owe you a drink, man."
"I'm gonna hold you to that promise, Dameron."
Evelyn laughed along with Poe as the commlink closed.  Poe placed the device back in his utility belt and ordered that they head back to base camp.
BB-8 was the one that bleated a warning even before a man and two stormtroopers emerged from the jungle.  "Just a minute, Commander," the man said. He wasn't too tall, broad shoulders, dressed in all black armor. His head was shaved all around, except for a narrow patch of gray on the top of his skull.  "I'd like to speak with you and Miss Skywalker."
Poe wasn't sure where the First Order agent and his men had come from; it didn't matter.  Keep Evie safe.  Instinctively Poe stepped in front of Evelyn, pulling his blaster. "Listen, I don't know what you want, or where you came from... but I'm not in the mood to play games, pal."
The agents were not phased by Poe pulling his weapon; non of them even flinched. "Good, neither am I, Dameron," the lead agent said, smiling maliciously at the two pilots.  He gestured towards Evelyn. "I'm here to escort Miss Skywalker to the Supreme Leader's ship; he wishes to meet her."
"I don't make it a habit to go with strangers," Evelyn snapped.
"Forgive me, Miss Skywalker, where are my manners--I'm Agent Terex."
"And forgive me, Agent Terex, but I'm not going to see the Supreme Leader. I have no desire to meet him."
Terex quirked an eyebrow, an amused twinkle in his eyes. "I think you misunderstood, Miss Skywalker, you do not have a choice in this matter. I am here to take you to the Supreme Leader."
Poe clenched his jaw and raised his blaster. Like hell these agents were going to take Evelyn away; they were going to have to get through him first. "Over my dead body," he growled, making brief eye contact with Evelyn.  He nodded his head so subtly that no one would have noticed if they didn't know to look for it; but she did.  The silent communication passed between them unbeknownst to Terex and his men.
"Believe me, Dameron, that can be arranged," Terex replied, annoyed.  He waved his hand. "Dispose of him."
"Now, Evie!" Poe shouted, dropping down low so she could get her shot off.
The blast that shot forth from Evelyn's weapon took out the first solider; the second one was taken down by Poe. He threw his leg out in a scissor kick, taking Terex down to the ground. Rolling away from stunned the First Order agent, Poe leapt to his feet and grabbed her hand.  The pair took off through the jungle, BB-8 and CB-2 rolling furiously behind them.  
Poe pulled his commlink, knowing that running at this pace through the jungle was highly dangerous--since they could set off a mine at any moment--he ordered Black Squadron to get into the sky.  They had what they came for; it was time to go home.
With no time to dress in full flight gear, Poe tossed his helmet own and practically vaulted into his fighter.  "Black Leader to all wings; report in."
"Black two, standing by," Snap reported. "We better hurry, Dameron. Sensors indicate we're not alone."
"Black three, standing by," Jess sounded off next. "Stars, I hope this information is worth it. I'm tired of running for our lives every time we go out there."
"Black four, standing by," Evelyn said after Jess, tightly. "If it's not, I get first dibs on punching Dane in the face."
"Paige, how are you holding up?" Poe questioned before she could report in.
"Anxious, terrified, any other word you can think of to describe fear," Paige reported.
Sighing, Poe lifted his x-wing into the air, watching as his squad did the same. "Okay, form up around me; Paige just follow Black Squadron's lead. We're gonna get us all out of this, okay?"
Paige muttered something that he didn't quite pick-up over the comms. Black Squadron had other problems than to be worrying about what she had mumbled--waiting for them in the space around Scarif were two Star Destroyers and their full arsenal of TIE fighters.  "Kriff," Paige cursed, and this time the entire squad heard her.
Poe flipped a few switches on his panels.  They needed to get out of this system and fast. "Evie, fall back with me.  Snap, Pava, Tico--make the calculations for light speed.  We'll hold them off."
"Two of against all those TIEs?" Jess sputtered. "Kriff, Poe, you are crazy."
"Listen, I've done this before," Poe responded, cutting his fighter into a tight swaf and firing. He hit his target dead on.  "I'll be fine!"
"One of these days, you won't be fine," Snap drawled. "Eventually even your good luck will run out." 
"There's a good chance you're right, Wexley, but it ain't happening today!"
Paige screaming over the comms alerted the others that she was in trouble.  The TIE fighters had quickly figured out that she was the weakest pilot out of all of them and had surrounded her.  She had taken fire and one of her engines had flamed out.  "My droid is working on it, but I can't shake them!" 
Poe swung his fighter about, ordering Evelyn to join him. Snap and Jess were close to making the jump to light speed.  If we can just get to Paige... we can blow those TIES on her tail and get the hell out of here, Poe thought as his finger brushed against the trigger. "Hold on, Tico, we're coming. Snap, Pava, how close are you to making the jump?"
Jess answered, sounding annoyed. "Thirty seconds.  But we're not leaving you, Poe.  So, blast those TIES and let's get the kriff out of here!"
"We are not having this argument again," Poe hissed. "You jump when the calculations are complete." 
Jess and Snap didn't listen to his order.  If he could have, Poe would have thrown his hands up in defeat.  I don't know why I bother giving orders.  "Evie? Where are you?" he asked into the comms, knowing that he didn't have time to argue with the others--the TIES were relentlessly closing in on Paige, like a swarm of wasps he'd once encountered as a child on Yavin. 
Evelyn's fighter pulled up on his port side and together they split the enemy fighters in pursuit of Paige. It was not a move they often practiced in drills--hell, Black Squadron barely had time for drills--it was a move that showcased how in-tune they were when flying. Without even communicating, the two fighters broke apart, taking the various TIE fighters with them--and off of Paige's tail. 
Black Squadron sailed underneath the belly of one of the Star Destroyers, and then once they were clear of the massive ship, simultaneously disappeared into hyperspace.
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strangeflyboy · 5 years
 an unlikely romance
summary: poe dameron and a first order!female! pilot are enemies-turned-lovers, but with how committed he is to the resistance, he’d never think twice about dating the enemy, right?
a/n: i’d say that i’m back but i’ve already done that before. i just got inspired to write again, but it’s less than a week before school starts, which is unfortunate because i’ll probably end up busy with school and stop writing. anyways! here’s this for the time being!
a pilot of the first order and a pilot of the resistance???
never in a million years, right??
y/n’s story is very similar to finn’s
she was taken from her family at a young age, was trained her whole life, and taught the first order’s goals
they twisted their words and convinced her, as well as everyone else,  that the resistance were the “bad” guys
she was taught hand-to-hand combat, as most were, but then was selected, along with a few others, to be a pilot
she, of course, was taught how to fly a tie fighter
and man, it took a fucking eternity of training
because the first order expects nothing but absolute perfection. they want their pilots to be exceptional, which is why very few end up being chosen as a pilot
the trainees were put through many tasks and challenges to prove their skills, and y/n was one of very few to pass. she was actually one of the best of her group, if not the best
sO this was y/n’s first real mission
she was gonna face the resistance pilots for the first time. all of her training led to this moment
she followed the rest of the squadron out into the black void of space, and it was nothing she ever imagined. it was terrifying
being the outstanding pilot she is, she managed to avoid all the attempts of being taken out, which whenever she was fired at it freaked her out
this is not what she wanted
she didn’t want to die, and she sure as hell couldn’t fire at the others because she didn’t want to kill anyone else, but she needed to in order to survive. that’s when y/n flew after the first x-wing in sight
guess what?
it was poe’s! ha
she fired her blasters at him a few times, and she would’ve succeeded in taking him out if he wasn’t already like the best pilot there is ok
basically two can play at that game and poe followed after y/n
she was like oH sHIT and flew away cause she’s a chicken, but poe was not gonna give up so easily because she’s part of the first order and needs to go, ya know?
he is ruthless
kidding he’s just very loyal to the resistance
they end up on some nearby planet with y/n still being chased by poe and somehow managing to dodge all of his blasts?? though there were some close calls
he was just like wtf why isn’t this person fighting back???
but y/n manages to pull an old switcheroo on him and hits him with a couple blasts, sending his x-wing plummeting to the deserted planet’s ground
she watched the whole thing and couldn’t believe what just happened
did she kill whoever was flying that x-wing?
she slowly landed on the ground near the crash and stepped outside of her tie fighter to observe the crash and see if that person was dead or not
she really hoped they weren’t
after taking her helmet off, there was no body among the rubble, she noticed, and just thought??? what??? where are they????
a droid popped out of nowhere, and before she could say anything, everything went black
oh my gOD this is so long and i’ve barely gotten anywhere
me from the future: just you wait :)
okay so y/n woke up in a chair with her black suit still on and was tied up, of course. she was in an small, empty room with someone standing at the doorway, who she assumed was like her guard. they were and informed everyone through his com that the “enemy” was awake
the room then filled with a few people:  leia, rey, finn, bb-8, poe
the whole gang
leia was mainly the one asking questions, such as her name, backstory, affiliation with the first order, all of that
basically what i mentioned at the very beginning
y/n noticed that poe was bruised and had a patch of dried up blood near one of his temples
“so i’m assuming you’re the pilot of the x-wing i crashed. sorry about that but nice flying skills”
hahahaha i don’t even know
he kinda rolled his eyes and decided against responding
y/n begged them not to kill her, though they never planned on it, and explained how she never wanted to hurt/kill anyone even if they are the “bad” guys and that she wanted out of the first order anyways
they were all like whoa whoa whoa hold up we’re actually the good guys and explained the first order’s real shenanigans, not the false stuff y/n was told as a trainee
she was just baffled, but she reiterated that she didn’t want to be a part of the whole thing and that she was forced into this and that violence wasn’t her thing and never wanted to hurt anyone
“well, clearly”
everyone turned to poe and couldn’t believe this man’s attitude
he had a point because y/n stated how she never wanted to hurt anyone yet she almost killed poe? so it didn’t really add up in his mind
finn definitely believed her because her story was similar to his, and he explained that to poe but he was like bUt YoU nEvEr TrIeD kilLiNg Me
even after she gave them some top secret info about the first order, poe’s mind wasn’t changed. 
though everyone else was cautious, they understood her situation, but he still couldn’t trust her
they agreed upon freeing her (poe was against it, obviously) but they would not allow her to leave their base because they didn’t entirely trust her. plus, she had pretty recent insight into the first order’s plans/strategies/technology/etc. and she wanted to help the actual good guys, but without having to kill anyone. 
leia assured her that killing the bad guys isn’t really their thing but do it if absolutely necessary
y/n helped out around the base with small tasks and provided important details about the first order that they could use to try and stop them and slowly gained everyone else’s trust
except for poe’s
he is stubborn as HELL
he never really made snide remarks, just normally glared at y/n and gave her nasty looks
she definitely noticed and tried her best to ignore them. they didn’t anger her as much as they saddened her, but others told her that poe is just like that and he’ll warm up eventually
she believed they only said that to make her feel better because she noticed how happy and lively he was around basically everyone else, but one look at her and his whole demeanor changed. that broke her heart
y/n faked her way through it and would flash a small smile his way, which generally earned an eye roll from him
she tried to be friendly but he wasn’t buying any of it
attempts at convincing poe that y/n really wasn’t a bad person were made but unsuccessful 
seufz / sigh
after about a month or two, y/n was still residing at the base, and she really liked it there. the atmosphere was a lot less... uptight and serious compared to the first order
minus poe’s bad attitude
one particular night, y/n was mindlessly wandering around the base for something to do. she never really explored the base before
she stumbled upon a huge room that held all of their starfighters. mainly x-wings, she noticed
this room particularly interested her because she was trained to be a pilot (duh) and during that time, she learned to really enjoy flying
very few people were in here. a couple mechanics, each working on an x-wing, and a familiar-looking, curly-haired fellow working on his x-wing with the droid she saw before being knocked out and “kidnapped” at his side
for some reason, she decided to walk up to this man, whose named she learned earlier on, and strike up a conversation
ugh i really wanna write this as a fic now and show the progression of their relationship a lot better but i always wanna turn my hcs into fics
her voice startled him slightly, but then he let out a groan of disgust when he realized the voice belonged to y/n
poe listened to every word that came from her lips while working on his x-wing, never once looking at her, but didn’t bother responding. he didn’t want to speak with her
y/n tried not to speak too much. she talked about flying, as that was a thing they had in common, and inquired about what he was working on
at that point, the frustration built up inside of him, and he turned around to face y/n for the first time
“why don’t you just leave? i bet you came out here to sabotage my x-wing so i crash again and actually die this time. hell, i wouldn’t be surprised if you planned on destroying all the x-wings just for the first fucking order!”
his voice grew louder and his face red from a mix of anger and frustration, and honestly, most of that wasn’t even due to y/n being there; it just seemed impossible to fix one part on his starfighter. he kept trying and trying with no positive results
y/n stood there, shocked. she couldn’t believe he thought that way about her and thought she would do something of the sort
“did it ever occur to you that i never attempted firing back at first? hm? i didn’t want to harm you in any way! but we both know that the chase never would’ve stopped until one of us was taken out, and i didn’t want to die just as much as you.”
i love writing tension/arguments wow
she raised her voice as much as poe did. she was sick and tired of him treating her like shit because of something she had no control over
after releasing her anger, sadness took its place, and that’s when the girl walked off to her quarters and called it a night
what she said was food for thought, and poe just kinda realized that oh shit she had a point and was filled with an immense amount of guilt especially because a lot of the frustration wasn’t even directed at her; he just happened to take it out on her
bb-8 beeped a few times, advising that he go after her and talk to her because the droid knew poe wasn’t that disgusted with the girl and didn’t mean to lash out at her, and assured him that it would try to fix his x-wing
so poe dropped his tools and followed y/n to her room, and to his surprise (or not), it was locked. he knocked and called her name but she just yelled for him to go away. he said he wanted to talk but that it needed to be face-to-face
the door opened and y/n’s eyes were red and her face was tear-stained 
they sat on the edge of her bed, and y/n looked at her lap while poe looked at her. it pained him
he explained how he wasn’t upset with her but rather his x-wing, but that still wasn’t enough to her because he’s acted snotty to her ever since she arrived there a couple months ago
looking up at him, she told her story about how she really didn’t want to be a part of the first order yada yada yada we’ve already heard this
she finds out from him that he really is stubborn and has a bad habit of only thinking of himself, which is why he has acted so bitchy and spiteful towards her
they kinda just discussed the whole situation for awhile and ended up talking for about an hour or two and made up
poe thought that she seemed like a genuine person
“you know, you’re a really good pilot, and from the sounds of everyone around here, they practically worship you. i guess i just imagined we could be friends and we could fly together sometime...”
y/n softly chuckled, then sniffled. poe followed along with a chuckle and thought that flying together might be fun, as long as she promises to try not to kill him
they had a good laugh, and poe thought it was best to leave her alone for the night because he did enough damage already
with that, the new friendship began
god damn we’re only at the FRIENDSHIP????
i promise that there shouldn’t be much left cause i wanted to insert that one scene
me from the future: :))))
so this friendship
everyone was surprised to see poe and y/n talking the next day that rumors were spread about what happened
y/n was timid about talking to poe at the beginning of their friendship. poe noticed this, and because of that, most of their conversations were initiated by him
they didn’t speak to each other a whole lot at first. normally just when they bumped into each other while walking around the base
but because she was fascinated with flying and starfighters, y/n hung out in the hangar quite often and learned about x-wings, whether from poe or someone else. he happily talked to her about them, and that led to her repairing a few here and there, or at least helping someone else out
then came the “date”
poe invited y/n out flying one night
she never flew an x-wing before but figured it out quite easily
they flew away from the base to an isolated section of the planet 
aka poe’s favorite spot
he was quite impressed with her skills, especially because from what she told him, it seemed that it was all fairly new to her still
once they landed at his spot, they sat on the grass and stared at the night sky. the stars shined brightly in the black sky, and the few moons that circled the planet added to it
the two talked for quite a bit before silence filled the space between them. they didn’t mind because they enjoyed each other’s company
y/n stared at the beautiful sky, and little did she know, poe stared at her with admiration in his eyes, though he didn’t even know he was looking at her like that
they both flew back to the base after quite a bit of time had passed and decided to sleep
but they did have a few more “dates” like this, and it really brought them closer. their relationship grew, that’s for sure
others noticed this and could sense something going on between them. both were asked about each other but didn’t admit their feelings
in fact, they never acknowledged their feelings for each other until......
this part is so fucking cliche but i literally can’t see any other way for this 
the pilots were sent out on a mission that lasted like a day or two
y/n didn’t partake, though some encouraged, because it was said to be dangerous and she learned four months ago that fighting wasn’t her thing
there were other missions since y/n first arrived but those weren’t necessarily dangerous
something went wrong and y/n was freaking out because of poe. granted, she was friends with most of the pilots, but that particular boy meant a lot to her
some pilots were severely injured that death was a possibility, and others were just lightly injured
when things went south, poe couldn’t stop thinking about y/n. the thought of never getting to see her beautiful face or spend nights talking to her broke his heart. that alone motivated him to fight through it all
once the pilots made it back to base, the severely injured were taken care of immediately, and y/n was anxious to find poe, and he was anxious to find her
their eyes landed on each other at the same moment, and she ran into his arms. her arms wrapped around him and her face landed in his chest. his head rested on top of hers, and they were happy to see each other. thankfully, he wasn’t injured too horribly. 
the amount of relief that washed over both of them is unimaginable. everything was now okay since they were in each other’s arms
their silent hug lasted for a few minutes before poe was pulled away to be checked out for any serious injuries and then needed to be cleaned up
later that night, poe found y/n in her room pacing back and forth, something clearly on her mind. but when she saw that he was back, the worry painted on her face washed away, and she gave him another hug, though this one didn’t last so long
they sat on the edge of her bed, similarly to the conversation they first had, but they both looked at their laps, not saying a word. they both had something to say but didn’t quite know how to express themselves
“poe, the thought of losing you terrifies me. i hurt so much earlier because of the possibility of losing you forever, and i just-” she looked from her lap to him, tears welling in her eyes, and was cut off when he leaned forward to connect his lips with hers
they slowly pulled away and stared into each other’s eyes with their faces only inches apart
“this mission made me realize how reckless i normally am. how much i don’t think about my actions. i would die for the resistance without thinking twice. i live for the resistance.. but also you. i can’t leave you. i just can’t. i want to come back from every mission alive so i can be with you. so i can spend every moment with you before going off on another possibly life-threatening mission.”
y/n was crying at this point. he pulled her into his chest and held her while she quietly sobbed.  
after what felt like an eternity of crying, she wiped her tears and sniffled. still leaning into his chest, she asked with a shaky voice, “would you mind staying the night with me? please?”
of course he didn’t mind one bit. they shut the lights off and laid down on her bed under the covers. the room was lit from the moons shining outside. they faced each other and shared one more kiss, this one lasting longer than the first. she snuggled into his chest with his arms wrapped around her, holding her closely.
and that was the beginning of y/n and poe’s relationship
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sick-raven · 4 years
Ghosts of the Past - Chapter 8
Chapter 1 + warnings
Previous chapter
Chapter 8
Life was going well. Work was great. Jonathan was good to her. He didn’t even make rude comment when lending her his Edgar Allan Poe collection. They never officially said anything about their relationship. There was something and they didn’t name it. Miranda thought about it as two broken people licking each other’s wounds.
Things were good.
So why did this happen?
Maybe… No… but maybe… All was good… So why would he?
She was sitting in the hall of her flat. Crawled in the corner, phone in her hand, stared at it. She could ruin all these good things with one question. But she had to make sure. Final touch to the doom. Final nail to her coffin.
She called Jonathan.
“I don’t have time now, Miranda, I am working,” he greeted her.
“One question.”
“Are you giving me something?”
Silence on his side. She made him angry. She knew it.
“Nothing you don’t know about.”
“Okay, thanks.”
“Are you okay?”
She turned her phone off. It wasn’t his doing.
The room was black as shadows devoured it. Their tendril grew closer to her and soon they will get her too.
Miranda stood on the edge of the roof and she looked down. The lights of cars were running through the streets like some colourful game of Pacman. The sound carried through the air. Gotham was so noisy. Would anyone hear her scream?
Somehow, she knew he will find her here. Somehow, she hoped he will, but it angered her nonetheless. She looked over her shoulder to acknowledge him. Batman stood there ready to jump after her, if she made that one step into nothingness.
“Hey B, what’s up?” she giggled.
“Are you high?” he asked surprised.
She looked down at the pavement and back at him. “About ten floors.”
“Miranda, this is not you. Step down, please.”
“What do you know,” she hissed annoyed.
“It’s the drugs making you do things.”
“Are you going to blame Jonathan again?”
“Step down.”
She turned on one leg, nearly lost her balance, then stepped down the rail. Walked to him, throwing her arms. “Happy? That you moved the inevitable for a minute?”
“You need to stop…”
“What? Seeing Jonathan?”
“Will you school me about danger again? I’m not the clown, Bruce! It’s not the same!”
“Okay,” he resigned. “Tell me.”
She fell quiet from surprise. She scratched her head. Tell him? All? She never told the truth. But she will be dead soon. At least here she can be sincere. She sat at AC.
“I’ve been seeing ghosts for over a decade now. The charm kept them at bay. I figured I was crazy. I visited every expert in existence. Schizophrenia professional. Split personality doctor. Anxiety shrink. Whatever you imagine, I was probably there. I did all in my power to get rid of the ghosts to no avail.
So, three years ago, I decided I’ve had enough. Just make sure your charm is safe, Miranda. I could live with that. It’s like a handicap. I am pretty much carrying a bomb around that can kill me. But people live with worse, you know?”
She played with the necklace, dinging silently.
“And then I started to notice them. The shadows. I tried to rationalize them. They are the League. They try to kill me. I made them up. I keep seeing normal things and overreacting. You know? But deep down I knew it’s not true. Deep down, little Miranda was screaming at me to fix this. So, I found another professional and moved to Gotham.
See, Jonathan Crane didn’t make me this. I was this before I came here. He didn’t make me worse, the decay just caught up with me. I never really believed he can help me, you know? But I hoped. Maybe his drugs will melt some part of my brain. Fry me hard and make the ghosts disappear by accident. And if not… Hey, at least my body is useful for science.”
She rubbed her eyes. “It’s not the same. This is not – I would leave if I wanted – situation. This is – I see no reason to stop – situation. Nothing can fix me. But at least I am still doing things, trying to enjoy life. And if I kill the ghosts by accident in the process, who can blame me for being a good pet?”
“Miranda…” Batman sighed and sat next to her as if they were old friends. “You are still in very bad place.”
“Tell me about it,” she laughed. “No, I like Crane. But I will die soon. I might as well rip myself out before I start to suffer.”
“I know someone who might be able to help,” he suggested.
“Please, don’t say magic.”
He kept quiet.
“Oh my god! It’s not magic!”
“Do you have anything to lose at this point?”
“My dignity!” He looked at her. “Shut up, I know,” Miranda snapped. Then she sighed. “What’s his name?”
“John Constantine.”
They found John Constantine gambling in New York bar. Cards in one hand, cigarette in the other, shit-eating grin on his face. He was winning this round just like every round before that.
“Sorry, lads, looks like I won again. New round?”
“Forget it,” grumbled his opponents.
“I’d like to play.”
“Bloody hell, it’s the Bat!” Constantine drank his whiskey in one gulp. “What do you and the nice lass want?”
Miranda couldn’t see any way this man could help her. He looked like a mess. Blond hair that didn’t see brush for days. Trench coat and red tie made him look like some sort of exhibitionist ready to run wild in a park.
“He said you could help me with ghosts,” Miranda said.
“Try psychologist, love.”
“Been there, done that.”
Constantine puffed cigarette smoke with no indication he cares. Miranda was just about to ready to turn and walk out.
“Ever heard of survival curse?” asked Batman for her.
“Might have. What’s in it for you?”
“She is cursed.”
Constantine looked at her. “Nah, she ain’t. She would have them crawl all over her.”
Miranda grew angry. Would she now? She does! They are here! “If I die it’s on you,” she grumbled and took down the charm. She left it on the table.
She lost her breath immediately.
“Bloody hell take it back!” shouted Constantine and forced the charm in her hand. She gasped for air. “I haven’t seen it this big yet.”
“Can you help?” asked Batman.
“I don’t know. Let’s go.”
“I will leave you to it, I need to get back to Gotham.”
“Say hi to Nightwing for me,” grinned Constantine, but Batman was gone already. “Creepy, isn’t he?”
“I can see him go. It’s stupid when you know what to look for,” shrugged Miranda.
Constantine’s lair – yes, it was a lair, it looked like basement vault mixed with museum of curiosities – was surprisingly warm and welcoming. “Don’t touch anything, one curse is enough,” he warned her as they passed several objects. She could only guess what they were used for.
“So magic is real, huh?” she whispered to herself.
“I’m afraid so, pet. It’s dangerous thing. I would recommend not playing with it.”
“Too late.”
“Sit down.” There was a space between all the things. The ground was clean concrete. Constantine took a chalk out of drawer. “For how long are you cursed?”
“It will be eleven years soon.”
He looked at her shock in his eyes. “Eleven? That’s impossible.”
“Thank you.”
“How did you… Let me guess. The bell,” he pointed at her charm. “Your ghosts must be pissed off as hell for letting them wait so long.”
“Yes, and yes.”
“Where did you get it?
Her time was coming. She remembered stumbling, blinded by ghosts, constantly feeling them grabbing at her heart prepared to squeeze the life of it. She shuffled through market full of spices and sweets without taste. A man has seen her, took her hand and led her to a side street. She was so blinded she didn’t even realize the danger. But he took her to a shop not unlike this hideout. The owner saw her and gave her the charm. Just like that. No payment necessary.
The ghosts were gone. When she came back later with money and to say thank you, she couldn’t find the street nor the shop.
“You were lucky,” Constantine said. “Faery folk is not always so nice.”
“It’s not working anymore. They are getting through the charm. It’s weak. Or they grew stronger. I don’t know.”
Constantine nodded. He started drawing at the concrete, explaining as he did. “Ghosts are work, you know? If someone dies there is echo left after them. Sometimes it’s weak, sometimes it’s strong. Exorcism doesn’t help. Sometimes facing them head on and figuring what they want can stop them.”
“They want me dead.”
“Maybe. Anyways, I cannot promise we’ll get rid of them. But I can make your charm stronger and bound to soul.”
“A what?”
“Make it so nobody can take it off but you.”
Miranda looked at him amazed. “Really? Yes, do it!” Was she really that desperate she was ready to believe his words? Batman wouldn’t take her to some conman, right? She had nothing to lose either. She just wanted this to work. Please, please let it work.
“I will need you to come here, love.”
He finished the circle full of runes and pentagrams. She looked at it unsure. “You gonna sacrifice me?”
“No. But fair warning. People around me die often.”
“That’s fine, me too.”
He lit another cigarette. “This circle will protect you while I work on your thing. I will need your blood too.”
“Are you sure they won’t get to me?” she asked as he handed her knife and bowl. She cut herself without hesitation but taking off the charm was different commitment.
“It’s a barrier ghosts can’t cross. The inner circle is protection symbol, the ring around it is made of blessed salt. Never leave the home without it, it hurts most of supernatural beings. As long as you don’t break either they won’t get to you.”
“And you saw them, right?”
“No. I felt them. I could see them if I focused more. But they are real, if that’s what you are asking.”
“I just… overwhelmed.”
“That’s okay, love. You just sit there and let me do my job.”
“Wait, wait. What about the payment?”
“You don’t look a man who does this from good of his heart.”
He chuckled. “I will help. If you want to pay me after, I drink whiskey, love money and shagging.”
“You’re funny. My treat later then.”
“Now would you give me the thing so we can kick these ghosts to bollocks?”
She took down the charm. Hand trembling, she gave it to Constantine. Ghosts appeared immediately, hoovering around the circle. She gasped, but they couldn’t touch her. The choking feeling didn’t come. She laughed nervously.
“It’s working.”
“They are pissed,” agreed Constantine.
“Will you be okay?” she realized he is out the circle with them.
“Yeah, they are after you. They are blind to anyone else.”
Miranda sat on the floor. She watched Constantine throwing things in the bowl. He poured ugly looking liquid in and dropped her charm there. He kept mumbling.
“Why are you doing this to us, Miranda?” she heard, and she jumped. They were… She understood what they were saying!
“It hurts.”
“We are lonely without you.”
“You killed us.”
“No,” she hissed. “I just didn’t die.”
“We feel empty without you here. Come to us. You are our sister. We belong together.”
“Don’t listen to them, pet, they are just trying to get to you,” Constantine said between his mumbles.
Miranda held hands on her ears.
“You promised to die with us.”
“We all agreed.”
When is it going to be over? She couldn’t take their words. She wanted to live, that’s all. She just left while they finished the business. Not her fault they committed suicide! That was on them, not her!
“Hold on, it’s almost finished.”
“He can’t save you, Miranda. We won’t let him.”
She raised her sight. One of them moved to Constantine.
“Watch out!” she screamed.
Too late.
The shadow hammered Constantine to the side. He screamed and flew across the room. He hit his head on a shelf and dropped to the ground. Bleeding. Not moving.
“Fuck! Constantine! John!” she shouted through laughter of ghosts. “You damn freaks!”
“Give up, Miranda. Just come out.”
The charm was too far. Even if she ran, she couldn’t get to it. Ghosts would catch her.
Nothing close enough to the circle. Nothing useful anyways. Her bag she could reach. But for what?
She grinded her teeth. She was trapped. Like a rat in slow heating cage. “Constantine!” she tried again. No answer. Great, they just killed her only chance for semi-normal life.
She sat down again. Hidden her face, covered her ears. Their voices resonated the room. Mocked her. Annoyed her. Making her feel like shit. She would cry. She couldn’t. Minutes turned to hour. Hour turned to several.
Nobody will help her.
She could call for help, but what can anyone do? The ghosts will just cut them to pieces. Kill them, like they did to Constantine.
She won’t give herself up.
She needed that bag. Eyeing it she realized she could reach, grab it fast and bring it to the circle. She breathed in and prepared.
She grabbed.
A ghost cut.
She screamed and retraced. The bag safely in her hand, but on her arm was long cut bleeding hard. She quickly took off her sweater and tied it around the wound. It kept bleeding. Her only fear was the blood smearing the circle
She had her bag. What now?
“No saving yourself,” said ghost.
She knew.
“Constantine, if you are alive, I will not let you die,” she said towards him. Nothing.
She took out the pill bottle.
Doctor’s orders.
Next chapter
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dgcatanisiri · 5 years
So, I was thinking again about the issues I have regarding The Last Jedi (yes, I know, I probably just lost like half of you there)...
So, walking out of the theater, my mental scoring of things legitimately put it in the “low B/high C” range. Not bad, not the worst thing ever, but flawed enough that kept in from greatness in my eyes.
And then the backlash hit, and... Whatever meaningful discourse there was, it got drowned out. And while there was that chunk of the racist, sexist, “wah you ruined my childhood!” (only using a different word than ruined) whiny fanboys... There was ALSO this chunk that basically hailed it as utter perfection beyond reproach, and that if you had ANY criticism of the movie, then you fell into that former category.
(In fairness, that reaction does make sense in the fact that it was the former category highjacking the criticism, but still...)
And I think that it was in response to THAT attitude that really pushed me towards hating the movie. Not because it INHERENTLY was bad, but that there was this vocal contingent that demanded that I see it as wholly good. 
And just... I think it’s a flawed movie. I genuinely do. It rehashes the story that several characters went through in the previous film. It demotes Finn - the male lead from TFA - to a “comedic” C-plot that could be cut entirely and ignores the contribution his unique character could have (a deserter stormtrooper returning to the First Order). Rey gets reduced to Kylo’s sexy lamp, becoming convinced that SHE can “save” him from the dark side, after the climax of TFA was two people she cared deeply for being on the receiving end of his lightsaber, one fatally, the other put into a coma (which, going back to Finn for a moment, gets resolved in seconds of screentime, and AGAIN played for laughs, because why is a coma patient shoved into an unattended storeroom instead of in a medical ward?). There is not enough development of Luke Skywalker for me to see how a character whose last appearance beyond the cameo of TFA involved him proudly proclaiming “I am a Jedi, like my father before me,” becomes the self-isolating hermit declaring “the Jedi must end.” I said at the time that if anyone deserved to tell Luke to let go of the past it was not the goblin who refused to acknowledge his attachment to the Jedi Order as an institution but Anakin Skywalker, the man whose attempt to follow those rules broke. To say nothing of the many flaws of the Poe-Holdo scenario that range from having redubbed her dialogue in the name of making Poe seem more hot-headed to her wearing a cocktail dress in the midst of a military scenario reaching an existential crisis, all the way to the fact that it was an intentional writer’s decision to call her interactions with him “flirting.” (No, I’m not exaggerating, this is from an interview with the costume designer who quotes Rian Johnson’s reaction to her initial costume designs for Holdo looking more military in design.) On top of all of that, the First Order was treated like a fringe movement that suddenly obtained a nuke in TFA, while in TLJ, they were, in every respect except name, the Empire - the Empire that had been built on the bones of the Old Republic, only to be toppled in Return of the Jedi and pushed out to the fringes by the New Republic. This movie basically reset the political board to the original trilogy’s dynamics, without accounting for the changes that came over time. 
It is a very flawed movie, and the fact that these things that I saw as being flaws as actively being the reason that so many seemed to praise the movie as the best thing to happen to Star Wars... THAT, I feel, more than the movie itself, is what soured me so much on it. Because I was legitimately seeing this from people who make film and media critique a career, and just... I can see this so easily as flaws, and things that bring it down, and I don’t see how it is that I’m the weird one, missing these things, seeing just how it didn’t work for me, in such detail that I am still writing pages on the ‘why’ to this day. It feels like they all got distracted by the shiny surface, missing what was underneath.
There’s also the fact that, in the movie where the script actively calls for most of the time and focus to be on the women and people of color, THIS is the story where they all end up failing. That this is a movie that explores the concept of heroes failing us RIGHT at the point when it should be presenting these “new generation of heroes,” where these characters do the same kinds of things that white male heroes do all the freaking time in movies, rebelling against authority, taking one-in-a-million chances, risking lives on the hope of success... and failing. So, in effect, I see a story whose message can be taken as “leave the heroing to the white guys, women/non-white people suck at this.”
(I mean, I will state it for the record that I don’t genuinely believe this to be the intended message. My point is just... That’s a very real subtext I feel in this story, and my impressions of the hype for The Rise of Skywalker, at least in the corners of Tumblr that I frequent, is that this message was received, even if it wasn’t what was meant to be sent - writer intention is, at best, one tenth of audience reaction.)
And, again, because of the attitude that spread of “if you didn’t like it, you must be one of those assholes who can’t accept Star Wars changing,” it wasn’t even particularly worth it to argue, because you’d end up dismissed before speaking your piece. 
But you know, I’ve been there through Star Wars evolutions before. I loved the New Jedi Order series, that was what brought me in to the Expanded Universe. I even managed to enjoy the subsequent Legacy of the Force/Fate of the Jedi novels, though I found them flawed. Hell, my big complaint there, looking back on them a decade later isn’t their mere existence. It’s the fact that they backtracked on a changing view of the Force, a change of tearing down the light/dark dichotomy. Legacy and Fate go out of their way to basically undermine the entire idea that the Force IS. And one of my favorite games - not even Star Wars, I’m talking period - is KOTOR 2, which is ALL. ABOUT. deconstructing the Star Wars mythos.
And so when people said that “Star Wars is changing, it needs to evolve,” honestly? I just saw regression - Empire versus Rebels, white man taking center stage, even the fact that the ending centered around the actions of the Original Trilogy’s hero, rather than the new generation of heroes - again, going back to the “message received” thing, it veers uncomfortably close into “sit down kids, and let yesterday’s hero fix your mistakes.”
TL;DR: I think that the response that basically tried to cut any criticism of TLJ, not just the bad faith arguments, but also shouting down the good faith ones, ended up souring me more on the film than necessarily the film itself. 
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sithlordintraining · 5 years
Sugar X
A/N: I’m thinking about coming back to Tumblr, but that’s only because I’ve had a better year than last year lmao. THIS CHAPTER IS FROM KYLO'S POV!!!!
Sugar Masterlist
Summary: You’re just a girl who wants to have fun(d$) and live life and not have to worry about the stupid galactic war. Even though you are a school teacher for the Resistance, it doesn’t hurt to be a little bad sometimes.
                                             “ The Good” - NSFW
I walked down the hall completely in thought. I was overthinking this situation too much, I’m Kylo Ren for Sith’s sake! I shouldn’t be so hung up over some girl. She’s not just some girl, she’s Y/N and she’s beautiful and smart and so caring and we’ve been with each other for a year, so why hasn’t she answered my letter when I told her I loved her? I mean, she did like me. It resulted in sending her a childish: do you like me? Yes or no. She thought it was cute and funny and circled yes, but I didn’t think she fully understood what I was asking. And she’s only responded to just a select few of the notes I was giving her, what was that about? Was she seeing someone else? I clenched my fist, not wanting to think about it. It’s been a few months since I’ve seen her last and I still hadn’t given Y/N back her datapad, but stars I missed her. It took everything in me to not reach out to her using the force. “Commander?” Phasma’s voice pulled me out of my thoughts. “Captain.” I nodded. “Are you alright?” She asked. “Yes, yes, just waiting for my ship.” I coughed through the helmet. Her silver helmet tilted before an officer was calling her over. I let out a breath, Y/N was really making me crazy.
I jumped in my TIE and jumped in hyperspace leading a group to where a group of X-wings was engaged in taking down a destroyer. Everything was fine, it was good. We had either destroyed the ships or pushed them back further until I spotted two fighters locked on an X-wing. “That one is mine,” I told the other pilots and quickly hopped on the tail of the ship. No matter how much they tried to shake me, they couldn’t. I was just that good. I trailed them pushing them away from all the fighting, just before they could jump into hyperspace, I shot at the wing. Whirling around for a few, the pilot made an emergency landing on a nearby dwarf moon. I followed landed a few feet away, to see the pilot emerge from the half destroyed ship. I began to walk before the pilot ripped their helmet off and threw it at me. “ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND?! YOU COULD’VE KILLED ME!” Kat yelled. I dodged the helmet and chuckled. “No I couldn’t, you landed safely didn’t you?” I said. One thing I promised Y/N: never to hurt Kat and keep her safe. She rolled her eyes and mumbled: “I can’t stand you or your sugar baby.” Stepping forward I spoke, “How is she?” “What?” Kat asked. I bit my lip before asking one more time. “How is she?” “I don’t know, fine?” She shrugged. “You probably talk to her more than me.” I furrowed my brows. I knew that Kat and Y/N had an argument but I didn’t think they would still be at it. “I’ve written her letters but I don’t think she has gotten all of them,” I spoke honestly. “Look, I don’t know about that. She doesn’t really talk about you when we do actually talk.” Kat brushed off. In her mind, I could see her blaming me for this change in friendship. My lips tugged into a frown; I didn’t mean for it to be like this but I love her friend, I love Y/N. “I want to take her out and I need you to help drop her off,” I said. But soon a sound of a ship was breaking through the atmosphere. “Don’t say a word.” “Yeah, yeah,” Kat waved off, I turned to walk back to my ship. I turned to see none other than Poe Dameron assessing the damage of the ship, right before turning to look at the forest where I hid. It felt like he was looking right at me. I waited for them to leave before leaving.
“The room isn’t ready yet, what would you like to do?” I turned to see the breeze softly whip her curls around. She looked around the beautiful city and its orange-hued sky. Pointing to her right, she smiled. “Let’s walk on the beach.” Taking her hand, I let her lead the way. It didn’t take long before we were removing our shoes and squishing the grainy sand between our bare toes. “Did you know that sand is just an abundant amount of tiny fragmented shells and organisms?” She turned to look up at me. “No,” I softly smiled. I loved when she told me little fun facts. I’m pretty sure if I had a teacher like her, I’d be top of my class. “Yeah, I did an experiment with the babies and used the holo microscope, it was really cool.” A smile surfaced on her face. “Really? What else can you tell me?” I asked. So, she began to tell me all these little facts about sand, the ocean, and beaches. “And rocks like this, are famous for belonging to mermaids.” My brows furrowed as she sat down on the black boulder. “Why?” I asked. “To sunbathe, or to call on sailors with their siren song, or wait for their land lovers.” Y/N winked. “You must be part mermaid because you always call me in.” I wrapped my arms around her waist and chuckled into her neck. “That was a bad one,” I admit and she laughed. Moving my head to see her beautiful (y/e/c) eyes, I pressed a kiss to her soft lips. She moaned as her tongue slipped past my lips. I lifted her off the rock and laid her on the cooling sand. “Ky-Big One,” Y/N squirmed under me. “Yes, Little One,” I said between kisses. “Someone could see us.” I shook my head and giggles fell from her lips as my hair tickled her belly. “No one will, Little One.” “A-And the sand.” She moaned as her nipple rolled between my fingers. “It’s going to get everywhere.” I shrugged off my jacket and laid it underneath her. I was hard and by the time I went to remove her underwear she was soaked. It was so easy to slide into her as she arched her back. With every thrust, the waves seemed to crash. This felt so surreal, having her on the beach like this, the way she would look up at me as if I was a star. It had me feeling, what I shouldn’t be feeling; but every time her hand would brush against my heart I would lose it, just like right now. Thank the makers I was wearing a condom, I just came inside her. Y/N sat up and looked down. “I-I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”  I never finished so quickly and never before her. Before anyone could say anything, I was being buzzed to let us know our room was ready.
I opened the door to the suite and Y/N’s eyes went wide. “Wow, this is huge.” She began to roam around the room. I looked too, but mostly at her. Her (y/e/c) eyes scanned everything with curiosity. “Come here,” I beckoned as she followed me out to the balcony. She gasped as I moved to show her the expansive view of the city lit up in its grandeur. “This is so beautiful.” She whispered. I wrapped my arms around her waist. “Anything for you, Y/N.” I nuzzled my nose in the crook of her neck. Her delicate hand found my cheek and I hummed in comfort. When I opened my eyes, she was looking up at me, studying me. “Something’s different.” She said. “Is it good or bad?” I asked her. Y/N dropped her hand from my cheek and avoided my gaze. “I don’t know. It depends on how you take it.” She looked up at me once more before speaking, “You look tired. I’ll run you a bath.” I shook my head. “I’m fine.” I huffed. “No, you flew us here by yourself and makers know what else you endured before you got me. And the beach.” Y/N was stubborn and right. Before I could object I yawned. Quickly, she pecked the corner of my lips before running off and finding the bathroom. I just stood outside of the balcony trying to catch my breath. It was a dangerous game I was playing, but it was my fault, I started it. But, I had to remember, nothing more could come from this, that’s why I settled for being her Sugar Daddy because it was the only way to get her to be with me. A way to not help me form attachments. I followed the sound of the running water. Passing the doorway, I slowly saw her fingers skimming the water that was started to bubble up. I could vaguely figure out the low noise that couldn’t compete with the water, but after a while, I realized it was the Corellian song I had serenaded her with. Coming closer, I could see the small smile gifted on her soft lips. My chest tightened at the vision; some people had this and not just every other weekend.
She looked back at me and smiled. “Will you j-join me?” I stuttered out, cursing at myself. “If that’s what you want, ok.” She chuckled. Y/N stood up beginning to strip and I followed suit. Hand in hand we entered the tub until our bodies disappeared under the white bubbles. “How’ve you been?” I asked and she began to tell me all about it. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her; she was so expressive and lovely. “What about you?” She asked. I shrugged. “It’s better now.” A pout fell on her lips. She hated when I disregarded my day, but it was true, my days didn’t start until I saw her. Her right foot darted to jab me on the side, but I quickly caught it. Raising it out the water, I pressed a kiss to the side of her foot. “Thank you,” She said out of the blue. “For everything, for doing all of this, for treating me like I’m someone special. Even when we fight, you’re still so kind. I know who you are and what people say, but I,” Y/N bit her lip. Her mind was running wild looking for something to say, but when she couldn’t find it, she floated closer to me until we were chest to chest. Her lips found mine, my fingers danced along the soft skin of her sides. The kiss deepened as time went on. She snaked her hand down underneath her straddled body and grabbed my member. It wasn’t fully hard, but she didn’t care as lined herself up and slowly slid down. Wet kisses trailed up to my ear. “I want to feel you grow inside me.” Y/N nipped at my earlobe. I wrapped my arms tightly making her flush against me; with those words and the small undulations of her hips, I began to stretch her core. Gasp and whimpers left her sweet lips as I began to rock into her. The pace was agonizingly slow, proving my restraint for her pleasures. But, as I stared at the look on her face, eyes squeezed tight, mouth open and little curls pressing to her sweaty forehead; I myself couldn’t help but unravel. My hips had as a mind of its own as it jerked up causing the most beautiful sounds to slip out of her lips before I was cumming. Exhausted and embarrassed, my head fell to her shoulder. It was the second time today, I was finishing before her. “It’s ok.” Y/N’s soft voice cooed as her fingers combed through my hair. I looked up to see her bright (y/e/c) eyes looking at me. I pressed another kiss to her lips gripping at her skin again. While I was still inside her, I lifted us out of the tub and made our way to the bed. Using the force, I pulled the cover back and gently laid her down. I deepened the kiss, tongue exploring her mouth. I pulled back to see her smirking. “What?” I asked. “Nothing,” She shook her head and pressed a kiss to my nose.
In the morning, I was welcomed with the sweet smell of smoked terrafin loin. I slowly made my way to the kitchen area to see her wearing my discarded tunic from last night and my socks. A lopsided smile fell on my lips. “What are you doing?” My voice made her jump and the small ‘his morning voice is so damn sexy’ thought slipped out. “I’m making breakfast.” She smiled. I stood behind her and turned off the stove. “This is our vacation, to relax. Order room service.” I could feel her and my heart beat at the use of 'our'. “Our vacation?” She asked; she steadied herself in my tight hold. “Well,” A blush hit my face. “We’ve been together, doing this for about a year, so I thought.” Stars, I hate how she could make me nervous so fast. I could feel her try to suppress so many happy thoughts that ran through her mind. “Annnnnnd someone’s birthday is coming up.” A wide smile covered her cute face under her bed head messy bun. “Okay, okay,” She nodded. “But, it’s almost done so.” She turned the stove back on to finish up and was soon serving us. Sliding next to me, she sat staring at me with wide eyes. I could feel her mixed emotions. Chewing, I felt slightly uncomfortable with me finishing early yesterday and slipping up with “us”, I felt even more stress tense my shoulders. I glanced up at her, just as she looked down. ‘Just ask Y/N, just ask him. The worse he could say is no and then throw a tantrum.’ A chuckle left my lips at her thought. (Y/e/c) eyes found mine; “Can we, can we go out in the city today? And explore?” She asked. “It’s just that it looked so beautiful when we arrived, even though all the shops were closing up, but the lights made everything look so beautiful.” Y/N continued to ramble out of nervousness. But why was she nervous? I’d do anything for her. “Of course, Little One,” I said softly. She quickly shut her mouth and wore that adorable blushing smile. “Thank you.” She pressed a chaste kiss to my lips. “I hope you don’t mind, I-I picked out some clothes for you.” I followed her into the room where she opened the large closet. Her fingers ran along the various colored fabrics in awe. ‘I never had this many clothes before.’ A small thought popped into her mind. “I-If you don’t like, we can ret-” “It’s perfect!” She laughed. “You should shower first, I’ll be here awhile.”
I did as followed and when I got out of the shower, there were so many outfit choices displayed on the floor. Makers, she looked so cute sitting on her heels in my drowning tunic. I didn’t even realize I was staring until she let out a yelp. “You scared me, Kylo.” Her hand was placed over her heart. The corner of my lips tugged up; “Did you decide?” I asked her. “No, but I picked out an outfit for you. I hope you don’t mind.” Y/N peered up through her lashes and my chest tightened, I was unable to speak so I just nodded. With a bright smile, she jumped up and ran to the bathroom. Looking around, I saw what I figured was my outfit. Plain and simple; tan pants, brown belt, boots, and a cream deep-V tunic. After putting it on, I stood in the mirror looking over myself; it was colors I wasn’t fond of wearing, but I still looked pleasing. “You look great.” Y/N exited the bathroom in just a towel and went to figure out what to wear. All of this felt very...domestic. And a somber cloud fell over me as I thought about my parents; she would always dress him and I never thought someone would ever be doing this for me even if, we technically weren’t together. “Are you ok?” Her fingers ghosted down my arm. I turned to look at her eyes filled with worry, the same expression when she looked at the old faint scars that were scattered across my body. I nodded. “Did you find your outfit?” I asked. “Yes, just give me a few minutes.” A few minutes turned into thirty and me constantly asking if she was almost done. I might’ve sounded irritated but I really did enjoy this mundane task that occurred in most relationship. “I’m done.” Y/N rolled her eyes as she walked out, skirt brushing past her calves. I felt all my breath escape my body as the sun illuminated her and her (y/h/c) curls and beautiful glowing skin “Come on, let’s go.” She shooed. Stammering a little bit, it took me some time for my brain to catch up to what was going on. “O-Ok,”
Y/N fit me perfectly. The way her small, soft hands curved around mine as we walked down the cobblestone streets. Y/N’s eyes wandered everywhere pointing out the architecture, the culture, the vendors, the fashion. I couldn’t help the steady smirk that never seemed to leave my face. She just made me feel so happy. “Ah!” Her squeal caused me to jump. “This is the famous philosopher Hundor’s house!” Y/N become all giddy. “Do you want to go?” I asked. “Can we?” Her eyes widened. “It’s a museum and the tour is about to start.” I pointed at the sign. Soon, she was pulling me into the building and signing us up on the tour. “So, who is Hundor?” I whispered as we joined the tour. “Oh, my stars, Big One, how don’t you know who Hundor is?!” She exclaimed dramatically. “Training to be warrior, remember?” I knocked on the side of her head. “Oh yes, how could I forget the fiercest, problematic warrior the galaxy has seen.” She whispered. “Hundor is an amazing philosopher that dabbled in art, science, math, he just wanted to learn every and anything!” Her voice got a little too loud for excitement, that the tour guide was soon shushing us. It was like that for most of the time, Y/N talking, telling me her own fun facts about this great Hundor and how could I not listen her voice was alluring and she was terribly smart and funny. “Ma’am, please refrain from-” “I KNOW! Shhhh!” Y/N replied and I couldn’t help but laugh. “Sir, please.” The guide was now scolding me. He was tall, skinny, blonde, pale and bossy, reminding me so much of Hux. “Shhh!” Y/N shushed me before I covered her mouth before she could start giggling. She licked the palm of my hand, “Ew,” I wiped it on her skirt, Y/N slapped my hand before grabbing it. We, of course, caused more trouble, but I guess we were so good at hiding it, or the guide was absolutely over us, but he didn’t seem to mind. No one did really until Y/N began telling the guide he had the wrong facts. It was funny but problematic, but hilarious.
I actually did get her to stop at one point and wanted to see more of the artifacts that were apart of Hundor’s life, until. “Psst, look!” I turned to the whisper to see her standing atop a ladder. “I don’t think you’re supposed to be up there, Little One.” I moved closer bracing myself for if she fell. “They said Hundor used to jot his ideas on his wall and ceilings.” She began to peel at the chipping paint until she found what she was looking for. “IT’S TRUE!” Y/N shouted and the whole group turned to see us. “MA’AM, YOU CANNOT BE UP THERE” The guide yelled. “And are you…” He gasped “defiled the...GET OUT! BOTH OF YOU!” He screamed. Yes, he definitely reminded me of Hux. “I got it,” I told him. In one swoop, I hoisted her over my shoulder and carried her out of the home. Once outside, I settled her down; with her flats on, she was much smaller than me as she peered up with angry eyes and crossed arms. “Hey, don’t look at me like that, Little One. That was very un-teacher-like.” I said. She narrowed her eyes at me. “Hey, you started it, my little troublemaker.” The corner of her lip tried to fight the smile that was forming on her face. “Can’t have you mad, I don’t want you force-choking me,” I whispered and a giggle escaped her lips as she thought back to the night at the club. “Let’s see how we can make my girl happy,” I said looking around at something to do. But her thoughts were loud and clear going crazy that I called her ‘my girl’. But, what can I say, she was my girl. My one and only. “Excuse me,” I stopped an older man. “Where can I take someone as beautiful as her,” She hid her blush. “Who is terribly smart but likes to do her own thing.” The man pondered for a quick second. “The history museum down the road.” He told us, we bid our goodbyes and then we went off to the museum.
“This is better,” I said as a mass of people moved around us. Her eyes lit up as she looked around the entrances to all the halls. “I don’t know where to start.” She turned to look back at me. I extended my arm and opened my hand. “Anywhere you go, I’ll be right behind you.” She looked down as her breath hitched before she put her hand in mine and was pulling me off. I know I kept saying this, but stars is she smart! Y/N just knows so much and I don’t know where she keeps all of it. I let her lead the way as she told me about all the artifacts. And it seemed that I wasn’t the only one who was being pulled by her alluring self. People had begun to follow us to her surprise, not mine, who wouldn’t follow her? And every time she turned around, our eyes found each other and she sent me a bright smile. When the “tour” was done everyone surrounded her to thank her and ask more questions as I stood by watching like the doting...sugar daddy I was. Of course, the children that had participated had grown attached to her, as she kneeled to their height, began conversing and giving out stickers. “Woah, can I have a sticker?!” “I wish you were my teacher!” A chuckle escaped my lips, she’s such a teacher. “Excuse me, are with this young woman?” A short balding man tapped me lightly on the shoulder. I turned to see him cower back a little. “Um, um, um, I-I,” He began to stumble. I just looked at him already growing annoyed that he was taking my time away from staring at her, as creepy as that was. “I’m Boh Rosh, the director of this museum and I’ve never se-seen someone who knows so much and is comfortable around people!” Because clearly, he wasn’t. “I-I just wanted to know what she-” “She’s a teacher for the Re-REALLY, really poor group of people who are just dumb. She actually started a scholarship to help the kids.” I said, I almost let the Resistance slip, but honestly what I said was the same thing. “O-Oh! Now it makes sense, your wife is just amazing.” He looked over my shoulder at Y/N. My brows furrowed. “Wife?” I asked. “Yes, I saw you guys interacting during the tour. You must be newlyweds, they say some people have a hard time saying the new title because they’re still in shock.” He nervously chuckled. I turned back around and observed my “wife”; I loved her and even though I never entered her mind, I knew she felt something for me. But, no matter how much more I wanted, I would never get to give her a title she deserved. “Yeah, it’s our honeymoon.” I lied. “Well, Con-congratulations; I would like to ask her, but she seems to have a fanbase growing.” Mr. Rosh joked. “But, I was wondering if she would like to work here as a historian. Someone as knowledgeable as her, young and amiable would be a great addition.”
He continued to talk but I couldn’t hear from how loudly my heart was beating. A crooked smile found its way on my face; Y/N would love this! It was so her, this is what she went to school for, what she dreamed about, what she should’ve been if she didn’t follow that stupid friend of hers to the Resistance. “You two would have to relocate, possibly, but we’d set you up with a lovely home.” That sentence filtered through my many thoughts and it would be possible. She’d move here and work, I’d come and we’d have a home that overlooks the city and we’d have a yard for the kids. KIDS? I began to choke on my own spit. “Are you alri-ight sir?” He tentatively held up a hand and then put it back down. “Yes, yes, but I would love to say yes to your offer but it’s her decision.” The man nodded at my answer. “But, you can send over a proposition for her if you decide to donate to-” I began to give him the details on the datapad he had handed me. “Of course, of course, the museum would love to donate to such a great cause, they are our future by the way.” Mr. Rosh gleefully accepted the device. “Well, you have a lovely wife and it would be an honor if the two of you join us at our gala tomorrow night, it’s a ‘Heavenly Bodies’ masquerade.” He told me. “She’d love too.” I could only think about Y/N in a beautiful white gown with gold throughout her curls. “I mean, we-we’d love too.” A smile adorned his face. “Great, it’s a formal event. If anyone gives you a hard time just say you’re the personal guest of Boh Rosh and-oh wait! I never got your name.” It seemed like he stared at me forever as my mind ran a million light years a minute as it screamed ‘NOT BEN! NOT KYLO!’ until I was spitting out: “ANAKIN! My name is Anakin.” He didn’t fully believe me but he wouldn’t and couldn’t call me out. “An-and she… she’s Padme. We are Anakin and Padme… Ren...oloker. Anakin and Padme Renoloker.” If there was any time to slip and impale me with a lightsaber, it would be now. “Ok...well, it was nice meeting you Mr. Renoloker, I hope to see you two tomorrow.” He smiled and went on his way.
I turned to see Y/N still crouched, talking to more kids, if that was possible. Slowly I strode up behind her, my shadow letting her know, I was there. “Well, I have to go. But, have a great day and enjoy it.” She told them as the groaned because they didn’t want her to leave. “Sorry,” I shrugged awkwardly as some of them grilled me. Y/N just chuckled, pulling me away. “Let’s get something to eat.” I threaded my fingers through hers as she leaned her head on my arm. We decided on a nice outdoor bistro; we sat there enjoying the weather and the view. And by the view, I meant her. I was too busy admiring that face I didn’t feel the force warn me about something about to pull my hair. “Oh, don’t move.” Y/N smiled as her fingers worked to remove whatever it was. Looking to the side, I saw a chubby baby with the roundest everything giggling at Y/N. “I’m sorry,’’ The man holding her apologized. “It’s alright, hi cutie!” Y/N said and the baby’s features lit up. Apparently, Y/N had this effect on every age group. I sat and watched her play with the baby before they had to leave. “Do you want kids?” the question, even though I asked, caught me and her off guard. She choked on the drink she was sipping. After wiping her mouth, she answered: “Well, they say your students are basically your kids, so I already have them.” A smile formed on her plump lips as she thought of something. “But, when I was little, I wanted five boys in every color: black, white, red, green, and purple.” She laughed and I couldn’t help but to too. “Different colors...that’s new,” I said and she hit me. “But, boys; I can see you with a boy, he’d probably be all up under you.” She clearly liked that answer. “What about you, mister?” She turned it on me. I felt the heat rise in my cheeks as I nervously combed my hair out of my face. “I never told anyone this.” I coughed. “I know I should want a boy, you know carry the name and the legacy but-” “Wait,” She cut me off. “Are you telling me, Mr. Big Tough Man, wants a little princess?” Y/N said and I tried to stop the blush that was consuming me. “I know, I know; especially since the women in my family are very headstrong and have strong personalities,” I said. “And that’s exactly why I don’t want a girl!” Y/N laughed. “Yeah and I’m pretty sure her mother will be one too.” I looked her in the eye, but she avoided my gaze. “You don’t know that she could be someone soft, sweet, and loving.” She used adjectives that she didn’t believe was her, but if she could see through my eyes, they were.
Later that night, I made love for the first time. As I lied on top of the woman I loved, her (y/e/c) eyes seem to peer into me as I did the same. It felt so intimate almost as if our souls were connecting. Her hair laid strewn as she fisted sheets as I slowly rolled my hips into her. Sweat covered her body as she licked the sweat from her upper lip as another moan escaped her lips. My face was buried deep in her neck, trying everything to make us one. All I wanted was to fill her with life and watch it grow in all her beauty. My forearms began to tremble as I felt like I wasn’t going to last long. “Kylo,” She whimpered. “‘I’m about to cum.” She said. “Y/N, Y/N, Y/N” I repeated her name like a prayer as my lips found her neck. My left hand found hers and our fingers intertwined. “Cum with me,” I whispered in her ear. “Cum with me,” I repeated and she shook her head. I sped up my actions as I continued to repeat the phrase until we were both releasing to feel an out-of-body experience. This must be how stars are made, this is what it must feel like to be in love. I removed myself from her laid beside her. The humid, sex filled air circulated around us as we laid on the sheets that pressed against our sweat slickened skin. Slowly, I pulled her to lie on my chest as her arm lazily hung across my waist. In sync, our chest rose and fell together. I stared down at her and she looked up at me. There was something very familiar about this. “Why are you looking at me like that?” Y/N asked. “I...I’ve seen this before,” I told her. “Like a dream, but you were sleeping and you were more...plumper.” She arched her brow. “And you drooled on my chest and you kept apologizing.” A chuckle left her lips. “Now that sounds like me.” She smiled up at me. Makers, what I would do to see this every day for the rest of my life. But I would never tell her; she would never fall for someone like me.
P.S.: Or maybe not because this formatting is atrocious!
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girlwithwolftatoo · 6 years
Julian Devorak angst fanfic
Title: Good night, sweet princess
Characters: Dr Julian Devorak, the apprentice (likely)
Warning: dead character, light violence, a lot of angst for our poor doc.
Good night, sweet princess
All suffering originates from craving, from attachment, from desire.
-Edgar Allan Poe
It was a long time since the first time he entered the small, comfy room. In that time, the light had its realm in every part of the building, and the flowers decorated the tables, halls and even bedposts, making the place looks like a fairy tale painting, and there, in the middle of that living dream… was her.
She, the one with those brilliant, happy eyes. She, with the sweetest smile he had never seen. She, who was condemned to death because of that monstrous disease among the town, that unfair life-taking he was trying to fight, in vain he was afraid of.
Since the very first time, the young woman gave all her confidence to that always anxious, clumsy doctor who always brought her news from the distant world, stories of things he did and some inventions to keep her mind away from the suffering. The lovely creature heard him in blessed silence, curious as a child, laughing and screaming in delight every time he used his drama skills to tell tales and gossips.
“Oh, dear doctor!” –she yelled, trying to avoid the laugh tears dropping from her eyes –“You’re surely the best person in this town… Are you always the same with your other patients?”
Julian looked at her, figuring out what that strange smile, almost like a naughty grin, meant. Was she just asking an innocent question… or was that a spark of jealousy in her voice he noticed?
To avoid any dichotomy, Julian flexed his legs in front of the bed, kneeling before the girl, and murmured:
“You must know, my pet, the doctor’s duty is treat their patients as good as they can, but I must confess, with a certain sorrow in my soul, that you, glorious lady, are the only one who can please herself with my antics and recitals.”
She laughed as Julian took one of her hands. In that single moment, a silent cold hit the doctor’s skin, and glanced discreetly to the girl’s hand; it seemed normal, but those red circles around her fingertips… No, he thought, it was just his mind playing games, for he knew (and didn’t want to admit) that was the first signal of the last and worst part of the red plague.
Trying to smile, Julian rose his face, finding the young’s pretty close to his. His heart jumped as the girl came closer, until their noses were almost touching.
“Well, doctor Devorak…” -she whispered, her soft, warm breath caressing the doctor’s face –, “I’m more than pleased to hear that I am… the only one.”
She moved away, slowly, giving the doctor her most radiant, gorgeous smile as she fluttered her eyelashes softly. Julian swallowed hard, hiding his growing blush from her, feeling like everything in that moment –the wind, the sound of the street, even the time –stopped just for them, to carve that glorious gift into his soul.
But the next days all of his happiness vanished as his most beloved patient started to show the symptoms of the cruel disease. Suddenly every part of her skin was pale as a ghost but her fingertips and stomach, painted with an awful, dark red tone, announcing the future fatality. Julian tried to remain calmed in front of the girl, but he had a lot of experience with the plague, and he knew as soon as the red marks appeared on the flesh, the time rushes against the victim. When her sclerotic turned red, it was just a matter of hours to start with the pain, the most agonic, long pain he never witnessed, a complete torture for the body and mind that used to put the patients on their knees, begging for death; but that desire used to came just after hours, sometime days.
The third day since he noticed the red fingertips, the girl stopped moving from the bed. She was lying on the mattress, sometimes playing with her hair, but most of the time just looking at the bedroom with unfocused glare. Julian made his best to bring her to life, remembering how happy was she just a couple of weeks ago, but she just smiled and clapped her hands weakly.
“You are truly the best doctor and person in the world, doctor Devorak.” –she murmured with a raspy voice. She had eye bags and her lips were arid. Julian touched her forehead and felt the invasive fever consuming her.
“Alas, my princess, I think its time to rest. Be a good girl and take your medicine, will you? –he said, acting his voce as he was still playing.”
“As you command, doctor Devorak.”
“Please… You can call me Ilya.”
“Ilya? Such a weird nickname…” -she nodded and smiled, closing her eyes as she drank the med. –“But I like it. It fits you.”
The next afternoon, Julian stared at the most horryfing scene. There was no flowers in the bedroom, and the window was covered with a dark curtain; in the bed, the young girl smiled at him, almost sitting on the mattress, but even from that distance, the doctor saw the most feared sign: her left eye sclerotic was turning red. “Just a few hours” he thought, a few hours before the girl was crawling on the bedsheets, moaning and crying as the pain, the terrible pain, took the control of her soft, fragile body. And in that time, he wouldn’t do anything to help her, to save her…
“Good evening, princess” –he said, trying to not look worried as he was –“How’s been your day?”
“Oh, Ilya… I feel so tired, if just this stupid stomach ache wasn’t bothering me you’d be pretty sure I’ve being sleeping”. –she answered, playing with her hands. Julian swallowed and came close to her. He was about to tell her a gossip he heard on the street with his common acting mode, but she interrupted him from the beginning. He stared confused, it was the first time she did that.
“Ilya… Can I ask you a favor? Perhaps it’s too much but… if you could do it…” –her withered cheeks blushed softly.
“Whatever you want, my dear miss, I’m at your order” –he recited, hopping the fear in his voice wasn’t noticed by her.
“Would you… Would you please sit here… next to me?” –the girl murmured, hiding her face between her hands, so embarrassed Julian felt a sudden need to laugh and cover her face with happy kisses. As he wanted since a long time ago, since he met her.
The doctor sat just besides her, and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, resting her head in his left arm, closing her eyes and still smiling. Julian rose a hand an touched her cheek, caressing with tenderness despite he was wearing his leather gloves, listening her sighs (was it for the pain or for an intimate, secret pleasure? He wasn’t sure). His hand dropped over her chest, when he tried to feel her heart pounding, keeping that precious life attached to that cruel world.
“Can I tell you a secret?” –she asked suddenly. Their eyes met, Julian avoiding contact with the reddened one –“When I was a child, I used to dream with my… well, my wedding night”.
“Oh do you?” –he answered.
“Yes” –the girl smirked, a naughty glance in her eyes –“I know every woman dream with her wedding day, I didn’t. I used to think how comfy and beautiful the bedroom would be, and my gown as white as my bride’s dress… and just in that time I would receive a kiss, a true love kiss, far away from the eyes of the people, a kiss just for me”.
Julian nodded, his heart warmed for that delightful fantasy. Then the girl sighed.
“But I know it will never be. Because I’m dying, don’t I?”
The sudden, cold directness took Julian down. Of course she had to know, she wasn’t any fool, but hearing her talk about her death with such a disenchantment, almost melancholy, gave him a new view of the situation. That beautiful young girl, the one who laughed at his mummeries, who was there sharing a warm hug and a sweet secret, was going to die in the middle of the pain, her flesh covered by dark bruises, her eyes reddened, her mouth bleeding uncontrollably until her last minute. That image disgusted the doctor more than anything, and he closed his eyes, going in an inner talking with himself; if he just could do anything to avoid the torture of that beloved creature, if just…
A thought came to his mind, sparkling and gloriously macabre. He looked at his hands, pressing his fingers against his hand, listening the crunch of the leather… He was a doctor, by God’s sake, he wasn’t allowed to do… what he was thinking. But wasn’t true that the first duty of every doctor was stop the suffering from their patients and give them… peace?
Julian continued doubting, looking at his hands and at his patient, who was calmly curled against him. In a certain moment she dropped her arms, linking her hands as she was about to pray; she was completely vulnerable, at his will.
She coughed for a few seconds and Julian saw a few blood drops coming out of her mouth and staining her white gown. It was the signal he needed to take courage and do what he had to do.
Carefully, Julian wrapped one of his arms around the young girl’s chest, hugging her tight as his other hand traveled through her hair, curling in it as he reached her face, touching her cheeks and lips. She jumped in that moment, but didn’t try to push the doctor’s hand away. His other hand caressed her throat, and she sighed at the touch of the gloved fingers. Both trembled, she with a secret pleasure, he with fear. It was the time.
“Please, forgive me” he thought. Just one second later, as fast and precise as he was, grabbed his patient’s neck squeezing it hard as his other hand covered her mouth and nose, leaving no space for air.
It took her a few second to react, and she stared kinking and grunting, trying to look at the doctor with the confusion and terror in her glare. Julian closed his eyes, he knew that if he stared at her eyes he will never have the strength to finish his job. He felt her carotid beating fast against his fist, her heart rushing and her whole body shaking. Her hands went to his and scratched hard, but didn’t work for he was protected by the gloves, and when she reached his face, leaving three red lines with her nails, he didn’t make a single sound.
Soon, her struggling became slower, her hands grabbed him by the wrists without any force, her eyes fogged as the life escaped from her. Then her hands dropped at her sides, her body just had a few more jerks and finally, she became quiet and loose. Yet, the doctor kept his grip for a minute more to be sure, and then his hands loosened and put the girl’s body over the bed. A small tear sparkled in her right eye, her lips were parted, but besides the red marks on her neck that could be mistaken as the plague’s signs, she looked like she was sleeping, although Julian knew it was half truth. She was finally sleeping the eternal dream.
In that moment, the doctor started to cry with a painful moaning as he hugged his beloved patient, hiding his face in her collarbone, shaking as he was prey of a horrifying torture.
“I’m sorry!” he cried, kissing her cheeks and nose and shoulders “I’m so sorry!” His lips caressed her hair and hands, and every single part of uncovered skin, until he took her lips on his for a last goodbye kiss.
Julian got up from the bed and fixed the girl’s body, putting her hands together over her chest, covering her with the blankets and closing her lips. He knew that, in the time he abandon that bedroom and say the bad news to her parents, his soul would be devastated, and his heart empty of anything but guilt and sorrow. This wasn’t just another victim of his incompetence, another mistake to his list, it was much more.
“Good night, sweet princess”, he said before closing the door behind him.
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sushigirlali · 6 years
Lollipop (Reylo Fanfic)
Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars or anything that relates to Star Wars.
Rating: E
Continuity: Modern AU
A/N: This one-shot is dedicated to @saturnine-stardust for her adorable take on the Aria Grande lollipop meme! She’s a great artist and you guys should definitely check out her work! Somehow this fic ended up being super dirty, so mind the rating! 😀 Enjoy!
Master list –> sushigirlali’s Reylo fanfiction 
Lollipop By: sushigirlali
“I can’t believe you made me leave the house like this,” Ben grumbled, automatically holding the door open for his girlfriend as they exited the local corner store. “I can barely walk straight!”
“You promised me breakfast,” Rey reminded him as she stepped onto the sidewalk, absently tugging down the hem of her oversized baby blue sweatshirt.
Ben eyed the black logo emblazoned across her left shoulder with a wry smile. Although they hadn’t attended school at the same time, their respective colleges held a long-standing rivalry that went back to their founding over a hundred years ago.
Having thrown on his favorite collegiate shirt after getting out of the shower this morning, he was pretty sure she’d worn the old hoodie just to annoy him. Among the many things Rey and Ben had in common, ribbing each other about their choice of university was a favorite pastime of the longtime couple.
“And you promised to protect me from those hooligans you call friends!” he shot back playfully, yanking the hood of his jacket over his baseball cap to block out the early morning sun.
“Hey, blame your own competitive streak, not me,” she replied dryly, pressing the crosswalk call button. “You didn’t have to play fifteen rounds of beer pong with them.” 
“How are they so good at handling their alcohol anyway? Do they both share the same hallow leg?” Ben chuckled at his own joke, taking a swig from his water bottle while they waited to cross. After the ridiculous amount of beer he’d imbibed the night before, hydration was key to a swift recovery.
“Finn and Poe were in the same frat, so they’re total pros at the whole drinking game thing,” Rey reminded him. “So, maybe don’t challenge them next time?”
“That’s probably wise,” Ben sighed. “I’m never going to live this down, am I?”
“Nope!” she sang, reaching into the front pocket of her sweatshirt. “Here, this will make you feel better!”
Ben watched as she unwrapped a lime green lollipop.
“Go on, take it,” she cajoled, holding up the brightly colored candy. “It’s green apple, your favorite.”
“I’m not really in the mood for—mmph!” he broke off as Rey shoved the round ball of sugar between his lips.
Giggling at his miffed look, Rey popped a cherry red lollipop into her own mouth. “Well?”
“It’s good, I guess,” Ben mumbled around the sucker, the crisp apple flavor making his taste buds sing.
“Just good?”
“Okay, better than good,” he grudgingly admitted. If nothing else, he was honest to a fault. “How’d you know green apple is my favorite, anyway?”
“I’m a mind reader,” Rey teased, smiling when his fingers slid through hers despite his harried tone.
“Yeah, yeah, but—”
“No buts!” she interrupted, tugging him into the road as the little walking man signaled it was safe to cross. “I’m starving!”
Allowing his lady to pull him along to the public parking lot across the street, Ben helped her into his huge black Suburban before coming around to the driver’s side and climbing behind the wheel.
“Since I’m not getting out of breakfast and back into bed,” Ben bantered, holding the paper stem of his lollipop between his fingers like a cigarette as he started the engine, “where would you like to go?”
“Maz’s, of course,” Rey said, idly crunching on her cherry treat as she buckled her seatbelt.
“But that’s all the way out in Takodana!” he complained, smoothly backing out of the parking lot and into traffic.
“Don’t worry, baby, I’ll make it worth your while,” she promised.
“Oh, yeah?” Ben raised an inquisitive brow, already turning down a side street that led to the road out of town.
Teasing aside, they both knew that Ben would give Rey anything she asked for, especially when it came to food. He was forever trying to make up for her desolate childhood in the foster care system, even taking up cooking lessons and buying a subscription to Blue Apron just to make homemade meals for her, much to Rey’s amusement and not-so-secret pleasure.
“Yeah,” Rey smirked, prying the long fingers of his right hand off the steering wheel and bringing them to her breast. “It’s a thirty-minute ride to Takodana, so I thought we could have a little fun.”
“What are you—?” Ben stuttered, dropping the sticky lollipop onto the black floor mat in surprise. “Rey, where’s your bra?!”
“On our bedroom floor where you tossed it last night,” she purred. “We were too drunk to do much more than undress at the time, but I’ve been thinking about fucking you since I woke up naked in your arms this morning.”
“Jesus, Rey,” he breathed, instantly hardening at her whispered words; he loved it when she talked dirty to him. Fingers contracting around her soft mound, Ben zeroed in on her hard-tipped nipple, rolling and pinching it between his thumb and index finger until she was squirming in her seat.
Sighing prettily, Rey stretched like a cat under the tantalizing pressure. “I love the feel of your hands on me.” She waited a beat, savoring his touch, before dragging his hand down her body. “Would you like to see how much?”
“Did you…did you leave your panties at home too?” he said in a strangled voice.
“Hmm…I don’t remember,” Rey said coyly. “Can you check for me?”
“Rey, we shouldn’t…”
“Why not?”
“Because we’re in a moving vehicle?” Ben said gruffly, trying to fight against his baser urges. “We could crash.”
“No, we won’t. I trust you,” she assured him.
“Please touch me, Ben,” she tempted, caressing the back of his hand. “I know you won’t let anything happen to us.”
“Dammit, Rey, this is so dangerous…” Ben said roughly, but he couldn’t seem to stop himself from slipping his hand between her smooth thighs; that pleading look on her face was just too enticing.
Glancing nervously at the road every few moments, Ben sucked in a harsh breath as he delved under her sweatshirt. Finding her bare beneath the garment, Ben tunneled his fingers through her neatly trimmed thatch of curls, tracing the seam of her pussy with calculated restraint.
“Oh!” Rey gasped in response, spreading her legs wider as he toyed with her. “Ben!”
Separating her tender folds, he massaged her tight opening lightly. “Is this what you want? Or do you want my fingers inside you?”
“Yes! Please!”
“Yes to the first question or…?”
“Ben Solo, I swear to god!” she growled threateningly.
Grinning at her heated reply, Ben gently penetrated her slick entrance, groaning as her wet flesh parted for his thick middle finger. “You’re so wet!” he said appreciatively, twisting his wrist as he pushed deeper.
“I can’t help it!” Rey confessed, clutching at his sleeve. “We haven’t been able to make love in days and I’ve been going crazy!”
Maintaining a death grip on the steering wheel with his free hand, Ben added a second finger, curling them in a come-hither motion while his thumb found her pulsing clitoris. “Did you touch yourself last night? Wishing I was coherent enough to satisfy you?”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart,” Ben said sincerely, gliding in and out of her with practiced skill, “but I’m here now.”
Traffic was thinning out as they neared the exit to the expressway, so Ben chanced a longer glance at his lover. Body tense, head thrown back, eyes shut firmly against the blinding pleasure he was giving her…damn, she was beautiful. She was everything he could ever ask for in a partner and more, and somehow, she loved him. Sometimes he still couldn’t quite wrap his head around it.
“Ben! I’m so close!” Rey said excitedly, sitting up straighter as he continued to finger her, bending her knees and lifting her feet to rest on the edge of the seat.
The position opened her up to him ever more as the sweater fell away from her thighs, and Ben was suddenly, exceptionally glad for the illegal tint on his windows. He’d been working on his possessive tendencies over the last few months, but the thought of anyone else seeing Rey in such a vulnerable state was disturbing.
“Baby, please,” Rey begged, lifting her hips in time with the motion of his hand.
“What do you need?” he rasped.
“Harder! Faster!”
Ben redoubled his efforts, vigorously rubbing her clit as he thrust a third digit into her honeyed depths, enjoying the way her voice cracked as he filled her. “That’s it, sweetheart,” he encouraged, “fall over the cliff; I’ll catch you.”
Rey began to shake as she neared completion, tossing her head from side to side against the headrest, simultaneously trying to pull away and get closer to his searching fingers. And then she was tipping over the precipice, screaming his name in a riot of pleasure before collapsing against his side.
Ben curved his arm around her shoulders as she came down, pulling her closer. “How do you feel?”
“Amazing,” she whispered, nuzzling against his bicep. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Ben said. “Now that you’re—ah—Rey?”
“Yes?” she said innocently.
“What are you doing?”
“Nothing…” Rey said, skating her fingertips up his broad thigh to the tie of his gray sweatpants.
“Hmm?” she murmured, already sliding her hand into his pants and under the band of his black silk boxers.
Ben managed not to jerk the wheel as she grasped his hard member, but only just. “Fuck!”
“Oh, baby, you must be in so much pain,” she baited, gently stroking him from tip to hilt.
“You have no idea,” he gritted out.
“No?” Rey pulled back, hooking her fingers in his waistband. “Let’s see what we can do about that then. Lift your hips.”
After a brief hesitation, Ben carefully took his foot off the gas and lifted away from the driver’s seat, allowing Rey to tug his pants down far enough to free his arousal. He was too far gone to deny her at this point, regardless off his misgivings, and they both knew it.
“Good boy,” she said approvingly, wrapping both hands around him this time. Rey let out an appreciative whistle as he grew impossibly harder in her grasp, adrenaline mixing with their natural chemistry to create a perfect storm of love and lust. “Damn.”
“Like what you see?” Ben murmured.
“You know I do.” Rey licked her lips, stealing his focus away from the road again.
Hell, who are you kidding? Ben thought fondly. She’s been districting me since day one.
Having grown up as the son of a prominent politician, Ben was used to minding his manners in public. But the more he made love with Rey, the more he wanted her; regardless of the appropriateness of time or location. If fanciful things like soulmates and kindred spirits really existed, Rey was definitely his.
“Don’t miss the entrance,” she reminded him wryly when he continued to stare at her.
“Shit!” Snapping back to attention, Ben quickly boarded the on-ramp and merged onto the empty freeway. “Wow, that was a close—oof!” he grunted as Rey suddenly unbuckled her seatbelt and scrambled over the middle console to straddle his lap.
“Rey!” he protested, caging her in as he grabbed the steering wheel with both hands to avoid running off the road.
“Keep driving,” she said huskily, lifting up to align their bodies. “I’ll do all the work.”
“Rey, I don’t think—oh, fuck!” Ben rumbled as she impaled herself on his thick erection.
“Ben!” she whimpered, rocking back and forth until he was fully seated inside her sticky heat.
Knuckles turning white on the controls, Ben barely resisted the urge to close his eyes as Rey made love to him. “You feel so good!” he choked.
“So do you!” Rey bit her lip, shifting so slowly that Ben could only classify her movements as sensual torture. “I love you, baby.”
“I love you too!” Ben palmed her left buttock, needing to touch her despite the risk.
Rey moaned as he kneaded her supple skin, bracing her knees on the seat and her hands on his broad shoulders so that she could rise up and down more quickly.
“Do you know why green apple is my favorite flavor?” Ben asked, recalling the lollipop now taking up residence on the floorboard.
“No!” Rey panted, grinding down against him.
“It’s because you tasted like green apple the first time we kissed,” he said hoarsely, shockwaves rocketing up his spine as she twisted her hips. “You had just downed an appletini at—”
“Mos Eisley Cantina,” Rey supplied, looping her arms around his neck. “Wow, I can’t believe you remember that.”
“Why wouldn’t I?” Ben said tenderly. “You mean everything to me.”
Rey froze for space of seconds, staring at him with her heart in her eyes, and then she was kissing the breath out of him, melding their lips and bodies and souls together with a fervor that scorched him. Pulling over before he lost his mind altogether, Ben quickly threw the car into park and discarded his seatbelt.
“Baby, baby, I need you to—ah!” Rey gasped as he dragged her sweatshirt over her head and half-swallowed her right breast.
Suckling her plump nipples in turn, Ben circled her waist, matching Rey’s rhythm and driving her toward a second climax with every powerful thrust of his hips.
“Come on, sweetheart,” he urged, starting to lose his grip as her sheath clamped down on his cock so tightly he thought he might faint from the pleasure of it.
“I’m almost—I—”
As Rey’s exquisite body danced before him, it finally dawned on Ben that he was still mostly clothed while she was completely nude. Enthralled by the dichotomy, he reached between their bodies to caress Rey’s sopping core, strumming her clit and sucking her nipples until her back arched and she was crying out in supplication.
“Ben!” she whined. “I’m—I’m coming! Oh, god! I’m—Ben!”
Her release triggering his own, Ben crushed her against him, burying his face in her sweetly scented hair as he floated on a cloud of physical and emotional satisfaction. There was no one else like her in all the world, no one else who could match him. After years of fending off debutants and gold-diggers, Ben knew that he had finally found the one.
Damn, he was lucky.
“Are you okay?” Rey queried, running her fingers through his hair in the aftermath. “Still feeling hungover?”
“Between you and the car horn I’m a little deaf now, but other than that…” he teased, trailing his fingers up and down her smooth back. “I feel right as rain, sunshine.”
“Oh my god! I didn’t even realize I was pressing against it!” Rey laughed, impishly pecking him on the lips. “I guess things got a little out of hand.”
“A little?” Ben said sardonically, indicating their state of undress. “The party last night was a little out of hand. What we just shared was out of this world.”
“Cosmic,” she agreed happily, snuggling against his firm chest. “And you know what I want now?”
“More?” he leered.
“You’re still thinking about food?” Ben said in mock indignation, leaning down to pry the dirty green lollipop off his pristine floor mat and pointing it at her accusingly. “I give you all I have to give while trying not to crash the car and—”
Rey silenced him with a kiss, taking the sucker out of his hand and tossing it into an empty cup holder. “Feed me and we can spend the rest of the day in bed.”
“Well, if that isn’t the best deal I’ve heard all day,” Ben grinned, helping her back into her own seat before setting their clothing to rights. “It’s a shame you have to put that old hoodie back on though, you look so much better without it.”
“I’m sure,” Rey retorted, rolling her eyes. “Now, let’s eat!”
Later, when they were finally seated at Maz’s diner and Rey was diving into a mountain of pancakes and bacon, Ben couldn’t help but think that burnt toast and runny eggs had never tasted so good.
A/N: First of all: don’t have sex and drive, friends! Cause you will crash and you will die! Second of all: thanks for indulging me and reading my little smutty fic! I have a tone of other Reylo fics, so please check them out as well! 
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horrorgay · 6 years
Reylo is/has ruined the Sequels
Hot take: TLJ both story level and writer level used reylo to make every single character removed from their initial storyline and undercut any potentially meaningful representation, by pushing them to the far sides of the narrative to make room for a “Rey saves Ben Solo redemption” story. 
It also, in order to make Ben Solo a more #relatable soft boy, played the game of “but maybe Luke thought about killing him”.
A. To begin, here is a list of canonical TFA!Kylo actions:
Ruined Luke’s attempts at teaching children how to use the force
Contributed greatly to the creation of the New Genocidal Order, the First Order.
An Order which, by the way, takes literal babies and brainwashes them into soldiers that will commit their genocide without question. 
Ordered and contributed to the slaughter of an entire village of innocent people.
Tortured two of the three main characters on SCREEN, which caused them to scream in agony and sob because it was a painful torture. 
(Throughout the movie is clearly hostile towards Rey, even when talking about her to his fellow first order members)
Sent the orders to obliterate four (?) ENTIRE planets and oversaw it without even flinching
Tried to blow up Maz’s castle
Purposefully intimidated and stalked Rey through the forest, after which he held her VERY CLEARLY against her will with the force and brought his lightsaber inches away from her face before forcing her to pass out, carrying her away from her new loved ones to torture her on Starkiller Base. 
From there he is shown to be continuously destructive, exhibiting no anger control as he damages the things around him.
He kills Han, who reached out to him. Though he does seem to show regret, he shoves it aside because he wants to continue to grow as a powerful murderer.
In the forest fight, he shows no mercy or kindness to Rey and Finn. He is brutal as he fights them, and intends to kill Finn, seriously harming him in the process. He throws Rey against a tree with potentially lethal force. I wouldn’t say this scene is inherently EVIL as it is just 1v2 combat, but it does further display that they are clearly on OPPOSITE SIDES.
He then offers to teach Rey to use the dark side of the force (not explicitly stated but obviously in the same GENOCIDAL manner he’s been using it with the entire movie).
She slashes his face and leaves him to die, and then SOBS by Finn’s side, ready to die on Starkiller Base.
Rey, throughout the whole movie shows CLEAR disgust, fear, anger and bitterness was towards Kylo as he has been nothing but a monster. (You can SEE them in the gifset linked below.)
B. Here is the thing about The Last Jedi:
If they wanted to make Kylo a “redeemable character”* they should have done at least one of the following things, EVEN THOUGH it absolutley would not undo his actions in TFA
*Its not Rey’s fucking job to turn back time and make a genocidal monster turn back into 10 year old innocent Ben Solo
Build Snoke up as an even worse bad guy, and show how he reached out to Kylo while he stayed with Luke.
What they did in tlj: implied snoke had some reason in his turn to the dark side and then killed him halfway through the movie (after Kylo watched him torture Rey, mind you). This provided NO in movie backstory for Snoke or Kylo‘s turn and does not give the audience even an once of sympathy for Kylo.
No one likes it but reylos, but at least SHOW if Han and Leia had been incredibly neglectful of Kylo. It would be very OOC of Han and Leia though, so they didn’t. It also would not NEARLY be enough reason to excuse his murder lust and genocide. I remind you of the classic “Rey is raised by sand and Unkar Plutt, does not become murderer.” 
What they did in tlj: Basically ignored this entire subject. Sending Kylo to Luke, HIS UNCLE WHO LOVES HIM, is not nearly enough evidence or reason for redemption. Hell, they didn’t even directly address the fact that Kylo murdered Han A WEEK BEFORE THE MOVIE TAKES PLACE.
BARE MINIMUM: Show that he is actively remorseful of his previous actions. 
What they did in tlj: He hesitates shooting the bridge he knows Leia is on. He doesn’t call off the attack though, and it still is destroyed. That’s it. The rest of the movie is Kylo playing kicked puppy in front of Rey (bc of the Luke Incident). After the fight scene on the bridge, where Rey is hopeful (addressed later on) he will reject the first order, he says she could rule as the new first order by his side. When she rejects this, he spends the rest of the movie trying to obliterate the entire resistance (INCLUDING: Leia, Luke and Rey). Like he’s straight up even more wrathful and murderous than he was when the story began.
Conclusion: It doesn’t make sense at all that both inside the story, and out (with Lucas Film) Kylo can/should be redeemed. They didn’t write it into the story NEARLY WELL ENOUGH. And it is also tone deaf, considering the political climate. Imagine if everyone started cheering for Trump the under dog, “will he get his redemption story?”. 
In the beginning of the movie roughly a week after the events on Starkiller base, Rey shows clear anger and disgust towards Kylo. This part of the movie makes sense. She hates him for what he’s done. In her words: he’s a monster, and he has to pay for what he’s done. 
Kylo has been nothing but violent, malicious and invasive to both her and the people she loves (Finn, Han, Leia etc.). 
But then, inexplicably she starts calling him Ben Solo. Maybe this would make sense if she felt like he could be redeemed, but five minutes ago and the entire previous movie she thinks the exact opposite. 
Rey calling Kylo “Ben Solo” seems more than anything to be the writers of TLJ pandering the side of the audience that does want to see him redeemed still. Sure, whatever. It’s the beginning of the movie. Anything could happen. 
But as stated before in section B, any potential attempts to portray Kylo being redeemed in the plot are then neglected completely. Leaving us with Rey, who previously hated Kylo with every fiber of her being suddenly treating him like he’s soft and kind-hearted. It becomes OOC drivel, and detrimentally ruins the heart of Rey’s character. (It also fumbles Luke’s character in what apparently is his last movie, but that’s a whole other rant.) 
After the throne room, they go back to their original status of Hero vs Villain. Still, it doesn’t change the fact that the 45 minutes (more?) of the movie made No God Damn Sense, and was a series of severe fumbles in the narrative. 
Recall that in the year before 2015 and the years following up until the Last Jedi, that Lucas Film and Disney presented what was supposed to be the main good guys trio: Finn, Poe and Rey. 
Finn, played by John Boyega, is the Main Male Protagonist and Rey and Finn were mutually portrayed as love interests in TFA. It would seem fitting that he’d continue to be treated in such a manner. Except he CLEARLY wasn’t. For goodness sakes, the main trio STILL is not consciously in the same room as each other until the VERY end of the movie in a few-minute long scene. 
His storyline also has pretty racist issues. Rose was introduced to give a vague purpose to his storyline in TLJ, and even then SHE was OOC from star to finish. Rian Johnson did not take his time to write a meaningful story for the MALE LEAD. 
I love Poe to death, but he and Holdo’s story did not really work. From a purely common sense POV the story should not have gone down the way it did. From a less common sense view, and a more character based one, their storyline caused Poe to be OOC. The heavy handed white feminism looks bad. It made Poe look bad, even if what he did was reasonable. (More in depth explanations here and here.)
The narrative was given to Kylo, and to (OOC) Rey. Which WOULD HAVE BEEN NOT IDEAL BUT TOLERABLE if they’d actually given depth to Kylo’s story. But again the didn’t.
Rian Johnson has been explicitly clear in his tweets and interviews that he wanted to focus on Kylo. He wanted to make him more human and relatable (regardless of whether or not he failed). 
He has been clear that he did not care or take into account what the cast thought of the story he was writing. 
(Ignoring Mark Hamill’s advice on the portrayal of Luke, pushing aside Daisy Ridley’s tears [which let’s be real, it’s fairly evident that she was upset because Finn and Rey had no story nor interactions, and Rey was turned into an OOC plot device].)
He had joked that he would have left Finn out of the story and in a coma. He also unabashedly romanticized Rey and Kylo’s actions, despite that being VERY VERY VERY VERY QUESTIONABLE. 
He teased FinnPoe in promos and events leading up to TLJ, and decided that if Finn and Poe were going to get a long and like each other, he might as well separate them too. 
The Last Jedi leaves any representation deeply flawed, sidelined or non-existent. It is not a movie for the everyone. It is a poorly written movie made for an audience I can’t even pinpoint, but certainty not for anyone who wanted to see themselves in a narrative in a positive way. 
Star Wars has always belonged to everyone. In 2015, the took a step forward to make it belong to everyone. But in 2017, Lucas Film moved backwards and made a movie that belonged to a specific group of people who idolize and romanticize white male violence. Once you pull down the paper thin smoke screen of supposed diversity, you’re left with a bad movie, and poorly assembled narrative about Kylo, at the expense of everyone: the audience, the cast, and the characters.
Feel free to reblog, and repost elsewhere, but please credit me. 
Please, feel free to expand upon what I said here.
I am going to make a gifset that highlights Kylo’s actions and Rey’s response through TLJ and TFA, as well as an additional set with Rey and Finn. I will link them here when I’m done.
DISCLAIMER: IDGAF IF YOU LIKE KYLO. It’s not a crime to like characters. It is a fucking crime to write an official star wars trilogy and center it around the garbage man stink boy at the expense of everyone else.
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