#planning on making a full fic based off of this headcanon backstory
quitefair · 10 months
From Sea to Shore: A Josephine Montilyet lore/meta project
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Hi, hello. I suppose introductions are in order.  
My name is Meera and I am a fan (derogatory) of Dragon Age. Have been since 2014, the moment my ears heard the Dragon Age Inquisition theme. (I’m a sucker for soundtracks, I can count on my hand the number of interests I’ve dived into solely because of the soundtrack.)
The reason I’m so fascinated with Dragon Age, as with many people on this site and beyond are, is because of the rich and complex lore that is contained within the world of Thedas. Whether it be within the games themselves, or the massive catalogue of supplemental media – books, comics, short stories published online, the massive hardcover bible of The World of Thedas, etc.
I think you can see where I’m going with this.
Dragon Age is known for… well. Not putting shit into their game. Which is arguably, the most important part of Dragon Age. Yknow. The games? Couple this with the fact that the writers are known to retcon things left right and centre… leaving fans with a, if you don’t mind my language, piss poor understanding of anything beyond surface level.
Now I’m not going to argue semantics about topics that I am clearly not qualified to talk about. I’m still learning things. So while I do read some absolutely delightful discussions on the Mage-Templar war, Tranquility, the Dalish, the Qun… I’m not qualified enough to write proper discussions on these serious and interesting topics.
Instead, I’m armed with having read too many books and watched too many shows. So, what I can do is to look at characters within Dragon Age that I have an unhealthy obsession with, and try to make sense of their stories.
And guess who I’ve decided to start talking about first?
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I’m gonna start off by mentioning that I haven’t done anything like this before. My only credentials are having been unhealthily obsessed with this game franchise for coming onto 9 years now, and owning The World of Thedas 2. Which I haven’t read in its entirety. (Bioware please… put your motherfucking lore in your games, im beggin…) But I have been researching a lot of things recently while planning a frankly quite complicated Dragon Age fic, and after reading a lot of very well written meta on tumblr, and also realizing I enjoy writing my own, I thought I’d take a stab at it myself.
One of the main things I’ve been researching is Josephine and her backstory. On a surface level, it is easy to love her. She’s kind and sweet and absolutely adorable. Her romance fuels my entire existence. She is my Wife and I love her character to the ends of the earth.
But as with a lot of the characters newly introduced in Inquisition, she suffers from a scattered plot, a very superficial stance in the political scheme of things (despite being the political ambassador of Inquisition??? hello???), and is often reduced to several one-dimensional tropes that grate on my nerves.
I’m not discrediting people who enjoy her character as it is. Hell, I spent years loving her story as it is. But I am doing this as an aspiring writer and lover of stories, and a lover of complex, nuanced characters. I see Josephine as a character, much like many others in Dragon Age, who has so much potential to be more. I also see her story in the base game as being quite solid in itself, but is presented in a very scattered, messy way, that you as a player character, might not understand the full impact of.
This series is going to be equal parts laying down the lore of Josephine and the Montilyet family, in a way that people can easily understand and build their own meta and headcanons off, and also for me to speculate and build on my own meta that I’ve been working on. I’m not sure how many parts it’s going to be, we’ll take things as they come.
If you’ve made it this far, kudos for listening to this dude ramble for a thousand words. The real shit comes in a bit. Hope you enjoy.
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(Josie in this picture is so me coded when I’m ranting in my Word document so I had to leave this here.)
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ckret2 · 10 months
I’m a little curious in a previous post talking about flatland Bill says color wasn’t banned. Is color also something they can change like flatland, or are they born with it like skin? If they are born with it is does it also apply to the hierarchy, or is it just going to be based off of sides only? If they aren’t born with it, and it’s like clothing are there certain colors no one can be? Like how only important people could wear purple, so only circles can be purple? I watched a Flatland movie animation which I think is the right movie? I had no clue what was going in, but hope to get the book someday. Also since they have eyes at the edge of their bodies did they change it to the center when they left the 2nd dimension, or whatever happened. Is hugging with a line kind of awkward? I feel like it would be super easy to accidentally hug their face too. Sorry if this is a lot of questions I’m just very curious
(Before I say anything else, since you said you wanna get the book, I'm gonna drop this link on you!! Since Flatland is in the public domain, it's legally available for free through Project Gutenberg! And it's got the original illustrations too. Go forth and read Flatland. It's a fascinating little mix of geography lesson + sci-fi + social satire + cosmic horror. I haven't watched any of the movie adaptations yet, so idk how true they are to the book.)
I assume you're talking about this post! Now, this IS a work-in-progress fic, so some of my headcanons about Bill's backstory & home world are subject to change as I write and figure out what ideas would potentially work best. But so far my plans are thus:
In Bill's home dimension, shapes are naturally born with colors—the same way humans are born with different eye, skin, and hair colors; or (perhaps a more apt comparison to account for the wide variety), the way that a flower can potentially bloom with any color of the rainbow depending on its genes. And shapes CAN give themselves different colors, in the same way that humans can get tattoos or makeup.
Just like humans, changing their color could imply something about the person (for instance, in the same way that humans society makes different assumptions about somebody with purple lipstick and skeleton tattoos versus somebody wearing a full face of subtle natural-looking makeup), but in most places you're not gonna find any laws about what you can slap on your skin.
I've mentioned in another post that I choose to interpret Flatland as like Bill's home world, but not the same as Bill's home world—and in particular, it would be an absolutely terrible resource to learn about his world's society and politics. The original Flatland is a satire of Victorian-era beliefs about gender, disability, and social class, and it's great at being that; but I'm writing a fanfic in 2023 and I'm not interested in using Bill's backstory to comment on Victorian-era beliefs. I want to use Bill's backstory to comment on UFO cults, spiritual con artists, child celebrities, and gifted kid burnout. Those themes don't really call for society-wide anxiety over the physical markers of social status; the extreme dehumanization of the disabled; or a very rigid class system with limited opportunities for advancement. So I doubt I'll explore those elements in my version of Bill's home world.
So, yes—in Bill's world, a resourceful line could shade her ends to make herself look like a circle from the side. Exactly the same way that, in our world, a drag king could use makeup contouring to mimic a more "masculine" bone structure and eyeshadow to mimic beard stubble and then go to a drag show wearing a priest costume. In Flatland and in Victorian England, a line contoured like a circle/drag king in a priest costume would be outrageous and unacceptable. In Bill's world and in our 2023 society, the people who are offended by such a performance are on the losing side of history and screaming impotently as their influence dies, and you can go see a drag king priest and it's fine. You can even be a drag king priest. I believe in you. ✨
And since I'm having shapes be born different colors, I don't plan on having any association between specific colors and a hierarchical ranking. I'm not interested in recreating racism & colorism in fantasy math shape land.
Just to give you a sense of how much of Flatland's society I'm willing to throw out, I'm not even sold on whether I'm going to keep the triangle-to-circle shape hierarchy. If I do keep it, I'll be treating it the same way I'd treat other elements of Flatland's Victorian satire: like it might have been true ages ago but by Bill's time things have changed. Maybe there's still an informal hierarchy and you've still got a system in place that keeps the poor poor and the rich rich BUT it's much less formalized/codified than it was a few generations ago and there are more and more people who see these social forces as an unjust system—so for instance, maybe you still see more circles than triangles in politics because they come from families with old money that were already powerful a century ago, but if somebody unironically says "circles SHOULD be leaders because they're naturally morally and intellectually superior," it smacks of eugenics and nobody trusts that guy.
But I also might just... not keep the shape hierarchy and not keep the "each generation gets closer to a circle" worldbuilding at all. (I've already joked in another post about making Bill's dad a rhombus with no explanation just to confuse the people who have read Flatland.)
What's most likely, though, is that I just won't say anything for OR against the existence of a shape hierarchy, because it's just not something likely to come up based on the themes I'm writing about lmao.
Yes, I assume that (at least most of) the few shapes that survived from Bill's dimension eventually relocated their eyes "inside" their bodies, like he did, as part of adapting to live in 3D space. "Magic? Surgery? Divine intervention?" IDK—the exact mechanisms of how they did this body modding isn't a plot point I'm likely to explore. Bill made the change very quickly and immediately, because he WANTED to explore the third dimension and wanted a body that better accommodated that, and also because destroying his dimension came with a huge power boost and so he could just change himself like that. Guys like Kryptos or Hectorgon probably had to do it another slower way.
There might be other surviving shapes out there who didn't join Bill's crew, and some of them might still keep their eyes on their sides, so it's not a mandatory or universal change. But at least the shapes Bill still hangs out with apparently thought it was a good idea.
I feel like a human asking "is hugging with a line kind of awkward" is sort of like a snake asking "is hugging with humans awkward? Since they can't wrap each other up with their whole body? Like, that's gotta be limiting, right?" From a snake's perspective, humans hugging might be limited, but humans don't think so because we don't conceptualize hugging the same way that snakes do, and we invented the act of hugging in a way that's convenient to us; and from a human's perspective, hugging a line might be awkward, but shapes don't think so because getting your arm around a long flat surface is the normal way of hugging to them. They're just used to it. And also used to not squashing each other's faces. Unless it's a really tight hug.
Now, ALL OF THE ABOVE being said...
Most of this probably isn't gonna be directly explored in the fic! I can't think of any reason in the fic why I'd stop and talk about why shapes are colors (unless like Mabel asks or something lmao). But like, Kryptos is blue, and Bill is gold, and Bill's mother is the same color he is, and these things will probably get passing mentions in the fic, and so if you read that in a fic you can guess that the author probably headcanons "the shapes come in different colors" and "color might be hereditary, since mother & child are the same color" and "the characters don't talk about having had to paint/dye themselves or anything, so maybe they naturally come in those colors?" but like I'm not likely to talk about it directly! Same goes for most other aspects of Bill's home society that aren't directly relevant to the kind of story I'm trying to tell.
Which means: this post, outside of the fic, is what I'm currently thinking I'll do. But if I don't actually talk about this in fic, what I've said in this post is probably still true: but what's MORE TRUE and MORE IMPORTANT is "if I didn't bring it up in the fic itself, it's not something necessary for you to know to understand the fic." For example, if I don't bring up the Flatland shape hierarchy, then you're free to make whatever assumptions you want about whether one is/isn't there in the background: but not bringing up a hierarchy DOES mean that you're not supposed to interpret Bill's character/backstory on the assumption that a hierarchy had an important, measurable impact on his life. If it were important to the fic, it would be in the fic.
I've said in a few other posts that I don't want a single part of this Gravity Falls fic to require the audience to know any story except Gravity Falls. That applies to Flatland, too. You don't have to read it to understand what I'm doing with Bill's backstory. Any worldbuilding from Flatland that I want you to know, I'll bring up in the fic; and therefore any Flatland worldbuilding I don't reference in the fic isn't necessarily canon to the fic.
(That doesn't mean I won't still answer headcanon asks that aren't directly relevant! I love headcanon asks. It's just that I know that people will probably read my fic assuming "if the author doesn't explicitly mention X, then the way the fic handles X is probably exactly identical to Flatland and we should make assumptions based on that." I'm trying to prevent that! It's actually the opposite: if Flatland does X and I never mention X, that probably means it isn't the same in my fic.)
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quaranmine · 1 year
Literally only comfort for me in the lonesome dreams universe is that Watcher!Grian eventually finds out that Jimmy is a listener without Jimmy telling him (recongnizing the wings somehow, Feeling this Weird energy coming from him, Jimmy letting him see some of the destruction powers, noticing the obscuring of things if he ever got pushed to try and See things, idk lol) and through this loophole of Grian finding out but not having had Jimmy tell him Jimmy can finally have some solidarity lol. Also brainrot about whether or not Grian is trying to get them out of the games, and whether the players remember the games, and like how Grian would handle everything and therefore how he’d treat Jimmy, and like them working together to try and escape. And if Grian noticed, who’s to say the Watchers haven’t? Sorry idk if you have any plans and this is super unsolicited but like AJHDKAHDJAHF the brainrot bro I have not stopped thinking about lonesome dreams since I read it yesterday 😭 Like AGHH the way he’s so lonely and his name is Solidarity like,,,,, Ik there’s another fic of yours where it’s canon and I look forward to reading it :)
OMG HELLO ANON!!!!!! no this isnt unsolicited at all, i am literally THRILLED when people talk to me about listener!jimmy, especially lonesome dreams-verse jimmy because it's still one of my fave fics i have done.
i tend to use "lonesome dreams-verse" when talking about fics that take place under these headcanons but honestly, i pretty much base my entire interpretation of jimmy off of this, so it's almost more useful to note when i am not using it lol. so yeah--jimmy in htbahb is the same one from lonesome dreams too! they're not in the same series because one deals far more with the life series than the other, but it's the same deal. if jimmy ever appears in IBW, it will be the same.
this series of fic suffers from.....many ideas and not enough writing LOL. Lonesome Dreams was initially conceptualized as a backstory oneshot to go with a larger multichapter fanfic center on Jimmy. It was set in Last Life (hey, 3 of the southlanders were former evolutionists!) and focused on him using some of his Listener powers to break them out of the games. it was really funny though because i came up with it in the middle of last life before martyn canonized anything watcher related and i accidentally predicted half of it. But I never really was able to get it into an actual fic, lol, so i just wrote Lonesome Dreams instead. I'm still interested in doing a fanfic where Jimmy helps them all break out of the death games, though.
i like your idea of Grian noticing that Jimmy has some weirdness around him and saving Jimmy the trouble of having to tell someone. my general idea is that grian remembers the loops in full because he is a watcher, but everybody else has sort of hazey memories of things. They might rememeber enough to reference things in past seasons, but it isn't enough to realize what's going on. Jimmy, however, also remembers everything because being a Listener makes him more immune to this memory magic or whatever. So that's one opportunity for grian to notice some things--jimmy knows about things he maybe isn't supposed to. imagine that from grian's perspective though lol hes angsting in being the only one to remember xyz and then jimmy pops up knowing something he shouldnt and grian is like TIMMY? TIMMY OF ALL PEOPLE KNOWS THIS?
there was also planned flower husbands Moment in the last life fic where jimmy was sad because scott only sort of-kind of remembered 3rd life, and not any of its intensity or emotion, whereas jimmy remembered all of it and still loved him. oops, i planned to break all your hearts with that one.
i often headcanon that grian doesn't have his full powers in the games, since the watchers are suppressing it. they're not really good at fully preventing grian from doing anything, but they can prevent him from doing a lot of stuff. it's like one versus however many of them there are, right? i'd say at least two watchers in charge of the life series just like evo, but we don't know that. so grian is sort of outnumbered. that's why jimmy could help ;) so grian is wanting to get them out of the games, he just doesn't have the power on his own to successfully do it
as for the watchers knowing about jimmy--i go back and forth on this. i basically think that as long as he didn't use any of his visual powers or his wings and only Listened then they might not know. like, they can Watch you destroy something but you can't see if someone is listening or not. eventually they would find out, though, because he would have to show his hand at some point to get anything real done. martyn says in his lore that the watchers do not like the former evolutionists who are associated with the listeners, since the listeners helped the evolutionists escape (which is why jimmy was helping them in lonesome dreams.) so they Definitely know jimmy is associated, just like martyn and pearl and bigb are, but i havent decided if they know he's a full listener or not.
one of my other lonesome dreams-verse headcanons, that i actually have a half-written oneshot for, is how jimmy's destructive powers go against him. he has some chronic pain issues from this, because it's self-destructive too. it reminded me of my own autoimmune disease--basically my own body attacking itself? kind of happens to jimmy too. but this is because the Listeners are generally not visible to humans. or corporeal. they're very wispy, the sound of the wind in the trees around you, etc and so Jimmy pretty much kept his human body, with just the addition of wings. Meanwhile, as in my fic htbahb, grian looks WAY more like a watcher and is just projecting a more human image of himself all the time. all of that was basically to say that jimmy doesn't look very conspicious to the watchcers in the first place, since he still has a human body. he also got forgotten/ignored by them in evo so....it IS possible they don't know the full extent of his connections with listeners, i think
ultimately, though, i have several formulated ideas of people finding out Jimmy is a Listener, and it mostly comes from him telling them. He's not supposed to tell, of course. But I like putting characters in difficult positions, and I think that with the life series especially, that Jimmy is like. The risks outweigh anything else. He has to tell people, because getting everybody out of the games is a lot more important than potentially upsetting the Listeners. I like putting characters in situations where revealing their secrets is the only way to move forward--this is what happened to Grian in htbahb too, when he has to use his powers to save people (because he ofc cares more about his friend's lives than his own secrets).
Jimmy has a bit of an uneasy alliance with the Listeners in general, because he is on their side and owes them a lot but would probably ultimately rather be free and on his own. they're nice to him, but also a little coercive. I feel like after a couple loops of the game he would probably feel sort of abandoned that they havent helped him yet (whether or not they were trying to doesnt matter, just that jimmy feels like they havent helped.) so he might not feel so bad about telling people xD except that it invites a lot of vulnerability and awkardness to suddenly come forward now, so it would still be very tough.
jimmy and grian are not brothers in lonesome dreams , but i DID have an one-off idea for a oneshot where jimmy admitted he was a Listener to Grian in a scenario where they are siblings. I may write it because it has been plaguing me for like two months now. it would probably get uploaded in the series with lonesome dreams, but might not be The Official Reveal Scene if i want to write something different later, you know? but the way i built this out in my head was SO GOOD lol
it's also worth noting two general dynamics with grian and jimmy. firstly, All the former evolutionists know that he is a watcher. they know that because the watchers told them so when he was taken. now the hermits on the other hand, they do not all know, because they met grian afterward and that's his business that he doesn't always share. but the evolutionists all know and they just like....dont always know if they should talk about it or not. But nobody knows Jimmy is a Listener because he never told anymore. Another interesting thing is that Grian hates the Listeners--he was taught to hate them, by the Watchers! But even after breaking off from the Watchers, it hasn't quite occurred to him that they might have lied to him about the Listeners being bad. Like he was taught a bit of propaganda because of course he was, they were the enemies of the Watchers, but he doesn't really realize they were lying a little? For all grian is concerned, they're just two sets of god-like entities with too much power that he hates. So that's um...a little fun for finding out about Jimmy....
this is. so much information LOL. i have thought about it greatly.
but yeah, jimmy needs a little support :( i think the listeners would be unhappy if he told people, but i think they would get over it eventually. BOTH jimmy and grian probably need to know there is someone else out there who has had some similar experiences. they're two lonely little birds :((((((
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rora-dolphinheart · 2 years
Aight, so I’m finally getting ready to write that Gunnar Thrymson fic that’s been bouncing around in my head. I’m planning on doing it in third person covering his life in more detail, and then possibly putting together a full journal for him based off events in the story (because I can’t write journals without backstory to save my life). We’ll see how long it takes as college is starting again this week, but I have some questions for SSOblr.
What are some of your headcanons? How do you think he’d think or feel to certain events? I’ve put together the beginning of an “outline” below if you wanna look through it.
>Pre-expedition to jorvik. What was Gunnar’s life like as a kid? How did he get involved in Jon Jarl’s expedition? He had to have some fighting background, from where?
>Being attacked by pirates on the way to Jorvik
>“Jon Jarl gave Thrymson freedom and promised him riches” Became Jon Jarl’s huskarl (nonindentured servant/bodyguard) So it sounds like Gunnar was kinda of forced to come along on the journey? Maybe his family was in debt and to pay it off they sent Gunnar?
>Tiring labor of the early building, comments about all the wild horses. Desire to serve well, finally being seen as worth something. “The Jarl brought Thrymson everywhere as bodyguard and advisor” (also note the wild horses and mules were being tamed. At this point they would have been fine with Gunnar)
>Being sent to tear down the runestones, how that suddenly snapped his perspective about magic and who actually owns the island “Thrymson was nervous about defiling them lest he offend some foreign gods”
>“A tragic accident” was it a hit from Gunnar that killed the man? It was obviously influenced by Vala, but this could be the start of rumors. Gunnar’s shock and fear turning to bitterness as demonstrated in the journal. Taking it out on the runestone. Gunnar viewed the men running as desertion. So his bitterness is towards the men, not Jarl.
>Jarl making good with the druids. How did this come about? Gunnar was brought around as an advisor, he would have insights and thoughts on why Jarl would make “peace” with the Druids for political advantages. He fully believes Jon Jarl isn’t completely sold with the Druids, however Gunnar is also being pushed away.
>DECADES PASSED as Jorvik stables was being built. Jon Jarl favored BY THE KEEPERS not necessarily Aideen.
>Unable to bond with a horse. Dig deeper into how not having a horse separated him from everyone else. How he had to pull ten times his weight (literally) because no horse came near him. Nightmares? Seeing Garnok in his nightmares like on the haunted trail ride? Waking up in a panic with a need to protect the Jarl? The day a druid said he “had a make that made him unclean in aideen’s light” (meanwhile Ydris mentions he’s never seen Aideen’s gift so powerful as between Gunnar and Morrigan)
>Meeting Morrgian was probably because he was “running” for a place to be alone. What was the feeling of Aideen’s gift finally being formed like after being on the cold shoulder of everyone? To have someone else who felt like they understood him? “A wild animal came from the herds beyond the Mountains of Jor to the east” Morrigan definitely had some Jorvik Wild in her. Which would explain the fire horse look when she dies (does she die? Or get transformed like Gunnar?) What herd was she descended from? Probably Warriors. Matches Gunnar being a warrior. He would feel that and recognize it like a mirror
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homeformyheart · 3 years
NSFW was my original intention but if you do both, it will make me very happy. Thank you!
can do (i totally understand going on anon for nsfw, but anytime you want to pop into my askbox or DMs to talk about adam or twc, please do!!)
i’m so excited to explore this for adam & regina since they are my most established twc pairing! this will be a long post, sorry (but also not, because i love them and this is definitely going to help inspire my canon relationship fic for them)!
based on this fluff list and this nsfw list (always accepting asks for any of my detectives/pairings!)
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Fluff answers
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Ugh this hits me in the heart since I picture this a lot and have already written stuff for this that is definitely their canon story. Regina definitely pictures having a family with Adam, in part, because she wants (in some ways, a redo) a family of her own and be the mother she always wanted. It takes convincing for Adam to agree though because of how aware he is of her mortality and wanting to protect her - adding children to that would make it that much harder. Regina wants to rebuild Adam’s family line - in a way that makes sense for them both in the current era, as a way to help him also come to terms with what happened in his past.
I have not yet decided in their canon story if she turns or not and I think at the time she has kids, she is undecided, so another reason is to make sure that Adam has a piece of her through their family line after she’s gone (if she decides not to turn).
I’m getting emotional thinking about this - but I’ve written pieces of this in several prompt fills & full fics (including the scenario where she dies of old age). I think there are at least four prompt fills focused on post-marriage life, so happy to let you know which ones if you want.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon. I picked:  L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
I picked this one because I have a wip planned for this - don’t know yet if I’m going to give it a happy ending or angsty ending and whether it’ll be a one-shot or part of their canon story, BUT he begs her to say it first, basically.
I don’t want to spoil the fic but I am also really excited about it so... okay, basically something big happens and Adam truly realizes he doesn’t want to run from his feelings anymore (he almost loses Regina physically, then mentally, then emotionally in that order) and she asks him what he wants and he asks her to “say it, please” and it’s an incredibly vulnerable and terrifying moment for her because after Bobby and other relationships, she’s sworn never to say it first.
I have not yet decided if he says it back (hence whether it’s happy ending or angsty ending is TBD).
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
This one is an interesting one. I think Adam would be more cliche, but classic in romantic gestures - like hand-written letters, flowers (starts with red roses until he learns her favorite type, etc.), etc. and she would absolutely adore it, not ever having someone be that way with her before.
I think how they are with each other definitely evolves throughout their relationship - like Regina is very stubborn and hates being told what to do, especially when Adam insists its for her protection but after getting married and having kids, she definitely comes around and goes along with him. She knows it helps him worry less and be happier and she wants to put him at ease.
This would be such a lovely headcanon to explore in more established relationship fics (now I want to daydream about this).
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Oooh, interesting. The only secret(s) that come to mind for Regina is sort of the details of her relationship with Tane (I know I haven’t really written it yet but it is part of their canon relationship backstory) for 2 main reasons: 1) it’s not important at the end of the day - Adam is so much more important to her and their relationship is so much more meaningful in every single way, and 2) she doesn’t want him to feel inadequate, bad, competitive, etc. with anyone from her past, but especially Tane (given that relationship happened during a rough patch with Adam, and his whole issue with Unit Alpha, plus the relationship with Tane was mostly sexual).
I think over time Adam shares more of himself with her and trusts her fully. I think where he might always hold back a little are his deep-rooted fears and anxiety about losing her or not being able to protect her (she can tell and knows anyway, but I don’t think he’d admit it to her often).
(minors STOP here and do not interact)
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NS*W/NSFT answers (hope these aren’t TMI 🙊)
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I’m interpreting this in terms of turn ons in my answers. It won’t be a secret for long once they’re established, but Regina absolutely loves it when Adam takes control, and she’ll say or do anything that’ll turn on that side of him in bed (calling him “Commander,” roleplaying “disobeying orders,” etc.). It’s convenient that it is a very strong turn-on for him. She also loves it when he loses control - typically when she goes down on him.
An actual secret that Adam will be very surprised to learn deep in the relationship are the pair of numbing handcuffs she has buried from her time with Tane. By “numbing,” I mean they can subdue a supernatural’s strength a teensy bit (not dmb-level, and I made this up purely for the smut with Tane). I don’t know if she’d ever mention it (she might just forget about) because of reasons (answered in Honesty above as it relates to Tane). If Adam does discover it, the “numbing” spell or whatever it is (I made it up on the spot okay!) would have worn off by then, but I think he’d find it conflictingly concerning / intriguing & be a little jealous.
This may be partially inspired by a ns*w prompt ask that @crackerdumortain sent me that I’m working on, but I think Adam is incredibly turned on post-combat training Regina (assuming she hasn’t passed out in exhaustion) - in tight workout clothes, sweaty and energized, confident - I think he’s really proud of her tenacity and skill over time and there’s just something about how she exudes power and confidence after a workout that he is attracted to and doesn’t care that she is sweaty (even though she cares).
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice) Picking the same letter as fluff for consistency: L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
For Adam, I think it’s her bedroom, and then later when they move into their own place, their bedroom. For the former, it’s that symbol of trust and being let into her private / personal space, especially after she was kidnapped from her own home, that would mean a lot to him (she was never with anyone else sexually in her own bed - not even Falk or Tane, so it makes their first time there even more special).
I think Regina is more willing to explore / experiment with other locations like the shower, against the wall, other areas of the warehouse as long as no one else is home, etc. (never in the library though, she would NOT want to disgust Nate like that).
Neither of them would be into public or semi-public sex just because they want to be able to fully focus on each other and not risk an unwanted audience.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
I think Regina might be open to experimenting, and if she wants to try something, she’d have to bring it up / initiate. I’d like to think they figure out how to talk about it before trying it (as awkward as it might be) because she wouldn’t want to spring it on him in the act. I think some things he might have to think about and let her know if he’s comfortable. I do think over time in deep romance, he’d pretty much be willing to try almost anything with her (minus the public locations per above and anything bordering on harmful/bdsm).
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I laughed at this because I know Mishka answered a couple asks on this and it upset a lot of people (I asked her a separate question about manscaping/shaving and it gave me a different impression so I choose to ignore her tumblr answers). Sorry if some of this is TMI 😅 (but I’ll start with yes, carpet matches the drapes).
I personally think Adam does not manscape until after he and Regina are well established (but not fully bare, let’s be real here) and I’m basing this off the fact that in canon he has a buzzcut and gives off that “soldier” vibe in Book 1, which to me, makes me think he doesn’t want to have to fuss or concern himself over his appearance / hair (whereas Nate absolutely spends time styling his hair imo).
Regina upkeeps her routine as much as she can - sort of a habit she built out of self-consciousnesss with Bobby (let’s say he was not very nice about it). I think with all the supernatural activity and being busy, there would have been a couple times she just didn’t bother and finally met someone that didn’t care (re: Falk - although not sure if this will be one-off or canon and Tane) and it made her more comfortable with not needing to be well-groomed all the time. Once they get together, Adam is the same way about it (but might groom himself a little bit down there out of concern for her comfort).
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jitteryjive · 3 years
FANTSY AU OH BOY*sits down and brings out a bag of popcorn and a large fanta* I WANA LISTEN ABOUT THIS ONE
also apologies for this taking so long to answer!!! I wanted to write everything down :)
warning: this will be a long post even though it’s incomplete! also this will contain ode/pmtok chapter three spoilers since I’m not ignoring the fact that the game exists
tags contain all triggers.
okay, so basically, this niche au is entirely centered around the protagonists of my normal pmtok fics, consisting of Sea Captain, Ode, Prof, Cherub, DJ, and Shroomses. I’m sorry I don’t know why it’s such jitteryjive-protags-toadcentric but whatever, sorry guys
let’s start five thousand years ago. five thousand years ago, a pirate by the name of Captain Ode stole a legendary item from the heavens called the Marino.
it was simply a simple barter for the crown of the desert, belonging to a widespread king named King Shroomses (not to interrupt but HOLY FUCK his later designs in this story are like YES). for a while now, he’s held a grudge against him, as he’s much more skilled in stealing in this au and does stuff to fuck with him.
so, one day, Ode comes to make a deal with the King. he proposes that, if he lets him inherit the entire kingdom right now, he’ll have in possession both the Marino and boundless riches he’d stolen from aristocrats and oligarchies.
however, things don’t go as planned. Ode is captured by the King in response to the deal, surprising him.
he’s told to return the Marino to the heavens or else. like the crafty pirate that he is, Ode creates a plan to get away with the crown, and to seal the deal in a way the King won’t realize.
he tries to become king in the dead of night. he’s found attempting to steal the responsibility of being a ruler of the Kingdom, and apparently, this was the last straw.
this is where canon goes downhill. instead of being frozen and revived yadayada, he’s brutally executed on the spot (it’s not relevant to the plot but he was guillotined if you were wondering, ouch).
even though he’s, well, dead now, the King is still upset over his fuckery, and with necromancers growing stronger around him, he decides to take measures to ensure he will never walk the earth ever again.
he creates an elaborate labyrinth and hides the body of the pirate, convinced no one will ever revive his presence, and he goes back to his throne.
that isn’t the end of his story, though— he feels worse and worse for executing him in such a painful way, all on a personal grudge. it isn’t kingly at all to feel petty and take a technically innocent person’s life, even if everything he said was genuine.
over time, in his head, his morals degrade and his ruling abilities deteriorate as he falls into madness, believing he isn’t fit to rule at all with such a sin committed.
King Shroomses goes to Sedjet, the Fire God, to receive punishment. however, as a divine being due to his blessings, he cannot die from fire (MARY SUE ALERT /j).
he is severely injured, though, earning permanent magic scars all over his body that reek of flames and intended death.
so, what does he do now, to step onto the gallows and rid his kingdom of his evil doings?
the King decides to put himself into eternal sleep (contrasting from the non-au theory that he didn’t intend to sleep for a couple thousand years lmao). he curses himself a flower called the sleeping lily, shutting down his body and sending him into what is essentially a magic coma. he cannot be woken up, unless the lily is destroyed (causing him immense pain), or his living conscience is taken over. the way the curse works is that he allows himself to only think— his intention is to suffer and think over everything he’s done, to rid his body and his kingdom of anymore of his madness and horrible intention.
he orders his kingdom to set a new ruler, and to seal him into a room where his flowers will be kept and connected to his immobilized body. combined with the heavy doors, the flower’s intense properties, and the now hidden key to the room, there is essentially no way to wake him up. the King has finally gotten his wish— he will do the same as Ode and never live again.
he earns the new nickname of the Sleeping King, the once proud and prominent ruler dissolving into nothing more than a mysterious legend and a locked room. again, it’s what he would’ve wanted, to lose everything he’d built up to.
now, present time! woohoo!
five thousand years later, the story now focuses on a young bard by the name of Peter (this is DJ in the au, it’s his first name). Peter is a necromancer bard who comes from a long line of.. oh, pyromancers. they’re not very happy he’s chosen a different route in magic. (this is based off my headcanon/theory that he’s the Lighthouse Keeper in pmcs, just for kicks n laughs lol)
they have dreams of being able to revive someone great, to be known as an important necromancer who’s skilled at what they do. he’s had a dream to revive those important to him, too, considering an incident from long ago when a face-stealing monster (hole punch, not derogatory) took his friends’ lives and nearly took theirs.
however, Peter has no opportunity to revive any great figures of the past— where in the world would he find someone, asking for a necromancer to try their skills and revive an ancient person fo the past?
he finds a scholar named Baker (ahhh prof the homosexual), who also happens to be obsessed with archeology and a certain dead figure in history that he has direct plans to revive and.. okay, on second thought, they find him sort of strange.
he wants to revive a dead pirate named Captain Ode, just a fantastical legend, to have him explain the entirety of his long-dead time. it could provide context for the backstory of the Sleeping King or perhaps the barren desert kingdom that once held the two figures of legend and wonder.
well, it works for Peter, considering they’ve got similar focuses, and they actually become friends! they’re besties now.
to practice the skills of an experienced necromancer, he goes around the world with Baker, the two practicing their skills and gradually collecting what little information they can scavenge for about the infamous pirate, now a shadow to the world’s past.
one day, though, things drastically change and pick up the pace. as they’re passing through a forest, known for its holiness and direct paths into the heavens, an angel falls down from heavens.
and not gracefully, as the fucker just like— *THUNK* hits the ground and doesn’t wake up.
now Peter (an inexperienced necromancer) and Baker (a wimpy scholar) are standing in front of an angel, pale and covered in feathers that fell off their small wings.
I think you can guess who this is, lol.
after taking the dead? unconscious? whatever angel to safety, they wake up. and instantly start freaking out, because through the jumble of words they’re spitting out, the two friends make out essentially:
they were walking through the heavens, guarding the clouds like usual, when the angels all around them began to panic and freak out. somehow, a monster with blades (scissors, not derogatory once again) had gotten in, and was now killing angels by slicing them in half and causing awful chaos all around.
at some point as they were running away, someone said a warning and shoved them from behind, breaking the magic barrier in the clouds and sending them falling all the way through the heavens to the vines to the canopies, and now onto the ground they were on.
so, essentially, this terrified angel going by the name of Cherub had just survived an attack from a monster and had fallen an impossible height onto earth, where they were now trapped. great.
they agree to take them into their care until they’re back to full health, and they’ll find a way to return them to the heavens— it’s safe to assume they’ll be in trouble for befriending a (literally) fallen angel.
the thing is, they don’t want to go back.
Peter and Baker are confused until they elaborate. recently, Cherub has taken up interest in a long-dead pirate by the name of Captain Ode. they’d already gotten punished for researching such a horrible, damned name in the heavens. he’d stolen the Marino, a precious artifact that was perhaps lost to time now, ruining any chance of letting those on earth to enter the heavens.
since they were so interested in Ode’s character, and that they held the belief he wasn’t as bad as the angels swore he was, they didn’t want to return to angry attendants who despised their growing opinions.
they proceed to ask if they can join them in adventuring, and their quest to revive Ode for answers of everything— they’ve always wanted to see the world.
with even more opportunity for information on a silence figure of the past, they accept them into their party. together, Peter, Baker, and now Cherub set off into the wide world of fantasy, still searching for an answer on the Pirate of Dreams and the Sleeping King.
the three become close friends, stringing quite tightly together that there is no room for anyone else— it’s just Peter, Baker, and Cherub against the world’s judgement, adventuring and fighting monsters and studying dead people.
which messes with a lonely Ken, a sea captain (Sea Captain) who considers himself ‘friends’ with the three. he isn’t sure where he stands in their relationship— he believes that all he is is a figure of transportation, boating them across oceans and supporting their adventures despite his buried jealousy and growing sadness.
he oh-so-wishes he could be part of their world. Ken wishes he could show his unused swordfighting abilities, be able to research whatever legend they’re investigating, join them and be considered an actual friend.
but, every time he asks, the three worried adventurers always say that they’re afraid he won’t be safe enough to come with them. he technically doesn’t own a sword he knows how to wield (why did he choose such a specific weapon..?), and they would hate for him to perish on a certain adventure. besides, they were scared, thinking about how he wasn’t adapted to the environments they’d been in— would he actually survive if he came along?
and every time, Ken’s pleas are refused. when will he ever get his wishes, to be part of them? to be as esteemed as Ode, the seafarer they’ve been researching?
but those are childish dreams, he tells himself. he knows he will never be important to them.
so Ken spends his days, sailing the ocean, wondering what his purpose is when his former purpose was nothing more than expectant ramblings. he’ll never be an adventurer, and he knows this.
the first section of this story is spent detailing Ken’s issues with his loneliness and yearn, and detailing the adventures our three journeyers are going about on, leading up to the true plot of the story.
Baker comes to find information that there is an ancient city deep in the desert, a kingdom of forgotten dreams and necromancers. as Peter is a necromancer bard and likes gathering crowds to their music, a small city full of necromancers is his place to be.
it’s also confirmed by Cherub that this is the assumed kingdom where the Sleeping King resides, the only ‘living’ person left who knows the location of Ode’s body. is he exactly alive, though, they’re not sure.
all they have to do is wake up the basically-fictional-at-this-point King, and they’ll be on their way to getting their precious answers about the history of the ancient times.
also, by this point, the strange party the three have created has taken up a name. they call themselves the Sun Keepers. (this is essentially a way to stop saying “the three” “them” “the group”).
the Sun Keepers head to the Sandcastle Kingdom (YES THIS IS A REFERENCE), asking the long-time residents where to find the Sleeping King. but for some reason, they get ridiculed and laughed at.
one of the residents elaborates that there is no way to find him, because his chambers were magically sealed with the only key that could open them. really, no one knew where the keeper of the key was, or even if she was still alive, narrowing down their chances of ever meeting the Sleeping King in general. woah, plot shit.
their journey takes a brand new turn when they go out, searching everywhere they know for the key that could lead them to the Sleeping King and then Ode.
eventually, more “oh HELL YEAH” plot shit happens where they have to duel the keeper in a battle of wits for the key. Baker’s actually being put to use 😳 also CHERUB USES THEIR AXE. IN SOME OF THE SCENES HERE
once they have the key in their possession, they head to the Sandcastle Kingdom, ready to open the chambers of the Sleeping King after all eternity of slumber.
when they break open the doors, they discover they’ve forgotten the fact he can’t be awoken— considering that he’s spiritually and physically connected to quite a few sleeping lilies, it’s going to be very hard to wake up the, well, Sleeping King.
they attempt a few things (avoiding the last resort of cutting off the lilies and causing him pain) such as naturally trying to wake him up I.e shaking his shoulders, having Peter try to revive him with necromancy despite him being alive, and using heavenly methods to wake him up.
with no way to wake him up, they, downtrodden, leave and lock his chambers. despite all this, hope was not entirely lost, meaning they had to take a forbidden path as to not risk his life and kill the king.
Cherub finds a way to cast a spell that will temporarily allow them to ‘intrude’ his mind, aka just fucking with his thoughts to get him to wake up. it’s difficult at first, as there are no thoughts to be able to intrude (his mind is oddly empty), but they’re able to wake him up.
the sleeping lilies disconnect, he starts breathing again, and King Shroomses is once again awake.
things go VERY differently that expected. instead of standing up or speaking or doing anything, he’s simply in shock and dumbfounded at the fact that he’s actually awake after thousands of years of thinking to himself, preserved in the ancient chambers of his palace.
he then says that he’s confused that two peasants and a divine being had woken him up with no guards in sight— was this some kind of mistake?
the Sun Keepers explain that they’ve woken him up to find the location of Ode’s body, to resurrect him for answers of a pirate’s past.
knowing he was the one who despised Ode and executed him, they expected him to put up a fight and to protest against bringing him to life, he accepts, saying he’ll allow it.
Shroomses explains that he doesn’t care whether Ode is alive or dead at this point— he is nothing more than a legend of the past, and he has nothing to lose or gain from bringing him back to life. so, bringing the one he so awfully killed to fruition, it’s not wrong in his book in the slightest.
he also elaborates that Ode’s body is hidden in a large labyrinth from thousands of years ago. originally, before he had his downward spiral, he despised the thought of Ode returning to mortality, so he’d created this elaborate prison for his body so no one could find him.
their goal won’t be easy to reach if they’re literally going to have to fight tooth and nail to get to the bones of a dead pirate. it’s really sucky for them that, now that Shroomses doesn’t care about whether he’s dead or alive anymore, there’s no reason for the labyrinth to be there.
he lends them a couple things to aid them in their journey, hands them the key to open the labyrinth, and wishes them off.
Shroomses also passes over the old clothing of Ode, his trustworthy, recognizable coat. if he’s going to be alive again, he may as well have the clothes he’s always worn.
he doesn’t even bother to leave the room or follow them or greet anyone— he simply sits back down into his ancient throne, amongst the dead sleeping lilies, and thinks about things for the first time in a long while.
with their road rocky, the Sun Keepers nervously set off to achieve what they’ve come for.
Ode, the Pirate of Dreams, soon to breathe the air of life once again.
(also, if you’re thinking they could’ve asked Shroomses about the past, they were specifically looking for Ode’s insight, as he traveled everywhere and Shroomses did not.)
the trip isn’t easy in the slightest at all— the three risk death and peril as they make their way through the endless structure, holding the bones of the dead man somewhere in its hands.
the worst part is is that they don’t know his location in this maze— it’s a mystery to where his bones might be hiding. good thing Baker has a shovel, though.
and Peter’s afraid to tell his friends that they might not be able to fully/actually revive Ode. they might not be strong or magically potent enough to bring the body of an ancient, ancient man back to life and somehow reverse its decay so the body is all back together.
hopefully, this won’t all go to hell and be for nothing. right?
after hours of staving off the magic of the labyrinth, a defense system to keep out people like them, they’re finally at the end of their path.
a small, simple room, with a grave marked with Ode’s name.
Peter casts the spell. at first, it’s messy— there’s blood, there’s guts, there’s things he wished he hadn’t seen.
but Ode walks again. he’s, surprisingly, acting normal— unlike Shroomses, who sat there for at least thirty seconds processing his existence.
they give him his coat, and now he’s in the full, depicted appearance of himself— the Pirate of Dreams, with his red spots and his blue coat.
he asks who they are, and the Sun Keepers explain just that. Peter, the young necromancer who’d just revived him. Baker, a scholar who’s been waiting to ask him so many questions. And Cherub, a fallen angel who’s been adventuring with them.
Now that he knows who they are, he nonchalantly agrees to teaching them everything he knows. although he is ruffled his peaceful deaths was interrupted, they’ve come this far to learn about him.
Ode doesn’t exactly have any opinion on this— besides, he’s got nothing better to do.
they depart together with small talk and no fanfare.
the four spend the next months learning all about the pirate. Ode does as they say and gives up everything he’s ever seen and learned. Ransacked ships, treasure islands, dead kingdoms of the past, everything an adventuring pirate would see on their travels.
they learn everything he’s been holding onto, the sights he’s taken in and the world he’s experienced.
every word out his mouth is written down and stored away for reference, everything now a symbol of the life he lived before his execution.
Ode bonds with the three, learning about them too and how they all met— even if it’s not an equal exchange, he still finds it usefully interesting.
finally, nothing’s left for them to learn. the three thank him profusely for his help.
he leaves with a simple goodbye to the three, off to apparently re-see the world in new eyes, walk on the modified land he’d ran across thousand of years ago.
the Sun Keepers know their lengthy, strenuous adventure is over now, but they’ve grown so close to one another they can’t help but want to keep going in their futures together, journeying through lands untouched and keeping their reputation as reviving such a famous figure of the past.
everything is well.
of course, that’s what they think. they’re under the oblivious impression that Ode had been cooled down to an unbiased legend, happy to comply to anything.
they’re painfully wrong, because he hates them.
at first, Ode didn’t know who they were— he assumed they were random adventurers who didn’t understand who he really was, which was technically true.
but when they explained that King Shroomses had helped them, he understood who they were. they were evil. they were malicious people, working with the man who’d so shamelessly killed him without a single thought.
and he was offended by how much they used him. at first, when he rested in his grave and grew dormant, he was upset that he was wrongfully executed. but after time, he’d gotten used to the blissful silence and approaching eternity of sleep. it was peaceful, really— no more panic or anger or joy or sadness.
he was dead, and he was fine with that. and that was where he expected to stay.
until these things that held themselves so high revived him with their shitty magic and said they needed him for— what— writing a book or something?
Ode couldn’t believe they’d brought him back into life, overwhelming and miserable for him now, just to learn about them.
they so happily worked with the King he hated, treating him like he was nothing more than a project to be studied. actually, that was who he was to them!
Ode analyzed their behaviors and got them to give up the things they were so vulnerable with.
he was finding the best way to kill them.
they were clearly affected by the state of Shroomses’ deteriorating mindset, nothing more than arrogant adventurers who gave him bad purpose. if he killed them off, he could move onto his bigger goal— the King.
and then he’d finally be at rest.
he targets the Sun Keepers first. he hears they’ve gotten off a boat in a maritime town, so he heads there to find and quietly take their lives.
however, as he’s searching the area by the docks for the sight of a purple haired bard, a scholar in brown, and a small angel with an axe, he hears.. crying.
Ode’s torn. he can either find them and kill them, or he can find the person who sounds like they’re sobbing their eyes out.
he chooses the latter— as morally screwed as he is, he isn’t going to abandon whoever’s crying.
he then discovers the crying’s coming from the boat that he hears belonged to the Sun Keepers. either one of them has been separated, which is lucky for him, or they’ve hurt someone dearly, only adding to the reasons to despise their guts.
Ode finds a freckly sailor, clad in blue, crying very hard in the corner of the boat’s cabin.
he won’t leave them behind, so he sits down next to them and asks who they are.
they admit they’re confused someone’s actually talking to them, then explains that their name is Ken. he’s a sailor who’s friends with a very popular adventuring team, the Sun Keepers.
Ode mentions that he’s.. ‘looking’ for the three, which prompts Ken to immediately direct him towards them, but he refuses his offer— some foolish adventurers don’t matter when he’s in pain.
the sailor is still perplexed by how considerate he’s acting (even though he’s literally asking what his name is..?), apparently not being used to people so nice to him. it’s been a while since someone’s considered his feelings, boating around so many people around the world.
after a bit of coaxing from Ode, he eventually lets slip that he hates his life. he’s such a miserable, greedy person who’s overly jealous of everything about the Sun Keepers.
they won’t let him adventure because they think he’s too weak for it. they’ve got such strong relationships with one another that it’s painful to even watch them stand together. he’s been friends with Baker for so long, so why did it take so little time for him to be painted over with new friends?
he finally confesses that he wants to know just why they ignore him so much, what they’ve been doing that’s making him a ghost in their lives.
Ode painfully reveals how he’s technically the reason why— they’ve been searching for him.
he expects the downtrodden Sea Captain to retaliate or get angry with him, but all he does is sadly accept the truth. it’s really his fault he’s so obsessed with the three.
the pirate backs up his feelings and opinions, however— this isn’t normal behavior in a friendship. this is neglect on their part, and he is a pawn in their game of pathetic research.
he finally speaks up. he says he hates the Sun Keepers, because they’re working with the man who wrongfully killed him over a stupid grudge of his. and they support this! they brush over it like some kind of mistake!
Ken is horrified to hear this, now knowing the deeds of the ones he is now ashamed to call his friends. how could he have been so blind to their horrible tolerance?
and that’s not all— Ode had been revived only to be used for research. he was treated like a lab rat, being continuously squeezed for answers about the past and everything he could remember. it was torture to do it, working tirelessly to give them what he needed.
combined with the fact Ken was only needed just to boat them around (as assumed), they were used in different ways by the same people.
they’re so much worse than he thought, it’s realized.
then Ode asks him something he’d never expected to be offered— if he’d like to join him in killing the Sun Keepers and King Shroomses, to finish off the ones causing them both pain.
it’s a hesitant thought, but he finds it’s the only way to feel better. obviously, they don’t care enough to listen to his pleas to adventure or even be friendlier with them.
Ode promises he’ll never treat him as awfully as the two have been treated— he’ll genuinely be his friend in exchange for working together.
that day, Ken left behind his role as an unsatisfied way to ferry a ‘friend’ around, and he became the best thing he’s experienced—
a bad person. he’s tired of being good, he wants to do bad things.
now that his hunger to be so much better than his measly past self is only temporarily satiated, he’s ready to use those swordfighting abilities he’d left idle, and join Ode on his journey to kill the Sun Keepers and the King of the Desert.
the two set off on foot towards the Sun Keepers’ distant direction, ready to complete the first targets in their intertwined destinies.
anyways! that’s all I have so far. it might be kinda cringe but this au is legit one of my favs of any I’ve written from how interesting it is to me. I’m probably gonna update/make my better refs for all the important characters and post em :)
if you’ve gotten this far in this wall of text, thank for reading about this! it’s incomplete, but again thank you for giving it attention.
peace out 💜
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Idk if this is asking to much but can you give quick thoughts on each of the headcanons tdp dropped on reddit? I love your analysis and opinions on the matter so much!
Well, I screenshotted all these thinking I’d use them eventually, but… sure, since I’ve made this so easy for myself, here you go.
I just did a theory post on this one about primal stones. Also Viren didn’t make his Sky primal stone. Ibis has one in his staff, and so does the Moonshadow elf from the intro. I’m guessing there’s one cool staff for each elven race, and its leader/most powerful mage controls it.
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This one reaffirms that dark magic is complicated, but that it can accomplish good things with bad means. Which we been knew, but it’s always good to be reminded that everything has a cost, even good things.
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Elven language comes in different forms that descend form a mother tongue, but it has a Common tongue, too, and the writing is all similar enough that elves can generally read each others’ languages. This is probably to do with why Ethari’s forge sleeves and Janai’s sheath have the same heat-protection rune on them, but in very different script. One is Sunfire script and the other is Moonshadow script. Headcanon confirmed!
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Annika and Neha seem to be Aanya’s biological parents, because love finds a way. Guys, the fics this will create.
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It’s apparently unlikely that half-elves currently exist, since it’s been many centuries since anyone explored whether humans and elves can have kids together. *eyes the above post* But love finds a way, so…?
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Sunfire elves can live a really long time–which fits with the fact that Khessa’s grandma was alive 300 years ago–and Crow Lord is just trying to relax, okay.
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Who wants to sign up for advanced Magical Genetics at XCC with me? Because that’s how we’ll learn what happens if two elves of different races have kids.
Also, “Callum’s Spellbook” will have more info about Earthblood and Tidebound elves, and it comes out early next year.
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Claudia’s resurrection spell is not well known and it has a high cost, and we’ll learn more about that in S4.
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There may be official map merch on the way. DUDE I LOVE MAPS!
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Viren is responsible for Ezran being locked up after he abdicated–he was trying to minimize disruption and threat to his brand new rule. How… pragmatic.
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Weirdobeardo elves. That is all.
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Callum’s birth father is a “very compelling person.”
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There are vegetarian elves and not-vegetarian elves.
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There’s backstory to Soren’s relationship with Viren. I’m guessing it’ll be in that first book? 
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Rayla may not know yet exactly what Viren meant when he taunted her with the coins in his pouch. Reason is her least favorite negotiation tactic, after all. Come on, Rayla. Just mention it to Callum, and he’ll piece it together for you. Then you can kiss him and the two of you can fly off to tell Ethari.
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Did anyone else notice this, because yeah, magic rivers. I bet it’s the Tidebound elves’ work.
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Horn cuffs = marriage. I’m betting each elf makes or designs their partner’s cuffs for them. That’s why Runaan’s are covered in swirlies and Ethari’s are pointy with Runaan’s eye color in them. Meanwhile, Lain’s and Tiadrin’s each have two raised bands on them, because they’re very alike.
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Callum’s going to “obsess and work to connect with another arcanum.” That doesn’t mean he’ll succeed. But I bet it’ll be Moon.
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Hello and welcome to another episode of “Everyone Hates Aaravos.” Archdragons and elves (with primal stone staffs, I’m hc’ing) ganged up to yeet him into the mirror. (Possibly because Queen Aditi tried it alone, failed, got turned human, ran off to Katolis, and everyone else panicked when she disappeared, so they posse’d up.)
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Claudia’s not done casting big dark magic spells! Rut roh.
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S4 will show us Viren without Aaravos to guide him. I’m guessing that could be because Aaravos has chosen Claudia instead, but we’ll see.
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Soren and Claudia’s mom is in the first book, where we’ll get her name and the nature of her relationship with her husband.
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We almost got full-Moonshadow Rayla there at the S3 finale. And powerful Moonshadows can shift into full Moonshadow form without the full moon! *braces for even more fics*
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Other human kingdoms have dark mages, but they’re rare. Jelly tarts are based on hamantaschen.
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Rayla had a lead role in High School Moonsical her senior year.
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Some human kingdoms have a lot of religion and mythology, but Katolis isn’t heavy into it. There may be super secret plans for a tabletop/RPG set in Katolis. Earth arcanum stuff is druidic in nature.
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There may be more questions I didn’t see, but these were all the nifty ones I saw get answered. Enjoy!
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lutrain2020 · 4 years
Meet the Creator!
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Introducing: Mew!
Commissions:  Not right now but maybe at some point in the future when I improve.
Social Media: Tumblr: @nicetomeetmew​  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicetomeetmew/
Tell us a little bit about yourself!
I'm Mew and that's pretty much the only nickname I have on the interweb (although I was known as Brandy for a while but that's a very long story). I like drawing, writing, singing, baking, video games and messing about with my melodica. My favourite colour is black but I've recent had a fondness for purple and dark pink. My favourite animal is wolves but I also love sharks!
What got you into creating? what inspires you to keep creating?
I got into art because I kept seeing so many amazing pieces online and I kept thinking to myself: "wow I wish I could do that." I mean I still can't, but I'm trying and it's fun! And as for writing: it's actually my mum who got me into it and inspires me to keep going; whether it's fanfiction or an original work.
What's your creative process like?
Honestly I'm so new to this art stuff, I just start throwing stuff at the wall to see what sticks (metaphorically, but that actually sounds kind of fun!). The only thing that's consistent is that I always end up covering my page with random shapes before I start. I think scribbling helps me get my thoughts in order and figure out where to start.
What kind of mediums do you like to use?
I mostly use my tablet for drawing, but I like mucking about with chalk and oil paints for fun.
Is there a specific scene wrote that you are particularly proud of?
"On paper, she was perfectly lovely. Her skin was clear and fair, her hair fell in long gold ringlets around her face, and she moved with such elegance and grace she might as well be floating. But that was on paper. In reality… 'HEY! Are you listening?!'"
Is there someone who inspires you and your writing or art?
Hmm... honestly I find myself inspired by almost every artist I see. There's so much unique and gorgeous art out there and I think that taught me that everyone is different and that my art is never going to look like someone else's; because it's mine.
What got you into writing or art?
I just wanted to be able to do something. I have all sorts of thoughts going on in my head and using all the energy to create something seemed like a good way to go (that was actually my mum's idea).
What's your favorite part of the creative process?
I love character planning. I probably love it a little too much. I have a whole notebook book dedicated to backstories and headcanons and all that fun stuff. Nothing brings me more joy than creating a whole new life. I think I spend far too much time on the planning but hey ho. It's fun.
What's your least favorite part of the creative process?
Excluding my character plans: I hate following a plan. If I it so much easier just to fling words at a page, then mess around with them until the make sense and I'm happy with them. I tried planning out a whole story once and long story short, my notebook ended up in next door's garden.
What's your favorite type of scene to write?
I think I find it hard to find the line between "what I enjoy writing" and "what I'm good at writing". But I'd have to say, while it's scarce in most of the stuff I write these days, I love me a nice little emotional comfort scene. Hugs. Tears. Platonic kisses. *Rubs hands together gleefully* yesss. 
What's the hardest for you to create?
As much as I enjoy fluffy scenes I find them an absolute nightmare to write because my brain immediately says "make them all suffer." I like angst, I really do but it's a bit of annoying when you're trying to finally write something happy for a character an then before you know it everything has gone to hell. Example: Character A has just won some big award, he patched things up with his bestie and things are finally turning aroun- his house is on fire, his mother ran off and he is now homeless and caring for his baby sister on the streets. And yes I came up with that off the top of my head. It's a real problem is you ask me. 
What fandoms do you enjoy creating for?
I don't share all the stuff I draw and write but there are a bunch of fandoms I enjoy creating for mainly: Linked Universe: not one, not two, but nine Links?  Yes please. I love brotherly bonding so much. Fire Emblem Three Houses: is probably the fandom where I love creating about ships the most. Sylvix sustains me as much as Dimileth does. Kid Icarus Uprising: Dark Pit. That is all. Legend of Zelda: Do I love theorising about the BotW sequel and writing about it? Yes I do. Very much. Pokémon: Writing about teenagers traveling the land with adorable and cool creature is as fun as you'd expect it to be. And I fit shipping in there too (Haudion and FerrisWheelShipping sustains my soul). Animal Crossing: The only fandom I only draw for. Tiny lil animal friends I just... yes. 
What's the work you are most proud of?
In my BotW 2 deprived state a wrote a lil fic called Don't Be Afraid, based on the very little we know from the trailer. I put off posting it for weeks but I finally mustered of the courage to do it because at the end of the day, whether people like it or not, I'm proud of it.  https://nicetomeetmew.tumblr.com/post/619037409470971904/dont-be-afraid
Where do you post your finished works?
I don't post a lot of my writing (okay I've posted it twice in my whole life heh) but it's pretty much just on my Tumblr. Although I do have ao3 and I have a longer fic in the works which I plan of posting there (eventually). https://archiveofourown.org/users/nicetomeetmew
If you have any fun stories about the pieces you made, please do share!
The only art I've really shared so far is the Links from LU as Sailor Scouts (Sailor Links if you will). And, fun fact, that all stemmed from a simple discussion about what if Wild had a magical girl transformation when he changed gear with the Sheikah Slate. So I draw him doing the Sailor Moon pose in his Vai clothes and that's that, right? Nope. Next day I was watching Sailor Moon and I couldn't stop thinking about Sailor Wild so that next thing you know I'm drawing Wind as Sailor Mercury and then I'm making a list of the Links as Sailor Scouts and The Sailor Links was born. I even drew Fi as Luna. So a full month was filled with a project that was inspired by one simple discussion. And I'm eternally grateful because it was an absolute blast to do (drawing Time with a tiara is just as fun as you'd imagine).
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celtics534 · 4 years
Behind the Scenes of Fic Writing: 30 Questions for Authors
This is such a cool tag! Thanks @breaniebree
What was the first fandom and/or pairing that you wrote fic for?
Hinny, all the way! It wasn’t good, but it was Hinny.
Do you participate in any writing events or challenges throughout the year? If so, what do you like about them?
I tend to participate in them semi-often on SIYE. I find them a good way to get some creative juices flowing with a topic or subject I wouldn’t have thought about on my own. 
Do you write fics from start or finish, or jump around?
I go chapter by chapter. I would confuse myself too much if I started writing chapter 5 but then headed over to chapter 12. Also, I kinda don’t plan everything that far ahead. Which I’ll explain more in the next question lol
Do you outline before you start writing? If so, how far do you stray from that outline?
I do a quick overall base of what I want to do, who the enemies are, important moments I really want to happen, but I never do a full outline. A lot of the time I will have something planned for 5 chapters in the future, but no idea how to get there. I let inspiration strike me and go from there. 
What is the perfect environment for you to write in?
A hot cup of tea, music playing softly in the background, and an empty house. It’s perfect when everything is quiet except for my music and my mechanical keyboard.  
If you’re really concentrating, how many words can you write in a day?
Hmmm. I’ve never tested myself but I think the most I’ve ever done is 10,000 in one day. I wrote two chapters of “Only the Best” in one day and I aimed to make every chapter in that story at least 5,000 words. So I’d guess around 10,000. 
Which part of writing do you struggle with most?
Editing. I hate re-reading my work only looking for flaws. If I were to re-read my work I’d want it to be for enjoyment and nostalgia, but alas in order to find enjoyment in the writing it needs to be edited well lol. 
Do you listen to music while you write? If so, share a song that’s been inspiring you lately.
There is this live version of Can’t Go on Without You by KALEO that I love. Actually I’m listening to it right now. I listen to it at least once when I’m writing. 
Do you prefer to write AUs, canon divergence, or canon-compliant fic?
AU”s all the way! I love taking a different world than the original and trying to fit everything into this different situation. I love Muggle AU’s the best for some reason.  
Do you enjoy writing dialogue, exposition, or plot the most?
Dialogue is so much fun. Trying to come up with a witty comeback or heartwrenching final line is so intense and interesting. 
If you could only write angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your life, which would it be?
I love me some fluff. Like sometimes I go out with every intention on making things angst, and then they turn int fluff lol.
Is there a trope you haven’t written yet but really want to?
I don’t think I’ve done a “forced to share a bed” fic and that could be fun
Is there a trope you wouldn’t write if it was the last trope on earth?
Does slow burn count as a trope? I just can’t handle waiting so long for my ship together lol
If you were stuck on a desert island with only two characters, which would you pick?
Ginny Weasley and Hermione. Hermione because she could get us off the island somehow, and Ginny because she and I would have a great time cracking jokes while we helped Hermione. 
A Hollywood producer tells you that they want to film just one of your fics. Which fic would you want it to be?
Hmmm. I think I would dig a film of Doom Days or Covert Love. Both have everything needed for a movie. Action, romance, and twists you don’t see coming lol.
What is your most underrated fic?
I wouldn’t say I have any underrated fics because they always are so much better received than I ever intend… that being said, I would love if more people read Doom Days
What fic are you most proud of?
This goes back to the last question. I spent so long planning and plotting Doom Days and I am extremely happy with the way it’s come out. 
What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
Well because I don’t want to give to much away I’ll show off this once part. 
His lips curled with forced levity. 
I love the word levity and I really wanted to use it and then I thought about how when I’m making a bad joke in a bad moment I always smile to make people understand how I truly feel. Such a simple sentence brought me so much pride.
Who is the easiest/hardest character for you to write about? Why?
I find that I struggle with Hermione. She’s so much more… straight edge than I tend to focus on, so I have a hard time adding her into stories because I’m afraid I won’t do her justice. 
What’s your favorite minor character you’ve written?
Right now it’s Prue from Covert Love. She is my own created character and I’ve had so much fun crafting this backstory that revolves around.... Things I wouldn’t talk about here ;)
What is the one fic that got away?
It hasn’t gotten away yet! I can still write it…. But when I was on a volcano in Spain I saw an adorable meet-cute and I really wanna make it a Hinny meet-cute. I just need to dedicate time… which I never seem to have lol  
Have you cried while writing a fic?
Ummm…. I don’t think there have ever been tears but I was hit hard while writing the argument between Harry and Ginny in Covert Love. 
If you had to remix one of your own fics, which would it be and how would you remix it?
Hmmm. I think I would have to say Only the Best because I would have liked to add more hints towards who was the culprit. I don’t think I put out enough clues so the reader could have had a chance to figure it out on their own. 
How did you come up with title for Covert Love?
I knew I was going to be focusing a lot on the undercover element in this story but the love aspect was also going to be huge so I looked up words that meant undercover and really liked Covert. And it’s also a play on words because Harry and Ginny need to keep their love covert from everyone so Harry doesn’t get in trouble ;)
Which idea came to you first in Covert Love?
It was literally just the general idea of Harry being undercover and falling in love with Ginny. The idea to have her be under his protection started to form as I explored ways for them to meet. And when I decided to have him be unable to tell her about his job… I knew I had something I would love creating and working on. I knew I would have drama and so many intense moments I would be so proud of the story, which is always my goal. 
Which part of Covert Love was the hardest to write?
The moment where Harry and Ginny fight because he didn’t tell her about his job. I knew the discovery scene was going to be vital and it always hurts to write Ginny and Harry fighting. So it felt like a lot of pressure and I think overall it came out really well!
If you were ever to do a sequel to Covert Love, what do you think might happen in it?
Hmmm… well I don’t have any plans on doing a sequel at this time, but that’s because I haven’t finished writing the first one yet :P
In Covert Love, what is a happy, post-fic headcanon you have about Hinny?
Harry and Ginny getting to stay together when everything is said and done… maybe a kid or two that love quidditch as much as their mom 
A word that describes my WIP
Strive. Everyone is striving for something, even the bad guy. It all comes back to the person and their goals and how much effort they are willing to put into getting what they want/need. 
Tell us an idea for a long fic you want to write in the future.
Well… I haven’t started it at all and the research will take a while, but I wanna do a Muggle AU treasure hunter fic. Harry is a treasure hunter who is out searching for a famous lost treasure. While out on an adventure, he runs into a wild red head who is somehow roped into helping Harry. They hate each other at first but fall in love with each other as the adventure goes on. Also, there is another hunter out for the glory of finding this treasure and they have to deal with that crazy bloke and his men. If you’ve played the Uncharted games you’ve seen the format and I’d love to do something with it! Let me know what you guys think!
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prinanalogicality · 6 years
Okay, wowza. I have written lots of things for the Sanders Sides fandom, so here I am to make a masterpost of all of them. So many of them date back to before all the names were revealed, so ignore the use of things such as “Morality” or “Anxiety,” hah. I hope you enjoy!
If for some reason a link is not working, leads to the wrong thing, or I am missing anything, please feel more than welcome to send me a message about it. I would really appreciate it! Also, my ask box is always open, so feel free to send in requests for me to write things.
No Particular Ship:
Fluff. An ask was sent in, talking about Virgil enjoying having his hair played with. This is a list of headcanons where the different sides discover that he enjoys having his hair played with and how he and the others react to it.
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This is an AU that I came up with, called the Three Spaces AU or the Physical Space. This piece details the basics of just what the AU entails.
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Fluff. I Won’t Say I’m In Love. Summary: After a particularly bad day, Morality, ever the peppy dad, suggests the idea that Thomas and the others have a fun filled night of karaoke. After a considerable amount of peer pressure and persuasion from everyone and a comment from Logan, Anxiety gives in to sing one and only one song. Logan takes the opportunity to pick the song, determined to conduct his experiment, of sorts.
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Mild Angst / Fluff. Ruined Shirt. Summary: I received a prompt from a drabble list. The prompt was: "Sorry isn't going to help when I kick your ass!" Morality accidentally messes up one of Anxiety's favorite things, and Anxiety gets upset. Roman steps in to diffuse the situation.
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Fluff. Prinxiety Headcanons. Summary: Just a handful of cutesy prinxiety diddies.
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Fluff. Meant to be Mine. Summary: Roman and Anxiety have been together for three months now. The longer they are together, the more they notice about one another, and one thing that Anxiety has noticed is that Roman likes to make sure Anxiety knows that he is Roman’s, and that everyone else knows as well. They belong to one another, body and soul. So, when Anxiety hurts his hand and has trouble combing his own hair, Morality steps forward to help out his buddy. Roman doesn’t take too kindly to others playing with his Sunshine’s hair.
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Fluff. The Physical Space. Summary: Based upon the Physical Space AU that I came up with, tagged above. The sides experience their first time venturing out into the physical plane. Thomas, knowing how they bicker and afraid that he would somehow lose one of his sides, had always refused to let them out, but one day he gives in and decides to take them to the local park. Morality is ecstatic to pet all the dogs he sees, Logan is constantly flitting about to make sure Morality doesn’t contract a disease from any stray dogs, Anxiety is just trying to chill and admire nature and how cool it is to be free like this (despite feeling really anxious about being around so many other people face to face) and lastly, Roman wishes he can pay more attention to his new surroundings, but the beauty that is Anxiety in the physical space distracts him more than anything.
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Fluff. The Sash. Summary: An ask was sent in to my tumblr, requesting a piece from a sentence starters list. The prompt was: "You know, when this is over, we should really have angry sex." After Anxiety ruins one of Roman’s sashes, Roman is none to happy with his boyfriend.
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Fluff. Weak. Summary: An ask was sent in to my tumblr with a request from a list of sentence starters. The prompts were: "Ha! I found a weak spot on you, didn't I?" and "Are you wearing my shirt?" Roman wanders into Anxiety's room and is a bit surprised by what he finds.
Tumblr Link / AO3 Link
Heavy Angst. Don’t Take My Sunshine Away. Summary: An ask was sent in to my tumblr with a request from a large prompt list. The prompt was: "Don't die on me - please." After a fight with Anxiety, Roman not only experiences a sleepless night, but he also forgets to enchant his door to keep the beasts he often vanquishes at bay. One gets out, leading to unfortunate events.
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Fluff / Implied Smut. That Can Be Arranged. Summary: I received a request on my tumblr from a large list of prompts. The prompt was: "Bite me." Roman demands that Anxiety gives him his attention over his phone, leading to a bit of a tickle war.
AO3 Link.
Smut. Teasing. Summary: I received an ask on tumblr with two prompts: "Stop teasing so much..." and "Good boy." There is nothing in this world that Roman enjoys more than taking care of his boy.
AO3 Link.
Angst. Doubt. Summary: I received an ask on tumblr with a request for a fic to be based off of the song Doubt by twenty one pilots. Anxiety and Roman are in a relationship. Despite that, Anxiety doesn’t believe that he is someone that deserves to be loved. Roman disagrees.
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Fluff. Of Idiots and Ink. Summary: Human!Sides. In this world, whenever your soulmate writes on themselves, the ink shows up on your body as well. Many soulmates use this as a way to communicate and meet up with the one they are meant to be with, and, wanting to meet his love, Roman writes cute notes on himself everyday in hopes that one day the soulmate link will be found and his lover will view his words of love. He has always been excited about the prospect of his soulmate responding and living happily ever after. One morning he writes “Good morning, my love” on his forearm and checks back to see “No morning is good” written beneath it in a handwriting that is most definitely not his own.
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Heavy Angst. Not About Angels. Summary: One-sided. Anxiety has dreams.
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Fluff. The Netflixing and the Chilling. Summary: I received a prompt from a drabbles list on my tumblr. The prompt was: "You can't banish me! This is my bed too!" Roman tickles Anxiety, steals his pants, and all Anxiety wants to do is watch Netflix.
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Heavy Angst. My Love. Summary: Human!Sides. All Anxiety wants is to grow old beside Roman, but it seems that fate has different plans in mind.
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Smut. The Switch. Summary: A prompt was sent in to my tumblr. The prompt was to have Anxiety taking charge in making Roman feel good, versus the other way around.
AO3 Link
Fluff. The White Hoodie. Summary: An ask was sent in with the prompts "You're Satan" & "Stop being so cute". Roman buys Anxiety a new hoodie.
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Fluff. Kitty Anxiety. Summary: A short series of little drabbles revolving around half-cat Virgil.
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Angst. Skinny Love. Summary: And now all your love is wasted, then who the hell was I?This is the unplanned part two to my piece titled "Not About Angels." I suggest going back and reading that first if you have not done so already, though this can be read as a stand alone. I also suggest that you listen to the song "Skinny Love" by Birdy while reading, so you can get the full angst effect.
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Fluff. Protection. Summary: Human! Sides. Walking home from work late one night, Virgil comes across a circumstance where he sees someone who may need help. In all actuality, it turns out that the antagonist may need more help than the guy Virgil was initially going to assist in the first place.
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Fluff. Collide. Summary: An ask was sent in to my tumblr from a prompt list of things couples can do together. "Slow dancing in the living room." Logan and Anxiety don’t have date night often, but on this particular night, they do. Logan decides to ask Anxiety to partake in an activity he learned about from a romance novel he read.
Tumblr Link / AO3 Link
Fluff. Enchanted. Summary: I received an ask on tumblr with a prompt that read: "I could kiss you right now!" Roman decides to enchant Anxiety’s mug to make it so any liquid consumed from it makes a person outwardly happy, but the magic does not have the desired affect.
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Smut. Private Nights. Summary: Based off of “Flesh” by Simon Curtis. Logan and Virgil have a private night together, plus aftercare.
AO3 Link
Fluff. Still Get Jealous. Summary: I received an ask on tumblr with a prompt: "Are you jealous?" Anxiety doesn't like it when Logan reads to Morality.
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Light Angst / Fluff. No Bounds. Summary: I received an ask with an idea. Anxiety has a hard time believing that Logan loves him, and Logan proves to him that he is all he wants.
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Fluff. New Year’s Kiss. Summary: Virgil doesn't understand what is so important about a New Year's kiss. Logan shares his confusion, so he proposes an idea so they can both figure out what the fuss is all about. Or, the one where Logan uses science as an excuse to kiss Virgil, and maybe Virgil does too.
Tumblr Link / AO3 Link
Smut. Beauty. Summary: Human!Sides. I received a request on tumblr with a prompt: "Car sex looks so much easier in the movies." Anxiety takes Morality out on a date and decides he wants to try something new.
AO3 Link
Smut. My Honeybee. Summary: Can be seen as part 2 of Beauty. Human!Sides. I received an ask on tumblr requesting "You're so beautiful all spread out like this, just for me." Morality loves taking care of his honeybee in bed.
AO3 Link
Fluff. Human! Moxiety Headcanons. Summary: Based off of things from Beauty and My Honeybee. Just fluffy backstory of how Virgil and Patton got together, completely sfw. Beauty and My Honeybee do not need to be read in order to understand this.
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maychorian · 6 years
Weekly Voltron Fic Recs #54
A little shorter this week. I took some vacation days and did a lot of other stuff besides reading fanfiction, because yeah, ironically, I read the most fanfiction when I’m at work.
Rules: You can find past weekly rec lists here, and non-list recs in my general fic rec tag. Also follow @maychorianrecs for individually tagged posts, the easier to search and reblog. This is stuff I like, and I have a huge bias toward Lance, hurt/comfort, and general fluff, in that order. Gen unless otherwise noted. Please comment on the fics if you read and enjoy them!
Know Yourself by exclamation Words: 28,139 Author’s Summary: In trying to reconnect to the black lion, Shiro makes a worrying discovery: he might not really be Shiro. Suspecting that he might be a clone, Shiro decides to go on a mission back to the Galra science base where he was held captive. He’s not ready to tell the others what he suspects yet, but when Matt catches him sneaking out of the castle, it’s clear he’s not going on this mission alone. Shiro has to find out what was done to him, and if there is another version of him out there in need of saving. My Comments: Excellent exploration of the Shiro clone theory with some awesome plot twists, great characterization, and powerful action scenes. I really enjoyed this a lot.
The Christmas Episode by FunkyWashingMachine Words: 1,422 Author’s Summary: It’s Christmas on the castle ship, and no one loves it more than Lance. To his slight dismay. My Comments: Sweet and funny and just a little angsty. Lance deserves a happy Christmas, for sure.
Precious Cargo by LightPinkTheColorOfMyAura Words: 5,315 Author’s Summary: The team is tasked with rescuing an alien princess. Pidge and the others are not very excited to watch Lance fall all over himself for a pretty girl, so they decide to keep him…busy. When their plan falls through and they find someone unexpected, Lance pulls through like they should have expected. My Comments: Sweet, a little angsty, very cute. I don’t wanna spoil the twist, but it’s good. I enjoyed this very much.
Beacon by glitteringconstellations Words: 21,863 (6/?) Author’s Summary: An emergency mission to answer a distress call wasn’t unusual. The urgency in Allura’s voice wasn’t necessarily unusual, either—she was very much of the mind that Voltron was obligated to answer every single distress callbrought to their attention. Being the defender of the known universe came with a certain number of responsibilities, after all. But seeing the pinched, pale look on both Allura and Coran’s faces when they converged on the bridge was unusual. “The universe is vast even in terms of those planets still yet beyond the grips of the Galra. But…. the distress call came from the Terra Firma Quadrant.” Earth. My Comments: This story is absolutely harrowing, evoking all kinds of horrific things from Earth’s past, but on a global scale. Really, really, amazingly good. Very suspenseful and exciting, and it’s very cool to find a story not quite like any other Voltron fanfic I’ve read. Highly recommended if you can stand some pain.
Breathe by SuperKat Words: 2,192 Author’s Summary: The first wave of panic hits Keith out of nowhere. One second, Lance is “catching him up” on everything that’s happened since he left Voltron, and the next second Keith has a flash of memory – the two of them, walking through this hall, talking and bantering, just like this – and suddenly his breath leaves him. My Comments: I have a soft spot for someone having a panic attack and someone else talking them through, as anyone who has read my stuff will know. This was a great one.
Christmas on the Castleship by slowbronite Words: 1,939 Author’s Summary: The team raids the Space Mall’s Earth store for Christmas decor and subsequently freaks Coran out with the concept of Santa Claus. My Comments: Very cute fic with a slight focus on Coran that I really enjoyed. Happy paladins are always good to see.
War Games by FunkyWashingMachine Words: 2,160 Author’s Summary: The paladins build opposing pillow forts and declare war. Shiro is both liaison and collateral. My Comments: So cute and funny, gah, it’s wonderful to see the kids enjoying themselves. I’m pretty sure Shiro was pretending to be neutral just play off both sides, though, sneaky.
fight in the ring by ebonynightwriter Words: 2,605 Author’s Summary: When a rescue mission goes south, Allura and the team find themselves in a hard situation. // “Wait, Shiro’s the Champion?! Since when?” My Comments: Very cool little action fic.
Geslorp’s House of Terrors by AmnesiaticRoses Words: 6,815 Author’s Summary: Lance is excited when Hunk agrees to visit a carnival-style space haunted house with him. The haunted house should be fun, and Hunk’s reactions should be funny. But Lance forgot to account for the power of technological curiosity… My Comments: Cute fic with my favorite boys having an adventure together. It kind of backfires on Lance, haha.
Plundered Plumage by Quiddity Words: 5,374 Author’s Summary: Something odd crashes to the deck of the ship during a sudden storm. An avian. More common than their siren cousins, but stil rarely seen and never captured. Until now. Captain Sendak wastes no time in securing the exhausted avian, Shiro, intent on handing him over to the Pirate King Zarkon for his own gain. However, Keith, sold to Zarkon as a slave as a child and forced into a life of piracy, just might have trouble sitting back and allowing that to happen. My Comments: Really fun Pirate AU with Keith taking a big, big risk to save Shiro. The fic is short, but the world feels fully realized, and I loved the cameos from the other characters.
Rebuild all your Ruins by BossToaster (ChaoticReactions) Words: 6,074 Author’s Summary: There are consequences to Shiro’s refusal to kill. Pain hasn’t worked on him so far, but another tactic might. My Comments: This is hurt with no comfort, so know what you’re getting into. Awful stuff, but very well-written, as always.
Where the Heart Is by SmolGooDragon Words: 5,153 Author’s Summary: Lance has graduated from the Garrison at the top of his class, and will be leaving for a mission to space in a few weeks. He’s happy to be with his family and everything is going perfectly, but he feels like there’s something he can’t quite remember… like something’s missing. My Comments: Starts out as Lance going home to see his family, but there’s a twist! A good one! I don’t wanna spoil it. Just read the fic. If you like the hurt!Lance recs I typically post here, you will love this story.
Don’t Forget to Call Home by isabeau25 Words: 8,827 Author’s Summary: Just because Keith has decided to join the Blades of Marmora, doesn’t mean the team is going to let him disappear from their lives. My Comments: Absolutely beautiful fic about the other paladins keeping in contact with Keith while he’s away in Season Four. I especially loved Lance here; isabeau25 always writes Lance so very, very well. But everyone else was wonderful too. The end scene, after Keith’s nearly disastrous decision, is especially warm and comforting. So, so good.
Burning Bright by IcyPanther Words: 9,693 Author’s Summary: Last chance, they told him. If this family didn’t work out then it was back to the group home for him. And as much as Keith disliked the foster system, he hated the group home. He’d endure anything life threw at him to avoid going back. But when he meets Shiro, Keith realizes that, perhaps, there’s more to life than just enduring. His world is about to become a whole lot brighter. My Comments: Heartbreaking and heartwarming backstory for Keith and Shiro that matches up with my personal headcanons very nicely. I really felt everything Keith was going through, from the despair to the pain to the dawning pleasure and ultimate joy. So good, so satisfying, I just love it.
Seven Vargas by VelkynKarma for buttered_onions Words: 18,006 Author’s Summary: Shiro has a bad habit of disappearing unexpectedly. But the team really should have anticipated it this time, with him being the most wanted person on the planet. My Comments: This is a thrilling read of the action/adventure type, but with a healthy dollop of pathos, too. Shiro has a really rough time of it, but it was great to see him constantly fighting to get himself free by whatever means he could, and of course the others’ frantic need to find him and rescue was lovely.
Signals From Space by Eastofthemoon Words: 3,814 Author’s Summary: Fame spreads farther than anyone could have known. My Comments: Lance’s family is sweet and funny and perfect, and this is a delightful way for them to find out that Lance is alive. The final chapter was especially heartwarming.
reprise, refrain by obstinateRixatrix Words: 8,180 Author’s Summary: When the castle picks up an Altean distress signal, Allura desperately hopes to find surviving Alteans. She does - just not in the way she was expecting. My Comments: I like the canon version of this episode just fine, but this is also a very fun alternate take, and much easier on Allura’s heart, I think. All of the OCs are delightful.
What Happens Under a Full Moon by imperiality Words: 9,136 Author’s Summary: When Lance accidentally partakes in a new planet’s ritual under their greatest full moon, the paladins have to find out how to reverse his spell. Or, he could have just taken off the mask to begin with. My Comments: Fantastic worldbuilding here, very immersive and enjoyable to read. It’s like taking a journey, traveling with Lance through this exciting festival he enjoys so much. And the solution to the trouble he finds himself in made me very, very happy.
Previously Recced Fics That Updated:
The Purity of Sin (22254 words) Home and a Half (109291 words) As Color Fades Away (217819 words) Gate Keeper (119177 words) Why it sucks to be a snake in space(59933 words)
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adhd-ahamilton · 7 years
Joy To The World, 1, 4 and 5!
Hoo boy, so many questions!!! I hope you’re prepared for the deluge that’s gonna result...~ I’ll answer these tonight and finish the ones in the other messages tomorrow morning!
1. What inspired you to write the fic this way?
So. Over the last five or so years I’ve been writing fic, in all but the second year, I’ve written a special Christmas-related fic for Christmas. (And I did two the first year, so.) Christmas is a really important holiday to me and I really love Christmas-related stuff (the cheesier and sillier the better), so it became kind of a tradition. But this year, I was at a little bit of a loss. I knew I wanted to write Lams, because that’s my big thing right now. But how would I write Christmas Lams? Did they even properly ‘celebrate’ Christmas during that time period?? Or should I just go for an AU?
I researched it, and thankfully it turns out that the 18th century is around when people did start to celebrate Christmas in the modern sense (and it’s also when carols really started to come about, which is great because per tradition all my Christmas fic are titled after a carol), but that was just the beginning of the issue. When exactly would it be set? Valley Forge? But, uh... I highly doubted they would be really doing all that much at that point. But I couldn’t really think of any time outside of Lams AU that they’d be together. (And then I found out afterwards that Ham wasn’t even there for Christmas 1777, so, welp.) And I really couldn’t think of any kind of actual plot. I could have done a kind of meditation on their relationships to religion, but I didn’t know that much about which specific form of Christianity they belonged to, and I thought it was something that could be and HAD been done much better by other people. (Plus that’s not really my fave kind of fic to write to begin with.)
So, it wasn’t really working out that well. But still, I really kept trying. Through November, my working plan became almost set in stone: I’d do a combined historical and modern AU fic, switching back and forth between scenes, comparing themes (supply lists in VF compared with finding money for food over Christmas break in modern AU), sorta casually looking at the differences. When I gave it up, it was partly out of lack of interest in the themes, but my conscious reason was ‘I just don’t really care about modern AU Lams.’
...which came to the crux of the problem all along: I’m not really an AU person. Or rather, I’m very not an AU person. I’ve written very few AUs in my time, and almost all of them were historical AUs - certainly not modern day ones, and definitely not school AUs. I don’t have any, like, moral opposition - I can fully appreciate the transformative potential of full-setting AUs and find very interesting the interdependent communities that develop around AU-heavy fandoms as they essentially create their own accepted canons - but I just...don’t tend to like them. I’m very analytical!! The idea of just...MAKING UP not just one character or setting but basically a whole story just always seemed simultaneously too easy and too hard to me!!! Plus, I like to write really interesting and unusual things and try new styles, and one of the most basic points of interests for me in writing is asking what makes these characters and relationships unique, based on their precise personalities and backstories and combinations of traits. None of that lends well to full-setting AUs.
But. As I was mulling this terrible problem over, as usual, I was also running over in my head all kinds of various different characterisation ideas. This time, I was thinking about how it was interesting that Hamilton always seemed to be written in opposition to Henry Laurens, when IRL it seems they had a pretty decent acquaintanceship. And I was thinking about it, and I really started to think that, actually, someone in Hamilton’s point of view - who was constantly abandoned by his father, and desperate for his attention, and incredibly ambitious despite the circumstances of his birth - would be one of the WORST people to understand that an overly-controlling, overly-interested father who expects extremely highly of his son could be a negative influence. Which also added to another thought I’d been having. I always liked one quote from Chernow, that Laurens must have seen in Hamilton what a man who makes himself can do, and it always made me think that Hamilton must have been the same way - that he must have seen in Laurens the man he had always aimed to be. So, Laurens grew up in a good family, acknowledged and promoted by said family, with plenty of money and a great deal of opportunity. To Hamilton... yeah, it’d definitely be hard for him to see the problems with that. (And, you know, there IS a lot of privilege there!! It’s just, y’know, that mental illness doesn’t always listen to that.) But, those thoughts were kinda moot, because I really couldn’t think of any way to contrast these different experiences with fathers in historical verse.
And that’s when it came to me. What if I did a modern AU where Hamilton came down to visit the Laurens family for Christmas?
I didn’t have the time (or, really, the interest) to develop a full-on world for everyone, and a uni AU just seemed to be the most appropriate for this one, anyway. And it also did have a bit of appeal: it always kinda bugged me that in the AUs I read, Hamilton and Laurens never seemed to be studying law, even though that’s historically what they did do. As a law grad, I figured I might as well be the one to write it. (Though law in Australia is p different from in the US - there’s no separate law school, we just study it straight out of high school like anything else - but whatever.) And once I was doing THAT, it was hard for me to escape the fact that, in the real world, studying law hadn’t...exactly always been the best experience for me. Given that Laurens didn’t really want to study it either, it seemed appropriate to lean on those experiences a bit.
Aaand that’s where we really get to the meat of the inspiration behind it, heh. Which is to say: this is possibly the most autobiographical thing I’ve ever written...? I’ll say outright that a lot of it WAS entirely invented - my relationship with my family is nothing like John’s was in this, at all. But my anxieties over studying, and my worries about the future and what a career in law would lead to... yeah, that came from me haha. Because, to get kind of personal about it... well, I graduated July 2015. And in the time since then, I have been employed for about 2.5? months, total. The job scene here, in general and especially for law grads, is just that bad. (And, uh, there was a fair bit of personal fault in my lack of preparation for after I’d graduate? But, seriously, I was really anxious already...) And ever since then - particularly 2016 to the present - I’ve also had a lot of anxiety and depression and stuff going on. At the time I wrote the fic, it was in a position of leaning worse rather than better. So...I honestly don’t know if there was ever, like, a dispassionate fic in there safely cordoned off from my own projections, but if there was, it didn’t last long.
So, I got the idea, and wrote it all up pretty quickly in early December, just kinda ridin’ that catharsis of getting all that stuff out. (And it turned out to be even more relevant than I thought, as ‘trying to enjoy Christmas like you usually do when you’re really not happy’ also ended up a very autobiographical theme.) And that’s how it happened!
As for one or two other things:
I really really didn’t wanna get too into politics in the fic lmao. I don’t feel comfortable with more than the broadest strokes of Hamilton’s beliefs (I’m gonna GET THERE but Im still well rev-verse in Chernow) and I always feel uncomfortable about portraying historical figure in any better light than they deserve when it comes to specific matters. But I also wanted to have Laurens and Hamilton at least as POC because I also think it’s important to increase racial diversity in fanfic in the rare cases that we really get a clear choice. So, I tried to kinda portray that without really getting detailed about any activist stuff or whatever. Which is why in Ham’s argument with Henry he’s really not siding with anyone, he’s just an economics wonk who gets mad when people on both sides of the political aisle don’t make sure their numbers add up, lol. That was my best compromise. (And Philly kinda nudged me when I still got too far off-course;; haha!)
Hamilton has ADHD because: again, I wanted to actually officially write up neurodivergent characters into fic when I had the option of being specific (my Ham is always neurodivergent but obv I can’t explicitly write that into the text of historical verse), and it’s ADHD because......well, I could write a really long thing about that alone lmfao. And I feel like I kind of should in some ways because I know that a lot of people aren’t rly familiar with how ADHD tends to actually, like, feel, for real-life people, and if you aren’t then I KNOW this must sound like a really arbitrary or misguided HC. And I’d really love to write it up and expand education and all, but. It’s also something that hits really close and personal for me and, as someone who can be anxious for days straight over opening entirely innocuous tumblr messages... I just DK I could do it, atm;;;;; Someday I will though, I hope!!! (Tho I will say that I’m totally for all neurodivergent Ham HCs and that honestly my Classic Ham is also influenced by BD and BPD things so I’m p flexible about it.) (Actually I guess I CAN say that my HCs for Ham all involve disorders with extreme moods and mood swings and stuff and ADHD in its lesser known symptoms can absolutely include that, esp with Rejection-Sensitive Dysphoria, so yeah. That’s basically the large part of my reason for that headcanon right there lol.)
4. What's your favorite line of dialogue? 
HM OH MAN, I’m not sure!!! Lemme skim it again real quick.
In terms of sheer characterisation efficiency, I always liked the idea of Henry Laurens’ introductory sentence being to complain about John not calling often enough. It’s just such a perfect combination of a) genuinely cares about his son and wants to hear from him, and b) is an asshole who has no idea whatsoever of the pressure he’s putting on his son without offering any concurrent praise or reassurance. 
...so yeah I think I’ll leave it at that actually, since this thing is long enough already lol.
5. What part was hardest to write?
I was sitting here trying hard to remember if I really had trouble writing any part of the draft because there was one bit where I stalled briefly but it wasn’t really that bad and I couldn’t even really remember it and apart from that it was super smooth...until I remembered that editing counts as writing. And hoo fucking boy.
I was lucky enough to be able to have my fic beta-ed by Philly! Which I’m super grateful for and the fic is undoubtedly better for it! But it was a really difficult process for me because of my anxiety. And I needed to do it rather quickly, because of course I had to have it finished before Christmas, and my family actually was going away for Christmas where we wouldn’t have internet access.
So I get through almost all of the fic. It’s finally almost done. And then right at the end there’s a bit where Alex and John quickly exchange gifts on Christmas morning. Super short scene. And Philly pointed out that, actually, wouldn’t the rest of the family be taken-aback at them exchanging gifts without them?
And I kind of read that and sat back and. that was right. That was 100% correct. So like. What do I do??? Do I involve the other characters? But the original scene was like, three lines. and I don’t wanna have to write a whole new scene lmao. Do I take it out? But in a earlier scene, I’d had John express a worry that the present he’d gotten for Alex was awful and he really regretted it, and I kinda liked that in this final scene we see that actually he’d just forgotten WHY he’d bought it (he’d remembered Alex saying something about it), and I thought that was a nice thing about how anxiety can really fuck with even your memory and stuff bc in the end there genuinely was no reason to worry. It wasn’t necessary to the fic, but it only came about in the writing - I’m pretty sure the outline was just like ‘and then they exchange gifts or somethign??? IDK’ - and I didn’t want to get rid of it again. But then how do I justify them exchanging gifts alone??? 
And so that’s how I ended up just sitting there mournfully or pacing back and forth like p LEASE just SAVE ME, just GIVE ME AN OPTION, I have a HOLIDAY TO PACK FOR and THINGS TO DO and I just want this damn fic to be EDITED and DONE ALREADY. I came up with soo many possibilities, none of which satisfied me,lmao. and eventually after wayyyyyy too long of trying to figure it out I settled on something that seemed mostly plausible and then just. wrote it in and skimmed the rest of the fic and posted it lmao.
Which, honestly, is pretty typical proceedings. I tend to have the general ideas come pretty easily to me, and the actual writing is normally pretty smooth - it’s usually the editing where I start rocking back and forth and cursing myself for ever trying to write :’) (Luckily, at that point I’m close enough to the end that I can usually force it through...!!)
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color-in-your-hands · 7 years
#10 for the all pairings in ciyh
You just go right for the heartparts, don’t you, anon?10: Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?Strap in for a doozy, kids.
I’m gonna start with the minor side pairings that don’t effect the overarching plot or character development, because I’m nothing if not persnickety and ineffectually comprehensive.Fletcher and Archer: Because I could, and so I did.  Where else was I supposed to wedge my favoritest OC and his inveterate life partner (also an OC, belonging to my good good very best friend @archer-and-anders​) and their college au incarnations into my college au fanfic?  Why, as fellow students on the periphery of the protagonists’ social circles, of course!  They weren’t made together or to be together, but they are meant to be together forever, across any and all universes.  It’s just how it is, and I don’t make the rules.Declan and Ashley: I latched on to his POV chapter in TRK mentioning her as a present-tense girlfriend and not a past-tense one, and I want them to be the cool, sexy, affably morally neutral Greenmantles 2.0 with matching Audis and a Mr. and Mrs. Smith vibe.  Also, my girl Ashley?  She’s rad and Declan doesn’t really deserve her because she’s so much cooler than he is.Maura and Calla: BLUE’S MOMS.  Because how could I not, when there’s no Artemus to worry about, a Persephone in the mix, or a Mr. Gray to pair Maura off with?  Of course I went the “they’re in lesbians” route!  If things focused more on the rest of the group and not just on Adam and Ronan, they’d make appearances, but as things stand right now, they’re not slated to turn up at all, which I hope to rectify in The Rewrite.
On to the played-with and past-tense pairings.  Funnily enough, most of these involve Adam because of a very particular headcanon I have for him and am deeply attached to.Ronan and Noah:  Oh, Noah, my dear sweet boy, he just made his way around the whole group, didn’t he?  This is actually only implied in passing once in Ch3 and never mentioned again, and it was from before I realized how potentially icky that was depending on when exactly it happened, since that chapter has Noah saying he’s 28 and Ronan implying that "{Noah]’s girlfriend and all of [Noah]’s friends are 21″, which is wrong, because Gansey turns 21 at some point between Ch18 and Ch20, which is almost two months later.  I’m going on record here and now to say that, no, this didn’t actually happen and this passing mention of it is an instance of Early Installment Weirdness that will be nixed in The Rewrite.  Adam and Tad: This wasn’t supposed to become quite the thing it did in my mind; I threw Tad into CiYH for Drama caused by Ronan’s jealous streak and his possessiveness of Adam, and I ended up getting really attached to my version of Tad, perhaps a little wrongheadedly.  I intended to push this from “played with” into “actually happens” to fuel Ronan and Adam fighting for much longer than they did, which I also decided against about... two chapters ago.  Instead I opted to have Ronan continue to be jealous over something that was never going to happen because it seemed in character for him.  Adam and Brandy: Okay.  So.  This plays into the aforementioned headcanon I have for Adam but also has some bearing on the plot, so I can’t get to into the details on this one (especially since Brandy is a present-tense character as of Ch24).  I can say this, though, because it relates to Adam’s relationship with Blue: I didn’t want him to be as inexperienced as Blue, as in a virgin who’d never been kissed before they’d started dating each other.  So I had to give Adam an ex-girlfriend he’d been physically intimate with, who was (probably) slightly more experienced than he was back in high school.  Ronan and Kavinsky: Contrary to what most people might think, I didn’t include this oairing because I wanted to write Rovinsky into CiYH.  I knew going into this project that I wanted to write Kavinsky a particular way, and that I was writing Ronan a particular way, and that I was walking a very fine line between making their backstory work and making it seem out of character for Ronan.  In my mind, to play out the full extent of Ronan’s teenage trauma without magic and without his friends (save Gansey, who at the time lived hundreds of miles away) but with the grim reality and formative nature Niall’s death had on him intact, I needed to include the only other character he’d known in high school: Kavinsky.  How could I play out Ronan’s character (again, without magic) and Kavinsky the way I intended to portray him (also without magic) as realistically as possible, despite the very murky waters I’d be treading the entire time?  By giving them an intimate history with each other, even though I was basically writing Rovinsky into CiYH.Adam and Blue: This one’s only a little bit self-serving, because I actually really like them paired together and I wanted them to have dated and boned prior to the start of CiYH.  I had that in mind when I wrote the first chapter, and it didn’t even come up back then.  Funny how that happens.   But yeah, I had a soft spot for Adam being Blue’s first in most of the major ways and I projected a lot of my relationship frustrations and drama onto them because catharsis (and they’re the only pairing I could actually do that with and have it make sense).
And now, for the actual factual present-tense pairings you’re all here for.Blue and Gansey:  I guess I have to out myself here as being a Bluesey hater.  “Hater” is probably way too strong a word, because I’m honestly more ambivalent to it.  It’s boring to me.   But I had to include it because I had to, right?  Right, because this is a TRC fic.  That’s pretty much it, and it’s cute, I guess, but.   Yeah.  Fortunately it developed into something I could get behind, to an extent, because they’re both also paired off with characters I think they’re both better suited for than each other.Gansey and Henry: Yes, this is canon!  No, I have not made that clear in anything I’ve written!  Yes, that is horrible of me and I fully acknowledge that and plan to rectify it in The Rewrite!  Yes, it’s actually happening throughout CiYH, yes other characters do know about it, and yes Henry is actually around more often than he is not.  This is all a major failing on my part because I never developed a good voice for him (or Gansey, for that matter) and, as I’ve said before, I honestly had no idea I’d ever get to a point where I’d realize it was a major misstep to not include him from the get, because I started CiYH well before TRK came out and I’d initially been hesitant to heavily feature a character we knew nothing about (this is based on past experiences I’ve had in fandoms, with getting attached to characters pre-release and being hugely disappointed by them in canon).  This is my single highest priority for The Rewrite, and I can’t emphasize that enough.Blue and Noah:  MY OTEEP.  I’m infinity-percent serious when I say that, I really am.  I’ve said it a million times before, but I ship Blue and Noah together harder than I think I’ve ever shipped literally anything since--I admit these freely and fly these particular fandom colors proudly--Shakarian and Handers.  Part of this is projecting, part of this is because my version of Noah is, in fact, so compelling to me that I’m planning on giving him a spin-off of his own that delves into his backstory and follows his personal arc as it develops parallel to CiYH.  I can’t wait because I’ll get to delve so much more into this relationship.  Blue, Noah, and Gansey: This is the amalgam of my gripes with Bluesey and my undying love for Blue/Noah.  You’ve gotta love that happy, comfortable, casual polyamory.  This is something I’m really looking forward to exploring more in both the Noah Spin-Off and The Rewrite, especially since I’ve dedicated considerable thought to how exactly this relationship comes to be, how it works (i.e. Blue’s time with both of them, their time as a trio, Noah and Gansey’s time as roommates/friends, Gansey’s time with Henry), and how Noah and Gansey (who don’t exist as a pairing without Blue’s influence) work.  It’s easy in a way Adam and Ronan aren’t, despite how complicated and difficult it looks on the surface, but there’s still a lot of room for Drama, because there’s a lot of conflicting dynamics insofar as their three distinct cultures and family lives are concerned, and also lulz for that same exact reason.  Adam and Ronan: Because, at the end of the day, I wanted to write these angry, sharp-edged handsome dudes being in messy, complicated, aesthetically pleasing love with each other.   And boning down, a lot, with vigor and enthusiasm.  Really.  That’s it.  It’s just complicated in context, but the reality is actually that simple.  
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