#picks him up and waves him around like a ferret
venacoeurva · 1 year
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Makes him long and weird and monstery, and alarmed apparently
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has anybody done the jurgen leitner rant with john gaius. please it would be so funny
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theostrophywife · 5 months
green with envy.
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pairing: theodore nott x reader.
request: omg i need more of theo x reader with a hint of flirty draco
song inspiration: jealous by nick jonas.
author's note: ask and you shall receive. here's draco scheming to make theo jealous, which we all know won't end well. happy new year's my loves. we're staring 2024 off with a bang 😉
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“Merlin, they can’t possibly be serious.” Draco muttered in disbelief. “Those two truly aren’t fooling anyone.”
Blaise glanced up from his book, searching for the cause of Malfoy’s offense. The Three Broomsticks was packed, but it wasn’t hard to spot the reason for his friend’s griping. Tucked into a secluded corner of the tavern, you and Theo gravitated towards each other like magnets, leaning into one another, foreheads pressed together, talking and laughing like you were the only people in the world. 
It had been this way ever since Blaise could remember.
As always, Theo wore that stupid love-struck expression on his face as he listened to you talk, chuckling softly as you waved your arms around animatedly. You, on the other hand, seemed completely oblivious to the pining and yearning coming from Nott’s end. Anyone with an ounce of common sense could see that Theo was clearly in love with you, yet you remained blind to his affections. 
“They’ve made it very clear that they’re just friends,” Blaise replied, repeating the same tired words that you and Theodore declared over and over again over the course of your friendship.
“And you believe them?” 
“Of course not.” Blaise affirmed as he flipped through the pages of his book once more. “But who am I to burst their blissful bubble of ignorance?” 
“They’re clearly in denial,” Draco remarked, watching intently as you picked a nonexistent piece of lint off of Theo’s quidditch sweater. “It’s been seven years of this pathetic teetering between will they or won’t they territory. I can’t stomach another day of it, Blaise. Someone needs to do something.” 
“Whatever half-arsed plan you’ve cooked up in that ferret brain of yours, I want no part in it.” 
Draco tapped his fingers against the wooden table, a familiar smirk curving at his lips. Blaise sighed in exasperation. He knew that look. He hated that look. It usually meant that Malfoy was hatching a scheme that spelled nothing but trouble for Blaise. 
“I’m serious, Draco.” Blaise said in a stern voice.
“So am I,” the blonde replied. “Those two need a push and I’m more than willing to provide it for them.” 
“I already know that I’m going to regret asking, but what exactly are you planning?” 
Draco smirked. Blaise swore to Salazar that there was an evil gleam in his friend’s eyes as he turned over to face him. “I’m going to flirt with Y/N.” 
“Are you mental?” Blaise exclaimed. “Nott will send you to an early grave. Did you see what he did to Pucey for trying to chat Y/N up? Poor bastard had to eat his meals through a straw for weeks.”
“Then I guess it’s your job to prevent that from happening, Zabini.” 
There were a million protests on Blaise’s lips. Everyone knew that Theo was overprotective of his best friend. It was an unspoken rule that you were off-limits and Blaise had seen first hand the consequences that befell anyone that dared to hit on you. It usually ended with someone in the infirmary and that someone was never Theo. 
Draco was well aware of this fact as well, but he seemed to have a death wish. Before Blaise could stop him, Malfoy scooped two glasses of butterbeer from the counter and made his way over to you just as Theo excused himself for a smoke. You looked up just as Draco slipped into the booth, sliding beside you to take up the vacant spot your best friend left. 
“Fancy seeing you here, Y/N.” 
“Hi, Dray.” You greeted the blonde with a smile. “I didn’t know you were here, too.” 
“How could you?” He drawled playfully. “Theodore seems content keeping you all to himself.” 
You rolled your eyes fondly. “You could’ve easily just come over to join us.”
“That’s exactly what I’m doing, darling.” Draco set a mug of ice cold butterbeer down in front of you. “And I brought your favorite.” 
“How sweet of you.” You beamed, totally unaware of his schemes as you clinked your glass against his. “Cheers, Draco.” 
“Cheers, Y/N.” 
The sweetness of the butterbeer lingered on your tongue and the foam rested on your upper lip as you savored the taste. Your tongue peeked out, trying to lick the remnants away. Silver eyes flashed mischievously as he clocked the action, a smirk curling against his lips. 
“Here, let me.” Draco brushed his thumb over your upper lip, wiping away the foam with ease. His fingers were soft and featherlight and nothing like the calloused feel of Theo’s hands. 
Your best friend had a bad habit of burning his fingertips from the countless blunts and cigarettes he smoked. Despite the fact that you offered to heal them with magic, Theo always refused. He said it made him more manly. Though you rolled your eyes at him, you found that you didn’t really mind his scars and calluses. It only made him that much more endearing. Why you were thinking of Theo while another man was touching you, you had no idea. Or perhaps you did and you were just in deep, deep denial about it. 
“Have I lost you, love?” 
With a blink, you found yourself staring back at Malfoy. “Sorry, Draco. What were you saying?” 
“I asked if you were using a new shampoo,” said your friend. He twirled a strand of your hair between his fingers, using the ends to tickle your cheek. “Your hair smells divine.” 
You paused, narrowing your eyes at Draco. “What are you doing, Dray?” 
“I’m not doing anything.” 
“You’re up to something.” 
That much was obvious to you. Years of friendship told you just as much. Draco was currently plotting something. Before you could question him further, a shadow loomed over the both of you. When Theo had left for his smoke break, he was carefree and grinning, but now tension colored your best friend’s features. As he glared down at Draco, Theo clenched his jaw and balled his fists at his side.
“Keep your hands to yourself, Malfoy.” 
“Teddy, he was just helping me with—“ 
“Draco doesn’t need to help you with anything.” Theo’s eyes flashed with anger, the blues and greens of his irises turning stormy as his gaze dropped to the lock of hair tangled through Draco’s fingers. “What he needs is to walk away before I break his fucking jaw.” 
Draco raised his palms up. “I don’t want any trouble, Nott.” 
Despite his statement, you sensed that trouble was exactly what Draco was aiming for. Instead of walking away like he should’ve, Malfoy leaned over and kissed your cheek in parting, which only further incensed Theo. If you hadn’t grabbed hold of the end of his coat, Theo would’ve hurled himself at Draco and punched the cocky smirk off of your friend’s face. 
You tugged at Theo and placed yourself between him and Draco, watching as the blonde returned to the table Blaise was currently sitting at. For good measure, he winked at the two of you as though Theo wasn’t already pissed enough as it was. 
“What the hell’s gotten into you?” Theo’s gaze flickered back to you, his eyes darkening as they met yours. 
“Why the fuck are you letting him touch you like that?” 
The bite in his voice puzzled you. Theo never snapped at you, so you weren’t quite sure how to react. He almost sounded…jealous. Not that Theo had any reason to be. Right?
“What are you on about? Draco was literally just wiping the foam off of my mouth. It’s not a big deal.” 
Downplaying the interaction seemed to rile Theo up even further. “Yes it fucking is,” he gritted out. “He’s flirting with you, Y/N. How can you not see that?” 
The accusation of Draco Malfoy flirting with you was entirely laughable. Though you were accustomed to Theo’s overzealous tendencies, you usually didn’t mind his overprotectiveness since it deterred creepy guys from making advances towards you. But this was Draco, for Godric’s sake. You’ve known each other since you were in diapers. There was no way in hell he was actually trying to make a move on you. 
“You’re being ridiculous, Teddy. Malfoy was not flirting with me.” 
“Of course he was! Did you not see the way he looked at you? The bloody git was all over you, playing with your hair, touching your lips. I should his bash his fucking head in for even glancing in your direction.“ 
The rest of Theo’s rant was incoherent, a mixture between English and Italian curses that drew the attention of those around you. With a grimace, you tugged Theo towards the back of the Three Broomsticks. He continued swearing as you led him away, dead eyes filled with fury as you ushered him into the bathroom. 
There was a murderous expression on his face as he spewed threats and curses. You locked the door behind you, sighing as you surveyed the angry boy before you. Knowing Theo, his constant ranting would only fuel the fire of his anger. You needed to calm him down before he made good on his promise to pummel Draco into the ground. 
Unfortunately, Theo had already worked himself up to a fit. A frown was evident on his face, his knuckles turning white as he clenched his fists, the veins on his forearms protruding as violence threatened to spill over. You said his name a few times, but he didn’t seem to hear you. He was too angry to take notice. 
While dealing with an angry Theo was by no means a new occurrence for you, it seemed harder to pull him out of it this time. You had never seen him this furious. A small part of you was mad at his overreaction, but another part of you was oddly flattered that he cared so much. 
Perhaps it was foolish to do so, but you relished in the fact that such a small action could elicit such a response from him. If you didn’t know any better, you would’ve surmised that Theo was acting out of jealousy. His possessive behavior had always given you a strange sort of thrill. It made you feel wanted, it made you feel desired, and that in itself was more dangerous than any drug. 
Theo paced back and forth, contemplating acts of violence against one of his oldest and closest friends.
He wondered how much trouble he’d get into for beating Draco into a bloody pulp. Would they suspend him? Theo reckoned it would be worth it. 
The sight of Draco brushing foam off of your lips flashed through his mind again, playing on a torturous loop. Malfoy didn’t get to touch you like that. No one got to touch you like that. At least not without Theo breaking every bone in their hand. 
“Oh for Salazar’s fucking sake.” 
You grabbed the front of Theo’s sweater and dragged him down to your level. There was absolutely no thought process behind your actions besides stopping his rant. With your lips pressed firmly against his, you accomplished just that. Theo froze for a second, his eyes fluttering close as you kissed him. The tension left his body, his anger melting away to give room for a different sort of heat to spread through him. 
The minute his body language changed, you pulled away. Theo looked down at you, his dead eyes burning with searing passion. You felt his gaze piercing right through you. There was danger lurking within him. Like he was the predator and you were the prey. You’ve never seen him look like that before. Theo looked…feral. Theo looked hungry. 
“I’m sorry, Teddy. I was just trying to calm you down—”
You reeled back as Theo cupped your face in his hands and smashed your lips together once more. This time, there was no surprise in the kiss. There was just fervent passion, arduous desire, and mutual destruction between you. Theo didn’t kiss you like he wanted you. He kissed you like he needed you. 
As he pinned you against the wall, Theo gripped your hips and pressed his body against yours. The kisses grew sloppy and desperate, the two of you scrabbling for more. You groaned as his erection brushed against your thigh, leaving him the perfect opening to slide his tongue past the seam of your lips. You were vaguely aware of banging into the pictures on the walls, the sound of them clattering to the ground registering somewhere in the back of your mind. 
The two of you were like a tornado, knocking decor and toiletries around as you continued to sloppily make out. You were sure that you were making enough noise to alert the whole tavern. Yet you couldn’t bring yourself to care as Theo bit down on your bottom lip. You moaned into his mouth as he set you down on the counter. One hand gripped your throat while the other slipped underneath your skirt. 
Theo dragged you closer by your thighs, wrapping your legs around his waist as he grinded his hardness against your throbbing core. 
“Malfoy couldn’t touch you like this, bella.” The low rasp of his voice sent shivers down your spine. His hold on you was possessive and utterly fucking sexy. Heat rushed between your thighs as his fingers tightened around your throat. “Only I can touch you like this. Do you understand, dolcezza?” 
“Yes,” you answered breathlessly. “It’s you, Teddy. Only you.” 
Pleased with your response, Theo smirked as he ripped off your tights. Your eyes nearly rolled to the back of your head when he rubbed his hand against your clothed sex. He palmed you through your panties, swearing when he felt how wet you were for him. 
“You’re fucking mine,” he growled against your ear while he slid your panties to the side and teased along your folds. Slender fingers curled inside of you, eliciting a filthy moan that echoed through the walls. “This is all for me.” 
Watercolour eyes seized the breath from your lungs. The declaration hung in the air with finality. There was no room for question or doubt. Theo was merely stating the truth.
You were his. You always have been. 
Theo withdrew his hand, fingers dripping with your arousal. He refused to break eye contact as he stuck them into his mouth, licking each digit clean. 
You whimpered, pulling him in by his belt loop. He moaned as you impatiently tugged his jeans down, palming him through his boxers. He felt big. Bigger than you’ve ever had before. 
But you wanted it. You wanted him. 
“I need you, Theo. Please.” 
“I’m yours, Y/N.” Theo panted into your mouth as you released his cock from the constraints of his boxers. “Always.” 
You swallowed thickly as you looked down at his impressive size. His cock was hard and throbbing in your hands, precum leaking from the tip. Theo was massive. You had no idea how he was going to fit. Still, the challenge thrilled you. 
Spreading your legs open, you bit your lip as Theo positioned the head of his cock at your entrance. He kissed your lips sweetly before pulling back and nuzzling his nose against yours. 
“Deep breaths, baby.” You nodded, inhaling and exhaling as he pushed the tip in. “You’re so tight. Gonna let me stretch you wide open, bella?”
Tears pricked at your eyes as he breached your walls, stretching you just between the line of pain and pleasure. “You’re so big, Theo. I don't—I don't know if it’s going to fit.” 
“We’ll make it fit, Y/N,” he promised, pushing further in and groaning as your walls hugged tightly around him. “Just like that. You’re doing so well, sweetheart.” 
Once Theo was fully sheathed inside of you, his movements stilled. He caressed your cheek and pecked your lips. “Can I move, baby?” 
“Yes,” you exhaled. 
“Good girl.” 
You fluttered at his words and Theo cursed as your walls gripped him like a vice. “Fuck, pretty pussy’s squeezing me so tight. You drive me fucking insane, you know that? I get so jealous of anyone who even looks at you.” 
“I like when you get jealous,” you admitted, wrapping your legs tighter around his waist. “You’re sexy when you’re angry.” 
Theo flipped you over so that you were facing the mirror. As you gripped the marble countertop, he thrusted sharply inside of you and watched as your face contorted into pleasure. Whispering praises into your ear, Theo picked up the pace. He intertwined your fingers together and placed each palm against the mirror.
“Open your eyes, bella. I want you to watch while I ruin you.” 
Your eyes snapped to your reflection, taking in your flushed cheeks and mussed hair. Behind you, Theo fucked into you with a punishing pace. He groaned as he watched himself slide in and out of you, relishing at the perfect fit. It was like you were made for him. As your moans grew louder, Theo stuffed his fingers down your throat and gagged you. 
“God, fuck.” Theo hissed, his eyes meeting yours in the reflection. “Harder, baby. You can take it. Let me fuck out my frustrations.” 
“You. Belong. To. Me.” 
Theo punctuated every word with a thrust, hitting the sweet spot within your walls with each rut. 
“I’m yours, Teddy.” You said breathlessly. “All yours.” 
He smiled, placing a tender kiss against your neck as his fingers slipped between your legs. Theo rubbed at your clit, urging you closer and closer to your orgasm. 
“Are you close, principessa? I can feel you squeezing me, milking me dry. Take it all, dolcezza. You’re mine, but I’m yours too.” 
“My hands are yours.” Theo squeezed your tits, flicking his thumb over your nipples.
“My lips are yours.” He angled your chin towards him, claiming your mouth with open mouthed kisses.
“My cock is yours.” He drove deeper inside of you, making you arch as you cried out his name. 
Theo swallowed your moans before capturing your lips with his. “My heart is yours, too.” 
“It’s all yours, Y/N.”
Your heart squeezed at his declaration. Nothing had ever sounded more beautiful than Theo pledging every part of himself to you.  
“Oh god. Fuck, Theo. Please. I’m gonna cum.” 
“Cum for me, bella.” 
Stars dotted your vision as the orgasm rocked through your body. Theo kissed your neck, marking his territory, while you squeezed around him. The heat of his touch seared your skin as he held you. If it weren’t for his strong arms wrapped around you, you would’ve collapsed. 
“So fucking perfect,” Theo said between pants. “My beautiful girl.” 
Your name tumbled off of Theo’s lips as he came. It was the sweetest sound you’ve ever heard. Coming from the most beautiful boy you’ve ever seen. 
The two of you slid down to the floor. Theo wrapped an arm around you, cheeks red and hair disheveled. His pretty eyes fluttered open as he traced over the hickies and bruises he’d left on your body, admiring each mark gently. With his brows scrunched with concern, he brushed a thumb over the bite mark on your shoulder. 
“Was I too rough?” Theo whispered, kissing over the spot. “Did I hurt you, Y/N?”
You smiled at his gentleness, smoothing at the worry lines creasing his forehead. “No, it was perfect. God, you're fucking hot when you're jealous.” 
Theo chuckled, kissing the inside of your wrist. The playfulness in his expression faltered as concern and hesitation bled through. “Did you—I mean, fuck, did you enjoy it? I didn’t—you still want to be my friend, right?” 
Theo felt his heart drop down to his stomach. He’d fucked it up. The one good thing in his life and he’d fucked it up. You brushed your fingers over his cheekbones, tilting his chin so that you were face to face. 
“I want to be so much more than just your friend, Teddy.” The sigh of relief that he released made you grin. You leaned in, giving him a soft peck on the lips. “My heart is yours, too. It’s always been yours.” 
The weight of his smile made your heart ache. “Now that you know how I feel, there’s no need to be jealous anymore.” 
“Are you kidding? I’m going to be even more insufferable now. I need everyone to know that you’re mine.” 
“They already know, Teddy. We were the only ones living in denial.” 
“We made it pretty damn obvious, didn’t we?” 
“You threatened every guy who dared to even look at me.”
“Please,” Theo started, a smile tugging at his lips. “I saw the dirty looks you gave to the girls who tried to flirt with me.” 
You chuckled. “Okay, so maybe we’re both a little…”
“Possessive? Obsessed? Head over heels insane for each other?” 
“All of the above.” You declared, tugging at his hand. “Now come on, Teddy. Before someone figures out what we were really doing in here.” 
“I think they know, love.” Theo teased. “You were pretty loud.” 
“Like you weren’t loud yourself, Nott.” 
You rolled your eyes fondly as he helped you up. Theo straightened your skirt and smoothed your hair down, kissing your temple. He reached for the doorknob with one hand and linked his fingers with yours with the other. 
Fortunately, there weren’t too many people waiting for the loo. You would’ve been embarrassed to walk out together hand in hand, but Theo made sure that every set of prying eyes quickly found something else to look at. With a cheeky grin, he lifted your knuckles to his lips and placed a lingering kiss upon your skin. 
As you walked out into the main hall, a wolf-whistle rang out from one of the tables. Draco raised a toast in your direction while Blaise shook his head. 
“Can’t believe that half-arsed plan of yours actually worked,” Zabini said. 
Theo furrowed his brows. “What plan?” 
“The one where Malfoy flirts with Y/N in an attempt to make you jealous.” 
“I knew you were up to something,” you said with narrowed eyes. “What an idiotic plan.” 
“Is it idiotic if it worked?” 
Theo shook his head in disbelief. “You’re mental, Malfoy. I truly considered tearing you to pieces.” 
“You’re welcome,” Draco said with a smirk. “Clearly that jealousy was put to good use.” 
The blonde winked at you, making Theo’s fingers tighten around yours. “Oh, Teddy’s going to kill you. This time, I have no plans of stopping him.” 
Draco’s silver eyes widened as you released Theo. “Zabini? A little help here?” 
“I’d start running if I were you, Malfoy.” 
Without hesitation, Draco bolted out the door. You snickered as the blonde disappeared down the snowy street, his platinum blonde head bobbing through the crowd. To his credit, Theo gave him a proper head start. 
“I’ll be right back, dolcezza.” 
“Don’t be gone too long, Teddy.” Theo smiled, leaning in to press a soft kiss on your lips. “And try not to hurt Draco too badly, yeah?” 
Despite his pout, Theo nodded as you tugged him down for a proper kiss. He smiled against your lips before peppering kisses on your nose and cheeks.
“Fine, but only because you asked nicely, principessa.” 
You smiled, watching as Theo chased after Draco. Beside you, Blaise grinned. 
“It’s about damn time.” 
With a flush, you rolled your eyes at your friend. “Oh shut it, Zabini.” 
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@annaisabookworm @marina468 @yaraasthings @the0doreslover @bubybubsters @moony-artemis @natasha887 @lucyysthings @criesinlies @bunnymallowo @niktwazny303 @letmedownslows @siriuslyalovergirl @wordsarelife @clairesjointshurt @daydreamingabthar@moonflowersandsparkles
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iluvyvonne · 24 days
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suddenly had the urge to to write a little smthhhh while listening to my 2016 music 😭.
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our fluffydutch/german!farmer taking his precious earthyblack!reader along to the farmers market with him! and reader getting in a bittttt of trouble 🫢 (nsfw next part 🤭)
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come on!!
Oh my ... there goes Mr teddy bear.. having to search for you again as you've wandered off to search for the animal section here. at this point teddy is really considering getting us one of those little backpacks with the leash on it (😭).
oh poor man can't even catch a break as he shopped. oh, but as he stress bought, you popped right back up next to him with something.. exotic?!
"bubba look! i bought us a ferret!" you giggled happily, showing off the long furry animal
as you thought your husband would be happy with what you had spent your money on, he couldn't even crack you a smile. sighing as he rubbed his forehead he tried to have remorse for what he now considered his bit-bimboed wife.
"Hun.." he sighed "we don't .. need anymore animals.. " he continued, sighing as he let you down
"but.. bitte?" you politely begged, tugging at he sleeve.
he knew you absolutely didn't need any more animals on your already packed farm but oh.. your eyes.. your small begs.. how could your man just say no to you!?
"you really stress me, schatz" he sighs once more, his words being your indication for a yes.
you giggle happily and peck his cheek, hugging his side as he continued shopping. pointing out a few things he missed on the list.
"i don't need your fuckin' help, puppe" he chuckles, placing the missing items in his basket. you giggle once more, placing another warm kiss on his face.
ah .. there you go again.. not too far this time though! you saw a snack stand not too far away and slipped right from his side.
"hm.." you examined the vast variety of self serve snacks and candies in front of you.
"hi sweetheart! well aren't you a cute one? here, this one is on me, get what ever you'd like, doll!" a tall man approaches from behind the stand, handing you a medium sized plastic bag. you smile sweetly at his kind compliments then brightly at his kind gesture of paying for whatever you grabbed.
as you began scooping and using the little tonsil to pick your candies the (guessing) owner began small talk. and oh, you just wanting to be oh so friendly, you complied and replied.
"so.. see some stuff you like?" he chuckles, sucking on a toothpick he had sticking out of his mouth
"mhm!" you giggle, adding more things
"gon' on and fill it up sweetheart" he encouraged, waving his hand out to let you know it was okay
you nod, looking around at the other options, picking up a few pieces of cotton candy and some gummy eggs.
"do you have any popcorn or chips? I thought I saw some when i came over here" you give a warm smile, as you picked and put some sour belts into your bag.
"oh yeah, yeah hold on.." he turns around and bends over a bit to pull out a popcorn machine. "I'll make some popcorn for you doll.. only for one thing.." he said, plugging in the machine.
"hm? I'll do it!" you giggled, stopping to look up.
"I just want oneeee.. little kiss right here" he pat the middle of his cheek with the bed of his index finger.
"oh umm.. hold on, I'll go see if my husband will let me!" i place the bag down on his stand, turning around quickly to go grab Teddy.
"wait, you have a husband?" he asks rather quickly
"yes! just please, stay right there!" you happily walk over to teddy
"bubba! can I give that man over there a kiss for some popcorn" you point to the man. "he said he'd give me free candy too!" you giggle happily, looking up at him as you hugged him
"a.. kiss.. for popcorn and.. candy" teddy sighed "the woman you are princess.." he huffs, paying for the groceries before walking you two over to the man's pop up shop.
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bitte(german): please
schatz(german): darling
puppe(german): doll
hiiii!! i would rlly RLLY love it if you guys would recommend and request stuff, I've had writers block for a bit after I posted the first fic so I'm kinda bummed out and idk what this is 😭😭😭. yes there will be a next part after this and smut is included so mdni and yep... please send in requests ..🧸
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aurel1awrites · 3 months
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙎𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙉𝙚𝙬
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“Tatatataaa!” Hagrid sings, putting both of his arms up to present the creature in front of us.
Trotting towards us is what looks like a horse and eagle all at once. It has the body, hind legs, and tail of a horse, but its front legs, wings, and head closely resembles the features of an eagle.
“Isn’t he beautiful?” Hagrid exclaims happily. “This is Buckbeak. He’s a Hippogriff. They’re very proud creatures, Hippogriffs. Yeh don’t want to insult ‘em cause it might just be the last thing yeh do.” 
I watch Buckbeak in awe as he lets out a squawk. He truly is beautiful.
“Right,” Hagrid says eagerly. “Now who wants to go say hello?” 
The whole class backs away fearfully, except me, who take a slight step forward at the beautiful creature.
I turn around to Cedric, exchanging a certain look with him, communicating purely with our eyes. He lets out a heavy breath, mouthing a, ‘Fine,’ before stepping forwards with me.
“Come on, Y/N and Cedric,” Hagrid says happily, waving a big hand for the both of us to come forward.
“If I get eaten by this thing, I’m fully blaming it on you, Adair,” Cedric murmurs out from the corner of his mouth as we slowly approach the beast.
“How will you be able to blame me when you’ve already been eaten?” I grin.
He opens his mouth to shoot back, but Hagrid continues to give us directions, and I press a finger to my mouth.
“You might want to listen or else you’ll be Buckbeak’s lunch, Golden Boy.”
“Make sure yeh wait for the hippogriff to make the first move,” Hagrid instructs. “Yeh first have to bow, an’ if he bows back, then yeh may pet him.”
I lower myself into a polite bow, making direct eye contact with the creature, and trying my best not to break it. I can feel my eyes slowly start to water from refraining from blinking. I always lost to Jeremy at staring contests.
‘Any day now, buddy. I can feel my eyes practically sliding out of my sockets.’
As if reading my mind, the hippogriff cocks his head curiously at us, flapping his wings lightly. He finally lets out a friendly squawk before sinking into a low bow.
“Well done, both of you!” Hagrid exclaims cheerfully, tossing Buckbeak what looks like a dead ferret. “Now yeh can touch him. Pat his beak, go on!”
Cedric and I step closer to the hippogriff, placing our hands on his beak delicately as he nuzzles against us, closing his eyes contentedly. 
“Congrats, you didn’t become hippogriff chow today,” I grin, and Cedric rolls his eyes, but his lips eventually break out into a smile, his dimples popping up.
“Now, are yeh ready to ride him?” Hagrid says.
“What?” I ask blankly. “No– no, I didn’t agree to this–”
But my protests are pointless as Hagrid picks both me and Cedric up easily, and setting me down behind Cedric on top of the hippogriff.
“Hagrid– Hagrid!” I exclaim, but it’s no use.
“Off you two go then!” he cheers, before slapping the animal’s hind-quarters.
Buckbeak shoots off with a jolt, causing me to let out a shriek of panic and settle my arms around Cedric’s waist for security.
My eyes are snapped tightly shut as I can feel the creature take off higher, and wind pulling my hair back.
“Open your eyes, Clever Girl!” Cedric yells out before letting out a whoop of laughter.
I open my eyes a slit, but widen them when I see my view. We’re flying above the forest– what feels like an endless distance of nothing but green trees. At the end of the forest, I can catch a slight glimpse of the gleaming water of the Black Lake. 
I loosen my grip on Cedric’s waist and rest my chin on his shoulder, placing a chaste kiss on his jaw.
“It’s beautiful,” I sigh with ease.
“You’re beautiful,” he replies, before running a hand through his hand nervously.
“Is that you trying to woo me, Diggory?” I grin.
“I think I ‘wooed’ you a long time ago,” he rolls his eyes playfully.
After a few moment of peaceful bliss, Buckbeak decides to land on the edge of the water of the Black Lake, cueing for us to climb off.
I sit down and watch as Cedric grabs a rock, attempting to skip it across the surface of the glimmering water.
He’s not very successful.
“I think you should stick to Quidditch,” I laugh. 
“Very funny,” he says sarcastically, walking back and settling to sit down next to me.
We watch in silence as Buckbeak entertains himself by catching a swimming fish in his beak.
“Y’know– I’ve been thinking–” Cedric says, breaking the silence.
“You think?” I raise an eyebrow. “I didn’t know you had a brain in there, Diggory.”
“Har har,” he rolls his eyes. 
“Tell me what you were thinking about in that handsome brain of yours, Golden Boy,” I grin, resting my face in the palm of my hand.
“I was thinking about how I really want to be your boyfriend.”
His cheeks immediately flush the deepest shade of maroon I’ve ever seen. I can feel my heart practically beat its way out of my chest, a feeling I can’t decide if I hate or love– I settle on love.
I’m such a nervous wreck– never been like this before. I always dreamed of who my future boyfriend would be when I was a little girl, and I never thought it’d go as perfectly as this– with the boy I can see everything with.
“Well, good news for you,” I say, barely getting my words out. “Because I really want to be your girlfriend.”
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pencilpat · 7 months
Sanders Sides: College AU
Part one of this AU following the prequel! Here are the character sheets for everyone.
Remus has a place to stay, but the consequences of him disappearing to an old friend are starting to ripple through the well. Roman attempts a confession. Patton conceals their emotions one too many times.
2,897 words
No content warnings aside from swearing and hints at past drama.
“So. The mold wasn’t a joke.”
Janus raises an eyebrow at Remus, at her door at 8 a.m. sharp and already insulting her meager accommodations. She glances behind her at the mildew on the ceiling, then back to him. “I have never told a joke in my life and you know that.” She pauses. “Except the bedbugs, that was a joke.”
Remus snickers, then smiles at her. “It’s- it’s good to see you again! Even if I’ve never seen you this disheveled in my life.”
Janus smirks, standing tall in her reading glasses and tattered old sleep shirt, two-toned hair tied up, supporting her weight against the doorframe. “Oh, ha ha. I have class in an hour, you can’t expect me to look my greatest yet. Frankly I’m shocked you’re awake and prancing about. I seem to remember you struggling to make your noonday classes back in high school.”
“Ehh. I got tired of sleeping in my truck.”
“You can handle one night in a car, Carmona.” Janus rolls her glinting eyes at him, then waves him inside. Remus picks up the two bags he brought up to her third-floor apartment with him initially and follows her inside, shutting the door with his foot. He glances around what seems to be a three-room apartment, with a closed door leading to assumedly her bedroom, and an open bathroom just beside it. The kitchen opens directly into the living room, where to his pleasure there is a free couch. He passes by her and collapses onto it, chuckling as he spreads out. She leans on the wall across from him, crossing her arms and watching him.
“Kind of shitty!” he declares, grinning at her. “Thanks, Janus.” He glances her over slightly, realizing he’s only seen her full hands and arms maybe twice before this. Her palms are light, patched with vitiligo over most of her hands. He subconsciously smooths a hand over the larger birthmark on his shoulder as he settles against the lumpy cushions.
“Mhm. Do you want to actually pull out the bed or are you content?”
“Wait, a whole ass sofabed?! You didn’t tell me I’d be living the high life!” Remus sits up again with excitement, grinning her way.
“Ah, yes, truly fit for a prince.” She purses her lips as she watches him shift uncomfortably. “Or… an unpopular duke, or something.”
Remus stands up, and she helps him remove the cushions and pull the bed out, with slight difficulty. It takes up most of the small living room, leaving just a gap to crawl on and off of into the kitchen. There is enough of a pathway for her to get to and from her room too, and she seems content with it. Without asking him, she goes into the bathroom and comes out with two blankets and a pillow, tossing them onto the bare mattress. Remus starts nesting around, settling the bedding into a shape he finds suiting.
“You look like a ferret.”
“Long and stringy?”
“What? No. That sounds more snake-like, to me.” She seems to pause, then leans towards him. “You’re not scared of snakes or anything, right?”
“Why?!” Remus says a bit too loudly, immediately excited again. She doesn’t flinch, just sighing.
“I have a boa, in my room-“ She raises a hand to cut off his beginning of a ramble. “I’m not comfortable with you being in there yet, plus I have to get ready. Class at 9, remember?”
“Oh, right! Can I tag along?”
“What?” She seems genuinely surprised, blinking at him.
“Uh- Sorry, I just used to hang out on the campus of Roman’s school while he and his housemates were there. Theirs had like, a coffee shop ‘n stuff.”
“I- I mean, mine has a coffee shop too. But don’t you have, I don’t know, work? Or something?”
“I do! Just not on Thursday, Friday, or weekends. I kinda sit around all weekend.” Remus kicks his feet back and forth, rocking on the edge of the sofabed.
“Seems like a dream. I work fast-food. Nothing as accommodating as whatever heavenly position you’ve acquired.”
“Why, I’m an artist! I tattoo.” He straightens up proudly, setting a hand on his chest.
“Oh, what a gift you bring to society,” she quips. Remus quirks an eyebrow at her, and she looks around at nothing awkwardly before speaking again. “I’m an artist as well. Painting. Anyhow, I need to get dressed. No, you can’t come with me, but I’m sure you can find something to do. I have cable. Even if it’s shit cable. And there’s a coffee place a few minutes’ walk away if you’re that desperate.”
Seemingly settled, Remus watches television while his rekindled friend prepares for her day.
Patton jolts awake in Virgil’s arms to vigorous knocking on their door. Virgil groans loudly and rolls over to bury himself in blankets. Patton sighs and sits up, adjusting their sleep bonnet. “One moment please!” They slip on their glasses and hurry to the door, opening it to Roman bouncing in place on his heels.
“Pat, did you see Remus go anywhere this morning?!” Roman holds his fists at his chest worriedly, rocking himself in place. “I went to check on him after- after last night and he’s gone! All his stuff too, it’s just gone!”
“What?” Patton rubs their eyes sleepily. “Just… all of it?”
“Yes! Keep up, please! He’s gone!” Roman takes off towards Remus’s room, tugging Patton along by the hand. Indeed, when they get there, the room is mostly cleaned out of Remus’s stuff, only furniture, a few posters and the sheets of the bed left behind. Patton’s hand comes to rest on their chest, mouth hanging open.
“Where… where would he have gone? Did he text you anything, at all?”
“No, nothing,” Roman groans, meeting their eyes with tears in his own threatening to spill over. “He could be in danger, he could be with someone who might hurt him- You know he doesn’t make the best decisions if he’s angry!”
“Now, Roman, I’m sure it’s okay. He is a grown up, er, even if he’s not always a smart one. You can call him after class, ok?” Patton rests a hand on his shoulder, frowning sympathetically. “It’s too late to stop him now. And… and we needed him to move anyw-“
“Patton,” Roman whines. “I know that… that his lifestyle scares you, and I know why, and how it’s bad for you, but he’s my brother either way and I need to know if he’s safe. Surely you understand!”
Patton flinches. Briefly they exist outside of this moment, watching strange men lurk on the outside of their childhood home; but after a few slow breaths they are back to Roman’s home, watching him panic. They do understand. Of course they do – it’s just a battle between their fears and their empathy when it comes to Roman’s twin.
“I’m sorry, Roman, you’re right. Text him, right now. Make sure he’s somewhere safe.”
Roman nods at them with vigor, and rushes away to find his phone. Patton lets themselves stumble against the wall to lean against it once he is gone. They try not to fall into the self-blame-game, taking a few more deep breaths before straightening. If Remus got himself in trouble after their fight, it’s not their fault – Remus makes decisions on his own, and Patton can’t let themselves take responsibility for the people in their life. Roman will call him, and he’ll answer, and it will all be ok.
They make their way back to their bedroom, where Virgil sits at their vanity putting on eyeliner, already dressed for the school day. Virgil turns to look at them as they come in, holding out a hand for them to walk over to and grasp. “I heard Roman shouting. Y’ think Remus is ok?”
“Yeah!” Patton answers a bit too fast, smiling brightly. “I mean, nothing bad can happen to him in one night, I- I’m sure it’s ok.”
Virgil groans, pursing his lips up. “If you say so, Pat. Get dressed, bluebell.” Virgil tugs them down to rub their foreheads together, and Patton goes about getting dressed with a giggle.
The two meet Roman in the front hall by the door, watching him stare hard enough at his phone that it could make it explode. Roman is dolled-up as ever, a red vest over a black button up with a cravat and all. Virgil looks much less effort-based in a simple black hoodie and jeans, while Patton is ever-pastel in a blue sweater and blue jeans. Roman smirks at their odd coupling, cute to him every time no matter how often he sees them.
“Any news from Rem?”
“Nothing yet, Virgil!” Roman groans dramatically, pouting up his lip. “I even wrote up a grand apology and everything!”
“Don’t worry, princey, he probably just got stressed out and bolted. You’ll feel better when we get to school anyhow.”
“How come?”
“What? Need the Lo-down or something?” Virgil grins tauntingly as Roman’s face reddens. Patton rolls their eyes, but they’re smiling as well, covering their mouth to hide it.
“Ugh, shut up ‘panic at the everywhere’! As if you wouldn’t get blushy around her too!”
“I wouldn’t get blushy around… my partner’s childhood buddy? Dude, what?”
“Whatever!” Roman whines, stamping his booted foot. “Just get in the car, we’re already late for Patton’s first class.”
Janus sighs as she pulls out one of the chairs in her first class of the morning, leaning her crutches on the table and settling in for the beginning of many law related studies. She rubs her face softly, tugging at her eyebags and then setting her head in her arms.
“10 minutes later than usual?” speaks a smooth, monotone voice from beside her. She smirks and turns her head to the side to look at her class friend, Logan.
“You would not believe the morning I’ve had,” she sighs.
“You do look stressed.”
“That’s only the start. An old friend texted me randomly, needed a place to stay. I had a couch.”
“Mm. That does sound aggravating. Are they at least someone you trust?”
“Against my better judgement,” she chuckles, sitting up. “Just a guy from high school.”
“Well, be sure to not stray from your studies. Our grade comparisons have been very promising lately.” Logan smiles at her approvingly, and Janus mock bows with a small smile in return. The teacher enters the room, and once again they both turn back into their books, with barely a word more until the next big assignment.
After class, Logan wishes her well with a small wave, and they part ways in the hall, Janus headed to her next class and Logan departing to the coffee shop to chat with Patton and their friends until the next class. She walks the short walk across campus, flipping through her bag to be sure all is there for the upcoming day, even though she has checked six times just this morning. One more never hurt anyone.
The coffee shop door dings open in the background of Logan’s shuffling, and a small shout of ”Lo!” calls out. Logan looks up and finds Patton waiting already with some sugary concoction and a black iced coffee with sugar for her. She smiles and makes her way there, finding Virgil and Roman with no drinks but definitely with snacks. Logan nods to each of them and joins them at the table.
“How was math, Patton? Still at an A?”
“You know it!” Patton hands Logan’s drink over with a smile, and Lo flips her skirt under her as she sits, adjusting her tie tighter with a sigh. Virgil clears his throat as though hiding a laugh, glancing at Roman’s staring, but Logan just mutters an ‘excuse you’, and opens up her bag. Pulling out an English book and notebook, Logan begins reviewing while drinking coffee.
Roman leans on his hand, trying to watch without watching. Logan’s hair is just slightly disrupted, two cowlicks always poking out of the middle part. Roman thinks far too often about brushing them into neatness, perhaps stealing a kiss right after���
Virgil nudges his shoulder, snapping him back to reality. “Logan asked you something, bud.”
“What? Sorry! What was it, Lo?”
Logan sighs at him. “I said shouldn’t you be reviewing too? Your scores in your core curriculum are still at Cs and Bs, right?”
“Not everything is about grades, quadratic equation!”
“…Because I’m a complete square?”
Patton giggles, and then hides in their drink when Logan frowns at them. “Roman, grades are important. Even to theatre majors.”
“I don’t see the point in them,” Roman gripes.
“I mean, instead of fighting about it, you could help him out.” Both turn to look at Virgil, who throws up his arms defensively. “All I mean is that tutoring is an obvious solution that’s right in front of you.”
“I don’t have time for that, Virgil. I’m in quite extensive courses.” Logan turns back to her reviewing, and Virgil shrugs at Roman as if to say ‘I tried’. Roman rolls his eyes and sinks down in his chair, nibbling on the strawberry muffin Patton bought him while glowering.
A sudden buzz from his phone startles him, and Roman whips it out quickly. To his shock, it actually is a text from Remus. He sighs exaggeratedly, and lays his head on the table. Patton reaches over and taps him, and he looks up at them. “He’s okay,” he mutters.
“Who?” Logan questions distractedly.
“My brother. He ran off last night and found a couch to stay on.”
Logan pauses, slowly looking up to him. “Ran off? And what was the cause?”
“Er… Just a stupid fight. He’s been scaring Pat.”
“Roman, this may seem a strange question: do you know anyone named Janus?”
The whole table tenses up around her, and she tenses up as well, startled.
“I have a class companion named Janus; she said a friend from high school came to stay with her last night. It seemed like an odd coincidence-“
Virgil suddenly stands up from the table, nearly knocking his chair over. “Bathroom,” he mutters, and disappears. Patton watches after anxiously, but lets him have his space.
Logan looks back and forth between them, shaking her head in confusion. “I know I’m bad at reading things, but he is upset, isn’t he?”
“It’s… a lot, Lo.” Patton sighs, sipping their drink. “Janus was all three of their’s friend from high school. I’ve never met her, exactly, but the way Virgil talks about it makes it seem-“
“Thank you, Patton, that’s enough,” Roman chides irritably. “Gosh, does he hate us so much after one fight that his first thought was her?!” He rubs his temples, eyes squeezed shut. “We didn’t even tell him he had to get out right then and there!”
“Janus is respectable, from what I know. High school would have been a few years ago for you all, you cannot think she won’t have changed from whatever issues there were. She is only ever kind to me, if not snarky. And she was kind enough to let him stay there in a time of need.”
“Oh, sure, Janus is just so helpful and sweet.” Roman grinds his teeth, snapping at Logan slightly. Logan, sits back from him, titling her head. Roman sighs, trying to relax. “I’m sorry, Logan. Just- bad memories there.”
“It’s alright, Roman. I can check in on him through Janus every now and then if you are truly worried about him.”
“Whatever,” Roman waves Logan off anxiously.
Eventually class time comes, and Virgil reemerges from the bathroom with slightly less perfect makeup. Patton and he take off to their shared science class, whispering to each other. Logan begins packing up her books, when Roman clears his throat. Logan looks up at him over her glasses. Roman’s arms rest behind his back, and he bounces just slightly on the balls of his feet.
“So, tutoring may be a no, but I… do feel I’d like to get to know you better. I mean, we never hang out just ourselves, and I think it would be grand to go out drinking or dancing for a night-“
“I don’t drink. Or, really, dance.”
“Ah! Right, of course. Well… What do you do?”
“I go to class, I study, I sleep, I go to work.”
“No, like- like for fun, geek.”
“Ah. Well, I haven’t indulged in much extracurricular in a while, but I do enjoy sci-fi television shows.”
“Brilliant! I have pretty much every streaming service available, if you want to come over to our place and browse. That way… er… Patton and Virgil will be there too. Yay.”
“That does sound tempting.” Logan touches her chin, considering. “Alright, Roman. What day would you like to do so? I work on most weekends, and I’m at school every weekday, but perhaps we can sneak it into a free period somewhere-“
“Class is starting soon, Lo, how about- how about I just text you?”
“Ah, that would be smarter. Very well then. I will expect your text soon.” Logan waves, picking up her bag and last half of her tall coffee. “Goodbye, Roman. I look forward to hanging out.”
“Yeah,” Roman murmurs as he waves goodbye. He facepalms, tapping his foot rapidly. “Hanging out.”
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am-i-sans · 7 months
dnd adventures 35
tori is eeby deebyd right now. and dess. dans gets to walk into an awkward encounter. he passed the guard who was beat red.
'uhh did i miss something?' cam is just blushing and ignoring him. dans gives them a shit eating grin. 'cam did something happen?' all grown up now xD he puts an arm around cam and says they have a better shot with the guard than undyne and they shove him off. undynes confused lol. 'ill tell you later.' 'do not!' he gives cam another shit eating grin and heads toward soupnik.
frog is waving the goober. dans starts telling everyone about berdly and steve. dans tells undyne we dont gotta kill berdly, hes too stupid to understand what steve is. cam gets flipped off for saying dans is totally going to work for steve hint hint.
frog runs back into town oh no. gotta follow them now. suzy goes back to chicken and vani follows. fuck yeah she gave him chicken! then she locked him out of the building xD cam is trying to bathe soupnik.
frog goes book shopping! dans gives them 100 gold they deserve it. now their going to buy potions. vani tries to give cam some chicken and drag them into town. vani tosses cam onto his back and starts trotting into town. soupnik stops vani sadge ;-; sad ferret noises. then soupnik pins cam down lol. vani goes over and also sits on cam.
frog is picking potions at random. they pull out a bottle of fucking viagra and dans puts it back. 'is that one of those sex things?' 'uhhh yeah so dont tell your mom.' undyne fucking asks dans what it is and he aint talking in front of the kids.
we bump into suzy and head back to soupnik. gotta get on steve's trail. cam is still pinned down lol. 'what do you mean protecting your reputation?' frog dont ask that lol. off we go to the other town!
hey theres people alive in this one! nice. the towns a bit bigger than the last one. 3 churches, some general stores. a river and a park. a library, a butcher, gift shops. a news station? mossville. tori pops out of eeby deeby! frog waves hi. dans tells tori that berdly gave us a steve tip. a town of mostly humans.
undyne heads toward the cemetary. dans goes with her. this town is all hills lol. tori casts commune with nature. she learns there was a fiend here. a river. lots of moss. some goblin eating moss lol. suzy points out the goblin to cam and frog. cam says they cant eat moss. frog goes over, grabs some, and shoves it in their mouth.
dans and undyne get to the cemetary. its built on a hill. yep bad magic was here gotta stop it. undyne uses dispel magic. nice now to visit the other churches to see if they got ganked too.
frog is still eating moss lol. 'tastes like green!' cam and tori desperately want them to stop. their just eating it out of spite someone stop them. they stole that goblins dinner. suzy also eats some oh no. suzy comments theyve seen them eat rocks its fine. tori scoops them up and cam says their supposed to be looking for stuff. gonna go ask the shopkeeps whats been happening. suzy is trying to escape oh boy.
cam walks into a cafe and asks the owner if theyve saw steve. yep he got a cake. cam asks when he left or where he went. left same day. then cam orders a small cake lol. some other people saw him since he was distinctive so ask around.
nothing was wrong with the other graveyard so dans and undyne go to regroup. wrong gift shop undyne, lol. we find tori and kids nice. dans lets tori know we got rid of the bad magic. tori still wont put the kids down lol. undyne what is moss counted as? fungus? that aint true wtf. vani slides in and gives frog and suzy some moss. dans also takes some and eats it. blobbo also partakes. cam walks in and lets us know what they found. dans says since hes hiring people maybe someone left with him.
dans asks the giftshop guy if anyone suddenly left recently. just steve hmm. except charon?! oh no. oh shes the town bicycle. doesnt know where she lives though. welp we have nothing on steve. cant track him. random pattern. geez.
dans suggests trying to use vani to pick up a scent. the shop man tells us to try the general store for info. cam goes to the one no one goes too lol. frog says they can go with suzy to a different one. nope. the rest of us go to another one. its a bit busy so dans picks up some supplies. getting frog some choccy milk. he also grabs a small ice box. getting snacks and shit alright.
its burgerpants! nice! dans asks about steve. nope but he keeps giving tori looks. 'you could tell me their being kidnapped and i wouldnt care.' 'fair enough.' another guy comes in and calls the cashier bagelpants lol. they need him to sweep hes so pissed. 'im 19 and already wasted my entire life.' 'have you thought of getting into acting?' dans insuinates killing the lead actor if he wanted a role. dans pays and puts the food in the icebox and then into the bag.
back to cam! congrats on the empty store. their just hanging out with the shopkeeper. the keeper tells them about steve and how weird he was. real cagey asking about the cemetary. cam perks up and says that was the necromancer lol. gotta try and regroup. but first they buy some birdseed lol. 'do you have a bird?' 'oh no thats for me. wait i was raised by arakawkra.' 'doesnt that upset your sto- nevermind.' cam offers to teach them salesman ship lol. they realize how shitty that was and backtrack saying they just love tradesman shit. they can leave tips anyway lol.
dans takes a detour to the butcher! frog doesnt wanna go in cause it smells weird so dans says they can wait outside. suzy really wants meat lol. cam sees us by the butcher nice. cam hangs out with tori. guy said steve was heading to rogueport. dans and undyne comes out after getting the meat nice. cam tells them what happens and dans pulls out his map to find it. frog points it out nice. cam offer undyne a nut lol. dans gives cam the bag of birdseed and the assorted nuts. dans, frog and suzy eat some birdseed. 'itll upset your tummy!' 'ive eaten worse.' dans wtf. suzy is still mad they cant escape. she fucking bites tori lol.
going to soupnik! its late for them so they set up camp. frog goes to find herbs for soup. dans preps stuff for the soup and waits for frog. cam tries to play music. frog comes in and tosses in random plants so dans pulls them out to check. their fine so dans puts them back in with the other ingredients. dans butters some bread and waits for soup. where tf did suzy go? vani starts sniffing around and follows a trail. suzy is trying to spear fish. vani just watches them. suzy comes back, hands dans a fish, then eats one raw lol. dans lets undyne taste test the soup. tori helps dans dish it out. he also gives everyone a cookie and calls everyone for dinner. long rest!
dans starts making breakfast and undyne is stretching. theres a troll in the camp! (my internet got a little fucky) undyne told the trolls to fuck off and dans went to wake up everyone. the troll just stares. undyne points away lol. it looks then looks back at her. she points at it then away again. dans asks if anyone here speaks troll. dans picks up some breakfast and hands it over. he takes it and leaves. the other trolls are talking to each other in the distance. dans makes a little care package and sends vani to deliver it. they leave nice.
dans makes some coffee lol. tori goes into the woods and does commune with nature. undyne goes back to stretching. tori learns theres a feywilds portal nearby. she heads back to camp to do a headcount. yep everyones here. after breakfast back on soupnik! on the way dans and cam try to teach each other their languages. frog is learning too. dans switches it up and speaks primordial and scares the shit outta cam.
Rogueport! its not a port. the guards stop us and tell us a criminal escaped and to be careful. we ponder if steve broke them out. just trading info now. they tell us to talk to their boss and we follow them. we see a red light district lol. we arrive at the guard station. theres even a few paladins.
its commander barbie! we give her the rundown of the situation. she tells us about the prisoner. he went crazy and a runaway troupe? he worked for a circus? (is it jevil?) he did seem powerful, like when he broke out. (ken walks in and says hi xD) yep its jevil. frog says they know him?! they used to travel together then he went nuts. he left after a performance, talking to a man, then he went funky. (cam vaguelly recognizes the name.) jevil hurt and blinded one of the magicians then ran away. dans asks barbie if they have anything of his but no. gonna check his cell.
going down a fuckton of steps. dans asks why he was kept down here, cause he liked the dark. ken saw a weird guy in town. his eyes were spotify green xD. tori tells them to check the graveyards. vani starts sniffing around the cell! he squeaks and starts following the scent and everyone follows. he goes in circles for a while then shrugs.
dans asks frog if jevil could teleport but they dont think so? invisible? yep. ohno. tori uses detect magic. nope hes not there. undyne uses divine sense. nope. we ask frog how far they can teleport. dans says dimension door can go 500 feet. frog gets covered in dirt and injured from trying to teleport. tori heals them. time to find a spot jevil wouldve appeared at and find the scent. tori casts wildshape and becomes a wolf to also find the scent.
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l-lend · 2 years
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Another entry for Moto!Batch AU. Hunter, Crosshair, and Omega check out one of T-Bird's stunt shows.
Warning(s): mentions of past addiction,
Tagging: @kelpiesummer @ghostlythunderbird
The smell of burning rubber and the grease of questionable clawed its way to into the nostrils of anyone within a five mile radius of the fair grounds. A gathering crowd mixed with locals from the suburban sprawl looking for a bit of high octane excitement. They crammed in like sardines as they eagerly awaited the event.
“Can we sit up front?” A blonde haired teen asked her chaperones earning a dismissive sneer from the taller of the two.
“We’ll see what we can do.” Hunter replied offering a wave to a familiar face in the crowd. The woman who caught his glance returned the wave and began weaving her way through the onlookers. Her dark hair meticulously gathered into a messy bun.
“Glad you could make it,” Siren greeted, her gaze was drawn to the child at Hunter’s side, “and who’re you?”
“This is Omega. She-”
“I’m their sister.” Omega spoke up, causing Siren’s smile to grow.
“Ah, well I guess you’re used to getting primo access when your brothers race huh.”
Omega offered a shrug, “I guess. Mostly it’s the trailer on race day while Tech runs through homework with me.”
“Hmm, well if Hunter doesn’t mind, I can show you around a bit. My stunt rider will be on in a bit.”
Hunter gave a half hearted roll of his eyes. Omega’s eyes were glued to him. His sensitive hearing could already pick up the beginnings of a high pitched drawn out please.
Hunter sighed through his nose, “Alright,” He relented, earning a giddy grin from the girl, “but I’ll be coming along too. Might as well meet the rest of your crew while I’m able.”
“Excellent, most of them should still be by the trailer.” Siren replied before leveling her gaze to the surly rider, “Will you be joining us?”
Crosshair’s stony gaze gave Siren all the answer she needed.
“Oookay, so I can take you guys back now if you want.”
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“These are awesome!”
T-Bird cracked a grin as she looked up from her bike. The sound of tools pinging together drew both of their attention.
T-Bird huffed a ghost of a laugh at seeing the flutter of the maintenance curtain.
“I wouldn’t take it personal. Nessie doesn’t do new people too much.”
“We’re…still working with her on that.” Siren chimed in.
“T-Bird, everything all ready to go?”
“Yep, but I always got time for a fan.”
“This is Omega, and you remember Hunter.”
T-Bird gave him a nod before focusing her attention on Omega, “So do you ride too?”
“Not professionally, no, but Hunter says once I’m done with school I could race on weekends when I’m in college.”
“If you keep your grades up.” Hunter butted in, “I’m interested to see you in action, T-Bird.”
“I’ll be sure to put on a good show.”
The curtain rustled again from the corner of T-Bird’s eye. However, another member of the crew popped an earbud out of her ear.
“Kelpie. Just the person I wanted to see.” T-Bird greeted, “You get the merch table set up?”
“Even got the new designs I printed this morning.”
T-Bird’s smile widened, “You know, it’d be a shame if someone wasn’t testing out our stuff.” She turned her gaze back to Omega and then back to Siren, “If it’s cool with you, I’m buying whatever the kid wants at our merch table.”
“That’s kind of you.”
T-Bird offered a shrug, “Consider it an apology for me acting out during the meeting.”
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Crosshair had chosen a seat near the end of the stands to keep his distance from the locals who were biding their time by inhaling some deep fried something. One of his brothers would feel right at home among them. The sharp tang of cigarette smoke wafted into his nose, and he inhaled deeply.
How long had it been? Omega was about 10 now, and she became of permanent house guest after her 7th birthday. His hand ferreted around in his pocket before producing a substitute that helped whenever a craving hit. The whisper of the pack sliding open was drowned out by the crowd chatter as he plucked up the slender piece of wood to perch between his teeth. He slouched in his seat as he waited for the show to begin.
The announcement system buzzed to life and began to welcome everyone to the stunt show. Hunter and Omega eventually made their way back to their seats. However, upon his sister's return Crosshair nearly dropped his toothpick.
“What. Are you wearing?”
“T-Bird let me have some merch, pretty cool right?”
The girl was completely decked out: shirt, hat, a lanyard around her neck. All with the stunt biker's logo plastered all over. Crosshair's lips formed a hard line.
“Spectacular.” He replied with a roll of his eyes.
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goblinmatriarch · 2 years
Flufftober Day 12
Fandom: Narnia, apparently.
Lucy the Valiant’s fine travelling cloak was hung on a slightly wonky wooden peg on a very wonky wooden door with a crack that let the cold air in. As a result, her delicately slippered feet were propped on a footstool dangerously close to a crackling fire, and her bejewelled fingers were wrapped around a lopsided mug of warm cocoa.
She and Tumnus had been chattering blithely, but he had stepped outside to fetch some chestnuts for roasting, and Lucy found herself dozing in the cosy warmth. Her feet slipped off the stool and banged into a small cupboard, which burst open, sending a small wooden object rolling out.
She set the cocoa down and crawled on the floor, quite unbecoming behaviour for a Queen, to ferret out the object for Tumnus.
He came back in a few moments later with a double handful of chestnuts. “Plenty for roasting, Lucy, and then some to tuck in your muff for the ride back.” When she didn’t answer, he looked over at her quizzically.
“You kept this?” Lucy asked wonderingly, turning a small wooden top over and over in her hands.
Tumnus forced a chuckle. “Well, you know. A token from one’s Queen is nothing to be sniffed at.”
Lucy gave him a bewildered smile. “But I wasn’t your Queen, then. I was just a girl.”
Tumnus stood and stoked the fire, which was still crackling merrily. “Yes, well,” he said evasively.
“I’d entirely forgotten this,” Lucy murmured. “I bought it at the station out of London with my pocket money, and it seemed my most precious belonging until I came here.” She set the top spinning and picked up her mug of cocoa.
They watched it spin in silence until it stopped, then Lucy said abruptly, “Also, when Susan gave you those golden horn-tips, you laughed behind her back and melted them down to make rings.” Lucy smiled at the memory, surveying the wavery golden ring she still wears on her left index finger.
“Yes, well,” Tumnus said again, more sharply this time. 
Lucy jumped and spilled a bit of cocoa on her hand. Tumnus turned at her surprised hiss and bustled over guiltily to fetch her a towel, which she waved off in favour of licking her fingers.
After a few moments of silence, Lucy said, “I still have your red scarf” with the air of a peace offering.
“It’s not the same,” Tumnus muttered.
“Of course it’s not the same,” Lucy said imperiously, then wrinkled her nose. “Sorry for the Queen voice.”
Tumnus laughed.
“I kept the scarf because I was a child with a crush on a very kind, very dear friend.” 
Tumnus glanced at her in surprise, then began to fold the tea towel with unnecessary precision and focus. “No, it’s not the same,” he said in a low voice.
Lucy felt her cheeks heat. She leaned forward earnestly. “Tumnus,” she repeated. “Why did you keep this?”
She didn’t think he was going to answer, but finally, he sighed and placed the perfectly folded towel on a table. “At first,” he said, eyes still on the towel, “I kept it as a reminder of the worst thing I ever did.”
Lucy was already shaking her head. “But you didn’t,” she said. “You changed your mind, you got me home safe.”
Tumnus looked at her, eyes sad. “I did,” he said, and although it is quiet, his voice is heavy. “I did turn you into the Witch. I did intend to sacrifice you to save my own skin. That I changed my mind doesn’t mean I didn’t do it.”
Lucy wrinkled her nose. “I was very young, then, and good and evil seemed so clear. Now…now, I don’t know if I believe that it is as…as clear, or as easy, to choose the right path.”
Tumnus looked like he was going to object, but Lucy was a Queen, after all. She raised one hand and cut him off. “You said, ‘at first’,” she said, and her tone was commanding, and her bearing was regal.
Tumnus looked panicked, and Lucy smiled. “Shall I tell you why I still keep your scarf?” she asked, and though her voice was archly confident, her eyes were uncertain and hopeful.
Tumnus stepped carefully toward her and took her hand. Lucy’s eyes widened, and after a moment, she laughed joyfully. 
Though I shall draw a curtain over the next scenes for the lovers’ privacy, suffice to say that they made plans for Tumnus to come to Cair Paravel to speak to Lucy’s family.
The next week, Tumnus brought news of the sighting of the White Hart.
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9ateez-multiau-bot · 1 year
Home – YeoRin
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Yeosang has no intentions of finishing his food the second that the collar fell from his neck, Bobby’s hold on him and Hyerin now gone. Leaving the food on the table and slipping out to the rooms he and Hyerin were resigned to, the ferret wastes no time; packing all of his things in a suitcase he had charmed a regular at the casino to buy for him. There wasn’t a lot to pack, but he needs to empty the room of any and everything that was linked to the pair of them.
They need to vanish. They can’t allow Bobby to find them again.
Noona, don’t come back
He let us both go home
I’ve packed both of our things
Rin Noona
Fuck we did it
We’re free
Alright— I’ve just said bye to Lola
Meet you by the bus stop? I’ll call us a taxi from there.
Hyerin whined as she woke up in Bobby’s room, human arms stretching over her head as she regained her bearings. The flashback wasn’t supposed to happen. She wasn’t supposed to be thrown off like that. But perhaps it would work; a little improvising wouldn’t hurt – the face she shared with the Mafia taught her that much.
“because people are talk-talking sir.”
“Then let them…seems like I need to teach you how to keep your mouth shut.”
Oh? So it wasn’t only the hybrids who wanted to leave. The staff wanted them gone too. She could work with that.
Looking at the exterior of the casino one last time before he pulls the luggage with him, Yeosang walks as fast as he can through the winter chill, his tail wrapping around him to provide just that little bit of extra warmth. The more he walks, the more relieved he feels. It was over; months of working off a debt that was finally paid off.
Waving off her girlfriend at the bus stop, Hyerin decidedly feels much lighter; she’s spent the day with her mate, and Yeosang put the last part of their escape plan into action. Listening to the Mafia pays off, it seems.
Mafia Me is calling
“Yes? Did you bring the change of clothes? I’m at the bus stop, I guess you know which one.”
“I’m going to ignore you blatantly insulting my intelligence, wolf. Yes, I brought the clothes; you really think this ‘Bobby’ will be this receptive?” Hyerin confirms what her counterpart asks, and there’s something in the back of her mind that notices how much more the Mafia woman uses their Daegu satori.
She’s proud of it. I’m not.
Surely, the phone hangs up and minutes later Hyerin sees the Bentley pull into the closest car park, a text telling her to hurry up wolf pinging on her phone. So off she went, those same wolf ears picking up anything that could possibly be out to get her.
“You really wear this every day?” Hyerin asks, looking herself over in the mirror. She’s dressed in all black, a hat to match and the hybrid would be a dirty liar if she refuses to admit that it makes her look powerful. With her ears and tail hidden, she really does look like a clone of the con woman behind her, now donning something a lot more casual.
“Yes, now hurry up and meet your ferret friend, he’s waiting for you, right?”
“He should be there right now; thanks again Rin.”
“You’re welcome, now go on and get lost.”
Engulfing Hyerin in a hug as the two board the bus en route to take them home, Yeosang sinks into his chair, never more grateful for the scuffed leather and slightly worn embroidery. He shifts, his ferret form squeaking with happiness as he curls up in his seat, ready for the hour or so long nap he’s been craving.
The house looks just like they left it that day, months ago, and both hybrids can already the commotion of people behind the door; Seonghwa cooking with Wooyoung, playful barking while San is screaming at what is definitely the TV screen. Yeosang reaches for the doorknob first, fishing for his keys and opening the door with practiced ease.
Seven pairs of eyes dart towards the front door.
“We’re home.”
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talltoontales · 4 months
- Time to Spare -
Ticking // Prompt by @dailytextprompt (Tumblr)
{Written 02/17/24 (Barely)}
Thirty-seven minutes, I can make it.
A streak of white light tears through the Atlantic Ocean at inhuman speed. The streak dodges and leaps over waves to maintain top speed. Ahead of the streak, a large tanker ship is on fire, people screaming from the deck railing. Rescue boats can be seen sailing toward the disaster.
Thirty-two minutes left...eh, I got time
The streak redirects, heading straight for the tanker. In the span of three minutes, the streak filled half a dozen lifeboats with every passenger that was on the tanker. After dropping the last man off, a glowing white humanoid figure stood before him.
"One hundred and sixteen crew members," says the glowing figure, "also including six cats, a couple of fish, and a ferret. Am I forgetting anyone?" The man slowly shakes his head "no" as he stares at the glowing figure in awe. The figure looks down at their wrist. "Shit! Gotta go! Sail safe!"
The glowing figure leaped back into the water, running off into the distance.
A lightly bruised man slides onto the sandy beach as two thugs saunter over to him.
"What's wrong, hotshot?" asks one of the thugs. "not so big now, huh?" Thug one kicks the man further into the beach, forcing him to cough up blood.
"Oooh, that looked like it hurt," says Thug Two. Before the two could harm the man anymore, a cloud of dust swept across the beach, blinding the three men. When the cloud faded, the two thugs were tied to a light post next to a cop mid-donut. Meanwhile, a very confused nurse looks down to find a cheap emergency kit and the bruised man.
Seventeen minutes. Come on! Pick it up!
The figure races through cities and across highways, leaving a burning trail behind them as they speed through the country. The figure slides into an exit rail, crashing several times until stopping in a mud-filled ditch.
"Ok, a little too fast there," says the figure. They pick themselves up and dust themselves off as they run back onto the road, passing a sign that reads,
"Welcome to Mayday Bay!"
The glowing figure darts through the small town, racing into an abandoned apartment complex for half a second before running back out. The figure then leaves the city and enters a residential area, keeping to the speed limit.
As the figure slows down, their glow fades, revealing a light-skinned man in khakis, a red baseball T-shirt, and worn-down sneakers. As the man heads onto the sidewalk, he slows to an average human's jogging pace. The man runs up to the front door of a house with a mile-wide smile as he looks at his watch.
"Aaaaaaaand with six minutes to spare!" says the man, "Booyah!" He goes to knock on the door but misses it as it opens. A taller woman wearing pajamas looks at the man unamused. "Mag, before you say anything, check it!" The man puts his watch in the woman's face. "Not late!"
"You forgot to rest your watch again, Luke," says Mag without even looking down at the watch. "You're still on Bangui time. 7 am there, midnight here." Luke looks at his watch and then at a nearby clock behind Mag. He deflates as the realization hits him. Luke quickly bear hugs Mag.
"Mag, I'm so sorry," says Luke, "I promise..."
"Save it," says Mag. Luke jerks back at her response. "I set the box to record the finale after you left, and before you ask, yes, I did watch it, and yes, I will tease you about it the entire time." Luke's eyes go wider than dinner plates.
"I don't deserve you!" says Luke.
"Aw babe, says Mag, "no one does. Now, get in here. Dinner/ breakfast is getting cold." Mag starts to walk inside but ends up being bridal-carried by Luke.
"I think dinner/breakfast can wait a few more minutes," says Luke. A faint pink glow radiates from his body. Mag giggles as she wraps her arms around Luke's neck.
"I guess I have some time to spare," says Mag. The two giggle together as Luke kicks the door behind him closed.
Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it.
Kinda been slacking on the "writing once a week thing," but still holding strong. Hopefully, I'll get back on top of things next/ this week (I started writing at 11:23 pm and finished at 12:21 am).
If you have any comments, critiques, or criticisms, don't be afraid to let me hear 'em (as long as they're constructive (or funny)).
Stay safe, keep warm, and be kind to yourself and others, and I hope you all had a LOVELY Valentine's Day!
ToonMan, AWAY!
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splendidissimus · 10 months
December 1998 - The Burrow
((Content warning: depression))
Genre: angst
Romance level: none
Angst level: 4/5
Draco's headspace: guilty / depressed
((words: ~1400))
In early December, the Sunday Prophet ran a special story about Severus Snape and Albus Dumbledore, on the heels of the announcement that Snape was to be posthumously awarded the Order of Merlin. Draco found it when he joined his habitually late-rising mother in the breakfast room, and he almost didn't read it. These stories about how Snape was a hero always made him feel a little sick and twisted up inside… not because he disagreed, but because of how right they were. The rest of the world didn't even know… 
But some flagellant urge made him read it, and this story had a detail he'd never seen in another: 
Dumbledore had already been dying. 
He gripped the paper closed tightly. His chest hurt. "Mother, where does Harry Potter live?" She had an almost encyclopaedic knowledge of the personal details of important wizards. 
She glanced over at him, then at what he was reading, and didn't comment or ask. "He owns the Black house in London," she sounded like she had Opinions about that, "but you're more likely to reach him by addressing it to the Burrow." 
Addressing? He couldn't even consider sending an owl. He nodded and left his toast there almost untouched. A visit to the library and their tome on the Sacred Twenty-Eight to familiarise himself with the image of the Burrow, as he had never been there, and then he was down the front walk to Apparate there.
He appeared with uneven footing in a frosty garden, stumbled, and recovered his composure while picking his way to the path. The house was as slapdash as he had always thought, but there were cheerful lights coming from the windows, and welcoming smoke from the chimney, and when he approached the door he could hear indistinct voices inside. 
He knocked on the door. A voice inside yelled "I've got it," and then the door opened. It was a Weasley, obviously - the twin. He couldn't remember which one it was who had survived.
Weasley looked at him for a second, then closed the door in his face. From the other side, he heard, "Mum, there's some git at the door. Do we have any Chomping Cabbages?" 
"George, honestly…" The door opened again in a moment, and it was the mother. "Oh." The nonplussed look on her face was telling. "Draco." George was behind her, leaning on the stairs with a blatantly unfriendly expression.
He spared her the awkwardness of having to be polite to him. "Is Harry Potter here?" 
George yelled up the stairs. "Harry, did you order a ferret?" 
"A what?" Potter's confused voice yelled down. He came down the stairs in a clatter of footsteps, and stopped halfway down them. "Oh." More steps behind him announced Ron and the girl Weasley coming with him. 
"George," his mother chided, and stepped back. "Do you want to come in?" The house was warm and had good food smells wafting through it, and a Christmas garland was wrapped around the bannister.
"What are you doing here, Malfoy?" Ron demanded.
He looked at Potter. "I need to know about the story in the Prophet."
"Yeah." Potter nodded and came down the end of the stairs and gave Mrs. Weasley a look that seemed almost apologetic. "I might need a little while." 
"Of course, dear." She moved into action, waving her kids away. "Take your time. Lunch will be done in an hour." 
Potter led him into a sitting room, and behind them Molly headed off her children who wanted to follow, redirecting them toward the kitchen and overriding their "But…"s and overlapping opinions about letting him be there at all. It felt chaotic.
The house reminded him of Theo's, in exactly the opposite way. The Nott house was shabby in a way that felt basically abandoned, cluttered like a warehouse of artefacts not to be disturbed. This was almost as shabby and even more cluttered, but it felt lived-in and cared for. He was an interloper here.
"You want to know about Dumbledore?" Potter leaned against the side of the fireplace.
He stood uncomfortably in the middle of the room. "I need to know about that year." 
Once Potter started, Draco didn't really talk. He just listened. Between Snape's shared memories and what he knew directly, Potter filled in what had been going on under the surface for that year. Dumbledore had known what he had been tasked with even before he arrived at the school. He could have put a stop to his plans at any time; he hadn't because the futile task was the only thing keeping Draco and his mother alive. 
Dumbledore had been dying even before he had been assigned to kill him, injured by a Horcrux and incurably cursed. He had made his plan with Snape months earlier, a ploy to nullify the Elder Wand by dying undefeated while driving Snape deeper into Voldemort's confidence as a secret weapon. The Vow was the perfect excuse for him to do it, and save Draco's soul in the process. 
He started out standing stiffly with his arms in his hands. An hour later, he was sitting on the worn sofa with his head hanging, gripping the back of his neck. 
The twisted feeling was guilt. 
He hadn't even realised he felt guilty for Dumbledore's death. Shame, yes. Responsible, even, yes. But guilt… He'd told himself for so long that he did what he had to do, that he didn't have a choice… 
…while at the same time telling himself that Dumbledore was dead because of what he did, because if he could hold onto that he could convince Voldemort that he wasn't completely useless… 
When he had thought that Snape was loyal to Voldemort, he thought he had brought him there, created the opening even though he wasn't able to follow through on it himself. Since learning Snape had been working against Voldemort, he had always thought that, if not for him, if not for the Vow to protect him, Snape would have found another way. Now he finally understood that another way had never been possible. 
Dumbledore was always going to die. It wasn't his fault. 
Until the weight of the guilt was lifted, he didn't realise how heavy it was. Had been for over a year. He'd been carrying it for so long, under all of the fear, shame, and anger of Voldemort's reign, that it became part of who he was and he didn't even know it could change. 
He didn't realise that Potter had stopped talking until he heard, "You all right?" 
A humiliating thing to have to be asked. He dropped his hand and straightened his ring as he nodded, then pushed himself to his feet. "Yes. That was very… enlightening." He glanced at his face for just a second. "Thank you." 
"Sure. You don't have any questions?"
He hadn't even absorbed it enough to have questions yet. "No. I should go." 
He almost tripped over the girl, who was scrambling up to pretend she hadn't been sitting beside the door eavesdropping, and the mother was in the hall coming their way. "I was just coming to get you," she was saying. There were more of them now; he could see an older son with a scarred face and who he recognised as Fleur Delacoeur setting the table behind her, talking to someone out of sight, and he could hear George's voice from that direction. 
"Apologies for intruding," he murmured, and slid past her to get outside. 
The cold, quiet air outside was a relief. "Are they feeding him?" he heard her tutting, muffled through the door. "Maybe he should stay for lunch." There were overlapping opinions about that which faded as he walked away. 
Halfway down the walk, he Apparated back and took the long walk back up to the house, his mind working quietly under the surface without raising any concrete thoughts to the level of consciousness. He barely noticed coming inside.
His mother was in the drawing room, looking back at him from beside the mantel as he entered; maybe she was waiting for him. He hesitated a moment, looking at her, and then he was hugging her, and the words came. "It wasn't my fault…"
She didn't say anything, but she didn't need to; she rubbed his back and didn't draw attention to the tears on her shoulder as the wall started to break down.
He didn't feel better, yet. But he felt different. For the first time in years, he felt like maybe he could feel better.
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nsokolow · 1 year
Little Weasel, Big City: Chapter 13
“So remember, don’t stare at anyone or try to make conversation. Act as casual as possible,” Duke said as Leilani parked her car in the bar’s small parking lot.
“Well, what about finding out where we can find Travis?” Leilani unbuckled her seat belt and adjusted her beanie in the rear view mirror.
“Other than that. I mean, don’t go talkin’ to every single animal you see about stuff that don’t matter, unless you’re tryin’ to lead up to Travis. Remember sweetie, you’ve seen the rougher side of life.”
Leilani took a deep breath. “Okay, okay. I can do this. I can do this. I can—wait!”
“I was just thinking, since I used to know Travis and everything, what if I used that to try to find him? I could tell them the truth, that I grew up with him, then I could say I heard about his work and that I’d love for him to teach me how to get into that line of work.”
“Good idea, but don’t say ‘line of work.’ Call Travis’ job a ‘gig.’”
“Okay!” Leilani put her thumbs up. “Let’s go!”
Leilani got out of the car as Duke followed.
“I should probably put my arm around you,” Duke said as they approached the front door, “It’s safer for us, mainly you, if we’re close together and we look like a couple.”
“Oh, uh, okay. Go ahead.” Leilani stepped closer to him and allowed his arm to wrap around her shoulders. She instantly felt safer.
Duke opened the door.
Immediately, a bunch of eyes were on the two. For a moment, Leilani felt the urge to take a step back, but she urged herself to move forward.
“Hey, Lenny! Haven’t seen ya in a while!” Duke clicked his tongue and winked at an elephant in a tattered blue vest.
The elephant gave Duke a nod and went back to his beer.
“So, uh, toots, you wanna sit at the stools?” Duke asked.
Leilani saw two vacant stools at the counter, their torn padding a deep maroon.
“Uh, yeah, sure.” Leilani said in a flat tone.
Leilani and Duke took their seats.
The bartender, a gray fox with three silver studs in each ear, dried off a glass.
“‘Scuse me, ma’am?” Duke waved at her.
The fox turned around, revealing heavy black eye makeup and a silver septum ring. “Yeah?”
“Gimme a Black Claw, Cocoa, on the rocks.”
“‘Kay, and your girl?” The fox put the dried glass back on the shelf.
Leilani froze. Blend in! Blend in! “Uh…Black Claw. Except, uh, you got any other flavors?”
“Yeah, sure. We got Watermelon, Lemon, Strawberry…”
Leilani’s paw shot up. “Strawberry! And put whatever kind of rocks you want in it!”
Duke set his teeth nervously as a few animals snickered.
The bartender’s eyes darted around. “Uh, okay? Sure.”
“‘On the rocks’ means ‘with ice.’” Duke whispered.
Leilani tightened her lips and squinted. “Dang it. Well, anyway…” Leilani spoke louder. “I can’t wait to see Travis again! Haven’t seen that ferret in a while!”
Duke’s eyes widened as he tensed up. He quickly gave Leilani a knowing smile. “Oh, yeah! I think he’s the first black-footed ferret to get that gig. Proud of him.”
“Travis?” The bartender returned with their drinks. “I know him, too. Cool guy. A bit of a wimp, but I can’t really blame him. It’s a cruel world for smaller animals.”
“Cool. You know where he works?” Leilani leaned on the bar and took a sip of her drink. “We haven’t seen him in a while, and we’ve been planning on surprising him at work and seeing where he works, not to mention we’ve been tight on cash and hoping to fix that by working with him. We’ve been having a hard time trying to find the place. You know where it is?”
“Uh, yeah. Hang on a sec.” The fox wrote on a napkin and slid it over to Leilani. “Here’s the address.”
Leilani showed Duke the address. She gave the gray fox a nod. “Cool. Thanks.”
“No prob.” The fox walked away and took out her phone.
“Is there a way to save this drink for later? I don’t want to have too much of it right now since I’m driving.”
Duke picked up the napkin. “I actually know where this is! This is right by the first place I used to sell my bootlegged movies before I realized the location didn’t have enough customers. We could actually walk from here.”
“Oh! Okay!” Leilani took a few gulps of her drink. “This is so good! Where has this been all my life! It’s like I’ve never had a strawberry before!”
Two animals next to Leilani giggled. Duke shot them a glare, which prompted them to try not to look at him.
Duke took a big gulp of his drink. “Yeah. That’s how I felt about cocoa when I first had the cocoa one.
As soon as they finished their drinks, they put their cash on the bar and walked out the door.
“So, would you say it’s about a five, ten minute walk?” Leilani asked as she and Duke walked side by side on the sidewalk.
Duke shrugged. He pulled out a toothpick and chewed on it. “Eh, five at the most. It’s pretty close. We should probably stick to the part of the story about wantin’ to work with Travis.”
“Yeah, you’re right. I’ll just tell Travis I heard he moved here and was working with these plants and that I was hoping to catch up with him and make some easy money.”
A few minutes later, the two arrived at a run-down street full of apartment complexes and a few businesses which came together in a dead end.
Leilani looked at the napkin and looked at the different numbers on the complexes. She noticed a building made of bricks. It was named, “Savannah Lane Studio Apartments.”
“That’s it!” Leilani announced as she showed Duke the napkin.
“Oh wow! I had a friend here last year. He got evicted for makin’ an indoor bonfire.”
Leilani chuckled as she ran up the steps and entered the building. Duke soon followed.
Leilani again read the napkin. “It says ‘Apt. 19.’”
They walked up three flights of stairs before they arrived at the nineteenth apartment.
Leilani’s heart beat quickened. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
Leilani heard footsteps approaching, then the sound of a variety of locks being un-locked and un-latched.
The door opened.
A black-footed ferret, dressed only in pale green striped boxers opened the door. He held a box of Lucky Chomp in his paw as he chewed on the cereal. He looked down at Leilani, then glanced at Duke. He swallowed. “Hey. Can I help you?”
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Transcriber- Ginny Weasley x OC
Ginny Weasley x Chloe Eratos
Description: The Marauders Map was taken from Harry and all they have left is a note. The downside is that it’s an ancient rune that none of them could understand. The upside is that Ginny knows an expert of the Study of Ancient Runes. Funny thing is, that expert is her girlfriend.
Word Count: 1.2k
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“I can’t find it,” Harry exclaimed, becoming frantic as he searched through his things. 
“What do you mean you can’t find it mate?” Fred asked.
“You just had it a few hours ago,” George continued. “We saw it.” The twins had walked up to the golden trio plus Ginny, asking for the Marauders Map. The six of them made a detour to Harry’s dorm so he could get it. Unfortunately, the map seemed to be nowhere in sight. The boy in question furrowed his brows and looked at George.
“I haven’t used the map in three days, I haven’t needed it.” The six of them looked between each other anxiously. 
“So then who did we see using it?” Fred asked slowly. Ron hummed in thought, making the others look at him. 
“Can’t we just use the summoning charm to get it back?” He suggested. Everyone looked at Hermione since she knew the most about things like this. 
“It’s worth a shot,” she responded with a shrug, pulling out her wand. “Accio Marauders Map.” Something appeared on Harry's bed, but it wasn’t the map. It was a note. Harry picked it up and read it.
“I don’t understand, it’s just a bunch of symbols,” he muttered. Ron read it over his shoulder then looked at Hermione.
“Can you read it Hermione?” He asked, taking the paper and holding it out for her. The girl took a moment to read over it before answering. 
“No. I’ve never seen runes like this,” she said, shaking her head. Ginny snatched the paper from Ron, reading over it. 
“Well?” Fred asked. 
“What’s it say?” George finished. Ginny looked at them and shrugged. 
“I don’t know,” she said, frowning when their shoulders slumped sadly. Harry looked upset, the map was his father’s after all.
“But,” she continued, making everyone look at her once more. “I do know someone who can understand it.” she could see their spirits lift optimistically. Harry smiled at her. 
“Where are they?” 
The next hour was filled with them searching for the mystery person. Ginny wouldn’t say who it was, she just said that it was a girl. After asking around for another half hour, Seamus told Ginny what she needed to know. 
“She was in the middle courtyard a couple minutes ago when I was there,” he informed Ginny. The redhead smiled at him and thanked him before walking off. The others followed her, confused. Ron was the first to speak up.
“So when are you going to tell us the girl’s name?” He asked, resting his hands in his pockets lazily. 
“When we get to her,” she answered nonchalantly. “I want to introduce you guys in person,” she explained. The trio gave each other a confused glance but said nothing as they continued to follow her. 
When they reached the courtyard, Ginny only had to look around for a minute before setting off. She walked towards the tree that Harry recognized as the one Draco sat in before he was turned into a ferret. Sitting in one of the branches closer to the ground was a girl none of them recognized. She was reading a book with her legs stretched out and crossed over, but looked away when Ginny called out.
“Chloe,” she called up to her. The girl, Chloe, smiled. 
“Hey Gin, fancy seeing you here,” she joked, moving so her legs were dangling from the branches. “What brings you here this fine day?” Ginny playfully rolled her eyes.
“My friends and I need your help. Can you come down?” She asked, leaning her forearm against the tree trunk as she stared up at the girl. 
“Sure. Incoming,” she called before hopping down to the ground, landing on her feet. Once she straightened out her clothes, Ginny gestured to the others.
“Chloe, you know Fred and George already,” she paused when the twins waved and Chloe waved back. “This is my other brother Ron, and my friends Hermione and Harry.” Chloe smiled politely at the three new people. 
“Nice to meet you,” she spoke, shaking each of their hands. 
“Chloe is at the top of the class in Study of Ancient Runes. She could read a thousand year old rune upside down and backwards.” A small blush coated the tips of Chloe’s ears at Ginny’s words. 
“Oh hush,” she spoke with a shy smile. Harry, however, perked up. 
“So do you think you could be able to transcribe this for us?” He asked, pulling the note out of his pocket. Chloe took it and read it. 
“Oh yeah, definitely,” she replied after a second. The group shared a sigh of relief.
“What do you need this for?” She asked curiously. Harry, Hermione and Ron shot each other a hesitant look, but Ginny and the twins looked nonchalant.
“Remember that map we showed you a few weeks back?” Fred asked. When she nodded George finished for his brother. 
“We gave it to Harry last week because he needed it. The map was taken and when we tried to figure out who stole it, that note appeared.”
“None of us could figure out what it says, so we figured-” Ginny started, but Chloe finished her sentence.
“I was your best bet,” she concluded, smiling when Ginny nodded. “Well of course, anything for my three favorite Weasleys,” she spoke before beginning to study the note, mumbling to herself as she did so. 
“Ad...officam- no,” she muttered. Harry gave Ginny an incredulous look, but she just brushed it off.
“Give her a second. This stuff isn’t easy, even for an expert,” she whispered to him, coming to Chloe’s defense. The boy sighed but nodded, looking at the girl once again. 
“Ad officium Remus,” she translated, looking at them. “Office of the Snape. Your map is in Professor Snape’s office.” Harry pursed his lips. Why hadn’t he thought of that? That was the most obvious answer. 
“Thanks Chloe,” the twins said simultaneously, moving forward to give her a side hug on either side of her. Ginny nodded once they began to walk away.
“Thanks love,” she spoke, looking at Chloe. The trio was shocked to hear that, but that shock only grew when Chloe responded. 
“Of course. We still on for this weekend?” She asked hopefully. 
“Yep. Wouldn’t miss it,” Ginny responded, giving Chloe a chaste kiss. She faced the trio, then laughed at their floored expressions. 
“Oh yeah, did I not mention that she was my girlfriend?” She asked nonchalantly. The three shook their heads awkwardly. Chloe couldn’t help but laugh.
“Nope. Guess you forgot to mention that,” she stated, wrapping her arm around the girl’s waist as the redhead laid an arm around her shoulders. 
“Yeah,  you left that part out,” Harry responded. Ginny hummed thoughtfully before shrugging in reply. 
“Oh well,” she brushed it off then looked at the girl under her arm. “I’ll see you later my love. C’mon guys,” she instructed before kissing the girl’s cheek then walking off. The trio stood there for a moment before beginning to follow the girl and the twins. 
“Did you know about this?” Ron asked once they caught up with the twins. Fred and George nodded in unison. 
“Oh yeah, since they started dating,” George responded. 
“How long ago was that?” Hermione asked. Fred shrugged. 
“Probably three or four months ago. Don’t feel bad though, we were surprised when we found out too.” 
“Yeah, we honestly thought she and Harry would get together. Lee owes us one sickle each by the way since Chloe was our second choice,” the younger twin added. Ginny smirked as she listened to the trio’s shock behind her. Instead of saying anything, she gave her girlfriend a wink before they were out of sight from the courtyard.
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braveolpabear · 2 years
Gordo and Berny's relationship
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The friendship between The Purple Gorilla from the rainbow planet Rainmoon and Berny the Beagle Furrie from the heavenly planet Pleasure Paradise is a tender more passionate one. The heroic duo are seemingly inseparable and are rarely seen apart. When they are really separated one of the two reacts very negatively, sometimes even violently that often prompts one of them saving the other that has happened on numerous occasions. For example when finding out he was lured out of Boar Island he was assigned to protect from mysterious forces by via a fake Purple Gorilla and his dog friend Berny is on the same island before disappearing beneath a giant cloud a fiercely determined Gordo creates a huge tidal wave by jumping into the water and ''rides'' on it like a gigantic surfboard before eventually reuniting with his canine friend who is buried under a layer on snow. On another occasion when Berny found his Ape friend was being manipulated into stealing rare artefacts from various parts on each island of Pleasure Paradise he became fiercely determined to find the unknown party reponsible before Gordo becomes a wanted fugitive from the barnyard militia known as F.A.R.M and be magically turned into a work mule. In most cases the evil force that is constantly tormenting them are Dragons, especially MediEvil Dragons from the ominous planetoid Medievilonia all of whom try to control, brainwash or exploit the unsuspecting duo for their own personal gain. Their true nemesis is Drako the ruthless Orange Dragon who wants to manipulate Gordo due to the fact he is a massively built Purple Ape with super strength while at the same time kill his dog friend because he views Berny as an annoyance. He comes up with elaborate more sinister schemes to exploit the friendly duo into robbing or looting ancient ruins across each island of Pleasure Paradise of all their treasures and somehow turning them both into mindless slaves by via concocting a Hypnotic Spell. However his plans are always short-lived either by Berny becoming wise the cruel Dragons motivations, pure luck or Gordo accidently exposing his schemes due to his physical strength. When this happens Gordo becomes incredibly angry and beats him up before picking the humiliated Dragon up by his battered tail and either slams on the ground repeatedly or spins him around rapidly until he becomes a blur before hurling the bruised Dragon away over one hundred yards away in the distance. Because of this Berny and Gordo both loathe Dragons. They hate Dragons so much that even the slightest mention of the word ''Dragon'' causes the duo to react angrily with Gordo yelling ''I HATE DRAGONS!''. Another thing that Berny and Gordo hate besides fire-breathing Dragons are mostly predators such as Coyotes, Raccoons, Weasels, Ferrets and WOlved because they frequently terrorise several Farm Animals including Pigs, Sheep, Cows, Ducks, both Horses and Ponies, Turkeys, Goats and Sheepdogs whom they find purely innocent (they are right). Together with Berny's intellect and Gordo's massive strength Papa Bear's Farm (that is now owned by Georgette the French Ice Cream Cow because her employee Papa Bear gave her the last of his remaining Dragons Treasure) along with it's inhabitants know full well that they have caring protectors🐕🐒🦍🐶��🏝️🌴🥥🍌
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wondernimbus · 4 years
two sworn enemies pt. 2 — draco malfoy
pairing: draco malfoy x female!reader
summary: maybe being fancied by draco malfoy isn’t so bad, after all.
requests are closed for now. please refrain from plagiarizing my work!
click here to read pt. 1!
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"Why is it so bloody cold?"
[Y/N] is decked out in full winter apparel; a knitted Gryffindor sweater, ear-muffs, and a scarf that she has half of her face buried in.
Sitting in the Quidditch stands with the rest of her friends, she grumbles, "It's not even a Gryffindor match. We don't really have to be here freezing to death."
"Well, it's common courtesy," says Hermione, but she's just as cold as [Y/N] is; there's bits of snow stuck in her hair and the tip of her nose is pink.
Ron snorts loudly. “We’re here to watch Slytherin lose," he says matter-of-factly, still in the process of smearing streaks of blue paint across his cheek.
[Y/N] watches him, nose scrunched. "Well, aren't you the Ravenclaw fanatic."
He gives her a grin and holds out the small tub of paint. "Want some?"
She bunches up her lips in thought, then reaches out to take it. Annoyingly enough, Ron pulls back at the last moment, grinning wider than ever, and says, "Or d'you want to show support for your boyfriend Malfoy? Hermione, why don't you turn this green—"
[Y/N] dives over Hermione and Harry to smack Ron round the head, only for the pair to hold her back and push her into her seat.
Exasperated, Hermione huffs, "Honestly, Ronald, will you stop bringing that up?" She glares at him. "You know fully well [Y/N] doesn't like it."
Ron (and Harry, although he isn't as boisterous about it as the redhead), thinks that the "blond ferret" taking a fancying to her is one of, if not the most hilarious thing to have ever happened in history. Annoyingly enough, Ron has made it a habit to tease her about it every chance he gets—this one being one of them.
"If I didn’t know better, I’d have thought Ron fancied Malfoy with how much he talks about him," grins Harry. This earns him a smatter of blue paint across his face; Ron had flicked it at him.
With one last eye-roll, [Y/N] tears her gaze away from Ron and digs her nose further into her scarf. It really is very cold; snow is falling from the sky, seeping into her clothes, some landing on her hair and on her face. Thankfully there's not so much of it that the players on the pitch wouldn't be able to see around them, but still—[Y/N] imagines that it'd be a lot colder for them, having to fly around the stadium with the cold wind whipping at their robes.
There’s a buzz of loud chatter hanging in the air as conversations from all around them overlap over one another. The entire stadium is slowly filling up; students trickle into the stands, a majority of which have adorned themselves with blue accessories as a show of support to Ravenclaw. One side of the stands, however, is entirely green. Through the snow, she can see a big serpent-shaped balloon hovering over the Slytherin side.
"They’re coming out!" someone exclaims.
Sure enough, when [Y/N] looks down at the pitch, players from both teams have appeared and congregated at opposite ends of the pitch. Slytherin and Ravenclaw; whichever house wins will play Gryffindor for the house cup. Most bets are on Slytherin, but [Y/N] would have to be dead before she is caught anywhere supporting them.
"Look, it's [Y/N]'s boyfriend," gushes Ron.
More out of habit than anything, [Y/N] shoots the redhead yet another brief, scathing look. Draco Malfoy is there, even though he's nowhere near being her boyfriend, pale face set into a stoic expression of calm as he stands with the rest of his team, one hand on his broom and the other on his hip—and this specific image has her thinking back to what happened two weeks ago on this very same pitch, except the stadium was empty and it was only the two of them on the grounds; when he'd confessed to liking her.
As if Malfoy has somehow heard her thoughts over the noise of excited chatter coming from all over the stands, he looks up, eyes sweeping the seats in search for someone before finally, they land on her.
When he meets her gaze, [Y/N]'s breath isn't knocked out of her chest, nor does she start blushing madly. But she doesn't burn red with annoyance, either. All she does is stare at him, eyes narrowed, watching as his lips split into a wide grin and he raises his hand to wave at her.
She rolls her eyes, but thankfully—thankfully, the scarf tucked around her neck, reaching up to her nose, conceals the smile that tugs at her lips.
"May I ask everyone to please find themselves in their seats before the match begins," McGonagall’s voice echoes around the stadium, giving [Y/N] a reason to break eye contact.
She tears her stare away from Malfoy’s, inhaling a deep breath through her nose, feeling oddly exhilarated.
But this isn't anything new. That slight feeling of breathlessness, that unfamiliar sensation tickling at her stomach whenever she spots a certain someone in the hallway; she's been feeling it a lot lately, and though the cause seems to be pretty obvious, that is another thing she'd have to be caught dead before doing: admitting that she reciprocates some of Malfoy’s.. peculiar feelings.
"And they're off!" Dean Thomas announces. [Y/N] watches as the players soar high into the air until they're mostly level with the stands, a blur of blue and green robes rapidly zooming around the pitch. Slytherin is already in possession of the quaffle; not a surprise, considering Ravenclaw isn't exactly known for their exceptionally talented Quidditch team.
Malfoy, meanwhile—[Y/N] tells herself that the way her eyes dart around the pitch in search of a certain platinum blond is because she wants to watch the game properly and not for other reasons.
She spots him hovering somewhere above the rest of the players, face screwed up in concentration as his gaze moves around the pitch in search for the golden snitch. He looks even paler in winter, set against a backdrop of a cloudy sky and snow—
[Y/N] jars herself out of her thoughts and blinks, side-eyeing her friends (specifically Ron) to make sure they hadn't seen her.. observing the Slytherin seeker. (Not like it matters; it's not as though she fancies him, but Ron would certainly take it the wrong way.)
"Go Ravenclaw!" Ron practically screeches, waving his Ravenclaw banner in the air—when did he get that? "Kick Slytherin’s arse so Gryffindor can crush you in the finals!"
[Y/N] snorts. "Have it all thought out, don't you, Ron?"
"Go on and cheer for your Slytherin boyfriend, [Y/N], no one's stopping you," says Harry, grinning. She turns to face him, mouth open in disbelief, and lets out a quick breath of incredulous laughter.
"So, Harry," [Y/N] says, suddenly deadpan. ”I see you've chosen Ron’s side."
Harry snickers, then shrugs.
"Oh, Malfoy’s seen the snitch!" someone shouts from beside them. [Y/N] turns back to the game to see Malfoy zooming down the pitch, clutching the front of his broom as he swerves past Slytherin and Ravenclaw players alike in pursuit of the tiny golden ball all the way on the other side of the stadium, where [Y/N] and her friends are sat. He has the upper hand—Ravenclaw's seeker is only just now starting to fly after him, but she's a good distance behind and Malfoy is gaining speed.
"He’s gonna catch it!"
"Ravenclaw's even worse than I thought," grumbles Ron, slumping down in his seat.
But just as Malfoy passes by them, somehow, despite the fact that he is in pursuit of the bloody golden snitch and on the brink of securing victory for his team, he slows down just the tiniest bit, and then, in true Malfoy fashion—theatric as always in his displays of affection—he catches her eye and yells “This one's for you, [Y/N]!”, a grin on his face before he hurtles down the pitch, stretching out his hand towards the fluttering snitch—
"Malfoy’s got the snitch!" Dean Thomas screams into his microphone. "Slytherin wins!"
[Y/N] stares, feeling oddly warm despite the wintry weather, as Malfoy spins around in mid-air, triumphantly holding up the snitch for the rest of Hogwarts to see.
"Blimey," gapes Ron, wide-eyed, staring not at the Slytherin seeker but at [Y/N]. "That was—"
[Y/N] looks away from Malfoy to meet Ron's gaze, maintaining indifference. "He’s quite the charmer, isn't he?" she mutters, and hopes that her friends will think that the blush on her cheeks is because of the cold and not because of something—someone else.
But that's ridiculous. It is because of the cold, isn't it?
"It may be Malfoy," says Ron slowly, shaking his head, "But you can't deny that was bloody romantic. Felt like I was watching something out of one of those Muggle films."
"Yeah, we'll have to ask him for tips," says Harry, and starts laughing when [Y/N] rolls her eyes in response.
Malfoy may have stopped sending her Howlers, but that hardly matters because he has found every other way to pester her.
This includes consistently yelling out her name and shouting random pick-up lines every time he spots her in the hallway, as well as sending people to do her bidding—no longer first-years, but Crabbe and Goyle, who show up at random intervals everyday presenting her with a batch of different pastries. She always sends the pair off, but only after Ron and Harry accept said pastries for themselves.
"Blimey, this is heavenly!" gushes Ron, taking a passionate bite off of his second red velvet cupcake. "You sure you don't want a bite, [Y/N]? Hermione?"
[Y/N] offers him an exasperated smile. "No, thank you, Ron."
"Don’t thank me, thank your boyfriend."
The four of them walk into the dingy Potions classroom. Snape is nowhere to be seen, but it's only a matter of time before he swoops in all bat-like, so [Y/N] and Hermione quickly take a seat at their regular desk, right next to Ron and Harry.
"Have you done your homework?" asks Hermione, pulling out an assortment of parchment from her bag.
[Y/N] hums in response. "I doubt mine is half as good as yours, but hopefully I’ll scrape an acceptable."
"Oh, you're a good student, [Y/N]. Don't bring yourself down."
"Hard not to when I’m sitting next to the brightest witch in our year," she nudges Hermione’s shoulder, smiling. Hermione huffs, rolling her eyes, but it's clear by the pleased look on her face that she doesn't hate [Y/N]'s honest flattery as much as she lets on.
[Y/N] drums her fingers on the desk to pass time, not quite paying attention to the students filtering into the classroom. Or at least not until one of them calls her name and drawls, "Is someone sitting here?"
[Y/N]'s head snaps around to see none other than Malfoy, gesturing to the desk to the left of hers and Hermione’s. "Mind if I,” he pauses, grinning, "Slytherin?"
She purses her lips into a thin, tight line, inhaling deeply as she fights to keep her cool. Yes, there are times when Malfoy's gestures have her questioning her own hatred for him, but this—this is not one of them.
"That," she says, voice mostly level. "Is your seat, Malfoy. I don’t see why you have to ask me."
Which is a lie. [Y/N] knows why, of course. To get her attention. To woo her. But part of her wishes that Malfoy would realize that everything he is doing, from the overbearing pick up lines to the cupcakes to his constant public declarations of love, isn't something that [Y/N] thoroughly enjoys. Does she want him to stop yelling at her in the hallways? Yes. Does she want Crabbe and Goyle to stop bumbling up to her everywhere she goes (outside of the girl's bathroom is one example) offering cupcakes and pie and tarts? Yes. But does she want Malfoy to stop trying entirely?
Maybe not. Maybe part of her wants to give him a chance. He does seem to truly hold feelings, judging from his confession back at the Quidditch stadium, unless he's a terribly good actor.
And it wouldn't just be him she'd be giving a chance, either. Perhaps she'd also be doing so to herself. Because, over the past month, it's baffled her how quickly her feelings for him have shifted. Or maybe it's not a change of feelings, but rather realization that under all that sneering and pureblood prejudice, Draco Malfoy is a boy.
An annoyingly attractive one.
But there is so much more that [Y/N] dislikes about him. His snootiness. His arrogance. His lack of consideration for other people's feelings. He may be tall and lithe and undeniably handsome, and he may have very soft-looking platinum blond hair and stormy grey eyes like dark clouds, but he is also a prick. And that wins over everything else, no matter how.. visually pleasing he is.
So when a paper bird flutters in front of her halfway through the lesson, when Snape’s back is turned, [Y/N] hesitates. She knows fully well who it's from, despite not having to look to the side and meet his gaze.
From beside her, Hermione whispers, "Get rid of it, before Snape sees."
Exhaling, [Y/N] snatches the paper bird and quickly unfolds it.
She doesn't know what she's expecting to see, but it's certainly not the words "meet me at the Astronomy tower after dinner" scribbled across the parchment. And with a drawing of a face blowing kisses, no less.
[Y/N] sighs.
[Y/N] has no real feelings for Malfoy, so succumbing to his mysterious evening request at the Astronomy tower shouldn't mean anything.
Scratch that: it doesn't mean anything. Not to her. (Or so she tells herself.) This is a chance for her to tell Malfoy to sod off and to stop courting her. And for good, this time. No matter what that annoying little voice inside her head tells her, she can't possibly even consider the idea of actually giving in to him. (And to herself.)
So she's going to put a stop to it, once and for all.
"I’m going," she decides over dinner, slamming her palms down on the table.
"Going where?" asks Harry.
"The Astronomy tower," she replies resolutely.
"What, to go star-gazing?" Ron snickers. [Y/N] glances at him and realizes, quickly, that telling them had slipped her mind—she'd been far too preoccupied with her own conflicting thoughts.
She shifts in her seat. She doesn't necessarily need to tell them, does she? It's not as though it's important enough to share. And besides, Ron would only badger her about it. Mercilessly. [Y/N] can already picture him in her head, talking about Malfoy and snogging under the stars and Merlin-knows-what-else.
"Nevermind," says [Y/N], taking a bite out of a muffin and looking away. They don't need to know; it's not as though it's important.
After [Y/N] has walked up all of the stairs to get there, only taking one or two shortcuts, she's out of breath, but she creeps into the Astronomy tower anyway. It’s mostly dark save for the faint moonshine filtering in from the open sides, and, well—there he is.
Malfoy’s arms are crossed over his chest, his back mostly turned as he stands dangerously close to the railing, looking out over the dark landscape. Dim light catches on the side of his face, illuminating the grey of his eyes.
The curve of his nose.
Pale skin.
White-blond hair.
[Y/N] finds herself staring, one hand on the doorframe as though for support, brows furrowed in the middle in a slight frown as she watches him.
He looks lost in thought. Even from a few feet away, [Y/N] can see the far-off, distant look in his eyes. Like storms brewing behind dark clouds, she thinks to herself. It’s a quiet little whisper in the back of her mind that has her heart doing odd little flips inside of her chest that she never knew it was capable of.
But then she blinks.
This is the last thing [Y/N] needs. To see Malfoy stripped of his arrogance—to see him as he is, bathed in moonlight, glowing, almost. To look at him and to see a boy with eyes like molten silver and nothing more—it's the last thing she needs to convince herself that she doesn't feel something for him that isn't hatred.
No, she doesn't need this.
She turns around, breath caught in her throat, and starts walking down the steps. Accidentally, stupidly, her foot catches on a metal step and a loud clang echoes around the silent tower.
[Y/N] pauses, eyes wide.
"[Y/N]?" Malfoy's voice says. He can't see her. It’s too dark, and [Y/N] is too far down the steps.
She swallows. But instead of dreading what could come, she finds herself waiting, half-hoping that he'd check the staircase, that he would see her and—
And then what?
[Y/N] rushes down the steps, ignoring the loud noise her footsteps make on the way. This is the last thing she needs.
[Y/N] doesn't like Malfoy.
[Y/N] doesn't like Malfoy, and she is determined to make that clear. (Both to herself and to her friends, although the former seems to be taking a lot more convincing.)
"What is there to like about him? He’s nothing but an annoying pain in the arse who has an overwhelming amount of pride and arrogance simply because of his blood—which is not only something that he never rightfully earned but is also something that shouldn't even bloody matter, except he thinks that it does solely because he is an absolute nutter who has nothing better to do with his life other than leech off of his parents' money and shove it in other people's faces."
Ron meets Harry’s gaze from across the table, who seems to be trying very hard not to laugh. Swallowing down a forkful of pancakes, Ron looks back at [Y/N]. "I’m sorry," he begins slowly. "But remind me again why we're talking about Malfoy?"
"I’m not finished, Ronald," [Y/N] snaps, shooting him a dirty look. Ron raises his eyebrows. "As I was saying before someone so rudely cut me off, Malfoy is a nasty little git who finds joy in making other people suffer. he probably has tiny puppies locked up inside his basement just so he can laugh in their faces and revel in their misery because he is that horrible of a person—"
Harry lurches with poorly suppressed laughter.
"An absolute terrible excuse for a human being! He basks in other people's humiliation—mine, for example!—and I would much rather snog the Giant Squid than ever actually consider his—" She pauses, gritting her teeth. "Odd.. requests."
"It’s not like he's asking you to murder house-elves," Ron mutters.
"Something that I would rather do than date him!"
"[Y/N]!" Hermione gasps, looking genuinely offended as she, for the first time since they'd arrived at the Great Hall for breakfast, looks up from the homework she's rushing to finish. (As if her five pieces worth of parchment aren't enough—Flitwick had only asked for three!)
"Sorry, Hermione," [Y/N] says, offering her an apologetic look that she only half-means. This quickly turns into a fierce look of challenge as she swivels back around in her seat to face the redhead sitting next to her. "Honestly, since when have you started defending Malfoy?"
Ron blanches. "I’m not defending him!" he says indignantly, setting his fork down on his plate. "It’s just.. yeah, it's a bit odd that he's declaring his undying love for you out of bloody nowhere, but he's stopped badgering us, hasn't he? Nasty little ferret hasn't said a word to Harry for weeks! And that goes for me and Hermione, too!"
[Y/N] narrows her eyes at him. "So you think it's great that he's stopped annoying you at the cost of my suffering?"
"What suffering!" Ron exclaims. "He’s been treating you like a bloody princess!"
"Oh, why don't you just snog him yourself, then, if you think so highly of him?"
Ron’s jaw drops in shocked offense.
"Alright, that's enough!" Harry announces, reaching over the table to shove the two apart from each other. "Why doesn't one of you switch seats with me before you end up strangling each other?"
"I don't know, Harry," [Y/N]'s lip curls. "I might have to hold Ron back before he goes running off to his ferret prince—or should we just let him? Merlin knows he'd love to, won't you, Ronald?"
Ron’s teeth are gritted; his eyes dart around the food on the table as though looking for the most effective weapon. He seems to be choosing between a green apple and rhubarb pie.
Thankfully, Ron never gets to take his pick. The bell rings, saving everyone in the Great Hall from witnessing what could have possibly been a brawl between friends. "Come on, let's go," says Harry quickly, relief evident in his tone of voice as he ushers the pair to their feet. "Wouldn’t want to be late for class."
[Y/N] doesn't like Malfoy.
[Y/N] doesn't like Malfoy, but why does she find herself staring at him whenever she comes across him in the hallway the next day? Why, when Malfoy meets her gaze, does she look away and pretend to be immersed in something else?
And why in the bloody hell, when Malfoy playfully winks at her during Potions class, does she find it very, very hard not to smile?
She walks out of the dungeon classroom in a hurry with Ron, Harry, and Hermione, not wanting to spend a minute more in Malfoy's presence; she doesn't particularly enjoy being suddenly hyperaware of every move he makes, every little glance he sends her way when he thinks she isn't paying attention. It’s as though something in her system has gone awry. Is that why her heart feels like it's about to hop right out of her chest? Is that why she can't stop wondering what would've happened if she'd stayed at the Astronomy tower?
"Hey, wait up!” Harry calls loudly as they walk up the stone steps leading away from the dungeons and into the main hallway, which is bustling with students.
[Y/N], who had been walking far too fast in front of the three, looks back over her shoulder and sees that they're a few feet away. She stops, seemingly flustered, and waits for them to catch up.
"You look like you've wet your pants," says Ron.
"I’m not you, Ron," she retorts.
"Oh, can you two please stop bickering for once?" says Hermione, exasperated.
From behind the three, Draco Malfoy emerges from the potions classroom and begins walking up the stone steps. [Y/N]'s hands clench into fists at her side as she discretely presses her back to the stone wall at her sides.
The blond doesn't even as much as glance at Ron, Harry, and Hermione as he passes by them on the steps. [Y/N], however—once Malfoy has reached the step below the one she's standing on, he pauses, no less than two feet away from her, and quirks an eyebrow.
"What?" [Y/N] scowls, trying not to look at the strand of blond hair dangling in front of his eyes.
Malfoy’s gaze dances over her face. "Was it you?"
She meets her friends' eyes over Malfoy's shoulder. Ron and Harry have their eyebrows raised; Hermione looks concerned. [Y/N] takes a moment to compose herself—tries to force her heart back into her chest—before she folds her arms across her chest and looks at the Slytherin. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"At the Astronomy tower," Malfoy says, and moves up one step so that he's standing on the same one she's on. A foot away. "I heard someone last night, while I was waiting for you."
Oh, Merlin.
"You came, didn't you?" he presses on.
"No," [Y/N] lies, and hates how defensive she sounds. She shifts a little on her feet, her eyes skirting away to look at a random spot behind Malfoy. "I was.. at the library. Doing things of actual importance."
There’s a slight pause as Malfoy's nose wrinkles. "Must’ve been someone else spying on me, then," he finally says through a scoff, but [Y/N] knows disappointment when she sees it. He rolls his shoulders back and puts on his signature smirk, inclining his head towards her as he takes another step up the stairs. "Better hurry and give me an answer, [Y/N]," he tells her, grinning. "Before one of my admirers get to me first."
[Y/N] watches as he walks up the steps and disappears into the hallway.
"The library?" a voice says incredulously. She turns back to Ron, whose face is scrunched in disbelief. "No, you weren't! We were waiting for you there and you never came."
[Y/N] folds her arms across her chest indignantly but doesn't respond, instead walking up the stone steps.
"Malfoy said he was waiting for you at the Astronomy tower," says Hermione slowly as they trail after her; [Y/N] speeds up her pace. "Is that why you mentioned going there during dinner last night?"
[Y/N] emerges into the main corridor first. "No, I didn't."
"Yes, you did!" bursts Ron, sounding downright triumphant.
"Congratulations, Ron, you don't have the memory range of a teaspoon, after all," [Y/N] mutters, looking around. Malfoy is walking down the hallway a few feet ahead of them, Crabbe and Goyle at his side.
Ron ignores her. "I bet you did go. I bet you did spy on him—" And then he gasps, looking as though he's unearthed the secret of life. "Merlin’s beard, you really do fancy him, don't you?"
[Y/N]'s footsteps falter. Ron, Harry, and Hermione stop right with her.
Hermione is the only one who doesn't look stunned out of her mind. Looking between the two boys, she rolls her eyes and scoffs. "Honestly, is that so hard to believe?" says Hermione, frowning. "I understand that it's Malfoy and he is a prick, but [Y/N] is perfectly entitled to fancy whoever she likes." She turns to [Y/N]. "It’s fine, [Y/N], you don't have to feel guilty about it. Anyone would catch feelings if someone started doing such sweet things for them, even if it were someone like Malfoy."
"Blimey," says Harry, breathless. "Which part sealed the deal, [Y/N]? The pick-up lines? Or was it the cupcakes?"
[Y/N], who had been opening and closing her mouth like a fish blown out of water, finally stops trying to find words that just aren't there and instead drags her palm across her face in frustration. "I don't.." she says, sounding defeated, but really—now that she's faced with such confrontation, it's easier to admit to herself that maybe.. maybe she does fancy Malfoy.
Ron’s lips have split into a jubilant grin. ”I called it!" he says, smacking Harry's shoulder. "Bloody knew it!"
Hermione reaches out to rub [Y/N]'s back. "Don’t feel too bad about it, [Y/N]. I sort of knew—you looked at him differently after he confessed to you on the pitch."
[Y/N] sighs, realizing that no amount  of denying it will convince her friends. Or herself.
She does fancy Malfoy.
Properly acknowledging it—finally admitting it to herself—is oddly relieving. She’s been keeping her feelings cooped up inside of her chest despite the fact they are so much bigger than her, and now that she's letting them burst free.. now that she's coming to terms with them..
Well. It’s not the worst feeling ever.
Ron is still beaming, looking as though he's won the lottery. And apparently, in a way, he has: "Fred and George said it'd take you a month longer to give in. I said it'd take you less—guess I’ve won myself two galleons!"
[Y/N]'s mouth falls open. "You bet on this?"
Ron raises his eyebrows, as though surprised to hear that she didn't know. "Uh, I and the entire bloody castle."
Struck by a sudden burst of both annoyance and confidence, [Y/N], scowling, detaches herself from her friends and strides down the hallway towards Malfoy, full of intent. He hasn't noticed her yet; his back is still turned, but she catches up to him easily. And when she does, she unceremoniously bumps her shoulder into his and grabs his hand, quickly interlacing her fingers through his.
"What the hell—"
Malfoy, obviously taken aback, tries to pull his hand away, sneering, until his gaze lands on [Y/N].
"Keep walking, Malfoy," she says scathingly, not quite looking at him.
Baffled, Malfoy stares at her, then down at their hands, which are now tightly interlocked between them. [Y/N] scowls resolutely at the hallway ahead of her.
And then Malfoy laughs, more out of disbelief than amusement.
"Keep walking," [Y/N] repeats, this time turning to look at him, fighting to keep her gaze indifferent. The last thing she wants Malfoy to know is that there is an onslaught of tiny little butterflies rampaging in her stomach and a tingly feeling spreading from their hands all the way up her spine and into her heart.
Malfoy’s lips tug up into a wide grin—a real one, [Y/N] thinks. Not an arrogant smirk or a deprecating sneer; one that she can't ever recall seeing. But now that she has, she finds herself wishing he'd do it more often.
[Y/N] tugs him along as she walks, feeling the stunned stares of her friends boring into her skull from behind. (Ron is going to have a field day about this.)
"So," Malfoy begins, and she doesn't have to look at him to know that he's still grinning down at her. "Changed your mind, haven't you?"
[Y/N] rolls her eyes; she doesn't fail to notice the way that the students they're passing by are staring at them, eyes wide, whispering to themselves. "Isn’t this what you wanted?"
Malfoy shrugs. "Among other things."
She side-eyes him, muttering, "Does that include snogging?"
He makes an amused sound at the back of his throat. "You said it, not me."
[Y/N] has to grit her teeth to stop the corners of her lips from tugging up. They turn a corner down the hallway, disappearing from both their friends' views (assuming they haven't followed them). At this thought, [Y/N] takes a brief glance over her shoulder—and sure enough, there's a redhead peeking out of a group of very confused Ravenclaws.
Cursing Ron Weasley inside her head, she turns her gaze back ahead of her. ”I have Charms class next."
Malfoy raises his brows. "And what do you expect me to do with that information?"
"Walk me there," says [Y/N] briskly.
She can practically feel the surprise radiating off of the blond next to her. A moment later, he throws his head back in a loud laugh. "And you want me to be late to Transfiguration? It’s all the way on the other side of the castle."
[Y/N] hums. "Can’t even do that for the girl you fancy?"
There’s a beat of silence. His grip on her hand falters a little as he says, voice still nonchalant and yet at the same time holding an undeniable sense of sincerity, "I could if I knew she wasn't leading me on."
"She isn't," [Y/N] says, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye.
Malfoy is staring at her with his brows pulled in together just slightly at the middle, giving off the impression that he's trying to decide whether or not she's being serious. He slows down his pace until he comes to a full stop, urging [Y/N] to halt alongside him until they're standing in the middle of the hallway, oblivious to the stares following them and the redhead a mere few feet away.
"How do I know this isn't a prank?" says Malfoy, lip slowly curling as he narrows his eyes at her, the first few traces of suspicion etching itself onto his face now that the whole ridiculousness of the situation has finally sunken in. [Y/N] can't blame him; her antics—suddenly marching up to him in the hallway, grabbing his hand and walking with him as though they've been doing it for years—all of it is uncalled for after having ruthlessly turned him down so many times before. But [Y/N] can't delve into a discussion of her conflicting emotions—at least not right now—so she hopes, at least for now, that he will take her word for it.
She clears her throat.  "Well," she begins, looking down at their hands; Malfoy’s grip has gone slack. "If I wanted to hold your hand, I’d do it because I wanted to. Not because I wanted to get a rise out of you." She lets her gaze go back up to his, brows rising in familiar challenge. "I don't stoop that low, Malfoy. You’ve been in love with me for years—shouldn't you know that by now?"
There are a few seconds in which the blond standing before her still looks at her with a scrutinizing gaze, lips set into a thin, hard line and his eyes swimming with conflict that [Y/N] wouldn't have been able to see from afar, but sees in perfect clarity now that she's standing a mere foot away from him. But then, after what feels like ages, Malfoy nods, slowly, frown smoothing out into an expression of—could that be relief?
"I will be late for Transfiguration, you know," he says, lips quirking up into a grin.
[Y/N] laughs. (A real one, Draco thinks to himself.) This time she doesn't try to stop herself from smiling; just lets her lips do so of their own accord. It feels nice. Freeing. "Better just one of us than two, don't you think?" she says, mirroring his playful grin. "And besides, Goyle can stand in for you. You two do have quite the resemblance."
"Oh, sod off."
And it really is very odd, because everything about this shouldn't feel right; they've been enemies for the longest time, and a year ago, [Y/N] would have been revolted at the mere idea of ever coming close to Draco Malfoy—but it does. That is, it feels right. Like they've been this way for ages and this playful, harmless banter is the most natural thing.
Draco isn't perfect—Merlin, does he have a long way to go—but if he means to stop being a prat as long as [Y/N] is at his side, then she is willing to venture into whatever has formed between them.
And if this little bond is going to involve any more of this—this being her and Draco exaggeratedly swinging their arms between them as he walks her to Charms class with their fingers still intertwined, snickering, waiting for one of them to start complaining about their arm sockets hurting—then maybe it isn't the worst thing ever, after all.
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