#phineas and ferb. top tier.
torchickentacos · 1 year
Kid’s TV peaked at Phineas and Ferb tbh
Edit. Long tags. I’m the oldest of 4 and worked with kids briefly at an internship so I’m well versed in kids tv, so I ranked them in the tags. We don’t like pj masks here. This is an anti pj masks blog.
#my sisters like it. I watch with them idgaf#it’s actually hilarious#very good for sick days where you need something comforting and silly#<<<of which I have many#tbh being the oldest isn’t always great but at least I don’t mind kid’s shoes#shows*#and that’s good because I have to watch a lot of them#I was also a kindergarten music teacher aide for a bit so I’m rather well versed in them.#you either learn to watch them with the kiddos or you’re miserable#I should rank them tbh#phineas and ferb. top tier.#pj masks lowest tier. hated it and actively encouraged the twins to not watch it#octonauts. pretty high. I was too old for it when it came out but I would have loved it as a kid#ATLA. top tier. barely a kids show. only by technicality tbh#I mean not barely a kids show. just a very well done one#spirit: riding free. upper tier but not fully top#I paid attention to it when they watched it but it was eh after season 2#mlp. ngl I don’t mind it. it was an early teens fandom of mine but not soemthing I’d choose to watch.#shimmer and shine. middle tier. not great but not annoying. theme song gets stuck in my head.#Sofia the first. lower tier. didn’t mind it at first but Sofia kind of annoys me ngl#that one with the trucks. eh#paw patrol. copaganda jokes aside I don’t hate it but won’t watch it with them. or pay attention to it#Pokémon. I mean I love it so top tier but also depends on the season#like objectively ag has its issues and probs isn’t top tier but idc.#top tier bc of bandana girl and rose boy and their weird cactus friend enemy person#ash is there too I guess /j
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clarablightt · 8 months
heinz doofenshmirtz more like heinz poopenshits
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Person A, talking about person B: Y’know, you never mentioned an intern.
Person C: That’s because they’re not officially an employee, they’re unpaid.
Person A: You don’t pay them?!
Person C: They get college credit.
Person A: Are you sure your not evil?
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gin-juice-tonic · 5 months
the love handel episode of phineas and ferb was such a top tier episode
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dwampyverseawards · 3 months
Relevant reason for being submitted:
not sure if it has influence on the fandom overall but it had an influence on me and I live by that
They create top-tier Phineas and Ferb content, from fics to thoughtful analysis of characters and episodes. The following link is a great showcase of just a portion of their current Phineas and Ferb fics;
Propaganda: Just their entire catalogue of Phineas and Ferb works on Archive of Our Own. This is my favourite fic of theirs;
And here are some of my favourite posts;
Vote for @/pftones3482!
Have you ever heard of the Secret Life of Candace? Aka best mermaid au ever? GUESS WHO WROTE IT?
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I have been in the Phineas and Ferb fandom for over a decade - writing fics for it for 12 years, can y'all believe that? I'm one of the oldest "original" fandom members left on AO3, which is actually insane.
And to this day the things I love about the show have shifted a little - favorite characters, favorite tropes, ships, etc. Nothing drastic, but anyone who's been following me since the beginning has definitely seen those changes.
But the thing I have always loved most about this fandom IS the fandom. The PnF fandom is one of the most wholesome fandoms I've ever been in, and it's the reason it's one of the only fandoms I still interact with. Sure, there's been drama, and sometimes we don't all agree - no fandom will ever always agree on everything (if they do....run)
Overall tho this fandom is so kind and wonderful, and given how small we are, we are still obnoxiously loud about this show 😂 I love us for that
Regardless if I win or lose (and if I lose, I'm honored to go down to someone like @/inators, who is a very kind person and has a big presence in the fandom), I wanted to say thank y'all for getting me this far
Phineas and Ferb got me on Tumblr and started my writing career. The fandom is what helped me stay. If I could give y'all an award for "Best Fandom," I absolutely would 🧡💚
When Glass Shatters, written by @/local-dragon-haunt
Relevant reason for being submitted:
Propaganda: local_dragon has a fantastic way with words and unconventional story telling. AUs where Perry is revealed to the kids are frequent, but ones where he interacts with Linda and Lawrence too are few and far between and the concept has so much potential. I just love their writing
Vote for my bestie @/local-dragon-haunt they deserve it and they won't admit it
Contestants may add their own propaganda however they see fit, provided it does not put down the person they are against. All round 1 matches were randomly generated, and anyone may drop out at any time.
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anonymous-dentist · 7 months
You should definitely watch the brazilian dub of Phineas and Ferb theme, it's top tier
I just saw it on Cellbit’s stream. Maybe I’m just nostalgic for the og, or maybe it’s because I don’t speak Portuguese, but the og English version just hits different yk?
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the5n00k · 1 year
What are your thoughts on more Phineas & Ferb? It’s safe to say that Disney isn’t going to give Milo any more episodes and Hamster & Gretel isn’t exactly top-tier Dan Povenmire, so are you hoping these new episodes are up to par like the four season run? I get that people want P&F to be buried, but it seems like us 2000s kids are seeing cartoons of that time come back. Clone High, Aqua Teen, King of the Hill, and now P&F….
I'm... Not thrilled to say the least. The Last Day of Summer was such a good ending for all of the characters and it seems like they're going to undo all the character development they've all had which makes me upset
I'm still mourning MML so this REALLY feels like a punch to the gut
Although if I were to wish for anything with this revival, I've always enjoyed PnF's songs, new bangers are always welcomed. Plus if they take the opportunity and make Meep Me in St Louis real, I'd be ecstatic. But I don't have high hopes for this new season
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pftones3482 · 8 months
I'm Officially Asking about your 34k PnF fic. :D do you have any details you'd like to share?
p.s. i super love the secret life of candace series, thank you so much for writing it, it's so good
Actually super rude of Tumblr to not tell me I had messages, what's that about?
I am Very Excited bc I got to bounce back and forth between Candace and Perrys POV the whole time, and if you know me, you know that they're two of my favs to write. But I still also nudged in a couple of Stacy parts, bc how can I write a fic with her in it without writing her POV?
Also I'm so happy you mention SLOC bc 👀👀 I have been slowly working on rewriting the original series so that it's more up to par with my current writing skill/style. I'll probably start posting it during NaNoWriMo! I'll only be doing the OG and probably the one shot series I did for it - while I'd love to rewrite the crossovers, I'm just not in the fandoms the same way I was when I originally wrote the series (I will be keeping the mini PJO crossovers tho, bc PJO will, like Phineas and Ferb, always be one of my top tier fandoms)
Thank you for the ask 🩷
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mysteriesofmilo · 9 months
#4: Field of Screams
I'm not sure what it was about this episode, but there's something that just made it feel like a top tier episode to me.
Maybe it was that the whole episode took place on a farm. Farms tend to be simple places with simple tasks -- just a lot of them. Maybe it's because it was nice to have a standalone season 2 episode -- nobody we'd ever seen before except our protagonists, their parents, and Cav and Dak's boss.
Maybe it's because there was no Doofenshmirtz. His MML appearances range from "actually contributes something to the story" (i.e. Abducting Murphy's Law and Spy Little Sister!) to "just an annoyance" (i.e. Pace Makes Waste and Doof's Day Out) to "just turning Milo Murphy's Law into Phineas and Ferb" (i.e. The Dog Who Knew Too Much and Agee Ientee Diogee). But in this one, he was not present at all.
Maybe it was the song. Yes, I remember listening to the one hour loop posted by Jonathan of The 2nd Dimension. And to be honest? I had never thought about it before, but I see why he likes it so much! Sure, the lyrics are nonsense without the visuals, but it's still a great song that way. And the chase scene only makes it more entertaining.
Maybe it was the whole alien storyline. I like how ridiculous it was that the farmer would only let aliens on his property, so then Cavendish and Dakota actually dressed up as aliens (because they just happened to have alien costumes in the van) and... then just snuck onto the property anyway. I suppose the whole alien chase scene was mostly just Milo Murphy's Law -- i.e. anything that can go ridiculous chain reaction, will go ridiculous chain reaction.
Or maybe it's just because of the overall positive vibe in this episode. Sure, the barn blew up with milk, and they got covered in hay, and Zack got turned into a scarecrow. But at the end of the day, like Zack said, none of that really mattered because they finished the chores.
Whatever the case, I loved this episode. I hope to see more like it in season 3.
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I think people like to forget even more so the people defending rwby that the show never was meant to be revolutionary or full with rep or even that deep. It was a passion project with fun and cool concepts. Its a what if red riding hood would be a badass but naive monster hunter. And sure stories like this can still have a lot of depth but we all saw the first seasons and knew its gonna be more on the cool and fun site. And thats okey! Stories dont need to be revolutionary or have a lot of depth to be enjoyable. But some fans act like its the gold of storytelling and foreshadowing when its not and never will be. Again thats okey! Just wish the rwby stans would pop a few chill pills before watching or going on tumblr to write paraghraphs about a youtube cartoon.
Hey anon! I agree completely, in the early volumes of RWBY we were sold a fighting anime set in a school with flashy fights and cool weapons and semblances where Corgi's get fired out of a canon and live to tell the tale. I do not say this to bash the show at all! There is nothing wrong with shows like this, back then when that was the show, I loved it. The fights where fun and exciting to watch, I was eager to see the new weapons and semblances of characters we hadn't seen yet. It was a blast and we need shows like that honestly. Lighter shows that are fun and an escape from the hellscape we find ourselves in right now. Like another favorite show of mine is Phineas and Ferb. It's fun its silly its quirky it has memorable and loveable characters and it never goes that deep at all in any of its themes or stories but I adore it because of that. It's light its fun and safe content to consume.
I get wanting a show to be deeper then it really is. Going back to my Phineas and Ferb example, the show sprinkles in these hints that the main antagonist's brother who is beloved by everyone at his core is a bad and almost cruel person. We get these nuggets and I keep hoping the show will delve into more and go into their childhoods and they never do and that's okay because the show was never supposed to be about those kinds of topics, its about the adventures of two kids trying to make the most of their summer vacation and having fantastic adventures with their friends with a side plot about their pet platypus who is a secret agent. It's a silly show and their is nothing wrong with that. RWBY could have been a fantastic slice of life show about battling the monster of the week and I would have adored it. But the show wanted to try and be more then the writers knew how to handle.
RWBY is not the gold standard for storytelling, hell its not even the bronze standard. It's got a lot of flaws and plot holes and retcons and unretcons? Undoing of retcons? I don't even know the proper terminology for this but it is retcons of retcons and back to the original and it is insane trying to keep up with it all. But that is okay. You do not need to justify enjoying a show, just as you do not need to justify not liking a show or why you chose to criticize its flaws. But trying to pretend RWBY is something its not is only setting people up for disappointment. If you promise a deep and emotional story with top tier story telling and they get RWBY people are going to be upset and frustrated.
I remember when a college friend told me about Ruby and she showed me all the trailers and I was so excited because it looked so fun. She told me I was getting a fun fighting show based off of fairytale characters and I was down for that. It sounded fun and exciting and I didn't care the animation was....flawed lolz. I didn't care about that, I was just here for the fun ride. And hell the show deciding to try and switch gears and try to tackle heavier topics is also fine! Shows can successfully make that kind of transition, but RWBY's writers simply where not prepared to be able to tackle these topics. They weren't ready to do the necessary research and have the necessary conversations to do so properly and respectfully. That really at the end of the day is the problem. A lack of willingness to do the work to try and become the show RWBY and its fans try to pretend it is now. I just wish the fans would accept that the writers just didn't have the tools needed to write the story they where trying to.
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abihastastybeans · 2 years
*crawls up from a deadly schedule*
top 5 bears in movies
top 5 Disney princesses that you think can straight up wield a knife (as sword)
top 5 childhood cartoons on if they'd have depression now
(I'm sure i definitely mistook the task but tbh it's more fun this way, ignorance is bliss and all 😭)
Hiiii Ash! These are wonderful topics, thanks for playing, let's see how this goes-
Top 5 bears in movies - so i completely blanked as soon as I saw this. Do i even know 5 movies with bears in them? Okay so Paddington comes first because i loved that movie as a kid. Then Po from "Kung fu Panda" solely because of Jack Black. Next comes Sonya the Tricycle riding Black bear from "Madagascar 3: Europe's most wanted" - i don't think she ever said a word but she stole the show whenever she was on the screen. Then ofcourse, Baloo from The Jungle Book - the urge to sing Bare necessities right now is so big. Finally, since i can't remember a bear from a movie, I'm gonna have to go with Teddy the suicidal Teddy bear from Supernatural. I'll never forget him and the little girl.
Top 5 Disney Princesses that i think can wield a knife/sword - First place, without doubt, goes to Mulan because she already wields a sword lol. The next should be Merida because she would need a weapon other than her bow and I'm sure she'll learn very quick. And then ofcourse, Kida because she puts people in compromising positions (if anybody understands this reference - I will hug you so hard) and adding a sword would elevate it a higher degree. Then I'd have to go with Rapunzel my beloved - her arm strength and grip from carrying around all that hair will be of great advantage ✌️. Finally i think Jasmine would be good with a knife/sword because she's a badass.
Top 5 childhood cartoons on if they'd have depression now - lmao idk mate
Mickey mouse clubhouse - ABSOLUTELY are you kidding me? I'm pretty sure they were all in a fever dream all the fucking time and when they wake up it'll all be downhill. Hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog babyyyy
Phineas and Ferb - idk smth about overachievers getting drained i guess?🙃
Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil - something tells me he'll crash and burn someday. Totally possible.
Scooby-Doo, Where are you? - Once the gang runs out of weed, they'll probably have to fight things other than "ghosts"
Looney tunes - Animals with depression would make shows of top tier quality. Sorry.
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duckapus · 2 years
So as you can probably guess from her being in Kevin’s role things aren’t exactly gonna go well for the Candace 10 version of Isabella.
At first they just think she has electricity powers, since that seems to be how Osmosian powers manifest when they first activate. She gets a cool costume Phineas and Ferb make for her and calls herself Shock Absorber since all the good electric superhero names are taken(and as previously stated I’m bad at naming things). This goes on for a while, and then she accidentally absorbs some energy from one of Candace’s forms and they find out she can turn into cool-but-freaky hybrids too. They all have some fun with that, and while they keep Shock Absorber as her public hero name they start calling her “Isabelleven” within the team since she can have all ten of Candace’s power sets on top of her own.
But that’s where things start to go wrong. Over time, she starts to become more reliant on her hybrid forms, even when her basic electric powers would probably be more useful. She also gets a lot worse at keeping her short temper under wraps like she usually does, even snapping at Phineas on occasion. This comes to a head a few days after the first fight with Vilgax, when during a fight with a low-tier villain(probably the Bugg Brothers) she accidentally manages to merge with two of Candace’s aliens at once and the conflicting set of instincts make her go berserk, traumatizing the villains and nearly hurting Buford in the process.
After coming back to her senses she’s absolutely horrified by what she just did and decides to stop using the hybrid forms altogether, which isn’t easy since outside of the loss of control all that extra Omnitrix energy felt Really Good, and there’s an itch in the back of her mind that wants More, needs More. She manages to ignore said itch for a while, but then the team’s in a particularly tough fight and Candace is timead out and knocked down the Omnitrix is right there, and Isabella’s grabbing the dial before she can think about her actions.
The result is a horrifying, feral, Frankenstein’s Monster-style chimera of Candace’s eleven currently unlocked aliens. Brick Brawl’s torso, Mudslide and Overflow’s arms, Nodestool’s root-leg-tendril things in place of Overflow’s hand, XLR8′s legs, Inkydink’s long prehensile tail, Ball Weevil’s head, Outa’ Sprite’s ears, Prick’s mane of quills, a left eye made out of Proxi’s hologram projector, Big Chill’s cloak-like wings, and tubes from both Overflow and Proxi criss-crossing all over. She makes short work of the villain, but then starts attacking anything else that moves, including her friends. She manages to come to her senses just as it seems like she’s about to eat Ferb, at which point she flies off into the night so she can’t hurt anyone else, with everyone beaten down and in no condition to pursue her.
After that she occasionally crosses paths with the others, either feral and causing problems, sane and hiding, or fading in and out between the two, until Vilgax and Rodney(by the way, Vilgax joined/took over LOVEMUFFIN after he lost to Inkydink and his ship got destroyed) manage to capture and find a way to control her, and the three of them attack the Flynn-Fletchers while they’re visiting Niagara Falls, leading to an adaptation of Back With a Vengeance, complete with Master Control getting temporarily unlocked, the fight ending up in the Null Void, and Candace losing the Omnitrix for a couple minutes. Isabella manages to break free of the evil duo’s control and regain her senses fully, then drags them down into the NV’s depths to give Candace and Ferb a chance to escape.
After that she gets her own side story detailing her attempts to fix her mutation, understand and properly control her powers, escape the Null Void, and later figure out how to get home when she does escape but ends up on the opposite end of the galaxy from Earth in the process.
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chinaschodetoesmind · 2 years
My fave Disney channel movies
- Lemonade Mouth (actual masterpiece the music is top tier)
- Princess Protection Program (this movie was like one of my faves as a kid)
- Geek Charming (this movie was so cute and I love me some Sarah Hyland)
- Let it Shine (I haven’t watched this in so long but I remember loving it)
- Jump In (Corbin Bleu…. Do I have to explain)
- Halloweentown (my fave holiday)
- Frenemies (idk I think this movie is cute)
- Wendy Wu Homecoming Warrior (I love this movie Brenda Song was my idol as a kid and was like the only Asian girl I could look up too)
- Girl vs. Monster (I was weirdly infatuated with this movie as a kid. Maybe that’s why I like horror now)
- Good Luck Charlie it’s Christmas (this shit was so cute and I loved the show)
- Cadet Kelly (Hilary Duff is my icon and I related to the character)
- Ice Princess (me and Aireonna used to dress up and put on fluffy socks to “skate” around the house)
- The 13th Year (lowkey body horror tbh)
- Cow Belles (rich kids learning how to work. Love it)
- Star Struck (this is like watt pad for kids tbh)
- Avalon High (it kinda makes no sense but I like girls in armor)
- Phineas and Ferb 2nd Dimension (love love love love this movie)
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5, 7, 22 🩵
5: 5 tv shows that cheer you up
Agent Carter, Once Upon a Time, Grey's Anatomy, Boy Meets World, and Phineas and Ferb are all top tier comfort shows
7: your favourite board game
Unfortunately the most prevalent board game in my childhood was Monopoly. One time me and my brother and sister stayed up til 4am and I don't even remember who won. It is hell on earth but I am fond of it somehow
22: if you were going to dye your hair any colour of the rainbow, what would you choose?
I've dyed my tips before like Taylor's Lover era hair and and I did red and purple!! I want to do the red again but I'm lazy lol. I'm scared to bleach my hair so both colors were pretty dark but if I were to dye all of it any color it would be a slightly brighter red. Like this
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a soft, stay at home ask game
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dwampyverseawards · 3 months
IMPORTANT NOTE: While this is marked as the semi-final, this is for all intents and purposes the final for the writers half of this bracket.
Relevant reason for being submitted:
not sure if it has influence on the fandom overall but it had an influence on me and I live by that
They create top-tier Phineas and Ferb content, from fics to thoughtful analysis of characters and episodes. The following link is a great showcase of just a portion of their current Phineas and Ferb fics;
Propaganda: Just their entire catalogue of Phineas and Ferb works on Archive of Our Own. This is my favourite fic of theirs;
And here are some of my favourite posts;
Vote for @/pftones3482!
Have you ever heard of the Secret Life of Candace? Aka best mermaid au ever? GUESS WHO WROTE IT?
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Relevant reason for being submitted: (As part of a duo with @/chio-chan2) Best Fanfic writer & fanartist duo!
Propaganda: Everybody loves a good Fanfic&Fanart combo, and these two are hitting it out of the park! They are both creating amazing things TOGETHER and I think that's one of the many things that make this fandom so wonderful!
Proselytization (n): The act of converting from one belief, doctrine, cause, or faith to another. Perry used to believe he and Heinz operated at two completely different ends of the spectrum. That was years ago. Now that the balance has shifted, he supposes he should have seen their inevitable convergence from miles away.
You can find works by Chio at chapters 6, 7, and 12!
Take my hand, take my whole life too -- for I can't help falling in love with you. The dichotomy of good and evil are forever intertwined -- just as Perry and Heinz will be, as soon as they exchange their rings.
Chio and I worked REALLY hard to bring this perryshmirtz wedding to life. You can find chio's work at the end of the fic, and hopefully enjoy yourself along the way while you're at it.
Heinz and Perry are a colorful pair, but one color stands out in particular.
Contestants may add their own propaganda however they see fit, provided it does not put down the person they are against, and if they continue it will be added to the next poll they are in. All round 1 matches were randomly generated, and anyone may drop out at any time.
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oh-phineas · 2 years
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I posted 739 times in 2022
That's 41 more posts than 2021!
96 posts created (13%)
643 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 739 of my posts in 2022
#pip - 225 posts
#inspo - 81 posts
#ferb - 49 posts
#kim - 42 posts
#jessie - 42 posts
#mim - 37 posts
#candace - 34 posts
#monster on the hill - 32 posts
#su - 30 posts
#mei - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 134 characters
#also we're pretending this takes place in a universe where this could logistically happen and children could just stay up all night in
My Top Posts in 2022:
Go, Greased Lightnin’! | Flight
Phineas would never, ever two-time his girl. He was all in. Nobody would ever change that.
But damn, he had a pair of eyes, didn’t he? He could appreciate beauty when he saw it!
And so he did approach the vintage car, with its gleaming coat and shining tires. He thought about reaching out to touch it, but... no. He didn’t dare. So instead he just stopped and admired from afar, arms crossed, hearts practically in his eyes.
When he saw a familiar face approaching, Phineas sighed and shook his head. “She’s a beauty, ain’t she? Wonder who she belongs to.”
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27 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
Let’s Give ‘Em Pumpkin To Talk About | Phimberly
A personal record!
Phineas flew out of the corn maze, breathlessly laughing as he checked his watch and realized he’d done it! He’d beaten his own best time, darting through the maze and dodging the spooky actors (and also some innocent people who were simply trying to enjoy the maze instead of making it into a game). 
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He was barely looking where he was going, so caught up in his own delight (and momentum) that he barreled right into one... Kim Possible.
“Ah! Shit! Sorry!” Phineas said, stumbling backward. “You okay?”
30 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
Glitter on the Floor | Phinnip
The show had been a total success, and while Phineas was bummed it was over, he was coping in the same tradition as generations of theatre kids before him: absolutely hamming it up at the cast party.
The great thing about Moulin Rouge, in particular, was that the show was practically about partying. Well, it was also about truth beauty freedom love or whatever, and, like, turn-of-the-century Paris, but the soundtrack was full of bangers and the aesthetic was top tier. And so that was how Phineas ended up standing on a chair in someone’s off-campus apartment, belting the lyrics to Sweet Lady Marmalade into an empty beer bottle microphone.
“Yoooo, it’s the duke!” Phineas interrupted himself and jumped off the chair, stumbling a little when he miscalculated the distance to the floor. “Everybody watch out, it’s time for his solo!” He shoved the bottle “microphone” at Pip.
36 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
Lavender Haze | Phinnip (10 Years Later)
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Monday, November 21 — Back to the Future Thread: Write either a flashback or a flashforward thread with another mun! (This could be an existing connection or a connection that could possibly happen 10 years in the future! Should be 10+/- years in the past/future.)
This time last year, Phineas had thought he was on top of the world. He was wrong. This was on top of the world.
His brother was getting married!
And yeah, maybe Phineas and Mim hadn’t always gotten along, but over the years, they had found a rhythm to things. At this point, Mim felt as much a part of the family as anyone else, and honestly, it had kind of already felt like she and Ferb were married. But the time came when they decided they wanted to make it official (and honestly, Phineas just wanted an excuse to throw a big party). 
And yeah, it was a pretty big day for the podcast, too— they had just reached 100k subs— but Phineas wasn’t thinking about that right now. He posted the “thanks for the support” video he and Pip had filmed the other night and then turned off his phone, ready to attend to his best man duties.
Now, though, there was a lull between the end of the ceremony and the cocktail hour/reception/general revelry, so Phineas made the mistake of turning on his phone. It was blowing up with comments, so many that Phineas didn’t even bother to read them. 
And then Pip came bounding around the corner, looking frantic. Like he always did.
“Hey hey hey,” Phineas said, grinning. Somehow, a year after they had first kissed, seeing Pip still made Phineas’s heart flutter a little bit. Especially in that suit— one thing about Pip was that he really knew how to wear a suit. “I know I shouldn’t be checking my phone, but our post is going crazy. People love it.”
53 notes - Posted November 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Monster On The Hill | Phinnip
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62 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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