ghstmsk · 2 months
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practice sketches
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caricatureblue · 1 year
This song punched me square in the mouth with inspiration so I made some characters about it an got to just pile on symbolism and i love them
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heretherebedork · 5 months
... It's so weird seeing both Phaia nd Chao and Fire and Dynamite on my screen at the same time and trying to explain why this is kind of cute while the other is just frustrating.
But it goes back to how they started and how they react to each other. The mutual interest between Phai and Chao started with sex and now it's gone into a not-a-relationship thing whereas Dynamite just stalked Fire and continuously ignores any and all boundaries he tries to lay down while also refusing to listen to anyone around him about anything.
One at least tries to respect boundaries while the other just tramples them. One is listening to the boy he's fallen for while still flirting and the other is completely ignoring anything the person he supposedly loves says for the sake of the his fantasies.
... Sometimes, what works for one couple due to circumstances completely fails another due to the same thing.
(I keep hoping, every week, that Dynamite will reflect on his own behavior and change but I think the show is going to be like 'nope, Fire was wrong the whole time, how dare he reject him!' and I hate that.)
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ash-soda · 2 months
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Phaia Raven, They/Them
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444names · 2 years
greek forenames + sindarin names
Acros Adalexios Adanes Adarknes Adoreth Adorios Aegorts Aeliant Agapion Agathil Agathir Agleth Aikaters Aiologos Alena Alphirrim Amanwe Amarag Amattina Amrast Andina Andlorn Andris Androch Andywing Anfalcyone Anfanthir Anflee Angelis Angrim Angron Anguardhîn Annathon Annathress Anthe Antingle Anóriel Aragdûr Aragnir Arand Arandol Aranos Aravon Argor Arios Arist Aristina Arnaros Arolos Aross Artemia Artemist Arvely Arves Astolond Athing Athras Athrond Avages Avonwini Awarves Balalas Baldir Balduin Barkness Barth Beland Belegor Beler Belfsheen Blooks Bound Bregoliana Breth Brini Burian Caladorkas Calas Calexilen Carnandlor Caroth Cavenduin Celebril Celebrit Celed Celegon Celegûr Celen Celer Celeriant Cents Chaia Charad Chard Chardains Charil Charlin Chrim Chrin Chrys Chrysos Citad Citade Cleopafoot Climbos Cloukia Cynaroula Cúarth Danthien Darkos Darthóriel Dauglin Delostone Delvegil Demelthir Denel Dennia Dessa Dhael Dight Dimroth Dmitri Dmitrian Domedell Domenedain Dominas Dores Doriannil Dregaear Dreou Drien Duiness Dungondor Dwaith Díned Echalflin Effiercent Effrod Eglin Eglina Eglith Eithallen Eithinrode Ekatios Elades Elebrow Eleki Eluin Elvinced Emesterlin Emmanos Emmathil Endir Endurthor Enedhel Enelvish Eorgir Epameinien Epark Eparthórod Ephan Erelager Eruin Ethirrim Euphrond Evain Everth Eyagged Fangoll Fanis Faterin Fathol Feirith Fierch Figurth Fimbers Fimbrant Finborech Findas Fingnen Firenging Fivers Flock Flows Forlassula Forochas Forodwen Foroula Fírilanos Gaeartha Galath Gapios Gastel Gebirds Georgiro Georgond Gilthil Gious Glain Glaming Glamírdane Glawarth Gletus Gloriakos Glóredwar Glórien Gollowereg Golos Gondir Goness Gonuilight Gornā Goron Gotheriel Greeds Grees Guagellas Guilos Gustinos Gwainbar Gwarry Gwathiel Haden Haldor Hania Hantine Harbarrown Harlind Harnedh Haver Helhaw Helios Heril Hewellone Hiddle Hippe Hiters Hites Hithedair Homen Horrow Houths Húring Iacontella Ianaewell Iania Iarwen Ifantippe Ilios Imlight Imlindon Isaaki Isaakis Isaur Ivacy Ivaness Jewery Kalia Kalio Kalion Kalis Kation‎ Kharagos Kinborn Konstavros Kristos Kyriathris Kyrond Kyros Laerainbow Lamprivacy Landing Landrim Lanthill Lauglin Laurufind Leaflowin Lebros Lefterios Leftimos Legorm Levnuid Lexant Limlad Limlador Limlighty Lindeloved Livros Lonnayios Losthor Lórine Maeglor Maidescend Maldil Maldor Malver Margothlum Marthounce Meduin Melan Melanc Melis Melph Membelewen Mengolaos Menia Methrim Metris Metronadan Milden Milocks Mitrios Morgond Morios Morwell Mothmog Moung Mutathorn Nameinios Naroth Nethill Nicolaos Nimbor Nimliht Nimphîr Nimrindeb Nimring Noground Nogrous Nínia Núnaidhol Odyssith Orchir Oriathan Orodyssear Orondonn Ossiniel Ouramar Pannastarf Pantine Parko Passula Patrain Pault Peophel Peredhil Perianther Peristodor Phaia Phelm Pingar Pippocrath Poinorben Radamros Ragdi Ramaragond Ratis Rauglin Refuse Regaer Rhoth Rhúnedhel Rhúneth Ristos Rodromir Runír Rusic Rúmin Sammon Sarnach Sergrounta Shinniel Shorod Silendir Silinael Silivelydh Sillagondo Siran Snowmenias Sologoth Sophair Sotir Spindor Stamarios Stant Stear Steeds Stelch Stine Stomos Store Straided Stree Stress Stron Sunlen Tader Taegelin Targoth Tassilvan Telchoreth Telia Thalflow Thallios Thanded Tharanna Theodoron Theofanos Theras Thers Tholl Thous Timia Tingaspike Tingstron Tinos Tirite Torechoint Toughts Toulos Toweresa Twildread Tyranna Vagorn Valion Vardsmas Vassilvan Vellinhir Velliope Viction Wandir Wandreth Waven Wildorigin Willadene Wordof Xanthi Xantion Xenophanc Yanael Yannast Zelis Zenor Íniach
same thing but lesser order
Achryn Adold Adrithilir Agelveg Agoloor Agords Aisth Alarim Albere Alennaeg Alikalas Aliki Alikon Alvigla Amwil Anacen Anaeg Ancia Andir Andorn Androngenn Angolorn Angretur Anharawen Annantis Annas Annatat Annorlos Anorn Anostas Antaws Antinar Antios Antith Antos Aphier Araind Arang Aranionst Arant Arathrina Arbur Areetody Arfinedhra Argionis Arimris Arkle Arnech Arrod Arsaeruine Arthar Arthoe Arwasia Arwilron Asfanna Asillach Asimrohn Astail Aston Atemorwid Athilben Athorwel Athra Bardoly Barohn Baros Barydi Bearthil Bells Belmos Berien Beril Blomes Boldolow Bourchales Brateach Brochaere Browess Cachaloth Cacheople Caiosos Caraing Caril Carke Carnos Cartes Carth Cartows Chornilios Chova Clegiliali Clianod Colde Crimlonand Cunde Curet Curnin Cuthormel Cúthe Daider Damalmenth Dannelas Darainos Darthlas Daski Deave Delos Demithring Denenma Derchil Didembor Diones Diony Dming Dofinden Dooks Dores Doulos Drataris Drúth Dualis Duilon‎ Durín Dwath Dúnal Dúnechoam Ecter Ectisal Eding Eldinba Eleglabos Elexi Elivoind Elove Elphel Eluwael Emerislad Emyros Erenia Eriond Erlas Erldiaur Erlenind Eronniath Errydh Essabar Etral Evdormel Evgen Evilthoth Eyflodh Eyflothind Faler Fallom Fanosed Fanwin Fatiopips Felegol Fenad Fenon Fenthir Fight Fights Findres Finianteas Finingill Finnelunta Finoss Fixen Fleada Folad Fookinamin Fordhell Forerwel Forimlar Formeni Freth Frowes Fuing Gaith Galeb Galiness Garoch Gastinador Gatchal Gated Gaurings Gelia Gelos Gialdus Giangelu Giriniel Girros Glang Glimpen Glioni Glitragon Glivengor Glórione Glóris Golerin Gonda Gonds Goroth Gredamiss Grefimma Grimbent Grodhead Groul Guago Guellf Gwaedhel Gwaedhest Gwaegor Gwaina Gwair Gwaltor Gwest Gwill Gwinos Gwist Hadele Hademely Hadheor Haegryn Haelver Haideas Halenair Hanain Haniken Hardhelast Hardon Hegalphard Helin Helitrino Hippriel Hirenn Hirim Hirlan Hiruil Horgelian Húrnielui Ichandepos Imlagond Ippock Isioarros Junth Kassave Kastar Kathorong Kathîr Kland Kyrim Ladessabal Ladhors Laing Lamia Lartight Lasswand Laugulad Lauruirkel Leastë Lenibel Lenist Likibirn Linarain Linests Linost Livedh Londs Londustina Lovand Luilia Lúthil Mageophath Maith Makinid Malamain Malas Malaur Malchan Maleks Mannas Maris Maros Mathanthel Mathir Meleksias Melicon Mence Menell Messothir Methathan Methris Metos Midor Milamad Milothaven Minnher Mitinedh Mitins Moden Morlabari Mostiost Mothill Mulad Munnorgon Naranagge Ndanneluin Nimir Niong Nisaver Nisea Nogoroted Nopea Nossilead Opings Orandi Orgorges Orinwë Orlathad Ornenen Ornir Orowinglin Ossioseth Othampmen Othir Ousiloun Pante Panting Paungon Pavvarfar Pdfull Peopin Phauglad Pholly Pioris Piouth Prist Raglas Rethrys Reympelos Rhuing Rhúrilin Rights Rines Roakedhe Roder Ronemmas Ronysa Ropidol Rovest Ruilia Rúnenel Saeggen Sannir Savaravant Sebrit Seeben Seing Sereth Shainnath Shent Shioth Shudolis Shuina Siath Sicothance Sinna Siris Skencel Skind Skyne Smarand Smusar Sorlinn Soulorn Spargiling Spiris Spyriant Stargas Stassam Stathond Stochaen Stria Strielin Sudor Suina Sunge Swoldon Swossild Tadanath Tadhoe Tanasiu Tanim Taterse Tenios Thaegia Thaelic Thain Thelios Thenell Thilveres Thinginord Thirni Thlórin Thodrû Thoki Tholds Tholl Thúriath Tidden Tolexian Tosyn Trios Trocir Tumake Tuouskin Tusid Uinge Uingelexim Uinyandorn Undringló Unthelrod Uphel Vangos Vanting Vinay Vinrow Vorgon Waele Wailis Waiot Wathold Weephal Wennha Weria Wikal Womia Woorwolm Yioad Zenhelob Zeuagolf Írhoun
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sinsofazeroth · 2 years
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Comic Project: Intro pages!
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alterednoon · 2 years
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Last two commissions of @colors-of-light's characters Phaia and Marshmallow! Thank you for your support :D
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rainingpouringetc · 3 years
Ok gimme any info you want on naji
*excited squeal*
okokokokok. ok. so. i have waited all day to type this out bc i haven’t had TIME but now i shall tell you everything
i think i’ve told you a bit about naji before but in case you forgot: naji is the love interest of the mc, tona. both of them are bi, but i wanted to have a m/f bi relationship bc it is Important to me. they met when naji pickpocketed her and then felt bad about it and decided to make it up to her by showing her around the city (bc she was new in town) and by the end of the day he’s far enough gone for her that he just follows her around the continent while she’s off saving the world just so he can be around her.
obviously it’s a bit more complex than that but. that’s the basics.
this is a high fantasy story, so it’s a completely different world from ours. naji’s father was originally from a country called remor, and his mother was from phaia. they actually met in hemka in a city called banron. why is this important? well, one of tona’s adoptive fathers was from phaia, and she meets naji in banron, so. parallels. it also gives them common ground; they both speak phaian and have an interest in phaian poetry.
naji was actually born with the name omri. he was born in phaia where he lived with his parents until he was about seven years old. this was when his mother died. his father decided it would be best if they moved away, so they moved to hemka where they lived in the countryside in peace for five years. during this time, naji inhaled books on anything and everything he could find.
when naji was about twelve, hemka was invaded and conquered by a neighboring empire. at the same time, phaia was invaded as well, though it didn’t fall as fast. naji’s father decided it would be best if they retreated back to remor, which had not yet been threatened. unfortunately, he took ill during their travels and died before they could arrive.
at this point, naji was left to decide what to do next on his own. he decided to move to banron, a city he’d never been to but had heard plenty about from his parents, and spent the next seven years learning everything there is to know about the city and all its goings-on.
when he first arrived in banron, he had still been going by omri. someone asked what his name was, and he decided it was a chance to become anyone he wanted to be. he named himself “naji,” which means survivor, because that’s what he does, no matter what: survives. that’s the basis of his character, really.
okok some more random things about him:
he’s an excellent pickpocket. like, kaz brekker level pickpocketer
he loves horses. his mother taught him all about them when he was a boy
he’s not strictly religious--he’s been exposed to plenty of religions and doesn’t necessarily conform to any one religion. this gets interesting because tona is very religious. naji gravitates toward a lot of the teachings of the religion tona follows, but still doesn’t consider himself a follower of it in any way
he paints his nails black and wears silver studs and a helix piercing
he loves languages and wants to learn as many as he can
he’s passable at math but hates doing it
basically he is a humanities kid don’t make him do stem it’s not worth it
definitely adhd-coded
he’s never been formally trained in hand-to-hand but he did pick some up on the streets. it’s dirty fighting, mostly, which comes in handy against enemies that have never expected to encounter someone like that. tona tries to teach him to use a staff and daggers (her preferred weapons) but he doesn’t pick it up all that quick (he’s always been much more of the evasive type rather than the confrontational type)
and a snippet bc i can:
“Are you ever going to acknowledge my clever flirtations?” Naji asked, eyebrows raised as he pulled his horse up alongside Tona’s.
She stared straight ahead, her gaze focused somewhere over Siean’s shoulder as she considered her answer. “Someday,” she told him. “Maybe—if you’re lucky—I’ll even flirt back. Once things have settled down, of course.”
Naji grinned that butterfly-inducing smile of his. “I’ll wait as long as it takes. That’s a promise, Tona.”
He spurred his horse forward. Tona watched him go, a warm feeling settling in her chest. She would never admit to him how much that promise meant.
literally whenever i just really wanna write fluff i sit down and write a random tona x naji (tonaji??) scene i love them so much they deserve the world
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maidenandherlamia · 4 years
Goring the Lustful Beast
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Another drawing made for The Lustful Beast
The gray-haired lady is Phaia, she controls the Crommyonian Sow, the pig goring the onocentaur here. 
The story of The Lustful Beast is inspired by the legend of Actaeon, the man who was turned into a stag and killed by his own hunting dogs as punishment for peeping at bathing Artemis. I chose to have the rapists turned into onocentaurs, since in medieval bestiaries the onocentaur is the beast that represents male lust.
I decided to limit the colours of hunting lamias to match natural horse colours. They come in a variety of white, gray, brown and black, the two exceptions from these are yellow (like a palomino horse) and orange (the colour of a tiger’s fur).
The hunting lamias (also known as forest lamias, horse-tailed lamias or wild lamias) are the fiercest, most blood thirsty warriors among the lamias. They mostly inhabit the enchanted forest surrounding the city of Vinnus, living in tents rather than houses. They are the only species of lamia exempt from the Blood Taboo.
The Blood Taboo is an important part of lamia culture. Basicly, all lamias are expected to abstain from drinking the blood or eating the meat of any female creatures, both human and animal. A popular tragedy play tells a story of a lamia who was tricked to drink the blood of a female hyena and after having the truth revealed to her, she killed herself by tearing at her own flesh. Meat and blood handled in butcheries in Vinnus are clearly marked to make sure only humans will eat meat from female animals.
The hunting lamias pleaded that they should be exempt from the Blood Taboo, reasoning that since they lack toes, they can’t wield weapons and so can only hunt by using their sharp teeth. Such a primitive hunting method would obviously mean, that they couldn’t avoid tasting the blood of female animals. Limiting their hunting to just male animals wouldn’t be fair to the humans who live in the hunting lamia communities, since they too deserve their share of the spoils of the hunt and with just male animals, there wouldn’t be enough meat for everyone.
While the other three lamia species have accepted this, some lamias have prejudices against hunting lamias because of it, considering them primitive, wild and uncivilized. There being one species that’s free from the Taboo has however proven a necessity. Couple of times there have been attempts to conquer Vinnus by sending female mercenaries, in hopes that lamias would hesitate to fight such warriors. Hunting lamias have crushed these armies. Most lamias acknowledge that the existence of warriors who won’t hesitate to defend the city even against female enemies is necessary, even if they are uncomfortable with this fact.
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Introduction to Maiden and her Lamia:
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Tracing Theseus’ Steps
The Theseus’ journey to Athens starts in a city called Troezen. Upon learning that he was (probably) the son of Aegeus, king of Athens at the time, Theseus was faced with the task of getting there and he had two options: the first being go the easy route, by sea. Being the possible son of Poseidon, he’d have protection, and Attika and Argolis are maybe a day or two of sailing away from each other in that time. The second was walk all the way around the Saronic Gulf to Athens and encounter malicious bandits along the way. Now, Theseus is simultaneously that boy we all knew in high school who accepted the dumbest dares not because he wanted the reward, but because he wanted to prove he would do it (for clout, if you will), and he’s also the 7 year old boy who would kill an ant with a magnifying glass simply because the poor ant existed in his vicinity. So naturally, being those two types of immature, the choice was clear and Theseus set out to haul ass all the way around the Saronic Gulf.
Starting point: Troezen.
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This is where Theseus’ walk to Athens begins, but Troezen doesn’t actually exist in Odyssey (that I have found). There is, however, a military camp in the area under the name of Troezen, so I started there. There’s not much to say on this because most of it is his origin story which we are not here for, so let’s move on.
First stop: Epidauros.
Theseus’ first foe was a bandit named Periphetes, who was particularly fond of beating unsuspecting people over the head with his bronze club. Theseus managed to remove the club from Periphetes, and he used it to kill the bandit in the same manner he did to the innocent people. Theseus then carried around the club, which became a symbol of himself over time, and this was the first of several ironic deaths that befell the bandits Theseus faced.
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Historical location: Bronze Club of Periphetes
“This bandit from Epidauros attacked unsuspecting travelers with his bronze club. Luckily for them, Theseus killed him while on his return voyage to Attika.”
Second stop: Isthmus of Korinth.
The next bandit who crossed Theseus was a man by the name of Sinis. Sinis was very cruel in that he would take travelers, bend two trees down, and tie each arm and leg to one tree. The travelers were ripped apart by letting go of the trees, and thus, killed. Theseus, being the man of honor he is at this point, bests Sinis and does to him was he did to his victims, ties him to the trees and releases them, ripping Sinis apart. A lovely end, if you ask me.
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Historical location: Sinis Torture Grounds
“This ruthless bandit was in the habit of bending trees to tie people to them. When the trees were released, they pulled the unfortunate victims apart. Theseus killed him as punishment.”
Third stop: Krommyon.
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This is another location that doesn’t appear to be in Odyssey, which is unfortunate because it would’ve made for a fantastic legendary animal location. Regardless, located somewhere between Korinth and Megara (near these two hills in the pictures), an old witch named Phaia and her pig (sometimes called a boar), the Krommyonian sow, lived in this little village called Krommyon. This is where things get a little confusing because some say that Theseus killed both the woman and her pig, but others say it was just the pig, and yet others say the woman herself was the “sow” because she was a ruthless robber. Ultimately, we’ll never know, but Theseus killed something that was terrorizing Krommyon and that’s that.
Fourth stop: Megara.
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Yet another seemingly not in the game is the location of Sciron, which probably would have been situated somewhere around the cliffs in the picture I took. It’s possible they left this one out because of the fact that the map isn’t 100% perfect so the area is a bit adjusted, but regardless, Theseus still came by here so as will I. Sciron was a bandit known for finding his victims traveling on the winding road up the cliff side, and he would end up tricking them into cleaning his feet and then pushing them into the water, where they would be eaten by human eating turtles or other ferocious sea monsters. Upon seeing Theseus coming down the path, Sciron tried his normal scheme, but failed when Theseus, being Theseus, realized the situation and threw Sciron into the water to be eaten by those phenomenal man eating turtles. Such was the end of Sciron, but the passage was named for him—the Scironian rocks.
Fifth stop: Eleusis.
This stop is often attributed to the “birth” of wrestling, because it is here that Theseus bested and killed Kerkyon, sometimes called the King of Eleusis and also sometimes called a bandit who simply operated outside of Eleusis. Regardless, Kerkyon was incredibly strong and he would challenge any passerbys to a match in which the winner could have Eleusis. Theseus accepted the challenge, and using skill over brute strength, beat and killed Kerkyon, eventually handing over Eleusis to Kerkyon’s unwanted grandson, which is a different myth. I absolutely love the historical location for this stop because the statue is more than likely modeled off a real statue and I just like looking at it. They did a good job here.
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Historical location: Kerkyon Wrestling Ground
“It was on the road from Eleusis to Megara that Kerkyon forced travelers to wrestle, killing those he defeated. In consequence, he was violently put to death by Theseus.”
Sixth stop: Outside of Athens.
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This one also (tragically) does not have any marker or anything, but I still took a picture of the general area in which I believe it’d be. The final bandit who met his fate at the hands of mighty Theseus was Procrustes, perhaps the best known and to many, the most interesting and cruel. Located just outside of Athens, Procrustes, a nasty little man, operated a sort of hotel like business, where he offered a bed to travelers, and took them in. Unfortunately for his victims, Procrustes had two (2) beds*, one long and one short, and he would kill his guests by making them fit whichever bed they didn’t, i.e. stretching them to death or cutting off excess limbs. *In some versions he had only one bed that was really long, so all of his victims got stretched, and in some her had one longish bed, so some got stretched and some got amputated* Theseus took matters into his own hands and dealt with Procrustes by stretching him to fit his own long bed. Fun stuff!
Final Destination: Athens.
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The last stop was Athens where Theseus’ story truly began, but to be honest, his journey there was probably the only heroic thing he did in his life. After dispatching those bandits, Theseus sort of stopped being heroic in a sense, but alas, this is not a post where I intend on spewing my opinions of the man. Maybe one day I’ll do it, but not today. I could make another post about the rest of his life and the associated locations I suppose... anyway, obviously I wish they had included all of his stops, but they can only do so much, especially with the shape of the map so I’ll commend what they did do. They made it pretty easy to follow his whole life, which I’m eager to do if I like how this turns out enough, and for that, my mythology-loving classics heart is very grateful. Theseus is far from my favorite hero--I probably give him more shit than he deserves--but I really enjoy his story, and doing this was a lot of fun!
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underlust-art · 6 years
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Thank you! I will try my best in doing it!~♡ @phaia-proserpina
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weekendnd · 3 years
Aventura 42 - O Cavaleiro Púrpura e  a Ameaça Vermelha
Graças ao diamante que Caolho encontrou anos atrás no laboratório de um devorador de mentes, Glor é despetrificado por Alfarel em seu próprio templo. De volta a vida, o grande paladino ergue uma magnífica estátua em homenagem a Tyr e parte em busca de mais pessoas para integrarem seu grupo de caçadores de demônios, desse vez com grande êxito. Sem contar com Glor e Alfarel, os caçadores de demônios agora contam com seis membros capazes e dedicados.
Zook estende seus tentáculos pelo submundo de Waterdeep enquanto Alysaaria se dedica à sua escola de magia e Caolho ao seu incessante treinamento físico e marcial.
O grupo se reúne nos jardins do castelo onde Alysaaria usa um feitiço de anular magia no estranho pássaro que Caolho havia trazido do deserto tempos atrás. Diante dos seus olhos, a ave se transforma num imponente cavaleiro de armadura chamado Sir Azureus.
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O guerreiro revela ser um Cavaleiro Púrpura do reino de Cormyr. Azureus diz que Cormyr está numa corrida contra os Arcanos Vermelhos de Thay que começaram mais uma vez a se expandir pelos Reinos. Os reinos de Aglarond e Rashemen já foram completamente conquistados e subjugados enquanto grupos de poderosos agentes especiais vermelhos se espalham pelo Reinos em busca de artefatos mágicos que possam servir como armas em sua campanha imperialista.
Sir Azureus estava nas ruínas que Caolho explorou no deserto junto com um grupo de Magos da Guerra numa missão de extremo sigilo. Seu objetivo era adquirir um pergaminho de Nether antes que os Arcanos Vermelhos pudessem por as mão nele. Sua missão falhou. Eles não contavam que as ruínas que eles estavam investigando eram a morada de um dragão chamado Roroslandar, o trovão Azul, que estranhamente era aliado dos Arcanos Vermelhos. Diante do poder dos magos e de um dragão seu grupo foi dizimado e ele foi transformado em um pássaro por uma Arcana Vermelha chamada Phaia. Depois de agradecer por sua transformação, Azureus parte em busca de uma audiência com Laeral Silverhand.
Algumas semanas depois Vajra Bastão Negro convida os aventureiros a fazerem parte da Força Cinza como membros oficiais e não apenas mãos cinza. O grupo inteiro aceita a honraria e depois de uma cerimônia, cada um recebe uma marca mágica, uma tatuagem com a insígnia da Força Cinza e o privilégio de usar as armas do seu arsenal em missões oficiais.
De volta à ilha os aventureiros são surpreendidos por um tremor. Enquanto estátuas desabam e fissuras se abrem no chão, um portal se abre no meio da praça principal do distrito voador. Logo elementais da terra começam a surgir do portal. Alysaaria consegue fechar o portal com sua magia e com ajuda dos golens guardiões da ilha a ameaça é rapidamente neutralizada. No entanto, logo fica claro que esse ataque foi apenas uma distração. Um grupo de Magos Vermelhos aproveitaram o caos para roubar o bem mais precioso da ilha, o Pergaminho de Nether.
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thepagansun · 7 years
Zodiac Signs as "Typhon’s Brood" (aka "The Monster Zodiac")
ARIES: Draco/Colchian Dragon
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--Giant never-sleeping dragon or serpent that guarded the Golden Fleece
--Eventually put to sleep by Medea’s magic
--Faithful, Vigilant, Sacred to Ares/Mars, Gullible, Selfish, Ferocious
TAURUS: Crommyonian Sow
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--Giant man-eating boar that belonged to evil old woman, Phaia and was probable mother of infamous Calydonian Boar  
--Both boar and Phaia were eventually killed by Theseus as he cleared land of bandits
--Dependable, Brawny, Courageous, Possessive, Fierce, Sluggish 
GEMINI: Anemos Thuella/Hurricane Winds
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--Spirits of the violent storm winds that were kept locked away by King Aelous  
--Sometimes confused with the gentler winds of the Four Directions (Boreas of the North, Notos of the South, Zephyros of the West, and Euros of the East) 
--Changeable, Resourceful, Swift, Blustery, Unpredictable, Shifty
 CANCER: Lernean Hydra
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--Huge nine-headed (one of which was immortal) water serpent that had extremely venomous breath and blood, and which regrew two heads for each one cut
--Eventually killed in the Second Labour by Heracles and Iolaus who cauterized the head stumps and buried immortal head under rock (her blood was then used to poison Heracles’ arrows) 
--Maternal, Protective, Resilient, Brooding, Venomous, Snappish
LEO: Nemean Lion
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--Large lion with the strength of ten normal lions and whose hide was impervious to all mortal weapons (which was then used by Heracles to protect him for his other labours)
--Eventually strangled to death by Heracles for his First Labour although he lost a finger in the fight and according to some, needed the help of a serpent 
--Super-Strong, Majestic, Invulnerable, Feral, Territorial, Berserk 
VIRGO: Theban Sphinx
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--Female monster with head and breast of a woman, body of a lion, and a serpent for a tail who would eat anyone who couldn’t answer her riddles
--Eventually threw herself off a cliff when Oedipus answered correctly
--Clever, Analytical, Meticulous, Anxious, Scheming, Overwrought 
 LIBRA: Ladon/Hesperian Dragon
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--Another huge never-sleeping dragon or serpent (some accounts give it a hundred heads) that guarded the Golden Apples of the Hesperides at the edge of the world
--Eventually killed by Heracles who needed the Golden Apples as part of his Eleventh Labour 
--Cherished, Beauty-Loving, Social, Vain, Brash, Distant
SCORPIO: Cerberus
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--Gigantic three-headed hound with a serpent’s tail and a mane of snakes that guarded the Gates of the Underworld
--Eventually taken up alive to the surface by Heracles for his Twelfth and Final Labour, but later returned
--Loyal, Instinctive, Sacred to Hades/Pluto, Intimidating, Shadowy, Vicious
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--Big two-headed and serpent-tailed dog that guarded the red cattle of three-bodied giant Geryon 
--Eventually slain (along with Geryon) by Heracles who needed the red cattle for his Tenth Labour
--Zealous, Astute, Spirited, Clumsy, Loud, Savage  
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--Enormous fire-breathing monster with head and body of lion, another head of goat on its back, and a serpent for a tail 
--Eventually killed by Bellerophon as he rode on winged horse Pegasus by putting molten metal in its mouth
--Persistent, Tough, Multi-Tasking, Relentless, Temperamental, Ominous
AQUARIUS: Aquila/Causican Eagle
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--Big eagle sent by Zeus to feed on Prometheus’ liver every day which would regrow again every night as punishment for giving the fire of the gods to mortals
--Eventually slain by Heracles who freed Prometheus on his way to get the Golden Apples of the Hesperides
--Keen, Dutiful, Agile, Detached, Barbed, Erratic
PISCES: Scylla 
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--Giant sea-monster with the upper body of a woman, bottom half of a water-serpent, and lower front that had six heads of dogs (once a nymph according to some sources) 
--She lurked across from whirlpool Charybdis and so sailors had to choose between them such as in the voyages of Jason & the Argonauts and Odysseus
--Aquatic, Irresistible, Patient, Deceptive, Indolent, Hidden
(Note: Images not mine!) 
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toy-dragon · 6 years
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Server art thing. Personas from hirth tarot cards, so mine are tower and chariot. I chose Phaia, the owner of the Krommyonian Sow as Tower and Irene Adler as Chariot. So i drew myself in two costumes influenced by them.
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digdlsnews · 7 years
成年向けコミックタイムセール 7/30(日)18:00~25:59
成年向けコミックタイムセール7/30(日)18:00~25:5910237作品中、一部を紹介! 少女インパクト / ありまなつぼん 純愛オルガズム / マイノリティ SCANDAL! ~Limited Edition~ / 掃除朋具 不埒 / 心島咲 むちプリ / 有馬侭 たまつぶし / 三乳亭しん太 PUNKY KNIGHT -BOUNCING PHAIA- / 傭兵小僧 おもらし姫 / ゴージャス宝田 少女ふぅ / 八的暁 堕天使たちの輪舞曲 / ぱふぇ 成年向けコミックタイムセール7/30(日)18:00~25:59 こちらへ! (more…)
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lpbestiary · 6 years
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The Crommyonian Sow is a legendary pig in Greek mythology. Despite its name, debate exists as to whether the creature was male or female. It is also known by the name Phaia, after the woman who raised it.
The Crommyonian Sow ravaged the village of Crommyon and the area around it, until it was slain by Theseus. In some versions of the tale, the sow is the offspring of Typhon and Echidna.
Image source.
Monster master list.
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