#peter phobia
dashalbrundezimmer · 1 year
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luftbadgasse // wien mariahilf
artist: peter phobia
film: kodak colorplus200 
camera: canon a-1 with canon fd 28mm
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roryhastoomanyfandoms · 11 months
Usually live and let ship but breaking up mj and peter in spiderdad shipping is honestly top tier cowardice. You fools. You buffoons. There is literally no reason to do so. Mj? Down for poly. Petey brings home a hot dude who's good with the kid, she is NOT complaining. Peter? Down for poly. Bro has the big heart for it. Miguel? Sure he might not go for MJ but "hes married" is the excuse Miguel uses and it works for, like, a week, until Peter starts super casually and not-at-all-forcedly bringing up that he and MJ have an open relationship, and then catboy is hanging on by a thread of professionalism.
"But how could Peter and Miguel kiss if Peter is still with MJ?" UHHHH WITH MJ CHEERING AND HOOTING AND HOLLERING AND HIP HIP HOORAYING???
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duckzilla250 · 3 months
Okay so I’ve returned into the pits of hell(the marauders fandom) and I’ve realised how dirty Peter pettigrew character gets fucked over by almost everyone because I love this character and I don’t think if someone is pet of such a intrinsically deep friendship like the marauders that was akin to family for all the characters that they should’ve been able to fucking just rat them out like he did I could never do that to my friends and maybe it’s because I probably will never have to make that choice I can say that but I feel like there was something deeper at play like he was a spy but it went too far and Voldemort just straight up abandoned him and he was terrified and slowly died he could’ve been controlled or something but I don’t get why we can forgive bellatrix and regulus fucking barty and other characters wich were realistically wizard nazis but not Peter no he’s unredeemable and people also like to cut him out and replace him with fucking Lilly or regulus and it’s just why like he’s such a morally rounded character someone most people can relate to yet he gets attacked from every side also I hate the fucking homophobic sexist shit like if every other character is fine with it why isn’t he it’s a fictional magic world I really cannot see the issue but we should start with please making Peter more popular just as a character because I can’t be the only on hill who fails to see the character betraying his friends like that unless it was a mercy killing he believed something worst than death was left for his friends so he wanted to kill them out of mercy or something because that makes a lot more sense than out of self preservation he was put into fucking gryffindor or slytherij they are both houses that care for their own and I can’t see him being offered a place is gryffindor if he was such a coward .
Edit : this was supposed to be more of a I came to my senses like I get he killed the potters but I won’t look over the blatant fucking hate he gets I think bizzarestars did his character best and also let’s not be making a fictional world a shitty. Place when there is no need for it like yes friends betray each other and we have to accept that but ignoring it probably is stupid I think it fucks me over when I don’t understand his reasoning so please drop why you think he did it like in the comments if you have any ideas
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instinctsxbad · 9 months
​this may not be very coherent bc I have a narsty cold but it’s something I don’t see talked about much— I’ve been thinking about how much I enjoy the fact that Peter Parker/Spider-Man is kind of creepy. Like. I love that he’s got that freaky “teleport when you’re not looking” ability spiders have, the creepy crawling, the fast and unpredictable movements, the eerie stillness, the hanging, the warning that they’re around with entangling traps or even just dissolving cobwebs that let you know they’re in the area. the kind of animalistic, unnatural, disturbing parts of being a spider that makes spiders, and spider-man, so cool
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twpsyn-who · 1 year
Beside Laura, is there one goddamn Hale that hasn't died by burning alive??? Just asking
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bellshazes · 2 years
bdubs getting a little choked up at the end there and it's also October, [] month,
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floatyflowers · 4 months
Dark Platonic Father! Spiderman x reader
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Peter Parker never imagined ending up as a single young father.
But it happened, and he doesn't regret it at all, even though it is hard to take care of a child while being a superhero.
Adding to that, he is keeping his identity a secret from you.
Why? because you have phobias from spiders
He always makes sure you get to school on time and helps you with your homework.
Spiderman is incredibly protective of you, always making sure you're safe and sound, even if it means breaking a few bones while saving the world.
Peter is your biggest fan, cheering you on from the sidelines at every performance you do.
And if a parent or a student makes fun of you, he doesn't mind paying them a visit and 'putting them in their places'
And by that, I mean he scares the living hell out of them.
Even if he is always busy, but all his free time is spent with you, because he believes his life should revolve around him.
So imagine his shock when he discovered that you have friends.
He felt betrayed
Yes, he flew to their houses dressed as Spiderman and made them swear to stay away from you or he will eat them alive.
Maybe it's Venom who is starting to effect his behaviour.
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theambitiouswoman · 6 months
Book Recommendations 📚📒
Business and Leadership:
"Good to Great" by Jim Collins
"The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries
"Zero to One" by Peter Thiel
"Leaders Eat Last" by Simon Sinek
"Outliers: The Story of Success" by Malcolm Gladwell
Success and Personal Development:
"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey
"Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" by Carol S. Dweck
"Atomic Habits" by James Clear
"Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance" by Angela Duckworth
"The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg
Mental Health and Well-being:
"The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle
"Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy" by David D. Burns
"The Gifts of Imperfection" by Brené Brown
"The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook" by Edmund J. Bourne
"The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook" by Matthew McKay, Jeffrey C. Wood, and Jeffrey Brantley
Goal Setting and Achievement:
"Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want—Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible" by Brian Tracy
"The 12 Week Year" by Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington
"Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us" by Daniel H. Pink
"The One Thing" by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan
"Smarter Faster Better" by Charles Duhigg
Relationships and Communication:
"How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie
"The 5 Love Languages" by Gary Chapman
"Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High" by Al Switzler, Joseph Grenny, and Ron McMillan
"Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life" by Marshall B. Rosenberg
"Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus" by John Gray
Self-Help and Personal Growth:
"The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" by Mark Manson
"Daring Greatly" by Brené Brown
"Awaken the Giant Within" by Tony Robbins
"The Miracle Morning" by Hal Elrod
"You Are a Badass" by Jen Sincero
Science and Popular Science:
"Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" by Yuval Noah Harari
"The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca Skloot
"Cosmos" by Carl Sagan
"A Short History of Nearly Everything" by Bill Bryson
"The Selfish Gene" by Richard Dawkins
Health and Nutrition:
"The China Study" by T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell II
"In Defense of Food" by Michael Pollan
"Why We Sleep" by Matthew Walker
"Born to Run" by Christopher McDougall
"The Omnivore's Dilemma" by Michael Pollan
Fiction and Literature:
"To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee
"1984" by George Orwell
"The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald
"The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger
"Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen
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athinakori · 2 years
You know what i really want right now? Annabeth meeting Peter Parker and finding out he’s the Spider-Man. 👁👄👁.
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kiss-me-muchoo · 11 months
𝐇𝐮𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐞, 𝐢𝐭’𝐬 𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐲 || 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎’𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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part one || part two: so many signs
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲_ When Miguel fell so hard for an anomaly that ended up being another one of his canon events; a soulmate. Only that it was late, very late.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬_ fluff, angst?, reader is a hot Hispanic sunshine, plot twist at the end, age gap? (How old is Miguel?, like 28, early 30's?, reader is like 20 not specified) I'm 19, so in my head reader is 20, fuck it <3.
𝐀𝐍_ hellooo, this is my Ist fic for this fandom, I've been trying to hide this crush for weeks, I can't anymore.
♪ ♫ 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙒𝙊𝙍𝙎𝙏 𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙈𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙚𝙡 𝙈𝙤𝙟𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙖.
<3,𝙄𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙭 (+fics)
[11 months before the events of SPIDER-MAN: ATSV]…
Nothing is perfect; nothing can be that special. But somehow, you ended up being that, at least almost. 
Because this is how everything starts; you were stressing out for college sophomore year finals when in the middle of your room, a portal opened and absorbed you. 
Sounds incredibly ridiculous and cringe… Right?. Sorry, but it’s about to get worse.
The portal only left you there, hanging between random universes, and out of nowhere, a spider bit you. And seconds later, you were back at home stressing over the finals.
Yeah, you didn’t think it would be a problem, only that it increased your phobia of spiders. Later, you accepted that Los Angeles would have an arachnid vigilante. 
Yeah, Los Angeles. No shit, you wouldn’t fly to save New York in your universe just to fit the stereotype. Besides, they already had one, the most significant and original anomaly, Miles Morales.
That’s for later, by the way.
You had your suspicions that the multiverse existed but no curiosity. You only cared about your sacred California and, to be more specific, your friends and family. 
So it goes; you were a sparkly spider-girl with glitter webs and fantastic hair, saving people from the crime on Skid Row, abusive elites in Downtown, corruption in Glendale, and extortions from Santa Clarita. 
Your family knew about it, and your friends too. They helped to pick out your surname; Aragmatica.
So you had everything; no pressure from being the spider-girl Aragmatica, wonderful friends, and family. A transcription remote job and a firm college pathway to be a writer and teacher. 
Except for one thing; love.
You didn’t have anyone to hold, anyone who made you laugh like never. Someone who made you feel the scarlet blush and raced heartbeats.
Nah, fuck that. You don’t need a man. 
Warm day in Hollywood Hills, 12:00 pm. 
Finally, your official transcript from that year was carefully sealed in an envelope. Summer break was yours, starting with a good ballet class.
Your spider senses weren’t fully developed because you never saw 4 pair of eyes watching you.
The class was fun, though. All the music was from the most famous plays, and having the opportunity to wear a tutu was always accepted. 
You didn’t care coming out of the building wearing it after the friendly teacher gifted you the fluffy piece of clothing.
You also didn’t care to sing slightly aloud as you walked towards your car. 
And that’s when 4 individuals interfered with your way; Peter B. Parker, Hobie Brown, and Gwen Stacy.
“Uh… nice cosplays. But the Comic-Con is more to the south. In San Diego…” They looked at each other. Only the older guy stepped further, laughing.
“Oh, you’re funny. There’s also one in my universe, but it’s celebrated in Coney Island and-“ only that Gwen pinched him. The older man frowned.
“She’s leaving, Peter,” Gwen said. 
“Hey! Wait!” Peter stopped you from closing your car door, and you looked more confused than ever.
“Dude, back off. There’s a kid between us. You don’t want to do this…” Hobie giggled. He had remained leaning against a mailbox during the whole interaction.
“What? No-, I-. We need to talk to you… we’re also spider people” Rolling your eyes, you just rested your head on the steering wheel.
“Yeah, your suits are too good to cosplay. I like your pointe shoes though” Gwen blushed but said thank you for your flattery. 
“I’m Peter Parker. The guy with the cool outfit that’s Hobie Brown. And the girl with the pointe shoes you liked is Gwen Stacy” They looked lovely. Hobie and Gwen, probably your age, but you were running late for dinner. You had to drop the transcript for validation in early registration for a master's program.
You didn’t have time for this Have you heard of the Avengers initiative? moment.
The best you could do was politely turn them down. But they were already inside your car. 
“Hey!. Okay, if this is some spider intervention, I don’t have time to travel between universes and that stuff” Hobie started playing your radio. Again, you rolled your eyes.
“This is good music, girl. Nice…” he said, making you smile a little. He seemed nicer.
“Thanks, but…” Then Gwen interrupted you.
“You could be dangerous or cause a massive disaster for the canon. You are a rare case between spiders” For the first time, you were quiet. Maybe that omen was this, that not everything could be perfect.
“You felt it….” Peter said because your silence was loud enough to tell him. 
“You knew about us then?” 
“The multiverse and variations are not a thrill in this universe. I wasn’t expecting this on a random Friday afternoon,” you explained.
“Our boss wants to meet you. We need to know what type of anomaly you are” They all heard you sighing. You had too many questions but were tired, so you wouldn’t be annoying. 
“Okay.” Peter shrugged in disbelief.
“That’s it?. No questions?” Gwen passed you a blue band, probably to travel between universes.
“She’s not energetic nor annoying. Miguel will like her,” Hobie stated, comfortable in the passenger seat. 
“Just don’t smile too much, avoid questions, and you’ll be fine” Humming in agreement, you waited.
A portal of bright colors and blinding flashes appeared seconds later from your car's windshield. It was different from what you expected. In the movies looked easier.
“Okay, here we go…” Peter announced. And with fast blood pressure, you followed them. 
The first thing you felt was the urge to complain on the ground. Laying on your stomach, with your hair in a now disheveled bun. 
Everyone turned to look at you, finally noticing you were wearing a tutu and leotard in grey and black colors. 
“Lost your hoodie?” Gwen asked, being the first to start giggling, followed by the others.
“Could any of you have alerted me to prepare for this type of landing?” You asked anyone in particular. Then you analyzed Gwen’s question. 
“MY hoodie!. Damnit, it was new!” And that’s how you lost 75 dollars. But soon, you stopped thinking about the new tour merch you lost.
It was a bright earth, futuristic and agitated. And as soon as you entered the giant building, you noticed it was full of spider people. 
From any size to any color, but… no one was similar to you. Well, you didn’t have a suit yet, but… you couldn’t feel a spider sense with anyone.
“Surprised?” Gwen asked, walking by your side. 
“Well. I’d rather say disturbed,” she giggled.
“You’re unlike any spider I’ve met,” the blonde added.
“I can’t be special. I must be the most boring spider-girl….” Bored or not, you were missing dinner. Your family would be worried if you didn’t come back past midnight. Hopefully, your first interaction with another universe will be quick.
“That’s why you must be here…” said a new voice.
A pregnant spider-woman?. Could you feel any weirder?.
“Yeah…I’m y/n. No suit yet, but I have the name of Aragmatica” She nodded. Her yellow glasses were very cool, you liked her look in general.
“We know that. But let’s go. Miguel needs to see you….” and officially, that was the beginning of everything.
The HQ was futuristic, wide and full of people. Everything was so weird that edged being ridiculous. Until, the group of spiders lead you to a dark room. Full of technology and chemistry stuff.
For the first time, you felt a tingle when he finally faced you; Miguel O’Hara. And to be honest, his broad and tall figure intimidated you. 
He said you were a bizarre anomaly. You were the only spider person who had been bitten between universes. Meaning that you were an accident, nobody was like you. 
Unconsciously, your own canon was building up as every day passed. So your actions were vital for everyone. 
He offered you a place in the group to keep order among universes. Suspicious, but seemed honest at the same time.
“I appreciate the offer, but I have a degree to finish. And I got enrolled for summer ballet classes….” you said, ambling towards the exit.
“No. You need to be a responsible spider girl and do what you’re expected to do,” the man said, intimidating you more as he towered you. Beside getting lost in his amazing hair, intriguing brown eyes and sharp jaw, your thoughts were running. Maybe you were being selfish. Most of the people in the room had lost a lot. You didn’t.
“You just said I’m an accident. There are no expectations from me. I can’t break canon. I’m making my own….” you dared to say, avoiding looking into his brown eyes. 
“You want to find out?” a little closer, and you would touch his chest. Besides, the tingle was back. Miguel also felt it, but he called it on you being angered by this new phase you would enter.
You knew he was going to be hard to deal with. But deep inside, you liked the feeling he had planted on your stomach.
“No…” you admitted. Slightly afraid of losing what you had. He smiled but for less than a second. 
“That’s what I thought” After that, it was history. 
Two months. And things were… okay.
You made a great friendship with Peter and Hobie. Something inside you was stopping you from trusting Gwen at all.
Then, Jessica was good but slightly challenging. Even Pavitr was good.
And then, it was Miguel. 
Fucking Miguel O’Hara. He was dead serious every time. Still, you refused to show he could intimidate you.
Like right now, or… at that moment, whatever. 
“He’s going to kill you…” Lyla whispered, moving in circles around you.
“He won’t if someone no va de chismosa,” she frowned.
“He’s going to kill us both, y/n,” she almost yelled. Following you to the briefing of a new case.
“He can’t kill you, Lyla. Be serious…” you stated, shrugging.
“I don’t want to know…” 
“Me neither. So just shush….” The room was almost empty. Only Peter, Hobie, and Jessica were inside.
The sound of the door captured everyone’s attention. Miguel sighed. After that, he stopped talking.
“You’re late….” Of course, he would remark on your irresponsibility.
“Traffic on Venice. What can I say, handsome?” he rolled his eyes and indicated you sit down. 
Earth-238, neon venom, evacuated civilians, blah blah blah. The mission would be easy, and you’d be leaving the room.
“not you, y/n….” Miguel’s voice caught you off guard. When you turned around, Lyla was still whispering to him.
“Bitch…” you whispered.
“Hey, I’ll wait for you,” Hobie said, indicating that he would wait outside the room. 
You nodded at him, smiling as he left.
“Why did you send the evidence of last week’s mission to Jessica instead of me?” He asked, arms crossed. 
“She’s also my boss,” you admitted, avoiding his judgemental brows and gaze.
“I’m in charge. She’s second in command. So?…” you pinched your nose, anxiety creeping over.
“I-…” It was useless; you had to be honest.
“Because uh-, I didn’t want you to see the anomaly recording” he was right. He knew you would be afraid of his reaction. Something inside switched to be softer. 
“I almost killed that girl. It was an accident, but… I can’t control this new ability. And I want to do a good job” Your anxiety was evident. Miguel had to suppress a smile.
“You have a big responsibility on your shoulders. The power to retain or doom canon” a lecture was coming. And you wished he wore his mask because you could see his whole features. Making it prone to capture any negativity from him. 
“And that’s why you must be on missions with me, not Jessica. I’m training you, not her” To be honest, you were surprised. 
“You make me nervous all the time. I’m afraid I’ll make something stupid on any of these days, and you’ll send me home” He kind of chuckled, and it made you beyond surprised.
“I thought you were working on the English degree and summer ballet classes.” 
“You remember it?” Could your heart beat any faster?. His eyes were deep-fixed on yours, and it was killing you in a good way.
“Madre mía, stop giving me that look. I’m gonna piss myself off from nervousness.”
“Don’t be that of a perfectionist. You’re doing good, kid” The pat on your shoulder made you explode.
Right there, you knew it was over. You had a crush on Miguel O’Hara.
Was it possible to see everything in pink shades and heart sprinkles? That’s how you were looking at every universe. You were starting your lover era.
“PETER! PETER!” You yelled, running towards the man, heading out of the cafeteria. Most spider people on the headquarters looked at you, but you didn’t care.
“Woah, calm down, girl,” he said with a smile.
“I need to tell you something” he couldn’t describe your excitement but happily took your hand when you pushed him inside an empty conference room.
“I have a crush on Miguel,” you said with an evident blush.
“YOU WHAT?” He asked yelling.
“I know, I know. But… he’s so sweet to me. He said I shouldn’t be nervous about him and that I was doing good. He remembers my career and that I’m doing ballet classes. Oh, and today he opened the door for me TWICE!” You explain excited, pinching your suit, in pearl and iridescent tones with a sparkly spider resting on your chest. 
“This is insane. Are you insane, y/n?. We’re talking about Miguel. Our grumpy and snarky boss that gets stressed over the tiniest detail and doesn’t know how to smile” You nodded, rolling your eyes.
“It’s not like he’s the love of my life or destiny, Peter. It’s just a crush….” you tried to convince yourself.
“No, no, no. I disapprove of this. Isn’t he a little older for you?” You sighed.
“Oh, c’mon. MJ is younger than you, Mr. No age gap”
“This is serious, y/n. I’ve known Miguel for a long time. You know what happened to him. I don’t think he’s emotionally ready for this” he was right. But you were confident that this crush wouldn’t be a big issue.
“I know. The least I want to do is hurt him. But once again, it’s just a crush, Peter,” you started coming out of the room. And, like a big coincidence, Miguel was walking through the hallway with Lyla talking to him. 
“Hey, is it okay if I go to your office at lunchtime?” you asked the broad man once he was walking near you. He had his mask, that if you stared too long, it was a severe and scary gaze, but he nodded once. Neither you nor Peter noticed Miguel was actually looking at you. Causing him to feel a weird pricking.
“Sure,” with that, he left with the female IA giving you a bad look.
“What?” Peter asked in disbelief once again.
“See? Nothing to worry about, love,” you said,
“Don’t be so late, mija. There’s no crime tonight for you to take that long,” your grandma told you from the kitchen. You entered the room being greeted by the smell of mole and ponche.
“With this food waiting for me. Yeah, sure, the city can rest a night without me, abuelita,” she giggled as you kissed her cheek. 
“I’m just going for a stretch. And maybe a flan for dinner” Your favorite part of the day was starting. So happily, you left the house. AirPods on with your favorite music blasting through them, and it felt like heaven.
Swinging from palm to buildings and watching the crowds of the traffic of LA. Until you were in the Fashion District Downtown. You stopped at your favorite rooftop to see the last minutes of the West Coast sunset. 
And it was beautiful. Orange, pink, yellow, purple, blue, and black. Like a firework evaporated in the sky. 
The air feels perfect for taking a long breath, and you feel thankful for having a good day.
“Hey..” you nearly fell from the building, but a well-known bright red web caught you in time. 
When you turned around, you had Miguel watching you.
“Miguel?. What are you doing here?” The surprise and shock were eating you alive. Maybe an emergency happened, or he exiled you from the Spider Society. Who knows?
“Just checking on you…” lately, he had been more close to you. Giving you a hand on missions, being willing to have more extended conversations, and softer pieces of advice.
“Why?” You ask, arching a brow.
“Last week, you were a little slow…” he hears you giggling, and as he walks closer, he sees you hanging your toes on the edge. He sees your hair freely fly as you laugh. Cute, he thinks.
“I was on my period. We’re good now…” he thanked, wearing the mask because his cheeks were burning. 
“Don’t be silly, Miguel. It’s… normal,” you said after he stood there quietly.
“Come, seat with me…” he obeyed, establishing some distance with you, but not too much. 
Then he removed his mask, and you confirmed that his hair always looked gorgeous. 
“Your universe is interesting,” he said finally.
“We are very fixed; little surprises us. And capitalism is leading us to ruin, but yes... it's interesting” Miguel wasn’t expecting that answer but smiled. Only because you didn’t catch it.
“You are spending too much time with Hobie,” you laughed, nodding.
“Yeah, I’ll take that…” This time, you noticed his smile. And you wanted to keep the moment a little longer.
“Can we talk?” 
“We are talking, y/n…” he let out a brief chuckle again.
“No, I know, but…I’m afraid. Of hurting someone in the process of creating a disaster with all of this being an anomaly” For weeks, you tried to avoid the thoughts of insecurity. But this was a good moment because Miguel had been training you, and he was the right and worst person to talk about this. 
“And it frustrates me that I don’t understand at all what I am….” you said, covering your face, letting all the intrusive thoughts out. Because even on a good day, anxiety could sneak in.
“Being a spider person means being afraid of many things. Keep in mind that you’ll constantly worry, but it’s part of the job. You don’t sign for it; it just hits you” his words were profound. Enough to soothe some of your panics.
“I wish I could be straight to the point like you….” Miguel was urged to touch your hand or strands of hair that brushed his forearm. But he resisted, only looking at your profile. 
“No. It’s good to be honest and worry too.” 
“And you’re something bigger than an anomaly. You’re special” Maybe his tone made everything sound softer.
“Well, I don’t feel special,” you admitted. “I feel like an accident. Not meant to be here, but nothing else to do.”
“You don’t need to feel it. I just see it…” when you turned to look at him, it was his soft look that made you realize, you were falling in love with him.
As your smile grew, Miguel completely ignored any thought of fear. He was just feeling, letting his heart warm and reciprocate your smile. 
“You have to come and have dinner with my family and me,” you blurted excitedly.
“Por Dios. No, y/n!” He said, rolling his eyes.
“They’re not annoying or nosy, I promise,” you pleaded. He knew there was no problem because they knew you were a spider girl and the Spider Society. But… Mexican families could be nosy when a girl arrived home with a man. 
“Please, as a thank you for listening to my bullshit. Por favor, ándale. Di que sí…” he couldn’t say no. He didn’t want to reject you.
“Está bien, pues….” 
He smiled again, watching you celebrate as you started balancing between buildings. Soon he followed you, happy to feel the way he was doing.
The shock on everyone’s faces only increased the more you talked.
Pavitr, Gwen, Hobie, and Peter had their mouths open.
“And then, we went to get a flan for dinner. A kid asked for a selfie with us, and it was so silly,” you narrated.
“When we arrived home, he was so sweet. Only speaking Spanish, and he told mi abuelita I was doing great in job” Peter decided it was time to cover his mouth with one hand. Soon, everyone followed, keeping the shock.
“Dad was slightly judgmental but soon changed his mind because Miguel accepted a beer from him.” 
“Oh, and we spent hours in my room” That was enough for Peter.
“NO, PETER!. Jesus… we spent hours in my room because I was explaining to him some of my analysis from literature classes” The color returned to his face. Nodded understanding, and everyone else laughed.
“I can’t believe this. I simply can’t…” Pavitr confessed. “Love can come in strange ways…”
“Who’s talking of love, Pavitr?” Hobie asked playfully.
“Well…” you whispered.
“What else?” Gwen almost jumped, needing to know more. You were starting to like her more.
Once again, both of you were back on a rooftop. It was almost 2:00am.
“I-, I liked this…” Miguel managed to say. Looking down at you, trying to regain his neutral and serious tone and look. But after spending hours with you, it seemed impossible.
“Me too. You were so sweet, and thank you for being so comprehensive” Your excitement didn’t match your words, not that Miguel cared. But he realized you had jumped and grabbed both of his hands. And before you pulled away, he was caressing your knuckles.
“It was nothing…” 
“Are you coming tomorrow?” He asked.
“I think I stopped being a half-time employee some time ago…” he nodded, smiling.
Hands were still holding. And none of you wanted to break the touch.
“Till tomorrow then….” you said, sad to break the touch but happy for everything that happened that night.
And with that, you saw Miguel opening a portal, and you left. 
You accidentally dropped a notebook when you entered your room through the window. Cursing between whispers, you hoped you didn’t wake up your family.
“Te dió un beso?” your grandma asked, opening your room door. You smiled deeply.
“No. But we hold hands for a long time, abuelita.”
“Creo que lo amo….” you admitted, very afraid.
“I think he loves you too,” she said.
“NO - FUCKING - WAY!” Gwen yelled.
“Are you sure you weren’t dreaming of drunk?”
“No, Peter. I only drink in Mexico, and I had a dream of the last episode of The haunting of Hill House I watched” he snorted as if he had heard something incredible. Gwen couldn’t stop taking time to digest the information, Pavitr too, and Hobie was… being Hobie.
“Dude looks nice with her. I heard him laugh the other day,” Hobie stated. 
“Me too. And he canceled a meeting to go and train her,” Pavitr added.
“He’s, like, the last person I imagined you would say you had a date with.” 
“It wasn’t a date….” you said.
“IT WASN’T A DATE?. Girl, he had dinner with your family, listened to your boring old books for hours, and held your hands for… five or eight minutes?” 
“Okay… maybe it unconsciously turned into a date.” They all nodded. Even Mayday seemed to nod. 
“Oh, my god… Was it a date?”
Peter sighed as he watched you laugh with Hobie. 
“… y/n is very happy. Did you two have fun last night?” He asked Miguel once he entered his office. 
“I’m not discussing this with you,” the broad man approached to say.
Peter loved you like a sister. He wanted you to be happy and safe. 
He trusted Miguel after years of knowing each other. But he wasn’t sure if you two had a bright future. 
“I don’t want to discuss this with you either.”
“Look, she’s like Mayday’s aunt. I want her to be happy. And you too, man. But… I want you to think… Is it correct?” Miguel stopped looking at the screens. 
“We can’t lose her. And I don’t want to see another era of pain and collapse” It hit him.
What was he thinking? Letting all of his feelings take over him. He couldn’t be in love; it wasn’t meant for him. 
Your canon was unsure, delicate. And his… was doomed.
He imagined having to see you gone, and he wasn’t ready to find out. 
He wasn’t ready to go through that pain again. 
“Just think… because maybe it’s meant to be, but-“
“No. You’re right…” Miguel accepted. 
Peter grew quiet. 
“After y/n leaves tonight. Call the others, except Hobie…” 
Miguel made a decision. Losing you was going to save both of you. Or so he thought. 
The cafeteria was quiet.
Then a piece of your suit ripped off. 
And spider-cat was absent!!! 
Then, you didn’t see Miguel the day before. When you asked Lyla, she said he was swamped with his job, so you would not make him stressed. Plus, having some space after spending the night together would be great. 
“Hey!” You called Hobie when he sat next to you on a bench. He was used to visiting you in your universe. He liked the food and how the people complained about something new daily.
“Something feels weird,” he blurted, tilting his head.
“RIGHT?. I thought I was the only one” he nodded and sighed. That was also weird; Hobie never hesitated to spit the words out.
“Yesterday. After you left, Peter called everyone except for me. It seemed weird that just as you left, he called everyone to get a lecture from Miguel,” Another weird thing. Why you and Hobie would be excluded?
“Miguel stopped wasting his time with me, But a meeting without you?” Maybe it wasn’t anything. Perhaps a simple meeting. There had been some occasions where you had not been present.
“Do you wanna go and find why?” you asked playfully. He nodded with a gentle smile.
“Hell yeah…” Both of you left in seconds.
Spending time with Spider-punk was always fun. Hobie made you remember things like; fuck it, just do it. 
And he liked spending time with you because of your honesty. 
But for the first hour, you didn’t find anyone. Even when the headquarters of the Spider Society were big, you thought it would have been easier. 
By the evening, you find yourself eating an empanada, thinking of Miguel. Accepting you started missing him. 
“Guys!…” Gwen called you and Hobie. As she walked towards you two, Hobie said something quick.
“Don’t ask anything yet…” you nodded to him. 
“We were busy getting scolded by Miguel. But there’s a new mission we need to go to. And he wants all, let’s go….” The punk man and you exchanged looks, not buying Gwen’s words.
You got too carried away, forming possible explanations for her weird behavior. Why you hadn’t seen your friends the day before?. And why you and Hobie were excluded from the last meeting?. 
You didn’t even look at Pavitr taking Hobie away. 
As soon as you entered the room, Jessica, Peter, and Miguel were inside.
“Where’s Hobie?” He asked.
“He was right here…” Gwen mumbled, looking around, making Miguel sigh tired. 
He didn't look at you for the first minutes of the debriefing. The more he ignored your presence, the more your questions emerged.
“Everyone get ready… except for y/n,” he announced with his neutral and cold face.
“You’re going home.”
“WHAT?” you screamed.
At the end of the day, Miguel wasn’t ready for this. But he was doing his best, even if it meant lying to you.
“Your canon is changing, constantly glitching. We can’t risk anything happening. I’m sending you home…” he explained like nothing.
“No, please. You have to stop seeing me as a danger. Look at me as your talisman, like a ghost in the multiverses. If it was something bad, it would’ve happened already” he kept looking straight at the doors, not even moving.
It hurt you that he was still unsure of you, especially after everything he said in your home.
“It’s for the best.”
“Can we talk… In private?” You whispered, taking his forearm. He slowly moved away, making you feel the pain grow.
“There’s nothing to talk about”
“Oh really?. I think we do. What about the other day?”
“It was. All this time, it was. It wasn’t a coincidence that you appeared after someone tried opening portals in your earth,” you gasped in shock.
“I did it for the Spider Society. I needed to know you were not a threat.”
“You said I was special…” he managed to hear you whisper. And it was tearing him.
“You are. But a potential danger too. Which is why I’m sending you home…” you shake your head, fighting the tears rapidly forming in your eyes.
“All of you knew about this?” You asked, looking at Peter, Gwen, and Jessica. 
The pregnant woman bowed her head while Gwen looked like she wanted to say something but couldn’t.
“We do this because we care for and want to protect you…” 
“Really? This is not what friends do. All you do is lie and lie to me!” you said with a broken voice.
“I’m sorry,” Miguel admitted looking down.
“GOD, STOP LYING” you yelled. 
“Tell me I meant nothing to you. Or admit you might be scared of the possibility of falling in love with me….”
“You meant nothing to me. It was all a lie” he broke you. You swore you heard your heart decreasing its heartbeats. 
“For one minute, I thought you… loved me back” As he stood there quietly, you started crying. 
To everyone’s shock, it was the first time they saw you crying. Gwen tried to reach you, but you stepped back, moving away from all of them.
At the same time, Pavitr and Hobie entered the room.
“Something weird happened. You might want to see this, boss,” Pavitr announced. 
“It was dope….” Hobie admitted leaning on the door frame. But stood quiet after watching you crying.
The moment turned uneasy, debating whether to go or stay with you.
“Please, let’s go, and then we’ll talk with tranquility about this,” Peter told you. Giving a look that he wasn’t happy with seeing you cry. 
Slowly, you followed them. Ignoring Miguel’s look. 
Then you thought, What was the point of following them? If they would send you home after that?.
Anger wasn’t a good feeling, but it was blinding you. All the fantastic facade they sold you of good friends. The months Miguel lied to you. He could have done it differently. But he even dared to agree to have dinner with your family. 
He held your hands and made you believe there was a chance. 
So you stopped following them and turned to the lower plant of the building.
Your web was tiny, like a baby’s. It glitched a lot, but when Miguel entered with the others, he noticed the glitch was even more aggressive than ever. 
There were only two canon moments; you getting bit and joining the Spider Society. But a new one was forming. And from the shiny dot, a new line grew.
“What the hell?” Peter asked in disbelief.
The line started moving until it was connected to another: Miguel’s.
And from that connection, a new canon event was officially established.
You and Miguel were together. Dramatically holding hands and facing each other.
“Holy sh-” Gwen almost said but couldn’t finish the sentence. 
“Does this mean…” Jessica started.
“She’s part of your canon,” Peter confirmed.
Miguel was in shock; his eyes remained on what the model displayed. You were really meant for him. He hadn’t need to worry about it ending in disaster. Still, it didn’t soothe him.
“Uh-boss? Our pretty little y/n started a countdown to return home and temporarily block the entrance to her earth,” Lyla announced, appearing beside Miguel. He turned to look at her, worried. 
“I tried stopping her, but I believe she’s growing her cosmic powers?” the day couldn’t get more complicated for Spider-Man 2099.
“Cosmic powers?” Peter asked, running when Miguel started heading towards the exit.
Lyla, crossed her arms looking at everyone starting running. She couldn’t admit it to anyone. That if your issue wasn’t fixed, something darker could happen. The AI couldn’t throw salt in Miguel’s wound.
“Jessica, send help. Lyla, stop her,” he demanded. Jessica nodded, and Lyla disappeared.
“There’s no spider with cosmic powers. But y/n was a bit between universes. So maybe she has some of them or….” 
“Peter shut up!. I just can’t lose her!” If you were Miguel’s destiny, he would do things right. And he regretted setting up all of the secret meetings and lies. 
He rushed to get to you faster than anyone. He wasn’t even sure the blocking earth thing worked. 
Maybe he was exaggerating, but he was willing to set the alarms so everyone would try to stop him. 
If he had waited a day, none of this would’ve happened. But he had understood once that things happened for a reason; canon. 
So as fast as he was running, something inside told him it was already late.
Peter and Gwen followed close to him, ready to find you prepared to leave. 
The panic finally settled when they entered the dark room, and you were already behind the colorful barrier. 
“NO!. Please, y/n” You turned to hear Miguel’s voice calling you. 
Your look was empty, but the anger was there. He kept calling for you, but you didn’t say a word. 
All of you wanted was to leave. Sleep and forget you were a spider girl. Ease the pain of your broken heart. And accept that no matter if you were the only variant of yourself in all the universes, you were meant to end up without love. 
Because when he had you face to face, you were gone. 
Confused, you appeared on a random street in Downtown LA. Your suit was ripped, your hair was a mess, and the tears didn’t seem to stop. A wave of cold air hit you, making you shiver and hug yourself. 
Feeling broken and in shock, you found yourself stepping on a broken glass bottle. Your left foot instantly started bleeding, making you fall to your knees.
That’s when you no longer held the tears; you just let all the sobs take over. 
You shouldn’t have accepted to join the Spider Society; you shouldn’t have pushed your crush for Miguel. 
I hate this. I hate this. God, I hate this…
With no more strength, you stood up. And tottering, you started walking towards home. 
It was okay; it would be okay. 
Cringe in general? Maybe… part two?
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fotibrit · 8 months
Tony knows his arc reactor doesn’t react to water. He knows it doesn’t anymore. But every time he showers (which is only when JARVIS threatens to tell Pepper the sources of his shower anxiety) he faces away from the water, covering his arc reactor with his hands, head bowed in anticipation for the electric shocks that would soon come.
Because Tony knows damn well better than anyone that his Arc Reactor is safe for the water. The same way he knows that the texture of sand isn’t life threatening, and shouldn’t make him unbearable thirsty and tired. He knows, but his brain isn’t so sure yet.
So Tony avoided water for years on end the way someone else would avoid an electric shock.
When years later, Peter Parker admitted to Stark that he can’t swim, Stark decided that he can’t either. easier that than to explain his phobia of water.
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overthemoonx · 6 months
I Love Amy: The Coolest Webcomic I’ve Ever Read
Usually I’m extremely picky with webcomics, as I’m not afraid to drop them the moment I lose interest. So when I say this webcomic is interesting, it’s INTERESTING.
In fact, it may be one of my favorite ones.
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“I Love Amy” is a webcomic released under Peanutoon back in 2022. It follows Bibi Reden, a cutesy girl with a bunny motif who has an obsessive crush on a boy named Peter. Once she finds Amy Lee, a shy girl in her grade talking to him, Bibi immediately befriends her and tries to get Amy to help her get with Peter. But plot-twist…they fall in love with each-other instead.
Psychological horror, drama, romance, and comedy? I’m hooked.
My first impressions were that it was gonna be a stereotypical yandere story, with Bibi set with the motive to KILL Amy in the beginning for talking to her crush. But it’s much more than that.
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Bibi is a canon psychopath, who portrays traits of the disorder that are commonly expressed. But even so, the author definitely did their research. Bibi is low on empathy, has a tendency to lie, and can’t decipher right from wrong. But unlike contrary belief, she not incapable of love; she just loves people in her own special way, wanting to “keep them forever.” This is shown how she obsesses over Peter, and then later on, Amy.
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What makes this series amazing is that her disorder is not her only “personality trait.” (Which by the way, disorders aren’t.) Bibi is very energetic, cheerful, and sticks to her ideals. She’s unique and is still able to think about others (or those she likes at least). Bibi is so well-written, how could you not fall in love with her? And speaking about love, this is where her love interest comes in.
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Amy Lee is the definition of “plain-“ until you look a little bit deeper.
After a traumatic event involving her mother as a child, Amy lives with her aunt. Though she is loved and cared for in her current household and those around her, she still exhibits clear symptoms of PTSD. This causes her to be socially anxious and withdrawn, showing more signs of a social phobia than just pure introversion. But, she remains kindhearted and loyal. Amy is very down to earth too- a trait that’s personally to die for.
With Bibi’s eccentric personality and Amy’s closed off persona, they are like night and day. So, how could two different people possibly fall in love? Simple; naturally, like any other person. Even with their complexities, they are still able to love each-other whole-heartedly.
The webcomic also deals with themes about the effects of trauma, friendship issues (which I will get into another time), and sheds light onto family issues and grief. For such a cutesy-art style comic, it deals with every topic in such a unique and accurate way that I was really impressed.
So please, give this webcomic a shot!!!
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itchyeye · 5 days
In the light of how horrible of a flop tmagp is, do you have any good jonelias fic recommendations? Or just good TMA fic recommendations in general?
ok ty for your patience!! the first thing i will rec very selfishly is just all of my tma stuff which is all gathered together under one pseud for ease of access.
a heavenly madness by roundthedecay / @doomsayings
an au where jon falls in love with jonah magnus via a haunted oil painting. the absolute best tma fic of all time.
######## by inthebelltower / @vincentpriceofficial
jon comes to elias at the end of the world and begs. truly one of the most bang-on dead accurate jon and jonah voices i've ever experienced, and delightfully formatted as a statement transcript. perfection.
dark square bishop by blissymbolics
jon and elias play chess
the second before the other shoe drops by krete / @igixri
jon comes to elias' home to repent for his full belly
analogue by screechfox
absolutely beautiful bit of body horror in elias' office
pinned in vain desire by statuscrow
a collection of times at which jon compels elias
a little closer by insuspensa & paradisepuppet
jon's all consuming crush on elias culminates in a lunch-hour blowjob
persuade by neverwinterthistle
elias and michael compete for jon's attention
nobody knows me as well as you do by grieve
a missing scene from my fic curiouser & curiouser in which jon buckles under the weight of elias and michael's affections
crude and proud creatures by whatitis
jonah goes into the lonely to retrieve barnabus' remains
yellow pansies by grossferatu
peter buys elias flowers
open door policy by milkteamoon
jon has a unique and particular phobia that working in the archives seems to aggravate
fractals upon fractals by cedarbranch
helen and michael play chess
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lemainestudio · 2 months
i adore your work, can i ask for your inspirations? designers or films or books or music etcetera
❤️❤️ thank you
obviously i’m going to say mcqueen i know everyone says mcqueen but like there’s a reason everyone says mcqueen, galliano, mulger, i actually really like thom browne as well, dilara is fab, peter do is amazing
i tend to look away from fashion when i’m designing tho & i get very pretentious with my inspiration, i have books on the concepts of death, hell, a really cool book on manias and phobias, i like the rossetti’s art & poetry bc they were so melancholic and insane, francis bacon, ken curry, i end up reading a lot of non-fiction on surgery and the human body, specifically about decomposition how our bodies change
body horror films, cronenburg obviously, tetsuo the iron man, titane, raw, the new evil deads are mad, the alien movies, mad god
i listen to sad emo boys whining and screaming, dad rock, riot grrl and heavy metal, also the kind of techno that gives you a headache, lesbians and ethel cain genre religious sad
my Big Advice to anyone looking for creative inspiration is to Go To Exhibits Go To Galleries Go To Museums Go To Shows!!! i live in london so it’s easier to find things but i swear go and support ur local art scene
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letsunity · 11 months
With Thunder Comes Lightning
Summery: Peter and MJ tried again, but the spark wasn't there; they stay as friends to raise their soon-to-be daughter. Everything was going great until evil goop and a spooky vampire guy fall out of an orange portal. Little does Peter know that the biggest pain in his ass and future mutant best friend has landed right at his feet.  
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art by @gryphll
Chapter 4 - Appointment
Doctor appointments weren't MJ's favourite thing. She had a phobia of needles and other medical garbage. The smell of sterile stuff made her ill.
Of course, Peter has to be the friendly neighbourhood Spiderman. For her safety, MJ had their new buddy.
"It's just a checkup. Everything's going to be fine," MJ told herself, biting her lower lip. "I don't feel fine. Ok. Can I have some encouragement?"
"I've never been to a hospital, so I can't accurately assure your safety," Miguel stated, the coldness of it concerning her. "I'll kill whoever comes too close. Does that help?"
"You're trying. That's helpful enough, tough guy."
"I suspect you're infantilising me."
"I have a baby growing in me. Everyone is an infant to me now. And you're, y'know, a decade younger than me."
His little grumble was cute.
MJ might not know how to make a portal watch or swing webs, but she could see when someone was hurt.
The entire situation hurt her best friend; Peter was a good man with a titanic heart, and it weighed heavily on him. She wanted to hug and tell him it was ok, but she couldn't lie to his face. She didn't know how this would turn out.
He cried himself to sleep last night. He was grieving the loss of his friends alone. He tended to put himself on an island when in pain, not wanting to put the burden on others. It was a selfless part of him she used to love, but now she worried.
Her best friend was in pain, as was her new friend.
"Is there anything that they can do here to help you?" MJ asked, her blue eyes wandering up to meet those dark sunglasses.
"There's nothing to help in my universe. I doubt it'll be any different here."
"You never know. They might have something for those allergies and the light thing."
"Hmm, that sounds like self-harm."
"It's not undeserved."
"What is it with Spidermen and being all self-sacrificing?"
"We have the power to do something. We can do enough to make a significant change. By sacrificing ourselves, the people we protect can rest in peace. That's what it means to be Spiderman."
"Almost sounds like a quote."
"It was. From the Spiderman of my universe before me."
He was from the future, but MJ didn't even consider there might have been a previous Spiderman. Was it like Peter and Miles?
It's exciting learning about other universes.
"What was he like? The one before you?"
"I never met him. He died long, long before I came to be. When Klyntarus ruled our universe, there weren't any heroes or anybody with the power to do something - I'm... still alone on that front. But he was a good man from what I understand."
At least Peter had co-workers, allies and friends.
She was sad knowing that Peter had died there. All of the other heroes, too. It wouldn't be surprising if Klyntarus had something to do with that.
It's sweet that he was inspired by the original Spiderman, though.
He's right, though. If you can make a change for the better, you should.
The creed of Spiderman is to put others before yourself; it's a heavy burden but an honourable one. She respected it.
"I'm glad that he inspired you."
MJ didn't like the smell of the hospital entrance. It was messy, sterile and also tainted with puke. Thankfully, she wasn't alone in her disgust.
"Oh, mierda. Huele como una morgue horneada," he hissed, cringing.
"No idea what you said, tough guy, but agreed."
She didn't enjoy having to sign in. The receptionists weren't interested in being helpful, mostly ignoring MJ. They only started to pay attention when Miguel growled; it reminded MJ of a pissed-off cane corso.
Having a giant buff Latino vampire proved helpful. He's like a bodyguard, scaring people into listening to her. She used to do that for Peter when people ignored him for being a nerd.
She loves nerds. They've got so many interests and know many intriguing things. They can never bore you.
With the giant having kidnapped their attention, MJ was finally able to get things moving. All they had to do now was linger in the cesspool of stench until her doctor could be assed.
MJ's not happy about sitting on a warm chair surrounded by sick people, all looking as pleased as her.
She hates hospitals.
"How's your first hospital visit?"
Although MJ didn't have spidey sense, she had bullshit sense, courtesy of being a little redhead spitfire. She could detect something akin to one of those space wizards in those movies that Peter enjoyed.
There is a foulness in the force.
With some scouring, MJ spotted the source of the foulness. It was a woman glowering at her and her friend, paler than carved marble; she must be anaemic.
MJ's been around long enough to see one of those people.
She's not standing for it. She might be eight months pregnant and a shorty, but MJ had a spider's spirit.
Hopefully, she could distract him from that witch.
"If it's not rude for me to ask, is Nueva a Spanish version of new york?"
"No. It was destroyed in the calamity of 2038 and was rebuilt by Hector Nueva, soon named after him. I'm just Mexican. A little Irish, too."
"You're a damn big leprechaun."
"Very funny. I'm more like a Chupacabra, anyway."
"And here I thought you didn't like vampires."
"I don't. Vampires suck. Chupacabras are cool."
"They do suck."
"You're worse than Parker."
"I take that as a compliment, thank you."
Peter will feel much better knowing that she's not alone. She's got a buddy guard to protect her from any ominous sludge.
All Miguel has to do is sit in the corner and be spooky.
She was due measurements, weighing, blood pressure, a quick ultrasound, and possibly a pelvic exam - she hated those. It's so awkward and invasive.
While MJ should want nobody else in the room, she doesn't get a pervy vibe from Miguel. He didn't react when she came out of the shower, not bothered or even interested. He didn't have a single care about that sort of thing.
Her bullshit sense often intertwines with her gaydar. He's not straight; she knew that much. If she were a gambler, MJ would put her money on asexual.
Does he know what that is? She might ask later.
"We need to leave."
"Wait, is it him? Is he coming?" MJ questioned.
She was scared of being too close to that monster. It's hurt her friends so much, and she hasn't even seen it.
MJ didn't get to ask more as a roar echoed from outside.
Before she knew what was happening, she was facing the pale ceiling, bright orange webbing keeping her there. Several other people were up as well, but not her surprise roommate.
A suited Miguel was beneath her in the waiting room, his hands gripping the thick horn of nonother than Aleksei Sytsevich, also known as the Rhino.
Something was wrong, though. His thick hide was burned and scorched, ooze dripping and refusing to mix with his blood.
His face, usually mixed with rage and bloodlust, was full of fear and anguish. Most of his face was gone, reduced to burned bone. He only had a single eye, but she doubted he could see from it.
"Помогите мне кто-нибудь!" Rhino roared, his voice bloodcurdling and terrified. "Обжигает! Обжигает!"
MJ didn't understand Russian, but she knew he was in agony.
A black sludge ripped from his spine, red eyes scowling at Miguel.
"2099! What a coincidence! Such a little universe, hmm?" Klyntarus cackled, forcing Rhino to push forward. "Such weak little bodies. Can you imagine how it feels to be a flame sailing a sea of kerosene?"
"Eres toda mía, perra mocosa!"
"I look forward to you trying."
She winced as Rhino cried again, begging for help that couldn't come.
Klyntarus rammed into Miguel again, pushing him through the empty reception desk. People were running in panic, terrified.
MJ scrambled for her phone, texting Peter as quickly as she could. As soon as he realised she was there, it would go to ultimate shit.
Pick up your damn phone, Parker!
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Peter hopped past Morbius' claws, finding them far less impressive than Miguel's. Honestly, the vamp had nothing on Peter's roommate.
He didn't have Miguel's power or claws; even Miguel's fangs were much more intimidating. The red of his eyes had much more potency than Morbius'.
"You are depriving some village of their idiot!" Morbius sneered, trying to pierce Peter.
"And Twilight is missing one of its vamps!"
Peter jumped on the ledge of a balcony, cracking his aching back.
He wasn't sure how to feel about Morbius now. He was somewhat interested at the beginning. After ten years, though? it got old.
At this point, Morbius was the villain of the week.
Weirdly, he felt like a knockoff compared to his fellow spider. He didn't have the same energy or vibe.
He can't put it into words exactly, but compared to Miguel, Morbius is nothing.
"That movie is an insult to what makes vampires so-"
"-Lame?" Peter finished, uninterested. "Are you going to sparkle now?"
"Insolent brat!"
"I'm almost forty, dude."
"You're younger than me, so you're a brat!"
Man, so this is how Miguel felt.
He's still going to annoy him over being younger. What friend would Peter be if he didn't?
When Morbius pounced, Peter jumped onto a nearby roof, feeling his cracked phone buzz. He should ignore it, given he's fighting a "mighty" foe, but his senses demand otherwise.
Peter looked at his phone, seeing a missed call from MJ. Was she done with her appointment already? That was quick!
The text, however, told him otherwise.
Fuck Peter with a salty menorah. He's there.
"I've got a thing. Debate movies with you later, Mikey!"
"Darn you, Spiderman!"
He wasted no chance racing towards the hospital, and police were already surrounding the chaos. He landed upon a police car, fear dancing in his bones.
Peter's spidey senses were screaming to run away, but he couldn't. His friends and baby were in there.
As expected, Jameson was still kicking, talking to news cameras, no doubt blaming Peter for this, somehow. He's glad he quit working for that asshole; it was such a toxic environment.
Whatever, he's too old to care about what Jameson's whining about.
Peter swung inside, smelling the rot already. He's here alright. It disgusted him that Klyntarus was attacking a hospital, but he was already vile; Peter shouldn't be shocked at his evil.
There were glowing, orange webs on the ceiling where MJ's text said she'd been. He couldn't see her anywhere, so he would have to go looking. The trail of bloody melted viscera and rot was a good indicator.
The hospital looked like something out of a horror movie; it was decayed, in ruin. It's been infected by Klyntarus.
He was scared that he would find her and hurt them. He was terrified of being a father but even more afraid of losing his child.
Fuck, how can Miguel cope with losing his daughter? Peter hadn't even met his kid and was scared for them.
Peter crept through the ruins, cautiously stepping over suspicious mounds that stank of death. He relied on his spidey senses, but they were overwhelmed by that monster's presence.
Something big had barrelled through the hospital, almost like a torpedo or tank. It would take ages to fix this place up if that were even possible.
Klyntarus destroyed everything around him. It's likely that wherever he goes, it's inhospitable.
He saw some glowing web, a sign of his teammate. He followed it, finding a deep hole that ran so far down that Peter couldn't see the bottom. It appeared to reach the under levels of the hospital; there should only be a basement, though.
Another buzz from his damaged phone - a text!
Peter stared at it, analysing the three dancing dots that eventually became a message. His heart was tachycardic with worry and fear.
The older Spiderman ran, looking at the fading numbers on the doors he passed. He paused at 16B, the one that MJ's number indicated. Despite knowing it could be a trap, Peter broke the door open, scouring the room.
MJ was sitting beside a gurney. She was in shock, afraid and alone.
A recently deceased young man lay not far from her. He was horrifically burned, and most of his left leg was reduced to sludge. He died slowly; Peter knew that as soon as he spotted him.
He quickly came to his best friend's side, checking her for injuries.
"He had Rhino's body," MJ whimpered, shaking from the ordeal. "He was crying for help, Peter. Rhino. He was in agony."
That explained why the hospital had a giant hole in it.
"Come on, let's get out of here," Peter said, bridal carrying his close friend. "Are you hurt anywhere?"
"No. No, Miguel distracted him so we could run out. Something went wrong, though. The bodies didn't stay -"
Peter twisted to the deceased man, who was now sitting up, black fluid running from his orifices. His eyes were empty, devoid of life, but something was in there, puppeteering him.
He was close to tightening his grip but knew it'd hurt MJ. He wouldn't do that to her.
She clung to his body, hiding her face in his chest.
"He will reign long, and your friend will be far too gone!" the corpse cackled, rotting at an astonishing rate. He melted to bones before Peter's eyes. Not even his clothes survived the rot.
As cryptic as that was, Peter knew what it was implying.
Peter had to get MJ outside first, however.
He made his way out of the hospital, feeling that fear fade with each step. The further from Klyntarus he was, the more confident he felt.
Did Klyntarus' very presence rot your soul? It seemed so.
"Keep her safe," Peter ordered a surprised and confused police officer, turning back towards the building. "And don't let anybody else inside. I mean it."
"It's the same thing that killed those heroes, isn't it?" the officer said, removing her jacket to cover MJ. "Don't die in there, Spiderman."
"I don't plan on it."
He couldn't make any promises.
So, fear growing in his chest, Peter returned to the leftover Walking Dead set. He wouldn't be shocked to find Rick Grimes' room where he was somehow untouched in a coma for a year.
That entire show was a fever dream; he was sure of it. After Glenn died, the only fun left was, ironically, Negan. He'll have to make Miguel watch that.
When he arrived at the suspicious hole, Peter jumped. His knees complained when he landed, cracking in all the wrong and unsatisfying ways.
The fear of Klyntarus was far more potent than before, suffocating Peter in an aura of fear and death.
He's not looking for that thing, though.
Peter quickly spotted the entrance to a tunnel that shouldn't exist.
Rhino's body lay mangled and twisted at the entrance like a macabre decoration. Instead of being melted, it looked like a savage beast and tore the poor bastard apart. He didn't want to be on the backside of whatever caused that.
He walked down the tunnels, listening out for his friend.
His senses went off, sending a tingle down his spine. He turned around, annoyed to see Morbius had followed him.
"Not the time, Count Lame-ula. Ugh, that sounded better in my head. Whatever, could you go and haunt some little kid's birthday party? I'm in the middle of something."
"What horrors could have created such strife?" Morbius asked, both in awe and horrified by the situation.
"An extradimensional genocidal evil Symbiote that decays whatever he touches. You should go before you eats you, too."
"I don't believe you."
"I don't care."
"You're trying to deceive me!"
"Not everything is about you!"
"Fool! I am the reincarnation of the great Count Dracula!"
"Sure, and I'm the reincarnation of Link - see my little fairy, Navi? We're on our way to rescue Zelda," Peter sighed, rolling his eyes behind his mask. "Just go bother someone else, alright?"
Vampires suck.
Peter paused, feeling something else was down here. It wasn't Klyntarus, but it felt similar and yet distinct. He could feel it was nearby and dangerous, but not the precise position.
That "something" was coming and fast.
Of course, Morbius acted like a child and attempted to attack Peter while distracted. He wouldn't get the chance to get close, however.
A blur of red and dark pounced upon Morbius before he could reach Peter, his senses screaming at him to run. He couldn't see what it was but could hear the rabid rage and terrified cries.
Peter webbed the mysterious form and pulled it away from Michael, hearing a dog-like grunt of annoyance and frustration.
A pair of deep, red eyes stared back at Peter. They were similar to Klyntarus'; they had his unique shade, but Klyntarus didn't have pupils or irises. The eye shape was far too human to be Klyntarus, even if he tried to make a human body.
The eyes were what Peter was focused on at first, but then he saw what the rest of the red was.
A suit.
"Miguel?" Peter questioned, realising what, or rather who, he was looking at.
His pupils were so thin they were almost non-existent. He was shaking, breathing heavily and hunched over, foamy drool dripping onto the ground.
While Miguel didn't exist to Peter's spidey sense, this did. It wasn't the same as Klyntarus, but it was similar enough.
Miguel was swallowing air. It's like he was in a scary trance, trapped far away.
His claws were out, ready to scratch something that wasn't there. His fingers were shaking so much.
Peter felt like he was looking at a werewolf, pure instinct and consciousness battling for control, and the former was dominant.
Morbius shifted into shadows, reforming behind "Miguel". It was a stupid idea, for Miguel turned and bit Morbius' arm.
Having seen what it could do to Klyntarus, Peter grabbed his friend. The stupid villain was clawing at Miguel's face, trying to make him let go. Glowing blue was dripping from Morbius' arm - the venom was already being delivered.
"Get it off me!" Morbius yelled, turning his vampiric claws to Miguel's neck. He wouldn't let go, eyes staring at something that wasn't there.
It was clear Miguel wasn't there. He couldn't hear Peter, stuck in this bizarre and scary trance.
An idea came to Peter.
He took out his phone and turned on the flashlight, shining it directly into Miguel's eyes.
The trance version of his friend yowled, letting go to cover his eyes. While Morbius had left deep scratches on his face, the photophobia forced him to let go.
Morbius stumbled back, his arm shaking horribly.
Ignoring the vampire, Peter grabbed Miguel's shoulders, trying to figure out what was happening.
His "buddy" dropped his arms loosely, glowering towards Peter, but it didn't seem directed at him.
"It's me. It's Peter, alright?" Peter said, trying to get through to him. "How about we sit down? Does that sound good?"
He knew Miguel was much more powerful than him, but Peter's faster. If he needed to, Peter could stick to the walls or ceiling.
Encouraging his distant friend to sit down, Peter watched him, paying attention to his eyes.
Without any stimulation, he watched the redness in his eyes fade. When the red left, some awareness returned, replaced by confusion.
"What happened?" Peter asked, glancing at the groaning Morbius still clutching his arm.
"Había mucho ruido," Miguel muttered, rubbing his eyes. "He tried to take me. Estúpido bastardo."
The corpse's warning.
Did Klyntarus trigger a flight or fight response, only instead of Miles' invisibility, Miguel went rabid? It could've been a PTSD thing, too.
"Where's MJ?"
"She's safe," Peter said, feeling Klyntarus' presence growing. "We need to go."
Peter grabbed the taller man's side, feeling his broken ribs. That never seemed to stop him.
"I can move."
"I don't doubt that, but you still seem out of it."
The possession attempt had an impact, as he was still spaced out. It was like he was stoned or drunk.
"Happens sometimes," his friend grunted, a noise that did things Peter wished it didn't. "I didn't hurt you?"
"No. All I'm hurting from is arthritis."
"I always hurt someone..."
He didn't like hearing the sadness and regret there. And Peter couldn't say that he hadn't. He attacked Morbius and must've killed Rhino, though that seemed to be a mercy.
Peter scowled at Morbius' body, watching "his" head tilt. While Peter was focused on Miguel, he didn't even realise Morbius got snatched.
He didn't like the guy, but Morbius didn't deserve that fate.
The kidnapped body was already starting to decay.
"I'm going to take everything from you, Peter. I'll break you in ways you didn't think could be broken. And I'll have him, too," Klyntarus vowed, tilting Morbius' head too far to the right. "I'll let you play with my toy for now. It'll make it all the easier to break him after I've shredded your soul."
"What's to stop me from walking over there and ripping you out of there?"
"Because you're like all the other Parkers I've eaten. You don't kill, even when you want to. You won't kill me while I'm in someone's body. It's cowardice I thankfully bred out of my true body." His friend hissed, but it only made Klyntarus smile. "You've come so far from the fragile ball of flesh I ripped from that whore wetback."
Peter can't kill. It's his greatest strength and his weakness. How is he meant to beat something that'll only stop if it's destroyed?
He needed to get Miguel out of here and look after MJ. He had to find somewhere safe for her to stay.
Regardless of how his friend felt, they needed help. They were going to get the X-Men for backup.
"Until I find a more suitable temporary vessel, Parker. Farewell."
Peter shot a web at Morbius' possessed body, but he vanished into shadow.
Another day where he could've done something but didn't have the balls. That was a theme he was getting angry at.
"Maldito cobarde."
"Yeah, to whatever you said, pal."
Xavier's going to have a field day over this.
Special thanks to spider-the-bat for the borders!
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bellshazes · 7 months
siouxsie update: has anybody heard this thorn ep version of placebo effect before because oh my god. I'm a lesbian
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