#people act like hes suddenly ugly because he aged
Twink Robert Sean Leonard this, young Robert Sean Leonard that
Can we all just stop and appreciate older, mature Robert Sean Leonard with a beard. Fuck.
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not-goldy · 6 months
"since we're sharing trauma" where? Who said that? I didn't..??? Also sorry that you grew up in such a horrible environment. But neither me nor jk grew up in such (based on how he talks about his family).
"if i was at jm's place i would have stayed away from such kid" hm i would have done the same and do wonder why jm didn't do the same but then i remember how exactly is his nature. I'll give you an example yrs ago jm went to everyone's solo MV shoot. No one went to jm's but did jm held it against anyone? Did he thought that they didn't come for me so i won't go for them as well? No. He does his things as what he think is he should be doing as a good supportive friend. Same thing this solo era even tho only yg and hsk went to meet him physically jm was the only member who went for each and every member to support them physically. Thing is he cared for jk say as his brother cause jk is same age as his own younger brother. Thought that he should take care of jk like that. It's not just jk that he took care of it's everyone he takes care of that's in his nature to be like everyone's hyung. You should see him with people who are younger than him and how much he gives them comfort and cares for them. Taehyung is same age as him but he still babies taehyung. Just because you are shit to him doesn't mean he's suddenly gonna start acting shit to you again that's in his nature. His astrology says that he's got traits where he tends to give alot to people even if he doesn't get same in return. It's his personality trait.
if jk was 13 then jm was 15 see how old jm is than jk right??
It doens't hurt y'all to accept that jk was brat when he was young, he did got some shitty habits like when he himself said he had a habit like "what's mine is mine and what's yours is also mine" that's a shitty habit to have but with time he understood it's not a good habit and changed it with all the boys being around him. He changed that habit because of those 6 boys around him.
no one ever questions if jk hates taehyung why? Does anyone ever questioned if jk hates hobi? Jk hate jin?? did anyone ever questioned if jk hates any other members? Then why jm??? Cause that's exactly how it looked on the cam (not hate but as if he doens't like being around jm in early yrs). You tell me why the three members said No when they asked if jk likes jm.
I get that the fandom is full of tkkrs and things like these are widely spread by them but then there's actually some content where jk has been mean to jm which anyone can use against them. For example vminkook were doing live and jm said this is my bare face in cam and jk's immediate respose was "ugly right?" Wow such a cool thing to say to someone who's insecure about his looks right goldy??? Have any explanation for these kinda moments??? As i said he himself has given some material where people thought he doesn't like jm and that's when the question was raised and that's why jm also chose the question to ask him whete three members said No. Do you have any explanation why 3 members said No??? I'm all ears please do tell me.
I don't know why you are conflating Adult Jimin with young Jimin- no, young Jimin would not have gone to support people who don't support him, matter fact adult Jimin wouldn't either if he felt bad vibes from the person.
He's not a pushover. He has standards and self respect. I refuse to believe a man who stood up to his best friend and told the one man he claims he loves he was cutting him off would support people who don't support him.
Same person who said he loves those who love them and scream fuck haters on his song??????????
We have very different views of who he is as a person.
He can be very kumbaya but only to a point. To a limit. Push against that limit and you will find out.
Lmao, no one is saying Jungkook wasn't moody angsty bratty as a teen, its something BTS themselves point out over and over and namjoon explained he went through a teenage rebellious phase as well and they all had to learn to deal with that.
The hyungs and Tae have approached this phase with much maturity, empathy and compassion, explaining how Jungkook would cry a lot cos he missed home etc.
We just saying we not gonna hang him demonize him villianiize him for being a normal teenager and for dealing with normal development challenges that comes with being a teen.
All I'm hearing from you is attempts to justify why you hate a teen for his actions towards other teens. You sound like you would make for an abusive parent, a bad teacher and baby sitter- stay away from children. You can't handle them. And pray to God if ever you have children none of them struggle with complex difficult emotions cos you sound like you'd be the kind of parent who would further traumatize them if they do.
You are giving one child is a model child preferred child favorite child because he plays by the book but oh the other is such a bane in your existence.
Do you.
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piracytheorist · 11 days
So as I mentioned, I got my copy of the Family Portrait stories!
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It feels weird to suddenly have to turn the pages the left-to-right way, lol. But I guess it wouldn't work the right-to-left way for a book translated to English.
Opening it there's this cute illustration, as well as the winter-y one on the back, which kinda makes me wonder: why is it bound on the book?? I wished there was a safe way for me to rip it off and hang it on my wall. Anyway, both illustrations are super cute!
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And so my collection continues to grow!
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I might order the Eyes Only guide soon, I'm just wary of it including spoilers from a few future chapters. So we'll see. In any case, this might be the first time since I was a child collecting Disney's Ducks comics (and I wasn't that meticulous with those, even) that I've made such a collection! Should things keep going well I intend to keep buying the volumes to the end of the story :D
Spoilered thoughts about the stories included in the book below!
The first mission with the Eden kids going camping actually reminded me that I can find the dynamic between Anya and Damian pretty funny, at least from seeing how stubborn Damian gets. The illustration especially of Damian holding Anya's hand with Anya going like "He can be nice for real??" and Damian going like "How dare she manipulate me into feeling bad for her!!" is terrific and the only way I'll ever see this dynamic, thanks. Also really loved the moment of Damian kinda and dismissively admitting to himself he's also scared of the thunderstorm. Also found it really funny how at the end, Loid is described as handsome XD the writer knew her audience!
In the second story I think I lost count how many times I laughed. While with a deep, interesting layer, Yuri is just so entertaining to me. The most normal guy ever, wishing he was an ingredient so his sister could chop him into her dishes along with pieces of the cutting board 🥰
No, but really, I think there was a lot of care in writing Yuri here. His inner monologue is unending and bound to give Anya a headache, though it was quite sudden to hear him refer to her as a bastard and the spawn of Loid's loins 😳 but I liked the darker tone as he "acted" as a cop and took out his frustrations on the actor, picturing him as a potentially-abusive Loid. It ticks at a very interesting dynamic which I very much hope Endo explores at some point :D
(I actually wonder if there will be a moment post-identity reveal (where Yuri also knows about both Loid and Yor) and he makes a really ugly quip at Anya and Loid goes all protective like "Say whatever you want about me, but hurt my daughter again and I won't hesitate, bitch")
While I found Anya's "interrogation" scene funny, I found it a bit repetitive that she used the same technique that she used with the Red Circus guy from the bullet-in-butt date. Small note, but still XD
For the third story I have both praises and criticism... I understand how it was needed for the story, but I don't like it when characters' disabilities are taken away. It would have made for a bit more complicated setting but it would have been a little more respectful to have Alessa unable to see Franky because she had eye surgery for whatever reason aside from being blind before, and she had bandages on and couldn't see. And Franky would feel like he's on borrowed time because he knows from day to day she'll get the bandages off and she'll face him.
Also, making her nineteen instead of sixteen is just on the verge. And because I have met people who are now professional singers... nineteen is way too young to be considered for opera. She could be training, of course, but it's a very long-term investment. There's a reason most opera singers you see in concerts are in their late twenties at the earliest. And I get that she comes from a musical background and she has a talent or whatever, but again. She could have been aged up to mid-twenties and to me it would have made much more sense.
But as for the good parts, I was actually surprised by how convincing Franky was about wanting to deceive her. And when Twilight turned and asked "Are you sure you're okay with this?" I might have felt a chill. I should have given Franky more credit, haha. And the banter between them was nice, with Twilight teetering on thinking of Franky as a friend, and how Franky ended up handling the situation... that was good, I liked it.
I had already read the last story through a fan translation, so I wasn't surprised by anything new there. It was just as fun and wacky as you'd expect it to be. By the way, I liked the point that story drove on, that despite the painter's success and fame, he only had a cheap apartment for himself and donated all his earnings so that future art students could paint without worrying about the cost of their supplies. Very in touch with the whole story's message :)
What struck me as odd was when Loid hugged Anya to keep the pretense of him being a doting father. I was like "He would not fucking do that" cause we know homeboy isn't ready for such proximity, and an actual hug between Anya and Loid has to have a big impact, the times he held her up while she slept or whatever notwithstanding.
But the ending was really sweet, with Twilight feeling a sense of warmth and getting a bit of honesty in his smile. The last illustration by Endo was very fitting!
Overall, it was interesting to hold a book in my hands and read about the characters that way. I think Aya Yajima did a good job capturing the characters, and I'm always happy to read Endo's afterwords, he really seems like a very chill and down-to-earth guy.
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guruneko · 8 months
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Taktober week 2
So i was suddenly hit by this sudden need to draw this weird monster-like angel AU where these angels of this hierarchy type society. 
The entire premise is that angel wings hurt the user. “Why does it hurt?” you may ask yourself. Well, its because they are growing out of their mortal bodies. 
Initially, wings act like wisdom teeth where they grow out later on in your life. They are like a symbol of your growth and as you get older or “holy”, your wings will grow or multiply. A lot of people are born with these angel wings but they grow out maybe after 12 years old (some are later). However, the day they grow out, THEY WILL HURT. You can actually feel your body contorting and some say they hear bones creaking as their wings are setting. Imagine when you were a kid and you were experiencing growing pains. However, if you are in a higher rank of angels, letting out your wings will feel swift and painless but some say the sensation just turns into a paper cut. 
Also, you can put away your wings but when you let them out, you will still feel the sensation but it lessens over time.  So, are you ready for some rambling reading? I hope you are.
Okay so we got the ground works laid out, lets get to the characters. 
First, I’ll start off with Bunta because Takumi is his son and this will be relevant. Bunta has six wings. He actually has reached the highest position that ANY angels want to reach BUT, he chose to stay within the mortal realm instead of going up to the divine gardens. This means that he can’t use all 6 of his wings because once he does, his body will literally burst. Bunta can remake his body but he is too lazy to do so. 
   Another note is that people are unknowingly receiving tofu from a angel. He doesn’t bless the tofu so its nothing special. 
Takumi! So because of Bunta, Takumi had to suffer through the MOST painful wing growth within his age group so his wings were already ENORMOUS. So you can imagine the feeling of it. Takumi said that it took an entire week for his wings to finally grow out. Each time he lets out his wings, its painful and kind a messy since it shoots itself out and you see blood splatter everywhere. You can actually see sprinkles of the galaxy on Takumi’s wings. 
Next up Keisuke. The rebellious one. Keisuke got his wings out almost the same time as Ryosuke which was rare of his age. 
He went against the angels so they took away his right wing. When Ryosuke came over to pick him up, Keisuke vowed to follow the same path as him but had to promise to bear the flames of his punishment. So each time Keisuke lets out his wings, it is immediately engulfed in flames and flying is painful. The flames are intensely beautiful but it is an ugly reminder. I do like to imagine Keisuke as a Phoenix that when he reaches his final form, his mortal flesh will burn off, and that's when his fresh pair of wings come out.
Ryosuke! He has two wings but the bottom ones are very small since he is not high enough. The smaller wings do hurt so he prefers to just use the main ones since it's a lot easier to summon them. Not much about Ryosuke's wings but you can see dreams in his wings.
Thats it! If you reached this far, thank you so much for reading my little thoughts. This has been living in my brain and finally i can spill it out.
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The Justice League don’t know Batman’s secret identity. He’s been hit by a magic spell and had been de-aged to 12 years old. The JL panic and leave the sleeping child in the medbay while they discuss what to do in the meeting room.
Bruce Wayne woke up somewhere he doesn’t know. His first thought is ‘I’ve been kidnapped again.’ His second thought is ‘these kidnappers are either very confident or they’re extremely incompetent.’ Bruce Wayne does not care. He’s been kidnapped 31 times in a four year span, he knows the drill. He rolled up his baggy clothes and opened the unlocked (unlocked!) door and bolted.
Bruce found himself in a room with a window and saw that he was in outer space. How??? Cue internal panic. Not outward panic obviously, because he’s Batman and Batman doesn’t panic even when he isn’t Batman yet.
Superman could hear his panicking because unfair super hearing and rushed to Batman’s side, the JL close behind. They see little Batman just staring out the window, fists clenched at his side and face pale. Tiny Batman turned to them and they can see him silently judging them, eyes roving up and down their colourful uniforms and narrowing on extraterrestrial features.
Batman does not speak first so Superman started the conversation.
“How are you feeling?”
Batman pursed his lips. “Fine,” he spat out.
“Do you remember what happened?” Superman hesitantly asked.
Tiny Batman glared at them, a glare that could not compare to the notorious Batglare but came close to it. “Last I remember, I was at school then I woke up and I was here. You should remember what happened better than I do seeing as you’ve kidnapped me.”
“Kidnapped?!” Flash squawked. “We didn’t kidnap you!”
“I know you’re incompetent kidnappers but are you seriously trying to act like you haven’t kidnapped me?” Itsy bitsy Batman crossed his arms imperiously and rolled his eyes.
“Why would we want to kidnap a brat like you?” Green Lantern scoffed, indignant at even the thought.
“A lot of reasons. Though, this is the first time I’ve been kidnapped by people wearing such ugly clothes.”
“Ugly-?” Lantern spluttered. He glared at little Batman and suddenly smirked. “These are our uniforms because we’re heroes and the reason you’re here is because you got hit by a magic spell and fell unconscious. I’m Green Lantern by the way, what’s your name?”
Tiny Batman was suspicious of the green man. There was a gleam in his eye that spoke of trouble and Bruce did not trust it. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
GL was annoyed but smiled through the irritation. “Yes, that’s why I asked.”
Batman did not respond. Flash elbowed GL’s side. “Dude, not cool. Batman’s protective of his secret identity as you know it.”
The JL tell Bruce about Batman and Bruce reluctantly believed their story. After all, he’s in outer space and Batman does sound like something he’s been thinking about for years now.
Cue them all just hanging out and GL trying to wheedle out personal facts from Bruce, while he just feeds them lies and blatantly outrageous stories. I was abandoned in a cave and raised by bats. I come from a long line of vampires that control Gotham’s underworld. I mindcontrolled all my classmates and forced them to do all my homework for me.
Zatanna eventually arrives and returns Batman to his proper age. He doesn’t remember what happened but everyone tells him.
“Did you really burn your teacher’s lawn just because they called you out in class?”
“Hn,” Batman grunted. They do not know if it was affirmative or not.
The only thing they took from the experience is that Batman has always been like That.
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voidinmexx · 1 month
(even tho technically they'd all be in highschool following cannon age)
shut up.
oh lord
i love imagining my traumatized little characters in happy worlds,
background knowledge:
grisha arent a thing in this au and there is no current wars
Dorm Arrangements:
Inej and Nina requested rooms together the same day they could, Kaz managed to get a room alone and so did Wylan. Matthias doesn't go to college nor does Jesper.
i will write more lore about this collige au esp jesper and wylan because we need more gay men in healthy loving relationships
(its me im the gay men)😭
"Hey, Kaz!"
The boy, who was previously watching a particularly ugly bird, looked up to see Inej and Nina. Both of the girls wore matching sundresses.
The five were going swimming today. Although Ketterdam was known for it's dreary and bleak weather, it was summer which meant they got three whole days out of the month of August to enjoy a sunny day.
"Where's Jesper and Matthias?" Inej asked Kaz, as if he could telepathically communicate with the two idiots.
"I think Matthias is meeting us at the watering hole," Nina chimed in. She was typing away furiously on her phone and every so often a curl would fall in front of her eyes and she would angrily push it away, only for gravity to drag the curl right back where it fell before.
Suddenly, a loud chime startled the group, well, not really. Kaz did not only jump but also let out a little yelp as his phone went off. Inej and Nina laughed until they were both a wheezing mess.
"Oh. My. God." Kaz could barely make out the girl's out of breath words. Before she could elaborate, Nina began to have another laughing
"It startled me, that was all." Kaz grumbled, crossing his arms and pulling out his phone angrily. He had been gifted the device from Inej, it was a Christmas gift. Kaz, ever the old man in a young adult's body, had no clue on how to work the damn thing. Currently, it was the ringer that was giving him hell but last week iMessage was kicking his ass.
"Jesper texted me," he said, "He's asking if we mind if he brings an extra person."
"Jesper?" Nina asked, "With a date?"
Inej, the ever loving and gracious friend, smacked Nina's arm. The latter gasped dramatically and pretended to cradled her arm.
"Don't be rude. It's probably just some poor person Jesper wanted to drag along on an adventure," she shuddered and Kaz shook his head, "He does that too much."
"I agree, we should say no."
"What?" Inej interjected, even Nina raised an eyebrow at Kaz's suggestion, "Let them come it'll be fun. Maybe we can make a new friend!"
Kaz, however, did not see Inej's point.
Nevertheless, he texted Jesper and told him the stranger could come. The things he did for that girl.
Originally, Kaz met Nina junior year of highschool.
She had just moved from Ravka and they were paired together for a science project. The project was complex, it was meant to show an overall understanding of what they learned that year. The two extensively worked on it for two months and proudly presented it. Although they never became "friends" in highschool, both kept contact and Kaz even showed up at Nina's 18th birthday.
"Sorry I missed your sweet sixteen," he said as he handed Nina his gift, "I didn't realize those were an important thing to you." Kaz shrugged, Nina noticed, as he said the last part. I didn't realize those were an important thing to you. He cared, Nina realized that day, he acted like he didn't but he definitely did. Before she was sent to Ketterdam she was not the most popular kid on the playground. Friends were hard to make when you get singled out by someone many people look up to.
For Nina, Kaz was a breath of fresh air. Not that she would ever let him know that. He might get violent.
Behind them, the three could hear a car pulling up. Jesper's light blue Honda Civic parked poorly in a spot nearby. His face peeked over the roof of his car and he began wavely excitedly when he saw his friends. The passenger side door opened "Uhm, where are my keys?"
Kaz, who had been watching this for a second stepped up. In his fingers, the keys swung lazily.
"I'm driving."
Jesper groaned as Kaz forced him out of the truck. There was no arguing with a brick wall.
After Jesper almost ran into a dear, Kaz would not let Jesper drive in a car that he also was in. The group laughed and gossiped on the way to the watering hole, when they arrived Kaz was voted as designated Spot Finder. He was not swimming so he was tasked with finding a place for all their stuff and making sure it's not stolen.
ok im gonna edit this later and add im so sornee rn and CAN NOT breathe😭
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queenhawke · 1 year
ok here’s all my Thoughts about mq s3 and why it’s probably the weakest season so far.
tl;dr It just feels like they wrote themselves into a corner with how s2 ended and then didn’t know how to continue on from there. And it’s disappointing! It’s back to how it was in s1 where the only real strong character arc is Ian and Poppy’s, and the rest of the characters are just kinda… there to do funny stuff. And it’s not the worst thing in the world and they kiiiinda pull it together a little in the finale, but it’s disappointing because we know they can do good character arcs for all the characters simultaneously, because they did that in s2! Also fuck NFTs
Rest is under a read more bc I told y’all I’d write a novel
let’s compliment sandwich this so good things first:
The GrimPop storyline was good! Easily the strongest aspect of the season, tho I feel like Ian Winger-speeching himself out of the conflict was maybe a bit too easy? It was a good speech, I liked it, it fits their weird toxic codependent relationship well, but I would have liked to see him doing more for Poppy. Ah well, still good.
The bad is uhhh a lot. I don’t even know where to begin.
Actually let’s start with the metaverse/NFT shit, because it was shit and really soured me on the first half of the season. I get why these topics were included, it was a hot issue when they were writing the season, but it sucks how they were implemented. First off, it’s aged like milk, what with the multiple crypto crashes and NFTs kinda disappearing out of the collective consiousness (thank christ). Second, the fact that there’s no talk of the negative aspects of NFTs. Atrocious, especially concerning Rachel, who, being ostensibly the leftist of the group, should really at the very least have brought up the negative impact on the environment that NFTs/crypto has. Unfortunately, it does make sense why this happened. Ubisoft was one of the first game companies to use NFTs in their games, and Rob Mcelhenney owns one of those ugly fucking apes (I hope for his sake he’s sold it already), so he’s clearly invested in this shit. Obviously neither was gonna shittalk NFTs when they have such a big monetary stake in them. Hugely disappointing, but not surprising.
Now the characters... let’s start with Dana, because her “character development” was easily the most baffling to me. Like. Who is this? Where did this mini-Ian come from? This isn’t who Dana was. She had confidence, sure, but not Ian levels of delusional confidence. And like, what was the point of making her so much like Ian? How did that serve her character? Most she did was act like a kind of mediator between Ian and Poppy, but what did it do for her? The last ep kinda wrangles this into her being fed up with them and starting her own thing, but like, she was happy to hang out with Ian for most of the season. I dunno, I can kinda see what they were going for, but it doesn’t feel like there was a proper build-up to that final episode.
Let’s go to everyone’s favourite tumblr sexyman, Brad. Again, the last episode blatantly states his “arc” (working his way up to being in power again), but like. All the stuff inbetween doesn’t feel like it really adds up to anything. I mean, what did him being the janitor really... do. He acts like he’s up to something, but then he isn’t, and by ep 3 he’s already just doing HOMIE stuff again. I think it could have been so much more fun if he’d actually used his position as a janitor to weasel his way back into monetization. Like, digging up dirt on people and stuff. And again the build-up to the finale wasn’t really there. Oh, he wants a challenge now? He never talked about that. Where did that come from? Why not seed that more? Also, would have liked for his eating disorder to be addressed more. It’s so rare to see men with eating disorders on tv, it could’ve been something special. Maybe next season.
Rachel... I’m highly skeptical of her suddenly being “dumb”. Like sure, she was always shown to be a little airheaded, but it feels like they really turned it up to 11 and like... for what? It reminds me too much of how Britta was treated in later seasons of Community, and that was shitty then and is shitty now. It’s just wild to me that they’d have this whole arc in s2 about her finding her passion, and then they just throw it away. She could’ve been the new writer instead of the new HOMIE! Also, if she’s so dumb, how can she be made the new HOMIE at all. That’s a high fucking position, and you expect me to believe they just gave that to some rando ex-tester? I know MQ isn’t realistic, but I have my limits. And then they kinda lampshade that by having Brad be like “oh I engineered this” but that just feels lazy. Like my brother in christ you put her in this storyline, don’t act like it all meant nothing now. Also I know capitalism is a hell of a drug and I love me a corruption arc but could we for once have a leftist character on tv who like. Sticks to their guns and isn’t a massive hypocrite. Please.
THE LACK OF REAL STORYLINE BETWEEN BRAD AND JO. Hello he went to jail for her??? Hello?? Can we address this? Even a little? Maybe in the ep called TO CATCH A MOUSE?? It wasn’t even a mouse but you named it To Catch A Mouse and then you don’t have some sort of conversation between the mouse and the shark hello? Do I have to do everything myself around here??
Also, C.W. @kaitcake1289​ already wrote a good post on this but I’d just like to reiterate what a disappointment it is that his death seemingly has zero impact on anyone. And it could have been such a good way to tie all the characters together, which I think was sorely needed with how divided they were between MQ and GrimPop. The grief they would all feel from losing the studio’s weirdo grandpa could have been such a nice overarching theme. And it could all impact them in different ways and drive their arcs this season! Just a missed opportunity, and frankly a weird way to treat the death of one of the major characters. Even Pierce’s death in Community was more impactful, and he left because there was major beef between the actor and the showrunner.
I’m a bit hmm about the idea of Dana/Jo/Brad in their own studio, bc I just don’t think splitting the characters up like this worked out this season, but we’ll see. I hope they have an actual plan this time lmao.
Okay other end of the compliment sandwich uhhhhh. I think David’s arc was decent. It was nice to see him get along with Jo and to see him stand up for himself. Um. The Christmas ep was very good. Sarian was another banger backstory ep. In general there were loads of jokes I liked! I’m just disappointed with how the characters that weren’t Ian or Poppy were treated.
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yulin-pop · 2 years
For the 300 follower event
Can I request number 11 with Epel?
↛ ❀ Love quotes
Epel Felmier
“I promise I will marry you when we’re older!”
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Harveston is a familiar place for you. Your grandparents lived there and every winter or so you would visit them for a few weeks. Being a child, you didn’t always want to spend time with your family, not that you hated them but you wanted someone your age to talk with.
It was cold since it was winter. You were bundled up in overly heavy snow gear, although at least it didn’t look ugly.
At first, it was just old people. But then you saw a short figure. They were petite but acted reckless. They ran around with crates of apples, nearly tripling while transporting them.
You watched them, until they noticed you. You finally got a good look at their face and realized that it was a boy. It was a bit hard to tell at first but it’s undoubtedly a boy. Better yet, he’s around your age.
You walk up to him with your hands behind your back. He raised an eyebrow at you immediately and backed away.
“Wh-who er you?” He stuttered out. You raised your hands up a bit to show you don’t mean anything bad.
“I-I’m [Name] I’m visiting my grandma and grandpa here… What’s your name?” You smiled and bobbed your head up and down.
“Epel. Yer a city kid. Talk bout weird.” He crossed his arms and spat.
“You should come to the city sometime. There’s a lot more to do than just sitting inside and reading books.” You suggested in defense of his insult.
“Eh?! There's SO much more than just readin’!” He barked as he shook his head furiously.
You crossed your arms and tilted your head. “Oh yeah? Like what?” He grabbed your wrist and dragged you towards his house.
“Lemme show ya!” His grip was ridiculous tough and you let yourself be pulled along by him until eventually you two came to stop.
You stood at the top of a tall hill. There was a wooden sled. The ones that you would stand on rather than sit. You weren’t sure if you were supposed to do this.
“I-isn’t this dangerous?”
“Eh? Pussy-cat! I do this all the time!” As he said that, he took a step in the sled. “Hop on, city kid. Make sure to hang on.”
You did as he said with a pit in your stomach. You squeezed him tighter as you looked before the hill ahead of you two.
“I can feel yer heartbeat. Heh, three, two one, yahoo!”
It all happened so quick, there was a ramp you hadn’t seen. You were suddenly in the air and then you just slammed into the snow. The snow softened the fall but it without a doubt hurt.
The reason for this incident was on the ground beside you but he was giggling uncontrollably.
“You clearly had fun… You could’ve told me there was a ramp!” You turned your head to the side he laid next to you.
“Ahahahah! Ya funny! Ya were screamin’ yer head off over that!” He continued to laugh at you.
Displeased, you sat up and hit him with your fist. He quit laughing and scowled.
“Fine, let’s play that way then.” He leaped on top of you. His hands pulled on your hair while you grabbed at his coat and shook him around.
Your relationship never ceased to amuse both of you families. At first, they were apologetic because you both caused injuries to one another but it became a regular occurrence. To the point that it slowly became acceptable.
Your annoyance for each other became more of a rivalry. Always competing. Who would get to the hill first? Who would finish their lunch first? Who could go faster?
Everything was a competition.
“I wish I could stay here.” You bitterly admitted while laying in the snow. Epel’s eyes met with yours.
“Huh? I dun’t like how serious ya sound.” He frowned. You sat up and met him at the same eye level.
“I’m going home tomorrow. Grghh… I don’t want to go home to the city. It’s so boring. I wanna just stay here with you!” You shouted.
“It would be way more fun if ya were to stay aroun’. Do ya really have to go??”
“Yes, our things are already packed.” You shook your head while messing with the snow at your feet.
The two of you closed your eyes for a second, racking your brains for an idea. You opened your eyes and grinned.
“I know! I’ll just marry you someday! Then we can move in together and stuff.” You smiled at the idea while Epel outwardly expressed his disgust at the idea.
“Bleh! I ain’t gonna marry you!”
“Aw why not?”
“Cause yer ugly!”
You two went back and forth until the whole reason the argument started was forgotten, but soon you returned to the topic.
“Okay, but if we married then it would just be in a friend way!”
“Then that ain’t even marriage.”
“Yes it is.”
“Ehh… If ya say so.”
You turned towards him and scooted closer. “So, yeah? A good plan?” He nodded reluctantly. “I promise I will marry you when we’re older!” You declared while putting your hand over your chest.
“I promise as well…? Actually no, I take it back!”
“You suck!” You swung your arm back and flung snow into his face.
He cackled while shaking it off and then standing up while shaping a snowball in his hands.
“No! Put that down! Ow! You put rocks in there?!” You yelled while scrambling to run away.
“Yep! There’s more where that came from!” He got ready to launch another while you ran away.
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Note: Epel as a child was probably such a menace. I feel like he would’ve made me cry. But besides that, I love him. I’ve also been pulled into some Fire Emblem brainrot (lysithia ily) so that’s why this took so long to publish.
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queenaeducan · 3 days
Gale + 5, 8, 12, 19!
What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Would That I by Hozier. It's not the only song of his that deals with break ups/new love that I have on my Gale playlist, but I think it's my favourite for him in a romanced playthrough. The imagery of the current love as fire setting wood to the tree of his past relationship pairs nicely with "With you I forget my goddess." The fact that it's nature imagery in general works well with Ophelia. I like to think of it as a controlled burn to help the forest flourish. To my knowledge it's not the exact intended meaning of the song, but it's what I get from it.
What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I don't go for six pack Gale, but I like to think he lost weight during his year in the tower and only starts to put it back on through the game and beyond.
What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Gale is an incredibly sweet person whose flaws lead him to some pretty dark places. He is quite eager to help and make himself useful, whether it's making dinner or almost all of his greetings being some form of "how can I help?" whether you barely know each other or you're the love of his life.
I do think there's an ugly side to that. He doesn't do things just to make himself useful, but because he wants recognition. He wants to be thought of, to be remembered. There's a small section of A Study of Hands I enjoyed writing after his resurrection in Act 1, when he's glad to have caused Ophelia grief because it gives his life (and death) some semblance of meaning:
Ophelia’s face is a stone mask, aggressive in its impassivity. A trait he typically admires, and takes as good cause to heed her wise counsel, feels suddenly cruel. Unfair? Oh, most certainly. But a crueller part within him took heart when it saw how her eyes were puffed with tears. It wanted her to weep for him. It wanted to know he will be missed.
I think, as much as fear of a godless death motivates his suicide mission, he's also motivated by the desire to go out in such a way that he'll be remembered.
So like, is there something admirable in how he wants to be useful? That he wants to become a god to help people? Yes, but there is performance in it as well, and performances are done with the desire to be recognised. There's a selfish side to it that's a little ugly but very interesting!
And I think that darkness/pettiness is sometimes forgotten and that is what I don't like. Although reading back over what I wrote I think I mostly just wanted to talk about it rather than discuss its place in fandom.
How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
Like with Solas, I like most of his relationships just fine. Do I think they're all good for him? No, but that's why I like them.
For example, I find his relationship with not just Mystra but Elminster a little questionable. I don't go with the interpretation that Gale met Mystra when he was still a child, but he does canonically know one of Mystra's Chosen from a young age (I don't want to look up the letter rn, but it was six or eight when he met Elminster). It's just a deeply weird situation. Mystra's Chosen are a little fucked. I'm not sure how much of it is intended canon (specifically on larian's part) and what was inherited from DND lore, but it's just like. You look at it and go "this is weird right???" because, well, it is weird.
While Elminster disagrees with her charge for Gale to die, he also won't really budge beyond that to any more meaningful criticisms of her. And while I think he's right that "fuck Mystra" is as deeply unwise a philosophy as listening to her in regards to her plan for the Orb, the particular line he spouts speaks to his own shortcomings as Chosen.
But like I said, I think it's interesting and wouldn't say I don't like it on a narrative level. I do wish it were more consistently written I guess?
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paper--moons · 2 years
Regressor!Silver Headcanons
(with cg!Lance)
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Silver has a lot of issues to work through, to say the least; being kidnapped by Mask of Ice at age two and spending years at his facility, learning from Lance about Mask of Ice's plan to control time, stopping aforementioned plan and going on a journey to find his parents only to discover that his father is the head of (the original) not-so-legal organization Team Rocket? Yeah, it goes without saying that all of that would create some trust issues and leave him with some lasting trauma. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. He's angry and hurt and all of these other ugly emotions that threaten to consume him because of these fears that plague him. Wasn't he good enough? Why had his father not tried to find him if he knew about this neo branch of Team Rocket? Was he not loved? A child's whole foundation is built on if they are loved, so is it really all that surprising that when that foundation is nonexistent he became lost? And since he was left without guidance, this anger at the world grew into a defense mechanism—nothing could ever hurt him again if he hurt it first. But this sort of destructive approach to life can only last for so long until it burns you up, and for Silver it inevitably does. His anger leaves him burnt-out and emotionally wrung-dry, leading to a break that results in him regressing for the first time.
There was no real trigger the first time he dropped, no sudden event that made everything come crashing down, but rather it was the result of years of uncertainty in his life having built up until there was nothing left but for it to come crumbling down. Though it's clear that regression is something of a soothing balm for him, even if he isn't sure what's happening to begin with. All he knows is that after the initial hard drop—where he cries for what feels like hours, until his eyes are puffy and his throat is raw—things start to feel lighter again. Much lighter than they have in a long time. All the problems in his life suddenly seem much simpler, so simple in fact that he shouldn't even be bothered to worry about them. All of those things were in the past, weren't they? They couldn't hurt him anymore? He is in the present, where things were finally starting to settle down and he could finally start living his life. "Start living" being synonymous with "start over" in a sense, at least for him.
Silver figures he has always been on his own really, and doesn't want to burden any of the people he's close to with whatever this is. He can handle it on his own! ...Except for the fact that being on his own when he feels so little is scary. He can never really tell when it's about to happen, and hasn't exactly told anyone about it either. Which wouldn't be a problem, if you don't take into consideration the whole scary to be alone aspect—not to mention the fact that he has trouble looking after himself since he can get pretty small. So it's a good thing he has his Pokémon there to keep an eye on him! Most often it's his Croconaw and (newly evolved) Weavile that are doing the minding after however, though they take on different roles. Croconaw typically takes on the role of protector, nudging him in the right direction—whether that be towards bed when it can tell he needs a nap or away from any perceived dangers. And Weavile tends to take on the role of playmate—bringing Silver any toys it might have happened across or acting as the seeker when they play hide and seek (knowing that the boy prefers to be the hider).
The routine of his Pokémon looking after him continues for some time, and Silver thinks that he's doing a pretty good job of keeping it under wraps. And maybe he is, to those that aren't very close with him. It doesn't take long for Lance to figure out something is up with the kid though. He's been keeping an eye on him since he was eleven, and so now that he's sixteen Lance thinks he's got a pretty good handle on what is and isn't typical Silver behavior. But he can't quite pin down what it is that's different, other than the fact that Silver seems softer at times, happier even. So it doesn't feel right to question it, and the one time that he does try to bring it up only results in the kid yelling at him to leave him alone. And so he adds delicate to the list of things Silver is now, although that last one he suspected might have been the case for some time. Needless to say Lance is concerned about the kid, and decides to pop in on him without telling him beforehand.
Lo and behold, Lance does walk in on the kid when he is up to something. The "something" not being what he had expected though. When he catches him unaware, Silver is playing—and yes, playing is the correct word much to Lance's amazement—with his Weavile and Croconaw. From the looks of things they are playing peekaboo. There's a playful Wea...wea...vile! followed by a string of giggles from Silver with an eager demand of Again, again!, a command that the Pokémon is more than happy to comply with as Weavile once again covers its eyes to repeat their little game. A game that would have continued for who knows how long, had Croconaw not alerted Silver to his presence; it looks more than a little defensive and is preparing to blast him out of the room with its water gun—its companion having abandoned playtime with the kid and making a lot of noise at him now—until Silver reaches for him and things click into place. Lance finally figures everything out, and only because it's laid out right in front of him. But more than anything it's his eyes, same color as their namesake and brimming with innocence. This is undoubtedly the softness that Lance had picked up on before and it's a softness that he finds he wants to protect.
Surprising as it was to find out about this part of Silver and for all the boy's fussing beforehand, he doesn't seem to mind it when he's small given that four year olds don't exactly have their walls put up yet. There's a tense moment when he starts to come back up that's fueled by worry—that Lance will tell (who exactly he isn't sure), or won't think him capable of being independent. But that moment never comes, and despite not having wanted to tell him and refusing to acknowledge it afterwards, Silver finds himself seeking out Lance often enough after that that he sort of becomes his cg without any talking it over. Even with Lance looking after Silver though, his Pokémon still make it a point to make sure he's doing a good job! Weavile especially makes a point to correct him—oftentimes switching things out to pre-emptively prevent a meltdown, standing on its tiptoes to reach the counter and switching the (incorrect, yucky, bad) Cyndoquil patterned sippy cup with the (correct, prefered, superior) Totodile patterned one while Lance is turned getting juice from the fridge, or rushing over with his soft gray blanket while Lance fumbles to find his Ditto squishmallow.
Lance makes it a point to spoil Silver and give him all of those experiences he missed out on the first time around, whether they be tiny things or major ones. The kid is tired? No worries, he'll get Dragonite to carry the little guy until he's either fallen asleep or is ready to walk on his own again. Is he getting listless? He's going to surprise him with a trip to visit Clair (who, as much as Lance takes on a big brother role, has found herself taking on a big sister role to her cousin's charge). She spoils him even more than Lance does if possible, buying him lots of Pokémon dolls and even making his Pokémon special berry blocks. Silver never really thought he'd have any semblance of a family, but this thing he has going with Lance? And with Clair? It's something that he never wants to end.
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cielsosinfel · 6 months
OK I need to try to get out this out real quick because it's been circling my head since last night (this morning 4am lmao) but I am thinking about the potential for conflict in Halstarion, when taking their differing relationships/views of authority into account.
TL;DR!!!!! I am only midway through Act 2!!!!!!!!!!
Like, on the one hand we have Astarion, who really wants power over others. He seeks out powerful people to seduce and manipulate for his own self-preservation, yes, but he wants to be the one wielding power so fucking bad- that conversation at the beginning of Act 2, where he tries to convince the PC that taking over the Absolute cult and using their tadpoles to control a literal army of cultists is the best plan of action. IIRC he's the only companion with basically no reservations about embracing tadpole powers and WANTS you to share spare tadpoles with him.
Meanwhile you have Halsin who is in a very powerful- and respected!- position where he has tons of influence over a great many people- and he neither asked for it, sought it out, nor is he particularly happy about all of the responsibility. I don't have screencaps of it like I thought, I HAVE SCREENCAPS AFTER ALL: he has all that dialogue about how he hates having to deal with other people's problems, and most importantly, Halsin tells the PC not to trust people who seek out positions of authority:
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if his mentor hadn't died suddenly at a moment where there was no choice but to step up as a leader, I feel like he'd probably have shied away from taking on such a mantle.
So like... where does that put Astarion in his eyes, when it becomes apparent Astarion is desperately power-hungry in a way that goes far beyond protecting himself. This is a man who has suffered 200 years of horrific indignities, and has come out of it wanting to be powerful enough everyone else will be crushed under HIS heel- that he'll never be below someone again. I'm not sure it's very clear in the game if these opinions of his are ever apparent to anyone beyond the PC, but just thinking of Halsin realizing Astarion's intentions with his tadpole powers... the cult-leader aspirations, the ascension aspirations. How wary would Halsin be, how much would he actively try to reach out and steer Astarion away from the paths he's clawing his way down. Does he see him as an immature man who was far too young (for an elf) before his life was ripped away, and hasn't been shown any real alternatives, after centuries of living at the bottom rung of a violently-enforced hierarchy. How frustrated would he be by Astarion's incredibly unpleasant self-defense mechanisms and how he lashes out in the ugliest, cruelest ways possible. Would Astarion bristle like a rabid cat if Halsin tried to talk him into considering other ways of survival, push away what he sees as patronizing meddling from someone who thinks he's soooooo much better than everyone else because of his age and his esteemed goody-two-shoes reputation. How much friction would this generate in their relationship!!!!
Add in Astarion ever learning about Halsin's own history of being held captive and used for sex by horrific abusers, and the fact Halsin seems so much more stable and put together and /happy/ with life, and all of Astarion's ugly bitterness and resentment being projected out at Halsin for THAT... Like would he think Halsin's concern is mockery, assuming insults and judgment for how pathetic and messed-up he is in every word.
where am I going with this, I don't know, I actually started writing this post 4 hours ago and now I'm home and finishing it. I think they should have some very unpleasant arguments and frustrate and trigger the hell out of each other and then kiss about it.
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helldustedstories · 3 months
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Stolas is very used to having to put on some sort of mask with pretty much everyone.
With his father, he learned to become the dutiful son who was obedient and never showed his emotions beyond what was "respectable" for the situation. He knew he meant little to Paimon beyond the fact that he was to carry on the Ars Goetia name (his birthday certainly wasn't the only time his father forgot his name), and he played that part to perfection. Stolas married Stella, despite having absolutely zero interest in any sort of relationship with her, he didn't complain about …. basically anything.
Because if he ever did, he would be belittled and put down. He was excited about getting his grimoire and learning what his job was going to be, only for that to be immediately followed up with "Also, you're going to marry this person you don't know and the picture I'm showing you is of her actively hurting her pets." And when Stolas understandably reacted to that, he was told "that's an ugly noise" and to "cease this bitch crying."
It certainly wasn't the first time his father told him something like that, and it wouldn't be the last.
He's so drawn to Blitzo at the circus because the performer was clearly excited about what he was doing, and he didn't let his failure to make a balloon horse right away get him down. Instead, he kept trying and when he made a horse without legs, he made a joke about it instead. And when Stolas laughed, he responded to him and appreciated the fact he'd gotten a response, which was also a first for Stolas.
He was already starry-eyed about Blitzo before the latter came to the house because of that tiny interaction, and then suddenly, Blitzo was there, in his house. He had liked that Stolas had laughed at his joke; maybe he could share some things of his own, share any of himself without being scolded for it! Sure, Blitzo wasn't that interested in his books, but he showed Stolas something he'd never had before: how to play games. Stolas was able to have fun and be himself without fear for the first time.
He truly considered Blitzo to be his friend, and if he'd had any way of keeping in touch, he would have.
But that was the last time he was really allowed to behave in any way childishly. Because after that point, he had to become the dutiful son again, focus on his studies. No more carefree days of playing with other children.
And when he came of age, he married Stella. He certainly wasn't interested in their marriage, but he tried very hard to be, hoping that if he put in the effort, it would change how he felt.
But once they had Octavia (when he was only nineteen), it quickly became clear that his marriage to Stella was going to continue to be one of convenience and nothing more. Stolas still tried to be a good husband, so that he could also be a better father than his had been, but even then, he couldn't really let his himself just be.
Stella continued to put him down, insulting him in pretty much any way she could think of, and he couldn't show how much it got to him. Because if he did, then that would only give her something else to throw back at him.
He tried to shield Via from the worst of it, but every year that went by, it got harder and harder to do.
Other than his daughter, he was incredibly lonely, sequestered for much of his life, and controlled in some aspect for so much of it.
It's part of the reason why, when his first friend returned, and showed interest in him, Stolas was so intrigued. He'd never felt wanted before that point, never had anyone express any sort of desire for him, and for it to be this person he'd been himself with, even if it had been twenty five years previous, is so foreign to him.
And so when Blitz is flirting and forward, even then, because he has no idea how to act in this situation because he's never been in this sort of situation before, he tries to match Blitz's energy because that's what he wants, right? And Stolas is used to putting other people's wants before his own.
But as he spends more time with Blitz, especially when they're not just sleeping together, he starts to show more of himself, starts to actually let someone see who he really is. And that's how he has the courage to stand up to Stella, to finally initiate a divorce. Because if someone like Blitz, this bold, courageous, funny, amazing person can see him for who he is and doesn't immediately push him away or hate him, then maybe he can do something for himself for once. Maybe he can make his own life better.
Because now he knows there is a better. He had been trying to stick it out and stay in the marriage, to try to provide Octavia some form of stability, but that hasn't been working, and is, in fact, actively harming his daughter. Which is even more important than his own well-being. He's going to do better so that he can also be better for Octavia, if it's not too late. The status quo hasn't been working, and Stolas is finally figuring out a way to take off his masks, even the ones he wears for himself.
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i-cant-meme · 11 months
Fuck you all. I saw the this thread in response to a video of a couple laughing about their child bawling her fucking eyes out in the middle of the night because she awoke due to her mother screaming mid sex and when she came desperate to see what was going on she found a locked door. Now cut to some FUCKWITS going from this to saying:
-Oh yeah weird shit happens when you're a child, no way to avoid that haha
-I had no problem in discovering my parents having sex in a situation grossly different from that on the video so...man the fuck up I guess? The kid cannot act like she's five just cause she's five
-Your parents have sex, deal with it
Now that I slept a full hour and processed what the fuck I read, the sheer depth of the stupidity of EVERY single argumment on that post pro fucking kids up baffles me. Like no shit edgelord, everything is new and weird and maybe scary THAT'S WHY THINGS ARE SLOWLY INTRODUCED AS WE AGE. You learn shapes before geometry, because you cannot possibly make sense of the later without shapes. You learn that people die someday, and ideally that happens before you accidentally watch someone be murdered in front of your eyes. AND when the order is inversed, we get a little thing called TRAUMA you absolute doorknob for brains of an idiot. That's the situation where you saw something that you had no logical or emotional tools to process, and now your brain is FuNkY until you work very hard on it.
Much like someone with 1/5 of a working brain and more than two days interacting with humans could say, would happen if when you're five - and peeing in a toilet is one of the scariest things if done to date - and you wake up in the middle of the night to the screams of the person who actually always helps YOU with the new scary things, and you can't even reach that person. Of course, with the added bonus of seeing her laughing at you when you finally reach her. This kid did not know sex, much less hardcore sex. Even violence is still something completely abstract to her (I'm NOT educating dipshits on child psychology to that extent, accept that children learn destruction before violence or go pick up a book, fuck you), and all of a sudden, she wakes up inside what she can probably only interpret as a nightmare.
There's a reason for having a whole tv trope of fucked up adults suddenly remembering they caught their parents on the act without further explanation.
This is also the reason porn fucks up pre teens so much in the head 99% of the cases. Their sexual development gets completely jumbled up because there's no rhyme or reason to the internet, much less to the pornographic industry.
"Oh yeah weird shit happens when you're a child, no way to avoid that haha"
Yes, like eating a bug or using ugly clothes that adults find cute. When you're mocked for thinking the person you love the most on the world is being brutally murdered in the next room because a pair of idiots COULD NOT fuck in silence or just hold it in their pants, that creates trauma for life. That's something to be avoided at all costs and the fact that it happened with so little regard for the child is the reason you call CPS anonymously everywhere on this planet (not because this IS a CPS situation, but bc illustrates so perfectly that having a child in no way, shape or form equates knowing how to raise one, caring and protecting It).
"I had no problem in discovering my parents having sex in a situation grossly different from that on the video so...man the fuck up I guess? The kid cannot act like she's five just cause she's five"
First of all, go die on a ditch. I cannot fanthom being this level of stupid whilst being able to read something as long as this, but I will say anyway that every case used as an example was not ten percent of the scenario on the video. And if someone pops up to say that to them it was, emottionaly speaking, congratulations, learn some fucking empathy then you fucking skinsack of child abuse.
"Your parents have sex, deal with it"
I could agree with you if you were not that thing that clings to the inside of sewage pipes, awakened to life and with access to internet. You can DEAL with that which you UNDERSTAND. A teenager acting yucky because their parents kissed or something is stupid and STILL TO BE EXPECTED. A child scared shitless because she does not know sex nor violence and cannot even UNDERSTAND whats going and therefore panics and cries IS ALSO JUST THE NORMAL FUCKING REACTION. What she needs is conforting, better parents and probably some therapy down the road.
And honestly, I cannot even begin with the avocado guy. First of all, obvious sensory issues there buddy, I'm honestly sorry no one took you to an avaliation. But also, you describe a situation that has 1/1000 of the complexity and psychological impact of what happens in the video, and explains how it took you TWENTY years to process that...and yet everyone should just act like nothing happened and let the child figure it out for herself? Man... It saddens me to think about how far back in the evolutionary history of human kind we would need to go back in order to find your peers.
And that's that. I wish I could continue forever on this site thinking that, except for the nazis, everyone here is cool and interesting and has at least two working braincells. But alas, reality makes a game out hunting out dreams.
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jayktoralldaylong · 2 years
Xie Lian, Feng Xin and Mu Qing, suddenly became my favourite MXTX Trio and I've finally figured out why. They remind me of Lan Xichen, Nie Mingjue, and Jin Guangyao but without the angst! (Yet, I don't know. Lord have mercy on my heart).
It's like the story is being told from Lan Xichen's perspective now. Even better, they've already broken up so we don't have to deal with the ugliness of betrayal, just them trying to get back together.
The similarities between Xie Lian and Lan Xichen are obvious. They can both be a little naïve and see the good in others before the bad. They think they can solve their problems with kindness and try to shoulder everything by themselves, eventually breaking under the weight of their kindness, being left to ruin and having nothing to show for it. Fortunately, his friend's lives were not a part of the price that Xie Lian had to pay, so there's always chance to redo.
I saw Feng Xin and immediately thought of Nie Mingjue. They are blunt, curse from time to time, believe in the black and white of good and evil, overly protective of their goody-two-shoes friend and venomous with their sneaky friend.
Of course Mu Qing is Jin Guangyao. Because I already liked this trio, I worried there would not be a lot to like about Mu Qing. He acts really cold and seems to delight in Xie Lian's misfortune, which I guessed was jealousy because sure why not. Might be a god but was still once a human. Mu Qing like Jin Guangyao, wasn't born into nobility and had to take everything he gained from others. He knows suffering first hand, he knows pain, he knows struggle, he was forced to face reality at an early age, he's great with his sword but would rather use brains to solve his problems. Feng Xin thinks using brains is vile and disgraceful, Mu Qing doesn't care because it's how he has survived this long. I think what irks Mu Qing the most about Xie Lian is that he truly wants to protect the young crown prince, but the prince is too stubborn and naïve. He gets upset when Xie Lian puts himself in danger but can't help but enjoy the irony of lording over his former master. Mu Qing is definitely not an easy person to like, but he cares. Heck, sometimes it seems he cares greatly for Feng Xin (What in the romance is this? 👀), But gets upset because Feng Xin can only see Xie Lian. Maybe I'm reading too much into this. Anyway, I'm hopeful and hope we get more moments with these three. 🥺 I love them so. They are part of the important people that Xie Lian loves. Even despite the circumstances.
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throne-for-queens · 1 year
My feelings are honestly hurt. This woman tried to HUMILIATE him by doing immature shit (at her big ass age) and followed someone he's KNOWN for having issues with and others he may be feeling insecure compared to (cause WTF was even that with poor Timmy and Harry??). Made him out to be an abuser. It irks the fuck out of my soul because it was so disrespectful. Then she wanted to be a weirdo and play in our faces about Sophie when SHE started everything and put that weird as narrative out there in the first place (playing or not, she should have known better) and acted like she didn't know how the world could possibly think that that man was cheating on her and abusing her.
I understand she's considered pretty... But how she dogged him in multiple ways and tried to be cute about it made her so ugly to me. There's so many other beautiful and fascinating and mysterious women out there... Why deal with one who will try to ruin you when y'all hit a bump in the road?
And I'm so irritated cause it's been EST this and EST that from him ... But he's been icing everyone practically ever since he got with her. Then when people wanna scratch their heads and be like what is going on, they're in the wrong and can't question him. But then it sure is EST this again when it comes time to get him somewhere or something he wants.
I hate this. I hate that I do care and that so many took him at his word back at EST FEST 2014 when he said to remind him and don't leave him when he starts slipping.. just to not be listened to.
And you have every right to feel this way. I dont get where people get off policing other people. He even asked EST to personally remind him when he starts to forget, but God forbid someone actually does it. Now it's you're a bad fan, and he's allowed to change. They said the same thing about chantel and sommer until he went on social media acting all sad. Then, suddenly, it was buy one get one free pitchforks.
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aftonfamilyvalues · 2 years
im on anon because im crypto but since i ever first started watching arcane and looked into his VA since i love silco and Saw how he acted online like wayyy too up and personal with the "fandom" but it pretty much consisted of young girls like me (22) or maybe even younger who were just so obsessed with him. I snapped out of it i had to remind myself and my friends he literally isnt silco and his voice can be done by literaly any man who can do a slight accent and sound old and dusty and ugly. anyway FUCK jason spisak.
i mostly just saw likes and nice little comments on and retweets of fan art which obviously isnt any red flag. i liked some of the video clips, i especially loved the drunk history of zaun. it was my favorite, he looked like a fun drunk but thats a bit ruined now, isnt it?
rip those reaction images, you did not age well.
nothing he posted was ever out of the ordinary to me either, upcoming conventions, signing stream dates, those stupid little positivity posts that your parents generation loves... apparently i missed all the silco x jinx stuff he liked though which is already gross but more disturbing that his young gf is a jinx cosplayer. certainly no connection there, right?
well, come to think of it, i do recall some obvious thirst trap selfies. specifically, i remember the one he posted on the floor and me being absolutely enamored with the beautiful hardwood. he was gunning hard for those "damn zaddy 🤩🤩🤩" comments. that probably should have been some sort of flag for me but i didnt mind. i know hes ugly but you... know me. unfortunately. i know, i know, im disappointed in me too. that hardwood floor though!
then there was the signing live stream clips ive seen where women ask for some slightly flirty things written, didnt really bother me. i admittedly enjoyed some of those lines so again, overlooked it, rationalized it. i only ever saw that sort of thing with silco and never any of the other characters he voices. i figured it was because arcane is for adults, i throw a caution flag to that but all in all everyone in the stream is an adult (or at least should be given the 18+ warning on the twitch channel) and as long as he didnt pull some bullshit outside of giving a customer what they want for a few bucks, it wasnt a huge concern. people do that all the time, gets them paid.
except, you know, it seems he did pull bullshit. so... rip! i have got to stop being so trusting that men behave like well adjusted individuals. silly me, i expect nothing and im always let down. lthe only guy i can think of who suddenly had a sizable fanbase dominated by young women and acted normally about it was bryan dechart but maybe im missing something there, who knows.
i heard mick wingert, the guy who voices heimerdinger (and unofficially, ghetsis in pokemon masters for context of the video this links to), does a very good silco impression!
anyway! thanks for coming to retrospective on jason spisak. whatever, look at this nice signed print i framed! *fucking shoots myself in the head*
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