lostwriterworld · 5 years
Wonho | Kids
POV: Y/n
My hands gripped the sleek leather covered wheel. Houses and tree’s zoomed by as I drove, my foot gently pressing down on the gas. My right hand was taken by his, our arms resting on the center console. His thumb gently brushed against my knuckles, repeating the same movements as we got closer to our destination. The radio was playing some chill R&B music seeing as that was my favorite. It was quiet though, but it was relaxing for us. The smell of mahogany filled the car as the small car scent tree dangled on the rearview mirror.
It was these kinds of drives like these that I loved, even if we were only going a short distance. The calmness of it, with him being here. Nothing really needed to be said. I just enjoyed having him here. But I could tell he was nervous, no matter how many times I tried to reassure him. 
I pulled up to a two-story house. The flowers in the flower bed were in full bloom, brightening up the exterior. Childhood memories of me picking some of the flowers during summer flooded through my mind. A small smile played on my lips. I pulled the stick shift into park and turned off my car. I looked over at my boyfriend. 
“You ready?” I asked him, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. I noticed his throat bob a bit. 
“You’re sure they’ll like me?” I let out a soft laugh, letting go of his hand. I lifted my hand to brush some of the hair out of his face before cupping his cheek. He leaned into my touch as I grazed his cheek with my thumb. His skin was so soft. 
“Wonho, they’ll love you. All they ever do when I come is ask about you. They’ve wanted to meet you for a while now. Just be yourself. There are kid’s here too, my baby cousins, so they might hang on you,” he let out a soft laugh. It was like music to my ears to hear his laugh. 
“Noted,” I smiled. We just stared at each other. His deep brown eye’s seemed to shine in the sunlight. They were captivating, alluring even. My eyes drifted down to his pink lips before they flicked back to his eyes. I noticed where his eyes were trained. I noticed him start to lean in, me following his actions.
Our lips just barely brushed over each other. He tilted his head before pressing his lips fully against mine. My eyes fluttered shut before I found myself returning the kiss. My heartbeat picked up its pace, butterflies fluttering in my stomach. We slowly pulled away, foreheads resting against each other.  
My eyes slowly opened to see his smile. A smile played on my lips as he stared into my eyes. I carefully pulled away from him, unbuckling my seatbelt. He followed my actions before we both got out of the car. Warm air wrapped around me as soon as I got out. Smoothing out my white t-shirt, I joined Wonho at the front of my Black Mercedez. His hand wrapped around mine as he let me lead him up the concrete pathway, to the oak wood porch. We reach the door. 
I gently knocked on the door, signaling our presence as we walked in. I heard loud chatter come from the basement. But I also heard chatter from the kitchen up here, the voice belonging to my mother and father. I started to lead WOnho there, our footsteps quiet as we walked along the wood floor. “Hey mom” I greeted. My parents turned as the sound of my voice, their faces lighting up. 
“Hey, sweetie!” My mom exclaimed, pulling me in for a hug. My hand slipped out of Wonho’s as he greeted my father. My mother and I pulled away. She pulled Wonho in for a hug while my dad did the same with me. My hand found Wonho’s again. He looked around the kitchen. 
It was a cute little kitchen, to me at least. White granite countertops with dark oak cabinets. Little succulents on the window sill above the steel sink. Cookie jars and mixed nut jars were in a corner of the counter, but the toaster. The microwave was placed by the fridge, which was resting against the wall.  There were counters overhead too, most likely filled with plates and glasses. In the middle of the kitchen was a small island, chairs placed around it. A fruit basket, filled with bananas and apples, were placed in the middle. 
“How come you guys aren’t downstairs?” I asked, running my free hand through my hair. 
“Your aunt wanted us to get the salad and check on the ham in the oven,” My mouth started to water. Ham sounded amazing right now. 
“Well, we can take the lasagna down,” I offered. Mom smiled. 
“Sure! Oh Wonho,” my mom started as she pulled out a glass container full of lasagna. She carefully handed it to me. I let go of Wonho’s hand and held the container. It was radiating warmth, meaning it was still fresh. My mouth continued to water. 
“Yes, ma’am?” Wonho asked. He motioned to me that he’d hold the container. I gave him a grateful smile before handing it to him. 
“I wanted to warn you that my brother, her uncle,” she pointed to me, “Is very protective of her. So you might be bombarded with questions,” Wonho nervously laughed. 
“Thank you,” 
“Mom, he’s nervous enough,” I whined. 
“Don’t be nervous,” my dad cut him, patting Wonho’s shoulder. “They’re all friendly,” Wonho’s shoulders relaxed a bit. “Now you two better head down there.,” I nodded and started walking off, Wonho following behind. 
“You sure you don’t want to carry it, babe?” I asked as we headed downstairs. 
“I got it,” he reassured. The smell of fresh-baked cookies filled my nose as we reached the middle of the carpeted stairs. I groaned a bit, mouth-watering. “It smells so good,” Wonho softly said. I nodded, reaching the last step. It was much louder in the room now. 
“Y/n?” I turned my attention to my Aunt. She rushed over to me, pulling me in for a bone-crushing hug. I grunted a bit before hugging her. “Did you bring that boyfriend of y-” her sentence was cut off when she saw Wonho behind me. Her eyes bulged a bit, her mouth agape. I chuckled a bit and wrapped my arm around Wonho’s waist. 
“Meet Wonho, my boyfriend,” my face warmed up. I noticed my family started to get out of their seats and make their way to me. 
This was going to take a while. 
Things had settled down after I introduced Wonho. We had gone into the small living room, my uncle, brother and Wonho sitting on the couch. I sat on the white carpet floor, playing with my baby cousin, Quinn. I had her laying on her back as I played peek-a-boo with her. She giggled every time I showed my face and tried to reach her small hands to grasp my hand. Every time I saw her, it made me want kids, but I was too young for that yet. I wasn’t even married, and that was okay. 
Eventually, I let Quinn take hold of me. Her small, soft fingers attempting to wrap around my finger. She started to bring it to her mouth. I retracted my hand carefully, laughing a bit. “No no,” I told her as I lifted her up so she could stand. I held her gently She giggled as I pretended to make her dance, her chubby legs trying to take steps here and there. 
Eventually, Quinn’s mother, Melanie, had to take Quinn so she could change his diaper. I pouted a bit as I watched her go. My other cousins hadn’t arrived yet, so I was overcome with boredom. I sighed and sat up, walking over to Wonho. I carefully sat down on his lap, feeling the denim material on my legs, seeing as I was wearing shorts. I felt him wrap his strong arms around my waist and rest his chin on my shoulder. I noticed that the boys went silent once I came over.
“What were you guys talking about?” I asked. My brother smirked a bit. 
“Nothing,” he said unconvincingly. I cocked an eyebrow.
“Obviously something. You guys went quiet when I came over,” 
“We were just talking about how you’d make a good mother,” my uncle spoke. My face started to grow warm. 
“Then I told Wonho how you always wanted to have kids,” my brother added. My eyes widened a bit, causing the men to burst into fits of loud laughter. I swallowed hard and looked over at Wonho, who was smiling. His face was a bright red. It was quite adorable. 
“Sorry about them,” I mumbled. Wonho softly laughed and shook his head. 
“Don’t be, I agree with them,” A slow smile spread on my lips. “You’d make a great mother,” he placed a soft kiss on my neck. 
By the end of the night, more kids had come. Wonho had joined me on the floor, playing with Lily, who was only five. She obviously adored him. For the past hour, she was attached to him. Meanwhile, I had her brother, Luke. Luke had tired himself by running around me, so he fell asleep in my lap. Meanwhile, Lily was bombarding Wonho with questions, and showing him her toys. A part of me thought he’d be annoyed by now, but he was all smiles. 
I watched them, a smile spreading on my own face. Wonho had always been good with kids. He loved them. It amazed me how he never got annoyed. But it was always cute to see him interact with kids. 
A few more minutes had passed and I noticed Lily getting tired. She wasn’t moving as quickly, and her yawns were becoming more frequent. Wonho seemed to take note of it took. “Do you want to take a nap?” he asked her. She went to protest but gave in. He smiled and let her lay in his lap. I shifted Luke in my arms, carefully, and moved over to Wonho. Luke moved back to my lap. I yawned and rested my head on Wonho’s shoulder. “Do you need a nap too?” he teased. I softly giggled and nodded. “Go ahead,” I felt his head rest on top of mine. He gently intertwined our fingers.
“Lily seems to like you,” I quietly said. 
“Jealous?’ he teased. I rolled my eyes, smiling. 
“No. I’m just saying, she really liked you. I’m not very surprised,” 
“Why?” He started to graze his thumb over my knuckles again. I stared down at our hands. 
“You’re great with kids. They always love you,” I slowly lifted my head. Wonho looked over at me. “You’d make a great Dad,” his infamous smile etched itself on his face. He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. It lingered even as he carefully pulled away.
“And you,” he started. “Would make a great mother,” 
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lostwriterworld · 5 years
Weekly Recap (September 2-6)
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2nd: It was labor day I think so we had the day off, making my weekend longer, thankfully. We’re not even a full month into school yet and I’m already counting down. I’m starting to grow used to my band teachers beard. I still don’t like it, but I'm getting used to it. I also dyed my hair that day too!
3rd: School day. How fun. It was a pretty normal day. The new kid and I are slowly talking more, but not a lot. Our school has this really attractive deputy officer that comes in every once in a while, so I get excited when I see him, haha! 
4th: Halfway through the week, thank God. My one related arts class sucks and I can’t wait to be done with it. It’s the absolute worst. It’s incredibly boring and the people I sit within our group table aren’t exactly the best. Also, the teacher is just so awkward. I’ve almost fallen asleep in that class at least 5 times already. 
5th: People started talking about going to an open night skate at the skating rink to celebrate back to school, that night (Or Saturday, I can’t remember). I was debating if I was going to go or not, but I ended up going (and having the worst yet best night). 
6th: Let me just say, I was so happy it was Friday. Granted, my ankles were sore from skating, I was just ready to be done with the day. It just wasn’t working out well and I was upset about some of the events on Thursday night. Once I got home I just kind of re-did my math notes, then I laid in bed. Haha. That’s basically what I did all weekend too. 
That was a small weekly recap. Sorry, this was late, I felt unmotivated to do anything yesterday. It seems to become a reoccurring thing haha. I have youth tomorrow so I’m pretty excited about that. I’ll probably end up playing nine-square. But yeah, hope you have a good week!!
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lostwriterworld · 5 years
Jinyoung | Deal
Word Count: 2500
POV: Jinyoung
"Hurry up Jackson!" I called my friend, running down the concrete sidewalk. Numerous stores passed with each step I took. I didn't bother looking into them. They were all the same. Frivolous clothing, along with bright lights and girls with too much makeup. Guys wearing expensive suits, trying to attract the girls that passed. I couldn't help but roll my eyes when I see the scene. No, the only thing that attracted me here, was the music.
Soft beats of a ukelele could be heard from afar. Along with the banjo, and some other instruments I couldn't place my tongue on. My body gravitated towards it, wanting to soak in every note that played. Every melody.
The music itself was beautiful. It could strike so many emotions in a matter of minutes. One note can put you in a slump, another one puts a bright smile on your face. Then others will make you feel powerful, invincible at the most. It was like a second language too, one that some only knew and understood. Music to me was, alluring, powerful, and beautiful. It was like a drug to me, addictive. Something I felt as if I couldn't live without. It's something that needed to be shared with the world. Music was something that everyone needed, no matter the situation.
My steps slowed to a stop until I stood in front of the small band. Five men stood there, each releasing powerful notes that turned into a beautiful melody, that wanted to make me dance. A grin was forming on my face as I bopped my head to the beat. I was immersed in it almost immediately. I was so into it, that I didn't realize that Jackson had caught up.
"Can you not go so fast?" He grumbles, panting. His hands were resting on his knee's, his chest heaving. I just rolled my eye's and patted his back.
"Lighten up!" I exclaimed. "Enjoy the music," I waved a hand to the group as they played. Jackson slowly stood up straighter, an unamused look on his tan face. "How do you not enjoy this?" I was dancing around him at the point. "Doesn't it want to make you dance? To sing? It's exciting, it's-"
"Incredibly boring," he interrupted. I just rolled my eyes. He disregarded it, carrying on with his words, "We have to be at Yugyeom's dinner in thirty minutes. We don't have time for...street music," his face contorted into one of disgust as he looked at the band. I stared at him incredulously.
"How do you not enjoy this?" I exclaimed, waving my hands dramatically. "We'll make it to that frivolous party on time. Why can't you just enjoy the music?" I stood in front of him. He only looked up at me, watching as I crossed my arms over my chest. The anger was building up with each minute that passed.
"There are more important things than music, you know this Jinyoung," I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
"You can't take ten minutes to listen to some music?" He only stared at me. It was the look I had always hated. The one where he knew he was right. Where he knew he had me worked up. That stupid smirk that played on his lips.
"It's been more than ten minutes at this point," he lazily waved a hand. "Let's just go," he turned and started to stroll off, the crowd parting for him. I stared, eyes wide as he walked off. My hands slowly clenched into fists.
"Why did you have to come?" I grumbled as I caught up to him, a sour look plastered on my face. Jackson still had the smirk on his face.
"I'm surprised you even left the spot," he mused. I shot a glare towards him.
"Shut it short stack,"
We neared the end of the sidewalk, leading to a crosswalk. Cars were coming left and right, everyone eager to get to their destination. Motors and engines were running. Some soft, some excruciatingly loud. Some cars were big, some had been small. They all came in a variety of sizes and colors. Yet almost all of them were beautiful. Some of their beauty couldn't be appreciated enough, much like music. No one appreciated the beauty of it.
"I still can't believe you don't like music," I said ever so quietly, yet loud enough for Jackson to hear. He scoffed and faced me, clearly annoyed that I was still hooked on the subject.
"It's stupid! There's no point to it. It's just a bunch of notes bunched together to form some kind of melody that people find 'beautiful'" He put up air quotes. His hands were waving everywhere as he spoke, his voice rising with each word. "How could you possibly want to pursue a career in music? Don't you have anything better to do? Get a real job instead of using your parent's money," My eyebrows rose. My face started to contort to one of anger.
"You know very well that I don't have my parents money," I said in a dangerously calm voice. "You have no right to speak to me that way," Jackson went to argue, but something—well, someone—stepped in.
"Good God I could hear you boys from a mile away," our eyes darted to the calm, serene voice that spoke. It was a lady. She was leaning against a cracked, grey, stone building.
The lady was dressed in a deep purple shirt—partially covered by a leather jacket—that was tucked into some black pants. Her boots were solid black, the laces all tied up. She had big hoop rings that dangled from her ears. Her h/c hair was pulled back into a high ponytail. Her eyes were a piercing e/c. They seemed to sparkle in the afternoon light. Her skin looked soft and delicate. Her soft pink lips slowly pulled themselves into a smirk.
"What seems to be the matter?" She examined her manicured nailed, picking dirt from beneath them. Jackson was the first to speak. He cleared his throat, straightening out his black suit.
"Apologizes Miss. My friend here was just going off about one of his fantasies," I shot Jackson another glare, to which he nudged me. The girl softly laughed. It was like a melody to me. A beautiful one. There was something mysterious about her. The way something seemed to gleam in her eyes. It was, alluring.
She seemed to study us. I started to feel slightly uncomfortable under her gaze. "Let's see," her voice was smooth and calm. She took her bottom lip between her pearly white teeth. Her eyes were focused on me. She pointed a slender finger at me. "You want to be a musician," my eyes widened a bit. She turned to Jackson. "And you, my dear, want to be rich," Jackson's throat bobbed. "Am I not wrong?" She glanced between the two of us.
"N..no, ma'am," I managed to croak out. Curiosity started to get the best of me. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you...know that?" A soft chuckle escaped from her. It was like music to my ears. I couldn't get enough of it.
"Oh honey," she pushed off the wall and stood in front of the alleyway. "I can read people easily. I can tell them what their past, present, and future looks like," she took careful steps towards me, her hips swaying a bit. She stood in front of me. "I can give you what you want," she dusted off fuzz from my shoulder before she moved onto Jackson. "I can give you your dreams," she stepped back in front of the alleyway. "Just come with me, and I'll show you," she curled her finger towards herself as she stepped backward.
Every bone in my body compelled me to follow, as if in a trance. Jackson was close behind. "May I get your name?" I softly asked as we made our way down the alley. I noticed a soft, purple light at the end of the alley.
The girl slowly glanced over her shoulder, her eyes meeting mine. A slow smile spread on her lips. We turned down a corner, revealing the source of the purple light.
Inside there was a brick fireplace, emitting a dim light throughout the room. The walls were made of stone, decorated with various shelves and pictures. Above the fireplace, there was a sign. Dr. Y/n's Voodoo Emporium. The purple light seemed to surround the sign. The shelves on the wall were made of dark stained oak. On them were various glass bottles containing different liquids. Some shelves had books, and others had small stacks of cards or dolls. Near the fireplace, there was a dark stained oak desk, with three matching chairs, two on one side, one on the other. On the desk, there was a small deck of cards placed there.
"Make yourselves at home boy's," Y/n said her smooth voice snapping me out of my thoughts. Jackson and I both hesitantly sat down on the chairs. Y/n slid into her seat, propping her feet up on the table.
"So," Jackson finally spoke. "You said you can-"
"Show you your past, present, and future," Y/n cut in, a slow smirk creeping up on her face. "Indeed, I can. She swung her legs off the table, sitting up straighter. She grabbed the stack of cards on the table and started to shuffle them. "Tarot readings are what they're called," she fanned out the cards before taking half of each and shuffling them once more. I watched as her fingers worked through the cards. It was fascinating how easy she made it look.
"This seems silly," I heard Jackson grumbled. I chuckled and shook my head.
"No, this is amazing!" Y/n stopped shuffling. "What all do you do? What do you have here?"
"I do many think sweetheart," warmth crept up to my cheeks. "I have tarot cards, potions, voodoo dolls. Some of the stuff I have, I don't even know what they do," She briefly glanced at us before resuming her attention on the cards.
"How did you get all this?" Jackson carefully asked. Y/n stopped shuffling. A slow, careful smile spread on her lips as she looked at Jackson.
"Let's just say," she paused, "I have friends on the other side who provide me with these things," she resumed her shuffling, leaving Jackson and me silent.
I didn't know if I should be scared or fascinated. I was a bit of both at the moment. It felt as if I was in a trance though. Y/n seemed...unreal. she was beautiful, but she seemed so unreal, like a dream.
"Would you like to go first...?" She waved a hand, signaling for my name.
"Jinyoung. Park, Jinyoung,"
"Jinyoung," my name glided so easily off her tongue. She fanned out the cards and extended them towards me. "Pick one, this will be your past," slowly, I reached out, examining the tops of the cards. They could be anything, mean anything.
Slowly, my fingers gripped the card on the far right. I pulled it out with a single swipe. Y/n smiled and put the cards back in the deck before taking my card. She laid it face up on the table. The card had, what appeared to be, a woman on it, dressed in a yellow gown with a border on her finger. In the background, there were a bunch of pentagons. At the top, right in the center, 9 was written in roman numerals. Curious, I glanced at Y/n to see what she had to say.
"Nine of Pentacles," she read aloud. There was a brief silence. Her brows seemed to furrow. "You came from a wealthy family?" I nodded. "Your parents loaned you money then?" Another nod. She smirked a bit. "For a rich boy, you surely don't dress like one," my mouth opened a bit. Did she just say that? A soft laugh escaped from her mouth. She slid the card back in the pile before shuffling.
The cards were yet again fanned out in front of me. "Pick one?" I asked. She nodded, watching me. Carefully, I plucked out a card from the pile. Instead of a woman on the card, there were two people, who seemed to be walking in the snow. One of the men had crutches, his foot and ankle wrapped up. They seemed to be walking outside of a church. The stained glass window had the same pentagons on it. Five of them.
"Five Of Pentacle," Y/n read aloud. She looked at me, her eyes shifting around the soft purple light, along with the light from the fire, gently glowed on her face. She's beautiful.
"What does it mean?" I heard Jackson stifle a yawn.
"Can we hurry this-" he quickly went silent when Y/n's eye's darted to him. Her stare was hard and cold, sending shivers down my own spine. Jackson's throat bobbed as he tried to keep his face neutral. "I'll wait outside, Jinyoung," he got out of his seat and walked out of the room, softly closing the door behind him.
"Sorry about-"
"It's fine," Y/n cut in. "He can always come back later. Now, the Five Of Pentacles " she started to study me again, smirking. "Your parents took that money away from you. You're broke basically," I swallowed hard. That was all the confirmation she needed. "That explains it,"
"Haha," I sarcastically said. Y/n laughed. I could only smile. She was beautiful, her laugh was beautiful. She was...perfect. Too perfect. She put the card back in the deck and did the same routine. When she was done, I pulled out another card. It was the first card yet again. Y/n's eyebrows rose.
"Ten of Pentacles. By the looks of it," she was silent for a moment. "Your future consists of you gaining your wealth again. But," she held up a finger. "It's by marriage. You need to marry into a wealthy family," my face, dropped. Marry? I didn't want to do that. I wanted wealth and freedom.
"Is there any way around it?" Y/n shrugged and landed back in her seat.
"I could possibly help you," the same smirk has etched itself on her face. Her gold hoops glinted in the light.
"How?" I eagerly asked.
"I can give you green," she rubbed her fingers together. Money. "All you need to do," she stuck out a slender arm towards me. "Is shake my hand. Then we have a deal," Do it.
"Deal," I eagerly said, grasping her hand and giving it a gentle shake. Her skin was smooth against mine, her hand small. It was cute. Purple smoke started to cloud the room. My brows furrowed as she started to laugh.
"You're so gullible," I felt a prick on my finger. I winced and slid away from her. More and more smoke started to fill the room, clouding my senses. The room seemed to slowly spin. Y/n's figure was all I could see. Everything was fuzzy. But she was much closer now. She seemed to say something, but it was inaudible. My eyelids began to flutter as I struggled to keep them open. The smoke was too overwhelming. To intoxicating.
Y/n flashed me a wicked smile. Then everything went black.
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lostwriterworld · 5 years
August 13th, 2019
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My Morning/afternoon: 
I spent all/most of my morning/afternoon at my aunts, pulling weeds. Ten after, I cleaned up and went to another funeral. It really wasn’t that exciting and I’m very tired. 
My Night: 
I posted another Kpop Oneshot (Over 800 words, let's go). And I’m also posting this so I guess I was productive. I’m going, to be honest with you, these daily recaps are probably going to get interesting when school starts. Only because, weird stuff happens at school, and it’s my last year of middle school. Highschool will probably be better. 
Anyways, I’m exhausted. Have a good day/night!
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lostwriterworld · 5 years
Weekly Recap (Sep. 9th-13th)
9th: My friend and I made the mistake of ratting out our teacher, so for the next few week’s we, will be mercilessly teased by our teacher
10th: Not much happened. If I remember correctly, I took a test that day.I ended up getting a C on it, to which my friend told me not to stress about it. News Flash: I still stressed
11th: We did a science lab that day, it was actually pretty boring and these two kids at my table made it worse. They continuously made racist jokes and slurs. They made fun of special needs kids and needless to say, I almost punched both of them. This other girl was ready to punch them with me. We were both fed up with them so we just decided to finally tell the principal about what they’re saying. I just hope it’s handled.
12: We actually told the principal on this day, but talked about it on Wednesday. Not much happened today either. But I did start developing a cold, and sore throat. Gotta love allergies. 
13; I ended up staying home because I ended up being very sick. Also, our building has no AC and it was incredibly hot that day. I just kind of relaxed and got some writing done. Then it started to storm and my anxiety kicked in, so that was fun (not). My friend and I joked that because it was Friday the 13th, and it was storming, Jason Voorhees would come to kill us. (He’s from a horror movie). So that kind of lightened the mood slightly. 
Anyways, it was a fairly boring week. The last two days of it were spent with me being miserable. I just kind of hope that my allergies clear up here soon. I don’t think I'll be going to youth tomorrow because of it but, who knows. 
Hope Y’all are having a great day/night <3
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lostwriterworld · 5 years
School Tips
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Heyo. So the reason I’m writing this is because, I start school in about two weeks from today (August 13th, 2019). Kinda had a mini panic attack because there are a lot of things I want to do differently this year. So I figured I’d write some school tips that I would give.
1. Don’t try to be cool/popular
↪ I honest to God cannot stress this enough. You are not really cool NOR popular if you try to be those things. Don’t ditch your friends for the popular kids thinking that you’ll be popular too. You’ll only be labeled as a jerk (which is true in some cases) You’ll also lose your true friends in the process. 
2. Surround yourself with good/caring people
↪ Okay, I understand if this one can be hard because you don’t know if someone's feelings/intentions are genuine. I’m still figuring this out myself. I am someone who wants to be friends with everyone and sometimes, it just doesn't work out that way. Not everyone is kind. One way you can tell if someone is your true friend is, they’ll make you happy and they don’t intentionally hurt your feelings. They genuinely care about you and they don’t bring problems into your life. Bad “friends” are ones who bring you down or cause more problems than you’d like.
3. Hygiene, Hygiene, HYGIENE
↪ I CAN’T STRESS THIS ENOUGH! HYGIENE IS SO IMPORTANT!! At my school, we usually have our related arts before lunch. So, when you have Gym as your related arts, you’re going to sweat. You’re going to smell. So for the love of God, put deodorant or perfume in your bags. Nobody wants to be able to smell you from across the room. TAKE SHOWERS every day or at least take wash your body once a day. No one will want to be around you if you smell like dead fish. Also, this is for guys mostly, if you’re going to use axe, DON’T SPRAY A TON OF IT ON. This one guy in my grade would cake it on just to annoy me and give me a headache. Then someone left a can of t in my boyfriend's locker. Let’s just say everyone had headaches that day. 
4. Don’t be a jerk
↪ It’s really simple. Don’t be a jerk to people. No one is going to like you and if they do chances are, they’re jerks too. 
5. Study/Don’t Procrastinate
↪ This one is hard for everyone, including me. But, don’t procrastinate on your work. If you have a project or essay due in a week, do it the in the first two days of it being assigned. That way you have the rest of your time to work on other things or just relax. Do your homework as soon as you get home, don’t go on your phone. Challenge yourself. Now, when it comes to studying, start studying as soon as you’re given study material. Even if you don’t know when the test/quiz is. That way, no matter what, you’ll be prepared.
Those are just five of my personal tips but yeah. Seeing as I’m in my last year of middle school, I’ve picked up a few things. I also have friends in High School so I also get tips for them that can apply to everyone. I guess the main thing about this is, just be yourself in school. I know you might hear this a lot but it’s really true. No one likes a fake. Just treat everyone equally, don’t be a jerk. People are always going to care for you. Oh and also, GRADES MATTER A LOT! But your mental/physical health is also VERY important. Take breaks when studying. 
Bye! <3
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lostwriterworld · 5 years
Weekly Recap (August 26-27th)
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So to make things easier on myself, seeing as school is starting to get in the way of me posting, I will do weekly recaps!! Until I can get into the swing of things for school, this is what I’ll be doing. So, let's get on with it, shall we?
26th; The day before school. It was a fairly stressful yet good day. I was mostly nervous about school starting the next day. I had ended the week off by hanging out with my closest friends, and it was just amazing. 
27th; First Day of school. Ugh. Surprisingly, it was fairly well. Boring though because we went over class rules. I got to see some of my friends, and it was nice to catch up with everyone. 
28th; It was decent. Didn’t do much. It was basically introducing us to the topic’s we’ll cover this year. I’m actually doing good in math so far! I’m doing good in all my classes right now, but we haven’t done much yet.
29th; We did a bubble activity in Science. I had woken up late that day, rushed to get ready, finished my tea in the first period, and then also finished my pack of gum. That day wasn’t going the greatest to be quite honest. 
30th; Ah picture day. I hate picture day. BUT, other than pictures, I started talking with one of the new kids at my school. He's actually really nice, but I don’t think he’s used to having a lot of people around. He was apparently homeschooled. I’m kind of oping him and I can become friends.
Ahh, that was my week!!! Not much happened but, the school did start so, I might have some interesting stories here soon. 
Anyways, I hope you have a great day and/or night
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lostwriterworld · 5 years
August 27th, 2019
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My Day Overall:
Well, today was my first day of school. The whole summer I had no hope or excitement for the first day but, it really wasn’t that bad. I’m not getting my hopes too high but I have a feeling (and I hope) that this year is going to be better than the others. 
All my teachers are funny and incredibly nice. I really like my Math and Social Studies teacher. He’s incredibly funny. My goal overall for this school year is that I actually learn things in class haha! Also that I have a better year than past ones. 
-Being able to find all my classes
-Making it through the day
-Had to sit by a kid I didn’t like whatsoever, he’s in almost all my classes
-My band teacher grew a beard that doesn’t suit him
-I had a headache most of the day
I hope everyone had a good day. I’m slightly excited for tomorrow cause we’ll actually be doing stuff. 
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lostwriterworld · 5 years
Woosung | Best Friend
POV: Y/n
“Just tell him already,” my best friend, Woosung urged. “He’s already admitted to liking you, so just tell him!” Cheers went off as our team made another touchdown. I watched as the football players shuffled off the field, letting the marching band enter. They got into their positions, the band director standing on his podium, arms up. Then he waved them wildly, the band starting at his command. I looked over at Woosung. 
“I can’t, you know that,” I took the small popcorn bucket from him and started to eat out of it. He rolled his eyes. “I don’t even know where he is,”
“Where who is?” I froze as his deep voice rang out. I practically got butterflies just by his voice. It became worse when I turned to look at him. I nervously smiled. He gave me his infamous pearly white smile. 
“No one,” I nervously laughed. 
“Obviously someone,” Dojoon teased. I bit my lip. 
“I’ll leave you two alone,” Woosung snatched his popcorn before walking off. I shot him a glare as he left. Dojoon softly laughed, snapping my attention to him. The butterflies returned, and I could feel my face heating up. 
“So who were you guys talking about?” I rubbed the back of my neck. 
“You,” I mumbled, glancing at the ground. I bit my lip. 
“Me?” I nodded a  bit. “Why?” he softly asked. 
“Well,” I took a deep breath. “I like you, a lot, and Woosung was urging me to tell you but, I couldn’t until now obviously...” I trailed off. Dojoon was silent for a moment. I glanced at him. he was biting his lip. 
“Oh,” was all he said. 
“Woosung knew about the day you uh, said you liked me. Ever since then he-” 
“Y/n” Dojoon interrupted. “I’m sorry but, I really only see you as a friend now. That was over the summer when I told you that...” I didn’t hear the rest. I only hear the sound of my heart-shattering. I was friend-zoned, by the guy I’ve liked for years now. “I’m really sorry,” 
“No, it’s alright,” I could hear my voice cracking. “I get it,” I forced a smile. Dojoon gave me a small smile. 
“Can we still be friends?” I gave a quick nod before walking off. Tears stung my eyes. I saw Woosung busy at the concession. I just kept walking, until I reached the parking lot. Then I started to walk home. I didn’t live far, but Woosung had driven me here. As hard as I tried to keep the tears at bay, they started to fall. 
I made y way home and swung open the door. “I’m home!” I croaked out before running up to my room. I gently shut the door, locking it. I slipped off my shoes before collapsing on my bed, crying.
I stayed that way until I fell into a dreamless sleep.
Every part of me did not want to get out of bed on Sunday. Everything hurt, my eyes were dry. I had tear stains on both my sleeves and pillow. Last night including today, I laid in my bed, crying. It felt as if I had just been broken up with a guy who I never dated. I would occasionally come out of my room, only when my parents were at work. Woosung had tried multiple attempts to contact me but, I ignored them. I ignored everyone to be honest. I just wanted to be by myself. 
That's when I heard the doorbell from downstairs. I didn’t pay much mind to it. I heard chatter from downstairs, then I heard the footsteps come from the stairs and down the hallway. There was a knock on my door. I just laid in my bed, silent. 
“Y/n, open the door,” Woosungs voice rang out. I stayed silent and still. “Y/n” he repeated more sternly. “I’m not leaving until you open the door,” 
Sighing, I slowly got up. I didn’t bother checking to see if I looked presentable. I didn’t care at all. Slowly, I unlocked and opened my door, revealing my best friend. Woosung gave me one look before giving me an apologetic look. The tears welled up again. He pulled me into his arms and I broke down crying. 
“Seulgi told me what happened. She saw and heard everything,” he gently stroked my hair. I soaked his shirt with my tears. “I’m sorry, Y/n,” I shook my head. 
“Don’t,” I croaked out. 
POV Switch: Woosung
I held Y/n in my arms as she cried. I felt horrible. How could Dojoon do that to her? Mess with her feelings like that? Doesn’t he realize he's losing an amazing girl? Doesn’t he realize that he just lost someone who cared for him more than anyone? 
I never liked Dojoon to be fair. He wasn’t exactly, Mr. Perfect like Y/n made him out to be. He was always kind to her, but to me, he was a jerk. But I wouldn’t tell Y/n that. She liked him and I wouldn’t want to hurt her feelings. I liked her but I wouldn’t tell her. She liked him, not me. 
I’m only her best friend. 
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lostwriterworld · 5 years
August 15th, 2019
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My Morning:
So sorry this is coming you a day late!!! I was exhausted yesterday and practically went to bed when I got home. 
Anyways, my morning wasn’t the best. I had gone to bed around 10 maybe 11 that night and then woke up around 1am. I couldn’t fall back asleep so I basically got no sleep and I was entirely exhausted for the rest of the day seeing as I couldn’t take a nap. o for my morning, I laid on the couch, watching tv and scrolling on my spam acc on twitter ( @vernonology1 )
My Afternoon:
In the afternoon, I spent most of my time on Facetime with one of my best friends. We made plans to go to the Asian Lights Festival that night to help tire me out more, and to also have a good time. 
We left around 6:30 to pick my best friend up from Volleyball and then we went down to the Zoo. The festival itself was beautiful and fun! We went with my friend's mom, her brother, and their grandparents!! We got donuts and overall had a great time! My best friend and her brother kept making short jokes about me though, but nothing harmful. 
My Night:
After I got home from the zoo, I just changed into my pj’s, took off my makeup, and then went straight to bed. So I didn’t really have much of a night haha!
I will be posting a recap of today as well. Nothing much will be going on anyways haha
Have a good day/night!
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lostwriterworld · 5 years
Dongwon | Bridge
POV: Dongwon (From B.Hearts)
Requested by a user on Wattpad
TRIGGER WARNING: Attempts of Suicide/Mentions Of Suicide
Side Note: Please don’t ever consider suicide. Please, please get help. There are people who truly care about you, even if you don’t think so.
Horrible. That’s how everything was turning out. Horrible. I lost everything. I had no one at this point. I lost them. My friends, my band members. After the group disbanded, they all left to their hometowns. My family, they never wanted me to become an idol. They told me I never was cut out for it. At first, I’d ignore them and think they’re wrong. But, turns out they were right. They’re right about everything. Even my friends agreed with them, and I completely pushed them to the side. They wanted nothing to do with me, and I didn’t blame them. This was my own fault. 
I couldn’t stop the tears as they slid down my cheeks. I was on my way home from yet another boring day at work. I lived in a small apartment, by myself. That’s how it’s always been. I’ve always been by myself. I thought, being in the group would be different, and it was. I had come out of my shell a bit, but I quickly returned to it when we disbanded. I should be used to this by now. But it felt so wrong. I didn’t understand how I could deal with being by myself all the time. How I could deal being alone, and not having someone?
I passed the bridge on my way home, glancing out the window to look over at the water. The rail blocked my vision. Sighing, I looked back at the road. If I climbed onto the rail I’d be able to see the water. You can also jump. I swallowed hard as the thought flashed through my mind. No one would care if something happened to me. It’d be like I never existed. People would go on with their daily lives. No one was around the bridge at 10pm. It’d be a perfect time. 
I parked my car in the parking lot and got out, making my way into the apartment complex. I entered my apartment. The room was pretty much empty except for my small bed and my unpacked suitcases. I needed to unpack them, but there was no point now. I shrugged off my jacket and tossed it onto my bed. I chewed on my lip as I looked at the time. 8pm. Two hours before the bridge would be clear. I sat down on my bed, slowly. 
For the next two hours, I stared at the wall, reminding myself that everything would be over soon. 
I made my way to the bridge. The rain was pouring down hard, but I didn’t care. The rain had come around at about 9. It didn’t matter. None of it did. He didn’t matter. Nothing mattered. Everything was going to be over. Maybe then, I will be happy. 
I walked onto the bridge. I made it about halfway before I stopped. I climbed onto the railing and sat down, letting my legs dangle. Nervousness flooded through me as I looked at how high the bridge actually was. I tried to shake the thought. It doesn’t matter. 
I stared down at the water. I thought of it as, I was going for a swim, only, I wouldn’t be swimming. Jump, just do it. Get it over with.
I started to brace my hands on the rail. “Hello,” I flinched, eyes going wide as a girl’s voice rang out. I snapped my head to the stranger. She was young, younger than me at least. 16 maybe? She stared up at me, curiosity shone in her eyes. “Life’s not going good either?” I swallowed hard, not knowing what to say. She softly sighed before leaning against the railing, staring out at the water. I watched her. “Things aren’t good for me either,” the rain was soaking her hair and clothes. I couldn’t make out what she was wearing in the darkness. “My mother has cancer, my dad gets drunk every night. I have no one to be quite honest. I’ve come here a couple times. But each time, someone has come and stopped me,” why is she telling me this? “Why are you here? What's life like for you?” 
I was silent for a minute. But something compelled me to speak. “My band disbanded. My friends all left me. My family wants nothing to do with me. I have no one. I have no reason to live at this point. All my life, I’ve always been by myself. No one ever believed in me. I was bullied as a kid. Nothing good ever happened...” the words started to pour out. “The group I was in, we were like a family. I had people who actually cared about me. They thought I had potential. But after we disbanded, they left and I had no one again. I can’t even call my parents because they truly do not want anything from me. They don’t care. They never did. No one would care if I just jumped at this point,” The girl was silent. 
“I care,” my brows furrowed. 
“You don’t know me-” 
“It doesn’t matter,” she looked over at me. “I still care. I understand what you’re going through. I was bullied in school too. I don’t have many friends. My dad doesn’t care about me. I have no one too. We’re similar. We think no one cares but in reality, people do. I care about you,” I was appalled. She looked...sincere, genuine?
“I...care about you too,” I mumbled, 
“Come down from the railing. I want to actually see your face,” she softly laughed. I hesitated, glancing at the water once again. A part of me still wanted to jump but, something was compelling me not to. I swallowed hard before looking away from the water. I swung my legs over the edge and hopped down onto the concrete. I stood in front of the girl. She gave me a bright smile. Slowly, I felt myself return the smile. “You’re cute,” my face grew warm. “I’m Darcy,” she stuck out a hand. I gently grasped her hand. Her skin was smooth, but her hand was smaller compared to mine. 
“Dongwon,” I softly said. The rain had started to lighten up a bit.
“Why don’t we go get a coffee? Get to know each other,” I smiled and nodded. She grinned and started leading me to the coffee shop, her hand still holding mine. 
It was on this day, that I actually found purpose in life again And it was because of this girl named Darcy.
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lostwriterworld · 5 years
W.I.P Teaser 1
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Her legs dangled off the edge of the roof. The cold night air blew against her, her hair following its path until it settled against her back again. She watched as the sky turned to colors of pink blue and purple, the suns light fading. Her face was solemn as she stared out at the mountain. The pale moon showed itself just above the mountain. The moonlight gleamed in her silver eyes. Endless thoughts crowded her mind. Unwanted memories shoved their way into the crowd. She felt lost.
To much. It was all too much. How would she lead them into battle? How could she guarantee their safety when she couldn’t even guarantee her own? Why did they trust her? How could they trust her? It was like leading a lamb to the slaughter.
She tried to remind herself what they were fighting for. No matter the costs
She had to remind herself what she was fighting for, no matter the costs. 
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lostwriterworld · 5 years
Y’all, I just finished CHapter on of my W.I.P. Let’s goooooooo
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lostwriterworld · 5 years
August 14th, 2019
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My Morning: 
Overall, my morning was somewhat productive! I wrote a Kpop Oneshot with ver 1,000 words! It’s a new record! I’m really proud of myself and challenging myself to make it to 2,000 words. Click Here, for the link to my Wattpad if you wanna check out my one-shot book! 
I spent most of my morning in bed, but I did go down to the library. 
My Afternoon:
Most of my afternoon was spent with me being lazy until my mom came home. Then I came out into the living room to watch some tv! After she put the news on, I snuck back into my room, haha!
My Night:
I spent most of my night watching Princess And The Frog while getting Oneshot ideas! I was actually smart and wrote them down. Then later, I wasn’t so smart. I was convinced it was Tuesday so I made plans for Thursday, thinking I’d have a rest day. But boy was I wrong. Today is actually Wednesday, and I get no rest before I pull weeds again. In the heat. 
So wish me luck haha! Goodnight/Good morning Y’all.
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lostwriterworld · 5 years
Jungkook | Bungee Jumping
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POV: Y/n
My nerves were through the roof as we reached the small area. The boys were silent, other than my boyfriend, Jungkook. He was like a kid on Christmas. “Are you guy’s excited? I’m excited! It’s the highest Bungee Jumping platform in Korea? Right?” he was rambling on and on. 
“About as tall as a twenty-two story building,” Yoongi sighed. I felt nauseous just by thinking about it. The others–including me, excluding Kook–groaned. The car slowly came to a stop, earning another round of groans, mostly from Namjoon and Taehyung. We all slowly got out of the car, Jungkook holding onto my hand, still smiling. Normally, I would’ve smiled at his cuteness but, considering what we were about to do, I wasn’t a happy person. 
“Come on guys,” Jungkook whined. “It won’t be that bad!” he excitedly ran over to the lifts, dragging me along with him. I pouted a bit, groaning as he took me with him. 
“It looks worse up close,” I mumbled, tilting my head upwards to look at the platform. 
“It’s not that bad babe,” Jungkook reassured. “We’ll go together!” 
“I think only one person at a time can go,” Jin interrupted as they others came to join us. My eyes went wide. 
“What?” my voice squeaked a bit. 
“Then, Y/n should go first,” I whipped my head to a smirking Jimin. “Ladies first,” The others immediately started agreeing, despite my various attempts of protest. I eventually gave up, knowing there was no way that one of them would go first. 
We sighed some waivers before being strapped up. Jungkook checked my straps to make sure everything was secured. He gently cupped my face, tilting my head to look at him. “You ready?” he was grinning. I tried my best to smile, but it was no use. Jungkook sighed. “You’ll be okay! Just...try and think of something other than how high it is,” 
I cocked an eyebrow. “What do I think of then?” I asked.
“Me,” he winked. I rolled my eyes, smiling a bit. “There’s that smile,” my face grew warm. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, before going down to my lips. He slowly let me go. “It won’t be that bad. I promise,”
I made my way onto the lift, the man held open the door for me. I walked inside, earning cheers from the boys. My nerves went through the roof as the door closed and the lift started moving upwards. The man was going over how everything would work, but I didn’t really pay attention. 
After a minute or so, we were at the platform, and the doors opened. My whole body was shaking as I stepped onto the platform. The guys started yelling when they saw me, but I couldn't really tell what they were saying. I swallowed hard. “don’t look down,” the man said. I was gripping onto the handlebars. “You have to jump,” 
I took a deep breath, shakily letting go of the bars. I took a step back. Holding my breath, I ran and pushed off of the platform. A scream escaped my lips as I started to soar down. My eyes were squeezed shut as the wind pushed against me. I let out a loud groan as the cord pulled me back. I felt lightheaded, wanting this to be over. 
After I got back on the lift and back to the ground, the guys ran to me. I felt sick. Jungkook embraced me in a tight hug, earning a small groan from me. “see! It wasn’t that bad!” he exclaimed, smiling. 
“I’m gonna kill Jimin,” I grumbled, earning a laugh from Kook. 
The others eventually went, making Jungkook last to go. I was sitting down on a rock, Namjoon next to me. I still felt sick, and looking up at the lift didn’t help. “He’s fearless,” Namjoon mused as Jungkook stepped onto the platform. 
“Yeah no kidding,” I grumbled. Namjoon only chuckled. 
“He was really proud of you for going first. He kept yelling, ‘that's my girlfriend!’ once you jumped,” I smiled a bit, my face growing warm. We watched as Jungkook ran and jumped off the platform. We cheered but amongst that cheering, I heard Jungkook yell, 
“I love you Y/n!”
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lostwriterworld · 5 years
August 11th, 2019
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My Morning & Afternoon:
 I put these together because up until 3pm, my morning was very, very long. BUT, around 3:30pm, @kpopoof came and picked me up so we could see Bring The Soul. And believe me when I say we cried. Then we listened to Our Page and cried more. The movie was honestly amazing and I would watch it a million times over. 
My Night:
All I have to say is, I have major post-movie depression. I’m watching The Zodiac Killer right now so, goodnight my dudes.
Hope you have a good day/night
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