lostwriterworld · 5 months
DM Tip to help a shy party:
Have your characters send you 2 truths and a lie. Then spread them via NPCs and/or give them to other players as rumors.
This has worked at my table to jumpstart roleplaying, especially as players try to prove or disprove rumors about themselves.
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lostwriterworld · 5 months
Guys! I cracked the code! I wish I had any followers to share this magic revelation I had!
In D&D I love being a DM. I really do. With one exception.
Knowing how much a character should buy or sell something for is just way out of my grasp. For a rare item the price can be anywhere between five hundred and five THOUSAND. That’s a big difference! How am I supposed to know in between those two numbers what it should be?
I googled. And googled. And googled. Thinking *there must be a better way* and couldn’t find a single thing that made sense. Well me and two other DM friends got together and we figured it out. The magic system of pricing.
So first you take the pricing by magic item rarity in the DMG
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Then you go to Xanathars and look at the Magic Item Tables to determine if the item is major or minor
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Divide the prices in the rarity into major and minor. Major the higher half and minor the lower.
So that makes
Rare Minor - 500 - 2,500
Rare Major - 2,501 - 5,000
Very Rare Minor - 5,001 - 30,000
Very Rare Major - 30,001 - 50,000
Legendary Minor - 50,000 - 300,000
Legendary Major - 300,000 - 500,000
It’s all up to a persuasion roll. Because let’s face it, what’s a fantasy shopping adventure of magic items without bartering and haggling?
So you divide the amounts into roll milestones. So a persuasion roll of 0-10 you pay the highest and 20+ you pay the lowest.
Like so:
Common Items: 1d6 x 10
Uncommon Items 1d6 x 100
Rare Minor:
0-9: 2,500
10-11: 2,100
12-14: 1,700
15-17: 1,300
18-19: 900
20+ : 500
Rare Major
0-9: 5,000
10-11: 4,600
12-14: 4,200
15-17: 3,800
18-19: 3,200
20+: 2,500
Very Rare Minor
0-9: 30,000
10-11: 25,000
12-14: 20,000
15-17: 15,000
18-19: 10,000
20+ : 5,000
Very Rare Major
0-9: 50,000
10-11: 45,000
12-14: 40,000
15-17: 35,000
18-19: 30,000
20+ : 25,000
0-9: 250,000
10-11: 200,000
12-14: 150,000
15-17: 100,000
18+ : 50,000
Legendary Major
0-9: 500,000
10-11: 450,000
12-14: 400,000
15-17: 350,000
18-19: 300,000
20+ : 250,000
Seriously someone who is followed by a lot of D&D people find this shit and spread it! It’s so much easier and makes a million times more sense then anything I ever heard of before and i wish someone else would have thought of it sooner (or if someone else did that I had found it sooner)
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lostwriterworld · 6 months
fun dm tip
if your players roll a perception check and ask "is there a [insert specific thing that I definitely didn't design but go off queen] nearby"
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lostwriterworld · 6 months
DM Pro tip - the "Recap" at the beginning of your session is your excuse to be EXTREMELY passive aggressive to your players and what they DIDN'T do.
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lostwriterworld · 6 months
Someone should make a Labyrinth Runners D&D campaign. Have a small party, or a large party that can be split up, and multiple NPCs by the DM. The whole concept is there's an illusion cast over everything, so you can't tell what's real or not. The DM's NPCs are seperated from the main party, and they periodically meet up again, but it's never clear whether they're illusions or real. There's a dramatic twist at the end where it turns out that even though they are real, they're on the wrong side anyway.
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lostwriterworld · 8 months
To fanfic writers transitioning to writing their own romances here's a tip.
Tension is what romances are built on. Sexual and romantic tension.
For example "just one bed" is not a trope where two characters are forced to sleep in a bed and then have sex. It's a device to express how they feel about one another. Will they sleep in the bed together or will one take the floor? Why? If they shae the bed how plagued are they with thoughts that they might touch? How badly does one of them want the other to break the agreement of,"stay on your side"? If they wake up in one another's arms how does person A feel about it? If nothing happens why did nothing happen.
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lostwriterworld · 8 months
Should I start writing some ACOTAR & Onepiece fanfics?
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lostwriterworld · 8 months
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lostwriterworld · 8 months
I feel like banter/arguments in enemies to lovers books can be so childish or overdone at times. Often, it seems sooooo silly, that they seem like playful friends than enemies
Like real enemies can smirk and tease but not every other page.
There should be some real hatred and anger at first, real hurt and trauma.
What make banter good is when it does not happen so often. When it’s a buildup of irritation and sly remarks and hidden feelings. When they find themselves arguing and speaking their true feelings after page and page of rage….because the two of them arguing every page is annoying and clashes so badly with their inner thoughts. I’m usually exhausted by the time they confess their love for each other.
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lostwriterworld · 8 months
Writing Effective Romance
These are just some of the things I’ve learned from both writing romance and reading romance.
Romance should be a consequence of the plot, not vice versa.
Your characters should be able to stand on their own, even if you take away the romance aspect of the story.
Please don’t give your protagonist an asshole ex-boyfriend/first love who returns to fuck up the protagonist’s developing relationship with their love interest. That is not only lame plotting but it’s also an insult to the protagonist’s choice making skills.
Allow your lovers to have conflicts. There is no such thing as Happily Ever After and there’s no such thing as lovers who agree on everything.
Might add more to these later. 
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lostwriterworld · 8 months
sexual tension dialogue ♡
{i’m aware that this dialogue prompt may not be for everyone, but sometimes you need to add some to spice up your text/novel/book! enjoy babies!} don’t be shy to use! - ‘don’t act like you don’t want this, baby’ - ‘god, you don’t realise what you do to me’ - ‘look at me, and only me’ - ‘my eyes are up here darling’ - ‘oh, sorry, i didn’t realise my hand had gotten so high up your thigh’ - look me in my eyes and beg for it’ - ‘don’t act shy now babe, we both know how you are when we’re not in public’ - ‘who cares if we’re in public?’ - ‘touch me, please’ - ‘oh, really?’ - ‘make me’ - ‘come closer then’ - ‘don’t make me come over there’ - ‘don’t stop… don’t ever stop’ - ‘do you just wanna get out of here?’ - ‘such a tease you are sometimes’ - ‘do you really mean it?’
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lostwriterworld · 8 months
falling in love prompts +
feel free to use :)
“i genuinely don’t know why my brain just goes blank when i look at you. i think i’m going a little crazy.”
the little laugh or smile a character a does in utter disbelief because character b is just so endearing and sigh
one character going “so this is really awkward cause i know i told you i wasn’t looking for love but then i kinda fell in love and i would love it if you’d take me”
“can i love you?”
“i just… adore you.”
character a noticing character b is sleepy while driving and being like “hey i can take over for you”
the classic “no i’m not in love with character a, yes thinking about hurting them makes me want to throw myself into ongoing traffic, no it doesn’t make sense to me either”
their love interest fell asleep and your main character has a blanket so they give it to them
confessions when one character thinks the other is sleeping
they kiss for the first time and one character just steps back and is like “um ok. yeah that’s not a normal kiss i def love u”
character not being able to even fathom or come close to understanding how someone can dislike such a beautiful ray of sunshine and oh yeah ok…. they’re def in love
characters who’ve been married for years falling in love all over again
exes to lovers
“i think i love you…?” “….. think?” “let’s just say a ninety-nine percent chance.” “i’ll take it.”
that moment where your character just… looks. just looks at their love interest for more than five seconds and doesn’t understand why or how this earth can exist and the sun and moon exist and the sky can be an eternal source of happiness and yet this person right here can bring so much more warmth and comfort to them with just a single glance
note confessions because yes written confessions in letters are superior
“i got you a gift. i hope you like it.” and character who receives the gift tries not to mention that any gift would mean more than the stars in the sky as long as it was from them
“do you… love me, by any chance?” “yeah, why?” “well, i’m sorry, i was just— WAIT WHAT—”
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lostwriterworld · 8 months
Body Language - Longing
Deep breaths
Lips parting
Fidgeting with clothing, jewelry, etc.
Leaning in/standing near person of interest
Smiling wistfully
Avoiding gaze/sneaking glances
Zoning out/daydreaming
Frequent smiling
Frequent laughing
Face brightening near person of interest
Making big lifestyle changes
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lostwriterworld · 8 months
20 physical intimacy prompts
1. Lingering touch that sends shivers.
2. Whispering sweet nothings.
3. Tracing lips with a finger.
4. Dancing closely, bodies pressed.
5. Gentle caresses along the back.
6. Passionate, desire-filled kiss.
7. Slow undressing, savoring.
8. Exploring bodies with light touches.
9. Intertwining fingers, deep connection.
10. Nuzzling against necks, warmth.
11. Sensuous massage, fostering intimacy.
12. Gazing into eyes, unspoken desires.
13. Running fingers through hair.
14. Warm, intimate embrace.
15. Teasing, nibbling on earlobes.
16. Holding hands, silent reassurance.
17. Gentle exploration, awakening pleasure.
18. Cuddling close under a blanket.
19. Forehead kisses, love and tenderness.
20. Passionate, synchronized bodies.
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lostwriterworld · 8 months
more otp prompts
"I'm not sure what to do with all these feelings for you."
"you're blind- you're so blind! why would i even do half the things that i do for you for anybody if i wasn't head over heels for them!"
"you really can't tell, can you?" A says. "I'm embarrassed by my feelings for you. I'm so dumb for keeping them alive. i love you. there. you heard it. happy now?"
"i wish i could spell your name with the stars."
"i think we both need a therapist to figure out whatever the hell this is." A mumbles against B's lips. "It's getting to my head."
"Me?" A asks. "Are you sure? Out of the billions of people out there, I'm the one you chose to love?"
"I'm not sure how long i can go on for without driving myself insane with all this love for you. Please just... just do with this confession what you will and set me free."
"I like how obsessed with me you are," A smiles. "Makes me feel like the most important person in the whole world."
"Stop smiling. It does things to me I'd rather not talk about."
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lostwriterworld · 8 months
Sparking Chemistry Between Characters
Subtle Gazes and lingering touches:
The eyes are the windows to the soul, and they can convey volumes of unspoken emotions. Describe those stolen glances, the lingering eye contact, and the way their gazes seem to connect on a deeper level. In addition, small touches like a brush of hands or an accidental bump can create electric moments that hint at an underlying romantic attraction. For example:
"Her heart fluttered as she caught him stealing glances, his eyes softly tracing the curves of her smile. With every accidental touch, their hands lingered, sending a current of warmth through their veins."
Meaningful Conversations and Shared Secrets:
Deep conversations and intimate confessions can be powerful tools for hinting at romantic feelings. When characters open up to one another, revealing their vulnerabilities and dreams, a bond begins to form. These moments create a sense of emotional intimacy that can lay the groundwork for a blossoming romance. Consider this example:
"Underneath the twinkling stars, they shared secrets that they had never uttered to anyone else. As he listened to her dreams, he realized that he wanted to be a part of them, and a warm smile played on his lips."
Playful Teasing and Banter:
Ah, the age-old art of witty banter! This lighthearted exchange of playful jabs and teasing remarks can build tension and create a magnetic pull between characters. It allows them to establish a unique connection filled with laughter and friendly competition. Here's an example:
"Their banter was a delightful dance of sharp wit and quick comebacks. Every retort was like a playful spark that kept the fire between them burning bright, a dance they couldn't resist joining every chance they got."
Unspoken Jealousy and Protective Gestures:
Jealousy can be a potent emotion to hint at unexpressed romantic feelings. When one character starts to feel protective or slightly possessive, it suggests a deeper connection brewing beneath the surface. Show how they react to potential rivals or display signs of concern for each other's well-being. Check out this snippet:
"Her heart skipped a beat as she noticed the subtle tightening of his jawline when he saw her laughing with someone else. His fingers tapped nervously, silently craving her attention, and he couldn't help but step closer, ready to ward off any potential threats."
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lostwriterworld · 8 months
enemies to lovers midpoint prompts
as the request stated, that ‘i am trying really hard to keep hating you‘ phase, or what i like to call the reluctant friend stage. feel free to use :)
“i think we’re friends now.” “God, don’t say that.”
“everything is just a competition for you… isn’t it?” “isn’t it for you, too?”
“h—” “don’t talk to me.”
“i’d pay good money for you to admit you tolerate me.” “tolerate being the operative word.”
“why can’t you open up to me?” “why do you want me to?”
they’re so used to hating each other sometimes the snide remarks just slip out LMAO
like “should i get you something too?” “you can get out of my fa— woah, hehe. sorry.”
“you’re still on that?” “still on that..??? STILL ON THAT?????? I CANT STAND YOU???!!!(!;!”
a whispered moment between them ; “i’m trying so hard to hate you.” “why?”
they’re trying hard to hate each other then something happens (plot) and they’re stuck together which makes it ten times harder
“be honest with me.” “but why? why would i do that?”
“stop.” “stop what?” “being so kind to me.”
remember… they hated each other a couple chapters back. what changed? why did it change? who did it start to change in first?
the moment where your character asks themselves; “when did this nuisance become so important to me?”
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