#patton is empath
glacierruler · 2 years
Of Magic and Mortals
So, I put this on Wattpad and Ao3 so time to put it here
No decided ships yet, there might not even be any
So here's the history behind the world:
A brief history of the world this is set in. - Most Fairies pretend to be human, mainly so people won't be so wary around them. When they're with other fairies or around other fairies, they tend to show off their wings and challenge each other to flying races. Fairies tend to loophole because they're horrible liars. This is because their wings change color whenever they lie. Fairies take a huge pride in their wings, and their wings are hard to break even though they look fragile. If you break a fairy's wings for any reason, it will most likely be taken as a personal offence. You might want to find a way to literally disappear off the face of the Earth for at least the next 20 years. - Most other species, in general, dislike fairies. This is mainly because fairies have a reputation of being tricksy and mischievous, which is true for the most part. - Vampires drink from either blood bags, or blood donors. No, they don't burn in the sunlight, however they are more susceptible to sunburns, and their eyes are very sensitive to the light, which is why most wear sunglasses or only go outside during the night. Fairies blood usually tastes the sweetest to vampires, which is usually how vampires can tell what they are. - Blood donors are people who willingly let Vampires drink their blood. Blood donors get paid a lot for this, and the vampires aren't allowed to take more than 2 pints of blood a day from them. A blood donor's body is given the ability to replenish most of the blood loss that they receive, but they do have to eat more than the average person. -Empaths can feel other people's emotions, but only if they have skin on skin contact with the person. They can also influence people's emotions slightly with skin on skin contact. They can sense other people's emotions a lot better than the average person without skin on skin contact, but they themselves can't feel the emotion. -The half snake thing(I really need to think up a name for this species) can tell when someone is lying out loud, and the particularly powerful ones can tell when someone is lying in their head. They can't tell exactly what the person is thinking of lying about unless the person says it out loud. -Werewolves are usually a little bit harrier than regular people. On the full moon they do turn into this half human half wolf creature, but most are generally harmless. Also the transformation happens in the daytime and lasts until the waning gibbus happens. They can also tell what species you are by scent. -I don't think I need to clarify anything about humans, but feel free to ask questions.
I know this chapter is more about descriptions of the species themselves, but I figured this was good enough. Plus, fairies aren't banned from any places, except if it's for one species only. Virgil's going to college to become a doctor for fairies, because most fairy doctors aren't fairies. Simply because most fairies don't want to be doctors.
Next chapter
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orbmanson7 · 11 months
Let's do a quick analysis of this new short video "The Sides Need a Nice Day" which is clearly meant to be mostly for fun, but there's definitely some hints and easter eggs to pay attention to that I'd like to explore a little further.
I'll address this in three parts in separate posts, the first for Patton and Logan, the next for Virgil and Roman, and the last for Janus and Remus.
Let's start with the first part, about Patton and Logan.
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Patton's initial approach, as we can see, was flawed despite his good intentions. He wants to do something nice for Logan, he thinks out ideas based on what he knows Logan enjoys, and he likes to see Logan actually having fun. These are all very emotion-based notions and motivations, which we can expect from Patton. He's inspired by his own emotions in response to seeing the videos online, and takes matters into his own hands to give Logan in particular a special day.
Why Logan? Because Patton's very in tune with emotions and can recognize that Logan has been having a tough time lately. He empathizes with this a lot (considering it's kind of his thing) so he wants to do something that he'd like someone to do for him if he was having a bad day - do something to cheer him up!
This is very sweet and he clearly puts a lot of thought into this idea...but it's not an immediate success because he only really puts the emotional concept and vision into it, and didn't think practically or make his decisions with logic in mind.
Wonder who could have helped with something like that...
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First, he approached Logan about making a quick decision, which is not something Logan is ever known to do. Logan resists this right away by questioning him for clarification and is already annoyed to start because Patton is being vague and trying to get Logan to play along without giving consideration to Logan's need to understand a situation and weigh his options before deciding anything. Logan takes no action lightly and always thinks his actions through first, as opposed to Patton, who prefers gut instincts and impulsive action. He doesn't bother to offer Logan the information and time to make a more informed decision, all because he wants to hurry up and get to the fun part!
Patton (like Roman) is someone who is able to envision what he wants, but Logan is someone who actually figures out the steps needed to make that a reality. Without the steps, that vision is but a dream, and without the vision, the steps are just work with no purpose.
These sides need to learn to work together to accomplish goals, not just do things on their own, and this part of the episode gives us a hint towards that notion.
The peculiar way that Patton then explains the situation to Logan is also interesting, as he states that whichever option Logan chooses will be something Patton wants to do, and because Patton wants to do it, Thomas will want to do it, meaning Logan gets to do it, too.
This, by itself, is such an alarming concept to drop into this video, especially with Patton saying it so cheerfully.
In case it's not clear, Patton is implying that he has so much power and sway over Thomas' decision-making process that he can have Thomas do something just because he, Patton, wants to do it. None of the sides should have that level of influence over Thomas, but Patton not only has that power but also knows that he does.
(And to clear up any confusion, this is not the same as Janus saying during his part of the video that he's convinced Thomas to lean into certain thoughts for the day. Patton is suggesting that if he wants something, Thomas will do it, as if it's automatic and doesn't require convincing. That may be Patton oversimplifying it a bit, but it's still indicating his status above others in that sense.)
In this case, he's using it to give Logan a nice day by doing (read: permitting Thomas to do) things he knows Logan would enjoy...but in other context, that's a very dangerous situation, especially since Patton has been shown to make bad or skewed judgement calls in the past due to his biases as well as making some very impulsive, emotionally-driven decisions.
But he recognizes this status that he holds and is attempting to use it for good, so at least there's that?
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The next and more obvious part of this section shows that Patton is rushing Logan through the activities chosen, talking over him or cutting him off when Logan questions Patton about this, and Logan grows more annoyed by this as time goes on.
He is not quick to anger, even when he was initially forced into deciding something with very little information, and it takes a few times of being pushed and talked over before he even shows his frustration at all.
It's important to notice this because Logan's anger is not just born of nothing. It's valid because it's a natural reaction to the situation he's in not being properly catered to him.
This is something we see in episodes of the series a lot, and when it comes to the specific moments where Logan has truly gotten angry enough to show it, it's never out of nowhere, even if it may seem that way. If you are properly paying attention, you will see the gradual buildup, where Logan keeps holding himself back, staying calm and collected as long as he can, before the emotion bursts out and he acts rashly (and then regrets it).
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Logan's anger has been shown to appear after moments where he is repeatedly cut off, spoken over, and ignored or disregarded completely. Being silenced and skipped over so often, it's a wonder Logan keeps trying at all, but he does. At some point, the last line is crossed, and he explodes with that anger.
While the resulting behavior may be inappropriate or rude, the feelings motivating that behavior are extremely valid, because he's being pushed to this breaking point by others. Anger serves the purpose of making it known when someone's boundaries have been crossed and when they have been wronged, so it makes sense for Logan to experience it at these times.
So, in this short video, Patton is trying to do something nice for him, and Logan can recognize and appreciate Patton's intention, but the execution is filled with the same mannerisms that build Logan's anger - being cut off, spoken over, ignored. It's not that he doesn't enjoy these activities, either, but he's not being given the chance to enjoy them with the way Patton is presenting them to him. It's a recipe for disaster because Logan's needs and boundaries aren't being respected despite the whole point being to do something nice for him.
This is also a tough situation for someone to oppose, by the way! When someone does something nice for you but you honestly hate it, how do you begin to tell them that? You don't want to hurt their feelings because you know they were trying to be nice and meant no harm, but if you don't speak up about the issues you had with it, your boundaries could wind up violated over and over again and the other party would be none the wiser.
Logan must voice his frustration. He has to explain why he's upset. And, thankfully, in this section of the video, he does!
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He starts by stopping Patton directly, hand out and everything. He speaks calmly and clearly, using the same tone he used when speaking to the others during DwIT to get them to chill out and not be so impulsive. Logan is using what he knows to work to make his case here, and he tells Patton that he appreciates what he's trying to do. But then, he raises his voice and informs Patton what's annoying him about it, that he can't enjoy these activities because he's being rushed through them. This is a direct communication of the issue at hand and why it's bothering him.
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Patton then pauses, reflects, realizes his mistake and where he had messed up, and then alters his behavior to fix the issue.
It's so simple and succinct that Logan, while still annoyed, seems confused that Patton actually listened to him and by how easy it was to find that resolution.
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And I think that's our next piece of foreshadowing, as well.
Logan has been holding back about his genuine anger and frustration over how he's treated by the other sides and Thomas. He feels ignored and only utilized as a tool, as if he were a book rather than a person (or the metaphysical manifestation of one, at least).
These are not feelings that have only sprung up recently, either - this has been happening for a very long time without Logan ever addressing it.
Until he does, the others won't realize the impact their words and actions truly have on him. He needs to speak up and the others need to listen and adjust accordingly.
With the way Patton responded in this part, though, perhaps this shows that they may have an easier, calmer solution in store than one might initially anticipate, but we shall see.
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Speaking of foreshadowing, during the times Logan is shown in the library throughout this part, he is reading a book titled A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles. Knowing past easter eggs and hints, it's likely this is not a coincidence.
Having read the book myself, I think it's very possible this is a potential nod to something that may occur soon within Logan's upcoming arc (whenever that may happen), as the book happens to deal a lot with the concept of imprisonment and finding ways to live through adversity.
In the book, the main character is put on house arrest in a bustling hotel in the city, but he's relegated to a cramped attic space and had left all of his books away from home so he cannot access them, because if he dares to leave the hotel, he'll be shot dead. So he stays inside, and he self-reflects because he now has a lot of time to think. He gets to know the people who work and live in the hotel, how their lives are so different than his own had been and continues to be. For quite some time, he feels the true punishment of his stay there, how the whole world outside is moving on so fast, but he is stuck inside, removed from it. He becomes effectively useless, unable to be or do anything for others (outside of giving amazing wine pairings for meals, of course), but he stays true to himself despite it all. He remains his charming and intelligent self, he makes new friends, he finds ways to be happy despite being trapped there.
The most popular quote from the book is one that says, "if a man does not master his circumstances then he is bound to be mastered by them." And while the main character in that story manages to make the best of his life and circumstances, we know that Logan is still struggling with his fate right now, being trapped within Thomas' mind as someone who cannot fully explore his own interests, who has less and less purpose since Thomas left college, and feels less respected and listened to every day.
Logan has to find a way to obtain happiness despite his circumstances, because he can't change his situation, but he can change how he responds to it.
This book may be a clue as to how he finally figures out how to do that.
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The outcome of this part of the video with Logan and Patton is a satisfying one. Logan expressed his frustration, Patton listened and was able to correct the issue, and Logan was able to have a nice day after all, which is what Patton had set out to accomplish. There were quite a few bumps along the way, but it was successful in the end!
Now, onto the next part...
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typically-untypical · 10 months
Their Emotions
Per @amateurmasksmith's request!
AU: Canon divergent
CW: None that I know of
WC: 1937
Date: August 11th, 2023
Janus pulled the gloves securely around his hands, lingering as he looked down at the yellow fabric. Yes he liked the aesthetic but that wasn't the predominant reason he wore the constrictive fabric. In fact, Janus didn't dress the way he did purely because the dark and mysterious vibe was a fun persona to play, rather his touch was a beautiful and dangerous thing. He doubted others were affected by his power, they had their own things to deal with. Thomas was a whole person, but they were fragments, pieces, and with that came certain quirks. Patton could literally starve if he wasn't touched; Logan turned into a statue when Thomas had brain freeze, and when he was younger, Virgil had wings as a part of the whole "Fight or flight" mantra. Not all of their quirks were tied to idioms, some of them were just because of how Thomas viewed the world, or how he wanted the world to be. Janus assumed that was how he turned out to be an empath, something along the lines of deceitful people being the most in tune to other people's emotions. Fortunately, it was only when he had skin to skin contact. He could hide behind his layers of clothing and be spared the other's feelings. It was overwhelming. 
Back when Janus was still Self-Preservation, when he wasn't seen as a villain, his small hands would reach for Patton's. Emotions gave off such beautiful feelings, love and care that filled the sense in every way. Holding Patton's hand was like being encompassed by home, the smell of dinner cooking, the hum of happy melodies. Janus had loved holding tightly to Patton and that feeling. The gloves hadn't become a staple to his ensemble until they were in elementary school. Love didn't last, and the warmth turned to disappointment as Janus reached for Patton's hand. It burned worse than anything he had ever felt; it was a stabbing pain through his heart and he had pulled his hand away like he had touched fire. Patton's disappointment grew on his face. Janus and Remus were pushed away from Thomas shortly after that, and Janus wore gloves to keep him from reaching out for a comfort that would never come.
Long sleeves came next, a heated fight with Virgil turned nearly violent as the anxious side grabbed his arm. 
"I need you to listen to me!" Virgil had screamed, but all Janus could feel was fear, pain, and anger. He had yanked his arm away, putting on his most deceitful smile as he fought to catch his breath. He had known about Virgil's pain but he had never understood the depths of it. He wish he could help the anxious side; he wished he could explain why they needed to hide, why they couldn't tell anyone about their feelings. 
"Thomas isn't ready to know that much about himself, and it will only cause him pain in the end." He knew Virgil needed more of an explanation than that, but he was so focused on the pain of lying that he couldn't see the monsters around them, the way their life could fall apart if they told the truth. All Virgil knew was the pressure to be good, to share everything, the pressure not to lie. His fear lingered in Janus' heart, beating rapidly as he questioned his own decision. 
Virgil looked at him disgusted, sneering "you're nothing but a liar" before walking away. That was when he started being called Deceit. No longer was he the side that wanted to protect Thomas, that was Virgil's job. Virgil was looking out for Thomas, trying to protect him from the world. Janus was just... deceit. That was also the day he stopped leaving his arms vulnerable to touch. Virgil's fingers left lingering prickles of panic. He never really figured how to get rid of the feeling, but it was fine. Janus donned a black shirt that covered his arms, a color Virgil favored, and everything was fine.
The capelet was next, a memory he chose not to focus on as pushed away the feeling of fingers on his throat. Anger was such an unpleasant feeling to experience second hand. He hated the idea that anyone could force him to lose sight of his job. Anger burned, anger consumed. It choked him with its smoke and fire as Nisus held onto his throat. Janus had spent so long pushing down his anger, pushing down the frustration and pain but Nisus had pulled it out with a single touch. The destructive path he left behind had scared even Remus.
Never again. 
He didn't need to know what the others felt. He didn't want to know. He could no longer pull up the memories of Patton's love and care. Touch only brought pain, and so Janus stayed covered.
He pulled himself out of his thoughts as he walked into the common area.
"Morning Janus!" Patton was the first to greet him, disappointment had faded into pity, much the same way Patton had pitied Virgil in the beginning. It was a step in the right direction, but it was a far cry from the love Janus' heart remembered. 
"Good Morning," He responded smoothly, walking over to his seat and surveying the others. He knew how they all felt about him. There was no need to brush his fingers against their arms, to feel the thrum of their emotions in his own heart.
Roman was discussing something with Virgil who was listening, but just barely.
Contempt. Betrayal. 
Logan was reading a book, curled up in a posture he would yell at anyone else for having.
Nothing. That almost hurt worse.
Patton was walking over to him.
"Hey Jannie, it's been hot the past few days so we were all thinking of going to the imagination to go swimming."
Swimming required a swimsuit, which typically required fewer layers. He could put on a wetsuit but the idea of wet clothes against his scales was completely unappealing. He typically loved the beach, curling up in the warm sand, allowing the salty water to occasionally spray him and cool him down. He didn't want to say no to a family excursion when they were all beginning to get along, but he couldn't risk touching them. He didn't want to know. He wasn't afraid... hesitant was a better word. "If I do join you I will most likely stay on the beach, I'm not a fan of swimming." He could stay in his full outfit and it wouldn't be a problem. 
"I know you're supposed to be the lord of the lies," Remus chimed in from the air grate, sticking his head out. They had reinforced the air ducts for exactly this reason. "One of your favorite activities is laying on a rock in the sun while the cool waves brush against you. You won't even let me make the rock poisonous or anything like that." 
Janus hissed at Remus who disappeared back into the HVAC system, giggling manically. Janus had taken years to be comfortable being dressed down in front of Remus, almost a decade even, but he was immediately beginning to regret that decision as the others looked at him. The problem was now, whether or not he told the truth they'd have their suspicions. He cautioned on another lie.
"Apologies, the truth is embarrassing which is why I didn't lead with that. I don't like being less than fully covered in front of others."
This time it was Virgil who snorted and chimed in. "You weren't always that way. You used to love showing off your arms and-" Virgil cut himself off and Janus knew they had both had the same thought. That was before Virgil and him were arguing, before Janus became a snake. Honestly, being part snake didn't bother Janus, but he was happy for Virgil to make that assumption.
"As I said, I'd be happy to attend, but I will remain on the beach." He tilted his head to the side, doing his best to give off an unassuming smile. He didn't focus on the way Roman rolled his eyes, or on the way Virgil glared at him like he was a puzzle.
"Well, if that will make you the happiest, kiddo." Patton chimed, his own voice strained and Janus was debating backing out entirely. 
"I will also stay on the beach. I have a few books I would like to finish, but getting out in the pseudo fresh air should be good for all of us." Logan had set down his book and was looking at all of the others. The idea that Janus wouldn't be alone on the beach seemed to relax Patton.
"I'll prepare a picnic," he clamored, making his way toward the kitchen. 
The four remaining sides sat in awkward silence. Logan looked like he had something to say. Roman was obviously trying to avoid looking at Janus. He still argued that things were getting better, but they certainly weren't anywhere near pleasant. 
"Roman, don't you need Virgil to help you pick out your outfit for the beach?"
"What? I would-" His dramatic statement was cut off as Logan looked at him. The logical side wasn't being subtle but maybe he wasn't trying to be. That wasn't his strong suit.
"Right, of course, come on Virgil." Virgil looked between Logan and Janus before sighing.
"Yeah, okay, whatever."
Soon it was just Janus and Logan in the room, and Logan took a seat again, this time a little closer to Janus. "I don't understand what has you hesitant to be loosely clothed in front of us, but know we will respect your needs... at least, I will."
Janus snorted and gently shook his head. "That was never in doubt for me Logan, you are respectful to a fault."
"A fault?" His eyebrow quirked in question.
"Sometimes it would benefit you to be more selfish and demand your own needs be met." 
"Although I don't necessarily disagree with you, I believe the conversation was supposed to be about your needs and wants and not my own."
"Do you truly believe I am not taking care of my needs?" Janus asked, putting his hand to his chest. "I am Thomas' sense of self-preservation."
Logan stared at him with a deadpan look. "And Virgil is Thomas' anxiety. He enjoys giving anxiety but also gets anxiety, we are facsimiles of people. We are complex."
It was kind for him to care, though, strange. "I stand by my earlier statement. You care more than you should." Janus shook his head. "By sitting on the beach I will be taking care of my needs. I will be able to remain fully clothed while continuing to build the bonds which will suit all of us and Thomas far more than our current situation does."
The other side continued to look at him with that quirked eyebrow but eventually relented. "If you would like to talk about the reason you are adverse to showing us your skin and scales, I am here to listen." Logan stood up. "I should also get ready. Patton will be wanting to leave the moment he is done in the kitchen."
As soon as Logan left, Janus let out a soft sigh. He knew how they all felt. He was sure he did... then why did his fingers tingle to reach out for Logan, to see if there was truth in his statement? Janus looked down at his gloved hands. One day. Maybe one day he would be able to reach out to one of them.
Tag List: @simplestoryteller @fantasticfangirl21 @joylessnightsky @glacierruler
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ik you said w/o comment but is it about ppl that hate patton lmao
listen i m part of the daddy issues gang so i empathize but none of our daddy issues have literally anything to do with patton as a character akjsdhkajsdh
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sanderstime · 7 months
Sanders Sides SuperPowers Poll: Patton
Okay last for the light sides! You can pick what you think suits them best, which one is the coolest, or which one would cause the most emotional turmoil or would be angsty- whatever you think!
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asksuccubussides · 2 months
I would give my life just to hold your hand
Part 1 out of 2
Masterpost of chapters
Author's note: This is a prequel to the story "What if you were an asexual succubus, wouldn't that be fucked up or what" but can be read on it's own
“Hey have you heard? About Patton? He’s the only awful demon who has ever survived being sent up here to Heaven!”
The words were said in a hushed tone like it was a deep secret even though nearly all of the young Guardian angels had gathered around the older Guardian angel like they were being told a campfire story. The sound of the older succubus’ voice echoed against the colorful walls of the sleeping hall as they continued. It was quiet enough that a falling needle drop would be heard.
"He got punished and sent up to heaven after killing a human! A poor innocent human!"
A gasp went like a wave through the crowd of tiny angels.
" We intended to do to Patton what we do to all demons that get sent up here but-" The older angel moved the lantern they were holding so a grim shadow fell upon their face "-He got away! He uhh" They self censored themself here for the sake of the kids "Was a real meanie to the Angels who tried to stop him and stole a bunch of secret Angel information before escaping to earth! Some say he is still out there on earth! Hiding in plain sight! He could come back for revenge any day!!"
In one swift swipe they sniffed out the lantern making some of the young Angels scream but the older one quickly calmed them down and reached out to pat them on their halos. They beckoned the kids to climb into the many bunk beds littering the room as it was lights out time. The bunks stacked high upon each other up to the roof, some of them reaching as high as five beds on top of each other since even the younger angels could easily flap themself up there using their fluffy wings (the baby feathers were dropping everywhere to make way for new ones).
The angel watching over them wasn't their guardian or any of that sort. It took a village to raise a child as they said and the older Angels all took turns looking over the kids between their work on earth. Few of the kids could even say they recognised the one wishing them goodnight this evening which was why a young angel with big warm eyes and a softly pink halo hesitated before reaching out to ask the older angel in a hushed voice "Why would Patton kill a human?"
The older angel tucked him down under the covers while a wrinkly crease appearred between their slightly furrowed eyebrows "You see honey Demons don't age like we do so they never learn to empathize with the humans. They are created as adults and age very very slowly but still age consistently. They are never children like we are. Does that answer your question huneybun?"
He nodded and the older angel soared back down and landed perfectly into a cozy armchair "So kiddos who wants to hear a nicer bedtime story?" A resounding yes came "Alright! Who's ready to hear the next chapter of" They drummed on their thigh "Dante's inferno!!"
Darker hues of pink pulsated like waves along the young Angel's halo. Judging the weather based on his halo would make you think a storm was brewing and the ache in his stomach from nervousness agreed on the storm assessment. Right now his first ever human he had been told to guard over laid in a hospital bed moments away from dying and there was nothing he could do to stop it. He knew it was soon because he had seen the human's death the moment he had been assigned to guard the just as young human. Not just seen, he had felt the slow groth of the sickness and now as death inched closer he could hear the slowing heart beats in his ears even though he was sitting outside the hospital. He was still only seven so the human's parents hadn't thought it appropriate for him to be there at the time of death.
The heart beat went still and the angel hugged onto his knees and waited for Heaven to call. He closed his eyes and when he opened them again he was sitting in front of the receptionist keeping track of the guardian angels. He had to stand on his tippy toes to be able to reach up to the counter. His expression made it so clear he had just lost his first human that the receptionist gave him a sympathetic look before writing out the paper work to find him his next human.
"You remember how this works don't you? Since your human didn't last long"
He nodded and leant his head forward so that the reciptionist could tap their finger to his forehead to connect his soul to the next human. It only took a few seconds before his lungs suddenly felt like they were filled with water and he coughed to try and get it out. The knowledge of the date and time of when the death would happen became so clear to him it felt as ingrained in him as a bird's need to fly north in winter.
The angel opened his mouth and let out a loud childish wail and the receptionist just waited for it to be over, God they hated getting the shifts in the section for the younger guardians. After what felt like an eternity the kid's tears slowed down and snot dried up all around his mouth as he sniffled out "But the last human had a disease! All I could do was be her friend and make her happy till it- it took her! This! I can just tell him to not go swimming that day! I can-"
The receptionist shushed him and started going through the script they had learnt during their work training "The deaths are already planned yada yada. If we let them live further there's a chance they will sin and lose their place up here. A short life but access to heaven is a great deal against a long life and eternity in hell. You're helping them come to heaven. Just remember that" They prepared to send him back down to earth in the area where his new human lived "C'mon put on a big smile"
May 1921
It had been a few years since the angel had stopped momentarily aging and his current human was turning out to live for quite some time which made it all in all a pleasant time for him. Angels paused their aging for a few decades at a time before quite swiftly aging around ten years or so once they were ready to upgrade to guarding slighter older humans. With his extended stay at one place on earth, Vienna in this case, he had had time to wiggle his way into focusing on his hobbies. Like right now! When he was watching a live Autopsy!
Hearing the news that his latest human lived in Austria had honestly been such exciting news because the angel had absolutely sucked up any and all information he could find about Karl Roitansky's autopsy research for years now and though he obviously had never been able to meet the man he was able to go to the public autopsy showings the university held. Dozens of men were sitting in the round wooden lecture benches all surronding and peering down onto the bloody table from above, most of them wearing proper clothes worthy of a university visit and because of the layers of clothes all of them were huddling together in the sparse spaces of shade. The angel had instead choosen a seat far in the back but with the sun to his back to draw the least possible attention to himself. Before he allowed himself to take in the exquisite fascinating details of the human body he silently prayed that the human on the table had died a peaceful death. Immediately afterwards he got aboslutely giddy over getting to see the human brain.
The metal of the medical instruments glittered in the swelling summer sun shining in from the windows and as the lecturer and their assistants opened up the human bit by bit the white gloves and coats were stained red. The angel got a bit queasy at the sight of the limp stiffness of the human body as it was cut up. the gore had never bothered him as much as the reminder of death did, though the uncomfortable reminder was worth it if he could hear about how the intensitines, nerves and bones all worked together to create life.
The autopsy continued and the angel was furiously filling down notes, practically hanging onto every word the lecturer said, until suddenly his peace was destroyed when he caught the scent of a demon somewhere in the room. He sunk further down into his seat and tried to make himself as invisible as possible. The embarrssament of being caught in a place like this by a demon would be tortourous. He could already hear the snide remarks of how he shouldn't be in a gorey place like this as an innocent little Angel. As if any part of his guardian job would have left him innocent. Without him even noticing a dark glare had covered his face and his hand was writing with the pencil so hard it went through the paper.
"Won't the body like start to stink any second now?"
In horror the angel looked over to where the voice came from and saw a demon making themself comfortable on the seat right next to him. He didn't undertsnad what they said until they repeated themself in a human language he, in this case sadly, knew. The demon wiped down their sunglasses with the end of their shirt while babbling on.
"Like the meat in the market starts like stinking after a few minutes. And ugh with all the man sweat in this room too. I just flew in here to like cool down but instead I found the world's totally worst sauna huh" They put their glasses back on and looked over the angel's shoulder to try and read his notes "Ooooh myyyyy you are Not writing notes in fucking latin. That's sooo cute. Nerd!"
"Only the medical terms are in latin!" The angel corrected, snapping in a bit too loud tone. His cheeks turned red from embarrssment as he leant closer to his book.
"Bad move Angel. Now I know you understand what I'm saying-"
He pressed his hand over their mouth "Shhh!"
His face must have still been stuck in that glare because the demon smiled and relaxed into their seat. They rudely put their legs over the chair in front of them and sucked on a lollypop for the rest of the lecture but did not make another sound. Every time the angel looked over at them they were obviously staring at him taking notes instead of casting even a single glance on the autopsy, but at least he was left alone to revel in the lecture.
He noticed them particularly staring at his halo and he knew the angel's actual halos were far different from how humans pictured them. He didn't have human ears, instead his halo began where his ears should be and traveled up and around to meet above his head, forming a circle. It was as if a pair of demon horns were connected in the middle.
As soon as the autopsy was over and the other men started to leave the demon poked their head over to look at the angel's notes again before looking at him with their head tilted to the side. They put their hand on some of the top feathers on the angel's wings that made a shill run up his whole body.
"I've always like wondered since y'all angels dont ever like keep your wings inside they must be real cozy to sit with. Like a 24/7 backrest. They look sssooo fluffy"
In protest the angel grabbed ahold of the end of the demon's tail and waved it back and forth "Angels want their wings touched as much as your lot want your tails touched"
"I'm actually tots fine with it" They moved their tail to bop the angel's nose.
The angel was about to throw their tail away when he suddenly moved it up to his eyes and squinted "Are your tails covered in short fur!? I never notice- NEvermind! I don't care!" He threw their tail away and quickly started to pack up his things so he could leave and to his surprise the demon didn't try to continue babbling. He went towards the door but quickly noticed that the demon was flying right behind him, and they kept following him out into the corridor. They were letting their long boney wings completely carry them so they looked sort of like a cartoon character being hoisted by a balloon.
They were probably the most pathetic demon the angel had ever seen and he honestly heartfully didn't mean that in a rude way it was just that the demon looked like if someone had dunked an underweight kitten in a puddle and then put a silly little outfit on it. They were wearing boyish shorts with a vest thrown on over and a cap a few sizes too big for their head. At first he assumed it was thrown together in the dark until he realized the shirt under the vest and their socks had the exact same matching pattern. So they were just one of those types that put way too much effort into looking effortless. On second thought that should have been obvious by the fact that they were wearing the trendy new "sun-glasses". The angel still wasn't fully sure what those were.
The moment they were out of the view of any humans the Angel extended his wings and flew through an open window up into the sky until he was so far up there was no way any human would be able to hear them and he patiently waited for the demon to catch up to him so he could tell them off "Now listen here Mr. fancy sock-"
His words were interrupted by him letting out a slight gasp when the demon took off their cap and pressed it onto his head which made his curls fall in front of his eyes "Girl if you're gonna fly this high up you gotta protect your eyes" The angel looked back at the demon and another shudder went through his whole body. They had the sun against their back making the light shine between their horns like the signal of a lighthouse. They held out their hand "I'm Remy"
"Oh right. You angels don't got names do you?"
"My current human calls me Paul"
Remy scoffed "You don't look like a Paul. You look like a………" They smiled so their nose wrinkled "You look pretty!" They gasped "Oh my gosh! Was your human the one being cut up!? Was that why you were in there!? Cause like it's sooo not an angel vibe which is why I like wondered what the fuck you were doing! Like girl you gotta understand I'm a succubus! Sex gets like sssooo boring and like predictable after a while! Like ugggh I know im hot and perfect and everyone wants me but it's sooo the same all the time but then I see a fucking weirdo like you doing some random shit and it's like !!! Exciting ! You like totally made my week- no like month bitch!"
Somewhere in the rant Remy had completely forgotten that they had even started it with a question.
The angel's eyes fixated on their short buzzcutted hair that stuck up from their scalp like the fuzz of a peach. He trailed down to their eyes that were blue not in the way ice was but in the way a bluebird's warm feathers were.
"I can't be fraternizing with a demon" The angel pressed out.
"'Course not! Which is why you won't be hanging out with me! You'll just be on your merry way home when the ssssuper evil and sinister demon decides to follow you and you're like totally none the wiser about it!" They tilted their head and smiled at him "Right?"
A sour lump slid down the angel's throat as they gulped before nodding.
The two of them stayed looking at each other for another few seconds before the angel without saying a word turned around and soared down to the ground. He began walking his usual path home, passing the usual stores and waving to the usual humans. Never once along the way did he so much as glance behind him but he could still feel the demon's eyes digging into his back.
A few streets away from the city center laid a house owned by an afluent family which the angel was renting the attic of. He kept his eyes steady in front of him as he went to the back of the house and climbed up the ladder to the entrance to the attic apartment but as he went inside he left the door agape behind him. With his back turned to the door he stopped a few steps into the room and listened to the slight creak of aging hinges as the demon followed him inside and closed the door behind them.
Almost immediately he heard the demon let out a laugh as they looked around his room "W-o-W! Okay girl I knew you were weird but no you're just like full on crazy huh. Do you describe yourself as a mad scientist or what"
They were looking with a half open mouth at the wall that the angel had put the biggest coarkboard he could find on. The board was divided into three distinct parts with letters spelling out 'Humans' on one part, 'Angels' on the next and 'Demons' on the last though. All over the board were bits of paper hung up or even tiny scribbled notes along with pages ripped straight from books and drawings of anatomy. The human anatomy was obviously professionally made and copied from books while the drawings of angels was amateurish. Pink string connected the different parts, with the different shades of pink leading to different parts.
The demon part of the board was obviously a lot more barren then the other two and the notes that were there had questions marks all over them.
The rest of the apartment was less eyecatching. On the opposite wall of the corkboard hung a line of nearly identical cardigans only differing in color along with matching ties and a metal framed bed had been shoved into the corner next to it. It was tidied up with a teddy bear laying tucked in under the cover. A bookcase was next to it filled to the brim with books in various human languages though because of the slanted roof several stacks of books had been forced to pile up on the floor instead with most of the floor ones being various human dictiornaties.
On the nightstand was the only electric lamp in the tiny place right next to a book that had become twice as thick because of all the notes the angel had put inside of it.
Remy laughed as they took one of the notes from the demon section and read it aloud "Demons lack stomaches ???" They looked to him "Girl where did you get this from?"
The angel sunk into himself "I had heard uhm you- well among other demons your- your type feed off of lust. I thought maybe you didn't need any place to store eaten food because of it....Unless by feeding off of lust you mean" He cut himself off and looked a little green.
"Like we meant it literally!? Like eating c- Ugh! That's nasty!"
They laughed again but noticed that the angel wasn't. They quickly pointed to a random part of the corkboard and tried to make their tone sound as genuine despite them being stuck in an evelasting sarcastic sounding vocal fry.
"What does this mean?"
His eyes immediately shone though the joy didn't quite reach his lips. Instead his feet tapped into the ground faster and faster as he started to speak "Oh that? That's actually a part of my hypothesis on how our species are connected- or not connected more like. Well obviously we are very different in how we function right? With you feeding off lust and us not having to sleep like humans do but on the outside we do look quite similar so I- I uhhh. I thought..."
The words faded in his mouth at the same time as his hands pulled at the long sleeves of his cardigan. His eyes lost the glister that had been there for just a few seconds and was replaced by his cheeks turning a dark shade of red.
Remy clammered for words "You're right! We do like totally look similar! If only there was like some sort of explanation for why.....??"
"Well.....Well I had this idea that....You know birds?"
"Like Personally? No"
The angel shuffled around some of the excess papers scattered around the board and pulled out a drawing of a peacock that had seemingly been traced from a book and then colored by the angel himself.
"Birds have evolved to have colorful feathers to entice partners to them, I thought perhaps demons have evolved similarly to mirror what humans find attractive and us angels have obviously mirrored what humans find friendly and trustful"
"Uhu uhu" Since Remy's hair was too short to twirl they were twirling their tail around their finger instead.
"That's why the humans can't see our horns either I assume. They must be scary to the human mind- Speaking of horns! I have this other theory that uhm that our horns-"
"Our horns?" Remy tried to tease it out of him.
"....Uhhm i don't think our horns are filled with keratine like most animal horns are- Uh keratine is- it's sort of hollow I guess in other terms I mean. But our" He lightly knocked his horn against the demon's who imeediately scrunched up their nose and shook their head "You felt a tinge of pain right?"
"YEah. You trying to to turn me on or something-"
"NO! I meant to show that- Uh- That-" The angel got so flustered he lost his words which Remy found adorable "That I think that on the inside of our horns we must have nerve tissue at the very least, probably even some blood or fat tissue"
"makes tooots sense Angel" They pointed to another random note "What about this?"
"Oh!" His hand began to flap with immense speed "I was going to ask you about that! See both guardian angels and humans start as children- I mean I have heard that humans are" He put his hand over his chest "....Born...?" A shiver went through him "But- Ugh that's another tagnent for some other time! We both start as children and we learn our languages gradually but I undertsnad it as you starting as adults no?"
"Yuuh. We start at liiiikkke 20issh"
"Then do you still learn your language gradually or is it already instilled in you from bi- uh creation?"
They squinted "Uhhh pretty sure it was like" They knocked against their skull "All in there. Only our language though. I had to learn human languages all by myself"
He hurried to scribble it down onto a piece of paper and while he was occupied the demon took the oppurtunity to lay down in his bed and stretch out so that their joints creaked. In responde the angel set the things on the nightstand aside so he could use it as a makeshift chair to avoid sitting on the same bed as them. The demon playfully poked their tail against his ankle.
"You mind if I sleep here?"
The angel took the teddy bear away and closely held it to his chest "...I didn't think your type had to sleep"
"I mean like we don't but I got a physical as fuck job and I've been up all night working. Whats a demon gotta do to get some rest!?" He once again scribbled something down and the demon added with grin "Oh and also we eat rats. We demons I mean. We just love slurping down on some nice rats at the end of the day" They lied.
The angel looked up at him with a wide eyed stare that made the demon break out into a laugh.
"...You may sleep here..." The angel mumbled while glancing away "...But only if I may-" He pulled up the book that had been laying on the nightstand and shoved it right up against Remy's face "INTERPRET YOUR DREAMS!!!"
"The intepretation of dreams by Sigmund Freud!!" His legs kicked around and his wings fluttered a little "It's a part of this thing called psychology! The brain is the organ with the most nerves in the body don't you know, imagine how much- I can explain later- Though obviously I would love to have a word about some of mr. Freud's theories. Some of them simply don't have any proper evidence, not to even speak of being peer reviewed! He lives in the city! It would be- Oh gosh! Sorry you were going to sleep"
Remy smiled and the angel thought that the tiny gropes they got in their cheeks were pretty.
"It's okay. I like your voice"
He scrunched his nose "What do you mean by that"
"Hey now, just 'cause I'm a succubi doesn't make everything I say autimatically horny. I'm just saying I like your voice. It's soft, good for nighttime radio" They yawned before turning to sleep "See you soon Angel"
The angel was left sitting in his apartment that all of a sudden felt changed in every way as it filled with the soft sounds of the demon snoring. He carefully laid a blanket over them before sitting down to reread parts of the book.
July 1921
"Can you expand your wings now please"
Remy was laying shirtless on their stomach on the angel's bed while the angel stared at their back with a magnifying glass. They got goosebumps all along their back as soon as his warm hands touched their skin. They had seen the gentle way he picked up his teddy bear, his books, hell even when he took out the trash he carried it with care and now he touched their back with that same care so that he could study how their skin moved when they let their wings out.
They waited to retract them until they had heard the angel finish writing in his notebook "Just as I thought, the skin on your back is especially loose so that it can stretch to fit around your shouldblades when they open to become wings..I must admit it looks a lot more gross than our fluffy fine wings!"
"Big agree" Remy replied before shoving their head straight into his wings so their whole face disappeared into it.
The angel let out a big gasp and flapped his wings to get them away "You can put your shirt back on now"
"Nah I feel nice like this"
"....." The angel glanced at them before quickly looking down into the floor "Anyhow. I uh I have to go check up on my human so- uh I suppose if you're tired you can sleep here if you want but I have to go-"
"Can I come with?"
"What if someone sees us? GOSH! Why am I even considering it!? You're only going to try and turn my human wicked!"
"I can like follow you like we did the first time we met. Duuuh!"
"You're not talking to my human!"
They threw their hands up "Sure. Sure. prommy. I just wanted to hang out with my Angel buddy anyway"
He pouted but gave in when Remy smiled at him ".....Fine"
After the angel had thought long and hard on which cardigan to wear they left with the demon following him a few metres behind. The walk felt longer than it ever had felt until eventually he couldn't take the silence any longer and stopped to let the demon catch up to him. Remy stood with their hands in their pockets and blew a gum bubble while waiting for the angel to speak.
"She's quite lonely. My human. Her death is a few years away, it will be a sudden illness from a minor infection. She will only suffer for a bit under a week before dying" The words spilled out of him all at once. "She enjoys boardgames"
"Aww. You friends?"
"I'm her only friend and she's my only..." He hesitated "She was my only friend. My humans are always my only friends. No reason to get too chummy with anyone else, especially not when my humans don't live long"
The gum bubble poppped "Weird. Guardian angels like you live on earth full time??? You dont go sleep in heaven like we do?? I had just like assumed you were super close to like humans and human culture 'cause of it. Is- Is those freaky science books the closest you get to human culture?"
"It interests me!"
"Girl we have got to change that! You can't let a demon go around knowing more about human culture than you! Think of how many pooor humans I can corrupt with that knowledge!"
"...After work Meet you here in a few hours?"
Remy let up into a grin "Scared of showing me where your human lives huh. You think I'm that good at seducing?"
"I- I am not taking my chances"
"Sure" They blew another bubble and popped it "See you"
The meeting with his human went well or at least she seemed happy to see him. They played chess for a few hours while her pastries baked in the oven. Her husband was away for the time being working hard in the newly opened automobile factories and though the angel didn't know much about engineering he listened to her trying to explain the concept of a car.
Her husband being away was the main reason he went to see her so often. He feared that if she became completely alone she would seek out extramarital affairs and he couldn't let her fall like that.
When he left she insisted on him taking one of her pastries with him and though he wasn't much of an eater of human food he went along for her sake. Out of nowhere he asked for a second pastry and she smiled softly and jokingly asked if he was finally courting someone.
Remy was waiting on the same street but they had found time to completely change clothes into a sparkly dress that stopped around their knees and a hat. as soon as they saw him round the corner they started waving their arm.
"ANGEL! ANGEL!" They grabbed onto his shoulders "I am about to show you something like sssooo cool. You're gonna love it!"
"I got you a pastry" He interrupted.
"Oh" It caught them so off guard they just stared at the pastry bag for a few seconds before murmuring "Aw that's so sweet"
On the walk to whereever the demon was taking him they ate both of the pastries and made the angel promise to tell his human that 'A friend' highly sent their regards.
As the first hints of evening came knocking they arrived at the destination and the angel realized in horror he had been taken to a place of dancing. Even worse than simply that, even from outside the white painted doors he could hear jazz!
Just like any new artform that cropped up he was vary of it until he had heard definitely from the higher ups if it was sinful or not and they hadn't quite figured out where on the sin spectrum jazz belonged yet. Though he had heard rumors from humans he had passed by that jazz and the dances it inspired was marks of the devil!
He looked over to see the demon light a cigarette and sit down on the grass near the dancing place "Yeah I thought you'd react like that. Let's like give it this cig time for you to calm down and then we can try to go inside. it's fun I promise. And not sexual or like devious or nothing"
"Uhm..mhh" He sat down beside them and moved his wings around himself so the smoke didn't reach his nose.
He counted the pairs of shoes walking in and out from the dancing hall and gulped at how many humans were losing their place in heaven. He didn't dare to look at any of their faces in case he would tear up from the tragedy.
Remy pressing the cigarette into the ground and twisting it around and around until the last few sparks disappeared made the angel flinch for some reason he couldn't explain. They leant in and stroked a few feathers to the side to get a better look at him before tilting their head in an unspoken question.
The angel's eyes filled with tears "I can't do it. I can't go inside"
"That's okay" They lightly rubbed their thumb under his eyes to make the tears go away "I'll figure something else out. I'll help you home"
August 1921
A knock came on the window of the attic which disrupted the angel in his reading. At first he feared it was a bird having mistakenly fleed into it but when he looked up he saw the by now familiar face of the demon. They mimed for him to open the window which he did after putting his teddy bear away so they wouldn't fall asleep cuddling it like they had last time.
"AAAAANGEL! You're never gonna believe what I got. It is sssoooo in right now! Okay okay pull up the nightstand and then close your eyes okay? I got it right outside"
The angel complied and placed the nightstand in the middle of the tiny room and waited while hearing Remy pull something heavy into the room while snickering to themself.
His breathe hitched in his throat when the demon without warning placed their hands over his closed eyes and pressed their chest close to his back. He wondered if they could feel his eyeslashes flutter against their palms.
"Alright! Open up!"
They moved their hands aside and the angel saw a large gramophone on the nightstand with a carboard box filled with records sitting on the floor next to it. Remy excitedly watched for his reaction.
"...Did you steal it?"
The demon leant forward so far they could nearly touch their toes as they let out a saddened sigh before pulling themself up again "I'm a fucking succubi not a steal-shit-ubi. I was thinking that like if the dancing hall is too much for you I could bring it to you instead" They shimmied their shoulders "Have a little like dance of our own"
The angel fiddled with his feet so the tips of his socks curled "It's a nice thought.....That place was very loud...."
"Suuper nice! I got all kinds of jazz for you to choose from. I was thinking James reese could be a good start. All the rage right now but it's not too like scandalous or nothing"
He stood still frozen in fear as the demon picked out a record and got the gramophone working. The machine shook into life and started spitting out sounds of a lone trumpet soon followed by a whole band of instruments. Remy smiled at him and he thought that if he didn't move it wouldn't count as him doing something wrong.
"You look like you've seen a ghost" Remy briefly pressed their hand to his forehead "You're not sick are you. C'mon let's loosen up!"
His mouth opened but he couldn't get any words out even as Remy clearly waited for him to respond but when none came they turned off the music using their tail. As soon as it stopped it felt like the angel was allowed to breathe again.
"Okay girlie y'know what we should do instead? I like suck ass at reading so like how about you read for both of us with your pretty lil radio voice" They scratched under his chin while saying it.
"..That....That sounds nice..Do you want to hear a bit more about psychology?"
"Whatever you want Angel" They replied while making themself comfortable on his bed.
The angel took out a book that made a whole row of the stacked bookcase spill over onto each other before sitting down on the bed so his feet laid where the demon's head was (sitting next to each other could be sinful) and began reading aloud. He felt the demon lightly tickle the soles of his feet with their tail and it was the only part of them moving. They had cupped their hands over their stomach and had closed their eyes though he could see their eyelids flutter showing their eyes moving rapidly underneath as if they were hanging onto every word he spoke.
A week later the angel returned home with the weight of the ocean atop his shoulders making him slump down on the floor as soon as he had closed the door. It was exactly 3 years until his human would die and the entire day while playing chess and helping her fold her laundry it was the only thing he could think of.
The gramophone was still sitting in the middle of his room and it caught his eye. He quietly crawled on his knees up to it and took out one of the records the demon had left behind. Unknowingly he picked one with both blues and jazz on it and as he put it on the sollem music was comforting somehow.
He didn't dance, he was afraid too even breathe too loudly in case someone from above was watching him, but he sat on the floor of the attic and was embraced by the music.
November 1921
"Hey Angel!"
He let out a high pitched scream when the demon suddenly soared down in front of him right as he was about to go buy tea. They let out a cloud of cigarette smoke at the same time as their wings reverted back down under their skin.
"You busy?"
Something about the way the demon's eyes were red made him gasp out a white lie "No. Not at all. Want to come in?"
For the first time he noticed that the demon had to duck to even get through the door and he chuckled to himself. Remy took off their hat and used it as a makeshift ashtray while swinging their legs up on the nightstand.
"Put on some Bessie Angelcakes!"
The angel watched them lean their head back and blow out another puff of smoke before putting on the record and sitting down next to them. Wordleesly they moved their tail around his waist and rested their cheek against his shoulder. He coughed from the smoke to which the demon mumbled a sorry.
"I think me and my boyfriend are breaking up again" They muttered.
"That is..." He pursed his lips "....Good..Right?"
"Yeaaaah probably. We're not working. But" They pouted while shaking their shoulders around "The sex is so good though!! You angels don't live like monks do you? You gotta like understand somewhat"
"Obviously we can't date humans"
"But I do know some guardian angels who have married each other. I don't know if they have- have done what you do-"
"Had sex?"
"Uhm yeah that. Personally I find it hard to find angels to be with even in a platonic sense. With us having to move perhaps entire continents every time our human dies and- well- I guess I'm not a good example. I know there are other angels in this town, they just don't want to talk to me after I started telling them about" He motioned towards the corkboard where the demon section had become increasingly filled out.
"I like talking to you"
"Oh gosh does that make me demonic!?"
"nah nah. Girl you're fine" Remy patted their tail against the top of his halo. "You're perfectly fine"
The angel watched them put out the cigarette against the hardwood floor and patted the traces of smoke out with their hand before settling to stare out into space. He wasn't sure if they had ever told him how long they had dated this boyfriend but he saw them sniffle and force a sneeze so they could have an excuse to wipe their face with the back of their hand.
"...Do you want to dance?" The angel asked which made Remy turn their head in surprise.
"Sure...Sure yeah of course. Do you know how-"
He stood up and placed a record on the gramophone before they had had time to finish the question. They turned around to help the demon up on their feet.
"Guess you will have to shove me" The angel replied.
The demon kept his hand in theirs as they showed him how to move his feet to do the charleston. His feeble attempt at mimicking them made them burst out into laughter to the point of their eyes tearing up before they settled on introducing him with a simpler move.
November 1923
The corkboard had become the corkboards, plural, and every single inch of them were covered in notes written in both the angel's neatly cursive handwriting and the demon's chicken scratch.
The chicken scratch had been something that interested the angel greatly at the moment. It wasn't a demon trait that Remy had a hard time placing letters where they should be, nor was it an intelligence problem that words on a page tumbled and fell into disorder when they tried to read it. Right now their shared theory was that Remy had been made to pander to human who liked the 'stupid' type. Bimbos in modern terms. and to reach the illusion of a stupid slut they had been created to have a hard time reading and writing. Once again using modern times, something akin to dyslexia.
Still the angel didn't mind and they certaintly didn't mind the many nights the demon came knocking on his window with their clothes wrinkled from work and their tail dragging behind them. They would lay down on the bed beside him after putting on a record and make themself comfortable against his shoulder or with their head buried against his pillows and teddy bear. It didn't matter what book he was reading they simply enjoyed hearing his voice.
The times when he was writing they laid quietly and watched the movements of the pen strokes. They didn't read what he was writing, watching the motions was enough.
It was a night like that when Remy was close to slumbering against his arm that the mumbled "Mind if I sleep over for a few nights in like a row Angel? It's like tottttallly awkward in hell right now. Don't wanna like return immediately"
"Did another boyfriend materialise when I wasn't looking" He teased back.
"Cooouuurse not. No but really not this time"
"Do you owe someone an awkward favor?"
They snickered so their nose wrinkled "Nah. I fucked my boss or like manager or whatever you angels call them now again"
"YOu- That can not be a good workplace dynamic!"
"It's finnneeeeee. I got more proof for your theory by the way cause like my managers not a succubus and he doesnt work with humans like at all and he hasnt like mimicked the human look like we have"
The angel fought between his curiosity to hear more and his strong sense of workplace justice. If he had been born a human he would have been a union man. He closed the book he had been reading and set it aside.
"Like he got 6 arms!" Remy continued "Course im not against finding out with what he can do with all them. And his genitals!? I mean!??? Remind me to not sit up straight any time soon cause I think my back will implo-"
"I don't need that many details"
"Well you're talking to me so girl you're getting them" They shrugged "But like I dont got the hots for him. If I did I would have tried to bang him earlier. He was just acting all pissy and telling me to stay after our like monthly meeting and he was going off on me for spending so much time on earth without spending all that time seducing humans so I like used what I have- sex- to like make him look the other way" Remy bonked their head against his "So I can keep spending time with my fav lil angel buddy"
"You don't have to do that"
"But I would miss you"
The angel parsed his lips before closing them again and turning away. He thought to say that he would be gone in a year anyway when his human died and that Remy shouldn't bother but the words died on his tongue.
Instead he scratched at his wrists and felt a feeling pass by that he knew he wasn't allowed to feel about them. "Want to dance?"
"Saarey girl I'm just tired. Once I've napped kay?"
Remy reached up and booped him on the cheek "Now tell me about Pavlov again. Hearing bout it helps me sleep for some fucking reason"
"Oh...I actually have a explanation for that. You see-"
Exactly a month afterwards the demon barged in (by now the angel had given them their own key) just as tired as a month ago and he didn't even have to guess what the reason was since they immediately splayed out on the bed and loudly complained about how much their jaw hurt.
June 1924
The angel had taken to sketching the demon while they slumbered. It had grown from his amateur attempts at drawing anatomy for his beloved boards and it did still frustrate him that he was unable to fully replicate his friend's gorgeous figure but the frustration was outweighted by the relaxing feeling he got from feeling the pen strokes.
He focused on the slender curve of the demon's shoulder as it connected to their side and ended at their waist. The blanket laid twisted up around their feet and the short hair that had grown out stuck to the pillow. They snored like a sailor.
He could always tell whether they were dating someone at the moment or not depending on how skinny they were. It made a sort of sense that they would feed more if they were with somene they loved. At the moment their shoulder blades stuck out like jagged knives and their hip bone was ever so slightly visible through their underwear.
Suddenly the snoring stopped and the demon turned towards him while grogily wiping their eyes. They obviously saw his drawing before he had a chance to put the notebook away and while his cheeks turned red hot their eyes instantly went from an inch open to wide and their pupils huge.
"No. No. See this is Remy the nice angel obviously" He drew a line between their horns connecting it into a halo "See?"
"Aw damn I look even hotter as an angel!" They managed to take the book from him and flipped through the many pages of sketches of them, some made from memory but a lot of them sleeping "I didn't know you liked this stuff" They changed to a teasing tone "Am I your musssseeee?"
He blushed "Nooo. I am simply ever curious of different species' nature. As you know"
"I know something you'll like then! I never though of showing you but there is this- Ugh hard to explain. I'll show you! At the cinema! It involves music sometimes!"
He tilted his head down so he got a double chin "We shouldn't leave my apartment too often-"
"GIIIrl we like never do!! C'mon I'll follow you behind like always! Proomy!- Or wait if you dont know the way then I guess you gotta follow me for once, get some like good work out of those wings!"
They put their hands right into his wings and fluffed them up until his feathers stuck out like a baby birds but right after they smiled at him so the slight gap between their top teeth showed and suddenly the angel swore his sight tinted pink.
"Sick! Just follow me!"
What the demon had managed to get him into was seeing the latest animated shorts at the cinema, Betty boop, Koko the clown, the alice comedies from Walt Disney. Things Remy had witnessed before but the angel was sitting at the edge of his seat the entire time.
It was lucky that there were only a few other people at the cinema because the angel couldn't physically stop himself from gasping and squeaking and even shaking Remy around and pointing at the screen at certain times. He smiled like they usually only saw him smile when he talked about his psychology theories.
When they left the cinema the angel was happy flapping his wings so rapidly that his toes lifted from the ground.
"THAT WAS AMAZING- AND DID YOU SEE WHEN- AND THE MOVEMENT- THE CREATIVITY- AND HOW- WOW-" A full body shudder went through him "Truly spectacular!"
"Yeah yeah. Well" Remy fiddled with their long slender fingers "Well then we can go see more animation shorts like next week right?"
His wings stopped right in a motion making him suddenly come back down to earth again so dust got knocked up around his feet "My human dies at the end of the week. She will get the wound that will lead to the infection tomorrow"
The demon's expression changed in instant. It wasn't anger nor confusion. It was simple aboslute heartbreak
"...And..And you didn't think to tell me!? Until now!? You- Were you just planning on disappearing on me!?-"
"Sooner or later we would go our different ways"
"I THOUGHT IN LIKE 50 YEARS OR HOWEVER LONG HUMANS LIVE! NOT NOW!" Remy held their arms around themself and sunk their nails down into their arsm until the skin broke apart "I- I've been fucking my boss to keep being with you and you- you can't even tell me in advance that you- That you're leaving me- I- I though we had something-"
"We were never supposed to have something"
"BUT WE DO! AND YOU WENT ALONG WITH US HAVING SOMETHING!" Their voice turned thick with tears.
"We still have time to meet up again and say goodbye!"
"Say goodbye..." They repeated as their voice broke "I- I. I'm not doing this"
They threw off their jacket so that they could spread their wings and turned to fly away when they smacked their lips and held up their finger as they looked back at him with a furious look.
"ActuallY! Angel! It's no wonder no other angel wants to be near you or that you don't have any actual frinds! 'Cause all this time I have been the only one choosing to come to you and I've been the one putting in all of the work to even fucking talk to you! You've never gone to see me! You've never even cared that much have you!? You're a bad friend! Of course you're alone as hell! And of course you're gonna stay that way!"
Remy didn't give the angel a chance to respond, instead immediately fleeing into the night, while he was left on the ground.
August 1924
It was the night before his human would die. He could practically see the clock ticking down every time he closed his eyes. 8 hours. 7 hours. 6 and a half.
He knew he should be by her side for the last few hours, aside from her husband who had hurried home to her the angel was her only friend. But before that he had to pack the few things he could bring with him to his new human. He would be called up to heaven only a few minutes after the death after all so the only things he could bring was the ones that could fit in a backpack.
The teddy bear came along of course as well as the stacks of notes he had written together with- The notes he had written about their different species. Only his most treasured and well annotated books could follow along and he simply had to hope that he would be able to buy the rest again at whatever place his next human lived.
The backpack was nearly full, the only thing that might be able to fit would be...He turned to look at the records sitting leant against the gramophone...Maybe he could bring one of his favorite record's, some blues for him to listen to on a lonely night. Like every night.
Or he could bring one of Remy's favorite.
Or he could...
Before he had even dared to finish the thought his wings had already began to flutter before fully flapping away to the point that they were basically dragging him on his knees towards the door. He pretended to fight back against the pull of the wings but secretly he was fully aware that his wings wouldn't do anything he didn't intimiately want to do as well.
The angel soared out into the darkening night sky and flew high above the busy city streets searching for a familiar face in the crowd but he saw not a glimpse of the demon's blue horns.
Instead he pivoted to searching in places he knew the demon frequented. he flew to the cinema, to a public park where musicians would play, to the alleys near bars. But still no sight of them.
There was one place he hadn't dared go to yet and even the thought made him shake but still he forced himself towards the dancing hall Remy had taken him right at the beginning of their friendship. The place he to this day still hadn't been able to get himself to take a single step into.
As usual it was buzzling with people and the music's brass horns and swinging trumpets could be heard from a mile away.
His knees felt weak as soon as he landed on the ground and he desperately hoped that Remy would come wandering out from the entrance but all he saw was strangers.
He paced back and forth debating with himself. Taking a few steps closer to the entrance then immediately backing again.
Every time a human so much as grazed against him by mistake he flinched and hid away behind a dumpster until he had pooled together enough courage to go back to pacing.
A half hour must have gone by in indecesivness.
Until finally he gulped and tensed his hands into fists and stormed inside so fast that he didn't have a chance to talk himself out of it. Instantly the music mixed with the crowd's chattering hit his ears like a typhoon hitting a single tree right as the bright lights burst against his eyes like a bull stepping on a bee.
He was trembling with every step he took, feeling his way through the disorienting crowd, with tears already welling up into his eyes because of the overstimulation.
He was close to turning back and running because all the people blurred together so surely he wouldn't be able to make out if Remy even was there when he caught a glance of a pair of blue horns sticking up from above the crowd.
Aimleesly he pressed himself through people towards the horns until he broke through the crowd and saw his friend standing beside some human.
For the first time in his life a human seemed nonimportant as all he could do was pull Remy into a warm embrace and immediately begin sobbing into their chest.
"Hey- Hey Angel"
Remy placed their hand against his back while their eyes looked them up and down in disbelief. Even their voice sounded caught off guard.
They said something to the human that made them leave but the angel couldn't quite make it out. All he could focus on was Remy's hand against his back gently guiding him out of there as the demon pushed them both towards the exit.
Even when the cold night air breezed across his face he still found it hard to breathe for many minutes afterwards. The demon asked him over and over if he was okay, if he could breathe, if he was sick, but he couldn't answer aside from sobs. The demon guided him to a nearby bench and waited as he continued to wail and shake from worry whether Heaven had seen him go into that place or not.
The demon kicked their feet while waiting for him to calm down but instead the angel leant in for another hug and rubbed his forehead against their shoulder.
"Remy I'm sorry- I'm sorry I didn't tell you" He kept his arms wrapped around their waist as he looked up at them and begged "Can't you come along with me? Let's run away together! I- I- After I learn where my next human lives I can fly all the way here and come get you!"
The demon's bottom lip trembled "You want me to just pack up and leave my entire life FOR YOU!? Has it ever like occured to you I stay in this town for other reasons than you!? That I have other people I care about but you!? That I can't just leave like you can apparently!"
"But- But- You mean this is just goodbye?"
Remy's expression crumbled and they let out their wings just so they could shield themself and force him to back off "I...I dunno"
"You're my best friend"
"......I'm like sorry bout what I said too....But I can't just like leave..."
The silence between them pressed on until it got hard to breathe again.
Until ever so slightly Remy retracted their wings and without looking towards him they reached out and laid their hand on top of his.
"...But that doesn't mean I don't wanna like keep talking to you" They admitted, voice quiet and meek.
The angel reached out his wing and moved it around the demon, embracing them with all the fluffy feathers they would ever want "How about we keep contact without you leaving?"
"I know you don't have an adress but you can take over my apartment, at least so that I can send letters to you-"
"You know I'm not that good with the whole writing thing"
"I don't care as long as it's written by you. I don't want to lose you completely"
Remy turned to look at him "So...How do you think it will like work?"
"Well...My human dies tonight and then I get sent to my new place and as soon as I get there I promise I will write a letter with my new adress so you can send things back to me"
They leant in and pressed their forehead against his before murmuring "Imma come visit you Angel"
He smiled "I hope so"
"I promise so. Now" Remy pressed a short kiss to the angel's cheek that left him reeling "You got a dying human to support! And you've done your job like sssuuper well so don't even like worry about her going down to my place! She's gonna get a great afterlife! So like write and then- Then someday we will like see each other again- I hope"
The angel had to fight against another wave of sobs as he forced out "I'll see you later"
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Mociet fusion
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This is my very poorly drawn mociet fusion whom I have named Salus which is latin for safety or welfare, which I think fits well.
He's got three eyes two of which come from Patton and the third from Janus. He also technically has eight arms, but he hides four of them, and if he could he'd hide the extra two. But he can't.
His appearance leans more towards Janus than Patton, though it is easy to tell that Patton has some influence on Salus' appearance even if it is subtle, like the flower on his sun hat being the same flower used to represent Patton in some of the merch.
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Salus has patches of snake and frog skin all over his body, though due to the fact that Patton has not accepted that part of himself yet, Salus is rather self-conscious about it and has a habit of covering his frog-like features up.
When it came to his outfit I wanted to keep a balance between Janus' style and Pattons, although, I'm not sure I did it right and I may have to redraw him sometime. When searching for a 'balance' outfit I took inspiration from the Mad Hatter, Mary Poppins and Eclipsa from svtfoe, so instead of Janus' shepherds crook thing that he has, I gave him an umbrella cause I feel like it fits better with Patton's personality. The umbrella works kinda like Mary Poppins umbrella and is sometimes used as a shield to protect the others. Also, he does have glasses I just forgot to draw them.
I had a lot of different ideas for his emblem thing, including a frog and a snake forming a heart, or a snake wrapped around a heart shaped lily pad but I wasn't really sure how to draw that, plus it wouldn't really fit until Patton learns to accept and embrace his frog traits. So for now Salus' emblem is a two headed snake shaped like a heart.
Once the other side's learn of his existence I believe his relationship with each of them would be strained at best seeing as the others are still angry at his two halves for a lot of reasons. Except for Remus who thinks he's cool, Salus is both deeply disturbed by and incredibly fond of him. I think Roman would feel betrayed by the fact that Patton trusts Janus enough to fuse with him, Logan would try not to let his emotions get in the way and attempt to study him (though he would be quite bitter towards him) and Virgil, despite his anger and frustrations towards Patton, would see their fusion as Janus manipulating Patton or as an abusive relationship of sorts and would try to defuse the two of them in the hopes of helping Patton.
For his personality I want him to be a mix between his two halves but still be his own person. I know he'd be good at puns and that he'd be the type of person to drink apple juice from a wine glass to make himself feel fancy, he's also the type of person who just knows when people are sad so he leaves cookies outside their door but denies his involvement when questioned. He has an unfortunate habit of not being able to ask for help because he feels he can fix whatever it is himself and he doesn't want to bother the others. He wants to be acknowledged as his own person rather then an extension of Patton or Janus. I feel like his morals are somewhere along the line of 'Do no harm, take no shit' he does truly care about Thomas's friend but if he feels they're hurting him or are toxic in any way he will advise them to change their behaviour but if they don't he'll attempt to cut them off. He care more about Thomas's wellbeing them the wellbeing of those around him(Thomas) and will advise Thomas to take a break to take care of himself and to set healthy boundaries rather then helping everyone who asks him. He does feel bad about having such 'selfish' motives but at the end of the day he feels that this is what's best for Thomas.
He's also an empath.
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aollosjustlurking · 7 months
to continue my comparison of "folklore" by taylor swift and virgil leaving the dark sides, i present patton's point of view as told by the song "seven":
Please picture me
In the trees
I hit my peak at seven feet
In the swing
Over the creek
I was too scared to jump in
But I, I was high in the sky
With Pennsylvania under me
Are there still beautiful things?
patton went through a lot of character development during early episodes. besides his (and other's) characters being more defined as the series was defined to be what it is, he also matured just a bit. we see this heavily in "growing up" where he begins to move towards a balance between inner child and paternal figure. he's had to do this as thomas has grown up, as discussed in "selfishness vs selflessness redux". this could be interpreted as patton longing for the simpler times of childhood.
Sweet tea in the summer
Cross your heart, won't tell no other
And though I can't recall your face
I still got love for you
Your braids like a pattern
Love you to the moon and to Saturn
Passed down like folk songs
The love lasts so long
i'm using "though i can't recall your face" as a sort of "though i don't know you". patton was the first to regularly show virgil kindness in the series. he didn't know virgil well, none of them even knew his name, but he still expressed love for him.
And I've been meaning to tell you
I think your house is haunted
Your dad is always mad and that must be why
this is representative of patton's view of the dark sides, notably remus, as being scary and bad. he, having begun to build a relationship with virgil, doesn't view virgil as bad anymore and thus is concerned for him.
And I think you should come live with
Me and we can be pirates
to live with patton is to live with the light sides, to be a light side. patton was the first to accept virgil into the group, we see this in accepting anxiety pt 1 when he says, "anxiety might be a gloomy goober sometimes but he is still one of us."
Then you won't have to cry
Or hide in the closet
whether or not virgil was actually crying because of his situation is up to your own interpretations of his emotional repression levels. either way, patton is trying to empathize with him in the only way he knows how. he would be crying in this situation, so he assumes virgil is. hiding in the closet is remenant of virgil ducking out and hiding in his room. patton is offering acceptance to virgil so he doesn't have to hide from the group.
And just like a folk song
Our love will be passed on
patton views the sides as a family and we know he cares about them a lot. patton invited virgil into their family and now the love he feels for the others is also felt for virgil.
Please picture me
In the weeds
Before I learned civility
I used to scream ferociously
Any time I wanted
I, I
this again builds upon patton's softness for childhood. when thomas was younger, he didn't have to worry as much and things came easier to him. adulthood has proven to be difficult for patton, and now he misses childhood occasionally.
Sweet tea in the summer
Cross my heart, won't tell no other
And though I can't recall your face
I still got love for you
Pack your dolls and a sweater
We'll move to India forever
Passed down like folk songs
Our love lasts so long
despite not always knowing what direction to go in recently, patton is confident in bringing virgil into the group.
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warcats-cat · 1 year
Author asks for you, friend! answer as many or as few as you'd like
4, 5, 8, 11, 17, 23, and 25
(these are some of the best questions in my opinion)
Hello friend!! I'm sorry it's taken so long, I've had a huge rush at work the last two days. So, I shall answer all of your questions! :D
4) favorite character you’ve written
Surprisingly, I think Logan from Sanders Sides is my favorite character to write so far. I think I've said it before but stretching my minor in English and doing all of the niche research for his interests is just so much fun.
5) character you were most surprised to end up writing
Remus from Sanders Sides. Like 100%. To be 100% honest he really squicked me out when he first debuted, and I wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. But I've gotten used to the character via other people's works, and gotten a lot more confident in writing him. (Although, I'm sure there are people who aren't as happy with me making him a little more mild than canon)
8) favorite genre to write
A lot of my writing is cathartic, so I would say I really prefer to write angst and hurt/comfort, but I also have a family au that's in the works right now that I am *very* attached too. 👀
11) what aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
(all of it) I think my sense of character and My confidence in writing characters who are different from me have grown a lot. Also my confidence in sitting down and creating a *plot* instead of just writing from my emotions. My writer self from 2018 would never have dreamed she'd be able to write something like False Idol or Long Road Home.
17) if you could give your fledgling author self any advice, what would it be?
Keep going. Don't be afraid to empathize with your characters. It only sounds dumb to you because you were the one to write it. 💜
23) any obscure life experiences that you feel have helped your writing?
I think I've talked a lot about my first car accident, but that's really the one that stands out for kicking off my writing. When I started adding more detail and insight into the character's feelings themselves.
25) copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of
A sneak peek from the family au wip that I mentioned above, which might be one of my most proud paragraphs ever 👀
They were pulling him away, Patton was wailing and Logan couldn't see him anymore. He struggled against the uniformed people swarming him, pushing him down onto a wheeled cot and sticking something into his arm. His glasses were removed and an oxygen mask placed over his nose before the world twisted around him like a newborn galaxy and he dreamed of burning stars.
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annaizscribbling · 2 years
I WANT TO KNOW!!! ABOUT ELLIE!!! i wanna know about the pink girl!!! shes very cute and sweet (and reminds me a lot of patton kinda) and i want to know more about her.
first of all, when i think of her i kinda think of jules from euphoria, but like in her pastel stages when she wasnt fucked up (/pos). shes so bubblegum. like, hubba bubba girl, yknow?
can i learn a little about her home life? what inspired her to be the way she is? shes been very fluffy since she was a child, clearly, but why? why not be angry at the world?
also you may already have talked about this but i havent scrolled through ur entire calypsokimm tag so i dont know, how did she meet the other girls?
I love Ellie so very much and will happily talk about her <3 fair warning I don't have quite as much backstory laid out for her like I do for Calypso (Cal has the most complex story by far, for obvious reasons, but the other's all have stories, most are just not as detailed/still in development) but there is still going to be so much.
I haven't watched euphoria do idk Jules outside of like, pretty pictures, but I can confirm that Ellie is very hubba bubba bubblegum girl
As I've mentioned in passing, my OCs were originally going to my own sides, but I very quickly decided I could do more with them as their own people. Ellie was set to be the bulk of my emotions, my vulnerability, and my more childish tendencies. I did not want one side to be morality, because I would have given that job to Logic/Athena, which probably tells you something about me as a person lol.
But she would have taken on Patton's character type, as bubbly, oblivious, honest, childish, and angelic in terms of virtue.
Most of the girls have names that fit them perfectly because of like origins and meanings and even what countries they came from, but not Ellie. I looked it up just now, and it means 'light' which is surprisingly fitting for her.
The reason I named her Ellie was simply after my childhood dog. She (the dog) is very old now, but still with us and deeply loved. We first got her when I was around seven or so, and at the time, I adored the name, and always loved to play pretend using it as my character. When we got the dog, my brother suggested it and here we are 11 years later.
All of my girls embody different parts of me, quite literally, because that was the original plan. Ellie literally has the name I used to play pretend with as a kid, and is the name of my oldest pet.
She's unique in that way, as well as her color scheme even. She's color coded with light blue (nod to pat) and pink. Her hair is dyed blue save the ends, which are still her natural brown for some reason.
As for her personality, Ellie is incredibly sunny. She lights up the room as soon as she walks in, she's so good at charming people with earnest conversation and an easy going excitable nature that draws people in. She's lighthearted, funny, giggly, and has a special knack for understanding people. She can be impulsive, wild, and high energy at all times. Sometimes she's reckless, filled with a deep wonder and adoration for the world around her and the things within it. She feels like she's bubbling over with a profound joy for everything around her.
The world is beautiful, to Ellie. It's gorgeous and overwhelming, but so so worth it.
She can be observant, but only when it comes to a person's character, how they work, what they like, and the things that make them special. She won't notice the new curtains or remember what she had breakfast or lots of other basic things that drive Athena to the brink of insanity, but she knows Athena's tells for when she's especially upset, or the sweater she wears when she's thinking about her boyfriend, or even the food she makes when she didn't sleep well the night before. Ellie is good at people, she understands them on a deep and empathic level, she just doesn't notice that she ran another red light by mistake.
Her emotional intelligence comes across as older than she is. In her late twenties, she manages to carry both her almost innocent giddy personality and her very calm, mature, almost ancient understanding of anyone she comes across. She cares, in an honest and loving way that's so genuine it's nearly startling. She almost effortlessly knows how to comfort people, whatever your love language is when you need it, or even what type of person you need. She can be tender and motherly, she can be playful like a sibling, supportive like a friend, or just a loving figure who'll listen to you when you have nobody else.
She's the closest with Bree, but Ellie is good friends with all of her roommates. She makes a point of coaxing Athena and Luna especially into being more open, and she's managed to get them to open up more, so they're able to have friendships where they can all be vulnerable, even where they hate it.
Ellie really is a special person, on some level she knows it. It isn't through grand gestures or a global impact. She doesn't really care too much about leaving her mark on the world or being infamous. Ellie is just different, she understands people. She loves them. She is unique
Alright I'll give some actual background now. It'll explain some of that.
Ellie grew up pretty middle class, her parents had a rocky relationship even before she came along, but they kept their struggling relationship under wraps and just stewed. Ellie was an only child, as her parents quickly realized that having a child didn't fix anything for them, and having another would just be more difficult.
Ellie would never grow up feeling loved by her mother and father.
She was always provided basic necessities as well as entertainment, but was never close or even wanted around her parents, not unless they were in public.
Her parents weren't rich, but were well established in their social circles. They came from a very large extended family with high expectations for how well a family should get along. From neighborhoods, coworkers, friends, and family, it was important to Ellie's family that they looked like the ideal family.
From as young as six years old, Ellie knew when to smile, when it was okay to hug her parents, and when she was expected to sit in her father's lap or hide behind her mom's leg. It never felt real to her, it just felt right. Mom and Dad smiled and laughed with her in public, dad would scoop her up, bouncing her and saying something silly whenever grandma was watching them. Mom would nod when Ellie made a cute comment to Mom's friend. They never said it explicitly, Ellie just learned what was expected of her, what made Mom and Dad happy.
And Ellie really wanted them to be happy.
They fought and screamed at home. They hated eating dinner together, it always ended up so tense and snappy when they did. Ellie didn't understand the numbers and names they were talking about but they made everything scarier. She never knew when the air would break and it would become a true fight. Ellie would be tersely sent to the other room, and Ellie would sit far back on the couch with her hands in her lap, fists around her dress, and her eyes locked straight ahead. She tried desperately not to hear it, or think about it. It was too scary to listen to the yelling.
She wasn't sure if she loved how they seemed to love her when they weren't fighting, or if she just feared the anxiety that rose and bubbled in her chest when they fought.
So she learned. She learned to do good things. if she cleaned the kitchen, Daddy wasn't as annoyed when he came home. If she complimented Mom's body a whole bunch, she'd be lighter, and less likely to start snapping at Dad. She memorized all of their favorite movies and books, so she could always bring them up or play them on TV. It was a quick way to distract them after dinner, if they made it through dinner at all.
They liked when she was cute and quiet. They liked when she made simple friends and did easy activities with them. They liked when she did arts and crafts to put on the fridge. They liked when she was curious about all the right parts of their jobs. They liked when she made safe lighthearted jokes, but only when the mood was correct.
Ellie learned all of the subjects that set Dad off. Ellie learned what tones lead Mom down an angrier path. She learned when and where to interrupt before either parent upset the other.
When she was ten, her father ended up getting a hefty promotion. It changed their dynamic, for the better at first, but everything quickly came back to the stressful everyday life she was so accustomed to.
Then she met Bree, one of her new neighbors.
Ellie had always worked hard to keep herself under control. Make sure all of her qualities were kept under wraps and easy to digest. She kept her positivity dialed all the way up, kept herself as quiet as possible, and never pursued anything impulsive, loud, adventurous, or unpredictable. There was a deep longing inside of her, that wanted nothing more than to throw on her favorite neon blue cardigan and run barefoot through the park, play with other kids, die laughing at a schoolmate, get messy in the mud on a rainy day, finally listen to loud music and scream it without caring who hears, and do things at the drop of a hat.
As desperately as she wanted it, none of that was an option, not in her family. She wasn't sure if she was angry, even as an adult reflecting on it, she's not sure. Adult Ellie might be angry on her younger self's behalf, but little Ellie wasn't angry, just very very scared, and very sad. Her little body was nearly in tatters trying to keep so much love held back, but there was no one to receive or give her the love she craved.
So she spend her days fantasizing about the person she wished she was, but could never be.
But Bree was like that. Bree was very much like that person she wished she was.
Bree was loud. She loved attention as much as she loved giving it. She liked shiny things and singing at the top of her lungs to songs in a language Ellie doesn't know. She loves swooshy dresses and glitter, and is constantly affectionate with her family and friends. She did fun things, she climbed trees, helped her mom cook, ran down the street to meet with her friends, laughed without monitoring her volume, made messes she begrudgingly cleaned. She could be whiny or pouty, but it never stuck and she was always ready to pull herself up. She was feisty maybe petty, and fun. Bree was so fun and Bree's parents didn't dislike the way she had fun. They reigned her in if she got too wild, but they loved her, even when she was difficult or loud.
It shocked Ellie.
Because it was everything Ellie had every dreamed of, living just three doors down.
Somehow they became friends after meeting a few times at block parties and the local pool, and Ellie was introduced to a brand new world. It was like the planet turned upside down. For the first time in her life, Ellie could be herself.
They could be loud, spontaneous, wild, silly, childish, messy, and everything else a 10 year old child was supposed to be. Bree's house was a safe place, with a family who was charmed by her gentle soul and sweet friendship with their youngest daughter. It was a friendship that saved Ellie from the brink of giving up, even as young as she was.
And life went on.
Ellie had neither the desire or the ability to articulate what her homelife was like, so her friendship with Bree was a simply a solace from it all, and the two grew and remained almost impossibly close. The two even ended up at the same school after the next summer, and their days were filled with each other. Endless memories and shrieks of laughter filling their days.
It was the happiest few years of her entire life thus far.
Then her parents took her out of that school to switch her to another. She silently lamented the loss of seeing Bree daily, but still spent copious amounts of time with her outside of school. Things were still okay, things were still happy. She was okay. Everything was okay. Her parents were difficult, but there was peace, life was worth it, and her love for the world had a place to go. She just had to smile
Then Calypso happened.
Ellie loved Cal. She was accepting another person into her life, almost to the same extent that she trusted Bree. Cal was soft and kind, good and pure and gentle. Calypso was not, and the pain of that betrayal nearly broke her.
She spiraled for weeks, barely sleeping, eating, or even getting out of bed for anything but school. Her parents paid little attention, but Bree's family did express some concern that Ellie's own parents pretended to care about. The fighting had been infinitely worse lately, with nonstop screaming, breaking things, kicking each other out of the house. She wasn't sure if it ever got physical, and she was terrified of finding out. Ellie barely saw them, but when she did, she'd just smile. She was so good at smiling. Smile. Smile. Just smile.
She hated Calypso, missed her, loved her, grieved her, despised her.
But Calypso revealed the truth to her, in a terrible, cruel way that ached just to think about.
Ellie lied in order to survive, and it hurt.
It was that simple.
Good thing Ellie liked a challenge
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alexzalben · 2 years
The final season of The Flash will premiere Wednesday, February 8 at 8pm, followed by the midseason premiere of Kung-Fu at 9pm.
The season will be 13 episodes long.
Here's a quote from new CW head Brad Schwartz on the final season, as well as a synopsis:
“THE FLASH will be remembered as one of the greatest shows in the history of The CW, and everyone involved in its excellent nine-season run should be very proud,” said Brad Schwartz, President, Entertainment, The CW Network. “The team has delivered an epic final season, filled with plenty of twists, guest stars and surprises that will delight every fan. Now is the time to catch-up and enjoy this fantastic final ride alongside the fastest man alive.”
After defeating the Reverse Flash once and for all, the ninth season of THE FLASH picks up one week later following their epic battle, and Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) and Iris West-Allen (Candice Patton) are reconnecting and growing closer than ever before. But when a deadly group of Rogues descend on Central City led by a powerful new threat, The Flash and his team—Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker), Meta-Empath Cecile Horton (Danielle Nicolet), the light-powered meta Allegra Garcia (Kayla Compton), brilliant tech-nerd Chester P. Runk (Brandon McKnight), and reformed cryogenics thief Mark Blaine (Jon Cor)—must once again defy impossible odds to save the day. But as The Rogues are defeated, a deadly new adversary rises to challenge Barry Allen’s heroic legacy. And in their greatest battle yet, Barry and Team Flash will be pushed to their limits, in order to save Central City one last time.
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What’s a fic idea that you have but haven’t written yet?
The real question, which fic idea I have that I haven't written yet? The answer is that there is a lot. I have a superhero au that I never wrote beyond a few hundred words that I wished I actually went somewhere with it. It involved:
Patton as a literal Disney princess--he has the power to communicate with animals. He keeps it under-wraps to the point that many think he's a powerless. He can technically control animals but he tries avoiding doing that because he views them as his friends
Logan as the superhero Logician. As the Logician, he mainly uses his powers of telekinesis to save the day. Most people assume he also possesses telepathy or super intelligence since those tend to go hand-in-hand with telekinesis, but what they don't know is that he's actually an Empath. An Empath who has been attempting to repress that ability and only rely on cold, hard logic for a long, long time
Virgil as Tempest--a masked figure who appears to be a villain wreaking havoc on the city. He has weather powers that are strongly influenced by his emotions. He can manipulate wind to give him the ability to fly, as well as "carry" objects akin to telekinesis. He has the ability to seemingly teleport short distances.
Roman as The Prince--after trying for years to "activate" his powers, he decided to go Tony Stark and build himself his own superpowered suit to fight evil. It's dangerous to be a non-powered individual and involve yourself in fights with powered individuals so most (Logan) think he's a lunatic
Janus as Deceit, a mysterious figure on the villain-hero scene, but someone with an apparent agenda to shake up the status quo, but in who's favor, who's to say?
(Bonus! Here's a line from my current writing endeavors: This was, by far, the strangest week of Virgil’s life.)
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orbmanson7 · 11 months
Time to analyze the next part of the "The Sides Need a Nice Day" video, this time it's Virgil and Roman.
(If you want to read the first part about Patton and Logan, read that here.
If you want to read the last part about Janus and Remus, go here.)
Moments here are less about foreshadowing and more about recollection and the current standings amongst the sides, most notably how Roman feels about his place after all the events in SvS:R (and likely the FwSA Asides episode).
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Virgil starts off by stating he noticed Roman being whinier and moodier lately, more so than usual. It's possible at this point that he doesn't have full context from the SvS:R episode as he wasn't in attendance, though we know he's at least aware of Janus' involvement/acceptance because he brings it up in the FwSA Asides episode.
He describes Roman as being a bummer, and Virgil (like Patton) is able to pick up on this because it's something he sees in himself enough to recognize it. He empathizes with Roman even if he doesn't fully understand why Roman feels the way he does, because he's been in a spot like that before himself, moody and down in the dumps.
He says that he figured something needed to be done and says he might as well be the one to do it. It doesn't seem like this is out of obligation, which is the way he's attempting to frame it, but rather that he's noticed Roman feels down and has a desire to help him out.
He saw that Patton was relatively successful at cheering Logan up so he decides to give that method a try. However, he uses it in a very different way.
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First things first, he immediately pops in, startling Roman, which you'd think would not be the right play here, but Virgil isn't sucking up to Roman's ego to cheer him up today, he's just trying to give him something fun to do and focus on instead.
Virgil doesn't start off by explaining what he's doing, he just gets started. When Roman yells, asking what is wrong with him (because he's a king of deflection), Virgil then explains in simple terms (with some free insults thrown in) what it is that they're doing. He specifically states "we are going to..." throughout this, implying this is meant to be a group activity.
I want to point out this difference from Patton and Logan's version, as Patton had instead chosen solo activities for Logan (as those are what he likes) and was just tagging along the whole time, but they did not participate in those activities together.
Virgil and Roman, however, are doing these activities with each other.
The reason for this may tie back to love languages, interestingly enough. While the intention lends to all of the video falling under the 'acts of kindness' love language, each part has something specific to the side of focus, as well.
For Patton and Logan, Patton being knowledgeable about what Logan enjoyed without asking and then presenting the activities to him instead of participating alongside him would technically count as 'gift-giving'. And for Virgil and Roman, Virgil finding common ground the two of them share and finding similar interests to further their bond, sharing and spending time together, would be 'quality time'.
And later, for Janus and Remus, Janus knowing what Remus enjoys but not participating directly in the activity with him could count as 'gift-giving', but also validating his interests and thoughts could count (in a way) as 'words of affirmation' (which I'll discuss more in the next post).
So, Virgil has already planned for these activities to be done together with Roman. The activities in question, however, do not all require a second party, but are more enjoyable with one.
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They start with listening to that new rendition of We Didn't Start the Fire, and Roman is confused as to what he's hearing because it's not what he knows or expects. He's caught off guard because he believed one thing but was instead told another.
Wonder what that's reminiscent of...
Virgil quickly explains what it actually is, as well as his opinion that it's better.
What Virgil is trying to do here is what a lot of people enjoy doing - sharing music that they love! Virgil is aware that Roman enjoys music and he knows Roman likes this particular song, so Virgil, having heard the new rendition and liking it, believed that sharing it with Roman might allow for yet another shared interest of theirs. He's trying to find more things they can both enjoy together, which is very thoughtful and nice of him to do. It shows that Virgil genuinely considers them friends and they've grown much closer over all this time.
When Roman doesn't seem all that pleased about the song, however, Virgil is VERY quick to offer "I've got others" to salvage his attempt. He doesn't sound upset, though, simply prepared as though he anticipated this could happen. Roman gladly takes the offer because things have already started off in an unexpected way for him and he would rather find something familiar next.
He seems excited by the next activity, only to be confused and somewhat alarmed at what it turns out to be instead. Virgil explains and even states that he thought Roman would be interested in the Disney creepypastas, again as something that can act as a shared interest between them. We've seen, long long ago in The Dark Side of Disney episode, that Roman and Virgil do already have a shared interest very similar to this, so it's understandable that Virgil would attempt to build on a foundation that's already been established.
When Roman says he's done and wants to move on, Virgil simply accepts it, just says "cool" and brings up the next options to pick. It's interesting to see how Virgil is so accepting of this despite Roman's dismissals so far. He doesn't appear to be offended that Roman isn't really liking his suggestions, likely because Virgil has either prepared for this possibility or because he knows he's building on their shared interests that already exist.
To give an example, if you and your friend like the same tv show, but you disagree on your favorite character, that doesn't mean you don't both still love the show or can even enjoy watching it together. It just means you enjoy different aspects of it, and that bond isn't ruined in any way, even if it could potentially be a stronger bond if you both liked the same character.
In this case, for Virgil, he already knows he and Roman have these shared interests, he just wants to strengthen that bond, so throwing ideas out there and seeing what works doesn't have to be stressful. It is surprising that he's not more nervous about the potential of a worst-case scenario, considering that's kind of his norm, but this may just be because he's more focused on giving Roman something nice to do and so he's less worried about his own thoughts in the moment.
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Moving on, when Virgil gives the next options, Roman looks concerned. They've already had two strikes, two instances where he thought he'd get one thing when it was really another. So now he's worried what the next option will entail. Will it be another mistake?
He's unfortunately right to worry because Virgil's attempt to offer a spider as an animal companion doesn't sit well with Roman. He is extremely uncomfortable and is more desperate to move on to something else rather than stay there any longer.
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I want to point this out, that Roman is still participating in all of this. Having had three strikeouts in a row, it would make sense for him to assume none of these ideas were going to be something he liked and he could give up and just go back to what he was doing earlier. But instead, he chooses to try another option with Virgil.
I think this may be significant for his character, likely because Roman wants this to work. Whether that is because it's a distraction from how he feels (even if it's not the most welcome one) or because he wants to enjoy himself and not be alone in all of this, he is still willing to try more options until they find something that works.
It showcases Roman's tenacity and perseverance in an interesting way, that he will keep going until he finds the right solution (not too little, not too big, but just right).
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That being said, it doesn't mean he has to do it with a smile on his face, as he's clearly frustrated once he sees what his next option will be.
It seems like a nice activity that he would normally enjoy, but considering how every previous activity had already turned out differently than he'd hoped, he is now expecting the worst.
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Virgil follows through, reading him a fairy tale, and of course, tells the original version of The Little Mermaid. Roman is not pleased by this, seeming increasingly bothered and upset, because yet again, this isn't what he expected and ultimately not what he wanted.
He eventually yells out in frustration his problem with the story, saying that that's not how the story goes.
Virgil argues that he's telling the real story (which he is) and attempts to tack on the point about the mermaid being rewarded in the end for her selflessness, as though in an attempt to placate to Roman a little bit.
But Roman cuts him off, declaring that the prince in the story wouldn't be that "stupid or mean," because he's a prince, and that's not how princes are meant to be.
"A prince always does the right thing, the good thing."
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And then he suggests that maybe that's not the real ending to the story.
What Roman is doing here, which should be obvious, is projecting his insecurities (mostly about the end of SvS:R) that have yet to be resolved onto this other story. He's giving his thoughts on his own identity issues and personal struggles.
He was faced with an enormous change in his reality after SvS:R, having been led to believe for so long that he was doing what was right and good, that he was the good guy, the hero. But then he was slapped in the face with the realization that there's far more grey area than he could ever possibly imagine, and that the moral compass he'd been using to guide his righteous path hadn't been as righteous and reliable as he'd thought. He's stuck in a position of having done what he believed to be right and now being told that it was wrong, which feels unfair because he thought he was seen as a hero and now he's being told that he's not.
It's an extremely sobering and depressing notion that Roman hasn't even begun to address yet.
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Virgil seems to realize that what Roman is getting at isn't his dislike of the story, it's that he wants comfort right now, and stories can provide that when used in certain ways, such as for escapism.
Escapism is something both Virgil and Roman would likely understand rather well.
For Virgil, it's a way to relieve stress and anxiety, to get away from the terrors of the real world for just a moment.
For Roman, it's a way to indulge in fantasy and pretend those troubles are far away. He can imagine a way to fight them off or avoid them completely as if they no longer exist.
Escapism can be dangerous if not reeled in, though. You have to face reality at some point or you'll never grow and improve yourself.
But right now, Virgil's whole reason for doing this was to cheer Roman up, to make him feel better, so if that meant letting Roman have his fantasy instead, just for a while, then he would do that.
So he alters the story he was telling, gives it something more along the lines of its Disney rendition's ending, makes it more saccharine and sweet, and this gets Roman to finally relax, which shows how much this method really works for him (and how much he may rely on it, too).
Now, the story points that Virgil mentions are very intriguing. Firstly, they are different than the Disney version, so he's not just ripping that off, he's making some of this up but still has it based on the original tale.
The parts he changes? He mentions the prince realizing the marriage was a sham, the prince finding the little mermaid before she turned to foam and saving her, that the prince proclaimed his love for her, that the little mermaid realized the prince was good all along, and that they lived happily ever after.
These all sound like wish fulfillments for Roman - things that he specifically would want, as they all center the prince's actions in the story (not the little mermaid's, you know, the titular character).
Now, if I had to guess, I believe this is meant to be taken as an analogy for an ideal version of Roman being Thomas' hero, where Roman is acting as the prince and Thomas is acting as the little mermaid, and I'll explain why.
I believe the marriage being a sham part is less of an analogy and more of a reference to the wedding vs callback scenario, and saying it was a sham is meant to imply that Janus had set things up (as the supposed bad guy) so that Roman (the heroic prince) would look stupid. Realizing it was a sham puts the prince in a position of power over the one setting the trap, making him appear smarter and confident instead for outsmarting his enemy.
The part about the prince finding the mermaid before she turned to foam and saving her might be in reference to Thomas' mental state getting worse, losing himself, so much so that Remus had come along with all those intrusive thoughts, and if Roman had been able to prevent that whole situation, somehow Thomas would be okay and happier and healthier instead.
Proclaiming love should be obvious, Roman (and all the sides, really) genuinely love and care about Thomas, they want him to be happy and safe and healthy and doing what he loves, even if they all think they each know the best way for that to happen. Declaring his love here may mean that Roman can fully express his passion in what he does for Thomas, because he anticipates reciprocation (as you may in any fairytale). If he declares Thomas as his favorite, as his one & only, then perhaps Thomas would do the same of him? This would definitely show Roman's focus on his self-importance and his desire to be paid attention to and adored in turn.
And the mermaid realizing he was good after all is absolutely a direct reference to the end of SvS:R, because the notion that Thomas would not see Roman as his hero absolutely broke him in that moment. Wanting to indulge in the fantasy that, instead, Thomas realizes he is a hero and good and right after all, is his ideal scenario and an escape from what really happened.
And then a classic ending of happy ever after being there is what Roman wants, it's his ultimate ideal. He doesn't care how he gets that ending, so long as he gets it.
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Virgil gives him that escape to fantasy, then holds his tongue and runs out of the room before adding "for now." Those words tacked on to the end would bring it all back to reality, because it's true (though quite pessimistic)!
Even if all the ideal parts were to happen, that doesn't mean the story would necessarily be over, or that more events would not then unfold. Roman may be able to get his happy ending, but that doesn't mean the next story won't start right up afterward, throwing everything back into turmoil.
Overall, Virgil was successful in giving Roman something nice that day, specifically something to cling onto while he struggles with the reality of what will inevitably come next. A short reprieve is better than nothing, though.
Now, onto the last part...
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Candice Patton Faceclaim
Nola Bradshaw (Until Dawn OC). Beth’s best friend, Nola didn’t really want to go to the lodge however ended up going because there was the promise of a great library. When tragedy strikes, Nola is obviously devastated. A year later, when she’s unexpectedly invited back by Josh, she almost declines. He promises that it’ll be everything they need to keep the twins’ memories alive though, that things will be better this time. And she believes him. Until once again all hell breaks loose. Until she finds herself face-to-face with monsters that she never though existed.
Georgette Fox (Titans OC). Oldest daughter of Lucius Fox, Georgette isn’t really into technology like her dad is - or like her little brother seems to be growing into. She grew up with Dick and Donna, grew up exploring the city and generally getting into trouble with them from time-to-time. At the age of fifteen Georgette figures out the link between Bruce and Batman, and finds herself learning more about medicine to help patch up her friends. She moves to Detroit with Dick in the hopes of helping him working through the trauma of his past, and works as a GP nearby.
Eden Glass (The Naturals OC). Natural liar Eden spent her life always playing a part, always being someone else until she finds herself at the scene of a crime and brought in for questioning. No one really suspects her, or the lie she’s built around herself, but they do recognise her talent. She’s essentially the pre-trial of the Naturals and as the decision is made to create a team of people like her, she works with the other adults to help them figure out just how to work as a team without getting themselves into too much trouble.
Rhiannon Healy (X-Men OC). Mutant Rhiannon always tried her best to hide her powers, to keep a low profile. But, when her best friend Remy gets in a fight and is unable to use his own powers to protect himself, Rhiannon steps in. Using her empath skills she floors his assailant and runs off terrified of what she’s done. Weeks later, tired of being alone, of hiding, she goes back to find Remy, only to see that he is once again in a fight; and this time there’s a man with claws coming out of his hands to contend with.
Elodie ‘El’ Klecko, A.K.A Spiced Rum ‘Spice’ (Kingsman OC). Despite her ‘Butter wouldn’t melt’ appearance, Elodie is the weapons expert for Statesman. Not only is she skilled in using most weapons, she can make a weapon out of pretty much anything – something that becomes a running joke between her and Whiskey. She is close to the other agents, and intrigued when the Kingsman come to them, eager to learn how they function – or did before Doomsday Protocols were followed.
Alden Pickering (Mortal Engines OC). An engineer who works alongside Anna Fang, Alden is surprised when they are joined by Hester and Tom. Initially she has her doubts about them – because turning up out of the blue isn’t cause for concern to some others, apparently. But soon she learns that there is far more to the two strangers than she first thought, and finds herself going on an adventure that she never could have imagined.
Aaliyah Silva (A Discovery of Witches OC). Vampire Aaliyah works in the lab with the other vampires and is determined to do something that might just make life easier for creatures. But, as Matthew starts getting caught up with witches and the council appear to be determined to do something drastic, she finds herself wondering if all the danger is really worth it. A romantic at heart, however, she knows the easy answer to that: 100%.
Wren Templeton (Now You See Me OC). Stagehand Wren loved working behind the scenes, loved the thrill of seeing behind the curtain and helping bring big tricks to life on the stage. It was how she met Henley, how she started working with her, and how she ended up getting caught in the middle of the biggest heist going. And how she ends up meeting one Jack Wilder.
Blaire Younger (Timeless OC). Marine Blaire never thought that going on medical leave would end with her being given a new job. She didn’t realise that she’d be paired with Wyatt Logan to protect historians and scientists as they tried to go about travelling through time, and yet despite initial reservations, she found herself loving the new life that she has.
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aliciaphen · 1 year
Hi. I've consumed more media this month than I have this entire year. Happy New Year everyone - I hope we all make the best of what's to come.
Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio (2022) dir. Guillermo del Toro, Mark Gustafson: I was really excited to watch this after seeing the trailer but I wasn't expecting it to be a musical. I loved that they used a biblically accurate angel for the Blue Angel rather than the traditional look. I can't believe it took like 15 years to make it.
Split (2016) dir. M. Night Shyamalan: I rewatched this because I needed Anya Taylor Joy content and I couldn't get through the first episode of The Queen's Gambit. It's still a pretty great movie, but I hate that cheesy ending line lol.
Anastasia (1997) dir. Don Bluth, Gary Goldman: I grew up watching this movie throughout my childhood, so I already have a huge bias toward it. It's so great. The characters and their dynamic is so likable and the songs are so GOOD.
The Mummy (1999) dir. Stephen Sommers: Another film I grew up watching. It's a lot more problematic than I remember T_T. Also cheesy but it was the 90s so you could kind of get away with it.
Emily, The Criminal (2022) dir. John Patton Ford: I was surprised by how much I liked this one. It's fast-paced, which is good for my pea brain. They make the character Emily easy to empathize with. Especially now when it's hard to afford to live, vulnerable people are targeted for these "get rich, quick" scams. I remember seeing so many of those ads whenever I went on YouTube for quite some time. Idk, I liked this one.
Bo Burnham: Inside (2021) dir. Bo Burnham: I always heard people talking about how great Bo Burnham was. I remember seeing his vines, but I never got into watching his stuff. I feel like the humour doesn't quite suit my taste, but I appreciate his work ethic and his capacity for making such a high-quality musical comedy. He's pretty fucking awesome.
Dreams (1990) dir. Akira Kurosawa: In a quest to research the Japanese folklore of fox weddings during sun showers, I watched this movie. It's just so pretty. I love the last story, where it's the small village and the funeral is more of a celebration. Just a gorgeous film.
Incantation (2022) dir. Kevin Ko: Heard from my roommate that this film was really scary. And I can confirm that it was. I watched half of it from between my fingers. Story wise, though, it was quite interesting. It’d be a fun watch for a group.
Atonement (2007) dir. Joe Wright: Another gorgeous film. I’ve always seen screen caps of it and have even watched Mina Le’s breakdown of the costuming from the film. I think the visuals are stronger than the story. Emotion wise, it feels like a less hard-hitting titanic.
Extreme Job (2019) dir Lee Byeong-heon: I watched this with my roommate! It’s a fun, chill watch. Just overall a good time.
The Volcano: Rescue From Whakaari (2022) dir. Rory Kennedy: Some time earlier this year I remember seeing volcanic scarring that looked like the most intense, painful thing someone could ever experience. And I read up about the victim and they were hurt during the volcanic eruption in New Zealand a few years ago. The documentary is quite tragic, and interesting if anybody is up to watch it.
Klaus (2019) dir. Sergio Pablos: Such a cute movie. The scene where the mailman is giving paper and pencils and stamps out like it’s a drug deal actually made me audibly laugh. I’m surprised its 2D animation. It’s a really great Christmas movie for the whole family.
Brave (2012) dir. Brenda Chapman, Mark Andrews: AH. I still love this movie after so many years. I first watched it when I was in grade 5 as an “end of year” trip. It’s so good, story wise. As a young adult, I feel like I can’t relate to it as much - to my surprise. I think my older sister could probably relate to it more. I have a good relationship with my mom, which I’m super grateful for. I want to make a film about ME. Lmfao.
The Wonder (2022) dir. Sebastian Lelio: I wasn’t as interested in this film. It’s rather a frustrating watch to be honest. If you want visuals of Ireland and Florence Pugh, I’d give this one a go.
Marriage Story (2019) dir. Noah Baumbach: Ever since watching this film I’ve been seeing Adam Driver everywhere, it seems. I didn’t expect to feel for this movie as much as I did. I think the pacing was done very well. The letter reading at the end is what got me. :’(
Alice in Borderland, Season 2 (2022): Season 2 was better than season 1. Because this world and its rules are already established, I think the show got to focus more on the characters and their relationships. The action sequences were quite fun and I am SO surprised that they didn’t end it in a shitty way. I’m happy the characters got their happy ending but that there’s still room for exploration into this world. The last challenge, though was a little TOO LONG. DAMN.
Avatar: The Way of Water (2022) dir. James Cameron: Okay so I wasn’t excited or looking forward to this sequel at all. I was quite indifferent toward it and wasn’t planning on watching it in theatres. But I ended up watching it with my family and it’s literally my new hyperfixation. I’m actually listening to the original motion picture soundtrack as I’m writing - and that’s not a joke. I’ve heard people say that the story is simple, and I suppose I can agree - its basically the family having to escape from the war and a revenge plot from the enemy side. And I’ve seen people wonder why its 3 hours long. And, it definitely felt like the film would never fucking end but, then again… did I really want it to…? In that time, I felt like I could actually get attached to the characters and this new family. I often really like media that makes me go through a lot of emotions and this was one of them. I need Avatar 3, 4, 5, & 6 and whatever else James Cameron is planning. I need to go visit Pandora in Disney World, even. Zoe Saldana, I love you.
Avatar (2009) dir. James Cameron: I ended up rewatching Avatar right after coming back from watching The Way of Water. I first watched this when I was 8 years old. I never really got to appreciate the absolutely insane world building that was put into this film, but now, as a student that wants to try pursuing film and maybe (?) visdev, I’m just astounded by the creatures and the religion and the plant life of the Na’vi people and how it’s been expanded on in Avatar 2. Again, a simple story, but I felt all the emotions so I love it.
Logan (2017) dir. James Mangold: Probably one of the best superhero movies I’ve seen. It still holds up today. Another emotional ride, so I’m inclined to say it’s a favourite. It’s almost… quiet. Like - it doesn’t do too much. All the marvel movies these days are doing too much. It’s kind of embarrassing. Can you tell I’m getting a little tired of writing about all the things I’ve watched? And I’m only on visual media. Anyways - this, the original Spider-Man movies, the last Spider-Man movie from MCU, and the Spiderverse movies and maybe Winter Soldier are the only superhero movies I have the patience to watch anymore.
Knives Out (2019) dir. Rian Johnson: It was so fun! Something I don’t have to pay that much attention to because I know I’ll likely never be able to solve it. I know they spent most of the budget of this film on the cast because everyone in there is fucking crazy.
Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (2022) dir. Rian Johnson: I think the first one is better.
Lead Me Home (2021) dir. Pedro Kos, Jon Shenk: It’s only about 40 minutes, so it’s a quick documentary. It’s eye opening. Makes me feel bad because I’m one of those people that don’t look homeless people in the eye when I walk past them. But I don’t think that’s the point of the doc. There’s obviously something very wrong with the housing system and to see that anybody could end up in such an unfortunate situation is scary. It’s especially sad seeing the people who have family that could help them, but I also understand their point of not wanting to be a burden on their friends or family.
Music: December 2022 Spotify Playlist
Selfish - YooA: I saw people making fun of this song but I’m actually addicted to it. YooA in that one stage where she’s wearing that fringe shirt and pink pants with her hair in a bun looks so good.
Blood Moon - YooA: I feel like I’m in a mystery movie?? Like I’m a detective trying to solve a mystery.
In My Dreams - Christy Altomare: One of the best things to come out of the Anastasia Broadway production.
Ditto - NewJeans: The girls have done it again. This time, enjoy three minutes of teenage loneliness.
Nothing Is Lost (You Give Me Strength) - The Weeknd: I wasn’t joking when I said I’m listening to the Avatar: The Way of Water soundtrack.
Into the Water - Simon Franglen: SO BEAUTIFUL. If you’re going to listen to any song from the soundtrack listen to this one.
Avatar: The Way of Water (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - Simon Franglen, The Weeknd: Linking the album for good measure.
Steal Like An Artist by Austin Kleon: I’ve finished reading this book and it has inclined me to be better at consistently drawing in my sketchbook and journal.
Howl’s Moving Castle by Diana Wynn’s Jones: I plan on finishing this book this month. I’ll update you at the end of January.
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usagirotten · 2 years
‘The Flash’ Sets Final Season Premiere Date
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The Flash‘s final season will officially premiere in February 2023. The CW finally revealed The Flash Season 9 premiere date on Monday, December 5, after a long wait (the series was renewed for a ninth and final season in March, with Season 8 ending on June 29). Barry Allen and the rest of The Flash team will return one for a final ride on Wednesday, February 8 at 8/7c, to be followed immediately by the midseason premiere of Kung Fu at 9/8c. As previously announced, The Flash‘s final season will have 13 episodes. “The Flash will be remembered as one of the greatest shows in the history of The CW, and everyone involved in its excellent nine-season run should be very proud,” Brad Schwartz, The CW’s president of entertainment, said in a statement on Monday. “The team has delivered an epic final season, filled with plenty of twists, guest stars, and surprises that will delight every fan. Now is the time to catch up and enjoy this fantastic final ride alongside the fastest man alive.” Now that the Reverse Flash has been defeated, Season 9 will begin one week after the events of the epic battle seen in the Season 8 finale. “Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) and Iris West-Allen (Candice Patton) are reconnecting and growing closer than ever before. But when a deadly group of Rogues descends on Central City led by a powerful new threat, The Flash and his team — Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker), Meta-Empath Cecile Horton (Danielle Nicolet), the light-powered meta Allegra Garcia (Kayla Compton), brilliant tech-nerd Chester P. Runk (Brandon McKnight), and reformed cryogenics thief Mark Blaine (Jon Cor) — must once again defy impossible odds to save the day,” the logline teases. “But as The Rogues are defeated, a deadly new adversary rises to challenge Barry Allen’s heroic legacy. And in their greatest battle yet, Barry and Team Flash will be pushed to their limits in order to save Central City one last time.” As previously announced, Javicia Leslie will be part of The Flash Season 9 cast, though it’s not clear if she will be reprising her role as Batwoman in the Arrowverse. Batwoman’s titular series was suddenly canceled by The CW in April after three seasons. The Flash, Final Season Premiere, Wednesday, February 8, 8/7c, The CW Read the full article
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