#particularly after ep3 :(
chawarin-panich · 8 months
TW: explicit discussion of suicide
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(ID: Screenshot of Ray in ep4 saying to Sand "A burden to society" after he tells Sand to scold him and insult him) I cannot for the love of everything that is holy get this moment out of my head. Because the way he says it - with this deep fondness and affection - makes me want to want to chew my own fingers down to the bone. Because after that absolutely earth shattering intro where this happens:
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(ID: Screenshot of Ray from ep4 where he calls Mew from the bathroom saying "If I'm gone, I won't be anyone's burden anymore, right?) one would assume that Ray wouldn't take being called a burden very well, certainly wouldn't grow an emotional attachment to someone who has called him that multiple times, has expressed his irritation over Ray's clinginess upfront.
And yet that is exactly what happened. So the question is - why? I've seen multiple ppl talk about this so I feel like I don't need to explain here how Ray's friend group aren't particularly good friends to him. Even Mew, who Ray supposedly loves isn't all that affectionate or understanding towards him. Please read this meta for a breakdown of why and how Mew's response to Ray when he calls him from the brink of suicide and for which Ray is so incredibly grateful for - fell laughably short. Ray who's mother never loved him (and it's likely quite nuanced since she quite obviously committed suicide and I can't even begin to comprehend the heights of fucked up abandonment issues that would wreak on one's child), Ray who is yet to mention his father even once, Ray who tells his friends how much he loves them all the time and literally never hears it back - you know, that guy isn't really looking for a grand love, he isn't waiting for someone to see inside his soul and find something wonderful - he's looking for scraps. Literally anything.
He wants someone to look at him, see inside to his festering, broken, ugly core and still find it worth loving, find it worth saving. And Sand? He does exactly that from like Day 0
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(ID: Screenshot of Sand and Ray from ep1 in Sand's bathroom where Sand says "How did you manage to live this long" to a passed out Ray) I had lost my entire mind over this interaction in ep1 because Sand has that exact irritation and affection here that one would feel for a troublesome sibling. Like he doesn't really like Ray here in this moment and he's not very secretly very annoyed at him. But no matter what,he will protect him. Ray isn't awake in the above clip to experience it but it just drives me crazy how Sand is exactly the person that Ray has been waiting for, a person capable of very intense albeit pragmatic love. Someone who can call out Ray's burdens and still love him through it (unlike you know...his so called friends). Yes, there are quite overt parallels between the arc of Ray's feelings for Sand and Mew:
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(ID: Screenshot of the RayMew kiss from ep4 and SandRay kiss from Ep2 side by side) look at the arch of his body!!!! my man is always freaking reaching out isn't he!!!!!!
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(ID: Screenshot of Ray offering to save Mew from ep4 and Sand from ep3 side by side) But that's where those parallels end because Sand and Mew could not be more different as people and Ray has absolutely no way of comprehending the person that is Sand. Doesn't Ray act a little differently around Sand?
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(ID: Screenshot of SandRay from ep3 where Sand says "You just don't take no for an answer, do you, Ray?) Like it's funny when Sand had said this but also...doesn't he? Doesn't Ray take no for an answer quite often? Didn't he take Mew's 'no' two years ago and never pestered him about it again? Didn't even bother to do anything about it when Boston was trying to get in his head about Mew at the party and instead went straight back to making fuck me eyes at Sand. When Mew told him not to fight with Top, didn't he immediately back down? Didn't he let Mew walk away with Top without a fight? Ray hadn't felt the need to confess his feelings again or kiss Mew for two years, not until he sees Mew in Sand's POOR BOY shirt. Ray can't stay away from Sand, doesn't have a single clue as to what it is he's feeling for him (please have your life ruined by this gifset) - how could he? How could he possibly know what it feels like to be loved by someone? How could he possibly know what it feels like to love someone?
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mllllonsknlves · 10 months
Knives’ Knives
Reposting another twitter thread I made for archival purposes. Its literally a copy and paste and more images are shown on the original twitter post just because tumblr is janky when adding so many images to a text post.
So I was watching tristamp for the hundredth time and noticed something I hadn't picked up on before. Millions Knives' blades have different modes. Four that we've seen so far to be exact.
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The one shown here is most common. A default state, folded and seemingly duller than others. Even the wire connecting the blades is rounded. This is the form we see most often, and the only form shown directly in front of Vash (that we've seen so far, will touch on again later.)
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These seem to be an attack stance for the blades. The wire even expands into what could cause more damage than just the blades alone. The first are pointed outward while the second is pointed inward, depending on the purpose being served- attacking versus grabbing.
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We then have the detached blades. They start in the default state but seem to expand as more form.
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Even in the preview for episode 11, Knives uses the folded, almost rounded blades. Because he's in front of Vash and doesn't REALLY want to harm him, at least not more than necessary.
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Obviously, Nai uses the folded blades when trying to connect with the core. He does not want to harm it. The end of the blades act at a connecting point, and its likely very similar to how he connected with Vash in the first place.
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What is particularly fascinating is that even when attacking Meryl, his blades are folded. It's most likely due to the fact that Vash is RIGHT BEHIND her and doesn't want to get him in the crossfire. His blades are still folded upon impact with Vash's gun.
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He does not extend the blades at the start of their fight. Not once do they open beyond the folded state, not at a distance, and not hand to hand.  Even when theyre out in the open and hes flinging Vash around, theyre still folded. We see him manipulate them with extreme accuracy, and yet even when they're in freefall, he does not USE THEM AT ALL. Not to grab Vash or the cube.
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Even after slaughtering all the soldiers and he floats menacingly above Vash to continue their argument, his blades are folded. So, either he can still cause that damage while folded, or the more likely thing, is that he refolded them after killing them to confront Vash again.
The entire rest of their fight. Folded. Grabbing the angel arm. Folded.
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HOWEVER. AND THIS IS THE MOST HEARTBREAKING THING OF ALL. ONCE HE HAS DECIDED THAT THE NAI THAT VASH KNEW IS DEAD. That is when the blades expand. Because he's snapped. Broken. He has /truly/ and /wholly/ become Millions Knives in that moment, because he has lost Vash.
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Its also worth noting that his blades and his wings are burned off before he lets go. Something something symbolism. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the agony uvu
I found more things to add to the things that were said above upon another watch through. Not sure theyre particularly poignant, but thought they were interesting enough to tack on. 
So I was watching ep3 and noticed how many times Knives swaps between the modes. The initial grab of the first women, the blades are pulled in the back position, but the second woman is grabbed with them in the forward position and dragged away and killed with the back position.
Immediately after, we see Knives advancing the steps and his blades floating around them in the forward stance. When they shoot forward to seek out the Plant, theyre back. As he goes to jump, theyre forward again.
As soon as the Plant is grabbed, the blades are folded, showing the care he has for them. There is one instance of them being forward, but likely just to get a more secure hold. Otherwise, always folded.
The ONLY INSTANCE (save for those final moments in 12) where Knives uses an "attack stance" of his blades in front of Vash is when he's using them to block bullets. In defense.
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He is INCREDIBLY deliberate with how his blades are used and shows a high level of skill. He wields them with PURPOSE. Anyway, thank you for tuning into another episode of my hyperfixation o/
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topperscumslut · 1 year
Let’s Talk About Jay Kelso
Warning: spoilers for That 90s Show
So I just binged T90S, and I’m not really sure how to feel, particularly about Jay. On one hand, I did really like his character, but not as much as I thought I would. And part of me thinks that’s my own fault for creating this idea in my mind of exactly what I thought he would be like without the show even being out yet, but part of me feels justified in my disappointment in the way his character was written and I’m wondering if anyone else agrees with me on this.
Jay started out really strong, he was flirty and charismatic, yet cheesy and respectful. The first two episodes have kind of blurred together at this point since I pulled an all nighter to watch this and I’m coming down from my caffeine high, but I saw a lot of potential for his character that I really didn’t see fulfilled in the rest of the series. Let me preface this by saying that I do not blame Mace Coronel, who plays Jay, AT ALL for this. I adore Mace and believe he’s beyond talented and did the best he could with what he was given. I blame it on lazy writing. As much as I love both T70S and T90S, a lot of the writing REALLY pisses me off (especially the treatment of Jackie in both shows, but that’s a topic for another time).
In my opinion, Jay peaked in episode three and it was all kind of downhill from there. Again, I still enjoyed his character, but it wasn’t what I expected or wanted from him. And maybe I am just projecting and set unreasonable expectations for his character, but I have a strong feeling the fandom will agree with me on this. Ep3 Jay really felt like the fanon Jay that I had imagined in my mind and had seen in posts from other users on here. He was still a charismatic flirt, but he was also slightly awkward, incredibly sweet, and a little dorky like I had imagined him. Between what I’d seen in trailers, official character descriptions, other tumblr users’ fan theories, and my own imagination, I imagined Jay having the charm of Kelso but much more depth. I saw him as being a bit of a nerd who loves girls but, unlike his father, isn’t a womanizer and genuinely respects them. I imagined him as very introspective, poetic, and intelligent, which I didn’t really see much of at all after episode three. Kelso himself even says in the pilot that Jay has his good looks and Jackie’s brains. And Jackie was always truly intelligent, even though she usually wasn’t treated that way. He was also described as always having a camera with him and constantly taking videos and photos of his friends which, correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think we saw that even once in this season. In my mind, Jay Kelso was a goofy film geek who’s popular with the ladies due to his good looks and charisma, but in a much more unconventional way than his father is. But as the series progressed, I felt like he became more and more like Kelso. Which sucks because I despise Kelso with a passion.
Let’s talk about what I liked about Jay in episode three. When Leia tries to get Jay to kiss her, he turns her down because he doesn’t want her to be a meaningless fling and because he can tell this isn’t really what she wants. So I was like okay, consent king, respecting women, we love to see it. I also fully expected Jay to be a virgin for a couple reasons. First of all, in the original series, all of the core cast (except maybe Hyde) were virgins at the beginning of the series, EVEN KELSO, and besides Jackie, they were all older than the T90S crew at 17/18, whereas the next gen of Point Place kids are all 14-16, maybe some of them 17. But in T90S it’s heavily implied that the whole gang beside Leia (and possibly Ozzie, since his boyfriend lives in Canada) have all lost their virginity. Secondly, it would be such a plot twist. A Kelso being a virgin? Unspeakable! I fully expected this grand reveal of Jay saying he doesn’t want to make the same mistakes of his father and that he’s waiting for the right person, someone he’s truly in love with, and that person being Leia (though I am glad that Jay and Leia didn’t have sex for multiple reasons. The age of the characters, their lack of chemistry, and the age difference between the actors, to name a few). I was also genuinely surprised at Jay’s lack of daddy issues. All the posts with spoilers from before the show was out from people who had seen tapings suggested Kelso being an absent father who doesn’t really love or care for Jay, which led me to believe Jay would want to be as little like his father as possible, but there was literally nothing about that in the show. Also, a bit off topic, but can we talk about how awful the circumstances of Jay and Leia getting together were? Sure they developed genuine feelings for each other eventually, but it literally starts with Leia being like “hey, I want my first kiss, and my only option’s Jay. Eh, might as well, better than nothing.”
All of these hopes were crushed in episode four when we find out that not only has Jay had sex, which okay, fine, whatever, but he’s also a player who’s broken multiple girls hearts, and it’s implied that he does this on purpose. So basically Kelso 2.0. Cool. While I do have critiques for the other episodes, I did genuinely enjoy them, whereas I absolutely despise episode four to the point where I hardly even consider it canon. Between the horrible light it painted Jay in and the insensitive and disgusting Menendez brothers joke that made me actually pause the show for a good ten minutes to process it and almost give up on the show completely, episode four was horrendous. When Nikki suggests that Jay has feelings for Leia and actually sees her as a person and not just a sex object, Jay seems genuinely surprised at best, if not disgusted. While him telling Leia in the previous episode that he doesn’t want her to be a meaningless hookup implied that he treated all women with this level of respect, this seems to flip the script to say that he sees only Leia this way, because she’s “different.” Why, because she’s the main character, because she’s a “pure” nerdy virgin, because she’s “not like other girls?” Why is Leia put on a pedestal and treated like she deserves better than other girls whereas the rest aren’t worthy of basic respect? (If this sounds familiar, it’s because this is exactly how Donna was treated in the original series as opposed to every single other girl on the show, particularly Jackie.) Because Leia is “special” she “deserves” to be treated with basic human decency, unlike “other girls,” because fuck them, right? At the rave, we see what could have been a cute moment where Leia and Jay confess their feelings for each other, but instead, Jay takes advantage of her vulnerability and arrogantly declares that he “knew it” when Leia admits her feelings rather than telling her he feels the same way. However it’s hard to hold all of this against Jay considering how out of character this seems for him. Episodes 1-3 paint him as kind and empathetic, whereas episodes 5-10 continue that sort of personality for him, but also turn him into a one note love interest that doesn’t have much else to his character. Episode four Jay literally feels like an entirely different character than the rest of the series.
In either episode four or five, forgive me for not remembering, we meet Serena, who could essentially be replaced with a piece of cardboard and nothing would change. Serena literally only exists to be “the other woman” getting in the way of Jay and Leia’s relationship. While Leia, thankfully, isn’t unkind to her just because she’s with Jay, the writers are. Unlike Leia, apparently Serena doesn’t deserve a happy ending, a good boyfriend, or a shred of respect. She’s older, she dresses in a more conventionally attractive way, and her personality is nonexistent. It’s unclear if Jay *technically* cheated on Serena; while Leia calls her Jay’s girlfriend, it’s important to take into account that Leia is an unreliable narrator and it’s entirely possible that Jay and Serena were just casually going out and not official (especially considering they were just going on their first date a day or two before Leia’s birthday), but it’s also a very real possibility that Jay did cheat on her when he kisses Leia on her birthday. Regardless of if they were official or not, it’s pretty shitty that Jay entirely casts her aside as soon as Leia shows interest. Serena who, right? No seriously, that’s literally what he says. If the roles were reversed and it was Leia he did this to, Jay would be seen as a total asshole, but since it’s Serena, we’re not supposed to care. For my swifties out there, Leia is Betty, Jay is James, and Serena is Augustine - just a “summer thing.” So not only is Jay a “player” and a “man whore” as he’s called by his own friend group, he’s also likely a cheater. Sure, he’s Kelso’s son, but that doesn’t mean he has to be a carbon copy. It’s like the writers copy and pasted Kelso into the 90s, edited a few things, and said “yeah, that’s good enough, no one will be able to tell.”
While this may sound like I hate Jay, I really don’t. In fact, he’s still probably my favorite character in the reboot, although I’m probably a bit biased due to my affections for him from before the show came out (and my eight year long crush on Mace Coronel, but that’s irrelevant.) Jay does prove himself throughout the rest of the season, showing that he does care about Leia and exhibiting empathy his father could never muster, but he still doesn’t feel like his own character. While Kelso habitually cheats on Jackie and then blames her for it, admits to using her for sex and money while she’s 15 and he’s 18, and hounds her into sex until she eventually gives in and says yes so he’ll leave her alone (ie: rape), Jay is genuinely kindhearted and would never do those sorts of things (or at least I hope he wouldn’t, but it wouldn’t shock me if the writers decide to ruin his character in later seasons.) Like Red says when Kitty points out that Jay is better than Michael, the bar isn’t all that high. However, Jay does prove himself to be a good boyfriend who genuinely cares about Leia (I don’t use the word love since their relationship developed so quickly and they’re so young, so it’s unlikely that it’s real love, despite the fact that they believe it is). He exhibits true selflessness throughout the series and continually puts himself in the line of fire (usually from Red) to protect Leia.
Nevertheless, good person or not, Jay doesn’t feel original. He seems to exist only to be Leia’s love interest boy toy. Jay lacks the soul I imagined him to have before watching the show. While it’s nice to see the female characters fleshed out for once, as was very lacking on T70S, the male characters lack dimension in comparison. Leia, Gwen, and Nikki, all have their own personalities, values, and ambitions, whereas Ozzie tends to be the sassy token gay friend (although let’s bffr, none of these new kids are straight, but the writers don’t want to admit it), Jay not only feels like Kelso Lite ™, but as the series progresses, him and Nate seem to morph into basically the same person. Two well intended, yet dumb horndogs who lack depth or any true personality of their own beyond being love interests for their girlfriends and comic relief. Again, I love, love, LOVE Mace Coronel, and have since seeing him on Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, and Dawn on Nickelodeon, and don’t blame him at all for the way his character is written. Now if you follow my blog, you probably already know that I absolutely adore not only Mace, but also his NRDD costar Aidan Gallagher, who I fell for after seeing him in The Umbrella Academy. However, Mace was the one I had a crush on as a child and it was very exciting to rediscover him when I first found out about T90S. While Aidan’s NRDD character Nicky Harper and TUA character Five Hargreeves share the same cunning spirit, they’re extremely different in most ways and I was incredibly excited to see Mace show this same sort of range on T90S. And I do believe that Mace has that range, but he unfortunately seems to be being typecast, considering Jay basically feels like teenage Dicky Harper in the 90s. Maybe I’m being overdramatic, but I was really hoping for more for Jay’s character and I was slightly disappointed, and I hope he gets fleshed out more and more deeply explored in later seasons.
Thanks for reading my long ass rant lmao. TLDR; I love Jay Kelso (and Mace Coronel) but hate how he was portrayed. Justice for Jay (oh, and for Serena)
Tagging my favorite T70S/T90S blogs for engagement: @thestupidhelmet @lily-267 @thatseventiesbitch @einsteinsugly @that90sshowgoldencouple
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cbrownjc · 10 months
Could you explain why you are ok with ep 5? I hated seeing, yet again, the battered body of a black character beaten to a pulp by his white partner, especially since such violence never happened between Louis and Lestat in the books. While I know white people can't understand and probably couldn't care less, I'm genuinely curious about your take on this.
Hi Anon!
Okay, first I'm sorry this reply back took the long time it did for me to answer it but, aside from wanting to think on it, RL things got in the way too. And then I also got caught up with some other writing I'm doing. And, as I said, I wanted to think this out before I wrote on it.
Now, first of all, it's actually not true wrt the books that Lestat and Louis never fought before. Someone other than myself has taken screenshots of passages in the book ITWV where such fights have happened. So I do not believe that it was out of character at all for them to have even had a fight in such a way, as such things did happen in the books. (And honestly, I didn't think it was OOC for Lestat at the time it happened before people started posting screenshots of the passages in the book that showed them fighting).
What has upset people is how visceral and beaten Louis looked by the end of that fight. (And no one is wrong for feeling that way if they do/did). It is disturbing to see a black man beaten in such a way by his white partner. And I actually don't think the writers were completely unaware of that imagery when they did this either. Not when you take into account the other pointed underlying racial dynamics the show did and highlighted throughout the season, before and after that episode. (From basically all of EP3, to Claudia mocking Louis telepathically with the "massa" talk in EP6.) So no, I do not think they were at all ignorant of the loaded racial imagery in EP5 after that fight.
And whether some views can forgive Lestat for it will be an individual thing, at the end of it all IMO. Some views may never forgive it, and I think that is completely okay. However, for me - and why I not only wasn't that shocked by the fight itself but feel I understand what is going on with it is - is 1.) as said, they did have knock-down fights in the first book, 2.) knowing Lestat does have that level of violence-ability in him as I noted when the episode first aired and 3.) and this is the main point - that there, strategically, some clear missing context going on here wrt that fight.
Because the entirety of that fight never once was told from Louis' POV. Until that moment when Lestat took Louis out into the courtyard and then up into the air, the actual fight itself was all told from Claudia's POV.
And that was clearly a deliberate choice. Not just to highlight what it must have been like for Claudia to witness this but because there is clearly something about that fight that Louis is holding back about. And no, not because he's lying about the fight having happened at all, and him being beaten in such a way. The fight did happen, and Louis did get beaten in the way we saw at the end. Because, again, what we saw of the actual fight was all from Claudia's POV, and Claudia would have no reason to lie about such a thing in her diary, where the account of the fight was clearly taken from.
No, it's because I strongly feel that something was going on during it that I don't think Louis can - even now - really process. And I have a huge suspicion about what it is.
We're now headed into book spoiler territory and I don't know how much you might want those, so I'm going to stop with that here. All I will say is that the pauses in the fight when we heard Lestat's voice talking are very, very important, particularly when it comes to what he's saying.
Part of this, and that fight, has to do with the very nature of what Lestat and Louis, and Claudia all are as vampires. Again, I'm really trying not to spoil anything here, because I suspect the show might reveal some of this in Season 2, particularly wrt Paris and the Theater Coven.
Though I don't think the majority of it will be talked about until Season 3 when we finally get Lestat's POV. And it might even be something that carries on over into multiple seasons.
I understand the POV of people who will never be okay with the fight and the imagery it left wrt Louis. But I really do feel the writers didn't do it without one, knowing how it would look, and two, that there is a larger, overall, story arc point going on here which ties into the fact that we are not dealing with human beings here.
This isn't a story about vampires seeking redemption or a way back to humanity. With Rice's vampires, the longer they live, the more apart from humanity they become. That is, overall, one of the things the VC explores here. And they are all going to continue to do some really inhuman things, at least during these earlier parts of the story, towards people they love.
Over time, even as many of them, especially Lestat, learn better how to deal with that nature, particularly towards those they care about and love, those inhuman things about their nature will still be there.
So I think also having that view, understanding that about these characters, as well as everything else I talked about, (including something I strongly feel they are setting up as to why Lestat acted the way he did), goes into my few of that fight and why, when it happened, I honestly wasn't either surprised by it and am okay and want to see where they go from here with it. This is just all, personally, where I'm coming from it with it of course.
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Mythical Husbands in Willow (2022)
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(Adapted from my Twitter thread)
Ok, time for a stream-of-consciousness thread about mythical husbands in #Willow: lost husbands, enchanted husbands, false husbands, mortal husbands, and demon lovers. #Graylora
After Ep4 of #Willow, I count at least 4 mythical husbands: Airk, Graydon, the Lich (stay with me), and... Madmartigan. I'm not including Willow himself in this, at least until we find out what happened to Kiaya.
False husbands and false brides are very common in folk tales, but usually the FIRST bride is the True Bride, while the SECOND husband is the True Husband. A True Bride has to master trials in order to prove herself, while a True Husband must humble himself to recover his bride.
There are many variations of the false husband, including the Demon Lover (sometimes the literal devil), a Revenant (undead lover), Incubus (avatar of the bride's sexual fantasies), the prince's beastly form, or a mortal man whose mundanity leads him to abandon his bride.
Thus far, #Willow seems to be blending these a lot, which is great in that it gives these husbands a lot of complexity. First, Airk: as @whattheforce has suggested, he's likely a false husband, most obviously the mundane mortal who fails to appreciate his extraordinary bride.
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One example of this type of husband from myth is Theseus, who relies on Princess Ariadne to defeat the Minotaur and escape the Labyrinth, but then abandons her on an island. She wakes to find the god Dionysus, who makes her his consort.
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Airk's immature love of "Dove" is a sort of emotional abandonment, showing that he is an inadequate partner for Elora even if she rescues him. Further, if the Crone manages to corrupt Airk, he will be a demon lover, who is sometimes (but not always) a false husband.
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We see some other aspects of the Ariadne myth in #Willow, especially with how Elora is "tied" to Airk by the bracelet he gave her, and then tied to Graydon by the binding he tried to release in Ep3 and the belt she tied around him in Ep4.
Airk could also be classified as Elora's Incubus, given how sexually aggressive she is with him. This will be especially true if the Crone attempts to use her attraction to Airk to lure or corrupt her. Important note though: an Incubus is not necessarily a false husband (Kylo)!
The Lich qualifies as a demon lover when he uses Graydon as a vessel to pursue Elora. Specifically, the Lich is a Revenant or undead lover who tries to lure the bride into the underworld. Sometimes the Revenant can take the form of a lost lover, like Graydon using Airk's voice.
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When possessed by the Lich and his past brush with dark magic, Graydon is also HIMSELF a demon lover or beastly husband, particularly demonstrated by his scarring and later facial deformity, the beastly skin which Elora must burn or consume to reveal the true husband underneath.
My favorite example of a Revenant tale is The Blood-Drawing Ghost, in which Kate finds a blackthorn wand atop a fresh grave. When she grasps it, the corpse demands she carry him to a manor where he drains and eats the blood of three young men. When she returns him to his grave, he tries to drag her in, but Kate outwits him and escapes, returning to the manor to feed the young men their own blood (which she cleverly refused to eat), reviving them. She then chooses one as a husband, discovers the dead man's hidden treasure, and lives happily ever after.
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In #Willow Elora discovers her magic (making her the rightful owner of Cherlindrea's wand) and then is pursued by the agents of death. The Crone tries to use the blood of Airk, Kit, and Graydon to revive herself, and Elora fights back by cooking for or feeding others.
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Graydon, though a prince and therefore a fitting partner for a goddess by fairy tale logic, can also be considered a mortal husband. The goddess of the dawn Eos or Aurora was known to take mortal lovers, notably a Trojan prince whom she gifted immortality.
Elora too is a goddess of light with a name that sounds very similar to Aurora and whose story includes many references to Sleeping Beauty variations like Brunhild. This Valkyrie was cursed to sleep under her shield and surrounded by a ring of fire until a hero could revive her.
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Sleeping princesses are typically revived by the appearance of their true husband, and sometimes by that husband calling her by her true name. Immediately after Willow reveals Elora's identity, Graydon is the first to address her as such, awakening her from her disbelief.
In some tales, a sleeping princess is awakened first, and then her husband is cursed and must be healed. This is exactly the pattern followed by Elora and Graydon so far. Further, a ring will often play into the lovers' reunion, so I would expect Graydon's ring to be significant.
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Lastly, a prominent lost husband in #Willow is Madmartigan, and I feel it is extremely likely that he, or at least his unreslved loss, will play a role in this season's conclusion. Because Sorcha chose to retreat behind the Barrier to protect her children, she never sought him the way that heroic brides typically do. As a Snow Queen archetype, Sorcha's role is to let her children go, and given Kit and Airk's unresolved issues with their father's disappearance, they may complete the quest she should have taken (Elora too).
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Furthermore, Madmartigan could himself have become a demon husband in his time away - he might be dead (in the underworld) or transformed in some way, in which case he would need to be healed or integrated in some way by a power associated with Sorcha (likely through Kit).
Lastly, just in case anyone is wondering why Elora NEEDS a husband at all, it's the same reason that Kit needs a bride: alchemical union is the path to wholeness and the healing of the world which as #Willow said is out of balance!
/end (for now!)
In Search of the Swan Maiden: A Narrative on Folklore and Gender by Barbara Fass Leavy
Sleeping Beauties: Sleeping Beauty & Snow White Tales From Around the World by Heidi Anne Heiner
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nalebifrie · 7 months
Things I noticed on my rewatch: s2 ep3 Part2
a gleeman telling the tale of the Horn of Valere is something core wheel of time
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this rewatch made me feel even more sorry for Mat, what Liandrin says to him in this ep. particularly is so very cruel and also very reminiscent of what his mother always told him. And then he has that great moment in the finale and he is a HERO, yes!
because what comes after is so very cruel I didn't even notice Mat askes Liandrin basically the same thing he askes Ishy in ep.7. But this post made me realize it. (These little comics are very on point! lmao)
THE COSTUMES in the Cairhien ball/dinner scene are amazing! And imo Lanfear lookes very good in this garment and with the hair updo aswell (she obv. always looks stunning but here in particular too)
And THE COAT! the HERONS!!! aaahaahaaaah!
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And this is just fun! Has anyone giffed her walk and twirl here ? I need that.
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Wait, what is the "batshit Jim is Jesus" theory, please? Because I have thoughts and I thought I was the only one thinking them
hi hello!!!💕 oh god okay where do i begin
tbh this is largely pure speculation, but something that i can genuinely see happening to the extent of attempting to write a fic about it but to be specific, i think some kind of fuck-up happened in heaven, and an amnesiac jesus has managed to wind his way inside jim, in the place of gabriel.
im gonna try to keep this as tight as possible but bear with me:
it kinda started with the thought that the second coming will have gone wrong in s3. and the subsequent thought that a reason why everyone is left floundering is because they lose jesus. and they might have lost jesus because he's already come to earth. getting biblical with it, both matthew 24:36 and 24:43-44 kinda solidified this for for me - if we accept that GO will continue to play around with scripture.
perhaps a bit of confirmation bias, but the rest of matthew 24 was also interesting, particularly when you consider the signs of the second coming as matthew warns:
24:27: For just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes as far as the west, so will the coming of the Son of Man be.
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24:40: At that time there will be two men in the field; one will be taken and one will be left.
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24:41: Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken and one will be left.
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and there's then the other apocalyptic elements of war, and famine, trials and tribulations, that are meant to herald the second coming - which is what i think potentially could end up being the backdrop for s3 (ie. the second coming has happened, and it just so happens to coincide with the world going to hell in a hand basket. literally). after all, jim's ep3 monologue was certainly posed as a prophesy of sorts, not a recollection.
then take into account the deleted scene where there was meant to be a prophetic dream(?) sequence of the bookshop being the only thing left standing in an apocalyptic wasteland. idk if it was ever confirmed...(?), but im reasonably certain that that dream would have belonged to jim.
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there are also a lot of background elements that indicate that people have started to go missing. whether that's linked or not, idk, but seems interesting... like they've been raptured.
so then my thoughts turned to - well, does that mean, for whatever reason (heavenly user error, escape, god messing around etc), that jesus is now roaming around on earth? or has something gone wrong there too? possibly, bc then i remembered the opening jim scene, and the rest of his appearances in the show.
a lot of jesus imagery. especially imagery of the crucifixion.
the first shot of 2023 coming down from the clouds, and jim descending from heaven in the lift, tomatoes symbolising spilled blood, crowd gathered to watch the spectacle, seeks out sanctuary in the bookshop (eden).
quotes his mother in a tongue-in-cheek manner ("who told you i was naked?"), "but you know Me, you recognise Me" / "i know Someone who looks like You" (re: john 14:9-11), dresses his blanket in a very 'biblical' way, like a robe.
is very eager to help and is very kind, has an affinity for books and stories (themselves possibly representing the tree of life/the concept of immortality), offering out of food for free (ref to feeding the five thousand or the last supper, take your pick!!!), sacrifices himself for the shopkeepers meeting, arms outstretched etc.
im sure there's loads ive missed out, but these are the ones off the top of my head!
there's also the lovely callback to gabriel being the messenger to mary etc. aziraphale, if we accept him to parallel israfil, may be the angel to herald the second coming, but the fact that gabriel inadvertently is kinda the one to deliver it? brilliant
and lastly, because this promo image still has me floored: jim walking on water. and i cant really think of any discernible reason why the water would be included otherwise, other than to allude to jesus:
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now that im fairly convinced about the What - as far as i can be with a tinfoil-hat, crackpot theory anyway - but now it's more about trying to figure out the How. these will be piecemeal bits that will join up together, so hang on there:
what seems to be clear is that jesus (if we accept jesus = jim) does not have his memory. he has no idea who he is, and this stays pretty consistent and believable throughout the season. there's a moment ive referenced plenty of times before, but it's so important imo:
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(contd) which tells me a couple of things - main thing for me being that not only is memory erasure a canonically confirmed concept, but the suggestion of using the heavenly pda to access gabriel's memory suggests it's somewhat digitised... almost like it's a file that could be deleted or moved. but it potentially seems like that can only happen when someone is in heaven. and is it different for angels vs humans? or - if we accept the idea that jesus = god - a deity?
as for jesus not remembering something - maybe it was an error in the system that made him move into the gabriel real estate? and lose his memory in the process, by some kind of file corruption?
another thing is the issue with power in hell, namely that things seem to be going a bit sideways. the lesser demons are on half rations, and the whole outfit is severely understaffed. ive explored it more here, but it seems that whichever way you look at it, humans may not actually be in heaven. so, if human souls aren't being looked after by angels, where are they? my thought is similar to the above gabriel file thing: that human souls are being stored in the system* somewhere, awaiting 'upload' once heaven has finally defeated hell, and the kingdom hath in fact come.
*this then led me to the thought that maybe the system itself is the book of life, but that's a slight aside/only tangentially relevant.
so perhaps the corrupted jesus' 'file' somehow got uploaded to gabriel when he transferred himself into the fly? and maybe the box has something to do with it? idk.
it would also make sense for the 25-lazarii miracle. there was a lot of emphasis that aziraphale and crowley held hands with jim, and the effort it took to 'hide gabriel' was like a mini-nuke detonating. but a) its an interesting choice to refer to the miracle unit of measurement as a lazarus (and smaller denominations), and b) gabriel was in the fly - but they were holding hands with someone. so, for me, it's sensical that perhaps the issue in s3 is that not only has jesus come early, but they've inadvertently hidden him... an apt mirror to adam in s1. and if jesus is still somehow knocking about in gabriel in s3, it's a good narrative excuse to bring him and beelzebub back.
im going to stop rambling there but i may well come back and add bits - alternatively, if ive missed stuff, feel free to add!!! but! that's where im kinda at with the theory that the second coming has already come, and it's come somehow in the form of gabriel 🥰
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florideophy-gae · 9 months
Some analysis and theories based on the Nina/Maggie - Aziraphale/Crowley parallel
I have seen people talk about Maggie and Nina as a parallel to Aziraphale and Crowley, and generally with Nina = Crowley, Maggie = Aziraphale cause of the way they're characterised and specific moments like Nina calling Maggie "Angel".
But considering their situations/stories over their characterisation I think there's a reasonable interpretation of the parallel being Maggie =Crowley, Nina = Aziraphale.
One defining story element for Nina is that she is in a very controlling, unhealthy relationship, toxic if you will. Nina's relationship is established as being very overwhelming, affecting her whole life. Now this could be a parallel to either Aziraphale's relationship to heaven or Crowley's to hell. In season 2, the argument that this parallels Aziraphale is a lot stronger to me; Crowley is very clearly more disconnected from hell that Aziraphale is from heaven for two main reasons.
Characterisation: Aziraphale continuously tries to maintain beliefs related to heaven (binary good/evil) which we don't really see Crowley do
Symbols: specifically in s2 that Crowley no longer lives in the apartment he did when he worked for hell whereas Aziraphale, not to discount the bookshops importance to him, still lives in an ambassy of heaven.
And then looking at Maggie's actions seeing her as a parallel to Crowley is where I think there is potentially some foreshadowing.
Ep 3 rainstorm and Ep 6 ending Crowley's rainstorm and Nina and Maggie's canopied conversation is a slightly lower stakes, more human we'll say, parallel to the end of s6. Both these scenes subvert the confession scene of fictional romance, Crowley expects both scenes to end positively which neither do. There are two moments in the rainstorm that I think provide a perspective on the end of ep 6.
"It's not about you". Nina (Aziraphale) says this to Maggie (Crowley) . This alludes to the fact that Aziraphale is not rejecting Crowley, like Nina is not rejecting Maggie here. Nina isn't necessarily "choosing" her partner either, I don't think feels she has a choice, this is her partner, no matter how bad it gets there must be a way for it to get better because there must be a reason she was in this relationship in the first place. I think this is akin to how Aziraphale feels, he hasn't fully processed what he's losing because he doesn't feel when it comes down to it that he can choose to reject what he sees to be his purpose, it can't be without reason he's an angel. There must be a reason he worked for heaven for so long, so like Nina, he stays.
"You have no idea". Maggie says this to Nina after she says she isn't Maggie's type. The tone and delivery of this line frames it as less of a quip and more a moment of realisation. This is what Crowley's realising when Aziraphale tells him he's going back to Heaven, that Aziraphale really doesn't know just how much Crowley loves him, he doesn't know that Crowley could spend the rest of eternity with him and no cause would ever be more important.
If this is a parallel than the ep3 rainstorm is the end of the s2 parallel between the two couples, so then the rest is foreshadowing.. join me as I make some loosely based s3 predictions
S3 theories
Aziraphale "falls" (or at least doesn't leave heaven completely voluntarily)
Nina never actually leaves her partner, despite her being seemingly aware of how unhealthy the relationship was it is actually her partner who ends it.
Aziraphale and Crowley will have a good ending
Maggie and Nina are implied to eventually end up together but importantly Nina has a much better understanding of herself and the fact she needs time to get over her past relationship
Aziraphale and/or Crowley will speak directly to God/Satan
This one's quite loose but both speak directly to angels and demons, Maggie is particularly confident talking to Shax, despite the fact that they are humans. Generally, they are very unfazed by the supernatural going on around them.
Humans are to angels/demons as angels/demons are to God
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Will try my best to keep it updated!!
Doctor Who:
Causalities and confessions - Summary: The doctor gets into trouble on one of his adventures, luckily you're there to patch him up.
Let me take care of you - Summary: You're a headstrong, mother hen of the group. You always look after everyone without hesitation. But what happens when an adventure goes wrong, leaving you shake and in need of support?
By your side forever - Summary: The doctor feels himself losing hope at the constant return of his worst enemy, but you remind him he's not alone. Based on S5 Ep3 Victory of the darleks.
I should hate you - Summary: When your brother and his wife get taken by the weeping angels, the doctor is the only person you can turn to. Based on S7 Ep5 The angels take Manhattan. Reader is Rory's sibling.
Dream Lord? - The doctors true feelings about himself surface in a battle between reality and the subconscious. Based on S5 Ep7 Amy's choice
Past Versions - you have a run in with an oddly familiar face. Based on S7 Ep16 The day of the doctor.
Send you away - After a trip ends up with you being captured, Teh doctor starts to question his ability to protect you.
Safety - Nightmares aren't uncommon for you. But when a particularly graphic one wakes you up, you find comfort in none other than your favourite Norse god.
Freedom of the fall - The tension between tony and steve results to be too much for you. Based during civil war.
Losing Game - You and loki were a losing game, right from the beginning. And you've reached your breaking point.
Bucky Barnes:
Time to heal - For months, you had hated the avengers for what they'd put you through. You never planned on seeing them again. Until you ended up on the same rooftop.
I don’t hate you - A lonely nights in the avengers compound turns out to be the best time to bare your heart to someone.
Tony Stark:
Stay with me - The team has recently found out about your anxiety and panic attacks. Tony refuses to let you suffer alone.
Criminal Minds:
Aaron Hotchner:
Shot for love - An accident on a case makes you realise just how much you care for your boss.
As much as me - Your darkest thought resurfaces at the worst time. Luckily, you're not alone.
You matter - A personal connection to a case takes its toll on you. Aaron reminds you the importance of sharing your burdens.
Dance with me? - With the threat of Garcia's royal ball themed party, Hotch takes it upon himself to make sure you're well prepared.
Just so i could call you mine Pt2 Pt3 (Complete) - Hotch chooses to believe Haley over you when it comes to your relationship, causing you to lose the man you love.
Derek Morgan:
I’ve got you Pt2 Pt3 (Complete) - Being friends with BAU agents can come with complications. And when one of those arrives at your doorstep, Derek is there to help.
Spencer Reid:
Look at me - Something about this case hadn't sat right with you, and you couldn't figure out why. Until it all came crashing down.
BBC Sherlock:
Hold me - Sherlock doesn't realise how touch starved he truly is until he meets you.
High for love Pt2 - Sherlocks using again and you have to look after him. But what happens when he says something he probably wasn't supposed to?
The men you meet Pt2 - Your feelings for sherlock are driving you insane. In an attempt to get over him, you agree to a date with a guy you meet at a coffee shop. However, this seems to bring more harm than good. (Ongoing series)
NBC Hannibal:
Held through the darkness - You didn't realise how much you needed the comfort of your former psychiatrist
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literaryspinster · 5 months
Listen. (I wanted to get off that person's post, but I had more to say) lol. Lemme tell you something. There's been times where I didn't even care about a character, but the fandom dogpiled on them and I had to you know, start punching the pile. There have been fandoms I never stepped foot in that I had to kick the door open and start mollywhopping because they were doing the character so dirty. Marie has a sliver of a time to do ONE thing and they will turn on her. I spent the entire season waiting for it (after they started the show with Black death, I simply prepared myself for a journey through Hell), but whenever Marie has her moment and the girlies try to turn on her, I'ma turn 'em right on back around and get up in they face. 🤣
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Me arriving to shut that shit down. I will *at least* run them out of her tags. I can't do much, but I've been good for that a time or two in the past.
Sometimes people need reminders that you need to be particularly thoughtful when talking about characters from marginalized groups. I’m not trying to kill anyone’s fun, merely trying to preserve my own. Because why is your idea of fun the sort of thing we’ve been collectively advocating against for years? As for the show itself. I mostly find it as unproblematic as I tend to get these days, even though The Boys universe is extremely envelope pushing as a rule.
I think the deaths of Marie’s parents served a very specific purpose so I was less disturbed by it than say the Black man randomly and gruesomely killed by Sam in ep3. Or the nice Black man murdered by OmniMan in Invincible. I’m not against Black people dying on television sometimes, but I want the producers to really think about whether violence is more targeted toward them because I don’t always think they do.
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soujux · 1 year
How to Develop Side-Characters: A Guide by My School President
I’m a sucker for great writing. And although My School President doesn’t exactly have a groundbreaking plot, it just does everything completely right! This is a show that knows its genre and embraces it. It gives us great characters with real flaws without turning them into unlikeable people---which I find refreshing, because when was the last time I watched a show and didn’t hate a single character? 
I’ve been praising this series from the get-go, but I’d like to dwell a little bit more on EP7, also known as Yo’s catfishing adventure, because it does something that not every writer does right for BLs. At least, not much on the shows I’ve seen before. 
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EP7 earns itself a new opening and closing. Particularly because this is a new arc, the second half of the show per se, and we can see this change in Tinn’s unhinged flirting. 24/7. Non-stop. As if he wasn’t struggling to make eye-contact with Gun in EP3.
For the most part, we see Gun as hesitant, more reluctant. He turns down most of Tinn’s advances, and we can understand where this is coming from. After all, it’s Gun who’s subjected to this no-dating policy, not Tinn. For all we know, the only thing keeping Gun and Tinn from being official boyfriends is that stupid club rule!
So, imagine my surprise when Gun said something akin to “love hinders dreams.” 
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Specifically, Gun said, “Love is a dream’s worst enemy,” to which Tinn replied with “Do dreams carry any meaning without someone thou share them with?”
And in a way, it sums up to what EP7 will be all about, because even though this exchange was fleeting, it does change things.
The question was laid before us: does one become intemperate and distracted because of love? Is the club rule necessary?
Well, apparently, Gun thinks so. That’s why he doesn’t cross the line with Tinn in EP6, that’s why we see him barely giving Tinn the same enthusiasm since the episode began, and that’s why he doesn’t even try suggesting that maybe the rule is kinda stupid---maybe it’s so irrelevant---because he truly believes that that’s not the case at all. And we see him struggle through this turmoil.
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The ambiguity of their relationship probably bothers him too. Although Tinn is utterly in love with him and literally made it his mission to remind Gun of the fact every second, Gun still easily gets jealous. More on that later. 
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This stupid little bean catfished Nook with Tinn’s picture. Unfortunately, this does happen in real life and it’s not flattering at all. However, Yo does a fairly good job at making us understand why he did that, and he also got a well-deserved slap (with two nipple attacks from Gun) and did that cute dance number with his BFFs to make it up to Nook. It doesn’t justify his actions, but he makes it easier to forgive him. 
Somehow, Yo and Gun are stuck in the same predicament here. Except, Gun is living his E2L while Yo is suffering from his star-crossed lovers trope. Nevertheless, both seeing someone in secret. 
Yo managed to alter the rule for just a small time, but that’s more impact than Gun and Tinn on that freaking rule since EP1! And this really gave Gun an epiphany that not only developed his character, but also developed the relationship he has with Tinn. 
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“Though the rule still remains, something has changed. I think love is not always bad. Maybe it will encourage Yo to practice harder. Maybe it can help me sing love songs better.”
Gun realized now that love is never the enemy. He realized now that love is why he can do music the way he does. I wonder how terrifying must it be to just have it all come crashing to him like that? 
He asks Tinn if hitting on him was dull, that if he’d rather just court someone else, and these are realistic worries that he probably already had from the beginning. The difference now is the catalyst of these questions: he now knows that Tinn possibly means so much more to him than he expected. 
He is no longer angry at, or even afraid of, love getting in between his dream.
But going back to what I mentioned earlier, the ambiguous labels is still frustrating him, and he doesn’t want Tinn to get tired of waiting. No, scratch that. He doesn't want Tinn to wait for too long.
So, he crossed the line. 
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I’m dedicating so many words to this because I really, really love how MSP writers managed to develop Yo’s character in a way that also develops Tinn and Gun’s characters. If they failed to do this right, this could have easily been seen as a filler episode, but everything was necessary for the story. 
It was necessary for Tinn and Gun. 
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Can we also talk about the Chinzhilla members being the greatest friends ever?
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They unanimously scratched the rule for a friend, and not only that..
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Did all of this?! Tiw and Tinn too for always being there for them whenever they need support??
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stemmmm · 9 months
episode 4 post, starting with my current theory
ep1 ep2 ep3
lambda so kindly revealed to us and reminded beato that she gave beato her power, beato is not a real witch. interesting, given that beato claims to be a thousand years old but we'll ignore that for now. lambda insists that beato has to keep battler in this game for as long as possible or else, because she wants to keep bern trapped for as long as possible, so we've got a new goal post popping in yet again. beato not only wants to defeat battler and make him admit she's a witch, but now she has to wear him down more slowly too and there's even more pressure on the fact that he must not ever win.
this is further complicated by ange coming in with the intent to solve the case and save the family on rokkenjima as fast as possible and not fuck around. its funny timing considering the last game was the first one where battler was actually playing in a way where he could bring himself to blame family members and therefore... actually get somewhere with it. feels a little mean to him to come around the instant he's got his shit together and be like "you suck at this. move out of the way" but he took it well and honestly, he's not in any rush like she is
because in conflict with all of this is the fact that beato and battler are absolutely both losing the plot. they've both become way more invested in the other person's emotions and wellbeing in a very visible way. battler came to her rescue despite being mad at her and beato cheerfully burst into the room to try and lift the mood when she was lied to that battler was in a bad way. (chefs kiss to that btw)
so this is all the observation, what's the theory? there is a chance that... since beato is still pushing hard for battler to affirm she's a witch, that doing that may somehow give her real power. at this point I'm pretty squarely on the magic is real side, bern and lambda are pretty firmly and obviously real witches with actual power. bern declaring ange a witch (especially after ange apparently trained herself as one) and bringing her over has all but completely confirmed that for me. however, the argument that we've been having isn't really "is magic real"... it's "is beatrice a witch", and given that her powers apparently aren't her own, it seems that she's actually not. the ritual exists as a way to give beato real powers... potentially. this may not even be true, but she does get stronger each time it's successful so there could be something to that.
my additional source for this theory is the red truth that we couldn't hear used against evatrice. perhaps she wasn't saying that witches and magic weren't real for any reason, but that evatrice's powers weren't real or her own. "you couldn't do any of that magic stuff because you don't actually have powers, I did all of that" or something. after all, in the end of their fight before battler showed up, the servants were all saying that beato was the true golden witch in a pretty confusing matter. the only thing that makes it hard for me to believe beato was so deep into it that every single thing was an act is the fact that we've been shown very clearly that she can't lie well. even if she didn't say so herself (which she has), the magnificent facial expression swapping she does makes it particularly blatant. that makes it hard to say exactly how much of the last arc was trickery vs how much she was genuinely struggling. my view of it is that she did in fact hand over her borrowed powers, not expecting it to break quite so bad, and when she got through to the end on pure dumb luck, she flipped the script to make it look like she didn't just barely scrape through.
in short... this is lambda's game. we're just playing it
now for my next question: does virgilia actually exist or what
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One piece of Blitz / Mox smut, coming up hot!
Media: Helluva Boss
Pairing: Blitzø / Moxxie
Rating: E for Explicit
Word count: 10.2k (what. the. fuck.)
Warnings: None apply
Additional tags: Safeword (and use of it), panic attack, semi-public flirting, anal fingering / sex, Daddy kink, light Dom / sub vibes, polyamorous stuff, slight spoilers for s2 ep3? i think, emotions be a thing even for Blitzø, gentle & loving & caring Blitzø
Where else to read: AO3 (username: TheWeirdDane ; title: Would You Spare Me A Glance Tonight?)
Author's note: I started and finished this in like 2-3 days ? First fic for Helluva Boss but wanted to join in on the fun <3 Blitz is like a drug to me
It wasn’t often that Moxxie and Millie were in agreement about who they invited into their bedroom. There had been imps that had Millie starstruck, but left Moxxie with a dirty taste in his mouth. Vice versa, there had been demons that got Moxxie unusually hot and bothered, but where Millie drew a hard, proverbial line in the proverbial sand. 
There was, however, at least one imp down here in Hell that they both fancied, albeit in different ways. For Moxxie, it was specifically the desire to fuck their boss. He was insufferable, and he was obnoxious, and worst of all, he was fucking hot.
Every day at work, Moxxie had to pretend he didn’t find Blitzø infuriatingly hot. He couldn’t quite put a finger on it; Blitzø was nosy as hell and invaded everyone’s privacy, didn’t seem to care about other creatures than himself, and he always made unnecessary and vulgar comments on everything and everyone.
Truly, he should find the imp insufferable, full stop. Nothing more. But, truth be told, the insufferableness got Moxxie very hot and bothered. The confident strides, the arrogance, the self-assuredness, the way nothing seemed able to dampen Blitzø’s spirits. 
It was truly the worst crush he could possibly have. 
Luckily, he could vent his frustrations to Millie, and Millie could reassure him. She understood him like no one else did, and he was eternally grateful to have such an understanding, lovely, loyal wife. Something he made sure to tell her every chance he got, loving how it made her giggle.
After a particularly difficult client, Blitzø took them out for drinks to celebrate a job well done. He had booked a private table at a new dive, and arrived well before the rest of the crew. Sitting with his drink, his head snapped up when he heard the doors open and his co-workers’ voices drift through the bar. Quite an accomplishment, considering the kind of music that played over the speakers. 
“Finally you lazy fucks are here!” he exclaimed, waving an arm to get their attention, as if his voice wasn't perfectly fine for that. “And Loony, sweetie, you look practically hellish!” 
“Shut up, dad!” she hissed and looked around, almost as if she wanted to see if anyone had heard him. Everyone in the dive had, of course, with Blitzø being obnoxiously loud, but no one was stupid enough to mock or make fun of a hellhound. 
“What took you sickos so long? Would’ve thought you couldn’t come fast enough, Moxxie,” he grinned and scooted over in the booth to make room for Loona, Moxxie, and Millie. 
“We’re perfectly on time, sir, you are just early,” Moxxie said dryly, perfectly ignoring the other half of his boss’ quip. He was sat next to Blitzø, which filled him with both dread and excitement. With Millie on his other side, Loona sat down on Blitzø’s right side, practically caging the two against each other. 
Sitting this close together - they were practically rubbing elbows! - Moxxie was painfully aware of how good Blitzø smelled. If he had been less self-conscious, he might’ve asked what cologne he was using. As it were, however, he settled for breathing quietly, but deeply, through his nose, aiming to embed the smell in his brain forever. 
“What do you guys want?” Blitzø asked. 
“What do they have?”
Moxxie looked for a drink card, but didn’t see any. Blitzø shrugged. 
“No idea, but I’m sure even you could find something here.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I don’t know, you just seem very picky.”
“Which is kinda funny,” Loona chimed in. 
Moxxie took a deep breath. He had a feeling his patience would be severely tested tonight. 
“Pray tell, Loona, why is it kind of funny?”
“You know. Because you’re fat.” 
“I am not fat!” he exclaimed, drawing the attention of a few of the other patrons and making Blitzø laugh loudly. Moxxie’s cheeks got warm. “I am not fat!” he hissed, quieter, and pointed at Loona, who once more had her snout in her phone. 
She was smirking, and it was annoying enough that Moxxie gestured for Millie to move so he could get his first drink. 
‘First drink of many, if this is any indicator of how tonight’s going to go,’ he thought to himself with a soft sigh. 
Millie went with him to the bar where they eyed the many bottles of various hard liquors. 
“How fast do you think that one could knock me out?” he asked and pointed towards one with a bright green liquid, irritation clear in his voice. Despite having talked to Millie, it was the male bartender who answered.
“One shot, and you’d be out cold, little fella,” he supplied helpfully. 
“Excellent. I’ll take three.”
“Moxxie, sweetie,” Millie said softly, taking one of his hands in hers. “Don’t let them get to you. And do not pour those shots!”
The bartender, who was a rather handsome bull-like demon, stopped dead in his tracks, in the process of reaching for the bottle. He looked surprised to hear a female imp talk so firmly. 
“We’ll take two of those instead.”
She pointed towards a bottle with a transparent liquid, and the bartender hastily grabbed it, poured two shots, and set the glasses down in front of them. 
They took their glasses and weaved their way through the crowd. It was getting increasingly full in here. 
“Finally!” Blitzø exclaimed as they sat down in the booth again. “What’d you get?” 
He grabbed one of the glasses and lifted it to his nose to sniff it. His face contorted. 
“Ugh! What in Satan’s asscrack is that?”
Truthfully, Moxxie didn’t know, and thus looked to Millie, who appeared confused. 
“Y’all don’t know this?”
When none of them answered, she pushed some hair behind her horn, smiling bashfully. 
“It’s from the Wrath ring!”
“Oh, so it’s some local whackjob hill-billy’s backyard hootch, isn’t it?” 
“Yeah!” she said, beaming at Blitzø. Moxxie felt less and less desire to drink it with every passing second. But, they had paid for it, and he didn’t like wasting things, so it was with a defeated sigh that he lifted his glass. 
“Cheers, you fuckos, to a job well done! Loony, quick, take a pic!”
Loona rolled her eyes but nonetheless leaned into Blitzø, who grabbed Millie and Moxxie so they could all squeeze together in the photo. 
Moxxie had to admit that, being this close to Blitzø, his heartbeat accelerated, and he involuntarily sniffed his boss’ coat. Discreetly, of course. Or maybe only Millie noticed because Blitzø was busy pestering and gushing over Loona, and he hadn’t been discreet at all. She simply sent him a knowing grin that made him blush. Seeking out her tail with his own, they entwined, and he smiled into his glass before downing its contents. 
He immediately regretted it. 
The taste of alcohol was so strong and prominent that his eyes watered and his throat burned. Blitzø smacked his lips after taking a sip of his own drink, and laughed at Moxxie’s misery and gagging. 
“No reason for those choking sounds, Mox. Not yet, anyway.” 
“With all due respect, sir,” Moxxie croaked with a hand on his throat, “shut the fuck up.” 
Blitzø grinned while Millie sympathetically stroked Moxxie’s back. 
“Oh, so you like being bratty, huh? Well, not to worry, I’ll be shutting you up real good later tonight,” he promised, avoiding Moxxie’s glare by instead fawning over Loona, who snarled at him, her ears laid back. 
“With the amount of snooping you do, Blitz, I would’ve thought that you---”
“That I what, Mills? Can’t hear you over this epic fucking song they’re playing! Come on, somebody, dance with me!”
Blitzø had one foot on their table, the other on the seat, and he looked around at them excitedly. No one moved a muscle. 
“Oh, come on,” he groaned, rolling his eyes. “Are you chucklefucks too scared to dance?”
“I don’t dance,” Millie said with a shrug. Blitzø looked towards Loona. 
“I’m not gonna be seen dancing with you,” Loona scoffed. Blitzø looked towards Moxxie, now waggling his eyebrows. 
“No. Definitely not, sir. I am not dancing with you! You’re my boss!”
“Oh, grow a pair, Mox, it’s not like we’re gonna fuck on the middle of the dance floor! Unless that’s what you’re into, of course, in which case I guess I could be persuaded.”
Moxxie groaned and slapped a hand over his face. 
“Why are you always so vulgar? Does this kind of talk seriously get you anything?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe. So, now, come on, Mox, or you’ll miss your chance!”
“Happy to, sir.”
Blitzø scoffed and leapt off the table. His long tail flicked from side to side before grabbing his half-full glass of beer. 
“See you, suckers!” he shouted and squeezed himself through the crowd to get to the dance floor. 
Moxxie sighed and leaned back against the booth, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“Why is he always on my case? Why doesn’t he bother you guys as much as he bothers me?” he complained. 
Loona shrugged. 
“He bothers me all the time,” she said. “Doesn’t mean he means it, you know.”
“Excuse me?”
“What, didn’t you hear me? Too much fat in your ears?”
Loona’s lips twitched into something that was nearly a grin. 
“Just because he bothers you doesn’t mean he doesn’t like you.”
“But why would he bother me if he doesn’t mean it?”
“Fuck’s sake, I don’t know! Take that up with him in couples therapy or some shit!”
“Couples therapy...? Oh, come on!” he groaned, his cheeks heating up. 
She sent him a glance, then looked at her phone again, before her head snapped up, and she looked at him again. He recoiled slightly. 
“Oh shit, Mox, are you blushing?”
“What? No, of course not!” he lied, suddenly wishing he had more alcohol to hide his face in. 
“You totally are!” And then, much to his horror, and before he could stop her, Loona shouted, from the top of her lungs. 
“Hey Blitz!”
Liquid ice ran through Moxxie’s veins, and he looked at Millie who had a giant, shit-eating grin on her face. 
“Don’t let him take me dancing,” he pleaded, but Millie simply snickered. 
“I know you want to, honey, it’s okay. Oh, here he comes!”
Blitzø pushed through the crowd, his now empty beer glass cradled in his hands. He looked drunk for a guy who’s only had one beer, leading his employees to think he might have had a few shots while he was away. 
“What’s up, Loony, everything okay?” he asked, slurring slightly. 
She rolled her eyes and gestured to Moxxie. 
“I think fatty-chatty has something he wants to say.”
Moxxie didn’t know what he wanted to comment on first; her insult, or her insolence. 
“I do not!” he then exclaimed instead of doing either of those. 
“Then what the fuck was the fucking point of hauling me back here? I was having fun!” 
“Sorry, sir,” Moxxie said, looking to the side. He was very acutely aware that he was still blushing, curse his body! He was also aware of how Blitzø stared intensely at him. Oh crumbs, he was going to notice, wasn’t he?
“Wait... fuck, Mox, are you blushing?” Blitzø laughed, and Moxxie wanted to bury himself. “You guys humiliated Moxxie without inviting me? Shame on you all!” 
Moxxie groaned and put his head on the table. 
“Just leave me to die,” he mumbled. 
“No fucking way. Come on, loser, we’re going dancing!” 
There was a sudden, sharp yank on his arm, and he knew it was Blitzø. Untangling his tail from Millie’s, he sighed in defeat. 
“If I dance with you, sir, will you leave me alone?” 
“Absolutely not, it’ll just make me want to humiliate you more!” 
Well, at least he was honest. 
Moxxie let himself be dragged out of the booth and stumbled after a way too eager Blitzø. Reaching the dance floor to the last notes of the current song, the crowd clapped and cheered, eager for the next one. Moxxie, on the other hand, felt that death’s swift embrace would be the kindest option right now. 
A feeling that only increased when the first note of the next song reached his ears. It was slow. Waiting a few beats to see if it sped up, he was mortified when he realised that no, it would stay calm and slow all the way through. It was a song to slow dance to. 
Blitzø looked surprised as well, albeit only for a second before it was gone from his face, and then there was only mischievous glee in his eyes. 
“Well well well,” he practically purred, and Moxxie once more cursed his useless body for blushing, just as Blitzø pulled him closer by his hand. 
“Just relax and enjoy it, Mox.”
That was most definitely an innuendo. Moxxie groaned and looked away, but obediently put one hand on Blitzø’s shoulder, the other remaining in Blitzø’s grasp. His tail swished from side to side, as if agitated. He tensed when Blitzø grabbed his waist with surprising tenderness, and oddly enough did relax as they started swaying together. 
“You’re not used to leading, are you?” Blitzø chuckled. 
“Does it matter what I say? You’ll still treat me like chickenshit.”
“Mox, I’m appalled you’d think that of me.”
Moxxie glared at him. 
“No, you’re right, I totally would. I’m just saying, you fell into the woman’s role quite naturally.”
Moxxie rolled his eyes. 
“Yeah well, take it or leave it.”
“Oh, I’m happy to lead. Who knows where this will take us,” Blitzø murmured, making Moxxie blush something fierce. 
For all his energy and constant hyperness, Blitzø was surprisingly good at slow dancing. He swayed slowly and gently with Moxxie, who, with each passing second, felt more and more at ease with the entire situation. He was hyper-aware that he was dancing with his boss, and that he wanted said boss to pull him closer, but at the same time, it was like Blitzø knew how vulnerable he was in this situation, which meant that Moxxie let down his guard. Just a bit. 
Roughly halfway through the song - Moxxie would never tell a soul that this song was actually one of his favourites - however, Blitzø did something that almost made him black out. His boss did pull him closer, close enough that Moxxie could lean his cheek against his chest, and then he slid his hand lower. From Moxxie’s waist to his hip, not only pulling him in, but keeping him there. 
“Sir, what are you---” He knew very well what Blitzø was doing, but it apparently wasn’t registering in his brain. 
“You know my name, Mox. Use it.” His voice was soft, but firm. 
Moxxie swallowed hard. In his mind, there was a clear, strong disconnect between calling Blitzø anything but ‘sir’. It simply did not compute. Probably due to his upbringing - something he didn’t wish to think about now, or ever - it took him a few seconds to process the command. 
“Blitz,” he then said, so softly that it made Blitzø look down at him, his eyes wide and pupils dilated in the dark. 
It was like they were both caught in the headlights of a truck. They had stopped moving. Only their rapid breathing proved that they were still alive. Blitzø’s hand tightened its grip on Moxxie’s hip, prompting him to let out a soft, quiet moan that he immediately regretted. 
Oddly enough, Blitzø didn’t mock him. On the contrary, he looked... conflicted?
No, that was impossible. Blitzø had the emotional range of a fork; there was no way he was conflicted. If he wanted to do something, he did it. If he wanted to say something, he said it. But then... why did he look down at Moxxie’s lips before looking him in the eyes again? And why did his hand suddenly slacken its grip of Moxxie’s hip? 
“Sir--- Blitz, please don’t let go,” he whispered before knowing what came over him. Blitzø blinked down at him, biting his lower lip. 
“If I don’t, I’ll end up kissing you.”
His voice was so soft, so torn, that it made Moxxie’s mind reel. He looked up at Blitzø with wide eyes. He knew he had permission from Millie, but actually making a move still felt like crossing an immense boundary. Like he was stepping into territory he would never return unscathed from.
He swallowed hard. 
It was now or never, before Blitzø reached a decision that contradicted Moxxie’s own desires.
It was with an aggressively beating heart that he took Blitzø’s hand in his own, before placing it back on his waist, maintaining eye contact. 
“There,” he said with a soft smile. “Isn’t that much better?”
The breath audibly hitched in Blitzø’s throat. 
“I’m not kidding, Mox,” he whispered, sounding winded, as if he’d run a marathon. As he spoke, he slowly slid his other hand from Moxxie’s hand and to his cheek, cupping his face. Moxxie felt like his heart was going to burst at the seams. 
“Don’t make me do this...”
“With all due respect, I’m not making you do anything,” he murmured, just before Blitzø kissed him. His heart beat so hard it was making him queasy, and to forget about that, he instead focused on Blitzø’s lips as they passed over his own. 
He let go of the hand on his waist to instead take a gentle hold of Blitzø’s wrist. At first, Blitzø tensed, but when Moxxie pressed into the kiss, into him, he relaxed again. 
“Don’t worry,” he mumbled against his lips, “Millie and I have an agreement. You’re not trespassing or crossing a boundary. It’s okay.” 
Blitzø groaned into his mouth, and suddenly, the kiss became deep and demanding, pulling all air from Moxxie’s lungs. His hand gripped Blitzø’s wrist tighter, and he let out a quiet moan, his eyes closing. 
Someone bumped into them, grunting something about ‘get a room’, resulting in Moxxie losing his balance and clinging to Blitzø, who stumbled forward but managed to keep upright. 
“Get the fuck outta here if you can’t handle two guys kissing, you fucking prude!” Blitzø shouted after whoever had bumped into them. Moxxie couldn’t help but burst into loud laughter, the adrenaline and excitement of the whole situation making him practically delirious. Blitzø sent him a look like he had completely lost his marbles, before he, too, began laughing. 
He pulled Moxxie into a standing position. 
“Should we... head back?” Moxxie eventually asked when Blitzø seemed glued to the spot. The question seemed to pull him out of whatever trance he had been in. 
“Your place or mine?” he grinned, flashing his many sharp teeth. Moxxie’s cheeks were burning by the time he finally stammered that he meant that they should get back to the booth. “No need to be shy now, Mox.”
As they slowly weaved their way back, Blitzø’s tail flicked from side to side, almost as if anxious. Moxxie glanced from his long tail and to his face. The second it took for Blitzø to realise he was being observed, he looked thoughtful - conflicted - but then he blew Moxxie a kiss, and Moxxie nearly tripped over himself. 
Reaching the booth, they found Millie sitting by herself, with no sign of Loona. 
“Where’s my baby?” Blitzø asked immediately, looking around the nearby booths. 
“She got a text from Vortex about a party,” Millie replied and downed another shot that smelled suspiciously like the whackjob hill-billy’s backyard hootch they had earlier. “Said something about us being lame and boring.” 
Blitzø proceeded to have a minor breakdown, while Moxxie made eye contact with Millie, and couldn’t stop a wide grin from splitting his face in half. His heart, though having slowed down, still beat fast in his chest. He was trembling slightly from the excitement. 
“Relax, Blitz,” Millie said, patting the space next to her. “She’ll be in safe hands... paws... whatever, with Vortex.”
“Will Verosika be there?” 
“Hell if I know. She didn’t mention her,” Millie shrugged. 
Blitzø sighed deeply, making puppy eyes at the exit, but eventually let himself be persuaded to sit down next to Millie, while Moxxie crawled up on his other side. 
“How was the dance?” Millie asked with a smug smile, the question directed at Blitzø who did seem to liven up at that, if only for a second before he glanced between Millie and Moxxie. He seemed to struggle with his reply, something highly uncharacteristic. 
“Your husband’s a shitty dancer,” he eventually settled on with a snicker. “I had to lead him through the entire fucking thing! I thought you had taught him better, Mills. Anyway, what’re you having?” 
“I was thinking of getting a beer. Y’know, something light. Do you guys want anything?” 
“Beer sounds awesome,” Blitzø hummed. 
“I’ll have a beer as well. Thank you, honey.” Moxxie reached over to kiss his wife before she left the booth. Neither of them missed how intensely Blitzø observed them, completely shamelessly. Like this was a regular occurrence, which it was, truth be told. Blitzø had no concept of privacy or personal space, and often watched them through the windows of their apartment. A few times, they had even caught him videotaping them getting it on. 
Sometimes, Moxxie wondered if it was because he was painfully lonely. It seemed to him like Millie, Loona, and himself was the only company that Blitzø ever had. Aside from the royal Goetia, of course, but Blitzø never really talked about him, unless they needed Stolas’ grimoire to access the living world, in which case, Blitzø would be gone for the night. It was obvious, even to Moxxie, that they were only allowed to use the powers of the grimoire because of the sex Blitzø and Stolas had.
A transactional fucking, as Blitzø liked to call it. 
“You look really stupid when you’re deep in thought, you know that?”
Moxxie rolled his eyes. 
“Thank you, sir. I’ll try not to think in the future.”
“Shouldn’t be too hard for you,” Blitzø purred and ran a claw down his spine. Moxxie immediately straightened with a sharp intake of air, then glared at Blitzø while trying to ignore the way heat coiled in his lower stomach. 
“What? Don’t act like you didn’t like that.” 
Moxxie sighed. Much to his annoyance, he was right. But, that also gave him an idea, just to fuck with Blitzø. Metaphorically, of course. 
He leaned in close to the bigger imp, sitting up slightly on the seat so it was easier to murmur into his ear. 
“I really did like it. Do you think you could do it again, sir?”
Gambling on addressing Blitzø by his more formal title really paid off. He stared out in front of him, as if transfixed by something in the distance, but he breathed in so sharply that Moxxie could hear it. 
“What in the fuck?” he then asked, sounding a tad out of breath and turning his head to look at Moxxie, who shrugged and sat back down on his seat, pretending he hadn’t said anything out of the ordinary. 
Blitzø puffed out his chest, leaning in close against Moxxie, who knew he was about to get attacked. Where was Millie when he needed her?! How long could it take to get three beers?!
He breathed heavily already before Blitzø said anything, but when he did, his words were accompanied by a claw slowly sliding down the length of his spine again. 
“Don’t worry, Mox, I’ll make that little head of yours blissfully empty.”
Moxxie tried to remain calm, but couldn’t ignore the way his cock throbbed, or the way his heart skipped a beat. He knew he was blushing hard, but he had a feeling he hadn’t really stopped blushing since the first time tonight. 
With half-hooded eyes, he turned his head to look at his boss. He even bit his lower lip in that way that female imps and demons always did. It looked so ridiculously seductive when they did it, so he really hoped it had the same effect on Blitzø. 
“How would you do that, Blitz?” he asked quietly, tuning his voice to a lower pitch. 
Blitzø had clearly not expected Moxxie to play along, and scooted a bit backwards, away from his employee. Moxxie followed him, letting his tail wrap around his boss’ ankle. 
“I didn’t take you for the kind of guy to leave someone hanging,” he purred, and although his voice trembled, this didn’t deter him. It also didn’t seem to matter to Blitzø. “So, come on, won’t you tell me all about how good you’d make me feel?”
“Mox,” Blitzø croaked. He tried to push further back when Moxxie advanced on him, but misjudged the distance between his hand and the booth, and ended up on his back on the seat. Moxxie saw his chance and seized it. 
Slithering onto his boss to straddle him, he realised how hard Blitzø was when he sat down on him. 
It made a shudder ripple through him, and he let out a soft moan. 
“Mox, you’re married! To someone way out of your league, granted, but you can’t just---”
“And I already told you it’s fine. Thank you for the insult, by the way. Very nice,” Moxxie said dryly, leaning down on Blitzø and caging him in by placing his hands on either side of his head. He glanced out at the bar, realising that they were not being shy or quiet, and that other hell creatures could easily see and hear them. 
For once, this didn’t deter him. 
He must be more eager than he thought. That, or the one shot he had had was just that strong. 
That had to be it. There was no way in Hell that Blitzø got him so worked up. That would be ridiculous!
But when he looked down at his boss’ wide eyes and slightly open mouth, he knew it wasn’t just the alcohol talking. There really was something about Blitzø that got him going. He couldn’t put his finger on it, and at the moment, he also couldn’t care less. 
“What do you mean, it’s fine?” Blitzø asked. 
Moxxie rolled his eyes for the umpteenth time that night. 
“It means that Millie and I have an agreement, okay? That’s all you need to know for the time being. Now, shut up,” Moxxie said, rather gruffly, and crashed their mouths together. Blitzø made a surprised sound in his throat, but when Moxxie didn’t relent, he seemed to melt into it. 
One of his hands came up to rest on the back of Moxxie’s head, the other taking a firm hold of his waist. A full-body shudder wrecked through Blitzø, making his cock bob, and Moxxie, who usually wasn’t very smug, smirked. 
“Do you like that, sir?” he purred. 
“Shut the fuck up,” Blitzø groaned, pulling Moxxie firmer against his body to deepen the kiss. Moxxie let out a pleased sigh and slid his hands over his boss’ massive horns. Reaching the base of them, he rubbed the skin slowly, and Blitzø moaned. An honest-to-Satan moan of pure bliss. 
“So that’s your good spot,” Moxxie murmured against his lips, his own twitching into a wide grin. 
“I’ll kill you if you spill about it,” Blitzø said, trying to sound threatening but only managing an ounce of menace in his voice. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Moxxie promised and pushed his tongue into Blitzø’s mouth. Blitzø went rigid before a shudder made him sag back against the seat, and he pushed his own tongue against Moxxie’s with a needy sound.
Moxxie’s mind was reeling. How many times hadn’t he fantasised about this? Maybe not this exact scenario, but the general gist of it; having Blitzø beneath him, kissing him, making him feel good? He sure couldn’t count it on one hand, and probably not on two, either. 
He couldn’t help a moan of his own, and felt Blitzø’s lips tug into a smug smile. 
“Feels good, doesn’t it, Mox?” he purred, sliding one hand up to his horns and grabbing one of them firmly to yank his head back. Moxxie yelped, trying to look indignantly down at his boss, but his body betrayed him by shuddering. “But I’ll do you one better,” Blitzø continued, and suddenly sat up, his free hand steadying Moxxie on his lap, before sinking his teeth into his neck. 
Now, Moxxie was no stranger to the rougher genres of sex. He was familiar with certain aspects of it, and knew what he liked. Unfortunately, he hadn’t counted on Blitzø to know as well. However, when Blitzø bit his neck, Moxxie went rigid, and his hands fisted on his boss’ back, bundling in his coat. 
“Blitz!” he gasped, and upon hearing his name said in such a shrill tone, Blitzø growled low in his throat and pushed Moxxie on his back, covering him with his own much bigger body. Moxxie craned his neck, a sharp whimper rising into his throat and spilling out between his gritted teeth. Being granted better access to the expanse of unmarked skin, Blitzø groaned shakily, and sucked on the flesh. He tugged sharply on Moxxie’s horn again, and Moxxie moaned loudly, prompting him to slap his hands over his mouth, looking mortified. 
Blitzø released his throat and grinned down at him. 
“How’s that for making you feel good, bitch?” 
Moxxie made a sound of immense embarrassment, covering his face with his hands. Blitzø laughed and, in a moment of true vulnerability, stroked Moxxie’s cheek so tenderly it was almost like a lover’s gentle caress. 
“It’s okay, Mox,” he whispered. A beat of silence. Then... “What exactly is this agreement you have with Millie? How far can we go?”
“As far as we want.”
Blitzø narrowed his eyes. 
“That’s awfully fucking vague. Anything that’s off limits?”
Moxxie removed his hands from his face to instead stroke Blitzø’s shoulders. 
“Remember who you’re talking to. I’m sure you’re way more experienced and wild in bed than I am. I don’t... know what my limits are.”
“I don’t know, Mox,” Blitzø said, grinning, “you were the one who made the first move, and you were the one to pin me down in a booth in a public bar. Should I have you arrested for public indecency?” 
Moxxie laughed softly. 
“With all due respect, sir, we’re in Hell. Public indecency is an access card.” 
Blitzø shrugged. 
“How about the arresting part, then?” he purred, wiggling his eyebrows and making Moxxie’s skin erupt in goosebumps. “Interesting. Should’ve known you’re secretly a fucking freak! It’s always the quiet ones.”
Moxxie groaned and rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help but smile up at Blitzø. 
“Wanna get outta here?” Blitzø then asked, gesturing towards the exit with his head. The way the light caught in his beautifully curved horns had Moxxie speechless for a second. 
“S-Sure,” he mumbled.
They untangled themselves from each other, and Blitzø was gentlemanly enough to help Moxxie to his feet. 
“What about Mills?” 
Moxxie looked around; he couldn’t see her anywhere. Pulling out his phone, he saw a text from her. It said:
Have a good time, honey! I hope you’ll tell me all about it tomorrow ;)
He held his phone up to Blitzø with a trembling hand. 
“Good enough for me. Let’s go.”
They managed to get home without being too handsy with each other and draw the attention of others, but the second the front door was slammed shut, Blitzø crowded Moxxie against the wall. 
“Now’s the time to back out if you’ve changed your mind,” he growled and bent forward to suck on the faint mark he had already made. His hands were on Moxxie’s hips, pinning him to the wall. 
“In your nightmares,” Moxxie moaned, squirming slightly in Blitzø’s grasp and reaching up to grab the back of his shoulders. 
They were still in their clothes, and Moxxie was desperate to get out of them. He was painfully hard and aching for any kind of touch. 
“Strawberry,” Moxxie whispered without even having to think about it. He and Millie didn’t use safewords, but ever since fantasising about Blitzø, and especially since being given permission to have sex with him, he had become aware that a safeword was probably a good idea. So, he had come up with this one - strawberry. Simple! 
Blitzø snickered. “Strawberry, really?”
Moxxie rolled his eyes. 
“It’s not something I’d normally scream during sex, which is the point of a safeword! Now, do you want to fuck me or not?”
Blitzø’s eyebrows shot up on his face. Moxxie once more wanted to bury himself. 
“So you are a fucking bottom.”
“Excuse you, I contain multitudes!” 
Blitzø laughed, but it was oddly... fond, and cupped Moxxie’s cheek. 
“Sure you do. Between being pegged and wanting me to fuck you, I’m sure you have it in you to be on top. Somewhere deep inside. Very deep.”
“You’re really not speaking very well for your case.”
“You know I’m right. Anything I can’t call you?” 
“Let’s take that as it comes. I can’t... can’t think straight,” Moxxie admitted, breathing shakily as Blitzø slid his hand from his cheek and down over his chest, skirting over his stomach before ending by his cock, stroking the sizable tent in his pants. 
Blitzø leaned against him, purring into his ear. 
“You’re bigger than I imagined.”
“You’ve imagined my cock, sir?”
“Of course. Everyone imagines everyone naked and what they’re like in the sack!”
“I... I really don’t think that is---”
“Whatever, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you strip for me, right now,” Blitzø rumbled, his voice leaving no room for arguments. Moxxie shuddered, and began undressing. Blitzø pulled back, lounging on the nearby couch so he had a proper view of Moxxie. His tail flicked slowly from side to side, his pupils blown wide and taking in every one of Moxxie’s moves. 
Moxxie didn’t waste time or energy trying to be sexy. He knew he would fail spectacularly at that, anyway, and just focused on getting out of his clothes as quickly as possible. 
“What’s the rush, baby? We have all night. Not that I don’t appreciate how eager you are, of course,” Blitzø grinned, and had to suppress a shudder when Moxxie walked towards him in all his naked glory. He looked self-conscious; rubbing his right arm with his left hand, the tip of his tail pointing downward and swishing anxiously, his gaze darting around the room and very clearly trying not to look at Blitzø. 
“Looking good, Moxxie,” he purred, trying to soothe his nerves. “Come sit on Daddy’s lap, and I’ll make you feel so good.”
Moxxie flushed deeply, but sheer surprise made him lower his hands. 
“Did you... did you just call yourself Daddy?”
Blitzø grinned and spread his legs to make room for Moxxie. 
“Don’t pretend you’re not a fan, I saw how it made your cock twitch.” 
Moxxie made a sound of deep shame but nonetheless moved to sit between Blitzø’s legs. Nestling his back against his boss’ chest, he was immediately enveloped in his scent and arms. He inhaled deeply, closed his eyes, and exhaled just as deeply, leaning his head back against Blitzø’s shoulder. 
“I’ve just... I’ve never played with that aspect of sex,” he mumbled. 
“No surprise there.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Moxxie huffed, a shiver rippling through him when Blitzø slowly stroked down his arms. 
“You don’t exactly scream ‘daddy’ vibes, Mox.”
“Oh, and you do?” 
Blitzø snickered, sliding his claws over Moxxie’s sides. 
“Face it, Mox, I’m just a whole other league than you.”
Moxxie rolled his eyes, but couldn’t help but press himself harder against Blitzø’s chest when he dragged his claws across his inner thighs. 
“W-Who of us has a wife, huh?”
Blitzø’s claws dug into his thighs, and Moxxie yelped. Squirming in his grasp only made the claws sinker deeper into his skin. He breathed shakily, closing his eyes tightly. That felt... so fucking good. 
“And who is going to let his boss fuck him because he just can’t resist him, hmm?” 
Moxxie moaned. Blitzø’s hands were so close to his cock, yet they seemed so far away, and it was driving him insane. He writhed again, making Blitzø snicker. 
“What’s the matter, baby? Do you want Daddy to touch you?” 
“Don’t call yourself that,” he croaked, his skin heating up and erupting in goosebumps. He hated the way his cock bobbed, making it painfully clear that he was into it. 
“Are you gonna be disobedient? Gonna be bratty, hmm?” Blitzø grinned, but there was something in his voice that threw Moxxie off for a second. There was want in his voice, a wanton need, like he wanted Moxxie to be bratty and disobedient. 
“Is that what you want?” he asked, needing to know if he was correct. Blitzø was suddenly quiet; something that Moxxie took to mean he was correct. 
“Well, then you can go fuck yourself,” he then said, making a move as if he was going to leave. Blitzø immediately grabbed his thighs tightly with his long claws, pulling him back against his chest and growling into his ear. 
“Don’t fucking move unless I tell you to,” he snarled, and Moxxie hated how eagerly his cock bobbed at the rough treatment. Yet, despite his body’s reactions, his mind reared. This was not right. It felt wrong. It felt bad. Something inside him lurched. Memories of his father flashed in front of his eyes; his father calling him a disobedient little bitch, his father ordering him to do things that felt wrong, his father hurting him, his father making him hurt... others.
He felt sick. 
This needed to stop, right now, or he might actually suffer a panic attack. 
“Do you unders---”
“Strawberry,” Moxxie croaked, abruptly, staring down at the couch with eyes that suddenly stung. 
To his credit, Blitzø’s voice was immediately soft when he spoke, and he gently wrapped his arms around Moxxie. 
“Okay. It’s okay, Mox. It’s me.”
Moxxie grabbed Blitzø’s arms tightly, breathing hard. He hadn’t realised how tense he had gotten, but now that he was aware, he began trembling as his muscles tried to relax. 
“It’s alright, Mox. I’ve got you. It’s just the two of us. We’re alone. Just the two of us.”
“I-I’m sorry, sir,” Moxxie began, but Blitzø gently, yet firmly stopped him. 
“No, none of that, Moxxie. No apologising, and no ‘sir’-ing me. You know my name, and at this point, you can use it. We’re there. We’ve reached that point.”
Moxxie nodded slightly, lifting his hand to wipe his eyes. 
“Do you need tissues?”
He shook his head vehemently, and the very thought that Blitzø might leave - even if just to grab the nearby tissues - made him cling to his boss’ arms again. 
“Okay. It’s okay, Mox, I’m not going to leave,” Blitzø reassured him, squeezing him against his chest. 
Moxxie took a deep breath and let it out slowly. 
“That’s it,” Blitzø praised softly and kissed one of Moxxie’s horns. 
Moxxie tensed in his arms.
“What did you--- did you just...” He trailed off. 
Blitzø shrugged, chuckling softly.
“I had saved that for when I wanted to drive you mad with desire to have me rail you, but it seems that you need the comfort more right now.” 
A beat in silence.
“And maybe we don’t mention that part to Mills,” he then said, sounding sheepish. Moxxie smiled weakly.
“Sorry, sir--- Blitz. Millie and I share everything.”
“Disgusting,” Blitzø laughed, pressing his face in the tight space between Moxxie’s horns to nuzzle his white, fluffy hair. 
They sat like that, quiet, for a little while. When Moxxie finally breathed easy again, Blitzø tentatively released him from the tight grip, and seeing as Moxxie didn’t panic again, he fully let go of him. 
Gingerly turning Moxxie around, Blitzø’s eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled, stroking one of Moxxie’s horns before cupping his face with both hands. 
“What do you need?” 
Moxxie lifted his hands, but seemed hesitant for a few seconds, before he gently grabbed Blitzø’s wrists. 
“Can you... can you kiss me?” he mumbled, averting his eyes. He felt like a fucking idiot, but he could unpack that later. 
“Look at me, please?” The sheer gentleness in Blitzø’s voice drew his gaze, and then Blitzø smiled a bit wider. “That’s it. Thank you. Keep your eyes on me, okay? Don’t close them.” He kept his voice soft and kind as he stroked Moxxie’s cheeks with his claws. 
Moxxie nodded, and Blitzø closed the distance between them to kiss him. A soft sound escaped him, but he kept his word, and kept looking at Blitzø, who also maintained eye contact. 
“That’s it,” he praised, making Moxxie shudder. Well, if tonight wasn’t full of emotional whiplashes... “Relax, I got you.” 
Moxxie whimpered quietly and pressed himself into Blitzø, who slid his hands down around his body, grabbing his hips and pulling him against him. Moxxie let himself be pulled, but also moved his own arms around Blitzø’s neck, desperate for physical contact. 
“Look at you, doing so well for me,” Blitzø continued softly against his lips, pulling all air from Moxxie’s lungs. His cock, which had gone flaccid in his panic attack, was starting to bob again. Heat once more swirled and coiled in his lower stomach, spreading through his entire body to make his claws tingle and his skin erupt in goosebumps. 
“Now, can you do something for me, Mox?” 
Moxxie nodded, and only pulled back because he was in dire need of air. He felt woozy and lightheaded. 
“What is it?” he asked, his voice rough and quiet. He cleared his throat, Blitzø smiling. 
“I just want you against my chest again. I want to take good care of you.” 
Moxxie shuddered at the implication, then moved into the desired position, nuzzling himself firmly back against his boss’ chest. It felt good. It felt safe. 
“That’s good,” Blitzø murmured, rubbing Moxxie’s shoulders and upper arms soothingly before moving down over his abdomen. Moxxie automatically sucked in his stomach. If he noticed, Blitzø didn’t comment on it. Upon reaching his thighs, he gently stroked the claw marks he had left earlier. 
“Sorry about these,” he mumbled, and Moxxie couldn’t help but smile. 
“It’s fine, Blitz. It felt good. Well, right up until... you know.”
He felt Blitzø nod behind him as he leaned in over him, caging in Moxxie in his arms. His claws dragged over Moxxie’s thighs, making him shudder, before he took Moxxie’s cock in his hand and began stroking him. 
Moxxie inhaled sharply, pushing back against Blitzø. There was something deeply arousing about having Blitzø practically loom over him as he stroked his cock; something he wasn’t sure he could articulate properly. But, Hell, why would he need to articulate it, anyway? Why shouldn’t he just lean back and let himself enjoy this? 
That’s exactly what he did. He relaxed in his boss’ grasp with a shuddering sigh, leaning his head back against Blitzø’s broader body. 
“That’s it, Mox, just relax, let me take care of you.”
Blitzø was starting to get worked up again, having also gone limp when Moxxie had panicked. Moxxie could now feel his cock against his lower back, and judging from the throbbing, he wasn’t small. He swallowed heavily, wondering if he would be able to take it all. There was a sizable size difference between him and Blitzø, after all. Not just in height, but also in cock, it would seem. 
“Blitz,” he whispered, not really knowing if he wanted to say more, and in that case, what he wanted to say. Maybe he just wanted to let his name roll off his tongue like that. It did feel really good. 
“I’m here,” Blitzø said, in the same hushed tone, continuing to stroke him until he was fully hard. “Look at you, responding so well,” he continued, and... was that a slight tremor to his voice? Moxxie wasn’t sure, and didn’t comment on it, knowing that Blitzø most likely wouldn’t appreciate that. 
“Does it feel good?”
“Yes, Blitz,” he immediately moaned, arching his back slightly against Blitzø’s sturdy chest. “It feels... it feels really good. Your hand has a firm grip, but it’s not too tight, and---”
“Okay, Mox, there’s no need to hyper analyse the situation. Just focus on how it makes you feel.” 
Moxxie blushed, bobbing his head in a nod. 
He closed his eyes. Blitzø gradually sped up, pumping him harder, and with time, Moxxie began bucking his hips, pushing his cock into Blitzø’s hand. At this point, his breathing was hard but shallow, and his eyes closed tightly. He was focusing so intensely on the pleasure coursing through him that he was only vaguely aware of Blitzø’s free hand on one of his horns. His claws scratched over the sharp angles before grabbing it, then pulled his head back firmly, but still with enough gentleness that Moxxie could pull free if he wanted to.
Which he didn’t. 
No, he moaned deeply, a full-body shudder wrecking him. 
“It’s okay, I got you,” Blitzø positively growled, and oh dear, he was getting really worked up, wasn’t he? His hips were beginning to buck slightly, and it was clear to Moxxie that he was really trying to stop them from doing it. Something about this made him moan again, but this time, it was a sharp, choked off sound, like he was being strangled. 
Fuck it. No pain, no gain, right? Besides, it wasn’t like he hadn’t been fucked before. Millie was a big fan of pegging him, and truth be told, so was he. This was slightly different, though; it was his boss, and he wouldn’t be penetrated by a strap-on with a toy, but an actual cock. 
He swallowed hard. 
“Blitz,” he moaned, squirming slightly but without moving much; Blitzø’s grip was simply too tight. “Blitz, can I ask you something?”
“Anything,” Blitzø replied, but it sounded forced, like he was speaking through gritted teeth. 
“Will you fuck me? Please?” 
Blitzø went rigid as he inhaled sharply. 
“You sure? I don’t... I mean, I’m not gentle.”
“I’m counting on it,” Moxxie whispered, relishing the way Blitzø now shuddered. 
“Then fucking Hell yes, I will.”
Moxxie laughed softly. 
They unwrapped from each other and went to the bedroom where Moxxie crawled onto the bed, Blitzø right on his heels. 
“Aren’t you... going to undress? You’re still in your suit...”
“Nah,” Blitzø simply replied, and pushed Moxxie onto his back to kiss him hard. Moxxie whimpered, but arched himself into his boss while eagerly returning the kiss. 
“Let me at least see what you’re about to shove in me,” Moxxie whined, and Blitzø snickered against his lips. 
“So forward, Mox! But since you asked nicely...”
He pulled back and unzipped his pants, freeing his cock. 
On one hand, Moxxie wished he had never asked to see it. On the other hand, he almost salivated at the sight. Definitely above average in length and girth, the underside of the shaft was littered with small barbs that looked like they would hurt. The head of his cock was also framed by spikes, not unlike the spikes on his head and back, only way, way smaller - thankfully. 
“Can I...?” he asked, reaching out a hand and looking up at Blitzø. 
“Be my guest.”
He tentatively touched the barbs, and Blitzø let out a shaky sigh, leaning his head slightly back. 
They weren’t too rigid, but actually felt slightly malleable. Spurred on by Blitzø’s grunt as he ran his hand around the shaft, Moxxie enclosed his cock in his hand and began stroking. 
“Moxxie...” Blitzø growled, a warning lilt to his voice. 
“Just testing, sir--- I mean, Blitz.”
“You know what? Changed my mind,” Blitzø said with a wide grin and pushed Moxxie on his back again, pinning his hands beside his head and relishing the way he shuddered. “Call me ‘sir’. Is that... okay?” 
He crashed their mouths together in a fierce kiss that stole all the air from Moxxie’s lungs. He kicked his legs slightly, squirming, but Blitzø was stronger and effortlessly held Moxxie down; something that Moxxie hadn’t known he was into. But now that Blitzø did it, he saw stars, and moaned shakily. 
“Yes, sir,” he whispered in-between kisses. 
“Good. On your hands and knees, now,” Blitzø growled and pulled back again. Moxxie wasted approximately zero seconds, immediately turning over and pushing himself onto his hands and knees for Blitzø. He was trembling all over, and his cock dripped pre-cum onto the covers. Embarrassing. 
“Where do you keep lube?” 
“Bedside table,” Moxxie whispered and pointed towards the top drawer of the bedside table with his tail. 
“Within reach. Of course.” Blitzø leaned in over him - Moxxie tried very hard to suppress a shiver - and opened the drawer with slightly more force than necessary, nearly tearing it out. He found the purple bottle of lube and resumed his position behind Moxxie. The cap was popped open, and a few seconds later, Blitzø lifted Moxxie’s tail before touching his wet, sticky fingers to his hole. 
Moxxie moaned and shoved his face into the pillows. It wasn’t like he didn’t like being prepared, but whenever he got pegged, he was always so excruciatingly horny that he wanted to be stuffed sooner rather than later. Thus, he made more sounds than he normally would, and he couldn’t help himself; he pushed back against Blitzø’s fingers as they circled his hole. 
“Oh, someone is eager,” Blitzø teased, stroking his hand down Moxxie’s spine. “You ready?”
“Please, sir.”
Blitzø let out a shaky growl and pushed one finger inside him. Both of the imps felt immense pleasure surge through them, but whereas Moxxie gasped loudly, Blitzø was more controlled, and simply worked his finger deeper, until he was knuckle deep. Now he was strangely quiet, however, knowing that if he said anything, the tremor in his voice would be evident. And he couldn’t afford to jeopardise his reputation as a hard-ass. 
He began thrusting his finger, applying another generous dollop of lube, and Moxxie shivered hard, squeezing the pillows tighter with his claws. His tail flicked from side to side, pleasure coiling in his belly and dripping from his cock. 
“Please, sir,” Moxxie repeated, nothing more than a shaky croak, and bucked back against him. “Fuck me, please, I can take it.”
“I don’t doubt that, Mox, but I’m not about to break you. Mills would tear out my spine through my mouth if I hurt you.”
Moxxie laughed breathlessly. Yeah. Yeah, she would. 
“So, I’m going to prepare you properly so you can take my cock without being a little bitch about it, okay?” 
A shudder went through the smaller imp before he relaxed, and Blitzø grinned down at the back of his head. 
“There you go. That’s a good boy.” 
Moxxie wasn’t prepared for being called a good boy, but it made something warm and sticky slosh through his veins. A gasp escaped him, and he inadvertently clenched around Blitzø’s finger. 
“So that gets you, huh?” Blitzø teased, his voice strained, and pushed another finger in beside the first. He groaned at the warm tightness, leaning in over Moxxie and supporting himself on his other hand. 
“Is that okay? Calling you a good boy?” 
“Yes,” Moxxie rasped with a tight voice. “Fuck yes, it... it really gets me good, sir.” 
“Good. Just checking in.”
With that out of the way, Blitzø began thrusting both fingers firmly. Pulling them almost all the way out before sinking them deep inside him again, he set a steady rhythm, working on opening a gasping and moaning Moxxie. When he started sounding a bit too relaxed, however, Blitzø added a third finger, just to keep him on his toes. 
“Fuck,” he croaked, making Blitzø grin widely. His forked tongue passed over his lips and tickled Moxxie’s cheek. “Sir, please, I’m ready.” 
“Ready for what?” 
“Come on, you know what!”
“Of course I do. I just want to humiliate you by hearing you say it.”
“You’re a real jerk, you know that?”
“Aww, thank you for noticing! Now, tell me what I want to hear, or you won’t get what you want.”
“Classy. Trying to pretend you don’t want it just as much as I do.”
Moxxie rolled his eyes, shoving his face into the pillows again. He needed a moment to prepare himself, something Blitzø seemed to notice. 
“It’s okay. You don’t have to if---”
“Stop patronising me, sir, and start fucking me instead.” 
Blitzø shuddered, a wide grin draping itself over his face. 
“Now that’s more like it.”
He withdrew his fingers from his ass, and Moxxie let out a soft moan. There were a few seconds where nothing really happened - aside from Blitzø lubing up his cock - and Moxxie’s mind began rearing again. It had been a long time since he had taken an actual cock, and back then, it hadn’t been as big as Blitzø’s. Not to mention that Blitzø’s cock had fucking barbs! What kind of cock had barbs?! 
Just as he started mentally backpedalling, he felt the blunt, barbed head of Blitzø’s cock press against his tight ring of muscle, and the warm slickness instantly melted away his worries. 
This was going to feel amazing.
They moaned in unison as Blitzø pushed forward, penetrating him with slight difficulty. 
“Christ on a fucking stick, how are you still so tight?” he grunted, putting a hand on Moxxie’s hip while the other remained on the pillow next to his head. His claws dug into the soft fabric. 
“With all due respect, sir, you’re just very big,” Moxxie croaked, tripping over the words and doing his best to relax, thus allowing Blitzø deeper inside him. He breathed deeply, and Blitzø groaned loudly as he sank further in. 
Moxxie felt the barbs around the head of him scrape over his flesh, and went rigid. It didn’t... okay, it did hurt, but it wasn’t the sharp kind of unpleasant pain he had expected. Rather, it was a kind of pleasant pain he hadn’t experienced before, and he didn’t know how to explain it. All he knew was that it made his cock throb fiercely. 
“Fucking hell,” he whispered, pressing his forehead against the pillow. 
“Couldn’t agree more,” Blitzø growled, and began sliding deeper into Moxxie. He was almost being considerate, pushing forward at a slow pace, until Moxxie’s ass clenched around him. Then, all bets were off, and he slammed as deep inside him as he could, savouring Moxxie’s choked off gasp while he himself stifled a moan by biting his lower lip. 
“Fuck!” Moxxie cried out, trembling like a leaf. Blitzø finally straightened, grabbing both of Moxxie’s hips, and began moving. He pulled so far back that only his barbed head was inside him, and then pushed deep inside with a hard thrust, jerking Moxxie’s smaller body slightly over the covers. Moxxie groaned with each move, but despite the pain of the barbs - or maybe because of it? - he was enjoying himself immensely. 
As the seconds passed by, Blitzø’s thrusts got firm before turning hard, eventually becoming rough, and through it all, Moxxie thought he was going to black out from the onslaught of sensations. Not only was he being stretched almost painfully, but the barbs scraped over his flesh, enhancing the entire experience. The more eager Blitzø got, the harder the spikes became, until they almost hooked themselves into his inner walls. Only then did he grit his teeth, a faint wish that he hadn’t agreed to this flaring in his chest. It was snuffed out just as fast as it had appeared, though, when Blitzø reached around to stroke his cock. 
The touch made Moxxie gasp sharply. 
“Oh, you got so tight there, Mox,” Blitzø growled, pumping him leisurely. “It’s like you don’t even want me to pull out of your ass.”
Moxxie blushed hard, his hole fluttering around Blitzø’s cock. 
“Who would’ve thought that a little bitch like you---”
“--- would take my cock so fucking well?” he continued with a grin, completely ignoring Moxxie’s exclamation in favour of fucking him harder. He was panting slightly, timing his thrusts with his strokes of Moxxie’s cock. 
With each pump of his cock, Moxxie gasped, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to last much longer. Considering the many emotions he had been subjected to tonight, it was a miracle he was still holding it together. 
“Sir, I’m close,” he rasped, mortified by the fact that he was eagerly pushing back against Blitzø, but delighted that each move got a choked off moan out of his boss. 
“Then how about we up the ante?” It was a shaky growl, a shaky question that didn’t need an answer. Moxxie already had an idea what Blitzø was going to do. 
He was both right, and terribly wrong. 
Blitzø did squeeze his cock tighter, and he did pump him faster, but he also bit down into Moxxie’s shoulder, hard. This particular action sent Moxxie over the edge, and he came with a sharp cry, spilling into Blitzø’s hand and onto the covers. 
“That’s it, baby, come for me,” Blitzø growled, thrusting ruthlessly into him, desperately seeking his own release. Moxxie’s ass pulsated rhythmically around Blitzø as his orgasm overtook him, prompting him to groan and slam into him even harder. “Fuck, Mox, your ass is so desperate for my cock...”
Why was he being so vulgar, and why was it so hot?! 
Moxxie groaned shakily. 
“Where can I come?” Blitzø then asked, his voice a hard, tight line. Moxxie blinked slowly, feeling all kinds of warm and fuzzy and tingly. 
“Anywhere you want, sir,” he practically purred, and apparently, this was exactly the thing Blitzø needed to hear, because next thing Moxxie knew, he felt his cock throb and jerk repeatedly, and he knew he was coming inside him. 
Knowing this made him inhale sharply while Blitzø let out a string of curses, his claws digging harshly into Moxxie’s hips, pulling him back against him. 
On one hand, Moxxie wished Blitzø’s orgasm would have lasted longer - a part of him really wanted him to be full of his boss’ cum, apparently - but on the other hand, he knew that was unrealistic. 
“Fuck,” Blitzø eventually whispered when his orgasm had died out, and pulled out of Moxxie surprisingly gently. Moxxie still winced, especially when the barbs - once more soft and malleable - dragged over his sensitive flesh. 
“Yeah,” he agreed shakily, allowing himself to slump against the bed while steering clear of the pool of cum right below him. 
Blitzø joined him. That is to say, he laid down on his back next to Moxxie, stretching languidly, but remained within touching distance. Moxxie took full advantage of this, and rolled on his side to curl up against Blitzø. 
They were both quiet for a little while, both imps’ brains working in highest gear. 
“I’m really not trespassing, right?” Blitzø asked, sounding oddly... genuine. Moxxie couldn’t help but smile, and scooted closer. Tentatively, he put his head on Blitzø’s chest. While Moxxie was a huge fan of post-coital cuddling, he had a feeling that Blitzø wasn’t.
That begged the question; why did he allow it?
“You’re not. Millie and I have an agreement, as I believe I have told you a hundred times already.” 
Blitzø snorted. 
“Alright, Moxxie, there’s no need to get snarky, or I will have to shut you up.”
Moxxie grinned, feeling all sorts giddy inside. Elated, was probably the right word.  
“Gags and bondage gear are in a box in the closet, if you really feel like it,” he said as casually as he could, and by Satan, it was worth it, just to hear Blitzø choke on a sharp intake of air. 
Then his boss laughed, and it was warm and free and genuine. 
“And here I thought you two were all about ‘tender lovemaking’ and boring missionary with the lights off.”
“Yeah well, you learn something new every day.” 
They fell into a comfortable silence where Blitzø put a hand on Moxxie’s horns, stroking them gently. 
“We’ll talk about this tomorrow, okay? With Millie present,” Moxxie suggested. “We need to talk about what this means for all three of us.”
Blitzø hummed noncommittally. 
“I guess,” he then said, and Moxxie didn’t need to look at him to see that he was rolling his eyes. But at the same time, there was a smile in his voice, reassuring Moxxie that this hadn’t been a total disaster of an idea. 
“Good. Now that you have promised to stay, we should probably change the bed sheets.” Moxxie was about to get up when Blitzø pulled on his horn, forcing him to stay against his chest. 
“That’s your responsibility. You come, you change, as the old saying goes.”
“That’s not a saying in any way, shape, or form.”
“Well, I’m making it one.” 
Another few minutes of silence stretched out between them, and Moxxie was dozing off when Blitzø talked again. 
“So... do you freaks really have a box of gags and bondage gear in the closet?”
“No,” Moxxie yawned.
“Oh...” Blitzø sounded almost disappointed, and Moxxie smiled smugly. 
“It’s under the bed.”
22 notes · View notes
dudeyuri · 9 months
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
note: i consider "fanworks" to pretty much everything people create related to a fandom, including but not limited to meta/analysis/discussion, gifs, fanvids/edits/fancams, filk, fanart, fanfic, fan food, fan crafts, etc. please include this note with the meme unless you have a different definition!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
hi i’m yarrow, she/her, i’m 28, i’m bisexual, i’m having the time of my life. i live in NY. if you’re a mutual who also lives in NY by any chance we should be friends
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
watching bad buddy was the first thing i did this year and it didn’t take me long after to make this blog. it hit me so unbelievably hard, i was reeling, i’m still reeling. i know i’m preaching to the choir but for me it’s unlike anything i’ve loved before. i had been out of fandom for like. almost ten years. before bbs (and a small handful of other beloved thai bls) yanked me back in
favorite ship(s)
well you know. the obvious one. inkpa too OF COURSE. waikorn cracks me up even if i’m a nonbeliever. i loved whatever was happening between pat, pran, phupha, and tian. and i also love, in a platonic way, pran’s dynamic with ink (he makes fun of her bracelet/fakes her out by saying he also liked her…as a friend. it’s very endearing very sibling-in-law) and pran’s dynamic with pa (in bbs but also in bbsos2) 
favorite character(s)
god how to choose between pat and pran. they are both characters of all time. well-developed with idiosyncrasies and penchants for lying and performing and slipping into roles and reversing roles. especially when they’re with each other of course. i might choose pran simply because i see more of myself in pat if that makes sense
favorite episode(s)
it’s probably episode 5, or episode 11. both these episodes just take everything out of me. you know why. runners up: episode 3 and episode 12. this is hard to pick because there is not a single episode i wouldn't enjoy (lol) randomly rewatching. all bangers no skips
favorite scene(s)
i love the scene in episode 4 of pat telling pran his dimples are cute. episode 5 fight scene my beloved. then there's the entirety of the bet era like aside from how perfect it is for pat and pran…it’s just peak romance, peak build-up, such a pleasure to watch. i reeeeeally do love the fantasy sequence of pat and pran eating dinner with pran’s parents in episode 11, i’m fascinated by it in a meta sense but also it hurts so good. i like ming and dissaya hearing pat and pran laughing and singing together in pran’s room in ep12 and being utterly powerless to stop it. it’s like, the show didn’t necessarily need all of ep 12, but it was such a welcome and fitting epilogue to these beloved characters and their love. pat and pran are gonna be alright... 
one thing you would change about the show if you could
i really appreciate all of its imperfections honestly but. it would have to be the aftermath of wai outing pat and pran. even in my first watch it was a head scratcher that pran was expected to be the one apologizing. it just didn’t add up. there was a weight behind what was happening that the show didn’t realize. i can rationalize it and explain it away to make wai somewhat less heinous in universe but it really should have been treated as what it was: an outing. also yes let ink and pa kiss.
what are your some of your favorite fanworks made by other people? 
you know i’m a sucker for @kit-teung's art
and for @hereforlou's art. pure domestic bliss that pat and pran have EARNED. this is the fanart reimaginings they deserve. also i love their little cowlicks
@miscellar's meta series the comprehensive shrek breakdown of pat and pran's story in our skyy (particularly for ep3 which i linked). i was in the trenches those two weeks in late may/early june and these posts (and their dms) were my guiding light...all of miscellar's meta is extremely baller and forever on the bbs 101 syllabus in my mind. and for some reason i’m waiting to read more bad buddy fanfiction until after i finish my own BBS fic but I’m excited to read their zombie patpran. so it gets an honorable mention here + they get so many anons singing its praise like i literally can't wait
also I’m not on Twitter much at all but the other day I read @dimplesandfierceeyes's pinned thread and listen it got me through the day. just read it if you haven't.
@transpat's "pre-relationship patpran and haq" post about the unspoken entitlement they entrust each other with. a deep dive into their pre-relationship dynamic. it's so good. an all-time bbs meta
@ranchthoughts (and me a little) talking about Pran's "Pat you've got to stop doing this to me" line in ep 5 here. i fucking LOVE this line and this meta. ranch's baseball mom shirt meta also required reading
"Bad Buddy, Tragedy, and Queer Futures" essay by @chickenstrangers, another all-time bbs meta, required reading. i go back to this one a lot
(if you create fanworks) what are your favorite fanworks that you’ve made?
my favorite bbs fanwork I’ve made is the unreleased patpran timeloop WIP that has been burning a hole in my gdocs for the past month. i’m having so much fun writing it but wow it’s also driving me up the fucking wall (affectionate)
i also really enjoyed all the meltdowns in the tags/notes when i posted this about that ep11 scene i love. and then this is my love letter to bbs, i think it still holds up idk my bbs os2-induced manic episode is all a blur.
idk anything else you want us to know?
thanks @fiercynn this was so cute 
i’m tagging some mutuals who post about bbs fairly often who i havent seen do this yet (i think?? i’ve been kind of absent lately). if i didn’t tag you and you want to do it please do, you can say i tagged you <3
@chickenstrangers @miscellar @hereforlou @ranchthoughts @midnightfreeway @philologique @neonsbian
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clownfire · 26 days
brain thoughts about 'compulsive cannibalism' in vampire media, particularly relating to Soda and Emizel
This is entirely stream of consciousness so apologies in advance
we a surprising amount of human-vampire relationships (and i mean that in every sense, collaboration, friendships, romantic partners) in this series; Arthur & Jerome, Emizel & Theo, even Grefgore & Hazel.
I think shilo has a point when he brings up the comparative brutality of meat-consumption, how one is fatal where the other (vampiric feeding) doesn't have to be, which Arthur rebuts with human's ability to choose vegetarianism (which seems to be the theme with Arthur)
tbf drinking blood is all Shilo has ever known and he grew up in an environment that normalised that, of course he'd try to defend it; to him parasitism is better than outright predation.
since ep 11 we can start to draw parallels between Emizel & Theo and Arthur & Jerome, as two vampire/hunter duos with a strong mutual friendship, one that helps the vampire half ground themself and maintain their humanity through that connection.
i think the main difference is that Emizel and Theo's connection was built upon much healthier foundations, Emizel being a vampire was not what their relationship was founded on, nor did his turning radically alter it. They're best bros. It's as simple as that.
Jerome and Arthur are both very broken people seeking redemption that hate vampires. There's gonna be a line that Arthur won't let Jerome cross. There's only so much necessary evil Jerome will put up with. Inevitable tragedy is woven into the fabric, going ignored because if they find a cure, they don't have to face it.
i think the answer - or at least the beginnings of one - can be found all the way back in ep3.
a part of me is a lil sad we didn't get to see more collaboration between the Demon-Fangs and the main trio
we got a lil bit of that with the raid on the Weylin's warehouse, and how Shilo's frenzy impacted that alliance
also Emizel specifying that he doesn't kill the people he fights and feeds from after his first death
i don't think Soda will want to be a vampire after seeing Shilo frenzy (: /)
the possible implications of how Edward acquires so many bodies to sustain his decadent lifestyle is terrifying
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ellavaday · 1 year
Hello this is late but real life has been kicking my ass, luckily it's a long weekend and after basically sleeping for 2 whole days I'm mostly back to life so that means finishing the dres2 ep2 ref post before ep3 comes out lol. There's quite a few puns this episode which means I'm back on translator duty
When they're getting back to the workroom and Chanel in confessionals says that Chuchi was too high and mighty she makes a pun with being 'too high in her platform (shoes)' which are synonym of Canarian drag.
Speaking of Chuchi I feel like the Canarian girlies have it incredibly hard in this show tbh. They are used to perform in what basically amounts to stadiums 3 times the size of any tv filming set and they have to travel by plane which means the huge things they use have to be scaled down not only for tv but for transportation constraints and their style adapted to a different format altogether which is hard to translate well (yes i resent the Javis for how they've judged Chuchi by comparing her to Sethlas and I am not at all sorry people have ripped them a new one on Spanish gay Twitter bc of that)
When Pakita is in the confessionals (while they're dedragging) the subs say 'let's go for it there's nothing to lose' she actually says leña al mono que es de goma (a bit more like 'lets put more wood on this fire')
When they're back in the workroom and Chuchi says she wants to say thank you to Maria Edilia, she says it in a (not particularly good) LatAm accent
Pinkchadora makes a few puns about Maria Edilia being amazing/a heavy hitter and her weight
It's a crime nobody has mentioned Pakita amongst the sexiest but I digress ofc Chanel and Kelly think the other one is cute lmao. In the confessionals Chanel says 'a mi me gusta dejarme llevar' (i like to go with the flow) 'pero Kelly no mete ficha' (meter ficha is to flirt/shoot ones shot/ but literally it'd mean to put a coin in a machine) 'es que es una tragaperras' (she's a slot machine, so she's basically calling Kelly a bit of a slut... And probably also calling her too much of a bottom for her)
I love how everyone sucks at geography lmao when Chanel gets her flag she says 'oh two strips!' and Supremme answers 'you could also call it two lines: it kinda plays a joke on how you'd say two strips [of cocaine].
When Supremme is explaining the maxi challenge (a dance battle to Spain's Eurovision song of last year) she says they're calling it instead of SloMo (the name of the song) Me Eslomo (I'm breaking my back) not 'in slow-motion' like the subtitles say, it's also a joke used in the Gran Hotel de Las Reinas when Paca La Piraña does her number and it's literally all. over. this. episode. Literally everyone says this pun so much. Why not translate it? (even if you can't rhythm it like in Spanish)
The Muertas Haris group name is a pun on Mata Hari (the Spy) but also bc Matar means to kill in Spanish ((irregular verb, being dead is estar muerto/a)) and like Vania says a reference to the Eurovision song of the same name
After Carmelo (the choreographer) tell Clover and Pakita they have to perform a dance solo Pakita says it's a big weight/pressure but that she's used to it. It's a joke about sex lol but not like a very "in your face" joke. Spanish humor is very slut shamey (specially towards women) and Pakita likes to do it too but gender swapped, she talks a lot about how she'd sleep with your dad but clearly she's not the slut in the joke, it's your dad. Yes. Yours. Specifically.
Pitita says her and her team are more magazine vedettes than lola indigo. Lola Indigo is a pop singer and I'm not entirely sure magazine vedette is used in English like it would in Spanish. A vedette is a female burlesque performer (in which a lot of Spanish drag has it's roots on and from which it borrows a lot of lingo to this day), a magazine vedette is more of a chorus girl.
When they're getting ready for the maxi challenge they talk about tener pluma. Pluma (lit. Feather) is how we call someone that is very visibly gay. I hate hate that they left it as a literal translation bc it doesn't make an ounce of sense of in English bc the closest equivalent would be being limp-wristed or effeminate, but in English those are things you are not things you have (Unless ofc you want to go with having an affectation)
When Supremme is introducing the judges. Supremme makes a reference to Algo Pequeñito, Un Bloody Mary por favor y Quédate Conmigo (spanish entries to Eurovision from different years). Ana makes a reference to Gwendolyn by Julio Iglesias (bc of her look). Calvo says Supremme looks like an After Eight.
The guest judge is Soraya, who represented Spain for Eurovision in 2009 (and spoilers the song used in the lipsync is the same song she sang for Eurovision)
When Pink Chadora is in confessionals talking about the sandwich she had on stage it's ofc not a literal translation but this girl talks at the speed of light so I can't even be mad. It's just the pun number 35 of lomo (ham) / eslomo (breaking my back) / SloMo of this episode
And that's it.
This has been said before online but this challenge seemed to be... Designed for failure in my opinion. Making two of them lead and have the rest as back up dancers and not giving them each a chance to shine means everyone is either complacent expecting the two leads to do most of the work (and cave under the pressure which is exactly what happened to Pakita, listen there aren't enough words to say how much I worried the second Pitita said Pakita was going to do a flamenco version of Eurovision Chanel jfc) or to try to overstage the others in a way that doesn't make much sense. Also why the hell were both teams on the stage at the same time?? Anyway. If you've read this thank you 😊 hopefully I won't take this long again for the episode that comes out tomorrow lol
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