#papyrus is extra sad
aka-indulgence · 7 months
Sans wearing a skeleton costume
Papyrus’ dismayed sigh only makes you giggle more.
“what’s the matter paps?”
“… NO.”
“you look like you’ve got a bone to pick.”
“why not?” Sans spreads his arms, giving his audience a spin. “isn’t what you want from me effort? i put it in, didn’t i?”
“YES IT’S- YOU DID PUT IN EFFORT SANS, I’M. I’M PROUD OF YOU,” Papyrus tries, though he can’t keep the exasperation out of his voice. “BUT I THOUGHT THAT MAYBE YOU COULD’VE GONE AS SOMETHING OTHER THAN… OH, I DON’T KNOW… A SKELETON!!!”
You burst.
Tears are forming in the corners of your eyes, and the skeletons look to you simultaneously. One with a look of horror and dismay, the other with glee and pride.
“they like it.”
You look at Sans. He was wearing a skeleton onesie, one that looked ridiculous as the ribs on it barely match Sans’ thicker and less humanly-proportionate ribs. There’s two smacks of black over his face that was supposed to be sockets, if he didn’t have them already- instead it just makes his existing ones look slightly bigger. He’s even painted his face dark just to make it look more like a human skull, only barely. There’s white paint over his teeth to represent his… teeth.
You could give Papyrus a bone (heh) and try to playfully chastise your boyfriend but… no, this is too golden to deny.
“I think… pfft… I think it’s Sansational!”
Papyrus’ face crumbles while Sans’ smile turns as bright as the sun.
“i fucking love you,”
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bonetrousledbones · 2 months
OH RIGHT this is somehow completely unrelated to the last post but i finally got a new desktop theme for This blog which actually works & its actually really really cool and is even compatible with the mobile browser sooooo yall should take a looksie :>
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Skelly learns their kid needs glasses because kid called another skeleton dad (said 'other skeleton is similar in shape) extra points if the 2 skeletons don't like each other lol
Heya I'm back! Did you all have a fun Christmas?
Undertale Sans - That's fine. He totally didn't get offended when you ran past him to run in Red's (Underfell Sans) arms and watched helplessly as Red played along, looking him straight in the eyes. Someone is going to find dog poop in front of his house later today.
Undertale Papyrus - I mean, it's ok, he's confusing himself with Delta (Disbelief!Papyrus) every day as well, he's not mad. It's easy to mistake them all together. Delta feels like the chosen one right now, so Papyrus lets him have his fun.
Underswap Sans - He huffs, annoyed the kid confused him with Nugget (Horrorswap Sans). He's not particularly mad at the other skeleton, but clearly, make an effort. He's missing an arm??? Nugget is just happy to have attention even though he looks very uncomfortable with the sudden hug. Please, help him.
Underswap Papyrus - His heart breaks in pieces as the kid runs past him to jump in Rus' (Swapfell Papyrus) hands. How can you do this to him? With this walking trash can out of all people?! Honey falls dramatically on the floor like a dead sea star. He's done.
Underfell Sans - He hisses at Dune (Dustale Sans) as the kid runs straight to him. The poor skeleton is so confused, not understanding what's even going on as he suddenly has a child in his arms. Oh well. If it comes to him, it's his. Red can only watch in horror as Dune blips in thin air with his kid. Uh oh. S/O is so going to kill him.
Underfell Papyrus - His jaw falls on the floor as his kid runs happily to Torpedo (Mafiafell Papyrus) and hugs his legs like it's a perfectly normal skeleton. Edge comes running, snatches his kid from him and throws himself at Torpedo's face to attack him lol. Torpedo is way stronger than he is though so it gets quite embarrassing when Edge has to flee, his kid above the head, chased by a very pissed-off mafia leader who swears he will end him before the end of the week.
Horrortale Sans - The kid runs straight to Sans. Oak looks at the scene, completely defeated. Welp. That happened. There's a long awkward silence between the two skeletons lol. I mean, Sans did nothing wrong, but, uh, he can guess why Oak feels hurt by this so much. He tries to defuse the tension with a joke, but Oak stays silent. Big boy is sad :(
Horrortale Papyrus - He's so confused when the kid runs to hug Chief (Horrorfell Papyrus), almost knocking the poor skeleton out of his wheelchair with their force. They look nothing similar???? Well, Willow is not (too) mad about this, since Chief is part of his dysfunctional family, but still. That was rude. He's pouting.
Swapfell Sans - He gasps loudly as the child runs and jumps in Wine's (Fellswap Gold Sans) arms, both from shock and offense. Wine is in shock as well actually. His eye sockets are entirely black. He just picks the kid by the hood, looks at them from head to toe and just "Ew." before pushing him back to their father. "EW? WHAT DO YOU MEAN EW?" Nox screams, enraged. Wine simply shrugs. The kid has the good idea to take a step back as Nox lunges at him to kill him as usual.
Swapfell Papyrus - He looks at Coffee (Fellswap Gold Papyrus) as his kid runs to him. Coffee looks in utter panic, not knowing what to do. Rus simply smiles at him. "Welp, you're the father now. Good luck." Rus then vanishes in front of his eyes as Coffee is asking if he's joking, then screams at him with more and more distress to come back lol. Rus is such a jerk.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He's scandalized as his hair runs to that asshole of Sam (Farmtale Sans). How dare they?! He raised them and all of this for this? That's it. Wine is pissed off. He leaves like a drama queen, stomping the floor angrily, leaving the confused kid behind with the framer who gasps in shock when he realizes Wine is abandoning his kid. What the hell? Sam grabs him by his expensive jacket and throws him on the floor, asking what the hell is wrong with him. Wine growls back, hissing like a snake. Uh... Either of their brother better act quick because they are going to fight and none of them is willing to stop lol.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - The kid runs happily to Creeper (Mafiatale Papyrus) which makes Coffee, who ran after him, stop dead in his tracks. Uh... Coffee is terrified of that guy. He's not sure what to do now. He's too scared to go and ask the skeleton to please give back his child. So, uh... He's just staring, hiding behind a tree, slowly having a panic attack. Please? Help? Someone?
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neverniko101 · 30 days
(For Horror!Dreamtale thingy!) Back yet again with another Askkk, okay so saw the recent one with Ink being 'ded'. Was he actually knocked out cold, or dead-dead but revived lol
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Heya folks! I’ve downscaled Horror Dreamtale to just be a normal ask blog instead of the chapters so I do t get burnout. But yes! Send asks!
Extra info under the cut.
- - - - - - - - - -
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Firefly (HDT!Dream):
- Acts as a vigilante of sorts, working to fight local crime and cult activity
- He and Frostbite had a…disagreement…and haven’t spoken in years. Firefly misses his brother, but doesn’t want to head into the woods for fear of being chomped by the purple beasts
Frostbite (HDT!NM):
- Lives in the woods, defending the tree
- Hunts the purple beasts and eats their magic, bringing the bodies back to Muffet
- Cranky >:(
- tries not to eat people
- Proud, a bit of a jerk
- Glows in the dark
- Very obviously plotting to overthrow the kingdom, but he’s so harmless that no one takes him seriously
- he
- he’s Papyrus
- what more do you want me to say
- Idolizes Undyne and Lumi
- Born from the roots of the Tree
- Necromancer
- just a nice little fellow
- Accidentally summoned this angry little demon and now it won’t leave
- Angry little demon
- it won’t leave
- Has a crush on the local captain of the Royal Guard
- Definitely doesn’t sneak out to see her
- Expert on magic
- Accidentally started a cult
- Lives in the woods near the tree
- Sews bodies from animal parts and other materials and injects them with modified magic from the tree
- Attempting to make a beast capable of destroying the city since nobody would buy her doughnuts >:(
- Made a deal with Frostbite- Muffet would attempt to make a replacement positivity guardian to restore the balance (since Firefly left) and Frostbite would hunt down her failed creations and bring the materials back to her
- he is a doctor
- precious boy
- Scared of snakes
- Scarred by a recent beast attack
- Determined to find the source of the attacks to protect the townsfolk
- Thief
- Failed experiment of Muffet that escaped the forest
- Trying to find where he came from and what she should do with her life
- Passive aggressively bugs people to join her flower cult
- Bakes pies with flowers in them
- Everything is fine :)
The Reborn (Asriel):
- He’s Flowey
- Flowey the Flower
- Sad divorced man
- Trying to stop the beast attacks
The Leech:
- Dying human that drinks the sap of the Tree to survive
- he is Mettaton
- He runs a circus
- 👍
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simonsoys · 1 year
how do you think papyrus will react if he found out sans was a smoker for a while and it clicked to him he's been doing it for years?
I feel like you'd be able to smell it on him, but maybe Sans could use the excuse that it's the smell of the bar(tender).
Probably just extra disgust-- it's gross, even by Sans standards. Would that account for Sans being slimy? (Would it even be harmful to skeletons??)
I think he'd assume Sans picked it up from some of his acquaintances at first, and wheel in the local school's TV to show a MTT-brand "say NO! to peer pressure" video. With a sad sigh, he'd have to ask you to be a good example for his brother, since Sans is more vulnerable to social influence.
Real talk though I don't think there's much Papyrus would do except nag. He already nags Sans for the other unhealthy habits he's got going on and hasn't seemed to push deeper into the "why" behind any of it at the time of the game's story. As much as he complains, he lets Sans make adult decisions-- and for what it's worth, Sans does do the same for Papyrus.
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carangel · 3 months
Kicking my feet sobbing
My friend showed me this REALLY angst cheating fic awhile back with Red and him leaving you for his soulmate and I remember it out of NO WHERE.
Give me an antiharem fic:
Where after Red leaves you for his soulmate you pick ur sorry ass up and MOVE ON.
Continue life like he didn’t waste 3-5 yrs of a relationship cause his soul said ‘Ur comin home with me’ to another girl.
But you’re still friends with his brother because Papyrus supremacy
This is where the anti comes in
Shit goes down and Red brings a bunch of the aus to HIS place- same shit with my soulmate is ur soulmate cause same person different au.
But Red is not HAPPY, ofc his soul is full, he’s with his soulmate
But just because his soul is fulfilled emotionally doesn’t mean he’s happy EMOTIONALLY
She just doesn’t hit the spot like u do bbgrill
N maybe after bringing all the aus in and him seeing how unsupportive the girl is that’s when he realizes it
You literally just living ur life stumbling onto all the skelles at random times
Maybe Blu at the farmers market
Black at the mall
Papyrus in the foodstore
And Rus in an arcade
And Red don’t know shit until the skelles are like ‘oh u should come to dinner’
Edge and Red being shocked cause they didn’t know that you were the person everyone was talking to
And yk what- that’s not a bad thing
It’s not like the girl is a bad person
The whole point of all this is to show that Red, lost someone good for him
Someone who would be there for him through thick and thin and is willing to go through his bullshit because he was there for them
Some people aren’t willing to go through that and slay, cause place ur boundaries
But you were that person who was willing to go the extra mile and beyond
And he would slowly start to realize that again after everyone else brought you back in the foreground of his life
End game doesn’t have to be with you getting with everyone or getting back with Red
I just want him to feel shit cause the way he left the reader was so SAD it made me ANGRY
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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verdanabdit · 3 months
CW: Death, but of the universally relatable kind rather than the tragic plot device kind.
One of the reasons I don't like a large age gap between them is because of the eventual end.
That's one of the biggest reasons to still keep within a couple years of your own age even if you're over the hill and the difference between someone 10 years older or younger isn't much anymore. Because even if you do everything right and you're lucky enough to both have good health for your entire lives, your time is finite. Every extra year between you is another year one of you will be walking the end of your road without the other.
And I like to think of them staying together. They made it to the surface, they survived the ordeals that human society probably put them through, and they thrived under the sun. Time would pass and they would slow down as we all must.
And I want them to reach the end of that road as close together as possible. Not have to see sunrises alone while thinking how many the other would have loved to keep seeing. If one must attend the other's funeral near the end of their days, I want it to be with the comfort that they won't be far behind.
It's a sweet thought that Sans raised his little brother, but the pain of a long separation outweighs it for me. Papyrus facing his final one or two decades likely all alone, without his brother or his friends since he was so much younger, is just too sad for me.
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nachosforfree · 1 year
PLEASE say more about your Sans and Alphys swapped idea
So Sans lives in Hotland in the science lab, but Papyrus still lives in Snowdin (he wanted to keep living with Sans! But he just cannot stand hotland at all!!!) And instead of sans being the first character outside the ruins you meet, it's Papyrus! You come up to his "fence" at the short bridge at the same time that he's walking up to it and he's like, "Aha! Fear not, I will help you get past my trap! It is to stop humans only, after all!" I'm not entiiirely sure how he finds out you're a human yet, maybe one of the dogs tells him
Instead of going with Sans to the Mettaton restaurant, that's where you hang out with Alphys! She doesn't need to get a reservation because she "knows a guy" who can get them in easy peasy. She works the sentry stations in Hotland, and sells noodles at one of the stations for a little extra g (how many bowls of noodles can you fit on one humans head? This is important for her to know for Science.)
She doesn't work as a scientist anymore, but she still... keeps tabs on some things. She's actually the one who remembers Gaster between her and Sans in this au, rather than it being the other way around (in my interpretation of the canon timeline)
Sans was pretty good at keeping up with all his friends despite his busy job as the royal scientist, but a couple months before Frisk fell into the underground, he just... stopped responding to people
Papyrus asks Frisk to bring Sans to Grillby's, since he knows Sans liked that place and he really wants to see his brother again. They talk for a little while but then Sans abruptly leaves again, needing to "deal with something". Papyrus is very sad about this, and Undyne tells Frisk to see what's up with sans before she "goes over there [herself] and KICKS HIS ASS!!!". This is how you get to the "true lab" sequence
Alphys and Undyne don't reveal their feelings for each other without our interference, like in the canon universe, but I'm not entirely sure how we get to that yet
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theswedishpajas · 8 months
I MIGHT POST IT EITHER WAY (check the notes to see that reblog if yes) BUT ALSO PLEASE LMK IF ANYONE WANTS TO HEAR THIS NIGHTMARE ABOMINATION OF AI MARS (using a recording of my own voice) AND ME DOING A SAD EXCUSE FOR A PAPYRUS VOICE (without extra aid) PARODYING (and using some sorta sloppy, random instrumental version of) A BRENTALFLOSS SONG BDJSBDJSBDJSBD
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ivyprism · 6 months
Horrortale Brain Lore go Brr
Warnings: Death, sadness, scars, famine, slight loss of sanity.
Hydra lived alone in the Snowdin Forest for years. She sort of lost it because of the famine and knowing the resets and how the player abandoned them. She found Aliza in Snowdin instead of Clove and she ushered her to safety. She was scarred by a very bad scuffle with Clove and Undyne.
Out of all my skelesonas of mine, Hydra is typically the jumpiest. She is lowkey a bit feral. She also has the worst trust issues as she was betrayed by both Undyne and Clove and abandoned by the player. (It took a long long time for Clove to regain her trust.)
Clove and Hydra are the only ones who properly remember the resets, the other's have fuzzy and/or hazy memories. There were several resets and they remember. Every monster in the Underground has remnants from past deaths as they have some scars they can't explain (like Cinnamon having a large faded scar on his neck or Clove with a faded scar on his torso or Hydra having a faded large scar in the center of her chest.)
Cinnamon made the sign that banned Empress Undyne from Snowdin. Clove is the one who enforces it.
Hydra grew her own produce and secretly snuck extra rations into the baskets with her produce.
Cinnamon is probably the strongest Tale Papyrus. He also is one of the kindest after he fought through a lot of his issues.
Cinnamon and Empress Undyne clashed often in actual physical fights because Cinnamon disagreed with her methods, so he was technically the head of a rebellion.
Cinnamon's turf was the middle of hotland to the Ruins while Empress Undyne's was the middle of Hotland to New Home.
Cinnamon became the Captain of the Royal Guard, just like his mother. He just wishes he could've been proud of it after the things he did to get there.
When Empress Undyne had caved his skull in, Clove suffered from temporary hearing loss so Cinnamon taught himself sign language to communicate since Clov already knew it.
The famine resulted in a lot of magical changes to most Horror monsters.
@kioko-noodles / @kiokodoodles @miscneilleaneous @und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut @hearty-dose-of-ranch @underfell-crystal
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puddingthestar-pts · 5 months
So my dear undertale fandom
Here we have some of my art from puddingtale Charakters 🫶
The stars of neutrality
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Thier leader well pudding pudding was firstly an OC and the guardian of kindness/friendship but than I found some drafts from _____ which was an old AU of mine started in 2017 and pudding became an Charakter of mine AU the name is well pudding because it fristly was an OC and I was to lazy to make a new name I think I'm going to post thier lore and disinge from the past on a extra post
(if I only knew how to underline things so they can get ya to an ohter post)
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Thier Co leader the sans version I used to give him the nick facey but now I think it is very uh- stupid and so In his jacket pocket (chest) he has always a pen for what ever reason i'm thinking about making his short longer and/or grey
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Rippy our papyrus version Their youngest member here i'm Not sure whit the disinge clothes but whit the accessories except for the gloves he well manages to be rude and mean at the same time because When I focused on creating him I always felt sad and happy,mean and nice,tall and short and popular and unpopular at the same time
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And here we have handy the Mufft version Yes I want to change that name because handy already is a word and a word in my languge that means mobile phone,this mufft Version is light blue because of the line "why so blue dear" in spider dance she also has scars and ohter than ut mufft, Puddingtale mufft has a puplic cafe and has 6 cats that are based on Minecraft cats,for which she takes care of, puddingtale mufft got the lowest rang in this team because pudding didn't Likes her in the begin The tukise ribbon is there because handy is very Patient Compared to some of my other Charakters I'm pretty unsure on the disinge but for the colors I want that colors
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Here we have An ancestor of puddingtale muffet I didn't thought much about the dinsge since I did It quik for my comic
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Here we have nai the river of Relationships nai actualy has long black hair whit grey,pink and green akzents this akzents she has all over her body/clothes she has no legs and actualy No physcal from after end of comic one later she has a physcal from again and also legs
If someone wants to draw them there is one rule
Do not cover/delet the pudding part!
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stinkylittleanon · 2 years
Heya! Could i have some crush headcannons? As in how they act around their crush (or how they deal with having a crush) and maybe even how they confess? Id like this for UT Sans and Pap, Uf Sans and Pap and Us Papyrus, ty <3
OMGOMG Ok I got so excited when I saw the two requests you sent in!! This one will be done first and I'll get to the second right after!
I'll stress this a bit though, Sans is canonically aroace! While I'll write this from the perspective of him being some-what oriented aroace, I'll mention it a few times in the headcanons!
ALSO I'M AROACE MYESLF SO SORRY IF THIS IS CLICHE! I have a hard time writing for things I haven't experienced! ----------
Sans!! - The poor guy has always wondered why he struggled getting the whole 'romance' thing - Then he found the aroace label! Little attraction, he felt that to the core - He never gets a crush except on one occasion when he gets SUPER close to someone who isn't his bro - Anyways, he'd try and avoid his crush at first. Short responses, cold-shoulder, all that... - But then he'd back, absolutely hooked. Fuckin' puppy in love, - Extra jokes, loving side-glances, he'd buy them things, a LOT of spending time together... HE'D GO ON A FUCKING WALK FOR THEM!! A WALK!!! - His confession isn't a confession, but tiny jokes about them being together until it's full-out romance puns - If the crush gets it, they do... If they don't, then he'd just deal with the heart-break. There's no way he's ever out-right confessing unless he pass out.
Papyrus!! - OMG!!! A CRUSH!!! - He actually didn't know he had a crush at first, he always viewed love as something different but... THIS IS SO NICE!! - He'd be sweaty and nervous around his crush! His soul is beating so fast... IT'S JUST MEANT TO BE! - This time it's actually a crush, he knows it! He can tell by how much he wants them to be happy, how much he wants to spend time with them... - Papyrus would confess once he realizes though (with the help of Undyne and Alphys...) - Out the door he goes! With a... A... Spaghetti bouquet???? - Yes, he confessed with spaghetti... Not raw spaghetti either. It's just spaghetti in one of those little bouquet things. - If they accept then YIPPEE!!!! LOYAL BF!! But... He wouldn't be happy at all if he were rejected.. He respects it, yes!! But heartbreak... It's too much for him to handle, he'd be sad for a long while
UF!Sans!! - HOLY SHIT IT'S A CRUSH. - He's aroace too, little attraction... BUT HOLY SHIT, IT'S A CRUSH. - Again, it'd take a LONG while. Someone he actually gets along with, someone he ACTUALLY gets to know. - So what does he do? Tell Papyrus! What does Papyrus do? Yell at him to confess! - AND WHAT DOES HE DO NEXT? NOT CONFESS!! - He's so happy around his crush, he actually feels safe. He gets flustered, he's always looking for their smile.. He can't just let go of that. He can't let go of this safe and joyful feeling he's created with this person. - This isn't fannon UF btw, he's not flirty or perverted. He was stand-offish at first but as time went on he actually got to know someone new. - Fell would give hints here and there, maybe leave heart-shaped things at the persons house but that's all he'll do. Everyone is telling him to confess, but soon they gotta get the crush to do something... Or Papyrus does it for him! But he's just a scared puppy in love overall.
UF!Papyrus!! - What are these... STRANGE feelings? - THE HUMAN MUST HAVE DONE SOMETHING! Something diabolical! Something to make him weak! - He's gentler around his crush, but he's sweating buckets and freaks out over every little smile. He tries avoiding you the best he can, you MUST be controlling his mind! - So his confession... Is confronting them about this. He accuses them of trying to take over the underground, trying to defeat him! - But when they ask him to explain he just goes on this dogpile of a rant about how they make him feel. How their smile makes their heart race, how their mere presence makes him sick to the 'stomach' - They tell him that he's in love, that they're not trying anything to betray him and they would never betray him. - AND HE'S JUST??? WOAH??!?! WHAT?!?!?! - He has a crisis while the crush decides on what to say... They feel the same? GREAT! He's so happy that he barfs but... If they reject then he accepts it, his first accepted defeat after the little human got past his puzzles. He wouldn't know what to do either way.
US!Papyrus!! - Similar to Sans, but idk his sexuality so it's whatever you see it as - He tries to avoid his crush at first. He noticed quickly that he was feeling weird around them, so he'd try to make the feelings go away. - At some point he's just dragged back into their life like a fish on a hook. Paps can't get enough of such a sweet feeling. - But differently from Classic Sans, he actually plans to confess. - Before that, though, let's talk about how he feels around his crush. He doesn't feel nervous, he doesn't sweat (as much), but... He feels at home. He can let his guard down, he can trust someone. That's new to him. - He'd tell more jokes, chill out with this person more. HE STARTS LISTENING TO BLUE!! HE DOES CHORES!!! - His crush gives him the energy to ACTUALLY do things... Except pick up that GOD DAMN SOCK- - His confession would be sweet. Take them somewhere small and personal, maybe a cafe or a walk around town, and tell them his true feelings. If they accept? That's fucking great! He's so excited, he wants to go on a date already! If they reject... Then he accepts it. He just hopes these feelings go away soon.
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ecothroat · 1 year
crackpot theory/headcanon/au: frisk is the knight
liked being possessed in undertale, felt like eternal handholding in a comforting way (like when toriel holds their hand in the ruins)
when they weren’t possessed post true pacifict they didn’t know what to do with themself. through sheer determination they poofed into the time/place/reality the player currently is
saw that kris has the soul and that frisk’s family is also here living different lives. weird and fun
if there’s a player there needs to be a plot, so… they opened dark fountains. idk how they know to do that but whatevs
kris thinks they’re the only human in town because frisk has been staying with some friends (papyrus and sans)
that’s why papyrus doesn’t leave the house, he’s hanging with frisk as they’re trying to figure out their game plan
it’s strange because frisk clearly knows the brothers but they don’t know frisk
if you add otherworld sans theory to the mix, sans goes to the UT universe post DR, and meets younger frisk. vise versa moment of sans knowing frisk but frisk not knowing sans.
it’d make a merciless run extra sad because betrayal
frisk can see through the player soul because of their connection to it/us, basically seeing what we see. they use this knowledge to determine what fountains to open next
they want to give the player a plot, but realizes how upset kris is being possessed. their new goal in addition becomes to take the player back and give kris autonomy again
idk how gaster plays into this but i bet frisk is friends with him :-) same with the secret bosses and dess
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S/o and your bonefriend were having a nice picnic and S/o is happy eating a sandwich until a wind blows and the sandwich falls to the ground
S/o gets so sad that they sandwich is dirty and impossible to eat and starts crying, what does the skele do?
Undertale Sans - Aw :( That's ok. He teleports home to make you another one and brings it back to you. Here you go. He just forgot the ingredient on the table in his hurry and now all is dead :D But that Sans, don't ask too much of him.
Undertale Papyrus - Well luckily for you, Papyrus is like a mom and always prepares more things in case accidents happen. He gives you another sandwich from the basket. He knew that skill would come in handy one of these days.
Underswap Sans - He gives you half of his sandwich. He's not that hungry anyway. If you're still hungry, he can pay you some ice cream after.
Underswap Papyrus - His heart breaks seeing you sad. He looks around him frantically, before running to buy french fries in the nearest shop. He brings them back to you. He knows it's not a sandwich but maybe it can do? He offers you a hug after all that stress, he needs it too.
Underfell Sans - "sucks to be you.", then he keeps eating. Asshole. You go to buy some food and eat in the restaurant, abandoning him in the park to teach him a lesson. Red has written twenty apologies post-it when you're coming back because he knows he fucked up lol.
Underfell Papyrus - He gives you his sandwich, no hesitation. He doesn't look you in the eyes, and blushes like hell doing so, but here he is, being nice. He's starting to realize you domesticated him and he's not sure how he's supposed to take it.
Horrortale Sans - He's quite distressed as you start crying and he goes in the basket to feed you. He gives you the three remaining sandwiches he was saving for later and watches you intensely to make sure you're eating them well and that you're not starving. He will do that for three days lol, just to be sure you're not dying, you know?
Horrortale Papyrus - That's fine, he always has extra sandwiches in case he's more hungry through the day, he gives you one back. You can see he's still cringing a bit looking at the dead sandwich on the floor though. He's going to feed the pigeons with it because he can't just let it there. He still has some trouble with wasting food.
Swapfell Sans - Welp. That's probably a sign of fate to tell you this picnic had to end. Not three minutes later, it's raining. Nox stares at you suspiciously. Did you try to warn him about this? How? Are you a witch? Are you going to eat his toes? Because he can defend himself you supernatural shitty beast, just so you know. You're so done.
Swapfell Papyrus - That's fine. He gives you his sandwich, picks the one that falls on the floor and eats it. You stare at him in disbelief. What? He's a skeleton, it's not like he could be ill. Famous last words before three days lying in bed with a bad fever and a terrible stomachache. But that's his fault.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Sandwiches are for peasants anyway. He's inviting you to a luxurious restaurant as a payback. He'll make sure you eat the most expensive sandwich you've ever eaten in your life. That's work too, you guess.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - When you drop your sandwich and start to cry, he panics and drops his sandwich as well. Now you're both sad and mad, looking at your deceased sandwiches on the floor. Why can't you use your hands like normal people? It's always happening to both of you. Not fair.
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hall0wedwyrm · 8 months
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Evan is very introverted and shy, opting to do his own thing and hang around with his extended family (aka the majority of the UT cast). He feels most understood by Frisk, who he considers a cousin. They both talk a lot about what its like to be associated so closely to Monsters, and living in a Human-heavy society.
Despite being an incredibly successful experiment into how a Human Soul and a Monster Soul could be combined, Evan is still a tad unstable. There’s been a few incidents where he has had to be taken back into the labs and reassessed, but currently he’s doing much better. He’s also got his fair share of medical issues that come with the strong will of Determination, mixing in a Monster-based body; He’s got supports for this spine and back (his spine holding his ribs arms and head) along with medication for supporting his soul. He's very self-conscious about his bizarre appearance, and he's under the impression it'll freak people out.
Being not part of such a huge event of all Monster-kinds lives made him extremely curious about it all. No one had really talked to him about it, and he didn’t really know who to ask. He vaguely mentions something to Frisk about it, but they just say it was tough all around and everyone is trying to move on. Which just makes him more curious. At some point he plans to go into the Underground, but he's stopped by Sans, who just says "kid you could have asked me. i don't mind tellin ya"
….also…. people don’t know this…. but Steve is… very not human… they're basically a demi-god... and this amplified some of Sans’s powers… yeah. oopsies!
also gonna link my post about his dads here too. Its not long but i think they're funny (I should give them the same treatment i did for Exe and Hero and making them a fanfic mmmmmm)
Extra deets :))))
Evan takes so much after Sans and it scares everyone. One time, he made some kind of pun towards Papyrus, and he deadpan stared at him and said "Sans literally said the exact same thing." and Evan laughed.
I'm also a huge believer in 'Sans is a really good dad' and he would probably do anything for Evan. Steve is also a good dad, but more in the way of "this being is so small and im so terrified to hold him but my gods would i do anything for him. look at him this is my son,,,,"
Evan first met Toriel when he was younger and he was feeling a bit out of place for one of the first times. He had ran off and she scooped him up and gave him some Butterscotch Pie which made him feel a lot better. It became a bit of a tradition after this; whenever Evan was kind of feeling sad or worried, he'd visit Toriel to eat pie with her :)
Mettaton really REALLY wanted Evan to be on his show, but he's way too camera shy and full of anxiety that he kind of can't. Instead, MTT does a mock up version (no cameras and no crew) and they ended up talking for hours and he forgot he actually had a real show to do.
Though its not happened, but I had the thought anyway, but Evan can melt. and he could potentially reset the timeline, since he could probably have enough Determination to do it. It wouldn't be a major reset though, since Frisk saves everyday before they sleep and in the morning and they have the major control over the timelines
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for the character asks: Toriel :)
if she’s already been requested, how about Ralsei or Asgore?
Toriel has not been taken yet, but thanks for giving me an excuse to talk about her. I think I'll do both her and Asgore.
favorite thing about them: I love the way that, while her and Asgore's kids are very much her and Asgore's kids, they're not carbon copies of each other either. I also love how, despite being compassionate and nurturing and moral, monsters in the Ruins describe her as 'intimidating' while flavor text describes her as acting 'aloof'. It's such a shame that a lot of fanworks don't really go into the more unemotional and distanced aspects of her personality.
least favorite thing about them: I wish we saw more of her grief in-game, rather than implied by extra content. I also have to admit, it's kinda sad that most of her development happens offscreen, and her confrontation with Asgore is more comedic than emotional and meaningful. Toby is great at creating these characters who have all these depth if you dig into them, who the fanbase proceed to take at face value.
favorite line: "What are you doing? Attack or run away! What are you proving this way? Fight me or leave! Stop it. Stop looking at me that way. Go away!" (Love how it parallels Asriel's boss fight dialogue.)
brOTP: Toriel and Sans. Obviously.
OTP: None. Aroace queen.
nOTP: Despite thinking that exploring their relationship has a lot of potential, I think most Post-Pacifist Asgoriel does a really, really, really bad job of exploring their relationship. With a few particulars in mind…
random headcanon: Like Asriel and Asgore, she too has a weapon she can summon and fight with. It's a big fucking anime sword. It's just the goddamn Dragonslayer.
unpopular opinion: She is the Dreemurr portrayed as a 'good person' most consistently, but she's mischaracterized and flanderized just as often as the rest of the family. Also where are the Toriel-centric AUs that have zero romance. Where are they.
song i associate with them: Just Another Day and I Miss the Mountains, both from Next to Normal, feel apt.
favorite picture of them: don't really got any
favorite thing about them: He's Just Some Guy. Toriel paints him as a remorseless villain. His subjects paint him as a savior. But he's just. Some guy. You find him watering the flowers. He sees his dead child in you. He tries so hard. He wishes there was another way. He's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. He remarks that today's a perfect day for catch, shortly before trying to kill you. He gives you every chance to turn back. He chooses not to dodge. His attacks leave you with 1 HP.
He still has to kill you.
He still can't.
He still might.
least favorite thing about them: Release the Forbidden Ending where he adopts Frisk and we get to spend time with him like we did Toriel, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, and Sans, Toby. Release the Forbidden Ending where Flowey is left fuming with jealousy and rage because BOTH his parents tried replacing him. RELEASE THE FORBIDDEN KING DAD ENDING
...Also I want Asgore dodging onscreen, reminding the fandom that yes. He is capable of dodging. It's just that you remind him of his dead child.
favorite line: "Birds are singing... flowers are blooming... perfect weather for a game of catch." Original flavor gets overshadowed too damn much by Sans' version.
brOTP: Asgore and Undyne. Asgore teaching Undyne how to kick his own ass and being proud when she does. Asgore desperate yoinking Undyne out of his kitchen. Asgore teaching Undyne piano. Undyne making friends with two people who might remind her of Asgore.
OTP: I don't think I really consider it an OTP, I don't go looking for content of it or anything. But Asgorudy's kinda sweet. Two older men who had some rough past experiences with love, who fall in love with each other.
Sansgore also has potential, methinks. Imagine the comedic awkwardness of Toriel and Asgore having to make up with each other not because Asriel was revived, not because they're getting back togther... but because Sans is dating Toriel's ex.
nOTP: I don't hate Kingdings but every time I see Gaster imply that Toriel never loved Asgore, or that Asgore was too good for her, I start hissing.
random headcanon: The reason he keeps giving children too much responsibility is that, due to a crippling lack of people in positions of authority in the war, he was dumped with the responsibility of housing and fielding complaints of monster refugees. I also like the headcanon he had a stupidly large number of older siblings in line for the throne before him and wasNEVER meant to be king.
unpopular opinion: He and Toriel and more similar than they are different.
song i associate with them: I've Been. Also from Next to Normal. "And I've never had to face the world without her at my side/Now I'm strolling right beside her as the black hole opens wide/Mine is just a slower suicide..."
favorite picture of them: I like his battle sprite. I like how he can't even look at you.
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