#pansexual! korekiyo
dangansheriff · 25 days
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None of y’all know her the way I do. 💋✨🥂
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dintheanxious · 1 year
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I hc Korekiyo as He/They Nonbinary and Pan!
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
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Korekiyo Shinguji from Danganronpa is a polyamorous greyromantic pansexual nonbinary person who uses they/them, he/him, it/its, and sie/hir pronouns, and they're dating Rantaro and Shuichi!
Rantaro Amami is a polyamorous asexual gay man who uses he/him and it/its pronouns!
Shuichi Saihara is a biromantic abrosexual transmasculine demiboy who uses he/him and they/them pronouns!
dni link
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moxiethesimp · 2 years
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Blackeneds And Kiibo Sexuality/Gender Headcanons!
Kaede= Trans/Bi
Kirumi= Ace
Korekiyo= Enby/Ace
Gonta= Trans/Pan
Kaito= Trans/Pan
Tsumugi= Bi
Kiibo= Enby/Gay
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funishment-time · 14 days
For the ask thing (if it's still going), can I ask for Korekiyo?
always willing to do more of these! it's always open!
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korkin it up in korktown
(tw: all things to do with Kork. you know the drill)
Sexuality Headcanon: this is...difficult. because of the Horrors. but in a world where he exists without his Sister in the background, i think he'd be pansexual. while his Love Hotel is...augh, it does give us some insight about him, and it seems like he's fully in control of his mind there. he at least likes guys sexually imo. further, other non-horrific interactions with Shuichi feel quite flirtatious...so he's a boy-liker for sure. at the same time, he did, uh, have a thing with his own Sister. so women are not off the table either, it seems? just hopefully...you know...ones he's not related to. all in all, i don't think Gender in a partner matters to him. humans is humans
Gender Headcanon: again, hard to know because of the Horrors. but again, without Sister Korkette's influence, i still think he'd be the slightly genderqueer goth king we all stan. you'd never really know his gender identity, but he could tell you everything about Alternate Genders around the world
A ship I have with said character: i kind-of think Shuichi x Korekiyo is cute. they both seem quite taken in by each other in the FTs
A BROTP I have with said character: if you haven't played UTDP or Summer Camp you are missing out on the absolutely adorable subtlety of the friendship he has with Syojack. it is Hilarious. she doesn't think he's cute and he doesn't think she'd be a good friend for his sister and they have a Disgusting Mutual Respect. he calls her "little lady" once. bless
A NOTP I have with said character: i don't think this needs to be said. i think we all know the NOTP
A random headcanon: even in a world without Sister Korkette he'd have a genuinely maternal/paternal side. i get the Vibe that he's quite nonjudgemental and sincerely loves humans. just...the Horrors. as has been previously stated
General Opinion over said character: 🧵/10 korkmanity is beautiful
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snellyfish · 2 months
Why is Angie your favourite character?
This is really funny I just got off call with Glownary and was talking about how much I don't miss Danganronpa discourse. Anyway I hope someone finds a way to get mad at me in this post!
((Admittedly I'd probably actually place Korekiyo above her because he ACTUALLY has a relevant and specified canon story,,, but, y'kno))
Plain and simple, she just has a handful of design and character tropes I super adore in characters! As a base, I'm usually not super into,,, well-adjusted, well-liked , reasonable, and rational characters. LMAO. They're fine but I live for exaggeration. I LOVE when they're little freaks and not watered down at all for the viewers sake/comfort, I love when they (both the writers and the written) just keep twisting the knife for no good reason other than the bit despite how unconventional it may be.
One could argue that her not being watered down and being as shitty to the other players as she is is a trauma response, or just a mentally ill person being mentally ill. It can be neat to think of her that way sometimes! It's of my opinion that almost all Danganronpa characters are super open-ended lore/personality-wise and we as fans are just making up canon as we go because it's FUCKING FUN, and, as such, all the ways that Angie can be interpreted is very interesting to me-- EVEN if that's seen as "the irredeemable annoying religion-force-feeding zealot antagonist." Which is, of course, an objectively awful way to view anyone REGARDLESS of media illiteracy, but, you know! I like weird freaks so this "flaw" they see is simply more food for me. Yippee!!
Whether I think she's canonically A) genuinely malicious and sadistic, B) traumatized from an abusive religious sect, C) honestly caring about the other players, and/or D) none/all of the above? I'll never tell! Oops all bangers!
Tropes I enjoy, whether or not I found myself enjoying them BECAUSE of Angie herself;;
Religion, especially if it's horrifying and...bad! (Most of my own characters deal heavily with religion and religious trauma, I think it's cool to play with, whether or not it's a fantasy religion like I think Angie's is)
CULTS! Cult behavior! Let's live in a commune!! (GUYS I LOVE MIDSOMMAR)
Dark skin / light hair contrast color combo goes hard!!!
+ The pansexual flag palette is literally my favorite color combo ever!!!!
Manipulative little shits!!!!!
Small scary women!!!!!!
Islander stuff, it's very nostalgic to me and I just have a deep love and appreciation for the beach and ocean!!!!!!!
Cutesy sunshine character who could and would stab you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IDK HOW THIS WASN'T MY FIRST POINT!!!!!!!!!!
She was an IMMEDIATE favorite when I played V3 and when I found out that, like, everyone fucking HATED her and she's probably the least liked character in the entire class by the fans, my brain immediately went the contrarian route to find reasons to like her even MORE. I tend to do this a lot, but when it's a character I already enjoy, it's even worse, dude.
ummmmm obligatory Shinnaga mention sorry but I frequently tend to appreciate a character a lot more based on potential dynamics alone. Ships, romantic or not, have legitimately gotten me to enjoy characters I hated before, based on interesting interactions unique to them alone. So while Kiyo and Angie's (they're making out btw) ingame dynamic and dialogues aren't REALLY what my sick and twisted mind views them as, it's worth noting that my honest belief and interpretation of the two of them could even give me a sliver of that dynamic being possible .......... means she's fuckin slay ............ it means love wins..... It means Vote For Yonaga 2024
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spinrekiyo · 1 year
My main Korekiyo Shinguji hcs:
Korekiyo Shinguji • they/them (though doesn’t mind any) • pansexual • acespec • autistic • they have a service dog named meadow
Kiyo’s service dog is a white labradoodle. Her name is Meadow. She is 3.5 years old. Her tasks are circling Korekiyo in a crowd, dpt when overstimulated, keeping people distanced from them, staying near them giving a sense of security, picking up items if needed, making Kiyo take meds consistently, and calming them when in panic attacks or meltdowns. She is a very good dog.
Kiyo adopted Meadow from a shelter at around 8 months old. Her past owner was not kind to her and abandoned her. Korekiyo was looking for a service dog and a new best friend, immediately connected with Meadow.
Kiyo named her Meadow because it is a peaceful kind name for a peaceful kind girl.
Kiyo works online with a service dog training course though does training themselves.
Meadow is well trained and wasn’t too strugglesome to teach tasks due to her timid and calm nature
The only problem is she was a bit scared at first though Kiyo has a tame job that isn’t super loud.
Kiyo is ambiamorous. I cannot choose a main ship for them because I believe all of them could have potential. (I believe I may have been the starter of the shinsaiibo movement soooo….)
Korekiyo has two long scars that run along their nose + a slight crook in their nose
They have pretty crooked teeth and a few noticeable gaps + pronounced canines
Straight up missing a tooth
They have sh/harmful stimming scars all over their arms
Very sharp looking smile. Their smile turns upwards and is very pointy and like a snake grin
They have ed tendencies though have a softer complexion nowadays
Their hair is pretty thick in texture though silky and soft
They have a few scars from uh.. her that are on their chest and back and such. They als have a few freckles
They eventually get cool tattoos
They have their bridge pierced and their eyebrow and ears pierced
They enjoy collecting bones, photography, writing stories, DND with the homies, and sleeping
They have POTS
In my head, the timeline for their life is as follows
- mother dies when Kiyo is 8 years old, likely of illness or addiction
- mother was absent, Miyadera was the main caregiver. She’s 6 years older than Kiyo.
- Kiyo had social difficulties growing up though was viewed as a gifted kid
- Miyadera was in and out of the hospital since she was eight with respiratory problems that are genetic on her mothers side.
- Miya always struggled with jealousy issues and problems with being too controlling.
- Miyadera passed away when Korekiyo was 16 and she was 22. She had been extremely sick 16-18, then her health seemed to get a lot better from 19-21, but then got bad again leading up to her death. She never became well enough to pursue full time schooling or work.
-The grieving process for Korekiyo was horrific to say the least. With their older sister being the only person in their life besides their father, they struggled horrifically with suicidal ideation, attempts, and not leaving their home or bedroom.
-they missed the entirety of 10th grade due to her death.
- at 17, korekiyo signed up for danganronpa after watching a few episodes. It wasn’t terrible and maybe they could not want to die
- yeah no, it didn’t help. They consented to being put into virtual reality that felt completely real though it was still legally challenged afterwards for obviously unsafe practices and the fact that mostly minors without the ability to fully grasp what they were signing up for were the ones consenting to that.
- following the events of the game, those who watched it obviously had complaints and concerns with many of the people on the show. Korekiyos ‘sister’ plot was literally just ptsd being played for gags + Kiyo’s mind having the serial killer motive for game purposes. Kiyo never killed anyone they just thought they did.
- local authorities were noted on the situation with Kiyo and many others. They were sent to a psychiatric facility to help them recover to a point where they could be trusted to live a daily life without hurting themselves or others.
-during their treatment Kiyo cut their hair really short while in an episode
- some took longer than others..
- by the time Korekiyo is out of the facility they are 18 and are given financial compensation by team DR for the added psychological damage + exploitation
-they finished 11th and 12th grade
- they then finish and graduate highschool using an online program and getting any other credits they need through their university (they cannot do a public big graduation ceremony at this time)
-cue dysphoric breakdown + gender sexuality realization
- they begin university, specializing in anthropology. They are taking art history and such, where they rediscover Angie. At first that is a horrific ordeal though it quickly becomes pleasant as she has changed a lot and so have they.
- they have an impressive breakdown at school because they’re overstimulated and triggered and anxious which makes them take a week off
- after that week, their therapist suggests that they seek out a service dog as she thinks it will help with their autism and ptsd
- cue meadow adoption
-Kiyo feels a lot better after that because meadow helped level out their nightmares and soothe them a lot more
- Kiyo gets a job as an educator at the local museum near their university
- meadow and Kiyo get name tags it’s great
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wranrihallon · 8 months
Danganronpa Sexuality + Gender Headcanons
Killing Harmony Characters Part 1/2 + Juzo
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Angie Yonaga is an arretaromantic, pansexual ciswoman who goes by any pronouns
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Gonta Gokuhara is an aroace cisman who goes by he/they/she pronouns
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Himiko Yumeno is a polyamorous, abroromantic, heterosexual ciswoman who goes by she/her pronouns
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Juzo Sakakura is a gay cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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K1-B0 is a pansexual sexless person that identifies as male who goes by he/they pronouns but wouldn't mind others
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Kaede Akamatsu is a straight ciswoman who goes by she/her pronouns
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Kaito Momota is a bisexual cisman who goes by he/him pronouns
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Kirumi Tojo is a lesbian ciswoman who goes by she/her pronouns
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Kokichi Ouma is a polyamorous, bisexual cisman who goes by he/it pronouns
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Korekiyo Shinguji is a pansexual ciswoman who goes by he/she pronouns
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harzekeenjoyer · 2 months
bored so heres some dr hcs :D (THH, SDR2 and NDRV3)
Makoto Naegi: Nobody can convince me he’s not pan, its too obvious.
Kyoko Kirigiri: Asexual, and prolly like bi or omni
Toko Fukawa: lesbian lesbian (not for Komaru. /srs)
Aoi Asahina: Im convinced shes pansexual
Yasuhiro Hagakure: the gayness is pure
Sayaka Maizono: Im thinking bi.
Mukuro Ikusaba: unlabed lesbian. im calling it.
Leon Kuwata: Cannot convince me hes not pan. nobody ever will.
Chihiro Fujisaki: Transfem Bisexual i am calling it
Mondo Owada: me sexual (/j) everyone thinks hes bi or gay but i personally think hes omni i swear he told me
Kiyotaka Ishimaru: gay gay homosexual gay
Celestia Ludenburg: i personally think shes omni (male lean)
Sakura Ogami: lesbian lesbian lesbian lesbiannn
Junko Enoshima: aroace (despairsexual /j)
Hajime Hinata: hes bisexual (female lean)
Kazuichi Souda: erm sir you said the bisexual meter could only go to 100. why is it at 2735286282727? ;-;
Akane Owari: lesbian istg
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: hes so bi i js know it
Sonia Nevermind: transfem demigirl lesbian ik it
Byakuya Twogami: Aroace.
Teruteru Hanamura: do i rlly need to answer this one..? (bisexual male lean tbh)
Mahiru Koizumi: bisexual. bi bi bothkisser bi
Peko Pekoyama: lesbian i just get that feeling from her
Ibuki Mioda: shes up for anything, omni no pref
Hiyoko Saionji: transfem bisexual
Mikan Tsumiki: lesbiannnn
Nekomaru Nidai: Omni male pref i js know it
Gundham Tanaka: gay trans ftm (i love him)
Nagito Komaeda: Aroace, he thinks hes trash (he is to me)
Chiaki Nanami: I feel like shes pan, idk why she js is
Shuichi Saihara: Aroace, i just get that feeling yk?
Himiko Yumeno: lesbian (y are there so many of them)
Maki Harukawa: again, lesbian.
Rantaro Amami: Transmasc
Kaede Akamatsu: I honestly dont see her looking for a relationship she’s aroace to me
Ryoma Hoshi: bi i’d say
Kirumi Tojo: tbh idfk pan or smth
Angie Yonaga: lesbian or bi i think
Tenko Chabashira: lesbian but i don’t ship her w anyone.
Korekiyo Shinguji: pan and genderfluid!! (totally didnt find this hc on tiktok and immediately admired it)
Miu Iruma: bi. shes angel dust if he was real
Gonta Gokuhara: Pan probably
Kokichi Ouma: bi i think??
Kaito Momota: gay i think
Kiibo/K1-B0: bi or gay (?)
Tsumugi Shirogane: lesbian aroace
A/N: not doing udg bc i dont feel like it
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mugaisblog7 · 2 hours
Udapted sexualities danganronpa + Komi can’t communicate and ocs + irl
Straight: Eva Uttau, Maki Harukawa, Kaito Momota
Cisgender: Chirs Boken, Eva Uttau, Cece Gaki, Hernos Yemeron, Agent.P, Hana Haru (Exemina’s wife), Rumiko Mangabi, Kirumi Tojo, Ryoma Hoshi, Eva Uttau, Nolan Kuro, Byakuya Togami, Mondo Oowada
Lesbian: Exemina Reses, Hana Haru, Akane Owari, Toko Fuwaka, Miu Iruma, Mori Midori, Ibuki Mioda, Najimi Osana, Tenko Chabashira,
Gay: Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Shuchi Saihara, Byakuya Togami, Chris Boken, Makoto/Tatakai Katai, Rantaro Anami, Makoto Naegi
Bisexual: Mondo Oowada, Sonia Nevermind, Nagito Komaeda, Izuru Hamukura, Peko Pekoyama, Hitohito Tadano, Himiko Yumeno, Kaede Akamatsu, Ryoma Hoshi, Kirumi Tojo, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Nolan Kuro
Pansexual: Kiibo Ao, Gundham Tanaka, Hajime Hinata, Mugai Namida, Chiru Namida, Kokichi Ouma, Mikan Tsumiki, Angie Yonaga, Korekiyo Shinguji, Chiaki Nanami, Z (me), Rumiko Mangabi, Chihiro Fujisaki, Hifumi Yamada, Kazuichi Souda
Transgender (Female to Male): Kiibo Ao, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu (Why not ?)
Transgender (Male to female): Chiaki Nanami, Angie Yonaga, Exemina Reses
Non-binary: Gundham Tanaka, Shuichi Saihara, Izuru Hamukura, Toko Fuwaka, Chihiro Fujisaki
Asexual: Em Xenomi, E (My valentine/Em), Ryoma Hoshi, Kirumi Tojo, Izuru Hamukura, Omoharu Nakanaka, Hifumi Yamada, L (Toruko/bestie), M (online friend)
Aromantic: L (Toruko/bestie)
Genderfluid: Em Xenomi, E (My valentine), Kazuichi Souda
Demi-girl: Mugai Namida, Z (me), Akane Owari, Sonia nevermind, Peko Pekoyama, Komaru Naegi
Demi-boy: Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Makoto Naegi, Kokichi Ouma
Omni: Em Xenomi, E (My valentine)
Thats all, tysm 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
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internalanguish · 9 months
Confirmed or hinted queer Danganronpa characters (these games are so gay):
Mukuro Ikusaba - Bisexual
Hifumi Yamada - Bisexual
Toko Fukawa - Bisexual
Mondo Owada - Gay (or bisexual)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru - Gay (or bisexual)
Ultimate Imposter - Genderfluid
Teruteru Hanamura - Bisexual
Nidai Nekomaru - Bisexual
Mikan Tsumiki - Bisexual
Ibuki Mioda - Bi-Romantic Asexual
Nagito Komaeda - Gay
Mahiru Koizumi - Lesbian (or bisexual)
Korekiyo Shinguji - Pansexual
K1-B0 - Nonbinary (probably also ace since he’s, ya know, a robot)
Miu Iruma - Pansexual
Kaede Akamatsu - Bisexual
Shuichi Saihara - Bisexual (I also headcanon him as trans, but that does not really fit on this list)
Kokichi Ouma - Gay
Rantaro Amami - Aromantic Asexual
Juzo Sakakura - Gay
Sakura, Aoi, and Hiyoko along with other characters could be interpreted as queer, but it is not confirmed.
Why did I bother spending time on this? Who knows.
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loganically · 1 year
Characters that are Trans (Because I am Tran)
Note: These are all headcanons unless states otherwise!
CW: Creepypasta, Danganronpa, Harry Potter, IT, MHA
Jeremy Heere (A he/him trans guy)
Rich Goranski (a short, bisexual he/him trans guy. he will punch anyone who calls him a confused lesbian)
Eyeless Jack (doesn't understand the whole "label thing" but uses he/it pronouns)
Homicidal Liu (the angst I have behind this headcanon--he/they)
Leon Kuwata (the song sk8 boi is about him /j. uses they/he pronouns)
Mondo Owada (biker he/him trans guy)
Hajime Hinata (identity crisis 24/7 he/they)
Korekiyo Shinguji (he's only here because I project on him--he/him pronouns)
Dipper Pines (HE/THEY walking bisexual disaster. Both twins are bi and trans)
Ron Weasley (he's AFAB and ginny is AMAB. he is also pansexual and ginny is bi. Ron uses he/him)
Harry Potter (oh, how his aunt and uncle hate this. he/him)
Sirius Black (he/they, ever the family disappointment /j)
Remus Lupin (he is me, i am him. he/him)
Richie Tozier (read above)
Adrien Agreste (daddy issues trans masc)
Felix Fathom (issues trans masc)
Luka Couffaine (hairdye trans masc)
Marc Anicel (canon; genderfluid)
Kyoka Kiro (enby, actually, they/she)
Percy Jackson (because i said so. he/they)
Will Solace (his dad is apollo? there is NO WAY he is cisgender. he/him or they/them. depends on the day)
Alex Fierro (canon; genderfluid, often fem)
Loki (canon; genderfluid, often masc)
Larry Johnson (reminds me of my boyfriend, so of course he's here)
Sal Fisher (no one with blue hair is cisgender)
Bow (i am not explaining this. he/they)
Double Trouble (canon; non-binary)
Jewelstar (Canon; FtM)
Peekablue (Canon; GNC)
Oskar (it/they/he)
Lars (implied to be trans; not confirmed, he/they)
Shep (canon; non-binary, they/them)
Hunter Noceda/Deamonne/Wittebane/Clawthorne (he/him)
Luz Noceda (implied to be GNC--note; I HC her to be genderfluid. They mainly use she/they but somedays use she/he)
Raine Whispers (canon; non-binary, they/them)
Masha (canon; non-binary, they/them)
The Collector (canon; either demi-boy or non-binary, he/they)
Viktor Hargreeves (canon; FtM, either he/him or he/they)
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painedpen · 11 months
Silly Silly Dangan Sexuality Headcanons
Makoto Naegi:
Kyoko Kirigiri:
Byakuya Togami:
Aoi Asahina:
Yasuhiro Hagakure:
Any Pronouns
Toko Fukawa:
Genocide Syo:
Sayaka Maizono:
Junko Enoshima:
Mukuro Ikusaba:
Any Pronouns
Leon Kuwata:
Chihiro Fujisaki:
Mondo Owada:
He/Him (?)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru:
Hifumi Yamada:
Any Pronouns
Celestia Ludenberg:
Sakura Ogami:
Komaru Naegi:
Yuta Asahina:
Takemichi Yukimaru:
Ayaka Haneyama:
Takaaki Ishimaru:
Taichi Fujisaki:
Hiroko Hagakure:
Hajime Hinata:
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu:
He/Him (?)
Sonia Nevermind:
Kazuichi Souda:
Akane Owari:
All pronouns
Teruteru Hanamura:
Mahiru Koizumi:
Peko Pekoyama:
Ibuki Mioda:
All Pronouns
Hiyoko Saionji:
Mikan Tsumiki:
Nekomaru Nidai:
Gundham Tanaka:
Chiaki Nanami:
Nagito Komaeda:
Shuichi Saihara:
Maki Harukawa:
Himiko Yumeno:
Rantaro Amami:
Kaede Akamatsu:
Ryoma Hoshi:
Kirumi Tojo:
Angie Yonaga:
Tenko Chabashira:
She/Her (?)
Korekiyo Shinguji:
Miu Iruma:
Gonta Gokuhara:
Kokichi Ouma:
Kaito Momota:
Straight Ally
Tsumugi Shirogane:
All Pronouns
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What is ur pride headcanons for each ultimate?
Yall have got to start splitting up asks do you know how many characters that is?!
It's pride though so it's not like I can say no sooo
Trigger Happy Havoc
Makoto Naegi, Bi, Trans Man (He/Him)
Toko Fukawa, Lesbian, Trans Girl (She/Her)
Syo, Demiro/Lesbian, Agender (She/They)
Sakura Oogami, Bisexual (She/Her)
Mukuro Ikusaba, Quoiromantic/Asexual, Trans Woman (She/Her)
Aoi Asahina, Lesbian (She/Her)
Yasuhiro Hagakure, Aro/Ace, Trans Guy (He/They)
Kyoko Kirigiri, Demi, Trans Woman (She/Her)
Sayaka Maizono, Greyromantic (She/Her)
Chihiro Fujisaki, Bi, Questioning Gender (He/They)
Junko Enoshima, Lithromantic, Genderfluid (All Pronouns)
Byakuya Togami, Gay, Genderfluid (Closeted) (He/They and rarely Her)
Leon Kuwata, Bi, Demiboy (He/They)
Hifumi Yamada, Ace/Aro, Bigender (He/She)
Celestia Ludenberg, Aro/Ace, Trans Girl (She/Her)
Mondo Owada, Gay (He/Him)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Gay (He/Him)
Monokuma, Pan, Agender (Any Pronouns)
Ultra Despair Girls
Komaru Naegi, Lesbian (She/Her)
Masaru Daimon, Bisexual (He/Him)
Monaca Towa, Aro/Ace, Agender (Xe/Them)
Jataro Kemuri, Bi, Agender (Will realize when older, currently only He but will become She/They)
Kotoko Utsugi, Aro/Ace, Demigirl (She/Her)
Nagisa Shingetsu, Bi, Demiboy (He/They)
Hiroko Hagakure, Pan (She/Her)
Goodbye Despair
Nagito Komaeda, Gay, Nonbinary (They/He)
Hajime Hinata Bisexual Trans Man (He/Him)
Gundham Tanaka, Demi, Trans Man (He/Him)
Hiyoko Saionji, Lesbian (She/Her)
Kazuichi Souda, Bi, Trans Guy (He/Him)
Akane Owari, Pan, Girlflux (She/They)
Peko Pekoyama, Bi, Trans Woman (She/Her)
Sonia Nevermind Greysexual Trans Woman (She/Her)
Ibuki Mioda, Pansexual Aromantic, Agender (She/They)
Nekomaru Nidai, Bi (He/Him)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, Trans Man (He/Him)
Teruteru Hanamura Pan (He/Him)
Imposter, Pan, Genderfluid (All)
Mahiru Koizumi, Lesbian (He/Him)
Mikan Tsumiki, Pan (She/Her)
Chiaki, Bi, Demigirl (She/They)
Usami: Bi Aro (She/They)
Kokichi Ouma, Aro/Ace, Trans Girl but doesn’t know it yet (She/Her, Fae/Faer, Ke/Kem, Joke/Joker, Jes/Jest, Ni/Nishi, Dem/Demon, Nae/Nym, Ho/Horse, Ne/Neighs, They/Them, Twink/Twinkler, Clown/Clowns, Mon/Monster-)
Korekiyo Shinguuji, Omni/Demiro, Agender, (They/He/Xe)
Gonta Gokuhara, Bi, Demiboy (They/He/Gent)
Kaede, Bisexual (She/Her)
Shuichi Saihara, Bi, Genderflux(Specifically multiflux) (He/Them/She)
Tenko Chabashiro, Sapphic (She/Her)
Rantaro Aro/Ace Genderfluid (Changes between He/They/She)
Kaito Momota, Bi/Ace (He/Him)
Ryoma Hoshi, Pan (He/Him)
Tsumugi Shirogane Pan (She/Her)
Maki Harikawa, Demi (She/Her)
Himiko Yumeno, Quoiromantic/Demi, Closeted Demiboy (He/Fey)
Miu Iruma, Pansexual, Trans Girl (She/Her)
Kirumi Tojo, Lesbian, Demigirl (She/Her)
Angie Yonaga, Pan, Nonbinary (She/Her)
K1-B0, Demi, Demiboy (He/They)
Monokid Gay Trans Man (He/Xe)
Monosuke Aro/Ace Unlabeled (He/Him)
Monodam Grey, Agender (They/Them)
Monophanie Demigirl (She/Her)
Monotaro Bi/Aro, Boyflux (He/They)
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teddybearty · 2 years
Hello! I just discovered your blog today and I love your artwork! I’m a bit new here so do you have a list of your danganronpa ships/LGBT headcanons? Thanks!
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Hello hello!! Welcome to my page!!
It's been a while since you sent this Anon (the first one) and I'm sorry for the delay on it! I want to make this look as cohesive and nice as possible if that makes sense?
Anyway here are my HCs!!
To preface, these are my HCs and if you don't like them, that's totally okay!! I don't wanna create any discourse, I just want to share my personal HCs!!
Also this post WILL be long so more under the cut:
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Gay / MLM - Byakuya, Kiyotaka, Yasuhiro, Nekomaru, Korekiyo
Bisexual (masc. lean) - Mondo, Hifumi, Celestia, Toko, Hajime, Nagito, Gundham, Kokichi, Maki, Miu, Tsumugi
Bisexual (fem. lean) -  Kyoko, Sakura, Mahiru, Sonia, Fuyuhiko, Peko, Ryoma, Shuichi, Himiko
Pansexual - Makoto, Leon, Sayaka, Chihiro, Junko, Imposter, Teruteru, Kazuichi, Chiaki, Ibuki, Kaede, Angie, Rantaro, Keebo, Kaito, Gonta, Kirumi
Lesbian / WLW - Mukuro, Hina, Komaru, Hiyoko, Mikan, Akane, Tenko
Asexual - Chihiro, Toko, Peko, Gundham, Kirumi, Himiko
AroAce - Hiyoko, Chiaki, Keebo
Aromantic - Junko, Ryoma
Nonbinary - Chiaki, Imposter
FTM Transgender - Kazuichi, Hajime, Fuyuhiko
MTF Transgender - Celestia
Genderfluid - Byakuya, Korekiyo, Keebo
Demiboy - Chihiro
Toko x Komaru
Aoi x Sakura
Mondo x Taka
Mukuro x Peko
Sayaka x Celestia
Hifumi x Leon
Makoto x Kyoko & Makoto x Byakuya
Junko - don’t ship her with anyone for obvious reasons
Chihiro - I ship them with a few people but I think about other ships with them more than the ones with Chihiro (sorry baby...)
Yasuhiro - I ship him with Daiya (in an AU where he’s alive)
Imposter x Ibuki
Teruteru x Nekomaru
Kazuichi x Fuyuhiko
Peko x Mukuro
Sonia x Gundham
Hajime x Nagito
Mikan x Akane
Chiaki - I ship them with people but I also see them as a pro gamer who supports their friends you know? I don’t really think about their ships too often
Mahiru - I ship her with people but I think of other ships more than the ones with her in it (also bc I love her and no one else can have her /j)
Hiyoko - I USED to ship her with Mahiru and now...I don’t really see her being with anyone anymore. Romantic relationships just isn’t her thing and that’s okay tbh
Angie x Tsumugi
Miu x Kokichi x Keebo
Kaede x Maki x Shuichi x Kaito
Himiko x Tenko
Gonta x Ryoma
Rantaro x Korekiyo
Kirumi - I ship her with people but I think about other ships with those people more than her (sorry queen...)
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starsideshifting · 7 months
Danganronpa DR
(plain text: Danganronpa DR)
i am already fighting autocorrect this should be fun
(plain text: World)
first off, all the good world stuff. discrimination doesn't exist, climate change isn't a problem, everyone has access to food and clean water, etc etc.
non-despair AU because i'm not trying to get traumatized i just want to live with my fictional friends man. also, the big twist in V3 just. isn't a thing
obviously, i attend Hope's Peak Academy! layout is that of THH because V3's layout is so confusing and for what? either way, everyone has talent development rooms in a building outside. I was planning what they'd look like then i realized that Makoto and Nagito's talent of being lucky and Byakuya's talent of being Rich is kinda hard to develop lol so we'll see what the universe decides! also, we all have the Monopads from V3 because school devices are pretty useful imo, also it's a good place to put the LIFA app. THH cast are seniors, GD cast are juniors, and V3 cast are sophomores.
everyone sounds like their English voice actors from the games. looks are realistic but not creepy. everyone speaks English (reasons: 1. I played the game in English and my first language is English. 2. It's already gonna be enough of a culture shock I don't need a language culture shock on top of that lol).
About Me
(plain text: About Me)
very similar to the me in this reality! I'm a little taller, my appearance is different, and I'm pansexual. I am the Ultimate Actress.
(plain text: Relationships)
I'm dating Rantaro Amami, Kokichi Ouma, and Shuichi Saihara. I'm friends with Makoto Naegi, Aoi Asahina, Celestia Ludenberg, Chiaki Nanami, Ibuki Mioda, Nagito Komaeda, Hajime Hinata, Miu Iruma, Himiko Yumeno, Kaito Momota, Kaede Akamatsu, K1-B0, Tsumugi Shirogane, Angie Yonaga, and Korekiyo Shinguji.
Hina and I go swimming together. Celeste runs a betting ring that I occasionally participate in. Tsumugi and I often collaborate with our talents and we sometimes put on shows. Kaito, Maki, Tenko, Sakura, Hina, Nekomaru, and Shuichi work out in the gym at 7pm each night. I join them sometimes.
I think that's everything, but I'll probably add to this later. I didn't cover my DR self because some of it is personal information
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