#p: kim minji
blossomgrovehqs · 4 months
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⠀˳ 𓏲 ` ִ ︎︎ 💐 DADOS BÁSICOS︎︎ ⋆ ࣪. ࿔
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NOME COMPLETO: Kim "Mia" Minji.
PRONOMES: Ela/dela.
NACIONALIDADE E ETNIA: Coreia do Sul, Coreana.
OCUPAÇÃO: Modelo (Stellar Agency Arts).
MORADIA: Haebaragi (102).
AROMA: Rosas, romã e verbena.
FACECLAIM: Miyeon (G-idle).
CONTA: bsgminji
⠀˳ 𓏲 ` ִ ︎︎ 💐 BIOGRAFIA︎︎ ⋆ ࣪. ࿔
GATILHO(S): Preconceito, menção a machismo, abandono parental, relacionamento abusivo e agegap.
Nascida em Busan, Kim Minji foi destinada a uma vida de expectativas familiares. Seu pai, Kim Tae-joon, ergueu um império no mercado imobiliário com trabalho árduo e sacrifícios, enquanto sua mãe, Kang Mina, desempenhou um papel crucial em apoiá-lo desde o início. Minji cresceu em uma família onde os dois irmãos mais velhos eram ômegas, e ela foi inicialmente imaginada para seguir o mesmo caminho.
No entanto, na puberdade, seus olhos revelaram a coloração característica de um alfa. Seu pai inicialmente tentou aceitar a situação, mas a crescente dominância e senso de liderança da garota o deixaram intimidado. Por receio de perder seu espaço como líder, ela foi forçada a usar bloqueadores com supressores e viver como uma ômega. O uso prolongado dos supressores a levou a ser hospitalizada quando atingiu a maioridade, e os cuidadores alertaram seu pai sobre os riscos de continuar o tratamento. Ele chegou ao extremo de dizer que preferia vê-la morta do que em seu lugar, vencido pelo medo, Tae-joon a expulsou de casa.
Desolada e sem rumo, Minji foi salva pelo melhor amigo de sua mãe, dono de uma revista de moda. Ele providenciou abrigo, comida e a colocou em edições na revista quando ela demonstrou interesse em ser modelo, mas a partir do momento que o beta sentiu seu cheiro doce, suas intenções se mostraram sombrias e a garota se tornou sua sugar baby. A reviravolta em sua vida, o afastamento da influência opressiva do pai fizeram seus instintos alfas ressurgirem.
Ao adotar o nome artístico “Mia”, ela se tornou uma figura influente. Sua autenticidade e originalidade como modelo conquistaram a indústria, além da polêmica de seu relacionamento com um homem mais velho e as inúmeras fofocas sobre suas noitadas em baladas. Nenhuma mídia era considerada ruim quando ela vendia qualquer marca em segundos. Com o florescimento da carreira, seu “salvador” descobriu sua verdadeira natureza alfa, ficando completamente obcecado, enciumado e ameaçador; chegando até mesmo a forçar a retomar a agir como ômega. Com astúcia e inteligência, a garota traçou um plano para se libertar dele, não apenas tomando sua fortuna, mas também destruindo sua reputação através da revista que ele comandava. Quando a bomba explodiu, Minji não agiu como uma coitada na mídia como esperado, agiu com desdém e disse que ele foi apenas um passatempo, mas que ela teria relacionamentos melhores no futuro.  Em meio ao bombardeamento de informações, ela ficou sabendo da iniciativa Blossom Grove e viu como oportunidade para reinventar sua vida ao se mudar para o bairro. Mantendo sua carreira de modelo, agora sendo agenciada pela Stellar Agency Arts com um gosto renovado pelo poder, liberdade e independência, provando que, mesmo nas circunstâncias mais desafiadoras, ela podia esculpir seu próprio destino.
⠀˳ 𓏲 ` ִ ︎︎ 💐 HEADCANONS︎︎ ⋆ ࣪. ࿔
Seu animus é um coelho, especificamente Flemish Giant Rabbit.
O aroma característico da Minji consiste em rosas, romã e verbena, esse cheiro mais delicado normalmente é atribuído para ômegas, porém sua família possui um gene que desencadeia uma mutação no aroma de mulheres independente do sub-gênero.
Não tem contato com a sua família biológica desde que atingiu a maioridade. No início sentia saudade de seus irmãos e de sua mãe, com o tempo, o sentimento foi esfriando e ela raramente toca no assunto.
Aparenta ser doce, gentil e até mesmo frágil; talvez seja o produto de anos sendo obrigada a viver como ômega ou uma fachada para esconder a ambição e manipulação dentro de si.
Minji não acredita em rótulos, ela se apaixona por pessoas independente de gênero ou sub-gênero.
Versatilidade, um rosto expressivo e presença magnética, ela tem conquistado a indústria da moda recebendo 20 milhões de dólares. Sua influência ultrapassa as passarelas, ela advoga por igualdade de sub-gênero, oportunidades justas e compartilha dicas sobre saúde mental.
Sua personalidade muda completamente durante o estro, sendo necessário encontrar conforto em seu quarto ou no Heatwaves.
Seus hobbies incluem pilates,meditação,  compras, pintura, arco e flecha,  scrapbooking. Gosta de poesia, junk food, café verde, r&b e bebidas fortes como whisky e tequila.
É um pouco supersticiosa. Possui um ritual detalhado antes de pisar na passarela que a acalma e a ajuda a visualizar cada passo da sua performance.
0 notes
jensettermandu · 4 months
la douleur exquise - kim minji
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genre; smut, angst
pairing; g!p minji x female reader
conetent; fingering (reader receiving), some begging, praising, a bit of spanking, slightly rough sex, idk if i missed something
synopsis; minji finally finds the only moment left to tell the simply complicated words to the girl who already knows. she's already told her everything with her eyes, and somehow they are both aware of it all. the beauty of being too early, but also being too late, with no good moment actually existing.
wc; 10.9k+
Minji has always had this one problem.
Not as cliché as it sounds even if it is because she had no problem with loving, it was just with who she fell in love with and how she fell. 
She fell too easily or thought that she was in love only to realise it would all be an infatuation that then passed. It was always the same thing of jumping in with both feet without even checking if she truly liked the waters or just found them mesmerising for the moment and then scurried away after truly feeling them. 
The more she thought about it, she may never really have been in love.
Probably not until now that these waters had left her looking at them for a while longer instead of jumping in right away. They had left her wanting to feel around them, learn them, to know exactly how to be in those waters to not cause any accidents. To not scurry away. To stay in them for long.
The more time passed the more mesmerised she felt and she was quite sure it was what it was. Minji was in love with the wrong waters, ones that had clear warning signs of not wanting anyone to intrude on them because the tide was high and the moment simply wasn’t right.
She just couldn’t help the way the corners of her lips raised as she listened to those calming waves, eyes stuck on the glimmering of them. It was more than just mesmerising. It was like a vacation that she never wanted to leave because she would never find waters as beautiful and as good to swim in again.
It was quite obvious and she knew that Y/n had probably figured it out because the girl didn’t let her say those three words. Every time she had tried tonight, Y/n diverted the conversation to something different right away. It was fine because she could wait and she would wait until she would have the chance to say them. 
It was selfish.
Not only selfish but scary.  
It had been three months since they started to see each other. 
They’ve been going with this routine for three months now.
They would see each other on mostly Thursdays, and Saturdays, at times Tuesdays too. Those were usually days when Y/n was free and Minji always made sure to be free on those days just to see Y/n. Otherwise, she had no other way of seeing her. 
They didn’t go to the same college.
They didn’t see each other just to hang out. 
They were only attached for one reason. 
So with that, she took every chance she had to meet the girl she was supposed to be in bed with with no strings attached. 
It was fine. She was sure that it was fine that she was in love because whenever she looked at Y/n she was sure the girl was in love too. Minji could see her reflection always glimmer in Y/n’s eyes. The girl was just scared and Minji would wait until she no longer would be, but time was running out and she knew that she couldn’t wait any longer and had to say the truth to Y/n. 
She knew where she had gone wrong.
It was the usual place as they sat at the diner to eat before they headed back to Minji’s apartment that she shared with her flatmate. Her place was closer. Or maybe Y/n just didn’t want to take Minji home. Either was fine as long as she spent the night with her. 
They would sit and talk about everything and nothing, things that weren’t supposed to hold meaning to them because their relationship held no meaning to it. Yet Minji found meaning in the nothingness that was everything to her because she cared about Y/n’s day. She cared about what the girl had planned even if she wasn’t part of it. She cared about these things and always listened attentively even if Y/n maybe didn’t do the same or find the same meaning in meaningless conversations between them. 
Y/n would always eat pancakes, those fluffy ones with fruit and it seemed like a perfect meal despite it not being breakfast. It was perfect because Minji liked the way Y/n enjoyed them or maybe she would only enjoy them since she would be picky with her food. Minji would take whatever, too busy with listening to the vixen so by the time they would order she’d take the first thing she would lay her eyes on in the menu. 
Tonight she had tried a few times already, to start that conversation that was forbidden. A twitch in her eye every time Y/n managed to turn the conversation around so smoothly. A twitch of adoration at how amazing the girl in front of her was. Unable to get frustrated by it because she got lost in Y/n’s words before she could utter the one she wanted to say.
Each time Minji had insisted on paying and each time Y/n caved in at the end. Two broke students didn’t make one rich, but Minji didn’t mind spending a little more on these days. She’d pay and then they would leave the diner and make the walk through the busy city. Everyone would always be so caught up with themselves, but Minji was too caught up with the girl walking beside her. 
She liked that Y/n let her hold her hand, maybe interlock their fingers at times.
She didn’t like that the girl would always be underdressed by not wearing a jacket because a hoodie was supposed to suffice in windy weather. 
After the first few times, MInji had come up with a solution. 
The older girl made sure to put on a t-shirt, a thick hoodie, and her current jacket which was a simple and slightly oversized dark jean jacket. 
“You will get sick,” Y/n would try to argue when she offered her the jacket that she truly only brought for the girl since she had such thick layers on that she wasn’t even slightly prone to being cold. It was part of the routine now.
“I won’t, here.” She’d put it on her and Y/n would giggle.
“I swear, you’re doing it on purpose.” The vixen would point out while Minji would adjust her cap to try and hide the obviousness of her words that were true. She would try to shrug it off and tease Y/n right back.
“You’re not dressing warm enough purposely so you can borrow my jacket.” 
She would look at how Y/n’s eyes would crinkle when she smiled that bashful smile, wordlessly admitting that she did do it on purpose. It warmed Minji and her warm hand would hold onto Y/n’s colder one, making sure to warm it for her, at times going as far as borrowing the pockets of her hoodie or zip-up. The tips of Y/n’s ears were always rosy with the tip of her nose and cheeks. Unless it wasn’t as cold. She would always make sure to warm her.
The vixen was the same height as her, but her figure was more petite and the jacket would fit her differently than Minji. It would be bigger on her, but she liked the way Y/n looked in her clothes. The younger still had one or two of Minji’s hoodies at her place and Minji never asked for them back. It created a sense of importance to know that Y/n maybe wore her clothes at times, that maybe she would think about her too when she would stumble upon Minji’s hoodie in her closet. The thought that Minji wasn’t the only one thinking about Y/n during her days away from her. 
They would make it to the apartment complex, Minji still holding onto Y/n’s hand while leading the way up the stairs. Their routine never really changed. She wasn’t sure if she liked it or simply didn’t mind it. Well, as long as it was with Y/n. There were a few things that maybe were less enjoyable with the routine now that she knew what she felt for the girl. 
“Is your flatmate home?” The girl would ask almost every time.
“Yeah, but it’s fine, Hanni is busy in her room.” Minji’s friend whom she shared the apartment had come to an agreement with her over what it would look like if they brought someone over. Usually, Hanni wouldn’t be at home or she would spend the evening in her room. Y/n and Minji would be in her room too either way, but it was mostly to avoid any awkward run-ins. 
She wasn’t sure if Y/n would want to be introduced to her friends.
They knew her almost as well as Minji did though but Y/n didn’t know them all too well. 
Minji had maybe talked about Y/n to her friends a little too much for someone who she was seeing with no strings attached. They didn’t know that because she was afraid they would understand what had happened. Scared that they would warn her and tell her to let go before she would get hurt. She didn’t need anyone’s pity, she only needed Y/n. 
Love was scary. 
Was one thing she realised. 
The keys would always clatter and unlocking the door took a few seconds longer than when she got home alone. Y/n was a tease, her kisses on MInji’s neck made her forget how to use the keys, she loved them, they were always so soft and consoling whenever she thought of the consequences of finding comfort in Y/n. 
“Minji…” Y/n dragged out, her hands slowly dragged over the soft and warm skin because her hands often found themselves under the older’s clothes. The vixen had always been more audacious than Minji and she liked that about her, it brought something different to her life that sometimes felt plain for a college student. 
She tried to find her words but never did when Y/n grabbed hold of her hand and Minji’s face turned to the girl who was resting her chin on her shoulder. Y/n looked back at her with a teasing smile. “It’s not as hard as it looks, baby.” She was quite sure that these pet names were something Y/n called everyone, but they still made her flutter with more excitement than they maybe should make her feel. It just felt tender when it came from Y/n and she was more than just MInji, she was someone else with Y/n. She was someone who made her forget, she made Y/n feel better.
The vixen’s grey eyes flickered from the keyhole and to Minji, those brown eyes of the older one always holding that empty yet filled with emotions look. Those eyes were always on her whenever she looked at MInji. It didn’t matter if Y/n was looking somewhere else if they were watching a movie, or if they were walking along the sidewalks, whenever she looked up at Minji, the older one was already looking back at her. 
It was still happening, Y/n broke the gaze for reasons Minji could read as if they were written on a paper right in front of her. She never really read people too well, but she never paid much attention to people as she had to Y/n. Y/n had become see-through glass and the girl was quite sure the younger wasn’t too fond of it. 
There were many things Y/n wasn’t fond of. 
Minji had listened to her troubled confessions and learnt that she was a difficult person yet she so easily fell for her. 
They entered the apartment like they always did, it was silent, and the indication of her flatmate being at home was the shoes that stood by the door. However, her presence wasn’t acknowledged because Minji could only acknowledge Y/n by how blinded she was by her. It didn’t matter since Hanni was in her bedroom either way. 
Like always they removed their shoes and found themselves in Minji’s bedroom which was always chilly before it would steam up and be hot. The girl would remove the jacket by then and discard it on the chair by the desk. 
She watched Y/n who threw her phone on the bed. There had been a little break in their routine tonight. Aside from Minji trying to say those words to Y/n, the girl had been busy with her phone on certain occasions when it was suitable. The vixen saw Minji as a distraction so her phone rarely got taken out, but it did tonight and it had left Minji pulling on the sleeves of her hoodie while wondering if she wanted to know or not.
The look–
“Be back in a second?” Minji hummed at Y/n’s words, watching the girl quietly make it out of her bedroom. 
Minji had learned Y/n's routine by now.
That’s what she was, a part of Y/n’s routine.
The girl would quickly disappear into the bathroom for what was two to three minutes while Minji would get the movie ready that they never watched more than 15-20 minutes.
She knew why Y/n always wanted to settle on movies they never watched.
Otherwise, they would have to spend that time thinking and talking.
Talking to each other within the safe confines of a bedroom where things just spilled because there were no other eyes or ears. Minji knew Yn didn’t want that.
Silence without a movie to occupy the mind would leave them both thinking.
Minji would most likely be thinking about Y/n.
And Y/n?
She would be dwelling on what she was trying to escape by seeing Minji.
The vixen had spilled everything to her once already after they got drunk and went back to her place. Naked and within the confines Y/n broke down into a vulnerable mess that Minji did her best to hold together.
She broke the routine tonight as Y/n left for the bathroom and Minji’s curiosity got the best of her. 
The girl removed her cap and hoodie and threw them onto the chair where her jacket was. Her feet led her to her bed and she slumped down on it, grabbing the remote that was lying on the white and fresh sheets she had changed today. The room was dimly lit by the bedside lamp she had forgotten to turn off. 
However, she never found herself turning on the TV that was on the wall in front of her bed that stood in the corner of the room by the window. The blinds were down, and the moon and stars were not allowed to shine their lights on them. The faint buzz of the city was always heard, but with time she grew used to it and it worked as white noise, it let her fall asleep easier. 
The girl glanced at Y/n’s phone screen which lit up again.
She knew that she shouldn’t but she did, Minji did so quickly too because she knew that it was wrong. The girl knew she would feel guilty, and she would feel even worse if Y/n had caught her. She did it quickly and managed to see the name and short text which was enough.
In the same way that waves washed over the shore and dragged everything back with them, the same feeling washed over Minji. It was as if the water filled her lungs, it was a warm feeling of distress and forlornness that dragged her to the bottom of a dark ocean after not being able to grab hold of anything to stop herself from drowning in the current that pulled her. The type that made her breathing heavier and her eyes sting with a warmth that didn’t come out because it stayed at bay. The type that left her to think that life was unfair, but at the same time she knew that she had no right to call something that was settled on unfair. 
It made her exhale deeply through her nose to try and push those feelings of doom aside. To push the water out of her lungs. It was as if her life had come to an end and she had no clue she could love this way as she reclined and stared at her ceiling while letting the cold sheets under her turn warm. 
She felt those waters drag her down further, the ones she was supposed to stay away from but never did because Y/n was so hard to stay away from despite all the warnings on her way there. The girl’s waves were too strong to run away from as they grabbed hold of Minji and pulled her right into her, it wasn’t even intentional. Each breath only turned heavier, filling her lungs more and more with that water that was getting coloured red because it cut through her skin the more she thought about it, the more her heart bled. Her body only grew heavier and let her sink further down in the blue. 
Love hurt, didn’t it?
It was her last chance to say what she felt. There was no losing or winning anymore because whatever Y/n would say, if she was going back to her, Minji would lose either way. If she did, she would at least get it off her chest and know that she had told the girl how she felt. 
“What’s this?” Minji asked, still slowly catching her breath as her fingers trailed along Y/n’s warm skin. The bed was hot, the steam still present in the air. She had seen the little tattoo right by her collarbone before; she could tell that it was a little Sakura tree branch which was the size of her forefinger which she traced it with. 
Her eyes flickered away from the tattoo and to Y/n whose face looked unsure as it contorted into a frown and then relaxed before she frowned again and looked at Minji. Her eyes glazed from the alcohol after they had decided to drink over dinner and it got a bit out of hand while they had been talking. It was easy to lose track when they were with each other.
“Isn’t it obvious?” A chuckle followed, it wasn’t an amused one, it was one of condescending pain because it had taken over the girl’s life. 
Minji had unfortunately fallen blind to it after drinking and gave her a nod of affirmation because it was obvious.
“Yeah, but does it mean anything?” 
Well, maybe Y/n could have lied about what Minji asked, or maybe she shouldn’t have asked to begin with. Or she could have just brushed it off and said it meant nothing.
“Means Sakura–” Those tears were already welling up in the drunk girl's eyes and she would never let that happen. She would never be vulnerable around someone else aside from one person, but suddenly she got susceptible around Minji too because combined with the alcohol filling her veins it got stupidly and unwillingly easy. “Her name…while she got stars after saying they remind her of me.” 
She pulled her into her comfort right away, but she wasn’t sure if she was as comforting to Y/n as the girl she got a tattoo for was to her. 
Minji could tell Y/n was still hurting and she felt horrible after the girl slowly crumbled beside her. It had slipped her mind because she was so set on wanting Y/n that she forgot that the girl was still trying to escape something in the past. She had forgotten that she used to have someone else who was closer to her than Minji despite Minji being the one there for her now—even if it was to help her forget. 
She forgot that she wasn’t the only one in love.
The tables had turned, hadn’t they?
Minji was the one hurting because of love now and not Y/n. 
The difference was that she couldn’t blame anyone for this while Y/n could blame someone for her heartbreak.
Was it a heartbreak if it looked like they had started to text again?
Minji frowned, it was distress and discomfort at how heavy it made her feel.
It’s been six months though.
It had been two minutes.
“No movie?” Y/n questioned and Minji hummed, lifting her head from the duvet, slowly pushing herself up until she was propped up on her elbows. There was no movie and she got to see what happened when nothing was playing to distract her thoughts. She ended up drowning. A stupid movie was a buoy that kept her at bay and didn’t let her sink under the surface to drown in those thoughts. 
The routine wasn’t the usual as she hadn’t managed to do it.
“Well…” She trailed off, the remote still in her hold and she glanced at the black screen of the TV on the wall. 
“It’s whatever.” 
The vixen was like a cat, the bed dipping lightly as she got on it and her agile body made it to Minji who pushed the remote aside. Her hand found its way to grab hold of Y/n’s hoodie who made it into her lap. It usually wasn’t whatever, they always filled the silence, but this time it was whatever. Maybe whatever was for the better at the moment.
Y/n’s lips tugged into a small smile as she gently pushed Minji to lay back down. Her hands grabbed hold of the ones that were on her hips and she intertwined their fingers before pinning them down beside the girl’s head. It always made Minji’s heart pick up in excitement because feeling Y/n’s lips wasn’t simply great, it always made her body tingle, it made her want more, but more than just Y/n’s body. 
The girl leaned down, their eyes holding an electric field between them, zaps that pulled them to each other. Her hair fell down her shoulders, tickling the sides of Minji’s face, her sweet scent engulfed her in a comfort blanket and her breath gently tickled her lips. 
She lifted her head just enough and it pulled Y/n fully into her. Her lips fell against her, it was like falling through clouds, the girl smiling into the kiss because of the eagerness behind each of Minji’s kisses. The way the older never really wanted to pull away. She could only kiss her behind closed doors so there was no reason to pull away when she finally got to kiss Y/n. It made her world crumble in the best ways possible as it went under and flipped her into a utopic world. 
She gave Y/n’s hands a little squeeze, her eyes closed and her head tilting to get deeper, to swallow the drug that Y/n was whole. Her tongue slowly pushed between those plump lips. It always drew out small sighs, somewhere between moans out of Y/n whenever their tongues met. The vixen was hard to resist and made Minji squirm slightly under her at the growing tension. 
Y/n pulled away with a breathless chuckle, escaping Minji who didn’t manage to catch her lips again. Her lips left wet and parted as she stared up at Y/n with panting breaths falling from her lips. 
Their hands got untangled as Y/n leaned over. “Do you take Polaroids in bed?” She asked with a giggle after her eyes fell on the Polaroid camera on top of the bedside table. Minji tilted her head back and watched Y/n reach over for it. 
“No–I was changing the film.” Y/n hummed and bit her lower lip, Minji’s fingers tangled in the loose jeans the girl had on. 
“What’re you doing?” She questioned, about to reach up for the Polaroid that Y/n aimed at her. She giggled, pushing the hands away from the camera and looked up at Minji who lay under her. It left Minji smiling right back, getting lost in Y/n once again and it took her a second too long to realise it–the picture being taken. 
“Hey–I wasn’t ready for that one,” Minji complained, grabbing hold of Y/n’s waist and pushing her over. The girl had no time to get away when the older one quickly grabbed hold of her- The giggles tended to echo in her mind for days after Y/n would leave. It was a laugh that was easy to remember, the type where she could hear it in a room full of people and know that Y/n was somewhere among them. It brought out laughter in Minji who quickly got on top of Y/n and stopped her with her weight. 
“You don’t need to be ready, it still came out good.” Y/n moved the Polaroid away from her once again when she tried to reach for it and took out the picture that was slowly appearing on the film. With the picture in hand, Y/n finally gave up the camera and Minji took it from her. 
She hummed at Y/n’s words, the girl looking at the picture that was slowly coming to life and Minji found herself staring like always. Her eyes were always on Y/n and she steadied the camera to capture what her eyes always captured. She had no pictures of the girl and wanted to see if they would even compare to what she saw in the girl. 
It seemed perfect as Y/n glanced away from the photo that she flipped to Minji with a smile that was caught right by the camera. It was enough to make Y/n whine and try to squirm from beneath the girl on top of her, but to no avail, as she even held the camera away from her.
“Now I do take Polaroids in bed.” She took the picture out and put the camera back. 
“Do I get to keep it?” Y/n asked and tried to reach for the Polaroid of herself again.
“No…” Minji trailed off and looked back down at Y/n who rolled her eyes before they settled right on the older one again. She looked between the photo and Y/n before she put it aside on the bedside table so it wouldn’t get ruined, slipping the photo out of Y/n’s hand too before she leaned down. It did her beauty no justice, it did not capture what Minji could see in Y/n, it didn’t capture what went beyond beauty and was under her skin.
“You see yourself every day, you don’t need it.” She mumbled, Y/n’s hands came up to her shoulders but she guided them down to the bed, pinning both hands above her head. 
Minji tilted her head, taking that silent moment to always admire the girl for a bit. It was easy to get lost in Y/n’s words, her lips, and her body, but she always preferred to get lost in these simple moments. They weren’t supposed to be passionate but she still found them to be just that. She opened her mouth, but Y/n helped her muffle what she was trying to say when she kissed her. 
The vixen closed her eyes, kissing Minji the way she always did, stealing her breath and so much more than just her breath. It wasn’t intentional, she hadn’t been aware at first, but it became obvious, Minji became obvious. On one side it was needy, their tongues starting to almost desperately push against each other, on the other side it was filled with a burning desire that was different for both of them. 
Y/n slipped her hands out from beneath Minji’s gentle hold, her tongue pushing against the slickness of the older’s mouth as she tangled her fingers in her hair. The words were cut short at this point and all that spoke were their bodies. The girl on top slowly moved down and found herself between Y/n’s legs, still kissing her with her hand slowly running under the hoodie that Y/n had on. 
The vixen was quicker as she moved her hands over to the hem of the other’s shirt and tugged it up. They pulled away, Minji removing her shirt before she helped Y/n remove the hoodie she had on as she had pushed herself up. The clothes fell onto the floor with deaf thuds. It quickly steamed up, it always left the chilly room hot as even at these moments Minji had a hard time containing herself. Everything would be tender, but it was a different tenderness in bed. 
Her cock started to grow harder quicker than she could register Y/n’s body, her eyes knew what they saw, but her brain took longer to phantom the beauty of her. The girl’s black lacy bra didn’t leave much to cover and Minji loved her in black.
Y/n fell onto her back again, pulling the girl with her who immediately found her lips again. Their heavy breaths occupied the room, drowning out the city noise as Y/n’s gasps and Minji’s desperate breaths stirred them on. The younger’s colder hands found their way to the older’s back, trailing her fingers along the back that flexed with each movement and she pulled Minji closer to her. 
It elicited a groan from the back of her throat when her cock was slowly starting to strain against her bottoms, Y/n’s covered heat pressing against hers causing friction for the both of them. It was always a moment of desperation as they wanted to wallow in it, but at the same time get right to it, somehow they managed to meet in the middle. 
Minji kissed away from Y/n’s lips, kissing down her jaw, the younger’s chest heaved deeper with each kiss that pleated her skin in gold. Her hand trailed the slim waist, the touch created goosebumps that crawled over Y/n’s whole skin at how sweet it felt, the softness it created and warmed up her skin before it could get cold when she was starting to lose layers of clothes. 
Her palm pressed against the girl's hipbone, holding herself up while her other hand was by Y/n’s head. Her lips kissed the prominent collarbones with Y/n’s nails gently scratching down her neck and scalp as she pulled Minji closer. That tattoo was still there, but it was as if it disappeared in these moments. It felt like it held less meaning to it. She kissed her neck again, the thin skin was always sensitive and each sound it elicited from Y/n only fueled Minji. It made her press her hard cock against Y/n’s heat through their bottoms.
A moan escaped her lips at how she grounded against her, slowly moving her hips, not much at all, but it was enough pressure against her clit. “Fuck, Min…” Minji gently sucked, tugging on the skin but not leaving anything behind except her warmth. Her nose trailed the skin, taking in the scent while her hips continued to move in those slow motions that made Y/n let out light moans in her ears.
“You’re so hot,” she could only mumble, kissing down to the girl’s supple chest as her breasts perfectly fit in her palm. The skin was soft as she kissed the top of Y/n’s breasts. The girl closed her eyes at the feeling that made it all tingle and it travelled right to her clit where Minji’s cock was pressing through their clothes. Her breath tickled Y/n’s skin, kissing down her breast and along her smooth stomach that was heaving in with each breath.
Fingers found their way to the hem of the loose jeans and she started to work on unzipping and unbuttoning them. Her gaze fell up on Y/n for a second whose eyes were closed, fingers tugging at her hair with each kiss that made her squirm for more. 
She managed to undo the bottoms and sat back on her heels, and the vixen lifted her hips, bottom lip trapped between her teeth as Minji slid them off of her long legs that were slim and smooth, shining. All that was left on Y/n’s body was the black lingerie and the younger sat up.
“It’s almost too loud, Minji.” Y/n breathed out as she sat on her knees, the girl had been awfully quiet and stared at her with those eyes, but those eyes spoke too loudly. Y/n preferred words, not those looks she understood too well. 
“You leave me speechless, I guess.” 
“Too cheesy.” Minji chuckled and kissed Y/n who started undoing her bottoms, her fingers pushed back the hair that was getting in the way of Y/n’s face. She pushed it behind the girl’s ear while she felt her skin with her other hand, cupping Y/n’s cheek. Her left hand snuck behind her waist, smiling into the kiss that made her giddy like always, these moments always did. It almost stung from how good they were, it was all too sweet and bitter at the same time. 
It was with some difficulty but she managed to undo the bra once her hand found its way to it. The gesture was enough to make Y/n chuckle against her lips, swallowing Minji's tongue back down as she sucked on it. The bra slid down her shoulders and Y/n let it fall to the side before she went back to the drawers. Her hand grabbed hold of Y/n’s ass, gripping the cheek and squeezing it as most of the material of the lace went up her ass. Just then Y/n tugged down the jeans while one of her breasts got cupped in Minji’s palm, fitting right in it as her breasts weren’t big, but perfectly plump and perky. 
“Sit down.” Y/n at last managed to pull away from her lips, pushing Minji to sit down and it let her remove the drawers off her legs fully. The older girl sat leaning back against her palms. 
Her eyes landed on the boxer briefs where the print of her cock was prominent, outlining every little detail from her leaking tip to the big vein that ran along it. It was a glance at each other and the two were removing the last pieces they had on until they were naked on the bed. 
Y/n found her way into Minji’s lap, her hand grabbed hold of the cock that was throbbing for her touch. Hands grabbed hold of her ass and Minji’s mouth found its way to Y/n’s breasts. The kisses turned wet and sloppy, quietly whimpering against the skin as Y/n stroked her cock, gathering the precum and smearing it down her length all while letting small gasps out by her ear from the attention on her chest. 
She grabbed hold of the back of the Minji’s head, twisting her hand with each stroke up which made the girl groan, squeezing her tip before going back down. It was waking up every nerve in Y/n’s body from the tongue that circled her nipple, sucking on it and tugging, teeth grazing over it while her other breast was kneaded with rough care. It coated her chest in the warm saliva, and her hard nipples were grazed by teeth before Minji tugged on them. The actions pushed whimpers out of Y/n, pushing her chest more into the girl.
Her cunt was throbbing with need, slick slowly starting to ooze down, Y/n’s clit pulsating at the thoughts, at the cock she was stroking in her hand. Minji’s thick length was scalding in her hold.
“Minji.” It left her lips so softly, it made her dick twitch in the younger’s hold. She hummed, loving those blissful sounds that would always leave Y/n. Her eyes looked up at the girl through her lashes, mouth still sucking on her chest with languid moves that always worked the vixen up the best. 
“Condoms.” Y/n breathed out and she removed her hand from Y/n’s ass and blindly reached for the bedside drawer. Eyes closing at the way Y/n worked her length with just her hand, mouth still latched to the supple breast, gently playing with the nipple using her tongue and fingers. Her fingers stumbled upon the metallic wrap and she took it, only then removing her mouth from Y/n’s chest when the vixen in her lap pulled back.
It disappeared from her hold as Y/n took it from her and Minji bit her lower lip, running her hand down between them. A shuddering breath slipped past Y/n’s lips at the two fingers that ran through her wet folds, spreading them and running down to her sopping hole that was greedily clenching and waiting to get stuffed by the girl’s cock. She looked up at Y/n who held onto her shoulders, wrapper still unopened between her fingers while she slowly caressed her slick pussy. 
She gathered the slickness on her fingers, kissing the girl’s clavicles whose hips subtly bucked into her hand. “You’re so pretty, the way you get needy and wet—loving how just my fingers touch you.” It was almost melodic the way she hummed those words against the warm skin of Y/n. What she got in return was a whimper when she dipped her middle finger inside the walls that immediately clasped around her only for Minji to pull out again. Her hand caressed Y/n’s slim waist, fingers feeling her ribs the higher she got before running her hand back down in a feather-like way. It tickled, it made her squirm, wanting more.
“Please, I want you.” Hearing that Y/n wanted her was almost enough to make her burst. She felt how fingers dug into her shoulders when she circled her clit before pressing down on it. It made Y/n’s hips buck into her before the girl huffed when she removed the pressure. 
“What do you want me to do?” She questioned, tongue sticking out and licking over the tattoo and to the juncture of her neck and shoulder. Her teeth dug down into the skin, fingers still working the slick cunt, teasing through her lips, smearing her wetness up to her clit that she would caress before dipping down before it could become too good.
Minji had learned Y/n’s body, she knew it better than her own. She knew that even if the girl wanted her now, she loved when she would shower her with these teasing touches. When she drove her further up to the peak before letting her hit it and fall off. Her two fingers pushed into the hole this time, stretching the tight walls out in scissoring motions so the girl wouldn’t feel any discomfort once she would push her dick inside. 
“Touch me–make me feel good like you always do.” Her words withered the further she pushed inside her, slowly getting knuckle deep in the confines of her warm and snug walls. The vixen felt the stretch of the two fingers that were slowly stretching her out, caressing her g-spot and putting pressure on it that made her buck into her. 
She continued to slowly work inside her, watching how Y/n’s face contorted into pleasure and need. It was good, but it wasn’t enough yet she loved how it drove her crazy and wanting more. The kisses would ease into her skin, the world muffling around her. Moans seeped through at how deeply Minji worked her fingers inside her, making sure to stretch her. The only other sound was the squelching of fingers pushing in and out of her sopping mess. 
“Fuck me, stretch me out with your cock until everything is a blur—I just want you deep inside me, baby.” Minji slowly pulled her fingers back out of Y/n before running them over to her swollen clit again which she had lubed up with the girl’s wetness.
“Put it on, ride me, fuck yourself on me the way you want to be fucked. Love yourself on my cock, Y/n.” Minji encouraged fingers slowly dragging along the swollen and throbbing bud. The words made Y/n whimper and slowly pull back.
“I’m sorry, it’s kind of stupid–wait no, I don’t mean that you are stupid or meeting you–”
“No, don’t worry, it’s fine…I get what you mean by stupid because I’ve never agreed to anything like this before.” Minji cut Y/n off, easing whatever tension that would be created if she let her awkward rambling go on. The vixen gave her a bashful smile, giggling. 
“You’re adorable though.” Minji felt a wave of warmth hit her face, ears running red as if someone had been pulling on them. It was close to making her look around the diner to see if anyone else was witnessing the mess she was becoming around the girl she had gone out with for the third time. “I get the thought behind why Yujin would set me up with you.” She nodded at those words as they had one mutual friend, well, more acquaintance to Minji and Y/n’s friend since Minji didn’t know Yujin too well. 
Although, Minji felt like it was dangerous to be around Y/n. She was too good which meant that she would be bad for her heart. She was so good that the words that left her mouth next only meant more trouble for Minji. It would be impossible, wouldn’t it?
“I don’t think I am willing to put anything on the line, but I wouldn’t mind keeping it casual with you.” 
“As in…” Minji trailed off to make sure, her eyes stuck on Y/n as she was mesmerised by the girl. She looked like she would only break Minji’s heart and she would allow her to do it because Y/n was just too good to let pass by without at least getting to hold her hand. 
“No strings attached sex.”
She held onto Y/n’s waist, helping the girl who held her length that was wrapped in the condom. Her tip brushed through her folds and to her hole before Y/n slowly lowered herself onto her. The splitting feeling made her gasp and grip onto Minji’s shoulders who left pecks along her neck while slowly helping her ease down on her length. The tightness of Y/n’s walls was suffocating her cock, taking her into the snug and sopping cunt. As she looked down her dick was halfway there, her folds splitting around her dick. 
Her breathing got deeper when her cock finally filled Y/n to the hilt, nails digging into her shoulders. “Fuck—You fill me so good.” Y/n sighed, pulling away slightly and looking down at their conjoined heat as she slowly started to move her hips. Each movement made them release breaths and moans, the younger whimpering at the cock that was caressing her insides, slowly starting to move up and down and letting it drag along her sopping heat. 
“Show me how you want it,” she breathed out, hand coming up and pushing back Y/n’s hair to see the way her face contorted in pain and pleasure. That bittersweet feeling of fucking herself on Mínji while knowing very well what she felt whether Y/n was riding her cock or if they were just sitting in a blank space and not doing anything at all. Yet she would ride her dick like there was no better thing in the world. 
Hands ran down to her ass, gripping it between her fingers and squeezing as she helped with moving up and down along her length. Her pace picked up, the stretch being less painful and turning into a burning desire for more as the whimpers flew out of her mouth. Minji always hit those spots that she hadn’t been able to hit herself unless it was that one other person. The way Minji had learned her body in these three months hurt because it was too good for someone who didn’t deserve their heart broken, but she was willing to get it broken just to be in the same room. 
“You’re so good, you take me so well ‘my cock so well, I love how you squeeze it.” Her grip on Y/n tightened, the girl rolling her hips back and forth, moving up and down, the pace becoming a perfect trance of sweet honey running a trail down to hell for Minji. The words made Y/n’s walls flutter, cunt clasping around the pulsating cock that she was slowly adjusting better to the longer it stayed buried inside her. 
The vixen bit her lower lip, eyes falling onto Minji who yet again was already looking at her with beautiful hearts in her eyes. It made Y/n close hers and tilt her head back while slowly moving deeper and harder. The bed let out pleading creaks as it was getting tired of watching the pain bloom between them. Minji’s lips parted, only able to watch Y/n ride her, her head thrown back, small chest bouncing with each stroke, her ass slapping against her thighs, pussy squelching from how wet she was, covering Minji’s pelvis in the mess. 
“Fuck–I want more.” Y/n half begged through a moan, her hips still gyrating smoothly, crashing against Minji like waves that sent pleasure through them both. Her cock penetrated deep within her snug walls, making her breath hitch each time it hit that significant spot that edged her closer.
“How much do you want it?” Minji clenched her jaw, palm rising and falling against Y/n’s plump ass, the slap echoing sharply. It made the girl whine and slam back down on her cock, almost choking at the way she filled her. The heat grew, hand colliding against her ass again and gripping it roughly with a squeeze all while staring up at the girl whose lips parted and songs of pleasure spilled out of her lips, the notes only for Minji to listen to. 
“So much, I want you to touch me everywhere, play with me, make me come–play with my pussy until it hurts.” Y/n’s moans went up in pitch, being light and whiny, her ass stinging slightly when Minji’s palm collided with her cheek again before she caressed it in her hold. 
Their bodies were warm, a sheet of sweat covering them to show that the passion was burning with forbidden desires, unable to put it out. Minji ran her hand down to Y/n’s clit, finding the sensitive nub, the touch making the walls clasp around her cock tightly .Y/n bucked into her hand while still moving perfectly on her cock, fucking herself on it just how she liked it and Minji admired. 
Minji tried to close her eyes and fall asleep. The girl in her arms was still trembling in her hold. The tear stains on her cheeks were cold and wiped away by Minji. Was there anything as fucking away the sadness, the pain and the agony? Was it right for her to tell Y/n to come over when the girl called her crying because she was worried her friends were done listening to her crying over someone who wasn’t there for her anymore? 
Her fingers ran through Y/n’s silky hair, the girl’s breaths were calm and heavy, but she knew that her insides were rumbling as they lay in bed together. Minji’s eyes fell on the girl who was naked under the covers with her, her perfect face buried in her neck and Minji’s skin warm and foggy from the fanning breaths Y/n let out against it.
Was it right? Minji was hurting so Y/nwouldn’t. 
It made her swallow and move in the bed, slowly pulling away the girl she thought was asleep. Y/n didn’t bother letting her know that she couldn’t sleep. She preferred to pretend that she was asleep so she wouldn’t have to acknowledge that she was hurting Minji. 
The older one got out of bed after placing Y/n’s head on one of her pillows, the covers in her bedroom always lingered with her scent. She pulled the duvet over her naked body so she wouldn’t get cold without her by her side.
Minji slipped on her shorts and tee before grabbing a towel on her way out of the bedroom. 
There was an awkward moment when she walked out of the room, her friend coming out of hers at the same time. It wasn’t hard to tell which one didn’t want to talk at all at the moment because no type of solace would change where her heart was and what would happen to it. The walk to the bathroom was watched by a look of pity before she stood under the pouring water that masked her tears. 
It felt right but at the same time wrong. Her eyes would be so tender, but her tears would be so acidic that they stung when they touched Minji’s skin. It left her hurting just as much as Y/n was and she was taking it every time because she couldn’t help but to do so. It frustrated her as she tried to give her comfort to the condescending pain all while knowing that she wasn’t the person Y/n wanted comfort from. No matter how hard she would try, there would always be a gap she wouldn’t be able to fill simply because her name wasn’t significant to Y/n’s tattoo.
She had known from the start that she would let Y/n break her heart and now it was happening. Minji was willingly putting herself through this for Y/n even if her sobs left her swallowing the steaming water. Even if each sob filled her lungs and left her feeling like she was drowning in pity and pain. It was crashing right through her, ripping every part of her to shreds, rotors snatching her and tearing her limbs apart, but it was all fine as long as she managed to flash some light through the cracks in Y/n. It was fine if the water would get coloured with cherry wine as long as Y/n would be happy drinking it. 
It was always a moment of build-up until it stopped only to resume again when Minji laid Y/n down. She pulled the duvet over them to keep the heat between them and not let it run away. Her eyes fell on Y/n while she held onto her still-hard cock and guided it back to her entrance, this time pushing in with more ease as the girl’s walls were accommodated to her thickness and length. 
Y/n gasped, her back arching into Minji, her chest pressing against hers with her arms wrapping around her back while Minji clenched the sheets in her fist by the vixen’s head. It always made her veins fill with these forbidden things, chemicals Y/n made cruise through her body and they would bulge, barely containing themselves within her and not exploding. Her cock buried deep inside the girl right away and she leaned down, kissing Y/n as she started to move her hips.
The bed creaked more, the headboard thudding against the wall and it was hard to continue kissing Y/n when the girl always left her breathless, sucking her soul out. It was as if all blood drained from her heart because it squeezed so hard whenever she was with Y/n. Nails ran down her back, always being the only sign of Y/n ever even stopping by her place together with the scent she would leave lingering on her sheets. 
Her hips met Y/n’s who only spread her legs further, balls slapping against her skin as Minji continued to drill into her cunt. Her fingers played with the bundle of nerves that deserved as much attention to bring Y/n to the edge with her tip stroking at her g-spot. Minji’s face fell into the crook of Y/n’s neck to muffle her sounds, biting down on her shoulder and letting out muffled groans and grunts that pushed out from the back of her throat every time she slammed her cock deep inside the girl. 
The girl moaned, heaving under Minji at the way she was pistoning in and out of her, the tension quickly grew. Her hips pushed up into the hand, but barely as the force of each thrust was holding her down and nailing her into the bed. “Fuck, I’m so close, Min–you fuck me so good.” Y/n’s voice was almost a cry as the next moans weren’t ones she could hold back as her orgasm was approaching, making her back arch more and her hands grasped onto the back that flexed with each thrust, pulling the girl on top closer. 
The covers rested by Minji’s hips, barely staying on from the rough trusts. Her cock dragged along Y/n’s tight walls that were sucking her in. Each thrust left her to pant for air to continue fucking her at the pace. Her hips sped up before slowing down, making sure that Y/n felt her everywhere and that she touched her insides the right way which made her bulge with each deep thrust. The headboard banged against her wall following the rhythm together with the squeaks it let out and leaving its marks on the wall.
She sloppily kissed along the vixen’s shoulder and up to her neck before pulling away to look at Y/n. “Show me how good you feel, Y/n, come around my cock.” Minji groaned, it was almost aching from how her skin was colliding with Y/n’s. The lewd sounds of their wet skin slapping echoed around her room which was filled with these emotions that would leave a mess after them. It would be a beautiful murder scene as someone would die by the end of the night unless something would turn around. 
Her hips rolled into Y/n, fucking deep into her, each thrust hard but tender with care to make her feel good and not hurt her. It made Y/n’s thighs quiver as they locked around Minji, her walls tightening and throbbing as she reached the peak, falling right from it at such speed that her eyes rolled back, head thrown back into the pillow. Minji drowned in Y/n, watching how she managed to fuck her to forget everything and only slowing down when the girl was whimpering and panting for air. 
The way Y/n spasmed at the touch made her remove her hand from the girl’s clit. Minji was close to collapsing at how she had been holding back to have Y/n finish. She huffed, hand falling beside Y/n’s head and bunching up the pillow case in her fists. Arms were still wrapped around her back, holding her close as her breathing grew heavier, her dick growing harder with her balls tightening. 
“Fuck–” She groaned out, stuttering into Y/n with her head falling into the crook of the vixen’s neck. Her cum filling the condom as spurt after spurt shot out her tip that was engulfed by Y/n’s pulsating walls. “Fuck,” she breathed out, falling out of breath, losing her thoughts as it just spilled out of her mouth this time without Y/n being able to prevent the worst from happening.
“I love you.” 
She could feel the way Y/n tensed up at the words she knew would come at some point. Her body slumped down against Y/n’s as she pulled out before her dick could go fully limp–quickly getting rid of the condom that landed in the bin by her bed. It removed one weight off of her chest, but put a new one on it, a much heavier one. 
Y/n’s fingers ran through Minji’s hair, caressing her scalp as silence fell upon them while they tried to catch their breath in a room where all the oxygen had been stolen. 
Minji let out a shaky breath at the way the heaviness had eased on her chest but became heavier right after. That fear grew in her, but she knew what it was. She was fine with her heart being broken by Y/n as she took in the scent that was comforting as it layered on the vixen’s skin. The comfort of something that was almost like a home, she had been homesick for so long, and there was Y/n. It made the tears well up in her eyes as she had found the home she had been so homesick for–
“I love you.” She repeated.
“I know Minji, I’m sorry.” The words were so tender, they left through a small rasp, they soothed yet they bruised as her heart fell into a rhythm that held the heaviness of a broken world. The words didn’t fill any cracks in Minji’s heart but only pushed through them and left them bigger, scarring it, leaving it much more difficult to mend than it should be.
–Only for it to not be a home. 
“You won’t leave?” Minji asked, not daring to move as she was scared that she would crumble to pieces if she did and Y/n moved away to leave. 
The vixen could feel Minji’s tears that brushed her skin, which fell along the skin they knew they didn’t belong on. Her eyes stared at the ceiling which became a blur unless she blinked her eyes and cleared them of the hotness that gathered in them. Her fingers scratched Minji’s damp scalp comfortingly despite not being able to be her comfort. 
“No.” Her lips found their way to the top of her head, kissing it gently. Not being able to kiss the pain away. 
“Promise.” Minji rasped. All she could do was hope and wait for Y/n to stop being hurt by the past. To let Minji in. It wasn’t even about being hurt anymore. It wasn’t about Minji. It never had been. The older one knew that. She knew that and still let Y/n hurt her because she let her do it when Y/n never wanted to hurt her in the first place. She knew that she would get hurt if she fell for someone who was already hurting, it was a disease. 
Minji had taken the wrong turn when she decided to get involved with someone who looked like she would break her heart. When she fell for someone who would break her heart. When she fell for someone who still loved her past. When she found a home in a pair of arms that were still holding onto their old home. 
“I promise.” She let out a shuddering breath, closing her eyes and forcing the tears through the cracks that were appearing in her heart. Something hurt, she couldn’t tell what it was anymore, but it was enough to make her realise that she had never truly been in love before until she met someone who would break her heart from the start. It didn’t allow her to be angry with Y/n, she knew that it was solely her fault that she was hurting and not the vixens. 
She snivelled, the tears only falling harder as she tried to hold back on her cries that left her lower lip trembling. Her body rolled over to the side and her arms wrapped around Y/n’s shoulders who snaked her arms around Minji’s waist. Her tears fell onto the top of Y/n’s head, taking in her scent to try and calm down, but it only reminded her of all that she had possibly lost but would wait for her to find back to Minji if it was possible. 
Y/n’s head nestled under her chin, making her close her eyes as she wished that she could provide the home that Y/n wanted but she would never be able to become. 
She never thought that tears could sting so much, that something salty could turn bitter and sour yet carry a sweet undertone because she had been aware of the outcome all along. It was expected yet it hurt so much that it almost felt good to finally go through it and not have to dread it anymore. It wasn’t something she had to be worried about anymore as the pain finally came and she didn’t have to spend every day waiting for it to finally hit her. 
Minji wanted to look at Y/n, to look into her eyes once more, to kiss her, look at her beautiful face and get lost in the girl to ease the pain that was spreading through her body like a burning fire, leaving nothing but burn marks from the damage it created. That burning passion got out of control when Y/n wasn’t able to keep it in her hold. 
She couldn’t though, she was too scared to look at her and see her not even feel the slightest bit of what she felt for her. Scared to not see her eyes slightly glossy. Scared to not see the girl at least slightly hurting because she wants to love her but maybe is just too scared and not because she loves someone else. 
She fell asleep with the promise in her heart, with the thoughts that she could wait for Y/n and she would stay until she would say it right back.
The problem was that she met Y/n too early, and said those words too late despite there not being any space in between to say them. It was wrong from the start and she had been aware of it.
It wasn’t long until she woke up because she always did when her arms felt empty, especially when she knew that Y/n was supposed to be sleeping in the same bed as her. Her bed was empty though when she tried to find the girl and pull her back into her arms. A knot tied around her heart with a brick tied to it as it dropped to the pits of hell while getting torn by everything on its way down.
It was a broken promise as she opened her eyes in the dark room and the only thing that hadn’t left was Y/n’s scent. There wasn’t a fight to put up when her eyes teared up and burned down her cheeks. Her fingers were trembling as she felt weak at the pain, the despair her body was put through, the agony of losing something she never even truly got to have. 
Minji turned on the bedside lamp, a lump in her throat that was her heart, desperately trying to push out her body and escape through her mouth. The beating was heavy, sounding in her ears, muffling everything else as she wiped at her eyes while sniffling. Her blurred vision fell on the two polaroids as the one with Y/n was flipped over and she took it, clenching her trembling jaw as the tears rolled down the side of her face and were soaked up by her pillow that was the only offer of wiping them for her. Y/n wasn’t there to wipe them. Her other hand grabbed the pillow Y/n had been lying on, hugging it and burying her nose in it while she looked at what had been written on the photo. 
I’m sorry
She still saved the picture, it was her only picture of Y/n in the end as she stared at it while slowly crumbling as her body started to shake from how she tried to contain her sobs. The picture of Y/n. 
The girl who left her, Y/n left her for someone she had been longing for, leaving Minji to long for her now. 
She hadn’t been wrong when she was sure that Y/n was in love too every time she looked her in the eye. It was just that she hadn’t been in love with Minji, that love in her eyes had been for someone else all along. It was so strong that it even stayed when she was with someone else, fooling Minji into believing that it could be her. 
Was it because of a simple text that read;
I still love you
What if Minji had told Y/n how she felt sooner?
Would she maybe leave her past behind and consider a future with Minji instead?
It all created more lumps in her throat and more tears ran down her face until a sob finally fell through her lips and she buried her face in the pillow while clutching her only photo of the girl who broke her heart. The girl tried her best to ease the pain that pulsated on her chest, rubbing at it while crying for someone who wouldn't show up.
Because…What if?
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iveantive · 9 months
Prompt: Hanni comes home earlier than expected
Minji gets caught humping Hannis favorite bunny plushie
TW: g!p, mommy kink, overstimulation, humiliation, light breath play, dirty talk, degradation, crying, humping, hand jobs, cum licking, cock warming
Minji missed Hanni.
Plain and simple, she missed her. 
Truthfully Hanni had only been gone on a solo schedule for a few days and was due to come back early in the morning. And the younger girl had made the effort to call Minji every night despite how tired they both were after their respective long days. 
But Nevertheless, Minji missed Hanni. Hearing her voice over the shitty speakers of her phone just couldn’t compete with how she sounded when she was talking to her in real life. She couldn’t hear the tiny breaths she’d let out mid-sentences. She couldn’t hear the quiet laughs she let out when she said something funny. Or more so, her failed attempts at making a joke. 
She just couldn’t get Hanni out of her head, no matter how hard she tried. She really did try to distract herself by making herself spend overtime in the practice room learning the dance for their new comeback ahead of time, playing on her Nintendo Switch, and even hanging out with the younger members even though it was also their days off. Trying her best to distract her mind off the girl she missed the most. 
And doing that for the past couple of days did work for the most part.
But, as the current day began to draw to a close, and the younger members were washing up and heading off to their respective rooms, Minji felt all alone again.
She had been tossing and turning in bed for the past hour. She just couldn’t fall asleep without the comfort of Hanni next to her. She had tried to call Hanni prior to trying to go to sleep, but the younger didn’t pick up. Which Minji knew she was probably on the plane coming back now, but she thought she’d try anyways, only to not prevail. 
That’s how she found herself getting out of bed, leaving her room, and making her way down the hallway till she was standing outside of Hanni's room. There was no harm in just laying in her bed, so she was there when she got back in the morning, right? Minji thought to herself. 
After mulling it over in her head for a few moments, Minji had made up her mind. With her hand on the door handle, she opened the door and was immediately hit with the warm, inviting scent of a mixture of vanilla and citrus. The scent that always lingered when Hanni was around. 
Only except this time she wasn’t. 
Minji was enveloped in the scent she loved most, without the girl she needed most. It only made her miss the younger even more. 
Before she knew it, she had made her way into Hanni's room, closed the door behind her, and flopped on top of the mint sheets of her bed. Getting surrounded by the various bunny plushies that covered her bed. 
The plushie's scent engulfed all her senses; she dug her face deeper into the fur of the plushies. So soft and inviting, they smelled so much like the younger girl, she wanted to get even closer. 
Before Minji knew it, she felt an all too familiar pulsing in her sleep shorts. 
“No, no, no, not right now” Minji leaned up from her place on the bed and let out a huff. Mentally punching herself in the face, did she really miss Hanni that much? 
She sat in the center of the bed, trying to think about something to get her mind off her hardening dick, hoping it would go down. But, it seemed that god wasn’t on her side at the moment because after a few minutes went by, her dick was still twitching in her shorts, begging for some attention. 
Now debating in her head what to do, she glanced at the clock Hanni had on her nightstand reading 3:06 am. The younger members would be long asleep, exhausted from their busy day. What was the harm in jerking off in your girlfriend's room while she's gone? Minji thought. An early riser by nature, she could definitely wake up, change the sheets and slip back into her room without anyone noticing, she convinced herself.
The throbbing in her shorts getting harder and harder for her to ignore. She let out a sigh and slipped her hand beneath the fabric of her sleep shorts, feeling that, yep, her boner definitely wasn’t going down anytime soon. So, she began to palm herself over the of her boxers. Letting out a low moan as the fabric of her boxers rubbed against her shaft. 
She slipped her hand beneath her boxers, letting out a breath of relief. Taking her bare cock in her hand, jerking it from the base to the tip. Her fingertips were already getting covered in the precum leaking from her tip. 
Her shorts and boxers proved to be in the way of her ministrations. So, she took her hand out of them before taking them off and tossing them to the side. They were now tomorrow morning's problem. The cool air of the room caused her cock to twitch even more with anticipation. She took the length back into her hand, collecting the clear fluid leaking steadily, then spreading it on her hard length. 
She tried to picture that it was Hanni in the room with her, jerking her off instead of herself. She tried to imagine the times that the younger girl had gotten her off in secret. Thinking back to the time she and Hanni had slipped away during a rehearsal, she had gotten so overwhelmed that day by the way Hanni had been very clearly feeling the music with how she’d sway her hips to the beat of the song. 
She imagined how the younger girl was between her legs looking up at her with those bright brown eyes. With her much smaller and softer hands around her cock, jerking her off. Thinking about how Hanni always knew how to maneuver her hands in a way that always got her off embarrassingly in minutes. 
Minji’s strokes had started a comfortable pace, biting her lip with her eyebrows furrowed deep in her own imagination. Surrounded by the scent that she loved most in the world. She could feel herself getting closer and closer to her ever-approaching orgasm. She started jerking faster. Stroking her cock from the base to the tip, rubbing her thumb over the slit, making herself shutter. 
But, after another minute of the pace she set, she groaned in frustration. She just couldn’t cum. The fact that it was her own hand stroking her cock just wasn’t doing it for her. It just wasn’t the same as having Hanni’s hands around her. 
She needed something more. 
With her hand still firmly on her cock, giving it a few languid strokes. She got up and kneeled on the bed, facing the various bunny plushies before her. Before one of them caught her eye, it was the one Hanni always kept in her arms while they cuddled, the one she always faced the other away when they were doing…… things. Minji never really understood why Hanni would turn the plushies away, stopping no matter what they were doing, just to face them the other way. But she always obliged, wanting to make her happy. 
As if she was under some sort of spell or in the guise of nothing but pure lust, she grabbed the bunny plush with her free hand and set it just below her cock. Staring at it for a couple of moments, was she really about to do this?
Her body seemingly making her mind up for her, she dipped her hips down, letting the fur of the plushie graze against her cock. Giving her a sensation she hadn’t had before. 
But what she did know was that she liked it. 
She started to lightly grind against the bunny, the fur of the plushie tickling her and globs of precum dripping onto the poor bunny. Yeah, she was definitely going to have to wash this later. 
Repositioning herself so she was now basically straddling the plush, with it between her thigh and her arms holding her up as leverage. Having already been close before, Her hips were grinding at an inconsistent pace, teetering somewhere between enough and not enough.
Feeling her arms start to tense up out of exertion, she grabbed one of the pillows closest to her and pressed her face against the pillow with her arms resting upon it. Upon inhaling, her nose became enveloped in the scent of the citrus-scented conditioner Hanni always used.
“Hanni… Hanni…. Hanni,” Minji whimpered, thankfully the pillow muffling the noises falling from her mouth. 
She dug her face deeper into the pillow, wanting more of the scent. At the same time, she ground harder and deeper against the plushie. The soft fur mixed with her precum combined with the friction she was providing had her hips stuttering. She imagined that it was the younger girl below her instead. Minji absolutely loved being inside Hanni. She always felt so warm and wet around her. She could stay inside her forever and be content. Although, Hanni was always reluctant about it, only letting her be inside when she was being good. 
She continued the pace, finding just the right angle where the fabric of the plushie would drag against her sensitive tip in just the right way. She didn’t care how pathetic she looked in this moment. Being surrounded by the scent that by all means was purely Hanni, and picturing in her mind it was the younger girl she was defiling. Her hips began to falter in intensity. Whimpering into the pillow below her as she came erupting onto the poor bunny plush. 
It wasn’t the same, not even close. The plushie didn’t provide the warm, comforting feeling that Hanni did. And it seemed like her cock was agreeing with her, with the way it hadn’t gone down, even after just cumming.  
But, somehow, in a sick way, with the added fluid from her load, the plushie felt even better pressed up against her. At a much slower pace than before, she dragged her hips against the soiled fabric of the plush and ground on it languidly, wishing it was Hanni. 
For now, though, the bunny plushie would have to do. 
Unbeknownst to her, Hanni's manager had managed to get her on a plane back home ahead of schedule, and she was getting taken back to the dorm earlier than previously expected. And after a hectic last few days, she was ready to pass out and sleep.
Upon unlocking and entering the dorm, it was just as she expected. It was completely dark and silent. Not a light could be seen, or a sound could be heard other than the low hum of the air conditioner and the nightlight they kept in the kitchen because Haerin loved the occasional midnight snack. But, seeing as it was nearing 4 am, her members were long asleep.
As quietly as possible, she rolled her suitcase into the living room through the hallway passing by the other girl's rooms, until she reached hers at the end of the hallway. As her hand was on the doorknob and she was about to open the door, she could just make out the sound of faint whimpering coming from the other side.
And upon hearing the noises, she quietly opened the door, where she was faced with Minji with her face pushed into one of her pillows, naked from the waist down, grinding on top of one of her beloved bunny plushies. Letting out little whimpers every time her hips would dip down against the fur of the plush. And by the way, she didn’t stop her movements. She hadn’t heard Hanni come in. 
So, Hanni quietly pushed her suitcase into the corner of the room and walked over to the edge of the bed. 
“What do we have here” Hanni spoke loud enough to ensure she snapped Minji out of whatever lust-filled imagination she was in. 
Causing Minji’s movements to come to a complete halt. Before, she mentally prepared herself and was able to muster the courage to lift her head off the pillow. She looked up at Hanni, who was standing over her, looking at the state she was in. 
Hanni was met with the older girl looking up at her with those big brown eyes of hers, with her hair messy, a few strands stuck to her sweat-coated skin. 
“I-i-i,” Minji stuttered. 
“All you had to do was wait one more night for me to come back, and you couldn’t even do that,” Hanni scoffed. 
“I-i’m sorry,” Minji muttered out, avoiding eye contact with the younger. 
“Yeah? Clearly, you’re not” Hanni couldn’t help but laugh, as for lack of better terms, pushed her off the poor bunny plush. Holding it in front of Minji, showing her how soiled the plush was with her cum. 
“How many times did you cum? Don’t lie to me” She threw the plush back at Minji, seeing the tears well up in her eyes. 
“Tw-twice, th-three times. I-i- don’t k-know” 
Hanni just scoffed at her. Before she took notice that throughout this entire time, Minji had gotten hard again. 
“So, fucking pathetic, already came three times, and you’re hard again,” Hanni rasped. As she got on top of her bed, joining the older, now sitting beside Minji. She reached one of her hands in between the legs of Minji, lightly wrapping her fingers around the base of her cock. Elicting in a loud moan from the older.
“S-sensitive,” she mumbled 
“This is what you wanted, though?” 
“I know you were thinking about me while you ruined my plushies, right?” Hanni spat. 
Earning no response from Minji, she tightened her grip around the base of her length. 
“I said right”
“Mmm- R-right,” Minji whimpered. 
Hanni smirked as she started to move her hand on Minjis cock. Her cock was still wet, covered in her own fluids from her previous ministrations. Moving her hand from the base to the tip was proving to be easy. 
“So, fucking filthy, you should be thankful I'm even touching you,” Hanni rasped. As she dragged the fingertip of her thumb over the red tip, collecting the globs of pre cum spilling out of the older. 
“Mmm, tha-thank y-you, Mommy,” Minji whimpered, her eyes fluttering closed, With her fingernails digging into the sheets below her. A smile grew on Hanni's face at the familiar name. In response, she started to pump the olders cock at a steady pace.
She looked over at Minji, who was biting her lip, trying to hold in the little whimpers falling from her mouth. Her face contorted in pleasure with every movement on her length. Hanni leaned over, letting a line of spit draw from her mouth, flowing onto her cock. 
“Hnng, m-mommy, pl-please. Wa-wanna c-cum” the older girl babbled. Her body started to thrash under Hanni’s touch.
“Stop it. You don’t get to tell mommy what to do” Hanni roughly gripped her cock.
“Ah-ah, I’m so-sorry mo-mommy,” She hiccuped. 
Hanni herself could feel her panties starting to flood with wetness. She was entranced watching Minji writhe under her touch. The lack of action the past few days starting to get to her too. 
The joint combination of her own salvia, new precum, and leftover cum was providing more than enough slickness for her hand to smoothly glide over her dick. The lewd sound of Hanni's hand moving up and down Minjis cock filled the room as she quickened her pace. 
Minji's hips started to buck up into Hanni's fist. Taking the opportunity, she used her thumb to rub the red tip while tightening her grip and pumping her hand faster. The older girl let out a flurry of whimpers and whines, partnered with tears that were threatening to be released at any second. 
“Cum, for mommy, baby boy,” Hanni rasped into Minjis ear. Letting out a loud whimper while her tears were beginning to pour over as ropes of cum began to erupt from her cock. White globs of cum landed on the fabric of her sweatshirt-clad torso while the remaining fluid flowed down her cock, and onto Hanni's hand. 
Minji slumped back against the pillows of the bed. Letting out sniffles while tears continued to flow from her eyes. Simutesnly trying to catch her breath.
“Aww baby boy, look at the mess you made” Hanni held up her hand, which was dripping in the older girl's cum. A blush of red began to make its way up Minji’s cheeks as she tried to dig her chin into the fabric of her hoodie. As if she was a dog hiding from her owner after getting scolded. While looking at her cum ridden hand, a devious thought popped into Hanni’s head.
She took her clean hand and took Minji's chin, forcing her to look at the mess she had made on her other hand. 
“Open” Hanni’s tone was sinster.
Minji’s eyes teetered from side to side as she just barely noticeably shook her head no. But Hanni was not having any of it. She lowered her hand from the older girl's chin to her neck and lightly, with her fingers and thumb, squeezed the sides of her neck.
“Be a good boy, and listen to mommy,” Hanni rasped.
With tears still staining her cheeks and another set prickling in her eyes. Minji wanted to be Hanni's good boy, so she parted her lips slightly. A despicable smirk formed on Hanni’s face as she let her fingertips slide past the olders lips. 
“Clean it all up. If you’re good for Mommy, maybe, I’ll let you fuck me,” Hanni cooed.
Minji perked up hearing that. And she began gliding her tongue over the digits. Tasting her own sweet yet salty load, the sight was filthy. But, with the way Hanni’s eyes were trained on her every movement, looking at her with nothing but enthrallment, she couldn’t stop. She wanted to please her mommy. She wanted to be a good boy for her.
She parted her lips, engulfing Hanni’s fingers in her mouth. Licking and slurping between the crevices of her fingers. Before she retreated back, a string of drool connected from her lips to the digits. 
“So messy for mommy, just a little more baby boy” Hanni used her free hand to wipe away the drool that was dripping from her lips. With her eyes clouded and a shaky nod, Minji once again parted her lips, sticking out her tongue every so slightly. 
Dipping her head slightly to get the perfect angle. With a long swipe of her tongue, she licked up the last of the remaining cum, that coated the back of the youngers hand. Hanni had taken note of how during this time, the older girl's cock had begun to start to harden again.
“My baby boy is such a pervert. Getting off to licking your own cum, so dirty,” Hanni mocked. Tears welled in Minjis eyes, but she couldn’t do anything but take it. Getting up from the bed. She could feel Minji’s eyes on her, watching her every movement as she stripped her clothes off, tossing them aside.
Making her way back onto the bed, she straddled Minji’s lap. “Already hard again. You came what? Three, four times? You really missed mommy that much?”.
“P-please, m-mommy. I-i want,” Minji babbled while reaching out to Hanni. She smiled at how pathetic the older girl was acting for her. 
“Okay, baby boy, only because you’re so cute” She used one of her hands, cradling Minji’s chin. 
She began to shallowly grind on the older girl's lap. Spreading her hot wet core on the latter's cock. Making her whimper at the movements “Pl-please m-mommy inside.”
Deciding to have some mercy on Minji, she reached down between them, took hold of her cock, and lined up the tip with her core. Before she slowly inserted the tip, making the poor girl thrash and whimper beneath her. Hanni, on the other hand, was biting her lip, quivering at the thick length breaching her pussy. After nearly a week of no action, the older girl felt even bigger than usual inside her. 
“Give mommy a second, baby boy. You’re doing so good”.
Minji gripped the sheets below her, trying to resist the urge to thrust into the heat as Hanni started to slowly feed more of her length into her waiting core. 
Leaning down, she gave Minji a peck on the lips. She started circling her hips, feeling the thick length pressing against the most sensitive parts of her. She dragged her hips up until just the tip was inside her before drawing them back down until she reached her hilt. Their hips connect, with Minji oh so deep inside of her.
“Filling mommy up so well, can you make mommy cum baby boy?” 
“Need mommy to tell me what to do” She blushed. Fuck she's so cute, Hanni thought to herself.
“Thrust up into the heat, just like we practiced, okay?” Hanni cooed. 
Minji tried her best to think back to the times when they were together, and Hanni had to tell her step by step exactly what to do. Not letting her cum until she did exactly what she wanted. It didn’t matter how often the younger girl made her practice her thrusts in front of her from fleshlights to the real thing. She knows her mommy knows what's best for her. 
And she was always one to please her Mommy, so Minji nodded as she planted her feet on the bed. And started to thrust into Hanni's waiting core. She was trying her best to only focus on her length going in and out of the younger girl. Focusing on trying to only make her mommy cum. 
But, it was backfiring on her. The overwhelming feeling of warmth from Hanni's core as her cock plunged in and out was too much. Truly no matter how many times she practiced with Hanni and with herself, it never compared to the real thing. 
Hanni’s pussy was squeezing her cock so tightly. The wet and warm heat made her see stars as she thrust. The younger girl had taken notice of how absolutely gone Minji looked. Her head tilted back against the pillow, with her mouth hung open. 
Until she felt an eruption of a warm feeling inside of her, followed by a loud whimper from Minji. She had came again. Shooting rope after rope of cum inside her pussy. How the older girl was able to cum this much after already cumming four times four times previously, she had no idea. But it was safe to say it was one of the best things about her. Judging how even after she had cum so much, her length still stood hard and throbbing inside her cunt. 
“Aww, baby boy. You came again,” Hanni put on a fake disappointed tone as she shook her head. 
“I-i’m sorry, Mommy, f-felt so good,” Minji whimpered, tears prickling from her eyes. She wasn’t sure if it was from disobeying her mommy or from sheer overstimulation.
“It's okay, baby. I know you missed me” Hanni pressed another kiss on her lips before she started grinding her hips again. 
“But mommy still hasn’t cum yet,” She rasped into Minjis ear. 
By this point, Minji was tired. Her cock was sore, and it was all starting to feel too much. But, of course, she still wanted to make her mommy happy and be her good boy. 
Having had her fun with the older girl, Hanni was now after her own orgasm. As she harshly ground on her poor cock. Then bouncing atop of her, letting Minji’s cock hit her where she needed it most. Hanni could feel herself quickly approaching her orgasm. Her body fell atop the girl below her. Luckily just in time, she was able to catch herself. Her arms kept her up as they were pressed against the sheets next to Minjis's head. 
“Give mommy one more. Cum with me, baby boy. You can do that, right?” Hanni, barely able to keep it together herself, whined. 
Minji nodded. She reached her arms around Hanni, keeping her close. This is what she wanted. She loved the feeling of them being connected to one another. The way she could feel the labored breaths she was letting out against her ear. But, at the same time, it was overwhelming. She could feel Hanni getting tighter and tighter as she approached her peak. 
“Just a little more, baby boy,” Hanni just barely was able to squeak out. Her body lost itself as her peak neared. 
Even though the searing pain in her cock was telling Minji to stop, she kept going trying her best to work in conjunction with Hanni's movements. 
With one last deep thrust, she felt Hanni unravel on top of her. Her arms gave out, her body flopping on top of her. Orgasming with a loud gasp, with her pussy contracting in pleasure around her cock. Sending Minji into her own orgasm. The tears that had been building in her eyes were finally being shed as she shot her load into the girl above. Her orgasm, this time not being as strong as before, was just as overwhelming. 
They stayed in that position for a while, each trying to catch their breath. At Some point, Hanni’s arms had wrapped around Minji's torso. Her head was buried in the crook of the older girl's neck. At the same time, Minji kept her body steady with an arm on her lower back.
After a few more moments had passed, Hanni was able to come to. Looking at Minji, she saw how her face was stained with tears, and her cheeks still flushed red. She was able to reach one of her hands up and ever so slightly wipe away the fallen tears. She heard the older girl let out a sigh of contentment. Hanni couldn’t help but smile at the way she leaned into her touch and tightened her arm around her. 
The uncomfortable position they were laying in started to impact her. Her other hand was trapped beneath the girl, that was acting very bear-like at the moment. With the way her body was pressing down on her arm and the way, she was exhaling into little grunts. She tried to remove herself from Minji until she heard the girl beneath her let out a whimper. 
“Mmmm, no, Mommy, too sensitive,” She protested. And How could Hanni argue with that? 
However, Minji knowing how uncomfortable the position must be for Hanni, maneuvered them ever so slightly so that they were both laying on their side, with Hanni's head resting against her chest. Her arms still holding her tightly around her waist, with them still connected together.
Basking in the post nut glory, or more so the post six nuts glory, Minji rested her chin on Hanni’s head, planting a soft kiss on her head until she heard Hanni say something barely audible.
“You’re buying me a new plushie.”  
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yunjinkisses · 5 months
spoiled brat female reader and brat tamer g!p minji smut 🤗 i need minji to put me in my place after spending money on shopping !! >_<
Spoiled brat F reader x G!p tamer kim minji
ahead: brat taming,pet names,g!p,slight mommy kink,cream pie,slight humiliation
hope you enjoy!,first time writing brat reader so i hope it’s okay
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i was out shopping with my girlfriend minji,aswell as our friends ,danielle,hanni,haerin,and hyein
“hmm go try this on baby,i wanna see how you look in it”
minji handed me a bag with something in it
i gave her a kiss on the cheek as i entered the dressing room
i peeked my head out the dressing room
“minji baby..can you at least turn everyone else around , this is embarrassing..”
“oh come on darling,i think it’s cute!”
“but minji..”
i started to throw a bit of a fit
“come out now.”
i got flustered an just opened the curtains,everyone’s eyes widened as i came out,hanni immediately covered hyeins eyes
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“see don’t you look adorable~”
i was avoiding eye contact and blushing
“minji can i change now..”
“alright fine , but we aren’t done shopping! , i wanna spoil you today!”
i got a bit excited at that
-end of the shopping day-
me and minji got to our room,she really did spend a lot of money on me today
“minji , don’t you think you spent too much money on me today? maybe i should get you something in return!”
“darling it’s fine , i only got you cute outfits”
me and minji sat down for a bit watching television
but i started to throw a tantrum
“minji can you come closer?”
“baby i’m right here”
“but i want you to hold me,god why can’t you fucking listen.”
“god your so needy,such a brat.”
i rolled my eyes and threw more of a fit that lasted at least ten minutes
“you wanna be a needy brat? fine come here.”
i gulped nervously as minji pointed to sit on her lap , i hesitantly sat down on her lap
she whispered into my ear
“look into the mirror for me”
i looked over at the body long mirror positioned at me and minji,i could see us both on the edge of the bed
“i’m gonna fuck you and put you in your place,and you’re gonna watch.”
i gulped,i could feel myself getting wet.
she started to trail her hands under my shirt and unclasp my bra , she played with my nipples making me whimper and squirm
“m-minji..can you..stop f-fucking t-teasing!”
“gonna be a bratty bitch? this is what brats get.”
she pulled my skirt up,and pushed my panties to the side,and swiftly inserted a finger inside my wet cunt
“minji! fuck!~”
“keep your eyes on the prize baby doll”
i could feel her getting hard beneath me , but i wasn’t gonna give in so easily
“fuck..minji , did you have t-to be s-such an a-asshole..t-today..”
“i was just simply trying to be nice darling~”
she sped up her pace as i watched her fingers move in and out of me in the mirror , i felt myself getting close,but she knew that so she pulled out
“you bitch,what the fuck was that for?”
“get on your back for mommy”
“what- no the fuck-“
she pushed my back onto the bed,making me groan unexpectedly , she started to undo her pants and boxers and take her shirt off , and than crawl ontop of me
“if you’d stop being a brat,maybe i’d let you cum.”
“i’m not being a brat.”
she than leaned down to kiss my lips,biting them a bit , making me moan,as she put her 10 inch hard cock inside me,making my eyes shoot open
she didn’t move inside me
“can you fucking move already”
“say it nicely now..”
“just move.”
“that’s not how we ask”
“can you please move.”
“hm i think i want a bit more than that “
“definitely not”
“i guess your not gonna cum”
“wait!- fine.. please fuck me..mommy..”
“that’s a good puppy~”
she started to slowly thrust into me holding my hips , making my breaths get a bit heavier
“fuck..minji..please more”
“i see we’re learning how to act!,good girl!~”
she started to thrust harder and faster
“m-mhm! m-minji~ please..g-gonna..c-cum”
“don’t cum just yet darling,i wanna cum with you”
it was hard for me to hold it in , but i had to
minji took out her phone and started to record me
“smile for the camera y/n!”
i covered my face quickly and looked away “
“oh come on,don’t act like you don’t like getting bred by mommy~”
she started to squeeze my hip with her hand , and go harder and faster ,making my eyes roll and me grip the sheets
“now pose~”
all i could do is just put up a peace sigh while getting brutally pounded by my girlfriend,she than put her camera away and kept her grip on my hips
“i’m close baby , im gonna fill you up ~”
“p-please , fill me , fill my bratty pussy up~”
she thrusted hard one last time making us both cum
she pulled out and licked some of the leaking cum out of me up,making me squirm
“ see that wasn’t so bad?”
i just shook my head as she climbed into bed and cuddled me
but i knew that video was gonna be sent to hanni later
side thing
hanni had a message , she had seen minji sent her a video , she opened it and her eyes went wide ,she knew she was gonna masturbate to this later
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junethestudent · 5 months
Hlo~ Mercy
May I request
GP Dreamcatcher reaction to their gf wanting to have sex for the 3rd time in a day? Like them whining and whimpering complaining that their needy?
June Note: Hi okay I’ve been waiting for someone to ask me to write for Dreamcatcher!
ALSO- I apologize for taking so long to respond, I’ve been very busy at work.
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JiU comes off as caring and considerate but she definitely wouldn’t hesitate to fuck up your hole for the third time-
I feel as if she would ask embarrassing questions and whisper sweet nothings in your ear to get a rise out of you..
“Are you really sure you want me to pound your pussy again?”
“If it’s what you want then of course baby.”
JiU would take it slow as your bodies get back into the rhythm of it, constantly checking on your wellbeing. But as the pace quickens you would be fucking like horny animals..
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SuA would make you beg for her while she degrades you for being such a horny slut.
“All you’re good for is fucking y’know? Such a worthless slut like you.. of course you want my cock again. Needy whore~”
She would cock her head back and moan as you clench against her length, her hands rubbing the small of your back.
“Are you getting all tight around mommy’s dick? Do you want mommy to paint your pussy white?”
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Similar to SuA, Siyeon is dominant and rough. The difference is that she praises you instead of degrading you.
“You want me again? You’re so sweet to me baby, you wanna please my cock for the third time?”
As she pounds into you she runs her fingers through your hair and tucks her head into your neck.
“Tell me where it feels the best. It must be here because every time my tip hits you twitch.. should I stop?”
She definitely teases you during sex-
She holds the back of your neck down and pulls her drenched cock out, slapping the head against your swollen clit.
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Handong is more considerate and would easy-going about it, responding positively. Her main goal is pleasing you, although she is excited that your pussy is wrapped around her cock again.
“Tell me what feels best for you.. ‘wanna make you feel good,” she’d whisper in your ear while slowly entering you.
She is shy switch in my opinion. Although she is mainly dominant as it is her main goal to fulfill all of your needs.
Every time you touch her she moans and buries her cock deeper inside you until her balls are squished against your ass.
“Am I doing okay? Is it good?”
She’d sound so desperate too.
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Shy bottom. I’m not debating, I am saying. But Yooh could switch if you asked her to.
“You mean like.. you want it inside you again? My cock?”
She would do that nervous chuckle she always does, and twiddle her fingers around all anxious to touch you.
But her cock would still be hard from last time and she needed you so bad, so she was happy you wanted her inside you again.
She would bury her face in your breasts as she slowly inserted her cock, moaning at your wetness and the way you teased her. Blowing cold air in her ear and telling her she was just a “horny puppy.”
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That smirk that she always does- ugh. She would grab your hips and pull you closer to her.
Mating press. Mating press. Mating press.
Her hands pressing your thighs further into your chest as she breeds you with no hesitation.
“Little whore wants it for the third time? How much cock are you gonna beg for?”
And the way she sticks her tongue out- ooh. Her balls would get all tight as she uses you like a fleshlight. She would wipe the sweat off her face and brush her hair back with her hand, all while laughing at your desperate expression.
“Mhm.. take my cock pretty slut. ‘Gunna make me blow my load in you.”
Dami would have her eyes rolled back as she comes, her deep moans echoing throughout the room as she slaps her cock against your slit, spraying her seed everywhere.
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She wouldn’t know what to do, a nervous mess as you seduce her. She would be all giddy and puppyish.
But she would still smile all innocently as she fucked you. She would make comments that came off teasingly but she was just being genuine.
“You’re still so wet even after the first two times.. mngh- you feel good!”
And she’s so sweet that she’d ask for your permission to come inside. She’s so desperate to fill you up.
“Is it okay to come now? I feel all tingly..”
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June Note: If it wasn’t obvious I really love Dami’s energy. But I’m OT7!
Also I really like balls. On a girl of course.. not a man. Girl penis domination.
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woosansang · 1 year
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ricky-gf · 1 year
this Handong goes down in history🖐️😔
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newjeansador · 1 year
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Photobook Scans - MINJI
cr. wayywwawa
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ratedfleur · 20 days
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 mail incoming!
⋆˚˖° minji and noncon. °˖˚⋆
kim minji x fem reader    genre ౨ৎ smut
“imagine g!p minji was a perv.. and she was ur sister's bestfriend! (ur choice to choose who) and one day when ur sister was out to buy groceries minji use the opportunity to force herself on u :((( she was meann and likes to see you cry.. you're a crybaby though.. how pathetic!“
✏️: OMG super late response smh, this got buried in lots of requests TᴖT also i accidentally deleted the ask?! good thing i had it saved in my wip list.. also this is so mean, i don’t think i’ve ever written something like this 🥹
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i could so see this happening especially you were to be hanni's younger sister. because of how close minji was with hanni, hanni would let you tag along on their hang outs or even she'd let minji accompany you if she couldn't.
unknowingly, minji had the hots for you. minji always took a liking on you, even before she and hanni became friends– that is exactly how she got to be close to you and that was through befriending a clueless hanni.
"minji-yah! y/n! do you need anything from 7-eleven? i'll buy ramyeon!" hanni asked from the foyer whilst you and minji were in the living room, watching a movie that you've been wanting to watch.
"nope!" minji answered back meanwhile your ears perked up, "eonnie! can you get me lychee jellies? the peelable ones!" you hollered back until you got a response from your older sister.
"okay, i'll call if i get there!" hanni says as she shut the door behind her.
finally, minji thought.
5 minutes pass by and minji's arm wrapped around your shoulder, pulling you close to her, you let it be since you saw how comfortable she became.
then minji started to move closer towards you, hand gripping your shoulder tightly. you hiss when you feel her nails digging into your skin, you even whimper as you look at minji, silently telling her to stop.
"m-minji.. it hurts.." you say to her, trying to pry minji's arm away from your shoulder. suddenly minji unravels her arm from your shoulder as she stands up, pushing your shoulders back onto the couch when you sat up.
whimpering as minji stared you down, your eyes start to glisten with tears, "eonnie, you're scaring me.. w-what did i do?" you say as a tear cascades down your cheek. minji leans down and wipes the tear of yours, "what did you not do, honey? you think you could get away with looking so pretty every time i'm around? it makes it so hard not to touch you, honey.." minji says as she starts to take her sweats off, stepping out of them along with her underwear.
your eyes shake when you see minji's cock, attempting to look away was not a choice because minji's hand holds onto the back of your head, forcing you to sit up as she angled her cock against your lips, smearing her leaking pre-cum all over your closed lips.
you refused to look or open your lips, keeping them shut as minji continued to try to get your mouth to open. unable to get you to open your mouth, minji's hand quickly slaps your cheek, making you gasp as you opened your eyes and looked up at her in disbelief.
"don't look at me like that, lovey.. it just makes me want to ruin you even more." minji says as she angles her cockhead towards your mouth once more, liking how you kept your mouth open as she sunk into your warm cavern.
the smile that creeps up on minji's face is eerie when she starts to thrust into your mouth, paying to mind to you gagging and to your hands scratching her lower back through her shirt as she begged you to stop.
you gag repeatedly as minji thrusts into your mouth, groaning at the feeling of your mouth, "you feel so good, lovey.. i could fuck this slutty mouth of yours forever.." minji moans as she fucks your mouth harder, gathering your hair into a makeshift ponytail as she bobs your head up and down her cock as she thrusts simulaneously.
your throat continues to gurgle around minji's cock that huge enough to leave no space in your mouth. minji was long and girthy with trimmed pubes, she liked to be clean and trimmed.
minji's adrenaline only keeps going when you look up at her with tears in your eyes, cascading down your cheeks as you gagged repeatedly around her cock. she simply thrusts harder and bobs your head up faster, loving the sound of you gagging.
"god, you're not doing the right thing if you want me to stop. i'll only fuck you if you keep doing this." minji pouts when she acts like you're moving on your own on her cock, bobbing your head up and down. she even fakely whines and begs for you to stop sucking her only for minji to laugh like a maniac as she bucks her hips into your mouth.
stilling your head with her cock buried deep into your mouth, minji pats your head sweetly, "can you make me cum, lovey?" minji asks before she pulls your head away from her cock, she makes you nod by moving your head even if you desperately tried to shake your head as you coughed.
she forces your mouth open once more before pushing your head down her cock, making you gag once more as she thrusts repeatedly into your mouth, moaning when your mouth only tightens up around her cock. minji's pace is relentless as she chases her orgasm knowing that hanni could come home and see her bestfriend devirginize her sister's mouth.
"oh my god lovey! i'm gonna cum, i'm gonna fucking cum! gotta make sure to swallow everything up, yeah? we can't leave any traces of what you did to me.." minji moans out as she bucks her hips harshly into your mouth, making you gag and cough around minji's cock when she stills her hips with her cock down your throat as she starts to release her hot cum into your warm cavern.
pulling away, minji's hand holds your cheeks roughly as she stares you down, "swallow it." she says as she watches you swallow every bit of her awfully bitter cum.
you gag when you swallow it all up, minji even forcefully opens your mouth to see if you swallowed everything up. seeing that you swallowed her cum up, she smiles with a glint in her eyes as she leans down to pick her sweats off of the ground and begins to dress herself up.
watching as minji began to compose herself, she was making sure there were no traces of what she has done to you. you began to cry, fat globs of tears start to cascade down your face as you hiccup, your chest starts to heave as you desperately tried to catch your own breath despite sobbing. 
minji coos as she pulls you close, making your head lean on her stomach as you cried, no words could be understood no matter how hard you tried to speak.
it was as if your angels came right in time when hanni arrived, a confused expression was on her face when she passed by the living room and saw you sobbing into minji's stomach. "the film was a bit too sad." minji says to hanni who simply blinked at her. 
but it was a comedy film.. hanni thought as she walked away, still hearing your intense sobs as minji tried to calm you down.
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l0tt1emy · 14 days
hi sweetheart
May I request a Minji smut 😿 like anything you want but with a sassy rude Minji and bottom reader 😓😓
this is my first non anon request 😭🤭
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Kim Minji x F!Reader
A/n: HI SWEETHEART!! Tysm for the request and It was fun making it! sorry bcstakes so long to do bcs I wrote it in full but I saw that you hadn't asked for g!p:(and I was so behind with my studies that I couldn't finish it sooner...This is fucking long AND I'M NOT GOING TO REVIEW THIS poor wonyoung..
Warnings: smut, fanservice, Possessive jealousy, swearing, fingering, cum eating, oral(r and m) sucking breast, pet names, face sitting (m receiving) scissor and idols being mentioned in the middle of sex
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If you were to be completely honest, it wasn't your fault about the lack of attention towards Minji, you were one of the most famous people in your group and you needed to do your mc paper, promoting ships and rehearsing the songs
But Minji couldn't think, your relationship was private, but it never went this long without sex, not that she's needy obviously
And it seemed like every day that passed seemed like everything was against her, literally everything
when you arrived at her dorm wearing only her sweatshirt she could feel herself blushing, and taking advantage of the fact that there was no one in the dorm what she thought she grabbed you fiercely, your body seeming tiny against hers, her lips tasted you desperately, her red lips tasting everything of yours, going down to your neck and giving open kisses, not even minding your hand on her arm trying to push her away, but not making any effort
That is until she hears the dorm floor creaking with hurried footsteps, while the voices of what could be considered Hanni's and Hyein's voices resound in the dorms, coming from Haerin's dorm to Danielle's and coming straight to Minji's.
you hurriedly move away from minji, wiping the remaining saliva from your lips that belonged to minji, and move away from her when you see bulging eyes looking at you, it was hanni and she could already feel the tension "did I disturb somethi-" she asks reluctant "no" you and minji interrupt her in unison
"The director said we're going to do a collaboration with some groups for this year's mama" Hanni says, a smile on her face and her eyes shining.
If you knew what would happen, you would have refused, they again made you join the famous idol from each group, making 3 group formations, the first group having you, wonyoung, yunjin and Miyeon, the second group being, Hyein, Leeseo, Eunchae and shuhua, and the third group was Minji, gaeul, Sakura and yuqi, they always left you far from their members to put you with the most popular ones, last year you were with Karina from aespa and it was the most viral news of the week
now you are on the other side of the room, while the director tells you to stay in the center while wonyoung and yunjin kiss your cheek and you do aegyo, all the groups have different directors and you can see Minji never looking away from your director as if that magically makes her change his mind and she can perform with you
" did you understand Kim minji?" the director speaks while minji continues paying attention to her director until gaeul softly calls out to her "Kim minji?" then she blinks softly and her cheeks flush "I'm sorry, what were you saying?.." she mutters and bites her own lower lip in embarrassment "you're going to wear an outfit matching one of the girls" how ridiculous, that was the height of it, she never had talked to any of the girls before and was going to have to do this? "Are all groups going to do this?" she asks, coming out thicker than she thought "they're going to do worse" the director murmurs and looks at your group "they're going to do worse, believe me" the director says once again and looks back at the girls in front of him, without noticing how Minji frowns and one of her eyebrows is raised, great thinks Minji
Minji could feel herself blushing when she saw your performance outfit, she felt like a dirty girl for being horny in a particularly normal outfit, she doesn't know if it was because her lips looked so tempting and she could only imagine what they would look in her strap as your eyes sparkled and you choked on its length, she swallowed and looked away from you, her lips forming a straight line as she waited for the makeup artists to finish putting on her makeup and tying her skirt, everything seemed perfect until she heard a two producers talking about you and yunjin "they would make a perfect ship" "I think she suits wonyoung better" and then she realized that you were going to get involved in yet another dating rumor with another bitch, not her.
The way to Mama was more tense than you thought, you always tried to talk to Minji, like saying her hair was cool, but she purposely pretended not to hear you and went straight to Haerin's side, holding her hand and whispering things in her ear. You can feel yourself tensing up and you narrowed your eyes, moving closer to hanni and grabbing the upper part of her arm "Do you know what happened to minji?" you whisper in her ear, as you continue walking towards the stage, hanni jumps a little and her eyes widen "you scared me..." she sighs and looks ahead "no...is she normal?" She raises an eyebrow "ok" you murmur as you drag your hand out of her arm's reach and resume walking following the members of your group
the performance was even more tense, minji didn't take her eyes off you and didn't even hide it, it was shameful, while you hugged wonyoung and she kissed your cheek the audience went crazy and from the side you could see minji burning your side straight from the head , almost as if he wanted to read your mind, when the presentation ended, You were on your way to the van and stopped at a place for people to take photos, something traditional, your place was on the left next to Minji but surprisingly now danielle stole her place..
When you arrived at the big van, you were going to sit in the front so as not to disturb Minji, but she nervously pulled your wrist and made you sit on her lap at the back of the van, the other members were too tired to see this, you could feel yourself blushing as you Minji's nails dug into your inner thigh and her warm breath blew on your neck
"W-what are you doing minji?" you mumble softly, as you try to adjust yourself but every time you move, Minji's nails dig deeper into your thigh "nothing" she says bluntly, while looking at the window
You remain silent, not knowing what else to say "Did you have fun with wonyoung?" she says, the question hanging in the air, while Hyein's snoring and low music coming from danielle's headphones is heard" i said" She keeps talking "Did you have fun with wonyoung?" the question now comes out more like a growl
you bite your lower lip, hesitant to speak, you know that anything and she would get more stressed "I don't know" you say hesitantly, a laugh sounds softly, making your body shake slightly "You little bitch.." she says, your hand coming down your skirt, you blush and instantly close your legs "h-hey...minji" "shut the fuck up" she says rudely "if you wake the girls up, it won't be good right?" she says ironically in your ear
she opens your legs without your will, you can feel her mischievous smile without even seeing it, she puts her hand inside your panties, feeling your wetness "you're wet" she says moaning "how come you didn't want that?" She says, running her hand all over your folds, rubbing your wetness until you reach your clit, she rubs it, you can feel it throb with sensitivity, Minji circles it firmly in her fingers
" Don't make any noise okay" she says softly and inserts two fingers at once, easily entering your hot walls, you feel something hard in your ass and you already know that Minji is hard
your legs shake slightly, as minji moves in and out quickly, your body quickly becoming aroused and wetter, minji towers over you and kisses your neck, leaving wet kisses on the corner of your neck "you're so tight, i always fuck you and You always look like a virgin" she says bluntly, the comment bringing a strange feeling in your belly of excitement.
with every second that passed you felt that sensation coming, and minji could feel you squeezing her fingers, her other free hand went down to your clit and squeezed it and then rubbed it "come for me" she says, her voice hoarse, with more After a few thrusts you cum, you let out a slight scream, which makes Haerin move in front of the van, your legs shake uncontrollably, while you let out small whimpers while Minji continued rubbing your clit, after a while she pulled away, removing her fingers from you. inside your pussy, and before you can process it she shoves them inside her mouth, closing her eyes and savoring it like it's a delicious food, you blush and hit her arm "idiot" you mutter as you adjust yourself on her lap, Minji gives a mischievous smile and moves away, putting your panties in place, making you feel dirty with cum, making you uncomfortable, and she knew it.
The van didn't take long to arrive, when it arrived at the dorm, Minji was the last to get up, as you arrived at the elevator, it was silent, Minji had her hand on your waist firmly while Danielle was almost asleep standing, haerin looking at the ceiling and hyein and hanni talking about watching a movie today
" I was so scared, the van was making noises and moving strangely" Hanni in the middle of the conversation "Did you notice that too?" Hyein says with wide eyes "I think it was from Danielle's headphones, she just sleeps like that" Minji enters in the conversation, justifying, the two girls seem to think and nod their heads in agreement
when the elevator arrives the girls get out first, minji forcing you to wait for the girls to get out
She wraps her fingers around your wrist and pulls you towards her room at the end of the hall, it seems like something has finally worked out in your life
She throws you into the room, closing the door quickly and pinning you to the wall, moving her hands not so subtly to your breasts, squeezing them like balls, feeling everything you want in her hands "M-minji, not here" you try to say but her lips get in your way, your tongues meeting aggressively
"Shut up" she says her fingers going down to the hem of her blouse, playing with her until pulling her up, throwing her anywhere in the room and grabbing her waist while pressing her hips with yours, making your head to spin
her hands go up and she goes to the clasp of her bra, her fingers fumbling with the clasp until it releases with a click, falling to the floor and her breasts are exposed to minji, her eyes shining
She quickly puts her right breast in her mouth, the sensation making it harden, Minji runs her tongue in circles over it while she raises her hand to the left and holds it between her fingers, rubbing it, then let go of the right breast and move on to the other, sucking them eagerly, you put your fingers on the back of her neck and pull her impossibly closer, minji moaning and immediately stopping "I bet you're very wet" minji says her lips letting go your breast with a pop and going straight to your mouth
minji's hands go down to your shorts, fumbling with the buttons because she's kissing you, on a shelf your shorts are on the floor
"let me see this princess" minji murmurs, squatting in front of you and seeing your transparent panties in excitement, she licks her lips and gives a smile, without even bothering to look into your eyes, she had a priority
She kisses your clit through your panties, making you shudder, she slides the panties aside and immediately sinks into your wet folds.
She licks your clit and lowers it to your entrance, her hands holding your thighs that were shaking, She circles your entrance with her tongue and sinks in, you instantly moaning loudly, she looks at you "if you moan loudly I'll stop, hyein can't hear that" she growls and sinks in again the sensation of nothingness making you shudder
She takes one hand off your thigh and circles two fingers at your entrance, immediately sinkings "I can't wait to fuck you" she murmurs, her fingers opening forming scissors inside you as you hold on to her shoulders for dear life, your legs going wobbly and almost falling to the ground, the combination of Minji's tongue and her nose hitting your clit and your fingers in your pussy, hitting that spongy spot made you scream, she was hungry, and she sucked your pussy like she was starving, she was desperate for this sensation
You could feel yourself getting close to the edge with every second that passed and when minji moved her fingers inside you and doubled them that was when a sudden explosion happened, your whole body shook with pleasure and you put your hand over your mouth to try and push the fingers away. inevitable moans to come out
when the pleasure was diminishing minji got up, taking off her clothes and revealing that she was wetter than she thought, she was soaked, when she took off her own panties she pulled you to the bed, opening your leg and getting on top of you, for a second staring at you until she sits up, the feeling of your clit against hers making you and her roll your eyes at the same time
you are sensitive from the past orgasm, and the sensation of your entrance rubbing against minji's made you squirm, minji's juices were making you more wet, your pussy and minji's were in sync, your clit hitting her entrance and then rubbing her pulsating clit
“Tell me no one makes you come like me, not even wonyoung” minji growls, demanding as she puts her hand on the back of your neck and pulls your hair, forcing your head back"f-fuck minji.. n-nobady" you babble, too focused on pleasure to know how to pronounce a word, minji bites her bottom lip, her mouth opening in a silent moan as she desperately rubs against you, their pussies making a wet noise that echoes throughout the room. "Ahn..ah... I'm going to cum" minji moans, bringing her face closer to your neck and sucking, leaving a mark" please...i-i...fuckk" minji moans loudly rolling her eyes and gripping the sheet, when she cums her legs tremble against you, but you are getting close to your own climax so you continue rubbing against minji's swollen clit, seeking your own pleasure
minji was getting overstimulated because of the pleasure and tried to push you away but you didn't care, your clits collided 3 times in a row then your turn finally came, you fought not to scream, your head spinning with pleasure
after you and minji cum you look at each other for a few seconds until minji separates from you, a string of cum connecting your pussy to hers, her pussy was swollen and red "clean me" minji says bluntly, She doesn't even give you time to respond, her head fogged from the old pleasure, she just goes in front of you and opens her legs in your face, you just accept it, eyes closed and just open your mouth, leaving your tongue for Minji to use
minji immediately sits on your tongue, rubbing her clitoris on your tongue, the taste of her left you addicted, the taste of your juices mixed with hers made you drunk, despite being tired you closed your lips on her clit, sucking and shaking her language in it
minji seemed closer and closer to the edge, then with a thrust she pulls your hair closer to her, suffocating you in her pussy, you do as you are told, minji seems to be very focused on the pleasure and with a thrust she cums, closing her legs on her head, her ears ringing from how tightly she closed her legs
After a few minutes she gets off of you, laying down on your side, panting and pulling you "Sorry" she murmurs "f-for what?" you say breathlessly "I wanted to fuck you in the middle of the people in your group..but I couldn't" she says normally and closes her eyes, her body relaxing "uh..why?" you say
no response.
You groan in pain and look up, seeing Minji already sleeping "good night" you kiss her forehead and close your eyes
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fillinforlater · 1 year
Dr. Minji
Male Reader x Kim Minji
Length: 1127 words
Tags: prostate exam, fingers up your bum, semen sample, also called cock sucking, p-gasm, anal, butt stuff, riding a dildo, loud sex, proffesional_doctor!Minji
TW: butt stuff with the reader, also Quickie
Inspiration: @worldsover who wrote the prompt and inspired me to go for it, @kaedespicelatte who just says random shit and IT WORKS lmao
Credit: @worldsover for editing. Thank you!
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“Bend over.”
Swallow the enormous lump in your throat. You were mentally prepared for the worst, a weird, ugly male doctor shoving his fingers up your ass and rubbing your prostate. For the sake of your health, yes, you would do it. But as it turns out, Dr. Minji is definitely not ugly and most certainly not a man. She is a cold killer, her gaze unimpressed as she watches your face fill with blood. A sigh comes from her lips as she grabs her gloves.
“Sir, I have a lot of patients waiting. I’m sure your prostate is fine, but if you want to get it checked, we should not waste time.”
“I, uhm, uh…”
You stutter, you sweat. Dr. Minji is enveloped in this imposing aura. The way she stretches the white gloves on her fingers looks menacing, as if she is about to murder you without leaving traces. From a drawer, she grabs a tube with lube and places it on her desk. Another sigh.
“Sir, I—”
“I-I’ll do it, sorry.”
You interrupt her and scramble to open your belt. Fiddle at it for a second that feels endless. Your pants fall to the floor and soon your boxers follow. Although you try to hide your cock throughout the process, the doctor certainly caught a glimpse of it. Life is cruel. 
“Okay then,” Dr. Minji says, her voice disinterested, yet softer than before, “I need you to relax now. I know this is hard, but it is necessary, okay?”
“Yes,” you say in between labored breaths and bend further down. You expected her to move behind you, but Dr. Minji decides to kneel in front of you. Her fingers, cold and covered with glove and lube, dart through the opening of your legs and search for your puckered hole. 
Your entire forehead is a sea of sweat. You wish you could wipe all these beads away, but both of your hands are occupied: the left gives you stability on Minji’s desk; the other hides your manhood. You have to suffer through this ticklish feeling on your temple as Minji tickles your butthole. It’s still too tight for her to insert a finger, and the coldness of her glove doesn’t help. 
Suddenly, one of the many salty beads loses its grip and falls down on the doctor’s face. It leaves a wet trail on her cheek and she looks upwards, straight at you. Her disinterested, unimpressed expression has not changed, even though you're looking at her with the most pitiful, disgusting contortion of a face imaginable. With yet another sigh, she gets up from her knees and grabs something from the drawer.
“Sir, let me show you how it’s done,” she says bluntly and plants a massive, suction dildo onto the tiled floor. You gawk at the absolute insane length, and for a second, fear that it is meant for you. That is before Minji pulls down her pants and steps out of them. No panties to speak of. No hair as well, her legs, crotch and pussy are smooth masterpieces. 
“Come closer,” Minji commands, while putting a healthy amount of lube on the silicone phallus. As you carefully shuffle forward, Minji strokes the fake dick a couple of times and then squats down. Like the professional that she is, she takes it up her ass with no effort.
“Fuck,” the two of you groan. Before you know it, Minji has slapped away your hand. Your cock has already become erect at the sight of seeing this young, attractive doctor half naked, so there is no use hiding it anymore. Quite frankly, you do not care anymore as Minji starts to slowly go up and down on the silicone monster.
She once again reaches for your butthole, but this time, she won’t be denied. 
Her finger pierces you open. No time for it to adjust to Minji; it’s time for you to learn what the doctor is showing you. Relax, relax, and take it up there without whining. Whine you do, however, at her first touch of your prostate. From that moment, you feel things spiral out of control.
"Also, I'll need a sperm sample,” Dr. Minji says, her breath quicker than before.
"What for?" you respond with less confusion than you would hope for. Minji reaches for your hard shaft.
That's how a good doctor multitasks: she's sitting on that silicone dick, taking it in her guts while being more thorough with her prostate exam. Her finger not only grazes your prostate, it begins to poke it. The friction of her in and out movements makes your knees quiver, and every touch on your sensitive organ fills your mind with fog.
"I'll have to make sure the taste is normal too,” Minji bluntly adds and goes from just staring at your length to putting her lips onto it. But when did they learn about kissing the tip in medical school? Of course she is an expert in anatomy, but this knowledge is not part of the curriculum, right?
Even though her gloves are cold, her tongue's certainly warm enough to make it feel all better. It makes you relax. The pleasure is a comfortable couch and you just lay down on it—perfect for Minji to carefully ease another finger up your rectum. The double attack on your prostate leaves you with gritted teeth and an unhealthy amount of precum on Minji’s taste buds. 
"It's okay, this amount of precum is normal with all the stimulation," the doctor gives her medical expertise, interrupted by moans.
So this is where the distrust of doctors comes from: you're absolutely leaking from the slit of your dick. How normal can this be? It's a test of all your senses, the fingers in your asshole, the lips around your frenulum, the sight of Minji slowly bouncing up and down—what happened to sterility? Oh, it's gone now that she's drooling; you might as well be too.
Let's call it doctor-patient confidentiality, how she swallows your semen sample, even as the orgasm keeps going, doesn't let any of the seed go to waste as the orgasm keeps going and going, because your ass is clenching hard around her cold gloved fingers—can't let there be any evidence, can't let it show up on a black light. The orgasm is so intense, you have to bite down on something: Minji offers a finger—oh, is that—you almost cared, until you start watching Minji's ass ripple too in her own orgasm, so your lips wrap around her digit as you throw your head back and give Minji much more than a sample of semen in her mouth. The whole clinic must have heard that one. Better hope the walls are soundproofed well.
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syarina · 5 months
Female K-Pop Idol Blogs
Minji Gets Caught Humping Hanni’s Favorite Bunny Plushie ~ G!P Minji x Hanni
Sick and Twisted ~ Stepsibling G!P Winrina x Virgin!F!Reader
Hybrid!Aespa in Heat ~ Sub!Aespa x Dom!F!Reader
Me & You - Cop!Gp!Minjeong x Criminal!F!Reader
Puppy Needs Her Attention ~ G!P Puppy Winter x F!Reader
We've Only Just Begun ~ Top GP!Yunjin x Maid Bottom!Reader
Trophy ~ G!P Bada Lee x (Jam Republic) Reader
Toy ~ G!P Twice x Female Reader (Non Idol AU)
Porcelain Doll ~ Sub!Wonyoung x G!P Reader
Whine For Me ~ Subby!GP!Tzuyu x F!Reader
Proving a Point ~ Kim Jennie x G!P Reader
Your Order Ma’am ~ G!P Yujin x F!Reader
Doctor!Karina x Naïve!Patient!F!Reader
Student!G!P Kazuha X Teacher!Reader
Mean!GP!Stepsis!Wony x F!Reader
GP!Aespa x 5th Member!F!Reader
Taste ~ G!P Hwang Yeji x F!Reader
G!P Besties WinChae Thoughts
Perv!GP!Ningning x F!Reader
Party Monster ~ Kim Jennie
Sub!GP!Yunjin x F!Reader
Kim Jennie x G!P Reader
Dubcon G!P Kim Jennie
Park Jihyo x GP!Reader
G!P Karina x F!Reader
G!P Yujin x F!Reader
GP!Itzy x F!Reader
Words Not Meant To Be Said ~ Kim Jennie
355 notes · View notes
iveantive · 6 months
prompt: Yunjin thinks she hears a ghost (its not)
bbangsaz is going through some turmoil so Minji lets Yunjin hit, and Kazuha is there too
TW: g!p, anal, anal fingering, spit as lube, handjobs, locker room sex, masturbation in the shower, voyeurism, crying, degradation
If there was one place where the le sserafim girls could be found, it would be the gym. It was really no secret that the success they’ve been able to achieve throughout their career thus far could be partially attributed to their fit physiques. 
This is precisely why it was no surprise that the two strongest, or as some others would say, the best bodies out of the group, were at the hybe gym at 2 a.m. They had just finished up a late-night dance practice, and instead of heading back to the dorms with the rest of their group, the pair had opted to get a late-night lifting session in. It was normal for the pair to be seen together up at night at putting in those last few reps. I mean, hell, it was their part of their jobs to be doing this. They used to hate having to work out after their regular daily schedules that were already jammed full of various performances and dance practices. As time went on, though, it became essential for them to build their friendship. It was just something about the late-night exhaustion, pushing themselves to their limit together, that made their friendship grow stronger just as much as they were physically. 
Yunjin had been finishing up her last few reps when she looked a few feet over to Kazuha, still in the middle of hers. She let out a satisfied grunt as she finished her last rep, setting her weights down with a thud. She got up and made her way over to the younger girl. 
“Ya, Zuha, I’m gonna head to the locker room for a shower.” Yunjin slapped Kazuha in the back, halting her current set of bicep curls. 
“Dude, what the hell? You made me lose count. Now I have to restart,” she huffed. Yunjin let out a hushed laugh in response. 
“Aw, poor Zuzu can’t count,” Yunjin mocked, patting Kazuha on the head in the process. Kazuha rolled her eyes. She was tired and didn’t care to banter with Yunjin right now. She just wanted to finish her workout and go home. 
“Whatever, I’ll meet you in there when I’m done.” Kazuha whipped her head, making Yunjin retract her hand. 
“Great! See you, Zuha!” Yunjin gave the younger girl one last slap on her back for good measure before running off towards the locker room. Of course, not before she heard Kazuha drop her weights in a frustrated groan. 
Yunjin walked into the locker room, humming a melody to a song she couldn’t for the life of her get out of her head. She made her way to the locker she had stored her belongings in, opening it up and ruffling her stuff around, making some room. She took the towel she brought with her out before she began to strip off her clothes and toss them into the locker.
She started to make her way over to the showers before hearing something that made her stop humming and stood frozen in her spot. It was a sound she couldn’t quite pinpoint, but whatever was making that sound was growing louder and louder. 
Maybe the ghost stories that she had been told when she was a trainee weren’t a hoax, after all, she pondered. Yunjin's body started to shake in anxiety. What kind of ghosts haunt locker rooms, she thought to herself, as for some reason, despite the pit in her stomach growing, she walked closer to the strange sounds. Until she realized it, the sounds she had been hearing were, in fact, not coming from a ghost at all. 
It was the sound of moaning. 
She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Matter of fact, she tucked a few strands of hair behind her ears (as if that was what was hindering her hearing) to see if her ears were deceiving her. But there it was again, another low moan followed by a string of breathy whimpers. 
She facepalmed herself. How the fuck did she not notice the fact that somebody else was in there. The shower was literally on, for fucks sake. She groaned to herself now, hearing how loud the crashing of water could be heard sounding throughout the locker room. 
However, she had to admit she was curious. Who the hell would be jerking off at nearly 3 a.m. in the hybe locker room, out of all places? 
She contemplated for a few moments before making up her mind on her next plan of action. Hanging her towel on a nearby hook, she drew open the curtain that had been dividing her and the perpetrator, Being faced with someone who seemingly hadn’t heard her come in judging by the fact the person hadn’t turned around. But, from where Yunjin was standing, she could tell they were a girl (thank god) and that the said girl was only a bit shorter than herself. 
And as Yunjin's gaze became fixated on the girl's body, her eyes couldn’t help but falter lower. The unidentified girl was stroking her cock, and a thick one at that. Under the water of the shower were her back muscles tensing with every pump of her hand. 
“F-fuck, Hanni,” Yunjin heard the girl let out a choked moan. Upon hearing that slip, Yunjin knew exactly who it was. 
It was Minji. 
Of course, it was. Yunjin once again mentally punched herself. She and Kazuha had just come into the gym as Minji was finishing up. And she had thought the younger girl had left a while ago, but clearly, she hadn’t. If Yunjin had to guess, Minji had to have been in here trying to get herself off for the past forty-five or so minutes. Based on the current groans of frustration she was letting out, she hadn’t been very successful. 
It was relatively known amongst their inner circle of female idols that Minji had the hots for Hanni for well as long as she could remember. Having trained with the New Jeans members herself, even if her training period with them wasn’t long, Yunjin always made note of the way Minji would look at Hanni with puppy eyes. And it seemed that sentiment hadn’t gone away even a bit over the past few years. Judging by the state of the young girl, it had only gotten worse. 
Having had her fun gawking at the poor girl who, somehow too deep into her own head, hadn’t noticed her presence. Yunjin decided she wanted to have a bit more fun. So, she took a couple of steps closer to Minji and loudly cleared her throat. 
Minji's eyes immediately shot open, taking in who was in front of her, recognizing exactly who it was, only making her panic even more. Losing her footing, she started to slip on the puddles of water around her. Till she felt the person in question's hand on her shoulder, keeping her a bit more stable. Minji kept her gaze firmly on the ground. She didn’t have the guts to look at Yunjin. 
“S-sorry” Was all Minji was able to get out. 
Yunjin laughed. 
“What do you have to apologize for? We all have those urges sometimes.” She rubbed Minji's shoulder, Yunjin's gaze still boring into her. 
“Especially with your busy schedule, I can’t blame you for being all worked up” Yunjin looked Minji up and down, seeing that her cock was still very much hard. Making her smirk. 
“But, I have to say Minji. Jerking off in the locker room? Didn’t know you were that kind of girl.” Yunjin leaned in closer to her ear. 
“Y-yeah, th-the dorm. U-uh n-not muc-” The younger girl muttered.
“Privacy.” Yunjin finished Minji's sentence for her. 
Minji nodded. 
“Well, you have all the privacy in the world now,” Yunjin whispered in her ear. 
“How about you let me help you? Just for today.” She dragged her hand down from the younger girl's shoulder, down her toned abs, till her fingers were resting on them. 
“I-I don’t know, I’m with Hanni.” 
Yunjin laughed again.
“Yeah, I know. I’ve had my fair share of her, too. But she doesn’t have to know about this.” She dragged her hand lower, wrapping her hand around Minji's hard length. 
“This is okay, right, Minji?” Yunjin’s tone was soft and low, her words tickling Minji’s ear as she spoke.
“Y-yeah,” Minji gasped. 
That was all the permission Yunjin needed to start pumping her length in fast strokes. She knew the younger girl had been close to cumming. Her cock throbbing, her tip an angry red as it leaked precum all over her hand. 
Her own cock had decided to awaken throughout this time. She could feel it twitching between her legs. Pressing her body closer to Minji, she rested her chin on her shoulder, watching her own hand wrapped around the younger, tugging at her length. 
Minji's face was contorted in pleasure, biting her lip with her eyebrows furrowed. Yunjin pressed her body closer. Her cock pressed into the back of the younger, she knew Minji could feel it, but she didn’t do anything about it. Not that she really could for now, anyway. 
Yunjin drew her hand from the base to the tip of Minjis cock, pressing her finger into the slit of her cock, rubbing the sensitive tip in slow circles. Eliciting in, the younger let out a loud moan. 
“You’re so cute like this, Minji.” Yunjin purred into her ear. 
Yunjin continued to rub her finger into the slit, her circles around the tip becoming faster and faster, making the younger girl whine even louder. Minji had started bucking into her fist. The older girl tightened her grip around her in response. The sound of wet skin slapping could be heard throughout the locker room. The combination of the shower water crashing onto them, with Yunjin’s hard pumping, was working in her favor. 
She continued her movements till she heard Minji let out a final strangled cry followed by her cock bursting with ropes of cums, shooting onto the tile below them.
They stayed like that for a few moments, except Yunjin now had a firm grip on the younger girl's torso. She could feel how, after she had just came, her body had gone practically limp. 
And that's when Yunjin felt another pair of eyes on her. Looking to the side towards the curtain, there was Kazuha, just as naked as she and Minji were.
Those showers really were loud as hell; no wonder Minji didn’t hear her come in the first time hmmm. Or maybe Yunjin was too caught up in the whimpering falling from the younger girl's mouth to notice. 
“Fucking finally, thought she’d never finish, god damn” Kazuha took a few steps closer to the pair. Her voice caught the attention of Minji, who had managed to recover from those post-nut jelly limbs. 
“Kazuha, you know Minji, right?” Yunjin spoke, the tone of her voice showing no remnant of the sultry tone she had before. 
“Yeah, of course. Nice to formally meet you, I guess.” Kazuha held out her hand, only to see her arms entangled with Yunjin. 
“Do I even wanna know why you guys are like that?” She questioned. Retracting her hand at the sight of the two. 
“Oh, you know, walked in on her jerking off, decided to help her. Yeah, that's pretty much it.” Yunjin clicked her tongue. 
Minji watched the two exchange words in silent awe. How were they just casually talking about this, like it was a normal occurrence for them? Well, she didn’t know the two that well, so maybe it was for them, she thought. I mean, there was no doubt that they were both hot as fuck. Who wouldn’t want to- cutting her thoughts off, she suddenly felt a prodding in her back. She wiggled against the intrusion. She furrowed her eyebrows for a couple of moments before realizing that, yeah, she did still have her back still pressed up against Yunjins dick.
“Having fun down there, I know I am.” Yunjin raised an eyebrow toward the younger. 
“Oh, sorry, I was just, I- I- I don’t know,” Minji stuttered, all of sudden feeling quite intimated by the two older girls. 
“You know Minji, you’re kinda the reason I got this problem now anyways. Don’t you think you should repay me for helping you?” the sinister venom was back in Yunjin’s tone. 
“O-oh, okay. I-I’ve never really, I mean- I have. B-but not with another dick, I mean,” Minji stuttered.
“Oh, don’t worry, baby, I’ll make it easy for you.” Minji's cheeks grew red at the nickname. 
“Zuha, come help me.” Yunjin motioned for Kazuha to come closer. 
“Fine, fine.” She heard Kazuha sigh before stepping into the shower with them. Making sure to close the curtain behind her (like that would obstruct any of the noise they would be making). 
All of a sudden, Minji felt herself getting bent over. She held her hands out in instinct, thinking she was going to fall. Before realizing it, Yunjin now had a tight grip around her waist, and Kazuha had caught her hands. Being face to face, with her toned abs and her cock just inches from her face. 
“Oh, sorry, I can hold you higher or something if you’re not cool with ya know. Dick in your face.”
“I-its fine, you got a nice one.” Minji nodded.
“Thanks, dude, you too,” Kazuha smiled at the younger girl.
“Are you guys done flirting yet?” Yunjin teased.
After a couple of moments, Minji felt Yunjin spread her cheeks, followed by the trickling of something warm and wet dripping down her ass crack. It took Minji a few moments before she realized that the warmth that she was feeling was spit from Yunjin. She doesn’t know if she should be disgusted at herself for liking this or turned on by it. Hell, this was probably the most interaction she’s had with Yunjin in years, and it just had to be when she was seeing her at her most vulnerable. 
Yunjin maneuvered one of her fingers over the pucked hole, letting more spit draw in her mouth before letting it drop onto the untouched hole. She used her index finger to ghost the outer ring of the hole. She heard MInji letting out little whimpers as she did so. 
“Minji, I need you to relax, okay? You can do that for me, right?” Yunjin cooed. 
“Y-Yeah,” Minji said between deep breaths. Kazuha settled MInjis arms around her waist. 
“You can hold onto me however tight you want. It's okay.” Kazuha used her fingers to comb through the younger girl's damp hair, trying to soothe her in any way she could. Yunjin continued to draw more spit into her mouth, letting it drop down Minjis ass, rubbing the spit around Minjis hole.
Minji tightened her grip on Kazuha, her blunt nails digging into Kazuha's abdomen. Making Kazuha look to Yunjin, shaking her head as if it were a sign to say, not yet, she's not ready.
Yunjin didn’t want to hurt the poor girl. Of course, she didn’t. She wanted to make sure that the younger girl was enjoying this just as much as she and, well, I guess, Kazuha now, too. And if the shaky moans she was letting out were anything to go by, she had to be enjoying it somewhat. Yunjin continued on with her slow movements until she felt Minji's body relax and lean into her touch.
“I’m gonna start now, okay, Minji?” Yunjin cooed. 
Minji nodded, with a little whimper to go along with it. 
“If you want to stop at any point, just say stop, or if you can't pinch Kazuha,” Yunjin smirked, saying the last part. 
“Wait, we didn-” Kazuha got cut off by Yunjins sharp gaze at her, pretty much telling her to shut the fuck up and don’t ruin the moment.
“Try to relax, Minji. It’ll feel good once you get used to it.” Kazuha decided to continue giving the younger girl comforting pets on the head. 
Minji tightened her grip on Kazuha. Preparing herself, she closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. Feeling the foreign sensation of Yunjin's finger pressing into her unbreached hole. She had immediately begun to tense up. She hadn’t felt a sensation quite like this before, and while she was enjoying it. She knew how overwhelming and intense the incoming movements were going to be. Saying that, she tried to remember what her unnies had told her to “relax,” so she did to the best of her abilities at the moment anyway. She took a few deep breaths, her eyes closed, focusing only on herself. 
No matter how hard she was trying to keep herself together, she began to feel the pressing of Yunjin's finger slowly inserting itself into her. The pressure of the older girl's fingertips started to make itself known. She had to be breaking skin with how hard her nails were digging into Kazuha's skin. It wasn’t as painful as she initially thought it was going to be, which she had to be thankful for. But it was still enough for her to have her eyes closed tightly, biting her lip. 
Kazuha saw this. She had been in this exact situation before (okay, maybe not exactly), having something in her ass for the first time. She could see how tightly Minjis eyes were closed with her heavy breathing through her nose, gnawing at her bottom lip. She felt a bit bad for being part of the reason the younger girl was in this situation. She knew how convincing Yunjin could be, she was just hoping that Minji would begin to enjoy this new experience as much as she did the first time. 
For now, though, all Kazuha could do was help the younger girl. Make her feel like she could trust her. So, ever so carefully (not that Minji would have noticed with how absorbed in her own thoughts she was at the moment) moved Minji's arms so they were wrapped around her waist. Minji’s nails digging into her sides were really starting to sting. She used one of her free hands and began brushing her fingers through her hair and continued petting her head, trying to comfort her. She had to admit Minji did look cute like this. The faint red in her cheeks as Yunjin was breaking her open. It made an all too familiar rush of blood flow to her cock. 
“So tight, Minji. You’re doing so good,” she heard Yunjin say in a hushed tone. 
Yunjin was using her free hand to lightly drag her fingertips over her skin. Minji thinks it's helping her a bit more sane, focusing on the blunt nails of Yunjin, drawing unknown figures into her soft flesh, as opposed to the dull pain in her ass that was starting to subside as she got used to the foreign invasion. 
After a few moments of letting Minji adjust to just one finger for a bit, she started to just barely move her finger inside the younger girl. Eliciting in loud gasp followed by a moan coming from the girl below her. Must be doing something right, Yunjin thought, smirking to herself. 
“I’m gonna start moving my finger more, okay, Minji?” Yunjin cooed. Getting nothing but a barely noticeable nod from where she was. Yunjin moved her finger in and out of the younger girl's hole, feeling it become a bit easier with every dip of her finger. 
Yunjin looked over at Kazuha, who was staring down at Minji. Her eyes were full of concern. She could only assume because of whatever facial expression Minji had right now. Kazuha had her hand cupping Minji's chin with her four fingers while her thumb was caressing her cheek. 
Kazuha must have felt Yunjin's eyes on her because she looked up, catching the older girl's gaze on her. 
“One more?” Yunjin said. Seeing Kazuhas eyes dart back down to Minji, then looking back to her and just giving a simple nod. Yunjin could trust Kazuha. The younger girl would never take advantage of someone when they were like this. As she and Kazuha had become closer in more ways than one, they realized they had made a pretty good team when it came to sexual escapades. She was always one to push the boundaries of the person they were with (Chaewon) to get what she wanted, but Kazuha was always there to reel her back in. In making sure the other person was okay and still feeling good.
Yunjin drew some more spit into her mouth, letting it drop onto Minji’s ass down to her fingers coating her digits in the makeshift lube. She began to try to inch the second finger into the younger girl. She could hear the whining coming from Minji at this point, her noises only increasing in volume as she stretched her further with the second finger. 
“You’re almost there, Minji, a little more.” She heard Kazuha's voice trying to comfort Minji the best she could. 
“It’s starting to feel good, right? Just think about how good it’ll feel once I'm inside.” Yunjin's voice was low. 
“That’s how you’re comforting her, really?” Kazuha said in disbelief. If that was Yunjin's idea of trying to soothe Minji’s nerves, she was starting to be glad she was here.
“Well, I don’t see her complaining” Yunjin shrugged, her fingers still buried in Minji’s ass.
“How would you know? You can’t even see her face right now.” Kazuha scoffed.
The sudden increase in talking snapped Minji out of whatever trance she was in. She opened her eyes and looked up at Kazuha, who was in the middle of saying something to Yunjin. Sensing the new gaze on her, Kazuha stopped talking and was faced with Minji, who was looking up at her with confusion on her face. The silence on Kazuha's part made Yunjin stop talking for once, too, as they both looked in Minji’s direction.
“Why’d you stop?” 
Amidst whatever argument the Kazuha and Yunjin were having had made Yunjin stop the movement of her finger that was still very much in Minjis ass.
Those words fell from Minji's mouth, catching them both off guard, in stunned silence for a few moments before Yunjin spoke again. 
“Sorry, uh, we got caught up in something. You’re doing okay, though, right? I can keep going?” Yunjin asked softly.
“Y-yeah, i-it feels good.” Minji looked down in embarrassment, feeling her cheeks grow redder. Unbeknownst to her, Yunjin had a sly grin on her face as she caught Kazuha's gaze as a way of telling her I told you so. Kazuha, in response, rolled her eyes.
That's all Yunjin needed to hear to continue inserting the last bit of her second finger. She started pumping them slowly in and out of Minji. Scissoring her finger against the walls of her ass as she stretched the tight hole. The younger girl's moans started sounding needier and needier with every movement of her fingers.
“Can’t wait to feel you around me, Minji. I know you can take it all,” Yunjin growled. Removing her finger from the girl below her.
Minji whimpered. 
Yunjin took hold of her cock, still hard, leaking precum from the red tip. She swiped the blunt tip over Minji’s asshole, eliciting a loud gasp from the younger girl. The warm precum dripping from Yunjin's tip into her asshole caught her off guard. 
The older girl started teasing the head of her cock over Minji’s sensitive hole. Minji could feel the tip of Yunjins cock pressing into her. As Yunjin slowly started to insert her thick length, Minji could feel her legs shaking, it was so much thicker than the two fingers she previously had inside her. The pressure was overwhelming in both good and bad ways. On the one hand, it was a new sensation of being filled that she never quite knew she would ever experience, never mind like it. And on the other hand, Minji felt like Yunjin was trying to break her. Based on the older girl's length, when it was pressing into her back moments ago, she knew it was going to hurt. Tears were brewing in her eyes, and she tried to quickly blink them away. 
Minji's mouth was hung open, her eyebrows furrowed together, letting out a guttural groan with every slight movement of Yunjin. She felt one of Kazuha's hands back on her face, wiping away stray tears that had escaped her eyes while her other hand was combing through her hair.
Yunjin was merely a few inches in, and she could feel Minji's walls clenching around her, making it harder to feed more into her waiting hole. She dipped her hips in and out shallowly, letting Minji get used to her length for a bit before she slowly inserted more and more of her thick cock inside of her. 
After a few more rounds of the slow but very much-needed process, Yunjin had finally hilted in Minji. The younger girl was so tight around her. Yunjin spent a few more moments holding Minji steady, feeling her shaking legs below her as she let her get used to her cock. Minji's breath started to return to what could be considered normal.
“I’m gonna start moving, okay?” Yunjin cooed. Just barely able to see the slight nod from Minji’s head. 
Yunjin dragged her hips out before pumping back in. Hearing Minji let out the loudest moan yet, Yunjin knew she had hit just the right spot. She started repeating the slow, brutal pace of pulling her cock out to the tip before slamming it back into the younger girl below her, no doubt hitting her deep. Minji’s moans dripped with need after every thrust. 
Kazuha, amongst all of this, had started to feel a bit neglected. Sure, she was very much intertwined with the younger girl, and she had a pretty good view of seeing Yunjin ram her cock into Minji. Her own cock, though, was throbbing and was in great need of being touched. She had tried her best to ignore it this entire time, opting to focus on Minji's well being than herself. But, seeing as Minji was doing much better than before, she decided she could have her own bit of fun. 
So, she spit a bit in her hand, then reached her free hand to her cock that was resting just below Minjis lips and started stroking it. Jerking her shaft from the base to the tip, the dripping precum made her movements easier. Getting off on the sounds of Minji’s moans and the sound of Yunjins skin meeting Minji’s ass with each thrust.
The older girl had started to pick up the pace, really only chasing after her own orgasm. She could see how Minji’s length had grown hard again but had opted to ignore it as Minji had already come once, and she had still yet to. 
“Fuck, Minji, feel so fucking good,” Yunjin gritted through her teeth between every thrust of her hips. Hearing Minji let out a loud moan in response. 
“You like that, being praised?”
Minji lets out another moan.
“You have nothing to be praised, though. Found you jerking off all by yourself.” Yunjins ridiculed her. 
Minji could feel the tears in her eyes start to prickle up again. 
“Thought you were with Hanni? Where is she? With another play toy?” Yunjin scoffed. 
She's not, Minji tried to convince herself. She was just out hanging out with Yujin. She definitely didn’t accidentally stumble upon their text messages while Hanni was showering and stormed off to the gym to take her mind off it. Even after the workout, she couldn’t stop thinking about Hanni, which had led her to jerk off in the shower, with that being the catalyst to how she got into whatever this was in the first place. 
“N-No!” Minji just barely got out. Her tears poured over. 
Kazuha had stopped mid-stroking her cock despite the aching feeling in her length telling her to keep going, hearing the little sobs that had started to escape from Minjis mouth. The poor girl had tears running down her cheeks and had practically started hyperventilating with the way she had started crying. Looking over to Yunjin, she saw that she hadn’t stopped or heard Minji quite obviously with the way she was still going at it. 
“Hey, you okay?” Kazuha cupped Minji's face, angling her chin so she was forced to look up at her. 
Snapping Minji out of whatever headspace she was in, she looked up at Kazuha and shook her head with a slight nod without even processing what the older girl had said.
“No,” Kazuha wasn’t having any of it.  
“I wanna hear say it. Are you okay?” Kazuha's voice was low, her tone stern. 
“I-i’m okay, i-it’s just a-a lot,” Minji got out between little whimpers.
Not totally believing what Minji said but knowing this was probably the best answer she was going to get from the younger girl at the moment, she just nodded, releasing the younger girl's chin. 
Yunjin, who somehow was blissfully unaware of everything that was happening, was getting closer and closer to the edge. Her efforts started to double, her thrusts somehow becoming even faster and rougher than before. Minji’s ass was hypnotizing with the way her ass would jiggle every time her thighs met Minji’s ass with every hard thrust of her hips. 
“Hanni likes it just like this. That slut could never get enough,” Yunjin gritted through her teeth. The cries Minji was letting out just egging her on, wanting to hear more of the sounds fall from her lips.
“She was always so much fun to play with, but sometimes you get tired of old toys.” 
Mini's heart wrenched. Was that all she was to Hanni? Did she get tired of her already? Why was she thinking about this? While she was getting her ass fucked into oblivion. A particularly hard thrust from Yunjin made her focus back on what was happening. 
Yunjin planted her hands on Minji’s ass, digging her nails into the soft flesh, making Minji let out a yelp. She used her strength to move Minji's ass in time with her thrusts, speeding them up, hearing Minjis whimpers becoming higher pitch. 
“F-fuck Minji, you’re taking me so well,” Yunjin groaned. And for the first time in the past few minutes, Yunjin had looked over to Kazuha, her cock hard resting in her hand, not moving. Her gaze fixated on Minji.
“I bet she looks so pretty, Zuha. Wish I could see her face. Cum on it for me” Yunjin hoped that would do the trick to get Kazuha out of whatever hypnosis she was under. 
And it had, in fact, done the trick with the way she saw Kazuha start to stroke her cock. Quickly speeding up to the pace at which Yunjin was still fucking deep into Minji. Deciding to have some mercy on the younger girl as well, Yunjin released the soft flesh of Minji’s ass from one of her hands and reached between her legs, wrapping her fingers around her cock. Hearing Minji let out a string of lewd moans, followed by her hips involuntarily bucking into her fist. 
They all managed to meet Yunjin's brutal fast pace, and there was no doubt Minji's whines could be heard outside of the locker room. They were just lucky it was nearing 4 a.m. The pace kept itself steady for a few more moments till Kazuha came with a low grunt erupting ropes of cum from her cock, some dripping onto the tile floor below them and onto Minjis face. Yunjin and Minji had come quickly following suit Yunjin had slumped over Minjis back, groaning into her ears as she buried her load deep into Minjis ass. The overwhelming feeling of being full pushed Minji into cumming for the second time that day onto the tile floor.  
The first one to recover from the post-nut-induced fuzzy headspace was Kazuha. Feeling the hard grip that Minji had around her waist had gotten much softer. The younger girl just barely had her arms wrapped around her while her head was leaning against her lower stomach. Kazuha could feel the steady breaths that were tickling against her skin. 
“Minji, I’m gonna move you a little bit, okay,” Kazuha said softly, tapping her fingertips against the younger head. Earning just the slightest nod from her. 
Kazuha took a step closer to Minji, maneuvering her so she was able to stand up. Or, more so, be propped up by Kazuha as she slinked her arms underneath Minji's armpits so that she was finally able to see the younger girl face to face. And only then had she realized what the fuck she had done.
“O-oh s-shit Minji, I’m sorry,” Kazuha got out. Minji’s face had gotten more than just a few stray drops of cum on her face. The poor girl had what was essentially her entire face dripping in Kazuhas seed. It must’ve been some sort of miracle that Kazuha had hit just about every square inch of Minji’s face other than her eyes. 
The out-of-character cursing from Kazuha had snapped Yunjin out of her post-orgasm haze. Yunjin looked over at Kazuha, seeing the panic that flooded her eyes. 
“What’d you do?” Yunjin had to hide the smirk that was threatening to break through. Yunjin knew that whatever Kazuha could have done to Minji wouldn’t ever be on the same level as what depravity she got up to on a semi-regular basis. 
Saying those words must’ve gotten Minji’s attention because she had turned her head, letting Yunjin see what Kazuha was so panicked over. 
“Damn, nice work, Zuha” Yunjins eyes widened, the tone of her voice full of disbelief.
“I think it’s a good look on you, Minji,” Yunjin said, rubbing little circles on the skin of her back. Not failing to see the little smile that had formed on Minji’s face as she turned back to face Kazuha. 
“Shut up” Kazuha spat. She wasn’t like Yunjin. She didn’t like this sort of thing. But, then, why did she think that Minji had looked kinda cute covered in her cum? Kazuha shook her head. Nope, this is to be thought about later, she decided to herself. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up, okay?” Kazuha said softly, combing her fingers through Minji's tangled hair. Now that she thinks of it, how hard was she holding onto Minji's head while she was jerking off? Kazuha shook her head again. Nope, Kazuha, this is for thinking about laying in bed later, not now.
“Can you take your dick out of her ass now?” Kazuha shot a glare at Yunjin. 
“Ugh, do I have to? She's so warm,” Yunjin pouted. 
“Yeah, you do, dumbass, it’s probably well past 4 am by now. We have to get back to the dorms”.
“Okay, okay.” Yunjin nodded her head in agreement. Kazuha was right, anyway. It probably was late as fuck. So, albeit slowly, Yunjin dragged her hips away from Minji, hearing the little whimpers falling from her mouth as she did so. 
Heh, cute. 
As her length had made its way out of Minji’s hole, Yunjin looked down, watching her load flow out of the younger girl's asshole.
“I know what you’re doing. Are you done being weird now?” Yunjin heard Kazuha say.
“Like, I know you haven't done the same thing to Chaewon. Come on, let’s hurry up and clean her off,” Yunjin rebutted. 
Both were in agreement on their next move. Yunijn, who was the closest to the faucet, turned the shower on, letting the water heat up. Before angling the shower head towards them, all of them let out a collective sigh of relief at the warm water falling onto their skin. Kazuha, in particular, watched intently as the load she had busted on Minji's face got washed away by the water falling down on them. 
The shower was a blur to Minji, only really able to comprehend the hands of Yunjin on her body rubbing soap into her skin and the fingertips of Kazuha massaging shampoo and conditioner onto her scalp.
She started to come closer to her senses again at the feeling of one of the cold locker room benches against her skin and the warmth of a towel being draped over her body. She looked over to Yunjin and Kazuha, who were in the middle of their own shower. She couldn’t hear what they were talking about over the loud crashing of water coming from the shower. It was strange to her, though, how they were able to act so normally after all of this. 
Feeling a cold gust suddenly brush against her skin, giving her goosebumps, she snapped out of her thoughts and held the towel closer to her. She sat and waited for what was only a few more minutes till the faucet had turned off, and the pair of girls had gotten their own towels and were drying themselves off. 
Kazuha had walked over to her, holding out her hand.
“Do you need help walking? I know Yunjin can be kinda rough, especially for your first time,” Kazuha said softly.
Minji had settled her feet onto the ground and made an attempt to stand on her own, only to feel her legs starting to shake, partnered with the evident ache in her rear end making itself known. She looked at Kazuha and nodded. 
Kazuha smiled at taking Minji's hand into her own, letting Minji lean on her as they made their way over to the lockers. Yunjin had already gotten herself dressed and had set Minji’s clothes on a bench for her. They both helped Minji put her clothes back on. The poor girl was still feeling a bit wobbly and numb in her body. Kazuha was the last to slip her clothes back on before she gathered each of their bags.
“I don’t know if you saw, but Zuha and I played rock paper scissors, and the loser had to carry you back home, and well, I lost,” Yunjin shrugged, squatting on the floor in front of Minji, waiting for her to get on. 
“Well, don’t say it like that, stupid ass. You just got done rearranging her guts. The least you could do as thank you is carry her back home,” Kazuha butted in, walking past Yunjin and hitting her in the back of the head as she walked out of the locker room. 
“Yeah, what she said,” Yunjin said, still squatting on the ground, waiting expectantly. 
“Th-thanks, I think,” Minji said before she hopped on Yunjin's back, her legs wrapped around the older girl as she held onto her shoulders. Yunjin just hummed in acknowledgment as she got up. 
Thankfully, the Le Sserafim dorm and New Jeans dorms were both within a block of the hybe building, making the walk to the New Jeans dorm first an easy one. Well, as easy as it can be with Yunjin carrying Minji on her back and all. 
The walk there was chilly; to their credit, it was the end of October in the middle of the night, so of course, it was going to be a bit cold. Minji, during her rush out of the dorm that seemed like a lifetime ago, had forgotten to bring a sweatshirt with her, and she had quickly come to regret that decision. With the way, the sharp gusts of wind were feeling like pins and needles into her bare skin. 
Kazuha must have seen the goosebumps coating her arms and her tight grip on Yunjin's much warmer body because she had stopped them in the middle of the sidewalk, taken off her own sweatshirt, and put it on Minji. Despite the protest she got from the younger girl, saying that now she was going to be cold. Kazuha didn’t care, even if she was probably going to wake up with a sore throat in the morning. She practically forced Minji to keep it on. 
Their stroll to the New Jeans dorm trucked on with Kazuha and Yunjin talking about something random, asking for Minji’s input whenever they saw fit. However, they both saw that the younger girl wasn’t up for much talking at the moment. They marked it up to the fact that she was shy. I mean, what would you say if you had just gotten fucked the shit out of by your two seniors you have barely interacted with at 3 am in your company's locker room. 
By the time they arrived at the New Jeans dorm, it was nearly 5 a.m. Yunjin had set Minji down in front of her building. Minji, by this time, was able to walk relatively normally by herself, a bit slower than usual, but it was good enough.
“Umm, thank you, guys, for tonight. It was good, I liked it,” Minji said awkwardly, her cheeks heating up a bit at the end. 
“Yeah, it was fun. We should definitely do it again if you’re up to it,” Yunjin said, catching Minji off guard. She had thought that this was just going to be a one-time thing. She had to admit, though, it was fun, and the pair made it the utmost enjoyable for her. 
“Text me if you need advice on how to take care of those marks down there. I know how mean Yunjin is,” Kazuha said as she hugged Minji goodbye. 
“Saying that like you didn’t cum all over her face” Yunjin rolled her eyes as she got hit in the back of the head by Kazuha. Before focusing back on the task at hand, she wrapped her arms around Minji, getting her goodbye hug.
Minji waved the two girls goodbye, watching them make their way down the street towards their own dorm before she walked to the elevator, pressed the button to her floor, and leaned her head against the wall. She was exhausted. It had been one hell of a day, to say the least. 
Just as the elevator doors were about to close, she saw a hand stop it in its tracks. 
“Sorry!” she heard a familiar voice ring out.
She knew that voice all too well. 
It was Hanni.
The exhaustion from the day seemingly vanished as her eyes nearly popped out of her head at the sight of Hanni. Her hair was tangled, and she was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt that definitely didn’t belong to her with how they were drowning her in fabric.
“Where were you?” Minji said coldly.
“I could say the same to you,” Hanni scoffed, eyeing her up and down. 
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yunjinkisses · 4 months
hey author!! if you do g!p reader, may i request a kim minji x g!p lesserafim!reader gym crush?
minji and reader goes to hybe gym everyweek, and minji has been pining on reader for the longest time, but one day something happened (anything you want, i cant really think of one but, can it be smut?) tysm author! take ur time!!
what’s ahead:,pet names,creampie,degradation,praise,dom minji,sub reader
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me and my members aswell as newjeans’s members , we were practicing to perfect night , newjeans decided to join for practice , i kept sneaking looks at minji,all my members knew i had a crush on her , they’d always tell me how she liked me as-well but id never believe them
“alright guys i think we did really well!,especially you guys! you did super well for your second time doing the perfect night choreography!”
yunjin spoke up , and newjeans gathered together as we were all in the hybe gym room,everyone started to exit , but hanni was whispering to minji and minji nodded,i hung back to grab my phone that was playing the music connected to the speakers , minji stayed back , as hanni exited she gave minji a thumbs up which confused me but i didn’t pay any mind to it
“uhm y/n-ah?”
“yeah minji unnie? what’s up?”
i spoke as i picked up my phone disconnecting it from the speakers,looking back at her , she seemed nervous
“would you wanna practice together , just me and you,im having trouble with your perfect night choreography,and i wanted to ask if you could help me!”
i smiled softly and nodded
“of course i can help you let me set up the music again and let’s get started!”
i set up the music and started to show her how to do the moves properly
“so for this part you’ll wanna pay attention,you’ll have to move like this”
i showed her an example
“like this?”
she seemed to struggle a bit with this part so i grabbed her hips and arms not thinking about it , and showed her how to do it properly guiding her movements
“sorta but it’s more like this!”
i started to move with her to the music , accidentally grinding against her ass a few times , making me get a bit hard , so i moved away from her a bit still guiding her movements , not paying any mind to my hardness,i continued to move with her , she was clearly nervous , blushing and scared
a few more times practicing the same part , a few more times of brushing up against her , making me more nervous,making me stutter as i spoke
“u-uhm a-and you just-“
“hey y/n-ah is everything okay? your stuttering all of the sudden”
she turned around to look at me , i quickly covered my crotch with a hand , and looked away
“yeah i’m fine! l-let’s keep p-practicing!”
minji looked down and saw my covering my boner , she moved my hand , she was much stronger than me so it was easy for her to do that
“y/n-ah,are you getting turned on by this?”
“u-uhm i-“
minji wrapped her hands around my neck and whispered into my ear
“you know i’ve had the biggest crush on you for the longest time , so why don’t you just kiss me already”
i tried to speak but i couldn’t i just stuttered and she decided to kiss me, i kissed back , she brought me over to the sofa , sitting us down,her sitting on my lap,im sure she was able to feel my hard member through my shorts
she broke the kiss and left a string of saliva between us,her hands wandered up my shirt and groped my boobs under my bra , she decided to unclasp my bra and take my shirt off,aswell as her own,it was a gorgeous sight to see
“you gonna keep staring?”
“sorry your just so…fucking beautiful god..”
i spoke up and she giggled a bit , her lips latched to my nipple and her other hand played with the other boob , making me moan,my hand playing with her hair
“m-minji unnie..m-more..”
she detached from my boob
“hmm you want more? why didn’t you say so baby~”
she slowly took off my pants and boxers revealing my dick,she licked her lips at the sight , she proceeded to take off her own shorts and panties and than sit herself onto my dick , us both moaning,the feeling of her tight pussy around my cock felt amazing
“y-y/n-ah!~ your sooo big~”
“m-mhm!~ y-your so tight!~”
minji started to go up and down on me , making me moan,aswell as her , my hands went to her boobs to play with them,she giggled a bit
“m-mhm!~ you like unnies b-boobs?~”
“m-mhm!~ l-love them!”
“of course you do! stupid slut!”
her words made my eyes roll , i went to kiss her as i played with her tits , breathy moans between kisses,she pulled away to speak
“your so needy! such a good girl!~ such a needy princess!~”
“m-mhm!~ all y-yours!~”
“that’s right! all mine!~ this dick is all mine!”
she started to go faster on me,making me feel closer to cumming
“f-fuck minji - unnie!!! gonna c-cum~”
“me too baby,come on princess,fill unnie up like a good girl!~”
her words sent me over the edge , i gripped her hips sending my cum deep inside her,my head flew back , us both moaning loudly
“that feel good baby?”
“god yes..”
minji spoke and i replied , kissing my cheek as she hopped off me , grabbing our clothes for us to get dressed , we walked out the room for hanni and danielle to be outside listening to us
“oh u-uhm we were just!”
“we know what you two were doing,hope you guys had fun doing eachother!”
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httpsryu · 11 months
kites : final part
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pairing: kim minji x fem! reader
summary: both you and minji both decide to run for class president in order to prove one another on who's the brightest but it also happens to be the exact time a certain someone decides that her silly heart beats for the other
category: enemies-to-lovers(ish), high school au
genre: slow burn (?), fluff, and angst tiny amount or not
warnings: competitive and jealousy, an extreme amount of making you feel single ;-;
a/n: be sure to check out p.1 and p.2 of kites
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you can't comprehend everything that is happening right now.
"congrats, i kind of figured you were going to win after that speech." jungwon holds out his hand, asking for a handshake.
staring down at his hand, you reach out to shake back. "thanks."
"you too, minji."
the taller girl besides you beam out a smile at the cat-eyed male. "thank you, jungwon."
minji swears she has to be on cloud 9 and the gods from above decided to grant her prayers because how in the hell did she manage to be vice-pres alongside you?
"well class, from now on, y/n and minji will be your leaders." ms. ahn excitedly says, cleaning up the papers used for voting. "i know we planned to have this during the last hour of the day but it's a beautiful day out, how about we end the day early?"
the class cheers in unison, leaving you to let out a smile at their excitement.
from your peripheral eyes, you could notice someone's gaze on you.
you know who it is, you just didn't want to face the girl who kissed you and confessed that it was a mistake.
"y/n, can we talk? please?"
however, much to minji's dismay, you walk off to where rei is waiting for you with your backpack in her hand.
minji knows she deserves the silence treatment from, it was always like that for the both of you.
why did her mind and actions work differently from one another?
with a heavy seldom over her shoulders, minji trudges back to her seat to grab her backpack and leave. all she wants to do is go home and cry in her bed from feeling like the worst person on this planet.
how dare she kissed you like that without your permission?
"since you won vice-pres, do you want to celebrate with the girls for some ice cream?" hanni suggests, wiggling her eyebrows in an attempt for the older to give in.
minji could only just stare at her australian friend in return.
to take her mind off of you things, minji agrees to go out for ice cream. (only because hanni offered to pay).
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"are you okay?" wonyoung asks you, grabbing the attention of rei and jiwon also.
you nod unsure, confused on why she's asking you this. "why wouldn't i be?"
"you're quiet today." the taller female furrows her brows, analyzing how you're acting. "i would assume that you'd be jumping in the air while not shutting up about winning and beating minji."
at that name, you can't help but to scoff.
kim minji.
that name somehow infuriates you even more.
"is everything okay?" jiwon asks, stopping your hand from fisting into a ball. "did she do something to you?"
rei tilts her head, from what she noticed and examined in home room earlier was confusing to her too. she thought minji and you were okay, considering the fact minji's speech was about you. everyone in that room noticed a sudden change in the relationship. (everyone, but you)
"she did something and ran from it." you softly say, walking into the ice cream shop.
"huh?" wonyoung's expression makes rei and jiwon laugh.
rei slams the taller's mouth by pushing up the chin. "close your mouth, you'd get a bug in there."
jiwon shakes her head from their antics, following you into the ice cream shop.
it's as if the day wasn't already bad.
of course; you would end up at the same ice cream shop as kim minji.
directly making eye contact with her across the room, you stare straight on as she chokes back on her ice cream and direct her gaze upon something else.
god, this has to be a joke.
how could she sit there and eat ice cream when she kissed you and clearly explained that it was a mistake.
"geez, it's really packed here." jiwon scans the place, seeing a few familiar faces from school.
"yeah, it is..."
on the other hand, hanni looks up from her ice cream (which she desperately tried protecting from hyein's "grubby" fingers) and right away, she spots you across the room.
"hey! y/n is here." the vietnamese-australian excitedly exclaims. "we should invite her over-"
minji immediately shakes her head no. "-uh, i don't think that's a good idea."
"why?" danielle asks, tilting her head to the side which earns a soft smile from haerin. "i thought you wanted to be friends with her?"
the older can't bring herself to say anything.
hyein hums in agreement. "we're all closer to her than you. i don't even see her as much as you all!"
"well, they're rivals." haerin chirps in the conversation.
'THANK YOU, HAERIN!' minji mentally says.
"whatever, i'm inviting her." hanni rolls her eyes, bringing her arm up in the air to wave over at you while minji's eyes widens and she panics, trying to push down the other's arm.
"y/n! y/n! y/n!"
at your name being called, you look around to see an excited girl across the room waving at you intensely.
with a smile forming on your face from your friend's antics, you wave back brightly while mouthing the word "hi."
"come sit with us! we have plenty of seats for wonyoung, rei, jiwon, and you!"
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honestly, both you and minji did not know how it came down to this...
there were many seats available for you to choose from, with the intent of both of you ABSOLUTELY trying your very hardest to not sit anywhere near the other.
and yet, you ended up right besides her...
"i'll go order some ice cream for us." wonyoung sets her purse down, taking her wallet out and getting ready to leave her seat.
"i'll do it!" you exclaim, jumping up instantly before you can think about anything else.
your best friend stares at you weirdly. "but you INSISTED on me paying for us this time."
"that's okay! you can pay me back next time." you smile it off, already feeling your eye twitch at the thought of your sad bank account.
wonyoung shrugs, sitting down in content of her bank account being healthy.
"rainbow sherbet for rei and mint-chocolate for jiwon and wony." you stand up out of your seat, ready to leave and take a mental breather.
all your best friends nod happily.
"and almond for your honey?" hanni asks with her mouth full of ice cream as she tugs on the sleeves of your cardigan uniform.
you giggle as you nod, reaching your hand to pet the shorter's head.
minji squints at your hand petting the top of hanni's head, she can't help but to ball her fist at the sight. she knows she'll regret this and she's sure you'll definitely will hate her; if not more.
"i'll go with you, y/n."
everyone at the table stops chattering with one another, snapping their heads over to you two with curious ears. all are wondering what you're going to say, even hyein is intrigued.
with pressure on you, all you let out is a slight nod before walking off to the ice cream bar with minji following closely behind you.
great; a long line to wait in. WITH MINJI
all you have to is ignore her. not too hard, right?
"can we please talk, y/n?" minji's voice sounds eager, wanting to be heard. "i have so much to tell you."
sighing internally, you cross your arms while turning your body a little towards her. "what, kim?"
the older tries not to show her evident disappointment upon you calling her by her surname. "for everything."
"like what? tampering with my campaign posters? or trying to play with my mind with your games? kissing me and saying it was a mistake?"
minji can only gulp in the suffocating air around her, her heart beating very seriously and clearly loud for her to even hear her own thoughts.
"see? you can't even say anything, kim!" you roll your eyes, exasperated while letting out a scoff before turning away from her.
talking to minji feels like you're talking to a wall. it's suffocating to you.
you just want to go back to your own ways where you two barely glance at one another.
"it wasn't a mistake." minji admits, nervous at what you will respond with.
you bring your head to look over at her.
"i want to be friends with you, y/n."
you want to laugh right now.
"you kiss the people you want to be friends with?" you let out a dry laugh, moving up the line with the taller following you behind closely. "i'm sorry but i can't be friends with people who does one thing and means another."
minji DOES want to tell you. of everything!
from when she realized her feelings for you, to how a small glance at your pretty face makes her stomach suddenly attract butterflies and how maybe, all along, she was always in love with you.
but how come she can't bring herself into telling you the truth?
before she could come up with a respond, you're already out of her sight and up ordering.
"pay attention, noona!"
she internally panics, awkwardly bowing at the middle school kids behind her and catching up to you.
"hi, could i have one scoop of rainbow sherbet, two scoops of mint chocolate chip, one scoop of almond bongbong, and two scoops of NY cheesecake?" you politely ask the ice cream scooper while getting your debit card ready until you feel her hand stopping you.
"i got it." minji gently says, taking out her debit card.
the ice cream scooper makes a weird smile, continuously darting their eyes between you and minji. "that'd be $13.79."
before you could hand the card over, minji shoves her debit card in the scooper's hands.
"let me at least do that for you, hm?" the vice-president asks.
you can't help but to let out a defeated nod as you watch the scooper already started to insert the taller's card into the chip reader.
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"thanks for paying." you look down at the tray full of ice cream, ready to grab it but minji has already beaten you to it.
retracing your hands away, you can't help but to mentally curse at how your ears suddenly starts burning up at the mere contact you just made with the older.
minji couldn't stop flushing either (you don't notice).
"um, i got it." she awkwardly states, clearing her throat after.
this is all her fault.
god, you probably hate her guts way more than you ever did.
"they're probably waiting for us." you call, motioning at the peering eyes from your friends as you let out a smile.
the taller couldn't help but to giggle a bit at the girls, shortly letting out a nod after. "right after you."
a slight nod is your response, turning away on your heels and returning towards the table.
all things suddenly goes wrong when out from thin air, two small toddlers playing the game of 'tag' bumps into the taller female and a loud scatter creeps up behind you, causing you to abruptly turn around.
"oh my god, minji!" you yell, concern in your voice at the sight of minji on the ground as you rush towards her.
everyone else at the table gasp, hands over their mouths as they don't know what to do.
"i think y/n has it." haerin reassures the girls at the tables, however, a little glint is sitting in her eyes and she's almost 100% positive that everything will be figured out between the two of you.
minji groans loudly, almost sounding like a middle-aged man as she tries to get up from the floor. unfortunately, the floor isn't on her side today and attempts to make a fool out of minji.
fortunately, you rushed over just in time to catch ahold of the other's arm.
"are you alright?" you ask, concern evident in your voice as your eyebrows are furrowed.
so pretty is all that minji is able to think about right now.
you blink confusedly at the silence between you two. "hello? kim? you good?"
"it just turned 5:45." she mumbles.
the taller's eyes widen, finally coming to her senses as she rushes out of your hold, clearing her throat after and crouching over the floor to clean up the mess.
"they got it." you motioned towards the janitor and a few staff rushing in.
minji looks behind, grimacing shortly in embarrassment in front of you before turning back to face you fully with a small but short smile.
"let's get you cleaned up." placing your hand out, you patiently wait for the older to take your hand.
minji thinks she's dreaming. if all it took to be able to hold your hand was to make a fool out of herself, she'll do it all over again.
so she stares, in excitement yet in confusion as well.
"oh. sorry." apologizing, prompting you to pull your hand back in embarrassment to which the other grabs your hand fairly quickly before you could even bring it back.
the black haired pulls herself up, her hold on your hand fairly tight.
"this is very much embarrassing." she mumbles under her breath, upset at herself for looking like a complete idiot in front of the girl she has feelings for. (she does however, give credit to the universe for allowing her to hold your hand).
you rub the back of her hand in response before dragging her to the restroom.
"you go ahead and do what you need to, i think i have a spare jacket in my backpack." you assure her gently, letting go of the older's hand and ready to turn on your heels to quickly grab your jacket.
"WAIT!" minji exclaims, pulling you back. "i need to say this now before i end up not getting the chance too."
what in the world-
you can only stare, getting a little too lost in her eyes and well some splattered mint choco.
"i know you already hate me and this may make you hate me more." minji nervously feels her voice already wanting to give out at the anxiousness. "but recently, i came to terms with myself and my emotions and i just wanted to let you know that i really like you."
is this for real?
"none of this is a game, y/n." the taller looks down on you, her hand still gripping your wrist. "5:45 pm."
your eyebrows furrow in confusion at the random time spoken.
"that was the time when i confirmed that i am in love with you."
minji panics slightly. "-of course you don't have to answer back now! i can wait for as long as-"
wiping ice cream off her nose, you giggle at her. "we can talk more about us after we get you cleaned up, yeah?"
"i wonder what's taking them long?" jiwon asks, concern clouding over her ray of thoughts.
rei shrugs, stealing some of danielle's and haerin's ice cream. "probably making out."
"gross!" hyein covers her ears.
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your eyes trail over your name on the exam scores, noticing that it's tied with another name.
"geez, i should've first place." minji mutters jokingly, coming up from behind you as she rests her chin on your shoulder.
hanni stares, blinking to process everything and once she ties two-and-two together, her mouth drops in an instant.
"MINJI AND Y/N ARE A COUPLE!" she yells, grabbing everyone's attention.
"we weren't even hiding it, bro!"
turning around, you place a quick peck on the other's lips. "looks like we're still on for another year, huh?"
minji nods, trying to lean in for another kiss. "yep and i'm definitely going to get the top score."
"not if i do first, kim." you tease, breaking away from her hold.
minji shuts her eyes in exhaustion, knowing she's going to have to chase you around. "kang y/n!"
"they're already becoming an eyesore to look at." rei shakes her head.
wonyoung smiles brightly. "i always knew there was a spark between them."
"agreed." haerin pulls up besides them.
hanni rolls her eyes in envy. "so what? i'm the only single one in this group?"
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minji hums softly, breaking from kiss as she rests her forehead against yours. "you know, i always like to think kites represents us."
"why is that?" you ask in a whisper, looking down at the pink butterfly kite the both of you just purchased as a reward for finishing all exams.
the older smiles with adoration. "you were helping those boys reach for their kite that one night. it kind of started my infatuation with you."
"hmm, is that so?"
minji shrugs, leaning her chin on your shoulder as she wraps her arms around your waist. "more like it made me recognize that i've always been infatuated with you."
"that sounds more like it." you glimmer.
getting off your girlfriend's lap, you grab the pink kite. "fly this with me?"
"you don't even have to ask, sweetie."
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AHHH!!!...well, kites has officially finished! thank you all for reading! hope you all enjoyed this as much as i did :)
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twicesserafim · 8 months
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Sakuras Cousin:
Yunjin x Fem!reader.
You're sakuras cousin, you and yunjin both have an interest in each other but a specific member doesn't like that. (sakura) So you part ways, go through multiple different challenges in your relationship, making it rocky and difficult. Feelings get hurt, tears get shed, will you guys make it and last until the end? ... -Ongoing-
1. Not aloud
2. Flirting
3. Instagram
4. Cute
5. Mine
6. Caught by kkura
7. Blondie
8. Dinner date
9. Matching post
10. Chefs
11. My fave streamer
12. Railing
13. I'm sorry.
14. The truth
15. Kim Minju
16. Jealousy over a hoodie
17. Wait, what?
18. Getaway
19. Jealous Jen
20. Get married 👍
21. The world is healing
22. Uh-oh
23. 2Kim
24. Talk it out
25. Make out
26. Good golly
28. You're so horny
30. Surprise?
31. Your Girl.
32. Posting again??
34. Pr or no?
35. Babies
36. Damn..
37. In love with you.
38. That's our song.
39. Public.
40. Low blow.
41. Reality check.
42. Not for you.
43. Money, Money, Money.
44. Scandal Saviour
44. Are you insane??
45. Too fine
Fall in love with you.
Sakura x Fem!reader
You've been a fan of sakura for as long as you remember, it's always been a joke that sakura's your girlfriend. You're an influencer but half of your page ends up being sakura. But little did you know, she's a fan of you too. What happens when one day, she reaches out to you.. but she's nothing like you imagined? ... -Ongoing-
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Teenage love.
Eunchae and Y/n experiencing teenage love together for the first time, but one mistake makes their relationship more risky and a lot more effort had to be put in. Can they do it? ... -Ongoing-
Eunchae x Fem!Reader
Try Again.
Forbiddingly Yours.
In a world where loving someone with a different surname is forbidden, but the two daughters of the most respected and well known families of Taiwan fall in love with each other. Chou Tzuyu and Lu Y/n. Can they keep things hidden? ... - Ongoing -
Tzuyu x Fem!reader
[1] First talk
[2] I'm yours
[3] Melting
[4] Uh oh..
[5] Did it hurt?
[6] Seriously?
[7] Cheater!
[8] Lying.
[9] Break up.
[10] Falling.
[11] Explaining.
[12] Try again.
[13] Mine all mine.
[14] My love.
[15] What?
[16] Giving Up.
[17] Screw you.
[18] It's over.
[19] She needs to know.
[20] Korea and Vietnam.
[21] Secret Lu.
[22] Is it mine?
[23] Choices.
[24] Win her back.
[25] Won their love.
[26] Anniversary.
[27] Truly yours.
[28] Twice?
[29] Well..
[30] You didn't tell me??
To be continued...
Have Faith In Me
Kim Minji and Lu Y/n. One new jeans member, One lesserafim member. They get paired up as roommates for the new reality show of living with Nwjs and Lsfm made by their managements. They start off on the wrong foot but slowly get along.. -Ongoing-
Kim Minji x Fem!Reader
(Lsfm profiles) (Lsfm contact names)
1. Dorm arrangement
2. Word on the street
3. Bad first meet!
4. Physical!
5. Bad plans
6. Okay so..
7. Danielle
8. Hotel room
9. Girlfriend
10. Vietnamese Lesson
11. Loser
12. Pochacco war
13. Em yêu chị
A collection of my short stories/one shots 😁
Miyawaki Sakura:
All couples fight. [A]
Back the fuck up. [A, S, F]
Change for us, since you ruined me. [A, S, F]
Jealous g!p sakura [S]
Huh Yunjin:
Expect the unexpected [S]
Kim Chaewon:
nothing yet..
Nakamura Kazuha:
None yet...
Hong Eunchae:
Dammit. [F]
Run. [F]
Try Again. [F]
Im Nayeon:
Not Over You. [F]
Yoo Jeongyeon
nothing yet..
Hirai Momo:
nothing yet..
Minatozaki Sana:
Falling for you. [F, A]
After Breakup Jealousy [A, F]
Park Jihyo:
nothing yet..
Myoui Mina:
nothing yet..
Kim Dahyun:
nothing yet..
Son Chaeyoung:
nothing yet..
Chou Tzuyu:
Long Distance [A, F]
New Jeans..
Kim Minji:
Campus Crush [A, F, S]
Kang Haerin:
Jealous Y/n [F]
Gf texts [F]
Second masterlist!
149 notes · View notes