#owwwwwww sorry
comradeghosty · 5 months
Should've Been Me
Sabo angst fic
Sabo maintains the idea that he could've saved Ace, blaming himself for his amnesia and absence during the events of Marineford.
Tags: angst, panic attacks, vomiting, suicidal thoughts, guilt, self-hatred, referenced character death, canon universe
!!! 16+ !!!
I also posted it on AO3
The sound of running water echoed in his ears. Sabo stood at the sink, cold, wet hair dripping onto the marble countertop. His knuckles were white as he gripped the edge, and his fingertips pressed harshly into the porcelain. Ragged breaths ripped from his lungs as he looked at himself in the mirror. Boy was he a sight, like something out of a horror film. Strands of sopping hair dripped down over his face, slightly covering his dark eyes. The red, tight scar stretched irritatingly over his left eye and cheek. It peered angrily from under his blonde curls, and Sabo grit his teeth.
There was a tightness in his chest as he glared at his reflection. The man in the mirror was empty. A husk, a shell. A broken fury reflected back at the man who barely knew who he was. It was a cruel joke, some sort of punishment for something in a past life. 
He feared that the guilt would eat him alive, that it would rot him from the inside out. Fear and self loathing nestled deep in his chest. It settled like a fungus between his lungs, where every breath in and every breath out spread the spores throughout his body. They spread until it consumed his heart, till it consumed his muscles and throat and brain. Sabo splashed cold water on his face again, sloshing the liquid around the countertop and floor.
“Why?” he gritted out. The word sounded broken and garbled, as if he had a mouthful of glass. Never before had a man wished so badly to be able to cry. He rested his elbows on the counter, cradling his head in his hands and pressing his palms into his eye sockets. The pressure was uncomfortable, albeit grounding. 
Amnesia. That’s what he was diagnosed with by the Revolutionary doctors after his accident. Fucking amnesia. Loss of all his dearest memories, his friends, his family- Dadan and Luffy and Ace. If only he hadn’t tried to leave Goa. If only he had waited, left when he was older. Such a stupid thing done out of anger, spite. Stupid, stupid, stupid. 
Sabo looked up at his reflection again, cursing the man staring back at him. He wished he could die, that he could give himself in place of his brother. Knowing that Luffy was there, struggling and trying so desperately to save Ace while Sabo was hiding in Baltigo. He was so fucking useless, going into a coma and not being able to comfort or help Luffy after Ace was executed. 
What did Ace think about when he was dying? Did he think about how he was going to leave Luffy all alone? Was he expecting to see Sabo in the afterlife? The thoughts pierced Sabo’s heart with so much agony and grief, his knees felt weak. The man slowly shrank down to the floor. Wetness from the spilled water soaked through his pants, leaving a stinging coldness against his skin. Ace died without even knowing Sabo still lived, and Sabo would regret that for the rest of his life. 
Strength left his body and he laid down fully on the floor, curling into the fetal position and hugging himself. His blonde hair fanned against the dirty floor as his body was overwhelmed by shakes and shallow breaths. 
“You’re such a fucking coward,” he whispered to himself. “You don’t deserve to be their brother.”
He would’ve been there. Sabo maintained that thought. He would’ve showed up for his brothers. But he didn’t. He wasn’t there when they needed him. Their big brother was absent. And now Luffy suffers alone and Ace is dead. Sabo wished again that he had died instead, that he could’ve taken that blow for Ace. 
It wouldn’t have changed much anyways. Luffy and Ace believed him to be dead, so it wouldn’t have even really mattered if he died. His brothers had such a strong bond, growing stronger in Sabo’s absence and further as pirates, but he didn’t share in that growth. Sabo’s growth with the two stopped the moment that he stole that ship and tried to set sail. He did that to himself, abandoning that bond with his brothers. Grief rippled through his bones again. Greedy, he was a greedy man. A wet sob escaped his lips and echoed in the small bathroom. Sabo felt insignificant. Who was he to grieve so heavily when he abandoned his brothers in the first place? Coward.
Strands of golden hair littered the cold, wet floor of the bathroom as Sabo’s hands found purchase there. He didn’t even realize he was doing it, so lost in his own hysteria that his mind and body no longer synced in thought and action. He deserved it, whatever misery came his way. Guilt festered in his body, his bones and blood and hair and flesh. Every cell in his body radiated white hot loathing. It hurt badly, worse than his accident, worse than anything his biological family ever did. Sabo did this to himself.
Bile rose in his throat and he barely had enough time to drag himself over to the toilet before spilling the nonexistent contents of his stomach. He hadn’t been able to eat much since finding out that he let his brother be killed. The cold porcelain of the seat pressed into his cheek. His body was spent, wracked with so much anguish. He didn't even realize when Koala had come into the bathroom, pulling Sabo against her. He barely recognized the movements of her lips and remained unable to recognize the words coming out of it. 
He felt as if he was outside of his body, the guilt and grief finally expelling him from the flesh. Banished, he looked on as Koala called Hack to help her lift Sabo and carry him to the hospital bed. He could hear them speak, whispering concerns about him and hushed sentiments of pity. Sabo wished for nothingness, his body wracked with exhaustion. As they laid him down, one of the revolutionary doctors gave him a quick working sedative, and Sabo found himself finally starting to drift to nothingness and relief. 
After Sabo was under, Koala and Hack stood by his bed. They felt awful for their friend, knowing that the shock shook his psyche so badly. Both of the revolutionaries sat there for a while, watching over him as he finally rested, hoping that Sabo could find it in himself to forgive himself one day.
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rocketsflyinghigh · 4 months
She'd been carrying her for the last day, struggling underneath the weight of the wounded pokemon.
She's been pulling for the last couple of hours, sapping whatever strength her lanky limbs had. Just. so. heavy.
With a tumble to the ground, both Rocket and the pokemon fell and rolled over, the pokemon softly crying as she faintly looks up into the sky....just wishing she could fly.....to let go....
"Ohhhh owwwwwww I'm-"
She had to get up again, had to help it. This was her fault and she needed to fix it. She had to fix it....
....But as soon as she did, a sharp pain rose up her leg and throughout her body, just absolute pain from the exhaustion and work.
"-AHH sorry I'm so sorry I promise-"
Rocket fought off tears as she told herself to toughen up.
She couldn't fail her.
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A Quick Christmas Sneak Peak
Hey, remember that fic preview I mentioned yesterday? Well...here's the scene immediately after the opening scene! This is partially because of one particular spoiler that will become clear as you read on, and partially because...my brain has a better idea of how this scene goes and I wanted to get it done first.
Rottytops was familiar with being on the receiving end of explosions, a fact that she imagined wouldn't be too surprising to anyone who knew her. From mornings where her brothers had dragged her out of bed to witness a half-baked idea for a spell in a coffee-deprived haze, to some of her more elaborate pranks blowing up in her face, to one particularly memorable occasion where she hadn't watched her steps at Ammo Baron's most recent lair at the time and stepped on a landmine. Shantae fussed a LOT over her after that last one, much to her delight. The point was, Rottytops was familiar with explosions, much more than the average human - maybe even more than the average zombie, even. That did not make it hurt any less when the spell she'd been preparing violently burst in a flash of pink, white, and purple, throwing her back and slamming her body into the wall at mach speeds.
"Owwwwwww..." Rottytops groaned, slumping as gravity took hold and plopped her body down to the floor. She rubbed the back of her head with a wince, suddenly feeling a belated relief that she'd had some form of head protection. Not a hard hat, sure, but the full-blown hazmat suit had to count for something, right? ...Right? "Looking on the bright side, might have given myself an early Christmas present - a concussion! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..."
She trailed off, looking towards the ceiling, and let out a quiet sigh. She would've made to rub her temples, but unfortunately all that would've done in her current outfit is smudge the glass. This was...not the best result, but in hindsight, not unexpected. All her work in dark magic didn't really help her that much with the regular stuff, and, well. It probably would've helped immensely if she had, y'know, a half-genie to help with her spell involving the Genie Realm, but the only one available right now was Shantae, and that'd ruin the surprise! Maybe it wasn't the best idea to immediately shoot for the moon, but dang it, she'd wanted to get something special for their first Christmas as a couple!
...of course, if Shantae were here, she'd probably say something about how she shouldn't be so hard on herself and that there was always next Christmas, and just by thinking that she could almost hear the imaginary pep talk from her girlfriend. The image made her snort a little and an affectionate smile crossed her lips, Rottytops shaking her head as she pulled herself off the floor and dusted herself off. Brain Shantae had a point; no point in sitting around feeling sorry for herself! Even if her initial attempt hadn't gone well, she still had time - she could try again, or just be satisfied with the half-dozen gifts she'd gotten Shantae already and make a note to get the other half-genies over in Scuttle Town next year so she could do this properly. She almost began to hum a little as she stretched and began to move to do just that, but any music was caught in her throat as she looked at the epicenter of her spell and saw that she wasn't alone.
And though the smoke hadn't quite cleared out yet, there was one unmistakable feature that she couldn't have possibly missed - the distinct, pointed ears.
The zombie girl froze in her tracks, mind racing with the implications and running the math to come to a few conclusions. Her first, near-immediate conclusion, was wow; considering her spell was supposed to let her into the Genie Realm, bringing a genie over here was one hell of a backfire (and a prime example of why magic freaked her out. yeah, rich coming from the zombie dabbling in the dark arts, but at least dark magic had consistent results and didn't change because the magic felt like it). The second, much-more concerning conclusion, was oh no, is she okay? Now, admittedly, Rottytops wasn't an expert on how genies fared outside of the Genie Realm, but she DID remember when Shantae recounted those Genies she met on her first adventure and how rough they'd looked by the time she'd come around and gotten them out of those weird cages. Granted, at least some of that was absolutely because of the cage thing, if not all of it, but Rottytops felt the need to double check because Shantae definitely would've throttled her if she didn't.
Hesitantly, and as quietly as she could, Rottytops took a few steps towards the prone figure. She silently debated the best way to ask if anything was broken, or if she had some sort of weird allergy to the air or something, but before she could figure it out her train of thought was cut off by the sound of boisterous laughter. She sounded...warm. Energetic. Somewhat manic, with the sort of feral energy Rotty only really expected from, well, herself, but equally present was the sheer sense of RELIEF. As if a great weight had just been lifted from the genie's shoulders, and she couldn't help but laugh at the freedom she'd been given. Faster than she could blink, the genie turned and lunged at Rotty, nearly knocking her over with the impact and pulling her into a tight hug that had the zombie suddenly much more concerned about her bones than she'd ever been in her life.
"Thank you!" With that, the genie woman pulled back, and Rotty was finally able to get a good look at her. The first thing she noticed was her eyes - for the most part, they looked close to human, but what set her apart was how the eyes seemed to glow with a vibrant purple that shifted hues even as she stared in awe. In the back of her mind, some part of her noted that the purple, in all its hues, matched Shantae's magic perfectly, best illustrated with the puff of smoke that always accompanied her transformations. She had purple hair to match - again, the same shade as Shantae's hair - done in a messy bobcut that left most of her face clear, and a warm tone to her skin that reminded her of polished wood...again, the exact same shade as Shantae's. Huh.
"It's been a while since I've been in this old thing," the genie remarked to herself, poking her arm with an undisguised fascination and turning her body this way and that to get a better look at herself. She didn't have much height to her - actually an inch or two shorter than Shantae - but she more than made up for that by being built like a tank. Rottytops had thought Harmony was built like an amazon, but this lady had her beat by a MILE, and her outfit definitely showed that off: a bright purple leotard that covered most of her torso but left her shoulders and back exposed, along with a set of black leather boots and gloves with a trim of purple fur and a brown belt decorated with bits of fur, feathers, and scales. There was a bit of pudge here and there, bringing to mind a mother who hadn't quite burned off all the baby fat, but she wore it incredibly well in all honesty.
And, well. Rottytops didn't want to assume or anything. Shantae didn't exactly have any picture to use for a reference, and it was a bit of a wild leap in logic when there were a dozen genies she could have picked up. But, considering all the very notable similarities, she had a nagging suspicion she knew who this was, even if not by name, and honestly she wasn't sure if that made this whole mess better or worse.
"...honestly, I'd thought it'd be a lot longer before I'd be able to use it, too," Rottytops' musings were cut off by the genie in question staring at her arm, her energy dying down for a moment to give way to a quiet wonder. Then, she snorted, and gave a sharp grin with a lot more fangs than any human would ever have. "Ha, and they can't even say I'm doing anything wrong here! Sure, I may not be complaining about the results, but it'll be clear that this was an accident on both fronts-"
"Both fronts?" Rottytops cut her off, raising a questioning eyebrow and mentally shoving the rest of that sentence off into a mental box somewhere to ask later. Far too much to unpack with that. The genie turned to Rottytops at her questioning, her expression turning slightly sheepish in a way that, again, Rottytops couldn't help but find familiar.
"...ah, right. So I maaaaaaaay have interfered with your spell a bit? And before you say anything," The genie raised a hand with a suddenly stern expression, cutting off the wave of incredulous anger in Rottytops before it could even start. "As a being made entirely of magic, trust me when I say that if I hadn't interfered, the magical blowback would have been a LOT worse. I wasn't just going to let you take that, not when you're so close to..."
The genie trailed off, shaking her head. "What am I doing? I know it's been a while since I've been down here, but that's hardly long enough to forget my manners!"
With that, the genie stepped forward and grabbed Rottytops' hand, giving it a firm shake that jerked Rottytops down with the strength behind it. "Call me Mena! And you're Rottytops, right?"
Almost immediately, all other thoughts fled the zombie's head as she stared at the genie - Mena - with wide eyes. "I-Whuh-huh? How'd you know that?"
"We may not be able to do much in the Genie Realm, but we can watch your world, and, well..." Mena shot Rottytops a grin. "I made a point to remember the names of all my daughter's friends."
Rottytops could feel her heart soar with that one sentence alone. It probably wasn't the most important thing to focus on in the moment, considering how Mena all but directly confirmed she was Shantae's mom and that definitely made this a lot more complicated, but Rottytops couldn't bring herself to care about that stuff right then. All that she could think about was that Shantae's mom knew who she was, by name even, probably knew of Rottytops' more...questionable deeds, and yet in spite of that she not only acknowledged Shantae and Rottytops' relationship, but cared enough to actively save Rottytops' life from the sounds of what she said earlier. It was very pleasant to know, considering she had been a bit anxious about meeting her in the Genie Realm beforehand, and Rottytops found herself so caught up in the pleasantness of it all that she didn't think twice before mentioning, "It's girlfriend, actually."
Then, she promptly froze, a newfound dread filling Rottytops at the confession as she realized that Mena might not have known that, and she quickly looked down to see the genie's reaction. Thankfully, she quickly found herself relieved by how Mena's eyes glittered with delight. "Oh, you made it official? I must have missed that - congratulations, you two!"
She slung an arm over Rottytops' shoulder, grinning with clear pride. "I'll have you know, I was rooting for you both, even with your stumbling blocks. I'm sure you've realized that being officially together doesn't make the road ahead any easier, but I think I can confidently say that it's all been well worth it! It's definitely been something seeing that from the other side, at least..."
That last bit was said in a whisper, getting Rotty to raise an eyebrow and let a sly grin spread over her features. "Oh? What was that? Am I hearing that the dense skull is genetic?"
"...well, I wish I could say otherwise, but...you should ask Mimic about it, he'd tell it better than I could," Mena chuckled, shaking her head. "Let's just say that I'm sure he's glad you two managed to figure it out before her father and I did, considering he had to lock us in a closet to get our heads straight."
"Oh, that's hilarious!" Rottytops cackled, already having a bunch of different images in her head and making a mental note to definitely ask Mimic about that story later. As she took a moment to calm down, she then remembered that she never did answer the question she'd initially approached Mena with, and took a moment to straighten herself up before clearing her throat. "Now, I hope you don't mind a slight change of topic, but, um...are you good? Like, physically speaking? Any aches or allergies or whatever?"
"Hmmm..." Mena took a moment to ponder Rotty's question, and almost unconsciously her hand drifted to a large scar that ran over her right shoulder. Rotty could just about see the edges of a similar one peeking out behind her heck and just over her other shoulder, and considering the size and shape she had a very good suspicion as to what caused it, but decidedly didn't ask. "It is a bit sore around this old wound here, admittedly, but I'll gladly take that. If it were up to me, I wouldn't head back to the Genie Realm at all, but..."
"Ahhhhhhh," Rottytops nodded in understanding. "Obligations back home?"
"...something like that," A bitter scowl crossed the genie's face, and she briefly turned away from her audience, muttering something about councils and stupid lack of flammable buildings and a few impressive curses that had Rottytops' eyebrows both shoot up to her hairline. She was definitely going to have to unpack that later, but for now, she stayed silent as Mena turned her attention back to her, letting out a deep sigh. "While we're asking questions, there is ONE I feel like I should get out of the way. I don't watch everything that goes down in my daughter's life, and I'm not a mind-reader, after all."
"Oh? Well, ask away. Floor's yours," Rottytops nodded with a wave of her hand, idly leaning against a wall as she silently wondered what kind of questions she had to ask.
"Right. So...what, exactly, did you want to go into the Genie Realm for?" Mena asked, not really accusatory so much as curious, looking at Rottytops expectantly. That didn't stop Rotty from wincing. This...might not be particularly pleasant, depending on what Mena did or didn't know.
"...so, uh. I was actually planning on running into you, believe it or not? And then getting you to write a letter," Rottytops began, silently cursing as Mena nodded and motioned for her to continue. "Had to do a bunch of research, a lot of which consisted of hanging around snackcakes so I wasn't complaining. I maaaaaaaay have looked through that scrapbook a bit, too-"
"Ah. And I'm guessing you found the section regarding genie biology and dark magic when you did that?" Mena interrupted, to which Rottytops slowly nodded. The genie relaxed a little, giving her a gentle smile. "I was wondering what that hazmat suit was for."
"...yeah, I...didn't really want to take any chances after reading that? Definitely explained that whole Dynamo thing from a while ago," Rottytops admitted. Honestly, it'd been a bit disturbing when she read about how genies had next to no natural resistances to the effects of dark magic. It made sense, sure - genies were entirely made of magic, of course there weren't any barriers for the physical and psychological effects of the stuff, but that didn't stop her from cringing a bit when she imagined it. After all, the reason she and her brothers were able to handle dark magic so well was because they, and just about every other zombie, were well-acquainted with the dangers of it. For all the stuff brought them back from the dead, it sure didn't care about leaving their bodies intact; the reason half the civilized zombie population had a crippling coffee addiction was because it was one of the most effective ways of making sure the dark magic in their systems didn't eat away at their brains and leave them a shambling, moaning husk. And that was with the restriction of a physical body. Knowing that genies had nothing for that...
"Well, you'll be happy to know that there's no need to worry - you're a closed system. You'd only have to worry about hurting me if you were slinging spells around, and the only way for the mental effects of the stuff to kick in is if a genie was using dark magic herself or with a machine like the Dynamo," Mena pat the zombie on the shoulder with a reassuring gaze, clearly understanding. After a moment, Rottytops took a moment to slowly take off the hood of the hazmat suit, prompting a grin from the genie as soon as she saw her face. "Attagirl. Besides, I'm currently a lot more...physical than I usually am, so you have even less to worry about! You'd only have a real problem if I was in my true form."
"True form?" Rottytops repeated, caught off-guard, and looked to Mena with wide eyes.
"Well, someone clearly skimmed through the chapter..." Mena gave her a light-hearted chuckle, shaking her head, then turned to her with a grin with a few too many teeth and the purple in her eyes expanded to consume anything remotely human. Then, Rotty blinked, and she was back to normal. "I'll have to show you sometime, it'll be fun! But we're getting off-track. I've heard a lot of the what and how, but don't think I haven't noticed you haven't gotten around to the why, young lady."
...well, there wasn't any use avoiding this forever. "So...how familiar are you with Shantae's past Christmas's?"
Mena blinked, her head tilted a bit. "...well, I've seen her open all her presents each year, but I'm going to take a guess and say that's not exactly what you're talking about."
"Mhm. Well, it was...I think about a week ago, and Shantae and I were talking. I was making a few Christmas jokes, she was helping me figure out the best presents for Sky and Bolo, we talked about some dates we could set up later, typical girlfriend stuff, y'know? And then at some point the conversation turned to Christmas traditions," Rottytops began, her eyes shooting up to the ceiling. "I told her about all the fun ways the Cadavers did things, she was telling me about how she and Mimic celebrated Christmas, and then suddenly right in the middle she got real quiet. Contemplative. Kinda scared me a little, honestly. Then she pulled up right next to me and asked if she could share a secret that, according to her, only Mimic, Sky, and Bolo knew. I was curious, so I agreed, and..."
Rottytops sighed. "She told me that, in her youth, she'd had her own, private Christmas tradition for a little while. For five straight years, every Christmas Eve, just before she went to bed, she'd make a quiet wish on a star that one of her presents would be a message from you. A letter, a call, anything. And after five years of no response, she eventually just...gave up. She said in hindsight that you were probably a bit too busy healing up from the Pirate Master to do anything, so she didn't really blame you, but dang it, that was the saddest story I'd ever heard! I didn't say anything to Shantae, but after hearing that I knew exactly what I had to do. For our first Christmas together as a couple, I was determined to get that message for her, one way or another. And I don't do anything by halves. So...yeah, that's it. There's your why. That answer your questions?"
The zombie turned to look at Mena, and quickly struggled to keep her heart from banging out of her chest. After all this time talking with her and seeing how much she clearly loved Shantae, Rottytops had kinda been expecting the crestfallen grief she saw when she looked back...but the apoplectic rage mixed in? Not so much. She was suddenly very glad she wasn't on the genie's bad side as she slowly turned to look at her. "...did she say exactly when she started that tradition, by any chance?"
"Uh...when she was ten years old. Why do you ask?" Rottytops answered, taking a step back. Mena didn't seem to notice, eye twitching a bit as she took a few deep breaths, and then she stared at Rottytops with a forced, pointed grin that looked about two seconds away from turning into a scowl.
"Do you have a pillow I could scream into?" The genie asked, slowly and deliberately and clearly trying her absolute best to remain calm, and also not exactly succeeding. Rottytops elected not to point this out, and instead took a moment to open the door to her bedroom and gesture to it with open arms. "Thank you. Excuse me one moment."
Without another word, she entered the room, slammed the door, and...oh, wow. Rottytops thought she had some good curses before, but this? This was next level. Honestly, if not for the context, she'd be tempted to take notes, but very carefully didn't, simply waiting outside while the genie took a moment to vent. Of course, there was a bit of concern when she heard the sound of fabric tearing, but she got the answer to what that was a moment later when the door burst open and out stomped Mena, holding a shredded pillow between her teeth and looking absolutely rabid. The genie spat out the pillow a second later and then snapped her fingers, and with a bit of magic it was as good as new.
"...sorry about that," Mena quietly apologized, shaking her head. "I just...discovered that a certain target of my rage has even more reasons to be furious at them than I thought there were already."
"Pirate Master?" Rottytops ventured out with a guess, only to quickly have it shot down with a snort.
"Oh, I WISH. At least that bastard has the decency to be dead in the ground; I have to live with these people," She shook her head, looking just about ready to go off into a rant, but then she paused. Slowly but surely, a smirk began to grow on her face, and she turned towards Rottytops with a newfound vigor and a glint of mischief in her eyes. "...say, what time is it, exactly?"
Taking the non-sequitur in stride, Rottytops looked at the clock. "About...9PM, Christmas Eve."
"Good, good...so, we have about 24 hours, because Galva isn't a snitch, and as much as I'd love to simply wait to see my daughter in-person for the first time in a long, long while, I think it'd be better if she didn't have to see me with so much stress, don't you think?" Rottytops very much wanted to ask who exactly Galva was, but she kept quiet. Because, like she had so many other times, Mena was acting very familiar, but this time, Rottytops was less thinking about Shantae and more about herself. "And while I don't have the real subject of my anger to take it out on...I do happen to know that there are quite a few people who, while they haven't done anything to me, have certainly made my daughter's life a lot harder than it needs to be."
"Are you going where I think you're going with this?" Rottytops asked, beginning to match Mena's smirk with one of her own.
"Oh, absolutely. Don't get me wrong, I love Shantae and think she's grown into a fine woman and a great hero, and a large part of that is her seemingly endless reserve of patience and understanding...but between you and me?" Mena leaned in closer, eyes quite literally sparkling as she whispered. "That is far more because of Mimic - and to some extent, her father - than my influence. Personally, I was always far more the rebellious bad girl. But let's keep that a secret for now - no need for Shantae to know just how many times her mother landed herself in jail, right?"
"Okay, sure, but you are definitely telling me that story later," Rottytops narrowed her eyes and poked Mena in the chest, but she couldn't help her grin growing wider. "Soooo...pranking spree? Is that what I'm hearing? Hitting up Mayor Scuttlebutt for how small Shantae's paycheck is?"
"Oh, he'll be first, and I have plenty of others in mind," Mena nodded, fangs glistening in the light before she slung her arm around Rotty's shoulders and pulled her close. "Come on, now - the night is young, we're both wide awake, and there's plenty of time! So...how about we get to some mother-daughter-in-law bonding, and act the part of Krampus?"
...and there's your preview! Like I said before, even if I can't necessarily get this done by Christmas, I do very much plan on getting this done just because this is SUCH a good idea. And don't worry, you'll be getting plenty of Mena; save for a few cameos, this fic primarily alternates between Mena's POV and Rottytops' POV. There's going to be a lot of fun here, so look forward to it!
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litfeathers · 8 months
The Fabulous Adventures of Mister Rabbit and Missus Wolf
Here, have some cute parental Witteclaw shenanigans.
Inspired by the legendary @pinkgolfcart and this goddamn masterpiece.
Every second that ticked by was pure torture.
Every minute felt like hours.
It was impossible to get comfortable.
Everything was simultaneously too hot and too cold.
And the pain…
Evelyn winced and wiggled in a plush bed, pulling a blanket over her restless body before immediately shoving it back off with a frustrated huff.
She groaned and pulled a cool dishtowel back over her eyes as she tried to stay as still as possible.
“Being pregnant and about to pop is the worst possible time for a migraine. Just…relax…everything is nice and dark…ohhh, that’s better. It doesn’t hurt so long as things are nice and quiet-”
“OH SHIT, OWW OWW OWWWWWWW!” she hissed with a violent twitch.
“…oh, sorry, I’m just excited. Let's try that again, nice and soft this time.”
The enthusiastic voice cleared his throat.
“Evelyn, look!” he whispered.
She winced, slowly removed the dishtowel from her eyes, and glanced at the doorway.
A pair of small wooden carvings were poking their heads around the doorframe, peering in at her with a pair of fangy wooden grins.
“I made a few more toys for the baby!!! Look! This is Mister Rabbit, and this is Missus Wolf!” Caleb announced proudly, poking the upper half of his face into the doorway as he waved around the two carvings of…well…a rabbit and a wolf.
“Adorable,” Evelyn murmured, spinning a quick spell circle to cool off the towel some more before setting it back onto her eyes. “That’s actually quite cute, Caleb.”
“How is the headache?” he asked softly, padding into the room and kneeling by the bed as quietly as he could.
“Monstrous,” Evelyn whispered. “And I’m so uncomfortable. Three days. Only three days left…”
“Oh, Eve,” The bed shifted slightly as Caleb leaned onto the mattress to check on her. “Is there anything I can do?”
“I’ll be fine,” she murmured. “Stop fussing.”
“Are you sure? Do you need soup? A healer? More blankets? A massage? A book? Some alcohol-free apple blood? A nice-”
“What I need is rest and quiet, dear.”
Caleb frowned, slowly lowering his head to rest his cheek on his arms as he watched his wife for a moment.
“I’m so sorry you’re uncomfortable,” he said, a tiny bit of guilt starting to creep into his voice as he glanced at her round stomach.
“The nature of being with child is being uncomfortable,” Evelyn said with a soft laugh. “I’ll live.”
“Oh. I know, It’s just…”
“I have been feeling a bit guilty.”
“What? Why?”
“Because…I’m…sort of…the one who did this to you?” Caleb said with a wince.
“I’m doing this because I WANT to be doing it, you silly loon,” Evelyn whispered. “We both wanted this. Quite badly, might I add. And it will all be worth it when we get to meet her. Now stop fretting! You may keep me company, but…shhhh!”
“Ahh. Sorry. I know I talk a lot. And I know I can be intense. And-”
“Oh, right. Sorry!”
After some tossing and turning, Evelyn finally slid into a fitful nap.
Her husband reached out to stroke her cheek as she slept, his eyes shining with utter adoration.
Evelyn woke up some time later, so disoriented and out-of-sorts she felt like she had slept for centuries.
But her eager husband practically kicking down the bedroom door immediately reassured her it was indeed still the Deadwardian Era.
“She’s awake! Good evening, sleeping beauty!”
“It’s…ugh…already evening?”
“Well, the sun’s still up, so…good almost evening is more accurate. How do you feel?”
“A lot better, actually. Not one hundred percent, but the worst is gone.”
She wound up and chucked the damp dishtowel across the room.
“Screw it. I’ll get that later,” she said with a big yawn and stretch.
“Oh no you don’t! I’ll get it.”
“…my hero.”
“Are you in too much pain to be hungry?” Caleb asked, tossing the towel over his shoulder. “I’m completely starved!”
“Yes, I think I can manage to eat. But didn’t you have supper already?”
“No, I waited for you!”
“Oh, sweetheart…"
“Don’t worry. I already put on a roast. It will be done in about an hour,” he said proudly. “Hopefully you like it.”
“I’m sure I will. I always do. An hour is perfect. That will give me time to return to the land of the living.”
“Good! And I know exactly what my adorable wife needs while supper cooks!” Caleb said eagerly.
He slid to the bed and leaned in with a slow, devious grin as Evelyn warily glanced up into his looming face.
“Oh, no,” she whispered.
”SHE NEEDS…” Caleb purred, slowly disappearing below the side of the bed.
“She neeeeeds…”
“Caleb, I SWEAR…”
“Caleb, please.”
“…oh no.”
“Oh? It looks like an acting troupe has rolled into town! How fantastic!”
“...for fuck’s sake.”
“And our players are putting on a production of The Fabulous Adventures of Mister Rabbit and Missus Wolf? Even better!”
Evelyn let her head fall back to the pillow and gave the ceiling the most deadpan, completely done stare she had ever given anything in her entire life.
“Just get it over with,” she sighed.
Caleb slowly poked up over the side of the bed, a huge mischievous grin on his face.
He started walking the toys back and forth across Evelyn’s stomach, complete with sound effects and dialogue.
“Tra la la la la la, tra la odelay!” Caleb sang. “This is Mister Rabbit! What shall he do today?”
“Oh no. Not the songs.”
“Wahey Wahoo hullabaloo! And here is Missus Wolf! What will she do?”
And a completely done Evelyn laid there like a dead log, listlessly letting her husband use her whole body as a living stage, her face getting more and more deadpan as the “play” went on.
“…and then the rabbit goes ‘aaaa noo don’t eat me Missus Wolf! I’m an innocent man!’” Caleb wailed in a squeaky falsetto. “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”
“This is my life, I guess,” Evelyn mumbled. “I chose this. I did this to myself.”
“I can tell you’re enjoying it!” Caleb whispered smugly.
The corners of his wife’s lips twitched.
“Ahh! I see that smile! There it is, peeking out at me like the sunshine from the clouds after a week of nothing but rain!” Caleb gasped dramatically, leaning in close as he paraded the toys across her collarbone.
Evelyn groaned and sat up slightly. “Dear, could you just-”
“Oh. Sorry,” Caleb said softly, pulling the toys back. "I didn't mean to annoy you, I just thought-”
“Give me Missus Wolf,” Evelyn said, deep and deadly serious.
Caleb’s face brightened in a wide grin.
“Rowr, I will get you, Mister Rabbit! How dare you, raiding the Mayor’s garden? Villain! Thief! I shall make you pay!” Evelyn growled, waving the wolf at the rabbit. “According to the town charter, page ten, article nine, subsection twenty-five, it clearly states thou shalt not munch on thine neighbor’s greens!”
“You just made that up! There’s no subsection twenty-five!”
“Oh, are we suddenly a lawyer? LOOK EVERYONE, WE HAVE A LAWYER HERE!”
“That does it I’M GOING TO EAT YOU.”
“AA NOOO spare meee,” Caleb squeaked, throwing the back of his hand to his forehead as he fell to the bed next to Evelyn. “I am innocent! INNOCENT, I TELL YOU!”
They violently slammed the toys together over and over, giggling and growling in each other’s faces until they were nose-to-nose and showing teeth (and to be honest getting way too into it).
With a final mighty toothy snarl, Evelyn shoved the wolf at the rabbit and pretended to rip it to shreds while Caleb shrieked in pain.
“I win,” she gasped with a satisfied grin. “I don’t think Mister Rabbit survived the disemboweling. But if he did, the beheading surely finished him off.”
Caleb nuzzled her flushed cheek, breathless with laughter.
“Well, that was fun! Would you like a quick walk before supper? Are you up for it?” he huffed. “It looks like there might be a beautiful sunset. Let’s go to the top of the hill to watch it!”
He held out his hand and gave Evelyn a brilliant smile.
“We’re going to have so much fun playing with her. I can’t wait,” he said softly. “Although…we might need to go a little bit lighter on the outright violence for a while.”
“She’s a Clawthorne. She’ll love it.”
They burst out laughing again
They left the house hand-in-hand, going slow for Evelyn’s sake, fingers entwined and holding on tight like they never wanted to let go.
A tiny strawberry blonde witchlet frantically tore down a set of stairs and into a cheerfully cluttered living room, clutching something to her chest.
“What have you found, Ava?” Evelyn asked, putting aside a book to smile at her daughter.
“Toys!!! They were in the bottom drawer of my bureau, under the blankets! May I play with them?”
“What?…oh. Let me see them first, please?”
“Here, Mum!” Ava said, handing over two carvings. “Do you know where they came from?”
“Oh, Titan. Yes, I do,” Evelyn said softly, clutching them to her chest before turning to give Ava a watery smile.
“This is Mister Rabbit,” she said, her voice shaking ever so slightly as she placed the toys back into her daughter’s outstretched hands. “And this is Missus Wolf.”
Ava grabbed the carvings, eagerly pouring over and touching every little whittle and painted detail with tiny fingertips.
“I love them!!!” she cooed, laying on her stomach to start parading the wolf and rabbit on the living room rug. “They’re so cute!”
“I’m sure Da would be very happy to know you like them,” Evelyn said softly. “He made them for you before you were born. I looked for them for years. I’m so glad you found them.”
Ava squealed and clutched the carvings in a hug.
She started playing again with even more gusto.
“May I play with you?” Evelyn asked.
“Now, this is how you play,” Evelyn said, dropping to her knees and gently taking Missus Wolf from her daughter to walk it across the floor. “Grr! Mister Rabbit, I shall make you pay for stealing the Mayor’s prized dragon’s tooth lettuce! I shall make you pay…by EATING YOU!”
The witchlet gasped.
“Ava, you must now protest this injustice and declare your innocence!”
“Nooooo! I’m an innocent man!” Ava wailed, deadly serious. “AA, NOOO, spare meee!”
She glanced up at her mother with a wide gap-toothed grin.
The grin slowly slid off her face.
“Mum? Why are you sad? Did I play Mister Rabbit wrong? I’m sorry.”
“No, sweetheart. You just…you played him perfectly.”
Evelyn scooped Ava up and pecked her on the forehead as the carvings looked on from the floor, their fangy grins just as sharp as they had been when Evelyn had first seen them poking around a doorframe.
“…you played him absolutely perfectly.”
I just think it’s important to mention that Caleb was singing some sort of Redwall type nonsense at the start of the play (I’m talking about this sort of thing lmao).
Thanks again for letting me use your comic as inspiration, Lune! I had a lot of fun with this!
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Dark Enough to See The Stars
Izuku was excited to get back to school following the disastrous Hero-Shadowing he had done with Gran Torino. Sure, he’d managed to get more control of One For All under his belt, but fighting a serial killer, ‘the Hero Killer : Stain’, was definitely not his idea of fun. After an uneventful few days in the hospital and at home, it was finally time to return back to U.A. As he bolted through the gates, he failed to notice the girl around the corner into the school at the same time as him.
The green-headed hero heard a small voice whine out, as the two of them lay collapsed on the ground.
“S-sorry- Sorry- I wasn’t watching where I was going-”
“Y-yeah, no worries. I wasn’t watching where I was going either- Was lost in my thoughts… Aaaaaaand I’m kinda lost literally too…”
Izuku started to get up, and offered a hand to the person on the ground.
“Hey, I can help show you around if you need the help.”
A soft hand met Izuku’s rugged scarred palm.
“Yea. That would be super helpful Green.”
The crumpled body got up from it’s slump on the ground, and Izuku was instantly taken aback by what he saw. Before him stood a girl, slightly taller than him, who was stunningly gorgeous. She was wearing the U.A. uniform with a few modifications. Her skirt was black instead of the usual green, and beneath she wore sheer black tights. Replacing the typical tie, she adorned a necklace with a blue tear-drop diamond. She also had a white earpiece beneath her black locks. Her hands were decorated with a ring on each ring finger, one a bright ruby red, the other a soft sky blue. Izuku paused for a moment on her bright red shoes-
“That- that’s the same brand that I wear… is she-?”
He shook the thought from his head.
Her raven hair fell down the length of her back, a sleek straight cut that looked impossibly smooth. Her eyes were a grey sky, but with the light hitting them, Izuku saw the stars of the night sky illuminating as purple sparkles within. The final thing Izuku’s gaze was drawn to was the long, jagged scar along the girl’s face, starting from within her lips and extending over her cheek. The girl blushed, her hand in Izuku’s.
“Um– Green? You still with me bud? You gonna stare or are ya gonna help a girl out?”
Izuku went crimson, pulling his hand back and flailing his arms.
“A-AHH- SORRY SORRY- Wh-wh-where d-do yo-you need to he-head?”
The girl procured a crumpled piece of paper from her pocket and placed her pointer finger over her lips, thinking.
“It says I need to go to classroom 1-A, but I swear nothing in this whole complex is labelled in a sane way-”
The girl sighed.
“Yeah- tell me about it- but hey, I’m actually heading to 1-A myself, so I can take you right now.”
“Thanks Green, after being in like… 3 highschools in the past year I am so out of it.”
The girl laughed to herself as Izuku tilted his head confused. Shaking out of the thought, Izuku signalled her to follow him and they went off into U.A. together.
Iida greeted Izuku at the door with his traditional Class President charm. 
“Hey Iida- I was helping this girl aroun-”
Iida interjected as Izuku explained, pointing to the raven beside Izuku.
The raven beside Izuku seemed not to be put off by Iida’s… Iida-ness, as a smirk crossed her lips momentarily. Izuku noted that with the scar, she looked menacing as hell. The menace was dropped instantly as the girl puffed her cheeks and placed her head in her hand.
“Ah well- I’m new around this school see?~”
She pitched up her voice to a soft, alluring tone. She absentmindedly twirled a lock of her raven hair with her finger.
“I was just lost and couldn’t find my way- but Greenie here helped me- they sure know how to show a girl a good time~”
With a wink of her starry eye, the bespeckled blue-haired boy short circuited and fell to the ground. Izuku met the stares of the rest of the class, noting how Mina seemed to want to leap from her seat to demand answers, and Ochaco seemed to be in pure shock. The girl nudged Izuku’s arm.
“Sorry for teasin ya Greenie. But it’s the easiest way to deal with… that.”
She pointed to the pile of Iida on the floor.
“... of course Nedzu would drop another problem child onto me…”
Aizawa grumbled from behind his desk.
“Alright problem child, find your seat. Problem Child Code Blue please collect yourself and find your seat. New problem child, stand at the front of the class.”
The raven haired girl snickered as her new teacher ordered her and the two boys to their places. She idly fidgeted with her skirt, not currently desiring to be front and center in the class. But of course, she was new. Of course she’d get singled out like this-
“Today we are introducing a new student to the Hero Course. While it is not typical, this new student’s situation is also not typical. Principal Nedzu has personally offered them a space in my class due to their prior heroic efforts-”
“Teach- I’m not really a hero-”
“Quiet please- although, actually I suppose you can introduce yourself- afterwards I’m gonna take a nap until class starts…”
All eyes now on her.
“Well shit.”
She could feel eyes staring daggers at her scar, trailing along it just like the knife had-
But there were three other people in this class with similar scars! They can’t be judging her that bad-
“H-hi. Pleasure to meet you all. My name is Kazuto Kirigaya, but you can all call me Kirito, everyone else already does…”
“Kirigaya, please find an open seat, class will begin in a few minutes. Until then, everyone else can study.”
Kirito walked down the aisle, finding an empty seat alongside Greenie. She figured it would be for the best to sit with the student that already seemed to tolerate her-
And then she heard a scuttling. Her footsteps stopped alongside Greenie’s desk.
“... Teach- ya didn’t tell me there was a rat problem.”
“... what?”
Kirito grabbed an eraser off of Greenie’s desk and launched it into the ceiling tile above her. The class gasped as the ceiling tile slid out of place. A blonde blur fell into Kirito’s arms. She sighed as a familiar brown-hooded girl stared up back at her.
“Argo… just… how?”
The blonde girl snickered.
“Nyehehe- hey Kii-gal. Just wanted ta check on ya in your new class.”
Kirito managed to carry the girl with just one arm as she pinched the bridge of her nose.
“... So much for not making a big deal when I got here… Sorry teach- this is Argo. She’s a rat who likes getting into trouble.”
Aizawa sighed behind his desk.
“Your friend in the government informed me of ‘The Rat’- but I didn’t expect to see her so soon. She can stay until the end of the day so we can make sure no more intrusions happen in the future-”
“Nyehehe- Nope! I get ta stay all the time. Found myself a way into the Support Course here!”
Kirito let out a long deep sigh.
“Of course you did. Lemme guess- blackmailed a teacher?”
The blonde huffed indignantly.
“Kii-gal you think so little of me- I blackmailed multiple!”
“Of course you did… So what is it this time, secret love child, extramarital affairs, or secret unregistered ability?”
“Bingo! All three in one!”
The eyes in the classroom turned from the pair of blonde and black to look at Todoroki and then to Izuku.
“... told you-”
Todoroki coldly stated to the class.
Kirito let Argo out of their grasp to collect themselves on their feet. Kirito turned to Izuku.
“Hey- sorry about your eraser, I’ll pay ya back later- gotta deal with Argo when I can- nobody else can-”
Kyouka perked up from across the room.
“Y-yeah I was gonna ask… I have super hearing and I didn’t hear that girl at all.”
Kirito shrugged as they flopped into an empty seat beside Izuku, with Argo taking another seat behind.
“You’re lookin’ at the world’s greatest spy and information broker. I can only find her since I’m used to her trailing me-”
“F-following you? Is she a villain? How long has she been doing this?”
Iida stammered from across the room. Kirito just chuckled as Argo grinned, showcasing her buck teeth. Izuku looked at the face of the hooded girl, she seemed to have a mutation-based quirk, judging by her whiskers- although they almost looked painted on- Kirito did call her a rat-
“Nah nah. She’s my oldest friend. She’s only a villain when she’s trying to sell my personal information-”
“Speakin’ of- if ya want Kii-gal’s three sizes, relationship status, v-card status, and body count, ya can slide me some cash-”
“Argo- I will tell them about how you got your whiskers if you share anything without my permission.”
“EEP! You wouldn’t dare! I thought I was your friend- Who do you think I am?”
“A rat.”
The blonde girl cackled at that, patting them on the shoulder.
“Alright- while you may have questions- and I certainly do- so I’m going to quickly take our intruder to Principal Nedzu’s office- and I suppose study until I get back.”
Aizawa sighed and led the hooded girl out of the room.
“Sorry about the intrusion- Argo does that.”
“That… is not exactly reassuring…”
Momo nervously played with her hair, wondering how someone had managed to breach U.A. so easily- and they were a support student? 
“You get used to it. I’m pretty sure Argo has literally hacked my heart monitor to spy on me.”
“What the heck?!?! She hacked your- wait a minute- why do you have a heart monitor?!”
Sero shouted the classes’ thoughts, who were visibly taken aback.
“Ah… well- that’s complicated…”
Kirito fidgeted in her seat, absentmindedly twirling a stray black lock of hair.
“Does it have anything to do with your scar? Todoroki rather bluntly stated. Iida did his best to shush him after the fact. Tsuyu slapped his head with her tongue.
“Kero- that is a deeply personal question idiot-”
Kirito trailed along her scar with her finger, shivering as she remembered the cold metal of Oberon’s blade slashing away at her face. She looked to Todoroki, seeing his own scar. She turned to Greenie, seeing a warm smile, framed with his green locks and scars of his own. His smile sent a warmth through her, and she felt safe enough to share a little more.
“... no the scar was from a different attack- the heart monitor became a fixture afterwards.”
“A… different attack?” Ochaco nervously chimed in, wincing, not even really wanting to hear the answer.
“Oh yeah- Aizawa mentioned you did heroics before- is that-?”
“Calling it heroics is a stretch- but I suppose yes. The scar was from a rescue mission… The heart monitor was after… something else…”
Kirito flashed to the moment she watched as Sinon’s childhood friend attacked her- watching as the plunger of the poison syringe went down- an attempt to stop her heart. Some days she had to look at her own vitals just to ground herself- remember she was still here.
And then it happened again…
“Guys- it’s pretty clear she doesn’t wanna talk about her scar or the heart monitor- leave it be-”
Shoji stood up for her, and as she saw his masked face, Kirito knew that he had similar concerns as her own. People can be cruel about appearances after all-
“Yea! Let’s shift to something a bit lighter- so you got a hero name sis?”
Ochaco floated out of her seat and plopped herself down on Izuku’s desk.
“Ah- well. I never really picked one myself- but I suppose I do have a few…”
“Oh heck yeah! Any names we’d know? Izu’s got a bunch of notes on heroes- so maybe he already knows you!”
Kirito shook her head.
“Truthfully I doubt anyone here knows the names. First, I was ‘The Beater’, a select few know me as ‘The Star King’, some people know me as ‘Kiriko’, but realistically, if you know me by any title- it’d be ‘The Black Swordsman’”
Kaminari bolted out of his seat to Kirito’s side.
Kirito shook their head and took a deep breath.
“Lies- lies- that whole report is lies-”
“Ochaco! This kid’s saved 6000 people! They’re the one who cleared Sword Art Online!”
That comment got the classes’ attention. Suddenly everyone was crowded around Kirito’s desk. Kirito defensively put their hands up in a nonchalant shrug.
“Jeez. I didn’t do it alone- frankly The Lightning Flash did far more than me-”
“Nah nah nah! You took down the final boss singlehanded 25 whole floors early!”
Kaminari was beaming with excitement, Kirito was surrounded by an aura of dread.
“So you were recruited to be a hero because of that experience? But SAO was cleared over a year ago-”
Sero interjected, and that comment made Kirito wince.
“Listen- I can’t disclose much since I legally can’t- but the government had me tasked with a few missions after SAO- and they royally fucked up and now I’m here.”
Iida was clearly distraught over the obscenities, but not the fact the Japanese Government was using a teenager as a secret agent of sorts-
“I admire his leadership, but boy does he have some odd priorities”
Izuku thought to himself.
“Right right- sorry. Used to an ethics code filtering my words for me-”
Ochaco leaned in closer, examining the new student with intrigue.
“So you were able to save 6000 people from a villain? That’s incredible! You must have a super strong quirk to do that!”
“Jeez- Mido is clearly rubbing off on you- Kero”
Tsuyu shook her head and her friend’s enthusiasm. Izuku and Kyouka noticed as Kirito muttered under their breath:
“... If I was stronger I could’ve saved all 10,000.”
Kirito shook their head and smirked, their scar making the expression look almost menacing.
“Well- I’m sure you’ll all figure out that bit in due time.”
As Aizawa returned and instructed the class that today Nedzu wanted the students to assess Kirito’s combat abilities to learn analysis, Izuku glanced at her shoes.
“I already know- I don’t need to see a second of her in battle. She’s quirkless-”
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cakeofthepan · 2 years
Just a flurry of teens trying to surprise each other via stabbing. Dndads crew absolutely nailed the chaotic energy here.
[Audio Transcript:
[Round 3 Draw from Civic Doodle plays in the background]
Normal: How do we get these ingredients sir?
Link: Yeah
Normal: How do we do that? We’re new, this is our first day
Anthony: He gestures at a jar of smaller, cleaner versions of the syringes that you saw those bandits trying to use on you before
Normal: Mm hmm
Taylor: Ahhhh
Anthony: And he goes
Risky Clique: I don’t care how you get them, but those are your extractors so go ahead and just use them on---
Matt: And I stab Taylor
Freddie: WHAT??
Will: --Taylor with one??
Matt [laughing]: I’m getting surprise
Anthony: Roll-
Will: Ohhhh ho-oooooOh
Anthony: Are you gonna try to dodge or anything Taylor? Are you just gonna-
Freddie: I think I’m surprised
Anthony: Okay
Risky Clique: You have to use it in here
Anthony: And he says, pointing at his brain
Link [disappointed]: Oh, oh gosh
Taylor: Well now this isn’t gonna work, I know it’s coming
Normal: Surprise!
Taylor: [surprised yelp]
Will: And I stab him in the head with a needle
[overlapping laughter]
Anthony: Go ahead and make a roll… attack roll
Freddie: [laughs]
Will: Shit, I got a 6
Anthony: Taylor, what do you, grab it out of the fucking air ‘cuz your reflexes are so good?
Freddie: I’m literally, I’m literally looking over at them and then like my left hand just shows up and just grabs it like over my shoulder without even looking. Is that too cool Anthony?
Anthony: No, I’m, I’m fine with that
Taylor: [yelps]
Freddie: Ouuugh. Beth that was so loud. Beth, you made me jump
Beth: [laughs] you were surprised!
Matt: Who are you stabbing? Who are you stabbing for your surprise?
Beth: Taylor
Freddie: [Laughter]
Matt: Makes sense we all think Taylor is the one that’s okay to stab
Anthony: [laughs]
Beth: Sh- [laughs]… I got a 9
Anthony: Alright
Freddie: My other hand grabs..
Will: Your third hand comes over, it was just tschhh
Taylor: Hey, what are you guys doing?
Link: We’re trying to get surprise
Scary: Hey, give me that- give me that back
Will: I stab myself because I’m genuinely surprised that we weren’t able to pull one over on Taylor
Beth: Yeah, yes that’s what I was gonna do Will: I juice that out
Anthony: Give me a d20 roll, just a straight d20 roll. We’ll see if that works
Will: I got a 2
Anthony: Yeah, your competence is-
Matt: While he’s pulling out, while he’s stabbing himself and seeing that he’s okay with getting stabbed, I don’t yell surprise I pretend to do something else and then I spin around and stab Normal in the head.
Anthony: Okay go ahead and roll
Freddie: It’s a flurry of stabbing
Anthony: Lark comes back and sees this-
Matt: Statistically, eventually, we will surprise… I got a 1
[laughter from everyone plus Freddie is cackling]
Anthony: So with a 1, you stab yourself in the head
Link: Owwwwwww, that uh, I knew that was gonna happen though
Scary: Guys, maybe-
Will: It’s like trying to tickle yourself
Matt: Yeah
Scary: Maybe we should just like, hold off on this one and come back to it
Link: Okay. This doesn’t bode well for us getting joy or the murder one
Scary: I don’t know, seeing y’all stab each other gave me some joy
Normal: Say no more
Will: and I stab-
Will [laughing]: I stab Scary and I pull the joy out of her
Anthony: Alright. Scary, roll a d20 and we’ll see how much joy you had at watching them stab each other. Like genuine joy
Beth: 4
Matt: [laughs]
Anthony: You didn’t, you didn’t actually get that much joy, you were just being sarcastic
Beth [sarcastically]: Was I?
Anthony: Now it is, Scary
Beth: Wait sorry Anthony could you- explain. Sorry could you come over here
Will: No yeah you’re good
Beth: Really quick
[sounds of movement]
[long pause]
Matt: YES!
Freddie: YEAHHH!
Will: Gottem!
Anthony: Give me an arcana roll. We’ll see how specifically you can pull out the memory
Beth: Fucking! [away from mic] okay wait like, look at this dice like it’s not even on the
[music fades out]
Anthony [away from mic]: If you try to jumpscare me
Beth [away from mic]: I’m not gonna, I’m not gonna try to jumpscare you
Freddie: [laughs]
Beth: I was gonna jumpscare you again when you came over
Anthony: Yeah I know
Beth: I know
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diabolik-land · 2 years
Hi♥︎Hope ur day was great♥︎
This fandom could use some lightening up so here's a funny ask if u feel like it:
Was wondering how'd the sexymakis react to being yeeted off of a cliff?😂 ( pls no taking this srsly) xoxo💋
((Oh, thanks for asking!! ❤❤❤ my day was wonderful.how was yours?))
((Just imagine you're yeeting them off.🤣))
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"What the...ahhhh...! "
*He got yeeted off*
"Ouch...what the hell was that for?"
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"My goodness what are you-! Ahhhh!!"
((London Bridge is falling down))
*Off he goes*
"What on earth was that for!? You would definitely need punishment!"
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"Hey pancake-!! What the hell!!!!"
*he fell down*
"What the hell!? Owwwwwww...you owe me your blood!"
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"Hey, teddy. Uh...wow! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
*there he goes*
"You stupid mortal! I will...i will punish you!"
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"Hey little...woahhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!"
((Look up in the sky. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It's Michael Jackson!))
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((Hehe...lol I'm sorry Laito stans.))
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"Hey what the fuck are you.... Heyyyyyy-ahhhhhhhhh!"
"I will..destroy you!!!!!!"
38 notes · View notes
vetustamorla · 1 year
I have no self control, sorry :P
Without Me - Dayseeker  
Impossible - Nothing but Thieves 
Holly Roller - Spiritbox (lol)
Hostage - Normandie
Misguided Ghosts - Paramore
Queen of Peace - Florence & The Machine
Follow You - Bring Me The Horizon
Half - PVRIS
well this is gonna take me a while hdbfcbhxdbf i am NOT complaining though thank you so much for this!! i'll put it under the cut tho for everyone's viewing pleasure <3 and i'll leave some comments hehe
without me - dayseeker
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
wow i thought this was cool and then the guitar hit!!!!!!! and it keeps getting better hell yeah <3 great rec i really reaaaaally liked it
impossible - nothing but thieves
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
oh wow the lyrics owwwwwww painful in the best way
holly roller - spiritbox
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
hmm this reminds me of asking alexandria in the best way possible. when im in the right mood i could definitely see myself reaching for this one
hostage - normandie
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
his voice is really familar for some reason??? i can't place who or why. but i can say this is very nice. the chorus is fun, the o-oo-ooo type note he does on the word hostage is chef's kiss
misguided ghosts - paramore
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
i expected to like it more because it's paramore but i really didn't bhdfdxhxjd i'm sorry it just wasn't it for me
queen of peace - florence & the machine
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
i don't listen to a lot of florence but this is really nice!! i'll be coming back to it for sure
follow you - bring me the horizon
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
yaayy this is the only one i've known! it's a classic and i love singing it especially since he's pretty much in my vocal range (apart from all the screaming of course i uh. i can't do that very well lmao)
half - pvris
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
i saved it within the first 5 seconds yep this is exactly the type of song i was looking for and didn't even know. it brings me back to many years ago when i actually listened to a lot of pvris but i didn't know this one, so thank you for this!!!! for all of this, actually!!! <333
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gayest-squrrel · 1 year
sorry feeling violent today 👍👍👍
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oh cool sunglasses B)
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iamthecomet · 1 year
hi comet! angel again and i just had the best day ever… jk i get up and run this morning and at 7am i ate DIRT and rolled the HELL outta my ankle. it is now the size of a tennis ball:) lovin’ life rn!
Owww ow ow ow ow owwwwwww. I'm sorry, Angel, that's a really shitty way to start your day. make sure you ice your ankle and drink lots of water. I hope tomorrow is nice to you, today seems like it might be a wash, unfortunately. ♥♥♥♥
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mangoposts · 2 months
Yall i just found out i have pilanidal sinus🥲🥲
Like i already am in pain from the 2 discs i have, now this is gonna add up to the pain, doctors confirmed pilanidal sinus is one of the top most painful shits ever
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plush-candles · 4 months
i forgot thay part
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Nick: .calls Mortimer. Hey mortimer
Mortimer: oh hey I've been kidnapped by the bearded pirate and fishy fisherman (my fanmade puppet characters) can you help me
Nick: oh that's good anyways what would you like from subway
Mortimer: I've been kidnapped how is that- AHHHHH OWWWWWWW
Nick: I don't think there's an AHHHHH OWWWWWW on the menu
Mortimer: listen can you get me outta here
Nick: listen I'm gonna get you a sandwich and I'll be there in 10mins
10mins later
Nick: oh hey I'm here
Mortimer: ok good can u help me get outta here
Nick: here's your food ok bye
Nick: bye .stacks a bunch of chest on top of eachother to get out.
Mortimer: were did you get those chest are us but plz help me
Nick: ok fine ill help you here let's get on the chest together to get out
Mortimer: ok
Nick: ok on the count of 3 we both jump at the same time so I can place 1 chest down 1 2 3
Nick: .trys but it fails. Sorry Mortimer but your lost coss .hits him back down.
Nick: .leaves.
The bearded pirate: how does nick keep getting in here
(Inspired by the oddiest roleplay nick represents puppet Mortimer represents foxy bearded pirate represents sun and fishy fisherman represents moon from the oddiest roleplay)
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Pink Lemonade
(Notes: Woah there buckaroo- this here is a fic intended for those ages 18 and up. What does that mean? It means that there will be naughty words and even naughtier actions. There are things in here that will not fly in your typical christian fic. You have been warned, enter at your risk.
Fic Specific Notes: For the sake of this work of fanfiction, everyone in the story is written to be 18 or above, and UA is a college. )
 An alarm blaring woke Izuku up from a restless slumber. He had gotten up earlier than the rest of his class for the longest time, long before he had arrived at U.A. He had to maintain his training will All Might, to become a vessel worthy of being the Ninth Holder of One for All. But right now, he had no desire greater than to simply curl up into a ball and return to his bed. He had been showing significant progress in his exercises. He was not built like All Might, but he was built nonetheless. And something inside him was eating him away like there was insects under his skin. Every time he looked in the mirror, it was as if he was facing a greater villain than he had when he had tackled Stain. 
Izuku’s tired eyes met the mirror again. He knew he needed to get dressed. Even if he wasn’t directly training with All Might today, he needed to get to the gym and maintain his workout schedule. It took his mind off of things at the least. Izuku threw on some basic black shorts, and a shirt that read ‘Work Out Shirt’, which he supposed was actually accurate.
He hadn’t expected to meet anyone on the way to the gym, but as he groggily approached the gym, he bumped into something… soft. Both he and whatever he bumped into had an arrangement with the pavement.
“Owwwwwww- oh! Hey Zuzu, good mornin!”
The muffled groan quickly transitioned into a pleasant, perky voice.
“Oof- Sorry Ashido, I wasn’t looking where I was going….” 
“Zuzu, you can call me Mina, we’re friends after all!”
She practically bounced up and offered Izuku a hand getting up.
“I wasn’t lookin where I was goin either, so I suppose we’re both to blame.”
She beamed a smile, and Izuku accepted her hand, and got up. Neither Izuku or Mina pulled out of the other’s grasp for a pregnant pause. Izuku realized he had been holding Mina’s hand for too long, and went a bright crimson red, matching Kirishima’s hair dye. He pulled his hand away.
His eyes scanned Mina, she was wearing a very similar outfit to him, same black shorts and white shirt, except with a sports brand logo instead of gimmick text. It was slightly too big for her and it showed off a basic black sports bra beneath.
“So whatcha doin up early?”
“Oh- uh, I wake up around this time every day, I’ve been doing training over in the gym, and before we moved into the dorms, I usually would go for a run.”
“Oooooooooooo- I usually do some yoga and stretches, but going for a run is probably a good idea. Need to maintain this flexibility after all-”
She quickly kicked her leg above her head, and caught it with her hand.
“Mind if I join ya Zuzu?”
Y-yes! Sounds great haha-” 
Izuku stammered and waved his hands, before trying to maintain composure at the thought of hanging out with a girl.
“Heh- You just had the thought of me hot and sweaty didntcha?”
Izuku stumbled and fell as if he had bumped into Mina again.
“Hahahahaha- I guess I know the answer now.”
She grabbed his hand and pulled him back up, looking down at him with a bright smile.
Izuku was glad that even if she was teasing, Mina was here to help him out of his depressive episode.
“Fuckin- heck… Zuzu if you wanted to see me sweaty you got your wish”
Mina had made it about a quarter of Izuku’s normal run distance before she pulled him aside onto a bench so she could take a breather. She was sweating bullets, her top had been nearly entirely soaked through. Izuku did his best not to stare. He knew that with a girl like Mina, he’d never hear the end of the teasing.
“S-sorry Mina… It’s an intense workout routine. H-here, take this.”
Izuku passed her a water bottle. Mina took one short swig and then promptly squeezed the bottle over her head, spraying water over herself.
“... That was a much dumber idea than I thought. I just wanted to cool myself off-”
She shook her head in a manner similar to a dog, shaking water off- and onto Izuku. 
“Sorry if I splashed ya a bit there Zuzu.”
“I-it’s no problem, I brought you out here… But um. Mina… Your shirt-”
Mina’s shirt had been entirely soaked through, fusing her top and sports bra beneath. The cheap white fabric went see-through, leaving nothing to the imagination. 
Mina’s face flushed, which Izuku needed to suppress a giggle at, as she simply got more pink.
“Wow Zuzu- you perv you’re staring at me all hot and wet like this-”
“Hehehehe, I’m jokin I’m jokin- you’re just too cute when you’re flustered-”
A new sensation washed over Izuku. He’d been called handsome by a few of his classmates, and manly by others, but those always caused a twinge of… sadness. This was. Something else. This was pure euphoria.
“Yea Zuzu, you’re cute. If we gotcha in somethin cute, you’d fit into our girl’s club no issue!”
“D-do you really think so?”
“Hmm? Zuzu-”
“I mean- I know it’s possible. We trained with Tiger and the rest of the PussyCats, but it’s fairly common knowledge about his transition, and he’s still a great pro hero whose loved by countless people. Maybe I could be the same. Oh man this is something I hadn’t even thought of.”
Izuku rambled out quickly, putting pieces together in her brain.
“Woah woah woah, slow your roll there Zuzu. I think I caught, ‘trained, pussy, and transition’ in there-”
“Oh um. Sorry. I’ve just been um. Working things out in my head…”
Izuku could swear he saw a loading bubble appear next to Mina’s head. And then she dinged.
“OH! I see! Wanna be a girl Zuzu?”
“A-am I allowed?”
“Of course! All the girls are sweeties, you should know, you’ve probably been sleepin with all of them other than poor lil ol me-”
She teased her with a mock pout.
“Heheh. You’re such a cinnamon roll Zuzu. So cute. Even cuter as a girl-”
“W-wait I haven’t even changed anything-”
“Still cuter. Look atcha.”
Mina pinched Izuku’s cheeks and then played with her face in her hands. 
“We should get to the locker rooms, I need to get changed, and so do you- I got some spare stuff you should try-”
Very few of her classmates were awake at the moment, but Izuku was flush red at Mina, still soaking wet, physically dragging them into the dorms, past Shinso and Denki with wide eyes. Denki pouring a glass of juice for himself managed to overfill his glass uncaring, as he watched Mina pull Izuku into the girl’s locker room. Shinso had dropped his coffee cup clean on the floor, only getting out of his shock with the sound of the mug breaking.
“... I liked that mug.”
“I’m just shocked. I would’ve expected Izu to end up with like. Ochaco or that Melissa girl he was with before.”
“Personally my bet was always Jiro.”
“Oooooo going for the sleeper pick. I can see it Shinso.”
“Shame, if no girl acted by the end of this year, I would’ve done it myself.”
Denki looked at Shinso with a smirk.
“Oh bisexual too? Based.”
Shinso looked back at Denki with a warm smile, which nearly killed the poor boy, not used to seeing the emo like this.
“Mina- I- I can’t be in here you know that-”
Izuku was a mess covering her eyes.
“Nope, you’re a girl, you’re allowed in here, besides we gotta get you all dolled up!”
Mina stripped off her wet clothes and a devilish grin crossed her face.
“Hey Zuzu- you’re good to open your eyes.”
She smirked as she watched the new girl slowly open their eyes and slowly look over her body. It took a moment before Izuku fully took in the sight before her, and she promptly screamed.
“I know right? I’m not Momo, but I’d say I’m more big than average, or decent if you prefer that word~”
Mina was having too much fun with the poor girl, who nearly fainted. Mina finished laughing to herself before continuing.
“Alright Zuzu, it’s your turn. You’re a girl now and I gotta help ya!”
“Well I gave ya that show since you’re gonna need to strip for me- We gotta get you showered and shaved before we getcha in these-”
Mina presented a pair of pink lace panties to the girl, who then fainted for real.
“F-father above Midoriya…”
Mina’s eyes went wide at the sight before her. She knew Izuku was ripped before today, too many times had her shirt been torn off while fighting, but oh boy. That did NOT compare to what came on the bottom half.
“I think the boys are jealous that there’s a girl bigger than all of them-”
Mina’s face was a mix of nervousness, and… Izuku hoped it wasn’t lust. Well. Part of her hoped it was lust.
“Alright so, we’re gonna be using my products, gotta condition that hair of yours. It’s curly like mine so it should go perfectly-”
“A-are you sure that’s alright?”
“No worries, I got loads of this stuff imported. Not many curly haired freaks like us in Japan.”
Mina giggled as her and Izuku slowly settled into being comfortable in the showers together.
Mina’s hands were gentle as she shampooed Izuku’s curls, it was like a massage to the head.
“I see you get bad tangles too- I know a perfect brand of brush that works for our curls…”
Izuku was so genuinely happy to hear Mina talk so happily about stuff like this. And that she could learn it. And above all, she was glad Mina was here to be a friend to her when she needed it.
Izuku shuddered at Mina’s touch as the cool shaving cream was spread onto her. Mina smirked as she lingered extra long over Izuku’s delicates, bringing the poor girl back to her blush.
“Glad I can still tease ya with no issue~”
Mina softly treated Izuku, showing how to properly shave on one leg, before Izuku followed their instructions on the other. Before long, the two of them had rid Izuku of all their body hair, and Izuku was only slightly more scarred than before. Razors suck. 
They rinsed off, and towelled themselves off, Mina showing how to wrap the towel ‘like a girl’ around Izuku’s body.
And then as they exited the showers they walked into a locker room full of all the girls.
“Well…” Mina started
“Shit.” Izuku finished.
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jeanmoreauslefttit · 3 years
actor au for aftg!
neil, in character: you know, i get it being raised as a [bites tongue]
andrew's actor: ??? wtf does, you're a pipedream mean, why can't i just say "i wanna kiss u and have ur babies neilypoo" OH? THAT'S NOT REALISTIC? WELL NEITHER IS ME GIVING US MATCHING RINGTONES
matt's actor, passionately gesturing: -and that's why me and neil should kiss at least ONCE
kevin's actor, rolling his eyes: what about ME, i didn't go through all that sexual tension just for us to be exybros
neil's actor, for the third take: you know... shit fuck, i don't know what the fuck was the line again
jean's actor, trying to do a faux french actor: hon hon hon oh alex-
director: CUT!
wymack, in millport: i bought plane tickets for t-
kevin's actor coming in way too early: true but irrelevant
kevin's actor: OH sorry can you talk louder i cannot hear you behind these lockers
neil's actor: hello... [looks at writing on hand] aaron
andrew's actor: nope. try again.
neil's actor: F UC K
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