#others feel free to chime in on this ofc!!
wanderingmausoleum · 1 year
Just wondering. How would you and the Tumblr community around Godrick react if the DLC revealed that he wasn't that pathetic back then? E.g. he's the way he is now because of some *subverting expectations* event.
I'm with the deep lore/archaeologist crew and the deeper we dig into this guy the weirder it gets and if those things turn out to be right, then 90% of what we tend to think of Godrick would be wrong.
But of course the tumblr people love him for being this disgusting maniac.
I can’t speak for the rest of the tumblr community or other godrick fans (i’m pretty new here!), but i’ve actually thought about that a bit and i don’t think it would change my interpretation of him that much—i think it’s very feasible that godrick could have been quite powerful before the grafting by human standards, but still got his inferiority complex by not being able to live up to the literal god standards of his family. i think there are a lot of ways things could have gone for him! i’ve done a bit of deep diving into his lore (i haven’t had time to make a full post of all my thoughts about him so i haven’t talked about most of my interpretation) and his past still seems pretty open-ended to me. i’d love to hear some deep lore thoughts, so please feel free to share if you wish!
on the other note, i enjoy him less because of being a disgusting maniac (although that is part of what he becomes), and more because of the Themes and Social Commentary and such within his character—i think godrick is a great representation of the cycles of abuse/trauma that make up a large part of the themes of the game. the world told him he wasn’t good enough and he decided to make himself good enough by any means necessary, even by murder and subjugation, perpetuating the same harm that caused him to turn out like this in the first place (especially seen in gostoc’s cut quest imo, where in my view it’s implied he was too weak even for grafting and was thus rejected by godrick altogether). but this is a tangent and probably not what you’re asking about so i’ll stop here lol. thanks for the message! :)
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allhailbrokeloose · 1 year
so uh.. ive watched a couple of series recently (actually not that recently but whatevs) which im most likely not gonna be obsessed with, but still i feel the urge to post my very important opinion somewhere. ⚠️its mostly not complimentary, so if you are a fan, dont read⚠️ ⚠️barely readable bc typing is fun, but editing is an actual job⚠️ ⚠️i violate italics⚠️ ⚠️not spoiler free ofc bc what do you think this is⚠️ ⚠️i bring up kp for no reason an unhealthy amount⚠️ and even skam one time. yeah i kno, im surprised too
the shows are big dragon, wednesday, and lita
there are three good things abt big dragon: 1) ost (heeey jeeeffff) 2) that one boob grab (you know the one) 3) isbanky (very cute and sings well). the rest imo is not good at all, but ig its ok for a bl (bc i have to say ive seen worse). ig im gonna need to read some fics bc i need 1) it to actually be hot and kinky 2) someone to explain me why would yai ever choose mangkorn aside from yin yang, red strings of fate, turtles and all the other animals. it also seems to me that lead actors have more chemistry outside of the series than in it, at least from what ive seen of them in the wild. afair there was sorta cliffhanger promising s02.. am i gonna watch it? you'll be surprised, but yes, isbanky is very much up my alley, im willing to suffer a little bit for a cute boy lol. but they seriously need to cut on the time freezing thing 🙄
wednesday.. oh where do i start.. my most prevailing thought was but.. but thats not.. thats not what being an outcast feels like.. i mean come on they gave her an unconditional punchbag of a best friend who is putting up with all her quirks no questions asked and willing to die for her, two (??!!! (and actually even more if you squint)) love interests, a high fashion dress (im like.. 🤦🏼‍♀️ i cant) and everyone else just generally look at her with admiration like she hanged the moon completely out of nowhere. i mean what is this? a mary sue fanfic? anyways i have to say that i really liked the first ep and i was very excited abt this series, but the more i watched the less i liked it.. the cast.. well i like original wednesday better and when i say original i mean 1991 movie (but not 1993 lol) and i mean christina ricci ofc.. catherine zeta jones is cool, but once again original morticia was better. i have no issues with gomez casting, but the best gomez was in the 60s b&w series. thing is rocking, zero complaints here. fester is almost there even tho its impossible to top christopher lloyd. and where is itt? did they gatekeep him for future seasons? the plot.. uh the plot is meh.. i only wanna say that i hate it when protagonists ancestor looks exactly like them bc its totally plausible and it just highlights how ruthless and pointless life really is lol. oh yeah oslo i had to pause and scream a long and loud NOOOOO during the kiss scene. its like idk so uncalled for do you guys have nothing sacred at all lol. otherwise i liked the music ofc Except dua lipa, i mean dgmw i listened to future nostalgia on repeat as much as the next girl, but its just not the song for this series im sorry.. they could have found a more suitable song with the same exact message.. anyways am i gonna watch next seasons? yes, but only out of respect for tim burton and the original franchise. i mean it wasnt terrible, it just wasnt what i wanted..
omg you guys the second cp in lita is like soooo gooood, so much better than the first one lol (i wonder if they do cp rivalry like we do in kp). which came as a surprise to me bc i started watching this series for the vegaspete bastard love child and unfortunately i was sorta disappointed.. dgmw hes very attractive and has unique facial features, but he cant pull off the ao3 alpha he was supposed to act out even next to one brain celled oblivious partner (no offence lol). idk maybe hes too young. or im just too old. ig its the latter bc i watched all four of them like they are an omega camp on roaming, ig im just not the target audience of this show 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️. anyways imo the first cp was boring and i really didnt expect anything out of the series, but then second cp plot started and i literally lit up. they really do have chemistry inside and outside of the show, the acting is somewhat better, the only but for me is that the plot was unnecessarily too dark, especially after the mawkishness of the first half. i have to mention that i paralleled them with norhelm at some point which is so hilarious to me. in short i stan this cp but just in case they do individual stanning like we do in kp (meaning hating eo guts) then my bias is peat <333 one thing really squicked me - the author (was it a novel?) obv has a kink for infantilization and helplessness and sadly they put it in both plots and not as a prediscussed kink (which is ok), but as real life situations. its a huge yikes and a big no-no for me, but to each their own ig, im not gonna undust my moral compass for a bl. what else.. oh they should really stop with reusing footage bc im still seeing this fucking truck driving in my nightmares. and i didnt like the opening ost so much i had to skip it every time. well ig not everyone can afford an ost by slot machine or jeff satur 😏😏😏. oh yeah and the whole weather referencing was cute uwu
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hxltic · 3 months
Im not sure how to request cause this is like my first time doing it but would u write anything w iwazumis timeskip? like how hes an athletic trainer.. YK DO UR MAGIC idek how to request also x reader if thats ok. THANK U
Hey ofc!! You can be as vulgar and straightforward as you want, this is a safe space😘 (idk if you wanted nsfw or not so if not I’m sorry! I just made it suggestive because I was unsure :P)
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The ass crack of dawn peeks through your window, enough to have your body twisting and turning until you’re inevitably forced awake.
Of course you drag yourself to the bathroom and check yourself out a bit, admiring how your new waist training is going and your puffy lips of the morning before brushing your teeth to start the day. Some argue you’re a morning person, but you aren’t. And you feel no kind of guilt admitting that.
You only get up because you have to—to remain consistent, especially with allowing yourself to grow not only physically, but emotionally, finally feeling free from the weights of stress by exercising and feeling good about your figure.
Also, the routine is great for you. It makes you feel productive in the morning, so now when you reflect before, there was this emptiness that came with sitting at home with the same three things you have to do on repeat.
And then of course, the motivation of going to the gym for a man you’ve been seeing around recently. He recognizes you now, probably casually assuming the relationship is nothing more than a mutual gym buddy.
And it’s likewise; you wouldn’t call it a crush. The both of you are grown, just two adults with the same hobby even though you are relatively newer to the activity.
So you pack up your bag and tip your head back for a swig of the protein smoothie you prepared and head out the door.
The gym doesn’t smell anything like how you imagined it would when you first cluelessly walked in. It actually smells clean (mainly from the overwhelming scent of chlorine in the pool water), and it wasn’t super busy around this time. If there were people, they definitely weren’t teenagers coming for their afternoon rounds. The receptionist waves back at you as you pass.
Today was legs. You recognize how far you’ve come, because initially, no day was your favorite, each as long and tortuous as the last. But this has got to be what it means to become accustomed to the pain. Does that make all gym-goers masochists?
If so, Iwaizumi has got to be the worst, because the only other person insane enough— that even remotely looks like he does anything other than train— to be here before you, is him.
“Morning,” you chime. His headphones are off, so the switch that usually tells you when people don’t wish to be spoken to doesn’t go off.
To your delight, he responds with just as much pleasure without turning around, currently sitting on the Lax machine and tugging the resistant handles. “Good morning,” he grunts.
He eventually does, even as he attempts to convince himself to stay focused on his set, but even the discipline he’s built over the years couldn’t prevent him from catching a glimpse of you. You were sitting your stuff down nearby, relocating to the floor to stretch.
He’s been watching you. Not in a creepy way, he justifies, but it becomes a habit when you’re working how he does.
Your progress is a miracle. He could count on one hand the amount of people that come in fresh and immediately get to working, just to return consistently, and cycle through this process until they reach their desired figure and continue after that. You, however, stepped in with a determination on your face he’d never seen before.
You hadn’t requested a trainer, and by what he sees, didn’t need one either. He remembers when you came in talking about how badly you wanted to rid of your little tummy, as well as slim down your plush thighs, pleading someone to teach you how. Of course he knew how; he keeps his work strictly professional with the women who came in asking for the same thing.
He’d always found the little pudge attractive, but it’s your body. It’s just somehow, he wasn’t on the verge of telling them how good it looks or the pure desire he has to press on the fat while his head is between their thighs like he was you. Someone must have heard his prayers though, because instead of slimming your legs down, you became comfortable with the idea of them getting stronger, ultimately making them slightly thicker.
The man was close to finishing the set but that one glimpse of you had him do five extra for good measure since he lost count. How could he focus?
As you split your legs and tilt to one side, you watch the man not too far. The black compression shirt he wears hugs his carved body perfectly, only cementing this fact as his back and arm muscles flex with every controlled pull of the bar. Everything about him was sharp from his shape to the hair on his head.
It was no doubt he was attractive, and since having graduated, attention wasn’t just found anywhere. Maybe some small talk will help?
“What are you doing today?” He hears you call. He almost flinches with what he thinks you’re asking until you add, “Workouts I mean.”
Iwaizumi chuckles at your mishap, more for himself, but it flushes your cheeks nonetheless. It’s a genuine, gentle sound. “Arms. Tomorrow is core,” he says coolly.
“I hate arms. I should probably do them more often, but lifting is only fun if you’re already strong.”
“I see where you’re coming from,” he pulls off the machine, rotating himself on the seat to face you. You’re in a lunge now, oversized t-shirt covering half of the skin tight shorts desperately trying to contain the glutes you’ve grown. He makes sure to force his emerald green eyes to yours. “You won’t get stronger if you don’t give it a try.”
You scoff, “You sound like my old therapist.”
The humor you two shared was nothing more than the surface level awkward kind so this unexpected comment from you had him laughing. Actually laughing. “And you sound like an old friend of mine.”
Smiling at this, you get one more good stretch in and come to your feet. You stand proudly with your hands on your hips, staring at him.
He blinks around happily, “What?”
“You said to give it a try right? Show me the way."
“I can’t do this,” you say, already struggling just with the form part of the exercise. You switched positions with him since it was closest machine. “How do I pull it if I can’t move my back?”
“Well, that’s the workout part,” he walks around the seat while inspecting you, waiting for you to figure it out with his advice. “Sit up completely straight and slightly lean back. Stay in that position the entire time, but try to pull the bar down to you instead of pulling yourself up to it.”
You try to replicate what you saw him doing. By this point, you had gotten majority of the positioning right, even keeping your back straight, but the damned bar wouldn’t move an inch. “Are you sure the setting on this thing is right?”
“Oh shit-” He pauses at this, then renders that you’re completely right. You’re trying to pull his weight.
As he shuffles over to the side of the machine to adjust it, you watch him with a smug expression and your arms crossed. I’m not just that weak, I knew it, it reads.
Moments later he comes back around, “That’s my bad, try it now.”
And you’re finally able to do it, but your form falters when you successfully pull the bar to your chest. He knows you know, you’re a smart girl, so he gives you a few more tries to correct it. “I feel like I’m about to fall,” you say finally.
“Here, that means you’re leaning too far.” He comes and presses a hand to your back, pushing you forward. “Don’t think about it too much. I’ll hold you right here for a few until you can support yourself.”
He was already hovering beside you, lurking and seeping into all your senses, making the air warmer than it usually is in the gym. With his palm on your back too, you’re starting to think this little affection of yours is getting out of hand. You don’t even look to see how much it has helped.
Somehow, you do eventually get through the sets, but you hadn’t realized that during that time he would actually train you. It was progressive overload, and he brought the weight up to what he thought you could handle each time. You were on the last few.
“C’mon, you got it.”
“I don’t,” you grunt while somewhat laughing, still pulling it to your chest. His voice is more declarative now. You deem it as his professional tone. You also wonder which voice he tends to use in—
“You do. It’s one more—make it your best.”
“Ready for the next?” His lips stretch into a smile, already predicting your answer.
And you do just that, slumping on the seat in victory.
“Good girl,” he praises, clapping, and he changes the weight on the machine to just five before twisting around and holding a hand out. He helps you up when you take it, but you’re really trying to figure out if what he said was professional if it made you clench your thighs.
You bend and get your smoothie, popping the top and drinking, “There’s a next? What’s next?”
“Pull ups of course.”
Truthfully, doing pull ups right after lax for someone who doesn’t really train arms is a death wish. It’s just this once though and your arms will already be sore so he might as well make the most of it while the adrenaline is there.
“Oh dear God,” you sigh.
“I’ll do them with you,” he reassures.
And he stands on his word, because after walking over to the bar, he clips the belt attached to weight around his hips. The bar was relatively high, even he can admit, so he isn’t surprised when you ask how the hell you’re supposed to get up there.
And you weren’t even necessarily short, it’s just the bar was made for 6’0 and over men, and athletes, so people like you were left out, hence the stacked boxes meant for help beside it.
Iwaizumi makes sure the belt is secure around himself before walking over to you, taking a stance directly behind.
He commands, “Arms up, sweetheart.” And it must be the proximity, because you do just that without a fight. The pet name contributed too.
But when he lifts you, he first drags his hands from your shoulder blades, to your ribs, and into the small of the your back. So smooth you’re questioning if he did it on purpose.
He couldn’t help it. Not when he’s hovering behind you, almost a foot taller. With one small nudge of his hips forward, he’d rest comfortably right between your ass, smelling the coconut shampoo of your hair. Though instead of being a pervert, he’d stick to the nicknames and the gentle touches until you get the damn hint.
Sometime later he’s effortlessly hauling himself up, counting one by one with you. He says you’ll only do 3 sets of ten. Either way it was burning by the ninth.
Finally you’re done. The only reason your arms aren’t completely limp is the adrenaline of just being around the attractive man next to you. He literally regulates your blood flow.
And you regulate his.
“Okay, now you have to do my workouts.”
He unclips the belt, turning to face you, amused. “I have to do your workouts?”
Your arms come to a cross offensively. “What does that mean? Yes. I did your arm day, now you have to do my leg day.”
He throws his hands in the air defensively, the curl of his lips threatening to break his character, “I’m just saying it won’t be the sa—”
“This way!”
This was a horrible idea.
He’s situated on the angled leg press machine at a diagonal, now gripping onto the handle bars. The amount of circular plates you usually have on it are already there. You’re standing beside him.
“Are you sure you don’t want to add weight? I usually go more than this,” he challenges.
“Fuck you— no.”
His laughter intensifies at your irritation. Then he brings his legs down slow and controlled, somehow still managing to appear like he could do it with his fucking finger if he tried. You’re not surprised, he’s extremely fit; though you had already catered to this by going whatever your highest weight was.
He guffaws again at your blank expression. “Fine. How much more do you need?”
He appears to think for a moment. Instead of calculating the math like he should be, he’s actually doing nothing of the sort. “Get up there.”
He bends his legs as if confirming he’s dead serious by allowing you to actually step foot on the back of the plate. You stand there still, having not even realized what he’s asking you to do. “What?”
“Get your sweet ass up there and that should be about what my usual weight is.” He shoots a nonchalant glance to the machine. “You won’t fall, if that’s what’s bothering you.”
After a few moments, with an incredulous look painted on your face, you slowly step to the lowered machine, and push yourself up and on to the back, past the weighted plates, to sit not-very-comfortably in the middle. “Uhm…”
This time, it didn’t look as easy, but he very much did an entire press to extend his legs out. You watch in wonder over the plate as he carried your weight and plus some just in his legs.
It was his arm day, and you didn’t get to fully watch him do the pull ups since the focus was keeping yourself on the bar. But you got a glimpse when he finished, biceps flexing and pulling extra weight then too. He was strong. You wonder if he puts it to use with his partner?
With his partner. What if he does have a partner? You shake your head, no, he wouldn’t have asked you to do what you’re doing if he did.
His grunts were a nice addition too.
Counting for him aloud, and not completely sure if you didn’t skip a number even though you’re only going to ten, you helped him through the set. It had been a while since there was someone to cheer him on. He was always doing the cheering.
“Okay okay,” you wait for him to finish the set, then get off. It feels so good to have your feet on the ground, sure that you won’t be yelled at by the gym staff to remove yourself from the equipment. “You’ve proved yourself, muscleman.”
“Great, I’ll take you out Saturday then?” He asks, pressing up the remaining weight easy and locking up the machine so he can leave it.
A flush runs across your cheeks, driving you to pick up your drink and sip to hide it. “You don’t know me. What if I have a husband and kids at home?”
You were projecting, you know that. It was fresh on your mind since you slightly wanted to ask him the same question. He stalks over to you.
“I don’t see a ring on your finger,” he observes, nodding to your right hand, making you look as if you didn’t know it was bare. He only stops walking until you’re face to face, way too close to just be a professional interaction. It only worsens when his thumb and index finger pinches your chin, his eyes sending flames through yours. “And let’s both be honest— if there was someone waiting for you at home, you wouldn’t be here with me.”
Let alone at the gym at all, he wanted to add. Whatever pussy was letting you come here to workout instead of telling you how good it feels to have your thick thighs ricocheting off his skin or how good your stretch marks look after being swollen with a child for nine months, doesn’t deserve you anyway.
He doesn’t kiss you, but he swipes your lips with his finger and retreats. The heat doesn’t dissipate.
“Saturday at 7?” You speak softly. So softly and breathless you aren’t even sure if he heard it as he walks away.
“My number’s in your bag, beautiful,” he winks, and then he’s turning the corner, back to where you met earlier in the morning.
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If you wanted like actual nsfw, (whoever sent the ask) just send in another into my inbox or just dm me asking!! LMAO
You get unlimited access!!
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teyamsgrl · 10 months
happy endings ✧ jake sully & tonowari
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❗️MDNI ❗️
OKAY THIS IS FILTHY AND I AM GOING NUTS AS I TYPE THIS!!!!! i loooove jake x tonowari x reader fics that also include a bit of jake x tonowari action, so i hope you all enjoy this one 🥴
°˖➴ warnings: fem metkayina reader, poly established relationship, threesome ofc, younger!reader, bi!jake, bi!tonowari, sub!reader, dom!jake, dom!tonowari, dirty talk, oral f & m receiving, handjobs, riding, hair pulling, breeding kink - yawne: beloved, sevin: pretty
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training as a tsahik wasn't necessarily tiring, but the past few days had been terribly exhausting. it seemed that this week a majority of the metkayina people had been accident prone, injuries needing attention all day. you were returning home at a later time, reducing the time you could spend with your mates. luckily today had been a quiet day in the tsahik marui and ronal didn't hesitate to send you home at a decent time, thankful for your hard work the past few days.
upon entering your marui you smiled spotting jake and tonowari, sitting as close as possible to each other and sharpening their weapons as the day came to a close. it was always so cute watching them be amazing and strong leaders, yet also so loving to one another at the same time. "you're back early, darling" tomowari smiles, stretching out a hand to you. you return the smile and grab it, plopping down onto his lap. "mhmmm, finally a slow day" you breathe, pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. he hums and after retracting, you turn to jake and grab hold of his chin, kissing him softly as well. "how are you feeling?" jake whispers, fingers dancing on your thigh.
"exhausted from the last few days honestly" you lean into tonowari's large build, hands finding jake's free one. "that makes sense... jake and i were thinking we could give you a massage..." "you know, to relax you" jake chimes in, large fingers squeezing your thigh lovingly. "that would be amazing" you smile, moving to lie on your stomach and await their next move. you feel tonowari's hands move to untie your top, being able to identify him by the amount of fingers that graze your back. you allow him to drag the top out from under you, soon feeling jake's hands now removing your loincloth and tossing it to the side. their hands begin to explore your back, both of them taking a side to work on; jake on your left and tonowari on your right.
"there, ma'jake.. that's good" you breathe, body relaxing under their touch. you feel tonowari's hands begin to travel lower, reaching your ass and softly massaging the plush of it. you squirm slightly underneath his touch, body warmth increasing as his hands near your heat, the spot between your legs not having been touched in days due to your late returns home. "wari.." you whine out faintly, hips lifting slightly off of the floor. "something wrong, princess?" jake asks, his hands now traveling to meet tonowari's. "need you both.." you whine more, wiggling your ass around as if to beg. "i guess we should give the girl what she wants, don't you think?" you can hear the smirk in tonowari's voice as he speaks, the same smirk lacing jake's as he responds. "i guess that's only fair, she deserves it" it drove you crazy when they spoke as though you weren't right below them, a shiver making it's way down your spine.
you were flipped onto your back by tonowari, breath slightly quivering in anticipation. jake's hands are then spreading your legs, pushing them as wide as they can go. you knew what this meant... he only ever pushed your legs that far if both men were going to go in on you at the same time. the whine that left your mouth was pathetic as you watched them both get between your legs, both lying on their stomachs and ogling at your glistening pussy. "so pretty..." jake bites his lip as his index fingers gathers your wetness, tonowari lightly kissing along his jaw. jake hums in response as he turns to capture tonowari's lips in a heated kiss, both men turned on by their mate's neediness. soft purrs and whines are shared as they kiss, tongues dancing together. if even possible, more wetness appears from the show in front of you.
a cocky chuckle fills your ears as they pull away from each other, tonowari diving in to suck your clit instantaneously. you let out a gasp at the action, hands digging into tonowari's curls. it wasn't a second later and jake had joined him, flicking your clit with the tip of his tongue when it was released from tonowari's lips. "fuck!" you mewled above them, right hand moving to jake's head and pressing him further into you. "his tongue feels good, doesn't it, baby?" tonowari taunts before licking at your aching hole, jake moving to join him. your head rolls back at sensation, tongues delving into your hole and colliding as they devour you passionately. jake tsks at you, bringing a hand up to tilt your chin downwards.
"don't you dare look away" he murmurs, eyes locking with yours as his tongue grazes tonowari's, saliva dripping from your pussy as the two men eat you out. you nod and obey his command, staring down at your mates who are getting covered by your slick. your hips are bucking against their tongues at a desperate speed, knot in your stomach snapping before you can even warn the two men. "oh fuck-" you squeal as your legs shake, cum gushing from you and onto their tongues. tonowari's deep chuckle is heard first as he pulls away, allowing jake to lap at your wetness for a few more seconds. he leans over you, gliding his tongue across your lips. "such a good girl... what do you want next?" he whispers as jake emerges beside him, his hand trailing down to flick one of your nipples. you mewl and look between jake and tonowari, trying to form an idea in your head. "i want- i want to watch you pleasure each other... with your hands" you state, moving to sit up. jake smirks and ushers tonowari over to the space in front of where you sit, standing to their full heights in front of you.
jake's hands reach to untie tonowari's loincloth as tonowari repeats the actions, both of their cocks springing out in an instant. they were similar in length, but tonowari's girth was unmatched. jake's hand wrapped around him the second it was possible, slowly stroking and pulling a groan from tonowari's lips. "jake-" he breathes as he reaches for jake's waiting cock, jake's eyes rolling back slightly at the sensation. "god you're fucking hot" jake moans as he eyes tonowari up, the pace of his hand picking up as precum drips over his hand. "you like that, huh wari?" tonowari nods in response, slight whines escaping as he jerks the dark blue cock rapidly now, jake's free hand reaching for his shoulder. "fucking hell" he grips the shoulder tight, tonowari's head now dropping to rest on jake's shoulder. "so good at this, such a strong hand..." tonowari coos, eyes locking with yours as you sit on the floor of the marui. "how's this, yawne? you like watching us?" you nod, completely mesmerized by the motions of their hands and the noises leaving them both. "should we save our cum for our girl, wari? i bet she's gonna want it" jake sighs out as he slows his movements on tonowari's cock. "of course she'll want it, always such a slut for cum".
their hands release each other before they lean in to whisper something to one another, your clueless eyes trying to decipher their body language. once tonowari lies flat on his back you catch on immediately, moving to straddle him. "always know what to do" jake speaks as he towers over you, hand running into your braids and getting a firm hold. you steady yourself as you line tonowari up with your entrance, slowly sinking down onto him. your eyes roll to the back of your head at the stretch, fully engulfing him now. "that's it, that's it..." he moans, large hands holding the round of your ass to aid you in bouncing on his length. you begin to ride him, pussy slamming down onto him and squelching in the process. once you get a rhythm you turn to where jake is beside you, opening your mouth to allow his cock to sink in. he uses your hair to angle your head up, pushing his length all the way in until his tip hits the back of your throat. you moan around him as tonowari abuses your cunt, his girth getting sucked in each time you move back down.
"look at you... taking both of us at once" tonowari groans from beneath you, his mouth agape as you milk his cock. "she's so cock drunk" jake deeply chuckles before he lets out a moan, continuously thrusting his cock into your mouth and listening to your slight choking. you couldn't help but whine around jake at the pure ecstasy you felt as your mates used you. "feeling good, sevin? you want my cum? want me to pump you full and get you pregnant? hm?" tonowari spanks you after he speaks, your nod and whimper pathetically desperate. "tell him, babygirl" jake yanks you off of his cock by your hair, allowing you to answer. "yes please, yes wari! i want you to breed me!" you mewl, bouncing faster than you had been before. jake brings you back to his cock, matching his thrusts to your bouncing. "well i'm gonna give you it any minute, i know jake's ready to give you his cum too" he moans out as his one hand reaches for your clit, rubbing it vigorously as all 3 of you reach your peaks.
jake cums first, grip on your hair tight as his loads fills your mouth. at the feeling of the saltiness spilling down your throat you begin to quiver, coating tonowari's shaft in your second orgasm. at the clench of your walls tonowari fills you up, cock throbbing inside of you. you move off of jake and swallow, giving him a shy smile as you catch your breath. jake strokes your cheek with his thumb before lying beside tonowari, kissing his head as he comes down from the high.
"i'm glad i came home early today" you giggle, slowly moving off of tonowari and lying in between them both. "we most definitely are too" jake smirks, rubbing your thigh lovingly as tonowari does the same to your other thigh. "definitely glad" tonowari adds in, smiling at jake over you. the men adored you, and you adored them.
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redamancy-writes · 1 year
Hi babes ❤ Hope you're having a great weekend or week.
How are you doing 🫶🫣
Idk if this request should be headcanon or maybe a short fic. You can choose ᰔ
Lost boys with female s/O who is a werewolf, specifically she is based off the excint dire wolf )(huge wolves). She has the attitude of clawdeen (yes, monster high if you seen it) and she is seen very sassy. I also wonder how Micheal and Star would react to her? (If you write for them! You dit have to!! I just thought it would be cool 🫠) . A fluff and romantic fic
Anyways have great day/night!! Please take your time 😙❤
Hello love bug! I'm doing well, and I hope you are too. I chose to do a blend of headcanon/short-fic. I'm so sorry this took so long, but I hope you enjoy!
The boys ofc were smitten.
You kept up with them- not only with wit and sass, but with your speed and strength. 
They never had to worry about hurting you, or you getting hurt while on your hunts or out for late night shenanigans. 
Now others on the other hand, not so smitten. 
You were talented, confident, but fiercely loyal to a fault
When Star was welcomed into the group, at first you were hesitant, until the boys treated her like a sibling- then you quickly fell in line. 
Your loyalties lay in the hands of your friends and family, and only those two groups could see you vulnerable, soft, and gentle without your usual snark and bite. 
Now Michael-
Michael, Michael, Michael
You two never got along- why?
Well, when Michael was pinning after Star, he was quite…. Prickly with David. 
And when he attempted to fight David, well it took all of your willpower not to let your claws fly, eyes going gold as you felt Dwayne grip your hand. 
That night you forced all the boys into resting in your makeshift den with you rather than sleeping in their usual spot on the ceiling. 
After Max made it apparent that Michael was supposed to become a part of the family, along with his brother and mother, you were seething. 
That bastard who threatened your family now was going to be a part of it? No way
So while you couldn’t necessarily wolf out on the guy, you didn’t hold back your sassy comments or sarcastic side comments around Michael. 
The Boys made it seem all like inside jokes, so Michael was none the wiser- but you knew one thing for sure, should Michael mess up or cause any strife in your family group, he ensured a long and painful death for himself. 
“You alright, doll?” David asked in a low murmur as Michael and Star took off for cotton-candy down the Boardwalk. His arm was wrapped around you and his leather-clad fingers were rubbing circles on your arm. 
“Mm,” You hummed in the back of your throat, rolling your eyes as you pressed against him. 
“I don’t like him,” You murmured back as he pressed a kiss to your jaw. 
“That’s the obvious, sweet cheeks,” Paul chimed in from his spot sitting on the wooden railing of the Boardwalk, admiring the way the colored lights danced on your skin tone. 
“Not just as a person,” You clarified, looking around to try and get your eyes on Star, disliking that she was out of sight. “In my gut, I can tell something’s going to go wrong with this, and I don’t know what.” 
“Oh?” Dwayne knew your instincts were stronger than others, especially about people’s intentions. 
“Should we bring it up to Max?” David questioned, hand now lazily dragging up and down your arm. 
“Hmmm…” Your anxiety lessened as Star came back into the picture with Michael. 
“Not for now, but I say keep an eye on him,” You said in a low tone, turning your head to kiss David, relishing in the feeling of his cool leather glove against your warm cheek.
“Aye aye, captain,” Marko grinned, gripping your free hand in his to kiss your knuckles. 
Tag-list: @icefrozendeadlyqueen
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jaennwrites · 2 years
hi there!!!!! can i get a scenario thingy where what happens if the reader has a crush on alejandro, ghost and soap? (Separately)
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a/n: my first request (tee hee), but I hope this is fitting your ideal lore? I would be glad to make another one for the other two requested characters but I had to finally show Ghost some love considering I am like this currently because of him, TYTY 4 UR REQUEST!!!
summary: both you and ghost get injured on a mission so you decide to tell him how you feel. word count: 1,886 cw: completely sfw + gender neutral, little bit of profanity, mentions of injury, blood, and guns. (if there's anything else you feel a warning is needed feel free to let me know always.)
ofc all interactions are much appreciated :)
What could you say about Simon Ghost Riley?...other than the fact that you had the worst crush on him ever. It was embarrassing the amount of times you would  fumble over your words, drop things, and just overall act a fool because of his presence. Although you had to give yourself some leeway; Ghost was tall, mysterious, and really nice, which caught you off guard at first. 
The times he tightened your gear for you, fixed your form in various combat training, hell when you were partnered on missions he rarely ever let an enemy even get a chance to breathe the same air as you, but as much as you loved his military based care; it was the out of work “affections” that sold you.
The times you, Soap, and Ghost went to bars after long missions, he would force you to walk on the “inside” of the sidewalk, holding your various items, a gesture you never requested but always melted over. The cherry on top was the fact that no one ever had the audacity to even approach you, nights like these you often found your lovesick eyes examining his unassuming frame. 
Soap was the only one who knew of your “affliction” as he loved to call it; you’d gush and gush over the large skull man, talking his ear off about it all the time. It wonderfully brought you closer as teammates and friends, the thought of losing your trusted confidant was sickening to keep it simple. 
“Focus” Ghost spoke ripping you from your intimate thoughts 
“Sorry” You apologized focusing on the man in front of you 
You were currently on a mission with Ghost, obviously not the best time to be waltzing down memory lane but he brought out the illogical side of you. You closed your eyes mouthing a silent “thank you” that this wasn’t a terribly serious mission. It was a simple intel retrieval and currently you both were standing right next to what you needed to get. 
“This feels entirely too easy” You joked with a small laugh 
Before Ghost could even chime in, a gunshot hit you straight in your arm; if the person had aimed just a bit higher it would've hit you in your neck. As the pain fully set in, Ghost pulled you both behind the cover of a wall in which you slid down. 
“Fuck” He cursed bending down to look at your bleeding arm
“Don’t focus on me” You winced knowing that if he did then you’d both just die 
“Shut up” “Of course I'm gonna focus on you” He said sternly before lifting your injured arm 
You felt his large hands move carefully on the inside of your arm knowing exactly what he was looking for and what he wasn’t finding. 
“It didn’t go through” You sighed pushing yourself up with a pained huff 
“We need to get out of here” Ghost said while taking careful peeks past the wall
You used your uninjured hand to first secure your rifle on your good shoulder before removing your gun from your holster. He’d never admit it but Ghost didn’t want you fighting at all, the fear of you getting killed in this moment plagued his mind. What was worse was the fact that he knew you had to, and he had to as well, if you stayed here you would die for sure. 
He signaled you to stay behind the wall before he moved to a different cover, earning a shot from the mysterious gunman. You carefully peaked your head around the corner of the wall delivering a fatal shot to the man you saw. 
Your head turned to see what directions that Ghost had to give you but he was gone from the spot he was before. You carefully moved to his previous cover and then to another but still no sign of him. 
“Ghost?” You whispered into the unsettling still air
As you closed your eyes to calm your panicking thoughts you heard a major commotion followed by two gunshots coming from a nearby arch way, without thinking you ran towards it seeing Ghost take out a person before both of their bodies fell to the ground. 
You quickly rushed to his side taking a breath of relief that he was still clearly alive but the soft damp red patch on his upper thigh came into view. 
“Fuck” “No” You panicked dropping your rifle and holstering your handgun
“Do you have the flash drive?” He asked sitting himself up with a pained groan 
“Yes” “We have to get out of this stupid building” You stated with a nervous laugh 
You watched as Ghost painfully pushed himself up with a failed attempt to walk which resulted in him falling onto a nearby wall for support. 
“I can help” You offered 
“You arm is messed up” He pointed out pushing himself forward with a grunt 
“Not both of them” You argued walking cautiously next to his limping frame 
“It’s fine” He denied again 
You contemplated for a moment; were you really going to allow this guy who you were so desperately infatuated with, to walk with a shot leg? 
“No” You spoke forcing his arm over your shoulders allowing his heavy body to lean on your good shoulder 
Ghost was heavier than any expectation you had, and to be honest the closeness of your mutually injured bodies really put into perspective how massive he was. You cleared your head on your school girl thoughts, there was no time to gush over him as you two were both bleeding from a limb. 
You both had made it out of the building and were halfway to the truck that you drove in but both of your bodies were worn out. Soon enough Ghost’s body was too much for you to carry as he collapsed onto a nearby tree. 
“I know this hurts A LOT” “...But were almost there” “You can do it” You encouraged putting in a failed attempt to lift him back up
“Get to the guys by the truck” “And then come back for me” Ghost proposed letting his head rest on the large tree 
“No” You argued 
“You can’t carry me all the way back, and I can’t walk there” He spoke sternly 
“I won’t” You protested as your eyes scanned for any defining landmark that would guide the guys by the truck to you both 
“Why?” He asked 
Ghost’s eyes were so intense, it was another major trait that you liked about his appearance, but not right now. Not when they were practically trying to pry your brain open as he looked up at you waiting for an answer to his question. To make matters worse, you couldn’t spot anything defining about this part of the woods; so hell if you were both going to die here, you might as well come clean. 
“Because I have a terrible crush on you” “And on top of the fact that I like you, you’re my teammate and-” You began but your confession got cut short as your eyes focused on what you now made out to be a long river 
“You-” Ghost began but you quickly cut him off 
“Guys come in” “Me and Ghost are currently both injured, were in the woods not too far from the truck, were by a big lake” “It would be really nice if you guys could come heroically save us” You joked speaking into your walkie 
There was a daunting silence that felt as if it covered the entire forest as you both awaited a response. 
“Gotcha” “On our way now” A voice spoke 
“I’m so fucking tired” You breathed with a small smile of relief 
Soon enough flashlights illuminated your area and you were being carried off back into the truck happily handing over the stupid flashdrive that caused all this mess. 
Back at base you were in and out of the infirmary pretty fast, just a simple bullet removal followed by stitches, a thick bandage, and a sling to keep you off your arm as much as possible. Ghost was fine too except he was rather bed ridden at the moment; the excessive walking did a bit more damage than the bullet alone would have done but he’d heal fine in no time. 
“Hello” You called knocking on Ghosts’ door
“Yup” His deep voice answered allowing you to open the door shutting it lightly behind you
You shook off the jitters you felt seeing his more exposed face seeing as he didn’t have his skull piece on, just his black balaclava, you also noted his lack of black smear that usually covered his eyes. 
“I like the…not emo look” You joked sitting at the edge of his bed 
“Thank you” “For refusing to leave me” He spoke a small shift under his mask indicating what you hoped was a small smile
“Yeah…no problem” You smiled wondering if he had remember what you said 
“I do remember what you said” He spoke literally reading your mind
“Oh” You hummed
God what if he didn’t like you back in the slightest? What if you just made the entire experience awkward? What if he would request not to work with you because of it? All you could think of was how much you were regretting saying what you said.
“I feel the same way” “Not great at showing it but…you should know that” Ghost admitted 
You couldn’t believe it, I mean yeah he was nice to you but it was just him being nice; or so you thought. Ghost knew from the moment he saw you, there was something that drew him to you; the idea of you getting hurt haunted his mind on every mission you went on. Seeing you get shot was terrifying but also eye opening, in that moment he swore to himself that he would tell you, you happily beat him to the punch though. 
“That is really good…that is super really good” You spoke as a large smile dominated your face 
“Glad to deliver such good news” He said letting a laugh escape his mouth
You both talked a bit more before you left his room to allow him to rest, but you didn’t go back to your room; you went straight to Soap’s. 
“Soap” You called frantically knocking on his door 
“Are you okay?” Soap asked opening the door in what seemed like a panic 
You pushed yourself into his room before falling onto his bed with the same large smile that showed no signs of fading anytime soon.
“You’re scaring me” He spoke coming into your view as he carefully looked at your giddy face 
“Guess what?” You asked sitting up 
“They gave you something crazy in the infirmary” He joked taking a seat in front of you
“I thought me and Ghost were totally going to die on our mission…so I told him I liked him” You explained 
“What!?” “What did he say?” Soap asked with wide eyes as he switched his seat to beside you on his bed
“He said…..” “He likes me too”  You revealed teasing Soap with a long pause 
“I knew it!” He yelled 
“Shh” You smiled, throwing yourself back onto his bed with a sigh of contempt. 
Simon Ghost Riley liked you too.
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dnpbeats · 2 months
explain vegas vlog 🥺
ofc 🫡 basically dan and phil (and some friends i wanna say?) went to vegas in 2012 for dan's 21st birthday. dan vlogged the whole thing and at the time was hyping it up about how epic this vegas vid was gonna be. phil mentioned too at one point that dan was gonna post this ~crazy vlog. as time went on, no video was posted so people started asking about it. dan initially gave some excuse about there being too much footage and eventually claimed to have lost the footage altogether so the vlog never came to fruition
the phandom did what the phandom did at the time and made up a bunch of "phan" explanations for why dan couldn't post the footage. basically a lot of people kinda-jokingly-kinda-not speculated that the footage was unusable bc d&p were too drunk to be on guard and acted too coupley in the footage (that or they got married LOL)
"what happened in vegas" was enough of a thing that d&p used it to market TABINOF (and ofc the vegas section of the book was a big joke about alien abduction lmao). soo yeah that's pretty much it i think, if i forgot anything other phannies feel free to chime in :)
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minnies-mochi · 10 months
I’m So Sorry, Not
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Vinsmoke Family x Platonic! Sibling! Reader
Warnings: Colorful Language ofc, Bullying, Mentions of Suicide, Toxicity if i can write the characters well, abandonment, drugs, murder, neglect, death, torture
Well, you’re technically a Vinsmoke. You don’t have the same mom as the rest of your siblings.
but you all have the same dad.
you turned out to be another failure.
your father- Judge, has had enough and kicked you out of the empire? 
he left you on the worst island possible
You were so young too. almost turning 7 when your siblings were 13-15 years of age.
you felt alone and abandoned
you had no hope.
you couldn’t even leave the island if you wanted to.
an old woman took you in.
you tried your hardest to find ways to kill yourself.
you even took hand-full of drugs in hopes of overdosing.
yet, you didn’t have the guts to kill yourself. you felt as though, if you kill yourself. you’d be proving your “family” right.
one day, a ship awfully familiar to the one you were kicked off of was sailing closer to the island you resided on.
once it arrived, the island you’ve come to know for 10 years, was burning down slowly.
you ran towards the old woman’s house, you had called grandma after three years of staying on this island.
only to witness her being brutally slashed in the chest by someone who you used to call brother.
Niji smirked when his eyes landed on you,
“y/n! how have you been? we thought you would’ve been dead by now.”
you stayed silent as he approached you, breath hitched.
“hey, say something!”
he was in front of you now…
you watched him warily, slowly backing away.
“Niji, stop bullying the weak. you know she’s a fucking failure like Sanji”
Yonji was here now.
Niji’s smirked widened and gripped your hair tightly by the scalp,
“listen here you damn germ, you’ll be coming with us wether you like it or not”
Niji started to pull you by the hair, not stopping despite your protests.
“Let me go!”
you tried clawing on his arm, but you knew it doesn’t affect him at all
you screamed in pain when you felt a sharp pain in your stomach…
‘did this sonic looking bitch just kick me!?’
once on the ship, you were instantly in front of that man.
we know who it is fellas💪🏽
you stared into his emotionless eyes but you already know what he was feeling,
“so we meet yet again. we should have left you on an island filled with beasts, that would’ve killed you much faster”
“Shut up! i fucking hate you Vinsmoke Judge”
You try to pull away from hands that where restricting your arms. AKA Yonji.
You see two more, no, three more people behind Judge, from your observation.
Ichiji, Reiju, and someone else.
‘who is that?’
Judge followed your gaze.
“that is your other brother, Sanji”
you can hear the gruffness in his voice, as if he didn’t want to talk to you and say Sanji’s name.
“wait a minute… “brother”? im not a part of this family!”
you shouted, filled with rage and despair.
as much as you feel hurt, but its the truth.
Vinsmoke Judge had disowned you from the family.
“that is true, but we need you to save face. behave yourself failure #2”
Ichiji chimed in.
“save face?”
Yonji let go of your arms and suddenly you were pulled towards the ground, hurting your face in the process.
Judge had stomped on your back.
“don’t screw anything up or we’ll kill you”
you had no choice but to reluctantly agree.
what can you do?
you cant beat up emotionless, sadistic robots and walk away scotch free.
you pursed your lips, trying to find a way to escape.
you snapped out of your thinking process when something clamped down around your wrists.
“you cant be 6 feet away from any of us or the castle, except for sanji, unless you want to lose your hands.”
You cant be serious right now.
your escape plan was now rendered useless.
“let’s head over to Whole Cake Island”
You were basically thrown into your room by Niji and Yonji, with them smirking down at you.
“dicks” you murmured.
a few days had passed, you never left your room, since you had a bathroom attached to it and you requested to one of the servants to deliver food to your room.
there was a knock at your door, you looked at the clock.
it was not lunch time yet.
you opened it and immediately scowled
it was sanji, you did not want to get hurt again.
“wait, wait”
Sanji held up his hands in defense.
you noticed the same golden colored device around Sanji’s wrists.
“can i come in?”
you moved to the side, silently observing Sanji as he walked in.
“you’ve grown, i honestly thought you were still on the ship…rotting and being abused. but, im glad. im glad your still alive”
Sanji tears up and pulls you close to him.
He made a vow,
“I promise you, once i get married. i’ll give you anything that you didnt get to experience as a kid!”
You wanted to tell him that it was okay and that he didnt need to.
you held in your tears, voice shaky as you actually did tell him that it was okay.
that led him to hold you tighter.
after that day, Sanji actually tried his best to be there with you on Whole Cake Island.
The day before Sanji’s wedding, while riding the carriage, Sanji’s friends tried to get him to come back.
Straw hat Luffy….
The events that happened next, shocked me.
Sanji beat up him own captain.
You did not care about what happened to you, you wanted the best for your only brother.
during the wedding, you were panicking hard.
Big Mom planned to annihilate the Vinsmoke family in order to gain their scientific creations.
being stuck in melted candy did not help your despair.
suddenly, Big Mom let out a big wail, hurting your ears in the process.
Sanji broke everyone free from the confines of melted candy.
you watched as Germa 66 did their transformation half way and started running towards Bege’s castle.
You felt self conscious.
you weren’t anything special, you did not have any abilities, you did not know how to fight, all you do know how to do is run.
but you weren’t fast enough.
you felt someone loop their arms around your waist, zooming towards Perospero, and throwing a punch at him.
“Kneel before Germa’s scientific might!”
It was Ichiji.
As everyone had gotten into the castle, Sanji disowned Judge and the rest of Germa.
Unknowingly, you stood in front of a mirror, with your back towards it.
You felt you mouth being covered tightly and was dragged into the mirror, no one batting an eye.
You were then tied up by your perpetrator.
You took a glance at a mirrors reflection and it was Charlotte Amande.
‘im going to die!’
That wasn’t the case, she had brought you into a confined room, no windows.
‘ah….this is a torture chamber’
after 3 hours of being tortured, i managed to escape.
you came to the realization that you’re on Cacao Island.
injured and all you could do was lean in the wall.
“huff….huff….” you panted, just a few more steps before you reached the plaza. The pain became unbearable.
It was already dark out.
I assumed there was battle going on, since Germa 66 was fighting off the Big Mom Pirates. “Go back to your ships, Germa 66! Mission Accomplished!” Ichiji yelled out, his eyes spotting me leaning against the wall. He grabbed the back of my shirt and we flew back to the main ship.
Once we had arrived, Ichiji placed me down on the ground gently. ‘well thats a surprise. I’m guessing Sanji left with his crew, im glad that he made it out’. My head felt light, i could barely hold myself up. “Germa 66! We’ll withdraw!” Judge said as he turned around and halted.
Big Mom was coming. Germa 66 was on guard for battle, even though they took a bunch of damage in the past few hours.
After trying to fend off the Big Mom Pirates. Germa was defeated. 2 super humans and 1 regular human were captured by the enemy.
I tried to pull from one of my restraints, but i was already physically drained from the torture i had endured. i am going through yet another torture. this time it was with Charlotte Daifuku.
Daifuku held me still as Oven used his devil fruit to sear the skin on my left forearm. I screamed in pain, not knowing Niji and Yonji can hear me in a room above them. Then, Mon-d’or made a gash in my leg. He then poured boiling water onto it “oops! Im sorry, not!”, he smirked. I bit my bottom lip hard, trying not to make a sound. This continued for who knows how long…
It felt like a while when they left. I felt so lifeless. the door opened and i was prepared to endure more torture. But it turns out it was Germa and….. Caesar?? Reiju used her poison to melt away the chains holding my body down. I couldn’t move. i could barely move…Ichiji nodded at Caesar and Caesar slung me over his shoulder, mindful of my wounds.
We made it back to the main ship of Germa. my body started to become more and more numb by the second. Ichiji took me into his arms and steadily walked towards the infirmary. “You okay? You’re not going to die are you?” He said, as he slowly started to pick up his pace after only getting a nod from me.
We’ve reached the infirmary. But the nurse there told Ichiji that I needed surgery to stitch up any open wounds and that i probably wouldnt make it. Niji tried arguing with the nurse, “what do you mean that she doesnt have enough blood? don’t we have blood packs here? why do you just give it to her?”. of course, the nurse tried to reason with Niji but she stopped not wanting to piss him off.
Yonji, clenched the blanket on top of him into his fist. ‘she cant die. we owe sanji for saving our lives.’ he thought. “im sorry, but she already looks like shes about to pass on”, the Vinsmoke brothers turned their heads towards their little sister. little sister?
when had they considered her a little sister? she did not share the same blood as their mother, so why should they consider her as their sister? just because she shares blood with their father doesn’t mean- “how long will she live?” and feminine voice chided in behind Ichiji.
Reiju and their father came in the room.
The nurse fumbled with her watch, not wasting anytime before the brothers become ruthless. “a-about an hour, ma’am!”, the nurse wanted to slap herself for being too nervous. Ichiji laid you onto an empty infirmary bed. Your breath hitched in pain.
Judge strutted towards your bed and stared down at you, “You did well, for a failure”. You deadpanned at him, even though you were dying. Yonji cursed under his breath, the Vinsmoke family turning to him. “why did it have to turn out like this?”.
Although he wouldn’t admit this, Yonji had cared for you. Ichiji and Niji narrowed their eyes at him. Ichiji started, “don’t tell me your getting all mushy already”, “don’t tell me you did not care for her all along, notice how you saved her the most?” Yonji retorted. Niji snorted “care for her? shes nothing but a weakling in the Vinsmoke bloodline”. The brothers were going back in forth, Judge chiming in here and there.
Reiju sneakily brought her hand to hold yours and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She smiled down to you, letting you know she loves you in her own way. but her eyes widened a little.
you were cold. cold to the touch.
she noticed that your eyes were lifeless. she knew. she knew, you had already passed on. With a wobbly smile, she closed your eyes and looked at the time. Trying to hold in her tears, “time of death is 4:37 p.m.”. As soon as she said that. The brothers felt their cold hearts shatter, yet they could not shed a single tear.
They had lost a sister. Their little sister at that. Sanji didn’t get to hear the bad news at all.
“In the back of my mind, you died. and I didn't even cry, no, not a single tear. and I'm sick of waiting patiently for someone that won't even arrive….” - d4vid, Romantic Homicide.
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elvirable · 10 months
Fast Lane | Chapter 2
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[ Simon Riley x f!Reader ] | ao3 link
rating: explicit | word count: 3.7k | status: work in progress themes/tags: damsel in distress, protective Simon, smut, car chase scene, simon lowkey stalking you.. for a mission ofc, gun violence, loose plot ———————————————————————
Simon had never said a word to you, but he was beginning to know you. Only through the small details, of course. In other words: Simon “Ghost” Riley has kept a close eye on you for weeks now, waiting for the mission cue. Action ensues to rescue you, a thrilling car chase, and ends wrapped in hotel sheets.
Your fingers drummed against the side of your thigh, timid tension buzzing throughout your nerves.
Elevator doors parted to reveal high ceilings framed by walls of blue glass that overlooked the street. An oblong conference table dominated the floor space, leather chairs neatly tucked into the wooden surface; the room was nearly empty except for a few seated executives, broad men who could only be assumed as security, and a waitstaff who was rolling in a cart adorned with pastries and an espresso machine.
You must’ve looked like a wide-eyed doe in the headlights because your awe was interrupted by a smooth, older voice greeting you.
“Welcome,” one of the executives rose from his seat. “I hope you didn’t have much trouble finding our office.”
He was an older man, middle-aged with an animated smile compassed by trimmed facial hair and wrinkles. Like the other executives, he exuded an air of professionalism and prestige  — graying slicked back hair, a firm posture, and a well-tailored suit. He made his way over to you, extending a palm to greet you.
You shook his calloused hands and matched his welcoming smile. He introduced himself and the others as he guided you towards the conference table, inviting you to sit.
“If our secretary, Tanya, didn’t already tell you, we were absolutely impressed by your resume.”
“Yes,” chimed one of the other executives, this time a slightly younger man whose expression was sharp and slim. “Our managers spoke highly about your interviews. Your work ethic and attitude is exactly what we need to incorporate into our culture.”
“Ah,” you were admittedly flustered, taken aback by the rush of flattery. “Thank you.”
You were normally talkative and expressive, but the atmosphere instinctively caused you to urge composure. Honestly, you didn’t believe you would get this far. With initial shock, you had been invited for a final round interview for a job you desperately needed. 
“So,” the first executive paused to sip his coffee, “we invited you here today not only to meet the person behind the resume, but so you can get a feel for the office.”
He praddled on while an assistant offered you a freshly poured espresso and pastry, to which you nodded with quiet gratitude. Your eyes returned to the man speaking, but you couldn’t help to feel the two other men’s gazes lingering on you  — a sensation that didn’t feel too great, instead somewhat grimy.
“With remote work being so popular nowadays, unfortunately a lot of our staff aren’t in today. Feel free, however, to take a look around. Marcus here,” he gestured to the man with sharper features, “can give you a tour while Tanya drafts up the rest of your offer and paperwork.”
“That sounds great, thank you.” You held a cordial smile across your lips, sipping the espresso; it was extremely bitter, and you had to conceal the urge to twist your face into a grimace. So odd  — the man before effortlessly finished his. You weren’t in the habit of drinking straight espresso, perhaps it was an acquired taste. 
You placed your cup back onto the stained mahogany table, managing to finish the remaining sip. Lifting your gaze to the two men seated across from you, their eyes no longer traced your figure and were instead droning into your eyes. Marcus was the first to cut into the short silence by commenting on the weather and continuing on with material, surface-level topics.
Conversation was light, briefly landing on details about the company’s benefits and employee retreats. An odd feeling pitted your stomach. Maybe it was your nervousness, being in a setting you weren’t quite used to  — or the culmination of an extensive interview process. 
The chatter fell to a natural hush before you spoke.
“Alright, Marcus, I’d love a tour if you’re ready.” You offered another polite smile to which he immediately replied.
“Ready when you are,” his smile was flat, perked at the corners of his mouth. He rose from his seat after you, meeting you at the entrance of the elevator.
The third executive, who had been mostly silent until now, headed towards one of the sleek doors on the conference floor. As the elevator whirred, he wished you farewell. You thanked him with a parting wave, but your smile faltered as a rush of nausea coursed through you. It was rapidly accompanied by light-headedness. Again, however, you internally dismissed it by chalking it up to anxiety or standing up too fast. 
With a chime, the elevator doors opened. Marcus stepped in after you, completely ignoring your clearly unsettled demeanor. 
“We’ll start with the marketing branch. Some of our managers..” his voice began to fade, now replaced by a loud ringing clouding your hearing. Your vision was framed by a darkness, and your head felt unbearably hot as your knees began to buckle beneath your weight. Panic rushed through every muscle, hastening your breathing as you fought to grasp your consciousness.
The last thing you remembered were the steel doors rolling shut and arms catching you as your vision was engulfed by black.
Humming vibrations and muffled voices lulled you awake.
Bleary and blinking, your eyes focused on the ceiling of a car interior. Light streaks washed over the gray felt, the woosh of traffic sounding more clear around you as you regained your bearings. 
Stiff-limbed and still  — you were laid in the backseat of some standard SUV. You immediately became mindful of everything  — your breath, muscles, anything to refrain from drawing attention to yourself. Your hands and ankles weren’t bound, so you doubt they planned for you to rouse during the ride..wherever you were headed.
Two men, burly and toughened, were seated in the front; heads you haven’t seen before. A murky myriad of questions throbbed against your head, but you couldn’t entertain them. Fear gripped every shred of you, despair settling in at the impossibility of the situation. You wanted to scream, to bang on the windows in the hope some passenger car would call for help. But again  — you couldn’t; you were frozen with dread.
Raised voices dripped with frustration, drawing you out of your frightened inner echochamber. 
“Who the fuck is this guy tailing us?” came a growl from the passenger seat.
“Agh, we’ll lose him. Probably just some asshole,” replied the dismissive driver. There was a click of metal before the rich scent of tobacco permeated the air. 
“Pass ‘em over.”
“Let me get a drag in first, you ass.” Despite the roughness in his tone, the passenger let loose a throaty laugh.
Silence again, except for motors whirring around you and the quiet inhales of cigarettes. 
“Fuck, look at this asshole. He’s trying to pass us up.” You could hear the passenger vexingly shift in his seat, leering at the side mirror.
“Just let him, who cares.”
A mechanical whirr droned as the passenger window rolled down, the man starting to shout undoubtedly some creative curse before a softened pop sounded. Panic immediately ensued in the SUV as the car’s smooth speed now turned bulky and bumpy. Some car horns blared outside followed by the roaring of mufflers.
“Fuck, fuck! He shot our back tire  —” there was ruffling from the passenger seat before a click, the man racking the magazine of his tactical pistol. 
“We’ll push ahead,” said the driver, voice firm before he was interrupted by the buzz of a radio blotter.
“You guys OK in there?” questioned the radio.
“Yeah, yeah  —” said the driver in a rushed tone. “Back tire blown out, we’re still good with the front.”
“Detailing the escort car right now. They saw the shot come from a black pick-up.”
“Black pick-up,” confirmed the passenger. “Asshole has a silenced pistol, too.” 
“They’re three cars behind you, the escort  — just push ahead.”
“What do we do about the psycho?” inquired the frustrated passenger.
“Escort will deal with it, so just push ahead. Pull over at exit 42 and use the ‘donut’ in the back.”
“Got it.”
The radio feed fizzled as the voice faded out. 
Panic was boiling through the shock and numbing fear that had locked your limbs earlier. Adrenaline now coursed through your veins, riling up your thoughts as you combed through all the possible actions you could take to make it out of there  — to make it to the black pick-up, the only chance you had. 
More shuffling came from the passenger seat, his body beginning to turn in your direction. Instantaneously, you shut your eyes and focused entirely on regulating your breathing to a steady pace. It seemed to suffice, as the man turned back to the window in silence. 
Once he began talking again, you peeked your gaze to the tinted windows. Perhaps once the car returns, you could start banging or lower the windows to garner the attention of the black pick-up. Apprehension twisted your lips at the sight of the passenger’s pistol resting near the center console of the car. 
“There he is, coming up,” the passenger hastily blurted, readying his pistol and angling his head to get a proper view of the black pick-up in the side mirror. 
A sudden bang, followed by pitched metallic scraping, rocked the car. An off-guard yelp slipped through your lips. The man in the passenger instinctively turned to face you, proving fatal as another soft pop went off  — warm blood splattering onto your blouse. The passenger’s body slumped over.
Pure shock was trapped in your throat as you sat up, shaking any fixation on what had just happened. The driver’s movements were now rigid, struggling to turn the wheel; you could now view how the car was nearly pinned against the black pick-up and was edging closer to the divider.
“You’re fucking crazy!” shouted the driver, still wrestling with the wheel to prevent completely crashing. He was completely aware you were wide awake, sputtering towards the window while the car jolted, but he didn’t care. 
As you approached and lowered the tinted window, the sparking and scraping metal became unbearably louder. Your panicked eyes looked over towards the black pick-up driver, only to have your gaze met with dark ones. They were ashened, the only striking feature that hadn’t been covered by a skull-donned balaclava. 
You didn’t know these eyes, but they knew you. They had finally found you. 
“Get in. Now,” barked the man, his order direct and urgent. 
The backseat window of the pick-up lowered. For a brief second, in your hesitation, another car was approaching from behind visible from your peripheral view — a similar SUV as the one you were in.
With a deep and shaky breath, you climbed and hurled yourself into the backseat of the pick-up. Your knee and wrist throbbed with an immediate pain from your landing, but the adrenaline overrode any urge to wince. 
Almost instantaneously, the black pick-up pulled away from the SUV and shifted lanes. More car horns blared, distant police sirens swirling and oscillating far behind all of the commotion. 
You stuttered, mouth agape as you stared at the masked man. You had no option but to trust this man, and more questions began to batter against your mind.
“Who are  —” you began, abruptly cut off by his deep tone.
“Get down and stay down.”
His voice was enough to silence any burning questions you had in the moment, as you promptly followed his words. You ducked low, laying against the leather upholster of the backseat. However, your stare never left the masked man; the only window into this mysterious savior were his eyes, which droned forward with a calm composure. 
The car lurched as he moved over to another lane once again, and you clung onto the passenger seat to brace yourself. 
Sirens had grown louder momentarily, until he turned down a winding exit between thrushes of trees. The silence had now become deafening, matching the volume of your pounding heart. After a few minutes, the car stilled to a stop in a gravel parking lot. 
The car was still running as the masked man clicked the door open and exited. His stride was quick as he opened the backseat door and waited for you to stumble out.
“Where are we going?” you finally pushed the words out of your throat, fully processing them once they were spoken.
“Hop in, then I’ll tell you.” His gaze left your face to survey the surrounding roads, watchful as an occasional car passed the rundown gas station you were parked at. Urgency straightened his posture as he gestured to another pick-up, barely visible from behind the building. 
“I —” you closed your mouth just as quickly as it had opened, not sure what to even respond with. You were still confoundedly bewildered, frankly quite overwhelmed and haven’t begun to process what exactly had occurred. 
Gravel rustled underneath your footsteps, soon rounding the building and entering the new truck. It was white, a similar yet used model compared to the black one. Once you shuffled into the backseat, you looked over the contents placed behind the driver seat: a first aid box, a throw blanket, water bottles, and a small cardboard box with packaged food.
The man turned the ignition and the truck roared to life. He turned in his seat, arm extended against the passenger headrest to properly reverse the truck out. Quietly you sat, watching his focused eyes before they flickered briefly towards yours. 
“You okay?” his voice, originally harsh and low, was a softer tone now. You breathed for a few moments, perhaps to gather your thoughts or  the fatigue was finally settling in, while he turned and merged onto the main road.
You perused your body, which seemed fine, despite some bruising and the haziness still lingering in your eyes. The soreness of your limbs began to fade, and you sunk into the backseat after reaching for water. 
“Yeah, I think so.”
His eyes darted towards you in the rearview momentarily, watching as you drank the water. The car slowed to a pause at a red light, and he took more than a moment to study you while you stared out the window.
Small spots of blood were speckled across your blouse and exhaustion paled your face. You were now leaning against the window with your curled finger resting against your bottom lip.He had seen this face so many times wandering into the cafe or buried in a book. Peace was now replaced by a subtle distress, one lost in troubled thought. Those delicate hands were trembling, and your brows were furrowed.
The light flashed green, and he pulled his focus back onto the road.
“You can ask your questions now,” he cleared his throat. “Got a long drive ahead of us.”
His words seemed to pull your attention away from the passing outside view, somewhat successful in providing the ease he had aimed for. You shifted to lean comfortably into the seat, mulling over in your mind and twisting your lips. Chaos had fizzled into silence, and you needed help making sense of it all.
“Okay, first off —” you breathed, as if you had to brace yourself. “Who are you? Where are we going?”
“You can call me Ghost.”
“Ghost? You don’t have a real name?”  
“It’s on a need-to-know basis,” he replied before tossing you one of his task force badges. “We’re headin’ to a safehouse. You’ll get a medical check-up and be interviewed.”
“Okay,” you let the words swirl in your brain, lips pursed as his answers temporarily sufficed.
You held his laminated badge between your fingers — it was an official government issued card, which provided some relief. And you could almost laugh, if it wasn’t for the weighing exhaustion, 
that even in his photo ID this man still had a mask on.
“So, what exactly happened? I..” your voice trailed off, your thoughts sitting heavy on your tongue. You tried to recollect your thoughts in an attempt to piece it together yourself, but grew quietly overwhelmed.
Ghost glanced at the rearview mirror, watching your brows furrow and your soft face muddle with puzzlement. He waited for you to continue, but spoke when it was evident you were finished speaking.
“The agents will probably brief you, but you were being targeted. Not sure what for.”
He knew the details, but chose to be vague; to be honest, he wanted to spare you from the reality and didn’t want his words to be the cause of such anguish. However, Ghost’s words only spurred the confusion twisting your face.
He attempted to quell the trouble visible on your face, “You’re safe now.”
You smiled softly, finding some resolve in his response. Tucking your disheveled hair behind your ear, a strand slipped from your ear to frame the curve of your cheek.
Ghost noticed your smile when he glanced back at the mirror and felt a tug at his mouth to do the same. When you fell silent, he offered to turn on the radio  — something that he didn’t really do himself, but again to offer some ounce of comfort that he could. You responded that you would enjoy that, but at a low volume.. something to occupy your mind for the remainder of the car ride. 
And so the radio played softly for the entire ride. He’d notice when a song familiar to you would play, how you’d tap your fingers against your thigh. An hour in, Ghost would find you in the rearview fighting the urge to succumb to exhaustion since all the adrenaline had burned through you. 
Eventually, your eyes fluttered shut. 
During a stop to refuel the truck, he shook out the throw blanket in the back and delicately placed it over you. There was that default softly lonesome face of yours, at rest and fast asleep. His jaw clenched at some point  — a quiet anger tensing inside him at the plans those despicable men had in store for you. Oh, the grief that riddled through him when he imagined your gentle face wrought with fear and tears.
For the rest of the ride, he was diligent to drive carefully and avoid any bumps in the road while you slept away.
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visualtaehyun · 10 months
I'm feeling too euphoric and happy right now to form coherent thoughts so no meta, just all the vibes I took down while watching, just cleaned them up a bit!
Disclaimer: not a native Thai speaker, feel free to chime in with corrections 🙏
Pisaeng feels like he's holding Kawi back, huh?
I'm incredibly confused cause all I can find googling some of these lyrics is a 4 year old twitter clip of Krist singing these lines in a car, apparently he wrote it but it wasn't released at the time but I don't know if it ever did lol
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Because the word love / It begins with the word us But in the very end (you gave it to him/them) / Our love (covered) And this (thing) is your truth / (covered) The word us became him/them, right? / (covered)
I LOVE THE DIFFERENCE IN DELIVERY ("No, I'm free today") between the first time they switched to ผม (pom) / คุณ (khun) vs. this time when Pisaeng has obviously been using them for years and years so it doesn't feel new but so very normal
THIS TIME THERE'S NO PRONOUNS ถ้ากลัวก็จับมือกันไว้นะ = If (you're) scared then hold each other's hands
VS. THE FIRST TIME INTENTIONALLY HAVING THE NEW PRONOUNS ถ้าคุณกลัว จับมือผมไว้ = If you're scared, hold my hand/you can hold my hand
This episode completely reframes ep. 10:
it's clear that it was meant to be like this from the start, Pisaeng using the crystal ball was just as much predestined as Kawi using it!
ep. 10-12 have told one continuous arc and I'm in love with that
sidenote: now I finally get what Gawin meant when he said Krist stepped out of his comfort zone/did something daring (can't remember his wording tbh) but he was talking about the rides ofc!
Taking note here of how much more PDA there is and how they're getting comfortable with it (cheek kiss while taking a selfie, holding hands before getting on the roller coaster, holding hands after talking about being afraid of the future, holding hands at Pear's wedding)
"Don't you want tomorrow to come?" = coming to terms with having limited time in this world and with our loved ones and making the most of our time
The fact that Gawin's OST Unable plays when he's asked Kawi What if we didn't date :( followed closely, in the next part, by Pisaeng saying I love you to Kawi, please my hearttt
AND KAWI REPEATS IT BACK TO HIM AWUHCSGDYGCZY ถ้ากลัวก็จับมือกันไว้นะ If (you're) scared then hold each other's hands
Pisaeng and Kawi both said they wouldn't change anything about their future together but by choosing each other so much more enthusiastically and openly, they are making a change :)
it's still on my brain from earlier- the significance of the the sun and the color yellow associated with elder queer max imparting wisdom @telomeke
so sunroof down = the sunlight here standing for being openly queer, being out vs. Pisaeng earlier bringing up that he'd be fine hiding if it meant Kawi could attain fame and success as a singer
all the yellow! the light of the crystal ball, Kawi's hospital gown, the decoration for the surprise welcome home party, the warm sunlight at the beach at the end
The writing on Max's jacket 👀
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Time always leaves the (lesser? better?) people to the end, for like ? just like wind, disappearing ? while love is like water, (having? leaving?) ?
Handholding is their love language <3
What a beautiful ending to a beautiful series! It's definitely going into my favorites (pun absolutely intended)
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caramelstarlight · 11 months
Operation: Heartbroken Fixed
(Characters: Yae Miko,Nilou,Yoimiya,Collei, Y/N and Tighnari.)
POV: You asked me how much I slept after grinding for the past week. Big fan of Monolitha <33 Credit to her on YT!
(I stayed up till 4am on Saturday-) (Female Reader)
I cannot repost her work. So here’s the link so you can go watch >>> Truth Or Dare
(Decided to use this as Angst, and low self esteem with comfort. modern Au. Tighnari is a forest watcher and runs a flower shop w/ collei. Reader is female with them being an influencer / streamer / idol. (Basically part of a music group and streams games on twitch or YouTube.) (Angst,Fluff / Comfort. Angst >> Comfort or Angst >> Fluff however you want to see it.) (Reader suffered from a break up and they were toxic.) :d I have an idea for a Tighnari x Reader. Fluff ofc. 🥰
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You stared at your phone. Staring at the messages of your ex, who broke up with you a week ago. Everyone noticed your performance was lacking and your slight eye-bags. Your fans were worried with the rest of your group of Yae,Yoimiya and Nilou. (Feel free to choose another girl for a member.)
As the lead singer/dancer people looked up to you the most. (Yae is 2nd singer, Nilou is 2nd dancer and yoimiya on instruments the most) Leaving his hurtful comments you went to the groups socials.Seeing many worried comments on posts from the group led to a stain. Along with a few breaks a month it was hard to keep up both of your personal and idol life.
You putted makeup on your face to hide how tired you were. The whole group requested a week off and they agreed. You were all going to meet at a cafe nearby. It was time to meet-up. As you briefly looked at yourself in the mirror checking for any obvious signs of be ing sleep-deprived. You looked alright you had thought as you stepped out and covered yourself. Trying to not be spotted by any fans and have a whole rampage like the lion king.
You turned the corner and made it to the cafe. Your friends in their usual attire with less fans than you had expected. You quickly came in and took off your jacket.
The others welcomed you kindly as they took a picture. Talking to each other and making sure they were all okay. As you stayed silent all of their attention darted to you. “So Y/N, little bird how is life hmm?” “Oh Oh! Would some dango cheer you up?” “I believe Y/N is like a gem. Beauty all around and perfect in many peoples eyes.” They all said as the orders came. Giving you a few unexpected presents as you enjoyed the outing
“Hey Y/N would you like to dance later on? I think that could cheer you up!” “Maybe she wants to look at some novels instead.” “Heyy! We can go check out the kids and play with them!” They all piped in and chatted trying to find an activity that you’d have a positive reaction too. You smiled gently trying to sniffle a laugh as they all looked at you with confusion.
“Pfft-“ you’d hold the laugh as long as you could explaining why afterwards. “Having time with you guys is enough. This is enough for me.” You’d say as they all heard you. Doing a brief group hug. Earning a few ‘awwh!’ From them.
After the time was over you left heading towards your favorite shop. Not to mention another one of your best friends worked there and you thought to stop by. You were already close so why not?
Hearing the bells chime as a young woman turned her head to meet you. Collei hugged you tightly as you gave her headpats. You were one of her favorite people and brightened her world during dark times. You were always in awe to see how much she has grown since Mondstadt.
She let go as she steps back, back to her usual shy self with a slight blush of embarrassment. “Collei! I didn’t know you missed me that much.” You’d tell her. “Of course I would! You were so kind and caring to me. Look! Cuilien-Anbar is in better shape now!” She’d say proudly as she gave it to you to hold. You marveled at the craft she was taught by Lisa. “Ohh collei! They look so much better now! You’re doing so well.” You’d compliment the teenager.
“Collei what’s the matter? Who’s keeping you away from your duty’s?” Someone chimes in with a voice you knew all too well. His ears popped into the room as he looked at you and collei. Giving you a wave with you mimicking him. “Ah sorry Master Tighnari! Y/N came into today.” Collei stated taking cuilien-anbar back into her arms. “Yes I can see that.” He’d say putting some pots of flowers down near the display. “What’d you come in here for Y/N?” He’d ask figuring you would say something to see collei and him or just take a flower. Which is what you did say.
“I came to see you and collei of course. I also wanted to get a few flowers.” You’d admit to him. Watching collei move away to go continue her duties. “What are you searching for?” He’d ask. “Hmm… I’m feeling bold and lucky today after my fortune draw said great fortune. Surprise me.” You’d say earning a laugh from the hybrid.
“Would you like to know Flower language or actual surprise?” He’d ask wondering if you wanted to know what the flower meant or just a random assortment. His ears twitched to show he was listening. (Not like he had a choice… he hears everything. Literally.)
“I don’t mind learning what the flower means.” You’d state as he came closer to the counter. Placing a flower on it. “Alright then. Is this your way of having fun?” “I mean it could be. Just one thing. I want at least one Pink,Red and Blue flower. It’s actually a gift for my group.” You’d tell him as he nodded going to find flowers. (Looking up a flower that means ily or should I just do meadowsweet?? Like that one wattpad one…) (Ehh ig meadowsweet-)
“I figured out these flowers would look nice in this assortment.” He’d say as he gave them to you in a beautiful bouquet.
“Thank you Tighnari.” You’d reply as he placed one above your ear. Catching you off guard. “Huh-?” You’d say as you felt his hand brush against your ear(Right). He’d look at you with a gentle smile and a slight blush that you mimicked.“If you know the flower meaning, just know that’s what I want to tell you.”
You thought about what the flower he placed above your ear. Seeing he had a few in his hand that wasn’t caressing your cheek. (A meadowsweet…?) You realized what it meant a little bit after your blush becoming more noticeable.
“Y-you love me?” You’d say as he nodded his ears lowered. “Yes I do.” Tighnari stated as his tail wagged with hopeful eyes. But by your current expression it seemed you had the same feeling.
“I love you too…” You’d say shy at the confession. He came up towards you and went in for a hug. Not bothering to control his tail wagging behind him. He snuggled into the hug as you touched his ears. “Be careful it’s sensitive.” He’d say as he leaned his head closer.
Your thoughts lingered on your previous boyfriend. Would it travel quickly that you had a new boyfriend and would people think you’re not a good person..? Would they bombard his social media with questions about you? You shook your head as you heard him purr. He looked at you in concern.
“Just thoughts about what social media might think…” you’d reply already knowing if he was going to ask if you were alright. “We can just let those we’re close to know or keep it private.” He’d suggest as he caressed your cheek with his palm. “I think it’s good. But how long can we keep it that way…?”
“don’t mind that for now. What’s more important is your health than your social status.” He’d say as he gave you kisses. Not noticing collei saw as she left quietly. Not wanting to disturb you both. Going back elsewhere.
“Ah Y/N you do know about fennec foxes mating habits right-?” He’d ask out of the blue catching you off guard again. “Not really just that they oh.” You stopped yourself as realization hit. “I can’t back out if I ever wanted to. Not like I would.” You’d say as he kissed you again.
“I would hope you would never consider it.” Tighnari replied. “Heyy Nari, would you ever give me a nickname?” “Yes you already do have one.” “What is it? I never heard you say anything beside my name.” “Lotus. No problems with it right?” “None at all Nari.”
Unknowingly your friends came by as they all squealed against the glass. Happy that Tighnari was the one for you. They all knew you had a crush on him before you started dating your ex. (You were scared of rejection and knew him in early childhood.) They took a few pictures before sneaking off nearby.
“To be honest Nari, I loved you since our early childhood but I was too scared of being rejected.” You would reply remembering how big his ears and tail were compared to his younger body. “I always felt the same Y/N / my lotus.”
The rest of the group squealed in their texts as Yoimiya texted the operation was a success. Operation: Heartbroken Fixed. They knew you would come by often to where Tighnari worked and they may or may not have given him a few tips.
”I’ll always love you. Forever and always.” You’d tell him. “And I’ll do the same.” He’d say as he looked at you with love. “I wonder how our kids would look like…” You would tell him as it was now his turn to be caught off guard.
“You’re already thinking of kids?!” “Not yet of course!” Your state as he stayed silent waiting for you to complete what you would say. “Would you think they’d be like you but just with my features… like your ears and tail but they have my hair and eyes?”
“That does sound interesting…” he’d say not willing to go further with the current discussion. “Anyways, here’s a few passes for you and collei to see me Backstage or during meet and greets early.” You handed them over as he put them into his pocket. “Thanks, I’ll give some to collei later on.”
(I had no idea what to do at the end but I love it)
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rigormortisriot · 9 months
LMK Thoughts : Drunk Macaque?
Here is the question I chimed in on over on twitter when I saw it.
By twitter user @_Nao_Monkey_ :
Guys, how do you think Macaque would act while being like- really drunk?? <— I'm having a very hard time writing it
(I need answers that keep him in character and the closest you think it would be to canon in this hypothetic situation)
I really need some advices :prayingemoji:
My answer behind the cut!
I feel it's based on who he's with It would have to be with someone he's comfortable/feels safe enough to do so around, he doesn't seem like the type to freely allow himself to be at a disadvantage in front of others if he doesn't have faith they can or will defend him
If it's the brotherhood (pre everything or post with just Demon Bull King and Wukong) he'd probably be a very chill drunk, he would laugh at things he probably wouldn't bother if he was sober, and be more open, but unless you knew him like Wukong or even Bull King did, you wouldn't be about to tell.
My line of thought comes from how he seemed to behave during the brotherhood meeting we saw during the flashbacks. Macaque is clearly more relaxed, quieter. I think based on his true personality (not the one twisted through years of grief, rage, and bitterness) he would probably be a fairly relaxed and open drunk, likely quoting some of his plays or hell, even quotes from poems or novels that left impressions on him that he would quote towards the others. I don't think it would really be noticeable to them, they would probably assume he was being somewhat vulnerable, but assuming its just the drink talking. I think Macaque would be far more honest, not as hostile or quick to withdrawal when provoked or nudged at. I definitely think post-brotherhood and everything else, that Macaque would not even BEGIN to trust any of those around him enough to drink until properly drunk. Even if he and Wukong were beginning to properly bond again, its still been over 500 hundred years since he's had someone on his side he could actually trust, really trust. I think if he did become painfully drunk, probably through consuming heavenly liquor of some kind, that he would be friendlier, kinder. Not enough to really change his entire personality, but in a more genuine way. All his walls, all his shields, all his sharp wit and barbwire tongue would slide away and crumble under the weight of kindness being shown to him and he would laugh freely, smile widely, maybe even be more honest and bring up his own interests, spurred on by MK and Mei ofc. But its still Macaque at the end of the day, and after one hell of a hangover, he would likely seclude himself away for a while to lick whatever wounds he thinks his pride has taken and worry if he's opened himself too much again (like he ALWAYS does when Wukong is involved).
Please please please feel free to share your thoughts or headcanons! I tried to stay as close to his canon personality as possible, which is one that I find fascinating. I like his duality.
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prismaticpichu · 2 years
It's the weekend and Seph and Zack have a free schedule! How do they spend it?
YESSS!!! The weekend!!!! Oh man oh man, it’s been a decade and a half since the last one! Zack’s eyes are glued to the clock as the seconds tick by, and once their shift is over… HALLELUJAH!! Can we get a kool-aid man OH YEAH?! He is freeeeeeeee!
“Until Monday,” Sephiroth always reminds him. “Please step away from the paper shredder.” (Ofc said through the simmering desire to mutilate his own papers—a completely foreign and corrupted thought that he will not take responsibility for.)
A quick eenie meenie miney mo decides whose apartment they’ll be heading to. If it lands on Seph’s, then Zack just has to make onneeeee pit stop! Seph returns home to shed those bulky pauldrons and Zack comes bouncing in minutes later holding his favorite plushie, Muffin. Seph’s the only one in Midgar who knows that Muffin exists; Seph would never judge him, or laugh at him, or treat him like a baby. He accepts Muffin as the third member of their companionship!
No matter whose place they go, that’s where they’ll settle in for the night. Sephiroth has no interest in partying, or restaurants… or *choke* restaurant parties: putting on a disguise feels like he’s impersonating someone and inevitably encountering hordes of people would mar whatever “normal” experience he was supposed to have. And Zack knows this good and well. He does get Seph outta the base whenever he can, but for small things- small things like getting groceries or going book shopping, staying right by his side and squeezing his hand whenever he gets The Looks (it’s just General Sephiroth with a can of cream cheese calm the heck down).
On Fridays though? Fridays, the happiest day of the week? He just wants his friend to feel safe and sound <3 And besides, he spends so much time during the week out and about with Aerith, Cloud, Kunsel, and 54 of his other friends. There’s nothing better in the world than quality time with his best buddy <3
Work hours also cut evilly close into dinner. Time to order in! Zack insists on letting Seph reward himself after a long week of military miltarying, and there’s always at least oneeeee thing Zack can find on a menu that brings out Seph’s “oooooh” look (that’s slightly dilated kitty eyes and eyebrows rising 2%. Zack understands that not everyone speaks fluent Seph). They grew a habit of eating on the coffee table, Zack mostly dominating the conversation while Sephiroth chimes in with his take on something, orrr engaging in metaphysical debates that thrum the strings of the known universe.
“I was wondering,” Zack says after a bite of bbq chicken pizza, “if cars could drive themselves, would they need windshield wipers? Only people need that to see.”
Sephiroth swallows his own bite of mushroom pizza. “Hmm… but what if the person misses their destination and the rain is too thick to see?”
Sephiroth loves listening to Zack and contributing ideas, no matter how outrageous Zack’s discussions may be. Zack is outrageous. Zack is ridiculous and irreplaceable and always wants him to laugh. Never would he have a conversation as in depth as this in a board meeting.
Dinner time is always followed by a movie! Seph has a toothbrush for Zack to use and sleep clothes he always keeps in an extra drawer, so once they’re all nice and snug, Zack in fuzzy pajamas and Seph in something loose, they spend abt 10 minutes searching for the best thing they can find. (Horror flicks are off limits though, on insistence of Sephiroth. Seeing his friend so shaken by a and wounded by a film one time was enough. It was a miracle the TV was still in once piece from the RAGE he felt at it. Hmph.)
So they watch the movie, Zack always swaddling himself in Seph’s throw blankie that he fell in love with. He usually doesn’t make it through the movie, though, not when he’s as snug as a pug in a rug. The credits always roll with Zack slumped into his best friend’s arms—the place on the entire face of the planet where he feels the safest—Muffin squashed between his arms, his x-uped cheek pressed against his buddy’s heartbeat <3 It’s the silver lining of everything. Seph would always be right there, right on the ground with him when he woke up. And Zack would never ever leave his side.
Sephiroth knows exactly what to do. He gently lowers Zack onto the couch and tucks in the corners, making sure Muffin is tucked in too (Zack would want him just as warm). Somehow the sight is always so surreal, no matter how many times he sees it. But he’s grateful. Grateful everyday that he’s not alone, and that he’ll never be again. He doesn’t know what he ever did to deserve such a thing… through all the battles and all the bloodshed… but he would always cherish it.
A loving head pat goodnight, and Sephiroth heads off to bed himself <3 He always looks forward to weekends with his best friend, whatever Zack has in store for the next two days. Grocery shopping, book perusing, road trips… all the things that made him feel human. As long as Zack was by his side, he was willing to do them all <3
Oh. OH I see. Sorry, my bad! I set the magnifier to zoom in +300% percent. Lemme just adjust that and properly answer this lovely ask.
- Friday: movie and sleepover
- Saturday: a walk around the city and sleepovers
- Sunday: tutoring Zack on school subjects he missed out on due to joining SOLDIER. And sleepover <3
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littlealexhorne · 1 year
ok you don't have to answer this ofc its just something i've been curious abt for a while but like. what is the appeal of rhod gilbert? i'm sure he's a nice guy but i didn't like him at all on taskmaster, his attitude really annoyed me. maybe it's just my sense of humour but i didn't like the running gag of bringing in that picture of greg or making alex do humiliating things. i also didn't like how greg was clearly biased towards him on several occasions. i swear i'm not judging you or anyone else who liked him on taskmaster, i'm just wondering if there's something about him that i'm missing.
it's honestly all personal preference I suppose. I just love the energy he brought to s7 and I happened to like all of those stupid running gags haha. But I can definitely see why you might be put off by that.
others can feel free to chime in with their thoughts on him! but i for one am glad he was a contestant
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incomingalbatross · 10 months
Hi! Sorry if this is a very weird question, but I saw a post at some point (I think recently?) that I remember either having been your post or something you reblogged, about Tolkien being a WWI veteran who then went on to write a book with the message (among many others, ofc) that war is bad but sometimes absolutely necessary, possibly ending with a joke about Churchill or appeasement? If I've got the wrong person I'm very sorry!! but I can't find it anywhere and I'm hoping you've seen it? TY!!!
Not a weird question, feel free to ask! I know the feeling of searching for That One Post. :P
Unfortunately, I don't think I can help this time... that certainly sounds like a post I would LIKE and be in agreement with, but I don't know enough about Churchill to bring him up in a Tolkien post. :P That bit of the description doesn't ring a bell, either, so I don't THINK I've seen it recently...
But if anyone else sees this and can name the post, please feel free to chime in!
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twyz · 1 year
Hey!! I wanted to chime in and say we love your Chucky content ofc but I hope you’re not forcing yourself to create it when you want to create other things! You should make whatever you’re feeling like, we’ll all eat it up no matter what!
Guys I've been caught /j
I really appreciate this moss!! There's a method behind my madness I'm afraid. I'm kinda afraid of not appealing to people, especially since my main focus on this account is Chucky, I feel like I'm obligated to push down my interests for others sake (especially whenever I get back into Candyland). I do this on and offline too so I admit it's kinda a thing I've developed to which I say!!! Yikes 😬
The last few things have been made out of pure free will but some other things have been a bit forced,, I'll admit. But!! I'll try to get better w this kind of stuff!! Thank you for checking in, btw, it means a bunch to me!!!
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