#or some other philosophical bs
tea-cat-arts · 1 year
Every time I think I’m done ranting about how terribly Kevin’s character was handled, Mihoyo finds new and inventive ways of upsetting me. Anyways, I know the game wants me to like… be upset with Kevin for ignoring Dr. MEI’s last wish and all, but honestly I think he should ignore more of them. It’d be better for his health
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mageknight14 · 7 months
I loved how NEO pulled the rug out with Rindo’s character. At first, he generally seems much more sociable and outwardly friendly compared to Neku and then the game quickly goes "yeah, nah, he’s a huge fucking mess too." He’s a good kid fundamentally at his core but he can also be whiny, hypocritical, passive-aggressive, and kind of insensitive at times. He has a tendency to be judgemental and harsh to the people around him while not acknowledging his own faults, like when he complains about Beat joining the team even though he saved their lives beforehand because he’s not Neku or when he gives Fret shit for fawning over Eiji Oji and Kanon while falling for Motoi’s BS. He’s so pessimistic about himself and others that not even a death game that heavily emphasizes the value of teamwork can get him to fully come out of his shell, which is where his time-travel powers come in AND EVEN THEN it’s a double-edged sword since on one hand, it forces him to actively step up to the plate and survey the situation to find the best possible solution, which leads to him slowly growing out of his shell, but on the other, it also leads to him becoming overly reliant on his time travel so that he can walk back from potentially life-changing decisions without having to worry about it since he has a magic reset button. Which ends up biting him in the ass. Hard.
He’s one of those types of people who is ultimately a thinker and planner instead of a do-er, but his being young and overly impressionable takes this personality quirk to such an extreme that he's foundationally useless to most groups. He’s the type of person who you have in a group project who sits around and does nothing, but then complains with the project does poorly because he couldn't be bothered to speak.
He's so unconfident and directionless that he uses effectively Instagram as a means to listen to someone who sounds like some 2deep4u philosopher post dumb flowery bullshit that effectively has all the meaning of "Drink water when you're thirsty." and he admits to finding such "deep" meaning in these posts that it supposedly helped him through life. Because he's 15 and doesn't know anything.
However, all of this makes him interesting as a character because he’s, again, still a fundamentally good kid at his core. While he’s shown to have a fuse, he is also the kind of person who has the ability to think his emotions through. That's what we ultimately see when he and Fret finally talk and drop their beef. The game depicting Rindo's capacity for self-awareness and emotional reflection is a positive revelation of his character strengths. He proves that he's capable of recognizing when he's in the wrong and knows how to apologize, a trait he shows quite a few times throughout the story, while also doing everything he can to set things right as well as be more understanding toward how his friends feels.
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He’s kind of the guy who will drop everything to help a little kid out, even when there’s no tangible benefit to doing so and he and the others are shown to be on limited time, shows empathy to his friends/fallen enemies, and feels massive amounts of guilt for his actions, even if he didn’t know better at the time.
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Hell, the entire endgame is fueled by his selfish yet understandable desire to save the people he cares about most from total erasure, to the point that he’s willing to risk thousands of lives to do so. But not only is he shown to be internally grappling with himself regarding his decision but he’s also willing to take responsibility and ensure that EVERYTHING goes right not just for himself and his friends but the people of Shibuya in general, in a parallel to Neku’s own selfish if understandable decision to put the bonds he formed in the original game (particularly with Joshua) over the actual city.
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Characters aren't interesting simply by switching between 2 different character traits. They're interesting when all those traits are being expressed at the same time for reasons that are consistent within their internal logic. You gotta be a good writer to pull that off and you gotta know when to show off these dimensions during your story to achieve proper dramatic effect when the time calls for it and NEO I feel does this pretty damn well.
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avelera · 1 month
Oh GOD you, too, are an online lectures geek pls consider this your invitation to talk about favs--ones that stuck with you, current obsessions--the more the better! In trade, I'll tell you the two things I'm currently adoring: Yale's Open Course podcast on The Civil War to Reconstruction done by David Blight (man forgot more than ten other civil war historians know even if he mumbles *constantly*) and A History of Christianity by Diarmaid MacCulloch (so! worth the Prime BBC free trial <3)
Hiya! Don't mind if I do!
So 99% of the lectures I've watched lately are on the Great Courses Plus which was recently and stupidly renamed "Wondrium", which I find profoundly stupid because instead of just saying, "Hey, check out the Great Courses, yeah you can kinda guess what the streaming service offers," I have to instead explain what this nonsense term "Wondrium" means, ANYWAY, they've got lectures about basically everything.
Essentially, it's Netflix but for college lectures. YouTube has become so unreliable as far as what's actual information and what's completely made up or even racist conspiracy theory BS that I find it completely untrustworthy. Also, most documentaries are trying to prove something new, or offer a new angle on something, OR they're SO rudimentary and 101 that even for topics I know less about in history I tend to already know everything they're going to say.
So I pivoted to college lectures because 1) it's a whole series so like, dozens of hours I can just throw on in the background while doing something mindless and 2) I know it's going to be trustworthy, reliable, and provide me a baseline on a topic instead of some "new controversial spin" on it. Like, goddammit, sometimes I just want to better understand the history of Ancient Egypt, not your stupid theory about how they were secretly all space aliens or that we've got the carbon dating all wrong or whatever made up nonsense.
So, here's a list of some of my favorites!
Hannibal: The Military Genius Who Almost Conquered Rome - I consider myself about as near an expert as a non-academic can get on Rome and this lecture actually taught me some things, which is rare, so I recommend it as a fantastic deep dive!
How the Crusades Changed History is a pretty good short version that I recommend to anyone who enjoyed The Old Guard's Nicky and Joe BUT, for the best Crusades lecture, I'd recommend this History of the Crusades podcast. Sharyn Eastaugh is not just insanely informative, but her dry wit made me laugh out loud at least once an episode at the sheer hapless ineptitude of the Crusaders.
In the Wake of the Plague is a fantastic new lecture by Wondrium, the lecturer is amazing and it provides a lot of objective insights into how humans react to plagues that is VERY relevant to current events, BUT their lecture on **The Black Death in general is the one that got me obsessed with their lecture series. I watched it in the first week of Covid lockdown and let me tell you, having this super in-depth, objective look into how people behaved during the Black Death was incredibly valuable (and chilling) going into those years because it all played out with astonishing similarity. Also, anything by that lecturer, Dorsey Armstrong, is awesome. She's a Medievalist of the highest order. I also recommend her lecture on King Arthur.
**The Birth of the Modern Mind: The Intellectual History of the 17th and 18th Centuries - this one wins the award for "Lecture I thought most likely to bore me to tears that ended up being the single most fascinating I've heard in YEARS." Seriously, the way it explores the evolution of how we think in the modern era, through the philosophers who first conceived of these ideas, was jaw-droppingly fascinating. I also recommend it to writers of historical fiction and fantasy for a crash course, by proxy, of how to write people who think differently than you.
The Other Side of History: Daily Life in the Ancient World - I once had beef with a post here on Tumblr that claimed that academic Classicists don't care about slaves or normal people during the Roman Empire, which is just profoundly absurd. I pointed out this lecture to them if they actually wanted to learn more about the subject instead of complaining that an art history professor may not have been prepped for a lecture about the lives of enslaved people in Ancient Rome. If that is a subject of interest, this lecture is great.
The Real History of Pirates - a must-listen for OFMD fans who want to get an introduction to historical pirates and the history of pirates in literature, which "Our Flag Means Death" owes as much if not more to than the historical figures.
**Turning Points in Middle Eastern History - One of the first lectures I listened to and still one of my enduring favorites. It's the first one I picked up for writing my Old Guard fic, Lights Out, when I wanted to write Joe from a more informed angle and I learned so much.
Understanding Japan: A Cultural History - One of my favorite lectures based on format, the lecturer picks a literary work or cultural concept as the entry point to explore the timeline of Japanese history. It's a fantastic way to give a wider and more holistic look at each era, pairing it with a cultural touchstone.
Shout-out to "The Mysterious Etruscans" because I just think they're neat. The lecturer is also very good and I highly recommend his lecture on ancient cities as well which taught me a lot that I didn't know.
Also a shout out to, "Warriors, Queens, and Intellectuals: 36 Great Women before 1400" for its subject and the lecturer who is great and she also has a really fascinating talk about the history of Spain.
Ok, I THINK that's some of the top ones! ;D
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elle555 · 7 months
how each mercury sign might talk in a disagreement🧠💭 (this is fun and light hearted, if this isn’t true for you that’s okay scroll.
aries mercury/1H: might be defensive , trying too hard to stand for what they believe in, too loud , gets irritated but doesn’t give up easily. They also might talk with their hands plus makes justifications from time to time
taurus mercury/2H: Stubborn asf , can’t change their opinion what they think , might sound mad but sounds unbothered. Waits til in private too actually get angry and loud about it might even try too forget about it most likely says what they observed and noticed just like gemini but they don’t say too much though.
gemini mercury/3H: witty talks all that shit , will most likely laugh or not take it seriously which can make the other person more angry. overall nonchalant with what they say and voices their opinion based off what they observed/know I love them for that🤧
cancer mercury/4H: may talk based off of feelings or experiences they’ve had or similar to the person most likely will try too justify it or not make too much of a big deal out of it trying too be the empathetic person in the debate.
leo mercury/5H: will not hesitate too argue back or say what they think is wrong or right , what they think should happen. they will most likely talk in the debate based off of what they heard so basically rumors?? Lmaooooo
virgo mercury/6H: points out tiny mistakes or words you said wrong or “weird” while you we’re talking. Will most likely ask why you think like that or just criticize your opinion and what you think like a judgmental person in a way lmaoo and will go off of receipts haha.
libra mercury/7H: might take sides or again might say a lot of “well” “I mean if you look at it this way”, tries too act like they don’t like the drama but lowkey will put in their 2 cents and say some shit.
scorpio mercury/8H: they have a lot too say but don’t say much because they know they’ll hit a nerve and say some hurtful shit they know about that person.
sagittarius mercury/9H: blunt might read you to filth may get loud and use humor in the situation if it’s a philosophical or fun debate. Also might just go off of what they heard from other people and form their own opinions quick asf!!
capricorn mercury/10H: hmm let’s see will be mature and logical about it and try too understand why you think like that. They will sometimes base it off of empathy and old situations that occurred and think that’s still relevant when it’s old plus might take sides
aquarius mercury/11H: I legitimately don’t know to many aquarium mercuries but only 2 I knew and they seem like the people that will talk and be so stoic and not care about the debate , won’t bother too agrue or engage because they know they can’t say what they want without everyone getting hurt. The ones will base their opinions off of what they think or feel like is right or wrong the type too not talk much honestly👾
pisces mercury/12H: they’ll say their peace based off of eavesdropping or observation as well lol or might even agree with the people but deep down the think differently and is analyzing bs sometimes.
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liskantope · 20 days
I think you're very much over estimating how much professionals know about autism. Especially the average professional tasked with making diagnoses. They don't know shit dude
I definitely have the impression that your average run-of-the-mill psychiatrist or neurologist without a very specialized background in autism doesn't actually know that much about it or the intricacies of how to detect it, let alone (say) a therapist. I'm not sure if they're the ones who are even able to give diagnoses in the first place, given that the usual claim (which I've always understood to be correct) given by advocates of autism self-diagnosis is that getting diagnosed for autism requires spending thousands of dollars and many hours of time to be put through very involved tests as specialized autism centers that may be geographically unfeasible. (The only reason I'm entertaining the idea that autism could be diagnosed by non-specialists with far less trouble is that I do hear of various conditions being diagnosed that way despite the existence of rigorous tests in specialized clinics: I took a 15-minute ADHD test at a regular psychiatric clinic for instance*, and the ex I mentioned recently elsewhere got a Borderline Personality Disorder diagnosis from her therapist by request via what sounds to me like 10 minutes of the therapist asking her questions about herself during their therapy session.)
If we're talking about going to a clinic / testing center specializing in autism and going through a rigorous test evaluating whether the patient conforms to what the American Psychological Association has laid out as an intricate set of criteria for autism, then I have one question, which is probably going to sound naive, and which relates to the "diagnosis criteria is a poor checklist of stereotypes" part of the meme we were arguing over. Which is, isn't this then just tautologically the correct way to diagnose autism? Or in other words, isn't autism just defined according to a scientific model for which psychologists and neurologists have created their most official tests following their most precisely-set-out criteria? Of course, what is deemed "autism" could be modified by said scientists, which after all is the nature of science. Of course, people can argue over whether the current criteria cut autism poorly out of thingspace in ways that are biased due to differences in how autism presents across genders and ethnic/cultural backgrounds. Probably it is. But I would think that deciding that the formal diagnostic criteria for autism doesn't align with what autism Actually Is requires some delicate semantic heavy lifting, no?
And then, arguing that the larger swaths of non-professionals who are trying to determine if they have autism are still not on average even worse placed than the professionals with their perhaps flawed diagnostic criteria, in a world where the most common cultural conception of autism is still probably pretty close to "socially awkward, doesn't feel like they fit in, intense nerdy interests, personality of Sheldon Cooper", is another thing.
(I notice, by the way, that self-diagnosis advocates don't seem to mention whether the faultiness in professional diagnoses include a substantial number of people without autism being diagnosed as having autism, but it seems that should be a thing too if the professionals really "don't know shit"?)
I'm genuinely open to the idea that the dynamics around diagnoses and diagnostic criteria and how they're formed, etc., even on a philosophical level, is something I haven't understood or thought out well enough, though.
*and came out of the experience rather skeptical that the 15-minute test way of determining ADHD isn't BS
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coinandcandle · 1 year
Spiritual Alchemy - Coin's Notes
This post is a culmination of my findings on spiritual alchemy. Links, and resources will be added throughout the text and further reading can be found at the end of the post!
If you'd like a quick intro to alchemy check out my Intro to Alchemy
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What is spiritual alchemy?
To truly define spiritual alchemy would be impossible as every single person who practices it would likely have a different definition. However, I can supply you with a very vague and broad definition for the benefit of this post and the sake of our sanity:
Spiritual alchemy takes a psychological, philosophical, and sometimes metaphysical approach to the practice of alchemy often with a focus of self-transformation. Spiritual alchemy interprets alchemical texts through a psyche-focuses lens and tends to exclude the use of labs, chemicals, etc.
The overall goal of spiritual alchemy is self-transformation in some way, shape, or form rather than material transformation.
The steps one would take on their journey of spiritual alchemy are going to be different based on each person, their life experiences, religion, and culture. This does not mean that any one way is correct or incorrect.
→ A/N: From the get-go, “spiritual alchemy” is a bit misleading since alchemy itself was and is spiritual in nature. Of course, there are aspects of alchemy that involved chemicals, vials, flasks, hot water baths, and the like, but these two things—spirituality and science—come together to create alchemy as a whole.
Where did spiritual alchemy come from?
As far as we know, what is considered spiritual alchemy today came at the earliest during the Victorian period when occultists decided to take a much less practical (as in physical or chemical experiments) approach to alchemy. This doesn’t mean that the spiritual aspect of alchemy came around the 19th century, just that the interpretations of it being solely psychological appeared around this time.
Later in the early 20th century, psychoanalysts claimed that alchemical texts described psychological processes and archetypal images rather than material transformations (Principe, 2011)
Stages of Spiritual Alchemy
From what I’ve found, at least in the west, there are believed to be 7 stages of spiritual alchemy. The meanings of these stages will vary by practitioner but I saw a few things echoed in each article:
Calcination - The incineration of the ego.
Dissolution - Dissolution of the ego.
Separation - Separation from the old self.
Conjunction - Self-acceptance, unification of body and mind.
Putrefaction and Fermentation - Decay of the old self and rebirth of the new self.
Distillation - Refining the new self, connecting the conscious and unconscious.
Coagulation - Complete unification of body, mind, spirit, etc.
Keep in mind that these are significantly condensed meanings, if you'd like a more detailed meaning behind each stage feel free to check out the posts in the resources section at the end of the post.
Personal Opinions, Anecdotes, and Warnings
Now, I don't hate the idea of self-transformation. Far from that actually, but I do have a few concerns here,
Many sources I saw as I researched spiritual alchemy and how to practice it were either behind a paywall or were coupled with brands pushing some sort of product they were selling. This is immediately a red flag to me.
If you plan to pursue spiritual alchemy you should take incredible caution with each and every text or post you read. It seems like there’s plenty of New Age BS riddled amongst the posts. For info on why that’s a red flag please take a look at @pondering-the-kaiju's posts The Deal with New Age in a Nutshell as a quick-start guide.
This sounds like you’re attempting to undergo ego death, a complete loss of subjective self-identity, which some may consider a good thing. However, without the correct support or a solid plan, shit can hit the fan real fast. Ego death can trigger psychosis, paranoia, depersonalization, and other such problems.
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Resources and Citations
The Seven Stages of Spiritual Alchemy and What They Mean
-> The author of this article states that spiritual alchemy is an ancient practice. While self-transformation is something that’s likely existed as long as humans have, it’s a bit misleading to say that spiritual alchemy itself is ancient.
The Gold Within You: Seven Alchemical Stages to Attain Spiritual Wholeness
-> I've heard some not-great things about Llwellyn but I've added this as a secondary reference for those interested in reading more. Just make sure to read critically.
Psychology and Alchemy by Carl Jung via Internet Archive
-> Full pdf of Jung's book.
Carl Jung and Alchemy via carl-jung.net
-> Jung on Alchemy and its psychological interpretations.
Spiritual Alchemies from the Seventeenth-Century England
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If MBTI types were yandere dudes #2 (INTJ)
Note: just in case… the mbti types as Yanderes are just for fun and I’m not an expert in mbti. It’s exaggerated so… I hope this doesn’t offend anyone. Lol… also this is more of a ramble for me to de-stress. DNI if minor.
Content Warnings: the usual yandere stalking, kidnapping, and obsession
The brains behind everything. Maybe even the situation you’re in. (Like maybe if it was a isekai sort of deal, he would be the one for coming up with the plan of transporting you to his world.) He’ll always be planning every step of the way, from how to obtain you to having a bunch of backup plans for any of your attempts at escaping; whether it’s breaking out or trying to kill him or yourself etc.
Always so good with providing evidences for why it’s in your best interest to stay with him. It’s almost like the situation always work in his favor…. Breaking the rules or laws are nothing to him, maybe even ethics (more than the usual yandere fare of like kidnapping and such) just to have you. He will never regret this.
From the get go, he would be very focus on how to get you to fall in love with him. Thus he will observe and study you as much as possible. Researching what makes you happy, what makes you tick, what motivates you, etc. (probably even be in the library, reading books on how one goes about with romancing another being)
He would be drawn to people who can debate with him on an equal level. Or maybe you strongly believe in an idea that he doesn’t agree on, yet you still somehow manage to intrigue him, maybe something like the potential of the idea. Bonus if you got an area of knowledge that he’s not familiar with. At the very least, if you can keep up listening with interest to his long unraveling ramblings, even if you don’t really quite understand it, he will start taking an interest in you. But what seals the deal for him, would actually be if you happen to not think he’s a cold unfeeling being. Especially if you treat him warmly. He wants you to somehow naturally fall in love with him. Being a loner or having very few acquaintances at best, which he doesn’t usually mind, sometimes the loneliness can be too strong to bear. So when he keeps getting drawn to you, feeling like you are the one who can understand him, then he’ll want to isolate you with him. Quick to kidnap you, lock you up, and keep you by his side.
If you’re feeling lost with something in life, he might lure you in with a view that somehow sounds appetizing… or just so right to you. May or may not be some philosophical bs.
If you aren’t consider to be on his “intellect level”, he will be very condescending. He’ll think that he knows what’s best for you, ignoring any emotional distress or outburst you might have towards this. Would act cold if you do have an outburst though. It’s just more evidence for him to think this is why you need him. Ironically, if you act harsh or cold towards him, he might start to ignore you for awhile. Deep inside, he’ll feel hurt. So he’ll leave you aside for awhile, working on whatever ambitious project (other than you) he has got up his sleeve. Afterwards, he’ll throw himself into coming up on a plan for how to “fix” you. So this can be good news, leaving you for awhile…. unless you’re already kidnapped and locked up in a room, then it’s goodbye food or any sort of care you might need from him for… who knows how long.
He can tell when you’re acting and being dishonest. If you want to get on his good side, be honest…. or maybe get on his level of poker face. Lol. Has pride in his intellect so he might be shook, if you somehow escape.
He sees potential in you and wants you to do better. Better by joining in whatever plans that he has for the world. Will be more of a nasty sarcastic prick if you “misbehave”.  If you keep rebelling, he’ll start imposing a strict regiment schedule to “correct” your behavior. If he’s stress out, he might start to be more touchy and spend more time with you.
Will be ruthless towards anyone who harms you. Interestingly, he’s willing to hear you out if you aren’t happy about something. Then will try his best to do something about it (not including letting you go). Will always have the money to take care of you. Probably is a Mr. Moneybags. In any case, he just wants someone to show him some warmth and kindness. Have someone who actually listens to him. Doesn’t everyone want that?
Fantasy or whatever isekai: some kind of kingmaker, or someone who can influence the king on making laws and putting them into effect. Maybe even the big brain behind on how to run the kingdom. A mastermind.
more of a horror (based on popular movies or books): corporate lawyer or executive of a big influential company, who made a deal with the (literal) Devil.  ———-
Which MBTI type should I do next? I probably will post all them, one by one. But if anyone wants, they can ask for a particular one next.
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Re: the contrapoints twilight video, yes she does in fact cite her sources, puts 'em up on the screen and everything, only her sources are more philosophers/queer authors/queer rights activists/religious texts than other video essayists. I've been seeing a lot of backlash about her because the terfs have remembered she exists, but not that she made an inappropriate joke about native people as a whole, and certainly not about any real life people who've been harmed (she does mock some philosophers and authors she doesn't agree with, but to be fair she still credits them and makes it clear that those are just her personal opinions). She does talk about cannibalism, but not as in native people = cannibals. That's two separate sections of the video. Native people are talked about in the power dynamics section and the bit about racist stereotypes being part of the theme of removing guilt from the person who is fantasizing about them. And the other part is more like love = yearning/craving = consuming = cannibalism. And also like Catholics = cannibalism, which as a former catholic is 100% on the money so no harm there.
As I said I haven't yet watched it so glad that is the case .the racist joke im talking about the joke that implies that John Wayne's racism against native people happened sooooo long ago and is so forgettable that it's comparable to talking about Henry the 8th when it really isn't and imo he was a poor choice of celebrity when he had to be physically restrained from attacking little feather who spoke about anti Native racism in living memory at the oscars and people still talk about the effects of his racism and racist narratives idk I wish she'd chosen Charlie Chaplin or another celebrity who was well known but shit but not known as a virulent anti native racist it comes off as her implying that celebs being anti native is fine or that the harm they caused is over when it really isn't. Like no I don't think she purposefully went to attack native trans people but it's pretty thoughtless and the follow up of blocking native trans people pointing this out just comes off as vaushian white fortress BS
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mercurytrinemoon · 3 months
Ok, I logged off, switched to my old account and scrolled through the blog that blocked me to see why was I blocked. I didn't find out but I saw this:
(posting a screenshot cause obviously I can't reblog an account that blocked me. I'm about to be as nice and constructive as possible. I really like starastrologyy's points and examples and how they put it but some here are clearly too ignorant to understand eloquent takes)
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The pretentious and dismissive tone while being clearly misinformed is not it for me so I'm gonna use this opportunity to remind everyone that, if you're studying astrology:
you learn to understand that astrology has its seeds in, wait for it... divination and predicting nation-wide events and politics (used mostly for royals) through literal observations of astronomical phenomena. Without that you probably wouldn't even have natal astrology
therefore you do NOT act conceited and disregard the basis and half of the astrological practice that predictive techniques are
you do NOT undermine other people's beliefs about fatedness of their lives as the topic of fate has been strongly intertwined with the practice of astrology since its beginnings
in turn you pick up a book and learn the history and tradition of astrology because some of you are clearly lacking that knowledge yet you act like a total know-it-alls and the ultimate astrology gurus
also, a general life rule, if you don't understand and/or don't have the knowledge on something, simply don't speak on it and certainly do not act arrogant about it
If you so angrily stand for free will and nothing else then that just shows your hyperfixation over some inner insecurity that you have. You're in no position to criticize that some believe in fate and predeterminism. Do you also want to question the whole philosophical movement that stoicism is? Because that was strongly linked with astrology. Maybe some do prefer to lean slightly into that? That no matter what you do, you'll still end up in the spot you're supposed to end up in? That takes away so much anxiety and pressure - to just let go and surrender to what destiny has in store for you.
If you're not interested in predictive techniques for one reason or another, that's fine but saying that it's all bs and astrology has no impact on worldly events just shows your lack of knowledge and lack of respect not only for the astrological craft itself but also the incredible work of people like Richard Tarnas or for astrologers who do have the skills to predict very specific events.
What you CAN argue about is if the stars are causes or signs of events (which, most astrologers would agree that planets act like markers, rather than a literal provokers, but there are those who go with the causal notion and that's totally fine), you CAN even debate on the spectrum of determinism - both were the topic of discussions since the ancient times. But to disregard it completely? If you so religiously believe in free will ONLY then good for you, although I don't really know what you're then doing studying astrology if you're basically calling things coincidental or doing "pick and choose". If so, maybe just call the whole astrology coincidental as well.
Just to bring in a good quote on what astrology was always about:
"Astrology became known as a system, if not the system, that could be used in order to study one's fate. The astrologers themselves were clear that this was what they were doing with astrology. For example, Manilius speaks of our ability to use astrology to 'learn the laws of fate', while Firmicus constantly uses different variations of a phrase in order to say that the role of the astrologer, or the role of astrology, is 'studying the fate of men' or 'explaining the fates of men'. Valens once refers to astrologers as 'soldiers of fate', and elsewhere says that a good astrologer is 'a guide to life, a good advisor and an unerring prophet of fate.'" - Hellenistic Astrology: the study of fate and fortune, Chris Brennan
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alyjojo · 2 years
PAC - ❤️‍🔥 What Are You Looking For In a Relationship? - August 2022
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Pile 1 - Green 💚:
Venus - Sagittarius - 12th House
- The attraction of insights to understand your faith.
- Pleasure from the wisdom of hidden tendencies.
- Good times resulting from the understanding of large institutions or overwhelming events.
Page of Swords - Knight of Swords - 3 Cups
Dreaming Way: Stork, Mountain, Man & Bear
Additional energy: Neptune & Aries
You crave someone larger than life, someone that will make you understand the answers to your philosophical questions and why nothing before them ever worked out. A soulmate, one with fire 🔥 in them, motivation, ambition, excitement. When they are happy you want to physically feel their happiness, sadness, anger, lust. Power, intelligence, communication & passion are traits you desire. Every fire sign is out here and there is heavy air energy as well, a fire/air person may be exactly who you’re looking for. You’re definitely a dreamer, the kind that wishes for a true soulmate, but you want someone that takes ACTION on those dreams and actually follows them. With that being said, you also crave stability and someone responsible, someone that’s been through enough bs in their lives already that they’ve learned and grown from it. Something real. An adventure that doesn’t end with someone you can depend on.
Some of you are single parents, could be between 1-3 kids. More than anything you want honest & open communication, a love of ideas and sharing them. Someone that finishes your sentences and even your ideas, and makes them even better than you could have thought of. Romance, passion, and honesty are the keys to happiness, and you’ve realized it’s not one more than the other. You won’t settle for anything less than a connection you feel is -the- one, a soulmate. Your Dreaming Way cards point again towards children, with Mountain attached. You may find it hard to find a stable person because you have kids, they have kids, or your ex was this mountain in your way. Having children may have proven difficult for you and it’s what you want the most, or your ex didn’t want any and you do, so that’s now #1 on your priority list for singles. Children with a stable person, man or woman. Man could be you, your person, a father figure, someone that’s instilled this goal of what a “man” should be in a very orthodox family sense, that’s what you want. But…with Sagittarius, and 12th house here, it’s so much more than that as well. This is the whole package, depth, fun, and commitment. Up until now you may have repeatedly chosen people that weren’t ready for all of this, and caused the Mountain between you, them, and your goals. If so, you’ve realized how to spot that type, they’ve had a powerful impact on your psyche and you’ll never fall for another like that again. A small side story I’m getting is not with children, but rather multiple partners you desire, a poly lifestyle, one that is free, communicated and agreed upon, there’s a level of detachment here with swords, excitement, passion, and still a deep commitment, just more of you. Children of or between people may have caused an issue with this lifestyle before if that’s the case. If the sign is to be taken literally, Neptune actually enters Aries for the next 12 years in 2025, some of you may not meet this person you desire until then.
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Pile 2 - Orange 🧡:
Saturn - Sagittarius - 2nd House
- Be realistic about your highest ideals patiently.
- Be concerned about the rules of what you want.
- You must wait before you can get it out to the world and get what you need.
8 Pentacles - Ace of Swords - Queen of Swords
Dreaming Way: Stork, Birds, Lady
Additional energy: Sun & Libra
Definitely Libra energy here with their court card as well, you could end up with one, be one, or value fairness, balance, truth and working things out with communication. The opposite energy, Aries, is here too and it’s coming up as more of a burden to you. Someone that takes charge and controls your decisions isn’t what your looking for, you don’t want a “boss”, or someone that’s out for themselves over others, you want an equal partner. Or, considering the flow in this read, you could be the one that is more Aries or Aries rising, you’re the dominant career focused person and you want someone more domestic and giving to your needs.
The other story I have here is no matter which gender, you want someone that wants to parent in a stay at home way, either gender, it’s part of your personal value system with 2nd House. You don’t want to work, or you don’t want your person to. Children are here, whether you have them or want them. You may feel that having “two bosses” or two workers in one house is a burden on the family dynamic, and your cards indicate that though you may want this, it may not be realistic for you to do. If this one is your story then you’re likely to have to give in a little on this one, your person may not want to give up their career or they/you can’t afford to run a family on one income. You could also be the one that wants to work from home. Something is not working out there. Your Dreaming Way cards match the cards above them. If children aren’t involved, Stork is progress, movement forward, good news and it’s connected to 8 Pentacles and communication. You want communication more than anything else in a relationship, and it looks like you’ll get that with no issues, but you may have to compromise on some deeply ingrained family values due to money, unless you want to compromise your freedom altogether, which you don’t want either. In some way, that will be inevitable. Sagittarius placements may be difficult for you to deal with, or a sense of giving or receiving freedom, especially in terms of money or resources. You may have dealt with controlling people in the past. At least one of you in this pile are that person yourself. You have this idea of loving being a providing/serving dynamic and will realize this will have to change somewhere along the line. You & your person will have to decide how to move forward together, there’s no room for demands or control here, that’s the balanced part of a fair & balanced relationship, and that’s what you want after all.
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Pile 3 - Blue 💙:
Neptune - Aries - 1st House
- The idealization of energies to meet the challenge of who you are.
- Confusion regarding your desires regarding your desires 😆 ???
- Sacrifice resulting from the honesty and strength of your actions.
6 Swords - Knight of Wands - Page of Pentacles
Dreaming Way: Tree, Coffin, Garden, Scythe
Additional energy: Sun & Sagittarius
You could be an Aries or have Aries in your chart, your person could as well, I’m also getting Taurus & Sagittarius. You seem to be in something currently already, but this person only upsets you and continues to do so, it’s like they’re on a loop. These oracle cards show there’s growth, and it dies, and then there is growth, and it dies. These deaths tear you apart, when it’s great it’s amazing and when it’s bad it’s the worst thing ever. Your dream is confidently taking the reins of your own life, being a leader that directs how things are going to go. You seem to be confused by what you would actually say, what you would do, or where you would go if you could. You could know that you want to passionately take charge in some other direction, but don’t know what that may actually be. You could be looking for someone more sure of themselves than you are. It’s like thinking you’ll know what you want based on what they want, which is good for compatibility (with anyone) but could cause problems later if you base your whole life on someone else’s goals.
I get a very young energy from this pile, some of you don’t know who you even are yet and need the time and space to discover that for yourselves. Family & friends can help, they know you best. The only thing you are sure of is that you are tired of temporary people, or those that are afraid of commitment. They’re in and out, in and out, is it good is it bad, are they coming or going, is it something you said or did? No. You have goals (loosely) and you want to start planning for your future in a more solid and practical way. You know that reciprocity and equal give and take is what is necessary in a relationship, you could be trying to model after your parents in some way (a good way). It feels like you’re still involved with the past stuff, the in and out person needs to find the door locked before it’s possible, but it looks like your goal for 10 Cups is what you’ll not rest until you find. Just try not to morph yourself into someone you’re not to seem attractive or appealing to someone, or simply because someone else is that way. I get a chameleon vibe from this pile and it’s because of a lack of self confidence…which means you can be easily taken advantage of if you’re not careful 😕
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Pile 4 - Yellow 💛:
Mars - Scorpio - 4th House
- Energize the extraordinary power of prayer as you did in the past.
- Confront the highest and lowest aspects of your home base or family.
- Force yourself to control the situation and do what makes you feel secure.
8 Swords - 9 Wands - The Hanged Man
Dreaming Way: House, Choices, Sun
Additional energy: Mercury & Cancer
These signs may be your person, they may be a family member that has caused you pain, they may also be yourself or just describe this energy. Spirit is not even responding in the way that I hoped they would for all of these, but there must be a reason. They don’t want you to focus on relationships, because you’ve been through hell. Either a father figure or a partner has abandoned the family dynamic you’re a part of, and you’ve been left in a lot of pain, with a lot of questions that are unanswered, with a feeling that you can’t do anything about it. Relationship wise, you’re afraid of them, or carrying this on into another connection with the same results. I’m kind of getting the feeling that if you rush into another one, that’s what would happen. The same thing. It’s a cycle that will continue until you force it to break, by going through a dark night of the soul, seeing the truth of your family dynamics for every shadow and hidden or unsaid thing that exists, and how that same pattern has played out in your own life. What is your role? It can’t be everything of course, but you do have a role, there is something you’ve done recently that is the same as either something in the past or something your family member has done.
This can be a karmic lesson. But until you face it, see things clearly, learn, heal, and refuse to continue in this way, you’ll still feel trapped in this cycle of abandonment issues, a weary battle scarred state, and a lot of fear. Mercury in Cancer can be saying that your head and your thoughts are being manipulated by family, or affected, directed, impressioned upon, not your own. It can also be saying you’re an emotional thinker, and emotions tend to cloud things like logic and practicality. For some it’s the literal placement. Your oracle cards are all positive. Whatever this home situation is has caused major blocks in your life, you’re being told to take control of your own part in whatever this is, and make -your- own decisions moving forward. No guilt, no sideways tactics, no manipulation, there are a lot of choices available to you and all of them will make you happy with Sun here. Relationships aren’t the focus, happiness is, but first you have to take your own power back from someone else you’ve given it to, whether literally or emotionally or what have you. There’s a feeling that you’ll find exactly who you need once you decide what you want and get moving in that direction. A side note, don’t compare your journey to anyone else’s. Everyone has a struggle they don’t talk about, everyone has felt pain, and everyone meets different goals on different parts of their path at all ages, you’re doing just fine.
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Pile 5 - Red ❤️:
Uranus - Aquarius - 6th House
- An unusual example of genius to experiment with service to others.
- A different way of looking at the discoveries of what is good for us.
- An unexpected change resulting from the eccentricity of your work.
7 Swords - Strength - 6 Pentacles
Dreaming Way: Clover, Book, Child
Additional energy: Uranus & Sagittarius
You want someone that values what you do for a living, because whatever it is you do holds a lot of weight over your life. It could be relating to children, for a small percentage, it could cause for you to be kinda unreliable when it comes to relationships because your main priority is work. This is an energy of being called at all hours of the night and never really being able to *plan* anything in stone, you’re needed and it’s necessary. If you do something off the wall as a career, same thing, you want someone that understands and respects what you do. Children are involved in your life in some way, through work or experience, or you tend to want an independent life free of children at home, and that’s something that keeps you at a pause when it comes to any sort of dating. You’re an independent and career-oriented person, not a domestic caregiver, it’s just who you are, and you could feel your life and career are too chaotic for any of that anyway. It’s just not what you want.
Because of these things, you hold yourself back from giving fully or trying to get serious with anyone, it’s like you give up before even getting started. There is a lot of Aquarius energy here, even more with double Uranus, Taurus, Virgo, Leo, heavy fixed energy. This may be you or your person, or it describes your mentality of this is how it is and it’s staying that way. It has to. Either they’re on board or bye, there is no extra time to waste on casual, and you’re not committed enough for serious. It’s kind of a double edged sword there. You are extremely lucky and love to learn, you probably want someone within your field of work, or at least someone that understands what’s going on in your world, it’s definitely not a traditional career. Could be a writer, doctor, secret spy 😎 idk, there is something unscheduled and untethered about this. Either your desired person is equally chaotic in their work, involved in similar work, OR they’re the more fixed signs, they’re the solid and stable to your chaos. Some of you may not even really want a relationship, you just feel you should have one, and if so just wait until it feels right to you. Some of you only want a sneaky fling that you keep quiet and don’t really commit to, just to have someone around.
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Pile 6 - Pink 💖:
Uranus - Sagittarius - 1st House
- Stir up the situation by using your highest ideals immediately.
- Be open to new ideas about the rules of the way you project yourself.
- Invent a way to get it out to the world and do it on your own.
3 Swords - 4 Swords - 8 Wands
Dreaming Way: Fox, Stork, Sun
Additional energy: Mars & Pisces
Here we have the fkboy/girl group. Both sides of the situation, the victims of temporary lovers and the lovers themselves will be here. If you are someone that rushes in and out of romantic entanglements with no commitment or care, many options on the table, then this message is a warning that you are the conniving and mischievous character, and you could end up with a baby because of it. For the other side of that coin, those with a history of attracting these folks, Spirit is asking you to look at how you present yourself, because you’re mirroring these people to attract them. There is a very spontaneous and up for anything energy in you, multiple options or people you’re dating or interested in. Mostly, you’re not being taken seriously because you’re not taking others seriously at the start, or you aren’t letting it be known up front that serious is what you want. At least half the people here don’t want that.
There is a group of people here that have been hurt by this personality and want to rush into something new as fast as possible to get over who hurt them prior. There’s a note here that you may be taken advantage of or it can end in pregnancy, could be both. Be very careful. In the cases of babies, that is something that will make you very happy, regardless of circumstances. It will all happen very fast in those situations. For most of you, this is Spirit saying to take a step back from this impulsive, passionate and loosely guarded fun *for tonight* energy, because Mars Pisces is acting with emotion, romance, much much depth. The jokester on the surface is bringing you jokesters. Some of that depth and dreamy romanticism is more the style of what you truly want…but you won’t entertain someone boring either, that’s certain. This is the Mutable pile, Sagittarius, Gemini and Pisces, plus heavy Libra are all here. If you take the time to plan what you really want, you’ll attract it. Don’t just fly by your pants and impulses 🤩 You could think you want someone like that, but they turn into Fox, deception, sneaky sly behaviors and aren’t faithful. Once you take a break, get serious and really plan what you want for yourself, moving forward should be much easier to get what you want, and it could all happen so fast your head might spin. It’s like Spirit is on standby waiting for you to just say the right words, from the right mindset & with the right intentions, more mature and authentic intentions, and it can be yours the next day.
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thedeadflag · 7 months
I've rewatched WoT S02E06 three times now, and once again I find myself hoping beyond hope that we get a better ending with the Seanchan at the end of the show than what RJ/BS managed with the books.
Like, I get the "little in life is black or white, we exist in the greys" bit that's routinely pushed, and the narrative exploration of the politics of privilege and how the majority of a society can grow to tolerate and appreciate the subjugation of others and the horrors their government inflict if it means their own lives benefit. I get the spotlighting themes of Law vs Justice and Order vs Peace they bring out. I get that. I do think both authors really had a tendency to stumble when writing towards those aims, and it often came across as minimizing the evil of the Seanchan. There are things in life worse than death, and I never did see the Seanchan as any better (and often saw them as worse) than the Dark One's forces. By the end of the series, the dark one's imprisoned again, and the Seanchan are reasonably well equipped to eventually conquer the world within a few generations (and iirc we do get glimpses of that future through Aviendha). The only other alternative would be if Shara only let a trickle of their forces to the final battle, and had enough of a channeler army to pose a threat, and they honestly wouldn't be any better. Shit's seriously fucked.
And I have little doubt that not too long after that conquering (or perhaps in the later stages of it), some desperate people will bore into the Dark One's prison again and release him in exchange for the power to defeat the Seanchan. And I honestly wouldn't blame them (and the Dark One probably worked to build that force over the centuries as a plan B if all else fails), and it may just be the right thing so that the Seanchan society can die off, and hopefully when the Dark is defeated once again, there won't be the threat of a looming incomprehensibly evil society ready to take over.
Like, I don't need a kittens and rainbows happy ending in the show, it wouldn't fit the series, but I do want one where the threat of the Seanchan is seriously considered and where there's some glimmer of hope for a better turning of the wheel. Throughout the series, I always considered them on par with the Dark One as the "big bad", if not the sneakily primary one, since they're more 'digestible' as the more human face of evil, but still no less evil than the Dark One and its forces. And it's a big reason why Sanderson's books kind of fell flat for me and often undermined the tension they tried to build in sections related to them, because the threat of the Seanchan really wasn't addressed well, at least not IMO.
It's probably because RJ planned another book series featuring Mat that would potentially explore the deconstruction of Seanchan society and the political intrigue and philosophical issues involved with changing the core principles of a society and the elements of imperialism/colonialism involved in that, but we're never getting that story, so can we please just ensure the show ends with a decisive L for the Seanchan? Please let them reap the consequences of their own actions for goddamned once, at least to some extent to where there's meaningful hope for a better future.
Or maybe just have Semirhage completely eliminate all Seanchan leadership and capability to enslave channelers during her time in the Seanchan mainland, and publicly collars a few sul'dam before killing them to break public faith in that whole system. Like, screw the civil war nonsense, just cast them into utter chaos, left to question everything they believed in. That way, by the end of the show, there may be less narrative impact to the truce, but it'd make for a more hopeful ending given the slim likelihood of the Seanchan culture and principles lasting long after the end.
Like, I don't care all that much how it happens, only that it does happen. The writers have a chance to make their own mark in a good way, and if the series lasts that long, I hope that they take it. (And also maybe just omit the Shaido abduction arc entirely, it doesn't need to happen and they wouldn't have the runtime on screen to justify that conclusion.)
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(Cracks knuckles) Let’s begin now, shall we? She’d be chubby, but I couldn’t find a picrew I liked.
This is Hana Blythe, otherwise dubbed “The Poet Wisp”. A rather passive-faced Sinner, and an (male colored, so do with that what you will) Obi Island birdwing butterfly, and known stalker even in Hell, having rather infamously been remarked to have been stalking Vaggie for “only 3 and half weeks”. Sports a philosophical mind, and muses over the “true nature of this world”, but even she admits it’s mostly BS. Murdered by her ex-boyfriend after one such stalking session, she presents herself as the hotel’s pianist, insisting that she can’t think of rehabilitation if there’s no piano. She *also* mentioned to Charlie that if she can get her some lollipops, she’ll consider checking in.
Despite Hana’s quiet nature, no one scares her. Not even Alastor. Not even Adam. While she frames herself as weak, and a creature of schedule, it’s later revealed that she utterly *enjoys* fighting Angels, her Extermination-bound trip being before, rather then later, following an incident 7 years ago. Bears a hatred for all Angels, and is hopelessly infatuated with Vaggie. So one can guess how she felt once she heard the truth about her. She owns several Anti-Exorcist weapons, most notably a sniper rifle, and several knives and swords. The only hint to her… hobbies are her similar bloodthirst when you insult her works, as Angel Dust can attest to. Normally, she’s harmless.
She likes body mods, sweets, Vaggie, spying on people, crows, books, flowers, and watching Exorcists fall. She dislikes Angels, sour things, fighting with other people, Niffty’s hyper-activeness, and broken routines/schedules.
Hana’s fearlessness has nearly gotten her killed (again also) repeatedly, most infamously during the most recent Extermination. From her sniper’s perch, she mocks Adam during the fight, remarking this:
“It's a funny thing. I was so used to working alone for the longest time, and I suppose you and I behaved similarly in the past. I too... can find people to protect with everything on the line. If you dare try to hinder me... I shall soar above you.”
He then destroyed her tower, dropping her into a pit of Exorcists, the one thing preventing her from dying was her landing in a dumpster. Though, will you believe me if I told you that it took her some convincing to fight again on the ground? By you-know-who…
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cosmicjoke · 1 year
Okay, so I’ve been thinking about this, and my other problem with Zeke, lol, is this sort of broad, generalized belief that it was Ksaver that gave him the idea for the euthinazia plan. But… it wasn’t. There’s this overall tone when people talk about Ksaver’s influence on Zeke which would lead one to believe that Zeke was sort of indoctrinated in the early stages of his childhood development into this philosophical belief that life is meaningless and to have never been born would be better, and this is the main reason for Zeke’s later attempts to wipe out the Eldian race. But Ksaver didn’t even tell Zeke about what had happened to his family until Zeke was like 18 years old, and he never said anything to him about a plan to euthanize their people, but rather just said that he wished he had never been born. The idea to gain control of the founding Titan and use its power to euthanize the Eldian race came entirely from Zeke. He came up with that plan, not Ksaver. He even asks Ksaver about his ability to control the founding Titan's power through his royal blood, which supposes a sense of entitlement on Zeke's part to wield this power. Something we saw demonstrated in his treatment of Ymir, later on, this idea that she was beholden to him as a member of the royal family. And this tells you a lot about Zeke’s psychology too, and how he views himself. Based off of what Ksaver tells him and his own experiences with his parents, Zeke casts himself into the role of savior. He proclaims himself as the only one who can solve the problems facing their people. He extrapolates from Ksaver’s story that all Eldian’s would be better off having never been born, and appoints himself judge and jury in that regard, to carry out this “solemn duty” of eradicating their race. My problem with all of this is that Zeke lacks empathy. He has no empathy for other people. Other people’s thoughts and feelings never register for him as something he should consider or take into account when making his decisions. He sees everything through the lens of his own experiences and his own feelings and never thinks to consider anything from the other side. So it exposes Zeke’s proclamation that he’s trying to end people’s suffering as false. He doesn’t actually care what anyone else thinks or feels. Again, he can’t empathize with them. He can’t imagine it. Other people’s wishes get brushed aside in Zeke’s pursuit of his own, twisted dream. It then becomes a matter not at all concerned with the suffering of others, but instead a matter concerned only with Zeke’s suffering and his self-image as martyr. This is why I always say Zeke is a narcissist. His desire to “save” his people from suffering is, in fact, just a manifestation of Zeke’s inability to see or feel anything outside of his own self. His life is worthless and meaningless, thus, so is everyone else’.
Some people try to cite Zeke’s experiences in childhood as the reason for his lack of empathy, but on this is call BS. Zeke’s experience with his parents, for example, and having to turn them in to save himself, shouldn’t logically have lead to a lack of empathy in him. A host of other issues, sure, such as self-loathing and immense guilt. But a lack of empathy? I don’t see how. Some people also try to claim that Zeke lacked any sort of caring or loving guardian growing up and that this lead to him having no compassion for others, but again I call BS. Zeke had his grandparents and he had Mr. Ksaver, all of whom genuinely cared for him. Zeke realizes, in the end, only after Armin has to spell it out for him in big block letters, that he DID actually experience love and happiness in his youth. That he was cared for and valued and mattered to others. Zeke wasn’t able to come to this realization on his own because he himself is incapable of giving or receiving love. His lack of empathy makes him incapable. We see this incapability play out in his relationships with the other warriors, for example. In his lack of connection with them, even as they connect with him and consider him a real friend and mentor. In his disregard for and easy betrayal of them. And again, while Zeke’s childhood experiences no doubt caused him a host of issues, developing a lack of empathy or compassion for others shouldn’t have been one of them. I rather believe that this sociopathic tendency was innate to Zeke, and his experiences weren’t the root cause of it, but rather the trigger which brought those tendencies out.
Zeke is like a classic narcissistic personality. He wants to make and thinks everything IS about him. He’s manipulative and molds in his mind every circumstance and situation, and even other people, to fit around him, around his image of himself as a savior, and his views and beliefs about life in general. This is one of the reasons why I don’t believe Zeke’s claims about his motivation being a desire to end people’s suffering (even as Zeke may himself believe it. But then, there's very little to no self-evaluation going on with Zeke, leading to self-delusion). You have to actually be able to relate to and understand other people to want to help them. You have to be able to sympathize and empathize with them to feel compassion for them. But, again, Zeke doesn’t feel empathy for anyone but himself. I think every action Zeke takes is, in the end, motivated by self-interest. He wants to see himself as a savior and a martyr, and so he tries to forcefully fit everyone else into his plan to make himself into one by dismissing their own desires and needs as inconsequential, and by taking away their right to choose and, ultimately, to live, all, supposedly, in the service of "saving them". That, in the end, doesn't amount to fighting for the rights of others. It amounts to the opposite. It amounts to oppression and self-aggrandizement.
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mass-convergence · 3 months
This is actually a positive post for once.
Anyway, I really love humanity and it's all because of that goddamn S symbol children have scrawled over their notebooks for decades now. Let me explain.
Okay to head some of this off at the pass: I'm aware of the singular explanations. Specifically the Stussy thing, the "superman logo", etc. I just watched this video by LEMMiNO which I think has some pretty good theories, including some I hadn't heard of before. Using a single source for all my info on this ... generally not good ... but legit this is a thing about a doodle I used to do. If you're interested, you can certainly leap into the rabbit hole.
So anyway, stuff I hadn't heard before: How the S was a popular way to stylize an S in graffiti. This shit has been around since at least the 1800s as seen in a book by a princeton professor. Some people in the comments section had found examples of the general pattern being used in paintings as far back as the 1500s.
My fascination is with the ubiquity of it, and people's intensive, yet ultimately fruitless, attempts to find a single point of origin for the pattern. How people don't even remember how they even started doodling it. They say "I learned it from a friend who learned it from another friend who learned it from another friend ... who idk who he learned it from".
Honestly? The simplest answer really is: as humans, and especially as bored children, we love doodling shit. We love making our silly little patterns in the margins of notebooks. And (as referenced in the video) - humanity's had a long and proud history of just making intricate and repeating patterns out of things because it looks nice.
And that simplest answer: that it likely just developed organically with no real singular source. I don't know, it's just kind of having a profound affect on me. Yes I'm philosophizing about a doodle.
It feels profound to me because we live on this huge ass planet with 8 billion other people. However, no matter where we are, we all make our silly little doodles and at some point, someone comes up with the fucking "S" and teaches it to their entire class. It's very pleasing to draw, very easy to draw, and it looks really cool so of course people are going to doodle it literally everywhere. My notebooks were filled with that damn S and also a bunch of zigzag designs (shout out to my english professor for calling me out on that by calling me the "Zig Zag Queen of the Front Table" I wear that title proudly).
My other fascination with the S phenomenon is that we're always looking for an explanation as to why something happened. We always need a story, a neat little narrative. My writer brain goes off about how the S could be some occult symbol being subconsciously implanted by a slumbering eldritch god who's just waiting to be summoned by some 5th grader in Chadron, Nebraska. Or y'know ... Stussy I guess.
I mean think about the pyramids and all the (granted: incredibly racist and colonialist) theories about that*. Oh yes. The reason why civilizations on different continents who had absolutely zero interactions with each other made pyramids is because aliens did it. It's definitely got nothing to do with the fact that we all, fundamentally, likely have similar thought processes and reasoning: Thing with giant base = super duper stable = I can make a huge ass structure out of this. And we all like making giant buildings to worship, it's like fundamental to human existence that we've gotta make big shit and leave our mark.
But that's not interesting, that doesn't seem fulfilling, it doesn't seem complete. It can't be that we're a lot more connected than we all realize. It's gotta be the goddamn aliens. Or Stussy.
*I want to plainly express that those theories are incredibly racist and are rooted in the general colonialist BS about how those civilizations couldn't possibly be "smart" or "developed" enough or whatever. We can't forget that fact. This is definitely an entrenched belief that's still doing harm to this day and people need to fucking stop. Just because I mentioned I was "fascinated" about a particular aspect of human nature doesn't make me any less disgusted by the fucking "aliens" theory.
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pileofmush · 6 months
hiiiiiiii, mushyyyyyyyyyy 🤩 just droppin my lil blurb in your ask box, but don't rush !! get to it whenever ya have the time 😁
btw, i'd like male matches (that sounds so weird...dude matches ? man matches ? men matches ?) from one piece + jjk/hq ✨
- i'm 5'8, athletic but thicc build, brown eyes + curly black hair w long natural eyelashes + a cute nose (so i've been told hehe)
- i'm naturally intimidating but once i open my mouth people can't take me seriously until i show em i'm serious, which usually comes in the form of anger or intimidation.
- i'm usually a jokester/chill person who doesn't try to dwell too much on things. i also get a little deep + philosophical if im in the mood, but v rarely. i can be a bit chaotic most of the time + i often am not able to tell when i should stop cracking jokes/being silly 🤭 but my friends are always good about telling me it's time to get serious !!
- i'd do anything for my friends + family, am extremely loyal.
- when i'm w others, i'm usually the life of the party !! i'm always cracking jokes or saying/doing stupid shit. but i also enjoy my alone time + i'm just as silly when i'm by myself !! (i talk to myself when i'm alone is that weirddd)
- hobbies include working out, sitting out in the sun, taking care of my plants (to the best of my abilities, i managed to kill all of my patio plants at the same exact time), being anywhere near the water/beach, cooking, + studying because im in med school !!
muchas gracia, miel 💕
𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖈𝖍𝖚𝖕 𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖊 𝖜/ @bokutosbiceps
alicia, my love! i hope you enjoy your matchups! i thought long and hard about them. i'm sure you'll be able to tell what kind of ship dynamics i prefer, teehee.
╰┈➤ okay! from one piece, i ship you with zoro!
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* ˚ ♥ okay, now hear me out. i don't think i've ever heard you mention his name before, but let me tell you something, let me tell you something! you two? would make a power couple.
* ˚ ♥ from an outside perspective, think pretty princess and her guard dog. people would already find you a little intimidating, mainly because you have a mature air about you and seem assured of yourself. definitely not one to take bs, and people can tell.
* ˚ ♥ but after one look at zoro, who likes to stand right behind you and smirk, probably with a hand in your back pocket or an index finger linked around your belt loop-- it becomes clear that you are not to be fucked with.
* ˚ ♥ despite the scary guard dog persona, zoro definitely lets you fight your own battles. he's standing on the sidelines with a proud grin. whether you're staring someone down or beating some marine's ass, he's glad to witness every instance. finds it incredibly sexy that you're so capable and confident. ...let anyone touch you, though, and it's a different story. consider their ass dead. zoro would handle it.
* ˚ ♥ first impressions are discarded quickly once it becomes clear that you two are just a pair of goobers. for the purposes of this ship, i am restoring zoro's funnybone. yes, i can do that. zoro can be silly. and you, mi amor, definitely bring it out of him. and it's so. so. cute. make a joke about anyone, anyone (besides chopper), and he'll bark out a laugh so loud the birds fly away.
* ˚ ♥ but of course, he's not free from your jokes, either. he pretends to be annoyed by your quips and teasings. grumbles that you're 'disrupting his nap' when you're sitting by his side on the deck, laughing up a storm at his expense. but should you try to leave, his arms'll latch around you quick, pulling you into him.
* ˚ ♥ naps in the sun. often. you bring your study material when you spot him lying on the deck, basking in a sunspot. you always study for as long as you can until you fall asleep, too.
* ˚ ♥ you also work out together! it's cathartic, really. whether you're doing cardio, yoga, or lifting weights, zoro pushes you. he makes a great spotter. and when you get tired, zoro lets you sit cross-legged on his back while he does push-ups. you guys have really insightful conversations like that, actually. you chatting about whatever's on your mind, and zoro grunting out replies in between his pants.
* ˚ ♥ you both appreciate those moments, working out together in the crow's nest. for a few reasons. zoro appreciates that it's an enclosed space, away from the rest of your peeping crewmates. he especially appreciates the look of you in your tight work-out clothes, breathing heavily and dripping with sweat ;)
but really, zoro appreciates everything about you.
moving on to your next matchup! and the matchup i love the most, actually. i just think it's cute >.<
╰┈➤ from jujustu kaisen, i ship you with nanami!
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* ˚ ♥ i can't lie, i am quite happy with this pairing. you might be thinking right now that this ship will have a similar dynamic to you and zoro, but i get completely different vibes from you and mr. nanami kento.
* ˚ ♥ in this ship, i'm thinking the dynamic would be tired x the one good thing in the world. in other words, nanami x you. i like the idea of you being a nonsorcerer. we all know that nanami craves normalcy. screw the bakery girl, you give him that. you, who he probably found studying at a coffee shop or something. hastily scribbling vocabulary terms on flashcards, sipping on a lukewarm cup of coffee.
* ˚ ♥ the doorbell jingles as nanami walks in and your gaze wanders to the door, where the broad blond stands. and you can't see his eyes behind his weird ass glasses, but you're pretty sure they're pinned on you. you look away as he orders whatever he came in for, but then a few minutes pass and an employee plops a muffin in front of you, canting their head at the blond. he bought you a muffin. and it's a sweet, simple gesture that means a lot to you, because you're a broke college student and really shouldn't be spending money on coffee in the first place.
* ˚ ♥ and, as the poets say, the rest is history. i think nanami is at first fascinated by you, maybe even a little envious, because you're a strong, beautiful woman with aspirations and struggles unrelated to fighting curses. learning about you is like peering through a locked window, imagining what life could be like without his burdens.
* ˚ ♥ that fascination steadily turns to admiration. because you intend to spend the rest of your life doing what you can to save people, or help people, or make life a little easier for others, and it genuinely stuns him. it's a different flavor from the jaded outlook of jujutsu sorcerers, who fight curses not because they want to, but because they have to.
* ˚ ♥ your relationship with nanami would be the definition of domestic bliss. oh, you crack your jokes and probably tease him as well, but nanami only ever hums in assent. occasionally deadpans a response he knows will fluster you. he likes listening to you talk, listening to you laugh. it brightens up his lifeless apartment.
* ˚ ♥ your schedule is busy, as you're in med school and all, but that just makes every moment you share with nanami sweeter. he treasures every second he gets to share with you. gets somehow even more stringent about his work hours, because a minute working overtime is a minute he spends away from you.
* ˚ ♥ when your schedules align, the two of you cook together. and it's always a wholesome, efficient affair. the food always comes out delicious, meals switching between nanami's fancies and your own preferences. it's the perfect blend of creativity, warmth, and mundanity, and cooking together definitely becomes a love language between the two of you.
* ˚ ♥ dining together is also a treat. your savory, homecooked meals usually paired with free-flowing conversation and a hearty glass of wine. afterwards, nanami always insists you take home the leftovers, and well, you can't really deny him, can you?
* ˚ ♥ you're over at nanami's so often that you start to leave some of your belongings there. one day you knock on his door with a big smile, arms full of greenery. it's some of your plants, you explain, 'to brighten up the place!' but it's more than that, and you both know it. it's the promise of a future shared—together. nanami ends up taking better care of the plants than you do, but hey. it's all part of your charm! ^-^
and nanami is incredibly charmed by you.
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shaywrites-ifs · 1 year
Did someone say poly? lol, you mentioned on your pinned that poly routes are being considered? With the full understanding that many (if any) may not make the cut. What sort of routes are you considering? Even if they don't make it in, it would be interesting to see what ROs might work well together.
Thank you for the question! I would really like to include a polyam relationship or two, but it's something I'm sort of considering and weighing because I would want it to be it's own thing and have it's own weight.
As for routes, honestly the only one I'm not feeling for a polyam is Vasil. Not because they come off as monogamous to me but because I don't see them being as interested in others. It might change, once I get to writing them, but obviously they're a little odd of a character anyway.
More thoughts under the cut, as it got a little long, and mostly in a triangle, not a V relationship with MC
Camille and Dalmar I'm also a little leery of. They're both quiet, angry, assholes. Dalmar carries a lot of hurt and a lot of anger (honestly, he's a helluva foil for MC, as they have similar stories) and he's already so very bitter. Camille is a hardass and in some regards it'd def work. They work well together professionally, as their paths have crossed before- which would help with the polyam relationship. And they wouldn't put up with each other's bs, which is something they need to an extent, and would bounce off of each other will cold sarcasm and an understanding of space. I just don't know if that'd be interesting for others to participate in.
Eiden and Dalmar are long time friends and have a trust and understanding of each other that would really help things. Eiden is one of the few Dalmar softens around, anymore, at all. Eiden as well is a bit protective of Dalmar and is appreciative of what he has accomplished. So, friends to lovers sort of deal that would be charming, I think.
Eiden and Camille is also fun, in a different way. So many deep sighs from Camille as Eiden flirts with her and is generally dramatic. A bumpy relationship as they aren't inherently easy to get along. Like Dalmar, Camille has dealt with them professionally, but Eiden would get on her nerves quickly with his flippant ways and nonchalant devil may care hedonism. Eiden has practice with asshole people, but still, would sometimes struggle with Camille until that trust and understanding was there.
Leja and Rei are much less obstinate assholes about things, but their relationship to each other is pretty sibling like, so unless things change, am reluctant to try and force them into one. But they def bring a softness to the relationship's they'd be in.
Leja has that maternal sort of care to her and, while she isn't just gonna be walked all over, is much more charming and able to handle people. Maybe a little pushy and nagging, but she means well. I like her with Camille, but that's just a WLW bias, honestly, they they have that "pastel and goth" vibe to them sorta?
Rei is a golden retriever with muscles. He's very "not as dumb as he looks, but not the smartest person in the room either" sort, and the most optimistic of the ROs. He's very much one of those to just fall into love head first, with a dopey grin and not at all intending to. He's another one that could be an open relationship in just "happy in the moment" sort, whereas Eiden just has commitment issues and a different philosophical approach compared to others because of [spoilers].
So, many thoughts rolling in my head and it's something that I'm gonna see how the story unfolds a little bit, before I really start Making That Decision.
That said, am happy to hear if y'all have a preference, thought, or questions about it all!
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