#only used like a bit of the head but it helped a lot
moonstruckme · 2 days
request: was thinking about that one video that’s like “my wife, she’ll get upset if she sees you touching me like that on my chest” “i am your wife” and then the heart monitor starts going crazy and that put a doctor remus idea in my head after r gets out of surgery/is on anesthesia for something or other
Thanks for requesting!
cw: hospital, mention of surgery
doctor!Remus x fem!reader ♡ 855 words
Lots of people would probably be happy to have their significant other visit them at work, but as it turns out, Remus really doesn’t like it. He’s used to seeing patients post-op, and yet somehow when it’s you it feels sad, all those tubes and wires connected to his girl. The fluorescent lighting turns your complexion wan and the wary frown on your lips as a nurse checks your vitals makes Remus’ heart feel like a bruise. 
It helps some when you notice his entry and they stretch into a dopey smile instead. 
“Hi, dove.” His voice is soft and smitten, an automatic reaction to seeing you that he’s already heard the new residents commenting on in the break room. “How are you feeling?” 
“I’m okay.” You tug at the sheets on your bed. Ball them in your fists like you might be nervous. “My stomach hurts a little.” 
“That’s normal,” Remus assures you, even as his stomach dips in sympathy. He sits on the edge of your bed, taking your hand and beginning to draw tight circles into the inside of your wrist. “If it starts to hurt worse, or badly at all, you should let me know, alright?” 
“Okay.” Your voice has quieted slightly, your eyes following the motion of his thumb on your skin. You glance at the nurse as though checking if she sees. Remus feels his lips tip up bemusedly. 
“Everything alright?” he asks the nurse.
She smiles at the both of you, passing him a clipboard. “She’s stable, ready to move when you’d like.” 
“Thanks,” he says, reading over your vitals quickly after she leaves. He sets the clipboard down and gives your hand a squeeze. If your heart monitor gives a quick beep, he pretends not to notice. “You’re all set, lovely girl. We’ll get you to your own room in just a bit.” 
You nod, not seeming to hear him. You look to be gnawing on the inside of your lip. 
“Hey, don’t do that,” Remus says gently, thumbing it free. Your eyes widen, and he drops his thumb to your chin, looking you in the eyes. “Is something the matter?”
You rub your lips together hesitantly. It’s normal to have a small fever after surgery, but your face feels suspiciously warm. “I just, um, I have a boyfriend.” 
Remus feels his face split into an irrepressible grin. He’d been wondering how the anesthesia would affect you. “Yeah, dove,” he agrees, delighted, “I know you do.” 
“I don’t…” Your eyes dart to where his thumb still rests on your chin, your shoulders gravitating towards your ears. “I think it would upset him if he knew you were touching me like this.” 
Truly, this could not be any better. Remus wishes he’d brought a video camera like James wanted him to. “I am your boyfriend, sweetheart.” 
Your expression freezes in place, but your heart monitor starts beeping loudly. Your eyes dart to it, alarm and embarrassment worsening, and Remus laughs, dropping his hand from your chin in favor of rubbing your shoulder until both you and the machine calm down. 
“You?” you ask. You appear nothing short of flabbergasted. 
“Yes.” He brings your hand to his smiling lips, kissing your knuckles as if to prove it. “Why, are you surprised?” 
“You’re serious,” you check. Remus has the opportunity to make a joke here, but he worries it’d only confuse you more. 
“I am,” he says. 
“But you’re so handsome.”
Another laugh startles out of him. “And what do you think you are? Of course,” he gives your knuckles another brief peck just to see your eyes flare again, “I would love you no matter how you looked, but you’re a far cry from hideous yourself.” 
You look taken aback by this news as well. Remus is half tempted to find you a mirror. 
Then you ask, voice soft as down feathers, “You love me?” 
Something in Remus’ chest goes all warm and mushy. “I do,” he says sincerely. “I love you so much, sweetheart, sometimes I don’t know what to do with it all.” 
You smile until your eyelashes kiss, and he can’t resist cupping your face again, smoothing his thumb along the skin of your cheek. 
“So that’s why you’re here?” you ask. 
“Well,” he hesitates, “yes, but I’m also here because I work here.” 
Your eyebrows raise. Your gaze dips to his white coat as if remembering it for the first time in a while. “Oh. You’re a doctor and my boyfriend?” 
“That’s right.” He squints at you amusedly. “Did you think I just snuck in here in a white coat so I could see you?” 
“My boyfriend is a doctor.” You don’t seem to be talking to anyone in particular, perhaps just asking the universe for confirmation. 
Remus decides to get back to business. “Right again, dove. I think it’s about time we get you to your room, yeah? Anything else I can do for you, anything you need?” 
“Nope.” You lay your head back on the pillow, looking somehow more dazed than when he’d come in. “I think I’m set. Like, probably for life.”
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acotarxreader · 1 day
Stress Relief
Azriel X Reader
Synopsis: Working for the Night Court has become near impossible with Azriel determined to drive you out the door but can a camping trip arranged by Rhys smooth things over.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, smut, frenemies to lovers, lots of dialogue, if you see a typo no you didn't
A/N: Hehe this kinda long but I wanted to keep the chaos to one part. I'm finding writing since Other Worlds a bit stressy so I think posting this nonsense will help with that and we can return to out regularly scheduled programming. Let me know what you think!
Requests open! (I am working on your Cass request if you see this anon👀 )
“YN you need to fucking relax”
“I suggest that you keep quiet Azriel if you'd like to keep your head attached to your shoulders” Azriel rolled his eyes at you from the couch as you paced up and down, trusty list in hand. 
“I’m just saying you’ll give yourself a heart attack”
“Hey! Do you want me to add your name to this list!”
“Az would only want to be on it if it's your To Do list” A pillow flew from alongside Azriel right at Cassian as he howled. 
“I’ll relax once we get there”
“Why do you get so fucking neurotic when it comes to travelling?”
“Why are you so fucking anno-”
“Okay okay stop it you too! We promised Feyre no fighting on Rhy’s big camping trip, she’s already upset Elain won’t come, just don’t add to her stress” You and Azriel groaned like scolded children at Cassian’s words. You counted the bags again, checking off your list as you went. Azriel stood to grab his bag, coming chest to chest with you before pushing past.
“I’m flying ahead because I can’t be around her uptight ass anymore”
“Aw you look at my ass” you smiled sarcastically as Cassian laughed in the background. 
You all finally arrived deep within the woods of the Night Court, luggage crashing down around the group. You couldn’t stop thinking that you had forgotten everything, glancing from the list to the pile repeatedly, your friends happily unpacking. The night had already begun to creep in, Azriel and you delaying the group by fighting about which was the fastest route to take. You busied yourself fixing up some of the tents as Azriel dug through the pile of bags in search of his own. 
“YN, what’s the plan for us sleeping together?”
“Excuse me?” you deadpaned to Azriel. 
“Sor-Sorry I meant the plan for sleeping?” he quickly corrected himself, his shadows doing their best to cover his rosie cheeks. 
“Well, Feyre & Rhysand, Cassian & Nesta, Amren & Mor and then I guess you and Lucien and then I get my own tent” you beamed, shaking a sleeping bag from its case. 
“Funny how that worked out isn't it” he remarked and you rolled your eyes but the group agreed to the sleeping arrangements, with further prodding for Lucien to agree. 
You gathered around the fire, feasting on the fire-roasted food Cassian did his best not to cremate, trading life stories in pure unadulterated ease, everything Rhysand had wanted for this trip. You swaddled yourself deeply into your sleeping bag as the fire began to sink beneath its tinder. 
“Do you regret leaving Summer Court for us YNN?” 
“I think I love the Night Court more than I ever could Summer” You smiled in reply to Cassian, your eyes flashing to Rhysand briefly before he launched into his favourite Tarquin story, Azriel noticing the fleeting glance seemingly tinged with an element of sadness. 
“You like it even though being an emissary to the Seasonal Courts clearly makes you want to pull your hair from your head?” Azriel whispered to you. 
“You and your antics are the only thing that causes me to do that, I seriously think you need a refresher training on diplomacy” you bit back to his sharp whisper. You had shared the job with Lucien but soon found yourself taking on the brunt of the work as Lucien was lost in Elain.
“You need to stop being so uptight seriously, I think you need to be fucked or something, anything to get you to relax” Your head whipped towards him, the group laughing at Rhysand's story, choosing to ignore the two of you, assuming it was an argument. You huffed out in disgust at Azriel, he watched your chest release the full capacity of air from your lungs before taking another deep breath. You shuffled slightly in the sheet, wrapping the sleeping bag tighter around yourself and facing back towards the fire. It was then Azriel realised he was fully staring at your chest. 
“I didn't…I didn't mean that I want to be the one to….fuck you…I meant …” 
“Just stop talking Az” you scoffed, choosing to listen to Rhysand instead as Azriel mentally cursed himself for losing his edge over you. The fire sank until it went out, the laughter from the group lighting the forest. 
“Okay, it's like 2am, time for bed kids especially if we’re going for the hike tomorrow” Rhysand stood, pulling a sleepy Feyre to her feet. The group said their good nights as you climbed into your canvas home. You stretched along the fabric floor and sank into sleep easily, tired from the day as you balled up in your opened-out sleeping bag. 
“Hey! YNN! Wake up!” 
“I swear to the Gods you better be a super polite Naga about to rip my head off otherwise you’ll wish you were” you breathed out without opening your eyes, the sound of your tent zip worse than a blaring alarm to your sleepy state. 
“It’s Az, I need to sleep in here, push over” he collapsed next to you without invitation, your hand sailing outwards to clock him flat into the chest with a thud. 
“Az, what the fuck? It's like 3am, get the fuck out we’re not braiding one another's hair!” you whisper-shouted at him while you sat up. 
“Lucien is snoring like he’s trying to deafen me and I don’t fancy interrupting Mor and Amrens beauty sleep and as for the mates, I don’t need to explain why I don’t want to go in there” you sighed at him as he gave you a look that said he wasn’t going anywhere. You sank back into the canvas, Azriel pulling the sleeping bag from you. 
“Az” you bit out. 
“I’m not going to freeze to death because you’re a blanket thief”
“You’re going to find yourself on the other side of the zip if you don’t go to sleep” you said, rolling into the slack of the sleeping bag, pulling it fully from Azriel. He almost grunted at the action, catching the end and whipping it from under you, sending you rolling into the wall of the tent. 
“Az!” you barked and he raised his hands up in surrender. You sank beneath the cover again, moving closer to Azriel to spread the sleeping bag more evenly. Azriels eyes fixed on the mesh vents on the tent roof, the sound of the night filling the tent.
“Do you ever think you’ll go back to the Summer Court?” Azriel broke the silence that filled the tent, you sighed before replying. 
“If you keep being a prick then maybe” you deflected the question successfully.
“I’m a prick because I care” You laughed at his joking tone, rolling to your side to face him more, hands tucked in under your cheek. 
“As much stress as you and Cass and your antics cause me, which is a lot might I add, I would find it very hard to leave you freaks” you half laughed, eyes still heavy. 
“We’d miss you” he admitted
“I mean who would keep your secrets from one another if not me” you teased. 
“What secrets?” you tapped the side of your nose lazily and Azriel nudged you slightly in annoyance at your grin. 
“Fine fine emmm.... Cass is the one who told all those females in the Rita's where to find you when you were home” you yawned into a light laugh. Azriel felt annoyance grow in him at this revelation, that had caused him months of being harassed by all sorts from every walk of life. 
“I swear I’m going t-”
“Just leave it Shadowsinger” you gave a small laugh, grabbing his hand as he went to leave the nest you’d both made, pulling him back down and forgetting to let go, you lost your fight to sleep then, entirely drifting back off. Azriel glanced at you sleeping peacefully next to him and found himself surprised at enjoying holding your hand beneath the sleeping bag. 
Azriel stayed awake for half an hour, staring up at the canvas above him, torn between the growing pain in his shoulder and not wanting to let go of your hand. The nerves felt like they were screaming as the muscles went dead in his arm, an idea coming to him. He quickly rolled towards you while releasing your hand and grabbing the other but he greatly misjudged the distance, sending his head straight into yours. You almost immediately dropped his hand to place it on the bump growing on your head, Azriel feeling regret for waking you but more so for letting you go. 
“You're such a freak Shadowsinger” You laughed half asleep before rolling in closer to him and draping your arm across his waist, pulling yourself closer to him softly, resting your head between the pillow and his chest. Azriel felt such an unfamiliar level of comfort at the movement but also a new level of confusion. 
You moved from next to him then, leaning on your elbow to prop yourself up and look at him as puzzled as he looked at you. 
“Sorry I-I don't know why I did that”
“Emm it’s okay YN…it was actually kinda comfortable…I’m ok-ay if you’re okay with it” he spoke the words with caution and you found a sigh of relief leave you that you didn’t know you had. You rolled away from Azriel to face the tent wall, his face slightly greying with nerves, had he been vulnerable to the wrong person? He braced for your rejection only for it not come, instead you shuffled slightly down and laid your back flat into his chest. Azriel cautiously moved his arm across your waist, only to have you catch hold of his hand and move it across faster, forgetting to release his hand again. 
Azriel nestled his chin on top of your head, pulling you in as close as he could as you both tangled your legs together. He felt so entirely comforted by how close you were to him…too close he thought suddenly. He shuffled in the bed a little to try to hide the part of him betraying any sense of secrecy he had about his changing feelings towards you. You just moved back to where you were, leaving him no place to hide. Azriel felt your whole body smirk against him as you traced little circles along the back of his hand with your thumb, he hated how you were winning. 
“You’re not hard for me to read Azriel” he definitely heard the smirk from you. He refused to let you win, he tried to push the embarrassment from his voice before speaking again-
“Well I hardly think that's surprising, I already told you what I think needs to happen for you to relax” he barely whispered, your body's turn to stiffen in the bed alongside him, he smiled with the point he won. 
Azriel slowly moved to hover his mouth above your neck, both so still in the movement that he could almost see the hairs on your neck stand on their end. He gave little thought to his next movement, now acting on his instinct as he met your neck almost painfully softly. He kissed you there until you found your neck flexing to allow him more access. A betraying soft moan of approval escaped you as Azriel smiled into the nips he gave you, gaining a further point advantage. 
You couldn’t let him hold the win for long as you began to push yourself into his growing length, a low growl escaping him before he reburied himself in your neck, more feverishly this time. Your hand wrapped tighter around his as you began to grind into him, encouraging him further. You rolled onto your back, Azriel now almost hovering over you and moved without thinking. He leaned down and met his lips with yours. Electric, you were electrifying one another. This night was going further than you both thought it would. Sex was one thing but kissing someone like that and feeling such overwhelming desire as a result was another thing. You both separated almost surprised at the waves of confusion mixed with yearning. 
“I-I didn’t mean to… I shouldn’t have…” Azriel didn’t know what he was saying, almost begging you with his eyes to say anything. 
“I-” you were cut off by the sound of Lucien's loud sneeze from across the fire pit causing you both to almost jump. It hit you both then what you were about to do, with all your friends mere metres away. 
“Night Azriel” was all you found yourself saying before rolling back to face the wall of the tent, not taking his arm with you. Azriel cursed in his head before lying back down on the canvas. He didn’t sleep for the rest of the night, the thought of what could have been controlling his thoughts. He didn’t think you were asleep either but didn’t challenge you on it, what had you both done?
You rolled over to find the space next to you empty as the sun leaked in the thin canvas the next morning. You ran your hands down your face, cursing your actions from the night previous. You got dressed haphazardly, removing a mirror from your pack to braid your hair back, your eyes falling on deep maroon markings on the side of your neck. You traced them gently with your fingertips, a small smile escaping you at the memory. 
“YN! Get up! We’re leaving in 10” Cassian's voice accompanied him banging on the top of your tent, chasing your smile away. You ran your hands through the loose braid, separating it out again to cover the evidence of your lapse in judgment. 
You hauled yourself out through the soft door once you were dressed to find your friends all laughing at one of Cassian's stories, ready and waiting for you to set off. Your eyes landed on Azriel as he tilted his head back laughing before his eyes met yours, he almost instantly tore them from you and looked back to Cassian. 
The group set off bounding along the mountain in total ease, Nesta winding Rhysand up ahead of you and Cassian. 
“So YN…you gonna tell me why Az won’t look at you?” 
“How am I supposed to read that pain in the ass’s mind?” you replied almost too quickly to him as he raised an eyebrow, catching your hand and helping you up a steeper part of the path. You looked at the back of Azriel’s head ahead of you as he lead the group along the path to the waterfall. 
“Hmm likely story YN and tell me why I could have sworn I heard Az leave your tent this morning?” he couldn’t bury the teasing tone as you sighed. 
“Lucien was snoring so Azriel just stayed in my tent, no big deal” You could see the thoughts race through Cassian’s grinning face, you tilted your head slightly forward, ensuring the truth was still covered by your hair. 
“Interesting, I don’t know Lucien to be a snorer” He gave a small laugh as you raised your eyebrow, only getting a playful shake of the Illyrian's head in return. A sudden slap of mud met the side of Cassian's face. 
“That’s for Rita’s!“ Azriel shouted back the path, his hand having just released the ball of mud. 
“You told him YN!” Cassian’s head snapped to you as you howled with laughter.
“Must have slipped out?” you tried your best to lie, only to have the broad male throw you over his shoulder as you screamed in hysterics. He ran with you, the group all roaring laughing as they followed. You suddenly couldn’t feel Cassian under you as he flung you from his arms, landing with a splash into the large lake. 
“Cassian! I’m going to kill you!” you shrieked, the cold water bursting through you sending power coursing. You sent a tendril of water, playfully pulling Cassian from where he stood straight into the water alongside you, the group following suit in fits of laughter, leaving Azriel to watch from the rocks. Azriels eye caught the slight glimpse of his handiwork beneath your soaked hair, a pang of pride beating through him then replaced by panic. A shadow met the side of your face, draping your hair back to cover the markings. You looked towards Azriel and found yourself laughing at the action, he returned a smile. 
After a day of hiking and swimming and being a bunch of fools, you all came back to the campsite ready to feast on whatever you could scrounge up. 
“Okay everyone, it’s time to announce the reason behind this little trip” Rhysand announced to his family gathered around the roaring fire. 
“Well, as you know, YN has been with us now for some months now-”
“Unfortunately” you hit Azriel into the chest at his sarcasm.
“Anyways-” Rhysand threw a warning glance “-YN has helped to negotiate many our trade agreements and cleaned up many of our messes-” Cassian raised a glass to you at Rhysands words, the group laughing “-But anyway, I’m sorry to announce that I have failed as your High Lord in convincing her to stay with us” the group turned to face you in almost shock. 
“I know everyone I said-”
“-You said you wouldn’t leave” Azriel cut across you, semblances of pain dripping from his quick words. 
“I know Az but-”
“-No, you said you wouldn’t leave” his words turned to tones of anger, the group looking amongst themselves, feeling as though they were intruding. 
“Yes but Az, I’m needed at home, they’re still recovering from Amarantha and Tarquin needs m-”
“-But I- I mean we need you!” He stood from the log to look down at you, your sad eyes meeting his. Suddenly aware of the scene he was making he dissolved into shadow as you tried to call after him. 
“I better go-”
“No Cass, I'll go” you winnowed out of the clearing. 
Azriel crashed into his room in the House of Wind. Mixtures of emotions spinning in his head like the shadows around his heels. 
“Az” he whipped around to see you stood with your hands up chest level in surrender. 
“Here to pack your bags?” he chewed out. 
“Oh fuck off Azriel, don’t actually pretend you want me to stay” you matched his tone. 
“And why do you say that?” he snapped back.
“Because you’re the reason I’m leaving!” he took a small step back in shock at your sharp admission. He sat down on the edge of his bed, brow furrowing in thought. 
“What have I done to you?”
“What haven’t you done!? You go out of your way to make my job difficult, every motion I put forward you try to shoot down, you’re constantly following me watching every move I make waiting me to fuck up! Now you have what you want, I’m leaving!” you paced up and down in front of him, releasing the tension you held in your shoulders. 
“I don’t want you to leave” he sounded almost offended that you thought so. 
“You really think I want you to leave…especially after last night” he stood from the bed, stepping in front of you to stop your pacing.
“I thought that especially after last night you’d want me to leave” You half laughed.
“At least I guess I’ve given you something to remind you of me” he gave the smallest smile, his hand sweeping your hair off your shoulder to look at his busy work as you felt yourself blush.
“Don’t leave YN, who would I play with?”
“Cass maybe” you grinned, something seemingly darkening in his eyes. 
“I don’t want to fuck him” he breathed out.
“That’s not what Rhys told me” You laughed again before noticing his serious eyes. 
“Please don’t leave me YN”
“And what will I tell Tarquin?” you chuckled, unsure what to do with Azriels edgy tone. His hand found yours, hazel eyes fixated on you.
"Tell him you're preoccupied" "With what exactly" he moved closer to you with your words ever so slightly rattling out of you.
“Az if we kiss…this might become more than what either of us wants”
"What if its what we both want?" he was mere millimetres from you now, unable to fight against this magnetic force pulling you forward. Something bubbling between you both, the electricity coursing through the space between you both again as you kissed so sweetly. Your eyes snapped open to find his eyes meeting yours, gently pulling back from one another. Mate. Mate. Mate.
“YN- you’re my-”
“-Mate” you breathed while looking at him with such unadulterated love. Azriel burst into laughter with you following suit.
“Now you really can’t leave me”
“How convenient” you smiled, running your hands through your hair, Azriel tracing the bitemark's outline with his heated gaze.
“Care for some stress relief YN?” Azriels hands went straight for your hips, the feeling of the small calluses meeting your soft sides sent pulses down you both. He met your neck, the same place he had last night, cupping his hands beneath your lower legs and lifting you from the ground, your legs wrapped around his waist
“Why can't I keep away from you?” You breathed, the hairs on Azriel’s neck standing on their end.
“Why does that make me so happy?” Was all he could manage before reconnecting to your neck. Azriel carried you to the bed before throwing you down and closely following in pursuit. You knotted your fingers through his hair and forced down the moan trying to escape at the pleasure of having him nip you. You tugged his hair until he pulled from you to face you.
“I want all of you”
Azriel cautiously lowered his mouth to yours until they met again. Much like the first time electricity coursed through both of you but unlike the last time, neither pulled away, only growing hungrier.
You could feel him hardening against your thigh, no longer able to fight the little victory you were going to give him, you moaned gently. He smirked hard into the kiss before it became more feverish. Your hand ran across him beneath the fabric of his trousers, his turn to groan.
“You're wearing too many clothes” he rasped as you smirked and pulled your shirt from over your head, he gently caught your jaw as he kissed along it. 
“I want revenge for these” you smirked, wrapping your leg into his side to flip him so you straddled him on top. Your teeth grazed his neck with heat as he sat up in the bed with you on his lap. He pulled his shirt from over his head, his hands replacing on your hips to support you, his groaning encouraging you on.
“Enough teasing YN, I need you” he said darkly, flipping you onto your back and yanking your trousers free from your legs to discard them. Azriel kissed you sweetly before moving down the shape of your body, peppering kisses along the trail to your entrance. You felt your legs begin to tremble under his touch, begging for more as his fingers began to play with your clit, your hands tangling in his hair with a moan. 
“You’re so ready for me YN, its intoxicating” he began to kiss around you and slowly his fingers began to move in and out while he sucked your clit. You felt the tension build in your abdomen, the greatest realess you ever had just a few movements away until he stopped entirely. You looked down between your legs to meet his eyes as he moved to hover above you again, discarding his own trousers in the process. 
“You’re so beautiful YNN” Your hand met the side of his face softly before pulling him back down into a searing kiss. Your fingers began to drag up and down his bear back before tracing the spines of his wings as they began to splay in their relaxed state. 
“Is that okay Azriel?” you whispered watching his eyes close with the building pleasure. 
“Nothing has ever been more okay” he leaned his head towards your hand, taking the waves of pleasure in his stride before lowering back down to meet you sweetly. 
Azriel slowly then began to enter you, you both almost meeting your release at the feeling. He slowly began to drag in and out as the sensation grew with its addictive nature, he increased his speed, spurred on by your hitching breath. The pressure growing and growing and growing, your fingers digging into his shoulders as your back arched until the band snapped sending you into overdrive as every nerve in your body stood to attention and then exploded. You practically screamed his name sending him over the edge, returning the sentiment by moaning your name, collapsing next to you while riding out his high. 
“I had no idea how much I needed to hear you say my name like that YN” Azriel finally found some composure to rasp out, his arm wrapping around you, pulling you in. You tried not to cringe in embarrassment as you buried a laugh into his chest. 
“Don’t go shy on me now” he laughed, kissing the top of your head. You rolled onto your elbows to look into his eyes as they lit up for you. You hauled the duvet up around you, leaving a small corner for Azriel to tug at.
“Why must I be mated to a blanket thief?”
“Why must I be mated to a pain in the ass?”
Whatcha think friends!
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flamingpudding · 3 days
I now have ideas for Klarion is like Robin au
Batman was caught trying to make a contingency plan for Vlad after Tim said that he was like Ra al Ghul
Something happened were Dr. Fate need the help of Vlad and Klarion but all of them right now are and they're civilian identities so they can't help all but one
Cowboy Lassie
So Vlad takes the JLD puts Red Robin he's there to help cuz they need to get Nanda Parbat
Where are the Justice Dark League get to see Lassie in her cowgirl attire I'm talking standard western shirts boots jeans cowboy hat sunglasses I'm talking country
Along with the large horse made out of Lazarus pit be the biggest hater ever to her father as she literally explains that she hates him so much that she started a cult just to hate him
Vlad was just begging for her to help the only reason she does is cuz he brought up her ma
Dan was too busy to help because of the fact he's the head of the theater committee and had about it Danny has incredibly important meeting that he couldn't leave no matter what
And the rest of his kids definitely not going to help him
I should start feeling sorry for Vlad but this AU is just to funny to do so...
Good I love your ideas!
Also sorry if this is not up to how I usually write, I am kind of stuck in a bit of a writers block again thanks to my work....
Anyway! Here we go!
Red Robin, aka Tim, wasn't entirely sure how to go about this at first. Dr Fate had come by saying something about a threat for which they needed the help of 'Chaos' for a change and ranting about how 'Balance' was ignoring him currently because of something that apparently had happened a little while after their last encounter. Now normally this probably wouldn't be to much of a hurdle, if he hadn't tried to be a bit of a smart ass.
Because when he had heard about it Tim in the disguise of paying Dukes school a visit hat looked for Dan Master-Nightingale. Because obviously that was Klarion or rather the current Klarion and the 'Chaos' that could help them out, right? Yeah right...
Before Tim could even approach the other boy the teen had turned around sharply and glared with red eyes at him like he had personally offended him. Which he didn't by the way. Tim was pretty sure he hadn't insulted Klarion errr Dan recently.
"Screw off I got something to do here if we want the next school festival to be a hit. Tell you precious 'Order' to F off unless he apologises to Mom."
That had thrown Tim off a while lot. Because one, that meant Klarion knew who he was behind the Mask too and two, that brat was not going to be helpful or civil with him even out of masks. Not like any of the Klarions every had been but the current one definitely was the rudest among them. But that also meant no help from this agent of 'Chaos'.
Of course Tim wasn't one of the bats and birds for nothing. Bruce had contingency plans for Vlad since he had mentioned his suspicion of the man being like Ra's, so Tim when with the next possible option. If Dr. Fate meant with 'Balance' the Ghost King then they had a way of contacting them. Well not directly them but a contact that could, so he grabbed one of the plans, or part of it at least, and paid a certain millionaire a visit, as Red Robin of course.
It had taken a bit of back and forth, slight arguing in which the man was apparently very insistent in pointing out the time. Which fair it was close to midnight but it was important! In the end Tim had gotten the man to agree to lend them some help but after a phone call that apparently ended with the one on the other side hanging up on Masters themselves the man gave him a peeved look.
"We will have to change plans. Little Badger is not available at the moment and the other kids won't take my calls."
Tim didn't like the sound of that, not because of what Masters sort said about changing plans but the way he used the term 'Little Badger'. For now he would file that back into the back of his mind as his attention went to a map Masters pulled out and spread across his table. The man pointed at a specific place and Tim wanted to face palm. Because of course that man had more connection than just that questionable one between him, the Ghost King and the Klarions.
Masters was pointing at Nanda Parbat.
Good Bruce was going to love this. NOT.
So here he was now Red Robin, dragging a civilian Millionaire and a couple of the Justice League Dark members through the halls of Nanda Parbat as the man directed him where to go while dodging Assassins. For a brief moment he wondered why he hadn't dragged one of his siblings along before he remembered that at least two of them would be grating his nerves even thinner and Batman was busy helping the rest of the JLD containing whatever threat Dr. Fate found until he got the additional help.
A part of him was cursing as he dragged Masters by the cuff of his suit, (who the hell wears a suit when going into an Assassin cult base?!?!), to pull him out of harms way of another trained killer ready to strike the man down. Funnily enough these people all ignored Red Robins presence, like their leader didn't have a sick obsession with him and focused their strikes solely on Masters. That was good and bad, mostly bad but surprisingly the man was somewhat nimble for a civilian. Or there was even more to Masters than they were aware of which Tim also filed way into the back of his mind.
In the end after more or less fighting through half the hide out Masters lead him to a room, that oh great wonder who had thought it, contain the good damn Lazarus Pits! Red Robin wanted to hit that millionaire right now. He wasn't sure how the others present were taking this but he slowly was having enough of that Man.
Red Robin was really contemplating making good on his impulsive thought as a girl in full on cowboy style rose from the Pit waters.
They all, but Masters, blinked at her sudden and dramatic appearance. Masters took a step forward apparently wanting to speak to the girl and Tim only half heartedly because of his sense as hero tried to stop the man.
"Are you done with your cult nonsense, dear little Lassie?"
Red Robin in that moment felt a shiver go down his back when he saw the glare the girl directed at Vlad Masters as well as the room becoming several degrees colder. Mentally, this too, Tim filed back for later.
"No." Red Robin blinked under his mask as the girl snapped with her fingers and the Pit waters around her swirled a green horse appearing out of no where matching her style and he gaped even more the girl unapologetically pointed at Masers who apparently for once got a hint about dodging and ran away as the horse began chasing him.
A part of Red Robin felt like he had to do something to stop this and he caught one of the JLD members with them attempting to step in but the horse completely ignored them. The girl catching his look only waved them off dismissively. "Don't bother. Let Larus have some fun with him, before I sent the entire League after him again for stepping into my turf."
"Isn't Ra's Al Ghul...." He trailed off a little unsure how to proceed here.
"Oh he is sort of the Leader of my merry band of followers of hatred." Red Robin was about to speak again but didn't get a chance as the girl started to ramble on about the logistics of hating someone so much that you raise a cult just for that and the cult just so happens to still have a goal of its own but also are brainwashed to attack on side whenever Vlad Master is involved.
No Red Robin wasn't getting worried. Some of these statements definitely weren't worrying. That the League of Assassins originally was cult to hate just one man in particular was not a shocking revelation. Nor that the Lazarus Pits apparently were alive and also had a hate for Masters. Nor that this girl, Lassie apparently also was a daughter of the Ghost King. And it was definitely not worrying that she apologised for what her cult had done to her family and asked that maybe his older brother should see Vlad Master anytime soon.
Okay everything about that was worrying.
But for now they needed help with a bigger problem. But Red Robin did make a note of breaking back in into Nanda Parbat to have a enlightening talk with Lassie at a later time.
Thankfully after having listened to her rand and mentioning the Ghost King to the girl she did agree to help them. So original goal reached... but several new questions acquired...
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justasmut26 · 1 day
My dangerous man
The most dangerous man you have ever dated...was currently trying to get your attention from your book.
You looked up from your page, surprised that he had come home early from patrol, his suit torn and raggedy.
Small cuts appeared on his body, but you knew not to worry over those; it was the big wounds that he tried to hide from you that made you panic.
"You're back early! Did...something happen?" you ask, a strange, dazed look on his face as he stepped on through the window.
He didn't answer, chucking his helmet in the corner of your room, stepping closer with an intense look on his face, his eyes gazing into you as if you were the only thing in the world.
And then you saw the hunger in his gaze, as he took in your pajamas (cotton shorts and one of his long t-shirts that you'd stolen from him), his gaze lingering on your legs for too long.
"H-how did the mission go? Who was it that you were after again?" you asked, trying to break the tension.
"Poison Ivy." Jason expressed, and for a moment, your heart stopped.
You now had a hunch on why he was acting the way he was, wanting to test the theory but also a bit skittish on his behavior.
You remember a conversation of long ago that you had with Jason, how Poison Ivy had gotten even more annoying ever since she had developed aphrodisiac spores. She'd use it sparingly, but when she did, Jason admitted to you that it took him hours of jerking off before it was out of his system.
And this is the first time it had happened since you two started dating.
"Jason." you say, holding up your hands out to him in case he got too close. "I-I know what happened to you, and I can leave if you want to-"
He had you cornered then, putting his hands on either side of you as he leaned into you, trapping you against the wall.
"Why would I want you to leave? Especially when you look so good", he inhaled then, "And smell so good?"
At this point, you're trembling a little, and he's gotten so close, you can smell the leather and the faint smell of rain coming off of him.
This was new territory for you, mostly because out of the three brothers, Jason had managed to find self-control, treating you with respect, and always careful when he made love to you.
But now, he looked at you as if he was starved, and his muscles flexed, as if he was trying to keep himself under control, and not scare you away.
And in a way, it was hot. Jason who was level-headed. and always looked at you with adoration and love was now looking at you like as if he had a million things he wanted to do to you.
So maybe this gives you the confidence to push his buttons a little. You reach out and trace the side of his jaw, his eyes closing as he shudders. As he does so, all you can think about is how long Jason had to jerk himself off to get the aphrodisiac spores from his system, and you're wondering if it'll take that long for him to get better if he uses you instead.
"Y/N," he struggles out, keeping his body locked as his eyes stay closed. "If this is too much, tell me and I'll leave."
"Where will you go, this is your apartment?"
"To the Manor or something." he says, leaning over so his nose is now grazing your shoulder.
"Does...does it hurt?" you ask instead, and he shakes his head.
"The spores effect the excitatory neurotransmitters* to shoot off more excitement to the neurons which causes arousal to happen." he breathes, and for some reason, you find that very hot.
Just how brainy he is, and the way he's struggling to keep himself in check.
"Wow, you said a lot of words." you tease, brushing your lips against his jaw.
He lets out a sound, and it's one you've never heard of before.
You made Jason Peter Todd whimper.
That unlocks something in you, because all of a sudden, you're helping him take off his suit, tracing his chest with your hands as your lips kiss his neck, and he's so caught off guard that he's frozen at first before he starts helping you help him get undressed.
When you're reaching for his pants, Jason snaps out of it then, pulling you up and plopping you down on the bed. Your shorts are gone, underwear flying next, and you're both surprised and impressed how quick he works.
"I need you to be ready." he murmurs, as he leans down, spreading your thighs open, and his tongue grazing your clit.
It's not something you're expecting, and a soft gasp of surprise escapes you, but Jason tightens his hold on your thighs his mouth going to work as he licks and sucks your pussy, his fingers going in and out of you.
In no time, he has you moaning, and laying back on the bed as your hips arch up to him but his hold is so firm, you couldn't really move even if you wanted to, your legs resting over his shoulders.
When you orgasm, it's so intense, your body arches off the bed, but he doesn't stop there, licking you clean, and then pulling off your shirt and pushing your bra to the side as his fingers rub your peaked nipples, making the stimulation build up again.
"W-wait-" you try to stutter out, so sensitive from your first orgasm.
But Jason doesn't hear, going back to town, this time rubbing and touching your breasts, and licking and sucking on your clit making you cum again.
You're lying there then, feeling dazed from the first two orgasms he's given you, when he stands up, dropping his pants, and you see his erection basically getting ready to burst free from his boxers.
"Let me know if it's too rough." he says, and you nod, as he fists his cock a little, a soft groan escaping him.
He puts a condom on, and then with slowed urgency, goes through your cunt, shuddering a bit as he feels you adjust.
And then...he begins to thrust.
Slow, because he's appreciating the view, rubbing and pinching your breasts and nipples, and when that's not enough for him, leaning down and his mouth suckling on your nipples, making you let out a moan.
That's when Jason breaks, starting to increase in thrusting, holding your hips in place as he keeps going, making you buck and moan, and groan, your hands trying to reach for him and hold on to him, but he's not having it, pinning your wrists down as he goes the same pace but rougher, biting the top of your breast causing you to moan even louder.
"Come on baby, give me a little more, just a little more." he whispers, as he grunts, and continues on thrusting into you, the pleasure building up as you finally break when his fingers rub your clit oh so slowly.
This time, your vision is a bit spotty, and you're trying to catch your breath when you realize that Jason has only pulled out long enough to change his condom, and change your position, making you lay on your stomach.
"Jay, I-" you start to say, but he's already in you, doing it doggy style, as he guides your hips with his large hands, slamming down on him, his cock going deeper in you than before.
You don't even bother hiding the noises, feeling him lean over as he cups your breasts, rubbing and touch, and pinching your nipples.
You finally cum when he spanks your ass, him following suit after, and you wonder how long it'll be before the spores have left his system.
2 hours. It took two hours of pleasuring, of sexing, of so much damn orgasm after orgasm before Jason finally tapped out, leaving you ruined. He threw away the used condoms, careful to clean you as he tried not to fall asleep instantly from the euphoria he had of having sex with you.
Meanwhile, you lie there limp, trying to gather your bearings because he did indeed fuck the shit out of you. He wipes you off, and down, pulling you close as he cuddles you, kissing your face gently.
"H...holy shit..." you rasp, voice overused from crying out his name.
"I'm sorry." Jason says, and you wave off his apology, too exhausted to really say anything.
You both lie together as sleep takes over.
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000-pawz · 2 days
tied to you (bnd legal line) ˚ · .
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bnd as submissives , bnd x fem!reader , nsfw (mdni!!!), headcanons/ramble
warnings: dom/sub dynamics, restraints, collars, some degradation, slight masochism (nothing too crazy), hand stuff, oral (giving and receiving)
a/n: i think this is my first official nsfw post omg <3 this was supposed to just be a small ask answer but i think i indulged a litttllleee too much >3< also, a lot of this was influenced by their charts (once again) so yeah! thank u for ur request anon :0
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sungho ˚ ⋆。˚
as someone who likes to control almost every aspect of his life, it'd take a little coaxing to get sungho to submit to you. he'll only submit when he feels fully safe and thinks he can be completely vulnerable around you and sungho is most likely to submit when he's really stressed out or tense. he can get really self-conscious about relinquishing control, so he might come to you casually and try to subtly hint that he wants you to dom him. it might be when you're laying in bed scrolling as he gets home, and he just drops everything at the door and curls up to you. he melts when you stroke his hair, and you'll notice him getting riled up, nuzzling into your neck like a kitten. <3
when sungho submits, the only thing on his mind is pleasing you. i think he's more of a service top and his only goal would be to cater to your needs. he'll eat you out for as long as you'd like, trying his best not to cum in his pants because you told him not to! he likes it when you ride him, using his body as a toy for yourself, and all he can do is let you take whatever you want from him <3
sungho would like to submit to you nonsexually as well. he feels most at ease when he feels as if you are at ease, so he will be at your every beck and call. if you are hungry, he's going straight to the kitchen to make you something. he'll wash all of the dishes, do all of the laundry, and rub your back and feet if you've had a long day. he'll like it when he's able to take control outside of the house, but as soon as you guys get home, everything goes by your word.
sungho is incredibly sensitive! he loves when you worship his body, placing little kisses on his stomach, complimenting all of his hard work in the gym. he could cum untouched by you simply running your fingers over his pecs and thighs. he's a huge lover of foreplay too. when you're kissing up and down his neck, touching him everywhere except the place he needs you most <3 he'll try his best to keep his hands to himself if you tell him to, but sometimes he just can't resist. when he doesn't listen, he likes it when you push him into the bed, holding his hands above his head. he knows that he's stronger than you and can take back control if he wants to, but something about that turns him on even more.
his favorite names to be called in bed are kitty, doll, and pretty. if you whisper, "look at you, doll. you're so pretty like this. just a bit longer and i'll let you cum, okay?", he'll be sinking deep into subspace, just wanting to please you and make you happy.
he can get pretty shy when it comes to making noise in bed, so i see him biting his lip and covering his mouth a lot to stay quiet, turning his head to hide his face and stuff <3 he starts to get loud when he's close to cumming, muttering out "please please please" as he grips the sheets, his body racking with shivers.
for aftercare, he'd like bathing together with you as the big spoon, helping him wash up. he might even fall asleep as you massage shampoo into his hair, leaning in to press tiny kisses to his cheek and the back of his neck. he needs lots of reassurance as well. tell him that he did so good for you, that he made you feel good, and that you love him. he needs to hear it or else he might get really insecure and start to overthink. when it's time for bed, let him be the big spoon so he can burrow himself in the back of your neck and hold you close to him <3
˚ ⋆。˚ riwoo
i see riwoo as a natural submissive. he loves you so deeply and he's willing to do anything you ask of him. riwoo definitely slips into subspace the fastest and deepest. you guys could be watching a movie when you start to rub him through his pants nonchalantly. he'll look at you with wide eyes and you'll just say, "keep watching the movie." he'll try so hard not to buck up into your hand or make any noises, but he ultimately fails because you always make him feel so good. he can't help it </3
he would get so embarrassed when you tease him in public, muttering "we shouldn't do this here" when you pull him into a bathroom to quickly suck him off because he looks so good in that outfit. in less than a few seconds of being inside of your mouth though, he's a whining mess, head tipping back against the wall, biting his fingers to keep quiet <3
riwoo likes when things are really intimate and really personal. he'd enjoy it when you hold him from behind, speaking directly into his ear as you stroke his cock. his head will be buried in your neck, soft whimpers leaving his mouth <3 he won't know what to do with his hands, so they'll be on your thigh, fisting the sheets, resting on his stomach, holding your arm... anywhere they can reach! he gets really squirmy too, so you'll have to hold him still sometimes.
he has a hard time asking for what he wants, but you know him well enough to read when he needs to be taken care of. you notice when he starts to get a little more clingy, following you around the house, kissing your neck and shoulders when your back is turned to him. if you're sitting on his lap, he'll start to subtly grind up into you, wrapping his arms around your middle, asking quietly for you to help him.
riwoo would love to be called angel and baby boy. sue me, but he definitely has a slight (not-so-slight) mommy kink, even if his partner isn't older than him. he likes nurturing partners who can take care of him, so when you say "shh, i've got you, angel. my pretty baby boy, doing so well for me", he's a goner. as i said, he slips really deep into subspace and he may just stop talking, communicating only with single words and noises. you'll need to find other ways to go about safe words like him tapping you a certain amount of times because he'll be too floaty to respond verbally.
the quickest way to turn him on would be soft kisses to his neck and ears! he gets that fluttery feeling and becomes needy quick. he's into overstimulation where you try to coax him past his limits, telling him that he can cum again, even if he tries to deny it (and he does always end up cumming again). he also has an oral fixation, so he likes when you stuff your fingers in his mouth when he's fucking you, or sucking on your boobs when cuddling. he might mouth at your skin a lot and get drool everywhere too <3
when it comes to aftercare, the first thing he needs is cuddles. he feels most safe when wrapped up in your arms, surrounded by you. he'll doze off as you whisper praise and reassurance. with a little insistence, he'll finally get up to shower with you, his body still glued tightly to your skin. (he might even get hard again just from the gentle way you wash him off <3). as soon as his head hits the pillow, he's sleeping soundly, knowing that you're always there to take care of him. <3
jaehyun ˚ ⋆。˚
jaehyun #1 puppy sub. he's extremely devoted to you, straightforward, and never afraid to ask for what he wants. even though he can unintentionally get pretty whiny and bratty, it's easy to put him in his place! he hates it when his dom is upset at him, and he hates punishments even more, so he listens to whatever you say really well <3
in a way, he's kind of always on go-mode. he loves it when you suddenly push him up against a wall to kiss him, your hand traveling down to palm at his cock <3 if you decide that you want to fuck against the kitchen counter, he's ready, putting down his cup of coffee in an instant to please you. he loves quickies before he has to go to work in the morning, spooning you from behind as he kisses and laps at your neck, moaning against your skin. his sex drive is pretty high, so he needs a dom that can match that.
jaehyun is really attracted to people with an authoritative aura. someone who can order him around without a second thought and who he can fully submit to. he's always willing to please and simply needs to feel safe and taken care of in return. he likes to sit at your feet while you play with his hair mindlessly, nuzzle into your belly, and cuddle you face to face so he can kiss you whenever he wants. he might even wear a collar with "property of ____" on it around the house <3 loves when you tug him by his leash to eat you out or pull him in for a kiss!
jaehyun likes slight degradation too! he gets so turned on when you call him a dumb puppy, telling him that he doesn't know how to use his cock right, and he'll be jumping up to prove you wrong because he just wants to be good for his owner. he can get pretty defiant when you're a little too mean to him, though. if you won't let him cum while he's eating you out, he'll rut against the bed and end up cumming in his pants like the needy puppy he is. or if you won't kiss him in public, telling him he needs to wait until you guys get home, he gets so pouty!
he can get pretty loud in bed. sometimes he doesn't even realize how loud he's being because he just feels too good! he'll be rutting into you, whining about how good your pussy feels, asking if he's doing good, begging for more and more. he might even start crying when he gets so overwhelmed, dropping his head onto your shoulder, his thrusts messy and uncoordinated <3 poor puppy can't control himself!
he also has a habit of biting when he feels too good!!! he'll bite your shoulder and accidentally leave teeth marks, nip at the inside of your thighs, and bite your lower lip when making out. the best way to prevent a biting jaehyun is to stuff something in his mouth like a pillow or your panties to keep him at bay <3 he'll whine and complain, but he'll quickly stop when you give him that look that always makes him behave.
aftercare with jaehyun is full of kissing, snuggling, and giggles. he'll want to just lay in your arms, slowly making out as his hands travel all over your body with loving touches. he's not trying to get you riled up again! he's just very touchy and needs that skin-to-skin contact afterward. he'd want to bathe together so he can play with the bubbles and hold you against him before heading straight to bed with your head resting on his chest <3
˚ ⋆。˚ taesan
taesan submitting will take some time. he won't easily share his deeper, more vulnerable desires unless he fully trusts someone. but when he does, all focus is on him <3 all he wants is to be the center of attention, and he likes for things to go his way, whether he's domming or subbing!
when taesan submits, he's usually in need of some confidence and care. he wants to be all yours, and he wants to be the best. he will eat you out until his jaw hurts and his face is covered in your slick, panting for air with a smile on his face as you tell him he's doing amazing. he likes when you tangle your hands in his hair to push him further into your cunt, basically riding his face and using his tongue for your own pleasure. nothing gets him off more than the thought of you using him out of everyone else in the world <3
the fastest way to turn him on is to kiss and suck at his neck while your fingers play with the hair at his nape. anything to do with his neck, and he's on his knees for you, literally. he's also really sensitive around his chest! you can probably make him cum by just playing with his nipples and pecs, squeezing and pinching them as he ruts up into the air, whining and moaning for more. <3 he likes it when you tie him up too, whether it be with rope or silk. anything that leaves a temporary mark afterward!
taesan can get upset when you're not paying him a lot of attention. if you're busy doing work on your computer, he will drop down to his knees and rest his head on your thigh, pawing at your leg for attention with the biggest pout on his face. he could be fucking into you and you'll close your eyes for a few seconds before he starts whining, leaning down to kiss you before muttering, "please, please, watch me. am i making you feel good? yeah?"
he's definitely into praise more than degradation, but he wouldn't mind being called a slut and a whore; as long as he's your slut and your whore <3 you'll have him pushed up against the wall of the shower, pumping his cock as he whines into your ear for you to go faster. "faster? you're such a greedy slut, aren't you?" and he'll nod feverishly, his wet hair falling into his eyes as he bites his lip, fucking up into your fist.
taesan loves provoking you and talks back a lot. you could be at a restaurant with friends and you'll feel his hand trail under your skirt, his fingers rubbing against your panties as you try to have a conversation with someone across from you. you'll tightly grab his wrist to stop him, and as soon as the conversation ends, you'll whisper, "what the fuck do you think you're doing?". he'll just give you a teasing smile, cock his head to the side, and say "hm? i'm not doing anything, baby." he'll be all giddy on the inside when he sees how angry you get, knowing that he'll be punished as soon as you guys get home.
for aftercare, taesan wants to be doted on. he wants you to brush the hair out of his eyes and pepper his face with kisses! he's the softest when he's like this, so you indulge as much as you can. he'll probably get really sleep really fast, so he'll fuss when you say you have to shower. he presses lazy kisses to your shoulder with his arms around your middle as you wash him up, mumbling about how you "sucked the life out of him" and you can't help but laugh at his dramatics. in bed, he'll relax once you're fully situated in his arms, massaging his scalp until he falls asleep. <3
leehan ˚ ⋆。˚
leehan usually likes to be in control in my opinion, but when he is really in love with someone, he can be the biggest giver sub ever. and by "giver" in this context, he is literally giving himself to you. his main goal is to keep you happy and he'll have a one-track mind of his dom and only his dom. he'll let you pick out his outfits, what hairstyle he'll wear for the day, and where you guys are going for a date; everything will be up to you.
he's the type to say yes to everything. if you tell him you want to ride his face, he's already taking his shirt off and laying down, making grabby hands toward you. if you suddenly push him into a chair to suck his cock, he's folding his hands behind his back and letting you do whatever you want to him. what you say goes, always, and he rarely ever talks back.
leehan likes things to be a little more on the rough side, he would probably try to seduce you/rile you up to get you to snap on him. if you're scrolling on your phone in bed and he gets needy, he'll move down to trail open-mouth kisses up your exposed leg until you roughly grab his hair and tug him up to meet your eyes. he'll have the biggest (cutest) smile on his face as you push him onto his back before straddling him, wrapping your hand around his throat as you lean down to kiss him and give him what he truly wants <3
i see him as the type to want to take a lot of pictures of your intimate moments (for his and your eyes only). he'll like pictures of your hand around his neck, him on his knees at your feet, your hand gripping his jaw as you kiss him, and stuff like that <3 he'll have a private folder of them all to look through when he misses you. and please mark him up! he likes when you give him marks in places only he sees, like his hips, his thighs, or his chest. he thinks they're so pretty and he gets sad when they start to fade, so he'll shyly ask you for new ones!
leehan loves orgasm denial. you'll have him on his back with his hands above his head, tied to the headboard as you jerk him off. when you notice that his breathing is starting to pick up, you quickly pull your hand away, watching as he ruts into the air, his cock red and dripping precum. he'll whine quietly, giving you puppy dog eyes as your fingers trail down his thigh. "can i cum, please? i—i can't..." he'll trail off, throwing his head back when you grab ahold of his dick again. "you can take a little more, can't you?" and he'll nod pathetically, unshed tears brimming in his eyes.
aftercare with leehan would be pretty relaxing. a quiet bath together with the lights dimmed low and soft music playing as you clean him up, your back to his chest. he'll want to help wash you off too, his movements extremely gentle and intentional. when he pouts his lips for a kiss, you can't help but to give in, immediately taking the lead as you drag your tongue over his bottom lip. he softly moans into your mouth, holding you closer to him, just needing to know that you're real and there. in bed is when he quietly asks if he did okay, and you're quick to reassure him that he was lovely <3 he always is.
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reblogs are greatly appreciated! thank u...<3
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noveauskull · 15 hours
Tysm for feeding us with ur wuwa smut fics bro <33 and btw since requests r open as u said, can u pls write the NSFW reaction of wuwa men when their fem s/o is always half-naked when their both home alone?? Lol, and if they ask why their s/o is so relaxed to just roam and walk around their private home nearly naked, s/o just shrugs her shoulders and says something like: “We’re a couple, now— are we not? I don’t see the problem here.” EHHEEHEEHHEHHEHEH >:333 (Again tysmsmmss amd have a good day/noon! 🫶)
How WUWA Men React When You Walk Around The House Half-Naked (NSFW)
characters: jiyan, mortefi, geshu lin, yuanwu, scar, aalto, calcharo x reader
warnings: suggestive behavior, teasing, not really all the way, just a short post, nsfw
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He doesn't mind when you walk around half naked, matter of fact he'd go walking around half naked with you
You just know that he's purposely trying to hug you just to feel your skin on his
Somehow the two of you would end up fucking
"Why bother wearing clothes at this point?"
Sometimes he even rubs himself on you while you're half naked, sick pervert
He encourages it a lot
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He's flustered by your confidence, but glad enough you trust him to see your body
Despite being a gentleman, he is still a man, so he'd often times stare at you while having a nice sip of tea
"Aren't you cold?" You were in fact, not cold at all. The only shivers you get is when you feel a pair of eyes on you
Suddenly he's smiling at you and offering you to help him get his glasses in the bedroom
And now he's pinning your hands to your head and kissing you
You didn't mean to be provocative, but it happened anyways
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He's panicked at first but he gets used to it later, a bit of a drama king but when you pointed out on him revealing his chest he just blushes and sighs in defeat
Definitely ogling at you, he especially loves the way he could see your boobs when you're only in your bra
At one point when he stands too close to you he's already pinning you to the wall and kissing you
"If this is your way of teasing me then it's working" He's say while blushing profusely
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He's shocked but he doesn't say anything, instead he just tries to avoid staring at you and hopes you'd out some clothes on
But you don't, you're still in your underwear and it's getting really bad for his heart to see you walking around so freely
When he feels like he wants to talk to you about it, he'll wrap his arms around your waist and make you stare into his eyes and ask you if you were interested in going to bed together to fuck
And of course you say yes, cause he's already slipping his hand down to grope your ass, leaving you no choice
Jiyan likes it when you wear less in front of him
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He starts acting like he saw you for the first time and starts flirting with you
You didn't expect him to wrap his arm around you and slip his hand into your bra though
Now he's trying to have a conversation with you while he's teasing your nipple, just so you would get wet
"Oops, almost forgot about my food in the microwave" He stands up and leaves you alone on the couch, wet and confused
But you're definitely gonna keep walking around half naked, that's for sure
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Geshu Lin:
"What do you think you are doing?"
He acts like he has a problem with it but when you remind him that its only the two of you and that he's already seen your body suddenly hes fine with it
But he will still complain about it
Eventually he gets tired of complaining and just carries you to bed, telling you that now that he's hard you have to take responsibility for it
Tsundere Geshu Lin?
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He's like a big dog, staring at his owner and wondering what to do or say
For some reason, he'd start putting blankets or towels on you
"Is this a new way to make me turned on?"
Before you know it he's fucking you with the same clothes you had on half naked
He ends up wanting you to walk around the house half naked anyways
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manikas-whims · 2 days
how Zayne from Love and Deepspace will react when he finds out you're on your period..
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You get a call from the Akso Hospital and are suddenly requested to pay a visit.
You don't understand what's happening but leave your work desk all the same.
The moment you arrive and speak to the receptionist, she informs that you have a check-up scheduled with Dr. Zayne for today.
You're slightly surprised and confused because despite being a little messy, you do keep up with your own schedule, and you clearly don't remember having any such check-ups.
Regardless, you head towards Zayne’s office.
[moments later]
You give a knock on the door to announce your arrival before walking in.
Zayne is already putting down the documents in his hands and by the time you reach his desk, he's scrutinizing you, as if searching for any signs of something off with you.
“What is it?” You ask in frustration. There's a load of mission reports waiting at your work desk that you need to finish and submit this week, and frankly you don't have much time right now.
Zayne merely raises a brow as if offended by your curt tone.
“Sit.” He commands.
You deliberately sigh loudly before taking a seat. “I don't have any check-ups today, Zayne. Why did you call me?”
“Correct me if I am wrong but it must be the second day of your menstrual cycle?” He states so calmly as if making an absurd remark about the weather.
You're quite mortified for a moment. But then mortification is replaced by annoyance. Doctor or not, your periods are your problem and Zayne isn't supposed to comment on how you deal with them.
You narrow your eyes at him. “That’s..none of your business.”
“It is since your captain called up.” Zayne supplies calmly.
“Jenna?” You're confused. Why would she?
“She informed me about your not so peaceful conversation with a guy from the Data Analysis Department.” He speaks, his lips slowly curving up into a smirk.
“Nero was the one who wouldn't shut up!” You tell him.
“And she also informed me how you choked the life out of your coffee mug using your evol. That's a misconduct if I've ever heard of it.”
Okay misusing your evol wasn't exactly right. But crumbling your mug with it did help with the stomach cramps. Even if just a teensy bit.
By this point you’re gripping the armrests of the chair a little too tightly. His knowing smirk isn't helping either. Combining all that with your mood swings enrages you even more.
But before you can lash out at him. Give him the same treatment you gave Nero and your coffee mug. Say something that you'll definitely regret later on, he leaves his chair and comes to stand right in front of you.
“Take the rest of the day off.” He says. Neither a friendly suggestion nor a doctor's advice. Just an outright order. And you don't like that.
“I can’t. I have reports to finish.”
He sighs before fishing something out from one of his desk drawers. Then, he pours a glass of water and comes back to you, offering the said glass along with a pill in his other hand.
You immediately recognize the painkiller and shake your head. “I don't take those.”
“You should.” He says emphatically, nudging the items towards you.
“Absolutely not!” You feel your voice crack a little. You have a lot of work left to do. You really need to get going.
But Zayne isn't deterred by your words. He steps even closer, and speaks in a softer tone. The same one that he uses only on rare occasions. When he's being earnest to you.
“Not taking the painkillers doesn't make you stronger than the rest of the women in the world.” He puts the glass in your hand, and offers the pill again. “You must acknowledge your pain, and work to overcome it in the most efficient ways.”
You bite your lip because he's only being reasonable. You must look like an absolute brat to him.
“Fine.” Your voice comes out a little shaky from holding back your tears as you accept the pill and swallow it.
“Good girl.” He pats your head. “Now let’s get you home.”
You agree to take the remaining day off but he doesn’t need to waste anymore time on you. He must realize that he has his own share of work to do. And you are a responsible adult. You can’t always rely on him. You can do things on your own despite the hardships.
“I can go by myself.” You mumble.
“I know. But let me help. I have the right to help you.”
“You have the right to?” Once more, annoyance begins flaring up in your head. “On what account? Being my personal physician!?”
He smiles softly. Genuinely. “On account of being your friend.”
His admission stuns you into silence and you avert your gaze.
How can he be so kind? He's being so unfair! Now you look even worse of a brat.
You feel ashamed for behaving the way you did.
“Come on.” He beckons, offering a hand.
You hesitate for a moment before putting your own palm into his bigger one.
His fingers curl around your wrist instead and he tugs you forward, helping you stand, his arm now coming to wrap around your shoulder.
“Let’s go.”
He's already directing you out of the room and locking its door when you murmur. “Zayne?”
“What is it?” He asks as he tucks away his glasses into the pocket of his coat.
“Sorry for getting mad at you.”
He scoffs. “It’s understandable in your current predicament.”
You watch him fish out his car keys and speak again. “No seriously. Thank you for everything you do. You're more than just a friend.”
He cocks his head to the side but you still catch him smiling wide this time. “The feeling is mutual.”
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Here it is! Hope y'all like it. I'm still new to writing for Love and Deepspace so bear with me 🥹
Rafayel version coming soon!
=» Love and Deepspace Masterlist «=
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staylovesmiley · 2 days
Collision— Chapter 1
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ᯓᡣ𐭩 Pairing; Stray Kids x afab!reader
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩Summary; You’ve known him for years but you never would have guessed the charming guy you’ve been online gaming with has been an idol this whole time.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩ᯓᡣ𐭩Warnings; implied afab reader (only they/them pronouns used for reader), angst, smut, mild violence, pls I haven’t written fanfics since 2018 patience and kindness is appreciated
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It was already getting late, the sun having set hours before and the soft sounds of the city’s night life stirred out his bedroom window. Felix had just returned from a long day of schedules but was finding it hard to wind down now that he was left to his own devices. He had already reached out in the group chat to see if any of the members wanted to keep him company only for them to turn him down in favor of sleep, working on things in the studio, or even extra practice time which didn’t sound appealing to the blonde at this point in time. Needing something to distract himself from his idol self, Felix sat at his desk and began firing up a familiar program.
A soft lullaby-like melody began to drift into his headphones as he adjusted them on his head, quickly logging into the popular open world game as the opening theme soothed some of the restlessness he had been feeling since returning home. At first he was just going to play solo but curiosity got the better of him and he decided to pull up his friends list just to see who out of his gaming buddies might be online. To his surprise he saw one of them, a player that went by the name Starlight, on and decided to send over the co-op request.
Just as the request went through he heard the familiar chime of a call coming through on his discord. Quickly, Felix turned on his voice distortion software and answered the call with an amused smirk pulling at his lips. “Now, what are you doing up so late Star?” He questioned, listening to their laughter ring through the line. “It may be late for you but I’m actually on my lunch break at the moment, sir.” They responded in a teasing manner. He laughed sheepishly in returned. “You caught me there- was having trouble sleeping after work so I thought I’d game for a bit.”
Star hummed in understanding. “What time is it over there, like midnight right?” “Half past eleven, but you were close.” The Aussie cringed slightly at the sound of his voice echoing slightly in his ears with the distortion. For the safety of his privacy he always made sure to use a voice changer when on calls with his online friends, and never accepted video calls despite the curiosity a lot of them had as to what he looked like behind the screen. Star was one of the only ones to never push him for any photos or a video chat. He appreciated them for respecting his boundaries, though it would have been hypocritical of them since they also refused to show themselves though to his knowledge they didn’t go as far as to distort their voice in any way. “So, got anything in particular you wanna do or just sorta fuck around for a bit? I could use some help farming for Wanderer you know~” Their voice in a sing-song tone at the end. Chuckling at them, Felix agreed to help them out and quickly followed their lead in game.
About an hour later, their game cut short due to his companions lunch break ending. “Sorry bud- I’ll have to catch you some other time and I can repay the favor! You know how much I hate farming solo so this was a big help.” He could hear their smile in their voice, wearing what he assumed was a matching expression as he shrugged though he knew they wouldn’t be able to see it. “It’s no big deal, really. I’m glad we could keep each other company. I should probably head to bed myself-“ “Oh! Before I go I wanted to tell you…I’m actually going to be in your neck of the woods soon so maybe we can play some in the same timezone for once!” Felix paused for a beat. They were coming to Korea? All of his gaming buddies knew where he lived, though that and the fact he is originally from Australia was as far into his personal life as he was comfortable going with any of them.
Starlight had been one of his longest Genshin friends, having started playing around the same time as him they had met in a server for newbies to the game and hit it off quickly. The thought of them being so close was exciting yet a bit nerve wracking. Curiosity at the reason for their trip from the states to South Korea itched in his mind. “Oh really? What’s bringing you all the way to Korea?” Star squealed a litte, and he could lightly hear the sound of what he assumed was their feet tapping at the floor with excitement. “Well- I’ve been wanting to make a trip there for a while….not to sound cliche or anything but I’ve been a huge fan of kpop and kdrama since I was in like- middle school and I’ve never traveled outside of the states before so it seemed like a fun place to start.” Felix had to keep himself from choking on nothing. A fan? Of kpop- they had never mentioned this to him before in the years they had been online friends. His mind began to wonder. What groups did they like? Did they know about Stray Kids? What if they were a Stay? He felt his heartbeat quicken and reflexively put his fingers to his pulse and took a deep breath to calm himself. “Oh that’s cool! Any plans for when you get here?” He questioned, finally feeling a bit calmer. This was fine, the odds they would be stay were slim, and besides there was no way for them to know who it was they had really been playing with this whole time as he himself went through multiple precautions to hide his identity online. Then, he felt his worlds colliding with a single string of words from their lips. “Actually, yeah! One of the groups I’m a fan of is having a concert I was able to snag tickets for! Not sure if you’ve heard of them but they are pretty big these days, Stray Kids?” His eyes felt comically huge and the blonde thought he may faint. “Stray Kids?” Was all that he could muster as a response, throat suddenly very dry. “Yeah! They are like so incredibly talented. I wasn’t able to see them when they came here on tour last so I couldn’t pass up the opportunity after I finally decided to book a trip to Korea and they happened to be holding a concert at the same time. I’m so excited! But- oh i really gotta go or I’m gonna be late getting back from lunch. I’ll talk to you later okay?” Felix blinked a few times before fully registering their words. “Oh uh- yeah definitely. Talk to you later Stay- Star! Bye Star!” And with that he abruptly ended the call. Fuck. He called them Stay- hopefully they didn’t catch it in their haste to get back to work. His next conversation was sure to be interesting if they had happened to hear him….
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author’s note: I’m super rusty at writing so I hope this is okay…feedback is welcome and encouraged! I started this cause it has been super slow at work and I’ve personally never read a fic having to do with reader and Felix being genshin co-op buddies and I thought it would be a fun concept (as a genshin player myself lol) Again, I hope those of you reading enjoyed it and I’m looking forward to updating soon. ᕱᕱ⊹ ࣪ ˖
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tj-dragonblade · 3 days
[FIC] Chaos and Calm
Fandom: The Sandman Pairing: Dreamling Rated: G Word Count: 1551 Tags: fluff, domesticity, single dads, pre-relationship, outings in the park, feeding the ducks, rain
Notes: For Day 1 of Dreamling Week 2024 as organized by @mr-sadman, for the prompt 'hunt'. Also dedicated to the wonderful @chaosheadspace, whose single-dads AU Castle in the Sand rotates in the back of my head quite often - I meant to have this coincide with your birthday but didn't quite make it, alas.
Summary: Searching for rain boots and meeting friends in the park. No real plot, just meandering domestic parenting vibes.
On AO3
"Robyn! You 'bout ready, kiddo?"
Hob winces at the sound of something heavy thudding on the floor above, and then his son appears at the top of the stairs. "I can't find my boots!"
Hob suppresses the urge to sigh. "Do you remember where you had them last?"
Robyn's brow furrows. "Maybe? They might be in the cupboard? But I think I might have used 'em as astronaut boots and forgot to put 'em back."
"Did you check by the washing machine?"
"Not yet."
"Okay. You keep looking in your room; I'll check down here and then come help you look if I don't find them."
"'Kay." Robyn scrambles back up from where he'd started down the stairs and dashes back to his room, and Hob heads to check the coat cupboard in the front hallway.
They're meant to be meeting Dream and Orpheus at the park in fifteen minutes. The day has turned out to be dreary and grey, light rain off and on keeping it misty and damp and a raincoat plus wellies are definitely called for.
If only he or his son could be relied upon to consistently put things back in their expected places. Ellie had always scolded them about it, gently, and for all the years since she's been gone Hob has kept trying to do better, but it's not always top of his mind and they're both surviving okay, despite the current inconvenience.
He checks the bottom of the coat cupboard; no boots.
He lets the sigh out this time, since Robyn's not there to see the frustration. He checks the utility room next, where last year's too-small snow boots are still sitting next to this year's because Hob hasn't gotten round to dropping them off at the charity shop yet. This year's snow boots will have to do if they can't find the wellies, but he's not giving up yet.
He's not going to tear the house apart looking, either, though; he's eager to get going. Letting Robyn spend time with his best friend is important, but also. Hob really looks forward to seeing Dream, for—well. For lots of reasons, that he's comfortably aware of but cautious about acting on because the kids would be caught in the middle if it didn't work out and that's the last thing he wants. Right now he just wants to let himself enjoy the possibilities. Hanging out, conversations while the kids play, watching Dream's pretty face go soft and expressive as they talk.
So. Best check all the likely spots in this comfortably-cluttered chaos he lives in, then, so they can find the boots and get going. It would certainly be easier if his home was less messy, but he's a single dad with a very active kid, he teaches secondary school, and taking the time to make his home look like a magazine spread is just not on his agenda. And sure sometimes it bites him in the arse, like now, but most times the chaos is of a manageable level and more importantly, it works for them.
Just. Not today, apparently.
He pulls his phone from his pocket, fires off a quick text to Dream.
May be a few minutes late We've a crisis of missing wellies over here Keep you posted
Dream's response comes through almost instantly.
I wish you luck in your hunt, then. We will wait.
Hob smiles, tucks the phone back in his pocket and heads up the stairs to join the search.
Robyn's room is a little bit of a disaster zone, as he's been throwing things around in his haste, and Hob kneels to crawl around the floor and help him look. He'll help him straighten up later, too, but for now they're boot-hunting.
Robyn is a little worried, as it turns out. "What if Orpheus and his dad leave before we get there? What if they think we're not coming because I can't find my stupid boots?"
Hob laughs, a small laugh full of kindness. "They wouldn't," he assures, pulling his kid into a one-armed hug as they sit on the floor. "And besides—I texted Orpheus's dad so they know we're running late." He drops a kiss in Robyn's hair. "Now let's find those blasted wellies so we can get going, yeah?"
The boots are not under the bed, or the desk in the corner; they're not in the toy chest, nor the basket for Robyn's dirty laundry, nor under the laundry that hasn't quite made it into the basket. Hob helps that last category get to where it was meant to be and sits back with a sigh, making a mental note—and hopefully he'll remember later—to be sure to run a load of Robyn's clothes.
"Alright, kiddo, is there anywhere you haven't looked yet?"
Robyn ponders for a moment, face scrunched in thought, and then lights up. "Oh!" He scrambles off the floor and over to the wardrobe, yanks it open. Hob would have thought that would be the first place to check, so he hadn't looked himself but obviously he should have, because Robyn dives into it with a little yell of victory and emerges with a boot held high in either hand and triumph radiating from his grin.
~ They're only a little bit late to the park; Robyn and Orpheus spot each other at the same instant and yell in excited unison, charging across the wet grass and crashing into a hug that also involves a lot of jumping up and down. Hob grins at their enthusiasm, eyes searching beyond them to find Dream looking for him as well; the smile that blooms on Dream's face, visible even at this distance, makes Hob's heart do a pleasant little flop in his chest.
"Your hunt was successful, I see," Dream says, when they are close enough for speaking; they are trailing after the boys, who are cavorting in the general direction of the duck pond, splashing in collected puddles on the path. Dream's got his umbrella up, even though it's not raining right this moment, which somehow just enhances his general goth vibe.
Hob stuffs his hands in his pockets. "Yeah, time to do a major cleaning. His room's a bit of a mess but we finally found his wellies in the wardrobe. Which honestly would have been the first place I checked if I'd realized he hadn't. Kid brains work on different logic, I suppose."
"True." Dream shifts a little, casts a glance sideways at Hob. "Robyn is fortunate to have a father so skilled at finding lost items."
"Got a lot of experience misplacing my own crap," Hob offers, laughing to cover the flustery warmth seeping into his chest at Dream's simple compliment. "And he found the boots himself, just needed some help thinking it through."
"As I said. He is fortunate to have your guidance," Dream reiterates, and Hob is saved from having to respond when Robyn comes running back to where the two of them have stopped at the path's edge. Orpheus is over by the pond, bending down to peer between the rails of the short wooden fence that surrounds it as several ducks swim toward him.
"Dad! Did you bring the peas? The ducks're hungry!" There's eager excitement in Robyn's voice and Hob smiles.
"'Course I did, kiddo, here." He rummages in the bag at his hip, slung comfortably across his chest, and hands over the snack-size freezer bag of peas; Robyn thanks him and dashes back over to Orpheus. Whether or not the ducks are 'hungry' is arguable, but Hob won't deny his kid the human joy of personifying the world around him nor of feeding the ducks, which is generally their purpose in coming to this park. He glances sideways at Dream—who is Hob's own private secondary reason for any of the activities they do together with their kids—and finds him watching the boys with the softest little smile crinkling the corners of his eyes.
He's so beautiful.
It starts raining, then, just a light misty sprinkle. The boys put up the hoods on their raincoats and carry on tossing peas to the eager birds who've gathered for the feast; Hob is about to dig his own umbrella out of his bag but Dream steps closer and shifts his own broad umbrella over Hob as well. His arm presses up against Hob's, from shoulder to elbow, and Hob swallows the urge to lift his arm and put it around Dream's shoulders, leans solidly into the touch instead. It's nice.
It's so, so nice, and Hob revels in the imagined warmth he can feel seeping into the contact despite the layers between them, the way that seconds turn to minutes and neither of them moves away, how they both watch their boys in comfortable silence. Hob's thoughts and emotions often feel chaotic and jumbled up in the same way his house manages to be a mild-but-functional disaster zone but this—sharing an everyday domestic moment with Dream, the casual unremarked closeness between them—it quiets something in his head, makes anything and everything seem gloriously possible.
This, this is a feeling worth finding, a feeling he did not even realize he was searching for.
He is still entirely grateful to have found it.
= Started: 6/2/24 Drafted: 6/3/24 Posted: 6/3/24
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on the topic of mattresses and pillows, first off, thank you for being a treasure and answering everyone's bed queries, secondly, i have a mattress that is at least 15 years old if not older at this point, and i prefer to sleep angled somewhere between my side and stomach due to an unfortunate overendowment of the chest. what type of mattress would you recommend, and are there any decent pillows that don't go flat and won't cause me to accidentally smother myself in my sleep?
Hmgh. Okay so first as a benchmark, our bodies needs change every 7-9 years. Replacing a bed that often is expensive but start to think of it when you hit the ten year mark. $800 over ten years is a reasonable amount for your health.
No shade at all, 15 years is getting awfully long in the tooth and will definitely be a contributing factor in sleep position. If you’re reading this and your bed is that old please consider whether it’s still meeting your needs or if you’re sleeping in a dent and putting it off. Beds are part of your health. Be nice to your sleeping body.
To your question: you’re probably gonna want to aim for something in the middle range, very soft beds are rough for stomach sleeping, but very hard is brutal for side sleeping.
For a pillow a solid memory foam, but as an erstwhile stomach sleeper I find that pulling the pillow partially under my chest helps stop the suffocating. With a solid memory foam you’re not struggling to come up for air.
And now for the line that I straight up didn’t believe before I got a nice bed: Sleeping on your side and stomach are symptoms of discomfort. The “ideal” sleep position is on your back with your head raised slightly.
See, the reason most people don’t sleep on their back is lack of low back support from the mattress. That curve in your lower back needs to get filled in for you to really be comfy. Ever found you need to keep your knees up while laying on your back? It’s shitty back support! Your body is unconsciously saying it’s not comfortable and you’re making an adjustment to accommodate that.
I truly thought this was bullshit until the first night I woke up on my new bed, flat on my back, having not moved all night long. Nothing hurt and I was freakin shook. I’ve always had a fucked up back and slept almost exclusively on my stomach. So with the right setup your sleeping position might change.
Now some people need help getting the low back support- people like I used to be who don’t weigh enough, people with difficult spines. Other people need help with breathing on their back like if you have huge massive boobies flopping every which way. Adjustable bases can go under your bed and provide the least pressure on your body to sleep well.
This isn’t always feasible for a lot of people, because fancy beds that facilitate real comfort can be expensive, not to mention moveable bases. The upshot is you can achieve some of that with pillow placement.
A pillow under your knees while sleeping on your back helps a ton. There’s angled wedges that can help prop your head up a bit while you sleep. Only ten degrees makes a huge difference for all kinds of issues. Acid reflux, sleep apnea, migraines, the list is long.
So if it’s in the stars for you to splurge don’t rule out that back sleeping might be in your future which my betitted wife has always found comfiest, bed permitting. But when you go into the store, lay how you sleep. Don’t rule out trying a bed on your back but if you sleep at an angle, lay at an angle.
I know it’s awkward to lay ass up in front of a stranger. But do it. Do it for long enough to really feel if the bed is supportive, squashing your tee-taa’s too much, if it’s letting your spine bend too far the wrong way. And ask to try it with a nice pillow that fits your body. Get a combo that works for you.
Good luck!
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hotmessmaxpress · 2 days
in your onlyfans!au do you think vale and marc do some only fans content together? trying to make sure that that nobody can recognize vale of course. i was thinking some of these pov videos (like vale holding the camera while marc's giving him head only showing marc's face and his own dick).
Here, have Rosquez OnlyFans AU, part 10 🤍
I don't think they'd ever post anything, because Vale already fucked up once in terms of keeping his identity secret (lol clown). I also think that Marc sort of slows down the onlyfans content (and eventually stops) soon after he and Vale meet irl.
However they do film a lot. They take a lot of videos. If they wanted to sell their sex tapes, they'd make a fortune and they'd have enough to basically start their own streaming service.
When Marc moves in with Vale, he brings some of his filming equipment.
"Is this all of it?" Vale asks, looking incredulously and the massive pile of cameras, lights, and microphones. There are a few black zippered cases that he assumes must hold various sex toys.
Marc shakes his head.
"About half," he says, ignoring the stunned look on Vale's face. "I left some back home so I don't have to take it with me when I go back and forth."
They're still ironing out their schedule-- Marc refuses to fully move out of the house he shares with Alex, so he's splitting himself between Vale's and Alex's. He plans to stay with Alex when Vale is racing and traveling, and stay with Vale when he's home.
Vale reaches for one of the cameras with a raised eyebrow. Marc grins and takes the camera from Vale. He grabs a long black leather case containing a tripod and hands it to Vale. He also picks up a ring light and one of the microphones that matches the camera Vale selected. 
He gestures for Vale to follow him, and he sets off toward the bedroom. 
Vale follows obediently, and Marc focuses on the feeling of his heart picking up and his cock taking interest. Filming for onlyfans has never been a chore to him; he genuinely enjoys every time, but in the weeks between Vale ghosting him and then meeting him, it was just a little bit less fun. There was an element of loss every time he posted a video knowing it wouldn’t be seen by Vale.
Now, though, he’s focused on filming for an entirely different reason. He won’t even consider posting it, but there’s nothing preventing him from making Vale his own little collection to use while he’s travelling. 
He sets the ring light up first, then sets the camera on the bed and takes the tripod from Vale. He’s pleased to see the front of Vale’s pants tight across his bulge, and he can’t help his satisfied grin as he turns to set up the tripod. 
It doesn’t take him long to set things up in a way that he’s happy with; he’s done this so many times in much more difficult settings than a bed. 
When he finishes, he turns to find Vale gripping his cock through his pants. The older man looks painfully horny, and Marc is proud of him for waiting so patiently. 
He rewards him with a deep kiss, pressing himself against Vale’s front. Vale groans into the kiss, letting go of himself in favor of wrapping his hands around Marc’s waist. 
Marc loses himself in the feeling of kissing Valentino for a moment. Vale is the perfect height to make Marc stretch up, and the taste of his mouth makes him want to drop to his knees. 
“What are you doing with your camera, hm?” Vale asks, when he finally drags his mouth away from Marc’s. 
“You’re going to fuck me,” Marc instructs happily, taking on the role of director. “On the bed. We’re going to record it and you can watch it before your next race.”
Vale groans against Marc’s neck. 
“Okay?” Marc asks, before he turns the camera on. Vale nods, and Marc turns the camera on and hits record. He double checks that it’s recording, then guides Vale onto the bed. Vale lets him take charge, and Marc kisses Vale slowly before stripping them both of their shirts. He plants himself in Vale’s lap, rocking his hips sensually against Vale’s. Vale grips his hips tightly, and Marc can’t help but grin at how riled up the older man is. 
“You like this, don’t you?” Marc purrs in his ear. “Knowing that we’re being watched.”
Vale’s eyes flicker to the camera, and Marc grabs his chin to turn his face back to his. 
“Don’t look at it, look at me.”
He rocks his hips in Vale’s lap again, pressing a kiss to his neck, before he scoots back and strips himself of the rest of his clothes. He pumps his cock a few times just to see the way Vale’s neck convulses as he swallows thickly. 
Then he tugs at Vale’s trousers, pulling them off to fully undress his partner. Vale lets his head fall back, and Marc takes the opportunity to lean down and suck and Vale’s balls. 
Vale lets out a strangled noise, and Marc fights a smile as he wraps a hand around the older man’s cock and lavishes attention on his balls. 
Marc isn’t prepped, and for a minute he admonishes himself for the amateur mistake of starting a recording with no prep and without the supplies close by. He reminds himself gently that this isn’t to publish, though, this is for Valentino. 
He presses a kiss to the head of Valentino’s cock, but otherwise doesn’t put his mouth on it. He sees the hungry look in Vale’s eyes, and he can’t stop smiling. His grin is clearly infectious, because he sees a hint of a smile on Vale’s face. 
Marc shuffles over to the nightstand, rifling around for the lube. He considers doing it himself, quick and dirty, but ultimately this is just for enjoyment. It doesn’t have to be perfect. 
Vale makes the decision for him, sitting up to kiss him and slip the bottle of lube from his fingers. He manhandles Marc into the center of the bed, and rolls him onto his back with a pillow beneath his hips. It’s a small but sweet gesture just to give Marc a little extra comfort as Vale sets to work stretching his hole. Marc tugs Vale a little off to the side, hoping that the camera will catch the slide of Vale’s fingers inside him. 
He moans as Vale’s long fingers finally press against his prostate, and Vale takes that for the encouragement it is. It doesn’t take long to stretch him, but Vale punishes his prostate a bit longer until Marc is squirming against the sheets. 
“Vale, please,” Marc pleads. “I need you.”
Vale sucks a possessive mark on the column of his throat, then presses the head of his cock inside Marc. 
Marc groans at the intrusion, fingers never quite comparing to the feeling of a thick cock moving inside. He rocks his hips up, and Vale presses in until he’s flush against Marc’s body. 
“Please,” Marc begs again, and Vale sits up to begin pounding into Marc. It’s a blur from there; Marc forgets about the camera as his thoughts become consumed by Vale and the feeling of his cock moving inside him. All he feels is Vale, above, around, inside him. 
He knows he’s making noise, and he can feel Vale huffing and grunting. Marc pulls Vale down for a sloppy, open mouthed kiss. He keeps his mouth open, pleading with his eyes for Vale to sense what he wants. Vale, ever on the same wavelength, grins before spitting forcefully into Marc’s mouth. Marc whines, tasting Vale on his tongue, and feels his balls tighten. 
“Vale, I’m–” 
Vale bites Marc’s lip then slips a hand between them to pump Marc’s neglected cock. It only takes a few jerks before Marc is arching off the bed, crying out as he cums. He cums up to his chin, vision whiting out for a moment. He’s vaguely aware of Vale grunting and his hips stuttering as he fills Marc with his own cum. 
They linger like that for a few long moments, Vale still inside of him, before Vale collapses next to him. Marc is quickly disgusted by the feeling of cum coating his body, and he knows he’ll have to shower, but he focuses on breathing for a bit. 
“I love you,” he says sweetly. 
Vale leans up on an elbow to kiss him gently. “I love you too.”
Marc eventually gets up to turn the camera off before it fills his storage, and then they take some time to shower together, wasting entirely too much water. Marc idly hopes they’ll have to shower again later, because he knows round two will come when they rewatch what they just filmed.
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forest-hashira · 2 days
Noble Blood - Chapter Nine
…i really have no explanation for this. i would apologize for the long wait again, but this chapter really got away from me so i had to find a place to split it. again. because the events of chs 8, 9, & now 10 were all supposed to be one chapter. but it's already 14k between chs 8 & 9 so that just means more content for you guys! i make no promises for when ch10 will be done & posted, but i hope you guys enjoy this in the meantime! 💜
fic masterlist | read on ao3 | wc: ~6.9k | cw: gender neutral reader, part 2 of reader finding their dragon, satoru's dad being a dick, minor mentions of injury & blood, satoru being a bit of a brat
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The demanding voice snapped you out of your near trance, and you stiffened, holding your new dragon a bit closer to your chest and looking over your shoulder at your friends, trying to gauge their levels of concern about all this. You watched as the boys shared a look, then glanced over at you. They didn’t say anything, but neither of them seemed particularly optimistic; Suguru watched the hallway anxiously as the hurried footsteps drew nearer, while Satoru looked around the stall you were all currently in, as if looking for some sort of escape route to miraculously get everyone out of the situation.
“I think if we hurry, we could climb out that window,” he suggested in a whisper, looking back down at you, his eyes wide.
“Toru, I can’t,” you whispered back, glancing down at the hatchling in your arms and then back up at him. 
He followed your gaze, and his expression fell instantly. “Shit, yeah, that’s right. Uh, maybe we can—”
“You’re really saying a lot of swear words tonight.”
“First of all, I’ve only said ‘shit’ twice—”
“Three times now.”
“And second of all, that’s really not our biggest issue right now!”
“Guys, please,” Suguru hissed, but before any of you had a chance to say anything else, the light from the lanterns reached the stall you were all in; you were well and truly cornered now.
You clutched your hatchling closer to your chest, and you could feel your heart begin to pound harder against your ribs; you had no idea what was going to happen to all of you now, but you had a feeling it wasn’t going to be good. 
“Who goes there?” a voice boomed again, and you recognized the head guard when he stepped into view. The man blinked in surprise when he saw your friends in the stall, clearly having expected intruders, but he didn’t send his men away. “Ah, Gojo-dono, Geto-san. What are you both doing here so late?”
The boys exchanged a look, not really sure what to say; apparently you still hadn’t been spotted, but it wasn’t likely that that would last long whether you willingly showed yourself or not.
“We came to see the hatchlings,” Suguru said after a beat; it wasn’t technically a lie, but it wasn’t the whole truth, either. 
The head guard’s expression pinched in confusion. “Could you not have waited until morning?” he asked. “One of my men thought you were intruders breaking in to steal the hatchlings. Surely it would have been better to be escorted here in the daylight?”
“I don’t need to be escorted anywhere on my own property,” Satoru bit out, and you blinked in shock at his tone; he’d certainly had his fair share of spoiled or bratty moments over the years, but he sounded genuinely angry as he spoke. “And no, it couldn’t have waited until morning, because we have company.”
He looked over his shoulder at you then, offering a small, encouraging nod when you hesitated. You offered a small nod in return, then carefully pushed yourself onto your feet. It took you a few moments, and it was wobbly and awkward trying to stand without using your hands, but thankfully both boys reached out to help you before you could fall and cause yourself any sort of embarrassment in front of the guards. 
Once you stood and were finally in view of the guards that had come storming in, you saw some of them exchange looks; at least some of them certainly knew who you were and knew you weren’t supposed to be there. The head guard looked especially displeased, though when he noticed the hatchling in your hands – a metallic hatchling, nonetheless – he turned bright red, then slightly purple, then some other color you weren’t sure you’d ever be able to describe.
“Put that back where you found it,” he told you, anger apparent in his tone. All you could do in response was shake your head, too scared to speak aloud.
“They will be doing no such thing,” Satoru answered for you, his own anger also clear. “That is their dragon. Suguru and I watched the bond form.”
The guard began to tremble with anger at the words, but instead of saying anything else to you, he turned to his men. “You!” he barked, gesturing to two men in the back, both of whom stood up straighter upon being addressed. “Go and fetch Gojo-sama. Tell him it’s urgent, and has to do with an intruder and the hatchlings!”
“They are not an intruder!” Satoru practically shouted, and even Suguru was beginning to look angry as the men ran off to complete their task. “They are my friend, I invited them here to meet the hatchlings. They didn’t break into the estate.”
“Gojo-sama made it very clear—”
“I don’t care what my father said!” Your friend was actually shouting now, and you could hear dragons waking up in stalls all around you because of the noise. “And besides, the incident that my father is still so upset about was over three years ago, all three of us have grown up a lot since then. So if I want to invite my friend to my home, I’m going to do that, and you aren’t going to stop me.”
Every person in the building went dead silent after that, Satoru’s words and behavior hanging heavy in the air. You stared at him in slight disbelief; you couldn’t remember ever hearing him speak to anyone that way before, even when you were much younger and he was much brattier. You glanced over at Suguru after a moment, trying to gauge his reaction to Satoru’s outburst, but he looked just as shocked as you did when he met your gaze.
The head guard looked like he wanted to argue, insist that his job was to listen to Satoru’s father, not Satoru himself, but before he could say anything that might have escalated the confrontation with your friend, you could hear three sets of footsteps making their way towards you.
“What’s going on here?”
Gojo-sama’s voice was unmistakable, and you felt your blood run cold at the sound of it. He didn’t seem to like you under the best of circumstances, so you were certain he was going to be furious when he saw you.
“Gojo-dono and Geto-san came to see the hatchlings, Gojo-sama,” the head guard explained, giving the older man a slight bow. “And they brought their friend.”
The man arched a brow slightly at the statement as he came into view, and when he turned to peer into the stall, you felt as if you might be sick. You could tell the exact moment he saw you, because his expression tightened, as if he’d bitten into something sour. “Ah,” he sighed. “That friend.”
You wished with everything you had that the floor would open up and swallow you whole right then and there. That feeling only intensified when you saw Gojo-sama’s gaze drop to the hatchling in your hands, his eyes burning with anger at the sight. 
“Put that hatchling back at once,” he commanded, glaring at you so hard you wondered if he were trying to incinerate you on the spot.
Despite your fear, you shook your head at him the same way you had the guard. The rage you saw simmering just below the surface of his face sent your whole body trembling, and your friends were quick to step fully in front of you. 
“That’s their dragon, father,” Satoru said, calmer than the way he’d shouted just a few moments before. “We were standing here the whole time watching. We saw the bond form.”
Your friend’s father narrowed his eyes at his son, then briefly turned his attention to Suguru, as if expecting him to fold and say it was a lie. Suguru did no such thing, though you knew he was always careful to keep from upsetting the clan patriarch in any way.
“It’s true, Gojo-sama,” he said quietly. 
Having clearly not gotten the response he wanted, the man turned to face the head guard. “Confiscate the hatchling and escort the child off my property. Restrain the boys if you have to.”
There were shouts of protest from your friends as the guards pushed forward to follow the order they’d just received, and you clutched your hatchling closer to your chest as the boys were pulled away from you, no match for the strength of the guards that held them even as they struggled to fight them off. Your hatchling let out a high, distressed cry as a guard grabbed your arm, and you swore you could feel her distress amplified a hundredfold in your chest, the feeling so intense it nearly sent you to your knees and drawing a cry from your own lips.
At almost the same moment, the mother dragon behind you roared, standing to her full height and stepping forward until you were beneath her, kneeling on the floor between her front legs. She snapped at the guard who had grabbed you, the man barely scrambling back in time to avoid being bitten, letting out a cry of fear as he retreated. She then set her sights on the four guards restraining your friends, growling at them angrily. You could feel her chest grow warmer above you, and you realized that she was preparing to breathe fire at them. The realization horrified you, yet it also brought you an odd sense of relief; even if it was only because you held her baby in your arms, she wasn’t going to let anyone hurt you.
Gojo-sama, who had turned away and begun to leave before the commotion started, stopped, taking in the scene curiously. He waved off the remaining guards in the stall, taking a few steps closer once they had released the boys. “How interesting…” he said, almost to himself.
As soon as they were free, your friends raced over to you, the mother dragon not even giving them a second glance as they came to kneel on either side of you, looking you over to make sure you were alright. You assured them you were fine, though you were still trembling slightly in your spot on the floor. 
“All three of you, on your feet.”
You, Satoru, and Suguru all looked up at Gojo-sama as he spoke; he was clearly speaking to all of you, but somehow it didn’t quite seem like he was.
“Come with me,” he commanded, turning and beginning to walk away again, clearly expecting all of you to follow at his heels. “There is much to be discussed.”
After exchanging uncertain looks, the boys once again helped you from the floor, and the three of you rushed to catch up. With every step, you felt your anxiety grow in the pit of your stomach; you still had your dragon in your arms, which seemed promising, but there was no telling where the Gojo clan head was taking you, or what he would do when you got there. 
Despite the late hour, there were still a fair amount of the staff up and about, and you could feel their eyes on you as you walked through the halls, doing your best to keep up with Gojo-sama’s long legs. Their gazes weighed heavily on you, and you could tell when each of them saw the hatchling you carried, their gasps of surprise and whispers between each other unmistakable; it was almost a relief when you were ushered into a private room with your friends, the door clicking shut behind you.
You stood as still as possible, barely daring to breathe as Gojo-sama circled around to stand in front of the three of you. You avoided his gaze, partially out of respect for his high rank of authority in the settlement, partially because the man terrified you more than anything else had up to this point in your life. When he said your name, you flinched, but lifted your head anyways, meeting his gaze with no small amount of anxiety.
“Yes, Gojo-sama?”
“Did you come to my estate tonight on your own?”
You shook your head, unable to find your voice again just yet.
“Who did you come here with, then?”
“S-Satoru and… and Suguru, Gojo-sama.”
“I see. Why did they bring you here?”
“To see the hatchlings, Gojo-sama.”
You could feel yourself beginning to tremble once again, and you burned with embarrassment at his question. “Because my twelfth birthday is in a few weeks and I still hadn’t met my dragon, Gojo-sama.”
“And what makes you think that hatchling in your hands is your dragon?”
It took a moment for his words to sink in, and you blinked dumbly at him as you tried to come up with an acceptable answer. “Because… I felt it, Gojo-sama, in my chest. I know this dragon is mine.”
His expression was displeased as he looked down at you. “You think this dragon is yours just because you feel in your heart that it should be?” The tone he used dripped with condescension, and it sharpened your fear into anger.
“No, not in my heart,” you corrected. “In my chest, exactly as I was told I would when I met and bonded with my dragon. I’m not a baby trying to live out some silly daydream. I don’t want my dragon to be special. If I was going to lie and try to steal a hatchling from you, I would have chosen one that didn’t draw so much attention.” By the time you had finished speaking, your expression had darkened until you were glaring up at the man, still trembling but feeling more defiant than scared.
“Remember who you’re speaking to,” he warned, which only made you angrier.
“I couldn’t possibly forget who I’m speaking to, Gojo-sama. I know that you dislike me, that you think I’m a bad influence on Satoru, but that doesn’t mean you get to bully me into giving you something that isn’t yours just because you want it.”
When the man arched a brow, the words you’d just said fully sank in for you, but you knew there was no taking them back now. Besides that, though, you meant them, even if you were mildly horrified that you’d actually said them out loud. “Why would I need to bully you, a child, into giving me anything when I can just take it from you?” he asked.
Before you fully comprehended what was happening, Gojo-sama reached out and made to grab for your dragon, clearly meaning to take her from you for good. Thankfully, despite not even being twenty-four hours old, she was quick to realize the situation. She hissed at the man, and when that didn’t stop him, she bit down hard on the side of his hand, breaking through the skin and sending blood dripping onto the floor in seconds.
He swore loudly, tearing his hand away and glaring at the hatchling. It was silent for a moment, and you clutched your dragon closer to your chest as you stared at Gojo-sama’s hand, blood dripping slowly from the wound and onto the floor. You could feel how tense your friends were on either side of you, but none of you dared to move or speak.
“Very well then.” By the time you dared to look at Gojo-sama’s face again, he had schooled his features into as neutral of an expression as he could. “It seems you are not, in fact, lying about your bond with this hatchling, as loath as I may be to admit it.” He let out a long sigh, looking you up and down for a moment, before silently making his mind up about something. “All three of you off to bed at once. You’ll remain here for the bonding period, after that we can discuss the possibility of sending you home.”
Not daring to argue, you nodded, bowing to him and chorusing a “Yes, Gojo-sama” with Suguru, Satoru mumbling a “Yes, father,” on your right. The three of you hurried out of the room then, eager to be away from the intimidating aura of the clan head as quickly as possible.
Once the door shut behind you, you let out a long, shaky sigh. “I can’t believe he’s letting me keep her.”
“I can’t believe he’s not letting you go home,” Satoru replied, wrapping an arm around your shoulders as the three of you made your way back to the quarters he shared with Suguru.
You couldn’t help but lean into him, all your energy seemingly left in the room with your friend’s father. “My mom’s gonna kill me,” you said quietly. Almost instantly, tears blurred your vision, and you rushed to blink them away; as much as both you and Satoru had insisted that you weren’t a little kid anymore, you certainly felt like one, wanting nothing more than to run to your mother and have her hold you until you fell asleep.
“No she won’t,” Suguru assured quietly, reaching over and gently wiping away a few of your tears as you walked. “You’d be going home right now if you could. We’ll explain that to her, okay? She won’t be mad if it’s not your fault you couldn’t go back home.”
He had his soft, reassuring smile on his face when you turned to look at him, and despite everything that had happened since you’d gotten to the estate, it did make you feel a bit better. You offered a slight nod in return, which seemed to ease some of the tension in his shoulders. 
The rest of the walk to the boys’ chambers was quiet, though eventually it occurred to you that something was missing. “Wait, where did—”
Before you could finish your sentence, Suguru opened the door to the room, and you were nearly bowled over by Kenji and Niji. Thankfully Satoru steadied you before you could fall, and both boys quickly called off their companions. The dragons reluctantly obeyed the command, but they sniffed the air around you and stared intently at your hands.
After realizing they wanted to see your hatchling, you hesitated a moment, not entirely sure how they would react to another dragon in their space. You glanced at your friends, trying to see how they wanted to handle this.
“We’ll hold them,” Satoru told you, already stepping away from you a bit and calling Kenji to his side.
“It’s better if we introduce them now, anyways, before we all go to bed,” Suguru agreed, summoning Niji to him. 
“If they can’t behave, we’ll send them out for the night.”
With a silent nod, you waited until the boys had a hold on their dragons before adjusting the hatchling in your hands. She made some sort of whine at you, but when Kenji and Niji were within view, she seemed to perk up a bit, her green eyes wide as she stared.
Kenji and Niji froze as they stared at your hatchling, not even their tails twitching for several long moments. Then, completely in sync despite not even looking at each other, they slowly lowered themselves to lay on their stomachs, resting their chins on their outstretched legs, bright eyes never leaving your hatchling.
Once the display of apparent submission was done, you and the boys all exchanged bewildered looks. “That was…”
“Weird,” Satoru supplied, and you nodded in agreement.
“Do you think it’s because she’s metallic?” Suguru asked curiously.
You shrugged helplessly. “I don’t know. Maybe? I’m too tired to think.”
“You’re right, it’s late,” he agreed softly. “You can sleep in my bed, I don’t mind sleeping on the floor tonight.”
“Suguru, I can’t—”
“Well I’m not letting you sleep on the floor,” he insisted. “And we both know Satoru’s not going to volunteer to sleep on the floor.”
“Yeah, because none of us need to sleep on the floor,” Satoru cut in, turning his attention to you. “You take Suguru’s bed, he can share mine with me. It’s big enough for both of us.”
Suguru whipped his head around to look at Satoru, his dark eyes wide and… was he blushing? “It’s not a big deal, really, I don’t mind—”
Satoru rolled his eyes at his friend’s stammered protests, stepping over their dragons and nudging him in the direction of the actual bedroom. “You’re right, it’s not a big deal. You’ll be more comfortable in the bed and you know it, so stop trying to be all noble and selfless.” He pauses for a moment, glancing over his shoulder at you again. “Do you want something to change into for bed?”
It took you a moment to process his question, but when you looked down and saw the clothes you were wearing – comfortable enough to wear during the day, but now a bit dirty with straw stuck all over them, and definitely not something you wanted to drag into bed with you – you nodded. “Yeah, that would be nice.”
The smile he offered you was so warm you felt your face heat slightly with embarrassment, and all you could do was follow as he beckoned you into the bedroom with them. He dug through his dresser for a moment, then pulled out a long shirt and handed it to you. “Do you want pants or anything? I have some but you don’t have to wear them if you don’t want to.”
“Uh…” you weren’t really sure how to respond to the question; it felt a bit odd to sleep in someone else’s bed without any pants on, regardless of what you usually wore to bed. “Do you have any shorts?”
“I think so.” Once you accepted the shirt from him, he went back to digging through his dresser, eventually presenting you with a pair of what looked like silk shorts – something your family would never be able to afford, but you were too tired to think about arguing about wearing them.
“Thanks. I’ll, uh…” you trailed off as you looked around, trying to find somewhere to change into the borrowed clothes, somewhere you could put your hatchling down without having to worry about her too much. 
Noticing your dilemma, Suguru stepped a little closer, his arm brushing yours lightly as he spoke. “My bed is behind that divider screen,” he said quietly. “There’s space for you to get changed, and you can put her on the bed where she’ll be safe.”
“Thank you, Suguru.” Though you weren’t entirely sure what expression you had on your face when you turned to look at him, it was apparently more intense than you thought, because the slight pink tint to his cheeks you thought you’d noticed earlier deepened, and there was no mistaking it now: Suguru was definitely blushing.
The desire for sleep was ultimately what pulled you away from your friend’s side, carefully carrying the clothes Satoru had leant you and your hatchling around the divider screen that separated Suguru’s bed from the rest of the room. Once you were fully hidden from the boys, you set everything down on the bed, letting your hatchling curl up on the pillow while you got changed. Your clothes got left in a haphazard pile on the floor, exhaustion eating at you too much to figure out what to do with them in that moment. A quiet gasp escaped you as you pulled on Satoru’s clothes, for some reason not having expected them to be as soft and comfortable as they were.
Before you allowed yourself to collapse into bed for the rest of the night, you peeked around the edge of the screen just in time to see your friends pulling on their own sleep shirts. “Thank you,” you called softly to them. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
Their heads shot up at the sound of your voice, both of them offering you gentle smiles. “You don't have to thank us,” Satoru assured you, Suguru nodding his assent. “We’ve got your back.”
“Goodnight,” Suguru said, his voice muffled around a yawn, hesitantly climbing into bed next to Satoru.
“Goodnight,” you hummed, turning to crawl into Suguru’s bed for the night.
Your hatchling was still curled up on the pillow waiting for you, her copper scales and emerald eyes shining even in the small amount of moonlight that filtered in through the window. You smiled tiredly at her, resting your head on the pillow beside her. 
Even as you began to drift off, you knew your new companion needed a name. You stroked the top of her head with one finger, eyes heavy as you tried to think. “Hmm,” you hummed, more to yourself than anyone else. “Emerald?”
The hatchling stared at you, unblinking.
“Guess not. What about… Lucky?”
Again, nothing but a blank stare.
“Be nice to me,” you yawned, voice heavy with exhaustion.  “I’ve never done this before, and I stopped thinking of names over a year ago.”
This time, the hatchling made a tiny little mumbling sound, though whether she was supposed to be agreeing or making fun of you, you couldn’t tell.
You fell silent for a few moments longer, still very lightly stroking the top of her head with one of your fingers. “Oh, I got it,” you murmured. “Takara.”
You weren’t expecting the little chirp your hatchling let out at the name, but it brought a grin to your tired face nonetheless, especially when she shuffled closer and bumped her nose against your forehead, right between your eyebrows.
“Takara it is, then.” You let out a small sigh of relief, finally allowing your eyes to close, sleep quickly taking over. “Goodnight, little treasure…”
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The next morning you were awoken by sunlight coming through the window and landing directly in your eyes. You grumbled a small protest, rolling over in hope of going back to sleep for just a little bit longer, but in the brief second you opened your eyes, you saw two familiar shapes – one white, one black – hovering at your bedside. In your half-waking state, you were beyond confused – why were your best friends’ dragons in your bedroom? – before the events of the previous night came flooding back, and you sat up with a gasp, turning to see if Takara was still on your pillow.
She was, and she seemed rather displeased at having been woken up. She lifted her head, staring up at you with narrowed eyes and making a little displeased grumbling sound.
“Sorry,” you told her, reaching out and stroking the top of her head lightly. “Last night was just… well. It was a lot. Wasn’t sure if it was all just a dream.”
Seemingly appeased by your apology, Takara pushed herself to her feet, wobbling her way into your lap and curling up once again, as if preparing to go back to sleep. Before she fully settled down, though, Kenji chuffed quietly from his spot beside the bed. When you looked over at him, he was shifting on his feet, practically vibrating, and you weren’t sure you’d ever seen him so worked up before. Niji also seemed a little on edge beside him, but he was sitting, watching Takara intently as if he were waiting for something. 
Takara, apparently in no mood for so much attention so early in the morning, flicked her tail in the direction of the other two dragons, chittering out a noise that sounded suspiciously like “go away” before turning her back on them and laying down. 
Kenji whined loudly at the greeting from your hatchling, pacing back and forth as he continued to stare at her, clearly eager for her attention. Niji, more willing to take a hint than his friend, stood from his spot and flicked his tail at Kenji to get his attention. When that didn’t work, he huffed, leaning in and nipping at the white dragon’s flank. Though it didn’t come even close to breaking the skin, Kenji was clearly unhappy about being snapped at like that. He growled, whirling around and pouncing on Niji in revenge.
In seconds, the two dragons were practically in full-on brawl, rolling around on the floor, crashing into the wall and the bed multiple times, snarling at each other all the while. All you could think to do was sit completely still, watching them with wide eyes and hoping they would stop soon, or that someone else would come and intervene; Sparrow and Spark would tussle at home sometimes, but both Kenji and Niji were about the size of Spark, possibly even bigger now, and you didn’t think you were capable of separating them on your own, and especially not without injury.
Thankfully, though, the commotion was enough to rouse Satoru and Suguru, the sound of muffled curses and hurried footsteps across the wooden floor giving you a couple of seconds’ head’s up before the boys themselves hurried around the privacy screen.
Ever the impulsive one, Satoru almost instantly threw himself into the thick of the scuffle, grabbing Kenji by the fluff on his shoulders and using all of his body weight to pull him away. At nearly the same moment, Suguru hurried over to Niji, wrapping his arms around the dragon’s scaly midsection and pulling in the opposite direction of Satoru. The dragons still growled and snapped at each other as they were pulled apart, but they didn’t fight against the boys’ holds on them as much as you might have expected. 
After a moment, as everyone caught their breath, you realized that some of the fluff that was growing in so thick around Kenji’s shoulders and neck was stuck between Niji’s teeth; it shouldn’t have been a shock, considering how hard they’d been going at each other, but it still caught you off guard, somehow. 
“Sorry,” Suguru said, looking up at you guiltily from his spot on the floor. “We didn’t mean for them to wake you up.”
“They don’t usually fight like that in the mornings, either,” Satoru chimed in, scowling down at Kenji, who was now on his back between his master’s legs, tail thumping lightly on the floor as if in apology. 
“It wasn’t the fighting that woke me up,” you told them, hoping that fact at least would reassure them a bit. “They were by the bed waiting for me to wake up. They wanted to see Takara, I think.”
“Takara?” Satoru asked, a bit confused, though his eyes lit up with realization as he looked down at the little hatchling in your lap. “Hey, I like it! Very fancy.”
“It suits her,” Suguru agreed, offering you a warm smile. “You made a good choice.”
You felt your cheeks begin to burn at the attention and praise you received from your friends, and by some miracle you were saved from having to say anything else by a knock at the door.
“I got it,” Satoru sighed, pushing himself off the floor and gesturing for Kenji to follow him.
“Did you sleep alright?” Suguru asked, releasing his hold on Niji once Kenji was out of sight. 
You nodded, still feeling a bit sheepish about having taken Suguru’s bed from him for the night. “I did,” you said quietly. “Did you sleep alright? I’m sorry you had to share Satoru’s bed with him because of me.”
A soft laugh tumbled from his lips at your words, and that faint hint of a blush you’d noticed the night before returned to his face. “It’s okay,” he assured you. “It wasn’t so bad. He was right, his bed is pretty big, so we weren’t squished together all night.”
“He didn’t kick you or anything?” you asked, partially teasing. “He seems like he squirms a lot in his sleep and takes up a bunch of space.”
“I do not kick in my sleep!” Satoru interjected, walking back around the privacy screen and holding a box out to you. “The servant at the door said to give this to you. From my mother.”
You blinked up at him in shock; you hadn’t seen Satoru’s mother outside of her appearances at the new year’s festivals since you and Satoru were about five years old, so you were more than a little surprised that she had apparently sent something to you. “What is it?” you asked, carefully taking the box from your friend and setting it on the bed in front of you.
Satoru just shrugged. “Not sure. Probably clothes, though. My parents won’t want you wearing your dirty stuff from last night, that much I’m sure of.”
“We’ll let you get dressed,” Suguru added, seeing how hard you were staring at the box in front of you.
You nodded without looking up from the box, only seeing the boys and their dragons step to the other side of the privacy screen out of the corner of your eye. Once you were alone again, you looked down at Takara, curled up contentedly in your lap. “Sorry friend,” you told her, carefully lifting her up and placing her back on the pillow behind you.
When she was settled again, you stood from the bed, lifting the lid from the box as if the box itself was breakable, though it was just an ordinary box. Your eyes widened a bit at the clothes that sat waiting for you, having expected maybe something of Satoru’s he had recently outgrown, but the outfit looked much nicer – and much newer – than some hand-me-downs.
The shirt was soft, made of a slightly more lightweight fabric than the shirt you’d worn to sleep, and was probably the prettiest shade of dark green you’d ever seen. The only actual color you’d ever seen Satoru wear was blue, everything else he wore was black, white, or grey, so this was certainly never his, and you couldn’t recall seeing Suguru ever wear anything that wasn’t black, so you couldn’t imagine this had ever been intended to be his. You guessed it didn’t really matter who it was for in the first place, because now it was yours, even if only for a time.
Not wanting to waste any more time, you were quick to pull your sleep shirt over your head, laying it carefully on the bed, quickly followed by the shorts you’d been allowed to borrow, wanting to make sure they were both still in good condition when you returned them to your friend. You then pulled the green shirt over your head, the fabric so light and soft that it barely felt like you were wearing anything at all, which was a pleasant surprise. Once you had the shirt on, you reached for the pants, a simple black pair that, while clearly expensive, were also made from a soft material.
As you picked up the pants, though, you noticed a pair of underwear at the bottom of the box, and it brought such an odd sense of relief you nearly laughed. You changed into those quickly, too, putting your old pair with the rest of your clothes from the previous night. You weren’t entirely sure what to do with them, so for the time being you left them tucked in the corner, not wanting to put your dirty clothes on Suguru’s bed.
You pulled the pants on quickly after that and, now fully dressed for the day, grabbed the clothes Satoru had lent you and turned to step around the privacy screen to return them. Something caught your eye about the screen, though, and you paused to give it a closer look. It was the first time you were really seeing the screen, you realized, and upon further inspection, you saw that there were dragons and rainbows hand painted around the edges of each frame, with a mountain scene spanning across all of them together. You thought you remembered Suguru saying something about his home village being near the mountains, and it made your heart clench to know he had something like this to remind him of home, even after being away for three years without being able to go back.
You were drawn back to the present when you heard Satoru call your name. “Is it okay if I come around?”
“Yeah, it’s fine.”
The snowy haired boy stepped around the privacy screen, his hands over his face despite your invitation. He peeked through his fingers in a very unsubtle way, then let out a dramatic sigh of relief. “Oh, good, you’re dressed.”
You rolled your eyes at him, but laughed despite yourself. “You really think I would have said you could come around if I was naked?”
“...I guess not,” he admitted after a moment, and he at least had the decency to look a little sheepish about it. You just shook your head at him and handed him back the clothes you’d slept in.
“Thanks for letting me borrow those,” you said. “They’re really comfy.” 
“I know they are,” he agreed with a grin. “Now, grab your little friend and come on, it’s time for breakfast.”
As if on cue, your stomach let out the most embarrassing gurgling sound you’d ever heard it make, and Satoru couldn’t help but laugh. You scowled at him, but you said nothing, instead turning back to the bed and lifting Takara into your arms.
You followed your friend as he led you out to the rest of the bedroom, tossing the clothes you’d worn to bed on the pile of his own dirty clothes off in one corner. Then you followed after the boys as they made their way to the dining room. Kenji and Niji kept pace with you, one on either side, neither of them watching where they were going, eyes trained on where Takara laid in your arms.
The dining room wasn’t too far from the boys’ bedroom, thankfully, but even still you could feel the way the members of the staff stared at you and Takara. You took your seat between your friends and, after a moment of hesitation, set Takara in your lap. She seemed more interested in sleeping than anything else, but that was pretty normal; most hatchlings spent the majority of the bonding week asleep with their new masters nearby.
Not long after the three of you sat down at the table, you were being served plates nearly overflowing with food, steaming bowls of miso soup and rice placed on either side of your plates. You stared at the spread wide-eyed for a moment, not quite believing all that food was for you, but you quickly got over that when your stomach growled loudly again. You started shoveling food into your mouth then, bites of eggs and rice interspersed with spoonfuls of soup and sips of the tea you were served, then followed by slices of fruit. You startled slightly when you heard a chuckle from off to your left, and you looked over at Satoru, suddenly embarrassed by your behavior.
“Are, uh… are your parents going to be joining us?” you asked quietly, after swallowing your mouthful of rice. You and your friends were the only ones currently at the dining table, but there was space for several more people to join you.
“Doubt it,” Satoru replied softly, taking a sip of his tea before he continued. “Mom joins us sometimes, but mostly she takes her meals in her room because of her headaches. My father just… doesn’t eat breakfast.”
You blinked in surprise. “Never?”
“Not as far as I can remember.” He shrugged then, using his chopsticks to get another bite of eggs.
Opting not to push the subject, you just nodded, turning back to your plate. His words about his mother seemed to fully register with you after a moment, and it made you feel a bit sad. You knew Satoru sometimes got struck with debilitating headaches, so if his mother’s were anything like his, you couldn’t imagine she spent a lot of time out and about, even on the grounds of the estate. 
Breakfast passed in a companionable silence after that, with Satoru and Suguru occasionally offering pieces of egg to Kenji and Niji, who were pointedly ignoring their own breakfasts in favor of hovering as close to you as they could, still completely entranced by Takara. You did your best to ignore them, not because you found the behavior annoying, but because the boys thought it would be the best way to get them to leave you alone. 
Occasionally you tried to offer Takara bites of your own breakfast, but she didn’t seem interested in anything except the small piece or nori you offered her, though when you offered a second she turned away and tucked her nose under her tail. You shrugged it off, not particularly worried about it; she would let you know when she was hungry, you were certain of that.
Just as the three of you were finishing up your meal, you heard what sounded like a heavy door slam a ways down the hall. That on its own would have been enough to draw your attention, but it was quickly followed by a familiar voice shouting at the staff.
“Where is he?” your mother demanded, and your eyes widened when you heard how angry she was. “I demand to know what that man has done with my child!”
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sorry not sorry to leave you guys on a lil cliffhanger again AHAHA. in my defense Plot Things are happening now so the chapters will probably consistently be a little longer than the first several were and the endings will be more like cliffhangers most of the time. if you hate me for it i'll cry and send kenji to steal your shoes.
taglist: @ghost-1-y @sugurei @whatthefucksatan @mitsuristoleme @lu-dao-writes 
@peachdues @here-for-the-tea-baby @staryukis @roselleviennesstuff @witchbybirth 
@marinnnnnnnnn @dr-runs-with-scissors @entirelysein-e
dividers by @/saradika-graphics
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chaifootsteps · 1 day
Still thinking about Viv's claim that she thinks both sides are in the wrong and it's bugging me enough to do a quick episode run down to see how exactly that claim stacks up. Hopefully quantifying a bit more will help see where we're actually at
Ozzies: Between episodes 6&7 Stolas gets a personality transplant and goes from calling Blitzo his 'impish little plaything' and demeaning him to being head over heels for him, calling him by his name and bowing to him. When the car drives away the camera lingers on Stolas crying, though the episode ends on Blitzo and his emotions so we'll call this one even
Queen Bee: We see Blitzo's emotions in the aftermath in the form of a self-destructive bender, but noticeably what he says to Loona is that he's upset that he'll die alone. He doesn't say anything about being upset about feeling used or mistreated by Stolas (he even says his name along with the others before he throws up)
The Circus: Retcons galore backstory about how Stolas and Blitzo were childhood friends and despite using him for sex all s1, Stolas was apparently really in love with Blitzo the whole time?? It doesn't make a lot of sense but go with it. Episode ends with a song where Stolas not only implies Blitzo was somehow lying to him this whole time (Genius.com contributor suggests Stolas believed Blitzo actually loved him, which seems the obvious interpretation of these lyrics) but also makes him out to be a weak victim. He shows no guilt whatsoever for the part he played in making Blitzo feel degraded and used.
What’s between you and I Just a comfortable lie I’m the fool who believes When you look in my eyes
Seeing Stars: Stolas being framed as badass while he's choking his butler and it not being remotely bad on his part that he continues to sexually accost Blitzo in their first meeting after Ozzie's. Any criticisms Blitzo makes of Stolas (not remembering his own spells) are dismissed by Stolas with nonsensical arguments (it's relevant Blitzo can't remember Moxxie's phone number, apparently?)
Exes and Ohs: Stolas isn't in this episode or mentioned at all
Western Energy: Text message exchange after Ozzie's show Stolas giving a non apology where he doesn't actually address the problem, literally doing a 'I'm sorry if something I said or did upset you'. Episode ends on Stolas alone in the hospital where the viewer should pity him that Blitzo didn't come to visit :(
Unhappy Campers: No Stolas!
Oops: Blitzo dismisses the notion that Stolas cares about him by using examples obviously meant to favor Stolas. He is framed as jaded and unreasonable and Fizz is the obvious voice of reason. The imp who hates royalty is called a supremacist, Blitzo is the in between who dislikes Stolas and Fizz - the one who capes for royalty - is presented as in the right
Full Moon: Blitzo again criticizes Stolas, without getting to mention anything specific from s1. He is framed as going too far and tries to apologize. Stolas acts like the deal was a mutual thing even when admitting it was wrong
By my count that's basically no examples in Blitzo's favor. And I imagine if we counted all the Twitter likes from Viv on posts favoring Blitzo we'd turn up a big goose egg there, too
Careful, now! You laid out all the facts and stated them plainly, and we know that that makes a certain subset of fans angry and scared.
Viv can claim that "they're supposed to both be in the wrong" all she likes, but it doesn't mean a thing if every other word of writing in season 2 suggests the opposite. I guess the real test will come in Apology Tour, when we get to see who's actually doing the apologizing.
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treedaddymcpuffpuff · 16 hours
Hi, I love your writing! I'm not sure if you are doing the erotic horror prompts anymore but if you are, then may I request a Prompt 9 OR 34 with John Wick?
Hi, thank you so much, Anonymous. It means the fucking world to me!!! Allow me to express my gratitude with some predator/prey:
(I know these are supposed to be horror, but I keep turning them into fluff. Please forgive me🥺❤️)
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“So, the first rule of self defense is run,” John says, giving her a heavy, doubtful side eye that speaks volumes about his faith in her to do so. 
“Second?” She asks, arms crossed, foot tapping, watching him stalk circles around her like he’s going to drop her at any moment - her heart patters wildly every time she sees his step slow or his eyes move to a vulnerable part of her body, even though she knows that whatever “tells” he exhibits are actually fakeouts and dead ends. Just a way to get her nerves worked up so that she’s taking him seriously.
He stops in front of her, places a finger in the center of her chest, and she knows he could give a little push and she’d be flat on her ass.
But he doesn’t. He smiles. “Hide.”
She rolls her eyes. “The third?” 
“Fight. And -“ he moves his finger against her bare skin, drawing her eyes and attention, then flicks her lightly on the forehead as punishment for falling for it. “Don’t roll your eyes at your superior.”
She rubs the pink mark. “Ow,” she tells him, even though the trick only stung a tiny bit. 
“Now say, “yes, master.”” His eyes light with mischief. 
Every piece of her fucked, masochist body wants to fight him on that if only to earn more brutality for it. But this is supposed to be critical training, even though her trainer isn’t taking it as such.
She figures that she’ll be the determined one, for once, so she tips her head, straightens her shoulders, and says, “yes, master.”
His eyebrow raises behind untamed bangs. “Good.”
“Did you take that from a job orientation class?” She asks him.
“At jobs, they use the ‘run, hide, fight’ for active shooters.”
He shakes his head no, but it’s so hard to tell when and if he’s fucking with her…
“Have you ever had a normal job?” She wonders aloud. 
He shrugs. “Then you already have the basics down. Excellent.” He continues circling. “Start small,” he says. “Then, work your way up.” 
She nods, although annoyed with being ignored, continue.
“So, we start with running.” 
She cringes. The mere thought of him watching her run laps is painfully embarrassing. 
Wanting to impress and not kill this before it even gets started, she keeps her mouth shut. 
“I’ll give you a minute head start.” 
Wait, what did he say?
She almost laughs. “We’re racing?”
His grin is worrying. “No, I’m chasing you.” 
In that case, she wants to ask for at least a five minute head start; eyes his thick, long legs. The taut muscle is visible shifting and tensing, even under his baggy sweatpants.  
“You’re going to catch me,” she tells him, wanting to argue about this being unfair. 
“Then you’d better start running,” he replies, flipping his wrist over to check the ticking time. 
“What - where am I allowed to go?” Cool sweat collects at the nape of her neck. 
“Anywhere.” He’s still looking at his watch, waiting patiently. 
“When are we starting?” 
His eyes flit up, glint at her, then focus back on the dwindling time. “Five seconds ago.”
Prickling anticipation drives her to argue. “How is that going to help me? Just running all day so you can keep catching me? Pretty soon I’ll get tired and will just give up and let you catch me.” 
“Oh, that’s what I forgot to mention,” John murmurs.
Anger anxiety cocktail spikes. Forgot to mention? There’s a lot of shit that he’s conveniently forgetting to mention.
“If I catch you, I tickle you.” His grin grows into a sharp-bladed tip.
“John,” she says, voice worried, which delights him. “That is not fair. You’re going to catch me and you can’t just tickle me all day when you do.” 
He’s a reasonable man. He’ll see her issue. She’s valid in her concerns, and they both know it. 
“Yes I can.” 
“Are you serious?!” 
“Uh huh.” He taps his watch face. “Thirty seconds.” 
Her shoes slip on the cushiony matts, landing her on her knees before she can start bolting.
He resists the urge to go to her. Thankfully, she’s not down for long, or else his concern would get the better of him. 
She stands and runs. Up the stairs, already panting and sweating, adrenaline an ache that builds higher the farther away she gets from him. 
Out the door of the gym, down the hallway, trying not to fall again and losing precious time because of it.
She’s in the cold before she knows what she’s doing. Her t-shirt does nothing to cover her from the frost, but fear and physical exertion help her stay warm. 
Down the left block, then ducking through an alleyway, wondering if he’s on her tail by now. 
Blessedly, there’s no snow on the ground, so she’s not leaving any footprints. Also, that means she can go faster and not have to worry about falling. 
She rushes a corner and almost takes out an older man walking his dog, so, of course, she has to stop and profusely apologize.
“It’s fine, dear,” he chuckles.
She pats his friendly Labrador on the head. “Are you sure?” She looks him over, and he seems okay. Her memory says she ran smack dab into his frail frame, but maybe it’s just her psychosis acting up again. 
“I’m alright, dear, where is your coat? Your skin is ice cold.”
“Oh, I left it at home, just going for a jog,” she replies, trying to be casual. 
His fluffy dog pushes a wet nose into her hand and nuzzles her out of more attention.
“This is Sam,” the older man introduces. “He is very friendly.”
“He’s amazing,” she says, using both hands to stroke blonde, cold fur. 
“Are you training for a marathon?” The man asks. “I hear there’s a big one by Macy’s next week.” 
“No. Just exercising.” She smiles up at him, wondering how to politely break this conversation off and save her own ass. 
Behind him, about half a block down, is her pursuer and teacher.
It would be better if he looked disappointed. So, so much better. 
Her hand stills on Sam’s head. 
That expression would be a glare if his mouth wasn’t pulled up at the seams. His eyes of brilliant brown are blown black. Like a shark. No, too intentional to be a shark - it isn’t pure hunger that drives him. 
Fear is the only thing she’s capable of feeling for a couple of seconds as she forgets what, exactly, is going on while an instinctual and ancient part of her remembers what it’s like to be hunted.
She’s going to feel really bad, later, about turning away from a nice man and his dog without so much as a goodbye and sprinting the opposite direction.
That trepidation just coils tighter the more she runs. She wasn’t built for this. Her legs are too short, her body too pillowy to gain any sort of momentum, her lungs too small for the air required in running. 
It’s nothing but luck and adrenaline carrying her down crossroads and alleys. 
She spares a glance behind her, and almost feels like she’s winning when she doesn’t see John. 
It’s because he’s in front of her. 
At the end of the gravelly side street, lounging lazily on the wall. 
Michael fucking Meyers, that’s what this reminds her of. You never see him moving, but somehow he’s always catching up to you. 
She almost falls again when turning around to dash the other way, but manages to keep a shaky, vertical grip on earth.
John surpasses her, the easy stride of his legs infuriating, and plants himself in her path so that she runs smack into his chest. 
There’s no time to get away. He already has her biceps gripped tight. 
She winces, writhes, glower resembling more of a pout. 
“When you run,” he says, kissing her head with a soft mouth that contradicts his hard grip. “You zigzag. Go every direction. Never in a straight line. Never predictably. You have to not think about where you’re going, but focus wholly on your destination.”
“Helpful tips that I should have known earlier?” She tries, grinning dryly.
He chuckles. “If I just tell you, you won’t learn. Which reminds me: Let’s take you home and get you warm. I owe you some merciless tickling, don’t I?”
“I was hoping you’d forget,” she groans. “Second chance?” 
“You’ll get plenty of chances,” he assures, leading her back to where she came with a big arm wrapped around her shoulders to keep her warm.
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yingjiaoyue · 2 days
“Just an offer.”
A fanfic about LunarEclipse. Angst specifically. TW: yk what happens in angst so yeh :3
(Third-Person — At Season 2)
A soft sigh escapes from Jiao Yue as she got up from her couch. Her hand ruffling through her hair as she listened to her overwhelming thoughts. “Fuck… Why can’t I find her…” , she mumbled as she tried to fight back her tears. Making a soft sniffle, she rubs her eye gently and takes a deep breath. It’s been few weeks since Jiao Yue was making a private investigation on where Bai He could be. She knew she doesn’t want to get attached to people easily, but she unexpectedly made a bond with the little girl, and now she’s filled with pain at the thought of loosing Bai He. Her fists clenched as her shoulders drop a bit, feeling hopeless. “… where are you, Bai He…”
Out of nowhere, a shadow portal opens from behind. A simian demon coming out with his hands behind him. “Oho, looking stress now? That’s unusual.” Macaque spoke and Jiao Yue’s body tensed a bit by his unexpected visit. She quickly wipes the tears from her eyes. “What are you doing here, Macaque..” her voice breaking a bit despite trying to sound firm in front of him. Macaque’s brow raised and his smirk replaced with a confused look. “Huh, scratch that, you’re too stressed. What happened?”
“Why should I tell you. I don’t trust you. Just leave.” She sighs, her gaze avoiding him. Macaque sloghtly frowns and crosses his arms. He doesn’t care but it makes him slightly annoyed when she pushes him away all the time. His eyes wandered around, until he notices the photos on her table with few notes. His eye brow raise in curiosity and he smirks. “Looking for a missing person?” His words made her scowl. “That’s none of your fucking busi—“
“You know I have access to almost any area. With my shadow portals, I could teleport you anywhere you need to. Why don’t I offer you a tiny-bity deal here to stop your tears, moonlight.”
His words suddenly caught her attention. She froze, thinking about it. It could be a trap. It must be a trap. But on the other hand, she felt a sense of desperation, but she needed to make sure. “… what’s the catch.” Her words came out stern.
“Hm? Just some of your... powers. Don't worry, I'll bring the girl back to you."
I raised a brow. There's no way I'm just throwing off my powers. But I may have no choice, I just need to reassure myself. “I don’t believe you.”
“Ugh… fine.” Macaque scoffs, he turns around with his back facing her. “It could’ve been a lot easier if you had some help, but I guess if you don’t want to find her as fast as possible, I can just leave—“
“Wait.” One word from her that made his smile wider. “… Fine… please help me.” Her head lowers as her tone is filled with hidden desperation and clear annoyance. Macaque suddenly teleports beside her and he places his hands on both her shoulders, shaking her a bit playfully. “Now that’s more like it. No need to be too hard on yourself, ya know? Sometimes you just gotta ask and a charming powerful demon could give you an opportunity.”
She snorts a bit from his comment. “Charming? Tch.. please, don’t embarrass yourself…” she rolls her eyes and shakes her head in disbelief. Macaque chuckles and nudges her, “Really? I’m trynna help you and you’re already hitting my ego.. ouch.”
“Pfft- So should I say something like.. “I’m so sorry, oh great Macaque. Forgive me for doubting your undeniably charming appearance”… that makes me wanna throw up.” She says with sarcasm as she mocks him, only for him to find somehow annoying but also amusing. “Whatever…”
(At Season 3)
Weeks had passed. They grew accustomed to each other. Macaque casually teleporting into Jiao Yue’s apartment and Jiao Yue now feeling comfortable to wear her casual clothes around him. Sometimes, Jiao Yue starts to show her vulnerability and her senri form to him inside her apartment. He felt quite surprise at first but soon starts to find it rather adorable. Time passed and he would keep on using nicknames on her. Of course, Macaque kept the part of his offer. He’d go out of the building, searching through the entire city to search for Bai He. Unfortunately, it wasn’t making such progress. Until one day, Macaque teleports to her apartment wearing a new suit and his face looking troubled. He just came back after reuniting with Lady Bone Demon… and when he saw that LBD was using Bai He as her vessel, he knew this would be troubling to tell her that news, so he kept himself quiet about that.
“Hey, moonlight…” he mumbles as he stretched and his gaze looks down before shifting towards Jiao Yue in her casual clothes. “Macaque. We need to talk.”
(First-Person POV: Jiao Yue)
I took a deep breath before looking into him, noticing his slightly bothered look despite him trying to cover it with a smile. “Macaque. We need to talk.” I finally spoke.
“Right.. a-about what?” He mutters with a slightly nervous smile. “… I know you’re doing your job, trying to find Bai He and all but… tell me, how long will it take…” My eyebrows furrowed a bit, I noticed his eyes avoiding my gaze suddenly. “It’s just… I don’t want to wait for nothing, you know.. The past few weeks, you told me you haven’t find any trace of her at the city.. I’m not doubting you, I know you’re searching for her but… I can’t wait any longer. I just-“
“Jiao Yue. I really am trying my best to find her. It’s just.. complicated to explain right now.”
I looked at him, a bit confused. “What do you mean complicated?… Have you found her yet?”
I noticed his eyes avoiding my gaze, his arms crossing on his chest as his tail lowers and moves a bit. He looked almost uneasy. I felt suspicious. “Macaque. Tell me. You know where Bai He is, right?”
He didn’t spoke. He kept avoiding my words. I almost felt troubled. Why isn’t he answering? I stepped closer to him, placing a hand to his arm. “Mac.. please. I’m begging you to tell me.. I need to know where she is.”
His eyes temporarily looks at me, his glance filled with almost pity but then he closed his eyes and his head turns to the side. He sighs, I hope for him to say anything.
“… I.. met her but, she’s not.. she’s not her anymore.”
What. What did he mean about that? “Macaque.. what are you talking about? So you have seen Bai He? Where-? Where did you met her?? Since when did you—“
“Jiao Yue.”
I stopped. I moved my hand away from his arm and stepped back. “I’m sorry- I just… I want to know, please.”
His eyes soften for a moment but he turns to look away from me. “She’s… not her anymore. She’s possessed by someone. Someone more powerful than me. I can’t bring her back to you. Bai He is… gone.”
My heart shatters when I hear his words. I feel the tears swelling in my eyes as I stumbled back. “I.. was supposed to tell you this last week, but I didn’t want to-“
“You knew… and you didn’t told me…” I muttered out. A wave of emotions wash over me. I felt sad. I felt desperate. I felt anger. I felt rage. I want to yell. I want to destroy the wall. I want to curl myself and cry for hours. I waited for long, I gave up my powers.. and for what? Only for him to say Bai He is gone. Yet I cling to hope, for him to say anything else.
"But, the powers I gave you–"
"It's over now. It's pointless. She's gone and I... we. We can't bring her back. Not anymore."
"But there's something you can possibly do-"
His look darkens and he growls. "I SAID IT'S OVER, JIAO YUE. WHY CAN'T YOU FUCKING GET THAT TO YOUR HEAD. God, you're so fucking dumb. I clearly said she's gone and you're still hoping for some sort of miracle to bring her back? Are you that fucking stupid?!"
I choked on my own breath. Hearing his words made my heart drop. My eyes widening as he yelled those words at me. "Look, I.. I didn't mean to yell... I just got fed up and I bursted out, moonlight-"
"Don't you fucking call me that."
"... Jiao Yue. I just.. I didn't want to make you upset-"
"You just did. And not only that, you broke my trust for you. I trusted you for once, and what did you do? You kept it as a secret, but you didn't kept your own word." I glared at him, my eyes filled with anger and hatred. "I demand my powers back."
His eyes widen and then he avoids my gaze. "I don't want to."
What the fuck.
"Excuse me? What the fuck do you mean "I don't want to."?? After you taking my powers so you could try to search and get her, WHICH YOU DIDN'T, ... you didn't comply to your deal. So I have the right to fucking get my powers back!" I raised my voice in anger, the tears starting to roll down. But, I looked at him, he showed no signs of sympathy. He looked at me in disbelief.
"CAN'T YOU JUST ACCEPT IT?! She's gone, Jiao Yue. God, you're so fucking NAIVE. Do you seriously think I'd give you your powers back after I didn't kept my word. Hell no. Are you really that stupid?! I'm a demon, Jiao Yue. It's not my fault you trusted me in the first place."
His words cutting right through my chest like a dagger. Tears painfully burning in my eyes as I swallowed his words in my head. Maybe he's right. It's not his fault. It's my fault. It's always been my fault. I get it.
"... I get it now.. okay.. thanks for.. your time, Macaque.." I muttered, my voice as low as a whisper as I could barely show emotions right now. I felt tired. I felt drained. I didn't want to talk back anymore. I turned around and started walking away, leaving him in awkward yet tense silence.
"Jiao Yue... I'm s-"
"Save it. Go to your new boss. Bai He is gone, I get it. Just... don't come back. Please."
I knew I never should've trusted him in the first place. I knew I shouldn't have but... I did. Maybe because he was the first one to offer help to me? Maybe because I was too desperate? Or I thought he was kind inside, because he was the first person who listened to my vents. Maybe because of this confusing feeling I had towards him. God, I can't fucking do this anymore.
I walked directly to my room, shutting it close and I leaned against the wall. I let myself fall and curled myself on the ground, pulling my knees to my chest and resting my head on top of my arms. I let my tears flow as heavily as I felt, letting myself drown in my tears, my thoughts and my guilt. It's all my fault.
Suddenly, a voice speaks which stopped me temporarily from my crying. "How pitiful... it seems like you had went through something rough, dear.. perhaps I can help you."
I raise my head, looking at a tall guy in dark grey and blue suit with an unnaturally and creepy smile. I frowned, wiping my tears and still crossing my arms. "I don't need your help. I don't want to see anyone."
"Not even... Bai He?"
His words caught my attention. "... You know where's Bai He?" I nearly felt desperate again. But I didn't want to trust another one again easily. "Of course, I'd be most glad to take you to her, my dear...", he extends an arm for me to take as he leaned close. I looked at it for a moment, reconsidering it. I took a deep breath and as I reached for it, Macaque bursts out from the door.
I snap my head back and saw Macaque, I glared and my fists clenched. "... Why should I listen to you." I spit my words out with anger and dread.
"Look- Jiao Yue, I know what I did was shit. But you gotta listen, he'll use you--"
"Like how you used me?" I gave him a hard look and he went speechless. I took the creepy guy's hand and he pulls me to the portal behind him and it closes before Macaque catches up.
The creepy guy helps me get up and he places a hand on my shoulder. "Poor creature... what an imbecile for him to take advantage on you, dear.." he mumbles as he starts to lead me though the dark abandoned place. Then, another voice speaks, I looked up and I was surprised to see... Bai He... but possessed.
"Bai He..." I muttered.
She grins at me, but it didn't look as bright and warm as it used to. She smiles... coldly and sinisterly.
"Looks like destiny has brought you to me once again, Jiao Yue."
End... or part 2?
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splatarsenal · 2 days
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spn au thing! I took this from my notes app
Less or more I'm unsure if I can cw this with anything? I don't think anything in it is triggering and if it is I am terribly sorry
destiel as hell and it kind it starts to read like a fanfic.
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A spn au but instead of the "world ending" and them saving the day. it ends. dean accepts Micheals offer from day one. Unlike Sam who doesn't accept Lucifer's offer and never does. this creates tension and micheal gets impatient, the war does happen in fact its hell. Armageddon happens, cas is the only hope for sam and bobby. He is powerless though until..He comfirms something he is in fact god. this causes.. Massive tension because why was he doing this? He had a lot to explain but sam nor bobby wasn't gonna listen to a word he said. if he was god why couldn't he stop it? Wasn't god their father? What the fuck (hes a demi god but he is GOD. just a different one not THE THE god.) he is a human now hes useless as he could ever fucking be. he goes into a depression and still has hope that maybe dean is alive or at least his soul. hes unsure though for many reasons snd who wouldn't be? He was partially used as micheals shield. he'd be lucky if he had made it out with all of his fingers and toes. cas hunts everywhere, he cant teleport so this looking turns into a hunt for years. too many to count he experiences the horrors of humanity and realises how truly fucked this planet was. it disgusted him but he was once again powerless. He was also loosing hope because it was months and years he had been looking for dean for hope that maybe he was alive. just when he was about to give up, he finds himself in a bar a small one and notices a man.. Who seems familiar this was only added on to when the name "dean" was called. It echoed through his ears and rang in his head like a bell. there he was, alive and in the flesh; dean fucking Winchester. He had evidently aged a bit more he was before havibg almost a head of grey hairs but he wasnt that old, he was surely older then castiel had come to remember but he was wearing a pair of sunglasses. He didn't seem to remember cas and castiel was wrecked because he had come so far just to be brought back to square fucking one. he was basically a stranger to dean now... dean took off his sunglasses and he was...blind ? God castiel felt sorry for him.
dean was blind. It was evident the whiteness covering his irises, castiel couldnt help but stare and he knew he was getting weird looks they probably thought he was some weirdo. dean would drink down his beer and speak up, asking the man (castiel) if he was having fun looking at him and if he had never seen a blind man. castiel felt embarrassed he apologized, dean shrugged it off not taking offense to it. But cas...he kind of just gave up. Because what was he to do? he left the bar, he felt emptier then usual maybe it was because he lost two of his best friends. one to His ignorance and the other to just being powerless because he nearly killed himself to help the Winchesters. he shouldve been pissed, mad even. Why wasn't he? why wasn't he mad at them? for making him suffer. it had to be a deeper reason to why, right? He leaned against the wall of the alley way as a figure caught his eye and deans voice once again echoed through his ears. Like fine wine made his ears tingle at the rasp in his voice. he called out castiels name. cas was unsure if he was referring to him. someone else must've had that name too, right? Cas noticed deans slight limp and the... cane dean had, god maybe dean was older then he thought. cas looked around nervously not talking because well he was blind. not to be mean or anything... "castiel novak" 'dean' called out. that wasn't even castiels last fucking name. It was his vessels last name. Jimmy novak, poor guy...But that wasn't important, taking a closer look at "dean" he had a uhhh...fake leg?..what were those things called...God that, battle must've taken a tool on him. But how was he even breathing? he was supposed to be dead, that was the plan that was the fucking mission not to kill dean but kill Lucifer and Sam was meant to be his vessel but Adam took that role soon after they figured out that Adam was Winchester blood he was the closest thing to Sam. Micheal was an angel he obviously had to have a vessel. god forbid. castiel began to feel a migraine form, he rubbed his temple. he would never get used to being a human. he missed being who he was. being able to help, defend. do something, He could barely hold a gun properly. what use was he? "stop thinking that way, hun" dean said. the words made his throat sore cas turned almost red. maybe it was because dean was blind. hopefully dean didn't.. mean to talk to castiel like that, right? fuck. (This turning into a fanfic lol HELP.) cas shook his head and groaned out the pain he was feeling. His head was throbbing like it had a heart beat of its own. "There's something, they..wanted me to give..or back yeah. give back" dean uddered as he hastily walked over to cas. pressing his pointer finger and middle finger against castiels temble. rubbing and sliding them down with a slight touch to it a beam of white light emerged the alley way he had been standing in. it gave the night a light. it was like a beam. the same ring that dean heard when castiel first tried to communicate rang through castiels ears... his own voice
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