#ones a soul eater au
Clone wars headcanons about Anakin and Ahsoka being siblings
When Anakin pisses Ahsoka off she’ll hunt Obi-Wan down and say something along the lines of “I’m gonna kill your son” the first time this happened it shocked Obi-Wan into silence but it didn’t take long for him to put 2 and 2 together 
Not long after Anakin starts copying Ashoka’s little comment but his are more creative so it’s something along the lines of “Imma throw your daughter out the airlock” he mostly does this because it pisses Ahsoka off when he mimics her but it’s also weirdly therapeutic 
Poor Obi-Wan has to deal with both of them ranting at him so it’s pretty common for him to hear the same story twice in one day
On a couple of rare occasions one of the two enters his room to complain just to find the other doing the same thing which usually results in a new fight because “how dare you come in here to do the same thing I’m doing” 
Those fights usually end with Obi-Wan kicking them out to handle their shit he’s usually willing to hear out both of their sides and problem solve but not when they’re fighting just to fight (which happens sometimes) 
Anakin formed this little tik that makes him laugh and confuses the general public and that tik is whenever someone close to him asks him to do something he’ll say no and do it anyway
He only really does this with Rex and Ahsoka (more so Ahsoka) he respects the rest of them too much at first the duo was confused by it but after a while they just took it as a yes and moved on with it 
It usually looked something like this “General your padawan is being stubborn please go check on her” “No” and then Rex would nod or give a small thanks and then move on 
Or “Hey skyguy can we please get ice cream when we’re done with this mission” “No” “Thanks master!!” 
The first time Obi-Wan saw this happen he was flabbergasted and called Anakin rude which made the duo take a step back because they were so used to it
Ahoksa spoke up first asking “What do you mean master?” and when Obi-Wan clarified that rejecting her so abruptly could rightfully be seen as rude the duo shot him confused looks
Anakin tries to clear it up by saying “What are you talking about I said we could get some” and when Obi-Wan again points out that he told her no Anakin responds with something that makes Obi-Wan want to tear his hair out “but she knows I’m saying yes don’t you snips” to which Ashoka agrees
Obi-Wan walked away muttering about padawans giving him gray hairs and putting him in an early grave 
Ahsoka doesn’t know when she started keeping a mental list of the most embarrassing things the boys have done but it becomes a great source of entertainment for her 
Sometimes when Anakin is getting a little too cocky with Padme she’ll say “Hey master remember when you” and the next thing she knows she’s there’s a hand over her mouth and she’s being dragged away
Sometimes when Rex is taunting her a little too much about how “you almost beat me that time squirt maybe the next time or the next or the next” she’ll respond with “do you think the boys wanna know about that time we were walking to the speeder and” and he shuts up fast as hell 
She’s never had to do this to Obi-Wan but Anakin asked her if she remembers any of his embarrassing moments and all she does is nod the 212 swears they’ve never seen their general go as pale as he did that day 
On the rare occasions that Anakin or Ahsoka want to watch something different than the other it usually results in a lot of bickering a lot of “I’m your master and you will listen to me” and “that doesn’t apply here” thrown out 
But Anakin’s favorite thing to throw in Ahsoka’s face is “I was here first” even if he wasn’t and when she points that out he’ll respond with “I meant alive first”
Sometimes Ahsoka will respond with “I was here first” which results in two paths 1. Being her reminding him she was at the temple before him or 2. Her saying she was born first 
The first response usually ends her in a headlock and the second gets a response that people can hear from outside the temple and that’s Anakin yelling at the top of his lungs “That makes no kriffing sense!!” 
This is me projecting a little bit but I think Ahsoka swears like a damn sailor it’s bad enough to catch Anakin off guard and he’s barely better than her bro can and will curse in multiple languages but force forbid Ahsoka says kriff
She’s startled a few “language!” Or “hey”s out of him which shocks both of them more than it should Ahsoka is more startled by the hypocrisy and Anakin is startled because “Oh kriff I’m turning into Obi-Wan”
The funny thing is a lot of people including Obi-Wan blame Anakin for her cussing problem and a few masters even suggest some less than-up-to-code options to fix the problem which causes Anakin to become a little protective 
On nights when Anakin and Ahsoka can’t sleep and sitting in the temple feels like a death sentence they silently go to Anakin’s favorite speeder and just drive 
Sometimes they have somewhere specific in mind but most of the time they drive with no destination in mind sometimes they pick up Rex or Obi-Wan but most nights it’s just the two of them
Sometimes they talk about life and sometimes they sit in complete silence just enjoying each other's company and the shitty music on the radio
The only consistent thing about these trips is they don't go back until both of their eyes are drooping and Anakin can’t safely drive anymore
They never talk about these little excursions unless they’re already on one honestly they don’t even have to ask most times they’ll just walk into each other's rooms share a look and then walk out 
And there's something weirdly comforting about that routine
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silliemop · 1 month
So I have a question about your soul eater AU. How did Sun Wukong turn into his staff and how come he can’t turn back to normal?
AHH SO GLAD YOU ASKED i mean basically Wukong is a demon weapon so he can turn into a staff and can turn back(ive just enjoyed drawing him more in his staff form)
BUT THE STUCK-AS-WEAPON SITUATION WITH MACAQUE.... in the past Macaque and Wukong had a compatible wavelength but present time yk enemies so no longer compatible but thought of Macaque wanting back Wukong's power and to use him bc he's a really powerful weapon so he put a curse on Wukong with his magic or some other magic and can now force Wukong into compatibility but also control his forms(so he keeps Wukong as a weapon most of the time bc its harder to run when you have no legs or arms!!!)
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booburt · 2 months
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ive been busy
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spiraling-trap · 2 months
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more soul eater au (who is surprised)
light and L experiment with the black blood in light’s body until they spiral and end up merging bodies completely (like ragnarok/crona). they’re crazy and trying to become a kishin. these are doodles of that
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3lectricinsomnia · 9 months
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any soul eater fans?
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vrronica-sawyer · 2 months
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Soul Eater Trigun au doodles except none of these idiots would be able to soul resonate early enough into their relationships to be assigned partners in school sorry shipper nations
Do NOT look at these weapons pls I hate drawing guns
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akq96618 · 4 months
[ King ohger soul eater au ]
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here it is! the rough idea doodles for other kings! It's just started with giramie (you can find them here ), but i think it will be fun if i added the others too
+ some more trivia below
(warning: big spoiler for soul eater manga, and me nerding over soul eater)
for those who aren't familiar with soul eater, the series revolve around the story of meister and demon weapon (human who can transform into weapons). The students of of Shibusen, school build by 'shinigami' take on missions to collect souls and protect the city from the world's threats.
The school parted into 2 types of class, N.O.T (Normally Overcome Target, class for those who just want to control their powers, pretty much just like a normal class) and E.A.T (Especially Advantaged Talent, consist of the 10% students in shibusen, class for students/agents who use their powers to battle evil)
-this au sets years after soul eater manga ending, where human and witch can already living side by side
-Morfonia used to be in NOT class, but then she moved to EAT class after reunited in shibusen and being partners with rita (they're childhood friends)
-Suzume supposed to be gira's weapon partner, since the Hastie and Dybowski family been on some kind of..bound? relationship? for a long time. But racles don't want gira to be a meister, so he took both of the dybowski siblings as his weapon (welp, gira still finds jera anyway)
-Top 3 EAT class academical rank: Rita, Himeno, Yanma (it's quite a tie with jeramie sometimes), gira is somewhere in the middle, or below-
-Top 3 EAT class physical rank (as in like, PE class): Gira, Rita, Jeramie, (you know where yanma at right)
-yeah i use racs and himeno's p1 hair bcs i love them
-Rita can see someone's soul, while Gira can 'sense' someone's soul perfectly (like, what kind of people they are) and know kishin's soul before they turned into kishin egg (kishin egg: evil souls)
-Sebastian is not a student but he still go to shibusen to accompany himeno as her butler and demon weapon
-before met yanma, shiokara used to be Mayuta's demon weapon partners along with usuba (sniper rifle) and akka (brass knuckle ring)
-Jeramie is a child of demon weapon and witch, his mom run away from the witch realm because she possesses healing magic, which is unforgivable and hated by the witches
-and jera got his black blood from his mother, who didn't know that she was used to be medusa's (antagonist witch in SE) experiment object. Medusa thought she's a failed object, so she throw nephila out of her object list.
-before Jeramie met Gira, he wonder all over death city to find who killed and ate his parents' soul
-Gira don't really like to live in the Hastie's main mansion , so he rented apartments near shibusen together with Jera after decided to be his Meister. As a condition to allow gira living out of the Hastie household, Racles ask Duuga, the Hastie's butler, to visit gira's place from time to time
-Jeramie had this 'madness of hope' that triggered his black blood
-i'm thinking about 'madness of justice' for gira but 'justice' will suit rita more...
i don't think i'll elaborate more about this au, but who knows
here's more giramie in madness + blackblood armor bcs i like to draw them in that
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Grumbo Week - Day Six: AU
Week event held by @grumboweek
(Context: years ago there is a discussion of Soul Eater AU and I suggested Mumbo to be a flintlock firearm type weapon... and now its the chance to try it out :P)
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sparticus2000art · 2 months
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I decided to redraw some old crossover fanart from 2018 of underswap and soul eater
This was mostly spurred on due to recently deciding to re watch soul eater while being balls deep in an undertale phase.
I think when I originally drew this I (incorrectly) thought that swap sans and black star and then swap papyrus and soul eater had similar personalities. They very much don’t for the most part, and I assume the off interpretation was due to me only just having stumbled across undertale and it’s various aus at the time. I think in some isolated aspects they might have some similarity, but for the most part are all very different characters. I do however still think that they look super cool in the soul eater outfits so I guess they’re just cosplaying.
If I was to ever actually make a proper crossover au I’d put the characters in as their own selves but altered to fit the world rather than stuffing them into roles that don’t necessarily fit.
I’ve kinda been wanting to revisit this for a few years (at least the last two or three) so I’m glad I finally got around to it.
Here’s also the separated segments so you can see them bigger!
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I’ll also pop the old version under the cut for comparison!
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lucydoodlessometimes · 3 months
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p... princess eater? soul tutu??? what if mytho was a weapon literally. what if princess tutu was soul eater. anime that rewired my brain
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empydoc · 1 month
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SOUL EATER AU sam & darlin'
check out the masterpost here!
welcome to a redacted soul eater au post! here, i try and discover what it'd be like if you merged the soul eater world and mechanics within the redactedverse. this is the eleventh post in the series! we've got sam & darlin' on the menu today. enjoy!
sam — soul type: weapon weapon type: dagger compatible with: darlin'
as mentioned before in previous posts, vampire souls are tricky to match when it comes to wavelengths with non-vampire partners. seen in porter's post, where he and his partner are not yet compatible, and in vincent's post where their [vincent and lovely's] compatibility emerged through trauma & lovely's turning, vampires have it difficult.
however, through the sheer willpower and genuine love that comes from sam and darlin's relationship, they appeared almost compatible from the start. as sam got closer and opened up more and more, it seemed like they were made for eachother from the beginning, and the two match incredibly well as a weapon/meister pair. darlin's up-close fighting style resonates incredibly with sam's close-combat dagger form, and the two make a scary- but admirable- duo.
i won't say this often in this series, but these two were easy to get from the start. they're the perfect pair (cue beabadoobee) and i knew i wanted sam to be a dagger, purely because darlin' being a melee fighter made sense with their werewolf status!
darlin' —  soul type: meister strongest meister ability: soul resonance - a technique where special attacks are made when resonating with their weapon's soul. compatible with: sam
werewolves, due to their natural ability to shift into a different form, are usually weapons. darlin' isn't. this is something people are often surprised to hear when it comes to it, but darlin' isn't ashamed to admit it.
darlin's soul has struggled to maintain a connection with others before. there was an instance where they thought they'd be able to match wavelengths with someone, but that man led them astray with expectations of highs and lows. fortunately, as they've confided in sam and grown closer with him, they've realised that the highs and lows aren't what they needed, but to have a steady love from the start.
i'm going to be making bonus episodes on both quinn and alexis at a later date, but those two have core positions in this au that makes their stories a little more interesting!
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lite backstory: for every post i make for the characters, i'll add some au backstory to really fill in some details you may be curious about!
sam and darlin' met in the same way- darlin', looking for answers on the property of a tired vampire trying to get by with his already chaotic life. however, unlike what we know the canon story to be, sam had his own hunt going on that he was preparing to get towards. hearing stories of an old foe inviting dangerous beings over for tea parties? unexpected, but his trust in william's word was enough for him to look more into it. and, as darlin' got to understanding his situation, they took part of the matter into their own hands.
now, hunting both their own enemies, the two make a fierce pair when it comes to weapon/meister partners. and, as soul after soul are reaped, they'll find what they're looking for. eventually.
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kicktwine · 1 year
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various (including frills)
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silliemop · 2 months
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umumm quick doodles i managed to do
now i’m gonna go be dead bc finals week hip hip hurray(dying)
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booburt · 1 month
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art-by-a-gus · 6 months
More Soul eater one piece au!
Witch nami!
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I plan to finish this later (hopefully) but I need to leave it for now
The zoro in the background is (atticus1301) idea for this au I'll tag them in the comments, check out their art
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lemonthatsspooky · 17 days
(Read right to left)
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I don't like how the last panel came out, but I REALLY like the main panel w/ crocopookie :3
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