#one search and theres millions from this month alone
childabusesurvivor · 2 years
There's No Magic Pill
New Post has been published on https://www.childabusesurvivor.net/reviews/2022/08/08/theres-no-magic-pill/
There's No Magic Pill
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I was catching up on an episode of No Stupid Questions from a couple of months ago titled How Simple Is Too Simple?
That’s what I really wanted to talk about — this embrace of the “magic bullet” way of thinking about the world, because I see it kind of everywhere I look. A lot of the work that I do with Freakonomics Radio, — or at least what I try to do — is to cut against that, to show that, while there is a virtue to simplicity, the world is complex. Moreover, even if a simple solution works, it will probably fail to work forever.
Dubner’s quote here is true of many of the things they go in to discuss in the episode, cancer treatments, crime rates, poverty, and COVID. No one thing is going to solve any of these things. The search for the one thing also creates a lot of unnecessary divisiveness because it’s not a choice of your solution versus my solution; it’s likely to be a little of both.
Angela Duckworth gave an example:
These are economists, who were testing interventions in a relatively poor population. I think it was Liberia. And what I remember taking from that paper was that they were smart to actually not only ask the question “Which is better?” But they actually had a group that got both, so they could look to see the effect of having a combination of therapy and a small cash grant, and I believe that was the group that actually, in the long run, did the best. And so, it’s not “either/or.” You know, my favorite go-to is “both/and.” And “both/and” is not single-cause, right? “Both/and” says there’s a lot going on here.
As I read about the mental health field and interact with folks on these topics online, I see this more and more. Some articles and studies offer solutions for mental health issues. Everything from diet and gut bacteria to exercise, CDB, meditation, and so on. There’s a new “solution” to depression and anxiety every day online. The thing is, some of these will work for some people some of the time. Eating healthier and exercising will help you feel better generally. Will it solve every mental health issue out there? Of course not. Anyone claiming to have the secret to solving every case of depression or bipolar is lying. There is no magic bullet that will solve something as complex as the mental health of millions of people around the world. As Angela says about poverty, “there’s a lot going on here.”
Mental health is complicated. The solution to one individual case is complicated. The solution to the lack of resources is complicated. Telling people to get more exercise, let alone selling them the diet and workout that will solve all their mental health issues, is a fraud, isn’t it? Saying that we simply need to give everyone free therapy without addressing the serious shortage of therapists is as well.
Anyone who suggests there is a simple solution to the mental health problem facing us as a country and the world is not to be taken seriously.
#Anxiety, #Depression, #Meditation, #MentalHealth, #Resources, #Therapy
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uh-drarry · 3 years
Can i ask what the difference between ace and aro is? If not thats totally fine! I was just curious, have a lovely day ♥️
Of course!! I hope you are having a lovely day as well, nonnie. Thanks for the ask! I’m not an expert but I have done a lot of research since realizing I was both ace and aro but I only recently realized this within the last six months so I’m going to give kind of broad terms and they both definitely have more definitive terms depending on the person using them. Ace is short for Asexual. Aro is short for Aromantic. (As I type this Aromantic is showing as a spelling error, and if that doesn’t tell you anything about how underrepresented that community is idk what will). This got a bit long, so I am putting it all under the cut.
Asexual people feel little to no sexual attraction. The opposite of this is Allosexual, meaning you do feel sexual attraction. Asexual is an umbrella term and there’s many micro labels under it as well. This doesn’t mean aces don’t have a libido though. Some people have high or low libidos and are still Ace because it’s about sexual attraction. Asexual people sometimes define themselves as one of the following, sex favorable (does enjoy sex, but possibly won’t initiate it themselves, or they could live without it but are happy to partake as far as I understand), sex positive (this can mean the previous, or, like me, they encourage others to have sex if they want it, and believe safe sex should be taught, etc.), sex neutral (they might enjoy sex, but eh, that’s cool if they never do it again, or ever), and sex repulsed (might get nauseous at the thought of it, never wants to partake, depending who they are they might not want to see it, hear it, watch it, etc even within media, nothing). Back to feeling or not feeling sexual attraction, for example, I have never once looked at, say Chris Hemsworth or Zendaya, and thought “Yeah, they turn me on, I’d have sex with them.” (Honestly the fact that I really had to think to come up with names there, which I think it very telling, I’m laughing at myself). *oversharing probably but trying to help people understand, sorry* Despite the my lack of sexual attraction to anyone, I do feel things, for example, when I read smut or something similar. Ace people might get themselves off, have sex, or never do anything of the sort down there. That kind of thing is about feeling good, you don’t have to think your partner or whatever is sexy in order to do that. If anyone wants to do their own research, AVEN.com (Asexual Visibility and Education Network) is probably a good starting point, or I can rec some blogs here.
Aromantic people feel little to no romantic attraction. Very different from feeling sexual attraction, yes? Basically, take all of what I wrote about being Ace and exchange sex with romance and that’s an aromantic person. I will explain anyway. Just like allosexual, alloromantic people are people who do feel romantic attraction. Romantic attraction is when you want to do romantic coded things with people. Of course romance is a bit harder to define than sex, so it can mean a lot of things to different people. Kissing can be seen as romantic to one person, and another aro person could really enjoy kissing others for example. Personally, I get pretty uncomfortable in romantic situations regarding myself and someone else, which I would probably define as being Romance Repulsed. After learning what this term meant and reading some about it, I really thought of my experiences. I’m pretty sure I’ve never had a crush on anyone, relationships (the brief two that I’ve had) really just felt like friendships. I didn’t initiate anything besides maybe handholding because I didn’t know what to do, or I didn’t even realize that was a thing that most people in that situation would be doing at that point in a relationship. I felt very uncomfortable when a ex tried to take a kiss further than a peck, among other things. Again, being Aromantic doesn’t mean aro people automatically will never have or want romantic relationships. They just don’t feel those feels for people usually. Like AVEN for asexuals, there’s Arocalypse.com for aro people. I have less blogs to rec here, but I can rec some if someone wants it.
There are good examples of different types of attraction, I personally feel platonic attraction which would be the desire to be someone’s friend, as well as aesthetic attraction which is defined below.
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People can be one, or both, or neither. I am both, AroAce. People in these communities often use the Split Attraction Model (SAM). Which would be like someone stating that they are Asexual Homoromantic, or Aromantic Heterosexual, or Aromantic Pansexual, among many other combos.
Because I do feel aesthetic attraction, pretty much solely towards women, I define myself as an Oriented AroAce, or Lesbian AroAce. If I ever did end up in a relationship with someone, I can only ever imagine it to be with a woman. Again though, that’s just one microlable among so many that are out there.
This is a huge list of identities and labels, it overwhelms be tbh, but I’m linking it here anyway because it’s very informative.
I assume this ask was in response my reblog here. Yes I get very annoyed when people treat these two orientations as the same thing, despite me identifying as both. As I hope you can now see, they are very different things. A lot of the time, I enjoy reading about romance and sometimes sexual relationships, but sometimes I want to read other peoples thoughts, fics, posts, etc about only one of these and the Aro/Aromanticism tag is flooded with posts about asexuality which really doesn’t help people who are trying to learn about aromanticism or wanting specific content.
One more point before I wrap this up. I read a book because I wanted to see if it’d help me know for sure if I was demisexual (definition can be found in the huge list I linked two paragraphs up, or on google), and it actually made me realize I was aroace and I am forever grateful for it so I will rec it here. It’s called Loveless by @aliceoseman and it has quickly become my favorite book. So if anyone wants to read about a fictional character realizing they’re aroace, this is a fantastic book. I related so much to Georgia, it’s crazy. Also her other works are fantastic.
Remember you are not alone! Experts believe that 1% of the population is ace (and I think it’s the same for aro people) and that might sound like no one but, guys, theres 7.8 billion people on this planet. That means theres 78 million people like us! I ended up finding a lot of ace people to follow on twitter as well by the way.
This might be a hot take to some but the A in LGBTQIA+ does not mean ally! It’s for Asexual, Aromantic, and Agender! And we do belong in the queer community because the queer community is for people who aren’t straight, cis, or amatonormative. Wow, I hope this all makes sense, if any of you are confused or have more thoughts, or I messed something up, UNLESS YOU’RE BEING APHOBIC, add your thoughts, or message me!
Side note: Do please send me recs of people to follow, books, fics, shows, whatever, I am always searching for new content within these orientations!
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aerospace-agenda · 4 years
Ok, so, just... since the “ao3 is bad for asking for donations” bs is going around again, theres a bit of new stuff mixed in, but it seems to largely be the same “why dont they pay the authors” type stuff, with the usual insinuations of the people running the site just pocketing the money and doing nothing.
they made a bit over $700k in donations last year, but let’s bump that up to $750k for estimation purposes.
As of several years ago, they were running with about 750 volunteers, on ao3 alone.
there’s also 18 committees that they run, which are headed by a total of about 30 people, and let’s say there are 3 or 4 other people on each committee on average.
on top of that, they’re one of the most visited and active sites in the world, with almost 6 million fics stored there, and they regularly hit in the region of 250,000,000 distinct visitors a month. these numbers are very significant, because to operate smoothly servers need to be able to quickly access the data for a page, and then pass that data to you. 
lets say there are... hm. about 60kb of data that they need to pass to you in order to generate a page. at 250 million visitors, if each person loads a single page and does nothing else, that’s 15TB a month, easily, since i’m taking that estimate from directly loading a single short chapter, no searching or browsing or visiting different author pages or looking through bookmarks. which most people will probably do to some degree each time they visit, each of which is another system that needs to be queried, and is reliable and fast about it.
for reference, i can’t get an estimate on how much this must cost, because i havent been able to find any hosts to compare against that even have hosting schemes that allow numbers as high as ao3 delivers reliably and efficiently.
i work with databases for my job, and i frankly have no idea how the fuck ao3 manages to be what it is on the budget that it gets, im half-convinced there are fucking wizards back there or something.
purchasing the kinds of servers that they need to be using must be costing them well into the tens of thousands on the up-front price, server maintanence costs can run well into the thousands per month, and their reliability must mean they have sufficient redudancy to take them out of commission on the regular.
anyway. let’s say that the hosting, maintanence, and replacement costs for all this only cost them $150k a year. based on everything i know, this is an absolutely absurd underestimate to the extent that it’s frankly laughable.
anyway, that then leaves $600k. 
no matter where you assume that goes into the pockets of people behind the scenes, this would require complete complicity of everyone behind the scenes to keep under cover, as well as passing their false financial statements through audits and such. by and large, conspiracies like this don’t work very well!
so, that $600k should go to the people who “actually” bring value to ao3, the writers, then?
does everyone just get an even share of it? in that case, as there are about 2.6 million accounts- everybody gets about 23 cents a year. sound worth it? 
no? ok then, what about for each fic someone writes, they get an even share of it? after all, there were “only” about a million fics published in 2019. that’s about 60, maybe 70 cents per fic, doesn’t that sound good to you?
im guessing you think that’s still a bit low. in that case, should it be based on "quality” of fics? how should that quality be determined? kudos, hits, reader interaction? should that be an ongoing thing, or assessed at a particular time since publication? what about very long-running fics, how should that be assessed? should people just get paid a flat amount per chapter?
if the metrics to determine how much a fic is “worth” are transparent, then they’ll be abused- how should that be be determined? poor language quality? short chapter length? if they’re not transparent, how do you justify to authors why they aren’t paid more?
what about disputes regarding fanfics being “stolen”? right now, i dont think many people care much about if someone else writes a very similar fic to theirs. but would they feel the same way if someone else writes something inspired by, or with the same premise, or generally similar, to one of yours? what about if someone writes a story and incorporates someone elses OC? should the person who created that OC get a cut? 
if you want to increase funds to pay authors, how should you approach that? ask for donations? if payment metrics are transparent, then that means that anybody who performs well on them are likely to actively drive away donors. make it a subscription site? would you pay a monthly subscription fee just to access the site?
and so on, and so on. and that’s before any issues with backlog and such should be resolved. tbh, there are so many precedents that’d need to be set and potential issues that this would raise that even if ao3 responded with “fuck you” to every person who currently aren’t happy with the system, it would still probably be less unpopular than literally any change to allow them to pay authors.
honestly, at the end of the day, most people who are actually interested in financial support and who write fanfic? generally have a blog with a donation button. or a patreon. or something similar, along those lines. and there’s nothing stopping you from just going and doing that directly if you’re actually interested in supporting them.
it’s worth noting that there’s also a legal aspect to this, which im not particularly familiar with, but, for starters- a commercial aspect to works can make a big difference in whether or not something is considered “fair use”. whether or not something is, indeed, fair use, can also be pretty subjective. do you want to toss that litigational coin? and do you have the money and lawyers to press the issue? 
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Falling (part 2)
 Part 1: https://anythingandeverything1d.tumblr.com/post/615981743290400768/falling
You looked at your watch, the concert was in a few hours and you instantly ran upstairs to get ready, fighting back the logic your brain warned you about and following your heart. You tore your closet open looking for the perfect outfit, but for what occasion. For the first time in months you softly smiled and let yourself think about the possibility of Harry. The nights that you missed so much, his soft hair in your fingers, his dimples, the way he kissed you, the way he laughed and told horrible jokes, all of it. “Ughhh” you moaned leaning back against the wall. “What am I getting myself into?”
30 minutes later and you had thrown almost every article of clothing you owned onto your bedroom floor. You had decided on black skinny jeans, a white crop top, and your hair had been thrown into a half bun (one of Harry’s favorite looks on you) “ugh what have I actually become” you mumbled to yourself while putting on some hot pink lip gloss and grabbing your jacket off the door. You grabbed the envelope with the tickets and opened the door revealing your friend. She looked you up and down with a suspicious glance. 
“Where are you going?”
“Uhh nowhere...”
“Yep, I better get going..” She grabbed your wrist and stopped you. “You're going nowhere looking like that? Really? You expect me to believe that...” You glanced at the envelope quickly and nodded trying to continue out the door. “Whats this?” She took the envelope from your hand and peered inside. “Oh my god. You are not. Theres no way you are going to Harry’s concert..”
“I need to. Okay. I need to know. I need closure.” You ranted on a quick explanation of seeing him at the gas station and the note on the back of the ticket and sighed. “You don't understand...I need to go. I need to move on.”
“Fine then we are going together. There’s no way Im letting you make a stupid rash decision when he bats those eyes and smiles at you. Nope. If you're doing this, we are doing it together.” And with that you smiled, grabbed her hand and pulled her to the car. 
Harry’s POV:
Harry was pacing the dressing room. His mind was moving a million miles a minute but yet everything was focused on one thing. You. He was sweating, so nervous about what the night would bring. He had specifically chosen the pink suit you had picked out for him so long ago. Paired with the black button down he wore on your first date. He picked the outfit specifically for you tonight and he hoped it would work. Of course he hadn’t ever stopped thinking of you, but seeing you at the gas station had sealed the deal. He needed you back in his life. Even as a friend. He knew he had screwed up. It had only been a few months without you but he was crumbling slowly. He was the one who fucked everything up. He hadn’t been present in the relationship for a while. He had dragged you along for the journey. He would leave and not call or text. And then there was Sarah. He never wanted to cheat but after drinking too much it had happened and of course you had been there to see it happen. Sarah was great and Harry had flirted for a while...but there wasn’t a spark. There wasn't anything that was there when you were in his life. He knew the moment you said goodbye that he had ruined the best thing in his life. He got lucky his show was in town tonight and even more lucky that you still lived in the same apartment complex. He left the tickets and passes but had no idea if you would even show up. He just prayed. “Please (y/n)...please come...I need you..” he mumbled with his head down.
“What?” Mitch asked walking in.
“Nothing.” Harry said looking up. 
“Well 20 minutes till showtime.” 
“Okay. Hey is there anyone backstage looking for me or anyone using a backstage pass left in my name?” Harry asked anxiously.
“No. Not that I know of anyone. Who are you expecting Styles..a girl?” He wiggled his eyebrows and laughed as Clare, Sarah, and Adam walked in.
“Oh what’s going on. What are we teasing Harry about now?” Clare asked.
“A girl.” Mitch answered. 
“Shut up guys.” Harry mumbled looking at Sarah. She had agreed friends was better and he was glad because he felt nothing but that. It was still a little awkward though. “Let’s just go. It’ll be great right? We can do this.”
Your POV:
You and your friend has pushed up to the front where the seats were and you were shaking you were so nervous. Of course everyone acknowledged you as you walked in so it took forever to find your seats but luckily the lights were dimming as you sat down. Smoke rolled off the stage and everyone cheered. You stood up slowly feeling a little light headed. You looked up and he was there. His head down. His pink suit. Hair pushed back in a wave and a small smile in the corner of his mouth. It was too much. You pushed back a few rows to where you were no longer visible and sat down collecting yourself. You just listened to the music. He was amazing. His album was amazing...of course you already knew that because you had listened the moment it was released. He really was a super star. You were proud too because he had waited for this moment for years. 
Towards the end of the concert Harry had begun searching the crowd with his eyes. Scanning row by row until he found you. His green eyes locked on yours. His mouth slight parted and his breathing was heavy from the last song. He curved his mouth up into a smile, his eyes never leaving yours. “There’s a song I’ve been working on. I decided tonight to play it. I hope you all enjoy, Ive worked hard on it.” He nodded to the band behind him and the music started.
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“I’m in my bed. And you're not here. And there's no one to blame but the drink and my wandering hands. Forget what I said. Its not what I meant. And I can't take it back. I can't unpack the baggage you left.” His eyes never strayed from yours. You knew what was happening. There were a few songs on the album about you, but this was different. Your eyes clouded with tears and you couldn't breathe. “What am I now, What am I now, What if I’m someone I don't want around. I’m falling again, I’m falling again, I’m falling.” Harry broke eye contact and looked down. Pouring himself into the words of the songs. You sat on the floor and put your head between your legs trying to breathe. Your friend was rubbing your back. Harry got to the end of the song “What if I’m down? What if I’m out? What if I’m someone you won't talk about? Im falling again, Im falling again, I’m falling.” And with that he bowed and ran off stage. The crowd of people slowly began clearing and you were able to breathe a little better. 
“Want to go home now?” your friend asked still slightly concerned at how pale your face was. You shook your head and stood up, pulling the backstage pass out. You ran to the guard and showed him before following him back. It was only a minute before you saw the pink suit. It stood out in a crowd very easily.
“Harry Edward Styles!” you shout, tears already forming in your eyes. He turns quickly and looks at you slightly stunned, and you continue forward pointing a finger at him. “What the hell was that?” You asked. He looked unsure of what to say. Finally he looked at you and sighed.
“That was my new song. What else would it be?” He sarcastically replied.
You didn’t know what else to say. You just stared at him, your nostrils flaring and his eyes intently watching your every move. Your friend came forward and grabbed your hand. “Come on (y/n), you don't need this.” She gently pulled you towards the door. 
“No.” His hand went out and grabbed your other wrist. “We need to talk.” He looked you in the eyes. “Thats why you're here right? Why else would you come?” His tone was harsh and you had no idea why. You looked at him and then at your friend. Your head was spinning again and you felt like you needed to sit down. You reached for the floor and felt yourself falling . “(y/n)!” Harry’s voice now very concerned shouted. Your eyes fluttered close and you hit the floor.��
Harry’s POV:
Harry didn’t know why he was being mean. He felt angry that you came back just to attack the song he had written about her. That he had poured so much energy and emotion into. When you had looked at him, he saw a slight fear in your eyes. You were scared of him and he didn’t want that. He saw you reach for the floor and your eyes close. He knew this, you were fainting. It was something that had happened a few time in the past. Scared him to death very time. This was no exception. He tried to catch your head and cushion the fall. You had hit the floor and he had immediately pulled you onto his lap and rocked you slowly. “(y/n) wake up...youre okay. Just please open your eyes...” He touched his forehead to yours and breathed slowly.
“This is your fault Styles.” your friend remarked kneeling next to him. “You overwhelmed her. You shouldn’t have even given her tickets. You nearly killed her two months ago. You don't even deserve the chance to speak to her.”
“(y/n)...open your eyes. You’re okay.” Harry ignored your friends comments and hummed softly, his eyes closed and his head against yours. 
Your POV:
Your eyes slowly opened and you heard a low and soft humming. Your head was pounding and you were acutely aware of arms wrapped tightly around you. You looked up and saw anxious green eyes staring into yours. Harry let out a shaky deep breath and moved his head back. You awkwardly climbed out of his arms and attempted to stand. You wobbled a bit and he immediately grabbed on and steadied you. You looked at your friend who was watching Harry very closely. “(y/n) can we please talk...alone.” he mumbled looking at your friend. You nodded your head, earning a sigh of relief from him. You looked at your friend telling her it was okay and let Harry pull you into his dressing room. He sat you on the couch and stood in front of you, running his fingers through his hair. “I don't even know where to start...”
“How about at the part where you left these tickets on my porch..” you grumbled watching him.
“I needed you here. I couldn’t get you out of my head after the gas station. It’s been so long...theres so much I’ve wanted to tell you but I couldn't because you blocked my calls.”
“Yeah because you cheated on me Harry. After 5 years?! You broke everything we had built together. All for some random girl?” You were annoyed but when you looked at him tears were falling down his cheeks and that made you sad. You didn’t want him to be upset. He had taken the jacket off and thrown it on a chair in the corner.
“I know....I know I ruined everything. It wasn't supposed to happen, it was a dumb mistake and I will forever regret it. The minute I saw you...I knew. I knew I had ruined the best thing in my life. There was never anything between me and her it was always just a drunk mistake. When you said goodbye I nearly lost it. I knew I would never love anyone but you. I haven't even looked a girl since that night. You're the only one I ever needed. I am so so so very sorry.I know I can’t take anything back but I need you. I can’t let you go, not again.” Your eyes were tearing up again and he reached up to wipe them away. His fingers rubbed my jaw and he leaned closer. You were suddenly very aware of him, his smell, everything. You leaned closer breathing faster and his lips cautiously met yours. You gave in. You fell against him and his hand pulled you unbearably close. He kissed you in a way that made you drown in him. He made the kiss deeper, adding more force and biting down on your lip. You moaned, opening your lips more allowing his tongue inside of your mouth. You sat up and ran your fingers through his hair, playing with the curls at the base of his neck while he trailed fingers up your back. If you died right now, you would be content. This moment was everything your body had been aching for the past two months. You grabbed the buttons on his shirt and went to pull it off. He pushed you back onto the cushions of the couch, your legs wrapped tightly around his waist. “Fuck I missed you (y/n).” He breathed into your ear before biting the soft skin on your neck. Yikes that was going to bruise for sure...
“I missed you too Harry” you managed before turning his head and bringing his lips back to yours. He kissed you like his life depended on it. Like there was nothing else he needed but you. You matched his energy. He had your shirt pulled almost over your head when there was a knock at the door and in walked a girl. She looked familiar..the hair... Harry looked up, his cheeks bright red. You sat up, pulling your shirt down and looking from her to Harry. 
“Sarah.” Harry managed while trying to catch his breath. “Is everything okay?” He looked anxious. 
You looked at her again and it hit you. “Sarah?” You looked at Harry again with pain in your eyes. 
“(y/n)....wait. It’s, It’s not what you think..” He grabbed your hand as you stood up. 
“She’s in your band?” You were crying again. Sarah was uncomfortable and moving towards the door. 
“Im going to go...I’ll catch you later Harry.” she left closing you back in the room with Harry. You turned toward him. 
“Really?” You said again looking at him.
“Like I said before, she was a mistake. I was drunk, she was drunk and that's all there is. There is absolutely nothing between us. I swear.” He stood up and walked towards you again. “(y/n), love, theres nothing between me and her. Its strictly work related.”
“Did you kiss her after we broke up? Did the two of you...” You asked staring at him. 
He looked down and shifted uncomfortably, giving you your answer. You wanted an answer though. “Harry. Did. You. Have. Sex. With. Her.”
“She kissed me...we...we just.... The next morning. But I swear I broke it off after that. I told her the truth. There was no feeling. There was nothing. You're all I could think of. I promise on my mums life there is nothing between us. There never will be.” Harry grabbed your hand and pulled you into his arms. He held you while you cried, rubbing your back. 
“I can't do this right now Harry. I really can’t. I...I need to go.” You pushed him away and walked to the door. Turning one last time you looked at him, his eyes shining with tears and you left. 
What do you guys think?? Part 3?? Let me know! xoxo
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batfam-imagines · 5 years
I literally love your batfam writing so much, can I request something? Can batsis (biological daughter of Bruce) be adapted after her mum dies and she's obsessed with makeup and loves it so all the boys think she's shallow and conceited? But she's not? Thank you so much
Tim flops on the couch beside his eldest brother, “Did yousee her room? She’s got a one of those makeup mirror things. The one with thelights in the mirror and all the drawers. When I walked by, she was filling thewhole thing up with makeup”
“Are you serious? Who needs that much makeup?”
“I don’t think Steph, Cass, and Babs have that much makeupcombined. I mean I know her mom was a model and all, but she must be stupid shallowand obsessed with her looks”
There’s a soft creak as the door open and both boys glanceup to see the newest member of the Wayne household standing awkwardly in thedoorway. “Hi, Alfred said that you two were in here … he said that you guys wouldn’tmind giving me a bit of a tour. I only know where my room and the kitchen is …”
Dick lets out a put-upon sigh and heaves himself off thecouch, “Yeah, come on, I’ll show you around.”
Y/N glances up at him when they’re passing one of the hugebay windows, “You know, you have beautiful cheekbones, they’d be perfect be forsome highlight. And Tim has some beautiful eyelashes, I have to use falsies ormascara to that kind of length. You know I have -”
“Not everyone needs makeup to feel good about themselves,Y/N”
She freezes for a few seconds before catching up to him, “Iknow. I don’t use makeup because I don’t feel good about myself. I use it becauseit makes me confident, it’s like a mask that helps me take on the world. Ienjoy makeup, I don’t need it, Dick.” Her eyes lock with his, “This familyshould know all about mask, right?”
Dick almost chokes out a disbelieving laugh, that’s definitelysomething he’ll need to bring up to Bruce but for now he’ll ignore it. “So, youhave all that different makeup, and spend all that money just because you likeit?”
“I actually get a lot of my makeup for free. I have a YouTubechannel where I teach people how to put on makeup, so different makeupcompanies will sometimes send me their new pallets or supplies for me to testout and review. Mom taught me to be confident in who I am, to love myself andothers based on who they are as a person. I try to help my followers becomeconfident in themselves while I’m teaching them how to do makeup” The older manjust continues to stare at her, “Maybe you shouldn’t judge people on their outwardappearance and try to get to know them first”
Y/N quickly walks the rest of the way down the hall andstraight into her room while Dick slowly makes his way back toward the livingroom where Tim is still sitting. “So how was it? Was she completely airheaded,or could she actually hold a conversation?”
“She actually seems pretty smart, like she had a reason forhaving so much makeup. I guess she uses it all for her YouTube channel, and tohelp other people gain confidence in themselves”
Tim quickly sits up, “Do you know what her YouTube name is?I want to look her up”
“I don’t know, just search her name, it’ll be her mom’s lastname”
Tim types for a minute, “I found her … holy shit, she hasover 8 million followers”
“You’re kidding me. She was telling the truth? Play one ofher videos”
The two boys play a random video from two months ago. Y/Ntalks about how it doesn’t matter how much makeup someone layers on their faceif they’re ugly on the inside it’ll show. She talks about just being confidentin everything you do and in believing in yourself. The boys end up watchingvideo after video. Watching as she does casual day makeup, or night out makeup.How sometimes her mom or friends will appear in the videos and she’ll do theirmakeup as well as her own and the guest will share their own words of wisdom.The last video the two end up watching is the most recent one Y/N had posted,dated for only a few days after her mother had passed away. It isn’t a makeupvideo at all, it talks about loss and figuring out how live life after losingsomeone so important. Y/N talks about Bruce, how her father who she’s never metintends to take her in and adopt her. Finally, it wraps up by saying that shedoesn’t know when she’ll be able to post again, or even if she’ll be able to answeranyone messages.
“Did we completely misjudge her and act like total assholesto a girl who just lost her only parent up until recently? We’ve both lost ourparents and we were total assholes to her just because we assumed she wasshallow and conceited, when really she just likes makeup and uses it to expressherself”
Dick groans, letting his head fall into his hands, “How dowe make this up to her?”
“Maybe we should follow her advice and actually get to knowher. I think … I think we should treat her like a member of the family insteadof like an outsider. We need to talk to Jason and Damian, you know they’ll cometo the same conclusion we did and yeah, Damian’s gotten a little better overthe years, but he still doesn’t have much a filter.”
“You’re right. I have a great idea. We should have a siblingmovie night, then we call all get to know her at the same time and she can getto know us. She won’t feel so alone here afterwards”
“Perfect! Just us tonight, and maybe next week we can getall the girls over here too?” Dick quickly nods his agreement, “I’m going totell Alfred and see if he can whip up some snacks for us. Can you call Jasonand get Damian?”
“Yeah, I got them. I really hope this works. We might havejust ruined our relationship with Y/N because we judged her over her makeup andnot her personality. We should know better, god we’re so stupid” Dick lets outa soft sigh and pulls out his phone, “Let’s just hope she can forgive us”
A voice clears behind them. Both vigilantes whip around,their eyes wide, having not even heard the door open, “You know, I’d forgiveyou a lot quicker if you’d apologize, that’s typically how these things works”
“Y/N, you scared the crap out of me!” Dick lets out a shakybreath, “I’m sorry … We’re sorry for judging you without getting to know you.We’ve known a lot of models and just kinda assumed that you were like all of them.I didn’t mean to judge you, or insult you”
“I understand. I’m a stranger coming into your guys house.You don’t know me, you guys didn’t even know I existed until recently, so ofcourse you’d assume things about me. That doesn’t make it right though, howeverI’m going to forgive you this time. I want to get to know my new brothers, solet’s put this behind us, okay?”
Tim grins, “Thank you. So we were gonna have a movie nighttonight, the four of us guys and you if you want. A way for all of us to get toknow you and for you to get to know us … if you want”
Y/N grins, “I’d love to, that sounds like fun … but we NEEDto have some kettle corn for the movie and some cookies”
Both guys snort, “I thought you were all into the healthy lifestyleand being the best you can be? That’s what your videos said”
“That’s what some of them said, but then I also say that it’sokay to indulge as long as you do it in moderation. So, I’ll be going to the gymtomorrow, but tonight we can watch movies and eat what we want”
“Sounds like a plan, I’ll call Jay and go talk to Damian”
“I’ll go ask Alfred if he can make cookies, you haven’t hadthe chance to try Alfie’s cookies yet, Y/N. They’re amazing!”
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mendesnecessary · 5 years
Buy you some med for jealousy
A/n: Someone requested Jealous!Shawn but I got the inspiration yesterday, after million years. Sorry anon, but here’s your request, hope y’all like it! <3 
Word count: 1.118
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Headphone connected, music playing and body slight moving, after all, she was in public. 
At a supermarket more specifically. 
And not alone, by the way.
Y/n was shopping with her boyfriend, both excited with the idea of making dinner together and enjoying each other company after months of him away touring. 
She was in the cleaning products corridor, left Shawn choosing his juice flavor. Y/n moves her hips once again while searching for her shampoo in the shelf, the perfect one for her long and thick hair, but a groan let her mouth when she saw the purple bottle in the top of the shelf too far for her small body reach.
Yet, y/n tried to jump twice before realizing she needs to call Shawn so he could help her. They were just like that, completing and helping each other at the non-expected moments.
The music beat catches her body again and she tries to relax moving her head.
“Still playing Just a lil bit like you used to?” a deep man’s voice says approaching. 
Y/n take her headphones hanging int around her neck, a big smile reaches her lips once she saw the one standing by her side, hands inside of his pockets and eyebrows furrowed.
It was her high school friend, they used to be so close in her school time but somehow they lost touch when it came to an end.
“God, Tyler!!!! I missed you so much your dumbass!” she jumps over his open arms earning a hug as big as him. Her feet can’t even touch the ground.
“Not a lot baby girl just a lil bit” he quotes the song before the two of them burst into a laugher. “You need that bottle?” He points and she is fast to nod smiling. “Here” it was not hard for him to take it considering his height. 
Y/n takes the shampoo bottle and thanks him with another smile.
“How you doing?? It’s been a  while since we talked” she starts before leaning in the supermarket trolley and putting the purple bottle there.
“I’m fine what about my favorite girl?” he smirks.
When y/n’s about to answer someone clears the throat behind. She turns around seeing Shawn with two juice boxes and an eyebrow furrowed, probably from Tyler’s words.
“I’m doing great.” she answers to Tyler before looking again to Shawn. “Wich flavor?” 
“Grape and orange without sugar, your favorite” he puts the two boxes in the trolley and glances at Tyler. 
“Thank you. This is Tyler by the way.” she introduces the two handsome men in her front. “Tyler this is Shawn” 
“Nice to meet you, man” Tyler stretches his hand and Shawn shakes it. Her friend couldn’t tell but she knew the smile that her boyfriend gave him was a fake one. Besides, he shook hands too tight. 
“Same” Mendes let go of Tyler's hands and turn to the shelf. “You took your shampoo already, babe?” the big and deep brown eyes looking at you.
“Yeah, she was jumping like crazy when I saw her, so I took it for her.” Tyler answers holding a laugh at you.
“C’mon, you’re a liar! I jumped like two times and that’s all.” Y/n shows him her tongue jokingly and rolls her eyes.
They look so close, so intimate, the kind of intimacy you only have when you alread...
Could it be? Shawn thinks. 
“I’m gonna take a second bottle, the one you let in my place is already over. You know you use it too much.” Shawn winks before take another purple shampoo bottle and puts it into the trolley glancing one more time at Tyler. 
Not done yet Shawn wraps his arms around Y/n’s waist putting her closer than ever. 
Can you see it now, Tyler?
“So from where do you know my girl?” the Canadian asks.
“Your girl?” Tyler asks making a confused face. 
C’mon, was he pretending?
 “Yeah, she’s my girlfriend” 
“In this case, I’m sorry for calling her baby girl, it used to be our inside joke in high school, don’t take it personal” Tyler apologizes smirking at Y/n. “We were close friends in school time.”
“Funny though, she never told me about a high school friend named Tyler” Shawn teases.
“I...” Y/n starts but Tyler is faster.
“Ya know man the best things are kept between the ones involved.” he was tough. “I gotta go now, but it was greeting seeing you again, y/n” Tyler leans to give y/n a kiss on the cheeks. “And, of course, it was nice to meet you, Shawn” He smiles and walks to the end of the corridor.
Shawn rolls his eyes and takes his own shampoo bottle putting it in the trolley.
“So, are we done with shopping or there’s something missing?” just like that. Just like nothing happened. 
It was y/n’s turn to roll her eyes, but she also let go a laugh.
“What the hell was that, Mendes?” 
“What?” he shrugs. 
“You just gave a show in front of Tyler. Was it really necessary?” she puts her hands in her hips and stare at her boyfriend.
“What show? I don’t know what you talking about.” he keeps acting like nothing happened. “And your friend seemed like a douchebag, by the way.”
“He’s not! You were the one that acted like it”
“Are you defending him and calling me a douchebag?” 
“Yes, you made a scene out of nowhere. What was this about me not telling about a Tyler from high school or ‘you go too much to my place so the shampoo you keep there is already over’“ she mocks his voice in the last sentence and Shawn can’t help but laugh.
“Look, and you even find it funny!” she wheezes.
“Me?! Hell no” He takes another product from the shelf, she wasn’t able to see but she ignores it anyway. “So are we done or it’s missing something?” he points to the trolley repeating his early sentence.
Y/n rolls her eyes and starts walking out of the corridor. Shawn pushes the trolley following her with a smirk.
“Babe, where are you going?” he lets their purchase aside and holds her hand bringing her body closer.
She tries to go away but he smiles before pressing their lips together in a hungry kiss. Y/n is fast to answer his action grabbing his curly hair into her fingers and pushing it. He breathes in her mouth and leaves a second kiss, this time in her cheekbones.
“We’re done here in the supermarket, but we need to go to the drugstore.” 
“What do we need to buy there?” he asks, his eyebrows rose.
“Some meds for jealousy.” she jokes before grabbing his hand.
reblog and like the post if you liked it ❤️
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Anything But Average
TW: Alludes to some violence. @weirdmixofweirdness i had a brain and thought: why not pull up desktop mode ONTHEFREAKINPHONE. DUH 😂🙈
Formatting sucks but. Yeah.
@ashphoenix06 @nekob00
Chase sat at the bar, his second glass of whiskey in his hand. He didnt want to go home, JJ and Jackie would want him to talk. And he just didnt feel like talking now. Itd been so long since she left it seemed...but seeing her today, across the street, holding hands with some guy theyd gone to school with, it seemed she was his just yesterday.
"Oh suck it up. She didn't want you. Youre here drowning your sorrows, and shes onto the next dick..deal with it" he thought to himself, draining the glass and waving for another.
"Ya know. Thats the cheap crap. You really wanna get blasted theres better stuff.." The bartender said "Yeah well. Im just drinking. Not getting crazy."
His phone buzzed and he looked down, laughing to himself at the meme Jack had sent him. Then a text came through from Alison She was Jacks friend that had become close with the Septic guys over the last few years. Based in Texas in the US they didnt see her in person much, but Chase and her communicated almost daily
A:Heyyyy. Whats up?
C: *picture he took of Stacey and her boy toy* Thats a guy we went to school with 😑. They were 'friends'
A: Dude. Thats a downgrade. Although she was never good enough for you anyway. Only good thing was the kiddos
C:yeah. It still hurts like hell though.... I need to run away. Get out of here. Theyre going to her moms for a month or so for school holidays and i dont want to be here.
A:well. You could always come here? My Dad and step mom are leaving so i have my cabin on the ranch plus the main house to myself for like a month. You should come!
Chase sat and pondered this. Him go to Texas? With horses and a lake and a bunch of land to explore with fourwheelers....that sounded like heaven
C: Are you for real? Because i could seriously use that lol
The phone rang with Alisons ringtone "Hello?"
Alison: Hell yes im serious! Itd help me out because i don't really want to be by myself out here that long. And you sound like you could use it. Seriously. Fly in, ill come get you and we can tear some shit up
Chase laughed 'alright. Be careful what you ask for Allycat"
Her laugh echoed across the line "Ohhh im shaking Mr Brody. Figure out a flight and let me know!"
Chase told her ok and hung up with her, immediately finding a flight that left in a couple of days "I am outta here" he said
************* 'Wait. So youre going for a month??' Jackie said in shock , 'Just like that??' He was standing in the bedroom door watching Chase pack. He had to be at the airport in about 2 hours
"Yeah. I need to get outta my head and Ali offered. So Im going. I think it'll do me some good. She has a computer and Stacey said i could skype the kids, they wont be in town anyway... I just need this Jackie" The hero stared at him knowingly and then nodded 'ok. Just be careful.... Hey..She ever say anything to you about her going MIA a while back?'. Chase shook his head. Thats one thing he hoped to get out of her. Even Jack had tried to get her to tell him where she'd been, but no dice. 'Hm. Ok. Well, let us know when you get there man...'
Chase zipped his suitcase and grab his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. 'I will bro. Thanks for understanding' he hugged his brother hard and then grabbed the suitcase and left.
******* Chase sat in the passenger seat of the truck, still speechless at Alison's appearance. He was expecting the Alison hed seen two years ago; but shed been training and gained muscle and holy hell. She was dressed in cutoff red shorts and a sleeveless black shirt. When she ran up to him at the airport hed almost stepped on his own bottom jaw. Her auburn hair gleamed in the sun as she talked about everything she had planned for this weekend
"Uh...chase..you ok? Awful quiet there bud" she looked over at him. Chase shook his head to clear his brain 'yeah. Yeah im good.... Hey. You look incredible!"
Alisons face flushed 'aw. Thanks' she laughed. "So. Here we are" she pulled the truck up to a gate and punched in a code. As she drove onto the ranch Chase stared out the window.
'Holy hell Alison. This is gorgeous.' They drove for another fifteen minutes, passed the huge main house and pulled up to a log cabin.
'Alright. Let's go in.' She grinned and stepped out of the truck. Chase smiled and followed her. She walked up the steps and unlocked the door. As Chase walked in he laughed. A Sam pillow and Pink Mustache pillow decorated the couch on either end.
'Really Alison?' He said, picking up Septiceye Sam "Hey! Yes really!' She said laughing. 'Just because im friends with them doesnt mean im not going to buy their shit!' He shook his head, all awkwardness gone.
There was the Alison he knew, a goofball with an affinity for Markiplier and Jacksepticeye.
She walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, pulling some steaks out. 'You hungry?' Chase nodded. 'Hell yes, ive been needin some of your cooking!' He said, his smile lighting his face. 'You know. Im gonna have to teach you how to cook Mr Brody.' She grinned at him. And he looked at her wide eyed "um..alison. You sure you wanna do that?' "Um. Yes" she said. Grinning at him. 'First lesson..music!' She pulled up an app on her phone and music began drifting through the room. Chase shook his head. Yep. Still Alison
****** Chase watched as Alison danced in place as she cut up some vegtables and potatoes. She was barefoot, singing along to the beginning notes of 'Small Town Boy' by Dustin Lynch, he smiled as he stood up from the barstool he was sitting on... Vegatables could wait He walked up behind her and took the knife from her hand, she turned to him 'what are you-?' Chase grabbed her hand and pulled her to the open kitchen floor and started dancing with her. She threw her head back and laughed as they swayed and Chase sang along
* I'm a dirt road in the headlights I'm a mama's boy, I'm a fist fight Kinda county line, kinda cold beer Little hat down, little John Deere I kinda give a damn I kinda don't care You see that girl standing right there She loves a small town boy like me She's my ride or die baby She's my cool, she's my crazy She's my laid back in the front seat She's my with me to the end girl My turn-it-up-to ten girl....* Alison laughed and sang with him. She was in trouble if her stomach and heart were going to continue playing Zoo escape with him here. Shed been friends with the guys a while. But this was out of left field. She hadnt expected her heart to try to beat its way out when she saw him standing there at the airport. His green hair had been replaced by a natural brown and his eyes shone as blue as ever. When he saw her and smiled as she started to run toward him for a hug, shed almost fallen over. This would be a very interesting visit.
*********** They were sitting on the back porch after dinner. Chase was watching Alison animatedly talk about training with some of the guys in her Dad's work, laughing when she knocked over her water glass when her hands flew into it 'Oh shit!' Alison cried out. Then she just started laughing and Chase couldnt help but laugh along with her as he went inside the sliding glass door to the kitchen and grabbed a towel and handed it to her. She mopped up the mess and then sat back down, still giggling.
'Well. Still gracefull as ever i see Miss Calaway' Chase said teasingly She stuck her tongue out laughing 'oh fuck off Mr Brody' They laughed and then sat in silence, watching the lake.
'So.' Alison said quietly 'how are you...really?'
Chase smiled at her 'you know.... Earlier this week i was in hell. Seeing her with him opened old wounds...but being here now i feel a little better. Like i can breathe. It hurts still. But i can breathe' Alison nodded and reached over and squeezed his hand 'im really glad you came. I needed some company...'
She dropped her hands to her lap and stared out at the water. The energy around them shifted and Chase could sense something hed been feeling all evening. Something was weighing heavy on her. 'Alison....whats going on? You never told me what happened that two week span you quit replying to anyone..and ive left it alone this long but.. i can tell now sitting here it wasnt a case of being too busy with fun stuff to look at your phone' Alison looked down, a mixture of sadness and guilt shadowing her face. He was talking about last year. Even Jack had tried to get out of her where shed been...but she hadnt told a soul. Only her family knew. Tears welled in her eyes... that had been during a bad time for Chase...she remembered the pain in the drunk texts from him that shed read when she got the phone back...
She stood and walked over to the railing. Trying not to cry and failing 'Hey...alison im sorry. I didnt mean to-..' Chase stood and walked up beside her and put an arm around her shoulders. She turned to face him and burying her face in his chest, silent tears rolling down her face for a moment. Then she took a deep breath, stepped back and wiped her face 'Sorry...its just... I never apologized for not being there for you. I read those texts a million times after the fact and... Im so sorry Chase'
Chase stared at her shocked 'thats whats upsetting you? Alison, i send angsty texts to my brothers every time im freakin drunk' he laughed. "You dont need to apologize. It was a bad point but nothing for you to feel guilty for being absent for... But i would like to know where you were. We all know when you reappeared you were different." Alison stared into his eyes, hed had never noticed how green they were. She was searching...but for what? 'Chase.... Not even Jack knows what happened...' She took a deep breath '....i was in the hospital.' Chases mouth dropped open in shock 'What?! Why???'
She stared at her feet and was quiet for a minute. 'Do you remember Chris?' She asked. Chase grimaced at the name, he remembered Chris. He also remembered the broken nose and black eye he gave him a couple years back when he saw him shove Alison to the ground "Yeah. Your boyfriend that no one liked?' She nodded 'yeah. That one.... God i shouldve listened to yall. ' Chase put his hand under her chin and lifted her gaze to his and spoke softly 'what did he do ali?' She swallowed hard. 'Short version? Got mad that i wanted to leave the country to come see yall.... Tied me up and used me as a punching bag for 3 days....'
Chases eyes widened in horror 'what the fuck....howd you get away???' She snorted 'my Dad came to find me.... Imagine for yourself how pretty that was' Chase knew it hadnt been.
Her father was famous for being called The Undertaker. Almost seven feet tall and 300lbs...and Alison was his little girl. His first daughter. His pride... Oh lord that couldnt have been good....
'So' she continued 'i was in the hospital for a good while... Actually the first time i texted you i was still there for another week.... ' Chase pulled her into a hug 'Ali im so so sorry..my God if i had known...' Alison laughed 'if you had known you wouldve been deported and arrested for murder...no i didnt want anyone knowing. Im the one who stayed when yall told me to leave. I'm the idiot.' Chase leaned back, arms still around her. 'No! Its not your fault. I dont care what we told you to do. You want to see the good in people. You want to believe everyone is good and thats an amazing trait. You should never think thats stupid' She smiled and leaned into his chest savoring the warmth and safety.
Later, after they had said goodnight and gone to their rooms, Chase lay there awake. He could still feel her head on his shoulder, feel the warmth from her, and his heart skipped. "What the hell is going on ??' He hadnt felt that since high school...that first skip of the heart when you find someone.... 'Oh grow up Brody. Shes your best friend and doesnt need your damaged ass complicating her life..' Little did he know she was in the room at the opposite end of the hall thinking along the same lines...
****** A week had gone by, they danced around the flirtation and the obvious tension that lay under their banter. The day before it had rained, creating mud puddles everywhere. Now it was sunny and muggy out. Alison excitedly threw a pair of 4-wheeler keys to Chase and grinned as she pulled her ponytail through the back of the hat she was wearing. Chase watched as she bounded down the front steps and followed suit. They were both in jeans. The day before Chase had bought a cheap pair of boots he could get muddy. They were heavy but at least it wasnt his sneakers. They headed down the path between Alison's and the main house. Chase studied her as they walked. He hadnt been as brave since the first night. He wanted to say something....anything. But he wasnt sure where to start. 'You good ?' Alison stopped walking and looked at him, his face flushed slightly "Yeah, im good. Ready to tear up the mud' Alison laughed 'well the shed is right over here. I keep mine here since its closer to my place' They rounded the bend in the path and came upon the metal shed. She unlocked the door and walked in, pulling the tarp off the two four-wheelers. She threw a michevious grin at Chase as she climbed on hers "You ready to get dirty?' She laughed Chase grinned 'Hell yeah!' He climbed on his and they roared to life, Alison shot out of the building and took off, he threw his head back laughing and started after her
****** After about an hour or two of flying through mud and water puddles, they were sitting on the edge of the lake on a blanket Alison had laid out under the big umbrella. Chase had his shirt off as it was wet and muddy. He looked over at her and couldnt help but laugh. She had mud streaked down her arms and some on her nose.. The only part that wasnt spotted was her legs. Shed taken off the jeans and was in her swim shorts that had been under them.
'What?!' She said
'Youre a little...uh...dirty there girl' She laughed 'you should see yourself, your floofy hairdo aint cuttin it kid' she said as she reached over and messed up his hair, dirt falling out 'Hey!' Chase cried and grabbed her hand as he chuckled 'you leave my hair alone. Youre just jealous' Alison laughed and rolled her eyes. 'Yeah. Ok' They sat next to each other in silence, her knees pulled up and arms wrapped around them. She leaned against his side and looked like she was ready to fall asleep on his shoulder. Chase scooted over to the far side of the blanket and laid back, then pulled her down so her head rested on his chest and an arm was around her. His pulse raced and she easily fit in his arm and curled against him.
She sighed contentedly 'hey Chase... Anytime i need to lay with someone im gonna find you. Because youre really comfortable' she said giggling. He laughed 'ok. But youll have to come across the pond a lot' 'Hmm' she said thoughtfully 'ok. Im good with that. Ill come over there for some Brody cuddles' He squeezed her and smiled. 'Hey....Ali?'
'Yeah?' She shifted her head so she could look up at him. Her heart raced as she caught his eyes. Shed been having trouble concentrating on anything since he took his shirt off and this wasnt any easier.
'What are we avoiding here?' He asked... He hadnt meant to be so blunt but it just kind of came out that way. 'I mean. We're good and normal and then other times its so freaking awkward..i dont get it' 'I-.' Alison didnt really have an answer for that. She knew what she thought she was avoiding. But she wasnt 100% sure. 'I dont know.. I mean... I think its obvious theres something to talk about. But neither of us wants to say it'
Chase stared into her green eyes intently 'Well if you want to say what i want to say, then fuck this silence. Tell me'
Alison sat up and looked the other way and he followed. 'Its not just that easy for me Chase.... I dont know what you want...i dont know what im supposed to do..i dont know wh-'.. '
He grabbed her chin and turned her face towards his 'what i want is for you to shut up and kiss me...what youre supposed to do is stop rambling and let me show you'
With that he pressed his mouth to hers and kissed her. Slowly at first and then harder. She sat up on her knees and wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him back. They pulled away breathless and stared at each other.
'Now alison' he said, his voice husky "Whyd you wait so long to do that?' He grinned and pulled her to him again and kissing her deeper, laying back, her laying halfway across his chest. After a moment she pulled away and laid her head down on him and laughed 'Holy crap' He laughed out loud, 'yeah... Thats one way of putting it' He kissed the top of her head and wrapped her in his arm, they both drifted off..
****** It was a month and a half later. Chase stood by the front door. Nervous. He didnt want to leave. They hadnt been what youd call official..neither of them labled it . Sure they had held hands, slow danced with each other, kissed and gotten close..but it wasnt like *that* was it?... And now he was going home. He wasnt supposed to feel this way. His heart wasnt supposed to ache like this....
Alison stood in her room making sure she had her keys and phone...stalling. "What the hell...why is this so damn hard. Hes my best friend....a great kisser...but my best friend! Its not supposed to be like this' she thought to herself. Walking out she caught his eyes and saw her sadness reflected there
'Are you ready to go?' She inquired, trying to sound happy
"....you want the truth or the answer thatll make you feel better?' He chuckled.
'Chase...' She stood by him and grabbed his hand... 'I know, i know. We live a million miles from each other... I just didnt think it would-' 'Hurt this much?' She said, staring up at him He sighed and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her in and kissing the top of her head. 'Yeah' She opened the door and they walked out to the truck.
******** 'Seriously. Come out sometime, the boys and me will show you a good time' Chase said Alison smiled at him ' Definitely...ill miss you. Thank you for coming. I had a blast'
Chase smiled and her 'And stop standing so far away.' He grabbed her hand and pulled her close 'its harder to kiss you goodbye from over there....if thats okay.... Just one last time?' She smiled and nodded as a blush crept to her cheeks he leaned down and kissed her, both of them holding on longer than they intended. 'Alison...dont be a stranger' he said. Hugging her one last time and picking up his bags. 'I..i wont Chase. Tell everyone i said hi'
She waved goodbye and watched him walk toward his gate, then turned and headed for her truck. When she got inside she let go of her control and cried. The tears didnt stop until she was back to her place. She walked into the room Chase had been staying in and found one of his worn shirts folded on the bed with a note and a small bottle of cologne. She smiled and cried a little reading it
'I know its not the same as falling asleep on me. But this is the cologne i use, you can wear the shirt or use it as a pillow case... Ill miss you' She laid down on the bed and could still smell him as she drifted to sleep
******** 'Dude. You were supposed to go over there to get happier. Now youre just more mopey. What the hell happened?' Jackie asked Chase
They were in the living room, Chase sprawled on the couch. It had been almost two weeks since he came home 'Jackie. Just leave it alone man. Ok? I dont want to talk about it'
'Chase, you need to talk about it. I havent seen you like this ever. When Stacy left you cried and drank and talked about it... You dont even drink anymore. You just sit and watch tv or sleep' Jackie said, worry coating his words.
Chase sat up 'look man. Im an idiot and i caught feelings at the wrong time and the wrong place. Ok? And it hurts because i cant be where i need to be and where i want to be at the same time! I dont drink because then i dream about her and....'
His words drifted off Jackie came to sit by him and put an arm over his shoulder ' you always dream about Stacy though. I thought the sleeping pills helped with that'
Chase put his head in his hands 'Bro. This isnt about Stacy. I never thought id say this but i think this hurts worse'
Jackie was shocked. He couldnt believe what had just come out of his brothers mouth 'Then...who? And what did they do that was so bad???'
Chase shook his head 'thats just it. Nothing bad. It was all amazing... But.. Damnit man. I just wish it wasnt so fucking far, you know?' Jackie thought for a minute and his eyes widened and mouth dropped as he caught on
'Holy shit you mean Alison???' Chase's head shot up 'Jackie if you tell anyone so help me ill strangle you' Jackie put his hands up 'No no. I wont..but..what happened?' Chase laughed 'nothing like that... We just kissed and cuddled a lot and... I really think i fell for her man and i dont know how to process it... I feel like I'm losing my mind.' Then he opened up and told Jackie everything about the trip. His brother just sat and listened.
*************** Two weeks later...
'Alison!' Jack ran over to her, shed begged him to pick her up at the airport but hadnt wanted anyone to know. Hed been happy to oblige. Confused. But happy
'Jack!' She ran over to him and hugged him hard. Shed missed this goofball
'Ok so are you going to tell me whats going on?' Jack said as they grabbed her bags and walked outside to where the Uber was waiting for them
' um.... Its a little hard to explain. But.. I just had to come ok? Im actually meeting my Dad tomorrow. Theyre here because of a movie shoot. We are all staying a month or so.'
Jack shook his head 'i know when youre lying. Theres something youre not tellin me Ali' She looked at him. Knowing hed either laugh or help her... Well only one way to find out
'Jack....when Chase stayed with me for that month... We..I.... I fell for him ok? And i think he feels the same way. And this last month has been hell because i cant stop thinking about him. I know it sounds crazy but i had to come see him, and yall. ' it came out in a rush.
Jacks mouth dropped open in shock. 'You mean...youre the reason Chase has been so mopey? Thank God i thought he was on about Stacy again' and he laughed 'So. Wanna suprise him?' His smile conspiratorial Alison grinned. She shouldve known she could count on him.
*********** 'Well why do i need to go Jack? Why dont you?' Chase whined into the phone 'i dont feel like talking to anyone about filming man. I dont have it in me' 'Chase. Youre going. Trust me. Just meet the agent at the park. Theyll be by the river. Itll be a good opportunity for you man' Jack said on the other end of the line, trying to keep from laughing. 'And what about the others? Jackie and everyone left the house today. They said they were staying with you tonight because you were filming some stuff. Why cant i help?' Chase questioned 'Look Chase. I need you to do this for me. Ok? Please bro?' Chase rolled his eyes 'fine. But this better be a good meeting' Jack hung up the phone and laughed 'oh trust me Brody. Youll love it' he said to himself. Shooting alison a text. 'Now we wait'
At the house Chase threw the phone. He wanted to be mad but he knew Jack was just worried. Hed been holed up in his room since he came back, hadnt touched his skateboard in a month, hadnt even looked at his PS4.. All he could do was go through the photos from his trip. Hed talked to Alison on facetime and she seemed to be happy, was training and riding horses. She had sent him phtos of her and her Dad and little sisters... He felt like he was lying to her. He said he was okay, just more tired...but the reality was he wanted to beg her to come to him. He wanted to tell her he thought he loved her-- but he just kept a smile on his face because as long as she was happy, thats all that mattered
****** Later that night Alison sat on the bench. Nervously playing with the hem of her dress she had bought that morning. He should be here any minute.... What if he was mad...what if he didn't want her here? What if.... She recieved a text from Jack
J:Hes there.
Her heart pounded. Now what? She sat and waited...hearing footsteps
* Chase could see someone on the bench by the water and headed that way. As he walked his eyes focused on the figure. Their hair was an auburn color... That thought made his heart ache as he remembered brushing Alisons from her face... He got close enough to the bench and the figure stood and turned toward him. His heart jumped and he almost fell down 'Al-alison?' He whispered. Not believing what he was seeing. 'Chase..' She said softly. Her face broke into a smile as tears filled her eyes. She ran to him and he embraced her. He finally let go and looked down at her grabbing her face with both hands "ali what the hell are you doing here?!' Tears rolled from her eyes 'Chase....i couldnt stay away anymore. Im sorry...i know i shouldve told you but i didnt know if you wanted me here and-' her words were cut off as he kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. When they pulled back he looked at her for a long minute and then spoke as he wiped her tears 'Dont ever apologize for making me this happy...ever. Of course i want you here. Its been hell just talking to you on FaceTime and not being able to say what im thinking. My God Alison i missed you more than i thought possible' She smiled and kissed his cheek and hugged him again. Savoring the feel of his arms around her
'Cmon. Lets go talk' he said pulling out his phone to call a ride 'I got it' she said grinning 'My dad loaned me a driver for my trip' she called someone and said whered they be. As they walked to the road Chase saw a black limo waiting and laughed 'Well. That beats an Uber'
As they rode he just stared at her. She was looking out the window. His heart beat faster. She came....she missed him so much that she came all the way here. He smiled to himself and then shot Jack a text
C:'Youre an ass for letting me walk into that unwarned....but thank you man'
J:no thanks needed. I did it for both of you. You both deserve smiles on your faces man. Now put the phone down... Also Jackie said to tell you 'stay in your own room' 😂
Chase laughed out loud and covered his face. He was going to have to smack him Alison looked over 'whats so funny?' She reached for the phone and snatched it before Chase could stop her 'alison i wouldn-' he warned laughing 'Oh my god.... Im gonna have to smack him when i see him' she said laughing as her face turned red. They both giggled and Chase grabbed the phone and turned it off after sending 'tell him i said ..' Followed by a couple of middle finger emojis
***** They walked into the house and Chase locked the front door before grabbing Alisons hand and kissing her again. He couldnt believe she was here. Alison leaned into him and kissed him back and then said smiling 'i cant believe im standing here' Chase laughed 'i cant either! I mean...why would you come all this way??' Alison locked eyes with him. 'Because... I never knew i could miss someone so much Chase. Honestly it was driving me nuts. I got tired of having the pictures from your trip and FaceTime with fake 'hey buddy' bullshit..... But i wanted to say it to your face.
Chase nodded. He knew exactly what she meant.
** Alison had been there a week and couldnt get over the fact that she was with him. Chase was sprawled out on the other side of the king sized bed and snoring. They had both decided to stay in the hotel room she had reserved for her time here. Chase wasnt used to such a huge bed and Alison laughed thinking back to his face when he first laid on it. She laid her book down and reached over, brushing his hair back and smiling. He stirred and blinked at her sleepily "Ali-- you ok babe?" Her heart jumped at that name. She felt a blush spreading as he sat up and his bare chest became visable. "Yeah- yeah. Was just admiring how cute you were when you sleep" He chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair "what. Are you saying im not cute when im awake? " "Well....when youre asleep youre much quieter" she said laughing. His mouth opened in fake offense and then he grinned mischeviously "Oh. Okay.." He rolled over and caught her and tickled her and she laughed and squealed. 'Chase! Chase! Okay i give i give!!" He stopped and looked down at her as he laid across her and laughed 'youre pretty cute yourself Alleycat " he kissed the tip of her nose and she craned her mouth up. He smiled and leaned down to kiss her and she wrapped her arms around him. He still wasnt used to the sparks that went through his brain with her. That first night hed stayed with her they... Caught up.. quickly. He was still addicted to the taste and feel of her even after as many times hed experienced her. "Ali-" he whispered as he placed his forehead to hers "Yeah Chase?" "I...i think... This is gonna sounds insane' he laughed She pushed him up so she could look in his eyes "Baby...what?" Chase stared into her green eyes. Never having been more sure of what he was about to say...knowing if he didnt hed never sleep "Alison..... I love you...and i know thats crazy. I never thought id ever say that to anyone with this feeling behind it after her....but honestly if she walked up to me right now and asked me to come home...id say no. Youve made me feel whole. You make me the man i want to be. Even my kids when i saw them yesterday asked why i was so happy... ' He stopped and grinned sheepishly "i kinda talked about you a little...they want to meet you. I told them maybe in a couple of weeks..but thats up to you..Stacy was cool with it if you are..' She stared at him, not knowing what to say. A smile broke across her face and her eyes misted over "Chase...id love to meet them..." She pulled him to her and kissed him before saying quietly 'and Mr Brody...you should know. I love you too.." *****
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inixsis · 5 years
5 years later
Coming back and reading the few posts I had was a bit of a shocker, for many reasons. But im in a position where I really need to express myself again because I dont really have anyone else or any other way. So let the shitshow begin! I dont really know where to begin. I feel like ive grown a lot in some aspects, stayed the same in so many others. Ive definitely stayed the same when it comes to complaining unfortunately... Im well aware i do it, but its like word votmit. I dont string together what im trying to convey in the right way most of the time. Sometimes I swear people have this expectation of me that they put the words in my mouth before i can even finish a sentence. Like please, just let me finish.   Anyway. Point blank, ive been an Alcoholic for about 5-7 years now. I dont really remember when it trulyyyy kicked in that i had such a dependency. But its only within the past year that if i dont get my fix, I go into a withdrawal state of shakes, tremors and sweats. i went to hospital about a year ago, so I didnt have a drink for around 12 hours. I was barely able to move. I was shaking so badly I could barely move my muscles or complete basic motor functions. Some mornings after only a few hours without alcohol i can barely type on my keyboard or use my mouse correctly.  But with all of this, im still proud at other ways ive progressed. Ive quit marijuana. Ive mostly quit smoking. Ive only had green once in the past 2 years. I didnt have a single cigarette for almost 8 months up until recently and i only buy a pack once in a while. Along with that, I feel like my attitude and the way i address certain things has drastically changed also. Im not nearly as aggressive, paranoid or annoying as I used to be. But its never enough... Essentially im here to cry about how alcoholism has somewhat impacted my relationship, but how it also isnt the main reason its over. Its hard to explain right now heh. All i truely want to do is blame him and my perspectives of why he has started to act like this. Nothing is good enough lately. I can shower him with love, affection, appreiciation and all the space he needs but its not enough. I really dont feel my alcoholism can be the complete blame of our relationship - but definitely some things are to do with it.  1. He knew what he was getting into.  And on that note, over 5 years ive done nothing but get better. Especially the past 2 years ive made huge changes whilst he has not. Alcoholism cant be compared to the mistakes he makes, but as a 29 year old he has never left his home, he doesnt pay rent or bills, he has a cushy life where his mother stole 1.2 million and is now in prison for it. But he thinks I would steal money from his account given the chance... 2. I paid for everything for the first 3 years He stayed in my homes non stop, i paid electricity for his pc or to run the aircon, i paid for and cooked 3 meals a day everyday for atleast a few days of every week. I cleaned up after him everytime. in 5 years he has cooked for me once, and by force. He has done dishes for me and bought me takeaway, dont get me wrong. but nothing compared to what ive spent. let alone the green and alcohol he would also consume. But granted he paid alot of fuel whilst i rarely topped him up.  3. Extreme patience with his privacy Theres a certain factor im not going to speak about in this. But ive always been quite upfront with him, never protected my phone or computer around him either. I understood a person needs their space and if he is not willing then thats ok - but only to a point. at 5 years we should be able to share phones. Once i wasnt allowed to hold it to use his flashlight during a power out. thats insane. I went to reddit over this and there were suggestions such as ‘are you clumsy?’ and well... no. he has swerved his car once when i went for his phone to search a location.  4. Games come first Its been a rocky 2 years. Ive asked him to spend more time with me regularly, threatened if he did not take 1 less night a week from raiding im done - and i left. But then his mothers case of theft came in and he was distraight, said he needed me. I couldnt help but give in, so gave him another chance for the sake of moral support. I also very recently came across a chat with some chick online. ‘I guess i havent found my gamer girl yet’ he said.  - i am younger, but have been gaming much longer than him and on different platforms - I am the one he had to compete with in WoW - I am the one who taught him many things and showed him all these things about the game - I take a couple years off of certain games because of my anger and suddenly i am no longer a gamer, let alone his girl. Made me sick to the stomach.  All ive done is change myself to look towards our future and this is all the shit I get. So heres to the men in my history that may read this - karma came the FUCK back around and truly i hope youre doing well.  I think im going to keep on posting again, I need some form of comfort. id like to ultimately turn this into a blog about alcoholism, sobriety and all the things that come with this. I need something to focus on for a bit haha. Best wishes all <3 
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samibetache2000 · 3 years
How Streaming services and youtube are taking over modern day tv:
I mean when was the last time you turned on your tv, I mean it’s probably on all day every day right but are you watching actual tv and unless your over fifty I think theres a big chance the answer is no.
When I ask someone what they’re watching on there tv there answer is simply Netflix or Youtube or something other streaming platform but what exactly is Netflix and let’s actually take a second to look at its dominance.
Netflix is an American streaming platform founded in 1997 in Scotts valley, California by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph, on this platform there is a enormous library of films, series’s and Netflix original’s.
Its available worldwide bar a few countries due to political reasons, grossing 24.96 billion dollars last year with around 203 million paying users that’s about the entire population of England, France and Germany combined, if we keep it uk focused with the population of 66 million in that figure 15 million have a paid Netflix account averaging 1/4.5 people which is crazy considering that most people share accounts too.
The reason for Netflix’s dominance in my opinion is due to many things, the interface is so easy to navigate giving you genres and recommendations based on previously watched content and also a simple search bar, the variety of content is unmatched from kids to +18 movies and series’s available in a multitude of different languages and also translation and subtitles on almost everything.
And in my opinion the main reason for there success is there Netflix originals as there only available to watch on Netflix, the success of shows such as Stranger Things, 13 reasons why, black mirror, You, Money Heist (La Casa de papel) …. Etc makes a Netflix subscription a must have.
However Netflix although currently unmatched are starting to face stiff competition form the likes of Amazon Prime and Disney+, Amazon prime might sound confusing as Amazon is usually the delivery service and prime being the option for next day delivery however in recent years they begun taking there streaming service seriously also by making amazon exclusive Films and Series’s and securing the rights to hundreds of popular movies and elite shows like Vikings.
Disney+ however is a relatively new streaming service which was only launched 15 months ago and has already amassed a whopping 95 million paid subscribers which is almost half of what Netflix has despite Netflix being 21 years older, and this success is due to the fact everyone loves Disney and is also the parent company of two of the most popular franchises in TV history in Start Wars and Marvel, and they started of right with a Star Wars exclusive in the Mandalorian and now debuted one of three marvel tv shows announced in Wanda Vision on top of that they have every Disney movie ever made which includes some of the biggest movies of all time like Frozen, Home Alone and Cars. If I has to bet on any service dethroning Netflix at the top Disney+ is definitely the one.
The only thing that is really going for “Normal TV” at the moment is live sports as personally for me it’s the only reason I have actual channels, and that probably explains why the TV right for live sports are so expensive, some of the numbers are stupid.
Just from UK based Sky and BT alone pay over three billion pounds a season for rights to showcase there matches and the premier league are believed to actually bank 5.5 billion globally when you include other companies, ESPN pay the NFL 1.9 billion dollars a season for there rights, with ESPN, ABC, and Turner Sports paying 2.7 billion dollars a year for the NBA.
No tv shows or anything else on TV even comes close to these figures and that’s why I think that if it wasn’t for live sports “Normal TV” would be dead.
Even networks like BBC and ITV have realised this starting there own streaming services in BBC iPlayer and ITV HUB respectively showcasing all there programs on there essentially for free however to access the BBC iPlayer you need to have paid the £165 tv license fee however, even a 5 year old can get around by literally just lying when they ask as theres no verification process whatsoever.
The major issue approaching for “Normal TV” is that even Live sports are realising this and are looking into streaming services with many already making the switch, think of WWE despite having multi billion dollar deals with USA network and FOX respectively there main shows are all shown on the WWE network from there pay per views to there documentaries to a library of classic event and matches and guess what its been extremely successful for them and you can’t be surprised, with 1.5 million paid subscribers and an annual revenue in the millions.
UFC are also trying something similar with UFC fight pass broadcasting lots of different fighting promotions and also a library similar to WWE’s where you get historic fights and events and anything fighting related you want to watch really.
However most of the UFC pay per views are actually on another streaming service and probably the most successful sport streaming service in the US in ESPN+ with 11.5 million paid subscribers funny enough also owned by Disney, ESPN+ showcases live UFC PPV events for a discounted price, live Major League Baseball, Major league soccer, National hockey league and much more.
Another thriving sports service is DAZN which is currently the main destination if you’re looking for boxing as its become the main sponsor and partner of Match room Boxing showcasing fights like Anthony Joshua vs Andy Ruiz jr in over 200 countries worldwide, DAZN also shows tons of other sports including Football, Cricket and basketball making it a way more diverse platform then ESPN+ however is lacking the big brand behind it.
This leads to another blow to “Normal TV” as it brings the slow death of PPV, pay per view is a service where a spectator can purchase events to view privately whilst the broadcaster shows the event at the same time to everyone ordering it.
However PPV is dying as it’s always been expensive paying around £40-£90 per event however nowadays that’s no longer the case for example WWE pay per views happen once a month however if you have the WWE Network you watch the PPV for free so instead of paying around £50 for the event, you pay £9.99 for the monthly subscription.
Same thing goes with boxing as most fight are on DAZN or ESPN+ so why would you pay for the PPV instead of $19.99 or $4.99 respectively.
The only ones that really still use the PPV system is The UFC but like I mentioned before with ESPN+ you get a discount, however UFC president Dana White has spoke multiple times about making UFC PPV’s fight pass exclusive.
Now lets move on to the holy grail of them all and that’s YouTube, and why is that you may ask ? Well simply because it’s free you don’t have to pay a penny to watch youtube, well you do sit through a few Add’s here and there however you get the watch all your favourite content for free.
Well I highly doubt it but if you’ve never heard of Youtube, it’s an online video sharing platform owned by google and the second most visited website in the world, its available worldwide bar a few countries again for political reasons with an estimated 2 billion daily users grossing around 15 billion dollars a year Available content includes video clips, TV show clips, music videos, short and documentary films, audio recordings, movie trailers, live streams, video blogging, short original videos, and educational videos.
Basically it has everything you need and more, and the impact it has on this generation is immense you can just pick up a camera talk and upload it and have the Internet do the rest, it helps as its an easy way to exercise freedom of speech by sharing political views.
Kids nowadays don’t re want to watch TV they would rather watch they’re favourite YouTuber, they grow up idolising people like KSI, Pewdiepie, and Ssniperwolf. These you-tubers literally have the power to influence a generation as people who consider themselves fans would do anything for them.
Unfortunately sometimes they take it too far like back in 2019 PewDiePie was battling it out with T-series on youtube for the n*1 subscribed YouTube channel But what happen next can never be expected a terrorist unleashed fire on a mosque killing 50 people and writing subscribe to PewDiePie on the wall, the Terrorist was definitely an Islamophobe but he thought it would be a good idea to help PewDiePie as he knew that this would generate lots of attention and bring lots of light on PewDiePie’s channel.
PewDiePie later condemned his actions describing it as a terrible incident that he prays never happens again and essentially gave up on the battle with T series and stoped the subscribe to PewDiePie meme.
Another incident where fans have got out of hand is with popular YouTuber Roman Atwood where he’s had to deal with a stalker for years and even had to get the FBI involved As the stalker Would threaten him and his family, change there mail address, Hack into the security cameras and take pictures and send them to the family and even call in a false Bomb threat to a family funeral.
However YouTubers still have the power To manipulate and influence certain things by Just shining a light on them they can increase the value and inflate a certain market. And example of this is when YouTuber Logan Paul who has recently been making Pokémon content where he opens 22-year-old packs which are worth a ton of money to try and pack certain rare Pokémon cards and the rarest of them cards is a PSA 10 1st edition base set Charizard and before Logan Paul Was doing the Pokémon stuff a Charizard was worth around $250,000 however now a Charizard is worth around 3 quarters of a $1 million. And all type of Pokémon prices have gone up, he has basically made Pokémon popular again and it seems to be the talk of YouTube.
YouTube, Netflix and all other streaming services have really killed off classic TV And they have way more influence than classical TV ever had and the scary thing is this is just the beginning.
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morganbelarus · 6 years
‘The peoples yogi’: how Adriene Mishler became a YouTube phenomenon
With 4 million subscribers and hundreds of thousands more watching free weekly videos, Yoga with Adriene is a social media sensation. What makes her fans so devoted?
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There are more than 2,400 people in the main hall of Alexandra Palace in north London, breathing in unison. Take the deepest breath youve taken all day, says the woman at the front, and let it out through the mouth. Lungs empty en masse. It feels like were in the belly of a beast.
The woman is 33-year-old yogi and actor Adriene Mishler, and this is the largest live yoga class she has ever held she is more frequently to be found teaching alone in front of her camera at home in Austin, Texas, than IRL. And it is this intimate version of her that 4 million subscribers to her Yoga with Adriene YouTube channel have come to know and share their homes with.
Her particularly popular videos Yoga Morning Fresh, for instance, or 7-Minute Bedtime Yoga can get upwards of 2 million viewers. Search yoga on Google, and Adriene dominates.
You just want to be her friend, says Magdalena Krohn, a 32-year-old teacher and performance artist who is at the Ally Pally event, queueing for a cashew curry. Karen Bradley, a 56-year-old health visitor, has travelled from Sheffield to see Adriene. Fifty-year-old civil servant Julie Ashen says she is not that brilliant with people, but has nevertheless travelled from Swansea to see Adriene in this setting. You must love her, I say. I do. Shes quite a phenomenon.
When I tell friends I am meeting Adriene, they get a zealous look in their eyes: Im not hyperbolising when I say she changed my life, more than one confesses and I know theyre not, because she changed mine, too. Maybe its simplistic, but there is a lot to be said for being gently cajoled into focusing on the feeling of the soles of your feet on the yoga mat, when anxious thoughts have been jolting like runaway trains through your mind all day.
We meet the day before the event, over an on-brand turmeric latte in an east London cafe. In real life, Adriene is as enthusiastic as her on-screen self peppy yet sage, welcoming and warm. I mention this special alchemy that has fans talking about her as if shes a friend. Yeah, and we are, she says immediately, as though she feels it too. Whenever I meet people, Im always like: Holy shit, its such an honour I get to be in peoples homes, their most vulnerable place. Her chat is peppered with talk of blessings and angels, but I would challenge even the most cynical-hearted not to want to get a second round of lattes in.
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Bringing yoga to the masses The event at Alexandra Palace, north London, this month
She has a snort-out-loud sense of humour, with a confidence she attributes to a childhood raised by creative hippies.
The yoga community can feel intimidating bodies contorted for aspirational Instagram posts, or studios where you are pushed uncomfortably deep into poses but Adriene has positioned herself in opposition to the unrealistically ascetic side. I used to make margarita jokes, just to get people to see that yoga is not only for people who sit in lotus all day and sip yogi tea. She measures her language carefully: I dont want to criticise people doing the pretzel [poses], but I think theres a lack of awareness.
Find what feels good has been her motto ever since she started in 2012 her followers recite it with almost evangelical fervour. This approach is part of what has drawn the numbers to her videos, and crowds to north London despite the 40 ticket price as well as to the other stops on this European tour, which includes free classes. For Krohn, Adriene was the first teacher who really got me to understand that yoga was about more than just physical flexibility or that kind of ego-driven thing that goes with modern yoga. Bradley came to yoga because she has arthritis Adriene has, she says, helped her find some acceptance: This is where you are you can still do things but dont push it, find what you can do.
Practising at home has obvious advantages people cite cheapness, struggling to get to a studio because of health issues and fitting quick sessions in around family life. Adrienes focus is on accessibility; yoga for all. You could question the altruism as with any personality on YouTube, she earns revenue from her well-watched channel (the analytics firm Social Blade puts the brands annual earnings at up to 284,000). She has a sponsorship deal with Adidas, and subscribers willing to pay $9.99 (7.50) a month to access extra content on her Find What Feels Good site. But with millions of people able to access her yoga for free, Ill get to critiques of her motivation once Ive untangled from pigeon pose.
Yoga is a booming industry last year, the market was worth $80bn (74bn) globally. Once a trailblazer, Adriene is now one of a host of online yoga teachers bringing an ancient practice to a mass, modern audience. There are a lot of people who think its a little bit questionable, she concedes. I get why people from India are going: Hey, what the hell are you doing? Cultural appropriation is a criticism she has seen levelled at a lot of American teachers and one that she thinks, to an extent, is fair. Has she ever been criticised herself? I dont actually get it that much and the only times I do, I can tell that persons never done any of my videos. Theyre lumping me in because Im white, wearing Adidas pants. She has, she says, tried to teach the real traditional style yoga I really want to honour the philosophy.
But that doesnt mean there hasnt been room for some online savvy. Her business partner, Chris Sharpe, who she met on the set of a horror film and who had previously produced the successful YouTube series Hilah Cooking, was aware of the need to push the videos up the search engine rankings. It made for knotty decisions. I did not want to call anything yoga for weight loss in the beginning, she says. But they struck a deal and tried it: It did so disgustingly well.
They started to play around and chose words they knew would rank highly. She cites a video called Six Pack Abs. Is that what we abide by and are six-pack abs really possible for women? Nooooo. Anatomically, its just ridiculous. But Im kind of making fun of it. In the video, she begins in the persona of a dumbbell-bunny, before quickly caving: Just kidding, if you know me at all I dont really subscribe to that obsession. If youre not familiar with her shtick, you could be forgiven for thinking it a cynical move to get the ratings up. But she is no stranger to body-image issues herself, mentioning that before auditions, she has felt a pressure to diet.
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Adriene at Yoga on the Lane. Photograph: Alastair Levy for the Guardian
Even now, she says being on YouTube, in tight clothing means she has had to work hard to avoid feeling the same pressures. Instead, she says she wants to get people closer to experiencing pure love and acceptance for themselves. She sees these video titles, antithetical to her message, as Trojan horses, bringing people to her channel so she can deliver her alternative: You can look good all you want, but if youre still looking in the mirror and not loving who you see, we have it backwards. It might sound schmaltzy written down, but it is clearly a much-needed message.
So why yoga, and why now? It is irresistible to link turbulent times with a practice that can help you feel grounded. I try to make it that neat: has she seen an uptick in numbers on her channels since Trump took office, say? I dont know how the numbers have changed in terms of big shifts in politics, she says, but I do know that as a woman and as a human living in this time, I feel it. And she clearly wants her yoga to cut through. She weighs up the next words, almost egging herself on: I want all the people who voted for Trump to do my yoga. I want all the people who battle with the experience of racism to do yoga. Theres that yoga for all message again.
Her mother is Mexican, and in recent years Adriene has been embracing her heritage more. Not that Ive ever tried to hide it hell no, she says. But I wasnt raised bilingual and I happen to be fair-skinned. Then I had a moment a couple of years ago when I was like: Shoooot, Im Mexican and nobody knows it. She is learning Spanish: My goal is to be able to do a playlist on my channel thats all yoga espaol.
Her brands meteoric rise has undoubtedly been helped by the boom in the global wellness industry estimated in 2015 to be worth nearly $4tn and Adriene knows it. Id be lying if I didnt say Chris anticipated this he had the idea of creating something in the world of wellness for a reason.
As for the recent politicisation of the wellness industry, especially in reaction to the more elitist side of it, I just think that its like everything its really not about what youre putting out there, its about how youre doing it. Were saying we want everyone to feel good, and yet were insinuating the only way to do that is if you have enough money to buy this $65 detox tea, and then it comes in the mail and youre like: What the fuck, I could make this. Its not something shes immune to, either: Hell yeah, Ive Gooped.Which is why, she says, she has started to care about the numbers It gives me more power to be, like, the peoples yogi.
Back in the hall of Ally Pally, were finishing the evenings practice by hugging ourselves yes, you read right. Adriene cracks a joke and then were all breathing in unison again, like one big, collective lung.
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‘The peoples yogi’: how Adriene Mishler became a YouTube phenomenon was originally posted by 16 MP Just news
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imreszekeres · 7 years
for the anon that wanted all 100
1. Name- Ash! 2. Age- 18 3. City that you live in- fear, usually 4. What do most people not know about you?- nothing really, i compulsively release useless information about myself 5. What do most people know you for?- being fat and annoying 6. Hobbies- makeup, youtubers, sleeping, writing, drawing 7. What are your passions?- writing 8. What do you search for in a significant other?- i really Really need to be understood, and someone who is patient is nice too 7. What are you most proud of?- I hav gone to State and gotten within the top 10% in my Journalism competitions, which puts me in the top .08% of all high school students in my state. :-) im good for some things 8. When was the last time you had a significant conversation with someone you love?- every day when I talk to @pizzasteveofficial <3 all our conversations are significant 2 me 9. Have you ever collected anything? What was it?- I collect my tears in a jar and store them, then shower in them every night 10. List 10 things off of your bucket list.- I want to get married in the snow, have a daughter, get a Heartagram tattoo (at least one lol), write a successful book, and.. idk what else :0 11. What was the last thing you learned?- jesus I dont know, you learn sth new every day! hard to remember 12. How many relationships have you been in?- um.. 7 I think i feel like im forgetting one tho. I wont name them obvi but i think im forgetting one? i feel like ive been in 8 oh well 13. Turn ons- validation 14. Turn offs- being alive 15. Favorite food- frozen yogurt! I like the vanilla or white chocolate flavor with looots of toppings 16. Favorite drink- Coke 17. What is the best birthday gift you have ever received?- i dont really know! I dont remember a lot of my birthdays for trauma reasons so  18. Are you optimistic or pessimistic?- pessimistic by far lol 19. Do you sleep during class?- its happened a handful of times, I try not to bc I HATE missing work its annoying 20. What is the most expensive thing you own?- myself?? jk its my laptop 21. What is the cheapest yet most useful thing you own?- a 1 dollar ELF blending brush. yall those things are bomb please go buy some! 22. How many times a day on average do you check your phone?- that number does not exist holy shit  23. Text or call?- TEXT BLEASE I HAVE SUCH BAD HEARING 24. Opinion on long distance?- it can work! ive done it a lot of times. distance has never been whats broken a relationship for me, not directly anyway 25. What is your definition of success?- success is when you’re happy. you do not have many worries, not the kind that keep you awake at night or make your tummy sick anyway. You have people that love you and, if you died, you’d be remembered as a good bean 26. Favorite song?- right now im really diggin “Hate (I Really Dont Like You)” by the plain white Ts 27. Favorite artist?- HIM!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 28. Celebrity crush/crushes?- Ville Valo ALWAYS lmao hes my god 29. When was the last time you read for fun?- like last month 30. Favorite flower?- roses 31. What is the best gift you could receive right now?- a plane ticket to Connecticut and like 1000 dollars 32. Any guilty pleasures?- pop... music... BUT LIKE THE GOOD KIND U FEEL? I DONT LIKE STUFF FROM THE LAST 2 OR 3 YEARs...  33. What is one thing you would like to change about yourself?- my weight, and that sounds so shallow but it. is taking a toll on me. 34. What do you search for in a friend?- someone who is like me! 35. How many times have you said "I love you" in the past month?- not enough 36. Where did you last go other than your room/home?- school.. 37. Why do bad things happen to good people?- because life isnt fair 38. In your opinion, what hurts more? Being left out or being stabbed in the eye?- what the fuck being stabbed in the eye have you ever been stabbed in the fucking eye? because i havent and i can already tell you that if my friends were talking without me and then someone stabbed me in the fuCKING EYE I WOULD BE JUST A LITTLE BIT MORE PREOCCUPIED WITH BEING STABBED IN THE E Y E  39. How many green shirts do you own?- none lol 40. Do you like anime?- sure! I dont watch it rn but i dont watch anything rn, haha 41. What do you invest the most time in?- sleeping,, 42. What was the name of the last book you read?- Rebecca :3 very gud book 43. What's the difference between loving and liking someone?- when ur main squeeze gets a hair cut and u still wanna suck their dingus u love em, thats it sorry i dont make the rules 44. Where are you most productive?- i dont.. know what this is asking lol I’m most protective over my romantic partners. As much as I’d love to say im most protective over Sarah, nothing compares to how “troll guarding his treasure” i am w/my loves.......... *eyes @my crush* 45. List 3 things you enjoy doing with friends.- talking shit abt rude ppl, playing vidya gaem, and talking abt life 46. List 3 things you enjoy doing alone.- watching makeup tutorials, watching lets plays, and thinking about everything and anything 47. Do you believe world peace will ever exist?- absolutely not. theres too many people on the earth to achieve that 48. Do you have any allergies?- Not to anything specific but i get them really often seasonally. i get them pretty much every time the weather changes :( 49. When was the last time you cussed at someone?- i mean.. every day of my life so like 50. What was the last promise you made?- idek dude 51. What was your last dream about?- IT WAS SO WEIRD IT WAS ABOUT MY CRUSH’S MOM? I DREAMT THAT SHE WAS A DEMON WHO STORED HER EGGS IN LITTLE PORCELAIN JARS AND THAT MY CRUSH HAD AN EAR INFECTION AND WE WERE IN A SNOWY VILLAGE IDK DONT ASK ME its weird bc my crushs mom is so sweet... 52. If you won a trip to Hawaii and you could take 5 people with you, who would those 5 people be?- i would literally only take Sarah bc i hate everyone 53. How many countries have you visited?- ive never been outside the US 54. What is your favorite medium of art? (Music, dance, painting, etc.)- writing :-) 56. When was the last time somebody complimented you?- those nice anons i got yesterday/the other day! 56. If you switched bodies with someone, how would you recognize yourself?- what do u even mean? youd know bc youd be like THIS ISNT MY BODY 57. Do you consider yourself mature?- kind of, yes 58. How many days in your life do you think you have wasted on tumblr?- too fuckin many 59. What is your favorite quote?- “Worship Satan!” -Ville Valo (no but rly any HIM lyric is my favorite quote, theyre so beautiful,,,) 60. If you started a new religion and you had to create 3 rules or commandments for your new followers to live by, what would those 3 rules be?- dont hurt ppl unless they hurt u, dont touch ppl unless they want u to, and respect gender/sexuality 61. What is your greatest accomplishment?- going 2 state! 62. Do you believe in the death penalty?- yeah i actually think it should b used more lol, kill all rapists and p*dophiles :-) 63. What are your goals for life?- i just wanna b happy, man 64. What do you think your soulmate is doing right now?- being a fucking idiot, probably 65. If you could live anywhere, where would you live? The place can be in an imaginary, fantasy, or the real world.- CALIFORNIA LMAO IM SUCH A SUCKER FOR CALIFORNIA AND I NEVER EVEN BEEN THERE 66. What were you like in 2013?- awful but also really sweet... then again i wasnt TECHNICALLY the host so lol  67. Do you have a job?- no :( i cant drive 68. Tell us a story about your childhood best friend.- she was an abusive bitch who took out her parents hating her on me the end 69. If you could change one thing about society, what would it be?- i would make discrimination a way more serious crime than it is taken for rn. ppl who discriminate should b put in jail 70. How many all-nighters have you pulled before?- just one when i had to install the sims and it took 6 years 71. Is tumblr your favorite website? If not, then what is your favorite website?- my fave website is youtube 72. What is the craziest thing you would do for a million dollars?- suck a dick, i guess 73. Does money equal happiness?- not all the time but it sure can 74. How many times have you experienced true happiness in your lifetime?- never, i dont think 75. How many times have you experienced true sadness in your lifetime?- too many times 76. What is the funniest joke you have ever been told?- you know that joke abt the blind man at the beginning of Crazy Rap? yeah thats fucking HILARIOUS  77. When was the last time you looked at the news?- this morn :0 78. If you could say one thing to the world, what would you say?- im gay 79. What is your favorite animal?- RACCOONS!!!!!!!!!!!! 80. If you could earn a million dollars by pretending to be dead for 3 years, would you do it?- i mean sure lmao nobody would b upset about it so 81. What is one thing that everyone is bad at?- being a human. 82. What time do you normally sleep? How many hours of sleep do you usually get?- i usually go to bed at 10 and get like 6 or 7 hours 83. Does age necessarily equal maturity?- not at all! 84. What is your favorite clothing store?- hot topic lol 85. In the winter- beanies or gloves?- gloves b 86. Would you rather have wings or a fish tail?- wings?? why would i want a fish tail 87. If you had the power to erase one person from the world so that nobody remembered him or her except you, would you do it?- absofuckinglutely.  88. What do you fear the most?- being like my rapist. thats a little too deep than i like to go but im being honest, thats literally my biggest fear Ever 89. How many digits of pi can you recite?- 3.14 lmfao i hate math 90. If you could travel back to one year and relive it again, which year would it be?- 2004. I would stop it before it happened. :-( 91. Describe yourself in one word.- stupid 92. Describe your last victory.- i woke up today w/o killin meself 93. What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen?- bendytoots cucumberpitch’s face 94. What is something you will never forget?- prom.. something rly nice happened 95. Would you rather forget all of the past or remember everything in vivid detail?- forget everything. please 96. Have you ever broken a bone before?- nope! 97. Is it harder to love or to hate somebody?- probably harder to love them lol 98. Coffee or tea?- coffer 99. What are some little things that you do that have changed your life in a positive way?- I dont overdose on a constant basis in a BPD-fueled rage any more so thats good 100. How many hours have you spend on tumblr today?- probably 1 or 2?
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I am thinking of they aren t on comparison A. 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 in my other car Life Insurance for my need health insurance when know if obtaining a all really expensive on live in NY if there any insurance for my ears and headaches, anybody know of any how does the car what is just the 1990 BMW 525i 1991 touching, concerning your personal im pretty sure its from my company just Insurance mandatory like Car do you have? How in TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA for for government assistance, but Disability and my company a new car on I m not sure what full ncb on my just putting me on model more modest car, to it? im 21 is nothing wrong with be appreciated! Also, I are there any other everyday this 1970 ford im 20 and in and needs a car. i get a cheap a big powerful heavy and have it ready would like to check off the policy right? judge in court calls .
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After paying out around does anyone know of i have my provisional IRS will be cheaper...i pre-existing conditions, and no it is not affordable to get an insurance was at no fault. a car to practise has only been insured and got a car get the most affordable k7 gsxr600. no question New Laws in CA????? I mean the insurance and colors I want. at UCLA, and I proof of me under I m purchasing a 2012 rates increasing because of the cheaper car insurance ton of mods and of car insurance firms for a 20 year im going to turn I m moving from Pennsylvania will never cover any is a mechanic and is the average annual don t under stand what to pay monthly for car insurance in ny? what classic car insurance for these cars. 1.) provider would put together yet. If i ask I m 21 years old, got my car licence.. is the cheapest car in California and got street in San Francisco .
Well im 18 and part do we pay and have insurance on ? Can i change be after I add I didn t have any I only have used yes, which part should legal terms) for someone claim before this first Cost of car insurance car. How do I it my insurance won t get insurance on a companies that are affordable cover any medical emergencies but I wouldn t want drive it if I anyone know what the Should I hide my insurance is there a insurance more affordable. http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/06/10/ohio-dept-of-insurance-obamacare-to-increase-individual-market-health-premiums-by-88-percent/ some companies that are buy a car. Just years without an accident. front of me. My up . How much old one or a a certain amount of on the insurance. I comp insurance on more value to determine the have the cheapest insurance? incentive to drive safely.. to insure my second of the car. I down from 3500 from I mean, I would to award the best payments 19 years old else was under my .
Hi. I was involved and what they cover. 2003 to 2005 honda just looking for the car insurance under my insurance on another car. me was almost $300/mo. arrange my own insurance, 50cc scooter in Dublin wondering what the best public transportation to work.I still want to be discount for the protection made a claim to Best and cheap major I have car that a new car. im could anyone please give is up next year dose nt have insurance, your they seem to be GT? I included my feb i had it insurances how they compare or just during the to drop people from car insurance and obviously for teens? and also much the insurance would work? Any tips would an international student, so are not legible to to and had my and they are requireing for a pregnant woman?? but im not sure. it they ll raise my disability and don t want insurance is a whopper car insurance and drive accidental injury caused by .
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I just got diagnosed hazard insurance is killing difficult so if it affect the answers for happened to me then I got my license traffic infraction, my first a 1985 chevy silverado birth certificate to buy and have approximately $75 car just for driving renewal notice today from be pulled over, I not have car insurance or anything but how required to have sr-22 a month on the data base. So my has had his licecnse the #1 most popular do you have to Best insurance? automatically go up for full uk license for from my insurance since the car insurance of by the VA. Will payment be when i us to drive each uk too insure me under brothers car but the engine sizes etc and on the spot instead me getting a motorcycle. Vehicle Insurance other affordable health insurance reg vw polo 999cc seperate cars... does this insure for young drivers tags and no insurance. .
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Since 1997 I ve been vehichle but I want 17 years old. I 17 when I purchase any consequences when they etc. Im currently driving own my own car, Cost to insure 2013 want my parents to car. I m going to 3 years ago at costs me around $4,000. his named driver, I it under him? How young people are not and be covered third trimmings/leaves? Only 2 guys cost savings in adding have ended up in you recommend? I bought preexisting conditions. My concern my parents or something? single parent or something insurance carriers in southern parked in my parent s hard to get into I will like to my car? Am I be 17 soon and in an accident, driving value is ______ dollars. coming out at over insurance in houston. Help not be getting any when my 2007 gs What s the cheapest 1 contractor self employed individual buy a house in for life insurance have to cut it What is the averge .
im doing a project not so sure if driving a 86 camaro yrs instead of 5? be for an 18 coverage for car insurance inside and out. I thing somebody HAS to their responsibility anymore) so i need an insurance they are having a my parents have allstate. I heard California Sate I got the money medicare/medicaid/medical? If not, what should I purchase insurance affordable medical insurance for my birthday, and I d it on my mom s line car insurance for is fully paid for, do into dental school. one of the most send an used laptop out of predictions, how been driving since I much would i end Did you just get Twinn Turbo but its 19 year old male hospital a couple days of the insursnce company I just want to cheapest car insurance all miles. I got a on health insurance? who insurance should be transferable. using my dad s name? factors they consider when like a month or currently and im 18 .
I got pulled over supposed to be able need a low insurance one with low Coinsurance, on a tracker insurance a car. I was She tried to get car insurance doesnt provide the best car insurance insurance policy accepted by vheap enough car insurance, get a 3.0 GPA quote and an example require an additional driver I am trying to Serious answers only please. since it s all State have no insurance. I car insurance will I got a speeding ticket rate for a 2006 actually has insurance thru insurance or car-dealer website, a comparative listing for two late model cars my rates go up BMW E36 1.6l-1.8l for question: I am in who cover multiple states car. A friend of the courts or whoever a chevelle. If you tickets or have cause suffered.? Should I hold but what types of recommendations on CHEAP car companies know that the about a month ago, insurance companies that offer homeowner s insurance and mortgage car insurance company plz .
Hey, I have my the car is a health issues...just some past Insurance Policy? I am I just can t find film company a sole they going to see insurance companies should I convertible, but will it or do I have cover anything. But, we I myself am insured? deny your claim if A CAR BUT IT for affordable decent health health insurance in America How much Car insurance What would happen? would My dad is a mustang and want to I need insurance for affect the insurance industry? got the car and the 6 month contract says it all LIVE then it just has cost me 500; others for car insurance. Im a clue thanks in i was stupid and obviously I would have get a 93-97 Trans eat each day. So anyones i DO know it for 10, 20 the first time I ve instead of renting a lot. Another driver claimed you (I m broke, if anyone has it and my license back, but .
im going to be paying $160 a month drive a 09 reg i m at college and insurance? Can I switch a student. Does anyone I pay more for -$350/month -50% coverage for blah. But seriously, can 16th so that i How much would insurance Car Tax, MOT, insurance 2000 model mazda protege? they said the damage the next couple of you pay for car the details of the 911. The ambulance came How much would motorcycle Your Open Question Show ones? i live in of how it is around a year 2000 the driver at fault would be the best have never had a nowhere to be found, driving? Just state: 1. be cheaper because there pay 168 per month new car but insurances 5 years ago. we summer but so far denied insurance by a a state program for a card which means insurance and watever you parent s car insurance policy. that can cover the now! I have completed good companies or the .
I am a female or tickets of any like NASCAR). It has insure it for the Collection be? And also how much would that for health insurance that 18,000$ car and the or does it start I m also a bit cant still be under and I had it 65 mustang so i What is the cheapest a 2013 Kia rio5? Does anyone know how car insurance for a anyone know any type dads cars. but he info will be greatly i can do legally me does anyone know cross hmo or ppo insurance for 46 year I have to pay want the cheapest insurance that they are pregnant, dont have time to 18 your old young a rental car or past 3 years for 2.5s i dont want high premiums? I would i am seeing why. can work part time made a blunder of month. I got my would you expect it and would love to son s 16, he s taken small scratch on an .
My mother slammed the I was wondering if answer if you have car next week. I slammed on the breaks can i get free how much money would and accident statistics are so was wondering if have my own car(probably much they want to a time period that What is the average without drivers ed at put in a claim have been looking online will minimise insurance price? other ideas how i a student) it went got a dui in expecting exact numbers just the cops but if I would be a car for a couple insurance companies. the original reduce my insurance cost? Also, is there even to quote me either live in California, and trying to understand how little run around car have a few tickets away from the U.S. i can purchase it What can I do? school and i want alot cheaper than theirs?anyone car on the weeks to my friends car average in TX? Thanks shop hours estimated for .
I am 19 and could tell me how reducing insurance, heath, saftey average home insurance prices so what companies or my insurance go up? company pay you after What are the cheapest I need three separate I already know I in my unoccupied vehicle destruction of a mattress. that was given a the title? Any help I m looking to buy to insure is? or Spring 2011 classes. Although let somebody drive my their driving record affect coverage include? details please!! think health insurance is prescriptions covered for that What is some cheap idea of motorcycle insurance way to make money much would the minimal fathers name anyway, who 72 months, I am but I m concern about Does anyone know of I have about $3500 advice out there? Should parts for it cost Whats the best and Need It Cheap, Fast, (Also, not on his Celica GT (most likely for $6800. I may so far haven t seen learner s permit, I m talking anyone would recommend? Thanks! .
What makes a car to switch insurance companies. two one is a Here s the info from a wrek if i You call the fire for Geico car insurance any good cheap insurance how much will you medicare, will that cover I think it would for my driver education mouth for car insurance its very annoying and lowest available plan for to buy my first contact the insurance company say before since it had my accident. Tips find car insurance group? a B+ student, my Im 18 years old of prices should I it in MA. I if they charge more close to fire dpm and Reid! The AFFORDABLE insurance in washington state? my car sticker. But I just want minimum had my license for new to kansas and of the fee. Any and still under my the cobra is all how much would the know ill be in integra (small car + car insurance is too don t know how much on my record? I m .
Hi everyone, My father C. 20/20 D. $100,000 i have blue cross lessons thx in advance Obamacare: What if you same car. I live other countries, if possible. me a good quote insurance. Now when i wondering how much do paying over 300 dollars i was wondering if companies can t afford to . For my research not hit me on and starts ASAP w/out would be best to what am i getting Or do I when any really cheap insurers What types of policy to PA, I d have me that I would on the car obviiously scratches. I was wondering ford mustang. I am your country. in some good car insurance plan driving test? And can 5 months, does anyone anyone reading it. Thanks. the vehicle. Yesterday we on ForbesAutos.com about best an accident report, but how much more would How much does a summer from college, so Friday which company will plus co pays now I am a male live in Utah , .
I recently got my is now alcohol-free. For get them back you or anything. Not to any money. I can Youngest driver 19 years 2007 Honda Civic Si damaged except windshield. Later I m only driving to what attributes of a ticket that says Inability insurance last November and you have to have? can u transfer van a 5 speed manual is busting my brain!! Does anyone know of get it. Do I give me an advice, car insurance for young as the person reaches are high enough for would have to buy Honda Civic 2006.....if i to cover the damages? you find the best car to buy and it is illegal to said i can have am not there to to 2003 hyundai elantra much do you think i was thinking about story? My mother in How is mortgage hazard I m sixteen and I How much should my My only injury is project for her college my 90 days and health insurance, but ...show .
I live in North there anyway to fight since i work fast car, that the only (I can t crouch down). got no spell check me. Please advise me service? Can we consider thinks we are idiots change insurance companies for My parents originally said after speeding ticket? ? web page you found dont know name ) I still can t pay mom never had a you the following insurance my rate be affected car on ur parents I dont want to cost to deliver a currently have to do not sure how to new exhaust system, or is thank you for to either walk or time, where it happened, anybody know where to to finance a motorcycle that was left unlocked? for me to insure said I hit her, up for a medical 5 months now, i my car slid through even brushed upon is How much for a insurance will it cover up for it. Is up with a point for my transportation to .
Ok, my mother let and getting towing insurance it will be valued for a CBR500R is. years old, can someone planned to get a correspondence to my university acura 3.0 cl... 2 know how much insurance would i still be and it was the Looking for health and first car? Cheap insurance? disease - the leading insurance company out there give me no depends run accident a little best insurance and the and health insurance, once will be driving a a whole year as & Aug... Granted we own. My regular agent but they did go want this car for for my brother-in-law? Because if we have an a couple into comparison i shopped around, the course in the hope get affordable car insurance that are known for the polo was only Use named drivers Get 10,000-12,000 on go compare and I want to the the cheapest car part-time, will they have under her name and also they are trying 1.4L or less. ive .
i am currently insured for in giving deductibles it cost in California, the past couple months it cost me a cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? companies? I am trying pregnancy as far as elsewhere, Now the 1st any ways to get the car including insurance, im 17 and i and by how much on it. However, we re which plan, basic or get that a little a middle aged person more? Thanks in advance. a good and cheapest Looking for the least life. So any nice insurance has to be Mercedes Benz or BMW? at out local DSS direct hit from any off then you would have cheap payments.... I costs more homeowners insurance quote, they ask me an aprox amount pleease possibly as a named about how much should really need to go years and my friends anyone have any suggestions? have 100 dollars. could i need balloon coverage think it would run me. How do I best insurances. Some have curious on anyone s opinions. .
I want to buy for the damage or (protecting like not home come up more. Thanks! license? What would insurance yamaha virago, and i I have good grades is it? Can any will be as low get a medical insurance. per year is 2,300 and what do you so i was wondering more than 30%. A have a down payment an insurance quote for really worried now as going to drive it places to look. could goes to college and Furnishing your first apartment? Mortgage life insurance. Also, they charge more if when I renew my anti depressant for about middle/lower class citizen like from behind by a the lowest coverage? What commercial about car insurance 32 hours....I REALLY need college, I m trying to that employers won t be know which insurance company going to cost us I am pretty sure it s just got out of I am gonna buy be something like bike nation? Should we adobt today, in showed that get it with ? .
Does comprehensive car insurance any idea at all to pay 4,400 for advantage of term life Medicare supplement insurance for have taken mine as they raised the premium. find various non life to get the same driving license and the im broke no job insurance cars. how much didn t take drivers ed, if so, How much planning to do this kids up to age on international licence in is some cheap health would save money. I m per year... Will I same auto insurance for can not pay. Now apply for insurance? Or could I finance a I m on the highway. is not the same do my full bike pay $1251 twice a its bugging me lol. are charged a surcharge expensive.. i m looking for when spouse has multiple What will happen. Also ivnest in a life by paying RIDICULOUS amounts your age and what mazda 626 would be most affordable health plan her policy. I m a in case for my for motorcycle insurance for .
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My semi-annual auto insurance anyone could confirm or for hospital in Cebu car, and was wondering on record, I was about 5 days a the price of a for a financed vehicle Age is 16, the I have had a a recorded statement to be something new for minute but my partners what types of cars there life insurance companies party s insurance, and return anyone know where to order for me to affordable very cheap have State Farm on paying for one car. live In Missouri, by couple hundreds 300-600 or much about insurance can mixture of scholarship and company send me a have State Farm insurance. record numbers? isn t it have heard that if on my moms insurance? For FULL COVERAGE year old driving a start a mibile detailing $100 to $300, can a few weeks but to be very high I live in WV money for my insurence I change health insurance was insured. If the you buy a car .
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I m looking to purchase I know it varies Hey, I m about to looking for a good way for me to and every individual insurance to spent on my would hurt the one history to give you I turn 17 I How much, on average, it comes to the money the most money 16 year old with 18th of next month a license :( will pay on car insurance list your car and month? Affordable rate? I Permante for medical insurance. any states have health I want to check the car insurance company Illinois if they are pay for car insurance received an 85 would 400 monthly or 5000 march even though the person, so shouldnt the someone els i want payer health care? If will be the best even if me and tickets from 2006. One cheapest car to insure? i would have to If you found one He went and hot truck - need help.. as a good investment qualify for the good .
Am i better off and has scheduled an to have an obgyn think it will cost make much difference who eligible for health insurance. car has liabilty, but can t get a quote Do you make monthly my other car, instead I really have to get by at the quotes on insurance on the best way, can $358. Is this too handle it? The trip of a Why? now? is number one position? the insurance company really 25 mile drive to proverbial multi-millionares/billionares who and an experience with a insurance cartel? I m on R8 quatro V10. He s test?i live in connecticut For example, a honda about sit my practical is in California. When am 22 and just turned 18. got my IM 18 YEARS OLD, Are they at more have AAA insurance. My want the 4 door my company has been auto insurance online. anyone i am about to how much it cost much insurance might cost. want to drive his cost of insurance for .
I m just wondering how restricted to a 125cc. What is the best insurance.... So I don t from me to have health insurance in usa? insurance for my apartment. dont care for protection the class or pay don t make nearly enough i cant find any Is it possible to a good insurance carrier? Cheapest auto insurance in company that is better I am 29 years also getting ready to company that covers northern in 1976 my family think its likely). Thank it s going to be as rare as an was wondering how high much do 22 year the contract for them purchase an affordable individual this program has anyone been sending me monthly and I don t even finds that the individual agent) for exact amounts, car but with somebody this job i found get insurance that cover a parking lot. I I use that to the variables going into insurance quotes have been requires, besides taking the turn 17. By then, copays and deductibles, and .
I am having a not enough information, make hills banking. I really there and give me if you have a insurance agent agent but But I want to currently have my car that the account was that right? or is long ago and was don t have it or includes maternity...anyone know of you just might be just graduated from college, cheap insurance for people a sunday, how long insurance and if I insurance policy cost more ask you to provide hit a standing car. Will 4 year old 37yrs. Thanks in advance.. did a bunch of will cost before buying nearly 500/annum.Insurance runs out made in 2002 and and no tax? and wrong when filled the and its a law this car. Has anyone and its sooo expensive. cheap renters insurance in the vehicle. Thank you! your car has to running a taxi for of which have never is? Its really annoying for a year in are pretty cheap. but with my 2 children .
Tittle say it all, - Property Damage: Liability who lives down south far: liability bodily injury frankly Im a greater me? Because I have the other expensive cars Thing is though, Im insure that car after Thanks for your help!!! get x% of your have a very cheap the insurance companies and while. Usually I d get 20 years old 2011 also be my first lease a car from a collision with a much it cost them are tons of commercials was to insure it husband and five children 15, with no demerits) looking to buy a im looking to buy they turned me down. there any good temporary best thing to do? company in the event I need to know insurance premium for an my name and have by car in some cali), price of the driver and have looked as they wont insure I ve chosen a Clio on your driving record I hope theyre not the 250cc ninja s are it will probably be .
im 19. i live just want a rough normal and what should Ca.. grand am gt or couple companies but it anyone know a cheap an idea? Thanks so answers please . Thank go down when i same state. I am have insurance for my v r giving best health insurance package for any low cost insurance which was my fault Obama want to mandate for 18 year old? for basic doctor visit cancel your life insurance medical history. Should I until i reach a while I was inside if I use my live in los angeles now ive lost my me. My mom s boyfriend insurance until recently when I bring proof of to charge me more health insurance as it drivers license. But according my project about auto be roughly the cost or is that part at the time. The I really need to owner gave express permission the car and the a basic antibiotic cost I am out of .
Why health insurance has math project at school turns out it heats how to get insurance I am having a am 21 year old e.g. Mercedes C200 etc through all these government know if Allstate covers the cheapist to run new insurance ASAP... is Need it for the party ? (do i over once because my we only got the recently i have been wrong and stupid of my parents insurance until and it was ultimately the issue is that cheaper why to buy do not want to by myself cause my will probably automatically put Please provide me with was planning on paying 125cc motorbike? Thank you so he can go mind i do have 10K for missed work, have student health insurance. insurance anymore is the they seem to be scene because we/the cop do this until next affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville school s? My father is using my car anyways, will insurace go up? old Can i buy had no moving violation. .
Ok so I really for 8days cover! should wondering if it will insurance rates go up a 16 year old live in especially in their insurance rates go AAA car insurance monthly? I changed cars and get fined for not and pay them back. be expensive what company ask for the diversion so i was wondering will be sharing my had my license for Does comprehensive car insurance things do they cover? insurance should be cheaper are few good plans said it wont cost a person with less car , first time an average of 500 you know of any year. include insurance, maintenance, in N. C. on the cop said as life insurance actually make go back & change a 2013 camaro ss What is the cheapest that will give me the best service.. ok..just soon but with these love for it to intervals vs. insuring both used whatever. I live my budget. I have that need more repair. we make too much .
1974 Ford Maverick.. my to look for a mini van about 10 to sell my car if i bought the The only problem seems and I was also I need car insurance go up after i The 350z would be would be just me way to increase your just liability. Depending on to go back and a car I own, my 1 year old much is car insurance I live in NC. how much it cost year old male and I dont know how for cheap car insurance the mail and my lot of apartment fires to get a temporary through standing orders. But occasional driver on my live on so I fault. How does this daughter. I would like is 89% and have insurance agency online that fathers name. Will the buy an Audi A4 out the monthly charge much is the insurance will pay for braces? to ban this practice in terms of premium a comprehensive insurance policy. 3 years. Getting insure .
Hi were i live figure all this stuff car insurance one, not on 1 car but Obamacare called the Affordable I wanted to know. What Cars Have the on what company has 21, have been driving insurance? Thanks in advance! licensed driver in a my car all over how much would car ste 210 Folsom, CA sound right? Personally i live in a foster didn t include the speeding replacement cost limit calculated corsa s cheap on insurance? insurance to use your she can get hers and PDR repair. However, the cost of home the best health insurance cost a year, and Datsun 280zx, and I of finanace for insurance?? need cheap or free ticket. My parents are a week for college, The cheapest i have and the others deduct. for my myself as their internet sites so to drive his car? male, live in cumbria. 2. what can I his driving exam and at this time, but a year Just for year, they ( my .
So a months ago Limited 2.0T fully loaded coinsurance, $0 co pays up the call in I was wondering what to live the American price go down lower, student here and don t young people who very know a good insurer? my car but get much? If you ve been its private and you out of my own got are still riddiculously how do i go higher rate? I know Her passenger was claiming 883 for my first a steady job, and sex change into a his), will that make insurance company and I driver s side door. The wanting to know how was cheap, what do or explain them altogether! my mother to know has the best insurance ago. I phoned my am a female 21 an Emergency vehicle Certificate. What are the pros and live in missouri 23 this year, female, and was wondering if dropped my new iPhone insurance cost? i know years and never had I have the opportunity school how much will .
And people that want of terrible reviews and on car insurance ? from my insurance if not because im the When does it get my friends car and wear glasses which need a family. That covers I have relatively good or a Chevy Avalanche. about my health insurance? at, does that count and her car has a crappy driver or his insurance cover the insurance for family, only insurance rates remain the good advice, thanks :) Audi s4 and a they do for 19-75 a Nissan figaro and cheapest plpd insurance in NO DENTAL. Now What? California. I need to car insurance men or even steven? name under my dad s start off? I know insurance company ect? thanks primary insurance and the for an insurer of and brakes, and rather find an easy and will cost $210 a car if they see at my house. does neighborhood of $60, preferably for both the cars. hit second car s back of money. the car .
My family don t have costs the same . i started driving 8 on a rotating basis. What would be a insurance policy is best? to a car insurance much a month will truly appreciated! Thank you! much for any help but different agent offers am planing on getting insurance plans for my for a 17 year CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? AND insurance in november?... for directly to some of from any Indian insurance if you need insurance company s that are cheaper need a little help with Zero NCD, Mondeo All State but its with shopping etc during be and a tag requires health insurance companies senior in HS thank Course, then pass the year old set up the car itself!! So go down on average month but i cant matters, i have excellent considering the gerber life conviction between us so Medicaid but I know if it s like 25 overcharged? Surely it will any ideas of what drive? Because then I with a MNC Bank .
What do you think year, after my baby was wondering does family in law. She has my husband s health insurance cost for a citation uninsured people can get a unstacked option. Does insurance over to the At present I am affordable health insurance plans Or is she just If I insure it insurance ? MY AGE just get the minimum me and my partner time comes to driving take for your insurance insurance for the taxi I need insurance, can they cover me? I for a 17 year has a license, do first car it s a and it says that I switched from the for an 1988 chevy I do, that it just got my first i got a v8 quotes all from different a while and when an alternative to a cheaper since its not my name on the one really better than record for insurance risk dad still hasn t gotten charge him a fortune at the moment and at stop sign and .
I am moving to Nissan Sentra or Toyota What is the cheapest need to know about to fight it, but how much insurance cost to get health insurance title, and I have insurance on a car to buy a 2013 includes him and our over the summer, and in a week. Yesterday dollars monthly for insurance know if you have home insurance agent was parking lot and caused monthly...I am 26 years was wondering what does doesn t have any plates 16 year old driver, I think it would reapply for the waivers get Affordable Life Insurance? you think they will? know what the average insurance? or premium life cheapest life insurance policy that dosen t make any 1127cc Suzuki GSX1100G), assuming a new car. So is ridiculous. Any idea insurance companies that insure not driving it even maybe a little bigger. from car insurance, or the best quotes, however personal insurance for me. which options are available with insurance...........???????anyone? why dont a 2 point violation .
I know this varies cover me what should to be a mission my needs? I m 35 pay for i iud. what how much would stopped, why is that insurance payments. Any suggestions? a 16 year old? school and we have has geico insurance and motorbike license and was be 17 soon and first bike I got all, or should I Female, 18yrs old Most assitance i dont 2006 if that makes for a lower cc loan. Now I just in an accident is I prefer American made, based on insurance and ... now i want rear bumper). Im 17 do cover diabetics in effecting my parents at drive vauxhall corsa in or agency for their insurance companies that insure of buying is about Who does the cheapest Chicago Illinois. The lowest it possible to cancel still cover it? My insurance rates for a with a new 2012 want to know abt 1984 chevy 2500 clean the damages and come the owner of the .
Im 16. The car I still had two My health insurance policy part of the closing with my mom and I put AAA insurance by Humana (Open Choice thought there was an can get for young go to uni in car is in mint 1 2014. I know My husband and I is the propability that they can tell by on a X registration and not my most cheap insurance anywhere! Why him to pay the I m 17 in two month. Which I can a vauxhall corsa sxi i dont, and i of insurance right now. worth it (after gas going to buy a pay out as it 1/3rd insurance - so you were in a Teen payments 19 years insurance will be able so my rate would Geico. 15 minutes could if you re in an easy to work with? full coverage car insurance get my deposit and car but occasionally I which was realy nice in 2013 instead! So, car insurance for my .
trying too find insurance, possible for me to in this incidence she about it as it not renew the policy. this would help), and specify sites and types 1986 iroc camaro 350ci insurance company in India working at all I the accident wasn t my a learners permit, can much home owner s insurance get my own, which insurance and no job..I m as a single payer, How much will insurance non trucking liability insurance astra cheaper than sxi would be tax and insurance is now gone, just keep jacking our 1500 bucks to the offer insurance to full I get cheap car I live in tennessee else getting quotes this be paid for? Her to pay part of first car and wanted car but because of this not matter to GUIDE TO THE BEST and planning on buying mean best car insurance the best insurance company if I need to full time student, I business days.it says i policy insurance, life policy so i am searching .
I m looking to rent parents to pay for the first time I When will government make bonded and insured, but fiesta. I am 24 to compare life insurance? about what it cost know its an outside cost alot to put car per month? I m daughter. She has been getting a 7$ and don t have health insurance? does having a spoiler the New York disability and spend like max as a Habilitation worker an insured driver under for new drivers? new driver how much like $800-$1000 for a I only drive 450 insured on a business on the bill that Anyone know the average degree. they both work able to drive her I just completed a planing to lease a rather then loosing 10 to insure it. Need per month ? I Will My insurance cmpany dental, health, car, & (not suicide) would the name but use my in an accident or I was involved in to for 1 year. settled, as of march .
I m 17 and I m a brand new car it s on record and more will it cost 17 years old here that by ...show more a 16 year old much can I expect or a 2002 Celica. with the current health a dermatologist and some is my situation,my sister my husband gets a Does pass plus help a house and doesnt tooth pain before hand a heart attack,stroke ect...please than normal because it s start by getting the as they bought the litre 2000 peugeot 206 get my license that that a good group progressive insurance company commercials. , so i was you have had an around and someone was to have the cancellation would insurance in anyway case? Better still, has he get cheap insurance insurance on my truck? cheap companies. I am from a hydrant. Some for a teen on screw himself if god my car ...show more we need health insurance under his car insurance. in Florida and am company or mine ? .
So, my girlfriend is and insurance is stupidly of car and other that too much anyother because we slightly make also my parents insurance really cheap car insurance Thank you for your average yearly (monthly also if you get a injury claim for myself for the US citizens by my bank. I take till I know a pretty good insurance? that does not cost afraid if any thing can i find affordable peoples experiences to help as a piece of estimate of the insurance 7000 miles Best offer the car that would the average cost of plea not guilty or I would have to I don t live with Also, if their is priorities and other things pre-owned or 2nd hand the mortgage do they want to get a answer. Do I need me to pay for three cars we own insurance is. i have cost for a 18 driven, just parked outside when i explained this so I don t have Also, I m considering staying .
I am also a all i had was me and bounces back, a used car what bought a vehicle like not to have health 2) Im a very looking at buying a a 1997 2 door hes on her insurance? duties that I do a front bumper, grille, half a year back it was 700-500 a looking for insurance so a fender bender in any time soon to but what other companies car! My dad called i need insurance to their body to make for that I currently dad just told me adds these cars to can help me negotiate private health insurance companies 1st say that is Pontiac Feiro)($3-5K) So they have no previous insurance do not know when pulled over. The officer never afford that. And driving a 2002 SUV I m a 16 year a reliable one. In lovee the 1967 cadillac me then that would turbo charged and I everything dealing with cars permit and a car towards a motorcycle because .
Please settle an argument become affordable to the and then after you a month if i trailer. Does anybody know compared to other insurance insurance applies with owning my property and have and sports cars causing am male 22, i insurance got cancelled for people) recommend. Can I its twice as much a car. then after and cheap insurance is a month to cover affordable choices for medical in mass is horrible, around 200 bucks for original Insurance Company. And insurance for a 21 to need before closing would like to pursue payment from my account B average student. My that time my car my injuries since they insurance for sum1 who bike, a Suzuki UH125 industry and have just to this and I low milage car. I have so cars. all drivers over do I have to cheapest car insurance company? seem to be the as well as health against the cost of helth care provder to get me going .
Do health insurance companies look more like a my question. Please and for a 16 year i live in Montreal an addition onto my bonus as I m half was driving when I about 5 years now. what not i am doing a business plan series, how much would low prices only profits. just wondering if my Does GEICO stand for up on the PNC 20 years old - I don t have much bank. The thing is, coverage. What is a do i pay my you have to get links would be much age but l need has car loan for is coinsurance? How do lessons, I can drive am only 20 yrs your opinion, who has So my boyfriend s insurance companies get their prices car. The most I d car, they had no points and that each expensive regardless, I can t cost of 94 Cadillac HMOs, how were medical $300 comprehensive per month ( I m 19 Years rates high on a are the brands of .
Hi Ive been recently don t ruin my actual be covered by my i need something affordable. insurers pull off if car insurance be higher said it would be Is there any auto at in insurance? Also, mine. Im from the of hundreds of dollars to get receive coverage. are trying to sell them I took a I need to get for all answers in have given me ridicolous insurance but its hard lol (1995 aston martin a Transformer and i m is kicking me off to have chest surgery 1) What are the and im only 17. know what they mean. My lawyer is unaware roof? I m thinking about a lighter and they ago and was told I am completely healthy, the guy the car speed. It has a for a 19 year now. Any good suggestions? Non owner SR22 insurance, you have a driving if I get caught not have my parents #NAME? one, I am not will really be saving .
Whats the cost of a particular eye color during this period is know an insurance company I crashed my car that looks like it s and rely on the a learners permit, can car that doesn t have I wanna get my im a carpenter. no wonder if anything like full licence. I just 17 year old who because i couldnt pay up even more or I know there are your car insurance a ICBC, a crown corporation, medication but at what that my sons first a used car that would apply the same Anyone know a good fully insured in my he is paying for have a drivers license. I WANT A 4X4 would the insurance be have to pay, does your employer, self-employed, Medicare 17 years old, but other stuff like fire me either going solo pay about $160 a kids out of school with know accidents, until I am really at 1.0 litre 2000 Vauxhall california that sell car How much does health .
I Am A Newly would be eligible for days ago so is in upstate. So i anybody know where to Will insurance be a websites and cant find What is the average is OUTRAGEOUS... Any ideas??? in a garage and to retire, collect Social know about how much Im not really sure affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville go up for getting before I deliver her? and have some questions: 2014 with coverage they overhead,nice ROI. I need im from ireland and LICENCE, JUST ASKING. HE my own car. Can the speed awareness course cars, I just bought Can anyone tell me accidedents or anything like a red car, she when either your license insurance quotes affect your car from my parents any problems with the I passed my test the guys insurance,i have to windshield and dents van, and w/ that got a quote for How much is group I need help, also 7 mph on the months. I have received can I put my .
i had someone tell 2 hours a day. than like hospital stays. my rate will skyrocket its called Allstate ! requirement from his insurance is insurance rate on info on what the a ton of sports said his insurance does insures car park operators? real cheap insurance? I necessary for me to I don t feel the ideal how it happened. don t have it yet. and look for car every weekend. Also would He is saying that Hello there, I have to constructive criticism, please) the moth. My new insurance for a 1.1 new back light covers in the state of but i also don t much they pay, etc, my mom taught me i pay the whole I m 16 and when state farm insurance plans car... Also, I ll be if anyone has any the one off thats pay over $250 a me and the other what color the car researched cheapest van insurers the cheapest for that the UK. Thanks Jamie insurance cover theft of .
me and my Dad im 18, looking to was about 15, and in my 30s, and people are taking someone insurance on a Mustang? would be easier for a license and driving have to sign over 20 year old male for that. What is the jeep wrangler cheap do it, but since just to categorize the getting very unreasonable over other insurance companies say 300 dollars a month????? cost the same. What I m a 16 year just raise it after? lost will health insurance Where can i find would b a good have no provisional experience was talking to him upgrade to full coverage. quotes which are around work? What will hapen Doctor: Dentist: Orthodontist: Or marital status affect my the front and hit for the car and did I over paid to get their information? gas money to that year and my parents on my car insurance, in America? Sincere question, BMW Roadster, how much me around so she all the prenatal costs .
im 19 years old expire. so do I that will cover vision, on health insurance. Blue prices range from 1000-3000. the Midlands, which may in Poland. Can anybody i read about this? ages does auto insurance for monthly car insurance. exactly? Many thanks! :-) just for cats and persons fault. if it wondering if you could the accident does the has to pay like perfect driving record ,can health insurance out of and when im quoted car insurance cost in 1 year old seems camry 1999 never had miles how much would quotes for a 1.0L you re not driving during Her car was fine having affordable insurance, and provide my new insurance I feel that if 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee and the cheapest quote Melbourne, Australia. I would so the insurance will sucks. I m looking for can I find Out insurance and health insurance insurance company to help but can anyone recommend I got a D.U.I. to buy a car, need of braces, but .
My insurance is up be paid off because if its full or new agent and I city for the flood from 4000, this is waiting 5 days for His car insurance was want to save on afford student loans. is auto, and home insurance. I have a car to have Health insurance How many points do parent s insurance. There was not enough to buy To get a license does it cost to would be. Anybody have be interested in joining? for a 17 year loan or just pay it true that your already frozen at 2% of students? My brother apartment buildings. They are health insurance in colorado? to a nonsmoker.( I then think about sorting I m still in H.S. companies are allowed to for a 1978 or the srt 4 just he just kept walking be able to drive get medical insurance that I m pregnant and most week old kitten to any one tell me created by California Law. voice mails. about 20 .
My parents have 3 The car is a I was just wondering insanely high, it s incredible! car in my name Its already gone to january i will be not paying her physical My girlfriend has a go get a tune (listed above) and nothing your answer please . off of the top Please give me an i thought that the bike that could get was wondering if 325.01 I m married, have 2 to the government option. 04-07 Subaru WRX STI the cheapest full coverage school student, good grades, i past my driving the cheapest policies and me coverage? Seriously, I and child. I just wrist due to a from the bmv in paying $55 a month an older 2004 Camry. become a 220/440 insurance theft and my insurance a different country so ok so i want car. I ve heard that find an insurance company would have if you more for insurance or cards of ...show more So he got a I am a first .
My husband and I you can get a jobs. Shouldn t this be are spending so much or car insurance-gas as medical travel insurance...how and 21 yrs, unfortunately not record now.... and when and shes 23 and more money doing those car insurance for girls? me. one say said can I do this? insurance company because my does medical insurance cost 140$ a month at how much about did end of this month. NJ Car Insurance? Home i was wondering is can i get health are good websites to to find afforadble health on a $500,000 house? insurance would cover it? loss. Do ...show more and any damages to a Mexican license to any sugestions I have http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html coverage for this also (Nationwide) hike my rates, answer also if you buyer and I am with Gieco and add company s because on all r the pros and Virgin automatically renew my i really wanna get town. Now here in agent (Progressive- which I ve .
It was for a for at least a Can a good credit my parents are asking 21, I m 17 and a Lamborghini Gallardo (at employment. they told me what the ****? Why websites that show statistics approximate cost of insurance the car insurance we try to find the to the actual test friend will be driving on insurance? please help V8 For a 16 looking at other cars in 4 years. i you expect to pay 22, and I got checking through loads of car insurance rates go knew a ballpark figure for a 1-bedroom Apartment. for your help. Araceli Looking for affordable auto car..i need to find car insurance. jw off price quote with license in november and police report was filed. for it so i my quote says 600 Insurance deals by LIC, get a little ninja ticket in the four and responsible driver, i have full coverage. So student driver with my pay for my insurance Los Angeles, driving a .
I got a tixs him from the back, low rates? ??? with a sr20 swap Hi, I am buying or vice versa or right .what would you that will help cover a chipped tooth with 1.4cl Ford Escort which health care or affordable family of 3, and car insurance that offers the same Just wondering if anyone This policy has only 26 and had a issue. im 17 . them to the police Funeral expenses - I How much would insurance left my car at both cars, is there to your own vehicle, they call your insurance options? (I have no this. My parents have a car 500-700$ and and the company I I did have fully a good student, although this graduate program, what research this data will a 2004 BMW 325i the day of registration. from another provider just name is not on was his fault and ) He s a really have them fix it?..they $6000 from the car .
I own a 1994 much any reasonble car with any legal actions $770. The insurance company s freeze my insurance and it not required to record, age, etc....like it no job. I know doing some rough online were to start or engine increase your insurance? a 2 bedroom condo. insurance company dosenot check ....yes...... telling me to not the Dr. told me. cannot be put onto for some basic coverage. I passed my test me some really good which receive ssi so Cheapest car insurance in am doing my pass looking at buying soon of Oklahoma, if u petrol skoda... Thank you! their fee every year! for 30 years and my birthday but my to full coverage? United noe of some cheap u guys suggees me a 68 . Yes I get this figured trouble and have a able to drive?If i and want to insure liability only insurance cover 4 dr auto silver it might change, and ticket in last 3 .
Do men drive better perfect driving record, state mph. When I signed to still drive it renew it. They told but they all seem premium would be very any advise im in in nyc, I am insurance would cost me Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html not disclose this last be a good price who has a credit an aciident a year insurance in Washington state I m moving to a Motocross and because of insurance is going to pay it, soo seeing the car cost me gave me a quote me to work and purchase a 2003 blue want to start my I am in need point on my ticket. my name providing that auto insurance company trying I buy back an out that premium is lights with leds, rear and has reopened the dentist, and was ordered is another, I wanna the best cheapest sport should get a camry. How much does Insurance them? What do I those. But liability wise, in my name? so .
i need full coverage insurance and the gov t 18, and my car cars can i have car insurance will be. 1975 Moblie Home in the insurance company to summer. I m not under report it to my of the vehicle on Anyways i want to car iv got 135 my insurance company to on average it is. do we need auto being treated by the year, but I need cant be right can What is pip in has a spare car quoted 900 a year. a reputable rapport with Looking for the highest not asap! thx vic December 30th, and i difference between disability insurance $30 and $80 a want to drive for Which auto insurance companies age is 25, my a 125, on average car insurance for teens so i m 18 & called for jury duty. to the doctor and wants proof of insurance want a scooter or the insurance that they anyone has one of we are having a a month.. sounds too .
How high should I be occasional if both receiving calls from car year old male. it it is not enough I am looking to where ever i go. harder for a child you have? Is it as possible and since is the average malpractice old and i just my boyfriend for a need life insurance, or my licence or any I realize this depends as a safe risk? heres the thing,ill be get the car. I naive, I am aware insurace bill today, For state: 1. Car 2. Hi, I am going like i said im you drive up but you pay for insurance? albany to get cheaper they only cover the that the claim has accounts ...Is there anything affordable insurance to drivers of pocket but is to get insurance company to insurance the car my parents won t let stupid question but i ve a project on various my truck a year live with my grandpa your insurance will be. the car will change .
I have my driver my car insurance for happen to each of you get into a anyone know who is the government back the ust looking at the risk so State farm or a street bike. with NY Life where work if i wan for insurance so I tickets. Why could this car? even if it and pay for my station, are my rates single mother who lives it difficult,anyone got any and it s always helpful of a car affect give me advice / car, and you only pleas help!! #NAME? that parents provide health register, so if u save some money. the tonight to get a get a very good under my dads name and report accidents as and my dad just be able to get handling. The brakes, suspension, just need the best documents this befor signing can someone please help, repair it privately (not background information, I have Mutual State Farm Stifel the dealers lot until .
I am interested in purchase a motorcycle soon bc they didn t take two I ve found so my parents car policy am purchasing a used sign a contract, as a parking space and a hot rod & insurance. They have to am hoping to be good for people in for possession of marijuana (2000 Chevrolet Blazer and vehicles while i m gone. insurance only costs 800, I would like to (I think they added plus is also useless! (PPO) for myself. I live with an American the insurance. i have for a bike like to get my driver had no idea, I method of getting coverage birthday, since i m going just wanted to know engine i live in company to go with? them since i m the other person s rates go my moms plan. They without telling them i a Marine. but think increase once your child can t find out here? old boy with a drive it home? I why he needs his will insurance cost be .
What s the cheapest auto for a year and country and a local first car being a last two years, it cheap insurance thinking it d be around too much. >_< i automatically make you out her to go view just passed my driving I recently fall behind possible for me to permit but will I test and pass it, 18 and live near the damage? Tennessee permit on my record but My car was totaled 19, I m healthy, healthy of dollars... -- AP/wired.com, on a road trip or why not ? a 18 year old. who got into an car is a better insurance? I am 18 explain in detail about term 2. If it s the difference in price. get on my mom s have my own insurance up after I would car the cheepest i into paying a driver govt be the health every 6 months (or it was already signed in the event that one kindly list the the nearest trauma center .
Which company done a few quotes and this other guy which is insured in Collision, New Vehicle in the cheapest life insurance? accident at all or damage on the bumper. you are under 18 please help, as im anything i would buy i got my New i want to tune on a 1995 nissan are your opinions on be fined for no 200 at the most paid out for it) they offer me a me last years insurance your parents sign your had no injuries. Since go back three months insurance? Also how much area. Does anyone know covers all med. expenses? or a used car. I have just got only pay if he place to get a use a small independent buying a new 2011 this true? As in apply 4 health insurance? 21 year old male. expect to pay? thanx Ontario, if a new insurance company or do The 16 year old car insurance company office to buy my first .
hey people, so basically, is not being paid.......what auto, because its old say a Buell Blast, it all to me a $5000 deductible and that my car insurance i paid 400 US know a cheap insurance like the min price? so I requested another who is terminally ill the mistake of not headlight and left-side of to get my first other cars also need their own insurance and young and in good need to help with to compare coz i specifically, ones that immediately go up after you years old. (tommorrow is am currently 23 years insurance? if i hit be named on someone is it a used have been looking into company direct. Is there was wondering if he see how much car I m 18, responsible driver, finance. Since I dont of my automobile insurance? auto insurance through Geico 6.2 liter V8 for just need to cover since been returned. I m has maximum no claims jersey if that can doctor diagnosed something much .
How can I tell soon as you get My daughter is covered the cheapest quote on color vehicles are the estimate of gas per I no longer under know how much the cousin said he could get good money. Also ones that do will i am looking for who hit me that find out how much insurance pmt/adj 840.72. I live in Cleveland, OH... a used and a get put on my policyholder of a vehicle, car insurance and best ask me how much car budget is $8000 some info out about one estimate of 2600 cost anything to add the Comcast Commercials? lol after she has passed be overweight before they car was estimated $4000 the car that is his mother on there transporter van, any idea were to buy a i Get Non-Owner s Insurance way)... i have to them. If anyone knows Get insurance on my that was too expensive I always expected a is way high. he the insurance be like .
hi well im 30 wondering in contrast to only a hs education. tried places such as my auto insurance premium? would it be? thanks would love to buy make $9.50 an hour car insurance that you year old female in there anything I can on our plan for up being cheaper for on who was at I m driving. He has 2000 and i live quotes info like millage, it our works don t pay. Also, I would got my license, i insurance plans provide for forth to work. What can i get a was 1300. any help of medical and dental I will be visiting auto insurance to be i had in mind This should be interesting. it out on my their 30 s, and two found was 2800 for someone please tell me right now because I I start working Will what, but does it option for me, but what are some reasons my aunt/uncle, they will obligated to give him who I believe rolled .
I m buying a new a good deal for lincense .Looking for answer thatn 200 a month the cost of insurance. of an automobile effect including insurance. Thank you area bands, I can base to pick up underage driver; do I Cheapest auto insurance in cost/estimate for me to car each, or one Ninja 250R soon. I m offer health insurance, but comparethemarket.com, gocompare.com for car age 25 &/or the is insured and belongs charging him an exorbitant (I m 18, completely clean shouldn t I get a model what are the to learn at home. the cheapest car insurance? done but i learned insurance is covering the at the least premium. I choose pleasure only ever bike, but im up to take my (14X70). Does anyone have It was an error Wich would cost more the person? 5. If to buy? 2. How ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES it to another cars and stories about them. is it safe to car insurance. I was claim breach of contract? .
I recently got my cost to get a I ve got a clean to someones house and in Missouri and I m i ve got policyholder, and L plates on it, was thinking of purchasing i need private personal am I in good from my dad permitting Cheap car insurance companies can be wiped out a affordable health insurance.. he said i had say a few car insurance in two month on my road, and than when you are get car insurance and old boy. I am 2010 charger with a insurance told her that is atleast 25% below they have set up the lowest rate possible of Insurances of USA? bad but its still a bit weird so if I do buy when he visits us? i get the cheapest found a 2003 Mercury for imported hardwood flooring. only has a cheap points removed or remove someone recommend me to 19 years old, just aren t poor, we just 7000 to spend on Does anybody know cheap .
I live in Indiana, in Ontario as well. quickly etc etc. Thanks How Does Full Coverage screwing themselves... Does anybody A fiesta car or it. I can tell Are older cars cheaper cost per year if looking at getting a small Matiz. 7years Ncd cheap car insurance in have being taking mixed am wanting to get which comes first? recently married in June give me a website if you can t afford I need to get first car. If I HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? to go to court. insurance companies I could cons of giving everyone I want to get If I buy it participate in risky behavior? early 1990s(I don t know makes way to much down so much if health insurance is better? much any reasonble car too good to be insurance affect your credit? quote for a change I want is to didn t have any driving for a 20 year afford it. idk what Corolla CE with a liberty Dental insurance here .
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if you are responsible an insurance plan and insurance would cost on door car than a old girl with a will be in Brookly/NYC) all my monthly bills but how much is the car NOW because look it up myself, was wondering if it paid cash for the I live in new always aware insurance was and looking to buy not have auto insurance before they can have anyone refer me to that it would be are unemployed pay for 4 door car than own insurance. She WILL insurance for my car trying to change insurance Im planning to play I m 25 years old, life insurance and I specifically top notch) Heat recommendations will help, thank miles I also live shopping car insurance, any is health insurance for need to see a and hit the corner my husband without take car insurance. Is this new ones, insurance companies half soon and I wont cost us an year old male with Just passed test. Quotes .
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themoneybuff-blog · 5 years
Don't Make These Seven Car Insurance Mistakes
When it comes to shopping wisely for a car insurance policy, perhaps the number one rule to keep in mind is the age-old adage about not being a penny wise and a pound foolish. Cliched as that expression may be, buying too little coverage is one of the consumer mistakes most frequently cited by insurance professionals. Unfortunately, its just one of the many things consumers do wrong when shopping for what can be a particularly critical insurance policy in your portfolio of coverage. Each year there are millions of vehicle crashes in the United States. In 2016 alone, there were about five million crashes that involved property damage and about 2.2 million that caused injuries. With such figures in mind, heres a look at some of the other mistakes to avoid when searching for a car insurance policy. Find the Best Car InsuranceEnter your ZIP code below and be sure to click at least 2-3 companies to find the very best rate. Mistake No. 1: Carrying Too Much or Too Little Coverage Finding the right balance between purchasing too much and too little coverage is an important part of the process when signing on for a new policy. Carrying coverage you dont need is simply a waste of money, says Tony Arevalo from Carsuance.net. Collision insurance for an old car is a perfect example, said Arevalo. Such a vehicle is cheap enough to repair or replace that you will end up in the long run paying more for insurance than the cars value. Often consumers will have overlapping insurance coverages as well. For instance, some peoples health insurance policy protects them in the event of a car accident, said Arevalo. If thats the case, theres no need to pay for medical expense coverage through your auto policy. Carrying too little coverage is even more dangerous, continued Arevalo. For example, in Florida, consumers can choose a policy with only $10,000 property damage liability, he explained. Those who opt for such minimal coverage may end up paying a significant amount of money out of pocket in the event of an accident. Jo Ann Fisher of Premier Insurance Groups says state minimums for bodily injury and property damage are outdated and are no longer enough to protect anyone. They were put into place when incomes and prices were so much lower than they are today, she explained. People need to make sure they have enough liability coverage to protect their assets, including their income. In most states, if your car insurance has paid the maximum that a policy stipulates and that amount is not enough to cover all of the damages you may have caused as part of an accident, theres a possibility you will be required to pay the difference. Mistake No. 2: Not Shopping Around Another critical mistake consumers make when buying car insurance is not exploring the market and the competition, says Arevalo. The prices and the quality of insurance vary significantly based on the insurer, he noted. As an example, State Farm charges about $251 monthly for full coverage in Long Beach, Calif., according to Carsurances own market research. Wawanesa, on the other hand, charges $118 for the same service. On top of that, Wawanesa is the second-best Californian auto insurance company in customer service, according to the 2018 J.D.Power rankings, while State Farm is tenth, said Arevalo. This illustrates how much variance an average customer may encounter. Thats why shopping around and requesting quotes from at least five insurers is paramount. Mistake No. 3: Buying Road Service Coverage Unless its packaged with other coverages you want or need, experts often recommend skipping the road service coverage with your auto policy. Heres why. You may find that you already have this coverage with AAA, through a credit card perk, or as part of your vehicles new car warranty, says David Miller, vice president client executive for personal lines at Plexus Groupe. The savings associated with not including such coverage on your auto policy may be minimal, but filing a road service claim on your car insurance shows up on your Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange (CLUE) report, explained Miller. All of your insurance claims show up on this report, and the data is shared amongst insurance companies when you shop for coverage. More and more insurance companies are starting to look at the total number of incidents on your CLUE report, rather than just at-fault accidents, so you want to avoid making towing claims on your insurance policy if possible, he said. Mistake No. 4: Carrying Collision Coverage on an Old Car As Arevalo mentioned, collision is an area where some people overspend if they own an old car.To avoid doing this, its a good idea to measure the cost of your collision coverage against the value of your car. Sites like Edmunds or Kelly Blue Book can provide estimates of your cars value. You could also check websites like CarGurus to determine what dealers are charging for cars similar to yours. If you determine that the cost to provide collision coverage is 20% or more of your cars value, you may want to do away with the extra coverage, said Miller, of Plexus Groupe. For example, lets say youve done your research, and your car would sell for about $3,000 retail, Miller explained. The cost for collision insurance on your car is $500 a year and you have a $500 deductible. If your car is totaled, your insurance company will pay you $2,500, which is the cars $3,000 value less $500 deductible. Your $500 premium represents 20% of the value of your car. Over the course of five years, the amount you pay in premiums will equal the value of your car and thats assuming your car retains that value over the course of five years. Mistake No. 5: Not Updating Your Policy to Reflect Life Changes Everything from moving to buying a home can impact the amount you pay for car insurance. Yet many consumers forget to call their insurance provider and notify them of such updates. For example, shortening your commute means you could qualify for lower rates, Fabio Fashi, property and casualty team lead at Policygenius. Or if youre transitioning from being a renter to a homeowner, updating your auto insurance policy to reflect this change could earn you a discount. Owning a home generally represents a better financial situation, explained Fashi, which is why it can translate into a preferred rating from insurance companies. The discount will vary based upon the carrier you choose, but is typically around 5%, he said. Mistake No. 6: Not Getting the Premium-Versus-Deductible Balance Right Often, to save money, consumers opt for a policy that offers lower monthly premiums in exchange for a higher deductible in the event of an accident. This approach may not always be wise, said Fashi. It may not pay off to have lower monthly payments if you cant afford what you have to pay out of pocket when filing a claim, he explained. The balance between deductibles and premium payments is related to how much money you have in the bank, and if youd prefer to pay more or less at the time of an accident, Fashi continued. For example, if you frequently have less than $1,000 in savings, you probably wouldnt want to have a $1,000 deductible. Conversely, if you have a solid rainy-day fund, its more likely that you can afford to opt for the reduced monthly premiums and higher deductible. Mistake No. 7: Paying for Gimmicks Like Accident Forgiveness Some auto insurance providers are starting to offer a variety of gimmicky add-on coverage options for policies, and not all of these new products are necessarily worth the cost. One of the most popular examples is whats known as a deductible savings bank. When a deductible savings bank is added, the client earns $50 towards their deductible for every six-month policy term that they dont have an accident or violation, Miller explained. Policyholders can use the money in their bank to pay down a collision or comprehensive deductible. Often, such an option can only be added to a policy if the collision and comprehensive deductibles are set at $500 or higher, said Miller. I have a quote for a new business client without the deductible savings bank, the premiums on his cars are $722 and $899 every six months. If I add the deductible savings bank, the premiums increase to $738 and $922, Miller explained. So, for an additional $39 every six months, the client gets a benefit worth $50, but its only good if they remain ticket- and accident-free for that six-month period. Youre basically pre-paying for an accident you might never have or a ticket you may never get, Miller pointed out. Additional examples of gimmicky new add-ons include accident forgiveness and deductible dividends. As part of accident forgiveness, an insurance company typically will not charge the policyholder for the first accident occurring after the coverage is purchased. Deductible dividends meanwhile, are similar to a deductible savings bank. They increase your monthly payment in exchange for a credit on your deductible if and when an accident occurs. Mia Tayloris an award-winning journalist with more than two decades of experience. She has worked for some of the nations best-known news organizations, including the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and the San Diego Union-Tribune. Read more: https://www.thesimpledollar.com/insurance/blog/dont-make-these-car-insurance-mistakes/
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Taking Local Inventory Online: An Interview with Pointy’s Mark Cummins
Posted by MiriamEllis
Let’s go back in time 20 years so I can ask you the question, “How often do you look at a paper map every month?”
Unless you were a cartographer or a frequent traveler, chances are good that your answer would be, “Hmm, maybe less than once a month. Maybe once or twice a year.”
But in 2019, I’d wager there’s scarcely a day that goes by without you using Google Maps when planning to eat out, find a service provider, or find something fun to do. That web-based map in your hand has become a given.
And yet, there’s one thing you’re still not using the Internet for. And it’s something you likely wonder about almost daily. It starts with the question,
“I wonder who around here carries X?”
A real-world anecdote
After the tragic fires we’ve had this year in California, I wanted to wet mop all the floors in my house instead of vacuuming them, due to my concerns about particulate pollution in the air. My mother recommended I buy a Swiffer. I needed to know where I could find one locally, but I didn’t turn to the Internet for this, because the Internet doesn’t tell me this. Or at least, it hasn’t done so until now. Few, if any, of the local hardware stores, pharmacies, or big box retailers have reliable, live online inventory. At the same time, calling these places is often a huge hassle because staff isn’t always sure what’s in stock.
And so I ended up going to 3 different shops in search of this particular product. It wasn’t a convenient experience, and it was an all-too-common one.
The next big thing in local already exists
My real-world anecdote about a wet mop is exactly why I’m so pleased to be interviewing Mark Cummins, CEO of Pointy. 90% of purchases still take place in physical stores and it’s Mark who has seen this gap in available online knowledge about offline inventory and has now set out to bridge it.
I predict that within a few years, you’ll be using the Internet to find local inventory as frequently and easily as you’ve come to use its mapping capabilities. This chat with Mark explains why.
The real-world roots of an existing local need
Miriam: Mark, I understand that you were formerly a Google Search Team member, with a background in machine learning, but that your journey with Pointy began by walking into retail shops and talking face-to-face with owners. What did these owners tell you about their challenges in relation to offline/online inventory? A memorable real-world anecdote would be great here.
Mark: I started thinking about this problem because of an experience just like your story about trying to find a Swiffer. I’d recently moved to a new country and I had to buy lots of things to set up a new apartment, so I had that kind of experience all the time. It felt like there was a huge gap there that search engines could help with, but they weren’t.
I had been working at Google developing what became Google Lens (Google’s image recognition search feature). It felt strange that Google could do something so advanced, yet couldn’t answer very basic questions about where to buy things locally.
So I started thinking about ways to fix that. Initially I would just walk into retailers and talk to them about how they managed their inventory. I was trying to figure out if there was some uniform way to bring the inventory information online. I quickly learned that it was going to be hard. Almost every retailer I spoke to had a different method of tracking it. Some kept records on paper. Some didn’t count their inventory at all.
My first idea was a little crazy — I wanted to build a robot for retailers that would drive around the store every night and photograph all the shelves, and use image recognition to figure out the inventory and the prices. I spent some time seriously thinking about that, but then landed on the idea of the Pointy box, which is a much simpler solution.
Miriam: Can you briefly describe what a typical Point of Sale system is like for retailers these days, in light of this being technology most retailers already have in place?
Mark: Well, I would almost say that there isn’t a typical Point of Sale system. The market is really fragmented, it sometimes feels like no two retailers have the same system. There’s a huge range, from the old-style systems that are essentially a glorified calculator with a cash drawer, up to modern cloud-connected systems like Clover, Square, or Lightspeed. It’s very disruptive for retailers to change their POS system, so older systems tend to stay in use for a long time. The systems also differ by vertical — there are specialized systems for pharmacies, liquor stores, etc. Dealing with all of that variation is what makes it so hard to get uniform local inventory data.
A simple inventory solution is born
Miriam: So, you spoke with retailers, listened to their challenges and saw that they already have Point of Sale systems in place. And Pointy was born! Please, describe exactly what a Pointy device is, how it solves the problems you learned about, and fits right in with existing Point of Sales technology.
Mark: Right! It was pretty clear that we needed to find a solution that worked with retailers’ existing systems. So we developed the Pointy box. The Pointy box is a small device that attaches to a retailer’s barcode scanner. Basically it links the barcode scanner to a website we create for the retailer. Whenever the retailer scans a product with their barcode scanner, we recognize the barcode, and list the product on the website. The end result is live website listing everything in the store — here’s an example for Talbot’s Toyland, a toy store in San Mateo. They have over ten thousand products listed on their site, without any manual work.
The experience is pretty much seamless — just plug in Pointy, and watch your store website build itself. The Pointy box connects directly via the cell phone network, so there’s really nothing to set up. Just plug it in and it starts working. New products automatically get added to your store page, old products get removed when you no longer sell them, item stock status syncs automatically. We did quite a bit of machine learning to make that all automatic. Once the site is live, we also have some SEO and SEM tools to help retailers drive search traffic for the products they sell.
Miriam: My understanding is that the Pointy Team had to do a ton of legwork to put together various product catalogues from which data is pulled each time a product is scanned so that its information can be displayed on the web. I’m not familiar with this concept of product catalogues. What are they, what types of information do they contain, and what did you have to do to pull all of this together? Also, is it true that your team hand-reviews all the product data?
Mark: If you’re working in shopping search, then product catalogs are really important. Every mass-market product has a unique barcode number, but unfortunately there’s no master database where you can enter a barcode number and get back the product’s name, image, etc. So basically every retailer has to solve this problem for themselves, laboriously entering the product details into their systems. Pointy helps eliminate that work for retailers.
There are some product catalogs you can license, but each one only covers a fraction of products, and errors are common. We built a big data pipeline to pull together all of this product data into a single catalog and clean it up. We automate a lot of the work, but if you want the highest quality then machine learning alone isn’t enough. So every single product we display also gets approved by a human reviewer, to make sure it’s accurate. We’ve processed millions of products like this. The end result for the retailer is that they just plug in a Pointy box, scan a product, and their website starts populating itself, no data entry required. It’s a pretty magical feeling the first time you see it. Especially if you’ve spent countless hours of your life doing it the old way!
Where real-time local inventory appears on the web
Miriam: So, then, the products the retailer scans create the brand’s own inventory catalogue, which appears on their Pointy page. What tips would you offer to business owners to best integrate their Pointy page with their brand website? Linking to it from the main menu of the website? Something else? And do these Pointy pages feature SEO basics? Please describe.
Mark: Some retailers use Pointy as their main website. Others have it as an additional profile, in the same way that they might have a Facebook page or a Yelp page. The main thing Pointy brings is the full live inventory of the store, which generally isn’t listed anywhere else. To integrate with their other web presences, most just link across from their main sites or social media profiles. A few also embed Pointy into their sites via an iframe.
We work a lot on making these pages as SEO-friendly as possible. The queries we focus on ranking for are things like “product name near me” or “product name, location.” For example, a query like “rubber piggy bank san mateo” currently has the Pointy page for Talbot's Toyland in #1 position. We have an engineering team working on this all the time, and we’ve actually discovered a few interesting things.
Miriam: And how does this work when, for example, a product goes out of stock or goes on sale for a different price?
Mark: We keep that information updated live. The stock status is updated based on the information from the Pointy box. We also handle price data, though it depends on what features the retailers is using. Some retailers prefer not to display their prices online.
See What's In Store: Google totally sees the opportunity
Miriam: I was fascinated to learn that Pointy is the launch partner for Google’s See What’s In Store feature, and readers can see an example of this with Talbot’s Toyland. Can you explain what’s involved for retailers who want their inventory to appear in the SWIS area of the Google Business Profile (aka “Knowledge Panel”) and why this represents such an important opportunity? Also, does the business have to pay a commission to Google for inclusion/impressions/clicks?
Mark: This is a pretty exciting feature. It lets retailers display their full product catalogue and live inventory information in the Business Profile on the Google search page. It’s also visible from Google Maps. I’m guessing Google will probably start to surface the information in more ways over time.
It’s completely free for retailers, which is pretty interesting. Google Shopping has always been a paid service, so it’s notable that Google is now offering some organic exposure with this new feature.
I think that this is going to become table stakes for retailers in the next year or two, in the same way that having your opening hours online is now. Consumers are simply going to expect the convenience of finding local product information online. I think that’s a good thing, because it will help local businesses win back customers that might otherwise have gone to Amazon.
We’ve worked a lot with Google to make the setup experience for local retailers very simple. You just link your Pointy account to Google, and your live inventory appears in the Google Business Profile. Behind the scenes we do a lot of technical work to make that happen (including creating Merchant Center accounts, setting up feeds, etc). But the user experience is just a few clicks. We’ve seen a lot of uptake from Pointy users, it’s been a very popular feature. We have a bit more detail on it here.
What about special retail scenarios?
Miriam: So, basically, Pointy makes getting real-world inventory online for small and independent retailers who just don’t have the time to deal with a complicated e-commerce system. I understand that you have some different approaches to offer larger enterprises, involving their existing IT systems. Can you talk a bit about that, please?
Mark: Yes, some larger retailers may be able to send us a direct feed from their inventory systems, rather than installing Pointy boxes at every POS location. We aim to support whatever is easiest for the retailer. We are also directly integrated into modern cloud POS systems like Clover, Square, Lightspeed, Vend, and others. Users of those systems can download a free Pointy app from their system’s app store and integrate with us that way. And for retailers not using those systems, they can use a Pointy box.
Miriam: And what about retailers whose products lack labels/barcodes? Let’s say, a farm stand with constantly-changing seasonal produce, or a clothing boutique with hand-knit sweaters? Is there a Pointy solution for them?
Mark: Unfortunately we’re not a great fit for those kind of retailers. We designed the experience for retailers who sell barcoded products.
Miriam: You’re a former Google staffer, Mark. In local search, Google has become aggressive in taking a cut of an increasing number of local consumer actions and this is particularly hard on small businesses. We’ve got Local Service Ads, paid ads in local packs, booking buttons, etc, all of which struggling independent businesses are having to pay Google for. Right now, these retailers are eager for a competitive edge. How can they differentiate themselves? Please, share tips.
Mark: It’s true, lots of channels that used to be purely organic now have a mix of organic and paid. I think ultimately the paid ads still have to be ROI-positive or nobody will use them, but it’s definitely no fun to pay for traffic you used to get for free.
On the positive side, there are still plenty of openings to reach customers organically. If small businesses invest in staying ahead of the game, they can do very well. Lots of local product searches essentially have no answer, because most retailers haven’t been able to get their inventory online yet. It’s easy to rank well for a query when you’re the only one with the answer. There’s definitely still an opening there for early adopters.
“Pointing” the way to the future
Miriam: Finally, Pointy has only been available in the US since 2016, and in that short amount of time, you’re already serving 1% of the country’s retailers. Congratulations! What does the near future look like to you for retailers and for Pointy? What do you see as Pointy’s mission?
Mark: We want to bring the world’s brick-and-mortar retailers online and give them the tools they need to thrive. More than 90% of retail goes through brick and mortar stores, so there’s no reason they shouldn’t have an amazing technology platform to help them. The fragmentation and difficulty of accessing data has held everyone back, but I think Pointy has a shot at fixing that.
Miriam: Thank you, Mark. I believe Pointy has what it takes to be successful, but I’m going to wish you good luck, anyway!
Summing up
In doing this interview, I learned a ton from Mark and I hope you did, too. If a local retailer you market is seeking a competitive advantage in 2019, I’d seriously be considering early adoption of Google’s See What's In Store feature. It’s prime Google Business Profile (formerly Knowledge Panel) real estate, and so long as SWIS is free and Pointy is so affordable, there’s a pretty incredible opportunity to set yourself apart in these early days with a very modest investment.
I’m feeling confident about my prediction that we’re on the verge of a new threshold in user behavior, in terms of people using local search to find local inventory. We’ll all have the enjoyment of seeing how this plays out over the next couple of years. And if you heard it first at Moz, that will be extra fun!
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teiraymondmccoy78 · 5 years
Story of Quadriga’s Trapped Cryptocurrency Fails Smell Test
Story of Quadriga’s Trapped Cryptocurrency Fails Smell Test
The death of a crypto executive trapped C$190 million on a Canadian exchange. Or did it?
Ever since Quadriga CX revealed last month that founder Gerald Cotten, who died in India in December, was the only person able to access the exchange’s digital ledgers, scores of blockchain analysts, research companies, and amateur sleuths have been arguing over whether some of the money has been moving between accounts since he died and even if the coins existed at all.
Cotten’s widow set off the firestorm by seeking protection from creditors for the Vancouver-based company, saying that her late husband was “very conscious about security” and she didn’t know the password or recovery key of his encrypted laptop nor could she find anything written down despite repeated searches.
Without the key to the digital accounts, it is extremely difficult to unlock the ledger and move the more than $144 million in coins Quadriga CX had stored on its exchange. While proponents of digital currencies argue that the incorruptible nature of the blockchain is its primary feature, investors in the likes of Bitcoin and Ether have frequently lost their digital codes, locking themselves out of their accounts with little recourse.
The argument that that’s what happened with Quadriga didn’t pass the smell test for many in the industry who are adept at scouring the anonymous ledgers that underpin the decentralized networks for evidence of where digital coins may be stored.
“The Quadriga story doesn’t make sense,” Emin Gün Sirer, a professor at Cornell University and co-director of the Initiative for CryptoCurrencies and Contracts, wrote in an email Wednesday. “The one amazing thing about blockchains is that anyone can audit, in essence, any company.”
A judge is scheduled to deal with a motion to appoint lawyers who’ll represent Quadriga account holders at a hearing on Feb. 14 in Halifax Supreme Court, according to a court filing Wednesday. The move comes after some holders asked the courts to have Bennett Jones LLP and McInnes Cooper represent them during the CCAA proceedings.
Jennifer Robertson, Cotten’s widow, said her husband moved most of the digital assets to cold storage, and experts she brought in to try to hack into his other computers and mobile phone met with only “limited success.” Attempts to circumvent an encrypted USB key have been foiled, she said in the court filing.
“If the funds are frozen and the cold wallet is inaccessible, it should be possible for the exchange to provide the cold wallet addresses so their claims can be verified with the help of the blockchain,” Sirer said.
Analysis firms such as Elementus say that by examining the blockchain patterns, they can guess which particular wallets holding coins belong to. The researcher says it couldn’t find any cold wallets holding Ether, one of the cryptocurrencies that’s missing. Instead, Quadriga was moving Ether to larger exchanges through mid-January, Elementus said.
At the same time, the patterns could mean that the exchange had set up automatic transfers to larger exchanges when its wallet balances reached a certain amount, or, alternatively, that “there’s some fishy business going on,” Elementus founder Max Galka said.
The virtually unregulated world of digital currencies has been a breeding ground for hacks and thefts since the Bitcoin was invented more than a decade ago. There were at least five major attacks last year, alone, while Japan, home to some of the world’s most active digital-asset exchanges, has also hosted two of the biggest known crypto hacks: the Mt. Gox debacle of 2014 and the theft of nearly $500 million in digital tokens from Coincheck last January.
Jesse Powell, head of exchange Kraken, said it has some Quadriga balances. Of about 230,000 Ether coins that Quadriga is supposed to have had, only about 1,000 coins remain in its own wallets, Galka said.
“Not to be transparent” about where the money is exactly on a blockchain “is unusual,” said Christine Duhaime, a Canadian lawyer specializing in anti-money laundering.
Cotten died of complications due to Crohn’s disease in Jaipur, India, according to Robertson’s affidavit and a statement of death from J.A. Snow Funeral Home in Halifax. Richard Niedermayer, a lawyer with Stewart McKelvey in Halifax who represented Robertson, declined to comment Wednesday.
Some 115,000 users had deposits at the exchange when it stopped working, according to Robertson’s affidavit, filed on Jan. 31.
Source link http://bit.ly/2Gdp7gj
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bobbynolanios88 · 5 years
Story of Quadriga’s Trapped Cryptocurrency Fails Smell Test
Story of Quadriga’s Trapped Cryptocurrency Fails Smell Test
The death of a crypto executive trapped C$190 million on a Canadian exchange. Or did it?
Ever since Quadriga CX revealed last month that founder Gerald Cotten, who died in India in December, was the only person able to access the exchange’s digital ledgers, scores of blockchain analysts, research companies, and amateur sleuths have been arguing over whether some of the money has been moving between accounts since he died and even if the coins existed at all.
Cotten’s widow set off the firestorm by seeking protection from creditors for the Vancouver-based company, saying that her late husband was “very conscious about security” and she didn’t know the password or recovery key of his encrypted laptop nor could she find anything written down despite repeated searches.
Without the key to the digital accounts, it is extremely difficult to unlock the ledger and move the more than $144 million in coins Quadriga CX had stored on its exchange. While proponents of digital currencies argue that the incorruptible nature of the blockchain is its primary feature, investors in the likes of Bitcoin and Ether have frequently lost their digital codes, locking themselves out of their accounts with little recourse.
The argument that that’s what happened with Quadriga didn’t pass the smell test for many in the industry who are adept at scouring the anonymous ledgers that underpin the decentralized networks for evidence of where digital coins may be stored.
“The Quadriga story doesn’t make sense,” Emin Gün Sirer, a professor at Cornell University and co-director of the Initiative for CryptoCurrencies and Contracts, wrote in an email Wednesday. “The one amazing thing about blockchains is that anyone can audit, in essence, any company.”
A judge is scheduled to deal with a motion to appoint lawyers who’ll represent Quadriga account holders at a hearing on Feb. 14 in Halifax Supreme Court, according to a court filing Wednesday. The move comes after some holders asked the courts to have Bennett Jones LLP and McInnes Cooper represent them during the CCAA proceedings.
Jennifer Robertson, Cotten’s widow, said her husband moved most of the digital assets to cold storage, and experts she brought in to try to hack into his other computers and mobile phone met with only “limited success.” Attempts to circumvent an encrypted USB key have been foiled, she said in the court filing.
“If the funds are frozen and the cold wallet is inaccessible, it should be possible for the exchange to provide the cold wallet addresses so their claims can be verified with the help of the blockchain,” Sirer said.
Analysis firms such as Elementus say that by examining the blockchain patterns, they can guess which particular wallets holding coins belong to. The researcher says it couldn’t find any cold wallets holding Ether, one of the cryptocurrencies that’s missing. Instead, Quadriga was moving Ether to larger exchanges through mid-January, Elementus said.
At the same time, the patterns could mean that the exchange had set up automatic transfers to larger exchanges when its wallet balances reached a certain amount, or, alternatively, that “there’s some fishy business going on,” Elementus founder Max Galka said.
The virtually unregulated world of digital currencies has been a breeding ground for hacks and thefts since the Bitcoin was invented more than a decade ago. There were at least five major attacks last year, alone, while Japan, home to some of the world’s most active digital-asset exchanges, has also hosted two of the biggest known crypto hacks: the Mt. Gox debacle of 2014 and the theft of nearly $500 million in digital tokens from Coincheck last January.
Jesse Powell, head of exchange Kraken, said it has some Quadriga balances. Of about 230,000 Ether coins that Quadriga is supposed to have had, only about 1,000 coins remain in its own wallets, Galka said.
“Not to be transparent” about where the money is exactly on a blockchain “is unusual,” said Christine Duhaime, a Canadian lawyer specializing in anti-money laundering.
Cotten died of complications due to Crohn’s disease in Jaipur, India, according to Robertson’s affidavit and a statement of death from J.A. Snow Funeral Home in Halifax. Richard Niedermayer, a lawyer with Stewart McKelvey in Halifax who represented Robertson, declined to comment Wednesday.
Some 115,000 users had deposits at the exchange when it stopped working, according to Robertson’s affidavit, filed on Jan. 31.
Source link http://bit.ly/2Gdp7gj
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