#one or two more parts i think i can't decide
ladykailitha · 3 days
Paper Hearts Part 1
Remember how my posting schedule was going to be based on strictly vibes from now on? Yeah this is why. I have three chapters of this completed and only two of most everything else because I hurt my right wrist on Wednesday evening (I think I overextended my elbow and it fucked up the tendons in my wrist, because I've done that before on my arm and it feels like that).
So instead of getting more work done on stuff that is literally paragraphs away from the end of the chapter I'm having to tap into my backlog. Which is what it's for. But it is annoying.
I am also aware it's nearly May, but my muse was never one for sense.
Summary: Hawkins High is selling paper hearts to help raise for senior prom. $3 for red romantic hearts and $1 for pink friendship hearts. Steve hasn't dated anyone since the horrific breakup with Nancy on Halloween and so he decides that he's going to send pink hearts to senior girls who wouldn't normally get any hearts at all. When Eddie hears about this he can't help be intrigued. It goes against his very well curated Munson Doctrine. But as events keep throwing them together, Eddie learns there is more to King Steve then meets the eye.
Also a note: the use of the other's last name when it's their point of view is deliberate. As they get to know each other more, the more first names get used.
Steve was staring at the huge sign with a sense of dread. In big pink and white letters on a red background screamed the words:
Valentine’s Day. That time of year for lovers and romantics. That used to be him. But not since Nancy broke his heart by breaking up with him for Jonathan Byers.
There would be no paper hearts in locker this year. Not even pink ones. Nancy had well and truly blown up his life and she got to walk away scott free.
He didn’t know what to do anymore. He pinched his nosed and rubbed the end. He wasn’t going to cry in the middle of the fucking main hall of Hawkins High.
Just before he was about to start moving again someone shoulder checked him, sending back to the floor and all his stuff sprawling around it like some fucked flower.
“Watch it, Harrington!” the voice growled as whoever it was sped off down the hall.
Steve didn’t even bother looking to see who it was. It could have been anyone these days. His former friends. Billy and his ilk. Hell, even the nerds and geeks got in on the action lately.
He knelt down to start cleaning it up when someone else kicked his books toward the lockers. He managed to get most of it picked up when he reached for the last notebook. Someone stepped on his hand and ground down, hurting Steve and ripping the cover off the notebook, crinkling the first couple of pages.
He shoved it into his bag and cradled his hand to his chest. He looked at his watch and sighed. Lunch was nearly over and he hadn’t even made it to the cafeteria yet.
There was nothing for it, he had to get to his next class. He walked into the class room just as the bell rang, but instead of heading for his usual spot near the front he made for the back of the class. There were always a few empty seats around Munson. The guy was terrifying on a good day.
And Steve hoped it was a good day.
Eddie made to class on time by the skin of his teeth. He slid through door just as the bell rang above his head. He was about to lope over to his usual spot in the back when he stopped dead in his tracks.
He looked up at the front at the deliberately left open seat and back at the seat next to his with a raised eyebrow. He wisely said nothing as he flopped into the torture device known as the chesk. Dair? Whatever the hell it was called where some unspeakable horror thought to combine a desk and a chair.
Eddie glanced sidelong at his new companion. The recently deposed king of Hawkins High sat slumped in his chesk, head down, just staring at its surface as if held the meaning to life the universe and everything.
Which if Harrington asked him, he would have been told forty-two.
He pulled out his notebook and noticed that Harrington did not do the same. Curiouser and curiouser. He pulled out a pencil and settled in to avoid falling to sleep today.
He was taking notes and doing the assignment like he was supposed to when about half way through class the teacher called out to him.
“Mr. Harrington!” she shrieked. “If you are going to be sitting in the back, please have the decency to pay attention in class!”
A couple of kids snickered.
“You were talking about how the Fool is used to lighten the absolutely horrific scene above him of Lady Macbeth as she tries to get blood out of her gown,” he muttered, scratching his cheek with his left hand.
That was when the teacher and Eddie noticed the same thing at the same time.
Harrington was cradling his right hand to his chest.
“Mr. Harrington is there something wrong with your right hand?”
“I accidentally hurt it during lunch,” he said with wince.
The teacher tapped her foot and crossed her arms. “And why didn’t you see the nurse?”
“It happened right before class,” Harrington muttered, “and I didn’t want to be late.”
The teacher huffed and shook her head. “I will give you note for your next teacher, but you will see the nurse after class, am I understood?”
He nodded.
“Mr. Munson,” she cried out, shrill. “If you’ll share your notes with Mr. Harrington after class so he does not fall behind.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
He continued to keep an eye on Harrington throughout the whole class but whenever their English teacher tried to catch him out, she would fail every time.
When the bell rang Eddie started shoving his stuff into his backpack. “You sure you even need my notes, Harrington? That was pretty impressive shit you pulled out of your ass today.”
Harrington just shrugged. “Just because I was paying attention doesn’t mean it won’t bleed out of my ears with all the algebra and chemistry stuff I have later.”
Eddie winced in sympathy. “Yeah, I hear that. What’s your locker number and I’ll just slip a copy of my notes in the slots.”
“They got you on a lower locker?” he asked with a grimace. “That’s jacked up. Even Mr. Super Senior here got a top locker. Does the secretary hate you or some shit?”
Again Harrington shrugged. “I’ve got to go. I’ll catch you later.”
Eddie folded his arms at looked at him. “You’re not going to the nurse’s station, are you?”
This time it was Harrington who winced.
“That’s what I thought,” he huffed. “I’m walking you to said nurse’s station because it could be broken and if you don’t get that looked at, you’ll be in more than just a world of hurt, man. You could fuck up your hand for life and you wouldn’t be able to anything in that hand ever again.”
Steve’s eyes went wide as all color drained from his face.
Eddie grabbed both of their backpacks and headed for the door. “Yeah, shit.”
Harrington hurried to catch up, hand still cradled to his chest.
“How did you know that could happen to my hand?” he asked softly.
Eddie eyed him sidelong, but the kid wasn’t being an ass. In fact he would say Harrington was being earnest.
“My uncle works at the machinist plant up the road,” Eddie explained. “One of his buddies broke his hand on the machine and refused to get it looked at. Guess how well that worked?”
“Was it the plant’s fault?” Harrington asked. Eddie cocked his head to the side. “That you uncle’s friend got hurt?”
Eddie reared his head back in shock that Harrington would even ask.
“No, man,” he said shaking his head. “He was goofing off, being a dick. Uncle Wayne always said that if you knock on every door asking for the devil, one day he’s gonna answer.”
“What happens when the devil comes looking for you?” Harrington muttered to himself and Eddie couldn’t help but wonder what this kid had seen.
Because he knows haunted. And Harrington looks like he has an attic full of ghosts.
Once they got to the nurse’s station Eddie waited for him. When the other boy came out he asked how it went.
“She says it doesn’t feel broken,” he huffed. “But that if it doesn’t improve over the weekend after icing at least three times a day, to come back on Monday and she’ll order an x-ray.”
Eddie nodded. “Right. See you around, Harrington.”
He had barely turned around when Harrington called out to him. “Wait!”
Eddie turned back around to have a piece of paper shoved into his hand. “I got the nurse to excuse us both.”
And before he could even reply the other boy was tearing off down the hall as if the devil himself was chasing him.
And after that comment he’d heard, Eddie couldn’t be sure he wasn’t.
Steve was curled up on his bed, icing his hand, staring up at the ceiling, and wondering where the fuck his life had gone so wrong.
Okay so he could answer that one, actually. Demogorgon ate his girlfriend’s best friend while in his backyard. While him and said girlfriend were having sex for the first time.
Yeah... that was all kinds of fucked up.
He still couldn’t believe that Nancy sided with Jonathan about him taking pictures of their first time.
So now Valentine’s Day was two week away and he was dateless, friendless, and unpopular. He wished he could just be called a loner. But a loner was cool and Steve wasn’t even that anymore.
He just had to make until the end of may and then he could graduate, leaving this town in his rearview mirror for good.
Steve knew that he would have to struggle through this fucking holiday and Senior prom then it would be smooth sailing from there.
He had all this money that he would normally spend on his girlfriends, but now he didn’t even have that. He supposed he could blow it all on beer and weed and then he could enjoy the weekend for a change.
Steve sat up suddenly, the ice pack falling from his hand to hit the floor with sploosh!
Now that was an idea.
He still had one thing in the school that was nonpareil and that was gossip. In fact, it was easier to hear all the dirty little secrets because no one cared if he was standing there.
A smile spread over his face.
That could actually work. It would be a great way to spend his allowance and it would be fun.
He got up and put the ice pack back in the freezer. He couldn’t do anything about it right then but once his hand was better he would formulate his little plan.
Steve was suddenly excited for the first time since he dropped Dustin off at the middle school’s Snow Ball.
He was going to make this holiday fun even if he had to manufacture the fun himself.
Eddie was pissed. A little at himself, but mostly at how Harrington was being treated.
He had to sit through lunch and listen a bunch of stupid jocks brag about stomping on Harrington’s hand when he was trying to pick up his stuff off the floor in the hallway yesterday.
They had been hoping for an actual break, but the asshole thought he’d only bruised it.
The reason Eddie was a little mad at himself for this was because he was the one that had shoulder checked Harrington. He had only been trying to get the guy out of his daze. Not send his shit flying.
And then to have someone deliberately stepping on his hand. Fuck. Not even Hagan ever went that far.
Stev–Harrington didn’t deserve that kind of bullying. No one did.
But he could see the twisted sort of appeal, though. And fuck if that didn’t make his stomach turn.
To see the deposed king and want to mock that? Want to dig the hurt in as deep as he could? To drive home the lesson that popularity was fleeting and that existence was a curse?
Yeah, Eddie could see the appeal.
But he wouldn’t. He might make fun of literally everyone and everything but his own interests, but to make turn that into actual cruelty? That was were he drew the line in the sand.
He went home feeling sick to his stomach. And of course Wayne picked up on it immediately.
He jutted his chin at the chicken and rice on Eddie plate that he had only merely pushed around with his fork.
“What’s got you so twisted around the bend?”
Eddie put his fork down and hid his mouth with his clasped hands, elbows on the table.
“I fucked up today,” he murmured. “I didn’t mean for it to go as it did.”
“What did you do?”
So Eddie told him. “I wasn’t trying to hurt him, but he got hurt anyway.”
“That does sound pretty bad,” Wayne agreed. “And as you say, you were trying to help only for it to go very awry. And since you didn’t about it until after the fact you couldn’t apologize and that’s what’s eating you up inside.”
Eddie nodded around his fists, his lower lip quivering.
“You’ll just have to find a way to apologize on Monday,” Wayne said wisely.
Eddie sighed. It was the best he could do. It wasn’t as though he could call the guy up or show up at his house. The first because he didn’t have the guy’s number and the second because he’d get the cops called on him so fast by the neighbors.
It would just have to wait until Monday.
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yuri-is-online · 2 hours
One Sided Love Triangles: Twisted Wonderland
Because I really hate it when someone has to lose. Anyway idk I thought these would be funny:
Jade vs Malleus- partially inspired by Private Thoughts of a Moray of course but also just like. The randomness of it. Jade has nothing against Malleus before he starts liking you at all, he's just a very powerful person who he would like to get close to so he can help him out. But now? Oooooh he hates him he hates him he hates him. He's the literal worst for getting to be close to you when no one else is close to him and Jade has yet to dance across the line of suspicion that's keeping you from living happily ever after. Malleus thinks Jade's courtship efforts are deeply fascinating, probably asks Lilia if ritual self humiliation is part of the process, and gets a very disappointed look sent his way. He's rooting for Jade because someone has to take care of you when he's not around and an eel isn't a bad choice.
Floyd vs Ace- crabby is little shrimpy's best friend and that makes him moody. Floyd wants to be happy when Yuu come in to basketball practice with his water bottle, but the only reason you brought it was because you found it on your way to drop something off for Ace. Damn this is the pits, why can't all of your attention just be on him for once? Seven he wants it so bad he floats through practice like a jellyfish because of how dispondant he is. Meanwhile Ace thinks your crush on Floyd is super gross but he's not going to judge. To the point Yuu starts to worry they're being set up for failure when encouraged to confess.
Trey vs Rook- you would think that Trey knows better than to assume Rook is in love with everyone he compliments but there's just something about watching you two interact he doesn't like. He tries to rationalize it by assuming it's because he likes you, and he wants to be capable of fligrting with you but he's not like this when Cater makes joking passes or when random mob students actually do. Rook decides he finds this funny and determines to play into it so he can goad a confession out of Trey. Love is truly beautiful ♡
Ace vs anyone who can breathe- he's delusional. He loves Yuu so much the idea that some people aren't interested in the same way he is just doesn't enter his mind. Might have something to do with how much he's denying his feelings that he's constantly assuming the worst but when Cater tries to tell him that he doesn't make it super far into Ace's skull...
I've got more but I need to sleep...
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10underoot2 · 2 days
I'm here in my agony to say that discussion between Haein and Hyunwoo after he moved his stuff into the nursery will kill me with how painful it is.
They're both in so much pain it's visible there but they're unable to talk to each other about it.
'How could you move your stuff without telling me?' She's so hurt. Her tone is accusatory. She's hurt that she just emptied her unborn child's nursery and her husband decides to move away from her as well.
'You never told me you were emptying this room either.' He's pained that they've lost a much awaited child and she didn't bother consulting him before removing everything. He didn't get his closure. He's angry and upset and so hurt but he doesn't know that he needs to get through a very strongly wrought shield around her heart to have her acknowledge his pain.
'What are you getting at? Are you blaming me for the miscarriage?'
I never imagined Haein would think Hyunwoo would want to blame her. I want to cry that in her grief she failed to have enough faith in him and his love. She's hurt by his decision to move out so she takes it out on him. She's a classical study of saying something to completely annihilate the other when you're the one who's hurt.
Also, (this pained me more than anything) notice the extreme softness and absence of anger in his voice as he responds to her.
'What are you saying? I never thought that way.'
His anger and pain seeps back in when he confesses to her, 'I'm just as sad as you -'
'Don't lie. I know you want to say that it's my fault!' I wanted to yell at her to stop. I'm so sad that she let her past trauma catch up. Is that all she's thought about since she got the news of the miscarriage? That Hyunwoo would blame her? Her fears, her pain, her assumptions they all won. And they played a part in driving them apart.
'Forget it. I can't talk any sense into you.'
I think this is the most realistic line I've heard in a Kdrama. Because people do tend to in their anger and pain just give up. Hyunwoo couldn't deal with her accusing him of something he never did, he couldn't deal with her inability to listen and acknowledge his pain as well. So he walked away - it was just simpler, easier to do.
It's also reminding me of how he told her that if they lived in a closed space they would have been forced to confront each other. They were bound to hear the other cry and console the other then. When I think about the absolutely painful, lonely, cold two years that followed this, it makes me so sad.
I didn't know a minute long scene could send me in a spiral of sadness. As sad as a miscarriage is I've had immense clarity that it never implied that they could never have children. Not to dismiss their pain it's all very valid, but if they worked towards getting closure sooner they could have been so much stronger and probably could have had a child sooner. It makes me sad how the pain rendered them incapable to mend and work towards their relationship.
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yu-huuuu · 19 hours
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No, because when someone asks me, "what would a relationship with Itachi canon be like, you know, the rogue ninja who killed everyone to stop a civil war and abandoned his brother for his own good?", I imagine a relationship similar to that of Greg and Rose Quartz.
Imagine being a civilian who enjoys playing the guitar, and one day, singing in the forest, you encounter this mysterious man.
He congratulates you, arguing that he was drawn to you by your melodious voice and the gentle sound of the guitar.
He tells you his name after you tell him yours, although you vaguely asks why he didn't tell you his last name. But, Itachi is a nice name even if there's no suffix to pair it with.
The most random and imaginative topics arise in each encounter you both have. You two always meet in the same place, always at the same time. It quickly becomes a routine for you.
Without signs indicating that Itachi comes from any village or indicating that he is a ninja, you are left wondering where this sweet man could have come from. (although maybe if you looked behind the tree that is two meters away from you, you would see the articles he used daily)
Maybe he's the son of a vendor passing through your town, or maybe he's a tourist who likes to visit towns that aren't visible at first glance on the map.
Whatever he may be, it doesn't matter, not as long as your heart beats strongly when his hand brushes yours or when his fingers gently touch your cheek as he tries to tuck your wild locks behind your ear.
Itachi knows it's wrong. He knows these encounters are wrong. But he can't help but want to be by your side, listening to you ramble about random and simple yet fascinating things that as a ninja he never would have thought or imagined.
You make him feel like someone normal, like an ordinary man. You make him feel alive, something he hadn't felt since the massacre, perhaps even long before joining the Anbu.
It's as if he doesn't have blood covering his hands. As if he doesn't bear all the hatred of the world on his tired shoulders, preventing him from breathing.
All his problems disappear from his mind when you allow him to rest his head to take a nap, while you arguing that his dark circles look too big. Nightmares and insomnia leave him when you run your delicate hands, with no calluses in sight, through his hair. The protest dies on the tip of his tongue when you scratch that specific part that quickly turns him into putty in your hands.
One morning, Itachi Uchiha vaguely realizes that the dark circles and stress marks have become smaller and blames you for the gentle fluttering his heart does at the thought of you taking care of him. Kisame looks at him puzzled when he comes out of the bathroom. At first glance, he had a neutral face, but his eyes told a different story; they looked more alive.
Kisame wondered what or who made him that way. Itachi simply ignores him as usual, trying to keep the corners of his lips from rising because his happiness hasn't waned yet and he doesn't want Kisame to see him like that.
It's a night when Itachi finally realizes that he has fallen deeply in love with you. His heart stops for a moment when he realizes that it hurts to think about leaving you when he dies at the hands of his brother.
And he simply doesn't want to.
He doesn't want to leave your side. He's being selfish, he knows it well, but for once he wants to be. He himself destroyed all his dreams and hopes, all for Konoha and his younger brother.
By sacrificing his world, he can never become Hokage or live in Konoha again.
Maybe if he cut his hair and ran away with you to live in another secluded place away from the ninja world—
He stopped.
What was he thinking? He was dangerous. Everything about him was dangerous.
He had hurt so many people, had ended the lives of so many. You deserved someone better, someone who didn't have hands stained with blood or a destroyed man.
And he simply decides to push you away.
He told himself that this would be the last time. He didn't hesitate when he told you that he didn't want to see you again and that you should stay away from him.
Maybe if he were strong enough and you didn't have him in the palm of your hand, he would have been stronger, and he would have left without explanations.
But that wasn't the case.
"Itachi, you have to tell me what's going on."
Itachi sighed, almost as if trying to prepare himself for what he was about to say. "I— you have dreams, I don't want you to sacrifice everything for me," he told you the truth, unable to hide it under a lie.
"It's a pity."
"You are all I want."
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“What was the answer?”
“… Love”
“Woahhh-! I know it!”
“So do i”
*the end*
love like you starts playing in the background
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Also— maybe I’m gonna write a series of this now that i have ao3 🤭
@vulpisnocturna ,, @andohmyloveiliedtoyou ,, @moumouton4 ,, @izumi-uchiha-anon ,, @itachianon ,, @svfttachi ,, @kidsinsaturn ,, @ayyyez ,, :> hehe
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ca-8 · 1 day
How the Bigger Bodies Smiling Critters Died (head canons)
Alright so I R E A L L Y wanna talk about how I think the Smiling Critters perished in Poppy Playtime
Cw: mentions of (sorta) cannibalism, torture, accidental suicide, self-harm, addiction in terms of The Red Smoke
this is gonna be r e a l l y long, so strap in y'all
. ☀️⭐️🍎💡⚡️🌸❤️☀️⭐️🍎💡⚡️🌸❤️☀️⭐️🍎💡⚡️🌸❤️ .
Bubba Bubbaphant
"I'm Bubba Bubbaphant! ...Hey! I remember you!" "An elephant always remembers!" "Want to know what I remember about you...?" This character is pretty much the nerd emoji of the Smiling Critters. He's really smart, and, as he stated in his cardboard cut-out dialogue, has a really good memory. Although I can't really see that being put into play of his actual death, I can see that this last bit of information he stated (before just spiraling out of control) can be connected to our character. (Our character is an ex-worker and is always greeted with distain by the major antagonists, which leads me to believe that we have actively, or at least indirectly, participated in the child/worker experimentation/conversion based on what Bubba says. Although in his last bit of "dialogue", he's screaming quite loudly as if he was in major agony, but also laughing, as if he was ingesting something that caused great harm to his mentality and body, but since he's had it so many times before to the point where he actively begs to have more, it's agonizing, but also "heavenly." Therefore I think his cause of death would be due to him trying to escape during The Hour of Joy, but was eventually caught by CatNap and his use of The Red Smoke. In the Smiling Critters cartoon, all the critters are struggling to go to sleep because of how scared they were of the storm outside. However, once CatNap enters, they all practically light up with such disturbing happiness. Bubba is the first one to beg him to "help them go to sleep". Fast forward to The Hour of Joy, CatNap must've used his addiction against him to keep him sorta in place so he could kill him.
"Hey! I'm KickenChicken! Wanna go outside and hang out?" "It's lookin' pretty rad outside!" "I've...never been outside before..." "Will you come with me? I'm scared..." "Here, follow me. I-I'll step out first..." Here, I used to think that he had barricaded himself along with some of the other critters somewhere safe inside the Playcare during The Hour of Joy, and he decided to step outside once all the humans were finally killed. Once he did, CatNap found him and killed him for his disobedience towards his god. But a recent theory sorta convinced me otherwise. I still believe in my own theory, but I also support the fact that KickenChicken could've also been one of the first toys to reach an exit to the outside world. But, once he and the other critter tried to step outside, he got killed by the Prototype.
Picky Piggy
"Hi there! I'm Picky Piggy! Let's eat!" "Roast beef? Delicious!" "Grilled chicken? Down the hatch!" "Seared elephant? Yum!" "Flayed unicorn? Mmm!" "Still hungry... Hey, what do you say you and I be friends?" (This one actually scares the hell out of me, i love it) And it's pretty obvious too, for the most part. I believe that Picky was separated by the other critters during The Hour of Joy, and ended up with nothing to eat for a long time. She ended up wandering aimlessly throughout the factory and eventually came across the corpses of her dead friends. Saddened, but desperate for food, she ate her friends' corpses as soon as she came along them, but all that effort soon went to waste as she eventually died of starvation, a constant theme throughout Poppy Playtime.
Hoppy Hopscotch
"I'm Hoppy Hopscotch! Wanna try hopping to the moon with me?" "On three with me! One... two... three! ...Heh, didn't get very far, did we?" "Again! One, two, three! Nope... still didn't make it." "Listen! This won't stop until we make it to the moon!" "One, two- No, no! Don't look at your feet! None of that matters! Again! Again!" "JUMP! JUUUU-" Yeah this one just makes me really sad, seeing how I think her death most likely would be accidental suicide. In an attempt to escape CatNap or The Prototype or another toy that was hunting them down for food, or maybe just trying to reach somewhere that lead to an exit, she encouraged her friend(s) to jump towards freedom, but due to her impulsive/impatient tendencies, she didn't think it through and ended up falling to her death.
Bobby Bearhug
"Hi! I'm Bobby Bearhug! Wanna know how much I love you?" "I love you to the moooon and back!" "I'm crazy about you." "I'm lost without you." "I've been lost a long time..." "Please, take me with you this time...!" "You won't leave me, will you??" Bobby loves everyone and everything, unconditionally. So, when The Hour of Joy occurred, she naturally felt terrified and wanted to stick close by with her friends as they tried to find a way out of the factory after that day. This might also be in relation to DogDay and Picky as well. DogDay probably shooed them away in attempt to save them from CatNap, and while the massacre occurred, Picky got lost during all the chaos. Them being her friends, she was greatly distraught by this, but soon forced herself to go along with who was left. That was when she probably witness some of their deaths: Bobby being lured by the Red Smoke and eventually killed, Kicken getting killed by either CatNap or The Protoype, Hoppy falling to her death, being scared away by CraftyCorn (I'll get to her later).
"Take me with you this time!" I believe this line was spawned from DogDay's actions. Since he was the leader of their group, she, along with the other critters, looked up to him. Perhaps Bobby believed if he has taken all of them with him, she wouldn't have ended up all alone. She eventually ended up all alone, turned to madness by loneliness as she always thought about the events that made her friends leave her. After a long time of wandering and losing hope, bit by bit as each day passed, she died of starvation.
"H-Hi, I'm CraftyCorn. Will you help me with my painting? Pass me the blue, please!" "Thanks! Now, will you give me some red?" "More red, please!" "Out...? But, w-we can't be out." "You're hiding more red from me... I know you are..." "GIVE IT HERE!" "There, now that's much better!" Despite CraftyCorn's established gentle and caring personality, both would be thrown away for the sake of keeping her creative juices flowing. She always loves everything artistic, so she also most likely uses it as a coping mechanism (and that's also seen in the Smiling Critter's cartoon, where CraftyCorn is drawing on multiple pages while still being scared of the storm outside). I believe she also witnessed some of her friends' deaths along with Bobby Bearhug, and, as her way of coping, she just tries drawing and drawing and painting and painting her worries away. But while her urges to cope may last, drawing materials do not for long, and she eventually runs out. This causes her to turn to panic, as she thinks she'll have to finally face reality that her friends are gone, but she's not ready, so she desperately tires to find more art materials, mostly the color red (because that's the most of what she's been seeing since The Hour of Joy). So, in a blind, maddened dismay, she attacks her friends and uses their blood for painting, piling on unimaginable guilt for hurting her friends, the very thing she was trying not to make herself realize.
Now as for her death. Her remaining friend(s) probably ended up leaving her for the sake of their own safety. She doesn't realize this, because again, she's so deep in her own distractions that she's lost touch with reality, until she finally runs out of red again. She desperately tries to find more, but can't extract any from an outside source. So she uses her own blood as paint. She extracts her blood, runs out, extracts again, runs out again, extracts again, runs out again, over and over until she finally harms herself to the point of dying from blood loss.
"DogDay says... fetch!" "Go, go! As far as you can!" "Why are you...just standing there?" "You can't be here. You can't stay..." As I said earlier, DogDay must have helped his friends escape from CatNap's hunting ground and the main killing areas during The Hour of Joy. He realizes that CatNap holds a burning rage for him and his friends for not going along with The Prototypes control, and drives them out somewhere where he thinks they'll be safe. But he then told them that he couldn't go with them, because as the leader of the Smiling Critters, and holding a deep love for his friends, he felt the need to sacrifice himself so they can be safe.
Once they were away, he goes and finds CatNap. Since I believe that DogDay was once a worker for Playtime Co., I don't think he remembers his past. Therefore, he truly believes that he is DogDay, and that the Smiling Critters, including CatNap, have been friends for a lifetime. He believes that his friend is still in there, not seeing the fact that CatNap remembers exactly who he is and how he became this way, including why he worships The Prototype. DogDay tries to convince CatNap to remember all the good times they had (even though, with the Big Bodies version of the cast, CatNap was particularly distant from the rest of the Smiling Critters, since I assume they're also workers). Of course, this doesn't work, and CatNap attempts to kill him.
However, I believe that DogDay had escaped and went to look for his friends once he was at a safe distance. But this is FAR after the events of his friends' deaths, so one by one he comes across his friends' corpses, personally seeing the horrors of after The Hour of Joy "I'm...the last of the Smiling Critters...." (what he says before his own death)
After years of losing so much hope, seeing that none of his friends survived the horrors of the factory, DogDay doesn't see the point in trying to escape. If his friends didn't make it, what was the point? And, during his most vulnerable, this is how CatNap eventually ends up finding him. He gained some sick pleasure into see this heretic suffer, but he felt that he needed more misery, by kidnapping him and torturing him by cutting off his legs and feeding them to the mini critters, and stringing him up in the prison where he's slowly eaten by The Prototype's worshippers.
Still, he holds onto what sanity he has left from his interactions with Poppy (who I believe he ran into while he was wandering the Factory), and believed that an angel will bring them salvation.
. ☀️⭐️🍎💡⚡️🌸❤️☀️⭐️🍎💡⚡️🌸❤️☀️⭐️🍎💡⚡️🌸❤️ .
That's about it! Hope you guys enjoyed!!
~ 💜🌙 ~
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rongzhi · 2 days
ok ive taken a deep breath and steeled myself. what do you think of liu yu
I'm going to put this under a cut because I rambled a little, but I wanted to offer my detailed impression :P Rest assured! No tearing to shreds occurred. He remains intact.
Well, I didn’t know who this guy was, so I took myself to the ole Wikipedia and my first thought was wow! Look at those label names.
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Second thoughts: Ooh, dancer. I'm looking forward to see how the dancing is (if he still dances).
I have heard of INTO1 but don't watch idol competition shows, but it's impressive that he placed first. I decided to listen to/watch two songs/performances: his first single, 靠岸, from 2019, and his most recent single from 2023, Focus.
靠岸 didn't seemed to have an official video, so I ended up watching a live performance from a show called Mr. Radio.
I was pleasantly surprised by this song! Seeing that he had been on Produce Camp, I was expecting a more pop kind of song, but this was a song I could imagine playing in the OT of a drama (in a good way!). I think his performance was a little shaky here, but I sense that maybe he was nervous? Either way, he seems a little shy here, where this song would really benefit from a powerhouse performance. Idk, maybe it was also a sound mixing issue. I like the song, though. Very pretty. I went to listen to the studio recording and it was a lot better—much closer to what I was hoping to get. The oooooh part sort of reminds me of a Zhou Shen song whose title I can't remember at the moment. It was space themed, though. (EDIT: the song I was thinking about was Cassini)
Next up!! Focus. I watched the Official Music Video on Youtube first.
Coming off 靠岸, I could see from the thumbnail that this song would be closer to the pop sound that I expected, so the things I was interested in seeing was the MV concept and the dancing. On first watch, I didn't really listen to the lyrics much, because there were no captions to read and I can't really tell what people are saying in pop songs anyway.
I have to admit that going into the video with the big gray space only, I thought it was pretty ugly at first. I just think that the CG structure on pale BG concept always looks cheap no matter who does it, though, and Liu Yu seems like a sort of tiny guy, so with all the dancers around him, I initially thought he looked a little swamped by them.
At 0:48 when we got a flash of the all-black cowboy look, again I was a bit disappointed, thinking that there wouldn't be much edge to concepts.
Then we got to the, I'm gonna say, test lab sewer gothic, and I thought "ok, at least that's something". It's definitely be done before but there's more production in that set and look, so at least the whole video isn't just going to be a gray void. The flash of Liu Yu standing in as his own princess was kind of interesting (disappointed this character never showed up in the music video again)
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Now I know said I wasn't going to rip him to shreds and that's because....!!! When the beat dropped, I went "ok wait" lol. At 1:03, I witnessed evidence of stage presence and was like "oh we are so back, baby"
Still not a fan of the big pale space, and I think Liu Yu's charisma was most visible in the sewer gothic scenes and weakest in the scenes where he's wearing the silver ice skating outfit looking blouse, but maybe that's just because it distracts you with his little twig body. I personally can't buy into the energy of someone who looks like the most movable object on earth.
3:03 the "yuh" made me laugh tho
MV looks ranked (best to worst):
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One thing that I didn't like about the MV (but understand is necessary) was that the video kept cutting right as I thought to myself "Oh, this is a nice bit of dancing", and I wish the shots had been wider on the dance moves instead of cutting him off at the ribs. A wider dance version in the sewer (I know that's not what it was but jhkalfjl) would've been appreciated by me. With that in mind, I decided to see if there was a dance performance video and there was! As suspected, the choreography in the beginning of the song is also just not that strong or compelling to me. It sort of gives intermediate hiphop 2 dance recital. My favorite part of choreo is the breakdown at 2:56.
Anyway, I hope these impressions were sufficient! I didn't check him out on any variety shows so I can't comment much on what I think about his personality, but from a music/performance standpoint, I think he's pretty good. Not really the kind of stuff I listen to anymore but if I still kept up with idols, maybe I'd check him out from time to time :)
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allthelovehes · 12 hours
Summer Paradise* | Part 2
Summary: Day two of their vacation in Greece. Y/N's parents leave for a romantic excursion so Harry and Y/N have to entertain each other all afternoon.
Pairing: bfd!Harry x reader
Word count: 6.1K
Warnings: Kinda rough? Unprotected, almost getting caught, face fucking, squirting.
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A/N:  My oh my, I can't believe it's already the last day of April, the last day of uploading every single weekday. It's been a wild ride, especially with a car accident somewhere in the middle of all of the fun and me being behind schedule haha. Anyway, I hope you all love this little one shot!!
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The next morning Y/N gets woken up by the feeling of Harry's hard cock pressing into her ass. Rays of sunshine peek through the curtains, onto her face, alerting her that it's morning. Harry's fast asleep with his head pressed to the back of her neck, little snores leaving his lips. She reaches her arm back, setting it on Harry's hip, and she feels his hand twitch around her waist in reaction.
She then presses her ass back against him he lets out a snore, impulsively jerking forward in his sleep. A soft moan leaves her lips as she can feel the head of his length skimming the curve of her ass. The more she rolls her hips back, the harder he becomes, and she decides maybe she wants to wake him up too.
Reaching behind her, she attempts to wrap her hand around him and Harry grumbles in his sleep. “Y/N?” He hums out, sleep lacing his voice, her name dragged off the tip of his tongue. She shushes him in her soothing voice as he kisses the top of his head. He peeks his eyes open slowly, his cock throbbing from her touches, another grunt leaving his lips. “What are you doing, baby?” He whispers.
“Don't you like my hands on you?” She breathes, continuing to pump her hand.
He hums and closes his eyes, letting his head fall into her shoulder as she drags her thumb over his slit. Harry knew exactly what Y/N was getting at, and it was hard to resist with the way her hand glides up and down the length of him. Her thumb makes swirls as she pumps her fist over him, dragging a breathy sigh past his lips.
“I just want to make you feel good, okay? I think you deserve it after last night.” She sighs back, turning herself around to face him. “You treated me so good.”
She slips out of his t-shirt and tosses it onto the floor, the sheets no longer covering her. Her hand pushes Harry on his shoulder so he rolls over on his back. He watches her eagerly as she settles down on his lap, hovering over his length.
Harry's watching her carefully with sleepy, green eyes. He's wide awake, but his actions are barely making any movement. Y/N guides his cock towards her entrance, latching her teeth on her bottom lip and she rubs his head along her lips. “Mm.” She breathes out as she slowly lowers herself down on him before she pushes back up. “Is this what you want, Sir?” She gasps, his hands gripping her waist.
He revels at the nickname falling from her lips. Such a fast learner she is. Such a good girl, too.
Harry helps her slide up and down on his shaft, his cock beginning to throb. “Yeah, baby. Show me how you ride.” He coaxes, stroking the surface of her skin with his thumbs.
Y/N quickly starts to up her speed and his cock is already hitting spots inside her she wasn't aware of. Her back slightly arches, a loud moan leaving her lips. Y/N plants her palms onto Harry's stomach, holding herself up as her body begins to react to his rough, textured skin against her walls.
Her head hangs back and more cries leave her lips, Harry's grip strengthening so he can help her quickly bounce on his length. His lips twist into a smirk and he begins to thrust into her, her head flopping forward.
“Is this how you wanna come?” He asks. “Riding my cock?”
A broken hum leaves her throat, followed by the sound of Harry's phone buzzing twice on his nightstand. Both of them ignore it because they are in the bliss of their intimate actions. All their focus is on one another, even when it starts buzzing again, neither of them stops their movements.
“Mhm, yes. Please make me come.” She whines.
The way her words tear at the lining of his heart. He wishes nothing but to feel every ounce of pleasure emerge from her. Maybe it's the thought of making her completely, utterly overwhelmed that entices him. Like an aphrodisiac, it sucks him in to see what it is that makes her scream, and it may seem strange. It's hot how his entire attention span has spiralled into just her.
“Can you— fuck.” Her voice trembles as her hips swivel, her lower abdomen tensing. “Are you close?” She finally squeaks, her pitch barely above a whisper as she cries.
His eyes shut with a moan. “I can last a little longer, I know you can too, baby. Don't stop fucking me.” Harry encourages, his head pressing against the back of his pillow.
His nails dig into her skin, and the light pink marks form crescent-like markings. More little whimpers, little mewls are pulled from Y/N, Harry's cock doing the perfect job at making her feel thoroughly used. He manages to push her hips down farther on his shaft, a tiny, achy feeling developing in her lower stomach.
“You're so fucking big.” She tells him with a whine as her throat becomes dry, her whines scratchy. The more he presses his nails into her skin, the more eager she becomes. “My pussy can only take so much.” She adds.
“Your pussy takes me beautifully.” He groans, feeling himself coming closer and closer to his release. “You're a good little girl.”
“I'm gonna- fuck.” Y/N moans as Harry bucks his hips roughly into her, clenching around his length. Her jaw becomes slack and she can't say a word, or rather find her voice, as a tingling feeling rises and heats her insides, then slowly pours throughout her body.
“Fuck, yeah, love. Like tha-“ Harry whimpers are cut off by a knock on his door.
“Harry!” Y/N's father says, followed by another knock, loud enough for both Harry and her to hear.
Both of their hips jerk, letting their arousal bleed away, as her eyes widen when she stares at Harry. “Oh my God.” She gasps.
She suddenly feels so exposed in front of Harry as she stares in shock. She scrambles off his lap, then combs through her hair with her fingers nervously.
“Go in the bathroom, we'll be fine.” He chokes out as she hears her father knock once more on his door.
“Hold on! One minute!” He calls, and Y/N throws a hotel bathrobe at him.
He squeezes his eyes shut, trying to compose himself. Harry slips the bathrobe over his naked body, his cock still hard and wet with her juices. Y/N darts across his room and into his bathroom, just as he swings the door open.
“Ah! Finally, good morning.” Y/N's father says, almost way too chipper, but the cheer disappears when he looks at Harry.
“Um, good morning.” Harry replies awkwardly, sweat coating his forehead. His cheeks are stained a light pink and his hands ball up the ends of his robe.
“Are you ready for breakfast?” He asks. “I texted you a few times, asking what time you wanted to eat. But you didn't respond.”
“I haven't checked my phone yet, sorry. Wasn't up for long. Just going to get dressed and I'll join you guys at the restaurant.” Harry gives a crooked smile, his cheeks and nose becoming flushed as the blood rushes to his face. He then realises that his friend is probably going to find Y/N as well. “I'll ask Y/N to come too. You two go enjoy a cup of coffee in peace.” Harry offers, avoiding her father's gaze so he doesn't have to show his reddening face.
“That would be lovely. Thank you. We'll wait for you both downstairs.”
Y/N's father walks away, as Y/N stays concealed in the bathroom. She lets out a breath she doesn't even know she's holding in. Her hands roam her sides, her fingertips wiping the light sheen of sweat away.
“He's gone.” Harry whispers, Y/N's head peeping out from behind the door. “You can come out now.”
She pads out of the bathroom, then into his arms, burying her face into his neck. “Oh my god.” She murmurs into him, her throat dry and voice nearly gone.
“It's okay, baby.” He soothes her. Harry lets out a heavy sigh, Y/N turning her head slightly. “We should get dressed and go meet them.”
She nods quietly, suddenly feeling smaller than she's ever felt before. Y/N bites on her bottom lip, but her hands teasingly grip the silky material of his robe, mischief glowing in her eyes.
“No, no, hey. None of that.” He tells her, pulling away gently to place a kiss on her lips. “We can finish later.”
Y/N groans. “What if I don't want to wait?” She questions, licking a stripe of saliva over his lips, catching him off guard.
“I'm sorry your orgasm was ruined but your father is waiting and we don't want to be suspicious.” He starts. “So go to your room, put on some clean clothes and wait for me there.” He says.
Y/N obeys, picking her clothes up off of the floor and stalking to her room. As soon as she walks through the door, the bathrobe drops to the floor leaving her naked once more. She puts on her bikini and covers herself with a sheer top and jean shorts before she walks out to the hallway to wait for her man.
Harry exits his room in shorts and a white dress shirt. Y/N stares at him in amusement because she knows he is going to hate her outfit of choice. “Jesus Christ, woman. Did you really have to wear, that?” Y/N chuckles as he sets his hand on her back leading her into the elevator. Once the doors close they are on each other. Harry lifts Y/N's ass in his hands pressing her into the side of the elevator. Their tongues battle with one another, tasting the lingering toothpaste on his tongue. Both of them groan as the bell chimes and the doors open. But luckily no one steps in. Once the doors have closed again, Y/N is attacking his neck, sucking marks onto his skin while she rubs her hands under his shirt. Her hands travel down from his chest and squeeze the outline of his throbbing cock. Harry pulls back panting heavily as the elevator opens up at the ground floor.
Once they find her parents, sitting across from each other at a table for four at the lovely outdoor patio. Y/N sits down next to her mother while Harry takes place in front of her.
“Good morning.” They both smile awkwardly.
“How did you two sleep?” Y/N's mother asks and Harry clears his throat, barely able to look her in the eye.
“Wonderful. The beds are comfy and the pillows were very nice too.” Y/N smiles looking up to catch Harry watching her with amused, and slightly shocked, eyes. “I love having all that space to myself, it's definitely better than my bed at home.” She shrugs, trying to play it off as though she didn't spend the night in Harry's bed.
The breakfast restaurant is a buffet-style one where you can make your own omelette of choice, bacon and sausages, toast, and a big bowl of fruit. Her father suggests going and getting their food first, seeing as how they are all hungry.
On their way to the buffet, Harry's hand slides over Y/N's, giving it a quick squeeze. He watches her lift the tray and get her ingredients for her omelette from the displayers, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips, slightly envious at how well she managed to hide what had actually happened. He can feel his heartbeat in his ears and Y/N's pink flushes on his cheeks.
They both wait for their eggs while the chef grills and prepares them. Harry looks over his shoulder to see Y/N's parents all caught up in each other out on the patio, giving him the privacy he wants. “Last night was fun. You learned fast.”
Y/N hums and her lips curl. “Yeah?” She responds. Harry wonders if this will blossom into a new fascination for her. “You taught me well.” She adds in a lower tone as her eyes fall to the space between them.
“Of course.” His voice drops as well, mimicking her. He leans closer to whisper into her ear and the hairs on her neck rise. “You looked fucking gorgeous when you came all over my cock.” He sighs, causing Y/N to curve her back as a chill runs down her spine. Harry then smiles. “Loved the sounds you made too.”
Harry leans back and Y/N sees the cheesy grin on his face, the apples of her cheeks burning. “Har, people might hear us. You wouldn't want me to start moaning now, would you?”
He simply shrugs and Y/N raises an eyebrow at him. “I bet you decided to wear this shirt just to tease me.” He says pinching the sheer fabric on her shoulders. “Putting your perfect tits in view. What's gotten into you?”
Y/N smirks. She indeed chose this shirt on purpose, she wants him to look at her and the unfinished business of this morning causes her to want to torture him. “Nothing has gotten into me. You haven't.” She pauses, trying to read his expression.
Harry chuckles. “Still annoyed, are we?”
“Very.” She replies with a sigh.
The chef places two perfect omelettes on the counter in front of them, calling their attention. Before they can go back, Harry grabs Y/N's hand, forcing her to turn around and face him. “Well, as I said, tonight you're going to get yours.”
After breakfast, they all make their way to the hotel's beach bar where they end up chilling around until it's time for lunch, and after that, Y/N's parents are escorted towards their activities.
“I hope you don't mind but your mom and I booked the two of us a catamaran cruise for today, so you're stuck with Harry. I bet he'll retreat to his room or just make sure he downs enough vodka soda's and he'll be good for the afternoon.” Y/N's father tells her. “We'll see you at dinner tonight.”
“I'm right here.” Harry replies from behind them, a bitterness in his tone. His words are followed by a loud chuckle. “Yeah. Enjoy your cruise. Don't forget you're not twenty anymore, that booze will give you a hangover.” He warns him sarcastically.
“Oi! I can still drink and enjoy myself. We're going on a cruise, let me live.”
Harry shakes his head, listening to her father grumble under his breath as he walks away. His hands settle on Y/N's shoulders, suddenly having her full attention as he dips down closer to her ear. “All alone with me for an afternoon. Let's make the most of it.” His voice, laced with an obviously suggestive undertone, makes Y/N's breath catch in her throat.
Y/N turns around, both of them still at eye level. “My parents aren't even gone yet and you're already putting dirty ideas in my head.”
Harry scoffs and smiles. “Oh love, you're the one who wore a bikini that hugs your tits just right.”
“Wow, such a charmer you are, Styles.” She giggles, a huff of air reaching the tip of his nose. Harry grins, loving the sound of her laugh. He enjoys this playful and happy aura he's had her radiating since last night and has continued the morning. His arms snake around Y/N's middle.
“We have an entire afternoon to kill. What do you want to do?”
“Hmmm.” She looks around, the warmth from Harry's body shielding her against the wind. It's nice, she enjoys feeling protected like this. “I can think of a thing or two.” She mumbles, leaning against his body as her hand lays on the centre of his stomach.
“You have a filthy mind, darling.” Harry hums, Y/N snickering, knowing he wasn't serious about the criticism. His arms still rest on her middle. “Should we go to the room? Just spend the afternoon wrapped in the sheets?” He adds, his deep and soothing voice making her pulse quicken.
Her lips twitch as she fights a grin. Harry takes her by the hand, his gaze locked with hers and leads them towards the elevator, up to the 14th floor of the building. “Maybe we'll have to check out the balcony.” Harry wonders out loud.
“Are we that adventurous?” Y/N asks as the lift shoots up. Her body lurching.
“I hope we are.”
It's then Y/N finally looks up at Harry's face, finding a mischievous glint shining in his emerald eyes. There's that smile, crooked and amused and causing his dimples to protrude. The same one she finds breathtaking no matter the moment. That smile is almost always there when they're having an intimate moment.
The two of them reach the door of his room and Harry slides the keycard through, letting the door click open. The second he steps in he slams her back against the wall, capturing her in a searing kiss as the door closes, a gasp leaving her mouth as his tongue licks along her bottom lip.
“Take this off, darling. Need to see those pretty tits.” Harry purrs against her mouth, tugging on her shirt, pushing the fabric up over her head and letting it hit the floor.
“Someone's desperate.” Y/N teases, her lips kissing over Harry's jawline and his earlobe.
Harry doesn't answer and instead reaches for Y/N's bikini top, the fabric loosening as he unhooks the strap and slides the colourful material down her arms, discarding the garment. “So. Fucking. Perfect.” His voice low, his hips pinned against hers.
He allows her to peel the thin white t-shirt off him, letting her get a better view of his body. “Even prettier.” Y/N speaks, a cheeky grin forming on her face, mirroring the one that is plastered on Harry's face. Her hand slides down the centre of his body, brushing down his abdomen until she's grazing her palm over his already erect member, letting her index finger caress his length teasingly. She hears a moan spill from Harry's lips as he rolls his head back.
Harry watches with half-lidded eyes as Y/N lets the last shred of clothing that remains on her body fall. The short jeans shorts that clung to her form now leave her completely exposed and wanting more. She looks heavenly.
He's seen her naked before, but never so bare and unashamed. “Go to the balcony.” His tone, nearly deadpan, surprises her but still, she complies and walks outside, not quite grasping his reasoning, but trusting him nonetheless. They are on the 14th story of the building so there's not a single chance anyone from down below will be able to see them. Harry is close behind, doing the quick and easy job of kicking his trunks off before joining Y/N outside, her naked body almost begging for him. “Kneel.”
She complies again, her heart beginning to thump heavily in her chest. She looks up, biting on her bottom lip, as Harry steps in front of her. She drops down with her knees on the solid floor tiles, cold, hard and kind of painful but Harry's gaze is making it all worth it.
“You look gorgeous like this, angel.” He starts. “Let's put those pouty little lips to use.” Harry uses his index finger to trace her top and bottom lip gently. His other hand massaging his length. Y/N parts her lips just in time for him to place the head of his member between her lips. “Suck.” Harry mutters, his thumb pushing up her chin.
Harry feels her soft lips close around him. Her tongue teases his slit while one hand rests on the back of her head. Her mouth is warm and wet and Y/N perfectly bobs her head back and forth. She moans, sending vibrations coursing through him, his groans causing a clenching to start in the pit of her stomach. Harry looks down at the woman, her lidded gaze as her mouth works on him, taking him deeper into her mouth, gagging as he brushes the back of her throat. He keeps watching, his large hand carding through her locks in encouragement, groaning and gasping out her name. “Y/N...fuck.”
“Hmm.” She hums, feeling his shaft slide between her lips. Y/N pushes back the instinct of having to swallow down saliva and instead lets it flow down her lips. It's messy but also hot.
Harry grasps her face with two hands, one on each cheek. His big hands cover her entire face as he holds her in place. Her big puppy eyes look up at him as if to ask why he stopped her. But Harry just holds her in place. “Relax for me.” He pleads before he pushes his hips forward, the tip of his dick gently brushing on the back of her throat. “Fuck...shit, yes.” He mutters, feeling the clench of her throat on his swollen member. Y/N's eyes immediately water and tears begin to run down her cheeks from the discomfort and gagging, Harry watching it all intently. He groans, seeing a string of spit dangle from her bottom lip and hearing the gurgling sounds she makes. His length twitches with the noises and he is too far gone to stop now. He pulls back before he pushes back in, a little bit further this time. Y/N swallows reflexively each time he fucks her throat and groaning each time his tip hits the back of it, her throat so tight and warm, the friction and movement and sight are overwhelming.
“Ahh, fuck.” He curses as he finally pulls his big cock from between her lips and watches as a string of saliva stretches from his tip to her wet lips. Y/N keeps her tongue out, staring up at Harry through her wet eyelashes. A sight that is going to stick with him forever, it seems.
“Darling, you have no idea how hard it is not to make you choke on my cum.” He growls and she responds with a hum, the tip of his swollen member resting on her lips again. “Stand up and turn around, hands on the edge.” He commands, pointing at the balcony railing.
As Y/N moves to her feet, Harry catches the faint pattern of red marks from the ceramic tiles, blushing slightly at how rough he's been with her, hoping she doesn't mind.
Once again, she does exactly as told, stepping forward, pressing the palms of her hands on the cold aluminium and spreading her legs a little. Her ass is now facing Harry as she bends forwards, his cock hardening at the view. The milk glass balustrade, along with the height they're on provides the perfect privacy for the two.
Harry walks towards her, his big palm lands on her ass cheek, squeezing tightly. She lets out a sharp yelp at the contact of his big hand. The cool skin warms up quickly under the pressure of his hand and Y/N relishes on it. “Ready to get fucked out here?” He asks.
“Yes, fuck yes.” Y/N doesn't hesitate, her words dripping with need and anticipation. “Please.” She adds, wiggling her ass on his rock-hard member.
“Tell me you want me to ruin your pussy.” Harry orders as his hands knead into her flesh, pressing his hips against her so he rubs between her ass cheeks. Y/N whimpers, her mind fuzzy with lust.
“Yes, please ruin my pussy, need you so bad, I need you, Har-“ Her words are cut off by a sharp squeal leaving her lips when Harry unexpectedly pushes in and bottoms out inside of her, her nails digging into the railing.
Harry takes in the new sensation of being buried in Y/N's hole. “Oh God.” he growls as his thick length slips easily into her entrance, her warm and welcoming heat enveloping his cock completely. A string of curses follows suit, leaving his mouth as a growl. Harry rolls his hips, setting the pace for them. “Fuck, you're so good, Y/N, feels fucking amazing.”
His hips move back before snapping forward, eliciting a broken whimper from Y/N which soon becomes a moan as the coil in her gut grows tight. Y/N meets his movements, trying her best to keep silent, not wanting any neighbours who might be out on their balcony to hear them. Her head hangs between her shoulders, feeling Harry thrusting inside of her, every nerve in her body burning, his cock stretching her tight entrance wide open with ease.
“Fuck! H-Harry...harder.” Her cries are breathy and whimpering as his dick keeps hitting her spot every single time, over and over again. She's sure she will go crazy if he keeps on hitting there, but fuck does it feel so good. Her knees grow weak and shaky and her arms threaten to buckle from under her weight. Her body tenses under the sensations as they work through her. Harry listens to Y/N and pounds harder, his eyes drawn to the motion of their bodies colliding with every thrust.
His cock slips inside Y/N's tight cunt repeatedly, making the most sinful and filthy sound known to him, wet and slippery and obscene. “Want everyone to know that my cock belongs in your wet little pussy?” He grunts, giving her a sharp slap on the ass, another one quickly following. “Want to scream my name so everyone knows you're mine and mine only?”
“Fuck, you sound so good to me, fucking hell.” Her thighs tremble under her weight.
“Say my name, come on.” He says, moving closer, their skin connecting.
Harry is pounding inside of her, not giving Y/N a chance to process her thoughts. Her moans get stuck in her throat, a tightness growing in her pelvis, about to explode at any given moment. She can't even talk and Harry just takes everything away, ripping it all away with every snap of his hips and making her feel him deeper than any person has ever gotten.
His hand snakes around her perfect body, his fingers sliding down to circle her clit, still managing to move his hips at the same speed. “God, your little pussy is gripping me so fucking tight, baby.”
Her knees are threatening to fail her. Y/N knows her body is already covered in a thin layer of sweat, her forehead is shiny. As his fingers keep circling her sensitive bud and his big dick stretches her pussy wide open, she knows there is nothing she can do anymore. All her body wants is release, craving sweet relief from the pressure growing on her lower stomach, getting unbearable each time his member glides in and out, each time his fingers move fast.
“Shit! Yes! Mmmm, I'm gonna come. Don't stop.” She moans louder than she initially had planned to, a little higher-pitched than usual due to the pleasure she is receiving from his fingers playing with her bundle of nerves and his length sliding in and out of her core.
Harry's hand caresses the back of her thigh. “Come all over my cock, angel, yeah...just like that, darling.”
Y/N leans forward, supporting her upper body with her elbows, her head hanging low, her knuckles turning white as her grip on the rail is strong. Moans and heavy breathing slip from her mouth and the slick sound of him pounding inside of her can be heard from between her thighs. Her hair sticks to the back of her neck and she is a panting mess, on the brink of reaching her climax.
“Oh my god, I-I'm...!” Y/N manages to let out. She squirts all over his thick, pulsating cock, Harry moaning loudly at the feel, both his hands now back on her ass cheeks to hold her steady.
“There we go, good girl.” He soothes, slowing his thrusts to ride her high until she is finished and she finally relaxes.
“H-Holy shit.” Y/N lets out, her voice shaking as she is left boneless and her head spins from her orgasm. She couldn't quite process her thought, her ears ringing and a light buzz taking over her. Her pussy is throbbing, wanting more, needing his fullness, needing to clench around him.
“I knew you had it in you to do it.” Harry sounds proud looking down at his soaking wet thighs and small puddle at his feet. He pulls out slowly, smirking at the sound his cock makes as it leaves her fluttering core. Her wetness makes him groan and swear. His hard dick is covered by her juices and as he strokes himself he is amazed by the feel and warmth it leaves in his hand.
“Did I do good?” She asks, breathless. She had never squirted before and honestly, it makes her feel kind of embarrassed at the mess she's created. Her walls continue to clench on nothing, her skin is sweaty and pink, a flush spreading across her chest, nipples erect.
Harry can't help but laugh. “Baby, that was one of the hottest things I've ever experienced.” He leans to kiss her, his tongue exploring every inch of her mouth.
“Lay on the lounge chair.” Harry mumbles on her lips before taking them back. Y/N obeys again without a single complaint, her heart beats faster when she sits down on the leather lounger, his cock bouncing in front of her face once Harry has stepped closer.
He brings his index finger down to tease her soaking folds. “Wow, you're absolutely dripping,“ Harry mutters under his breath.
He motions her to lift her legs to put her ankles on his shoulders. When she does, he slowly pushes back inside of her entrance, relishing in the way she flinches in sensitivity from the stretch of his length, feeling her stretch around him to accommodate his size and length, burying his length deep within. Her entire body shivers as the pleasure sets in.
“I'm gonna fill your pretty pussy so full and warm.” Harry declares as his length begins thrusting. “Make you feel all my hot cum spilling down those beautiful, legs of yours. Make you carry my seed.”
His words have a hypnotizing effect on her as his hips push faster and rougher. Harry can't stop himself from spilling his dirty words into her ear, having noticed it was a major turn-on of hers and boy, were they doing the trick, her cunt is clamping down on his hard cock in a vice-like grip, so tight, and it is a wonder, to him, that he can even thrust into her at a respectable pace. But as much as it's pleasuring them, he was closer and closer to the edge.
“Come in my pussy, Harry.” Y/N breathes out, looking up to him with such loving eyes it has his balls tightening.
“Say may name one more time and I'll paint that pretty cunt white.”
“Make me all yours, Harry.” She moans and soon, his climax washes over him, hips bucking forward erratically. She whimpers, his hard and huge cock stuttering inside her cunt and filling her, coating her walls with his sticky fluid. Harry rides out his orgasm with his dick buried deep within her tight heat. Y/N hums, satisfied, their bare bodies melting together as one. She's never felt this love, not in a romantic sense, just, so taken care of.
“Fucking hell, Y/N. You're going to kill me.” He pants, pressing his sweaty forehead to hers. His heart is hammering in his chest. Y/N giggles and drops a tender kiss on his lips as she pulls him closer to him with her legs around his waist. Causing him to groan as his cock is being pushed even further inside. “Stop.” He says breathlessly, pulling back just slightly.
He kisses down her chest and sternum. Y/N mews as he reaches her boobs. He suckles a nipple into his mouth before drawing away once more, slowly pulling out, his softening length and Y/N's fluids drip onto the seat below. He loves to admire the picture of her, post-sex, chest heaving and cum-soaked. His work. His baby.
“Maybe we should take a shower.” He says with a gentle smile, one she can't stop herself from returning.
Harry picks her up and throws her over his shoulder, a loud squeal leaves her lips and her heartbeat goes crazy. Her laughter fills his ears. As Harry heads to his bathroom, Y/N enjoys the sight of his round, ass cheeks. ***
After spending the rest of the afternoon in bed, fucking a couple more times and watching a movie on his laptop, they are getting ready to go downstairs again and meet her parents. Y/N just received a text message saying they'd be at the restaurant in about thirty minutes.
“Shit, your bathrobe is still in my room from last night.” Y/N curses. She wanted to put it back on so she could sneak through the hallway without having to wear her clothes from this morning.
“Take the other one.” Harry says, gesturing to the fabric on the floor. “Go get dressed, before your parents are going to complain we're late.”
Y/N puts his other bathrobe over her body and wraps it tightly. Once the tie is secured around her waist, she leaves Harry's room, leaving the rest of her clothes behind. Finally, in her room she gets dressed in a fresh pair of lingerie and puts on a tight black dress, hugging her every curve in the most beautiful way. Her hair is wild, dry and free but the way it frames her face is enough to make any man crumble to the ground for her. She finds a nice pair of black, satin heels from her suitcase and puts them on before she picks up the two bathrobes from Harry's room to bring them back.
The elevator is packed with people on their way to the main floor. That doesn't keep the two of them to basically fuck each other with their eyes and Harry to keep his hands to himself. They effortlessly find her ass, grasping the soft flesh underneath the thin material of her dress.
The doors open and a sigh leaves Y/N's lips once she steps out. It's been way too crowded and her body had already begun heating up, the fact she's feeling sexy in her outfit choice isn't helping either.
Once they're out of the elevator, the physical distance between the two grows, not wanting her parents to see them together like that as they walk into the restaurant. Y/N lets her eyes scan the room, her stomach rumbling due to hunger. Harry clears his throat to get her attention, pointing at the table where her parents are already seated, watching them as they make their way over.
“Good, you finally showed up. I was afraid you got lost in the building.” Y/N's mother teases and pulls her daughter into a hug while Harry gives Y/N's father a firm handshake.
They quickly fall into conversation about all the adventures her parents went on today, enjoying some delicious meals and a few glasses of champagne.
Harry's fingers run up Y/N's outer thigh, bringing goosebumps to her bare skin and her heartbeat skips. A little smile lingers at the corners of her mouth and he knows he's gotten the effect on her he was hoping for. As Harry's palm teases the waistband of her dress, she quivers, heat flooding between her thighs and desire rises within.
“Anyways, enough about the catamaran cruise.” Y/N's mother begins. “What have you two been up to today?” Y/N nearly chokes on her food, panic rising in her.
“Yeah, what have you been doing?” Her father adds.
Y/N keeps quiet, wanting to avoid being a suspect in anything that happened between her and Harry and only keeps smiling at them.
“We've walked around the hotel grounds and then swam some laps before we ended the day in the spa.” Harry takes his napkin and wipes his mouth before he answers her question.
“Sounds relaxing.”
Y/N can't say she feels very relaxed. But knowing that the bed in her own hotel room will be unused this vacation does have her feeling pretty damn good about that.
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princesssarisa · 3 days
I decided to make this poll because I've been listening to the excellent Little Women videos from @littlewomenpodcast, whose opinions and arguments I nearly always find to be spot-on. (And who so generously quotes some of my analysis now and then.) But I'll admit I was taken aback by one remark she and others have occasionally made about Jo and Amy. Namely that as a teenager, Jo bullies Amy, and that Amy burning Jo's manuscript is just the moment when she finally snaps after having been picked on by her sister all her life.
After hearing this, I had to go back and reread all of Jo and Amy's interactions in Part I, because I had never thought of their conflict that way, and I'm still not sure if I do.
I always saw their sibling rivalry as mutual, with both at fault. They're both strong-willed, attention-seeking, quick-tempered girls, they arguably both have different forms of internalized misogyny (Jo by disdaining femininity, Amy by disdaining tomboyishness), and they get on each other's nerves. Jo mocks Amy's childish attempts to be ladylike (and even an only child like myself knows that between siblings, teasing is normal and doesn't equal bullying), while Amy annoys Jo by correcting her manners, and neither is generally better or worse than the other.
Now of course this is their relationship in general: I'm not talking about "Jo Meets Apollyon." In that specific case, Jo does provoke Amy by refusing to take her to the play just because she, Jo, doesn't want to babysit, leaving Amy in tears. And while Amy burning her manuscript is an inexcusable, out-of-proportion response, it's even more wrong of Jo to physically attack Amy when she learns what she did, and almost horrific that she doesn't warn her about the thin ice the next day. But even then, Alcott doesn't describe Jo as always insulting and excluding Amy, and she makes it clear that Amy has played other pranks on Jo before the manuscript-burning. She writes that they've always been prone to "lively skirmishes" because of their mutual tempers – she doesn't blame Jo alone.
Still, maybe it can't be mutual, because Jo is a teenager while Amy is a child. The fact that I have no siblings puts me at a disadvantage, because not only do I not personally know the difference between normal sibling rivalry and bullying, I don't know how much of a difference certain age gaps create. Maybe the fact that Jo is three years older than Amy makes her more of a bully than if they were only a year apart in age. (Still, three years isn't that big of a gap. I don't remember feeling much more mature at fifteen than I was at twelve, just more hormonal.) Also, Alcott does write that Jo had less self-control than Amy despite being older, and in their typical scenes of light bickering, when Jo laughs at Amy's malapropisms and Amy corrects Jo's manners, Jo does always laugh at Amy first, and then Amy scolds her in response. There's also the moment in "Experiments" when Jo hears Beth crying and thinks to herself that if Amy was the one who upset her (she wasn't – Beth's bird died), she'll shake her. We could argue that this just shows how protective Jo is of Beth, but at the same time, she's thinking about physically attacking her little sister again.
In the end, I'm tempted to think this issue is open to interpretation. We can either view the two sisters as having a mutual rivalry and mutually provoking each other (apart from isolated incidents when either one or the other is more to blame), or view Jo as more of a bully and Amy as more of the victim.
I'd like to see what other people think, though.
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It’s Been On My Mind For a LONG While and I’m Finally Gonna Ask!
Apologies If It Sounds Like a Request Or Anything To You (;u;).
But aside From That-
How are The Interesting Twins Doing Now?
Do They Still Try To Take Down Nigel and His Friends?
Has Anything Changed From Those Years Ago Or Still Kept The Same?
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Basic bits:
I named them Tsukiko (月子, meaning Moon Child) and Haruto (陽人, meaning Sun Person), family name being Yamashita (山下, under the mountain).
They were the second children Father used to test if his delightfulization machine still worked, and it was a partial success; the two were under his influence but they seemed to have more of their original personalities showing. However, they were captured when they were 13 and, per KND protocol at the time, they were decommissioned. Somehow, they didn't revert to their initial personalities but completely lost any memory, arriving to not recognize each other as brother and sister. It was unknown if that was a side-effect of the broken delightfulization process.
Teen AU:
They're currently attending High School in Japan and their personalities are REALLY different. Tsukiko is the leader if a girl gang terrorizing their school, no one can seem to keep them under control.
On the other side, Haruto is the school student committee president and takes his job seriously. Think of Kyoya Hibari from KHR.
The two have a agreement that makes sure they don't interfere with each other's tasks. They feel like they used to be closer as kids but just... Can't remember how or why...
Adult AU:
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They were recommissioned to fight in the Nightmare War. Somehow, this process gave them back ALL their memories, but the delightfulization was not there. They didn't care too much since now they could finally remember about each other! They then decided to join the KND side after someone, a certain Mamoru Sanban, took an interest in them.
When the war was over, Mamoru decided to take care of them, even if they technically were already adults, but looked like they never had a stable guide to help them achieve their full potential. They trained with him and decided to stay and help him for a bit.
Years later, they are still helpers at the Kid's Temple, who swore to protect that place from any other attack from evil adults.
NOTE: while Mamoru is a KND member and considered one of the "founders of the 7th generation", Tsukiko and Haruto are not part of the organization. They can, however, be called to help in some missions thanks to their abilities.
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ride-thedragon · 1 day
Restyling House Velayron.
To me, they were done the most dirty in terms of costumes. Older members first because they establish the world the young ones inherited. So they set the fashion of the house.
Corlys Velayron.
For me, the thought is that Corlys is two things, wealthy and beyond the idea of Westeros. He is the sailor of the nine Voyages, the head of the richest House in Westeros. The pleasantries his title should afford are outweighed by his acclaim and place in history. He is a player in the game, but in appearance, he's beyond fairness. Extravagant jewels and patterns from trading and rich materials that scream, we all know the one thing that kept me from that throne.
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Rhaenys Targaryen Velayron
Mother is a Baratheon, a Velayron, and a Targaryen. She's also the style icon of her house. She grew up the seeming heir to the iron throne and is the wife of Lord Corlys. Her ability to play the part of reconciled Princess is only counteracted by her love of Targaryen heraldry. Or the red queen Melyes'. If she is the queen who never was, she should remind them as to why. Her house is also huge in trade. We can’t forget that this is the daughter of Jocelyn Baratheon. She doesn't choose sides, she invokes the memory of Jaehaerys' reign itself.
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Laenor Velayron
Baby Laenor
So baby Laenor doesn't have much of a place of court, but he is Corlys' heir and expected to be a man of the court. So I think he's dripped out like the heir of house Velayron but dressed for the court by Rhaenys. The combination of the best of both his parents.
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Teen Laenor.
Locs grow in 5 years, they grow a lot more than they do in thos show and I don't know why Laenor didn't have longer locs. There is this duality that he can't reconcile his sexuality and what is expected of him, but I do think this is when he decides to play the part of an eligible bachelor. Even though he's still a Velayron, he's dressing more like his mom. Big and high hair. Robes and overall Westeros peak fashion. But also pretty boy loc styles. Setting the standard for Lord Consort.
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Adult Laenor.
Okay, so this is the last part. We see Laenor in full dress once, maybe and never again. He's disillusioned from court and what is expected of him. He's dresses still like his position and represents his faction, but he longs to be somewhere he's wanted and belongs. He's isolated from his daily life and is trying his best. He's just a hollow placeholder for his former determined self. This is also the introduction of Velayron head scarves because they look cool.
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Laena Velayron Targaryen
Baby Laena.
So, like everyone else, she is the set standard like her mother and dither. She is the richest lady in Westeros. She does her hair in different styles that seem to reflect the dresses she wears, and the dresses she wears communicate her want to travel like her father. When she is presented to Viserys, it's almost a gaudy expression of the house Velayron and heir wealth. With style cues of both Rhaenys and Corlys, her outfit communicates the potential reach of this alliance and all that is at stake. But her hair is still childish, and the style stifles her.
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Teen Laena
Baddest bitch in Westeros is back with her revenge arc. Her hair has evolved but is still ever-changing with both twists that look like locs and hair styles that communicate a maturity from her. Every time you see her because eat this point you see her with Viserys and at the wedding she is looking like she's in a revenge dress. Her style is more adapted to Westeros with a love of Essos Fabrics and Patterns and corsets that look like the shipwright women of Driftmark. She is also now a dragonrider, so I think that adds to the confidence. She's also the most wanted match to have based on power along. Rider of Vhagar and the only daughter of the house Velayron. We never see her more true to her love of Driftmark. She revels in her wealth and power.
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Adult Laena.
Two things. She's pregnant and she wants to go home. She's a traveller with Daemon, so I don't think she's going out of her way to dress in King's Landing fashion. That's not the way she misses home. She misses her mom, so she has high hair, still with twists instead of locs to symbolise her missing the men and blues and robes because she's in Essos, but she's a Velayron. Big jewels like her father and mother. This is her emulating her family because she wants them, wants her children to be familiar, this is Laena missing her old self.
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Vaemond Velayron.
Uncle Vaemond is a Velayron man through and through. He'd have the smallest locs we'd see because he's on Driftmark and able to maintain it. He dresses in the colours of his house and in the fashion of Pentoshi traders. He's the most essos leaning man in Westeros you'd see outside of Dorne. He has the freedom of the second son and shows that off in his styles. He is of House Velayron and does not care to appease house Targaryen in their quests for expanding power.
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Next up, we'll follow the style narrative of the young ones
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tciddaemina · 22 hours
i was walking home and this idea hit my like a sack full of bricks and i am now dying. bc okay, fuck, just listen
moshang transformers!au
Shang Qinghua is a depressed millennial on the verge of poverty barely scraping by with two minimum wage jobs, who has a rocky relationship with his parents (separated with new families, neither of whom want him around), with no friends to speak of, who takes pottery making classes in an attempt to have some sort of human connection. He writes in his free time, with the face hopeless aspiration that he could maybe make something of it (it isn't working), struggling every day with the thought of whether or not the world would be better off if he just ended things
Mobei Jun is a high-ranking decepticon general who's crashed on earth and is injured and in hiding, which Shang Qinghua stumbles across in the middle of the night and who (basically) holds Shang Qinghua hostage - threatening to kill him and coercing him into giving him a hiding place
which ends up with broke!freaked out!Shang Qinghua hiring a private garage last second at great cost, to hide this killer robot and him getting threatened/kidnapped/coerced into hiding him and playing lacky, going out and buying extremely suspicious quantities of industrial grade motor oil and shit like that, as he gets even more freaked out about how much money this is chewing through and how he's going to pay rent.
and its basically just suicidal!desperate!millennial v. giant!homocidal!robot
Mobei-Jun: mentions something about being part of an empire of evil robots, with enemies looking for him
Shang Qinghua: wait what do you mean you're the bad guy??? (thinks: oh, actually, maybe all the threatening and murderousness should have tipped him off, whoops)
and ends up with situations with Shang Qinghua accidentally claiming to be king of earth and having to stick to the lie bc-
Mobei-Jun: something something we're going to conqeur this planet-
Shang Qinghua: what? you can't! it's my planet
Mobei-Jun, suspicious: it's yours? the planet belongs to you
Shang Qinghua, sweating, thinking quickly: I- Uh. Yeah. Yeah it's my planet. It belongs to me. You can't conquer it. I- That's the price of me helping you. If you want me to keep doing things for you, then the price is that you have to agree not to mess with my planet.
and Mobei-Jun, who knows enough about humans to know things like monarchies exist, and who comes from a plant once governed by one single planetary body is like- okay, makes sense, and doesn't think on it more.
and basically it's half crack of Shang Qinghua hiding a giant robot fugitive, and complaining that he's getting broke, and Mobei-Jun breaking open an ATM for him, and Shang Qinghua freaking out even more, as Shang Qinghua has to make up increasingly more intricate lies about why nobody else acts like he's king (it's part of our culture, we have, uh- uh, indomitable free will. nobody can tell anyone else what to do, so it would be rude if they acted like i was special) and Mobei-Jun nods along, and then transmits them back to the rest of the decepticons as part of his intel about the planet, which leads to them also thinking Shang Qinghua is king of the planet and-
and it all spirals to Shang Qinghua getting fucked by Mobei-Jun who's decided that actually maybe he's going to keep Shang Qinghua around, and when the whole Decepticon-Autobot (Demon v cultivator) war reaches point as Autobots arrive to try defend the earth, only for there to be a great deal of confusion as Mobei-Jun tells them there isn't an invasion, and actually the Decepticons have parleyed with the local ruler and are here on treaty, so there's no fighting at all
(how was Shang Qinghua supposed to know that an offhanded comment about inaccessible minerals deep below the earth's crust when Mobei-Junw as talking about destroying cities to mine for some rare thing was like, an agreement-)
anyway, it ends with the Autobots very confused, but not able to fight bc technically no one is in danger, and the Decepticons being very smug, and Shang Qinghua stuck in the middle of it just sweating because this all hinges on a truly insane lie that literally any human would be able to tell was total bullshit, and somehow it works
(and also maybe as an aside in a companion fic, Luo Binghe is super head honcho decepticon commander, who absolutely doesn't get Mobei-Jun's weird fetish attraction to this one flesh-bag, except then he sees one too bc enter stage right Shen Yuan, and Luo Binghe goes head over heels, and then there's desperately awkward interactions as Luo Binghe tries to ask Mobei-Jun for details on how one actually goes about fucking a human, which. its just too funny.)
anyway yeah, that's the idea i had while standing there in the street, waiting for the lights
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steddiehyperfixation · 5 months
don't you forget about me (part six)
(part one)(part two)(part three)(part four)(part five)
Steve allows himself a brief mental breakdown in the shower when he gets home. He lets the water mix with his tears as he curls his arms around himself and wishes with everything he is that they were Eddie’s. There’s nothing he wouldn’t give right now just to be held by him again, just to feel Eddie’s arms around him one more time. All it took was a tiny kiss on the back of his hand for Steve’s skin to remember just how much it missed that feeling. Now Steve’s entire body craves Eddie’s touch, and he shakes in its absence like an addict in withdrawal. 
Then he puts himself back together, gets dressed and styles his hair and heads off to work. 
They’d defeated Vecna before he could split the world into pieces or whatever his diabolical plan had been. So while Steve’s whole world may have been torn apart, while Steve’s whole world lays bruised and bandaged and amnesic in a hospital bed, the rest of the world carries on none the wiser. The rest of the world still rents VHS tapes and has movie nights and date nights and no fucking clue that they were seconds away from being dragged down into a hell dimension a couple weeks ago, so Family Video is still open for them. Fuck that. 
“You’ve gotta handle the customers today because if someone starts asking me stupid questions I can’t promise I won’t snap at them,” Steve tells Robin as he drives them to their shift. 
“Aw, but it’s so funny when you snap at them,” Robin quips. 
“Robin.” He gives her his best I’m so fucking serious look. 
Her humor dries up immediately and she nods solemnly. “Alright, yeah. I got it.” 
Steve sighs, pulling into the parking lot. “Thank you.” 
He busies himself with cataloging and reshelving and rewinding returns while Robin takes over the customer service part of the job. It’s mindless - mind-numbing - the monotony of the tasks exactly what Steve needs to dull out the thoughts in his brain and distract himself from the way the back of his hand still tingles from Eddie’s kiss. 
When the afternoon rush dies down after a few hours and the store is all but empty, Robin sidles up next to him where he’s putting away a stack of fantasy films. “Hey.” 
Her voice cuts through his focus and nearly startles Steve out of his skin. “Jesus! Don’t sneak up on me like that.” 
“Sorry.” She grabs half the stack of tapes and starts helping him shelve. “Just wanted to check in with you, we haven’t gotten much of a chance to talk today. How are things going with Eddie?” 
“It’s fine. He’s fine,” Steve grumbles, glaring down at the tape in his hands. It’s got a dragon on the cover. He thinks Eddie would probably like it. “He still doesn’t remember me, but he’s starting to see me as a friend now at least, so.” Steve shoves the movie into its spot on the shelf. “That’s something, right?” 
Robin raises her eyebrows at the sharp bitterness in his tone and how forcefully he put the tape away. “Okay. Yeah. So I see we’re in the anger stage of grief now,” she comments. 
Steve scoffs. If this is a stage of grief, he thinks he’s been going through them in the wrong order, or maybe all at once - a neverending ebb and flow of denial and anger and depression all swirled together into one fucked up cocktail of grief. “I’m not angry,” he says, rubbing his hands over his face. “I’m just tired- emotionally burnt out, I don’t know. I just miss him and it’s not fair and I’m so fucking sick of feeling like this.” 
“Yeah, that’s anger, Steve,” Robin says, infuriatingly blunt. She slides the last tape in her stack into its place and then leans against the shelf. “Did something else happen to set this off, or are you just generally overwhelmed?” 
Steve sags against the shelf beside her. “Both. I don’t know. It’s stupid, it’s so fucking stupid. He just- he kissed my hand this morning, that’s it, and it wrecked me.” 
“He what?” Robin questions, curiosity widening her eyes. 
“He kissed my hand,” Steve repeats. He sighs and adds context, gives her a full recount of the events of that morning.
“Oh my god?!” Robin practically squawks as she backhands Steve’s arm, which is definitely not the comforting words or touch he needs from her right now. 
“Ow!” he yelps, rubbing his arm. “What the hell was that for?” 
“Dude. He was flirting with you,” she tells him, eyes even wider now like she’s trying to explain to him something obvious. 
“What? No.” Steve shakes his head, looking at her like she’s crazy. “He definitely wasn’t.” 
“Ughhh,” Robin lets out a long, dramatic groan, dragging her hands down her cheeks and pulling down her eyes. “I cannot do this with you two again. He totally was.” She drops her hands from her face so she can use them to illustrate her point as she starts to lists off, “First of all, he literally called you daddy-” 
“As a joke,” Steve interrupts to protest. 
“Yeah, a flirtatious one,” Robin retorts. She continues, “Then he said you have a magic touch, and then his heart literally started racing for no reason-”
“Because I was stressing him out!” 
“Only after his heart rate went up in the first place, which, as I was saying, was for no reason other than the fact that you were smiling at him and holding his hand-” 
“That literally doesn’t-” 
“And then, he kissed your hand - pressed his lips to your skin - and told you that you were his good luck charm,” Robin finishes, looking smug like she’s said something novel and not just completely reiterated exactly what Steve had just told her only with more emphasis. 
He sighs wearily. “Your point?” 
“He likes you, dingus,” she says, whacking his arm again. “Don’t you get it? His mind may not remember still, but his heart is starting to.”
Steve doesn’t know what to do with that. A lump rises in his throat, a rush of jumbled emotions chafing against his already frayed edges. “Don’t say that. You don’t know that.”
“I think you should tell him what you were to each other,” Robin suggests. 
“Right, yeah, okay, sure,” Steve scoffs, somewhere between sarcastic and hysterical. “And while we’re at it, I think you should tell Vickie that you like her. Because telling people things like that is so easy, isn’t it?” 
Robin gives him a withering stare. “That is not the same thing at all, and you know it.”
“No, yeah, you’re right,” he agrees. “Because I know Eddie, and he would not take that news well. He already gets a little weird whenever I seem to know too much about him - if I tell him I know him biblically too-” 
“Ew, don’t tell him like that!” 
“Doesn’t matter if I tell him like that; I say we’ve been together for 9 months, he’s going to assume we’ve-” 
“God, okay, I get it!”
“See? It would freak him out,” Steve concludes, crossing his arms. “Even if he does…like me again or whatever, he definitely wouldn’t anymore and it would just generally make him uncomfortable. So I can’t tell him. I just have to keep waiting for him to remember on his own, even though it’s fucking killing me,” he says, his voice harsh as he tries to keep it from breaking. “It’s what’s best for Eddie.” 
“Steve-” Robin starts, frowning like she’s only just beginning to realize she may have pushed him too far, but whatever it is she was going to say is cut off by the ringing of the bell that announces the front door being open. 
“Customers.” Steve points his chin towards the couple who just walked in, a bitter jealousy boiling in his stomach as he watches them walk hand in hand towards the romance aisle. It’s not fucking fair. He shoves himself away from the shelves and mutters, “I’m taking my break.”
He stalks to the breakroom, closes the door, and sinks to the floor with his back against it. The tears in his eyes feel like they’re made of acid, like they would carve tracks into his skin if they were to spill down his cheeks. He wraps his arms around himself again. The thoughts in his head are made of acid too, bitter and burning and cursing everyone who gets to enjoy their lover's touch while he suffers without his. 
Steve’s brain feels corroded, corrupted. “He likes you,” Robin’s words echo there too, “his mind may not remember still, but his heart is starting to.” Would Eddie touch him now if he asked? Would he trace his fingers across Steve’s skin, kiss more than just the back of his hand? Steve digs his own fingers into his sides. He feels gross, he feels rotten. It wouldn’t be right to ask that of Eddie without him knowing the truth, to take advantage of him like that. It wouldn’t be the same, anyways. The superficial touch of a boy with the beginnings of a crush is not the tender lover’s caress that Steve craves. 
That is if Robin is even right about Eddie redeveloping feelings. Which she probably isn’t.
Steve’s just being stupid and selfish again. He wants to remove his brain from his skull so he can stop thinking, tear his heart from his chest so he can stop feeling; both so burned and decayed he thinks if he held them in his hands they would dissolve and crumble to dust and ash and sludge between his fingers. 
Fifteen minutes pass, and Steve forces himself to be fine. He peels himself off the breakroom floor and returns to work, continues the tedious tasks that he hopes will numb him out again. 
Robin catches his eye from across the room where she’s sorting a customer’s cash at the register. I’m sorry, her expression says, I didn’t mean to make you upset. 
Steve gives a tiny shake of his head and a small smile. It’s okay. It wasn’t your fault, his own expression reassures her. You meant well. I’m not mad at you. 
They don’t talk about Eddie again that day. The next time there’s a lull in customers and they’re able to chat again, Steve tells Robin he honestly just needs a distraction right now, and he lets her ramble on about Vickie and band and school and her impending graduation and the movie she watched last night and whatever other random thoughts are bouncing around that hyperactive head of hers. Her voice fills in the cracks in Steve’s brain, keeps it from falling apart completely. She’s always been good at that, and he’s grateful for it. 
Then he drops Robin off after work and he drives away alone in silence because all the songs on the radio are love songs, and he drives back to the hospital - back to the source of his grief again and again like some sort of fucking masochist - because Eddie needs him. Because Steve loves him.
Eddie cannot help the way his face all but beams the second Steve walks back into his room that evening. “There you are, Stevie! How was work?”
Steve returns the smile, genuine, but there’s a tiredness to it. “It was alright. Bit boring, really, uneventful. How are you doing?” 
“I’m good,” Eddie says, adding with a jaunty grin, “All the better now that you’re back.” 
It comes out a bit more flirtatious than he intended, but thankfully Steve just laughs it off. “Alright, smoothtalker,” he scoffs through a chuckle as he takes his usual seat by the bed. “It’s nice to see you again too.”
“Oh, the actual doctor came in to talk to me today. Good news, don’t worry,” Eddie tells him, the last bit tacked on quickly before that concerned crease can appear between Steve’s brows. “She says I’m healing up nicely, and I might be able to be discharged soon. A few more days’ observation and then they're gonna see how well I can actually move since, you know, the bats chewed through half the muscles in one of my legs. But, yeah, I could be out of here by the end of next week.” 
“That’s great, Eddie!” Steve brightens. 
“Yeah.” Eddie smiles. “I can’t wait to be somewhere familiar, feel normal again. Or, well,” he amends, smile falling a little as he realizes, “as normal as I can feel given that I’ll probably be walking with a limp for the rest of my life and be covered in nasty scars all over.” 
A strange expression crosses Steve’s face then, something happy and sad and sympathetic all at once, and his voice is soft as he says, “We’ll match.” 
Eddie blinks at him. “What?”
“The scars,” Steve clarifies. “The bats got me too, you know. I was lucky, it wasn’t as bad for me as it was for you, but, uh- yeah, we’ll match. See?” He stands and pulls his shirt up a bit. 
Eddie’s heart rate immediately kicks up again, blood growing warm, as his eyes snap to Steve’s stomach, to skin and muscle and body hair and- oh. Two giant, jagged red scabs cover Steve’s sides, the edges fading into skin bumpy and pink and white with the beginnings of scarring. The bite on Eddie’s own side twinges in sympathy. “That’s-” He swallows back the word hot, and breathes out instead, “Holy shit.” Without really thinking, he finds himself reaching out to skim his fingers over the ridges of Steve’s scars. 
Steve gasps - full body shudders - at the touch, and Eddie instantly pulls his hand back, afraid he’s hurt him. “Sorry,” he mutters.
“No, it’s fine,” Steve manages, though it sounds a bit shaky. “You didn’t hurt me, I just- I wasn’t expecting it.” 
Eddie tentatively starts to reach back out; Steve nods. He slowly traces the outline of the wound again, every uneven edge, feeling the evidence of hurt and the evidence of healing and the ripple of each breath Steve takes - breaths that echo in the quiet that falls between them. Eddie doesn’t realize just how intimate this silence has become as he runs his hands across Steve’s skin, until he glances up to find Steve just…watching him. It’s impossible to tell exactly what emotion is behind his eyes, but it’s intense and it’s devastating, and Eddie suddenly feels like he can’t breathe. 
“Uh-” A nervous laugh stutters out of him. He rescinds his touch. “Twin scars, huh?” he remarks, cracking a crooked smile and attempting to change this strange, suffocating energy with a joke. “Hell of a matching tattoo. Next time let’s just exchange friendship bracelets like normal people do, yeah?”
Steve huffs, a short burst of laughter that escapes from his chest like it’s been punched out of him. “Since when have you ever done anything like a normal person?” he teases in return as he pulls his shirt back down.
Just like that, blown away by Steve’s playful smile, the weird tension lifts. Eddie grins back. “Alright, fair point.” He adds, “Those are gonna be some pretty metal scars, Stevie.”
“Not as metal as yours,” Steve says warmly, settling back in his chair and kicking one leg over the other. “You’re the one that literally survived death, Ed. It doesn’t get any more metal than that.” 
“Now who’s the smoothtalker?” Eddie smirks, and he hopes he isn’t blushing. Steve Harrington calling him metal with so much pride and affection in his voice is doing numbers on his heart. Curse this stupid fucking crush.
Steve eyes divert briefly to the heart monitor, which has not once calmed down since the second he’d lifted up his shirt, and Eddie is so sure that he knows then, that he’s finally made the connection between what’s got Eddie’s heart racing, but he doesn’t say anything, just laughs it off again, smiling like everything’s completely normal as he looks back at Eddie and rolls his eyes and mutters in return, “Shut up.” 
“Make me,” Eddie mumbles, not quick enough to bite back the words before they fall from his mouth, only managing to lower his voice enough that maybe Steve didn’t hear him. 
“TV?” Eddie grabs the remote, pretends like that’s what he’d said in the first place. Real smooth. 
“Oh, sure.” Steve shrugs. If he noticed Eddie’s slip, he gives no indication of it. 
Eddie turns on the TV and they spend the next hour or so laughing and making fun of the bad acting on the show that’s playing. Easy, normal, platonic. Eddie’s heart rate stabilizes, remaining even so long as he doesn’t look too long at Steve’s smile. 
When sleep starts lapping at Eddie’s consciousness, he doesn’t fear it anymore. Silently, he holds out his hand, and Steve takes it, wrapping him in the warmth and protection that allows Eddie to let himself drift off undaunted. 
And in his dreams his hands skate across Steve’s skin again.
(part seven)
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hephaestuscrew · 10 days
I'm still thinking about that scene in Victoriocity S3E7 where Fleet runs back towards the Beast so as to lure it into the path of the train...
Clara's exclamation of 'Teamwork, Fleet!' after Fleet says he's got a plan reflects her conviction that any plan that Fleet has will be a shared plan, something they do together.
This conviction is a kind of trust, and that trust is part of the reason Clara takes a moment to realise Fleet has headed back towards the Beast. She trusts that he's following behind her. She keeps talking to him, her words full of optimism.
When she realises Fleet isn't there, she immediately realises what that must mean he's done, and her voice sounds more small and scared than I think we've ever heard it before.
Fleet's attempt at self-sacrifice is a kind of betrayal of Clara's trust, but when he echoes her celebration of their teamwork in a more somber tone, I think it suggests that he understands the weight of that betrayal.
If Fleet's plan is that Clara won't realise he's gone until it's already too late, then he thinks "Teamwork, Clara" will be the last words he'll ever speak to her. In what he imagines will be their final conversation, Fleet affirms Clara's understanding of them as a team who work well together, even as he is making a choice that rejects the possibility of their teamwork in this scenario. It's a recognition of what their dynamic has meant. It's a goodbye and an apology, even if Clara doesn't understand it as such at first.
I don't think Fleet sounds scared as he initially faces down the train. When he shouts "Yeah, this way, you stupid machine! Come on then!", he sounds defiant and grimly determined.
In fact, I don't think he sounds afraid until Clara appears, until she might be at risk of being in the path of the Beast or the train as well. It's when he shouts "Clara, stay back for God's sake!" and "Please, get back!" that there's real fear and desperation in his voice. He can confront the idea of giving his own life, but not the idea that doing so might put Clara in danger.
Another thing about these lines is that the move from 'stay back' to 'get back' suggests that Clara didn't obey his first instruction but got closer to him (and therefore to the path of the Beast and the train) between those two lines.
Then Fleet gives what might be another attempt at his last words: "I'm sorry! I'm sorry."  A repeated apology before an attempted self-sacrifice is an implicit acknowledgement of how much losing him would hurt Clara. He regrets causing her pain.
Even so, he's accepted that he is about to die and that it'd be worth it to destroy the Beast. But Clara very much hasn't accepted either those things. She's still trying to yell over the noise of the train; she's pulling off her ring to throw at him.
I think it's a good illustration of how Clara's optimism is a kind of strength. She always believes that they can "make a new plan" and that it'll be one in which no one has to die. I think Archibald Fleet needs someone like that, someone who'll tell him to drop to the ground when his death advances from both sides, someone who - even in a dark tunnel with an murderous metal monster and a speeding train - won't stop shouting that there's hope.
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jinglejanglemornings · 6 months
why can't i just only take language classes and then they just give me a bachelors
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esyra · 6 months
After the hospital bombing, I finally heard back from my grandmother and confirmed that several of my relatives were murdered by Israeli bombing. Seven of them, to be precise. Three are still going, including her. We've been talking constantly ever since.
Asked if it was possible to head south, and was told they did but were also bombed there. So they decided to go back home, in Zeitoun. Their home was bombed and they were pulled out of the rumble, then driven by ambulances to the al-Ahli Arab Hospital. There were people in every corner. Gazans sheltering, sleeping on the floor. Gazans dying on the floor, waiting for beds.
Four were declared dead on arrival, three were in need of surgery and other three were just bandaged. Then, a bomb was dropped in the parking lot that made parts of the ceiling collapse, like Dr. Ghassan Abu Sittah reported in that horrific conference/interview. Those in need of surgery died.
By the way, just in case you didn't know: the Church of Saint Porphyrius, the third oldest in history, bombed by Israel a few days back, was located near the hospital.
When looking for new shelter, they saw schools with signs hanging outside, "We can't take any more families." They met families, sympathetic but already sheltering too many people. They're now staying in an apartment building they found empty. Sleeping in the corner of the living room. If the family comes back, they'll apologize and leave.
Told me she was saving her phone battery for when the bombing stopped, and she had to ask for help to rebuilt the neighborhood. But she doesn't think it's gonna stop anymore. The ones still with her are mute most of the time, like they're saving energy, but she feels lonely and wanted to talk. There's no internet and to connect to WhatsApp, people are buying "a card from the supermarket, there's a password and username." Not sure what she meant. Still, the internet is inconsistent and won't load neither videos or images nor pages, so she doesn't know what's happening on the outside world.
Told her there were a lot of people protesting to stop the genocide, she replied, "The bombings are getting worse by the day." The bombing yesterday was the worst she ever witnessed. The entire neighborhood is infested with the smell of death, of decomposing bodies. Bodies are piling up in the streets and she's not sure if it's because they ran out of places to store them, but most of them are in bags. The smoke of the bombings hide the blue sky—she hasn't seen the clouds for a while.
Asked if I could share their pictures, names and dreams with people and was told, of which I partly agree, "they're not entertainment." If anyone genuinely cared, they would be alive—I'd argue there are people who do care, but I'm not gonna lecture her pain. And they don't deserve to be used to fulfill someone's sick fantasy. Told me to remember what some Israelis do with pictures of dead Palestinians. And I do.
For those of you who are not familiar, many times before settlers got together to celebrate the murder of Palestinians. For one, in 2015, Israeli settlers set a house in Duma, West Bank on fire. An 18-month old baby, Ali Dawbsheh, was burnt alive. Both parents later died of wounds and only a 5-year-old, Ahmad, survived, although severely injured.
Two celebrations of their murder are widely known, one at a wedding and others outside the court in which two were indicted for the terrorist attack. In the wedding, guests stabbed a photo of the toddler, Ali, while others waved guns, knives and Molotov cocktails. Israel's Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir, was present.
That's what happens in an apartheid. Palestinians are so abused by authorities that their "innocent civilians" come to accept the brutality as necessary or are desensitized by our suffering. After all, it's been 75 years—get used to it!
So I won't risk the image of my loved ones, in fear they are used in these kinds of depravity. I will say, though, the world lost a young footballer. Lost a female writer and an aspiring ballerina. Lost a kind father, who was also a great cook, and a loving mother that enjoyed sewing and other types of handicraft art. Lost a math teacher and a child that wanted to become one.
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People think Israel is testing new weapons on them. There's civilians arriving at the hospital with severe burns, which they thought was from white phosphorus, but apparently the pattern is different from the one caused by white phosphorus. It's widely believed Israel tests weapons in Palestinians.
Jeff Halper, author of War Against the People, a book on Israel's arms and surveillance technology industries, said: "Israel has kept the occupation because it's a laboratory for weapons."
They've ran out of drinkable water and the "aid" Biden sent was only for the South of Gaza and no fuel, for hospitals, was allowed in. Many shelves in the supermarket are empty. She said many are convinced that if they don't die from the bombing, they'll die from starvation or dehydration, or whatever disease will develop from the dirty water they're drinking.
Told me all people do now is pray, cry and die. Told me she hopes West Bank is spared. Told her Israel bombed a mosque in West Bank and dozens of Palestinians in West Bank are being murdered by settlers, so she bided me goodbye.
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puppyluver256 · 4 months
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good morning and marcy crimble i just woke up to some Nonsense
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