#on what it means to be a demon. and sebastian and claude are ignorant of it cuz they're a lil too obsessed w/ outplaying each other
lululeighsworld · 1 year
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i really do be thinking about this moment from the end of s2 where hannah curls up with claude's corpse a completely unhealthy amount
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eemoo1o-animoo · 2 years
Truths and Falsehoods: Claude vs Sebastian
I’ve often wondered what makes Claude and Alois’ contract/relationship so different to Sebastian and Ciel’s. And after all this time, I finally think I’ve figured it out.
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And it’s not the humans. It’s really not. It’s Claude. Claude lies, Sebastian does not. (Of course, for the sake of this post, the plot hole with the re-contracting, for lack of a better term, will be ignored—I just put it down to shipping, anyway.)
Sebastian and Ciel’s contract has a rule that sticks out quite obscenely in context to this: Sebastian must never lie to Ciel. Ciel wants some level of trust in his and Sebastian’s relationship because his family is constantly facing betrayal, whereas Alois has always been hurt by the truth (so to speak; from the villagers feelings to him and his brother, to his abuse from the Former Earl Trancy), and so Claude has no contractual obligation to tell the truth.
Heck, Alois even says it himself in that episode with the garden maze. (“You could have just lied, and I would have been happy”, or something like that). Of course, in that instance, Claude finally told the truth. This part is a bit finicky (as is season two as a whole, but what are you going to do?).
Perhaps Claude, now no longer in a contract with Alois, has no need to “keep Alois happy”. Perhaps this could entail that this was one of the conditions of Claude and Alois’ contract. That seems quite viable.
Claude is under no contractual obligation to not lie, as I’ve mentioned, whilst Sebastian very much is (at least to their masters).
This could be why Claude has no desire to fill out his masters orders himself (like filling Alois’ room full of roses, which he initially left to fellow demons and servants Timber, Thompson, and Canterbury, who then filled the room with bluebells instead as per Hannah’s suggestion and request, demonstrating a higher respect and stronger affiliation with her than with Claude, perhaps inferring that while Claude pulls the reins as the household head of staff and as the one contracted to Alois, but is otherwise quite powerless* in comparison to, say, Hannah, as she had the final say-so once everything was over and done with).
* Backtracking a little bit, Claude seems to be a pretty competent demon. A worthy opponent for even the likes of Sebastian, at least in terms of skill. Contrasting with Sebastian, though, Claude seems to crave control over a secure trust with Alois. Whether the control is directly over Alois, or over the other demons (Hannah and the triplets), Claude seems to have it. That is, until Hannah’s true intentions come to light, and it inevitably ends in his downfall.
While they were never fully stated or explored in the anime, if I was to guess, the main obligations of Claude and Alois’ contract were most likely: “to always look out for [me]”, “to never leave [me] (alone)” and “to keep/make [me] happy”.
Of course, Alois’ death by Claude’s hands raised, and still raises, many questions about what the bounds of a demon contract may be. And while season two isn’t canon in the slightest, that doesn’t mean that something like this couldn’t happen.
Sebastian seemed a bit eager during his flashbacks/cinematic records to consume Ciel’s soul before his revenge was met, did he not? Bringing me to my next points:
How far is a demon willing to go to fulfil a contract? And what would Sebastian do if he wasn’t obligated to always tell Ciel the truth?
Is Sebastian’s obligation to always tell Ciel the truth prolonging the life of their contract? Is it ultimately saving Ciel from an untimely betrayal?
TL;DR: Read it, this is very important.
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nullbutler · 1 year
One of my favourite things to do about season two (aka Alois and Claude) is to think of a scene that would be IC for Ciel and Sebastian, usually dialogue between the two (pre-existing or made up), and then put Alois and Claude in their stead.
And made it IC. And then just sit back and stew in how different the two scenes now are. They could take place in the same setting, under the same circumstances, and yet it is so. Fucking. Different.
And it’s like “yeah, they’re completely different characters” but no. I mean, yeah, they are, but the whole point of Alois and Claude’s creation was to compare and contrast with Ciel and Sebastian (season two is just one big English GCSE gone horribly wrong), that canon did not deliver they way that they’d probably intended. With what the characters needed (although Claude’s character is essentially just a rehash of Will with more sadism, but we don’t talk about that).
Claude and Alois’ situation/dynamic is so much colder, and sadder, than the one between Seb and Ciel, and it was actually your sickfic on AO3 (although until recently with that Alois & The Triplets fic—which I am planning on giving an analysis on because it’s living rent free in my heat at the moment—that I realised it was you) that a post of mine to briefly gush about / realise how much I love it was in reference to.
Yeah, sorry for the long ask. I just… yeah. The way you write the two (fanfiction and now s2 rewrite alike) is just… incredible. I love you for it (/p) - so, thank you. You’ve given me a new appreciation for Claude and Alois (particularly Alois, but otherwise mostly together, rather than separate, because really, who likes Claude as a stand alone character?) over these past couple of months.
Keep up the excellent work. You and your work are amazing <3 (and sorry for the long ramble. Hope you don’t mind. You can just… ignore it, if you do. Or even if you don’t! I just… had to say something, because apparently a stand alone post wouldn’t do.)
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That is literally so sweet I’m going to tear up aaaaAAAA
Claude and Alois are, in a way, xeroxes of Ciel and Sebastian. The natural extreme of the concept of a demon and an abused child. and simultaneously worst possible end route. I find them just so damn fascinating! And I get that little mental exercise so well — if you replaced any Sebastian Ciel scene with these two, it would be so dramatically changed in context the implications would be - most likely - very very painful. Like — my go to thought was Sebastian teaching Ciel to dance. With them, it’s cute, reluctantly parental, and sort of funny. With Claude and Alois…oh lord. These two exist in their own messed up toxic little domain, and their dynamic is so fundamentally different, it’s infinitely fascinating.
I try 😭😭😭😭 I’m glad you enjoy my work. I like to expand on things that were implied or established, but never properly thought out. And no worries, it’s such a sweet ask I don’t mind at all…I saw your tag a few days ago and I’ve been shaking silently ever since with anticipation. Like YES ANALYZE ME ID LOVE THAT
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I wanted to talk about this small thing I noticed about Ciel (in the manga) and its about the spider thread motiv metaphor thingy
Ive had some trouble really putting this into words, so I'll just describe the moment I noticed this. When I was reading the manga for the first time and I got to the point in the Green Witch arc where Ciel holds a gun to Sieglindes head and tells her that she can chose if she wants to get shot and not deal with the difficult realities of the 'outside world' or if she wants to live, I thought "oh. Huh. this is a lot like the moment where Ciel made his contract with Sebastian"
And then afterwards I thought a bit more about it and how Ciel is effectively presenting other people with this 'spider's thread', this opportunity to escape and heal from trauma and stuff in their past, in the same way he was. And yeah, there are obviously ulterior motives I dont think Ciel is doing that out of the kindness of his heart and I think he's very selfish and doing it for selfish reasons, but he's still doing it yknow. Idk I just think its interesting to compare Ciel and Sebastian like that and how this contract has probably really affected the way he thinks about life and second chances and whatnot
This isnt really related bc its about season 2 and I wanna do my best to keep the anime and manga as like, seperate timelines, but I honestly feel that Ciel would genuinely be quite happy as a demon (atleast for a while until Immortality Fatique sets in or qhatever we wanna call that). I know that people have a lot of different opinions on season 2 and the ending in particular and I dont really know how I feel about it either tbh, but I do think Ciel becoming a demon makes sense just from a standpoint of like, his characterization. At least, in the manga. See this where we get into differences between the manga and the anime, because in the anime they got rid of most of that and pretty much all that remains is Ciels monologue to Soma and that whole chracter arc and thats it. And I do think thats a shame and a huge missed opportunity, especially considering season 2 has all the spider symbolism with Claude and Alois and you could really do some interesting stuff there
But anyway, back to the manga. I feel like the way they're going to expand on this theme/motiv after the introduction of the other Ciel is by making a point about like, actually dealing with trauma vs living in ignorance yknow what I mean. Because the way our Ciel describes it is like, he was offered this thread but then he had to choose to grasp it and also pull himself upwards again with his own strength, whereas with the real Ciel its more like someone caught him with a net and pulled him out of his terrible situation with the real Ciel not being granted a choice or agency in the matter. And like, the real Ciel doesnt really react to anything its like his traumatic experience had no effect on his whatsoever and he truly is more like a doll than a real human being who needs to deal with his past
Also, if we wanna talk about agency regarding the two Ciels we can also talk about the chess metaphors. Our Ciel will often posit himself as both the chess player, someone who is in complete control of his pieces but otherwise removed from them, and as the king, who is not only a piece on the board like everyone else but who is in need of constant protection from everyone while also having the power to end the entire game. Its an intersting dichotomy and I think you could do some intersting stuff with that if you tried to deconstruct that a little. Our Ciel could say that hes the player while the real Ciel is just a piece on the board without agency but then maybe you could make a point about our Ciel was living as someone else for three years and most of his decisions were informed by that so its almost like he had no agency either. Idk just some stuff I was thinking about
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~ Kuroshitcember 2022 Masterlist ~
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the full list for this event can be found here
these are my entries 🖤 you can also read them here on Ao3 📃
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~ Day 1: Sebastian delivers a letter and "afternoon sweets" to his young master begrudgingly. His mummy instincts kick in without the demon being aware of it.
~ Day 2: Grelle waves every morning as a greeting to William, and this is how William went from ignoring her, to bringing her tea
~ Day 3: Agni fears for his prince's mental health... but it turns out that Ciel and Sebastian are there to help already.
~ Day 4: William walks in on Ronald and Grelle dressing up in dresses, but doesn't make them change back into approved uniforms when he realises this subconsciously means a lot to Ronald. (pay attention to CWs before reading)
~ Day 5: In a modern era filled with smart watches, smartphones and modern technology... one grim reaper struggles to adapt. But at least he has his found family to help him.
~ Day 6: The Undertaker has a busy couple of winter months ahead of him. What helps is that he likes his job and that he has something to amuse him... Lord Phantomhive's act. (pay attention to CWs before reading)
~ Day 7: Waking from a nightmare, Ciel asks Sebastian whether he has nightmares too. In his own, demony way, Sebastian tries to help Ciel feel better by telling nothing but the truth.
~ Day 9: On Grelle's Death Day, she thinks everything is fine and goes to work (to see William). Turns out, everything is not fine after all, but William is there to help her... (pay attention to CWs before reading)
~ Day 10: Ronald hands in a report too late for... a very good reason.
~ Day 11: Finny feels he already has everything he wants... so he asks for a slightly different Christmas present.
~ Day 12: When Christmas Decorations go missing, Tanaka has to search through the entire manor to try and find them despite his aching bones. (pay attention to CWs before reading)
~ Day 13: When Ronald's wrist watch breaks, William tries to help him. In return, William is offended, and... you do not want to offend William.
~ Day 14: Everyone celebrates Ciel Phantomhive on his birthday... But what of those who know of his death? (please pay attention to CWs before reading)
~ Day 15: "The demons working at the Trancy estate knew not to sneak. If they stuck to the shadows, they would touch the outsides of Claude’s webs and stir the spider to go on a hunt for what had caused the vibrations. And if they were caught sneaking, Claude would have no reason not to strike." (please pay attention to CWs before reading)
🖤 3 part Christmas Special using the days' prompts:
🎅 Day 23: As Christmas Eve draws to its end, Ciel Phantomhive finds out that his demon butler had a past unlike any the boy could have ever imagined. This means Ciel's Christmas takes a drastic turn, which invites things to go both right and wrong... (please read CWs first)
🎅 Day 24: On Christmas Day, Ciel Phantomhive and Sebastian go to a workhouse to distribute toys and presents to the children. Meanwhile, the reapers realise that the children meant to die are being saved by a demon, and they don't quite know how to handle it, a little bit like how the Phantomhive servants have no idea how to handle preparing Christmas Dinner..... Chaos ensues. (please read CWs first)
🎅 Day 25: On Christmas Day, the Phantomhives host a special Christmas Dinner. This year, it's even more special than they anticipated... as memories of Vincent flood everyone's minds. (please read CWs first)
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a huge thank you to the lovely @eemoo1o-animoo for hosting this event and creating lovely prompts <3 I wish I could have joined in on more days 🖤💓
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Can i request a yandere kurapika, illumi sebastian, claude, hannah, light, l , misa, yelena, dabi and reiji sakamaki with a trans (f to m) darling? If you’re uncomfortable with thise feel free to ignore it! have a good day! 💕💕
You requested 11 characters, but I still did it and left Misa out just as you wanted.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, paranoia, manipulation, kidnapping, overprotective behavior, killing, threatening, blackmailing, stalking, other people disrespecting trans persons (sadly true in real life as well😔)
Trans darling
Sebastian Michaelis
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🐈‍⬛Sebastian never had to worry about his gender until he took a human form for his master which he keeps also in front of his darling, but he could have turned out entirely different as well which is why he doesn’t mind the chances his darling went through. Sebastian in general can be seen as a very open-minded person which is why he has no problem with you having decided to be what you really are on the inside. Sebs just supports you and is not above being proud that his s/o made that decision since such a thing is not easy to do.
🐈‍⬛Of course given the time both of them are in, he knows what his darling has to go on a daily base through, facing utter disrespect and many weirded out looks and gossiping. It is why he stalks his darling whenever he gets the chance, his protectiveness raising whenever seeing someone not being able to keep their mouth shut. But his s/o does not have to worry, Sebastian is always there to talk and comfort his darling. Of course disrespectful persons will pay as well, Sebastian threatening and scaring them and if he is at that time with his darling, he’ll humiliate the person verbally in front of everyone. Kind of tries at first to manipulate you into just not going outside in order to avoid all this scum. This is actually be one of the reasons why he kidnapped you, because he wanted you away from nasty and ignorant people.
🐈‍⬛His behavior overall doesn’t change though, he acts pretty much the same way with the same amount of affection and the same sweet talking and the same domination. He doesn’t want his darling to get the feeling he treats him differently just because he changed gender and is not a woman any longer. His master might raise an eyebrow slightly when hearing from his s/o the first time as well as the servants, but they welcome his darling rather enthusiastically and won’t discriminate him.
Claude Faustus
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🕷He is a demon as well which means he didn’t have to worry too much the way he would look as a human as well until Alois called upon him and made a contract with him. He pretty much only cared about his darling’s soul at first which is why he never cared much about that he was trans, not asking for the reason and just wanting that soul. It was only after he realized that he had fallen that he became more curious about all of this. He accepts it as well, though I feel like he would have to know a bit more of your reasons why you did so since he is a bit narrow-minded.
🕷He dislikes the fact that his darling is being treated the way he is, it never fails to make him infuriated and he finds it quite shameful that people are even this way, humans are indeed pathetic. Claude’s daily plans and schedules are a bit tighter than Sebastian’s are since Alois is a needy bratty guy and for that he has to spend often the first half of the day in the manor. It just puts him more at edge and if he gets some free time in between, he always uses it to stalk on his mate. Since he is not able to protect you for a longer time, he tries to talk you into staying at home and letting him handle everything once he has the time. Of course he’s going to kidnap you, specially because of such disgusting lowlife, although he gladly removed all of them.
🕷Claude is in that regard rather similar to Sebastian, he doesn’t love his darling any less and still takes care of him all by himself. And the story with Alois is pretty much the same as well, he refuses to let that blond brat ever find out about his darling’s existence since he can gladly pass on the tantrum and the risk of Alois demanding to give up on you. He doesn’t trust anyone with his darling, only himself.
Hannah Annafellows
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🟣She is a soft yet very manipulative demon and she seemed to have had a female form long before making a contract with anybody which just hints that she likes her actual form which is of course good. Hannah wants her darling to be happy with himself and her which is why she is very encouraging and supportive of him being the way she is, she knows that this is what he needs in times like this. So it also helps her winning her darling easier over and making him rely and trust her more.
🟣Not even his own family might be ready to interact with him after he had his change and whilst Hannah is glad that she is pretty much the only person in her mate’s life, she is also incredibly salty that not even his own relatives want to be in contact anymore, it makes her feel in a way almost sorry that he had to give up on so much because he wanted to be himself. She simply can not tolerate it whenever she sees someone talking down to her darling and she always lectures such people sadistically afterwards. She also genuinely begs her darling to not leave the house unless she is there, she can not stand the thought of someone being rude and dragging him down in the process. Hannah just appears as a very sweet, caring and concerned person which is why it might be a bit shocking for her s/o when she abducts him one day.
🟣She continues being very attentive and caring to him, so much more if her darling returns her feelings which should not be too hard since she is so gentle and Aldo slyly manipulative to him. Now she doesn’t have to worry about someone hurting you anymore and can just let you be you without someone judging. She kind of only lets the triplets be somewhat near you when she has business she has to do, but needs someone to watch over you.
Kurapika Kurta
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⛓He at first truly just thinks of his darling as a good friend because that is how both of them start, as friends. And when he first was being told that you were trans, he smiled about it and said that there was no reason for you to be worried, he still viewed you as someone close to him. So Kurapika finds himself almost a bit oblivious at first with his feelings since he needs time to fall for a person and additionally he might not have expected to fall for you, his best friend. When he does find it out he might actually be a bit torn apart since he always imagined to start with his love his clan new which is biologically after surgery not possible anymore.
⛓His conflicted behavior shows which might confuse his s/o at first to why he suddenly is that way. On the one hand he grows incredibly uncomfortable with all possible sorts of people around him, always trying to find excuses to why the two of them have to go away now quickly and he is all of a sudden very intense with his reactions when someone thinks of you being trans negative, terrifying the person whilst also putting you protectively behind him only to quickly drag you away from the people. On the other hand he often stares with a deep in thoughts look at his darling with this weird smile on his face only to snap out of it when he notices the weird look he is getting from his darling. He is just incredibly worried that you might not feel the same, but on the other hand he is also horrified about your safety.
⛓All stories you might have told him once before suddenly work as a justification to why he kidnapped you, because no one understood you. Kurapika decides to put your safety for now over your own happiness, he’s just lost too much to lose someone else. He mostly only confesses afterwards to his darling. He is sort of desperate afterwards, especially if his darling doesn’t feel romantically attracted to men because just because he wanted to be one doesn’t mean he has to have this sort of interest in them.
Illumi Zoldyck
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🤎The definition of confused when he realizes that he has some sort of attraction to his darling, he is clueless to why because his family pretty much drilled the belief in his head that he has to marry a woman and have children with her which might not be possible anymore and since he always believed himself to do as his family has told him, he has just no idea why he feels for someone who can not provide him with what his family wants. Not gonna lie, he might be at first majorly dissatisfied with this, even more so when finding out that his darling used to be female.
🤎So he kind of tries to ignore his feelings at first, not seeing how you should fit his standards. Yet he can not stop stalking his darling, not being able to shake this weird feeling off. Why exactly you? You won’t even notice him at first, though you still realize that people around you seem to disappear slowly, loved ones and those who didn’t like you. And so it happens that one day you’ll be knocked out, only to wake up afterwards with him staring down at you. And that’s where something akin to an interrogation starts with him wanting to know in detail why you chose to change your whole gender and you kind of sense that he is mad. Ridiculous to think so, but he feels like you made a too important choice without him, though he didn’t even know you when you did.
🤎He still defends his darling fiercely against his whole family because they’re not very happy with this decision, especially not his mother. The Zoldyck family is mostly actually pretty stunned that Illumi fell for his darling in the first place and they thought that they had trained him enough. Additionally he always seemed to be the most loyal of the family so him disobeying orders so much is new to all of them and his behavior manages to slightly worry them. But they decide to let his darling be and after all of this it is maybe understandable why he is against the thought of letting his family see his s/o.
Light Yagami
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✍️He is almost irritated once he discovers his rather unhealthy obsession with his darling. I literally can not see him as someone who would fall for someone he met after he found the Death Note because that made him ducking delusional and twisted and he only used people afterwards. It would be hard for him to fall genuinely in love with someone afterwards. So he would have to have known his darling at the very least beforehand and so he might have witnessed how conflicted he used to be about his gender and before he might have decided to not interfere unless he was a close friend of his.
✍️Not gonna lie, he kind of tries to hide his feelings at first instead of going directly out to charm his s/o. He knows that this might lead to unwanted attention since trans people are still not fully respected and additionally his darling might not be into men that way. This makes him go silently crazy and whilst he still suddenly increases the encounters he makes with his darling, he does not let anyone know about the way he feels. But he still becomes protective because he sees the way you are sometimes being disrespected or made fun off since you changed gender and this makes Light fuming. He views this definitely as a problem he has to fix and sees you as a victim he has to save from the piles of trash.
✍️It is still very much toxic with him because if his darling does like men, he forces him to keep the relationship a secret for now, although he has his possessive outbursts and if his darling doesn’t like men, he forces him into a relationship with the Death Note as his weapon and additionally he still uses Misa as his toy to reach his goal. And he has to make sure that she does not find out that you two are together in which case the fact that you are now a man might work to his favor in here. He won’t be able to keep this a secret forever and he knows that as well.
L Lawliet
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🍰He knows it all about his darling the moment he caught L’s interest and since he has the connections and the intelligence, he will have his darling quickly figured out. And different from Light, he doesn’t feel confused or irritated, he just takes the fact that he fell in love with a transgender person. I don’t think L has any sort of preferences when it comes to such stuff, he does not care at all. He just wants love.
🍰There are still things he wants to know personally from his darling once he finally thinks he knows enough to approach him and start getting in contact with him. And his darling feels for probably the first time really understood since L knows how he feels and thinks and since he is just so chill with the topic, it is nice to be around him. He just knows what to say since he knows hobbies, likings and whatever else he was able to get his hands on. But despite being more laid-back, it doesn’t mean he will just stand quietly by if he witnesses disrespect, he will interfere. He most likely took care of the most common culprits anyways beforehand, he just doesn’t like seeing it when someone is downright rude. So at first he only keeps a friendship before it becomes too much for him and he kidnaps his darling.
🍰The main reason he abducts him is still because he fears that someone who is on bad terms with him wants to take revenge on him by harming his darling. It’s of course also because he doesn’t think it is right and fair to mistreat someone just because he chose that he is someone else and couldn’t be someone he isn’t. And he has no reason to act differently, he doesn’t have to worry about reputation and attention like Light has which is why he is free to be all touchy and cuddly with his darling like he wants to be.
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🔥I can not see her caring about this information all too much, it’s not like it’ll change anything. She still very much plans on taking the dominant part, no matter if her darling is now a man or not. Since Yelena is a worshipper but nature it is maybe just logical why she doesn’t even think about being angry with her darling. Instead she admires his determination since there were certainly people who were against this.
🔥And those are people Yelena automatically dislikes before even having met them. The knowledge that those are persons who were against your wishes or behave inappropriately towards you are enough reasons to make her look down on them, not only in the literal sense. I do see people probably thinking twice about letting a negative comment out about you when Yelena is with you because she is intimidating and if they do, they most likely have in the very next instead a hun pointed against their head with Yelena about to pull the trigger. Terrifying, but it does wonders and her darling can quite literally count how everybody suddenly becomes more nice, knowing that a feral woman will be after them if she ever finds out and believe me, she will.
🔥That is exactly why Yelena monopolizes your time so much. She can not see anyone else as exactly trustworthy and worms who ever said something negative will now be too scared to come even close, not when they see her anywhere nearby. She is additionally just possessive and wants her darling for herself. And Yelena herself doesn’t come over as too girly over either, not at all. So no matter what, despite all the worshipping she still makes sure that her darling knows that he belongs to her.
Dabi/Touya Todoroki
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🔹Personally I don’t see him as someone who would care about something like this, not when he looks like this, all burnt. Regarding his looks Dabi finds himself becoming more insecure when it comes to his darling since he views him as handsome. He mostly only stalks his darling at first because he is a villain and can not let himself be seen, he knows this will bring you into troubles which he doesn’t want. Instead he becomes a silent guardian at first and since he knows it’s not an easy decision to go against the expectations and wishes everyone else has, he is incredibly proud that his s/o has the willpower to do so.
🔹But whilst he makes sure that his darling is safe, the same can not be said about everyone else. Because it has to be only a wrong comment, even in a jokingly way and this will be taken offensively by him, partially because Dabi knows that it might be uncomfortable for you to hear others joking about it in a way you could get it wrong. It’s probably not the first time you got surprised looks when telling someone about it and even saw others acting a bit strange to you afterwards. And what makes you sad makes Dabi mad and so an increase of dead and burnt bodies will be reported only shortly after.
🔹Deep down he knows that life won’t be better once he takes his darling. But he also has to travel around quite a bit with his job in the League of Villains. Of course his possessive side also plays a part in all of this which is why at one point in the timeline he takes his darling with him, not willing to leave him behind. And generally he appears to be very calm, though it is horrifying for his darling to know that he has been kidnapped by a villain, but this was expected by Dabi. And he really tries to give you time to adjust, but trans or not, he is needy and can get unnerving if he is left waiting for too long.
Reiji Sakamaki
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☕️At first he is just very annoyed with all of this land it doesn’t even have to be because his darling is trans. It’s more because he fell for a petty little human, something that is out of his league and under him. It just irritates Reiji because he doesn’t know what makes him special because there has to be something that made him feel this way which is why he becomes obsessive and wants to figure out what exactly makes him so flattered about him.
☕️Surely Reiji is extremely strict and has high expectations, but this does not include the fact that his darling changed gender from female to male. It surely was a huge decision, but if that is what he wanted, Reiji only expects him to be satisfied with this afterwards. I can see him as someone who would want to talk with you about it simply because he wants to understand your reasons better, but he will at least accept them. He kidnaps his darling pretty early as well, to be accurate as soon as he views him as worthy. And whilst now the problem with infuriating people is out of the house, a few new problems in form of his brothers enter who not only get under his skin by harassing his darling, but definitely also don’t miss out on being mean to Reiji’s s/o. And even Reiji can not always stay calm, although he tries to keep composure since he knows what his brothers want, especially the triplets.
☕️Reiji himself decides to not be mean and poke tormenting fun at this topic, he can just imagine how often you must havee heard this before and since he can be a gentleman if his darling behaves, he will not mention it. He has other things he can use to keep his darling at bay. He knows how exhausting his brothers can be with all their mean comments and since he has a certain admiration for you because you chose to be you, he actually finds himself comforting you whenever he has to save you from Ayato, Laito and Kanato, knowing too well what they did.
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neotrances · 3 years
hey why does everybody dislike that little blonde boy from season two of bb (i did not watch season two <3) what did he do he's a baby :(...
that’s alois ! its not so much disliking him as it is disliking how he was handeled its 7am so im gonna be brief bc his um story is triggering for me bc of how yana did it
seasons two plot follows ciel after losing his memories (where have we heard that before cough tokyo ghoul re) anyways sebastian meets up with claude and alois, the newest butler human duo, and i should also say season two is not canon and was made for money as these characters donot exist in the manga and this seasons end also dramatically differs from the still ongoing story of bb (ciel becomes a demon in this ending and sebastian has to be his butler for eternity) anyways the season revolves around ciel and alois trying to ine up each other using their butlers yadda yadda but alois and claude dont function properly, sebastian and ciel have a understanding and a decent friendship but claude does not like nor respect alois at all, and this makes alois act out for attention, including harming people, putting himself in danger on purpose, and generally being annoying to people
but this is also connected to his trauma, as he was a trafficking victim and as a result is hyper sexual, but yana toboso obviously didn’t read into what hyper sexuality is and just wanted an excuse to make a sexual kid and it sucks bc this type of trauma response is rarely talked about and even less talked about in a good way. alois acts flirtatious, dresses more scantily and try’s to act older than he is as a means of coping and trying to regain control of his sexuality (despite being traumatized) but the way he’s written is done terribly and doesn’t show that his actions are hurting himself, as claude recognizes this and either feeds into it, or ignores him and this causes him to act out more, in one scene alois gets harmed and is begging for help and says “don’t leave me alone, don’t discard me” and actually starts crying but claude ignores him and it just harshly shows how different claude and alois are compared to sebastian and ciel, alois, underneath his trauma response just wants to be cared for, and doesn’t know how to get that without sexualizing himself / hurting himself to make others look his way bc of how badly he was treated when he was younger
nobody with a brain really likes talking about season two bc of its ending but mostly bc of how alois is handled which can be extremely triggering to csa victims and its :/ bc he couldve been good commentary on that kind of trauma response but unfortunately he was created by a freak that doesn’t actually care about csa victims and sees them as a fetish, i personally like alois but only in the remade way in my head that treats him as a actual person that eventually gets help and recovers from what happens to him but otherwise i completely skip season two and tell others to do the same
unlike the main story with ciel and sebastian it’s nearly impossible to just skip gross parts for the plot in season two bc a majority of the scenes are or atleast hint to alois past / have alois acting out for attention
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floweryfreelance · 4 years
𝕴𝖓𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖆 𝕽𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖙𝖚𝖘
Table of Contents
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
This work of fiction is an original collaborative work between tumblr users @theearltrancy and @floweryfreelance. Its original format was in that of a roleplay, and has been edited to be a more cohesive story. This work was created on 11.10.20 and completed on 11.30.20.
Please consider following each author for more fictional works.
The end of the day grew nearer as the sky turned dark, the servants of Phantomhive Manor making their rounds and lighting the candles that illuminated the hallways, foyer and dining room of the building. Over dinner, Ciel began to have trouble focusing on their conversation, something he hoped Alois wasn’t picking up on too easily. Every time his gaze arose from his plate with the intention of looking at his lover, they always seemed to be caught in the eyes of the demon Claude standing several feet away. All those years ago, he often felt threatened by even the mere presence of Claude, but knowing now that the two were responsible for keeping a secret, a secret that could mean the end of him if found out, it was leaving him more on edge than usual.
Upon hearing his name leave Alois’ lips, he snapped back to attention, unsure of just how long he had been oblivious to Alois’ words. “I.. I’m sorry, yes? I went away for a moment there.” He tried to cover for himself. “I must be tired from the long day.”
Smiling softly in response, the blonde looked down at the table, having noticed the other man unable to focus. It was fully his cross to bear, and in response he turned to look at Claude, much of the anger from the morning having faded but still a tension between the two. 
“Claude, why don’t you go prepare some snacks for later and set them in the study?” He suggested, though a threatening tone still laced his voice. “When you’re done, go see if the other servants need any help. I’m sure that maid is tied up somewhere in god knows what” 
With that, the butler nodded and left the room, though a glare crossed his face. It wasn’t as if Claude wanted to follow any of his master’s orders, but bound to contract, refusal meant contradicting his nature. Alois took this seriously, wishing he’d follow simply because he was masking as a butler; the lifestyle proved difficult for some demons. 
“I was saying how I need to challenge you to a rematch,” he chimed, turning back around and picking up his fork, stabbing a piece of beef that was tenderly cooked to perfection and glazed in a hearty sauce. “If I can beat you once in chess, I can do it a million times!”
Sebastian stood by the door, stepping aside as Claude exited. He shared a glance with his master, earning a small nod from Ciel as a confirmation to follow him, and so he did. As Claude left the room, it was as if the air opened up. It was physically apparent how Ciel had been able to ease himself now that it was only the two of them in the room.
He cleared his throat, taking a sip of water to alleviate the feeling of dryness in his mouth he hadn’t noticed until now. “Yes, well,” he smirked, seemingly back to his normal sarcastic self. “If you’re to beat me in chess a million times, we’ll have to play at least five million games, four million of which I will win.” He bragged, never competitive about chess until he was faced with a cocky opponent such as Alois.
Seeing as they were now alone, Ciel decided to take the opportunity to ask a question he’d rather now have heard by either of their butlers. “So, assuming you’re staying again tonight,” he began quite nonchalantly, pausing to take a small bite of roasted potato. “Who’s room will we end up in this time?” Ciel’s teasing tone was always one of nonchalance; instead of acting playful he would simply act as if he didn’t care, always hoping to get a rise out of whomever he was speaking to.
Alois spoke with his mouth full, never having fully shedded his lack of manners. The man was never fond of them, never having made any particular use of them. “I like this game we’re playing,” he remarked, pointing at the other with the tip of his fork, “I suppose yours, since you’re so eager. I don’t think I’ll get a moment away from you, do you?” He purred, twirling his fork with his words. 
Chuckling lightly to himself, leaning back in his seat. The moment would be stored in his brain, a painting that would crack over the years. Lovers sharing a casual dinner, he logged, romanticizing every second he was able to. And if he were allowed, he would paint in every age spot, prolonging the memory for the next generation. 
The rest of the dinner passed with laughs and even more stories shared between the two men. Alois described his French home, suggesting he’d kick out the two lovers inhabiting it in a dramatic declaration of love. Perhaps with a staged fire, or an eviction notice, something of the sort. Those walls were to hold love, and he would only allow theirs to seep into them, no matter who he allowed into his own bed. 
Illuminated by the fire, the two men had retired to the study once again. Alois himself was running his finger along the spines of books that hadn’t been touched in years, taking a particular passing interest in the ones on gardening. It was a hobby he found dirty and beneath him, but he always wanted to understand how things began and thus, died. He wondered what he could do in order to keep a plant alive, even preserve one after its passing. 
“Do you read any of these?” He asked, noting the cover of dust on some of the pages of the ones he pulled off the shelf to flip through. “No interest in… horticulture? Oscar Wilde? Picture of Dorian Grey?”
Ciel sat in the armchair by the left out chess set, illuminated by the fire as he played with a Knight piece in his hand. He looked over at Alois, squinting slightly to see the book he had picked up.
“Most of them I read in childhood,” he commented, attention turning back to the chess piece. “Many of them haven’t ever been read. I used to have less work, and more time alone. Now I hardly have any time for such things.” Something in his tone was nostalgic as he recalled the days he would spend alone in his study or his bedroom as a young child. Before there was much work for him to do for the Queen, he would often read in isolation, always asking Sebastian to bring him a new book to escape into. That’s what most of them were, after all; escapes.
As calm and collected as he tried to appear, Ciel wasn’t always the most gifted at concealing his emotions. Though his facial expression was rather mute and nonchalant, something about him was still off; his aura, perhaps. It was the same energy Alois felt from across the dinner table. Something was still bothering him, and he wouldn’t speak of it. Likely, that something was related to Claude, one way or another.
It’s a good book,” he noted, opening it and flipping through to a particular passage- “ We are punished for our refusals. Every impulse that we strive to strangle broods in the mind, and poisons us. The body sins once, and has done with its sin, for action is a mode of purification… . Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself, with desire for what it's monstrous laws have made monstrous and unlawful. It has been said that the great events of the world take place in the brain. It is in the brain, and the brain only, that the great sins of the world take place also. “ He smirked, closing it and placing it back in its place. “How naive.” 
The man looked over now to his lover, noticing finally his expression. A look of concern settled onto the other’s face, a frown forming. He strode over to the chair by the fire that he rested in, taking his place on the arm if it, allowing the velvet of his coat to buckle and wrinkle with the action. Soft, he placed his own hand over the other’s, staring longingly into the fire himself. 
“Two pence for your thoughts, my dear?” Alois inquired, quiet.
Ciel shifted in his seat as Alois sat on the arm of the chair, making a bit more room for the both of them to be comfortable. He leaned his head into his palm and stared at the fire, his other hand being held by the other’s. He thought for a few moments before speaking, hoping to articulate his mess of thoughts in a clear way.
“This.. secret we’re keeping,” he began, the heat from the fire beginning to make his exposed eye feel dry. Ciel turned to look up at Alois, trying desperately to squash his unease. “I’ve kept secrets before- Hell, I’m keeping us a secret rather well..” His thoughts began to wander, and so he trailed off, his mind darting from worry to worry as he struggled to figure out what to say next.
Alois sighed, his other hand reaching up to run through the man’s dark hair in hopes of comforting him. True, the situation was taxing when it wasn’t blissful, and while the blonde did his best to ignore that he knew his lover wouldn’t be capable. 
“Which part of it is the part bothering you now?” He inquired, smiling down at his lover, icy blue eyes seeking an answer before he responded. 
Outside the door, Claude had been following his hated rival for the majority of the evening. The two had cleaned the entire manor, folding every sheet possible and washing every window. It would make his blood boil if he’d had any human traits to speak of. It was then that he heard his master, wondering if there had been a speck of information he could use for himself. Surely, there was something here he could glean from the experience. He stopped in front of the closed door, pressing an ear softly against it.
The Earl ran both of his hands over his face, sighing as he stood from his chair abruptly. His reaction came across as frustrated, though he was truthfully only scared.
“Which part do you think?” He spat, purposely speaking to the other side of the room so as to not make Alois think he was angry at him. “Alois, if that butler of yours-” He turned to face him, taking a breath as he ran his fingers through his hair in an attempt to calm down. “If Claude knew what we know, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill me. And ironically, that’s something I can handle.” He pointed out, beginning to pace. “I’ve lived most of my life just waiting for death to take me. But he’d likely go after you, too..” Ciel’s voice softened slightly at the end of his rant, the thought of Alois being killed making him feel as if he were being suffocated by the air around him.
Pouting slightly at the outburst, Alois felt again like a child in the arms of a demon that was so much bigger than he’d ever hope to be. He could kill himself off as many times as he wished; he would never truly die until Claude wanted him to and was able to collect his soul as a light snack before killing his lover as well. With his luck, he’d probably live through it and watch Ciel die. The thought alone made him feel like he was about to choke. Both his hands dropped to the arm of the chair, steadying himself. 
“I just… need a way to do it gently.” He pleaded, locking his gaze on his lover’s face. “My revenge is over. If he knew that, he would be able to go… I don’t know- rogue.” He stated, gritting his teeth at the thought. “Releasing him from the contract, if he knew it was fulfilled, we could both die. I doubt he’d pass up an opportunity to end us both.”
Ciel raised a brow, turning back to face Alois with a look of disbelief on his face. “Gently?” he repeated. “And how, exactly, would you even go about that?” Ciel crossed to Alois, cupping his cheeks and holding his head in his hands. “I know you want to believe there’s a way for this to go well, I do as well. But there simply isn’t.” If one looked closely enough, they could see the fear in his exposed eye, his pupil small and quivering. Ciel dropped his hands to Alois’ shoulders. “He’ll kill us, or at least try to, no matter how you go about telling him.”
The young man turned away once again, crossing his arms across his chest as he rested his chin between his thumb and forefinger. His shoulders rose and fell as he took a deep breath, determined to calm down. There was no point in getting worked up about it now, not here and not like this.
“I’ll help you if I must. I’ll bring Sebastian if you think it’ll help protect us from whatever rage, wrath- whatever follows.” He spoke in a serious voice, completing his thought before looking towards Alois over his shoulder. “But we needn’t come up with a plan tonight. As long as we can keep this between us, we have time.”
The blonde was backed into a corner emotionally, trapped in a prison of his own creation. He’d wished many times that at the very least, Claude could be more like Sebastian- a protector, a friend, a loyal dog. That simply was never in the cards for him, tossed around like a nuclear bomb of emotion ever since he was young enough to feel again. Killing those who used him could only bring him so much safety, wrapped in the lies of a demon at the end of the night, every night. 
He buried his face in his hands, mind swirling as it did when he started to feel any strong emotion. Things like this made him feel small, like a child again in his own casket back when the old man was still alive. He’d be stolen and used over and over again - it was time for that to stop, now in his adulthood. 
“We… have to find a way.” He whispered, choking up as he lost himself in his own head once again. “I can’t spend my whole damned life afraid, Ciel. I want a chance!” 
Claude had heard everything, processing what he’d just heard his own master say. He was… free? He had been free for how long? When had Alois figured out that Sebastian hadn’t been the one to bring harm to his brother? Who had told him that they weren’t tied by fate, but instead only tied through lies and time? It would’ve been his deepest fear for the boy if he hadn’t also been freed in the meantime. He no longer had to wait for an order- he could collect Ciel, exact his own revenge, and set the table for a long-awaited feast. Perhaps years ago he would collect Alois as well, but the scent of him no longer enticed him.. What a disgusting thought, eating him. 
They had less time than they thought.
Hearing the quiver in Alois’ voice he turned to face him again, his expression turning to one of pity and regret. He shouldn’t have said anything. It could have waited another night.
Ciel approached him, kneeling down next to the armchair and gently taking Alois’ hand in his own. “I’m sorry,” he spoke softly, his thumb tracing soft circles on the other’s skin. “We don’t need to discuss it anymore tonight. We’ll come up with a plan later.” He planted a light kiss on the back of Alois’ hand, getting his attention so he could look him in the eye. “We’ll discuss it later. Come to bed with me, it’s late.”
He stood from his position, pulling gently on Alois’ hands to stand him up from the chair. Their hands squeezed each other lovingly, comfortingly, as they looked upon each other. “Come now then, bed.”
Ice blue eyes focused on the other, now wet with tears that had only begun to form. He wasn’t sure how his lover was able to calm him down so well. He blinked them away, sniffling slightly and nodding. With his free hand, he dusted his coat, a distraction more than anything. 
“Right, bed… Okay…” He responded, thoughts still far away. He followed reluctantly, dragging his feet the whole way to Ciel’s room. In a way, he wanted to be alone to think, speed up the process so in a few days he’d have a chance at living. Even he knew it wasn’t that simple, though. 
A soft knocking came to the door, revealing the Trancy butler with a fresh change of clothing for the night and another damp towel. Despite his mood, it couldn’t have come at a better time, wishing to wipe the dried tears from his cheeks. He’d been crying silently to himself, pretending to admire the fabrics of the room and settling in by the window to watch the gentle rain hitting the windowpane. Although his lover was certainly aware, the blonde couldn’t be rattled from one of these moods once he got into them. Even with their distance, his lover knew this to be true as well. 
He held his hand out, hearing Claude enter and feeling a familiar tingle on his tongue. These days, it was more of a burning feeling that betrayed the animosity they shared. He knew the steps of his demon’s feet, the sound he made when he was in a room, recognized the smell of his laundry, if only to give himself a couple more moments to prepare. The demon handed him the towel, wiping his face off and refusing to look over at him. 
“Leave the clothes over there on the bed,” he ordered, distant.
“I actually feel like staying.” Claude uttered, out of turn. This was unusual- normally he would linger or bicker, but always followed orders. He didn’t have any agency- did he? Alois’ eyes widened, the thought crossing his mind that he may have been too loud earlier.
Now in his bedroom together, Ciel sat on the edge of the bed, opposite the room as Alois. He knew his lover well enough to know when he needed to have a moment, but desired the presence of someone he trusted for comfort. And so, that’s what he did.
His back facing the door, he tensed up a bit as Claude entered, once again feeling the air around him grow thick. The young man decided it best to not say a word to the butler, and simply endure his presence until he did his duties and left.
Upon hearing Claude’s dissent, something in Ciel froze, something deep inside him. Looking towards Alois out of the corner of his eye, he saw the other’s look of shock and worry, and his own face began to mirror the same expression. Between the three of them, the room seemed to fall under a dark and heavy cloud of dread, one that was so thick it made them feel as if they could choke.
Did he hear them?
Frozen in his place, Alois felt awash with fear all of a sudden. He felt many emotions towards the other, but never endangered. His hand slowly rose to cover his mouth, beginning to shake. 
“Get-… Get out!” He screamed, turning to stand and face the butler, now only slightly taller. However, it was clear that the two were far from being on the same level with one another. Nose to nose, the demon smiled out of the side of his mouth, pushing up his glasses and walking away- only to meet Ciel and lean in close. The tension was palpable as he eyed the man, dissolved to just a child in front of him. He ran a cold index finger along the darker man’s jaw, lifting his chin so he couldn’t look away, a threat if there ever was one. 
“Trancy,” he began, low, “I hope you remember what being alone is like.” He stated. With that, he straightened and pushed back his glasses, walking towards the door frame. He stopped just before leaving, making eye contact with the Earl Trancy, his last moment as a proper Trancy butler. “You won’t be coming with.”
Turning on his heel to leave, Alois stood frozen in complete shock and defeat. He dropped to the floor, fear gripping him in its entirety. He felt his body rock with sobs, but he wasn’t aware of any of it, the action not coming from emotion but rather absolute shock. They were in danger, and he’d willingly die with Ciel, but to die without him, no longer wanted….
Ciel had nearly lost all control of his body as he was faced with the man, sitting down but feeling as if he would fall if he tried to stand. His entire body went cold, clammy and quivering, and he flinched as he felt a gloved finger run along his jaw. In Claude’s golden eyes he saw nothing but darkness, a threatening void that left an lingering sense of terror as he walked away.
A ringing in his ears silenced Alois’ sobs and the sound of the door shutting behind the demon as he left. Ciel couldn’t move, completely and utterly frozen in place as his mind tried to make sense of what just occurred. The desire to hit himself crossed his mind, just in case this were a dreadful nightmare he hadn’t yet woken up from. But it wasn’t.
Abruptly, Ciel shot up from his seat on the bed, stumbling forward and grabbing hold of the bed frame for support. He screamed for Sebastian, louder than he had ever screamed before, his voice growing hoarse and cracked the more he screamed. It was only moments before Sebastian appeared in the doorway, a look of intense concern on his face as he rushed to his master’s side, helping him stand as he took notice of Alois crumpled up on the floor.
“Master, what is it? What’s happened?” He inquired, completely unaware of the events that had happened just moments before his arrival.
“It’s..Claude..” Ciel choked out, putting most of his weight on Sebastian as he struggled to stand upright. “He’s going to kill me..”
“Dear master, he can’t-”
“HE CAN AND HE WILL!” He screamed, looking desperately into his demon’s eyes. “The contract has been filled, it was kept a secret from him.. He doesn’t answer to Trancy any longer, he’s going to try to kill me..” Ciel spoke quickly, eyes darting back and forth between Alois and the door. “He’s gone, but he’ll come back. No one comes onto the grounds, and no one leaves, do you understand me!?”
Sebastian’s eyes widened, admittedly shocked by the confession. His brows furrowed as he nodded and closed his eyes briefly, helping Ciel to sit back on the bed. “Yes, master. I’ll take appropriate action immediately.” The demon then left the room swiftly, determined to notify the other servants, both of Phantomhive and Trancy manor, and to search the grounds for any sign of Claude.
And so, they were left alone. The noble Phantomhive Earl sitting lifelessly in silence, and the stately Trancy Earl sobbing and balled up on the floor.
Alois pulled his knees to his chest in an effort to calm himself, still dryly sobbing to himself for a good few minutes in the dark of the night. He couldn’t yet bring himself to stand, reduced to a childlike state of shock. Claude didn’t even want him anymore… which in and of itself was hurtful enough. But then, he also wanted to take the one chance he had at happiness with him. He’d be left forever in a Hell of his own making, no solace to be found. The contract would leave him wealth and power, things while paled in comparison to companionship, once the only thing he actually wanted out of his demon.
Ciel’s screams echoed in his ears as if he were miles away or perhaps hearing them in a nightmare. Though, it must have been only moments before Sebastian found the other Trancy staff, Hannah rushing in to hold the man in her gentle arms. The Earl grabbed on tightly to her, knowing she would be the only one to love him if he ever lost his lover. She pushed his hair out of his tear-stained face as she got to work putting him back together. She whispered a few reassurances to the man, Alois hearing none of them and beginning to cough and choke on his tears. Holding a handkerchief to his mouth, she spent a few more moments with him in silence, the closest thing he had to a mother. 
“Ciel,” she began, looking behind her shoulder at the other man, also falling apart at the seams. “I swore to his brother to protect him. I know now that includes you.” She stated with the calm only a demon could manage in the moment. “I will not hesitate if I must break rank.” 
Still hearing none of the sounds in the room, Alois muffled his coughs against Hannah’s chest, raising a hand to hold the cloth to his own mouth now. He struggled to breathe, pretending instead that he was in the room alone and had the time to compose himself. He still shook and held the woman to steady his body. Hannah buried her face in the man’s golden hair, feeling the closest thing a demon could ever feel to fondness. 
“There, there… you’re going to be safe…”
Hearing his name seemed to shock Ciel back into reality, suddenly unsure of how long he had been frozen in place and time. He especially wasn’t used to hearing his first name leave a servant’s mouth, but that was the least of his worries. He snapped his head towards her, wide eyed and pale as he listened to her words, and nodded to show her he understood.
It wasn’t just them, then. They weren’t alone in this; they had Sebastian and Hannah, the remaining Phantomhive manor staff and perhaps even the triplets, if they could be of any help. He would remind Alois of this when he was calmer.
That thought struck Ciel then, suddenly seeming to snap him back into the real world and truly analyze what was going on. Claude knew that he was free from Alois. Claude was going to try to take his life, and leave Alois behind to suffer. They weren’t alone in defending themselves. It was as if Ciel’s mind, in an effort to preserve his sanity, turned to his work related thought processes, working to keep him grounded and practical. This wasn’t the time for him to act emotional. They didn’t have that leisure.
Ciel rose from the bed, timely moving to crouch in front of Alois and cup his cheeks with still shaky hands, reminding him he was still there. “Alois, look at me.” he ordered, lifting the man’s head so his eyes met his own. “My staff are doing a search of the perimeter. No one is getting in here.” He turned his attention towards Hannah. “We’ll sleep in here tonight, with the door open. You’ll stand guard in case he returns tonight.” There was no time to make polite requests. He turned back to Alois. “He’s gone, Alois, he isn’t here right now. It’s just us, and we’re protected for now.”
Hannah nodded, leaving Alois with one last squeeze of his hand. She stood, turning on her heel to walk to the doorframe and prepare for a long night. It was at this moment that the triplets ran up, catching her in the light of the hallway. She gave them instructions, too low for either man in the room to hear, and they saluted, only to run off in different directions. While they weren’t huge fans of the Earl himself, they were bound to the female instead and heeded her every order. If her orders were to protect Alois, they would without a single pause. 
The man shakily rested his own hands over his lover’s on his face, cold but steady. Through tears, he locked eyes with the other, searching for his reality. He blinked the tears from his eyes, sniffing and some clarity coming back to him. 
“He… doesn’t even want me..” He said, processing aloud. While this was not the primary concern, he always supposed that if the contract ended, he would at least put the blonde out of his misery. As a last slight, however, he planned to take everything from him and let him sit in it. He scrambled through his memories, that night he asked for the demon’s help playing on repeat. He’d felt so wanted back then, but now he knew it was only until he found something better. The tables turned, the demon seeking revenge on him and Sebastian at the same time. Ambitious. “He… I….”
Ciel’s heart felt like it was being squeezed in that demon’s grasp as he watched Alois struggling to bring himself back down and ground himself. His thumbs gently stroked his cheeks as he leaned his forehead against the other’s, closing his eyes. “He’s evil and he’s angry..” He reminded Alois, hoping he could help him see that, after everything, the demon’s actions weren’t that surprising at all. “He won’t take me,” You don’t know that. “We’re protected,” He’ll find a way in. “He’s not going to kill me,” He will. “And I promise you, you won’t be alone.”
It was then that Sebastian reappeared, sharing a brief word with Hannah before entering the room and standing before the two young men on the ground, though his attention was solely on his own master.
“Anything?” Ciel asked quietly, looking up at his butler as he cradled Alois’ head in his arms.
Sebastian shook his head. “No, master, no sign of him. He’s left the premises. But I have staff stationed around the manor, and I’ll be doing rounds of my own tonight.” He gestured towards Hannah. “I see Miss Hannah will be responsible for the Trancy Estate’s servants, and will be here tonight as well.”
Ciel nodded slowly, trying to take deep breaths. “Yes, she stays here. But I don’t want you going far, you hear me?” After all these years, Ciel would be lying if he claimed he didn’t feel uneasy whenever Sebastian wasn’t near. “You answer to me and me only, and I command you to protect me at all costs.” His voice was low now, threatening even, but not towards Sebastian. It was as he said before: he had gone most of his life expecting death to take him at any moment, but he’d be damned if he left Alois alone in this godforsaken world.
The blonde, now coming down slightly, allowed his head to rest against Ciel’s chest. It was in this manner that he insisted on hiding from the world if only for now. There was a period of time when he was wanted by the demon for his own flavor and not the people he could collect in his grasp. For companionship, he posed as the son of a sodomiser, mingling with the family of his former abuser for only the reassurance he had standing dutifully behind him. He had not wished for wealth nor power, but respect and companionship. If only he had known what it would turn into, he would’ve taken his revenge only on the Old Man, the true Earl of Trancy, and allowed himself to be taken with the demon into a cold, unforgiving Hell. 
His whole life now stemmed from those choices he’d made as a last resort when he was only thirteen. He wondered if he would have still met Ciel if he hadn’t been the fake Earl Trancy, but in this moment he almost wished he weren’t, all posturing and lies. Alive for naught but his rage and distaste for anyone who wasn’t him. and yet wanting someone to notice. Organically, someone had. If he hadn’t made that choice, perhaps even Hannah would’ve still eventually stepped forward for his brother, allowing him a chance at life. 
Alois looked up into Ciel’s eyes, making sure that that one person, this one thing, was real. Claude had… left the premises. Resentment was one thing, but this was another entirely. Abandonment. “I… I want to sleep…” He mumbled, still quite out of it. “I’ll… need help… untying…” 
Now the only two in the room, with the exception of Hannah’s presence by the door, Ciel helped Alois stand and walked him over to the bed. Without a complaint he began to unbutton the other’s coat, discarding it before moving onto his dress shirt and tie. He helped him undress silently, pulling a warm cotton robe from his wardrobe and pulling Alois’ arms through it. “Let’s not worry about night clothes, we’ll sleep in something warmer tonight.” Secretly, a part of him hoped the smell of him on the robe would calm Alois, perhaps even allow him to sleep.
After tying the robe snugly around the other man’s middle, he turned away to begin undressing himself, copying the same ritual and process of removing his clothes and folding them neatly on the table by the dresser beside Alois’. He, too, wrapped a warm robe around himself, circling around the other side of the bed to crawl in and under the covers beside Alois.
The two naturally turned into each other, this time with Ciel holding Alois tightly in his arms and combing his fingers through the blond’s hair in his chest. “We’re safe..” he whispered, letting the darkness engulf them, closing them in a small and comforting space that felt sturdy and reliable enough to be a fortress.
Whether or not the two of them would sleep that night or lay together in silence was hard to say.
Alois, unfortunately, was still reeling. His whole world shattered that night as he tried to build a new home in his lover’s arms. The robe made him feel only slightly better, smelling of the Earl Grey tea and merlot smell that encompassed the entire manor. In an effort to ground himself, he pulled it up to his face and smothered himself in it, trying his best not to think about his butler, betraying. 
He thought of Dorian Grey, a novel he’d found refuge in the whole time he’d been travelling. If his sins and choices were portrayed on his face, he wondered how ugly that would make him. He’d reeled the love of his life into this mess, reckless perhaps, but he’d known no other lifestyle. Were he simply wealthy by birth, none of this would have happened. He wouldn’t have had to fight for bread, and traded his life for an endless supply of it. He was still clean-faced and lacked any wrinkles or signs of age, but he was sure that his sins would make him look like the monster he knew himself to already be. 
The night passed as if caving in on both of them, Alois occasionally sitting up having heard a raindrop hit the window wrong or Hannah’s heel shift with her weight. No sleep came to him, waiting for the world to explode around them or for the butler to come back in through the window. For an hour or so, he even sat up in bed, just anxiously watching the night pass them by. This continued through morning, when the sky began to glow blue with the return of sunlight and some clouds became tinged with orange light. Though the night had felt long, he was surprised that they had in fact remained undisturbed all night. Realizing this, he looked up to Hannah, who had remained in the doorway the entire night. He wondered what orders she’d given the triplets, as he hadn’t even seen them to begin with. Without a word, Hannah flagged down Mey-Rin in the hallway, stepping away for only a moment to inform her that Alois was awake and she wished to retrieve him a change of clothes.
Just a short while later, Ciel began to stir as he felt movement beside him, weakly opening his eyes to see Alois sitting on the edge of the bed now and being dressed by Hannah. Now aware he was still close, he let out a short breath, relaxing his head back into the pillow. With his left arm he reached across the empty space to gently caress Alois’ lower back, stroking the skin with his thumb. He didn’t say good morning, as it wasn’t likely to be a good one.
Ciel wouldn’t claim he slept that night, rather he dozed while remaining on high alert. When Alois stirred, he would wake. When the wind was just a bit too loud, he would wake. When the floorboards creaked, he would wake. It was only in the last hour or two that he had really fallen into sleep, his arm draped over the other man’s lap until just moments ago.
The night before was still fresh in his mind. He was a target once again, for the first time in a long time. But now, he wasn’t the only one involved.
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fandomlife-giver · 4 years
Bedewed Maid - 1
Summary: My young master’s soul emites a heady aroma. A scent that intoxicated demons, drives them mad, impels them to battle. Music shall play, captivating all...And secrets shall be revealed.
Next time, “Bedewed Maid”
Surely I can resolve a prickly situation without Sebastian in 5 minutes, master. Otherwise, what kind of maid would I be?
Pairings: Sebastian X Demon!Reader X Claude
@wintersdoll @naniky @danabuggxd​ @redryderdesigns​ @inumorph​
Word Count: 2572
Warnings: Mild language, Implications of sexual themes
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“An archangel…”
Your words breathed out in disbelief. Although still in your attack position, you were caught off guard at what you had heard.
Your eyes narrowed at his carefree smile. “Why are you here? You have no reason to be mingling with demonkind.”
He sheepishly shrugged. “Well, actually, I originally came here many centuries ago to rid of the rogue angel, as I was ordered to. But then...something came up.”
He locked eyes with you. “A certain half-breed of a demon was spotted by the angel I was hunting. And at that point, my mission was changed.”
He didn’t notice when you gulped at the memory.
“See, Abigail, as cliché as this sounds, I was assigned to be a watcher over you, you know?”
When he took a step closer, you raised your hand, your pointer finger signaling him to stop at his own risk.
You licked your lips as you straightened up and lowered your hands. “Let me get this straight...you’re saying that you are supposed to be my ‘guardian angel’?”
A grin broke out on his face as he suppressed a laugh. “Oh, no. Nothing like that.” He crossed his arms behind his back. “Just a watcher. I was only allowed to ensure you stayed out of trouble and where you belonged.”
The laugh you let out made him pucker his lips. You side-eyed him and the smile you momentarily had dropped. 
“You’re my warden.”
He tilted his head back and forth and raised his eyebrows, confirming what you knew. “I guess you could say that.”
You sighed and outstretched your arms in a questioning manner. “If that’s true then why were you working with my king? Why did you come to me on the boat? Why should I even believe you?”
He rolled his eyes, growing annoyed with your many questions. “Look, I’m sure you want to know a lot of things. But for now, I think we have bigger problems to deal with. Trancy.”
You jerked your head back and scoffed. “We? Did you really expect to earn my trust just by telling me the truth? What we are up against is purely an enemy of my master, no one else.”
He loudly groaned and walked up to you. “Okay, you know what? You are way too suspicious for your own good. We need to hurry up and I told you the truth because I need your help!”
As he brushed by you, you suddenly grabbed his arm. He looked back at you and his eyebrows drew together.
Your eyes suddenly felt heavy, your skin feeling as if it was on fire. You began to gag as the familiar sensation of your blood boiling came over you.
When you glanced down at where you felt it originating, you spotted a small arrow in your shin. Hurriedly, you reached down and pulled it out. When you sniffed the end, your heart dropped.
“Dead man’s blood…”
His eyes widened when you collapsed, but he still managed to catch you.
“Abigail? Abigail!”
Your vision grew blurry as you managed to make out a person behind him. Within a few seconds, he was kicked to the ground and you thought you saw a woman standing over him, placing what looked like handcuffs on him.
And then the ringing in your ears drowned out everything else, and your eyelids slowly closed to blackness.
“Abigail! Wake up!”
The moment the sound of his whispered voice hit your ears, your eyes snapped open. He sat beside you, chains around his ankles as a pair of cuffs were around his wrists. They had strange markings on them, in a language you had never seen before.
Your face was cold to the touch due to it being against a steel metal beam connecting the roof and the floor. Your entire body was still on fire but you could tell the blood wasn’t gonna keep you weakened for much longer.
He sighed when he saw your eyes met his. “Well, glad you could join us finally. Did you have a nice nap?”
You narrowed your eyes, choosing to ignore his sarcasm. “Us?”
An amused smile spread on his face as he nodded his head in your direction, his eyes landing on something behind you.
You twisted your neck to look and when you saw the image of the prisoner you had identified not too long ago, still wearing the bag over her head, you seethed through your teeth.
“Oh, how perfect. She’s here.”
But after a few seconds of looking at her, a thought crossed your mind. “Hold on, they said they were taking her to the room the device was in. If she’s here, then where is it?”
He puckered his lips and glanced around. As he did, you focused your attention on the very heavy chains keeping you in place.
You were bound differently from them, for you had a leg chain so long that it was wound all around your body, and two rings on your neck, one attached to the chain, the other to what you believe they call a "keep-friend" or "friend's foot," from which hung two irons reaching to your waist with two manacles fixed to them in which your hands were secured by a big padlock so that you could neither raise your hands to your mouth nor lower your head to your hands.
“This seems a bit excessive…”
You eyed his own restraints and scoffed. “You can’t seriously tell me those handcuffs are keeping you in place?”
He exhaled through his nose and looked back at you. “Not only do they hold me here, but they drain my super impressive archangel powers as well.”
Your nose scrunched up. “How troublesome. What is that written on them? I’m not familiar with it.”
He forced a smile as he raised his hands. “Enochian. They’re specifically designed to keep archangel’s locked tight. I had heard Trancy got a hold of them somehow and that is the only reason I’m even here. Our deal was he’d give them to me so I could add it to my collection if I handed over my instrument.”
You have a short chuckle. “Well, I guess this means your deal is off then?”
He dropped his hands as he clenched his jaw. “I guess so…”
“You’re very chatty, aren’t you?”
The two of you immediately moved your attention to the woman that had entered, wearing a revealing black gown. You tilted your head in confusion. She looked extremely familiar, but you couldn’t put your finger on it.
“My master ordered me to subdue the two of you. He wasn’t very pleased with you talking to our enemy, I’m afraid.”
Uriel rolled his eyes at her. But the more she talked, it finally clicked who she was. The maid. “That’s strange...I thought I saw you bump into me earlier...your outfit is hardly appropriate for your position.”
She raised an eyebrow. “You are certainly one to talk.”
You glanced down, remembering you were still in Lau’s ridiculous monstrosity of an outfit. “Oh. Right.” 
Your head shot up at her when she turned towards the back of the room. “Hold on, you’re the only maid in this estate. If that wasn’t you earlier than who…”
Slowly, your eyes enlarged. “Oh no...Ciel!”
”Good show, you’re all exceptionally skilled.”
Sebastian mockingly smiled down at the three identical servants that had attempted to decapitate him just moments ago. They stared up at him, jaws dropped when he jumped down from the tree he had been in, and ran passed them.
Ciel, who was in Sebastian’s arms, was holding on for dear life as Sebastian charged full speed ahead toward where Claude and Alois stood not too far away. One of the servants swung a blade at his head, which he easily avoided. 
As he continued to run, he stared down at Ciel. He muttered to himself as he thought back to a few weeks before when you and he escaped the Trancy manor with Ciel’s body in a briefcase. 
“It was like carrying a doll...running virtually unburdened.”
Ciel’s head moved up at Sebastian, as he caught what he had said. “Did you say something?”
Sebastian only smiled and looked away from him as he ran, a hint of laughter coming through his words. “Only that it would be far, far easier to carry you if you were in some sort of container, like a trunk, I’d say.”
Ciel’s eyebrows furrowed. “Is this any time to be joking?”
His laughter ceased instantly. “My apologies, master.”
His eyes locked onto Alois and Claude, who stood with his arm out in front of his master, protecting him. Alois watched in absolute joy as Sebastian spun around in front of them, his foot kicking the bangs in front of Claude’s face before he did a backflip over them, landing on the other side and continuing to run.
Ciel noticed the smirk of triumph on Sebastian’s face as he ran. “Sebastian, we need to get the guests out of there. What Trancy said has me worried. We must hurry and get to them.”
Sebastian only chuckled at him. “I wouldn’t worry much, sir. The servants are capable enough to handle whatever is thrown at them.”
He didn’t really believe that, though. He was truly only thinking about you as he said it.
Ciel only glanced down as his grip on Sebastian’s coat tightened. 
“It’s not those three that I’m worried about...we need to get both Elizabeth and Isabella out of there, they aren’t skilled enough to handle this. Their safety is the top priority.”
Sebastian glanced at him from the corner of his eye. “Isabella? She’s only a servant, master. I’m not sure that she’s worth your worry.”
Ciel nearly slapped him with his glare. “You may not understand it, but she is important. A human to you, but family to me.”
Sebastian began to slow down, his eyes narrowing at Ciel. 
“If you say so, master.”
Uriel sighed as he watched you attempt to stand up, only resulting in you falling on your side for the 50th time.
“Honestly Abigail, this is getting old. You aren’t going anywhere whether you like it or not.”
You growled at him as you managed to sit up. “Well, it would be nice if you’d help out a bit. And stop calling me that damn name!”
Your sight landing on the maid as she walked over to the nun with the bag over her head. She smirked at you before removing the bag.
The moment the girl’s eyes adjusted to the poorly lit room, her eyes landed on you. She froze in an instant, her eyes growing bigger. And not even a few seconds later, she let out a blood-curdling scream and scooted her feet to back away from your direction. Only, it was muffled by the rag in her mouth.
Your eyes never left her figure, only making her more afraid as tears pricked her eyes. The maid reached over and removed the gag from her mouth, but not before giving her a slap across the face, silently warning her to not make another sound. 
Her lips quivered as she never let you leave her sight. “You...you’re the monster that tried to kill me!”
Your lips pursed together, making a duck face. “Actually, I’m a demon. Kind of. I don’t even know anymore to be honest. But you don’t gotta be so loud about it.”
She pointed a finger at you, her face in pure shock. “You are...a d...demon? They exist?”
You waved your bound hand back and forth. “Unfortunately, yeah.”
Her eyes moved on Uriel, who had been intently watching your back and forth. “Then are you one as well?!”
He raised his cuffed hands, shrugging. “Angel, actually. Or archangel to be exact.”
Her eyes widened in admiration. “An archangel? Oh my...it is an honor to grace your presence, soldier of the Lord.”
He made a face of exasperation. “Yes, yes. You’re welcome. I know, I’m amazing.”
He yelped when you kicked him with your feet before shooting you a glare. You focused back on the girl. 
“Oh, and I hate to break it to you, but the man that, uh, massaged you, he’s a demon too. And my mate. So keep that in mind if you ever think about him again. Cause It’ll probably be the last thing you ever think. Cause then I’ll kill you. Just warning you now.”
She loudly gasped and sat up on her knees. “He is?! So you’re saying I...I laid with a demon?!”
You rested your forehead against the metal beam again. “Well, technically, I guess. If that’s what you call massaging you, then yeah.”
She cocked her head, a deep blush coming on her cheeks. “Massage? That wasn’t like any massage I’d ever had then…”
Your eyes slowly moved to her, your head coming off the beam as you leaned in her direction. “Watch what you say. You’re lucky you got even as much as a massage before I killed you.”
She gulped, holding her hands up in defense. “I didn’t mean any ill intent, your demon-ness. It’s just that he didn’t ‘just’ massage me…”
Your back straightened up as your words spat with venom. “What are you on about, slut? Spit it out, I know you wanna say something.”
She looked at you in fear as well as curiosity. “I don’t know why you’re so into it, but…”
“He didn’t just massage me. We fornicated. He penetrated me.”
Uriel’s eyebrows shot up, a grimace coming onto his face. “Oh boy. This isn’t gonna go well.”
Her heart began to beat faster as she caught your stare. Your eyes had completely darkened over, all light draining from them. 
You felt your body begin to shake uncontrollably with anger, tears pricking your eyes at what you had just heard. 
Uriel looked at you, growing fearful of what you might do. “Abigail?”
Your jaw tightened as tears finally spilled over, falling down your cheek.
“He...cheated on me?”
Your nostrils flared as your eyes changed color to their terrifying blackish-blue.
“And he lied to me about it?”
Uriel sighed at the frightened face of the nun and scooted closer to you. “Hey. You need to get a hold of yourself. We have more important things to worry about.”
“Are you all done with your melodramatic moment?”
Your inhuman eyes snapped to the maid, who was still in the room, watching all of you. You immediately sat up once you noticed another person beside her, his body encased in a black bag.
Uriel noticed it as well. “Oh, great. Another hostage? Aren’t you getting a little overboard with it?”
She only smiled at him as she tossed the bag on the ground in front of you. It let out a whimper as it hit the ground.
Its head moved around a bit until a small hole broke out through the material. It thrashed around until it completely turned around and you saw a head poke out. It was a man.
The man completely ripped the bag apart and his full body emerged from it. And it made the nun’s face heat up. Because the man was naked.
At this point, your tears had dried up and your eyes returned to normal. Your eyebrows drew together in confusion.
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shiroe-is-my-baby · 6 years
Self-Insert Bio’s - Black Butler
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🌙 Name: Ashley (Human)
🌙 Species: Demon, Succubus
🌙 Appearance: She has platinum blonde hair with bright, colorful blue eyes. They shine a whiter blue when she’s hunting, and only those with keen eyesight really notice the change in them. She’s always dressed up int he finest clothes, mainly scandalous things (but for the time period of course) though when she’s around a certain demon she’s sure to dress as little as possible.
🌙 Personality: She’s rather cheerful and excitable in normal settings when she’s trying to blend in, usually getting close to her victims with a mixture of her sex appeal and bubbly personality. As a demon, she’s rather clumsy, not really caring if people perceive her as too upbeat or full of emotion. This is also a huge contrast with her main demon interest since they’re polar opposites in personality. When she’s around said demon, she is always seductive and extremely obvious in her affections.
🌙 Background: (to come later)
🌙 Claude: She met Claude when she was tracking down another vicitm, flittering by Alois’ loud mouth when she caught eyes with him. Although, it was easy for her to immediately know who he was and what he was for that matter. They both did, although, didn’t say much of anything until much later when she came as a plus one during one of Alois’ balls.
Eventually, she became rather stricken with him. Since he was another demon, her thirst was less hunger and more just real and blood boiled lust. It was much different for her than just one of her vicitms. Plus, since he was another one of her kind, he would be a much bigger challenge and an even better partner to peruse. She became obsessed with the idea and she had to have him. Thus begun the chase of a lifetime.
🌙 Random Hcs:
She pops up at random times, practically being a sort of joke or laugh in serious moments. Usually, it’s whenever least expected when emotions are high, or whenever she’s feeling rather bold to flirt it up with Claude.
The first move she ever made she was ignorant and thought that he wouldn’t be able to resist her. She’d never chased after one of her kind before, save from a past relationship that went very crazy. She didn’t stalk out her prey beforehand and went into seducing fairly early, and he wasn’t affected (obviously) found her attempts to be a tad bit ridiculous.
Claude sees her to be a pest at best, nothing that he should be concerned with. She comes around so often now that he expects it, knowing she’s there when she hasn’t made herself known yet. He tells her to stay out of his way, which is easy for her, but she will always be there to tell him how badly she needs him.
There might be an arc with @self-shipping-angel since she too will have an insert too. Maybe something about the two becoming friends and her not knowing that Ashley’s a demon yet. Lemme know what you think hon, I think it’d be cool.
This also means that there will be moments when she’s at the Phantomhive Manor to visit her, and the eyes that Sebastian gives her is unkindly only because he knows. They have a sort of mutual understanding, of course, but that doesn’t mean that they necessarily have any interaction what so ever just what needs to be. After he realizes she isn’t a threat, of course.
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bunny-wk-fanfic · 7 years
Oh, congrats on clearing your inbox! Hm, let's see, since Mizuki got me started on this train and I'm dying to see everyone's thoughts, can we have your take on Claude vs Sebastian and Ciel over Kagome? Bonus, if Kagome was taken to Trancy household with no memories of Ciel? Just have fun!
Here ya are dear, please enjoy!
It was truly heartbreaking, that the two children before her had resorted to not only summoning demons but forming contracts with them. And by demons, she didn’t mean the kind from back home. No. Those were spirits given physical form. These demons were actual demons, they came from deep dark pits.
And both were attempting to ‘woo’ her into working for their respected Masters. Each boy most likely had a heartbreaking story of their own that she knew would kill her to abandon one for the other. Perhaps she should recant her offer to help and begin traveling again. Or she should never have-!
Kagome’s thoughts came to a screeching halt when a young body was suddenly pressed against her own, hands daringly squeezing her breasts, a face nuzzling into her chest. Looking down, blue eyes blinked widely at the head of pale hair. Her first instinct was to let her hand fly, which twitched at her side and call the guilty party out by stating that he was a pervert. Instead, she took a deep and calming breath.
“This is highly inappropriate.” Kagome commented as she attempted to pry the boy away from her, instead, she managed to move his hands elsewhere. Though she also had to stop them from wandering too far south then as well.
Looking down again, she watched as Alois attempted to bury his face deeper into her chest. It was what she felt beneath the perverted act what was really going on. Anger, pain, loneliness, a deep desire to simply be loved. Looking up, Kagome eyed Ciel. In him, there was also anger and pain, but also a deeply rooted seed for revenge. The kind she wouldn’t be able to weed out as she had with the others back home.
“It seems she shall be working with the Trancy home.” Claude commented, saddling up next to Kagome, as he readjusted his glasses.
Kagome eyed him with a raised brow as she combed a hand through Alois’ hair. “Nothing is settled.”
Claude’s eyes cut to her before both demons stepped closer. Kagome was, however, paying attention to only the one next to her, while her hands worked to soothe the boy in her hold.
“I am not a thing that can be bartered for or won. I have yet to decide if I even want to stay in the country, let alone work for children.” her eyes narrowed when Claude’s brows furrowed. Her attention was however brought back to one of said children.
Claude smirked when all her attempts at drawing his meal’s attention were all for naught. Instead, she now stood with the child in her arms, forcing her to support his meager weight. It was when he heard her mutter under her breath about her bleeding heart did he know that the little holy woman would be coming back with him.
Looking to where his fellow demon stood, frowning at the scene before them, did Claude know that he wasn’t the only one aware of this fact. Cinnamon eyes flashed at Claude, a silent message that could have not been any louder if the other demon had shouted it.
“We are not done.”
Claude simply readjusted his glasses, turning away from the Phantomhive household. He ignored the pointed and warning look from the tiny woman when his hand slid along her spine to rest at the small of her back.
Ciel huffed as he watched Alois’ butler guide the woman away, upset at losing a rather competent maid. What he didn’t understand was Claude’s and Sebastian’s frantic interest in the woman. True, she had startling blue eyes when she was obviously from the far east, Ciel didn’t quite know what else that could make her special.
“Forgive me, young Master, for failing to succeed in securing Miss Kagome’s employment.” Sebastian bowed with a hand pressed to his chest, his entire expression tight and sharp. “I’ll be sure to procure her the moment is presented.”
Waving a hand with a huff, Ciel turned and walked away. “Do what you want.”
Sebastian’s smile grew, stretching and growing darker until it was something true to his nature. Eyes flicking back to where the woman was last seen, Sebastian licked his lips. “Soon.”
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Congratulations on rewriting a kiss to my prince it's really cool to see how much your writing has improved since then. How were you going to continue Janus before you decided to discontinue. But overall I look forward to the next chapter update of liars and soothsayers.
Thank you! Yes I prefer the current version than my original one although the original is still a special project of mine. 
Basically, what happened is that after she goes through last minute ladies manner and etiquette lesson and is introduced to the society, she’d sneak away to the 3rd class deck where she finds it much more comfortable and alike. It’d be a very bizarre and amusing sight to the people. The social inequality in Victorian era was absolutely huge, HUGE! Now you can see normal people AKA commoner (as in people without formal title) mingles with the Royals and the world’s 1%. This means celebrities, friends etc., who in a sense belongs in the commoner category due to their lack of arms/titles. 
In Victorian era, unless you have a really, really good connections or you have a very good reason to be there with the crème de la crème, the chance of you really even saying ‘Hello’ to the high class in that lifetime is none. You’ll never even have the chance to be near them to see the types of clothing they wear to the gathering. 
So Yuri, in her expensive custom designed dress, coming down to the rat infested lower deck with the people who probably don’t have the best hygiene, taking off her heels and go up on the platform to dance with these people is something that’ll appear in the front page of newspaper as one of few scandals that shakes the whole Britain. She dance, drinks and generally interact with these people as if she had been one of them the whole time. The people in the nice, upper deck notice the main character of the ball is missing, Sebastian and Claude goes to investigate, finds her having fun among the commoners. 
Ciel and Alois sneaks into the Aurora society, zombies are released then everything turns chaos. Yuri nearly drowns because of her dress becomes heavy with water and is dragging her down even though she knows how to swim. Gets rescued by William and is safely evacuated with Alois, Ciel, Sebastian and Claude. 
The story would have followed the general plot of Kuroshitsuji until Ciel finally achieves revenge but Yuri is in life threatening condition, gets turned into a demon and the final chapter would be set in modern world, Yuri partying in the club, ignoring Ciel’s call (typical Yuri haha!) who sends Sebastian to hunt her down, she runs away to her apartment only to find Alois waiting and saying, “Caught you!” or something like that.  
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ajokeformur-ray · 7 years
Can I get a break down of all your black butler request/headcanons etc.?
Newest to oldest
Would Sebastian still accept a s/o that doesn't want children?
Dear Sebastian, would you ask a girl's parents if you can court her or ask her yourself?
Can you do something for Edward Midford? The plot being along the lines of him finding out the phantomhive servants are assassins. It would be much appreciated.
May I please have jealous/possessive Claude and Sebastian hcs, please? Like where their s/o has an/multiple admirer(s) or something of that nature :)
Dear Sebastian, do you like cuddling with your s/o and doing the things that they enjoy doing?
Sebastian Michaelis one shot please? The reader is a female demon- an assassin- worked on commission and was sent to get rid of Ciel Phantomhive's pesky butler by an unknown third party... only to realise mid battle that they've known and been involved with each other a long time ago... And Sebastian suddenly decides he wants to keep this rare cat-demon... I would love to have some humour thrown in... I just made up the request as I went on- so excuse me if it's bizarre..
I almost forgot, but!! Some nsfw HC's about how Seb would return the affection that his S/O ravished on him? ^^ 💕💕
Dear Mr Phantomhive, I'm sorry if I'm intruding but I'm so curious I feel as if I need to know! What do you look for in a possible, future s/o appearance and personality? Thank you ever so much, Lu!
How would Joker and Dagger react to their S/O dying their hair in an unnatural hair color? (I mean, like, bright pink, not those mainstream dark purple and stuff). Take your time, I love your blog! xx
HC's on how you and Ciel would love on Seb~? Separately as well as together? ^_^ 🖤💙✨ Seb needs all the love from all the beans~!! 💗
Ok at the end of my last commission, you had Sebby fall asleep, and that's always sooooo cute~!! So can we get a scenario of s/o and Ciel waking up when he's still asleep, watching him sleep, and watching him start to wake up~? ^_^ 💕💕💕
Self ship
Hello sweety. I've been gone a long time. Wondering if we could get some more platonic Sebastian and mistress headcannon? :) As always, take your time. Thank you in advance.
Headcannons for Ciel having a rebellous s/o? (ILOVEYOUANDYOURBLOGDSHtBI)
Erika, what would Sebastian and Ulquiorra think of me and my blogs?
How would Sebastian react if he realized whenever he's away with some criminal business with Ciel or anything, his s/o can't sleep nor eat anything because she's afraid something bad can happen to him?
Crossover for Black Butler and Supernatural. Ciel and Sebastian are rogue demons who indirectly shaped Hell into what it is and changed the whole contract system; 10 year time limit, demon/human interaction, demon form appearance, souls being collected by hellhounds, etc. So, they live in the 21st century and mind their own business, despite being a danger to both Hell and Heaven because of Ciel being a human who became a demon. What if these two met with the Winchester brothers?
For a very long time, I've been thinking of a Harry Potter and Black Butler crossover. Especially after the Weston Arc. Imagine, Ciel and Sebastian in Hogwarts under cover. Ciel is a student and Sebastian is the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. I'm wondering about the relationship between Sebastian and Snape mainly. They are very similar, but also very different. Can you analyze the interaction and relationship between Snape and Sebastian, and then Ciel and Draco since he's like Alois?
Headcanons of Sebastian with an INFJ s/o please.
How would Ciel, Lizzy, and Sebastian would react if Their s/o blamed themselves for their sister or brothers death because they believed they should die for committing a sin (killing an innocent person during their manic) and not them and believed everything around them is turning into ashes? Would they confront? Get someone to cheer them up?
Vincent bringing home a woman to meet Ciel to be his nanny/teacher and the woman is a witch who teaches Ciel how to protect himself from Angels and Demons? Please? Plus Vincent asks Ciel if he would like her to be his mother? QWQ
Scenario of Sebastian's S/O begin him for death to come please? Thanks in advance!
How would Sebastian deal with his s/o that is afraid of their own mind? They dont want to be bored or be left alone because of the crazy and inhuman things that they think about.
(im not even sure if i sent in something like this before but oh well) Can i get a scenario and possibly some headcanons too of Sebastian finding out his s/o has a black soul wrapped in layers of white.
Could you write about how the Undertaker would react to finding out his chubby s/o has medical scars ( for example I have a pink scar from surgery across my belly) and finding out they are self conscious about it? I'm sorry if that's too much! I just love your writing! You are amazing!❤️
Could you headcanons for how Ronald Knox would react to someone hardcore flirting with him
Hello, I was wondering if I could get a few nsfw hc about Sebastian (bb) either in general or x a female demon s/o and in their doing something sexual she prefers to be dominant but will be submissive at times? (I'm sorry if this seems like a odd request, feel free to ignore if you don't like it but thank you for reading my request :) )
Hello this is my final ask for now, but I was wondering if I couldget a imagine for Sebastian x female reader who LOVES horror movies and unlike most people who gets creped out she absolutely loves them and likes to try and figure out why the serial killers kills and gets mildly irritated when the characters make a stupidmistake that could have been avoidedAnd if there's a demon hound/cat she finds it oddlycute when its first shown. Also accidentally lets out a giggle if something stupid happens
Hello can I get a HC for Sebastian x female reader who has a seriously terrifying temper, as she doesn't loose it often and tends to bottle up her anger, so when she is finally letting go of her anger you don't want to be near her. (I.e.one time she had to be physically restrained by three people and a locked car to prevent her from unintentionally killing someone who had caused her family so much pain and tore them apart)(sorry if the type of anger above makes you uncomfortable to write)
What would happen if Sebastian meets Whisper (from Yokai Watch)? Lol, 🤣🤣Just though of it since they're both butlers, well Sebastian moreso lolz. 😆
If you write for him, Scenario (or if you want, headcanons, whichever you prefer) Of what if Ronald Knox accidently fell in love with a human?
Hey can you do one with Ciel and his s/o going to woman's house in order to pretend to be babysitter to get edvience about a case of missing people around the woman's neighborhood but all the way there his lover and him bickered about who will babysitting the baby and they get locked in by the woman? I don't know if this is vague or it is not good for you but I hope it seems right.
Currently went to the pet shelter and fell in love with a black cat called "Mr. Black" but at the same time I also fell in love with a black puppy Called "Blue"! Can I get a scenario with sebastian's s/o pleading with him to let them adopt both? :) I'm both a huge cat/dog lover!
Could I request a scenario in which Sebastian and Ciel try to compete for the reader? Like, they try to embarrass each other in front of her, and flaunt their best qualities! Thank you very much!
This is like really random, but could you ever see Claude Faustus or Sebastian Michaelis swing dancing? Idk, I just feel like if they existed in like the 40s or the 50s they'd be hella hot XD like badass greasers omg!!!!! When you have the time, could you please do headcanons of this? :) (not them dancing together, but with the reader?)
Hmmmmm, hc's for what it'd be like to take a road trip with Seb and Ciel~? Maybe in the summer? ^^ ✨
Ooh ooh idea! Scenario with daddy!Sebby and his kids & s/o (got idea from reading the whole Sebastian and Ciel (separate) family and being fathers headcanon thing. CX)
*deep inhale* All your scenarios with it thus far have been super adorable, sO!! S/O (playfully) put-out with Seb always sneaking up on them to tickle them, and determined to make him let them have a turn to get back at him~? ^_^ Give the cutie a taste of his medicine 🖤
Cuddly Agni after seeing his s/o have an anxiety attack due to being at a large party that Prince Soma hosts
Can I have a scenario of Sebastian and his s\o pull a prank on a girl who has a fear of demons? Sorry if it seems vague.
That Prompt wink wink: Sebastian trying to seduce reader for info, but finding out they're actually ace, and sex-repulsed~ (rip Seb)
Can I have a scenario with Ciel dealing with his s/o who has psychosis? I don't know if you like this request or not so...
Oh wow hi look at that they're open~!! : D So maybe some sweet headcanons for how Sebastian would get his s/o ready for bed/put them to sleep~? ^_^ 🖤
I know he isn't the most popular one to ask for but could you maybe write something for Viscount Druitt where he suddenly gets all head over heels over the reader after seeing her on one of auctions and decides to buy her? Could it be serious and sort of dramatic? Thank you so much I love your blog :3
Hiiii! Could you write Sebastian reacting to a girl who's super interested in demons so she goes to the Phantomhive Manor at night to explore it while he's still haunting it? This is a modern au of course :3. Maybe he also knows the girl's fears...
Agni NSFW headcanons
74 BB requests in total.
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tirnelsutcliff · 7 years
1950s Greaser Au: Grelliam (in progress)
The nineteen fifties were in full swing at Grimme U. Rumor had it there was a new student transfer to the small college and rumors were rarely ever wrong…half the time. Rumor also had it, he was a square.
‘Just what this town needs,’ thought Grell, ‘another goody two shoes’.“ Grell Sutcliffe sat on the hood of her boyfriend’s roadster, applying a fresh coat of lipstick as the rest of the students milled about, heading to their respective classes. She wore a red skirt that had been shortened to reach just below her knees and flared out. Her white blouse was tight fitting and knotted under her breasts instead of being buttoned like normal, exposing quite a bit of her breasts and as always, she wore a red jacket. Her chainsaw shaped earrings dangled from her ears.
Her boyfriend, Sebastian, his hair greased back as usual, was discussing what she deemed ‘guy stuff’ with Slingby and Faustus, two other greasers. Allana and Sascha sat on the hood with her, also fixing their makeup. From the mirror in her compact, she spied someone she had never seen before.
He was tall with dark hair, very kempt, but not greased back like her Bassy’s. He wore glasses and carried a book with him. He wore a white shirt with a black sweater and wore a blue tie. His pants were khaki. “Well, well, well, ladies,” she purred as she closed her compact and turned around to look at the newcomer. “Looks like our square has arrived.” The other girls turned to look as the young man drew closer.
As he drew nearer, Grell saw just how handsome this “square” was and had to hide a blush. She turned back around and called for her boyfriend. “Bassy, yoohoo, Bassy, darling!”
Sebastian shot her a glare for interrupting his conversation and then continued talking, ignoring his girlfriend.
It wasn’t long, however, when Sebastian noticed the newcomer encroaching on what he deemed ‘his territory’. He moved to stand in front of him and stopped him by shoving his palm against the other’s chest. “Watch where you are going, square,” he said threaningly. “This is 'Demon’ territory.”
“I apologize,” answered the man, stepping back to adjust his sweater and glasses. “I was not aware this section of the parking lot belonged to you.” He reached into his pocket and produced a cars with his name on it. “My name is William T. Spears, I am a new student here. And you are?”
The gang laughed and the girls giggled. Grell watched the scene intently, her knickers growing wet at the smooth sound of William’s voice. “Sebastian Michaelis!” said an exuberant youth with multicolored hair, who popped up suddenly, carrying a grocery sack. “Leader of the Demons!” he introduced and showed off his leather jacket all the members of the group wore. The word “Demon” was scrawled across the back in red letters.
“And you had best remember it, 'square’,” the Scotsman, Eric Slingby slurred the name at William.“
“Then I shall be on my way,” said William.
“Just a moment,” said Faustus, grabbing William’s sweater. “Michaelis didn’t say you could leave yet.”
Grell slid off the hood of the car and ran over to the pair, taking pity on the poor man. This situation needed diffusing fast. She took hold of Claude’s arm and looked him in the eyes. “Let go of him Claude. The last thing you need is to go before the dean again.” She zipped over to Sebastian and sewed her feminine charms on him. “What do you say, Bassy-darling?” She wrapped her arms around his neck, her breasts pressing up against his body. “Let him go? He didn’t mean any harm.” She stood on her tip toes and whispered something naughty into his ear.
“Claude,” Sebastian called the other demon off who seemed a little disappointed. William was released and he proceeded to make tracks. Sebastian looked down at his girlfriend, his hands trailing down her back to grab her ass. “Next time I won’t be so forgiving.”
“Nor do I excpect you to,” said Grell. “He just looked so pathetic, and it is his first day. His lost expression reminded me of our little dog, Ciel.”
Another young woman in a red jacket came running up to the group holding her books looking winded. “That isn’t very ladylike behavior, Ms. Grell, no it isn’t,” she puffed. “And in public too!”
“There’s my red lady,” said the one who had introduced Sebastian and wrapped an arm around his girlfriend. His name was Ronald Knox.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Can you do Hannah and Sebastian who are sharing an s/o, but looking for the opportunity to steal them away for themselves? And the s/o doesn't trust either of them cause they know that they are demons? Thank you so much, Love you <3
What a beautiful chaos to be caught in...
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, kidnapping, sabotage, manipulation, gaslighting, isolation, threatening, killing, death
I don’t trust either of you
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🐈‍⬛🟣Those two are selfish when it comes to their chosen mate, so it is from the very beginning of this relationship clear for them, that the other one will always try to look for an opportunity to steal the darling away from the other. They wouldn’t have shared in the first place if it wouldn’t have been for some sort of special event. Most likely idea would be that all the fighting started having an affect on their darling’s physical and mental well-being and neither Sebastian nor Hannah want to torture them like this. Or maybe both of their masters had enough with all of this, noticing how both of their demon servants started to pick fights and so Ciel might have ordered his butler to stop fighting whilst Alois started warning Hannah that he would send Claude after you if she would continue skipping her work. These are scenarios where they would temporarily team up.
🐈‍⬛🟣From the outside it looks pretty amazing, being surrounded by two extremely good-looking and talented people who will do everything for you and be all too lovingly as long as their darling doesn’t do anything wrong. You’ll be greeted in the mornings by the rays of sunshine and the chirping of birds together with the smell of your favorite breakfast with one of them waking you up. During the days it might happen that you are left alone for a bit since both of them have to work for their masters. Hannah might be the one who gets to spend more time with you since she doesn’t have a contract with Alois and the boy is anyways more interested in Claude. And even if she isn’t there, she is the one who watches more over you since the triplets are loyal to her and for that follow her orders to watch over you from time to time.
🐈‍⬛🟣And as soon as they have finished their work, both instantly rush back to the house they keep you in, being greeted by the enticing smell of their pretty mate, desiring to spend time with you and gain your trust. Sebastian always tries to do something with you whenever he has the time because he isn’t that strict with keeping you all the time locked up in your house. He takes you out on walks in the forests or organizes picnic with you. Hannah doesn’t always agree with this, believing this should only be allowed after you’ve learned to accept her...she means them as a sort of reward. They get into arguments over such things often, but stop whenever they sense the distrust radiating off from you.
🐈‍⬛🟣But if someone looks deeper, it is quite the tricky situation you are in. Because both of them isolate you extremely, you aren’t allowed to really see anyone except them. Hannah is more isolating than Sebastian is, but both agreed on doing so since they know that you don’t trust either of them, believing demons can’t love. Even the most introverted person needs someone to talk to, so no matter how hard you might try to ignore them or not get into any contact with them, at one point you’ll start getting desperate. And the fact that both of them are manipulative liars, charming and caring doesn’t help at all.
🐈‍⬛🟣Next to that both of them shouldn’t be underestimated either. Whilst there is no doubt that both of them love their darling more than anything in this life, they also have their limits with being lenient and if you act up too much, all of a sudden you’ll choke on the heavy and dark air, two pairs of glowing pink eyes drilling holes into you and your soul. Hannah most likely uses her power to her advantage as well, trying to install fear into you by using her abilities to make you scared and come running to her, seeking comfort and protection. It’s her favored way of making you fall for her whilst Sebastian much rather has you falling naturally for him by just winning your heart with his charms.
🐈‍⬛🟣Their intentions are also made rather clear, despite them being able to hide their dislike for each other better than some others. Small things like one of them always stepping possessively and protectively in front of you, snarky comments against each other if one of them could have done better and not wanting you to talk about the other demon when having their time alone with you. Because cuddling and stuff like this won’t happen with both of them and both of them feel the need to have their scent all over you, not liking it when you smell like the other demon. It’s somewhat a sign of possession for both of them.
🐈‍⬛🟣Next to that Hannah and Sebastian keep a sharp eye on how you feel about the other demon because if you happen to start preferring someone from the two, both will become more active. The demon who you slowly start favoring ends up trying to keep that spot under all means necessary and spend more time with you. The other demon on the other hand starts trying to isolate you more from the other and manipulate you into stopping to feel that way whilst also becoming more hostile of the other demon.
🐈‍⬛🟣Both of them have their slight flaws and areas in which they are better than the other. What both share are dangerously good looks, extreme powers and no mercy regarding killing people for their darling, next to their possessiveness. But there are differences. Sebastian for example wants you to fall for him without having to use his powers, just by the way he treats you and charms you and next to that is also more chill when it comes to letting you more often outside the house. But he is a bit sadistic regarding affection and especially if you are the kind of person who is a bit more repressed with expressing your feelings or more embarrassed regarding affection, he has no problems forcing his touches into you and enjoying it when you start squirming in his hold.
🐈‍⬛🟣Hannah on the other hand has less shame about isolation and manipulation. She relies on her powers a lot more than Sebastian does, resulting in him calling her “cheap”, letting you imagine things you’re afraid of just so you can run to her and beg for any sort of help which she will gladly give you and make herself look like your hero. She appears to be the more understanding one because if you are awkward with being touched, different from the crow demon she won’t force herself into you which makes her appear in a more mature light. She also isn’t as playful as Sebastian is, she comes over as the more gentle person.
🐈‍⬛🟣But such semi-looking peace can of course only last that long because both of them are all the time watching for an opportunity to steal you away from the other one. Especially if you start liking one of those two more, both will feel triggered to take you. If you end up liking Hannah for example, she would want to kidnap you to get you into loving only her without being interrupted by Sebastian, who would on the other hand want to kidnap you so he doesn’t lose you to Hannah.
🐈‍⬛🟣Both are extremely strong and have lots of experience, though in my opinion Sebastian has lived the longer life from those two whilst Hannah hasn’t. She on the other hand had a variety of weapons hidden in her clothes and is also in the ownership of a sword which can cause serious harm to her kind and still has the triplets on her side, though they’re pretty helpless since lacking experience.
🐈‍⬛🟣Their darling probably will suspect pretty early on that they’ll end up killing each other one day and might be positively surprised by how much both of them were able to live next to each other. But they’ll know what happened the moment only one demon comes back home and just giving a mysterious smile when the darling asks where the other demon is.
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
Hi! First of all I want to thank everyone for the support you have given me so far🥰. I really, really appreciate it! Here is my next post. Hopefully you like it.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, paranoia, manipulation, bipolar behavior, violence, guilt-tripping, manipulation, sabotage, blackmailing, threatening, bribing, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of killing
Yandere Trancy Manor Hc’s
Alois Trancy
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👅This one’s really a handful to take in. He’s pretty bipolar and that effects his Yandere behavior as well. Depending on his mood he can have less worse traits or worse ones. Let’s start with the “better” traits which are delusional, clingy, lovestruck, obsessive and desperate. In his mind the both of you were made for each other so it’s only natural that he wants to know everything about you. Extremely clingy, wherever his s/o is he’ll be there as well and he wants, no, he NEEDS your attention and love even more than Claude’s! This boy cherishes you so much. Extremely touchstarved.
👅The worse traits from him are possessive, manipulative, cruel and some tendencies to the sadistic type. He lost his little brother and won’t lose his darling too, no matter what he has to do! Manipulative as fuck, he fooled everyone with his acts when his “father” died and will use his horrific past on the s/o as well. The thing is, I think he would be more than hesitant to hurt his darling. He doesn’t care about hurting other people, but with the s/o he’s more careful. But when he’s angered enough he might loose it and hurt the s/o and insult them without really realizing what he does until he snaps out of it and as soon as he realized what he’s done he’s heartbroken. Also a very cruel type, but mostly only with the people who are in his relationships’s way with the s/o.
👅Possessive and clingy is a frightening mix. Do everyone the favor and don’t look at anybody else except him. He already punishes his servants when they take your attention away from him, but if it’s another person they’re dead. If someone even takes his darling’s attention away from him for one second he’ll throw a tantrum right then and there. After this he’ll act like the brat he is, even towards you, but one simple hug or a gentle kiss on the cheek from you and he’ll melt and goes back to treating you like a queen/king.
👅Alois is ready to kill everyone who comes in his way. Most of the time he orders Claude to do it, but if someone made you cry, harmed you or confessed to you is when the boy shows his true cruelty. First of all he’ll order Claude to take that person to a secure place where only he has access to. Then he’ll tell them in detail what is going to happen to them with a crazed look in his eyes, which is already enough to make someone never go near the s/o again. After that the torture starts and I can guarantee that everyone begs him to just kill them after merely 30 minutes, but days or even weeks might pass before that guy kills the person. Even hell will seem harmless compared to this.
👅Alois will kidnap his darling really quickly given his paranoia. But he makes sure that everything is towards their liking, there’s nothing he doesn’t know about them. If they try to escape him he’ll chain them up to the bed, but will still spoil them.
👅Uff...This is hard to say. If we go by his worse traits and by how he treats the s/o sometimes and the people around his darling he’s one of the really dangerous ones. But if we go with the better traits and how he treats you most of the time he’s in a dark dark green zone. He spoils you to the rotten and if he accidentally hurts you this boy starts crying, going on his knees and begging you for forgiveness. For the next few days he’ll smoother you in even more affection, hugs and kisses than he already does. I think it’s up to you to judge if he’s a better or worse one.
Claude Faustus
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🕷He’s a demon so naturally possessive over the s/o, never letting them leave his side for more than a few seconds. Also the aware type, just like Sebastian he might not know human feelings that well, but he is sure that they aren’t supposed to be so passionate. He’s a manipulative one, using lies to slowly trap his darling in his web without them noticing.
🕷Also a clingy one, I already mentioned it in Sebastian’s Hc, it’s rare for demons to find true love and he never knew what joy he could feel from simply being near his darling. Also an obsessive one he loves everything about you what makes him a touchy one as well.
🕷Possessive and clingy ones are always easily jealous, same goes for Claude. He just found his mate, do you seriously expect to just watch when they’re having fun with someone else?! Na-ah, not happening. His reaction would be similar to Sebastian he would most likely let some part of his demon form appear for a few seconds to scare the other person away.
🕷If someone even dares to touch his s/o’s skin he makes sure to make their death as agonizing as possible. He won’t let anyone take his darling away from him and is willing to crush everyone who tries it. But just like Sebastian he is careful with his killing because the last thing he wants to happen is that this little brat called Alois finds out about you.
🕷Claude will kidnap his darling very quickly given his possessiveness. He doesn’t even think about asking them to work as a maid because Alois is already really cruel to the demon servants so thinking about what harm he might cause a human servant...Yeah, no chance that he’ll let his s/o anywhere near that brat. He’ll search for a nice and cozy cottage somewhere isolated and makes sure that his darling can’t escape from there.
🕷Compared to his master he’s a better Yandere. He just wishes to spoil the s/o and he’ll bring you everyday a new gift. Books, sweets, dresses/suits, whatever you wish for. This guy helps you with everything and will insist on dressing you. He wants you to rely on him and if you act up he’ll be more strict with you, but overall such a gentleman.
Hannah Annafellows
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🟣She’s a demon so she’s a possessive one. She’s also obsessed with her darling, loving their hair, scent, skin, laughter, everything about them is addicting to her. She’s a manipulative one and will ensure that everyone the s/o is close to will somehow end up leaving them. And who’s during such times your shoulder to cry on? Hannah! She makes sure that her s/o relies on her and only trusts her.
🟣Hannah is also the lovestruck and overprotective Yandere. She always makes sure that her darling is being watched by her or the triplets so nothing bad happens to them. No words can describe how much she adores and loves her darling. And just for you she’s a really soft one. But don’t get too comfy with her because if you anger her enough she’ll punish you.
🟣Hannah has different from the other demons here just a bit more patience with people, mostly because she knows that they’ll leave the s/o very soon for some “unknown” reasons and that her darling will then run crying to her, needing her hugs and comforts. With these thoughts in her mind, you in her arms and clinging onto her for dear life, she can hold out for some time.
🟣She won’t kill unless given a good reason to. If someone for example takes a liking towards her darling and ignores Hannah’s warning that person is dead. Same goes for people who made you cry and hurt you, even if it’s just a small scratch, that person will be dead within the same day.
🟣She won’t kidnap her s/o unless something bad happens. Most likely scenarios are if she confesses to them and they reject her, they find out about her behavior towards others around them, you distance yourself from her or you’re getting seriously harmed. But as soon as she does her s/o has no chance to escape her with not only her, but the triplets watching over her as well.
🟣I believe that Hannah can be a better Yandere, but only if you behave well. She has some kind of reward system which means the better you behave the more she’s willing to let you out and grand you your wishes. If you don’t behave or try to escape she’ll punish you, but I believe that her punishments are more mentally than physically. That doesn’t really make it better since she’s a demon. She’ll probably let you imagine your worst nightmares and then you’ll run like a frightened bunny to her and beg and cry for her help which she’ll gladly give you, making you see her as your hero and savior which is exactly what she wants. But overall a soft and caring woman.
Timber, Thompson & Canterbury
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🤫Since they’re really discreet they prove a little challenge, but I really like them and want to give it a try. All demons are possessive, no exception with these guys. Since they’re so quiet I think they are stalkers as well. At least one of them is ALWAYS observing you from the distance.
🤫Obsessed with their darling in every sense possible. They’re the types to steal things from the s/o and since they are 3 of them they steal a looot of things from their darling. Books, toothbrushes, clothes, underwear... Also the lovestruck types, always imagining how wonderful it would be to have their darling near them. When they are near the s/o then they are incredibly touchy with them.
🤫They know who you meet during the day since they’re always watching! The one who watched you that day will report everything to his brothers and they’ll decide together if that person should be killed or not. Nearly 97% of the time they go with the first option since they can’t stand the thought of someone else being near their darling.
🤫As mentioned above, they hate the thought of someone else near the s/o. It’s already bad enough to have one demon wanting to kill you, but 3?! That’s the worst situation someone could ever ask for. They’re the quiet but deadly types, but I can imagine that the triplets will toy with the victim at first, making fun of them before cornering that person and killing them.
🤫The brothers make sure to kidnap you very soon because at one point just watching didn’t satisfy them anymore. They’ll most likely have a fight about who gets to kidnap you before deciding that they’ll all go together. Isn’t just the thought of having 3 lovesick demons hunting you down wonderful? You’re never going to see anything except the small house in which they keep you again. Escaping isn’t an option too because one of them is always with the darling. Now they only need to find out how to share the s/o.
🤫They’re in the middle, meaning they’re not the worst and not the best. They always argue about who gets to take you on a short walk outside, who gets to help you dress up, who gets to help you with a bath, honestly it’s more frustrating. Punishments are only given when you try to escape or resist their affection towards you and consist of locking you in a dark room with only one meal per day. Probably doesn’t sound that bad, but when you’re about to sleep they silently hide somewhere in the dark and use their demonic powers to give you terrible nightmares and at some point you’re going to be too scared to sleep. That’s when they let you out again and the next few weeks or even months, depending on how far they went, you won’t be able to sleep without at least one of them with you in the bed, cuddling you satisfied and happily in his arms. But most of the time they’re your loyal servants, you won’t have to lift a finger just let them do anything. ( The triplets turned out longer than wanted, but as mentioned above I really like them and just the fact that they’re 3 makes the whole situation even more interesting. From the whole Trancy household they’re definitely my favorites.)
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