shujibabes · 9 months
“His muse”
•Contains: fluff, kiss scenes within the end.
•If there’s any error, correct me !
This oneshot hasn’t been proofread yet.
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“Have you heard Olivia Rodrigo’s new song ? Its fire.” Minju, your close friend mentions and showed you her Spotify playlist. “Yeah, its so relatable.” You smiled and both of you laughed it off as it is obvious a thrown shade on your ex-boyfriend, Minghao. “I honestly want to get him real back if Im being honest.” You say out of the blue. Minju gave a thought into it and a light bulb appeared. “You know that trend?”
You frown upon her words. “What is that trend may I ask ?.” She come into halt in front of the cafe door and whispers to you. “Rent a boyfriend.” Both of you then walked on laughing hysterically at it. “You’re crazy.” You say as you sat on the chair and place all your stuff. “Im being for real babes.” She winks and continues “A trend to make your ex jealous and get him back.”
You shrug her off and stood up to order, “give me a pumpkin latte !” You hear her voice and smiled at her cuteness. “Good day, Welcome to Attaca Cafe, what would you like ?” You didn’t notice a voice as you were so scanned towards the menu. You finally look in front and there was a charming stranger in front if you with the most gentlest smile.
“I’d like one pumpkin latte and choco dip oreo milkshake.” You smiled. “Alrighty, Can I have your name ?.” “Its ___” “A beautiful name can I say.” He smiles and you felt yourself getting flustered. “That would be 10.50, love.” oh damn, love. That made you feel squismish. You gave him the money and as you were about to leave he stopped you. “Wait Miss, do you go to Carat University?” Tilting your head , a nod came. “I do.” “Do you perhaps study Art ?.” Your eyes widened. “I actually do, how do you know?.” He laughed, the most angelic one you can see in a man.
“Well, were actually in the same class, you might not notice me because well, there is a lot of people in class. I just wanted to say I loved your oil painting on “Romeo & Juliet”, it was beautiful and I loved your story.”
You were taken aback my this stranger’s compliment but felt your heart warming up. That painting took your all your hard work and you were quiet scared no one would acknowledge it.. even Minghao did not compliment it and compared it to his one. “Thank you.. What’s your name?.” You asked. “Hong Joshua, Just call me Joshua.” He smiles.
“Since I know you now, I’ll say hi to you.” You smiled and waved. He chuckled and nodded. “You can sit right now, Im sorry to keep you waiting. I just took a chance since there isn’t much customer in today.” He explained and you giggled. “Hey, its okay, I love friendly people. Im not in a rush either. I’ll get going then Joshua.” You grinned, showing off your dimples. He felt flustered and nodded.
Making your way back, you felt embarrassed and soft with the way you just talked with a stranger so casually, a gentleman you can say. “Well well, you’ve been flirting with that waiter.” Minju eyes her and crosses her arm. “Hey ! Don’t say it too loud. I wasn’t.” You looked back at Joshua, there was a smile on his face when he was pressing something on his cash register. “Damn, ___ you go girl.” “Aish, stop it will you.”
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“Here you go, one pumpkin latte and a Choco dip oreo Milkshake.” Joshua brought your order. You took off your headphones and smiled at him. “Thank you very much.” You say and he nodded while going back to his work place. “You both look cute together.” Minju utters and you playfully slapped her shoulder from across the table. “Ouch !” “You better please be quiet, Im begging.”
He laughed it off and continued on whatever she was doing on her laptop, a presentation perhaps. You look down at your drink and realise there was something written on the tissue.
“Always smile, it makes you cute. Hope it lightens your day cause you looked stressed, you’re doing great !”
You blushed probably so hard that its making you look like a strawberry. “What?” Minju says and you showed her the tissue. “Babes, You are basically winning life right now.” You were about to turn towards the cashier but realise it was another person. He must’ve left already. Your smile drops and Minju pats your shoulder. “Cheer up, he’s probably one of those nice dudes every girl can be friends with, remember don’t let your hopes too high.” She points. “Yeah.. I know.” You say and proceed to finish off your final year project.
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Laying down on your dorm bed, you were listening to Taylor Swift’s song. “Begin Again.” It somehow reminded you of Joshua, it’s probably the vibe aesthetic he gave off. “___ !.” You heard someone call your name making you flinch. “Ah ?” You replied. Minju came out of the bathroom and showed you her phone. “I got you a rented boyfriend ! Don’t worry. Its on me.” She squeals. “What the hell Minju ! I didn’t ask for this !” You yelled and she quiets you down. “Miss ___, Imagine the jealousy Minghao will get, we’re going to get him back by making him jealous, how dare he break up with you out of the blue !” Minju exclaims. “I have beef with him.” Her eyes squints and you sigh at your best friend.
“But Minju.. isn’t it useless either way ?” You say feeling heavy hearted, you did want to hurt Minghao but you weren’t that kind of person. “Maybe you just need a little push.” Minju says and comforts you. “Cmon ___ give it a try !.” You knew how Minju is, she won’t give this up. “Fine, only once. If it doesn’t work, does not make him jealous. Its a never for me again.” Thats when Minju did her little bunny dance and say back down next to you. “Can I see his face though ?” “Well about that..” “You’re telling me, we’re renting a boyfriend. We can’t see his face ?.” You question.
You hit her shoulder. “Yah ! What if we’re being catfished !” You shouted and she calms you down. “Hear me out first—.” She puts a finger up. “My friend did this before, she got a hot guy, I mean its the cheapest out there. Only 20 for a whole day, thats how business work ___.”
You sigh , a loud one to show that you were worried. “Please be with me tomorrow.” Minju nodded. “Of course ! Ill be that spy, taking pictures of you and this guy. Ohhhhh, Minghao’s gonna be soooo jealous.” She squirmed.
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“Babes, you look gorgeous. What the heck.” Minju compliments you as you waited for your date infront of the mall. “Really ? Im quiet nervous.” You say as you looked at your phone, Minju gave you the person’s number and he texted. “Ill be there in 5 minutes.” “Yes, now Im going to follow from behind, don’t worry if anything happens, Ill call the cops.” She says and you nod. Thats when she is no where to be seen and god knows in where she is right now. The time is ticking fast and you hear your notifications go off.
“Im here, entrance, wearing a beach shirt.”
You search for someone with this outfit and you saw someone wearing a bucket hat, a mask and that beach shirt. He then turns away from you and had his hands in his pocket. Is that the guy ? You then took steps towards him, now behind him you tapped on his shoulder. “Excuse me, are you my rented boyfriend ?.” He then turns to look at you, taking off his sunglasses and mask. You felt your throat stuck and your heart beat fasten. “Joshua.?” You say and he was even as shocked as you are. “___?”
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“Well, I never knew you’d be a rented boyfriend.” You laugh it off as you and Joshua took a stroll in the mall. “I never thought you’d be the one to rent a boyfriend.” He replied laughing. “Hush, its my friend that set me up.” You smiled and rolled your eyes. He looks up at you up and down walking backwards. “You look utterly beautiful today though.” “Is that something a rented boyfriend should say to please their client ?.” “Im actually saying that from the bottom of my heart, love.” He winked and you felt yourself blushing. “You’re such a flirt.” You teased and he shook his head. “I know how to cherish a woman.” He smiled. This man was a whole green flag.
“Let’s eat something first, how about Sushi ?” He says and you felt your inner kid jumping. “I’d love that!” You say excitedly. “Thats, That was cute.” He pointed and put his hand out, “Now, may I hold your hand ?.” He asked politely, a man who asked for permission. You couldn’t help but flutter. “Yes, yes you may.”
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“Now tell me, why are you renting me ?.” He asked after your finished ordering. “Let me clarify this, I was not the one renting you. Its my friend. Uh.. its because of something that happened to me.” You explained and he tilted his head. “Are you okay with telling me that ? I completely respect if you don’t want too.” He smiles softly, it makes you want to tell him more.” “I guess, I could.” Joshua was ready to listen.
“I had a boyfriend, we were together for 3 months ? Well, He was the one to confess to me and yeah, I gave it my all into that relationship. It started to get toxic and I don’t really know why, he would always degrade my art.. then yeah, he broke up with me before that presentation. My friend and I thought of getting him back by renting a boyfriend to make him jealous. Does that explain this situation ?.”
Joshua was speechless, there is alot of emotions in him right now. “I see.. but I don’t understand the part where he would degrade your work. That’s like an A+ piece of art !.” You chuckled at the man. “Now, you tell me. Why are you Mr. Rent a boyfriend ?” You asked him.
“Well, I was actually looking for pocket money… I saw this trend on tiktok and I had to give it a try?.” He says. You nodded and finally your order came. “Ahh ! I was getting hungry.” You smiled and he chuckled. “You’re really cute, eat up.”
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“How would you like to pay?.” The cashier says and as you were about to get some notes in your purse, Joshua gave his card.” “Thank you very much, you both a cute couple, do come again !.” The woman says and he bows in respect, holding your hand, you let him pull you. “Hey.. I could’ve paid too..”Joshua gave that warm smile again. “Its okay. Its on me.” “You can’t be too nice to a stranger you know.” You warn him.
“I thought I could consider you as my mutual ?.” “Ah?”
“Hey look at that, a claw machine. Want to play it ?” But before you could even answer he is already walking there and inserting a coin in. “Watch me win for you !.” He sounded excited that it made you flustered at his cuteness. Ah, after 5 tries and 25 dollars wasted, he finally caught his plushie. “FINALLY.” he shouted and made some head turn, you didn’t realise that you were actually cheering on for him, recording him.
“Here you go my princess, a kuromi plushie for you.” He smiled and you excitedly hugged it. “Ahhh, is this what its like being spoiled ?” You question and he pinched your cheeks. “Its for your hard work baby, that doll cost approximately 25 dollars.” He winked and you blushed. “Aish, such a flirt.” He chuckled and held your hand, you forgot that Joshua was a rented boyfriend.
Honestly you remind yourself, you shouldn’t feel things right now. He is doing this to get his money… It’s nothing serious, You’re paying him either way.. “Hey, are you okay ?”. He tapped your shoulder. “Ah? Im okay.” You whispered but looked down. “You look sad.” His name faded but you shook you head. “Im not ! But can I aak something ?.” “Of course.”
“When does this date end?”
Joshua was quiet for a minute, he actually almost forget that he was being rented, rented to make your ex boyfriend jealous. He felt a bit stupid actually enjoying this date with you. In the end you’re just paying him and won’t see anything, wont know if you can actually grow attached. “When you want it to end.” He looks you in the eye, you gave that charming eye smile of yours with that dimple. “Let’s go watch the sunset by the fountain ?”. You suggested.
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“You can lean your head on my shoulders.” He smiled and tapped his shoulder. “You are so kind for noticing.” You rest your head on his board shoulder watching the sunset. “My mother raised me right.” Thats when there was that peaceful silence. That silence that makes you hear things your heart wants to say. The utter peace that is between both of you right now.
“Did you start the final year project?” He asked. “I did, what about you ? You have an idea on what you’re drawing.” He looked at you and then the sun. “I think I do, it’s a surprise though. What about you ?” “I see, we’re keeping secrets aye ? I might as well say its a surprise too then.” You closed your eyes, almost falling asleep. “cute.” He whispered.
That was the moment he thought, if only he wasn’t your rented boyfriend, if only this was a real date, would feelimgs develop, would you like him ? Would you be interested if he told you he was ? Can he cure you from your heartache. Gosh, a woman like you was like a woman from his dreams, you were kind and hardworking. He’s been honestly observing for so long but never got the chance to know you, a stranger he found comforting. He saw the way you would draw, color and ask the lecterur idea’s. The way you present with confidence and etiquette.
In your pov, you thought about it too, if this wasnt a rented date, could you fall for someone new ? Could he heal you ? He appreciated you, whatever he is, a stranger. Atleast right now, you can consider him as a mutual. You heart warms up, knowing him for a whole day was just like knowing his for a whole year.
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“Looks like you enjoyed your date with your cafe man.” Minju teased and you rolled your eyes, shoving another piece of bread in your mouth. Its been a week since your date with Joshua and yes, you both have successfully posted the pictures online, Minghao would’ve definitely seen it. You honestly didn’t care thought cause your mind was always drifted to Joshua. “___.” You hear a voice to look behind, “Joshua ?.” You felt your heart beat accelerate. “Hey !” He waved and Minju and took his seat beside you. “Yoo !” Minju replied too focused on her laptop. “What are you doing?.” “Im sitting..?” “I mean, how did.. You know what ? Never mind.” He chuckled , you had to remind yourself that you were both within the same campus where else faculty. “Did you start drawing ?. The final year project is due this Friday. Im quiet nervous.” You nodded, “Yeah.. Im just scared to get criticised.” With a frown on his face, he tilted his head and looked at you, a move that made him look cute. “True Artist will always face criticism, love.” He said. That was true and thats when you felt him pat your back which made you at ease.
“I see tears coming out, do not cry so easily.” He smiles, “I would also like your number.” Your eyes widened. Minju interferes “I gave you her number through the rented boyfriend chat, why not text her there.” She raised a brow and he shook his head. “Oh no, that is not a gentlemen thing for me to do. I’d be a polite one to actually ask for her number.” He explained, “Why didn’t you ask for it on your date.” Minju continued, you swear you could slap her across the face. You knew she was protecting you but this is Joshua.
“I guess.. I was a coward aye ?.” He grinned and took out his phone. “___, can I please have your number ?.” You couldn’t help but blush. “You’re an idiot.” You mutter and he leans in Nd whispers to you, “It’s been a while someone has made me one.” Gosh, how long can this man keep on doing this to you, what is his intentions ?
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Now in your dorm room, after finishing a masterpiece. You looked at it proudly, it was something you’ve never thought of drawing, all there is the story behind the drawing.
He was smiling like an idiot, looking at his painting and already having a story on it. This is why he loved art, he could draw something he loved.
These two have been talking non-stop for a month as the final year project has been postponed and in a few days it will come. Getting to know one another and having a few outings here and there. It cured ___ as you totally have forgotten about you competitive ex, Joshua in the other hand had gotten the chance to know you deeply and might’ve developed feelings ? A feeling of wanting to claim you as his.
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“___, your turn.” The lecterur called and you brought your painting down, covered in a black cloth. You were feeling pressure as you see a face you never wanted to see. A judging Minghao in-front of you staring intently. Your eyes couldn’t help but wonder towards that one guy 2 seats behind him. Joshua was giving a thumbs up and that comforting words he would mouth “You can do it !.” “Goodmorning everyone , My name is ___ ___.” I would now show you my drawing.” You took off the cloth and the whole class gasped. You took a little look on your ex’s face and even he was shocked. Joshua looks twice as surprise.
“This picture as you can see is a transition of two things. This girl as you can see in the first scenario, she looks broken but outside she looks fine, tapping the shoulder of a guy she found quiet mysterious.” You continue,
“Now transitioning, she looks lively and the guy looks vibrant, such colours that made her shine and reflect through him, they’re playing the claw machine. “My intake is this is actually from personal experience. How there is always someone new that would save me from my past sorrow, it can always start mysteriously and unexpectedly.”
A clap from everyone, you smiled but your eyes was focused on Joshua.
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“Goodmorning ladies and gentlemen, I would like to show my art now.”
Another shocking masterpiece and the whole room was looking at you. “It’s a portrait on my muse, made by original colours of flower and its petals.” “This story is a bit interesting, this story is about this woman, who’s captivated me me, since the day I saw her face in this class, she caught my attention, I couldn’t help but draw that beautiful face of someone who is we all know is talented and hard working, this doesn’t sound like a story right ? Never mind, thats my take on my portrait.”
Its the first time someone made a flower portrait, it was one of the hardest portrait to make.
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You knew that voice , dreaded to hear it. Minghao pulled your arm and made you look at him once everyone was gone. “what..” you replied and he sighs. “Im sorry for being so harsh on you.” He says and thats when you felt soft but in the same time forgave him. “Can we start again ?” That was honestly shameless for him to do.. “Minghao..”
“I can’t stand seeing you with anyone else.” He held you tighter , he was jealous. “Hao.. you’re hurting me.” “Please let her go.” You both heard someone from the door coming in. “Its you.” Minghao put his hands in his pocket. “Yes it apparently is.” Joshua smiles and pulled you slowly to him, as if your body was fragile. “So its true ? You have a boyfriend ?” Minghao scoff in disbelief. “I..” you were speechless, “Im sorry but she does right now.” Joshua holds you. “Please don’t be like that again, she already forgave you Minghao.” He says professionally. Thats when Minghao realises, it was him being toxic all along..? “I need to go.” He picks up his bag and walked out.
“Are you okay ?” Joshua checks you. “Tell me the truth.” You say, Joshua nervously looks up. “Do you feel more?.” You question. “Drawing me as your muse, am I able to put the puzzle together ?” You say and thats when he embraces you. “I love you ___.” He whispered. “Its was such a coincidence you being my first client and last for that renting a boyfriend of mine. I couldn’t help but think about you.” He continues.
“I think about you, think about the things we could’ve been. Hear you in every love song I listen too. Close my eyes and all I see is your kindness and smile. I think— no. I am in-love with you and is willing to not be a coward and take another step. “ he professed his love for you. “I’ll make you happier, give you what you deserve. Will you be mine ?.” He says and you felt your eyes stinging.
Its the first time someone actually acknowledged you, your art your personality. You gave him a kiss on the lips to prove that you are willing to take his wishes. “I will.” You smiled and he mouthed a “Thank god” while giving you another hot long kiss on the lips, hands wrapped around your waist, making you feel like a princess. “Sushi ?” He smiled and you nodded. “I maybe can win you another kuromi plushie.” Both of you chuckled.
“I honestly have to thank Minju for this.” He says and you nod. “She needs credit for sure.” You held his hand and he kisses the top of it. A new story begins.
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Hello everyone once again !, So i decided to write another oneshot on Joshua <3 I kinda made up the story on the spot without planning, so if its kinda jumbled up, pls tell me
I tried to make it as interesting as possible and it’s probably predictable. Heueheueheueh
2/3 done, my next one is my Jeonghan oneshot, but I think
I have to kinda plan it before hand
Its gonna be a fantasy themed one
and I’ll post it as soon as
possibles. You can now checkout my
Seungcheol oneshot that is pinned
on my page ! Press his name,
It will take you to his story💗
45 notes · View notes
shujibabes · 9 months
“I love you.”
•contains: fluff,angst,tiny bit of swearing
•if there is any error’s, please correct me !
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“___ have you eaten yet ? I made some toast.” You heard the door closing as someone walked into your dorm room as if it was his own.
“Since when have you been so nice to me in making me something to eat ?” You smirked and opened the lunchbox being neatly made by him. “Yah, if you’re going to act like that I won’t make anything again, just appreciate my kindness for once !” His eyes wide with a pout forming on his lips as he drags on his words. You laughed it off as it was such a Choi Seungcheol of him to do.
“mhm, its not that bad.” You ate one as you taste the sweetness of the Nutella lingering on your taste buds. Seungcheol looks up at you in disbelief. “Excuse me ? Im the one who made it. Have I ever made anything bad before ?” He rolls his eyes and you gave that bombastic side eye look, remembering one hilarious memory.
“Remember that time you burnt DK’s waffle ? Yeah, I could use that.”
“And that was because he was pissing me off, he wouldn’t give me any of his grapes earlier.”
You finished the food and gestured for him to stay quiet. “Shhh, remember this is a girls dorm area. Men should shush.” You walked towards him with your finger in the air, he grinned and lifted a brow. “So bossy.” He claimed and you hit his chest making him flinch. “I’ve never seen a man with a sassier attitude then yourself.” You then walk passed him as he let out a breathy laugh.
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“You know that party coming up soon ?” Seungcheol asked you and you frowned. What party ? “huh ?” He looks at you and gave you a face of disappointment. “The one that Mingyu’s setting up, its just a college party and everyone is invited.” He danced a little and looks up at you. “You’re just excited to get free drinks.” You pointed and made yourself comfortable on the cafe seat within campus, Seungcheol sits in-front of you. “Thats one but Im excited cause there’s going to be a ton of games, exclusive prizes to win !” He adds on, then goes closer to you and whispers taking you aback. “Mingyu is rich as hell.”
“You never change do you ?” You say as you shook your head while letting out a giggle. “Well, you can say that. You’ve known me like ..? Forever.” “Elementary. Cheol.” You rolled your eyes giving a smile. Now he is staring at you, observing the way you took out your hair tie to clip your hair back, your outfit being so you, with that autumn aesthetic you love so much. He was starting to notice the things even you don’t. He wondered why though.
“Do you want anything ?” “An Americano is fine.” He smiled at you and as you stood up you pinched his nose, shocking him. He knew you always do that out of satisfaction cause he would always whine in pain but today he was flustered. All he could give was a light smile and look down at his hands. You obviously having no clue about this.
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“Cheol, Can I tell you something ?” You sipped on your coffee. After hours of doing your assignment and him taking naps here and there. You finally decided to tell him in the end of the day. “Yeah, sure ?” He looks up and ruffled his hair while placing his elbows on his knees to listen more, fingers clasp together. You felt weird with that action, your heart started to beat a little bit faster but it’s probably just because he’s grown a-lot now, he isn’t the little Scoups anymore.
“I might have been seeing someone.”
Thats when he felt his heart dropped, his eyes widened and palm started to sweat. “h-huh..?” He let out a little word. “I guess it’s sudden isn’t it ? You remember that guy in English class ? Well—.” “You mean Joshua.” “Yeah.”
Awkward silence.
You observed his face, he looked a bit angry but that was probably the protective brother mode on him. “I’ve been talking with him for 2 weeks and we decided to start dating..” That’s when Seungcheol put his hands up for you to stop talking.
“Say that again. Two weeks ?”
“___ do you even know him that well, who gets with someone in two weeks .?”
Thats when your blood started to boil. Is he judging ? “Excuse me.” Seungcheol saw the way your eyes change with a crack in your voice. He softened a little and tried to remain calm. “___ , Im sorry, but are you really ready for this commitments. I don’t know about relationships so I can’t give you advices.” He says and sat back. “Its okay.. I can figure it out myself. He actually taking me out tomorrow.”
You felt relieved telling him but in the same time there was a part of you that did not want to tell him and you don’t even know the reason why.
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That night Seungcheol couldn’t help but thought about what you said earlier. You found someone? You’re already dating ? You did this behind his back for two weeks ? He tried recalling what you and him did within those weeks and couldn’t help but feel betrayed. The thing is, why he is he feeling the way he is ? The urge for him to tell you to break up with Joshua on the spot.
Yet, he couldn’t even blame you. Everyone wanted to be or be with Joshua, he was the definition of a perfect man with a great ongoing academic following his love for sports. He was someone every guy in campus wanted to be, all the girls wanted to have a taste of being with him and yet, here he is with ___ the girl who’s been with him for a long time.
His heart started to ache and thats when tears came our from his eyes. He knew what he was feeling but all this time he never wanted to admit it cause it was plain stupid to do, and he remembered the words your granny used to say to the both of you.
“Either one of you guys will fall first. There’s no way for the opposite gender to be best friends.”
Both of you have been proving that for a long time, not until he started to get protective, started to flutter with the way you smile, started to look at your lips a little longer, started to get electric during every touch. Started to care for you as a man.
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“Well, you look..”
Seungcheol couldn’t help but stay utterly speechless. You’ve never worn something like this before. A pink floral dress with a white cardigan, your hair being braided and your makeup looking extra beautiful with the glitter. “Look..” You say wanting him to continue, you didn’t know if you’re trying to hard to look good, it is your first date. “Beautiful.” He whispered and you blushed. “Im glad then..” Seungcheol looked at you and walked up, you backef away a little but felt warm when he put a strand of hair behind your ear.
“You’re perfect, you know that right ..?”
What is he doing ? This feel’s a little weird but in the same time you craved the closeness of him. Realising now, he was way taller and the smell of his cologne was intoxicating. He fixed the collar of his shirt out of no where and that made him stiff, he couldn’t move but stare down at you. The urge to do the things he’s been holding back was going to make a move on him.
“___…” He utters your name and leans down, you felt his breath hitting your cheeks that sent you goosebumps, you wanted to back away but you can’t. “I really..” he was about to say but then someone knocked your dorm room. You flinched back and brushed yourself, acting as if there wasn’t any tension between you both earlier. Rushing towards the door, you saw your date.
“Oh wow. You are stunning !” Joshua smiles brightly and gave a kiss on your cheek. You felt flustered but in the same time awkward since Seungcheol was behind you both. Joshua notices a tall figure behind you and looks at you, “Oh, You know Seungcheol right ? He just stopped by to give me some food.” You say quickly and Joshua remember that you did say you had a bestfriend, well.. that was a boy. “Ah, I see. Hello man.” Joshua smiled and waved.
Seungcheol only gave a nod. Thats when you looked back at him and saw the way his face turned nonchalant, no emotion at all. He probably would forget the things that happened, blame it on the hormones. “Cheol, make sure to lock the door okay ?” “Alright.” He says eyes not looking at you.
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“So tell me more about your relationship with Seungcheol..”
You felt your breath hitched and smiled and Joshua, you were both eating in an italian restaurant. “I’ve known him since elementary.” You say and he nods. “Its quiet surprising that you manage to be friends with him for a long time without falling inlove.” He says. “I guess.” It was a beautiful day with Joshua so far, you enjoyed a lot of things together but you have to admit it wasn’t the same feeling you had with Seungcheol.
You had to stop thinking about him.
“You know ___ I really like you..” Joshua smiled and wiped sauce off your lips. “Was there sauce on my lips ?” You wiped with a tissue buy then he laugs. “I already wiped it for you.” “Ah..”
“Can I ask something ?”
“Yeah sure.”
“Come with me to Mingyu’s party ? We can announce that we’re officially together there.” He blinks and smiles like a deer. “I mean sure !” You say quickly and he giggles. “You’re cute” You felt happy with the compliment but theres another feeling that you felt , you can’t quiet put a finger on it.
——⌦ .。.:*♡
“So, how was your date ?.” You were met with Seungcheol still in your dorm room, watching playing his phone, not even bothering to glance up at you. “Why are you still here..?” You tried to play it off but oh gosh, the voice gave it all away. “I was just excited and curious on what happened on your date.” He looks down towards your hands. “Roses? But don’t you like Tulips ?” He stood up and you walked pass him.
“Look, I don’t know why you’re acting like a child.” “Don’t you say I always act like one though ?.” You sigh and sat down. “Cheol, you can leave now, we don’t want other girls to know you’ve been in my dorm room for that long, they’d think otherwise.” All you wanted was for him to get out of this room. He looked at you aimlessly and laughed.
“Whats so funny.?” Once again, your blood began to boil. “Tell me, did you enjoy it ? The date ?.” You looked at him suspiciously , he has never acted like this towards you before, sounding so controlling and demanding. “I did.” You replied giving him an answer. He nods and gave a sarcastic smile.
“Okay. I’ll leave.” He says and gets up, walking his way out the door. You couldn’t help but feel your heart drop. “Wait.” You say and he turned back towards you. “what?” You were shocked you did that, wait for what ? Why are you saying “wait” what do you want from him exactly. “nothing..” He nods but his facial expression was hurt, walking out the door.
——⌦ .。.:*♡
She thought about what happened, why is everything getting out of hand ? All she did was have a boyfriend and why is he , Seungcheol. Acting like this ? But thinking about it, why are you thinking about him again. Again and again. Even when youre out with someone else. “I thought he would be happy for me ?.” You say to yourself, then you thought about it deeply. Are you confused right now ?
You miss him
You miss the way he would be cheerful, the way he smiles with his aegyo sals apparent. The way he hugs you or pulls a bit of your hair just to get attention. All this time, you thought it was a brotherly thing to do. Yet, remembering the way his breath on your cheek making you shiver. You felt so confused at this moment.
——⌦ .。.:*♡
Both of you haven’t texted, yet communicated.
You found yourself next to Joshua within the crowds of people. His hands on your waist and you both sway to the music. “You okay love ?” He asked and you nodded, taking a sip from your cup.
You wondered, what happened ? Seungcheol never texted back. You did not see any media updates. Yet, you saw him on campus but with his other guy friends. You were only with Joshua and some couple of friends. It was not the same as you were with Seungcheol.
Then you remembered he was the one to tell you he was going to Mingyu’s party too. You missed that excitement.
And from the corner of your eyes is when you finally saw him again. Outside of campus, he was wearing a blacktee and a dark blue denim jacket, hair slicked back with an eyebrow piercing which most probably is fake. He was already looking at you from afar while taking a big chug from his drink.
You were flustered at the stare and it wasn’t like how you both used too. You both were now adults, adults that can develop feelings. What kind of feelings has he gotten though ? You frowned when you saw a girl put a hand on his chest and him looking down at her with a smile. You couldn’t help but feel jealousy in you and started clinging on Joshua even more. What are you doing now ___ ? Trying to take Seungcheol’s attention.?
He realised that and held the woman’s waste as she offered him her cup. He took a sip, yes. He is playing with fire right now, he knew by the looks of your face, you were jealous. You were a type, he loved that type. He slightly pushed the woman away when he saw you started touching Joshua’s face and thats when he lost it. Holding in his anger, he went upstairs.
As you saw his face, you saw him go up. You somehow felt guilty doing this to him. “Joshua, Let me go to the toilet. You know where is it ?” You say trying to cover up. What in the world are you doing now ? Chasing your ex-guy bestfriend ? “Its upstairs baby, want me to company you—.” “Its okay. Ill go myself.” You say and left Joshua’s embrace, he was dumbfounded but let you go.
——⌦ .。.:*♡
You traveled upstairs, this house was big. You then heard a bang in one of the opened door. Opening it, you saw him. “Seungcheol?” Your warm voice caught his attention, there he was frustrated, hair messy from probably ruffling it. “___” he says your name while not looking at you. “What are you doing !” You rushed to him seeing his hands bleed. “You punched the wall !” “Why would you care ? Go back to your boyfriend, have fun.” He retreated his arms from your hands. “Stop it.”
“Stop what ?.” He raised his voice and you stepped back. “Can’t you open your eyes ? Can’t you see ?” Tears coming out of his eyes and this was the first time you saw him so vulnerable, you saw the child in him came back out. “You broke my heart and didn’t even realise it.” “What do you mean I broke your heart ! What did I do !” “For fuck sakes ___” “Tell me then ! You fucking coward !” You yelled back and thats when tears spilled.
He was quiet. Quiet.
“This is what happens. You leave me confused. You don’t talk about how you feel !” You yelled and pushed him away. “I will leave you, for long.” You wiped your tears and turned to leave. Thats when you were about to open the door, you were pulled back within his arms.
“I love you.” He buried his face within the exposed skin of your shoulder.
“Im sorry, I broke the promise. I fell for you first. I have fallen in love with you.” He sniffled and hugged you tighter. He could feel him tremble and you lost it, covering your mouth to stop your sniffles.
“I have loved you for so long, so long, I didn’t realise these feelings. That is why im so clingy and attached. I longed to see you every day, minute and second. It broke me to pieces and made me realise that I loved you when I saw you in the arms of another.” He confessed.
“I want you all to myself, I want my future with you. I want you and every woman I see, I see you. You’re my woman.”
“Im sorry.” He repeated and thats when you turned around, wiping his tears. “You idiot, your face eyebrow piercing is gone.” You smiled and he chuckled. “I just wanted to look cool.” You stare for long, you realised, the one you want is in-front you all this time. “I love you too.” You finally confessed.
Thats when his world came up, the wedding bells rang in his ears. He couldn’t help but seal this with a kiss, a long kiss he’s been imagining for so long. The comfort of your lips with his makes his heart at ease. “What is this.?”
Both of you heard a voice from the door.
Hello everyone ! Sooo, here is my Seungcheol oneshot and I knoww there is a cliff hanger but if i continue to write it , it would have ongoing parts and would be too
long to write 😭 so I decided to put a cliffhanger, maybe I might finish this off in the future is there is any request !
Oh yaa, I am opened to request, so you can leave me a message !
1/3 is done, my next story is probably going to be on Joshua
after this 💗 If you enjoyed this,
Do let me know ! To give me motivation of course
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shujibabes · 9 months
•Seungcheol ✔️
You’ve been stuck with the same boy ever since you were in elementary school. As the saying goes, “You can’t be best-friends with the opposite gender, either one of you will fall first.” Yet, both of you did an amazing job with proving that statement is satire, but everything started twisting when you started to have.. well.. a boyfriend.
It is when you realised that you, someone without explicit titles started to grow some concerning attachment feelings for the Crown Prince you secretly meet up with, after every shift within the palace wall, what makes it worse is that he is forbidden to even step foot outside of the palace walls, where else fall in love. Who know’s what could happen towards his destiny and yours.
•Joshua ✔️
Just going through a heartbreak again, you felt hopeless even trying to find someone you could spend your eternity with, thats when your friend suggested that you should try renting a boyfriend to make your ex-boyfriend jealous. It was a major coincidental that the man you rented to be your boyfriend was that kind gentlemen you met in a coffee shop.
Hey everyone ! Attention 💗
I will keep my identity anonymous but you guys can call me by my user, Shuji heueheuehueehue, soo I am quiet new with writing in tumblr cause I used to write alot on wattpad , my friend suggested me to write here so I might as well give it a try, I’ve already red quiet a few tumblr fictions to see how people post and write so I will give credits on those who writes svt fanfictions !!
A bit more about myself, The reason I write is because its quiet of a coping mechanism for me as I am a type of person who likes to imagine and write down what I see. I hope my idea’s of these fanfiction starring the 95’s liner stars your interest ! Please look foward to the updates ! <3
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