#omg i love Maka so much
the-autistic-gemini · 25 days
Hi, for my first real post, imma post my silly Maka hcs. There's a tad bit of spice in here, but it's mostly mild. Uhhh, enjoy!
• Bi bi bi! She strikes me as demiro and Demisexual and bi or pan (I'm not at all projecting fuck off) she's either a cis girl or a trans girl depending on my mood.
• For her body type and stuff she's above average height (like 5'6 or 5'7), but her limbs are so long and willowly she looks taller. Her torso is average size, and her legs are long. She's a petite with maybe a b cup chest and a tummy with a bit of chub at the bottom. She has toned muscular arms. Her skin is super soft, and bruises easy. She has scars she doesn't know the origin of and constantly has bruises around her knees.
• She totally asks pronouns anytime she meets someone (hers are she/her btw) she's all like "Hi! I'm Maka my pronouns are she/what are yours?
• She's so friendly and sweet when you first meet her then you slowly realize she has the personality a grumpy temperamental old cat
• She's a really good cook but her and soul take turns cooking and sometimes someone has to make the 3am microwave cup noodles of shame.
• After re-watching more of the show, my opinion changed bc its been a while. Still think she's a good cook but bitch has autism foods. Hates the texture of raw fish but doesn't mind it cooked. She's not really a big meat person. I think she considers going vegetarian or vegan a lot but A) soul loves meat and she doesn't want to have a moral delima and B) girl is a cheese lover and vegan cheese has a bad texture. She tried it once and wanted to spit it out. Super particular about texture. Seems like she's good at making and likes breakfast food. Mac and cheese and chicken nugget enthusiast.
• For drinks I feel like she's a water drinker but likes green tea (especially matcha I feel like her dad jokes about how Maka and matcha sound similar. She hates it) she also drinks orange or apple juice with breakfast. If she ever needs caffeine she'll drink Dr. Pepper or coffee with a small amount of cream and sugar.
• If we're talking alchohol she's not a big drinker (probs bc her dad) and never drank underage but while legal has like a glass of wine from time to time
• Mom friend in every sense of the word I feel like she consistently checks on blackstar and soul to make sure they are turning in their homework
• I feel she loves talking to strangers
• Shes such a hugger (unless she's mad at someone then she won't touch them for a week)
• Music taste hcs are so important to me, and I feel like most ppl get Maka wrong. Girl does not understand music she had to read a book to understand it; therefore, I think her music taste is odd and not stuff Soul is really into. Soul is happy she found music she likes but doesn't quite get why she likes it. I feel like she likes heavily electronic music, scenecore, and nightcore. Very upbeat stuff to help her stay alert and awake during study sessions. Most music sounds like noise to her, so it's not as off-putting to her as it is to some others.
• She falls asleep on the couch in the front room of her and souls apartment while studying a lot. Soul will see her and smile be he thinks she's cute. He'll pick her up and put her in her bed (if it's after they start dating He'll change her into night clothes)
• Speaking of night clothes she has matching pajama sets that are super soft materials or simple night gowns. She definitely sleeps in clothes most of the time I feel like she runs cold and she'd only be comfortable sleeping naked with soul A) bc she trusts him B) bc he's warm. Only reason she would not sleep naked with her other partner often is that bitch is cold
• Oh ya she's dating soul and crona btw. In my perfect little world. They have 2 completely different relationship dynamics.
• With Soul, she teases him and often shows irritation or frustration with him. I also feel like they are more intimate. She's not really soft or gentle with him she doesn't need to be they know eachothers limits and bodies and souls intuitively. They're essentially super close best friends who tease and bully eachother but also fuck. And that works for them. They didn't want anything to change their relationship when they started dating anyway .
• She's softer with Crona, it seems more like a romantic relationship in vibes. They cuddle a lot. I feel like they have self care days bc Maka is scared crona won't take care of themself on their own. Crona appreciates her doting. They never got to have a loving mom, so they love when Maka does their hair or paints her nails. They're soft. They have intimacy, but it's both less rough and less frequent than Soul and Maka. They both enjoy kissing and being soft and loving to each other.
• Maka is the leader in both her relationships. Her partners are passive she is more decisive and dominant.
• Soul and Crona don't date each other only Maka, but they will all hang out together and are good friends. They plan her birthdays together and are just kinda in eachothers corner, especially when it comes to Maka related stuff.
• I feel like tsubaki is her closet girl friend.
• Did I mention Maka has autism? No? Well, she does. I feel like she's diagnosed too
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HIII HI HI MAC N CHEECE. u cannibal. I DO ACTUALLY HAVE. A QUESTION. omg. now that you've finished soul eater.... u can help me w/ the nebulous prime defenders soul eater au that's been bouncing around in my head for like a month now. u gotta help dude its dire. b/c like... my first thought is of course dakota weapon william meister. but dakota hates using weapons so i have no idea what he'd be! but it cant be the other way around for the same reason! & ghostknife also is literally kind of just soulmaka 2 me. but vyncent like pretty much already does meister stuff in canon!! & ashe & the trickster have some ragnarok shit going on of course... anyway i've been thinking ab this for literally a month with no resolution to who is what. so. dropping it at ur door expectantly like a cat with a dead mouse. <33
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OK THIS ISNT THE SAME THING BUT I NEED U TO KNOW I STARTED DRAWING THIS LIKE A WEEK AGO WHILE I WAS WATCHING . BC I COUKDNT STOP THINKING ABOUT SOUL EATER PRIME DEFENDERS. this is a nothing sketch rn but its gonna be like. halloween costumes dakota as black star vyncent as maka william as kid and ashe as crona hehehehehehee
ANYWAY. TO YOUR ACTUAL QUESTION. jonesy and i were actually talking abt something like this too and we ALSO thought ghostkicks weapon/meister duo. i had the thought of brass knuckles dakota. which i think is cool as hell. we also discussed the possibility of william as the weapon and narrowed it down to either. loke a firemans axe or a chainsaw (<< there are reasons for both of these but u cannot know them until you get to greyscale arc. teehee) . ALSO . DUDE. shaking u. literally everu time crona was on screen i was like. wow theyre just like ashe and the trickster. to me. so we're so same brain about that. i think a cool thing for vyncent would be like. basically just the sword he has in canon except its All Of The Greats somehow . so they can morph into different weapons like tsubaki can :]
aughaaguaghahhh !!!!!!!!! i love 2 combine interests its my favorite thing ever
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potekosblog · 2 months
maka's arc completely shifts its insane how much Crona had affected her.
Maka: I have to be strong so I can protect Soul and surpass my parents
*After meeting Crona*
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never once did Maka blame Crona at all! and i love how angry Maka is and how coy Medusa is acting at this moment omg what a fun joy to watch
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her death would be satisfying
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lxvenderdreamy · 11 months
hi! (idk if im requesting to much ur writing style is just so *chefs kiss* amazing and wonderful omg) also! thank you for clearing up the symbol stuff i was confused on what counted as a need for the lemon and what didnt :)
but would you be able to write a soul X m!reader X Kid fic about Soul and Kid maybe playing basketball late at night and seeing a dude doing graffiti on the side of a building? maybe they like go to confront the dude and realise its m!reader? idk how it would go from there, but i think it would be cool if they caught him doing something like that :)
Oh my gosh…it’s like 5 in the morning and i’m seeing this. The biggest smile is on my face right now when I saw this. Thank you so much for requesting, everytime when I see someone request it just makes me so happy. I’m also very happy that you love my writing and it just enlightens everything for me. And no, I will never get tired of someone requesting❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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I can imagine Soul being really competitive during a game of basketball between Kid. He doesn’t like to lose cause it’s just not cool to lose to someone who loves symmetry and hated asymmetrical…and who has three damn stripes on the top of his head as he rants about the symmetry crap.
Kid isn’t all that competitive, at first when Soul invited him to a game of late night basketball he just wanted to get some sleep and thought that it would just be a waste of life. I mean who plays basketball late at night?
Soul. He plays basketball late at night, you can even count Kid in if you want.
Kid knew that it wasn’t gonna be as easy as it was with Blackstar when they all played Basketball. Soul was way more in upper hand in basketball and other sports than Blackstar was. But it wouldn’t be so bad to have a challenge once in awhile right?
You would expect for the basketball course would be quiet, all the sound that’s going on should be the basketball and the sounds of feet running to make a goal. But that wouldn’t be so fun now would it?
Soul and Kid made snide comments at one another playfully…or should I say were???
Soul had made a not-so-nice comment on Kid’s hair when he shouldn’t have, making Kid sulk and call himself garbage. Since Kid was basically distracted Soul got himself a free point.
Kid was upset with this of course, calling Soul a weakling due to Soul making Kid get distracted by pointing out something that he should’ve kept in his mouth where it belonged. So not cool of him. But Soul thought it was cool and he rolled with it much to Kid’s dismay.
After a few good shots were made into the basket, the two sat down. They were hot and exhausted after playing basketball, drinking out of their water bottles as if they haven’t put any liquid into their bodies for months.
They talked for some time about random stuff. Soul asked about how Liz and Patty were doing and Kid asked how Maka was doing as well, normal talk between one another. Of course they had to talk about the rounds of basketball they played and what had happened with the snide comments.
Kid was still upset that Soul would distract him like that just so that he could get a free point in. But he didn’t feel all that upset when Soul gave him an apology that was legit. Soul may do things that can be cool in his eyes but he takes responsibility when the things that he does aren’t cool in someone else’s eyes. That’s good that he does that, it shows that he’s aware of his friends and how they take things. Some of his friends take things to heart, some don’t.
They stopped talking when they heard a can shake and looked towards the direction of it. It sounded like a can that was specially made for…graffiti?
Soul and Kid decided to slowly walk over to see what the noise was about. If someone was doing Graffiti then they would stop them. But if they aren’t then what could the person possibly be doing..?
When the two of them peeked over the wall, they couldn’t believe their eyes! It was Y/n, and he was doing graffiti! How surprising.
Soul and Kid looked back at one another before walking over to Y/n, calling out to him.
You just was taking a walk around Death City, wanting something to do in a night like this. Usually, you don’t be walking the streets of Death City, mainly cause there is much to do and it could be dangerous. But ok this particular night…you had ordered some cans of colorful spray. You were gonna do some graffiti. As bad as it was you didn’t care, it would give you something to do. I mean? Whose gonna stop you?
Kid and Soul of course.
When you heard Soul call your name, you looked over to see Kid and Soul. You have them a small “Oh hey.” before turning back to destroying the wall with the colorfulness of the sprays. You didn’t care in the slightest bit?
Soul took the spray can out of your hand, saying how it’s not cool to vandalize while wiggling a finger in your face as you looked at him plainly. Kid also said that your writing is disgusting and it’s not symmetrical. You were just, “Okay? You act like you don’t be walking around these parts with three stripes on the top of your head, walking and talking about symmetry and crap💀”
Kid is just getting ate up in this.
Kid is just so upset again, what’s wrong with you people? Are y’all just out to get him or something?
You and Soul make eye contact for a few seconds before looking back down at the wailing Meister at your feet. You sighed as you grabbed Kid’s hand and pulled him back onto his two feet, saying how you didn’t mean any of what you said (TOTALLY…) and how you think his stripes are nice. Soul just shakes his head, knowing that your lying but he can’t be loyal either. He did mean to distract Kid and get his free point.
Don’t tell him that.
Soul offers if you wanted to play some basketball with him and Kid. Your just like, “how??” cause the number is odd. Soul just smirks at you and says that he doesn’t mind doing a 1v2.
So that’s what y’all did, y’all did 1v2 with one another (which sucked because one of y’all were either getting beat by one person despite being in a group of two, or one of y’all just getting jumped by two people but in the form of basketball.)
Overall, it was nice to have fun and be able to do this with your two good friends. Being able to go out and finally do something really sparked this night for you. Maybe there is a little something to do here late at night, especially if it’s here with your friends.
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tomjesse and tartaladon says happy halloween everyone!!
they're ready to go serve some candies to happy and excited kids!
a little ramble about their costumes down below <333 you don't have to read it I just need to let my brain out on this one
tartaladon is dressed up as soul and ma.ka from sou.l eater!
aha you've been subjected to my annoying rambles I love u
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maka and s.oul are a really good duo in fighting, they trust each other and know each other's limits, but when they're not fighting, they're always bickering like an old married couple and I find it so silly. soul (ch.ilde) is usually the one to provoke maka (celadon) and she gets violent FPFKTKOFKTF
in the story, soul acts as this designated weapon (the scythe) for maka and I think it'd be perfect how celadon wields chi.lde and he's constantly annoying her like "oouuh you're so strong omg my herooooo" and she's like "shut the HELL up. why are we partners." LMAOAIDJSJJDJS
also celadon looking fine. come on she looks so badass 🥺🥺🥺
tomjesse is lup.in iii and clar.isse from lup.in iii: castle of cag.liostro! (I HIGHLY RECOMMEND WATCHING THIS PLEASE U DONT HAVE TO BE A FAN OF L.UPIN III TO WATCH IT AARAARAADA)
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DO YOU LIKE STU.DIO GHIBLI. WELL FUN FACT HAYA.O MIY.AZAKI DIRECTED THIS BEFORE GH.IBLI WAS EVEN BORN!! so if you enjoy his works then I ABSOLUTELY reccomend giving this one a watch, this is a comfort movie of mine and I adore it so much 😭
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okok but unlike soul and m.aka, I was more concerned about their roles in the movie, lup.in iii (tom) is a gentleman thief and he's here to rescue clarisse (jesse), a runaway bride 🙈🙈🙈🙈 i also have the mighty urge to point out how THEYRE GREEN AND BLUE CODED ASKSKSKSKDJSJDJJS DIES BYE im totally not thinking of aus no I'm not no I'm not n
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chickycherrycola · 2 months
🕯️ 🔪 🪲 🎨
For that writer ask heheheh 😎
From the Writer Truth or Dare game I reblogged last week ✍
*cracks knuckles* ohoho, you picked some very fun ones 😎 here we go~
🕯: on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
a solid 10/10, omg, i love editing. it's probably my favorite part of the writing process because it's the part in which I really see the story take shape, all the narrative pieces fall into place, all the little details sharpen and come into focus. I love editing so much that it's incredibly difficult for me to silence my internal editor while drafting, and that's why I write so slow... I'm definitely guilty of spending hours, days even, on refining the same paragraph or passage before my full draft is even finished 🤣 I'm just so addicted to that high feeling I get when I figure out the perfect word or phrase to make a sentence SING.
something something words are my drug of choice
🔪: what's the weirdest topic you've researched for a writing project?
ahaha oh man, i fear that my answer to this one is not going to be all that weird or interesting 😅 for King of My Heart I've done a crazy amount of research on various world monarchies, European castles and palaces, and architectural styles of the Mediterranean region. For What Happens In Vegas I spent a truly mind-boggling amount of time scouring AirBnB profiles and Google-Earth scoping various attractions on The Strip, and my phone STILL gives me ads and news alerts for the Las Vegas metropolitan area more than a year later.
now, if we're talking stuff I've researched for my NSFW fics... that's a whole different ballgame. I think that probably my research into fireplay for an as-yet-unfinished Zutara fic probably takes the cake there 😏🔥
🪲: add 50 words to your current WIP and share the paragraph here.
hehe *rubs my tiny fly hands together* what a perfect excuse to chip away at Chapter 1 of my SoMa College AU 👀
'Although the idea of forty or fifty copies of Blake and his loud blue hair and even louder personality sounds truly unbearable, Maka can’t help the smile that plays on her lips at the thought. 
“Even still,” she says. “I’ll be okay, Tsu. Promise.”
And besides, a couple of hours at a frat party will be better for her wounded heart and shattered confidence than another Friday night spent holed up in her bedroom, with nothing but her biology textbooks and bitter memories for company. 
that was technically 86 words oops
🎨: link your favorite piece of fanart and explain why you like it.
listen.... LISTEN. @moriohpissky creates so much fantastic fanart (both from my fics and otherwise) and here you expect me to CHOOSE ONE as my favorite? impossible task tbh
okay okay, if I have to pick ONE thing - it'd be this illustration she did for King of My Heart several months ago! Because it's absolutely gorgeous, the color palette is perfect, and the whole thing is giving cover vibes 😍 if I ever were to pursue a fan-binding of KOMH (many moons from now when its finished, lol) I'd love for this piece to be on the cover, or on the title page if that isn't possible.
HOO BOY THIS GOT LONG! If you read all that, thank you - and thanks for playing BCB!
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puppys-teeth · 1 month
Ship bingo!!! for CrossStitch and SoMa and gonna take a wild wild guess since you know I don’t know MLP fandom, and say… dang forgot their names already I’m awful. Big Mac’s parents, if you like them.
CrossStitch first up
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If you’ve been here long enough you know how obsessed I am with them. Hell, you don’t actually until you’ve seen the way I hush about them in DM’s with my boyfriend lmao. I am hyperfixation don them but also their relationship is so crazy, their dynamic drives me insane.
There’s a million things you could do with them while keeping them in character. They’re so interesting, fun, sad, cute. They’re everything to me
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They were my first SE ship. I really adored how they interacted and I thought they were cute together. The box ‘fandom does it better’ is only in reference to the anime. I know the manga has more going on with them. I think Soul and Maka are just a couple of dorks who are saving the world so romance can come after that. It would take them a while to see that and realize that their feelings are more than platonic. They are literal soulmates and I adore them both very much
Bright Mac/Pear Butter
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Holy shit dude what the hell. Their episode made me cry!!! Twice!!! They are, yes, the perfect pair as the episode name suggests. There’s nothing quite like a “forbidden love” story no matter how many times it gets used. They’re such sweeties and they’re cute, so hopelessly in love you can’t help but fall in love with their relationship. The song in the episode is beautiful and the character designs alone omg, you can really pull me in with a girl with tight curly orange hair ngl. I love them and wish we got to see more
Thank you for the ask!!!! Send in ships even if I don’t like them, that’s the point of this bingo game post lol
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letyugisayfuck · 1 year
if youre still doing the character opinion bingo then id love to see what you think about seto kaiba and maka from soul eater
Omg yes!!!! For Kaiba :
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I love him so much. Like he's awful yet perfect at the same time. Honestly one of my all time favorite characters in any form of media! 10/10
For Maka:
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I'm just now getting back into Soul Eater and I can't believe I forgot how much I lived this show! I used to think Maka was annoying but she is such a great character! She has so much heart and loving. She's fucking awesome!!!!
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tickly-trashcan · 2 years
omg i saw soul eater in ur masterlist and?? could i pls request thai milk tea & red bean w/ ler soul and lee maka?? tysm waaaa this event is so cutee
OMGG i literally love soul eater so much i sob im so glad i got to write for themmm~! I hope you enjoy your order and have a lovely day! :D
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“Maka, please just tell me the answer.”
“Rack your brain, Soul. It’s in there somewhere,” Maka said, watching Soul with a slightly smug grin. Soul grumbled.
The two of them had been studying for their big exam, and Maka had naturally already memorized all of the content. Soul was lagging behind in his studies, so Maka had decided to quiz him on what he should’ve already known.
“Just tell me! I’m not gonna get it,” Soul whined. Maka shook her head.
“Come on, Soul, this one is really easy!”
Soul groaned. Was this revenge for when he hadn’t given Maka her textbook back for a week, insisting that he was studying? Two could easily play at that game, Soul thought, and he scooted closer to Maka on the couch.
“If you don’t tell me the answer, I’ll tickle it out of you.”
Maka scooted away quickly, shaking her head. “Soul, I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t think you could answer it! It’s so easy—!”
Soul wasted no time in pouncing on Maka, immediately clawing at her stomach as she squealed. “Nohohoho! Sohoul, plehehease!”
“Tell me the answer!”
“Use yohohohour brahain!”
Soul grumbled, changing tactics and going immediately for Maka’s thighs. She hollered and wailed, trying to kick him off as he squeezed her thighs easily, making her laugh.
“Okahahahay! I’ll—I’ll tell yohou, just stahahap!”
Soul slowly relented, crossing his arms as Maka caught her breath. She adjusted her hair and huffed. “Soul Resonance.”
Soul froze. Then he chuckled awkwardly and sat back, rubbing the back of his head. “Oh… yeah, that is pretty easy…”
Maka glared at Soul. He watched in fear as she grabbed the textbook off the coffee table, but he reacted too late and was met with one of Maka’s signature Maka Chops.
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roseofcards90 · 1 year
Hiya Rose~ I hope you’re doing well!
I know a lot of people ship Maka/Crona so feel free to share your thoughts on them if you have any but I’d like to hear your thoughts on Maka/Soul!
Omg Hi, Ariadne!! I hope you’ve been doing well too! 🥺 and yeah ofc I would love to share my thoughts on both!
Maka/Soul I love them a whole lot!! I can see it as either platonic or romantic, but either way I still love their close relationship and how much they trust each ever since the very beginning before their development! I think they balance each other out well, and I like how Maka is the one to really take the lead in their relationship with Soul being the one who follows 🥺
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Maka/Crona literally obsessed with their dynamic! 😭😭 Maybe that’s just me being a sucker for childhood friends to lovers but the way in which Maka continues to reach out to Crona despite them pushing Maka away. The way in which Maka makes Crona realize the abuse they’ve endured from their mother, as well as give them the chance to break away from her too 🥺 it’s all really good and also lesbians go brrr
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whumpshaped · 2 years
💕 Your two top fave fictional characters
let me actually think back to the times i used to watch tv for this...... and let me just ..... think ....... and then i'll answer for ocs too
so for mainstream media honestly... wait lemme just. <- me before i went to find pics of some characters i loved and got carried away
long post
i remember being rly into breach from generator rex. also raven from teen titans... but also from teen titans, JINX. who reminded me of jinx from league of legends. and also, uh, renamon, from digimon... but, um, also chara from undertale... (sans gets a honourable mention. everyone from that damn game gets it.) but then also recently i rewatched naruto and got reminded of my love for temari WHICH IN TURN REMINDED ME OF BLEACH AND HOW MUCH I LOVED YORUICHI and while i was at the anime house on memory lane i couldnt leave out soul eater and maka I MEAN SHE HAS A SCYTHE but also from soul eater omg MEDUSA jesus christ i was so in love but just pls look at her yes im including two images im still in love AND THEN I COULDNT LEAVE OUT ED FROM FMA BC AAAAAAAA (BUT ALSO ENVY AAAAHHWHSJSJSJSJ GENDER) WHICH REMINDED ME OF TYKI FROM D GRAY MAN I MEAN I LITERALLY NAMED MY DOGGO AFTER HIM AJSKSKSKSK OK STOPPING NOW
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as for fav ocs itd have to be @lonesome--hunter 's josiah and @whumpsday 's kane i just. i love them so dearly. but then again @a-crumb-of-whump 's coco, @secretwhumplair 's joy, @knivestothroats 's fletcher, @simplygrimly 's herschel and cheyenne, @lost-in-labradorite-halls 's luka/pup also have very very very special places in my heart and basically i collect blorbos in both of my pockets and under my coat and in my bag and its still overflowing
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clambucket · 2 years
The balance of good and evil in narratives has always tickled the brain and soul eater uses that so wwelll bc soul and maka use madness and the black blood and it’s all so wonderful tegeheeh and how like idk if it’s lore or not but when Death made kidd he was like “hm last child had Too Much madness let’s make this one Less Madness” like I know Asura wasn’t like born with the madness he got an over abundance from the feeling of Fear For His Life but like I feel like there would be Way More Kishins if this was the only reason so I think when Death made kidd he said “I will put in more Harmony” and that’s why Kidd likes symmetry and balance so much and NEWAYS Soul and Maka become stronger bc like obvi black blood and all but they can’t use too much or they’ll get consumed and all but also like can we talk about the fact that Witch Hunter all forms has Asura’s eye symbol thing on them like huh ain’t that super funny hahahahas right and like there’s this whole thing with soul resonance and how not every weapon meister pair will work even if you think they should bc look at Soul and BlackStar like obvi those two didn’t work out and like honestly I’m not saying it’s the same soulmate system that Pacific Rim has but like it Does have a very balance each other out thing that’s super interesting bc ppl who are super similar does not necessarily mean they can work together and we’ve even seen it where a pair can de sync like when they fought on the bridge against Free also can I say Free and Eruka are like really cool and I love them please someone make content for them Omg their balance is also super cool and then
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potekosblog · 10 days
Yeah, the book of eibon thing is just. like, i dunno, all the build up, all the "wow this is a book containing all sins, all knowledge", only to then speedrun all the chapters, except the one with Maka and Soul, made it feel a bit hollow to me... And you mentioned the "crona maka moments" being the highlights for you in the manga, but maybe I'm misremembering, but if not - this is another sticking point for me - like with all the anxietys and insecuritys, non of the where "wow, I Maka, couldn't even save my future soul mate Crona, and got tricked by Medusa..."
I see what you mean now they really do a speed run of some of the sins, I think Sloth was the worst of it giving an excuse to make Maka not have the will to fight back in this case a rapist who was an insane thing to do? is there no cool fight concept besides that? wtf.
The thing with Maka and Medusa is that Maka never once stops believing/fighting for Crona. Her guard is always up with Medusa but in this case, she doesn't really have the choice. Medusa is the only person that knows things and killing her won't do any good.
(random but my favorite panel teehee)
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I do wish Maka had acted quickly enough to help besides being so tight on with DWMA. But at the same time, it's reasonable for Maka to be hesitant cuz either way Crona would get hurt.
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Besides that I do like the doom narrative between those two, they are so well written and packed with complex feelings it's kinda sad we don't get to see much of it. In my mind the anime is canon and they all lived in the shared apartment and growing and learning to be better. From being kids to adults.
i love pissed off maka, OMG MAKA SHOULD BE IN THE WRATH RING GGRRR its would have been so good i swear
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there is a lot of rage for such a small body
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honey-tongue · 11 months
Bro... I'm gonna rewatch soul eater too. Omg I loved Crona and Maka so much.
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lunaxstella · 1 year
I found something while browsing my old posts on facebook. I was 16 years old turning 17 back then. I can say that I'm proud of her but... I'm also sad because why? Why am I like this?
"Worth the pain?"
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You both like shs.
Stranger: tayo na nga You: mas maganda pag nakaupo You: hindi ka mapapagod You: hindi ka pa masasaktan You: pero mas maganda kung ika'y maka-uno Stranger: ang sakit kaya sa pwet umupo nang matagal You: hahahahaha You: eh kaso ako matagal ng nakatayo kaya gusto ko ng umupo Stranger: bat ka ba nakatayo You: may hinihintay ako e You: di ko alam kung may pag-asa ba ako Stranger: wala walang forever Stranger: hahahahha Stranger: joke You: meron naman kaya You: asl mo? Stranger: 17 f manila Stranger: ikaw? You: ay kumare HAHAHAHA Stranger: ahahahhha Stranger: bakit ikaw ang naghihitay girl? You: ako lang yung nagmamahal e Stranger: girl bitaw na You: mahirap e Stranger: bitiw pala kasi iba yung bitaw Stranger: bakit naman mahirap Stranger: ako nga nakaya ko eh You: kasi baka may pag-asa Stranger: baka wala rin You: bibitiw na ako pag napamuka na sakin na wala na talaga You: sa ngayon, maghihintay lang ako Stranger: ay iba to Stranger: sige sana mag-enjoy ka sa pagiging martyr mo You: hahahahahaha Stranger: ang sakit sakit maging martyr eh You: atleast natuto ka You: wala namang masama You: basta wag lang sobra You: to the point na hindi mo na makikilala kung sino ka noon You: ok lang maging martyr. basta wag lang sobra. Stranger: kaya pala di ko na kilala sarili ko ngayon kasi nasobrahan dati hahahhaha You: dapat di ganun You: dapat may tinitira tayo kahit isang kusing para satin You: kasi mas mahalaga na mahalin mo ang sarili mo You: kasi kung di mo mahal ang sarili mo, pano ka magbibigay ng pagmamahal sa iba? Stranger: tell that to yourself 🙂 u know that you deserve so much more then why wait for him? You: lagi ko namang sinasabi yan sa sarili ko You: ang sabi ko lang naman naghihintay ako, wala akong sinabi na nasasaktan ako sa paghihintay na 'to. You: hindi ko naman kailangan na mahalin din ako para masabi kong masaya ako diba? Stranger: itatanong ko pa lang sana kung mahal ka ba nung hinihintay mo pero nasagot mo na Stranger: hahahahahhaa Stranger: mahirap yan ate girl Stranger: we don't deserve unrequited love Stranger: we deserve the love we give to others You: But then the world isn't that fair. You: It will never be. Stranger: wag na lang tayo magmahal hahahha joke Stranger: ang sakit naman po 🙁 You: Ganun talaga. You: Sa tingin mo, nasabi din kaya ni Jesus Christ yan habang nasasakdal siya? Stranger: omg You: Yung habang hinahampas siya sa likod? Yung habang kinu-crucifix siya? Stranger: hindi? Stranger: mahal niya kasi tayp Stranger: omg okay nagegets ko logic mo You: Kaakibat ng love ang pain. You: You won't get hurt kung di ka naman talaga nagmahal. Kung di ka naman talaga nagbigay ng pake. Stranger: pero sana dun tayo sa taong worth the pain Stranger: worth the wait You: Sugal ang pag-ibig You: Di mo alam kung saan ka mananalo Stranger: why do we need to win You: Di mo alam kung saan ka tsa-tsamba You: Bakit? Gusto mo bang matalo? You: Gusto mo bang masaktan? You: Of course you aim to win in a gamble para sayo mapunta ang price Stranger: syempre hindi hahaha 🙁 You: O yun kaya. We need to win. Pero dahil sugal ang pag-ibig, di mo alam kung nasa iyo na ba ang alas o wala pa You: Minsan akala mo ikaw na ang panalo pero hindi pala You: Kaya kailangan mong maging handa sa pagkatalo You: Kasi masakit You: Kung di ka magiging handa, baka mas tumindi pa yung sakit. Stranger: thanks po sa advice :(( Stranger: pakinggan mo ate yung feelings by up dharma down Stranger: wala ang ganda lang nun saka baka makarelate ka You: hahahahaha You: sige papakinggan ko You: 17 f nga pala 😊 Stranger: makakahanap din tayo ng taong mamahalin din tayo You: oo You: sa ngayon, i-priority muna natin ang studies Stranger: tama Stranger: hahahha Stranger: kaya bye na po :)) magdrawing na ulit ako hahaha You: hahahahaha sigeeee ingat 😊 Stranger: thank you po sa oras! God bless you! You: Same to you 😊
Stranger has disconnected.
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captains-price · 1 year
OHMYGOD I love that we have almost the exact same taste, I mean Kiznaiver and Kyoukai no Kanata are such underrated gems!! Kiznaiver wrecked me to the core really but it was so beautifully made and the story was sooo good!
And IIDA omg my favourite from BNHA!! Horikoshi needs to hand him over to me so I can treat him better, give him all the attention he deserves.
Maka is hands down one of my most favourite protagonists too, while SE was not the first anime watched when I did watch it, it felt like a breath of fresh air compared to all the other shonen stuff I'd been watching solely because of Maka.
I'm so excited to share the gift and reveal myself this weekend, I really hope you have a good start to your Christmas holidays 🎄
★Animanga Secret Santa ★
Ahhh I love that we have such similar taste!!
I agree completely that Kiznaiver and Kyoukai no Kanata are completely underrated for how well made they are 😭
And yes!!! Iida and Maka my babies! Horikoshi treat Iida right challenge(impossible) and Maka perfect protag ❤️
I’m so excited to see what you have in store for me and it’s been such a pleasure to talk to you and get to know you a lil bit and see how much we have in common! Talk to you soon!
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