This felt OOC if anything Maka should be the one receiving gifts
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"But soul became a death scythe so it makes sense" YEAH BUT MAKA HELPED TOO? Maka has rizz everyone in her own friend group. It's so stupid to force the jealous arc when it should have been Soul
Picture Soul trying to keep his nonchalant cool guy face when everyone is falling in love with Maka. Soul trying to be honest and learn to communicate better and be nicer to Maka like it could have been a whole arc for him. It's so shitty that his character development stops and we just get hints of his past and became just a passive character.
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the-autistic-gemini · 19 days
God damnit
Sussy maka
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the-autistic-gemini · 23 days
hii my talking tag is also mels ramblings i think thats funny
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the-autistic-gemini · 25 days
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the-autistic-gemini · 25 days
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the-autistic-gemini · 25 days
Hi, for my first real post, imma post my silly Maka hcs. There's a tad bit of spice in here, but it's mostly mild. Uhhh, enjoy!
• Bi bi bi! She strikes me as demiro and Demisexual and bi or pan (I'm not at all projecting fuck off) she's either a cis girl or a trans girl depending on my mood.
• For her body type and stuff she's above average height (like 5'6 or 5'7), but her limbs are so long and willowly she looks taller. Her torso is average size, and her legs are long. She's a petite with maybe a b cup chest and a tummy with a bit of chub at the bottom. She has toned muscular arms. Her skin is super soft, and bruises easy. She has scars she doesn't know the origin of and constantly has bruises around her knees.
• She totally asks pronouns anytime she meets someone (hers are she/her btw) she's all like "Hi! I'm Maka my pronouns are she/what are yours?
• She's so friendly and sweet when you first meet her then you slowly realize she has the personality a grumpy temperamental old cat
• She's a really good cook but her and soul take turns cooking and sometimes someone has to make the 3am microwave cup noodles of shame.
• After re-watching more of the show, my opinion changed bc its been a while. Still think she's a good cook but bitch has autism foods. Hates the texture of raw fish but doesn't mind it cooked. She's not really a big meat person. I think she considers going vegetarian or vegan a lot but A) soul loves meat and she doesn't want to have a moral delima and B) girl is a cheese lover and vegan cheese has a bad texture. She tried it once and wanted to spit it out. Super particular about texture. Seems like she's good at making and likes breakfast food. Mac and cheese and chicken nugget enthusiast.
• For drinks I feel like she's a water drinker but likes green tea (especially matcha I feel like her dad jokes about how Maka and matcha sound similar. She hates it) she also drinks orange or apple juice with breakfast. If she ever needs caffeine she'll drink Dr. Pepper or coffee with a small amount of cream and sugar.
• If we're talking alchohol she's not a big drinker (probs bc her dad) and never drank underage but while legal has like a glass of wine from time to time
• Mom friend in every sense of the word I feel like she consistently checks on blackstar and soul to make sure they are turning in their homework
• I feel she loves talking to strangers
• Shes such a hugger (unless she's mad at someone then she won't touch them for a week)
• Music taste hcs are so important to me, and I feel like most ppl get Maka wrong. Girl does not understand music she had to read a book to understand it; therefore, I think her music taste is odd and not stuff Soul is really into. Soul is happy she found music she likes but doesn't quite get why she likes it. I feel like she likes heavily electronic music, scenecore, and nightcore. Very upbeat stuff to help her stay alert and awake during study sessions. Most music sounds like noise to her, so it's not as off-putting to her as it is to some others.
• She falls asleep on the couch in the front room of her and souls apartment while studying a lot. Soul will see her and smile be he thinks she's cute. He'll pick her up and put her in her bed (if it's after they start dating He'll change her into night clothes)
• Speaking of night clothes she has matching pajama sets that are super soft materials or simple night gowns. She definitely sleeps in clothes most of the time I feel like she runs cold and she'd only be comfortable sleeping naked with soul A) bc she trusts him B) bc he's warm. Only reason she would not sleep naked with her other partner often is that bitch is cold
• Oh ya she's dating soul and crona btw. In my perfect little world. They have 2 completely different relationship dynamics.
• With Soul, she teases him and often shows irritation or frustration with him. I also feel like they are more intimate. She's not really soft or gentle with him she doesn't need to be they know eachothers limits and bodies and souls intuitively. They're essentially super close best friends who tease and bully eachother but also fuck. And that works for them. They didn't want anything to change their relationship when they started dating anyway .
• She's softer with Crona, it seems more like a romantic relationship in vibes. They cuddle a lot. I feel like they have self care days bc Maka is scared crona won't take care of themself on their own. Crona appreciates her doting. They never got to have a loving mom, so they love when Maka does their hair or paints her nails. They're soft. They have intimacy, but it's both less rough and less frequent than Soul and Maka. They both enjoy kissing and being soft and loving to each other.
• Maka is the leader in both her relationships. Her partners are passive she is more decisive and dominant.
• Soul and Crona don't date each other only Maka, but they will all hang out together and are good friends. They plan her birthdays together and are just kinda in eachothers corner, especially when it comes to Maka related stuff.
• I feel like tsubaki is her closet girl friend.
• Did I mention Maka has autism? No? Well, she does. I feel like she's diagnosed too
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the-autistic-gemini · 26 days
She meister on my weapon till I soul resonance
I hate you (not actually)
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